Entanglement, Church Complaints, Bubba Wallace Interview, MTH, Gorilla Fight and more.

Published Jul 13, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Shirley is back and the Black Chris Cuomo is here. Bitterman gives us his opinion about the Will and Jada situation. The Chief Love Officer helps with dealing with a kept man and office love. A member of the congregation just lost their dog and they requested a Zoom funeral along with 8 dog pallbearers, plus more in Church Complaints. Is entanglement the biggest word of 2020 so far or nah? Steve interviewed Nascar's Bubba Wallace. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of New Edition. Black Girl Magic is alive and well in the Navy and primetime! There was a gorilla fight in Miami. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us how proud he is of the young folks that protested on all levels and has a clear message for The Steve Harvey Nation.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things. And it's not me through good it Steve listening to mother. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing. Uh huh, I shore will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, come on, dig me nw one. It only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day. When Steve Harvey used to get the preaching, I used to just turn the radio off. But Noah's different, old dude be bringing it. He'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that, you know. Man. When I was younger, man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do, Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I didn't want to hear nothing that contradicted what I wanted to do. You know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man, I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes. I wanted to get done. I didn't want to hear that. You know, it's a funny thing, man, It's like it's like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booger man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking wow, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stuck in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of them people that left this world with my head in the sand. But I just wanted to say, man, this morning that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice. I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man. Some people just saw me doing wrong and say young man, Come here, let me talk to you for a minute. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do it. Man, when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life, a lot of grace been shown on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me, helped me a long way. So I don't have no problem with this part of what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changed its growth, and it ain't no growth without change. You got people, Man, You ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, no body in the building think they should go that way. But they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro, listen to me. Man, that ain't high as done. You're gonna run into this distance. I'll show you. Hey a minute, man, you can't do it that way. Man, if you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now? We got a penal system in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down, and we'll restrict your movement and your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's foolishness, and y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, pray for it. Pray for change, Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very interesting prayer. If you're a praying person, I suggest you try that sometime. It's so interesting. Man, do you know what He did for me when I started asking God what he wanted for me instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me. It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off. I no longer had to think of everything and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't working no way. And when I opened myself up to what he wanted, to what his wheel was, Man, do you know how much simpler my life got? And do you know how much bigger it got? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing, you would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in La since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you hear the change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you gotta work towards your trade change. You know, as faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God, always want to talk to God about something. But then man, ain't ain't don't, don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, it just does not happen. So after you didn't pray to God about it, what you gotta do then is you gotta turn around and go, hey, man, all right, now what is it I got to do? You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something to date about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today. Man, I want to change. How about today? You know then you see them same people. Man, I want to change. That's next week. How about today? I see people years later? Man, I sell in this same old situation. Man, I'm gonna do so how about today? Today is a good day. There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things in me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now, what's stopping you is you won't start the change today. Don't hesitate, make that change, and then I want you to watch something. When you change, watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you, feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different. If you're watching for the change, if you're feeling the change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference. You will be different. If you're sick and tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you had to make. I'm gonna change. The change is up to you. You can decide to day if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall, man, and you're sick and tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You've thought about that change? Man. If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that. Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, pray for it, man, ask God to help you with the change or you get some movement, then partner, you get a whole lot of movement. Then all right, let's ride. You're listening Morning Show ladies and gentlemen. Here we are the Morning Show Us about to begin. We are back. Shirley Strawberry. Hey, Hey, hey, hey, Steve, let miss your The five second delay will not work. Shirley Strawberry, Hey Steve, I was on my phone. I'm sorry, good morning. I missed you. I missed everybody high for What's up? Crew? Hey, Shirley, welcome back. This week Junior is on vacation. But guess who ain't that? Damn Jay, Anthony Brown? Everybody higher? Look my mom, anybody king of Pranke's nephew, Tommy, you're Si in the building. It's Monday morning. Let's get after Yes, stick Yore Now I'm the black Chris, come on, let's get out. Let's get out. I had to turn all that off this weekend, man, I couldn't. I got tired of it. I didn't want to Jay. I just listen to Shirley. I am committed to getting all of our listeners to the polls, every last one of them. Ain't nobody listening to this show not going to vote, and everybody listening to this show gonna take two people with them in a chair, in a chair because I'm gonna start a campaign. Man, I'm gonna start a campaign in several cities. I'm gonna have chairs and water set and masks. Yeah, bring y'all mask, Well you be able to vote. You know you don't wear your mask with your nutty ass. That's on you. Some of this to tell you about a damn mask. You looking at these numbers on this TV and we got to keep begging your ass. Getting man here, going some water in the chair, voting, kass on home and hook on up. And I heard Jay did just say to p I heard parties. Yeah, depends what on the other Now, if you're gonna wear it depends, you don't need to, if you don't want to get out of line, time you have on depends save your place. So it all depends. So if you look real puffy around the midsection, we know, want nobody to say a word. All right, he needs this diaper change, but it's kind of vote. Vote. Yeah, no, man, that's gonna happen. I'm committed to that. I'm not gonna cost me personally. I just I can't imagine four years of this another four years. I'm just not I'm tired of explaining. I'm tired of cutting on the TV, being surprised at the level of of uncaring, unthoughtful, lack of leadership, the blatant acts and tones of sism, the applauding white supremist groups. I'm just sick of it, man, I'm sick of everybody he targets is a minority of some kind. It's just everybody he tried to target. He makes the case out of him. Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter, Man, you ain't got nothing else you could talk about. Nope, we have our work cut out for us. Johnny Beef and with Doctor Fauci. Yeah, all right, listen, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour inside something Funny. We'll do Steve's Ask the Cello segment, of course, and then Jason he Brown has some thoughts on Will and Jada. Oh, we'll talk about it right after that. I've been God, what has happened? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right? So guys, before we get to ask the cello, Jay is here. Jay, you want to give us your thoughts on Will and Jada and her entanglement with Did y'all see Will Smith The Prince of Bell That was a TV show, Get jiggy with Jada on the red Top table talk that, Yeah, that was a song. I mean Will was looking like, damn, Jada, don't you know I am legend that was a movie. I mean, he was saying to himself, you know, Jada in the beginning when we got hitched, that was a movie right there. And we were in the pursuit of the happiness. That was another movie. You know, it was just the two of us. That was a damn song. No, no, but that was that was back in the summertime. That was another song. Not trust me, Jada, trust me. It just was the Wild Wild West. That was a movie and a song. And if you was a dude, truck me off like that, I'd go straight off like ali movie movie. I mean, two men in black would have been coming in here to take me away. I admit, I admit, Jada. I did not look like a bad boy sitting a movie. You know. I kind of looked like I had a damn concussion movie. It was given me. You was giving me seven pounds as that was a movie. I mean, and you was not Six Degrees of Separation. That was another movie. I mean you, I mean girl, you was acting like a spy in disguise. That was a movie. But let me tell you something, Jada, let me tell you something. Damn it. What I'm thinking about doing, what I'm thinking about really doing. It's giving you a real independence day, moving movie. I'm thinking about calling the genie from a Laddin. That was a moving movie. And I'm gonna talk to the genie. And after Jenny cannot move back in with Uncle Phil. If not, I'm gonna take my ass to Miami, I'm out of here. Yeah, ja ja wow, Yeah, you got a man, all of them. All right, thank you, Jay. We're gonna talk more about marriage. We're gonna talk about Will and Jada next hour. I mean, everybody's talking about it, everybody, the whole Angleman thing. Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, damn thing. You're gonna have to say something, church complaint. You're gonna have to say it's coming up up. You're gonna be ducking all morning. Yes, all right, So we're gonna we're gonna switch gears here. It's time now for Steve to answer some questions from our listeners and ask the cello. That's our segment. This one is from Shay Stephen Augusta, Georgia. Shay says, I've been dating a kept man for a year and it's becoming a problem. He's divorced and his ex wife owns three very successful businesses, so he never had to work since his divorce. He got a nice settlement and he gets alimony. He lives in one of his ex wife's rental houses, and I don't feel right going over there. I'm a plastic surgeon and I make great money, so the fact that he doesn't work at all bothers me. I have a problem dating a man that's being supported by his ex wife. When I talk to him about getting a job, he said he's putting together a business plan to start a business. My friend says he's an opportunitist. What do you say is he still means a simple simple question. If you're tired of dating a man that ain't working, why don't you stop? See no, this is not a shotgun. When doing you at the man don't want to do nothing. He's a kept man. You're uncomfortable going over his plaque. He ain't got no plan. He kept who go to work, ain't got to who the day I ain't got to come in hire, the day after that, the day you don't see me there. That's it. No, man, this dude, he ain't for you. He doesn't have the drive that you want. You're a successful plaqueich. You settled for a kept man. Get out, Yeah, get out. You can get somebody else for show. Oh yeah, Trina iHeartRadio online listener Steve says, in January, my co worker introduced me to a great guy. We dated for three months before it came up that he knows my sister. I asked my sister about him, and she said they had a one night stand four years ago, but it was nothing to her. I told her, there's no way I could be with this guy now. I couldn't wait to tell my co worker that this guy slept with my sister. My co worker wasn't surprised, and she said she's had sex with him too. I told the guy he's nasty and to stop calling me. He said that it's all in the past and he's a different guy now. Should I trust him? And a dude and a lady enter? So? Huh? So did you say so, so, yeah, I said so, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, back up. He didn't know y'all were sisters. That was four years ago. He had no idea y'all was related. Y'all got introduced by the co worker who the whole worker said, boy, this dude right here, you need to meet him. Bam, you got involved with him. Now he nasty. Let me ask you, the girl, if you're gonna go down the list and call me a nasty that they slept with two other people, some nasty ass people he's listed, she means Steve Cello. The fact that she knows these people that her you know, she's gonna be sleeping with the same man that her sister slept with. Her coworker, they got each other every day. But no, no, I understand her not wanting to date the man because she slept with her sister. I get that part, clearly. I clearly I get that, okay, But now what you you don't want to date him because he nasty? That's two people. That's that's just what. Of course she gotta list. You gotta have a list. Everybody gotta list two people. Man, you you ain't never been on tour. Let's go to the next question. Let's go next question. Let's keep it, let's keep it moving next. I think it's because he knows, she knows the two people that he did sleep with. I really think, I mean, for her, I can understand her taking the position. Yeah, but do you think he's he's people ain't nothing, He don't He didn't know it was your sister. He don't know that the co worker and your sister is connected. You just where y'all live, y'all almost living in a small ass town at least track. I love She's never been unsure. All right, thank you. CLO's always coming up. Next, church can play Reverend Motown and taking death jaff Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Today's national News, and of course we'll get the latest on tropic tropical storm. Did I say tropicorn tropicorn as in can Yeah, I just made that up. Okay, we'll get the latest on tropical Storm Fae, which caused heavy rains and flooding on the East Coast, Plus an entertainment news we're gonna talk about Steve on watch on Facebook trending interview. You're you had a great interview with the NASCAR's Bubba Wallace. Steve. We'll talk about it, but at first, it is Monday, Reverend Motown, Deacon Depth Jammer here with church complaints. Baby, we come on, yeah, we come with heavy halls on this complain in Monday. Yeah, so much to be complaintful, full complaintful like that right now, And so I cannot imagine this going well this morning, with the degree of difficulty facing us across this nation that alone at the church. Go ahead, Deacon deaf Jail, All right, pass and let's get down to its sister Murder Davis. Her dog has passed away. She's asking for a zoom funeral. Plus she want eight dog pallbearers to drag the cast get down the driveway while Atomicdog is being played. He wants you to preach the unit hit. Two things is wrong Hill. First of all, we don't do pitt funeral our churches in the hood. You know what we do to pits. Let's stop that. Secondly, there will be no funeral playing Atomic Dog. We all or know why that ain't happening. Yeah, Pa Woma's I Wamo's chase the cat, nothing but the dog in New This is a story about a famous dog, Yes, rhythmic dog, atomic dog. Noll for knowing what I know about that song and having the meaning that it truly does have. We will not be playing Atomic Dog in this hit. Church, Unlester bros Is Hill to set it out the spirit up in here today. I didn't know you y'all know how you won't see it. Listen, Brother Bernard Flanning and fell out three times last week. We believed it's his breath that's knocking him out while he wearing his mask. Sister flann A and is asking the church to pay for a dental visiting. He needs to get a below the gum cleaning pastors, so they're asking, can we send him to the DN. No, we're not going to do that or deep cleaning. Ye know, we've all decided to let him continue to use the mask and the same mask, because every time he falls out, that's left less breath coming our way. You're going to leave that as it is. Go ahead, Deacon, right now, brace yourself. Pastor. Brother will Smith does not want us to acknowledge the month of alcust. Instead, he wants us to call it July again until September to get hit yo, yo, it's colder back. We he don't want us to want to skip out of it. Justly, it is a mere am going to take a stand here or we are unable to move the months around due to the fact that these months were started back in the days of the Roman Empire, so we are unable to move the days around. But what I do recommend to Brother Smith and anyone who finds themselves in this type of entanglement, all right, all use that word now August, and August wants to call him himself July, I have here the ass whipped so bad. Here'll rather be July off September, either they before or the after. But what's happening during this ass whipping? The August gonna be such a severe that he gonna want to pull up and beat July September. Hell I be January, but here it body but August, all right, pa, Okay, calm down now, listen. We have a lot of as Okay, until the tears off for his name, he'd just be a gust just a gust Win come through with moving along past. A lot of our members are complaining because they bought the Disney Channel thinking they was gonna see Anthony Hamilton, but instead they ran to play Hamilton. And they say they ain't got no idea who the hell that hell? And they want to get their money back and they need your help. Well, I'm not gonna be able to get that cause that play a good ass play, y'all, y'all need to watch or Hamiltons. No, what we was gonna do was to make money on it was we was gonna broadcast Hamiltons Live in the basement extension room at the church. And instead of they singing Everony Hamiltons, was gonna was gonna sing over you Manfony Hamilton's songs every time they brought out in the song we just gonna put on shaw Line or the mothers so in love with him and Jess and wonderful We're a beautiful play like that, it mean so much more passed. We got an issue here now if school does not start back in August, Sister Brenda faithe wants someone to keep her kids until next summer. He says he's not doing no mo home schooling. He leaving them kids at the church first Sunday in August. He says he can't do it. He just can't. Speaking of kids in August, we go. That's why there is number one reason he's gonna get it ass. You're just a kid. Se I try to leave alone, you're gonna bring it up again. Next thing I know, here comes August and the kids. He should have stayed in school. He all up here to Smith's house. Folks, back to school is what you're gonna get over Hill because you don't entangle with the wrong person that caused tangle rhyme with strangle. All this is happening. That's all I got to say. I don't give a damn when it punk ass, go back school. Plus, ain't no party. I'm going back school with August. Thank you, Pastor and Deacon. Coming out of the town the hour. Eric came in National News right after Glory. You're listening too well. Yesterday was the NASCAR Quaker State four hundred at Kentucky. But recently, Steve, you had a chance to interview NASCAR African American driver Bubba Wallace. Steve, that is trending on Facebook. You had a great interview with Bubba Wallace on your show, Steve on watch Facebook show you talked about the news incident. You talked about the president's accusations of all of it being a hoax, all of that and more. Take a listen. Well, Steve, I didn't even see the picture of the news until Tuesday, so I was told about it was brought to my attention from NASCAR President Steve Phelps. He came into my motor home. I thought I did something wrong. I'm like, what interview have I gone off and talk about somebody's mama whatever it was, you know, And he told me, Hey, we had found there was a potential hate crime committed and that there was a news found in my garage. And I was kind of taken back. I didn't really know what to think. And so we had a conversation that lasted the solid three to five minutes, and it was a very strong one. He had tears in his eyes. I had tears in my eyes, and he said, we were going to get to the bottom of this and find this person that did it. For clarity, you didn't discover anything. It was brought to your attention by NASCAR officials. Absolutely. My crew member was the one who had seen it, and then he alerted NASCAR officials. Wow, see the reason I asked him to help me understand because I've heard so many versions of it. Yeah, but the actuality Bubba Wallace never saw the news. Yeah, it was bought to him by the president of NASCAR. He started the whole investigation. Get to the behind it. It wasn't Bubba's Wallace didn't know nothing about it. Wow. And so that right there, you know, for people to talk about. He created this hoax and he did all this. No man, the brother he was just in his trailer. How dare the president is? Yeah? Soon again whenever whenever he tries to take a cause or stand, you notice, it primarily has something to do with some African American or another minority. It's against the US, it's against the Mexicans. It's against that lady that he called high Watha. You know, it's it's it's it's it's against Bubba wa pokahonas. It's it's it's it's against all Bubba Wallace. It's against Colin Kaepernick at this dude. Man, you know, I used to think that he was a racist that didn't know it because I just thought of the climate he grew up in, and that's the language they used that you can be a racist and not know it because you come from that arrowway. It's the normal, right. But as I've watched this over the years, no man knows it. He knows it, and he uses it to stir up his base because he knows that's how they are. He plays on all those stereotypical fears of a certain group that's in this country. And what's scary to me is there is a huge number of those people, yeah, that have votes and that will be at the polls in November, voted for him, man, like that little white girl that was on that thing. So I think one of y'all sitting it out talking out y'all. That's why y'all should be grateful. We freed y'all and all that. I was going, Karen, lucky we freed y'all. We should have never freed up we oh, lady, just the same enough to you, I'll tell you what, Try to strike it back up, do that so you can watch this he show. Bring it you're Karen, Come on. I mean, well, at least you know you got to the bottom of it, Steve with Bubba Wallace, So thank you for that great interview. Yeah, it really was all right, time now to get some headlines, the latest on tropical storm Faye and more of today's headlines. And gentlemen, miss ann trip. Okay, thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip with the news, and the big news really is coronavirus. The number of the new coronavirus infections continues to climb all over the US, especially in the South, with Florida setting a new record over the weekend for the largest one day increase in cases in any state since the beginning of the pandemic. Here there rather, Florida health officials are reporting more than fifteen thousand new cases of corona in a single day, which topped the previous record for new cases in a day set last week by California. However, Republican Governor Ronda Santas is sounding a lot like the President, saying that it's all basically relative because more testings going on. We're in a situation where, you know, we've got a lot of test sites. Hospitals are all testing, private companies that are testing CBS's or testing, so he says, that's the problem. To Santa says he'd like to see the schools reopen next month. However, healthcare community of people note that the daily death toll is also rising as well, so their coutious about that. By the way, President to Trump were a mask for the first time over the weekend when he made an appearance at Walter Reed Army Hospital. When asked about he said, quote, I love mask in the appropriate locations. Congressional Democrats continue criticizing President Trump his decision for commuting the prison sense of his longtime friend and confidante, Roger Stone. Stone was sentenced to more than three years in prison for lying to Congress witness tampering, and obstruction of justice in connection with the Russian election meddling probe. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff tells ABC's This Week that Trump's pardon should only look good. The President, through this commutation is basically saying, if you lie for me, if you cover up for me, if you have my back, then I will make sure that you get out of jail free card Other Americans different standard. Stone was supposed to report to prison tomorrow. And by the way, a Florida lawmaker get this, who have voted against an order mandating the use of masks. That guy's tested positive for the coronavirus. Paul Waldron's commissioner for Saint John's County that's just south of Jacksonville, and he's in hospital. He's hospitalized in a critical condition. Saint John's County has more than seventeen hundreds firm cases of COVID nineteen ten deaths. As of last Friday, Florida had now has the fourth highest number of confirmed virus cases in the US, averaging about nine thousand new cases every day for the last week. By the way, Michael Cohen's back in a clink. He had been allowed to serve his prison since at home because the fears of his contracting COVID nineteen He reportedly though, broke a deal not to publish a tell all book about the president. You know he was his personal lawyer. And finally, believe it or not, of Town in Washington State has been printing its own legitimate currency out of wood to help boost coronavirus financial reredos and these blue so called COVID relief bills inscribed with one of the presidents off you staying we have it under control. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, Here we are again let's talk about it some more. Jada Pinkett Smith. Uh, well, she brought herself to the table, let's say, to the red table, to talk to her husband, Will Smith. They've been together, they've been married for twenty three years. Um about what she called an entanglement. Um, she had a romantic relationship with Alti Stelsina. Yeah, hip hop her. Oh my wife, I know you've been I'd be tangled up in nothing. Let me find out up. I've been Christmas lights getting tangled That ain't But listen, this was after she and Will privately separate. It. Take a listen. You and I were going through a very difficult time. Yeah, and we decided done with you. Yeah, you kick me done with you. We decided that we were going to separate for a period of time and you go figure out how to make yourself happy and I'll figure out how to make myself well. At that particular point in time, it was indefinite. You know. The only person that could give permission in that particular circumstances myself, Yes, that could actually see how he would perceive it as permission because we were separated amicably, and I think he also wanted to make it clear that he's not a home wrecker, which he's not. In the process of that relationship, I definitely realize that you can't find happiness outside of yourself. Mine ain't gonna be that calm like that. They're sitting there like that. What was thinking? Amically and that man happened? Okay, No, it ain't gonna be all that. It ain't gonna be all that. One candidate conversation, very candid. Yeah, and yeah, Will Will I was surprised what he said, because you think it. Will is such a sweetheart, such a nice guy. He said, I was done with your blank Ye. Yeah, Like, can I ask y'all something that sound rehearse? They brought in their house for comfort to know? It didn't. Yeah, what do you think, Steve, this whole thing about social media? You already know how I feel. I'm not. I'm just not discussing my life, your personal intimate marriage for y'all to have a say so in it. Yeah, that ain't what I'm doing. I'm not discussing me and Marjorie's life for everybody to have an opinion of. Now, that's that's not for me. I mean, you know, you know, if other people want to do it for whatever they reason want to do it. Well, you know, I mean, you know, maybe you want to you know, you want to control the narrative. I don't know your pro it's not I don't. I'm not. I'm public figure, so I can't be. But but with your what you're saying is that you're probably you're probably we're not having this discussion on this damn show about coming up in thirty four minutes. Thank you, Steve. We'll talk more about marriage and forgiveness right after this. You're listening to this show. So Will and Jada said, and they're twenty three years of marriage. They've made some mistakes, and now they're trying to get to a deeper understanding of love. That's where they are right now. Though August and Jada's relationship lasted for years, she and Will are back, they say, and they're stronger than ever. Take a listen. I'm gonna get you back first, and then you're gonna get me back. I think you've got me back. I think you I think we're good on that. Okay, that's probably true, you know, but um, and I don't think it's about getting anybody back for me. It is okay, I'll give you that, petty, that's what what But you know I will definitely say that's just part of it. Yeah, you know, if you expect to be with somebody for a lifetime, twenty five years accounting we ride together, we got together, bad marriage for life. I'm fla, it ain't gonna go like it ain't gonna go the way either, ain't gonna go like this here when you come up to me and you you haven't been entangled, I'm telling you it ain't to go to where you think it's gonna I'm not. I'm I'm not fitting to laugh now time. Yeah, I'm gonna comfable with this. I mean, you know it ain't funny now, yeah, any that's how they do their marriage. I said twenty three, but they both said twenty tive years. Yeah, but that's how they're doing their marriage. And obviously it's worth obviously it is twenty five. Let me let me just say this about me and mar No, I'm not mad. I'm just telling you this, this all this here, this, this, all this discussion is a case. All this is gonna be somewhere in the court. See, because because it's gonna be something gonna happen because I'm gonna do something to somebody. So now with all this that we're doing on on on camera, all this's gonna be in court because I'm just telling you, man, I ain't. I ain't that dude, Well, I'm not. I don't. I'm looking this can't happen. First of all, I'm not. I'm not that open or free. I'm an old school I'm closed off. You know, I'm simple minded. You know I ain't. I ain't. I ain't. I ain't got it together. I ain't open, I ain't help, I ain't fresh, I ain't with new. I'm old school. I'm old fashioned. You whatever the hell you want, that's what I am. So now when you when you come in the house and I find out that this boy had been over here with that fing to be a situation that you're not gonna be able to stop me from. But they were legally separated. They admitted it. Separation has nothing to do, are you serious? House? But the marriage was over, they were separated, Okay, I stand. Look, I'm not commenting on their marriage at all. This is not Steve Harvey commenting on Will and Jade the situation because I don't do that. I don't how you have im. I'm talking about Steve and Margre this this what's happening over here. If yeah, it ever comes to a point, because we are all human. Well, you walk in the house to tell me you was with somebody else, I want you to know that the first reaction, Yeah, it's gonna be no heil and literally we will never be laughing at this. Hire you mean when you're discussing it the way they were very Ever, the dude is m h the boy consider this though, what if by I mean this is for their marriage? What if by them coming on Jada's show, Red Table Talk and being open about it on the table gonna be read. But it's gonna be full of blood. What I'm saying crazy. All right, Well, we'll bring it up later. But I did have a question. I did want to come back. We'll be back. We gotta do the Okay, we'll be right with the prank phone call right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's the Strawberry letter. My subject for today my husband needs to learn a few things. Okay, my husband needs to learn a few things we're keeping with that marriage and love and relationship situation. See, before we went to break and before we get to your prank, Tommy, I wanted to ask you a quick question about Will and Jada and why they're even coming out with the red table talk and putting their whole marriage on display. And I'm thinking maybe they're thinking they're trying to help someone. You know, what do you think about that? Maybe help you're helped. I felt uncomfortable you're helping me understand this been not having in my day on how that would have helped me understand. But you know, sometimes you think you're the only person going through something, and maybe you know other people are and they brought it out, and some people can fix their marriage because of Will and Jada trying to work on theirs for twenty we're gonna keep talking about paper tie though here we didn't talk about that. I fell, like August did the interview. The information got out and then they had to she or she had to say her part of it, and she put herself on red table. I don't I don't understand explaining August. I don't understand his interview telling it because denied it. She said, it never happened, and he wasn't said the story straight. He wasn't love but see but dog dog If she said it never happened, why you can't go along with it? Never had us because he was sick in the first place. This dude was sick. He was, but you're mainly sick. He doesn't place and she put him in the house to take care of him. In my opinion, this boy was almost damned to death. And this was her friend, This was her kid's friend. In they introduced him, oh ja, they brought him in the house. Then they never knew who he was. I just had one question, what did this boy tell it for? Because he's young? I think because he's young. Okay, all right, let's leave it right there. Maybe we can pick this up later because we gotta get to the prank. All right, The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nep Your wife is having a black baby? Who talk about love and relationship? Your wife is having a black baby. No, she's white. Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm looking for a William. How you doing. Listen? My name is Simmons. I was I don't know how to uh, oh man, My wife and I evidently go to the same um fertility specialist that you and your wife go to doctor doctor. You know, are you familiar with doctor. I'm familiar with doctor. But as supposed to be confidential, Yeah, I'm aware of that as well, Sir. My wife is out on business right now. She's she's gone for I won't be back until Tuesday. But I got a call today, very disturbing phone call, and wanted to you know, I looked your number up. They did tell me what was going on and kind of want somebody told you my number you got you got my number from somebody. No, I looked up your number. Here here it is in that show. My wife and I evidently you're and you and your wife have been going through the same type of problems of trying to get pregnant and so forth and so on. And uh. From my understanding, your wife is what four or five months pregnant. I'm not sure. Yeah. Wait man, yeah, my wife is exactly five months pregnant. But I'm still confused on how you're getting in touch with me and what this has to do with me. Well, I mean, all that stuff that we've gone through is totally confidential, and I'm kind of offended that you're calling me. I understand that. Well, what's what's happening is, um, I got a phone call from the doctor's office to day. It seems like there's been a huge mistake by the doctor's office. Evidently your wife has been artificially inseminated with my seed. And I was what I mean, I'm just as disturbed as you are. You know what I mean, because I mean, me and my wife are you know, my wife is two months pregnant, and finally, how could they do something like that? I mean that that doesn't make any sense. So I have no idea. All I know is is that you know, I hate to use the expression, but I'm I'm I'm your wife's baby's daddy, and and no, okay, wait a minute, no, no, no, soup doesn't happen, no way. So I'm trying to make sure I bring the news to you and see if there's anything that we can do to I mean, I mean, after being five months pregnant's kind of hard to rectify the problem. So and I don't want this to sound rude, and I don't want to sound wrong. You said, baby daddy, are you black. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah black. And my wife is gonna have a black baby. Well, yeah, your wife is gonna have a black baby. But what I want you to know is I'm not paying no dall support. That's what you're about child support. And my wife is having some other black dude's kid. Are you crazy? No, I'm not out of your mind. No, I'm not out of my mind. I'm just saying I didn't lay down and conceive a child with your with your wife, so I'm making sure I'm not going to be paying enough child support. Man, I'm not even worried about the child support. I'll pay the doll support. I'm worried about some doctor making a huge mistake and and oh my god, your wife is gonna have a black baby. I can't believe that. This is unbelievable, believable, and I can't believe you to call my house. Why give me the doctor? Should give me this? What don't you want it? It doesn't matter who gives you the news, as long as you get the news. Now what I want you to do with this? Please don't be giving the baby no white names and stuff white. I can't believe that you're so this is incredible, incredible, Oh my gosh, oh calling me, I'm trying to give me that. I'm ready to go crazy. This is crazy. Okay, this, this is this is no reason to be violent, sir. You see what I'm saying. This is already to be violent. You're worried about me, about paying child support and talking about your seed and your baby's daddy and all. Oh man, this is this is bringing the best out of me. I can promise you. Unbelievable. Man. Let me let me ask you something, sir. Do you think you may need anger management? I mean, you're not gonna you know, are you gonna You're not gonna You're not gonna beat my child? Are you? Oh? Man, you know how to push man's buttons. I can promise you. Man, that's crazy. No, I ain't gonna be nobody's baby. I I don't want you being violent to me and your wife's baby. Oh spend this thing around. Huh man, what do you live? Man? This okay? Is this? Because? Oh man? This is crazy. Well, here's what I'm gonna ask. Do you think you might want to be the godfather to the child, to my own kid? No? I guess it wouldn't be my kid because it's me and your wife's child. You don't you say that you're crazy? Don't you say that, say that drives me even thinking about something like that. It's me talk about something like that, but it's me and your wife's child. Thank so, don't you even talk like that, you're crazy? Tear a hole in your head. Don't you talk like that? Okay, okay, you're gonna tell a hold and who's hey? It in your head? You crazy? See that. This is the kind of thing. I don't want my child around, this child, this type of talk, this type of violence to your wife. Folks getting mad and want to kill everybody in the room? What don't you kill? Who you mad at? Why do y'all do that? This? Man? Can I can? I can I say one more thing? Do you can I do that? I don't look I can take any more news for me? Man, I jumped to the phone. I got one more thing to say to you. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Oh I'm gonna I'm gonna kill that man. Oh it took a song. Gonna play play game like this? That's rang. I got me, man, you freaking got me. Man. Yeah. We listen to Steve Harvey Radio Show all the time. Man, that's awesome. Cousin great. Oh man, I'm gonna go find her and give her a big kiss. I'm gonna do that. God, all right, man, I got one. I got one more question for you, baby. What is the badest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Radio Show in the morning. God? All right, thank you, nephew. We gotta move on. Coming up, Strawberry letter. My husband needs to learn a few things. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please, baby, please, baby, baby, please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on just like I didn't. I didn't get to do this last week's sure buckle upohold on type We got it for you here. It is from very Letters. Okay, we'll revisit that in a second. You know, Steve, you don't want to answer cuts he cuts me out when I'm out. All right, all that, thank you, nephew. Subject my husband needs to learn a few things. Dear Stephen Shirley, my husband and I have been married for four years and the sex is terrible. We dated for two years before we got married, and we agreed to wait until our wedding night to have sex for the first time. I was focused on us having a great friendship as well as a spiritual connection, which would lead to a great sex life. He romanced me and did things to me physically that satisfied me, so I just knew he was going to be a great lover. Whenever he got freaky, he tell me all the things he was going to do to me. I had no reason to think he was as inexperienced as he is. I found out on our wedding night that he had only had sex twice and his last girlfriend with hell sex from him for religious reasons. He couldn't do half of the stuff he told me he was going to do to me. He tried to get the party started, if you know what I mean, and then he got so overheated that it was finished before it started. I have taught him all that I can about positions and what turns me on, but he is not able to last long enough to try them. I have a high sex drive, so I end up finishing on my own. This man is only twenty nine and I'm twenty eight, so I need him to get some help with his inability to perform before this ruins our marriage. I suggested that I suggested that he talked to some of his friends or a doctor about ways to improve sexually, and he blamed me for being overly experienced and impatient with him. I was celibate two years before the wedding, and I have suffered through four years of bad sex. So I'm not the one with the problem. I need that intimate connection with my husband. How can I help him be a better man in the bedroom without making him feel like he's a total loser? All right? First of all, I got to commend you because you withhell sex until marriage. Now, Biblically, you know that's what you're supposed to do. I'm going I said that, you know from a Christian perspective. Now I'm gonna tell you that you do have a major problem on your hand, though, because bad sex is really worse than no sex, it really is. I mean, you get yourself all worked up. You know, you as his wife of four years, you've been listening to him making all those empty promises about what he was going to do to you. Then you find out he can't keep his promises because he's so inexperienced. But you know there is a problem there. There is definitely a problem. Is the problem that he finishes before he starts, as you say, or is it just a lack of skills? I think it's a bit of both. It sounds like it's both and learning to you know, please your partner a woman that just you know, it just involves skills. You have to be taught that. You try to teach him that, and you know he got mad at you or blamed you. But I think being you know, premature sexually should I think involve a doctor. You mentioned that in a letter, some sort of professional and older gentleman to talk to to learn what should you do, what moves you should make. I think he's young, Well, actually both of you guys are young. He's twenty nine, you're twenty eight. You know, you guys don't have much prior experience, so you know, you can learn these things things together. I definitely again think you need to talk to someone, especially him. He needs to sit down and talk to someone about this. What should he do and go see a doctor about his finishing before he starts problem premature ejaculation. I think your marriage is worth it. I don't think you want you're ready to go because you said before it ruins our marriage. I don't think he should be blaming you. I think the focus should be on him. I think him blaming you is just a defense mechanism. I think he's wrong for doing that. I really do. He's just, you know, probably at his WIT's end now because he can't please you and you guys have been married for four years and it's a problem. He knows it's a problem, so get some help. When you have a problem, you should try and solve it. Get some help with you know, someone like you said. You mentioned that in your letter. I think that's a great idea and I think it can help your marriage. Steve nice response, surely, thank you Ready you can't come the truth, Lord Jesus, I my husband needs to learn a few things. Well, he's lady been married to her husband for four years. This is the first line in the letter, We've been married four years and the sex is terrible. This is some bad sex. You're olten the line, ain't no, I love my husband. We've dated. He means the world to me. He's a great father. No, I've been married four years and the sex is terrible. Then she went on the start we dated two years before we got married. Then they agreed that the way have sex today wed tonight. For the first time, you was focused on having a great friendship as well as a spiritual connection, which would lead to a great sex life. So you thought that's what you thought. You figure, if we buddies and we go to church together, we ought to have some good sex. Were in buddy and church. Do you see great sex? I don't see that at all. Because you can talk, don't mean you can walk the walk through. When we come back the walk shout. We'll have part two of Steve's responds coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. My husband needs to learn a few things is the subject. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband needs to learn a few things. Lady been married four years in the sexist terrible. That's how to let us started being waste no time. They were no lines in there about we love each other, we love the Lord. Nothing. We've been married four years of sexist terrible, full racket age years of sex. I've never had four years of bad sex in my life. You got two times with me that you got the first time. I figure, okay, just first time. May live nervous all this year if the next time is bad. We threw, But you're not married to that. We threw. We threw, We're not We're not getting married. They are married. We through, it's over. We have no kids, none of that we got. We ain't gotta go to casseling. This ain't gonna work. Okay, So now you decided to have weight, to have sexy where night folks having a great friendship and a spiritual connection, and you said it would lead to great sex. My response was that's what you thought. NANGI goes on saying he romanced me and he did things to me physically that satisfied me. So I just knew he was gonna be a great lover. What did he do pre marriage to you physically, that was not sex that made you think the sex was gonna be outstanding? How hard was y'all kissing? Was he grinding in a way that made you think this fitting be this? This dude right here fitting the rock the boat? When I let him in the ocean, I'm he f in the town. Whoa girl? He kissed hard, he grind hard, he touching me, it's everything. Well, and then you said, whenever he got freaky, he'd tell me all the things he was gonna do to me. I had no reason to think that he was as an inexperienced as he was. See that's pregame height. Oh you don't even understand what you think that was something? Huh? Well you like that right? Oh? You think that? Who? That got you hot? Girl? You ain't seen nothing. Yeah, that's just the beginning. That's just kissing. God, that's a good girl, girl. That ain't no but my grind right there, my grind game, girl, the grime game, kissed game. Watch we getting married watched this here. You you immediately say, I had no idea he was inexperienced as he was. You found out on your wedd night. This was the wedd night and all come to a head. You'd have been at the dance, you'd have been at the church. You didn't kissed in front of your mam and them. You don't change your clothes, You had your daddy dance. You're in the room and it's oval foe got started. He said he had only had sex twice, and his last girlfriend with hell sex from him for religious regions. Oh okay, so Nazi, what happened? See your man has only had church sex? What say that again? What her man has only had church sex? See, they didn't get it. They didn't have sex because they was waiting until they got married, and then the girls and his former girlfriend only had sex twice because she was withholding for religious reasons. So these are just people he's seeing up at the church. Church sex way different than club sex. How so please everything. See church sex ain't a lot of words in church sex because you can't custom with church sex. Club sex is, oh, all the words. It's a volgaty. Church sex is we sneaking. Were supposed to be quiet. We ain't supposed to be doing this. So you can't ask all the questions. You know, whose is it? You know you can't be you can't bring up no something oh blank and blank. You can't cuss while you're having church sex because you're not supposed to be doing it anyway, So you ain't gonna amplify the seein by cussin. But club sex we start with the cusin. I've been to smack that and do that thing getting up in this skill. When you get oh, you ain't gonna understand. See that's the difference. So he just had church sex, so now and then as soon as he get overheated. It was finished before it started. I taught him all the positions and what turns me on, but he ain't able to last long enough to try to him. I got a high sex drive, and I end up finishing on my own. This man twenty nine. I'm twenty eight. He's already been four years. Yeah, I ain't got four more of this hill. Steve Shannon helped me. I'm gonna come back with part three of this letter because I have some actual help. I got something he can try. Because you said you introspect him to talk to a doctor or his friends. He can't even bring this up to his friends. He's got to do something. He fell us I can't please my warm at what do you suggest I do? Well? All right, we want me to do it for you. We're gonna have part three of this strawberry letter coming up. Okay, The subject is my husband needs to learn a few things. We'll be back in part three coming up right after this. You're listening to show all right, Steve, So this is part three of today's strawberries. But I don't normally do this. I needs to learn a few things. Yes see, she demanded this man, the church dude. They with hell sex to the night and it ain't good. It's been four years of terrible sex and she need helping. She trying to show him all these positions and what turned her own or he's upset about that too. In the letter, I didn't mention he can do half the stuff he told me he was going to do. I taught him all I can about positions and what turned me on, but he ain't able to last long enough to triumph. Damn talk, I got a high sex drives, so I end up finishing on my own. So I need him to some help with his inability before this ruined a marriage. And then talk to a doctor as his friends about ways to improve sexually. Now hit a part. He blamed me for being overly experienced and impatient with him. I was celibate two years before the wedding, and I'm suffering through four years of bad sex. This four years. This is horrible. This is horrible. This is the most horrible thing I've ever heard. Matter of fact, this is the most horrible strawberry and letter we've ever had four years of this is probably the worst damn stuff we have ever had. Let me mark this. Now he mad at her cause she too experienced. See he don't understand. See see he mad now because you know too much. He had sex twice. We ain't got to get into how many times you had it. But he only had it twice. Let's not war about the number of times. You don't even worry about that. But obviously you weigh more experience to him, and he upset with it. See you know too much? Why I gotta put my foot on the night stand and have my knee on the bed. That hurts me? Start, hey man, what is your punk aheads talking about? Just put your damn foot up there and get your knee over here. That hurts me. Stratch, So you come in here to work out. In hell, you got to put in work, man. Now listen to me. Let me give you a couple of suggestions. They have a cream for men that he can buy and he can use the cream and the cream numbs him so where he's don't have to have it don't happen so fast. Yeah, So you gotta be careful strong because that hand you ain't got no feeling in it because you don't put it on with the cream that helps you have no feeling. So you might want to try that. And just that's the only suggestion I have for you. All right, Steve, thank you for that post comments on today four years of Horrible at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the podcast on demand coming up Jesus. At the top of the hour, Jay Anthony Brown has murdered another hit. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Jay is here as usual to murder another hit. What do you have for us today? Jay? Surely I would slow it down let people hear my mellow side of singing, because you know, you know you have one I do, I do And the song says it all is. It's not the high energy that I always sing. It's the right side, you know, like the quiet kind of like the quiet storm of Jay quiet story. So you're gonna be mellow in the morning with it, gonna be melow, but you're gonna get You're gonna get it inspired by the mellowness You're gonna You're gonna can you hit this when you hit this called I need to do something to day, I need to I'm inspired. Yeah, I'm hearing you're like m I'm a mort. I'm a mom. When you when you ball up both fish you canna. Yeah, So play it on election day it won't be men me vote for you. You soon impossle bun Man. We wish you never bon because we need Joe bide and so you gotta to leave. I had no good time, just bad time. We will always needs someone who can't everybody can't wait. I gat it down the yes time for change, I know, I know Joe ba moment urving the moon and for us change. Yeah, got a step class the morn, Quiet in the morning, Jay, that's my jam too, Min, that's that's my damn Neil, my favorite new addition jam. Yeah, you were Johnny gil with it everything that's I was. Yeah, you said Joe Biden won't be perfect. He gonna be perfect now, but we won't him though. Whatever he I don't give it. Damn what he do this bad is better than what we Anybody's better than that, dude. We got up and that in anybody anybody that was classic. That was nice. Jay, you we are inspired. I'll puff it up next week. I have some, you know, but this week I want to be already noticed subject next week because you ain't a way in here. You're gonna let this go. Get my red tape of Clower ready for a song about this food here. I'm gonna have some next week. Yes, you know you're working on it already. This is the story about the boy named Will you know I'm gonna do that. I'm going with the thing to fresh Prince do it. I'll do it. I'm doing it. I'm doing Wow. Come up with this stuff, Jay, h If you if you feel your room with smoke, you did inspide filled rooms, you snoop? Well it's legal where you are for sure? All right? Jay, thank you? Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, time for tell me something good. Here's some black girl magic news. Always love this news. After one hundred and ten years of aviation, the United States Navy welcomes its first black female tactical jet pilot, US Navy Lieutenant Madeleine Sweggler. Okay, nice, I'm sorry, Is that right, Swiegel? Matlin Swiegel? H Yes, Madeline, Lieutenant Madeline Swiggle. Lieutenant Swiegel has earned her wings as a US Navy fighter and she will also receive her Wings of Gold later this month. So congratulations, congratulations to Lieutenants Swiggle. What's more? Yeah, oh more black girl magic news. Trump damn thing. Yeah, we gotta say congratulations for joy Read to joy read m. Joy Reid has been tapped to fill the seven pm Eastern slot on MSNBC. Remember when Chris Matthews left, Well, she's going to take his place. This move makes her the very first black female anchor in prime time. The read Out that's the working title of Joyce Show. It will feature one on one conversations with politicians and newsmakers. I think you'll be on there. Yes, yes, she did very good. We all want ja. Yeah, congratulations Joy, Black Girl Magic, Yes, yes, yes, yes, woo hoop yeah Joy. All right, we got more of a SRVY Morning show. Don't go Anywhere. Trending News thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning, all right, and trending animal news. That gorilla got into a nasty, nasty fight with his sibling at a zoo. As a safety precaution, the doctors gave him a coronavirus test. The gorillas. Yeah. The gorilla's name is Shango. He's a thirty thirty one year old four hundred and thirty three pound Lowland gorilla who lives at the Miami Zoo, and earlier this week he got into a fight with his brother Barney Uh, suffering some injuries in the process. Shango was bitten and scratched up, so to be safe, they got him a CORONA test. A team of vets put Shango under to do the Corona test. As far as the COVID test goes here, walking there, okay, shangoed him been in there getting his ass. If you go walk in there with a needle to I'm gonna stick this thing up your nose. Yeah, Shango would have wore your ass. But when you think Shango would have been the tough gorilla with a name like sho Barnie, you let your brother Bernie beat you. I need to get George to go see Buddy's daddy because he does. As far as the COVID test, Fanny he mad though, Yeah, brother, get the cold as name Shango. I tell you what Bonnie fitting the Shango and that Bernie did. How about that they get the test results. They got a nasal swab. They did a nasal swab. They don't have the test results, but they did give him a test. Did that nasal swab when he was out, when he was a little stick, that little swab tip of a gorilla. Nor ass better be on the other side the monkey cake gorilla sounds. You can when you get that COVID test out, you can do a lot. When he nodded out, man, you're doing a Corona tsk for gorilla. But that's why Donald Trump say we have so many cases. It's because we do so many if he knows because he talks to the other nations and they're not testing as much as a man. Man, he's sold this. Dude is so wrong on so many loads. It's just ignorant stuff to say we have most more cases because we do more tested. No, we have more cases because more people got it. Yeah, and some people still refuse to wear their masks. They do and social distance as well, and they're still going to the club. Yep, yeah, yeah, they're still partying. And they're making wearing a mask of political thingublic health crisis. They're making it a racial thing. That yeah, a party political thing. Coming up, it's our last break of the day. Hey, Jaden will all at the door. You want to let him in? None of this show. Those are our friends. Stop and we'll have day all right, Steve. We'll have his closing remarks coming up at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve. Here we are our last break of the day on this Monday, and uh wow, it's been quite a Monday's good morning, right Yeah. Yeah. Well, our main messages to please just get ready to vote. That is our main message on this show. My messages don't get tangled up, wife, My messages Christmas nights get tangled up. This is y'all alright on the you know this whole Black Lives Matter movement, which is such a powerful statement that's being made right now. I want this to continue. Very very proud of young people out there protesting UH on all levels. I'm very proud of the number of non African Americans who've joined in and and and are fighting help helping us fight this cause. Um and and and it's and and and we need this, We actually need this because it's time, you know, we've I'm old enough to have been around for civil rights movements, affirmative action. UH. I was alive when busting first started. UH. I was fortunate not to get bust And the reason I say fortunate was because I needed to have the total experience that I had. I needed to be totally emerged in my culture, because as I went out into the world, I wasn't swayed very easily. I was very very true to who I was, and I'm very very grateful for that. We are in a time though, in our country, where we are dealing with some things from the government that we've never had to deal with before that that I can say in my lifetime, whether leadership is so blatantly and openly divisive in this country. Now. Look, I know the game that's been played towards minorities the entire time, I understand. But the way it's going now, this administration has actually given hate groups white supremacis. They actually think they have a friend in the White House. They actually feel as though that they have somebody that they can directly identify with, and it has embrazened them to a point where they are more vocal, more obvious, more a presence, and more visible, less underground than ever before because they feel as though they have their guy in the White House. And they do, and they do because his rhetoric explains it. How are you the president of the United States? And you post a video and the first words out of this gown, the golf course mouth is white power. Where does white power come from? Why do you need to say it? You've got everything. What more power do you need? You think when people say black power, that they're asking for yours. Na. When people are asking for black power, they want black people to be as powerful as you. But you don't want that, so, you know, so you go against it by screaming white power. Wait a minute, man, hold up, pour and justice. And I've said this before, it ain't like pie. See, it is not like pie. If you get a slice of pie, if there's one pie, and you get a big piece of justice, or you get a big piece of equality, or you get a big piece of power, then the rest of the pie means it's less for us. Justice and equality ain't pie partner. It's just justice and equality for all. It's just something that everybody should partake of. But when you are living your life in fear that if I give you that, it will mean less for me, and you have a leadership that makes you feel like if we give them that, it'll be less for us, he's feeding the flames of racism. He's feeding the flames of superiority. And we can't do this no more. Man. We can't keep marching for Black Lives Matter and not show them on every letter level that it matters. So it's my call to everybody out there listening in November, everybody that listens to this show, you have to make the commitment that no matter what they try to do in terms of voter suppression, no matter how long they try to make the lines, we're gonna early vote and We're gonna go down and we're gonna vote. And we're not only gonna vote, We're gonna take five people with us. We're gonna make sure that show circle of five closest friends, you make them go to and make them promise and commit to proving and showing on every level that black lives matter. We are going to show them that black lives matter at the polls. Twenty twenty is going to be the year where the black vote shows up and is respected like never before. I want us to show up at the polls like we did in two thousand and eight. I want us to show up at the pose like we did in two thousand and twelve. See, that's when we showed up because we had a reason. We saw someone who looked like us running for the office of president, and we showed up. But let me say something to you all. We got to show up just like that, if not bigger, because if you don't vote, what you're saying is this administration is okay, and we can do four more years of that. And I'm fore warning you if you think he's done some things now, if you give him four more years, he gonna finish the job and a lot of that's gonna have to do with us. Those are my closing. You know he's on a mission. Man. If you think he's done some dirt, now let him thinks his last fault. You ain't seen nothing more. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.