Ellen, Sand and Soul, Kyler Murray, Obamacare, Comedy Roulette, Things You Say, Stevie Movie Awards, Airplane Water, Kevin Hart, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 11, 2018, 3:45 PM

The CEO was on Ellen yesterday. Sand and Soul is back and get ready to win! Kyler Murray is the best player in college football and is forced to apologize for old tweets. Obamacare is still available and Barack himself encourages those in need to sign up. Comedy Roulette covers the things you say when you don't get what you want for Christmas. We have the first Stevie Movie Awards hosted by Fool #2. There is a warning about the realities of airplane water. A venue for Kevin Hart is sued by a diabetic woman. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO reminds us that God did not bring us this far just to drop us and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on the back down giving them more like the million bucks things and its cubs. Y'all good it, Steve, listen to movie together for stum. Please don't join join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta turn, you gotta turn, turn, turn, got the turnout, then turn the water the water. Come come on your back that I sure will come morning. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeoh, man, boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know. It's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what you still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know, it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now I near one break, but he put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that, I could have been here, and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me, because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on it or learned a valuable lesson? Man, See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that. Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rearview mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and God and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on you keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poor to you. You know, if hatred is poising to you unforgivingness, when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life. Now. You make adjustments every time you see them, and it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. Now they come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going up on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, Oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the salade. People. Man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you. Because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you said he did. I got what he did, I got all of that. YadA YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you. But shop Jake's got a book out man, and called let It Go. I'm telling you read this book. It'll help yourself. It's not just for people who who are angry. This is for people, man, who don't even know the little things you hold it on too. You don't even know the name of the book is let it Go? Man. I had to read it and go wow, Man, I had really had to check myself all that I know about this thing called life and trying to succeed. I still need refreshing courses and remind us every now and then. Maybe hold on, man, Maybe you've been sometimes man, it's just you holding on to a business practice too long. You know. I had to catch myself. You know, I said a thousand times, if you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. Maybe you need to change your business practice. Maybe it's the way you've been doing a certain thing. You just got to let that go, because if you let it go, it frees you up to goal. It's hard to get to the next level with all that baggage. Steve Harvey Morning Show, yep, you're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen. I have your undivided attention. Please, this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What this is? I got breakfast in front of me. That ain't really breakfast. I'm having a diet coat for breakfast. I have not had a soda in four years. WHOA, I stopped drinking sodas four years ago. This is my first solda I've had in four years. Ain't back. I just wanted it, you know. I it was either to add or some juice. But if I drink orange juice and put me right back to sleep. Oh yeah, yeah, Jay, you're diabetic when you drink on juice. What do it do? Because it put me to sleep? What do it do for you? It's supposed to supposed to take it? So what does it do? Because I mean, it doesn't make you excited more lively? No? No, you had to ask its legal here, it's legal here and the gummy bears, Oh you can't stop. You had to ask what wrong with my writing? Hey, good morning, Steve. I just yeah, I just had to tell you though, you look great on Ellen yesterday. You did a great job. Yeah, you really were funny yesterday and you looked good. You really did what what I have on? You had an all black you had a black uh pen striped suit just okay with a black shirt, all black, no socks. And that's my new that's my new sex. Man, that's so cool. I wish I could do that. But when I don't, looks like I have stopped and I look like you got an alligator damn man? Now now is that a Is that a side effect of the diabetes? Oh? Yeah, diabetes. But you know they say some diabetes diabetes do get drash. Yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah, yours is passed dry, yours is skilled dehydrated. You actually look. Can you feel the love in the room. Jay and a Commodo Dragon got the same knuckles. They love me Jay. Jay's ankle looked like python boot just needs some vacilating for shining. But in Jay's defense, he carries around the tube of lotion with him. I don't that's not for that, stupid, that's not for that. But do it. Don't say what it fault? Right, that ain't fault, And don't wear a body back to you and how good you looked on Ellen yesterday Steve my ankle, Yeah, because you didn't have any socks on. Yeah, I just say I don't like that. All right, Look, we gotta go. Um thirty two minutes after the hour. We have a big announcement when we come back. I'll give you a hand. It's about warm weather, the beach and it is full of soul. We'll talk about it when we come back at thirty two after the hour. All right, you're listening to show, all right, the cruise all here, with the exception of Carla Carlos off today and Steve, we pased a big announcement before we went to break, so we need a drum roll, please dro Listen up, everybody, We are giving you the chance to win a trip for two to My Standing Soul Festival next October tenth through the fourteen that includes listen to me, y'all folk Knights in a junior suite at the All Inclusive Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, round trip coach airfare, two tickets to all seventeen events, man our part transfers. To enter and to get rules. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey FM dot com get your passports updated, because you could win a trip to Punta Connor in the Dominican Republic again. To trip includes round trip coach air for you and one guest, oh nights accommodations in the junior suite at the All Inclusive Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. All inclusive food, alcoholic beverage, No alcoholic beverages included while on the Hard Rock and Casino property. Two tickets to all seventeen events. Who that hell? Half seventeen events? I don't know chan it so nobody but a limitless resort credit? Did you hear me? A limitless resort credit that you can use at the spa, at the gift shop, or to play golf. All my credits is going towards golf. I just won't golf and that casino I can hit that jackpot like I did last time I had to do. Look the casino or he from the States, he run the casino. I sa, man, how y'all doing. He's doing good that you came in here. Or I hit him over the head man, I hit him for a big jack pott. You know. Make sure that your passport is current and enter at Steve harm dot com. In at Steve Harvey FM dot com for your chance to win this amazing trip to Punta Connor, saying his soul is back at it, y'all so much fun. Yeah, everybody will be there's up Tommy and Jay, Yeah, everybody be there with him. Tommy's coming. No, yeah, Tommy ain't coming. Know you just think I'm gonna come to saying the soul Now he got TV show girl. He's been waiting on it, but Steve, he fit the show. His natural. If you ain't ever seen Tommy at her damn food, propel yourself. I'm a humble a body. Let him get picked off the season two. Y'all fend to see something. He ain't gonna right, He ain't acting right now. It ain't taste to two weeks. Dog. He took the show ad and he took off. Why I said, Timmy, what happened to show? Came on last night? I can't watch you opening night and be here too. You know my big day to morrow? What big day is that? It's well noon, that's why you like that, That's why something like that. I'm sipping on this stuff man, twelve noon, Tommy, Yeah, well I fixed out to come to work. You know, dog, you can't drink that stuff and come to work. I can't handle it. You can kind of what he's never even done it before. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Have you started drinking the stuff yet? No, I'm gonna start like around noon today. Listen to me, by sixties eating dog, you're gonna be at your house, sitting on the beach time thinking of saying you've been better off, rolling the TV out and sit in your swimming better yet summer. You got to be kid. You think you're gonna come work my morning' Hey, dog, listen to me, I promise you you ain't gonna be able to sitting in here, working man, Please come and run in and out of here. But please come on, you're gonna go. Ain't up one bathroom on this floor, gown in that, damn don't lock yeah, and that ain't the stuff you can lock up and hold. But he's sipping on it like it's a cocktail or something that, sir, Lee, cocktail is exactly the turn. It applies directly. The horse defended nailed it. You've been to get your tail cock you it's gonna somebody gonna pull a trigger. I'm being tomorrow wiseman. I'll tell you, I'm going down the hall every time I gotta go, I'm gonna ride it out. Tommy. You can't come here and have a colnostropy. I'm gonna do it, yo, You're gonna do it all right. You're gonna do a way mother you think you're gonna do. You're sipping on this with a drake right here. You don't know what that You don't even know what's in there? Is that that white? Or you got the cherry flavor? Because I got chavor? Oh yeah, I'm starting yet, but this is go ahead. I'm gonna wait till we get off. I guess boy, listen to me. Listen to me. You're not going to believe this, all right? Can it alarm me? It's gonna be surprising to you. Yeah, Like, hey, don'd on, let me tell you how to go, Tommy going there and cut show kitchen sink on my power all the way, cut it all the way on. Okay, that's high's gonna feel when you first star, it's gonna run out like that. Ye. Make sure it's hot. Make sure the hot water because it's early, guys, it's early early. Keep that in mind. Please come to work tomorrow with that stuff in your system, and then get out there in that damn door. Ain't o man. One of them boys down the hall. You know, we got them big boys work on that. They've been there for a while. And when they leave, boy lord right right. And we'll talk about stand and so a little later this morning. But coming up next it is the nephew while we have him, and he's gonna run that back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. In entertainment news, Beyonce's got a big payday from a billionaire and the new Heisman Trophy winner is already in trouble, but right now it's time to run that prank back with the nephew. Yeah, we'll talk about it. What you got, neff shoplift? Oh, shoplift shop, stop lift run it. Hello. Yes, I'm trying to reach a Tanya. Please, Hi, Tanya. My name is Daniel from the head of store security. Here at your job. Yeah, listen, I'm trying to see. Um, I'm gonna have to I know to day's your day off. I'm looking at the schedule here. It seems that you doesn't come back in until Saturday. I'm trying to see if it's possible I can get you to come to the store. There's a bit of a situation I want to discuss with you. There's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise missing from the store. Yeah, it's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise. And we definitely know that this is a in house situation. This is not someone walking in shoplifting. This is definitely an in house situation with employees who have evidently been shoplifting from the store, taking things. And we want to get down to the to the roots of the problem. Okay, well, ma'am, it's uh, it's been brought to my attention that there's a possibility that you may be part of this situation and a thief. I don't steal. You don't call my house accusing me. Is still I stole? Listening from nobody? Okay, well, my hangar man, what I'm trying to do is just trying to you, trying to say out and stole something and I stole them. Okay, wait just a second. Now here, do you have a sister named Cynthia? Yeah, what about it? Well, now, it seems that here on some of the footage that we have on camera, that it's a possibility that it seems like your sister's actually wearing some of the merchandise that we sell here in the store. Okay, just because she wears something that we sell in the store, don't mean that I stole it. Well, we don't see where she's act. I backed the footage up as far as I could. I don't see any footage of where she purchased this particular merchandise. And my assumption is maybe you gave it to her. I gave her and just because you don't see what somebody purchased. It don't mean that it's been stolen. Okay, here's what I'm gonna I'm gonna just get to the chase of this, Tanya. What I'm gonna have to do is this if I can't get you to come to the store. Man. And matter of fact, here's another question for you before I go any further. You have children at all, Tanya? Yeah? I got children? Why because I'm missing a lot of baby merchandise as well. And you know what, you know what you really cruising for this morning? Okay, because you don't call somebody on the off day accusing them of stealing. Okay, that's what I gotta do. Are you coming into the office so I can talk with you. I'm not coming no where on my off day. Well, then what's gonna happen, Miss Tanya, is I'm gonna have to actually come to your home, check your closets. I'm gonna have to check your kids and see if they're what check and see if they're wearing merchandise that comes from this. Come to my house if you want to, and they're gonna take yourbody here in the body bad excuse me? You heard what I said you heard what I said. You don't call nobody. I bust my death store. I bust my to death store. You understand me. I work hard for y'all. Okay, you you've been busting you, you've been busting. You car here excusing me of stealing. I ain't so from nobody. I don't have to steal. That's why I work all that. You understand. I think you've been busting your butt. Taking stuff is what you've been doing. You've been from nobody. You understand me. I do not steal. I'm gonna come over there. I'm checking your closets things, but it ain't no sea, you understand. And I'm checking your babies as well. And I'm making check my babies. And see what happened. You put your hands on any damn thing in here, and see what happens. Okay, I don't wanta have to drag your button here. Drag Oh you're gonna drag somebody? Oh? Now, you threatening me. I don't want to drag out of your house. Security guard. You tough security guard. You like your job that much you're willing to die for that? Huh? Who said anything about me? Die? I did come over here and that's what's gonna happen. That's what happens when you put people on the off day, you get hurt. Okay, I get a couple of damn days off, and y'all gonna call me with this. So are you threatening me? Now? I'm threatening you? Then you just call and say you was coming over here. Yes, I did he bring you. I'm don't bring your security guard. I'm all, don't let me tell you something. Okay, I get you. I can have you brought up on charges. You know that, bring me up on charges and see what happens. Want to charge see if you get that far. I'm on my way over there now to check you when your kids. You understand me, I'm over here to check me and my kids and see how they checked you. Somebody here, let me tell you something. You got to tell me. You ain't got nothing to tell me, You ain't got something. Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you took. Maybe I'll go light on you. I'll go like I'm stupid or something. You don't sound like a damned food. Why don't you tell me what you took too? I bet you teaching your little kids over there how to steal too. Aren't you what what you teach? Kid? Hey? Hey, hey, hey, now you hey hey, hey my hey, don't call me with this on my all stake. Let me tell you one, mother, Are you listening to me? I got one more thing to say to you. You ain't got nothing else to say to me? Are you listening? What this is? Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank your sister sit to you? Okay? Are you and that bro? I want to play games? Okay, y'all want to play right, y'all got joke. Y'all got joke. I got joke for both of y'all. I'm around here taking care of her and all her ugly play with me and my all day. All right? Tell you she told me, she told me, she said that timmy be be pranking people. You can't nobody get me that on crazy stuff that come to people. Don't know somebody calling and tripping with this. She told me you couldn't. You thought you couldn't be got that's all right, y'all got me. It's a good well. I love you. I love you, Tom. I got some bug like a right. Let me ask you one more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the lands. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh god, I hate this. Tommy Stoy gotta go there. You got to go there, all right, don't be scared to go sometime. Yeah, go and going when you're first drinking it, don't hit you, boy. Let me tell you something. Hold on, I'm okay, give me this, Like when you first start how many hours after that if you start taking it about noon? Yeah? What time you supposed start taking it? What are you talking about bout ate that evening. I'm getting my colonoscopy tomorrow. But they don't supposed to start drinking this stuff. You drink this liquid and it cleans out every inch of your coling. Yeah, that won't be a spec of by movement. Oh can you six four? Coming up? At the time of hours? Y'all getting off upset because well that's why he's gonna do. Shirley people are eating breakfast. I don't care a damn what they're doing, because NA tell what they're gonna have to do. We're gonna have entertainment news. You're listening string show. Well, Beyonce patted her bank account this past Saturday. Whoa with a private performance at a pre wedding bash for the daughter of the wealthiest man in India. Steve. The bride to be's father is worth forty billion. That's billion with a B, and ranks on four of magazines top twenty richest people on the planet, Top twenty. Yeah, top twenty. Let me tell you something. If I get forty billion dollars, I'm number one, your bull. Hey, lesh, you'all gonna think I him that damn that's on the planet. Yeah. Really. Beyonce posted a picture on the Instagram of her exotic gown from the lavish party and the caption read in India and just attended a spectacular event. She didn't say where she was the star. The article also didn't add how much Beyonce was paid. I mean people were talking she had to get at least three million, five million. I mean it was going on and on. What do you guys think, Yeah, yeah, yeah. For whatever she got out of overder, I'll take Beyonce, check I don't get a damn or sight on the seat and try to get the same dance perform. Give it to you a man. Everything I got that was a drop of the bucket for forty millions. I have hand bone for half of that. I do the hambone in the Spoon Show with the spoons on your man be over there with a washboard three million. I'm up in a hooked up with jayon Confectionary Sugar on three to follow. So this is what I was talking about earlier. Guys. With the Heisman Trophy winner Kyler Murray Junior got to celebrate Saturday night after being named college football's best player, but by Sunday morning, the party was over and he was suddenly apologizing for some deleted homophobic tweets he made when he was fifteen years old. Early Sunday morning, Murray truth tweeted, I apologize for the tweets that have come to light tonight from when I was fourteen and fifteen. I used a poor choice of words that doesn't reflect who I am or what I believe. I do not intend to single out any individual or group. I did not intend to do that. This is just another big reminder that when you put anything on social media, it sticks around for every guys, even even if you delete it. This happened when he was fourteen or fifteen. You know, to get on this kid about something he did at fourteen or fifteen. It's utterly ridiculous. Yes, it is utterly ridiculous. The kid wins the hisman, and here they come when he made some homophobic remarks when he was fourteen? Are you kidding me? Man? Everybody did something when didn't know what we did fourteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty thirty. And listen, man, before this politically corrects uh being started. You can't go back and get this stuff I did. Yeah, it's ridiculous, man. You can't go back and keep beating somebody up. Now, he got apologize something he did when he was fourteen. A damn mine. You can't even lock him up for none of this. Yeah, get out of here. We gotta move On't time for the headlines, Steve Shelley, You don't move us a long? Yeah, that's my job. Was long? Oh boy, that is my job? And feel good right fifth day one? Yeah, since day one? Sir, let mis hand? What was that? Miss a hand? Move that snow along? And I will tell you about that right now. This is a trip with the news. Virginians and North Carolina Carolinians are trying to move the snow along. They're digging out from a massive snowstorm over the last two and a half days, which has left many parts, especially at the tar Heel state, under mounds of snow, ice, and slush. Thousands of people still out of power, the schools are closed. At least three storm related deaths are reported, and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says things could get worse. With cold temperatures today and freezing nights ahead. The snow and ice and the danger may not go away as quickly as they came. The governor says some places got wood would be a year's worth of the white stuff and a little more than a day. North Carolina is still under a state of emergency. President Trump is still looking for a new chief of staff now that Major John Kelly is leaving. Reports are that some rumored candidates don't seem to want the job. They keep taking their names out of contention, like oh no, that's okay. A new chief of staff would be Trump's third chief of staff in less than two years. In Ohio, FBI agents say they've taken two people into custody near Cleveland in a connection with two separate alleged terra plots. US attorney Justin Herdman says that one involves a man suspected of planning to shoot up two synagogues in the Toledo area. We do not have to and we will not wait for someone to shoot up innocent worshippers at a synagogue or did that nate a bomb? We will act to protect our nation and Herdman says a young woman is suspected of planning several bombings. Again though she said, they say that's there were two separate things. They weren't connected. The former chairman of Nissan, Carlos Going, has been indicted for alleged financial misconduct. Prosecutors say this guy Goings concealed tens of millions of dollars in compensation. Goings led Nissan, Renault and Mitsubishi at the same time. Once. Filming has stopped for now on next seasons episodes of the Stars cable series Power. Officials say that filming for The Populace Show sixth season was suspended yesterday after a member of the crew was accidentally killed. Production system pedro himandus was fatally struck by an SGUV as he was setting up parking cones at about thirty in the morning in advance of yesterday's schedule shoot in Brooklyn. He'd been with the power company since the beginning of the show back in twenty fourteen. No cast members were on set yet, so because they recalled for like seven am, and this was around four thirty. Police say the driver of the vehicle though that killed him and his was a fellow crew member. Some staff cuts going on at Verizon. The communications companies announced that some ten thousand, four hundred US managers have accepted buyout packages. And that's on top of the termination agreements accepted by more than forty four thousand Verizon workers earlier this year. This is all a Verizon officials say the Verizon wants to save enough money to invest in newer technology. Sad news, legendary voting rights activist rosenel Eaton has died at age ninety seven. Rosenel Eaton led the lawsuit that successfully challenged the new voting restrictions passed by North Carolina's republic Control legislature in twenty thirteen and finally looks like a lot of people like Bacon. Ohio State University's installed a bacon ending machine. They say it's so popular has to be restocked four or five times a day. It offers cook bacon strips and bacon Bifolia dollar Wendy bring it up to us. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. So Gods. Yesterday, President Barack Obama urged everyone to check out healthcare dot com that was dot gov before December fifteenth deadline. Okay, this is in hopes of pushing more people to sign up for Obamacare. President Obama posted a video of himself to a social media account to remind people to get coverage. It was a playful message. It was aimed mostly at young people, especially young people. Take a listen to this. Young people have stepped up like never before on campuses, at the voting booth, and at the doors of power. And frankly, I think you've proven that you don't need to see me taking jump shots or sitting between a couple of forest plants in order to know it's important to have health insurance in case God forbid, you get really sick or hurt yourself next year. So this year I'm giving it to you straight. Sign up for health insurance at healthcare dot gov before the deadline on December fifteenth, you can do it right now, and most folks can bind coverage for fifty dollars to one hundred dollars per month. That's probably less than your cell phone bill. One more time. If you need health insurance for twenty nineteen, sign up for it right now at healthcare dot com. And that's how it's done. What did Trump say about that? Nothing? Yet, He's got other issues. I've got a little Russian probe that he's occupied with right now, say next, yeah, yeah, yeah, you make it, I will use right now. Tight. Yeah, But yeah, you said something about this Obama thing right here. You said that's how to be president without being Yeah. I like that, so don't forget. Yeah, if you do want to sign up for Obamacare, go to healthcare dot gov before December fifteenth. Just got a couple of no wall, you didn't kill Obamacare. You know, you didn't bring people together Christian hate. What have you done? Man? Well, all they gonna say is these are the things that he's going to tell. He's gonna say that unemployment is lower than it's been in years, which is true, but it's all the workings of the Obama administration. But because it's on his watch, he gets to take credit. Yeah, yeah, he is going to say that he passed the tax law. Okay, and he did. But I must tell you all rich people are happy. If you knew what these tax laws really said that have nothing to do with you, it didn't trickle down, you would be mad. M he put into a Republican Supreme Court justice. Yeah, yeah, he's gonna he's gonna claim that so far, and he's gonna claim all of the orders Obama made that he rescinded. Yeah, all right, coming up next to thirty four after the hour, we're gonna play a little comedy roulette. Yeah, all right, right after this you're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Please, Jay set this one up for us. Tell us And it's so important to explain this because we get new listeners every day and we're doing a different segment that people are not aware of. So that's why I take the time to explain comedy. And it's very simple. You take flus subjects and you put them on a wheel, and you take them on the wheel, you spun the wheel and where it stop, we can do the damn thing. Because we's comedians be good. All right, here we go. These are the subjects for today. Things you can do to get people to leave your house. Things you say to people who've overdecorated for the holiday. Yeah, things you say to people who have underdecorated for the holidays. And here's the last one. Things you say when you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas? Okay, yeah, yeah, you gotta in participate. Yeah, let's go, let's spind the wheel. Come on. Yeah. Oh oh, I thought it was gonna stop on overdecorating, but now it stopped on. Things you say when you didn't get what you wanted, Just the same as Steve's bad acting theater. No, no, no, no, no, not at all. I don't even know how you got that out of that. But these are things you say when you didn't get what you want for Christian Yeah, let's go. The things you say when you didn't get what you say. Come, oh, this is nice and this one lights up? What is it with that attitude? That's how you say it, that's what you're saying, how you say it. Yeah, Junior, I'll tell you what This is something I actually said as a kid, but I didn't get what I want on huh for Christmas? And they were standing there about parents, but I was about ten. I said, you said the actual words. Yeah, yeah, when you open that box of the day, what you're supposed to get? Oh, thank you. I'll I'll put this in the drawer with that racket ass time you about LA I ain't grateful. Well, you didn't get what you want. I like that this one. This is what you say at work. I knew when he pulled my name it wasn't gonna be worth for dat change. I knew. I think you saved and you didn't get you Yeah, a pound cake? Huh? Thanks for a lot to a diabetic thing? You say when you don't get what you want for Christmas? What happened? Check short again? Check short again? Huh? Come on now? Why? Why? Why? In the hill? What I wanted to kid? I don't work on that. Come on, man, really, I don't work on guys. Count Come on, st Black people don't eat fruitcake? Fruitcake? What is some damn green things in there? What is that a snowshovel? I live in LA. Thanks. These people say what they don't get what they want for Christmas. I already know the story of Jesus I already know it. Who eats this basket of cheese? Who eats that? Who eats that? Is all right, Steve, come on, close it out. That's why we're getting a divorce, right this. Damn Croc pop. This is the last thing somebody won't know. Damn Croc pod. That was me who said that one. Sorry, all right, I'm next said it is a nephew with the prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, guys, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject I wish my boyfriend was bigger strawberry. No, sir, No, that comes after the prank Yeah. Um at the top of the hour, the subject again, no your show, No your show. I thought it was nine. I got to go. I wish my boyfriend was bigger as the subject. But right now, nephew Tommy is here, the king of pranks with the prank phone call for today. What you got now? Me and your baby getting mad? Oh, me and your baby getting married? Running Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach mister. Yes, mister, how you doing. I'm trying Let me let me make you I'm calling the right person. Your daughter is Crystal? Yes, okay, cool yo, I got the right person. Hey, listen, Well, I wanted to do mister Richards's call and introduce myself to you and let you know who I was. My name is Jeff, Jeff, and I've been uh seeing Crystal, uh, you know, pretty much like the lads, five or six months, and I wanted to, um, let you know that I'm very very interested in you. And I know this kind of crazy for you to get a phone call for me when I'm very interested in Crystal right now. And I wanted to you know, I just wanted to do the man thing and just reach out to your man and say I'm really interested in and uh in marrying your daughter and marrying my daughter. Well, hold on, man, what what what say? You name you? My name is Jeff, Jef. Okay, Jeff, Jeff, listen. I'm very close with my daughter, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. I talk to my daughter every day. Wow, I don't know what that's about. What it's been like about five close to six months that me and Cristal been you know, going out, you know, up here at the school. But what I wanted to do is tell you that I really, really really like Crystal Man, and I wanted to call and tell you that, you know, I'm really really interested in May and Crystal. You know, I want, I really do want Krista to be my wife. Well, I again, I've never heard of you before, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. My daughter isn't dating anybody right now. My daughter is in grad school. I understand that. And you know, we you know, it's been you know, we've been you know, a little back and forth or whatever, but you know, the main thing is me and Kristal really, you know, we really, we really do love each other. Mister, I want to but if you love my daughter, she would have told me that she was in love with someone. Well, you know what you know, And maybe it's a situation where christ is like a little maybe a little uneasy about talking to you about it. You know what I'm saying. My daughter can talk to me about anything. We talk every day, right right, you're like you, I talked to my daughter every day, your daughter. And how old is your daughter? My daughter? Fifteen? Hold hold on a minute, man, you say your daughter was fifteen, right right? Right? Okay, Well, how old are you? I'm forty six, forty six, you're forty six years old. You want to man my twenty five year old daughter. He let me say this right here. Love ain't got no limit, man, And I understand you know. I was a little shocked at first about the age difference between us, but you get you know what, man, Okay, And I understand that. But I'm trying to explain to you, man, is that it comes a time man when you just you just don't know what's gonna happen. Man. Love just love is love. Man, And you've been locked up on parole at the university on work, releasing that my daughter? Yeah, man, I'm I'm gonna say this, man, Crystal is just a beautiful person. Man. Hold on, man, you calling me at the bulldoughter. Look, man, I'm never work. I got a lot of work on my damn death and you calling me telling me up form a gentle bird wants to marry my daughter, My twenty five year old daughter, and you damn that fifteen You damn it at my age you want to marry my daughter. Man, I'm not trying to talk to you, buddy. Well I need to do is I need to talk to Crystal and get to the bottom of this. That's what the hell I need to do. Hey, and I understand that, mister, you was probably gonna I want to talk to and I ain't got no problem with it. What I'm trying to explain to you is that, man, love ain't got no limit. Man, It's just something that album Crystal Love Me, I Love huh, and it is what it is. I just wanted to try to get your blessed says on this. You can't, Crystal, Man gonna marry my daughter. Now. My daughter's been to private school. I love damn life. She's gonna do all four years of college and he's going to grad school and you're gonna marry my daughter. You're working, Miss. I understand that. What I'm what I'm trying to explain to you that you know what, man, Sometimes love is right the second time around. You understand what I'm saying. Look the hell you mean a second time? I got kids already. What I'm trying to say is it didn't work out with me on the first time. What I wanted to do, man, is just called you. It's solidified the culinary experience they got to do it, dude, what the hell is you talking about it? Listen? Yeah, look, look, look I got to talk to my daughter. I'm gonna call Crystal and I'm gonna find out what the hell is going on, because man, I'm not even trying to have this conversation with you and I miss, miss Pars, I understand all that. I understand what you're saying. What I want to say to you is just right here. Crystal is inside. Even if you don't agree with this, here, we're gonna eat Lowe and make sure that we can look at him. You ain't doing a thing with my daughter unless it's mine. You're like, yeah, man, you ain't doing I don't even know your jailbird. You ain't doing. I'm gonna call my daughter final hole. You really are rust your mind. You think your old jail bird is gonna be marry and my daughter, My daughter's not a future. You ain't got the head. That's wrong with jil rust. I'm not gonna sity and go back and forth. But you miss me and Crystal getting married will not and under any circumstances, not till what you think the circumstances are me and Crystal getting married. That's it not the love, man. I know who the hell you think you are as long as you how about one that's gotta be. I got one more thing I need to say, and then me and Crystal just gonna come over there and dry down there and tell you exactly what's going on in our life. You got to say to me, Are you listening to me? Yes? You got to say to me. I got to say this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your daughter, Crystal and her boyfriend. Ain't this I'm outside my job looking at me like I'm crazy. Man. I gotta ask you, what is? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Harvey Morning Shuff holdo Junior, Come on, dude, it is what I think I ever think? What? What? What? The greatest I ever seen of all time? Who know no better than this? No body? No body he shun can't say nothing? You w I'm in what tell you something? No know how I thought of that? Because I'm gonna marry the baby dad boy. Damn it, that's title right there. Ain't no way see all my egness starts within see cec you ain't just stupid like this year Ce stupid to come around once a year. Yeah, stupid. Yeah. Ain't nobody can touch me when I'm doing these pranks. Nobody. I ain't never married. You can't do this what I do? Can't ain't heard them, I ain't heard of nobody name whoever? Jemly Brown, kiss my behind? Jack? What can't do what I do? Ah? This ignance right here about me? Oh? You ain't this stupid? I birthed this, you nan, I'm stupid. I'm down him about here? All right? All right, thank you, Tommy, thank you, thank you. Junior asked Tommy. Wow, that was greatness. All right. Up next, it is today's Strawberry Letters, subject I wish my boyfriend was bigger. Right after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, it is time for my Strawberry Letter for today. And if you need advice on your marriage, on dating, on sex, on parenting, or family issues, please submit your Strawberry letter to us at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Click Submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Right nephew, there's right, Let's buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letters, subject, I wish my boyfriend was bigger. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am in my mid thirties and I'm five one and I one hundred and twenty eight pounds. I am dating a personal trainer and he weighs one hundred and seventy pounds. He used to weigh three hundred and fifty pounds, and he worked hard to lose the weight and keep it off. He is looking so good these days, but we have a big problem. Our eating habits are totally different now. I'm a country girl, so my meals are pretty hefty and full of flavor. They aren't bad nutritionally, but they definitely are not the healthiest option. My boyfriend eats cheese, crackers, mixed nuts, salads, and smoothies while he's at the gym working, and I have a full dinner for him when he gets home. I love to cook, so the other day I baked chicken, made mac and cheese, yam, sauteed spinach, and dinner rolls. My boyfriend walked in and got mad as soon as he saw what I cooked. This is how I've always cooked, and it's used what he's used to eating, what he used to enjoy eating. We've been arguing over food a lot recently, and most nights we eat in silence because he's mad at me. Mind you, he does eat everything I cook, including the bread. I do add healthy options, such as baking the chicken instead of frying it, and I include leafy green vegetables more. I know he's scared of gaining his weight back, but he needs to work on his willpower. I try to eat the way he eats, and I literally passed out at the gym. I got lighthearted and blacked out. Lightheaded, I mean lightheaded and blacked out. Stephen Shirley, how can we resolve our food issues? I want my man to be happy and healthy, but I was happier when he was fat. Well, he's not happy when he's fat. He's not happier. And this is the problem. Your man has a food issue and you're not helping with all that good food and good smelling food around the house that you cook. So let me ask you. I want to say that I'm scared to answer this letter. I just want to put that out there out there I'm just gonna say, in the sake of comedy, I'm doing my answer in the vein of comedy. Okay, feel what you want to feel and get to tweets. Okay, yeah, I mean, so you know you're not helping him with all the good food. It's smelling good, it's tasting good. So let me ask you this. If he were a covering drug addict, would you have crack and weed lying around the house. If he were an alcoholic, would you have liquor and beer and wine all piled up in the fridge. If he was hooked on opioids, okay, would you have percocet and oxycodon in the medicine cabinet? All right, you got to think about this stuff. So don't just say he needs to work on his willpower when you put it right in front of his face and under his nose. You know, you gotta help a brother out here. He's not trying to go back to three hundred and fifty pounds. He's got his weight down to a nice one hundred and seventy. You said he looks so good, So maybe you can cook, you know, a heavy meal like you cook on the weekends. You know, give him a cheat day, keep it light and healthy during the week, Okay, and then maybe you what, guys, won't be mad at the dinner table. Maybe you'll you know, have some conversation instead of you know, eating in silence. That's all he needs, some encouragement, some support. Steve, that ain't what this let about. I'm gonna just gonna get to it. First of all, the letter opens with a lie. These measurements is wrong. I'm in my mid thirties, I'm five one. Yeah, who you know? Five one monica? She just added the one. She either five flat or hard for eleven and I weigh a hundred and twenty eight pounds. That's another lie. No woman gives her exactly quait. No woman. So so you're saying she weighs more than yeah, she's about five one one. She over there looking like a little flow model TV. I'm just gonna tell you, and ain't nothing wrong with it. I'm just giving you some facts. Now, big boy weigh one hundred and seventy pounds, but he used to weigh three fifty. Yeah, he worked hard, loser weight. That here's a problem. They eating habits is totally different. Here we go, I'm a country girl. So my meals are pretty hefty and full of flavor. They aren't bad nutritionally. What you just said, your meals is pretty hefty and full of flavor. They aren't bad nutritionally. That's they all got a et full of fat food. And you want to talk about you ain't bad nutritionly, Yes it is. You know what you cookie? Yeah, it's a big country girl. And you said it's little. This woman ain't little shit. You hear what she over the eating, She baking the chicken, She got mac and cheese, and she got dinner rolls. And once you eat mac and cheese and dinner rolls, I don't give a damn what else you got on your plate. It wins. That's a meal in it. They aren't bad nutritiony, but they definitely are not the healthiest option. My boyfriend eas cheese, crackers, mixed nuts, salads, and smooth it's while he at the gym working, and I got a full dinner for him when he get home. I love a cook, So the other day I baked chicken, made mac and cheese, yams, you know what I mean, sugar on him, yam, making salt spinish and dinner roll My boyfriend walked in and got mad as soon as he saw with our cook. This is how I've always cooked. It's what he used to enjoy eating when we were Now we've been arguing him over food a lot recently, and most nights weed in silence because he's mad at me. Mind you, he does eat everything out cook, including the bread. I do add healthy options, such as baking the chicken instead of frying it, and I include leafy green vegetables more. Now he's scared of gaining his I know he's scared of gaining his weight back, but he needs to work on his wheel pipe. I tried to eat the way he eats, and I literally passed out at the gym. Know what I was doing, had my little white ass on that tread meal, trying to warm without to eat dinner roles in me. You ever tried to walk on the treadmill without your dinner role? Here? You gonna little way without no macache? All right, hold on, hold on, hold on. We got to Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, subject I wish my boyfriend was bigger. Right after this, you're listening, well, you know we're back, everybody and Um, you know, here's this woman who's in the mid thirty she's five one and hundred twenty eight pounds. I think that's be kind of cute, you know, five one hundred twenty eight pounds. I think it's cute. I like TV. I'm dating a personal training He weighed a hundred and seventy pounds. Well, you know, why don't you stop dating that? It might happen just that way, Steve. You know, why don't you find your little shout? What's found? A little show man? Like like eaton? I mean, why can't they compromise? Though? White? No? No, she want the man to be three fifty, he don't want to be three He doesn't. Yeah, and he mad at you because he don't really want you to be you know where it looked like you hid it too. She keep cooking though, Yeah, she cooking a cheat day, you know, and just try to do it help what you know? Come on, now, they got a compromise jams. Yeah, yeah, but when you lose waiting somebody to jams and macaroni and cheese and they really don't kill me. Yeah, that's exactly exactly. In fact, you over there, little love seat, he's getting no support from her, she said, Instead of frying, she baked the chicken. Yeah, but you got the yams and the mac and cheese. And this is just a okay, well, let me just not say love seat and just make it smaller than like a lazy boy. That's a little recline made out of her lord. You think that it's better little play. Maybe they're playing her lord couch you had you come on, We had a living room set that my mama had bought off the back of the TV guy. Remember that living room said you can get thirty two pieces from pol ninety nine. Just say you can and help her. How about you got me thinking about the TV guy. Yeah, you remember the TV guy. Man on back. TV guy handed thirty two pieces living rooms, but they was counting ash trees and coasts thirty two pieces living rooms, say, ain't never to counting the little see, but they counting every coaster they get. By the time you put it together, it broke apart. Why don't you and Jay do a reenactment of the dinner? Okay, okay, all right, so Jay, you you the girl, and you the cook. I got all the food I got, came home from work. Hey, baby, I'm home. What's what's up? Baby? Ain't done? You smell that cook? Cook? Oh? Yeah what you baby? All we got um? We got chitlands chip. Yeah. I know you haven't had them in a while, so I made them up. Yummy, yummy. I got dams. I got all types of pies you like, got hunting pie. I got a sweep take the pie, baby, cherry. Baby. You know I'm a professional trainer. I know, but you have y'all lost his weight. You know I ain't trying to go back. And you look good, You look so okay. But what you're cooking all this herefold because you haven't had these foods in alone. Now you know I ain't handed food and you know I had it a long time. Color. I can drop from three fifty down to one seven, and you look good. I got your grits and cheese. I don't want to get the cheese. Baby, I'm told you. I haven't told you I got I got waffles. I see, baby, I don't eat that no more. You see what I'm trying to accomplish here, you sabotaging me. This is I made all this with love. I got white castle about I thought you said you made anything with a little What the hell are you when I have some white castle? I flew these in and I thought him out and the right here got your white castle. I got cool aid, I got tea, I got em nade. Baby, listen to me. They've listened to me. I'm listening. I don't I don't want to do that no more. And I think I need your support to help me. You want to be shaped. You want to eat, baby, I don't want. I don't want to eat. I don't want to eat all that I put all this together. But what you're crying for I've been well, baby, But what you're crying for? You you you ain't gotta you ain't gotta cry, you know you just I've been I've been this kitchen. Know how long you have? Baby, You've been a kitchen a long time. Why I want to take food over there? Did to bake these roads? I had corn brought out of the field that I got the corner there and up rounded up made the meal. And baby, you don't use corn meal to make even surely know that whatever ain't rolls and nobody know corn brad, no am chitless. I had I had Calvin the turkey growing up in the backyard all so long, and I had to take his life today because I knew you like turkey and I Calvin looked at me with its sad. E'm like, I'm sorry, Calvin, you got to go on the turkey old hold. You got some turkey in here. I got turkey in here. I got the turkey neck. You got turkey neck. Oh you got one turkey neck. I ate one while I was cooking, so I just ate. Well, baby, you know I like turkey. You're big ass and ate the turkey too, But you like turkey, and we could eat turkey together. I think, Baby, I'm gonna just be real, which I think, Yeah, they need to break up. We gonna break up over us exactly. I can't. I can't do you no more. You're just so damn a grateful you really are, I know, babe, but I'm in shaping. I don't want to go back, and I think you're gonna drag me down. You know you you better be glad. I am Christian love because I could take this, take a leg and beat your braid. Stop crying, and you're not even doing a good cry. He said, he got no I ain't got no fall to rep all this stuff ridiculous, All this stuff gonna go bad. Come to you? What, no, babe, what you do is just give it to somebody else. I didn't even hear that she made a salad. No, it ain't no salad. I was thinking about making a salad, but I didn't make one. Who is taken up with me? That darn turkey? All right, Look, if she doesn't stop cooking, they're not gonna make it. All right, we gotta get out of here. So the Strawberry letters posted. You can leave your comments on Instagram at Steve Harvey f M. And coming up in ten minutes, we have a real treat for you. In the spirit of the Oscars. We're gonna present to you the first ever right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the Stevie Awards. Right after that, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we are so excited for your first ever Stevie Awards. And the fact that Jay Anthony brown Um is gonna get a chance to host some of the awards. That's amazing. So so Jay, let's get it started. Please present the very first Stevieward. And this is so cool. And unlike other Unlike other awards shows, we don't go with the nine. We go right to the winner. Winner. Nominees are and the winner is okay, all right. Nominees for the person who has seen every movie that's out in the theater today, and the winner is me. Yeah, I've seen every damn yeah, the first one. Wait, when you'll write a bit, you can give it to yourself, all right. Nominated for the person who talks through every damn movie, and the whin it is Monican and Shelly. Start speech speech. I'd like to thank the Lord who is the head of my life. I'd like to thank my mom. I'd like to right there, I know, I'd like to thank her. Up, you'll get out of there. We gotta thanks. Keep Harvey mind his awards, Steve Harvey, because these are your awards. Thank you. This is my favorite part. Next category nominated for the person who who sits in the movie and says that should have been my damn part, and who that is? Yeah, I want to thank everyone at the Academy for um, just just looking out for the things that I've done here and with my career. Uh you know, I started with the Chapmans and things just seemed to broken out from there. As you know, you can catch me on Ready to Love. But this I am honored to have. You know, there were roles that should have been mine. I mean, you know ice Que and Friday I should have been MINEH where's the music? I'm sorry. I would have fifteen seconds left, but let me let me thank my mother for pushing me even more so. Um, I can't believe and soldier story. They gave a role to Denzel. I was amazed by that that I didn't get that ro um. Um, I can't believe in Black Panther. Um. Michael B. Jordan just amazed me by some of the people that are taking my role. But I want to say thank you for acknowledging me right, Thank you, thank you so much. Nominated the nomination the nomination for who has the voice in every children's movie? The One and Only Junior. No, no that's not right. Yeah no, no, no, I'm wrong. No, I don't want this award. I'm wrong. No, I gotten people are taking me serious because of my voice for real, I'm wrong. I'm forty. I'm telling I tell I said, hey, man, don't test me, and people tickle me. This I'm tired to talk about Elmo. I'm giving right now this, Stevie is those out the people that we all we little, we got a little voice, but we're big in statue. Kevin Harden, Mike Tyson, Chris Tuffer, we are the same. Gru Thank you, thank you very much. But I'm nominade for if what for? Nominated for? If they were in a movie? In a movie they asked, what be on the phone? And the Winter is Colin Farrell. Y'all give it up to Well Carlin couldn't be here tonight allegedly because she she is working, allegedly and she's on the phone allegedly. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Steve Hey, Steve Hey, y'all pretty for me, all right? Our last what those two the man who has only been to the movies every fifteen years and the Winter goes to Steve. Thank you. You know, accepting this award means so much to me. It means that all I've gotten to us certain level where I can't go nowhere, and going to this movie was truly, truly just one of the great things. I want to announce his son's candidacy and the fact that they would be beating him profusely. This speech right here is as meaningless as the award I just got. And therefore I just wanted to thank my dog, and I got two goldfish that our old suit us too over this course of time, and I realized this as time goes only, so God bless you all. J Anthony Brown, with a wonderful giver of awards. I knew this award was coming one day because you're so damn angry in a bit of this is just a part of who you are. We are here thinking the Lord all we are. Furthermore, he's let him use where is this going? You? And knowing that all that we are today, he could be no mo if it were yesterday. Oh hey, you ever had somebody be talking and they think they're heavy? Yes, but they all saying nothing. Shut up? Did you not hear Tommy speak? A friendless place in my entire life? Boy, I'm telling you you gotta have Yeah, you gotta have triple. We'll join us next year for another award presentation of the Steve the Stevie Awards. Yeah, I love that Stevie. Yeah, huh, greatness, right there? You thought of this, Jay, No junior. Junior thought the man with the baby voice. Yeah, all right, coming up next, guys, if you're planning and travel by airplane during the holidays, you will want to hear this. Don't go anywhere. It's coming up right after this. You're listening to show. All right, So, Steve, you're traveling by airplane during the holidays, I'm going away. Well, I guess we all are right up in the air. Yeah, yeah, well, yeah, yeah, because I'm flying commercial. Okay, Well, if you're flying commercial, listen to this. Here's a very serious tip. Do not drink the coffee, the tea, or the water on the airplane unless it's out of a bottle. Okay, this is a courting Yeah. This is according to a recent study by the New York Food Policy Center. They found Yeah, they found that the water tanks on planes aren't cleaned often enough, and they are topped off with the hair drink water after plane. I don't well, a lot of people do, Steve where they pour it out of the bottle. But yeah, they poured out of the bottle. But it's not a fresh you know, bottle. I mean, you don't know if it's a fresh bottle, fresh bottle of water. That's not a fresh bottle of water. Well, I got my top on the seal when I get Yeah, if they give you bottles of water with the seal on there, but if they're just pouring them out of the bottle, you don't know that. Yeah. Well, anyway, this recent study, as I was saying, by the New York Food Policy Center, found that the water tanks on the planes aren't cleaned often and they are topped off with new water after every flight. So the water at the bottom of the tank isn't very clean and it has been sitting there for a while. Oh and a study from the EPA found that twelve percent of commercial planes tested positive for fecal bacteria in the water supply. Uh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the same. Yeah, yes it is. That's the same water you wash your hands within the laboratory, and the same water they used to make coffee and tea on the plane. That's that's planes. That attitude of that fight attended to. Yeah, that's that's thank you. Well that fix it up. You can't do nothing now, can't drink coffee, can't drink you can't fly. Man. I was on the plane one time. They had a baby on the plane. This lady said her child was allergic to peanuts. Now this after we own and they passing out, you know food. The lady said, nobody in first class can have hot nuts because if he smelled the peanuts. I said, why is his ass on the plane? Because I gets on the front of him hot nuts. Yea, And now you got your little sick ass back there. He can't staying the smell and nuts. Well, you don't need to fly when you gotta train, y'all cut the tooth. Why don't y'all drive? I don't like that, man. Man, we had the one time, and this is a true story, kid, you not we pulled out, we're going to the runway. We had turned the plane around and take off all the peanuts on the plane. Wow. But the lady just said it on the way out when we use taxing. But I was so mad. Man. Yeah, that's the second madness I've ever been on the plane. Mm hmm, ain't knowing you can do back? Wow, Steve, Well, just a reminder, you know, when a lot of people will be fly. That was the second madness I've ever been on the plane. Second, man, But what was the first half? What happened? What happened? Or you're gonna play stupid Shirley. Oh that's what you're gonna do, ste if you do. I had anxiety issue, you know, when we were taxing and the ladies said we have to go back and take all the peanuts off to play. I was so mad. That was the second that the first madness I've ever been. Hey, before you tell the story, I love you. I just want to say that the plane were back all the way out, we take off, we going towards the runway. All of a sudden, we put the brakes, were back up. We back up at the gate. Don't nobody say nothing. Then the flight attendant said, I'm sorry, but we have to remove someone from the plane. I'm sitting there, Shirley coo walker pad So sure, situation for white folk, see you up on this place. They didn't ball Shirley back because she didn't have the anxiety attack. She can't fly. This is true. This is the truth. Yeah, that actually happened. That brought her back, and I just can't do this. So now three hundred damn people can't go where we going because she didn't got that crazy ass on the plane to decide if she can't do it about the ticket. This we were going to New York. Remember to be on the montell Williams talk. Hey got he got in the damn plane, fastened her seat belt. It's taxi. She snapped her seat belt and called best precedent. But then they all, I has to back plane. What baby, it's on the damn I was hyper ventilating. The lady ran back down. Here comes Sirley with all her bag and I lookt too walking past me. I said, Sherley, sit down for the white folks seat. I got to get off this. Everybody said, this bug you I know. I couldn't. Nah, you know it is after nine elevens. So now we got to wait on her to get her bag off the damn play. So they got to go in the underbelly to get her because they can't let her kill us. And she ain't on a prank. But I was so dead and they got to look forward, yeah, and everything was fine. I ended up coming the next day. Oh, I wouldn't have been waiting more. The next day, Well, you couldn't go to day before. I couldn't. I had to make myself. I had to talk myself into it. I had to make myself. You know, you have to. You have to face your fears drunk and I had a panic attack. I was hyperventilating. Well, you know it bothers me sometimes, butly don't get drunk. But I'm much better at it now. I don't know what's happening to it. But you can't be rounding not with one. She don't get drunk, but she drank one glance away. Oh man, she ain't drunk with something wrong. I believe your bodies telling me before whatever, Steve, you've never seen that. I said to time to foot and treatments every time. See a lot of people have panic attacks on the plane. Okay, we'll get off the plane here. You have to face your fears out of Africa as a as a show. You really can't go with it. Oh you need to be on another flag. Yeah, or you know. That's why I was asking you yesterday how do you handle the long flights? And you said yesterday you remember that that's your favorite thing to do. That's your that's your favorite thing to do. Timmy, what would you do if you on the plane and then started lightning, Pull that shade down, get up on that seat. A shade all right, coming up in twenty minutes, Thanks a lot. I left the shade down and just be flicking my light on it all. We'll have more of the Sea vrby morning show right after this. You're listening, all right, Jay, this story is kind of for you right here. Our good friend Kevin Hart has been in the news lately. We know why for stepping down from the oscars, But this time I think he really dodged a bullet here. One of the venues on his comedy tour is being sued by a diabetic woman who claims she got kicked out of Kevin Hart's comedy show because she used her cell phone to check her blood sugar before the show began. The incident happened last July in San Diego when the lady used cell phone app that I'm sure you're aware of this jay that monitors her blood sugar levels. The venue had signs posted no, but it's a device that goes on your arm and then you see it on your phone. She's not telling the truths you have the other part. I've never seen anything where you just touched the phone and it checks your blood. They may have it, I haven't seen it. Ye what I've seen is it? You put it on your arm. You can see the must have had that. Well, I'll see it is how you are diabetic. I think we have to lean go with what you say, Ye go with me this time. Well this lady was one two. Well, but she didn't she's not here. Okay, let's see you got hold up. You gonna go. You're gonna go with a diabetic that's not here. That's why a comedian diabetic all day. But I know how sick you can get. And all you do is poor orange juice and keep it moving, that's all. I don't even do that for Jake. What do you do for Jake? I walk off and leave anyway. The venue had signs posted prohibiting the use of cell phones, but she said it was a medical necessity. She was still ejected. They still removed her from the venue. She never got a refund, so she's suing Live Nation, which operates the venue. Again. Kevin Kevin Hart is not named in this lawsuit. Okay, but it happened, you know, But just get up leaving. They'll let you back in. I mean she making him big dealing, you making an all check that photographs. Yeah, well you're you. You can be quiet non diabetic. He know a lot about blood raising because he's short. What did you say? He know a lot about how blood because he showed Trump didn't get high blood real quick, like if he stepped down off a curve. Now blood bod because he showed us the loan drop for him. It's a curve to you, but it's a loan drop for him. Thinking of that, Steve, I'm really mad at you for telling story. We've gone No, no, no, we've gone all year, not one time. If we had a little Tommy story, not one what we practically beg you for them. It's him that doesn't want them. Oh, Shirley, things have changed now we're in a different place. Okay, man, No they haven't, and no we're not. Things have changed. Shirley was gonna have the same question, thank you? Why are you tallert? What? What? Y t? He's taller and statue taller than what? Jay in life's taller than what? Who? Who ain't he over here? So what he's taller than what? He's accomplished more things than last year? Oh? Because of his TV show? You're set most definitely definitely sure, So we can't do that kind of stuff. Stand all right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey after this. Maybe a little tim start. No, you're listening show Steve. We need a drum roll plays drum roll? Please? Yeah, listen up, everybody. We are giving you the chance to win a trip for two to my Saying the Soul Festival next October tenth through the fourteen that includes listen to Me y'all folk Knights in a junior suite at the All Inclusive Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, round trip coach airfare, two tickets to all seventeen events, man airport transfers, to enter and to get rules. All you gotta do. Let's go to Steve Harvey FM dot com get your passports updated because you could win a trip to Punta Connor in the Dominican Republic again. To trip includes round trip coach air for you and one guest, fol nights accommodations in the junior suite at the All Inclusive Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. All inclusive food, alcoholic beverage, No alcoholic beverages included while on the Hard Rock and Casino property. Two tickets to all seventeen events. Who that hell? Seventeen events? I don't know nobody. But a limitless resort credit, did you hear me? Virga, a limitless resort credit that you can use at the spa, at the gift shop or the play golf. All my credits is going towards golf. I just won't golf and that casino. I can hit that jackpot like I did last time. I had to do little the casino or he from the States, he run the casino. I said, man, how y'all doing? We're doing good that you came in here. Or I hit him over the head, man, I hit him for a big jack pott. You know. Make sure that your passport is current and inner at Steve Harvey FM dot com. In a at Steve Harvey FM dot com for your chance to win this amazing trip to Punta Connor, saying the soul is back at it. Y'all right, so much fun this year. Yeah, everybody will be There's up. Tommy and Jay put some soul on it. Yeah, everybody be there with them. Tommy's coming. No, he ain't tell you that. Timmy ain't coming. Don't know you think I'm gonna come to saying the soul. Now he got TV show girl. He's been waiting on it. But Steve, he fitting the show his naturall. If you ain't ever seen Tommy at her damn food propelled yrself. I'm a humble about it. Let him get picked up a season two, y'all fitning to see something? You ain't gonna ask right he ain't acting right now, it ain't tasting to two weeks. He took the show add and he took off. I said, Tim, what happened? Show came on last night? I can't watch your opening night and be here too. You know my big day of mom? What big day is that? It's well, noon gold, I ask me. That's why you like that? That's why something like that. I'm sipping on this stuff? Man, twelve noon Timmy, Yeah, well I fixed it. I could come to work. You know, dog, you can't drink that stuff and come to work. I can't handle it. All right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from our fearless leader, the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this. You're listening all right? Here we are, Steve. Last break of the day. It's been a good day. A lot of stuff going on in the world Jesus, but we need a break from all of this. Yeah, that's why we love having you, Steve, so you can give us some closing remarks the world today. Oftentimes my best closing remarks are remarks that are reflective of something that I'm going through, have been through, or experienced. And so today is going to be in that vein. I want to talk to you all today about faith. Faith. The purest definition of faith to me, this is to me, now, I don't know how other people view faith. I'm just talking about the purest definition of faith to me is simply this, faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's what faith really means to me. Faith is to belief in things that you cannot see. That categorizes faith for me, That exemplifies faith for me, That expresses faith for me that somehow, over the years, I have managed to understand that faith is in the belief in things that you cannot see. So when situations beset me, when circumstances run up into me, when I find myself in something that I have no control over that circumstances, just set thyself right in front of my door, and then all of a sudden, I get the phone calls, hey man, you all right, Hey man, hang in now. Man so sad to hear the news. You know, I had a slew it that this week because of some article that came out about the show friends from Cleveland, and I appreciate it all. But I'm gonna tell you something that I'm drawing on. I'm drawing on this thing called faith. I'm drawing on some words that my mother told me when she was young. When I was young, my mama was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She always taught me that I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me. There is no way that God got me to this place to leave me. See where faith comes in. I firmly believe that when one door closes, God has another one to open up. See. I never stand in the doorway that's closing in my face and keep knocking on that door. Y'all need to open this door back up. I'm not gonna stand there and try to force my way back in the door. I'm gonna take care of my business. Of course, faith without works is dead. But I do not get crippled and crumbled. The predictions are the thoughts of somebody else. Somebody come to me and tell me what they're gonna do to me. How many times have you had somebody come to you and tell you what they was gonna do to you? How many times have you had a boss confront you and tell you what they was gonna do to you? And they say it with the full intent of shaking you up? And sometimes it work, don't it. You go home and you shake it. Let me offer you something, stop shaking. Don't worry, don't be dismayed. There's no way God brought you this far to leave. See the people's talking about taking stuff from you, They didn't give it to you in the first place. What they don't know that your steps was ordered by God. What they don't know that God positioned you right where he wanted you to be at a particular time. They had no choice that to put you in the position because God had ordered his soul. So when they come along and they start talking about taking you out of position, what you're worried about that fault? You don't think. You don't think that you have an option here. You don't think that the God you served that put you where he wanted you to be placed. You don't think he see all of this. I do. I think he sees me. I think he places me right where he wanted me to be placed. I think he has people saying things about me so I can hear it. I think he's allowing people to think that they're making decisions because they want to. I believe that they don't know that God is always working on my behalf behind the scenes always. Why Because I believe and I trusted him, That's why he always working on my behalf. That is No, I'm not an evil person. I'm not an unrighteous person. I'm really a good person. I'm flawed, but I'm a good person. I don't set out to hurt nobody. I ain't trying to step on nobody. So when somebody bring me some disparaging news about what they're gonna do to me, in the words of Bishop T. D. Jakes, you got to be careful how you handle me. Be very careful how you handle me. Because I happen to be a child of the Most High. What He's done for me in the past, he can continue to do for me in the future. I have no fear of what you claiming that you will do to me, because God didn't bring me this far to leave me. That I'm certain of. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. And even though I can't see what he's doing right now, I bet he's doing something. I'm excited about the future of what God got for me. Those are my clothing. You better know it, better drop yourself a good WEEKI rop up face baby drop. Did you drop the micro dress yourself? What did you do? For All Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.