Elf Strike, Steve's Business, Sidepiece Gift Ideas, Truth Be Told and more.

Published Dec 19, 2019, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We show love to all including aliens. Who is Tommy's special friend. The elves have gone on strike and Steve is their union representative. What part of your job keeps you youthful? In Truth Be Told, Junior has got some things to get off his chest. Do you know which day during the holiday season is most popular for having relations? Steve's carpet cleaning business has a feel good story attached to it. Sand and Soul 2020 will be adding 2 all new events. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about everyone going through something and he shines some light with some words of encouragement, plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like amazing buck things. And it's not me true good at Steve har listening to move to other star, Please Moby, I don't join by join me, you go with me. You gotta turning, You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I Shore will come on to everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and all, it's Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and it sharing time. And I am ever appreciated. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is in every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable. So here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Now, I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me, and then for him just touching my life the way he has, I mean, I'm I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you. If you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just God, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here. You've made it. You know, forget how rough it was, got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through when it high made you feel you may made it. Now what makes people give up and you hear about people committing suicide, is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear, as long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything. But you lose that connection, you lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you're having a relationship with now? And it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil. It's positive and negative is God's satan. Now, this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to step in. If you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God, come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bear. Okay, now that we got that clear, that's a fact. Okay. Now with that fact in mind, let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about him, you're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it. Why would he give you some more stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for? I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it if you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having it and wondering at all like here, I ended up checking myself and going, man, I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things He has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings. It's the key to the wonders of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have, as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no gratual, no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum. I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real, simple, so I can keep understand in this thing right here. So let me give you an example. In my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had begun to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy, you know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that you got to do something, and you got to get busy. But I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down, and then I had to catch myself, and I went, wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy, embraced the fact that what all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part if you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was instead of complaining about how busy I was. And then guess what, It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pour out to these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You got to act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me, Let's go, you're ladies, gentlemen, girls, boys, thanks time, animals, aliens, everybody. I'll talk to one of them. You talk to who alien? You don't have no alien friends? Go ahead, man here, let me see you get out of this one right here. So what y'all talk about? What y'all talking about? I'm open, I'm open. It's a good way to start. She'll go ahead tell me. Okay, he's from Mars. He's my friend, and he's been talking about how they having mars quakes. You know we have earthquakes, they have Mars quakes. So it's not going on this similarity that what's happening up? Then what's happening down? Yeah? I mean it's how you don't have no friends? Different, No, don't worry about that. Where'd you see boy come out of the house? Sometimes? Boy? Come on, Steve, How does he get to the house. You don't remember the friend I used to play with when I was little? Oh, I remember him. Marvin. We didn't see him either, but Marvin the March he exists. You make me so angry. I love Disney Carton. Yes see, Jake, he got friends. Is anybody inside? Because I am? Are you? Is that a question? Carlo? Seriously? I'm looking around the room like he's got Martian friends, and yeah, when they show up, when they show up, you're gonna need me. See, you're gonna need me because you ain't had nobody to know how to talk to him. That's your problem. You need, you need to get you need somebody like me in your life. I got the Martian friend. Hell yeah, yeah, yeah. They shot nothing but a helmet with some sneakers helmet and so now that explains it. Okay, sir, I supna be my friend. I'm done with her, not yourself. You do? You got these shout at marshes? Do they look stick just to helmet with it some converse sneaker sticking up under and set a eye crazy? I know because I got right now he don't want to laugh. That's how he looked in his football uniform. Okay, when we was little, Tommy got it football unif woman, That's how he looked. Thinking body, But who's taller? You think though, guy? But he just got quiet you you him all right? Coming up at thirty two after the hour, something funny. You're listening string show. Christmas is fast approaching. We all know that time to get the toys together. However, the elves. I didn't know this. The elves are on stripe and you got here with some grievances. Uh, I got guys, I got this someone hand and listen myself because it's something that I'm I'm good at doing because I'm a former union man and elves. Elves have decided came to me with them a lot of complaints and I'm being the representative. Now. We wanted Timmy to stand up for him, but then he was already standing up. They went, we need somebody that's standing up for it, that look like they actually standing. So I said I would do it. The elves of this year are going on strike, well they haven't gone on yet, but they're threatening to go on strike. The Elves of wanting to sit out this year. Santa Claus is having trouble because he's trying to talk to these damn elves about their concern So I'm here with their grievances and I want to start by saying, these are the elves grievouses, and I will be preparing these statements on behalf of the Ill Foundation. We the elves who work at the North Pole, are requesting the following changes. Please show your support through our website www dot help elves dot com. If you're gonna help the elves help elves dot com, tell me, don't act like you don't know. So you know. We all the complaints that the elves have and here we go. Number one problem that they have it We the elves would like to stop making these damn wooden toys. Don't no kid won't no damn wooden toy. And we've been making them for years. Okay, ain't nobody asks for now? When he wouldn't wheels, he wouldn't padlock, they got real toys. Now. Secondly, we the elms are requesting to have a casual Friday, so we ain't got to these stupid ass uniform, tight ass pants, these pointed hats. We want to casual frid voicing the concerns and elves have and considered on going on strike, and they wanted me to convey this to sent a class and everybody listen. We the elves would like to request a thirty minute smoke break. They we smoke, and then we want to be able to go outside and smoke whatever we wants. Try making these cards without it. Elves don't get high here's the next complaint on behalf of the Hells Elves. We the Elves have voted to eliminate bring your kids to work today. The truth of the matter is elves really don't like kids. No, we don't damn that because they think we kids too, just because we shot. Get your damn hands off of me. I drove here in a slave. Next complaint that they have we the Elves are uncomfortable wearing knees dagn funny toe shoes. That heard that he didn't get. We want Crocs to be the new official Elve shop Crocs and Gators to be the new elve shoe. Do the elves I'm doing? Complain? You don't act like you ain't with them. You trying to add a complaint. I don't act like you ain't. I want two elves and pilgrims have the same shit. Do you know I'm not? Well, let's quit this game. Next complaint, We the elves do not like elves shirts and pants. There ain't got no damn pockets. And we want to start using fanny past so when we go outside to take our smoke break, we'll have our stuff with it. Next complaint, We the elves understand that we on the north pole, but some of the younger Elves wants to cut back on the heat being so high all the time in the workshop. The older elves is fine, young old people. We the Elms, would like to assign ten elves each year to ride around with Senna, because we think it's unfair that we make all these damn toys and we don't ever get fat ass just be packing up the slid with the rain. D damn it. We made the to a couple more quickly. We the Els. We still love miss Claus and we know she's very nice and she's never too busy to being down and give us a hook. But we still would like to know exactly what do she do up here? The cooks, the cooks for everybody. We ain't had nothing from her. We gotta keeler elf at last, were not least. We the Els support the me too movement that's real strong up here. And some of the female als a requesting that's santam refrain from saying ho ho ho ho. And on that note, we're gonna go. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne will be here with our national news and headlines. But first, nephew is up with us? Run that prank back? What you got? Limo driver one more time? Limo drive for you, Uncle Steve. Were about to rob a bank, baby, everybody, whole tank. We about to rob a bank. It's the Limo drive. Good afternoon. I'm trying to get Cecil get a secret, hey, Cecil, one of my boys. Game of your number, man, I'm trying to get a car service for the night. Okay, listen, this is my personal number. Do you have the main number? Man? I keep calling the main line but there ain't nobody answered. I had to call that ball chick seven times. It keep rolling over to it like to a voicemail or okay, okay, okay, brother, what's your name? Monday? Tony? Okay, listen, Tony, I gotta custom in the back. Let me get them happy, can you you got a few moments? I mean, let me get the dough form and all hold the phone. All right, okay, cool, all I thank you. Have a good eating instant. All right, Tony? Yeah? What's up? Yeah? Now you're saying you called the main line and you just keep going to voicemail or something like can you call the main line? But you know I know I'm calling it the last minute. Do I'm trying to get a get a call for the night man? Okay? What you need? What listen? We gotta we got the suv. We gotta up to dan or two. We got a couple of limits white up black. What you need if I could get a I guess like a black limits a and be cool? Okay, we got that. We got that. What time where I'm picking you up? What time? What it costs? You know? For an hour? Because all I need is an hour? Where's it? Sixty five hours a nour but we only do three hour minimums the first three hours sixty five Okay, okay, okay, see we'll see see all I need is an hour? Man really like for to five minutes? So do you think they will work with me where you can't get them? So you're dealing with me? Let me see. I'll tell you what I'll do you for one hundred and fifty dollars and I'll take k But now I want you to know, I'm gonna let them know everything. So I got to have either credit card or receive it something on the KVE to let them know because I'm not no quicker brother. I'm gonna let them know everything that I'm doing without fourty fix one fifty. I give you one fifty when you pick me up, that's no problem. Then where am I picking you up? And at what time? All right? I'm at ninety eight Village Drive. Ninety eight Village Drive, okay, when I need twenty? And where am I taking yourself? I'm going downtown on Capital Street, downtown, the Capitol Street, all right? And what time am I picking you up? You could get me like at eleven forty five to night, that would be good. Let me forty five, okay, if at forty five minutes, If two an hour you're gonna need, then forty five to next frostually twelve forty five, twelve thirty four five okay, good that. Um, let me see and downtown Capital What you didn't give an address? I don't even know the address. I'm going to um To Bank Bank downtown all right? Right? Um? Can I ask you something, Tony right? Um? Yeah, And I'm trying to get any business. You know, we don't ask questions usually, but a bank at Knight's gonna be closed. I mean, you're not going to work because I gotta take you back to you're dropping off to something to somebody or something like God, no, no, I ain't dropping nothing, no, but I'm picking something up to see. What I need you to do is just right here. I'm gonna go in there, and I'm gonna be in there probably like about fifteen minutes. But when I come out, man, I need you to out of call running and we need to get side of there. Man. You ask me to run you down to a bank at midnight, and you kicking something up at midnight. And I got to be ready to go when you come out, me and my boys when we come out of there, just when when we get it, when we get back in the back of the limo, I need you to I need you to put the pedal down, man, and let's get out of there. Look here, yo, yo, young brother. Well how old you man? I'm twenty four. Yeah, that's what I figured. Look, hey, man, it sounds like you're in some kind of shading. I don't do that, brother, That's that's man. You know you're a driver, dog. Your job is to drive. If you pick somebody up, first of all, you ain't gonna be asking nobody where they're going. What doing You're supposed to drive? Let me what I'm telling you here, lady, once we come out of the bank, drive try let me stop it. That's why I'm driving. Is it working somewhere else? Driving? Because I was ignorant like you at one time. But let me tell you something. But I don't know your business and really don't care at this point in time. I'm not doing no crazy like this shit. Brother. Let me tell you something, man. What you need to do is get your young into some type of training school or something to find yourself a job. You're gonna go down the enemy, gonna blow your brains out. I ain't really trying to hear all this lay here. What I'm trying to do is paying you this one. I'm fifty you driving me where I'm trying to go because you ain't even back. Brothers, you can't get right now. I'm not even advice. You need to listen to me. That's what's wrong with you. You're now y'all crazy. Get rich right off overnight, tight or you need to slow down because they got something, you feel me. They got hold on, Hold on, man, hold on what you know? You don't know nothing, you don't know, man, I need to know what. Brother, How are you gonna be preaching the mate out? Because I've been that man that's on triving to Limo. Because I've been that young brother. I'm trying to keep you from going that because you won't like it. Look at so that. I don't know what to tell you at this point. First of all, I'm not doing it, so you can cut that out. Okay. Now I'm thinking of you and all the other young brothers to do this. Thumb. You watch too many of the movies or something. Brother, you need to get your plate, because they got a place for you, probab. Let me tell you something they read man, mofa. I ready anything. My mamma told me. They didn't want me to know they cut it out. Do you feel me? They looked at me every night where they wanted to fed me gbage that I had to eat or die. You ain't ready for that, man, You ain't ready for what. I think he got your land. Your brothers don't know what's going on out here. You got it too easy. See now you're talking about going down. They robbing the bank. You ain't no bank robber. You don't sound like no, thudal remo. The way you're going, you ain't making nothing because they were blowing you on your I wan't about their paper. You don't understand that, and you sure't ready for no jail? Could I say one more thing to you? That? Yeah? What is it? All I want to do is tell you it is that I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and your boy Carddn got me the prank phone call you. I don't give a who you are. If you around with them folks down town, they're gonna blow you, maw. They're gonna get your hundred years under the jail. Did you do Did you just hear what I just said? Though? What you said something about when my partners you know? I no, no, no, no, I said, I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy the other another driver, Cardell got me the prank phone call you. If you tim oh you mean Steve Harvey on the radio. No, man, no, no, no, this is are you serious? Man? Ain't sec Your boy Cardell got me to prank phone call you. Man, who I'm getting that? I'm gonna get that when you lit my fire man I don't know that. I mean my fight move ho. He say be careful, he say, big cecil. He's been he's been dying there he didn't done some time. Yeah, isn't that? Ben't that? Man? Calm down, baby, come down, man. I got one more question to ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. I want the nephew Tommy, but Steve Harvey Morning Show. I got you, baby, me and your boy Carddell got you. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna get here, ma man, meet you brother. I old you want to. Y'all gotta be real though. That's how you rob a bank in a limo. If you're gonna rob a bank, I shouldn't say that. Huh okay, well know she's giving out criminally. If you're gonna robber man, you should rob it in a limo. First of all, what's the limo driver find out? Like the one dude in this prank that that's put you up to. It's gonna be hard getting limo. Oh yeah, all right, Miss Anna's coming up next with our national news. You're listening all right every Monday. Poland's oldest DJ, Virginia Schmidt's I don't know how to pronounce in it s z m yt. We're just gonna say. Schmidt packs her CDs. She packs her CDs, her her mixer, and laptop, and heads off to Spin for a packed dance floor of mainly senior citizens. I love this, I love what it wasn't Yes, wicked, wicked. She entertains about a thousand people at the Hula Coola Club, smashing stereotypes and empowering seniors as she plays everything from disco and rock to samba and ballads. She says, I do not fit the stereotype of an elderly person. I don't see any reason why my age should determine why my age should determine my life norms. So I think that's interesting. So here's a question for the guys. What part of your job keeps you young? Or what job would you want to keep you young? I can tell you definitely what keeps me yo? You fellas what you start first? Oh, go ahead, go ahead, you all my jobs, man. I love all my job laughing, all the laughing I get to do all day long, man telling Joe laughing, that's what keeps me young? Good answer, good answer. Stupidity, being able to just be stupid, just just you know, just letting it go. Oh, yes, you're strong with that. You're strong with that because you would you would think you would want to mature. But I don't want that. Don't be silly, Carlo. I want this stupid right here. I want when you got it? You got all of that, anybody, that's all you boo? All right, Steve? What keeps you fine off? In ignorance? That order fine off and ignorance? When I first met you used to say that, I love it. I let it out. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have stress, dog do all that. I ain't had no ulcers and all that. Oh we cussing? Okay, cool? I agree with Junior though, the laughter of it all, I mean, laughter is it? Yeah? You know? But I mean, you know, we gotta give different answers, Sherley. We can't all say laughter. What you're not do is make us think that Junior is the most brilli you know, three of us. That's not what you well with that question. I know he tried. I saw him because he didn't have that answer. First day he won. He won that round. Junior won that round, Steve. Okay, we had it that keeps start. We'll keep y'all. Yeah. Yeah, and he is the king of that the ladies. Yeah, I mean, like I said, I agree with you. Laughter, playing music, just keeping up with what's going on. If you're young, Yeah, being able to being able to wear whatever you want to wear to work and stuff. It's cool. You know, you could dress anywhere you want to dress. Fly. You know you don't have to do what Tommy, you've heard. Let's say a quarter by six sext I'm keep you okay, we got a job. Yeah, we'll do it at the job. I'm just saying, right, Steve, let's get to the news, ladies and gentlemen, Miss ann Trip, thank you very much, everybody. This is entrop of the news in Korey into the possible impeachment a President Trump unfolded over week's ending in a long final day of debate yesterday. In the end, last night, the Democrat control House of Representatives took an historic nighttime vote, making Donald Trump the only only the third president in US history to be impeached by the House. Republicans like Florida's Royal Spannel says the moves toward impeachment was always a disingenuous and purely partisan moves. The American people see through this sad charade for what it is, an attempt to undo the two in sixteen election based on hearsay, an opinion, not fact. However, how Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who put off weeks for calling for an impeachment in the first place, said the president eventually gave her colleagues no other choice. His tragic that the president's reckless actions make impeachment necessary. The president violated the Constitution. The President used the power of his public office to obtain an improper personal political benefit at the expense of America's national security. Sadly, the American people have witnessed further wrongs of the president which necessitate the second article of impeachment obstruction of Congress. When the president's wrongdoing was revealed, he launched an unprecedented, indiscriminate and categorical campaign of defiance and obstruction. Never before in the history of our nation have we seen a president declare an actis he is above the law. The president goes even so far as to say Article too says I can do whatever I want. No, it doesn't, by the way, Speaker Pelosi wore black, along with many other Democratic congresswomen to signify the seriousness and sadness of the occasion. Trump meanwhile registers anger and a tweet, of course all capital letters and exclamation points, saying, such atrocious lies by the radical left do nothing Democrats, this is an assault on America and an assault on the Republican Party unquote. Now comes the impeachment trial next month and the GOP dominated Senate, where a vote of two thirds majority would be necessary for conviction. That's not expected to happen. In fact, Republican senators are expected to acquit the president on both charges. He'll be left in office and then become the first impeach president to run for reelection. By the way, most of while everybody's wise eyes were looking on impeachment speeches in Washington, Senate leader Mitch McConnell pushed through the nominations of thirteen new right wing judges through the Senate. Social media has been lettered recently with the racist comments from Hispanics about the new Miss Universe Tunzis those Abenzi of South Africa. According to The Orlando Know, most of the negativity coming from Puerto Ricans, upset that their beauty Queen came in second comments accusing I included, I can't believe the black woman one. So many women with beautiful hair and the bad hair one. One supervisor called her Shaka Zulu's cousin. She's not The host of Telemundo show Al Rojo Vivos, Maurice Celesta and Miss Universe is meant to measure beauty, not intelligence or IQ, suggesting I guess that tuse he's not beautiful. Telemundo opened by owned by the parent company of NBC. Another host there, Rodna Figaroa, was taken off the network doing President Obama's the second term, suggesting first Lady Mission Melt's Michelle Obama looked like a monkey. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, All right, junior, it is time for truth be told. Yeah, um, you know what, we've all been there. We've all been at this one place where we got the one friend that's in the relationship but he like he don't want it or she don't want it. Huh. They all all the stuff they talk about is how much they don't want the purse. Yeah, this person here, this is the person they don't want to be with no mo oh okay, Yeah, they don't want to be the person every song come on, remind them of the person on it. Look, I just want to let you know, DOGG, I don't even want to be your friend. Be no more. Truth be told because I ain't got time, I ain't miserable, I ain't upsetting. Yeah, I ain't hurt behind nobody right now. We can't go eat nowhere because y'all this was y'all's place. Now we can't go. We can't go out no more because this is where y'all used to hang out. A dog, I'm just your friend. I ain't for the spend six hours of my day every time I talk to you. Her name come up, man, go back and get her. Please, for the sake of both of us. Now you got me calling her asking what happened why y'all ain't together no more? Yeah, now I'm in the relationship because y'all can't get along no more? Please tell me what is the problem, because this is good, this is going on too long. Let me tell you what happens. I come in the house, I walk in the room. Here in the room, all getting harder than I can hear the TV now I can't hear the TV because you and then we're gonna lead. Then we got to be together. What you're calling me for? Wow, I'm just going to say everything all right, No, we're cool man, you know we just love. No, this ain't love. Love, don't holler back and that this ain't love, right, Okay, I'm just saying, I don't want to be your friend no more. Just find somebody else. That's all you got. There's plenty of people out here. Just find somebody else. You ain't got to kick go through this back and forth. Now this ain't This ain't my relationship. Yeah, he messed around and then broke up with somebody he really cared about. Now he missled. Dudes do that all time. But that's what I'm saying. Just admitted, gonna go back. You ain't gonna be hard for me. I don't even care. You're not trying to make them say which. I gotta put the funk now because I hear all this north in him him. What you're doing? Fuck? Why why are you calling me? Don't call no more? Did he hang a callback? I'm sorry, I miss you, I need you. Then I walk into room. Dog she ain't working in any worth having no dog. Just calm down so I can hear the teeth. That's all I'm trying to do. That's it, man. Matter of fact, we ain't got to be friends no more. Now, she wonder while I'm calling her. I just want some peace in the house. Truths, all your stuff is happening to People be doing this all the time and don't about to pay attention to it. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening. There's the season, guys for getting it on. A new survey found that fifty percent of Americans say they're little you know, friskier freak ear during the holidays, and about seventy percent of response than to reveal that they typically get busy on Christmas to day. Yeah, I've been here. Will better be some frisky here, some frisk and cake. You bet not open that box and go down stairs? Ya tell me? This story is Taylor made for you because you just talking about you talked about and we talked about it Monday. I was yall know, I said, you know what you know? Am I wrong to want to do it? Why company is there? And we having Thanksgiving. Let's so, let's let's speed it up to Christmas. If we opening gifts and and enjoying Christmas, if we slip away for thirty minutes, is that all right? I mean, it's my house, ain't it. Can I do that? Yeah? But are you at your permission? I'm just asking y'all to just give me confirmation? So when I asked huh to meet me back here, it's okay, you're crazy. I don't think the confirmation you need has to come from us, you know what? You know what? Let me do this. Let me just speak for every man. Ladies. If you're listening, y'all married, when when your men, uh, when it's eleven thirty twelve and he cut your arm and y'all both into bed, that's a sign, baby, that's a sign. Don't don't hit me, A pull away from me? That that that hurts my Yeah, No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not saying that's happening at the shot. That's happening all over the world. Listen, when we when we when we just when we just touch your arm or your side, guess what we we we we know we're gauge in the temperature. But it's bad when you slap somebody's hand back. That's that's you know. Yeah, we're not actually trying to just o y'all got people live with cut on. Ain't no rubbing on you because we're trying to cut it. You know, I ain't the only one getting this slap back. I know I ain't the only one. So it is after that we lay on you with just dead. Wait we probably sleep yeah, okay, but if you're getting rubbed on. Yeah, I have been accidentally hit in my nostril. I mean really, just I have. Man, this this is just really that was the bread went around him? Man, can you help my situation at the INtime? What's your situation? Like? When I buy the gift, you know, you come back and pick it up. That don't mean get right back in the car. Wow, that do not mean? Now, I got you exactly what you asked for. I got the receipt, the man kissing me on the cheek, and walk your head back out the door and I hit it the engine, start and drive off. How did you know? Yeah, you know what I'm saying. I got these silk gemas I bought for Christmas morning. That's sweet. You didn't even looked at them. Yeah, you know, it might be time for you to come on en. Yeah, dog, I might have to mark, come on in. And what old dogs don't look old horses don't look good in the field. They don't graze the same. We just gotta come around. Oh ready, all right, we'll listen. Oh you got one you need to come on around. You got one particular? Yeah, but we're just getting in the call on Christmas Day, they got to stop. How long has that been going on? About four years? Or Christmas? I'll be back. I gotta go by my mama eye, gotta make my rounds. You're not yet. I can make my run. She just leave, takes the gift and leaves you. She doesn't say I'm coming back or anything. Nah, or you don't go. Why don't you just go with her? I was in silk pajama. Oh yeah, I'm so glad. I don't make holiday rounds. No, man, I'm so glad. Yeah, yeah, I can't stand that. Yeah, why we go? I just don't. I just like at home, like I'm just cool at home. Man, I'm good. All right, Well listen, coming up next, Thank you guys. Coming up next to nephew Tommy's prank phone call. That's right after this. You're listening, all right, nephew, what you got time for the prank phone call, Shirlette. It's time to baptize some people. It's called mobile Baptismal Pool mobile Baptisma. We come to you and you can be ignorant in your house and baptize. That's what we do. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. It's just how you doing. My name is brother spring Water Man. Listen, we uh we we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to uh for for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available, uh some some services. Well, y'all playing on Clesson grad which I do. What kind of services you have? Actually, sir, you've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is UM we have a Baptismal on wheels, Servey. And what we do is we go and we um we baptize people at their home and and Baptismal on wheels has been it's a new UM company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we hostess here brother Water. Brother again, I'm sorry, I ain't Frewater Freenwater. What you want to come to my house and give me a baptism in my front yard. We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, what a friend will pay for me to get baptized. Man, I've been baptized, are already doc well from my understanding, sir that but then that you you had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to believe that you need to be Washington coming. I mean, that's all good, that's all. That's all. It's all good. But I mean things are I mean think that matter that it made? Man, I mean I've been baptized, I go to church. You know, uh, me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house, to say you've been a baptize me that that doesn't make any sense to me. Doc. I mean sometimes when some people are not able to go to the House of the Lord and get baptized. You know, we're making a lot more convenient for you, but we can actually need no convenience. I don't need no convenience. What I need convenience for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday to bastie me in my driveway? Does that make any sense to you? Brother Water? I mean, come on, if you really sit that can think about it, does that make any sense to you? First of all? So that's that's that's brother spring water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to see the water is holy water, spring water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of mine house, Sir, What is all that? This is? This is what your friends are talking about that don't give it to them. What my prayers are telling you, man and anybody which which one of my prayers, don't recommand you to come to my damn house. So I'm I'm I and I don't dude, let me that you don't even make any sense to me. You understand I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually is? Uh? I beturing the liberty because of my damn house that baptize me. But you can't tell me who the hell I gonna see you? But you're not there? What may come? All? You don't even call that makes sense for you do? Come on? That doesn't make any no where in the world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your phone in front of my house that baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask as you you suposed to be a pastor, you supposed to get back tied. I'm asking you, okay, what's the friend of mine? Is tending in you to? You know, letting you know I need to be done? How you'll tell you? How that liberty to all? I want to know? Basically, I've already been paid. I'm coming take it to a cha. I'm not tizing me im back time. I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday in your driveway. Man, I tell you was did you come to my house and front of my driveway? You better bring the old congregation. You understand you better bring the deacons, the brothers, the sisters and everybody else. If you think how Manny got ties of this is a problem. This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleansed again and washed in the blood of the lamp. This is what's wrong. You need to be cleans That's what's wrong with you, mister Wilton. What's wrong with me? Now? What's wrong with two? Is called me a little my what day, telling me I need to be back high in front of my house If I need to be backtimp, don't get some only water, I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house certas we aren't you afraid of some white sheeps talking about town athlete? From my understand, for my understanding, for my understanding, mister Wilson, you've missed two Sundays already this month, sunless man, I can't go anywhere and get the one I don't need if you coming here because you're telling having this two damn Sundays, I'm gonna miss funding the two to the phnout ain't coming off, sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be there Tuesday morning at seven o'clock and we will baptize you before you go to work on two. Before you will I tell you what you curing my after o'clock morning, I swear on your I'm gonna bust you. You understand me. You were not coming house telling me you would a battipe do. I don't give a dam who paid you. You understand I was drying your in a water matters, bringing you your teachers, everybody else. We're gonna have a fool prot you. That you understand. I'm all of this anger and all of this that these problems you have within you. We are going to burge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your pleas to me. I tell you what. I tell you what brother spring water, brother bringing water on it. You're gonna get back time. So Tuesday morning, I don't give a dam who pays you, who called you bringing ya? I'm gonna I can't kill you. I'm gonna drying y'all side. I got one more thing I want to say to you. When you listening to got matter what I'm busy, you ain't got to say to me. I gotta go. You understand you ain't got a man I want to say to you. Is you listening to me? Whatnot? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Mason. Hello, man, let me check y'all something. Man, let me tell you something. Boy, y'all y'all was boy brad so man, I said, head man, I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all would have showed him at my crib. You understand me, what time of y'all ain't got just better to do? Didn't sit around here and just with people during their day. Man, I ain't never thought y'all could give me with this They who the hell goes around that? Tides of people? Alwa, that's like ddles on will y'all baptized people with a pull on the back out your f one fifty will. I gotta ask you something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know it's the Steve Harvey Moran the show. See, that's how you baptized. Forget going to church now, I'm when they don't make it to the church. You know, we bring the baptismal to you right out. That's actually a good idea. Yeah, we'll baptize you go to work in the morning. Yeah, and you get your save on. We get to save on right there. We cleanse you right there in the bay. We won't he do it? Ye will and will he won't. Holiday comedy jam Baby, We're coming through. We're coming through Philadelphia. That is December the twentieth at the met Philadelphia. Tickets on sale right now and they are going fast. They had all ticket Master outlets and you can get him at the box office. Jay Anthony Brown will be in the building, So watch it out there now, kill Junior Space that President Houston, Texas gonna be in the building, Nephew, Timmy, that be me, fool, that's that. That's the stupid will be in the building and shaking it up. Earth quake. It's rocking with us. On sale. Read now, that's a show. Yeah, we do Phi. Well, we get through a Philly. I'm gonna have a meeting with him. Okay, y'all, y'all, I'm gonna go have a meeting with him. Sit down, I'm not gonna do this. Listen, listen to see we're gonna sit down, We're gonna smoke a cigar. Yeah, we're gonna talk. We're gonna have a come to Jesus meet, all right, and then we're gonna get this thing together. Will you host? Okay? And then you bring out me Jay and Jill. Let me ask you something. We're gonna work it out when I get through hosted and I bring you out. What is you gonna do coming out? Why we go? This is why we're gonna come out and go to work. Why is it that now you're gonna have to come out and dig your ass out that talk? What you're gonna have to do? HU promise free? Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, Today's Strawberry Letters. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to this Stry Morning show all right. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here today. Okay, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here it is the strawberry letters subject the minister wants more than my todds. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty nine year old single female and my dad is a well known pastor. I moved back home after college and I've been a big part of the church family since then. I help out with the youth ministry and I get along well with the youth minister. He is five years older than me and he's married. The youth minister and I always had great faith based talks and I looked up to him as a spiritual mentor until recently. Two weeks ago, after service, he was walking me to my car and he said we need to talk about sex and salvation, and I was like, say what. I reminded him that I was abstinate and did not want to talk about sex at all. He said he needed to confide in me because he is a natural born freak and he's ready to leave his wife because she can no longer satisfy his sexual needs. Then he said there is nothing wrong with having sex before marriage, that God created sex for men and women to use, not abuse. He told me that every man in the church talks about how I am a brick house, and it's a shame that I won't let anyone show me how to use this gift to my advantage. He said, being sexually active is a natural thing if experienced with the right person. He said that he could show me all of this mess that he said goes against everything that I've been taught. I know I may sound slow, but could he be right? And I'm saving myself for nothing. I am somewhat attracted to him, and the thought of him teaching me about my body and sex is enticing. But he's married. What do you think is it worth the weight? Or should I go ahead and get a little experience from someone that's willing to help me? Wow? Wow, this guy is a minister. Huh, Well, he should know better. He really should know better. And he's a youth minister on top of that, so he's leading our youth. What he's doing is tempting you, and I got to ask you, please, don't take the bait. Don't listen to him talking about how he's a natural born freek who's ready to leave his wife because she can't satisfy him sexually. What does that have to do with youth ministry? And he's married top of that. You know, this is why they say, and this is why you have to please know God for yourself, and don't let anyone tell you their version or their interpretation of the truth. You can read the Bible just like he can, and he can tell you these things, but you have to read in there what it says. If you're a Christian and you want to do what it says, you're in the church, so hopefully you know you would want to lead by example. I mean, you know, yeah, sex is natural and all of that stuff, but we also have a thing called self control. Now I'm speaking to you because you're in the church and you're around the youth and all the stuff, you know, and he should be leading the youth, not trying to mislead the youth with what he's talking about. He's trying to have sex with you and he's married. Okay, all of that's wrong. No, you should not let him give you this experience and all of that he is wrong. He's got a wife at home. If I were you, I would tell my dad what he's doing and let him know that this youth minister is trying to lead you down the wrong path. As well, Steve, I'm not going along with this total naive conversation. Twenty nine female Fine, come home working into daddy's church, now youth ministers five years old. And you y'all always had great faith based talks. You know, you always looked up to him as a spiritual mentor. And then he was walking in to your con Then he said the one thing that I don't know how he put in the same sentence, but he said, let's talk about sex and salvation. Let me immediately make a statement that it is filled with corruption, sex and salvation, lost and found. That's the same time glory. It's what we're talking about with sex and salvation. All right. You know that's like saying the boogeyman ain't Really that's scary. I would venture to say, come on now that this young man wants to bid you, wants to a laid down in any kind of passion, not where the lower lead him, but where he wants to go. Yeah, because how in the hell is we walk into the car and all of a sudden the subject of sex and salvation pop up. It didn't come out of nowhere. She had been devising this, planning it, nurturing the moment land in wait and Bush walked you to the car. Walk on down. He said he needed to confide in you because he is quote unquote a natural bone freak. Yes, that's from the NBL Foundation. What's that? What's that mean? Right now? There is the natural born freaks of a male. I mean he's ready to leave his wife because she can no longer satisfy his sexual need. Anybody ever wanted, she might not be satisfied. You know. Sometimes we want to say that they can't satisfy us no more, but it's actually us that can't satisfy them. No, we come back. We're gonna get into this thing way deeper. Then you gonna wound us to get in there. Man man again. All right, out bonds right after this at eight twenty three. You're listening to show. All right, does Steve let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject the minister wants more than my time? Yes he does, he won't huh. He walked up to her car and in the same sentence said he wanted to discuss six in Salvation. Yes, let's talk about it. I want to talk about freedom and slavery. You know, since we're talking about stuff that don't go together. You want to talk about six and salvation? Right? Will Ain't that about nothing? Let's you and I get into this. He told me that he needed my attention because his wife could no longer satisfy him sexuality. What was that? Sexual wilder? That wild sexual wilder because he is a natural bone freak, a member of the NBA, and he's ready to leave his wife because she can no longer satisfy sex for me. Then he went on to say, listen to this lie. There's nothing wrong with having sex before marriage. Now you know that ain't technically right. You know that, mister minister, And for you to miss guide this woman is really You're going to heal faster than you need to, no doubt right now. And said that oh, ain't nothing wrong with having sexual marriage. That God created sex for men and women to use, not abused. He also said, when you marry to cleave only unto her and to leave all others. But you hadn't still he help in your face leave it. He told me that every man in the church talks about how I am a brick house and it's a shame that I won't let anyone show me how to use this gift to my advance. Well right now. He said that being sexually active as a natural thing, it just come out natural. Sometimes you just sitting there and all of a sudden something natural healthy. You're just sitting there just feeling all natural. Next thing you know, naturally is everywhere natural. Now you looking at it, Now you naturally slowly? Now you drooling. Now you're saying stuff all is natural. He said that he could show me all of this mess that he said goes against everything that I've been taught. He go gets what he's been taught. I know I may sound slow, but could he be right? And am I saving myself for nothing? I am somewhat attracted to him and thought of him teaching me about my body and sexis entyson, But he's married. What do you think is it worth the weight? Or should I go ahead and get a little experience from someone that's willing to help? Girl? First of all, letting me help you understand you don't need no help. Uh, I'll say that again, you don't need no help. Just continue being the fine young woman that you are and know that real help is on the way. See God gonna send you what you need. He's not gonna let you live without it. So hold on, stay away from this married man. That's a dangerous trap. He's not leaving his wife. He's lying about that. He may be a natural bone freak, but you don't need to find out how freaky he is. He would put you in a no win situation, young lady. There's nothing to gain from it from you at all. It's all a win win from him. Tell him to kiss your behind, Tell him to take your behind, put it in the box, kiss it and don't miss a crone. Tell him that hell is awaiting him. Tell your daddy, the pastor, that's what I said. Tell your daddy. That's really all I have to say about this. Oh thank you, pastor. Do we want to her to send a picture though the times till two thousand and three at y'allhood dot com. We just see this brick house. Do you get any pictures in there? You've been pushing any pictures? Make it? Boy? Do I tell him on what he gets loaded? I need to know because I'll give you the cold because I can't use it no more. I give you the code you realize you're married. I ain't stupid. The last thing I'm am stupid. No that last statement. No, no, that's not the last thing you are. Thank you uncle. You're gonna stop saying last thing. I am a stupid that's the very first thing. All right. You can email us your Instagram us, your thoughts on the Strawberry Letter for today, it's Steve Harvey. F M. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. Well, guys, have you ever you know, left an attitude, actions left a job with? Yeah, okay, let's hear about it. You're taking hell, I'm sitting here here and I got my ass here right here, meaning right that I'm here. Yeah, I'm not throwing shade. I'm building a tent. Okay, I know you have one st You take this job and of its story. Well, I worked at a place called Lincoln Electric and I hated it. I hated with everything in me. I worked a graveyard ship, and man, I despised the job because at four o'clock, I don't care who you are, you sleep. There is no getting used to four am. You're supposed to be sleep. And lunch was twenty minutes. It was like working. It was. It was the hardest job I've ever had. Lunch was twenty minutes and you and we had to work on a piece system where we had to develop all these wire coils by pieces. And I hated that job. And I had this little dude named Tony was my supervisor, cooler dude, but I just I didn't like the company. And so I went to work one day and I just told him, I said, hey, man, I'm not gonna be able to continue anymore. I got a huge loan came in from small Business Association to start my own company, and all the men was the oh wow, really, Steve, what you do? Yeah, I'm starting my own carpet clean in business. Man. I got the money, the loan came through, offered me the body equipment, so I'm gonna go full time. Oh man, good luck to you. So I ended up getting his job as a carbon clean coper. Well, one of the guys used my company, which partly was true. I didn't really get the money from a small business loan. I just wanted to quit, okay, And so one dude called me and asked me to clean his house because he knew my house number, and I went by his house. But I had went to pick and pay with your grocery store, and I rented machines every day, and just put it in the back seat of my car. And I pulled up at his house and unloaded the carbon cleaning machine from the back seat my car. He's, man, I thought you was a professional car but cleaner. You didn't renting the machine from that man, I'm gonna tell everybody down at the job, Okay. So I said, okay, cool, ain't no problem right here. That sound So I just went on to ruin his corpet ruined, now ruined, carn't extract the water, just put it in there. Since you're gonna go tell go tell him that too. He felt good about this, didn't very comfortable. And from that story we go to the one and the only. Wasn't a funny story. It wasn't really a you know, I don't like the company, or no, I really didn't like you. You're listening to show, all right, so the guys are here. I'm assuming this does not include you, Steve. No, absolutely, you know the hell it don't. But I know how you are. He he don't like to be in foolish what happened, But this green change. He changed used to he fell hate if you'd have seen how to miss Universe paget people was Oh my god, yo check it? Oh my god. My sons asked me, could they have a jacket? Oh you want to come Tommy? You don't you know you're not at this level. Why am I talking to you? I don't know why you got a green jack with some dad crochet on it? What are you talking about, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, that wasn't crochet. I know it's don't check gumbo? Who ever made him? Check gumbo? When you can't say it's because you can't get it? Come on, man, let's just go on something else. Yeah, ain't what you're doing? All right? All right? Time for site piece holiday gift ideas guys. Now, yeah, this where you talk. Yeah, it's where you shot right. Well, let me think now you know when you have a side well, Jay, start this off, Jay, Okay, we have we have gift ideas for side pieces male and female because they want to be spending the holidays alone by themselves. So so to beat the rush on what to get your side piece, Tommy has come up with some suggestions for men and women who are side pieces gifts you can give them take it away, Tommy. Well, you know it's a few things you know that you can. You know, you can, like like one ticket to see Hamilton. You know what I'm saying. You know yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's very Yeah, you know, you buy yourself. She can't take a friend, a male friend, a friend of one ticket to Hamilton. That's all you need. Why don't you do that? Send her half for a large pizza with everything on it and a note that saved. When you eat this pizza, just know I eat the other half. Thank you, Merry Christmas. We can't now you eat your part. How about this hill? How about this hill? Send her scarff, my hat and gloves and some long Johns with a note that saved. You gonna be cold and lonely when I'm not there, So keep one, baby, Chris. Yeah, I love right there. But says I love you. That says I love you. I'm thinking about you, and I got things to do if she goes for this, that's what it said. Nobody said the word stupid. That's wrong. Okay, okay, fellas here go on, fellas, fellas, that's what that's what you can do. Fellas sing your girl, sen your side piece of bra from Victoria's Secrets, right and let her know. We'll pick the bottoms on Decenter twenty seven. Ye just to talk something to look man. Yes, but we're gonna we'll get the We're gonna get them bottoms after Christmas. They be the day after because everybody when returns, can I give you one? Come on, that's what I've been waiting on. Come out by a decame arts so she can play solidity. Ain't nobody gonna be over there? Hi, guys, side peace holiday gift ideas, Thank you. Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That'll be coming up for twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show, We're back with more side piece holiday gift ideas by Tommy and Jay. And when we went to break, Steve chimed in and help tom. I just I wasn't help you with a gift idea. That was not helping. I just wanted to, you know, put something in the bag. You know, Junior single, you got one? Oh yeah, because you're gonna be alone a lot. You're gonna need all six seasons of a DVD of Martin to watch because you need to laugh. Why you got your self? Yeah? Now you know, now you know, Junior Jay, y'all know. Now there's some ladies got some side pieces. Oh yeah, yeah, you know that. So ladies, this is what you do. This is what you do. Send your send your little side man, Send your side man a hotel key with a note that said the room is ready, is already paid for? All right, see you on the twenty seven. Haven't ready for mama, I know, because nobody can get on. You can't do nothing on twenty field cars. Give you crew, I give you another one. Tell me come on, come on, give her a half a missile toe yes, and just say I know you know. I'm over here kissing when I do see you. You get the other hand the seven. All right, we got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This ignorance coming up. Also some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, so you have a major announcement about twenty made announced Smith Soul is a deal. I want to talk to you about the Santa Soul Festival twenty twenty. Huh. I've been putting on this festival, a lot of comedies, some concerts, empowerment, relaxation at luxury all inclusive resorts. I'm doing it now for the past three years, and it just keeps getting better and better. Now, we just hosted this last year's event and it was absolutely off the chain. Now, me and Marjorie was out on the dance floor with y'all, my girls out there in the pool with Lisa Ray I heard about that that was not playing the ended up hosting the pool party out there. Y'all was clowning out there in that audience on the Showtime and Deal Apollo night. And we just had a lot of fun, man, I mean man, I saw some old friends. I actually bought down up some catches I went to college with. Man. I had a real up man man. I just had a good time, y'all. So, and what I want y'all to do go over to my Instagram and my Facebook page, and I want you to check out the video that you can see what I'm talking about that I'm releasing from this year's event. But now next year we are all doing all of this but we are going to add a couple of things due to popular demand, and we listen to our audience. They've been loyal and so they told us what they want. So we've been doing some thinking and we moved in and we shift some stuff around. We're adding all new, sexy, all white, dinner on the beach with live music, and then this year I've added to I've watched my clientele. I said, man, you know, don't be slick. We love Spades, we love dominoes. I said, dog gonna Steve while we down that clown and when it get nightfall, we're gonna have us a Spade bid with in Domino tournament with cash prize. Oh man, We're just gonna sit down and do what we do. Margie's gonna have an exclusive designed items at her beauty ball. It's about to go down. But now I want to let y'all know something. We got the dates and the location already secured for twenty twenty, so you can start planning early. The twenty twenty saying it Soul Festival. It's headed to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Poota Khana. In Poota Khanna Man for the Labor Day holiday September three through the seventh. Only thing changes the dates. We are going to the luxurious Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Puna Kanna. It's just we decided to go back. We've listened to our customers. We were well aware everything has been wrecked. The Fine Tourism Board is happy about it. All right, listen to me, everybody. Right now, you can call us at one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. That's one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. And to listen to this. We are running our early bird special right now through Christmas. You can secure your spot, so call us. This is a bomb diggity Christmas gift. Now you want to give this Christmas gift to somebody under the tree and tell them we're go into the Saying the Soul, Punta Kana. Give the gift of saying the Soul for the holidays. All right, Steve, thank you. Coming up last break of the day. We'll be back with Steve and his closing remarks right after this at forty nine after the hour. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, We're here at the last break of the day. Just one more thing. You're closing remarks, What do you have for us today, Steve, I've been really, really on a mission here too, try to encourage people, you know, because they're actually moments that I feel lost. You know, I'm pretty sure all of you had those moments here on the morning show. I mean, you know, there's just times when you just are confused and you just don't really know what to do. So I was gonna replay another one, but I'm in it now, so you know here it is because you know it is. It is paramount that you understand that you're not the only one that's going through something. That the people that you think have it also together. You gotta understand something. They're going through something. The person that you think has gotten it all right, they're going through something. It was funny today, man, I was somewhere. I can't tell you where, but I was somewhere. Was a lot of a lot of people there who are supposedly well off, you know, and I met a guy that I had never met before, but I do business with him, but I've never met him. And so I was coming out of the place and a guy was talking to on the way. I said, Steve, I'd like you to meet SO and Soul. And I said, hey, man, how you doing. My name is Steve Harvey. The guy said, the real Steve Harvey. I said yeah. He said, I'm So and Soul. I own SO and Soul. And I said, what are you kidding me? And I hugged a guy because I've been doing business with him for almost six years and I had no idea who he was. I never met him. I just do some business with him. And I was sitting there and he got to talking to me, and I was saying, because the business, I get something from this guy, a service that he provides, and he made a tremendous amount of money. And I was just telling him, man, man, I said, man, you're doing really good. And he just opened up out of nowhere. He said, I'm going through a divorce. And I went, wow, man, hanging there, man, I've been there a couple of times. He said, Noah, Man, I'm really going through it. Man. He said, I love my children. I said, he said, but just we got to the point where we can't make it. And this is a guy who, keep in mind, on the outward appearance, hasn't all working. I mean, when I met him, I was going like, whoa, this is the guy. Man, this is the dude that does the thing that people love. And man, this is the guy he got it together. And he said, Man, I'm going through a divorce. I said, man, hanging down, I've been there, He said, Man, have you really? I said, yeah, Man, he said that's right. I've kind of heard your story off and on. This is your third marriage. I said yeah, And we sat down. We started talking, and I gave him some advice. I just said, hey, man, at one point in time, you know what it is. It's money, I said, at one point in time, Man, you can't fight so hard. He said, Man, but I was married for twenty six years. I thought, I knew this woman, and I don't. I said, look, man, whatever the case is, at the end of the day, you gotta get to a place of happiness. He said, how do I do that? I said, why don't you just let go? I said, what's causing you the most griefous? You're trying to hang on to something so deeply without realizing that you made money before you make some more. He said, you kidding me? I said yeah. I said, I just gave up. Man. He said, Wow, that's what I should do. He said to the biggest stress is killing me is how do I keep what I got? I said, You're not gonna be able to do that. Man. It's because that's what the divorce is. And I'm saying all that to say this that no matter who you are, no matter who you think a person is, they going through something. Everybody's going through something, but the key for all of us that's going through something, that is one thing that's available to us all. And I don't want to sound corny or nothing, but prayer man, Prayer, prayer man. Man. I can't even tell you how many times it has been my only source of hope, my only source of comfort, my only source of inspiration, my only source of an answer. I've been in some stuff so wrong, so turned up, so flipped up. Man. I had no clue what to do. But prayer man, that simple thing of going somewhere in your mind. You ain't got to if you can get in the room by yourself, cool, but you ain't got to make an appointment, You ain't got to clear with nobody. You can just say, hey, God, it's me, and I know you ain't used to hear from me, and I gotta do better. But hey, I'm i'm a, I'm a I'm in a hole right now and I don't know what to do. And I've heard that you hear and answer prayer. I'm asking you right now to hear me. And if you don't, do nothing but just give me the stript to endure it all? Could you do that for me? Could you just calm my spirit down and send me a sign that it's gonna be all right. I don't can hide in, but just let me know that it's gonna be right. I've done it like that. Prayer is effective. Prayer changes things. Prayer, don't forget to pray. Don't be ashamed of pray, and don't ever be too proud to pray because prayer, prayer changes things, and prayer change people too. Drop a cloth. That's it. What do knows? That was really good? That was phenomena. Y'all have a great weekend for all. Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM. Dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.