Elves Strike, Biden Lovechild, Gordon Sondland, PImpin' NFL Picks more.

Published Nov 22, 2019, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We must rejoice and be glad. Post Chemo is in these streets and people are on the move. Uncle Steve is the union representative for the elves on strike because Tommy isn't tall enough. "Hunter Biden, you are the father!" Sand and Soul 2020 got a huge update and upgrade. How do you know when things are about to jump off? Fool #2 has another book just for that. The pimp with a limp Pimpin' is here with his week 12 NFL picks. U.S. ambassador Gordon Sondland shows his slick side. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks to us about the effects of wasted energy and so much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them more like theming buck bus things in the cubby me good it, Steh, listen to the movie together for stum. Please, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn you, you gotta turn turn turn, got to turn out turn the water the water go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh. I show well a good mar than everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now for one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah man, got one. Hey. You know, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know, I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dwell on you know, the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings, the positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that he promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I perceived to come my way. I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out into space, and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, and so I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is about to attack and what they're going to do and saying and all of this is his. That's not to say that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of us. We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive. See. The problem that I had years ago was I was the driver of my life, and I was taking myself into directions that I thought would be best for me, and I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving when I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, For what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life, well, for what God wanted for me. Now he wanted for me and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make. Not try, that's the connection that you got to make to really get it. Now, listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do? Part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly as demanding and as all setting as you think it's gonna be. See. I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man, because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God, to God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that. Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and expose to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things totally differently, and things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference. I mean, and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promise God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long, would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what He's done for me, Because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still shocked. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't. So you quit saying it. You quit saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd have for. He'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you go stumble and fall. See, you got to get that part right. Man to stumbling falling part is coming. But see you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow, roll over, laid air, languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling, fall, you get back up. Because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, You're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you the moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more. The devil got to send his attackers, man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side twenty four seven. You know him too. You've all met one or two of them in your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They just be about to do about the destruction of others. You said, I know him, you know him. They coming. But here's what you got to hold fast too. They can't take away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See, people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business, why don't they make theyselves? Or if they ain't with you no more, and they're so busy in them I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since since you want to get credit from making somebody make yourself, if you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success. See, be careful of that, and don't and don't don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. I just hope man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, that I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, But man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean, for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. If you're given honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury in life and breath and hope and promise, you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What an exchange, What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you got to put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it, because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing to compare to what he'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life. You want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become who you really are. Go to God, let him fix you. Man. That's all you're listening show. Ladies and gentlemen might have you undivided attention. Please. This is morning time. This is Steve Harvey Morning showtime. This is the time when we gather pull ourselves together, joyce and the day that the Lord has made. Grateful and gratitude, Ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show. But without the following people, this show would not be possible. Shirley Struggle, Good morning, Steve. I thought it was dry. That was real. Drive. That was drying. Morning Happy that dry, That wasn't drive. Everybody. Here we go, Junior boy, I'm gonna give it to you morning. Uh. Janthany Brown. My new name is post chemo. Referred to me as post chemo baby. I'm in these streets, are you lou anymore? I'm out here in the street and the food you coming, ya ya. I'm in the building like a Steve. It's Friday morning. Baby. Let's get it, man, Let's get it. Many a man, we love you. Just feel a Friday feels different than any other damn day week. It just feels different. Yeah, Pastor Joe old Since said make everyday Friday, make it every day of fun. I like starting something funny. Make every day feeling Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday. Well, welcome back to work and to the show. Jay, are you feeling? Are you been? Are you been? What's the morning? What? What'd you be doing? Jam? We're working. I got writing books again, have a new book today that we're doing later on. Yes, that's right, he does, like one a week or something. Who is that? I don't know. I don't know it tinker Bell? I guess is that tinker Bell calling? Who? Who is that? We just got to work know what it is? Of course it's sure. Yeah, I know you didn't say of talking to somebody and back. She don't know where she wanted to live, Yeah, she ma, I'm dog it is crazy where she made the decision. I don't get connected to nothing. She moved this time called Monica movie. It don't be connected to nobody moving this morning show. I don't get it. I don't know what she got doing. I moved because of that she did Monica single, Monica go like she want to go. Monica moved and sh I'm moved lonely. Sure what I want to do? To talk to your damn husband? I did, Okay, you ain't gonna get it. She moved, called Monica when she moved, move bring that backley move. He think you all are gonna lead me here? The single he could do what he want to do. I could do what I want to do to come up, coming up at thirty two after the hour, the elves. The elves are on strike. Tommy's gonna tell you about it, right, I ain't got nothing to do with that. You're listening morning show. Christmas is fast approaching. We all know that time to get the toys together. However, the elves, I didn't know this. The elves are on stripe and you guys are here with some grievances. Uh. I got this. I got this summer having listened myself because it's something that I'm I'm good at doing because I'm a former union man and elves. Elves have decided it came to me with them a lot of complaints and I'm being they representative. Now. We wanted Timmy to stand up for him, but then he was already standing up. They went, we need somebody that's standing up for it, that look like they actually standing, So I said I would do it. The elves this year are going on strike. Well they haven't gone on yet, but they're threatening to go on strike. The elves and wanting to sit out this year. Santa Claus is having trouble because he's trying to talk to these damn elves about their concern So I'm here with their grievances and I want to start by saying, these are the elves grievouss and I will be preparing these statements on behalf of the Ill Foundation. We the elves who work at the North Pole, are requesting the following changes. Please show your support through our website www dot help elves dot com. If you're gonna help the elves, help elves dot com, Tommy, don't act like you do. So you know what we re complaints that the elves have, and here we go. Number one problem that they have it we the elves would like to stop making these damn wooden toys. No, no kid won't no damn wooden toy. And we've been making them for years Okay, ain't nobody asks for now one of you? Wouldn't we these wooden pigs block? They got real toys. Now. Secondly, we the elms, are requesting to have a casual Friday. So when we got to wear these stupid ass uniform, tight ass pants, these pointed hats. We want a casual frid voicing the concerns and elves have and and considered on going on strike, and they wanted me to convey this to sent across and everybody listen, We the elves would like to request a thirty minute smoke break. They smash, We smoke, and then we want to be able to go outside and smoke whatever we want. They try making these without it pills. Don't get high. Here's the next playing on behalf of the hells Elves. We the alves have voted to eliminate bring your kids to work day. The truth of the matter is elves really don't like kids. We don't damn that because they think we kids too. Just because we shot get your damn hands off of me. I drove here into slave. Next complaint that they have we the elves are uncomfortable wearing knees. Damn funny toe shoes that herd did. We want crocs to be the new official Elves shoes, Crocs and gators to be the new el Shoot the elves, I'm doing complain. You don't act like you ain't with them. You're trying to add a complaint. You ain't Elves and pilgrims have the same shot. Do you know I'm not I'm not. Well, let's quit playing this game. Next complaint, We the elves do not like elves shirts and pants. They ain't got no damn pockets, and we want to start using fanny paths so when we go outside to take our smoke break, we'll have our stuff with the next complaint, We the elves understand that we on the North pole, but some of the younger elves wants to cut back on the heat being so high all the time in the workshop. The older els is fine, but swear old people. We the elms, would like to assign ten els each year to ride around with Senna, because we think it's unfair that we make all the damn toys and we don't ever get going on fat ass, just be packing up the sled with the rain d damn it. We made the toys a couple more quickly. We the els we still love miss Claus and we know she's very nice and she's never too busy to being down and give us a hook. But we still would like to know exactly what do she do up here? The cooks, the cooks for everybody. We ain't had nothing from her. We got at last, we're not least. We the Ale support the me too movement. That's real strong up here, and some of the female ales are requesting that's Santa refrain from saying ho ho ho ho. And on that note, we're gonna go go is up next. Man, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news Hunter Biden, you are the father. You guys heard about this one right, Oh yeah, we'll tell you about this and just oh wait till you hear about this well, we'll have some national news as well at the time of the hour. Right now, though the nephew in the building would run that prank back, what you got for his nast I got curry goat, so curry Gord. Let's go cat dog. Hello, Hello, Yeah, I'm trying to reach your um mister, because mister, Yeah, this is Benjamin Dixon. Trevor is my son. He goes to school with your son. Now, yeah, uh, he went to a birthday party that your son had last weekend. Am I right? Yes, Well listen, I understand. Listen, I have a problem with you, mister, because I understand that you all are Jamaican and from Jamaica. But listen, you guys, serve the children curry goat. You don't serve kids curry goat. Everybody's child doesn't eat curry goat pee? What happened to? What happened to ice cream and cake and punch and maybe even a pizza at a birthday party for kids? But curry goat? That's out of the question. Oh you all you mean? But I'm gonna understand we are all? You mean? You mean let them anything? But what you're bo bredgren? So what we you're calling both? Oh you mean? Oh you mean you have a problem with me? Oh you have a problem with me. I got a problem. I got a problem with any parents who who decides on their own that somebody else's child it's okay to feed them some curry go My child don't eat no goat. We eat chicken. We eat steak, we eat cow. We don't eat curry. Goat yo eat it got a birthday a party? Door He means start Burtney a party. I don't want you. If you would have called me to deal with something, talk some rude bore, then call me when you're when you're on buying a guan rum by me and a Bregreen we cause you don't know who we are dealing with it all okay, I need you to slow it down for me. Man, I understanding nothing you're saying. Tell me for Floyton. Don't you call me. I can't tell me for floyd Don't I'm like for on you're calling up. Look man, all I'm saying is you this. This is disrespectful to the child, to people's parents. You're going out on your own liberty deciding on what you're gonna feed somebody. You gotta feed them normal stuff. You can't do that kid a birthday parties here in the States. Man, it's pizza, it's ice cream, it's cake, it's punch down it hot dogs maybe, but not no damn curry goat. Man, I'm running the shore Bridgrean. Don't tell me what I'm me run this. Oh y'all, come tell me disrespect you would disrespect me for I'm a ditristection you boy calling your phone. I want to know why it is you're doing something like this. And I bet you these other parents don't know you've been serving goat y'all? Kiss man? Oh you is you want me show you own? I'll come tell me. Oh you want? Oh you wanna? Oh you brigand who the hell is you? I don't know you from I'm brigein now I'm telling irobody fall and kind of wit it? Yo? You know you know, you know you know somebody on the spring up knowing all? Are you do? You want to meet me somewhere? Is that what you want to do? Me? Me too? Me me brigand me me too? Right? No, ya understand me? Miss grifriendn't know who? Yeah, hit it up. You're gonna make me hurt you man if if If I come over that you're gonna make me hurt you you hit me? Then? I mean this man. Now, I call you because I'm a concerned parent about my child. Uh. And then you got a nerve ahead to tell me you're the one that's in the wrong, yo. Man, me don't tell me no no, no wrong, bridgrand no no no wrong. You're understand me, so I can tell me if be the big money up I'm telling me about me. No no wrong, you can fore yo, just telling the end and oh I'm gonna meet you. I'll feed is something Cory God, Yeah, your family and kind of leave me. You ain't gonna feed my family now. You don't bring my family in this man. You don't bring member. You don't bring my wife and my kids into nothing. You hit me if you wanted I got I got one. You know what, man, I'm gonna tell you. I got something I want to tell you. You listening. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey and Martin Show. You just got pranked by your sister Patsy. Man like that you you hey, hey, you just got a pranked by your sister Patsy back she put me up to this dog boy. I tell you, man, I'm so sweat boy, like I need to get a blood pressure check. I got a low. I got a little tolerance by tolerant, very low. I tell you that. But anyway, I'm gonna still feed you and your family from churricles. I better do it to you. Nothing curry. You know when you get angry American people really counts in what you're saying. You went on You went on a Jamaican run, like that boy saying, we gotta give a shout out to all of the Jamaicans out there. Baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show, New York City. Everybody like the curry Gold. That's so funny. Man, anybody wanted any curry gold right now? That was hilarious. Man, Thank your mom. I just want to make sort if you're right now, if you're hunger right now, I'll get you some curry Gord, you want some ad curry good. These didn't know if you wanted to participated or not, but I got the correct goal for you. Make sure I have some rice. I'm gonna need some rice. You want some rice and peace? Yes you do? You go along with your current gold. I tell you what. Here's what we got. We got the Holiday Comedy Jam, Holiday Comedy Jam going down Friday on the r December. Need to our twentieth at the met in Philadelphia. You got the earthquake, you got the j Anthony Brown, you got Kier Spates also known as Junior Hosts Tipped by Yours Truly, the one and Only Nephew Tommy. You can get your tickets right now. They're available all the ticket Master outlets, or you can also this is a w d AS and a live niche and event. Okay, that is the holiday comedy jam Earthquake j Anthony Brown, Kier Junior Spates and hostship by Yours Truly, neph You Tommy, okay, and what you don't know Anthony Brown. The other day, we tried to talk to Steve Harvey. Maybe later on we could put a tour together with all of us. Met Junior Adim when he cussed us out completely. He's angry about each but I wanted us to try to make it up with him. Yeah, we want angry. Let's talk to him, man, let's see him. We can get together maybe and do something with the great King of Commed. What Black? Why Black? Talk back to PATOI Black? That sounds like it all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we had some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. If this were the Maury povid show. It would go something like this, Hunter Biden, you are the father. Yeah, Hunter Biden took a DNA test. It turns out he is one hundred percent the father of a fifteen month old love child. Okay. Earlier, Hunter had denied having sex with London Alexis Roberts, who claimed in a court filing Hunter was the father. London Alexis, she is he Mary. I think they're not together right now or something. Well, you fifteen month old? All right here, let me finish the story. I know this is crazy, right. Uh. London Alexis Roberts claimed in a court filing that Hunter was the father. Record show that the DNA test proved it with scientific certainty. That's one hundred percent. She se child support and protection for the baby by the US Secret Service. She wants the baby to be protected by the City of the United States. Uh. Yeah, she gave birth in August of last Lady, you don't get protection from Severa's Secret Service, from being the vice presidents sons, love child, baby grandchild. No, no, listen, but you have to be married somewhere. No, they're not gonna do that. Yeah, well you marriage somewhere. Here's the answer to you. Guys this question. Yeah, he's separated. At the time, Hunter Biden was in a relationship. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about this with his brother's widow. That's right, that's what it was. The romance was revealed about the time. He's separated. Yeah, oh oh, wait a minute, what he was his brother's widow? Wi no bow, he passed away. Yeah, he was a relationship with wife. Yes, well, in a relationship with but he was separate. He was separated from his wife. Alright, we need another candidate. This don't ain't this o lord? Yeah, he has three adult daughter penises. Can we can we bring the penis forward? Please? Yes? Yes, so so let me ask you this right here. Both passed away. Yes, he had a widow. Uh huh. Yes, his brother brother Hunter started dating her. Yes, not was Hunter Mary. Yeah, but he was paraded. He was separated. He was separated and started dating his brother's widow. Yeah, and then he had another chick that he got pregnant. Baby mama. There you go, see you go? Is doing two damn much. He's a man. Yeah, that hunter be hunting. Don't he need to hunt for a walgreen? Nobody need to hunt for Walgreen. Well, a hearing has been scheduled for December second. Uh in this praternity suit and the baby lives in Arkansas. Yeah, all right, that's right there, because he didn't then drove him crazy. All right, Steve, we gotta move on. Let's get to the headlines. Please, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much. Ann, Good morning everybody. This is answered with the news and yesterday's impeachment hearings. In the President Trump's actions regarding Ukraine, lawmakers heard from two other witnesses, both as defying about Trump's alleged attempts to leverage much needed military aid to pressure Ukrainian government officials into announcing that they were going to investigate Joe Biden and his son. Both witnesses, Fiona Hill, she was a former national security Ukraine expert, and David Holmes, a stafford at the US Embassy in Kiev, said they were both saddened by the whole thing. I've found this particular call subject Macha on the weather it was conducted surprising. So you heard President Trump ask Ambassador Sonlin, is he going to do the investigation? Yes, sir. In fact, Holmes says he actually overheard the phone call where the President indicated what he wanted the European Union Ambassador Gordon Sonlin to do. I was shocked their requirement was so specific and concrete. This was a demand that President Zelenski personally commit on a cable news channel to a specific investigation. A President Trump's political rival, and Sonlon himself called at a quid pro quo. However, Republicans say that since military aid did eventually arrive and that Ukraine never made the televised anowment, the announcement that you can't impeach somebody for what they planned to do but didn't. Trump friend Benjamin and Yah, who was in legal trouble. The former Israeli Prime minister faces charges a corruption, bribery and fraud. The allegations don't force nint Yado out of office, but he's lost a lot of political power, as evidenced by two recent inconclusive elections where he's been unable to keep his control of the government. Ninyah, who was calling false allegations, they say his false allegations from a tainted investigation, claims that's fake news, claims his country is witnessing an attempted coup wording sounds kind of familiar, don't it. Many community people say he's got a lot of nerve the former Chicago cop who shot and killed an innocent black girl named Riquea Boyd seven years ago, asking the courts to remove the case from his record. Dante Servant was off duty and street clothes back in March of twenty twelve, driving by a park near his home when a man approached his car. He thought, he said, with a gun. He shot at the man as he drove away. The guy was only wounded in the hand, but twenty two year old Roque of Boyd, who was just standing with some friends, was hit in the back of the head and died the next day. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is about to make an official reporter Lee. Bloomberg's now followed the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission declaring himself a candidate for the presidency. He's already filled papers get his name on the primary ballot in three states. Finally, we've headed to the weekend where tons of folks expected to check out the movie Harriet. Because the word is that it's great. If I'm free, my family should be too. I made up my mind. I'm going back. Why you back here? Come get you, Harriet. Welcome to the end of ground Railroad. About midway during the showing of the movie last week, a group of black women who had brought their tickets in advance in Louisiana were embarrassed by three people in the AMC theater who tried to make them think they were there unlawfully. Rather back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right, Steve? What you got? All right, y'all? Check this out. Sanding Soul Festival is the holiday gift for your loved one that you've been searching for. Understand this next year, on Labor Day two twenty, we're taking over the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and Poota Connor for an all inclusive experience that you won't forget. Okay, what do I mean when I say all inclusive? I mean your food is included at all nine of the restaurants, room services included, all the snack bars is included, All your alcohol is absolutely free, All your event tickets are included, Your transportation to it from the airport is included. Unlimited resort credits which can give you spile packages, gift store items, golf, and a whole lot more. That's what I mean by Austin All Inclusive. We're bringing you a list entertainment, comedy shows, spades, Domino's tournaments, Pooh Party, cigar, lounging, makeup and hair expo and concerts and we can get done with all that. You can head over to the hard rock can know and try your luck. That's where Steve Harvey will be. Now here's the big thing now through December thirty. First, listen to everybody. You can reserve your package for only a ninety nine dollars deposit. That's a Christmas gift. Somebody can open up and go, baby, We're going to pull Takana. You feel me, All Inclusive saying it soul Bam ninety nine dollars, So give us a call one eight hundred six eight four twenty twenty five one eight hundred six A four twenty eight twenty five or go to Steve Harvey saying and soul dot com. I will see you Labor Day out on the beach kicking. I'm gonna go sign up right now, hard kicking man. I'm talking about flex stuff, so hard catch cray yea, I love it, love it, love it, ninety nine dollars special all the way to Decenter thirty. Put that down and put something on it. Right now? Do put some on it, baby, put some, only some on I got five on it. They put it on the way. You ain't on it like that? Get your brownie points to this weekend if you do that this week put some on it? Yeah, what's I only thought? Girl? He came back. Man, I think I love him. You got some shoes for Christmas? O, girl, I go on to potocon how you know because he puts some on different conversation like I like your jackets. That's cute. I like your jacket. Oh me? All right, well, thank you guys. Coming up in thirty four after the hour, Jay Anthony Brown will tell us when to know it's about to jump off or go down. Book while you're visiting your relatives for Thanksgiving next week. Okay, oh yeah, that's coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, Jay Anthony Brown? Yes, what is on your mind? This is again another book? Another bus Yeah, I mean Steve stry to read that fast. Yeah, I mean they're just stip thin books. So so don't worry about it. This is like your ninth book, the very they're very thin, very thin book. My brand new book is how to tell. How to tell when something's about to jump off, or when I head for the dope. Your ass head for the dope. That's simple, that's very simple. Okay. These are ways to tell. Hell when something about the jump out. She invites somebody to your party. You told her not to invite somebody to jump off, somebody to have somebody to go down. It's about to go. I asked him not to invite him. He's here, something about why why the hell is he here? See what I'm saying. You know, all right? How to tell when something about the jump off? You got three baby mamas show up, He show up. He show up with his new girlfriend. She white and pregnant. Somebody to jump off? Something about something and somebody to jump over? What? Yeah, I'm talking about ugly, it's about to get all right? You had somebody the house. You look in the kitchen and Auntie is in the kitchen putting more season in the greens. They ain't hut greens, just somebody else, damn green. Oh, if you get your ass, I didn't breath. You were putting some old baby in the greens fault. I didn't hear you. I like seafood in my greens. Yeah, something is about to jump out. All right, here's another one. Y'all already doesn't miss one game, You miss one game, you let it go. But they still having Bible study in the living room. Now, you know what. You got to be Christian about this. But y'all, y'all, y'all know this is one o'clock. Game is gone, but thirty game and y'all still it's gonna be some cousin in front of the TV. You know that though some Yeah, all right, this this is definitely this is definitely is something about the jump out. The lady you didn't come with made you a late and you are laughing at every damn thing she said. It is just so yeah, right there, it's on the floor. Eat. Oh she funny? Huh okay, why you don't only funny? Yeah? What is your fat? What is what is so funny? So you know what? Tell me the joke so I can laugh. I wanted to joke and they never do know you laughing? You're laughing, baby? So what was the joke? Come on? It was just a joke. No no, no, no, no no. I want to hear the complete joke beginning. But the beginning was it like two people going to Bara, Baby the joke. Baby, look the joke. It was just a little joke, and I just found it funny. Can I hear? Did you just tell me the joke? Because I'm funny? Baby? You was right there, you heard the joke. You know, you don't laugh for the lot you laughing, you're laughing, she laughing, all two of y'all laughing. We need to have three people laughing. You like to laugh. But it was, baby, it was funny. You know what? You know what? Hey, hey, hey, you know what over there? You know what? She can wasn't that damn funny? Matter of fact, I wasn't even laughing at her job. I would laughing something. I gotta be like that. The last one. You're sitting in the car for forty minutes waiting for her to come out of the house, so you can leave somebody to jump off when you go back in there, get the ass, okay something, Yeah, yeah, that's all right, thank you. Jay. Coming up next, Nephew, tell me in with today's prank phone call. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after my strawberry letter for today subject my work wife is selfish and messy. That is the subject. Right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Neff? Three minute remarks? Now, I don't want to have to say this over and over and over. Three minute remarks. Okay, when somebody dies at a funeral, three minute remarks. Why are you talking forever? Why is it doing that? Okay, we gotta keep him moving. It's three minute remark Come on, cat dog, let's go. Well. Yes, I'm trying to reach a brother, Keith please, Yeah, this is Keith, Keith. How you doing this? Is Lawrence over at il funeral home. Okay. We are the ones that have the um doing the funeral for sister Dolores, and that is your my understanding, right yeah? Okay? And as you know, the funeral is uh this coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my attention, uh that you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral. Is that correct, Yes, absolutely, Okay, I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the funeral and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks because they say that you're not going to be What do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute rule that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off. And uh uh who? Who? Who is they? Who? Who come out? Come off? Who? Who? What's the name is Lawrench? I'm launched, I'm the actual funeral director lord, and who who told you to take me off? One of the one of the family members I'm assuming is who who made the adjustment? And an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program? Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite a few family members doing different things, uh throughout the funeral. Okay, So how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out. That they said, let listen to me, listen, listen to me. Listen to me, brother, keep listen. Tell me what they said? It is that you weren't going to abide by the time. You weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Monty raised me. He put me through college. And you think I'm been, I've been goes there in her funeral and be under two minutes. Well, well listen to listen, brother, keep brother, keep listen to me. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, okay, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what, mister lord, don't lists. We have a sealer. Yes, there's a ceialer that's singing your name off the list. Heke her off and put me where she supposed to be with my time and her time is Bobby jo Bobby um. Yes, Bobby Junior is given remarks. That's a that's that's Delores' that's mister Lories's son, right, Yes, every son, the one that been locked up. He just got out of tail. The truth be told. He the one day and then put her in the cof. You needn't take him off the list too, give me all that time, because I mean, if I ain't gonna take nothing that Keith. Let me, let me, let me just say this to you. I cannot take she Law or Bobby Junior off. I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that, actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking people name off, you're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though. Who fool is they? Who is they? They for having my whole problems? They try to take me off my hockey program? Who was day? Sir? I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that, you can't matter. Sure, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad, and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyd's okay, damn right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guarantees, I guarantee you it's gonna be a truthful one in there. Somebody else don't get things in the car for tooth. I guarantees that if I don't get to say nothing, that my monkey funeral, Monethy didn't pay for the college. I didn't put six thousand in the funeral. I bet you, I tell you this I'll tell you this, mister lord. I bet you whether I don't want the program, I'm not. I bet you I say it with the fool I want to. I'll bet you that much. You tell Bay that I didn't didn't put me through college. I put money on the funeral. I call around a se who ain't putting no money on the We're gonna tell them they can't be on the program, man, Keith. They when they decide who who Who's owning? If they changed the format, then I will call you back. Who who the is thegue? That's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is they? Can? I can? I tell you something and I don't want you to get to I rate okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man, I just want to say this, Keeth with them. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Mornin Show. You just got breaked, Dude, You have gotten breaked by your cousin, Bobby Junior. You bum, I'm Bobby Junior up. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my pressure is all. I ain't got found be playing man taking me on Damn program boy, Oh Bobby said, y'all grew up black brothers man, and you was you was basically another son of mister Lord's. That's right, Yes, yes, I was. Man. Oh hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm in the time, y'all have been to a few. He's still talk. It's supposed to be three minute remarks, and somebody to get up there. I know they said three minutes, but you know, me and Rabbit, me and Robber was closer than that. Now, that ain't what we don't nobody give a damn about you and Robert. We said three minute remarks, and that's what we mean. Am I right wrong? You got you right? You right? Yeah, I'm trying to make sure. I'm trying to make sure. Yeah, we passed over that unplugged the mike while you was talking. Don't whole you know it's bad past you, Pastor's nerve and and Corlin. Not only that, when they bring the am I saying, right, the resolutions, h yeah, oh my god, when they bring the resolutions, Oh my god, that's fifteen minutes per person right there. And we need to limit those two the quini of all of those. They get big bit of your church one time. I don't send a resolution. I know Robert was a good man. Robbit just got out of jail sixt months ago. We are all right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject my work wife is selfish and messy. Will get into it. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's for you. Check bugg up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my work wife is selfish and messy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a loving and respectable married man that likes to flirt. My wife knows I'm a flirt, and she just tolerates it because she knows nobody else wants me. I've flirt occasionally at work, and it gets me a couple of laughs and eyebrows raised and the ladies flirt back. I have a real life work wife that I work closely with, and my wife has met her, so it's no big deal. What my wife did not know is that my work wife really likes me, but she respects the fact that I'm married. We have younger interns that work with us seasonally. Our most recent intern is twenty six years old and fine as all get out. I made a few jokes here and there to welcome her, but it all backfired on me. This time. She doesn't understand that I was only kidding with her, and now she started dressing sexier and rubbing up against me and blowing kisses when she passes by my desk. On Monday, she came over to my desk and massaged my back and shoulders right in front of my work wife. I could tell by the look on my work wife's face that she was furious. Instead of a workwife confronting me or the intern, she called my wife. I had no idea what happened until I got home, and my wife would not speak to me. After begging her to tell me what's wrong. She told me that my workwife called her and said, girl, he's not going to on us with this young flusy. You need to put a stop to it. I told her, yeah, I told I told her my work wife was out of line. But she sided with the work wife and now she wants to come up to my job to see what's going on. What do I do in this situation? I think there will be a showdown at work today because it's Friday, Steve, I need your help. Brother. Oh nah, I don't call on Steve now when it's when it's too late. Uh, mister loving and respectable married man. You see what flirting gets you? Huh? You see it gets you a selfish and very message very messy, messy, messy work wife. Just as your subject suggests, she is so wrong, She really really is out of line. You're right about that. How dare she call your wife with this? Really? So by that I can say I agree with you again. She does really like you, and if you weren't married, she'd be trying to get at you. If she's not already, it could have been. This could go really really wrong if you If your wife comes up to the job, it could go badly for you. Okay, And it's not over because you were your Your wife could get you fired if she comes up there and starts some stuff with these women. So um, I really hope that she doesn't come up there. You're gonna have to do what you something works some magic at home. The young girl also out of line. What is she rubbing on you for? And huh, well, what is she rubbing? Yeah she's twenty six, but she still knows it that he's married. What is she rubbing on you for? Rubbing up against you, touching on you, blowing you kisses and all that? All right, come on now, I mean a lot of times there is a little flirting that goes on at work, but it shouldn't go any further than that. No touching, no blowing kisses, no rubbing up against each other. You need to stop flirting and allowing these women to touch you and do all this stuff and blow kisses at you. You sit down when you come to work, Okay, do your work and go home to your wife and pray that your wife does not come up to your job and get everybody fired, because she certainly has a right to, and the first one would be your So called work wife. All right, Steve, you said you're gonna let Junior take over this one. I know you want to get in though I know you do. I know you do. This is a tailor man. A little bit though. I just started off, So Junior go here. Let me just start off by saying this year. This is what I do know about this man. Huh, this an ugly man. First off, you need to understand this man is ugly. Okay, it's all in the letter. My wife knows that I flirted, and she just told her because she knows nobody else wants me. Okay, only ugly people make these type of steaks. Nobody has something ever said nobody don't, won't. Oh no. And then here's another telltale sign. I am a loving and respectable married man that likes to flirt. No loving and respectable man flirt. They can't be respectable and flirt? How you do that? But see ugly people? Though? See only ugly people. Think everybody woke in people? They was he the type of dude that walk in the rule and stand in the doorway and pull see don't don't. Nobody can't do that. Just how I not? This man is ugly? Now, hear another thing too. He owed too. I'm sorry, I just wanted to offer you a different way to look at this a little bit. Count stay out of it. Go ahead. He may be ugly, but it's a set up, he says. I'm a loving and respectable married man that likes to flirt. That's a set up. My wife knows I'll flirt, and she tolerates you because she knows nobody else wants me. That's a self I first flirt occasionally at work and it gets me a couple of laughs and eyebrows raised, and the ladies flirt back. Here we go. Now they flirting back. And I got a real life work wife that I worked closely. And my wife is meta, So it's no big deal. Boy. What Yeah? Yeah, too much bullcrap in this letter. Go ahead, Junior, when we come back, Yeah, you finish up? Okay? Cool? Yeah, we'll have part two response and uh and Steve, you just heard is gonna tag it coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject my wife is selfish. My work wife is selfish and MESSI. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Let's get back into the letter. Guys, my work wife is selfish and MESSI let's j okay. Uh this man head is at work, he gots worth wife. Okay. Now he has another little intern that's twenty six years old that is messing around in his worth wife's relationship. Now here's one thing I don't understand. Where's the other part though? There's something missing out this letter. Where is the other part? What have you and the work wife been doing? See, that's the other part. I know, men, I gotta work, White Monica don't do none of this for me. I have the worth wife. All my work wife do is fixed my plate, make sure I got my plane ticket, make sure I got my hotel numb Monica ain't leaned in it, kissed me not one time. She just makes sure my food is good. Know what the hotel room I'm supposed to go to? Make sure my plane ticket straight? I get to my show, and I sit where I sit. She ain't did none of that. She ain't rubbed no shoulders, she ain't blue men kiss Now, je let me let junior, let me say something else. This man is set up. This is a gangster move he's doing. He say, uh, I have you know that he don't have to wear a wife, don't have to weary about nothing because she knows nobody else wants me. Now when he flirt with the ladies at work, they flirt back. He got a real life work wife. She won't him as a work wife. And then what now, he says, what his wife don't know, is his work wife really do like him? Now you just saying, don't nobody like you? But now you got the work wife to really like you. You got a twenty six year old has been failed for you. And when you flirt with other women, they flirt back. This boy is setting his wife up for his ability to food around under her nose without her getting suspicious. Gohad you yeah, and that's the reason why you introduced the work wife to your real wife, because that way is right out in pummeling. See, now you got room to play in now because everybody know everybody, everybody know everybody. Now we're there, Yeah, girl, got playing. You know that's just Keisha at the job. You know, Keisha crazy. But now when the lights go off and it's you at Keisha, Okay, we're not playing nobo. Now y'all doing wife wife, Now you wife, wife, now your wife wife, the boy's cool. We've all done this. I've done this before, just lifted her head up. Alright, alright, so I know how to play this. But this boy, like Steve said, all, this is just set up. This is all he doing. He's not doing I told you one thing. I tell you what if it was so cool, if the work wife and wife so cool, did why the wife get mad? Oh? But what the wife get mad if they're so cool? Hey, I gotta loves What the hell the work wife get mad? Fault ain't not really going on, yall, just playing. But you're gonna report him to the wife because this twenty six year old ain't flusy ain't going to be cheating on man, Come on, man, and the world and the real wife didn't even check her. What this is? How you know they old? When the last time you heard flusing? Yeah, that's how you know he ugly and they working together closely for some years. Heint gonna cheat us with this flosing What you could have said, a whole bunch of health fuck scank anything you come back with flosing? Yeah, yeah, I went up, Steve. There's something else going on between you and the work wife. Because that you don't get mad behind no man that you just because Monica don't get bad. And that woman she met Monica didn't shake their hand and keep going. Nothing worse than a birth. Yeah, and that's all she Now, Wait what, Steve, what you saying? Oh, Monica then got Maddy, you work quife, My work wife got mad, hit out mad before. I didn't know. I don't know that what happened, Steve? You you know you know when Monica, you know, takes care of it, you know, because he lost his assistant and everything, you know, and then she went down there to check on him. Yeah, Junior met some friends and then just went out and left home. Didn't give him no ride home. She was mad at him. She was mad, she was so Strawberry let her in the back far on your as. I see what he wanted to do the Strawberry Letter. What he didn't know? Strawberry Letter, I didn't set up. You didn't see the whole letter? Is the set up? What the hell do you think I was gonna? What it is? I gotta pause my word? Wife? All right? Well, you can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Pimpen in the building with his week twelve n f L picks right after this hand you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, pimping is in the building with week twelve NFL picks. He was him, It was him. It was happening. What's happened? Men other than me was having and what's up it? What's up? Fellow junior was having a pimpet? My man, what's going on with your boys? Good? I like that. It was subject and I'm liking that. I'm liking that. I don't know. Hold on, hold on, hold on, man? What what what they call you now? Post chemo? Post chemo my new name? That's my name cause you are in the streets. I heard that. I said, it's my dude right now in the streets with me, man, you know, hold on, let me speak to everybody. First, it was uphot, I'm sorry, what's up? Pimpet? That's my bad. I shouldn't see damn without feeling her. I'm sorry, you know me too? Movement. He might have hit this show. No, damn me. Sorry, it's lovely. It's a lovely time. Hey, what's up, pipping? What's going on? Baby? Ain't none thing? Everything he sle was Hello, pimping, How you doing pimping? I posted this picture of me a couple of days ago, and I had an a leopard coat and someone said they had to look real closely because they thought it was your mosquito coat. Had a line of compliments on the coat, you know, giving So that's why whoa this is today's thanks that what is it? Pepper? Wow? This whole jacket, this whole this whole jacket right here, it's made out of shopping bags a little home yea, stopping shopping bags, you know, groceries for the Black Friday coming. You know what I'm saying. Oh huh, so we're gonna come back and do these picks, Tommy, Um, we can jump it over a little bit right now, you know, you know we do want you come back. All right, We're coming up at the top of the hour more with pimping with a shopping bag code on right after this. You're listening to all right pimping, Come on with your pick for week twelve of hen come on, Timmy, let's go. Let's go. Listen, let's st them have it. What you got hello to do? Yeah, I'm right here, pimping you ready? Okay, well yeah, well cool, but I'm sorry, Pepper, pimp. Here we go. Denver is headed to Buffalo, New York. Denver and Buffalo, New York. I got a surprise for you, Buffalogo. Whoop them? Yeah, I got news Buffalogo, who man, they strong go ahead. I'm trying to get the go ahead. New York Giants headed to the Chicago to play the Bath Chicago. That was quick, that was real quick. Oh. They had some controversy last week. Pittsburgh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, do this here? Why don't you just say the game? Let me go on the commentation because you're taking them my time, not because I'm in the pranks never Okay, well you can get but let let's let the record reflect you can get prank. Yeah, Pittsburgh still is at Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, no doubt, quick and easy. Let's go my Ammy at Cleveland Browns too. Sorry, wait a minute, hold on, hold on, hold hold on, hold on. That's see see that's not what that's that's what you're not gonna do. All I said was you're so sorry. Now see you don't call the Brown signing? Well, what you know? You know, let me inform you that who the team is you rooting? Ain't you am boy? Ain't you? Ain't you wanted them to ask? Yeah, he played for Cleveland, but he ain't playing the day ain't playing What are you talking about it? He ain't playing this eggy rhyme with something else to me. So go ahead, what you want to say, Cleveland, Cleveland, go with it. Let's go come up Bay at Atlanta foul because I don't really think you can handle me. I'm gonna go with Atlanta. Now what you know you want to take met me like this here when I'm trying to do my segment and everything, I'm gonna come. I'm gonna do your segment. Then Pipper Carolina pat talking in it, Carolina Pats in New Orleans playing the Saints, the Saints, man, I'm gonna go with New Orleans. Man. Ain't having fun with this no more sent up in here. And you got this little shoee Hawks, the Philadelphia playing the Eagle and the Seahawks talking in Okay, Detroit at Washington playing the rest with this little elf outfit of Detroit bag jacket and hold on, hold on, partner, I ain't ever had minds with that's the first time for everything. Pimp. No, pimpston't fight. I'm telling him right now. We tell him you heard her fight. We qualify? Okay, well then you qualified to get qualified Oakland Raiders at the New York Jets. I'm gonna go into Oakland Raiders on this one right here, and our brothers feeling, you know, Jacksonville Jaguars are playing the Tennessee Titans in Tennessee. I think I'm gonna have to go with Jacksonville on this one. Baby, you know, one minute, all right, Harriet, you want to keep talking? Here go one pimp in Dallas Cowboys, I headed to New England to play the Patriots where I know the Cowboys been having a little success, lady in Sunday Green Bay Packers. I headed to San Francisco to play the forty nine Ers. Upset Packers. What last one pimp in Baltimore Ravens are headed to LA to play the ram About to mow Lama show. Need to know, Oh, pemping, we gotta go coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, This story's trending on social media, guys, memes about Gordon Sunlin, mister Trump's envoy to the European Union. He's the EU ambassador, as he's called on a Republican part mega donor. You know, he gave the president a million dollars. He told the House Intelligence Committee that he reluctantly followed mister Trump's directive. Was there a quid pro quo? Mister Sunland said, as I testified previously with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes. Everyone was in the loop. He said, it was no secret. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Previously during a closed door testimony, Sonlon denied there was a quid pro quo. Uh so, what have we learned? Unlike Michael Cohen and possibly Roger Stone, Sonlan is not going to jail from all but Julian have been to get down to defend himself. Yeah yeah, when this is what I'm waiting for one Republican to just say, okay, I can't anymore one just one somebody making a good president. Right, yeah, all right. Uh, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, more trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening, right, Steve? What you got? All right, y'all? Check this out. Sanding Soul Festival is the holiday gift for your love one that you've been searching for. Understand this next year on Labor Day twenty twenty, we're taken over the hard Rock Hotel and Casino and Poop to Connor for an all inclusive experience that you won't forget. Okay, what do I mean when I say all inclusive? I mean your food is included at all nine of the restaurants, room services included, all the snack bars is included, All your alcohol is absolutely free. All your event tickets are included. Your transportation to it from the airport is included. Unlimited resort credits which can give you spat packages, gift store items, golf, and a whole lot more. That's what I mean by austin all inclusive. We're bringing you a list entertainment, comedy shows, pades, Domino's tournaments, Poop, Hardy Cigar Lounger, makeup and had expo and concerts, and when you get done with all that, you can head over to the hard rock casino and try your luck. That's where Steve Harvey will be. Now here's the big thing now through December thirty. First listen to everybody. You can reserve your package for only a ninety nine dollars deposit. That's a Christmas gift. Somebody can open up and go, baby, we're going to put tathana you feel me all inclusive saying it soul Bam ninety nine dollars, So give us a call one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. One eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, or go to Steve Harvey saying and soul dot com. I will see you Labor Day out on the beach kicking. I'm gonna go side up right now, hallet kicking man, just gigging. I'm going sign up right. I'm talking about flex stuff so hard catch cramps. Yea, I love it, love it, love it. Ninety nine dollars special all the way to December thirty. Put that down on it. Put some money right now, do put some on it, baby, Put some only some. I got five on it and put it on away. You ain't ever on it. I like that. They get your brownie points to this weekend if you do that this week. Put some on it, yeah, put something only girl. He came back, man, I think I love him. What's you got some shoes for Christmas? Our girl? I'm going to post corn? How you know? Because he puts some on it. Different conversation. I like it. That's cut. That's cute. Oh me, I'm going all right, coming up our last break of the day and of the week on this Friday day, and we'll have some closing remarks, yes from the one and only Steve Harvey in forty nine minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to stew all right, it's been a good Friday, a good week. Interesting week. Yeah right, yeah, week of work. I'm glad it's the weekend. Man, I ain't seen you in Friday. I'm not gonna let oh y'all just gang up on me like that. I'm just glad your post. Yeah, I'm just glad your post. Yes, post chemo back out here in these streets. Yeah. Yeah, everybody have a good and Steven's on you take us home with some Hey. You know, UM, I wanted to share this with you. I think a lot of people, UM, waste a lot of energy in two facets of life. And I've been learning this when I do my morning meditations. The first thing that people waste a lot of energy on is worrying about the future. Uh. God already has your future in his eyesight. He knows exactly what's happening to you at all times. What he does is he unfolds your future for you, one day at a time. Now, worrying doesn't change tomorrow. It never has, it never will. So when you waste a lot of when you put a lot of energy into worrying about the future. I didn't say that you're not supposed to dream, have goals, have aspirations, and make plans. I said worrying. Worrying. Worrying does nothing. So that's one form of energy that people waste. The other form of energy that people waste and it has no value, is they keep reflecting and going over the past. Do you know how many people can't move forward because of something that happened in their past and they just won't let it go. That's a wasted energy. You cannot change the past. Once it becomes a part of the past, it's back there. You can't do anything about it. Water over the dam, and you can't do a single thing about tomorrow, not one single thing. Those two forms of wasted energy exist in most people's lives, and I understand that. So now what I'm asking you to do is understand something. There's things that you keep harping on from your pants. Everything that has happened to you, everything that you're going through is preparing you for your future. Everything you're going through, and everything you've been through is preparing you for your future. Everything you've gotten over, every lesson you've learned, every hardship you've had, your sicknesses were creating a you to go into the future. And you just gotta understand it like that, when you look back on your life. I look, I was reflecting today. I was thinking about all the stuff I did and how it had prepared me for exactly for where I am today. I've had so many setbacks, trials and tribulations. I've learned so many things through failure that I actually happen to know a little bit right now. I'm still learning and there are a lot of things I still got to put together. But I've really become an experienced person because of the experience says that I've had in my past. And I have no regrets of my past because it taught me the lessons I needed to learn to get to the today that I am. And as long as I don't keep overburdening myself with tomorrow worrying about it, and I can keep letting go of the past, bygones, be bygones, I take all that energy to focus on today. Today. It's where you have to have your focus once again. Not to say you're not to plan, have dreams, hopes, and visions, because you are. But I'm talking about worrying about tomorrow. Once I stopped worried about tomorrow, and once I let my past be my past, stopped allowing people to come up to me and go, Steve, you doing this now? I remember when you was that? Yes you do remember when I was that, and guess what I was that? But I ain't that no more. And if you can't accept where I'm going in my life and how I'm improving it, then that's too bad for you. But I'm not going to let you or myself hold me to my past when clearly God has gotten you over it. So if God has gotten you over your past, meaning it's behind you, why would you keep bringing it up? And since you can't do nothing about tomorrow, your focus should be on today today. Really, if you think about it, folks, it's absolutely plenty. You don't need nothing else to happen to you except what happened today. Now, if you've got some bad news, you're hoping that tomorrow it turns into some good news. Of course, but if you do life right, all of your energy, it's sufficient just for today. And if you could learn that critical thing to give up your past and let it go and let God. If you can stop worrying about your future because that's in God's hands and it has nothing to do with you, you would have a better now. You would have a better today, You would make better decisions, you would be more focused, you would be less burdened, and you would just really be an overall happier person. Let it go and let God and stop worrying about the future. God got you. If you do that, you'll save a lot of wasted energy and you can take that energy into making decisions for today that will help you have a brighter future. Those are my closing remarks. Hope you understood it. Dig it, have yourself a great weekend. The weekend is here, ass promise, have yourself a great weekend. And if you don't, that ain't none of my faults. Okay, we'll droke the mike. Hey, guess what what y'all have a great weekend. Here tell you Mamma neil Aby said, hey, hey, y'all. Be good everybody, but I have a great for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.