Elves Strike, Holiday and Single, Outgifting, Staycation Ideas and more.

Published Dec 21, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve has something to say to all the doubters out there. Let's get it!!! Steve airs out the grievances of elves on strike. J. Anthony Brown points out the games you can't play during the holidays and why. We give you examples of the different ways singles have it better during the holidays than those with a significant other. Is it possible to outgift family members or nah? Inside Comedy Roulette we have the stuff white people say to black people that they think is really cool. Having a staycation is a pretty safe bet and we have the best ideas for staying home. Have you given or been the recipient of a hint gift? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve simply says, "Do good!"

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all looking back to back down, giving them just like the milling bus things. And it's not true. Good Steve Hartley, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn love, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water. Come, come on your back, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, One and only Steve hargins Man, old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He owned one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination. Now. The procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration to dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off. You can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams, and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, sometime it just keep hope alive. Sometimes, you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, Man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, Okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to. But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I've been through enough where it's relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me, appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me, But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong he forgave me. He said, because, man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it's going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today. Now see threw it me yet? Nope? Have I arrived? I jet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know, It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy and he's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now, these joe provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord and the parachute didn't open, I said, Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, So see that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you don't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life. It's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all Now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, see all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, you steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you messed around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from. I can't tell you, But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain. It's usually him. You're listening tow. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are to Steve Harvey Morning Show is live again. Good morning, everybody. Get ready and prepare yourself to have a blessed date. Live your life today in expectation that God is going to do something for you today, as he already has. Seeing this, how you've awakened. Okay, so now that that is accomplished, that's a great, big thank you Lord, right down. So now let's just expect him to do some other things for us. Live your life in expectation and in watchful anticipation of what that God we serve can do for you. That's how I live my life. I suggest you try that. It's a wonderful way to live because something usually always happens when you proclaim it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistakeful body. Hum humph, you know I'm talking about Charley's Jark. Hey, good morning, Steve. I feel like it today too. Colin Ferrera, you're sounding good. What's up, boss man? Pipper ain't easy, but somebody you got to do it. Speaking of Pimper, here's the voice that could have better Pimp ladies. Jentimy Junior morning up. Yeah your voice back you strong now? Yeah? Yeah yeah Tommy, tom big dogging dog in the l David Yo. Yes, folks. We often had this conversation off as on this Morning show because, according to Tommy and a couple of the Morning Show people that I won't mention have oftentimes questioned the route that I took to have the achievements that I have based on the limited limited tech skills and all actual grasp of the English language, and so lack of grasp of the English language, spelling and tech savviness has caused them to doubt and question how I got here. Yeah, it's just it's it's just, you know, the wonder of the world that Tommy, because like, okay, i'll tell you. I'll tell you what started one day. You know how you be writing and you'd be texting and you get stuck on a little simple word. The word was wood and I was cool and not just saying hey man. Just we was off the on commercial break and I said, hey man, how you spell words? And you know that at that that little reaction from the peanut gallery was so Tommy said, what route did you you take? How the hell you make it? We're sitting up here here here a leader, and he can't spel great letter. You couldn't spail, ma'am. Yeah, yeah, I still struggle with that, ma'am. Here kind of trick you gotta admit. All Right, we come back. I'm gonna tell you how I did it if you want. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. Christmas is fast approaching. We all know that time to get the toys together. However, the Elves, I didn't know this. The Elves are on stripe and you got here with some grievances. Uh, guy, I got this. I'm gone hand the listening myself because it's something that I'm I'm good at doing because I'm a former union man. Elves Elves have decided it came to me with a lot of complaint and I'm being they representative. Now. We wanted Timmy to stand up for them, but then he was already standing up. They went, we need somebody that's standing up for it, that look like they actually standing. So I said I would do it. The elves of this year are going on strike. Well they haven't gone on yet, but they're threatening to go on strike. The elves and wanting to sit out this year. Santa Claus is having trouble because he's trying to talk to these damn elves about their concern So I'm here with their grievances and I want to start by saying, these are the elves grievouses, and I will be preparing these statements on behalf of the Ill Foundation. We the elves who work at the North Pole, are requesting the following changes. Please show your support through I wear site www dot help elves dot com. If you're gonna help the elves, help elves dot com, tell me don't act like you don't. So you know, we all the complaints that the elves have, and here we go. Number one problem that they have it We the elves would like to stop making these damn wooden toys. Don't no kid won't no damn wooden toy. And we've been making them for years. Okay, ain't nobody asks them now? When he wouldn't wheels, he wouldn't pad lock, they got real toys now. Secondly, we the elms are requesting to have a casual Friday. So when we ain't got a wit these stupid ass uniform tight ass pants with the pointed hats, we want to casual frid voicing the concerns and elves have and considered on going on strike, and they wanted me to convey this to set a class and everybody list. We the Elves would like to request a thirty minute smoke break. They we smoke, and then we want to be able to go outside and smoke whatever we want as it's legal, and try making these cards without it. Elves don't get high. Here's the next complaint on behalf of the Hells Elves. We the Elves have voted to eliminate bring your kids to work there. The truth of the matter is elves really don't like kids. No, we don't damn that because they think we kids too, just because we shot, get your damn hands off for me, I drove here into slate. Next complaint that they have we the Elves are uncomfortable wearing knees damn funny toe shoes. That heard that he didn't get. We want Crocs to be the new official els shop. Crocs and Gators to be the new el shop the Elves I'm doing complain that you don't act like you ain't with them. You trying to add a complaint, don't you at Elves and Pilgrims had the same Do you know that I'm not I'm not well, let's quit playing this game. Next complaint, We the elves do not like Elves shirts and pants. They ain't got no damn pockets, and we want to start using fanny pack so when we go outside to take our smoke break, we'll have our stuff with it. Next complaint. We the elves understand that we on the North Pole, but some of the younger elves wants to cut back on the heat being so high all the time in the workshop. The older elves is fine, you swear old people match. We the Elves, would like to assign ten elves each year to ride around with Santa, because we think it's unfair that we make all the damn toys and we don't ever get gone on one fat ass just be packing up the slid with the rain. Damn we made the toy. Hit us go a couple more quickly. We the els, we still love miss Claus and we know she's very nice and she's never too busy to bend down and give us a hook. But we still would like to know exactly what does she do up here? The cooks for everybody. We ain't had nothing from her. We got the keel at last, were not leaves. We the ales support the me too movement. That's real strong up here, and some of the female els are requesting that Santa frame from saying ho ho ho ho that note. We're gonna go up next. You're listening show right now. The nephew is here to run that brank back. What you got, new hine for a pizza delivery? Now, everybody likes pizza, don't they? Who doesn't? But even people in prison like pizza. Let's go here. It is pizza delivery, you know pizza man? I help you za? Okay? You all for me? Please? Yeah? Yeah, all right? Okay, So about this? So can I take your order? You'll need er pizza? You want ten pizzas? And what kind of quest was that going to be? Six? You poke up on me? Please? I need six cheese pizzas, six cheese spiezs on being crust? What kind of crust was that? Again? Ben being than the six see than crush pieces and do you want any other topics one? That's her? No, I need to meet lovers. What is that again? Can you can you stick up a little bit? I was really having a hard time hearing you. I need to meet lovers, to meet lovers? Is that? Yes? To meet lovers, meet lovers pizza? Okay? And what kind of quest would you like on that? Sir? Oh, that's thick, big cross. You said you want to thank crust on that thick So I'm having a really hard time hearing you. Can't you speak up for I need to meet lovers with thick crust, bod crust. Okay, okay, all right? And then the last is two vengis on being crossed. Two veggies veggie vegjeeves veggie's two veggie two veggie on the thick crust? Do y'all delivered to um? Do y'all deliver to uh gated gated community? Can you for a second form me tovie, sir? Okay? Sorry about that? Okay? Can I get your phone numbers? Three four two dre's six eight nine? Okay? I heard three four two dass six eight nine, but I didn't get the rest of those numbers. Can I get an area code or no, my number three four two DA's six eight nine. Okay, Um, I need to get the whole seven bigits and the area code, so there we can put you in the computer to try to find your location. I told you my number. My number is three four two dad six eight nine. Okay, okay, sir, Um, let me give my manager on the phone. Excuse me, Um, he's giving me like six numbers. Maybe I'll take care of it. Sir. How are you doing? Hey? How are you doing? I'm doing great? All right. I ordered ten pizza, six cheese pieces, two meat lovers, and two beds. I'm trying to see if do y'all have a problem delivered to a gated community? Oh not at all. We delivered to a gated community all the time. Let me just get a number for you in an address, right, my number three four two days six eight nine. Sir, that's only six digits. We need seven digits. Well, actually, your eric cold plush your seven digits? Oh okay, I don't. I don't. If you just leave it with the guard, he'll make sure I get it. No, so I don't think you understand. I need to have a phone number where I can call you. We can go in and out of the gate. That's not a problem. When I gets that, I want to direct You can't go in and out that gate. Listen, you can't go in and out that gate, Sir. I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Can't you speak up something? Okay, I'm trying to get ten pizzas delivered, and you just drop it off with the guard. Sir, I understand what you're saying. I'm trying to deliver the pizza to you directly. The guard is not who's getting the pizza, right, I'm delivering it. He's gonna he gonna, he gonna pay you. I'm cool with the guard. He gonna pay you. Okay, where are you? Where are you located? Let's do this. Where are you located? In and go and Gola? And where's where's Angola and Golda? Y'all don't know. I'm in Angola and Golda, Louisiana the penitentiary. H So we can't deliver pizza to la penitentiary. Look, I ordered ten pizzas for our six sixteen pizzas, two meet lowers and two. Look. I can't be on this phone too much longer. Listen, sir, I know what you're saying, but we're not delivering to Angola. Do you know where we're located. You gotta call somebody. We're in Dallas, but you gotta guard somebody in Angola, Louisiana. Look, I'm trying to get these ten pezza. Look, I'm late. I'm not going to go back and forth with you exactly, and I'm not gonna go back and forth with you either. We are unable to deliver this pizza to you. Okay, why because you are in the penitentiary, sir. No one delivers pizza to people in the penitentiary. People in the penicariary can't on a pizza, No, sir, they cannot. But we do not deliver to the penitentiary. And then we're in Dallas. Do you know how long it would take to get pizza to Angola? I don't give it. Let me to Okay, who the manager there? I am the manager. You're speaking with the manager. What's your name? Never mind what my name is, Just know that I'm the manager. Okay, let me say this to you. Just you the manager there. If I don't get no pizzas here tonight, I'm going I get out. In three years, I'm coming down there and I'm gonna you up. So you think you're talking to you, ain't got me up. In three years, I won't be here. But a matter of fact, I just might stay here for three years. So when you come back, let me tell you something. If y'all don't bring any pieces this penitential and get it to the guard before he get off work, then but it's gonna be round here, not in order. These ten preachers and everybody on the seal block is waiting on them. Sir, I don't I don't care about you and your folk on your cell block. You are in the penitentiary and I don't even know why you calling. Are you on my phone? This is a business, okay, and I have a job to do. I am not delivering pizzas for a penitentiary. Y'all discriminator? Noby where y'all brain pizzas? No, we don't discriminate, but we ain't located in that goal. Unless you go give me some petrol from my metro, I ain't coming. Let me tell you something you to remember eating number three fold two dads six eight nine. If you see that gray painted on your house, on that damn pizza place. Then you know my then got out and I'm looking for your three pot two dads six eight nine. I don't give a about three pot two six eight nine and seven pot three. What I'm saying is your grass. If you come up here in three years and guess where, don't drop the soul. Who who you think you're talking to? That's why I said, who you think you talking to? My phone? I got I got one more thing to tell you before I get on three years the lands words, I'm gonna safe. You're listening, Yeah, I'm listening. Say what you gotta say. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend got me to pray phone call you. Oh my goodness, you dropping me? You gotta be free? Oh my god, oh god. This is Litthew Tommy. Nobody want to prison piece. I'm good. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening, stow right now. It is time for games. You can't play. You can't play over the holidays. Jay, please explain. Okay, Oh here it is, yeah, all right, here we go. The holidays are coming around. And you know we're gonna have folks over to the house. So what I'm gonna do is set up the game, tell a little bit about it. Steve and Junior're gonna jump in and make and explain how the games get worse. Start off good, sound like a good idea, but then as the game progresses, problems a ride this simple game Spade, we're gonna play some spade. We're gonna set up the table. We're gonna play some spade. And then everything happened. Somebody started cheating. You know, you got that problem the first time somebody renegue. You swear it was a dead body in the room. So you can't play that. You know, people don't know how to lose and just take it. You know they take it personal. You know what I mean, ye ain't. So you're gonna go outside play some touch football. You're getting vamily, everybody. Just play some touch football. You got a grown ass man think it's cool to run over a third grader, Just run over. Just just punish it. Damn man, with playing football a kid. You ain't been putting them on me, you know how you put him to check me? What I'm gonna do to remember what you out here for? Black line? Hey, what you should like? A little? Ay? This is all I got to shake? Uh, you know if you can't, you can't handling heat, Get out this kitchen. I don't care if your eight. I don't care if your eight. I don't let him cry. Let him cry. He can't got to learn this a man's gamel. Yeah it is. It's another game you can't play. You want to play dominoes. But you got that dude that been you've been he've been away for a while, and he takes this game a little bit too Sioux. You know what I mean. He'd been in he's been away. You know, he's been in the system. He even like omino. Dominoes is a different game than him. Huh yeah, yeah, you should have been here. Man. Now you want to play old old way man? Hold up, dog, little dog. I just sent you to the yard or new trail. Hello, dom you just went to the yard on the trail. You ain't had no trade minute to go what you're talking about? What I'm talking about, I'm talking about your ass all you're trying to Oh you get shite? What's happen to you? Pard? No, you're out now. You're out. No, no, no, okay, okay, I'm gonna need two packs of cigarettes for that at the holiday party. That's all I'm saying. And I'm gonna need the two packs next time I see you. Undertake We can't play that. We gotta play another game, all right now, we're gonna we're gonna go back outside and try to play just a simple game, family game of dodgeball. It's the same guy who think it's a lot of fun. They hit the third grader nine in my own ball. He ain't he when he out here playing for ca It's called dodgeball, it ain't called standing there and get hit him. Why you gotta hit him so hard? Ain't what he up? I bet nah gonna cock back with that little week ass like I ain't seen that, get him in the face, in the face, that's why he needs to pay attention. Mean, Oh, we go back in the hunspit decided to play chess. But here's what happens. The man who think he knew everything about chess get his ass dusted by that eighth grader. Now he really upset the little boy and told his ass up, he can't take it. That's where all the pizzas gonna be on the floor. Yeah, he picked him up. Hold hold the dog. You can't say checkmate. We just got started. How you gonna how are you gonna? Dog? Don don no? We even number four, five, six moves? What did you talk about? Checkmate? No, No, that ain't our chess. Go chess. The thinking man game right at You ain't had time to think, Dave. He won the game, man, He went on, damn game. He just said check mate. Yeah, he beat you. How show me howld you he showed you that? Ain't you can't do that? See you gotta do Look, man, in chess, you had to make a minimum of twenty moves. He didn't have to do that for you. Dog. That's how it's done. Dog. Now you ain't even pro say checkmate unless it's been twenty moves. Maybe try to something else. I don't know, man, See y'all need plays chess with white Folk's rael. Everything is racial with you. Last game, last game, we can't play checkers. It's the same guy with the dodgeball really enjoys beating a third Ready he gets such bam, brown brown, brown, brown king me your crying for the white your ass out? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Man, you can't jump back because you got the red pizza. Red pizza, red pizza. Can't jump bad child, many end of this game. Okay, let's move on. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Real type of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, But really it can be cool. It can if you're single. Uh what being single for the holiday? Yeah, and don't look the people. You need to find somebody, get boot up, don't. I'm telling you you need to find someday. Wake your ass up by yourself. Yeah, wake up, oh Christmas Day, by yourself. Ain't no noise in another room. Well, there are a lot of things, junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. Guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. No fights waiting to happen. Someone's a good thing. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or break up. You know a lot of people break up over the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't, can't break up. If you ain't gotten nobody by yourself. Yeah, you don't have to buy a lot of gifts. Think about it. You ain't getting noney. Okay, I'm just looking at the bright side of this. There are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend your ass ain't got no known to stove e. But you don't have toin't no spells in the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're gonna celebrate with. There's always a fight about that, you know. Yeah, but you need to find somebody house. And then here's a good one. New Year's Eve, you can go in focusing all on you. You ever brought in the New Year's by yourself? When when you do, when you do blowing that horn, don't nobody here, don't nobody. You can focus on just yourself bringing in the new year. Okay, but you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy your And we're looking at the positive sight of being single, Steve, that's all. No, there's there's no positive. No, you don't think so you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved Atlanta. First, Yeah, I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta, right when I woke up and there was nothing, no nothing, no food, no no I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone. Ain't fun? Who is that? All the damn questions I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to who coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who is that? Now? Is that the doubt? What? Baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? Wow? I like all of that yourself? You like being by yourself during the holidays? No, Jay, Yeah, listen, that's what it sounds. So what that's what I'm telling about? Okay, Christmas morning is like what at your house? Listen? Let me listen. Don't you just love that? No? Pots rattling? Listen again? You maybe to hit Who isn't that joy? You got to be lonely away? Pots radling, no noise, No, let you hear it again? No company at all? Kind of my house? You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that just in the neighborhood you out sack because you ain't coming in. What is it in your house? About your house? All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's Christmas time, right, and a lot of people take great pains to find the perfect gift for someone over the holidays because they want to treat their loved ones to something special. But it turns out that a lot of people aren't necessarily thinking that way. In fact, many are really just looking for ways to outgift the loved ones in their lives. A new survey finds yeah, right. A new survey finds a sixty one percent of Americans see gift giving as a way to out gift their loved ones. Thirty nine percent of people say the person they are compete eating with, uh see that person as their sibling. Usually other people, you did it? Other people? Uh try to um outgift that they try to outgift include friends or significant others. I can see that. Yeah, Uh so I gotta ask you, guys, what is the worst gift you've ever received? And what's the best gift you've ever received? Jay, Oh, the worst gift I ever received was my kids and they got together, all three of them got together and pitched in on this and gave me one pair of lime Green sucks. Lime Green just started against a little recognition back in the day line and just started to come out. It wasn't it was it wasn't with a damn back and said lime walk around. I get bold? Is this? Laugh? Yeah? What about your junior? Oh my god? You remember back in school when you just have to trade gifts, you know, by a gift bread? Yeah, yeah, I ain't got this Michael night night Rider remote control car. That's the when I got my gift. I just had plato. I what the he is this? And then the little boys said it can do a lot of stuff. He twisted it and just made a little man. I kicked that little man over my car? Is what I want? Yeah? Oh my god, about your nephew. Mine is a little similar to Junior because it was at school. It was in grade school. I think it's about fifth grade. And I I pulled this kid's name and he pull on my name. So you know, I hadn't done all my joes. I didn't come some yards. I got him the g I Joe with the kung Fu grill. I got him a good joy that's a real toy back in the jahn. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. He got me a coloring book that his ass had been coloring in Miss Johnson's room. You hear me, My mama beat the hell out of me that They call that the Mercedes dealership pretty only through the first of all, it's a sorry gift, but you've been coloring in it already, all outside the lines to all outside God. All right, what's the best gift? What's the best gift? Well, I can tell you the best kid I gave my mom because I always competed against my sister. I see that. So the survey is correct. It's true. When my sister gave my mom, she said, I gave us. I said, so, what'd you give mom? She said, And it's the first time I ever heard my sister curse. She said, I gave my mom one hundred dollars. I said, I gave a floor minel color TV. Let's just said, who was a Christian and don't cuss much at all at all? She said, I'd be damn, I'd be damn. That's a lot hard he won. What about to serve? Uh? Let's see the worst gift I ever got. Um, I don't know. I guess it was a microphone when I was little, you know, not a little bit younger. But it didn't work. I didn't get any batteries with it. You know. It was like I tell you, the worst gift fire, Yeah, I mean, what a key change, so bad, so bad. Older relatives gave me that, and then and then the worst gift of all was, of course, a set of pots. Anyway, anyway, all right, coming up next, it is a nephew with a prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, guys, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject one big happy family or nothing at all. Okay, we'll get into that, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nep Well, surely call it, y'all been going through it? You know. Sometimes when I hear what you're going through, I use that day's title is pop up pedocule, Oh, pop up pedocule. Oh, going to be stupid, y'all? Check to come on? Kay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dana. Please. Yeah, this is what's up, h Dana. M I am calling. We're trying to get a um uh schedule an appointment with you. Your husband has purchased you a pedicure uh pedicure spot, so we wanted to get see what date, if Saturday, would work for you. UM, my husband wanted to book pedre for me. I'm I'm I'm actually good right now. I'm gonna wait until I'm ready, but thank you very much. But no, this is a this is a this is a pop up pedicure. And what we do is we actually cool. Yeah, we come to your house. We have gloves and we have masks on and you you stick your foot out the door and we're going to disinfect everything your foot. You're talking about putting my foot out the door. Yeah, so just for safety, you stick it. I'm sorry. My name is Milton with Precious pop Up Pedicure. We do pedicure as we go around because we know a lot of people can't get out. So you know, we're small business. We're just trying to stay afloat right now. So that's but your husband called in about you know, he called us. He wanted to get an appointment for you, and but we come to your house and when you stick your leg out, we'll do the pedicure, and then you stick the other leg out and we'll do that one. Melton, honey, sweetheart. And I know you've seen a lot of feet and you've done a lot of toes and hands, And let me tell you something the fun I'm gonna put my feet out the window. First of all, Well, whichever it is convenient, the window of the door, I don't care what it is. If I'm gonna get my feet done, I'm gonna have my dump my feet done in a chair inside. And I would be I'd be out of my head if I put my feet out the window. People don't see my feet out the window. That is crazy. And I'm coming correct as a businesswoman. Woman's a man, Milton, I suggest you just you you tell her that back in maybe you could do some some buy me and advanced petty gears like that from my feet? Are you tragile beautiful to be putting out there? Well? Well, well there there's lies the problem. Man. And if you don't mind your your husband, Kelvin is the one that called and he's the one that says that your feet look a mess. So that's why we're calling. He's the one that booked the appointment for you. You know what, My feet are beautiful, And again, Milton, you know they are they beautiful now? Since you've been in I'm sorry, use me? Are you? Are you the person who should be telling me that? That's how my husband who I will have a conversation with after this conversation. So I guess my question is, man, you're saying your feet are beautiful, but are they beautiful now since they you've been locked up for a month or so? I mean, evidently you evidently your feet are scaring your husband because he's the one calling saying, oh my god, I gotta get my wife's feet done. My feet are gorgeous, sweet heart. Okay, they're beautiful, the supple, the beautiful that got a beautiful tone of caramel to them. They shine at the sunshine. Whether they're policed or not. My husband will love them whether they're painted clips. Well, I don't think your husband loves them because he called us. Obviously, Milton, you're not thinking, and I think you need to check with your wife, Wendy. Do you know that there's no reason you should ever have this conversation with a grown woman about her feet, is what her husband says. I don't know you, and I'm trying to be as polite as possible. You will not be stepping into my window, are you crazy? I'm not gonna come in your window. You just stick your foot out of the window of the door, whichever one is convenient for you. Okay, it's not that hard. It's gonna fifteen twenty minutes and we're done. Oh no, no, no, no, you are not getting business fifteen or twenty minutes. Do you know how much time it takes to get a pedicure done? You know this is well, this is a pop up this it's a pop up pedicure. We're down. You're gonna be driving through with spree wos at this point, I'm not taking that. No, no, no, no no. And I'm having a conversation with my husband to never call you again. And I do suggest that you have a conversation with Wendy, who I don't know, but I think she would agree with me. Twenty ten minutes is not long enough. My feet are beautiful, and don't ever call me again and tell me that you think for some reason that because my husband told you that they were bad feet or I needed to get a petty here, that you have the right to tell me that you don't know me. And if you do ever come by my house, I swear to God I will stick my foot up yours and don't ever ever trying to bring that up to me again. Don't call my house. Well, this is what this is what Kelvin told us, ma'am. Okay, Levin told me what you are not supposed to tell a woman that. Like I said, I'm done, I'm okay. Do you want do you want to know what else Kelvin? Do you want to know what else Kelvin told us to do? Do you want to know what else Kelvin told us to do? No? I don't. Okay, okay, but can I just can I just please tell you what else Kelvin told us? Then I'm hanging up. Okay, this is a moment of true Kelvin gave us a call. He gave me a call me nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More on the show. He told me the prank phone call his wife. No, I'm serious? Are you serious? Yo? You know what, sweetheart, You're you are so on car right now, because if this had actually been the fruit, I would have been throwing my husband out the door. Excuse my frankness. First of all, how are how are you doing? I mean not gonna have you on the phone. Can we have at heart because I love you. We can have a heart to heart. How you doing? How are you doing? How are you doing? Doing this this whole pandemic? How are you doing? I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm you know, my feet are looking good. But I've been listening to you on the dayly and thank you your voice. There we go. I appreciate I've been staying up to beat and everything. You've been putting the smile on my face every day. Um, I feel like there's a new life here now. You know. Think you're great. I love me from Cattleman. Let me tell you that I love you too. I appreciate. Hey twenty twenty, come on, let the nephew know what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. There's nothing better than the Seed Harvard Morning Show, the bad radio showing the man. Hey Seed, Well, I'm just trying to help you know what I'm saying she didn't give a damn yeah, she say if you she said, if you come by here, I ain't sticking my foot out the dough. I'm gonna stick my foot straight up here, keeping my own pedicu. But she loves the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody know. I love y'all. Listen every morning, y'all getting us through all of this, so big ups to us. She loves y'all. Man, She's gonna get that pedicule soon or lady, but she will not be using to pop up pedicule at out That sounds to stick your foot out to do. You ain't got you ain't got to see me. I ain't got to see shut their foot out there. Let me coming up. As we mentioned the Strawberry Letters subject one big happy family or nothing at all. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click Submit Strawberry Letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air and helping you out, just like we're gonna do for this person right here. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you at all, all right, subject one big, happy family or nothing at all. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been dating a man for three years and we get a long great We've talked about getting married, but we have to work out a few kinks first. Both of us have teenage kids from previous relationships, and I spend a lot of time with his kids. Every other weekend. He is always around my kids because I have sole custody of them. We always joke about how his kids like hanging out with me more than him. If I am doing something for my kids, I include his kids. I buy them gifts for birthdays, Christmas, or just because I buy them gifts, and there's no separation to me. But over the weekend I have the strangest conversation with my boyfriend about the kids. He told me that this Christmas he plans to focus more on his kids and spend quality time with them alone during the holidays. I was shocked to hear this. Over the years, he's been good to my kids, but I do see a difference in how he treats them and how he treats his own kids. My kids love him, so I never make a big deal out of it. The fact that he is trying to make a big distinction between the kids really hurts my feelings. Blended families are tricky and we've been trying to make it work, but this was a harsh reality check. My kids come first, but I'm able to love his kids as my own. Now I have doubts about marriage. Am I overthinking this? Stephen Shirley? What do you think? No, you are not overthinking anything. I say go with what you see and what you know, because when people show you and in this case, tell you who they are, please believe them. I mean, okay, let's look at the facts. This man that you've been with for three years told you that this Christmas he just wants to spend quality time with his kids alone during the holidays. What else do you need to hear? It's the holidays, that's the time when you and your man and kids. You know, you guys are supposed to spend family time together, not apart. So again, what else is it that you need to hear? I mean, he doesn't want to be with you and he doesn't want to be with you and your kids for Christmas. Okay. In this relationship, you're all in. You are just everything. In this relationship, you have accepted as teenage kids. You spend a lot of time with them, You remember their birthdays and other special occasions. You buy them gifts and stuff. He, on the other hand, makes a difference between his kids and your kids, and you're right. In order for a blended family to work, you have to show love to everyone, even if in your heart you love your own kids more. And I think that's pretty normal to feel that way. You have a special bond with your kids, you carried them and all of that. But you know you're fair and loving on the outside. But your man is not doing that, and he's not trying to hide it. Even though you say your kids love him and you haven't made a big deal out of it, it is a big deal because he sounds like he has checked out of this relationship and on his way out of this relationship. Someone who's thinking of marriage, of marrying you, would not want to be without you on this Christmas okay, sounds like he's gonna be with someone else. Steve Well, Shirley, I have to agree with you. So here we go. This lady been dating this man for three years, everything going great, talked about getting married, but they need to work out some kinks. You know, both of them got kids. He spends a lot of time, and he's always around the kids because she got soul custody of them. About how his kids like hanging out with me more than him, And then you know, if I'm doing something for my kids, I include his kids. I buy him gifts for birthdays, Christmas, everything, no separation to me. But over the weekend he had a little conversation with my boyfriend about the kids. He told me, he say this Christmas, he playing it on focusing more on his kids, spend quality time with them alone during the holidays. I was shocked to hear that. Over the years, he's been good to my kids, but I do see a difference than how he treats them and how he treats his own kids. My kids love him, so I never made a big deal out of the fact that he's trying to make a big distinction between the kids. Really hurt my feelings, But then the families are tricky, yes they are, And I've been trying to make it work. But this is a harsh reality check. My kids come first, but I'm able to love his kids as my own. Now I have doubts about marriage. I'm overthinking this. I think you all got to sit down and have a conversation. Something is happening where he's feeling like he's obviously not paying close enough attention to his own kids. So he decided this year he gonna spend times with his kids alone. Somebody that said something to him. He didn't come to this conclusion on his own. Somebody said something to him. Somebody said, you know what the kids feel like. You just treat everybody better than know they come and they feel like you're step children. Somebody fed this information to him. All one of the kids said something to him. That's the only reason for he to suddenly go like this. So he's trying to prove that that's not true. So he gonna be spending a lot of time with just his kids alone on Christmas and he's been with her for three years. Yeah, I don't know how he think that's gonna be. Yeah, he been not. Later, he been not say that. Nobody didn't lay down kids. It didn't lay down. He can't go to sleep in that house. I can't make that statement and then go get into bed and star snooze. No, that's been being a temple on your life. But that was kind of cold though. I mean, yeah, he plans to focus more on his kids and spend quality time with them alone during the holiday. His word, and you said this. I laughed. All right, Steve, we'll hang on. Part two of your answer is coming up. Um, we'll take a short break here and come back at twenty three after the hours. Subject one big happy family or nothing at all. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Uh, this letter is crazy. Let's recap subject one big happy family or nothing at all. Well, it looked like nothing at all because he wants to spend this holiday with his kids, spend more time with his kids alone. That's time of making your kids have happy Christmases. And my kids over here, they live stuck out. Now, we're not gonna do that this ship, Michelle. I want you to be the wife asking me why we can't have this Christmas together, and you're gonna be repeatedly keep asking me about this Christmas, and I'm gonna keep giving you different me. Okay, Well, Honey, I'm so happy the holidays are here. I can't wait to spend Christmas with you. I wish I could say the same. Well, what do you mean we are spending it together, aren't we? Well, you know, we're gonna spend it together, but it's gonna be separate. But separate is not together. Honey, We're gonna spend Christmas together, right, you, me and the kids. Hey, look, you need to keep saying the word together. I'm just telling you we're gonna spend it together. We're gonna be together, but it's gonna be separate. I want to spend it together, you know, you, me, the kids, us. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on? What what kids you talking about? I'm talking about our kids, my kids and your kids. Non, no, no, See your kids are your kids, my kid, Me and my kids gonna spend this holiday together and alone. But honey, we're together. You know, we're We've been dating for three years now, and all is all. It's important to you, yes, and I thought it was important to you that we be together, but not like this though, you talking about all the time I'm talking about during the holidays, Yes, honey, I've planned stuff I've cooked, I've invited people over all of that, you know, one big happy family. Well, I don't you know, baby, damn you know, you don't ask me nothing. Well, we've we've been together for three years. It's kind of a given that we spend the holidays together. Yeah, but you ain't. You ain't like, did nothing special for the holidays. I've been out here lyned people up. So we make our move, make our move. I thought we were gonna just be together. We put the Christmas tree up and did the decorations and everything. Who all hell put your Christmas tree? Let me ask the kids. Ain't nobody help but talk kids. You don't know their name? Calling the land kid couldn't help out? So where ain't nobody helped but the talk excuse me aside? There's an aside, honey, what did you say? Nephews? An't way about hype though, even in the name. They just did. But the shop kids is, what is they doing? I don't know what the shop kids they put all ornaments on the bottom of the tree, and they put your skirt around it, and the shot kids water. We got plenty for show people to do round. Somebody got to plug it up. Every night. Ain't that way. You ain't got to be in over you you. It ain't none shot work, ain't none to you. Well, honey, and the tree looks so beautiful. I'm so grateful, and I just wanted to spend it together, you know, you mean us together? And the hang these balls on the bottom of that tree too. I like, I like treat balls at the bottom of the tree. Okay, ornaments, yes, yeah, them ornament, But the balls though, I don't like Christmas ornaments that other you know, acorn Christmas tree can I just like ball. Don't like all that angel don't look like angel figurines? What about the lights that makes the tree look so pretty? Yeah? Yeah, you gotta hear lights that ornament you made a school and brought home. But it don't matter what's on the tree is just as long as we're together, honey, and I want to be together for this Christmas? Well, baby, that ain't that ain't alway fit to do? No more? Well why not? I mean, what's the problem? No, shee, you know you just trying to make this some mem I'm trying to make this something else. I have told you, don't holler, don't That's why we need right here. You don't need to yell at me. You can't hear. I can't hear. Just fine, I can't. You're just fine when you can be by yourself. But we're gonna be there. How about that? That's alone and then we're gonna be there. It's my house too, yes, clap back? What are you talking about? I don't pay the mortgage and never will, but it's my house. I don't know who told you that. I told myself that when we when we first started living together. Oh when I'm gonna have to get a restraining order on you? Oh that works both ways. I can get one on you too, you know. But we're gonna be together sat California, this califod Oh you try, and we're gonna be together. Well you want to be here, Cliff, what here? What you do? You? And I'm gonna do you? And probably had the best crucial we ever had. No, I don't think so, honey. It's not gonna go down like that wether. For three years we've always spent Christmas together. We're gonna be together this Christmas. Whether you like it or not, Well, you whoever you want. We ain't gonna make it to vote that we ain't gonna make it too well? Do you have someone else? Do I have someone? You've hurt me? Because why wouldn't you want to spend it with me? You've been spending Christmas with me all of a sudden, Oh so you want folk? Christmas is in a road. Here we go. We'll be together. We're gonna be together, all right. Today's Strawberry Letter. We gotta get out of here, Steve. That's right. If you need advice on relationships and work and sex and all that, just go to Steve Harvey. F M. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the sty Morning Show. All right, guys, time for a comedy roulette. Today's categories are things you say to people to help you move. Lies, men tell to get out of the house, lies women tell to get out of the house, the warm uh huh. And lastly, stuff white people say to black people that they think is really cool. All right, Oh yeah, let's spend the wheel, spun it. Okay, come on, come on, come on, getting out the house, Come on, women, let's go. Oh it stopped. And stuff white people say to black people that they think is really cool. Let's let's get right into it. Let's get right into it. All right, here we go. Oh, we just sliced up a whole lot of watermelon. I'm sure you like it. I'm sure you like it. Come on, Junior, so um, do all of you all know the hip hop thing? Oh? Y'all know hip hop? Don't you? White people say the black people that they think is really cool. I really want my I really want my lips to look like yours. Really? Oh my god, he biggie wasn't small at all. White people say the black people that they think is really I don't really mean to be out of line, but could I just touch your ass? Just touch? Let me ask you something. I don't really know you guys that well. But do you all have chicken farms? Hey? Dude, listen, if you ever really want it, you know I can do each you how to swim? Say the black people that they think, Yeah, I'll tell you this first lady doesn't compare to yours. I know it was a deep one. Yeah. So let me get this right. You went to college, but not on a basketball scholarship. All right, Steve, who's the daddy. Yeah, I'll just tell you I'm perfectly fine with another African American president. Yeah, I have a problem with the one we had. All right, thank god, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. According to new research, one in five Americans are planning on giving someone a take the hint gift this year. A new survey of two thousand Americans found that hint gifts are pretty common practice, with one in three respondents saying they've given at least one in the past year or so or in the past period. And who is a person in our life most likely to give us one of these hint gifts? Well, research shows it's our own partner, so we call it guiltash blood God. He asked for running shows. But I think it's cool because dudes, we different, you know, if that's what we want in I think it's cool. Yeah. I mean, Tasha's real cool. You know, he's real laid back. He's bag him some running shoes and you know, get in here and do your wifely duties. He'll say something like that, Yeah, well, I mean yeah, today with some heels on with them shoes on your neck, Shoes round your neck like like in the hood when you see them, sup, shoes hanging over the over the telephone. Yeah yeah, and I didn't want to. Nesta did ask for the dinner jacket, but I didn't know that it was attached to dinner. Like Junior said off the air, he did. At least he know he was going to eat. Man, it was strategic. He put that jacket on. He starts smiling. He really did. He Man take a picture of him every today, he did. Okay, he might get some running shoes too. Okay. The most popular most popular hid gift Americans gift is deodorant, what or what you do? Cologne? Yeah, self help book? Yeah, morning, take a hand. The most popular most popular gift is self help books. They scored real high. Also on the list were cookbooks. No I did not don't get one is exercise equipment, Carla, exercise equipment, I know, razors, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, and even breath mints. Yeah, well, I just I just bought my wife the peo uh huh. Okay, so she she asked for the bike. Thought she wasn't offended by you getting it right? Do you save that for Christmas. Oh this wasn't for Christmas. Oh oh this is your stay. He can't get off that either. But she asked to save the Peloton bike for Christmas. Okay, well never mind. Yeah, different incomes different, The bracket is different. All right. So Stephen and Junior and Timmy, if you guys had to give someone to take a hint gift, who would it be? And what would it be? Again? My sister getting every job application pamphlet I can find since she can't talk about they can't find the world. I see that hiring every day. I well, I think we just saw the best take a hint gift. If I pick you up to go shopping and I put your ass in the backs because I got another fine chicken the front, that's about a bigger hit gift you can get from Strawberry Strawberry letter last break. Oh what about you now, m my auntie? Huh is she listening? I don't think she listening for a nice perm box, a nice perm hit. Damn, it's a hint. Let this sit for at least twenty minutes. All right. Look, everybody can't win natural hair. Everybody can't do that. More something that they can I'm sorry, more ignorant, more Shenanigan's coming up at twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, I ain't doing no Washington sent you. You're listening Stry Morning Show. Stag it home of this holiday season. Well, lots of people are doing it to ensure the health of their loved ones. But this is somewhat forced staycation, maybe a blessing in disguise after a tough year. I mean, why not relax? Why not unwind and enjoy your time off, either by yourself or with your immediate family close by. You know, your your bubble people, as I like to call them, the people in your bubble? You know what I mean? Not sure what to do, what to do with it yourself? Here's some ideas to help you appreciate staying at home for the holidays. Check it out, Carlin. We talk about this all the time. Catch up on movies that you want to see, shows, yeah, TV, movies, all of that. Okay, Take long, hot baths, light a few candles, bring in your beverage of choice, a book, play some you know, sexy music, some soothing music in the background. Girl, I like yeah, and you know what doctor's orders. Doctor's orders. My doctor told me I need more red WAE for my blood. That's right. I was like, uh, And then you can clean, you know, clear out some space in your closet or something. It's not fun, but it could be therapeutic, you know what it is for? Yeah, getting organized. That could be a resolution of yours too. For twenty twenty one. I like those suggestions Shirley's Staycasion, movies, baths, clear out some of your space. I'm probably not gonna do to clear out the space one. I'm probably not gonna do that. And it says bake warm up the kitchen with a batchel of homemade Christmas cookies. Oh okay, I know you're not doing that. Mob The Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. The stereotype of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, but really it can be cool. It can if you're single. What being single for the holiday? Yeah, I don't look to people for you need to find somebody, get boot up. Don't don't. I'm telling you you need to find someday. But wake your ass up house by yourself yet wake up? Oh Christmas Day by yourself? Ain't no noise in another room? Well, there are a lot of things, Junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. Guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. No fights waiting to happen. Someone's a good thing. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or break ups. You don't a lot of people break up over the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't can't break up if you ain't gotten nobody by yourself. Yeah, you don't have to buy a lot of gifts, think about it, but you ain't getting none either. Okay, I'm just looking at the bright side of this. There are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend, but your ass ain't gotten nothing on the stove. You don't have toin't no smells in the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're gonna celebrate with. There's always a fight about that, you know. Yeah, but you need to find somebody house though, and you don't want your family. And then here's a good one. New Year's eve. You can go in focusing all on you. You ever brought in the New Year's by yourself? When when you do, when you do blowing that horn, don't nobody here, nobody here. You can focus on just yourself bringing in the new year. Okay, but you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy yourself and we're looking at the positive sight of being single stick that's all. No, there's there's no positive. No, you don't think so you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved Atlanta. First, I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta, all right, when I woke up and there was nothing, nothing, no food, No I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone. Ain't fun? Who is that? All the damn questions? I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to you? Who coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who are that? Now? Is that the doubt? What? Baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? Wow? I like all of that. You like yourself, You like being by yourself during the holidays. So Jay, yeah, listen, that's what it sounds so what That's what I'm telling. Okay, Christmas morning is like what at your house? Listen? Let me listen. Who isn't that joint? You got to be lonely, a hot rattling, no noise, no, let you hear it again, no company at all? Come to my house. You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that I don't just in the neighborhood when you outside, because you ain't coming in? What is it in your house? About your house? All right? Coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it at forty nine after the hour you're listening show. All right, Steve. Here we are, guys with the last break of the day on this Monday. Yes, it is no more break, say it right, Jay? No, No, I mean I said it once, but it's gonna be another break. No, there will be no more damn break. So okay, just the last damn number one. It's been a good Monday though, it really has. Yeah, it's great money, it has great to be Yes, welcome back, welcome back. You know you know what Sureley, you know what I thought about though what I I looked at the whole show. I missed you guys, but I thought about something. What do you know, Uncle Steve is the Moses and sick people? What do you mean he leading a bunch of sick people? Y'all too? You look, everybody on this show got a problem. It ain't just me and Jay. Everybody got a problem with y'all. Just leave. He leave people. He need people with short He leaves bipolar people, Carlo Jay diabetic, I got sick. He needs a bunch of sick people. Is what do you do? Big eyes is not a guy? Yeah, the beginning of something. I do not have eyes out that far due to some type of pressure. Really have you always had him open that wine? My eyes have been big since I came from the womb. Okay am I right? Am? I right? Shut up? Junior, all those people to show sick. You mean you the only healthy person we got? Oh no, that's not true. True is the problem? His mind has gone, Junior Solf. The better to see you, my dear. The other day, I was talking about finding the motivation to never give up, because it's such an important thing. Man, Just the fact that you don't quit that you don't give up on your visions, your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, and you have to find the motivation to do it. But you also have to remember that doing good is the right thing to do. And a lot of times, I know, man, you get tired of doing good because it seems like it's no payoff. There's a scripture I was reading the other day, Galatians six nine, and it was saying for us to not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we don't give up. And that's such an important thing, man, because sometimes it's hard to keep doing the right thing, especially when you're being done wrong. It's hard to keep doing the right thing and you don't see the payoff right after you do the right thing. It's hard to do the right thing when everybody else seems to be getting away with something wrong. So it makes it hard to continue to do the right thing. But you have to have the faith that you're doing the right thing, and you can't become weary in doing good, because, like the Bible says, at the proper time, you're going to reap a harvest if you don't give up. Do you understand how true that statement is. That's a promise of God that if you don't get tired and stop doing what's good, that eventually you're going to reap of harvest by just not giving up. That is a benefit to doing what's good. That is a reward for doing things that's good. You don't know. You have no idea how many seeds you're planning when you do something good you have to. You don't even know where they're gonna crop up, pop up where you're gonna harvest them later. It may not be even in the same field you plan it. I was somewhere one day and I was going down the street and a girl had a flat tire, young girl, and I just thought of one of my daughters. Man, so I stopped. I just happened to be driving that day. It was years ago in LA and I stopped and I helped this little girl. And she was on side of the road just crying. She had a flat tire. She don't know what to do, and so I still there, made a phone call, got told truck to come. She didn't have the money. I kind of somehow got it to the tie station. I bought the new ties for Boom fixed her up. She went home. She called her father. She said, Steve Harvey bought me ties from my car. I ain't think none of the brother thanked me. Years later, I was on the golf course years later, I'm talking about like five six years ago, and this happened like early, like in two thousand, so probably around twenty fifteen, sixteen something like that. I'm playing golf and this guy comes up, Timm and he tells me the story about this girl and it was his daughter. And he just told me about it, and he hugged me. He said, man, I wanted to thank y'all talk to you on the phone, but man, we finally meet mouths hoping I'll see you at this tournament. And so he hugged me, and you know, didn't think none of it. Next thing, you know, come to find out he worked for a high level company. The company calls me and the company wants me to do a deal with him. I signed and did the deal with the company. It was all because one day I stopped and I helped a girl that I just saw in distress because I just thought, man, this could be one of my daughters. On the side, of his role, and she told her father, and her father did a deal with me that turned out to be a very, very beneficial deal. You can't ever get tired of doing what's right, because in due time you will reap a harvest if you never give up. That's a promise from God. Keep doing the right thing, y'all. You will benefit from it. Those are my closing remarks that said, that's a wrap, y'all. Have a great weekend. Okay, and tell you Mama near my said he And for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.