Good morning and welcome to the ride! Junior asked Steve a question that set him off. Pastor Motown and Brother Chambers have something in common with the #1. The Chief Love Officer had FUBAR letters this morning. We pray for the family of Jovita Moore. Two states and several major cities across the country are asking that you use your power wisely. Fool #2 attended a star studded Halloween party last night and was talking about it. Would You Rather just did not favor Tommy this morning. Let's just say that Cardi B. ain't the only one that makes money move. A couple of Pimpin's picks left him a bit crotchety. The comedians couldn't help but talk about their friend's lack of fashion sense. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about the need for and the power of a specific word that begins with the letter P.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them more like the million bus things and it's y'all to be true. Good Steve listening together for stuy, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn out, got to turn out to turn to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now, uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man I thank God for it. I thank God for all he's done for me, for all the little things that are oftentimes failed to thank him for that I take for granted for you know, I was. I was talking the other day to a buddy of mine. We had gotten to this conversation about God and and and in the conversation we had narrowed it down and we were talking about changing the way we are as people. You know that everybody has to change. You know, nothing stays the same. Everybody changes, and a lot of these changes can be for the good, and a lot of them are just they just come with time. You know, sometimes it's aging that changes us. But no matter how old you get, you still have the ability to improve as a person. You may not have the foot speed you used to have. You may not be as agile as you used to be. Your energy level may not be what it used to be. Your desire to do some of the things that you used to do may be gone. The thing that doesn't have to change and will not change is you. You have the ability to continue to grow as a person, even when far the time and nature has taken its course. We were talking about everybody can change, and everybody has the right to reinvent themselves as they get older. And I equated it to jumping out of an airplane. You know, there are some people man who get to a certain point in their life and they and they jump from the airplane. Is now almost a stunt of some kind. It's almost like they life and got out of control. You ever seen somebody jump out of airplane and the parachute don't open, and they lifestart and it seems like they start spinning and tumbling and they can't get it together. And I've seen some mid air rescues before, but then there are times when you know when it hasn't worked. You know, you jump out that airplane and and and at first it's fun. I've never skydived before, but I would imagine when you first jump out of an airplane that they people describe it as a sense of being free. And it's exhilarating when you first jump out the plane. But if you pull that cord and nothing happens. I never happened to me, But I can only imagine the panic that's got to set in because no matter how fun it was a moment ago, the flying over to one another, holding hands in the air, the breeze, the descent of the feeling of all of a sudden, if you reach for that cord and that's not there, you're suddenly spinning out of control. And that's what happens in a lot of people's lives. When you first start your life, you jump out the plane. You're free, you're young, you ain't got nothing to where about it. But then you get to a certain point in your life when you go, okay, I'm gonna pull the cord now. And pulling the cord is an important thing because here's the analogy. My friend gave me. He said, man, use your mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Well, see what happens with a lot of people, is they in life. They jump out the plane and and and they and they having this free fall and it's fun for now. But they get to a certain point in their life where they got themselves in a situation, or they've had a little bit too much fun a little bit too long, or you know, they wasn't open to nothing and they just did what they wanted to do, or they started getting involved with drugs or drinking, or started running with the wrong people. So you jump out the plane. The first you're free falling. It's fun. But then after a minute, man, something happens and they realize whoa and they reach for the chord, and the chord don't work. Well. Now you're in a panic stricken situation. And my suggestion is what I've learned from the analogy that my friends shared with me, is that we all the sooner we can open mind to God, the sooner we could develop that relationship with him. It's like pulling the cord and opening a parachute. If you open up your mind to God, God is like a parachute. You know, God can slow your descent. God can turn this out of control free fall into a nice ride for you. See, that's what happened to me. I was spinning out of control. I had gotten myself into a point man while I wasn't doing real good. Oh, y'all would look at me and think, man, Stevie man Nam, I wasn't doing real good. I had spun out of control. I was. I was in a free fall, and I reached for the court, but I was so far away the cord didn't open. Then I went to him and I pulled the cord. When I went to God, I pulled the cord and open, and he slowed my descent. And this is what I just believe. I don't believe now that I aged as fast as I was aging, because I got that parachute open. Now, you know, I take better care of myself eating, I work out more. Now you know, I'm not out of control. I have a direction now that when then got up under that parachute a little bit, you know, and now I'm I'm I'm going you know, I'm still getting older, you know, so, but the descent is so slow. Now I'm able to enjoy the ride. I'm guiding my parachute over. Sometimes we go over to to a vacation spot over here, we float back over to it. But you know, I'm still getting old. I'm still going down, but the descent. Because I've opened my mind to God, the parachute has slowed my descent. And now I'm rocking back and forth. But I ain't spending out of control no more. You know, I'm able to enjoy the view. Now. You know, when you jump out that plane and you and you pull that cord and it don't work, you ain't looking at the view no more. You're thinking of only one thing. How can I slow this down? When now I'm able to enjoy the view. I'm able to see all the beautiful things on the horizon that God has for me. I'm able to see all the beautiful things around me that He's provided for me over these years. Because I've slowed my descent. I used my mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Open your mind to God, and so you can see the view, so you can slow the descent, so you can stop the out of control freefall that you've been on. That you can get your life together and see everything out on the horizon that God has for you. You know, it turned out to be a very true statement your mind. If you use it like a parachute, it works better when it's open. Y'all, you're listening show, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. It has arrived. The new day is here. We're glad about it. We're rejoicing in it. I'm simply overjoyed. Oh my goodness, thank you for another day. I couldn't have done it without you, no way. This is Steve Harvey Mortar Show with Shirley Strawberry Callar for Real, That dog on Junior Kills Fates, Jay, Anthony Brown, Nephew Timmy, and off in the background somewhere little country girl, Miss super Money. Good morning, Good Monday, Mark, It's Monday. Yea November, first new month. Mister Hall. Oh yeah, joy yourself. Right now. She would be laying stuff away right now. This would be to day to have six baskets for a layaway Christmas time. I see none of that damn stuff, But layaway was fun and joy. Bitter boy grew up a bitter man. I know that's well now you understand, see you see why stupid a wagon train of stuff just but then he won't put in the basket. Don't worry about it, Mamma gonna get it. Yeah, I see none of that not and we understand why. You know what, man, let me let me ask you something. Let let me just ask you something. You know if speaking of this holiday, see the people picking up extra jobs. So but I was reading an article older weekend and he told me it's a labor shortage. People don't want to work. It's a label shortage. So now fast food restaurants and restaurants stuff are offering people twenty five dollar an hour, twenty five dolls. Now, if you had a job working fast food now making twenty five out, Now, what would be your attitude towards everybody in your family if you made twenty five dolls just working right through? How just give me the talk? How you talk to people make twenty five? I was finding strong with them back at forth at fifteen dollars hours. So I'm telling you right now, twenty five high school ain't why? Why why y'all While y'all knocking at my door, Mama, Dad, ain't get away. I'm trying to have some quiet time. In here, listen. I have my own TV. I don't have to come in there and watch TV. No, I don't like Walter cron crack. No, I don't Walter get her here and watch Walter Cronkite. Yeah, I'm watching car tunes. Yeah, I got no time to come in here. Wait a minute, what now? I don't need to borrow your car. I bought a bike. Steve, your flat tie and then let it be flat. I'm gonna ride the other one. Yeah, you got extra, Oh girl, twenty five dollars an hour. You don't even understand when I was making minimum wage. You don't understand. I remember minimum wage twenty was a dollar forty five hour. I made that an hour. Take us, guys, protect us at dollar thirty five and take you out. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour of the pastors with church complaints. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the day after Sunday. It is time for church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Here we go, we girl on this path quittuous day as we memorialize the reconciliation of the fact that church complaints is done on a Monday. Yeah, we d be iously, We do be iously recognize that this is the benefaction. Stop recollection and dubiousification of complainting. It's all right, it's all right. Let us begin with church complaints or a Monday jail. Yes, Sah, I ain't passed the eye. We had a problem. Brother Chambers is having a problem. Every time he hears liquid pouring or running, he starts to pee on himself. If he's pumping gas, he started pining. If he turned on the water on the sink, he starts peeing. Not what has happened is you pour a glass of water doing the sermon I yesterday and of course he started pin. So everybody on the pew got time. Well, you know, so they want you to put brother Chambers out to charry. It's up to you. Now. I'm not going to do that because, unbeknownst too many, I have the same problem. I played golf and this ball or waterfall I have to go. When I play golf. If I hit the ball in the water, the splash so causes me to year. If I passed by the bill average cart and the little white girl is pouring a drake for somebody. I have to go peet. That is why I wear the same long dog robe every Sunday. Hell you have so leave brother Chambers alone. And when Brother Chambers figure out how to start the somebody lett me know. I could stop too and refuse to wear a depend refuge. Ain't there's a lot of mack. You had it. Now I have a McDonald's cup. Can take to my thought the big gulp or whatever. Supicide, supicide, All right past the hour eye. Here's another Our scooter members are asking for a charging section. They've been running out of power. Now we didn't know it, but Sister George Geddrid was stuck on the side of the church and didn't nobody know it to Sunday night. So they asking for a charging section for the scooters. Oh we're not gonna be able to invest in that. I've told the people. Most of them come here and run their battery down, shouting, riding around in the circle that the church is not praising him. Going fast and backing up is not praised. Dancing. Now you up in the front, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. You're running your battery down the hover around it. We're not gonna have a charger station four that is not praised dancing. I told y'all to take all the ones in hover around off the damn praise dance team spending in a circle, going forward, being backing up, come halfway down the aisle. Then you haller didn't drive off all the way around? Two left in the hall of that. Ain't that? Ain't what that is? Praise on your feet all right, throwing the rows and reverse all fans and stuff. All these gigs. You hear all them gives changing gears changing, Okay, No, charge didn't stay. We're not gonna ahead. All right, You're gonna have to do something with this boy. Now I left Cadius. You know he's a computer gig. He didn't hacked in his sister darns phade hearing aids and it's playing little Wayne's sounds doing service. That's why she'd be cussing. What should we do with this bar? I'm not going to discourage that boy. That boy will turn around to be so criminal. I like that. Get worth of hearing aide so I can hear what or she's hearing? We we we what? Because I've always wondered what she was saying. We we we we all right, nothing to the must be something to the mustard. That's why Cass keep stopped cussing. I wonder what were loueen? Huh? Yeah, all right, Now this is a serious situation. This is a really a policeman, a pastor. But I don't know what you want to do with it. I sister Jasmine robbed a bank butt naked and got away with it because no one I saw her face. They were all looking at you know. But two of our members were in the bank when she robbed it, and they want you to try to help them get their money back. You say she was button nicked, Deacon, She was butt naked when she robbed the bank. Jasmin was naked, Yes, yes you are, oh God. And no one saw her face pass ain't I know? I know that's right. Yeah. She's been coming here for four years and I haven't seen her face. Closing glory, I've never seen anybody puts a whole new meaning to the term little black dress. Lord him messing, you know, I've never I don't have much of a criminal record anymore, so I'm not on probation. So if she needs a place to hide out. I'll be able to survive eating in a bidden for sure if she in my place to it blow over coming up next. We don't know if that's her, it is as the cello, and we'll do that right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about ice cube turning down. Get this Steve nine million dollars, nine million dollars. We'll talk about that and tell you why. Also, two Kardashians now have COVID. We'll talk about all of these stories, but of course, first it is time for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building, ready for your love questions. Here we go with Ruthie and Philly. Ruthie Whites. I'm married to a man that gossips a lot, and now my twenty eight year old daughter isn't speaking to me because of him. He told my daughter that I don't like the man she's dating because he's too old for her and he seems shiftless. What I really said is that the boyfriend is a bit older, and I wondered what was taking him so long to graduate. I told my daughter that her dad totally screwed up what I said? How do I get my husband to stop this behavior? I don't know. I don't really know. No groan ask me in that gossip. I don't. I don't really know how you could fix that. I don't. Seriously, I just don't have me and in my circle who do that. I don't know how to thank you for writing though, I ain't got nothing for you. I don't know. I don't grown ass man that gossips. I don't. I don't know what to do. I don't. I don't. I don't have any experience with that. None of my friends do that. I don't. Yeah, I don't. I don't know what to do. Anybody got a suggestion? No, we don't do that? Yeah, see the men? Well, I know the men out because when you do that, I don't know what to I don't know what that is you gossiping? Can you talk to him and tell him? No, I don't know nothing about that, Sherley, Sherley girl, I don't know you heard about what all? I ain't got no friends call out, Hey, man, did you hear about un don't? But men do pass? I mean they do well, I mean I would imagine they do but most of my friends call me with factual stuff. We at this age. Now, Hey, hey man, you know you know saw and some in the hospital. That's it, that's it, all right, Well we're gonna watch. Maybe you'll think I ain't got nothing thinking about next question. Ela in Duncanville, Texas writes that I'm in my late thirties and my husband and I had a threesome recently and he got upset because things didn't go his way. I happen to know the third party. Well, and we've been together without my husband. I only brought my husband in because we've he's been begging me too. We're fine without him, and it's a problem for him. He cheated on me four years ago and I forgave him. So what's the big deal with me having a side check to myself? Wow, well I can get involved in this one right here. Yeah. Look, I don't know what to tell you. You got a side chicken. He wan't a side chick. He begged and it didn't go his way because he ain't what he thought he was. See, you don't want have been there and got the two women up in there and you found out you ain't enough for one Hey, man, let me tell you something. Don't go in there trying to beat two women and what that this hit thing right here, because that because you ain't gonna win this one partner. You're not gonna win this one right here. You can't beat them. You can join them, but you cannot beat them at this because you have to perform consistent le And I don't know how to advise you that I am not good at that failed miserably. This experience level at that was a good, very traumatic experience. I've Yeah, Well, I'm just saying you could try it if you want to. A home buddy. It ain't what you think right now my life, because I don't want nobody to ask me nothing about it. Just take my advice. The reason he tripping is because he ain't found out he wasn't what he thought he was, just like I found that I wasn't point I thought I was. And so that's it. Ain't no need to you, ain't no need to you trying to blame nobody else. Ain't nobody try me manswing your own fool y'all live here doing it without me. Hey, you shouldn't have took your answer. Now, I'm just telling you right now? All right? Okay, that's Tequila and Duncanville were moving too much for one man, but not enough for to see the threesome. Question costs, that's all? And what is she to you? Next question? Go ahead? All right? Samantha in North Carolina says I met a man online and whenever we tried to meet in person it was a problem. After a month of him lying, he admitted that he was in a federal correction facility. That and that is why we never met. I deleted my dating profile and I changed my cell phone number. The chaplain from the prison wrote me a letter to vouch for him, and he encouraged me to give a guy a second chance. I like him so much that I have been in considering doing so. So do you think he will continue to lie if I give him a second chance? Lady? Are you serious? What is you listening to the chaplain that the prison fall give him another chance? The government ain't giving him no other chance? The heir are you finn to do? She likes him? Steve? You like him? Yeah? Where you gotta come? What's happening? It's more lies going on in that for him to be up sitting up chatting online typing. It's way more lies being told that I'm in a federal prison and not a chapman. Here's here's a thing. The chaplain, who know he ain't supposed to be doing that, then told you to give him another chance because how he communicating with you is illegal. What chaplain, you know gonna co sign an illegal activity to ask you to give him another chance? If you do all he gonna do it go back because he keeps doing the same. Girl, stop back going, keep talking about you like him. Find somebody else like Yeah, So second chance, Samantha, all right. Moving on to Amina in Hawaiian, Amina says, my sister's ex husband is still close friends with my husband. Her ex husband is dating a beautiful and very smart new lady. I told my sister that her ex was staying with us, and she said we were dead wrong for letting him stay at our house. I tried to reason with her, but she's mad, Am I wrong for letting him stay with me. Or is my sister just mad because he has a new girlfriend. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, it's her sister's ex husband. He's got a new girl and he brought but he was staying with her sister and her husband, his ex wife's sister and her husband. Yes, he got a new fine girlfriend, but he staying with them. So he just cute. So he just cute in that's what I'm like. I can really just what and you can relate to what part it is. Thomas cute? Huh. I didn't start a cute as in gold. It's difficulty. We go so good. It was very cute. He feels bad. All right, thank you, ciel coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, some sad news out of Atlanta, and we're sending condolences to the family of Atlanta news anchor Jovita Moore. Uh. Miss Moore passed away from brain cancer. She was fifty four years old. Her station in Atlanta, WSBTV, announced her passing and shared that she was diagnosed with glioblastoma after two masses were discovered on her brain back in April of this year. Jovita has been with the WSB TV team in Atlanta since nineteen ninety eight, and this touched so many people. Everyone loved the woman I mean it was just sat news all around. Yeah, condoless, go out to the family down in Atlanta. Absolutely. And in other news, ice Cube is taking a strong stance against his decision not to get the COVID nineteen vaccination. And listen to this, Steve, it is costing him nine million dollars. You heard right, nine million dollars. Ice Cube has reportedly dropped out of the upcoming film Oh Hell No, co starring Jack Black because he does not want to get vaccinated and he was set to be paid nine million dollars for that role. According to industry reports, ice Cube has permanently exited the upcoming Sony comedy after he declined requests from the film's producers to get vaccinated. The film's production start date has been pushed back as Sony attempts to find a replacement for him. Yeah. Oh, they're gonna find a replacement. Yeah, I got three people on this show running as down there right now, stay right next to Jack's black hit as Tommy White, Damn Jack Black be standing him next to Tommy White, Jay, Anthony Gray here purple, and Steve Pink. What color you are? I'm not not nine million. I'm not missing a damn day off cause of this vaccination. I got stupid ass family members. If that were on a movie, the crew has to be vaccinated. So I mean, I understand that. I'm sure you're gonna be vaccinated, right if this says the deal? Now, so my I have ignorant ass family members that won't get vaccinated. I text one of my said, I said, I said, I said, hey, man, you really do need to get vaccinated, you know, just food. Text me back, you need to get unvaccinated? Oh, I say, cool? Cool? I called, you know, it's cool. I called my lawyer. May show anything happened to me on margin don't have here his name nowhere. Don't even let him come to the damn seremony Thanksgiving for him? Could the unvaccinated people leaving their jobs? Yeah, I'm still a cute frame thing. This is a thing. Now, you're absolutely right celebrities. Yeah, according told you walk away from nine met when you got nine exactly. Yeah, absolutely facts. But look at all the people you can help with that. Well, anyway, you don't have according I promise you, if they asked was broke and he was an opportunity to make nine met, I bet you they ask to get that vaccine. That's all I'm saying. I'm not fat. I know a recent Paul Steve shows that five percent of unvaccinated adults have left a job over the vaccine mandate. But you know, would you guys leave a job? I must leave my work. But this shot wause. I see, here's a deal. Everything that they're saying that's anti vaccine is a theory. It's them. Yeah, it's not based on any scientific facts. Where are the scientific facts that this vaccine does something wrong to you? Just show me the scientific fact and look at all the people who have been vaccinated. They're they're walking around fine, I mean, man, there's too many. They're trying to kill black people. They trying to kill boy. You know, this world they weren't for quarter without black people in it. Black this world they were for the quarter dog. Ye. First of all, you take black people out and see what happened. What happened is entertainment? What happened to sports? Or do you know all the great inventions we didn't come up with? Do you know the stuff that we're responsible for? Yes, comedy first, comedies, that music, it will never be the same. In sports, were woping to watch this football game. Oh you can't turn the radio. You can't turn the radio on. You's got yo, all your all your defense is white. Your whole defense, cornerbacks, both your cornerbacks is white. I don't know what that means, but all your running backs is quite what is chanted? The Chief wins six to three. Low scoring game field goals number field goals, NBA NBA All Star Game. They canceled the dunk contest. That won't be happening now they having it. But lay ups is cool too, though. Man, No, no music, all of that you said, Yeah, nine million dollars, ox tail gone, collar bring gone, mother chicken, mother chicken gones water at the stopped like gone, don't get no water? Tick cook all the challenges and trends and dance. Yeah chicken, all the chicken fried right gone, just to get it. Prisons gone, yeah, family reunions na, No, no, now you think about that. I bet you. They don't let that happen. Steve, just thinking about it right here. Government that's gonna get rid of prisons? Are you are you? Have you thought this business? Yeah? I'm just being really really serious private business. Are you talking about? All right? Coming up next We're gonna look into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, introduce your friend. It's time to look into his mind Anthony Brown. Yeah, this is I have a tip for any man or woman who's ever been busted. Do not watch the show Cheetahs with your significant other. Okay, don't do that. You cannot an uncomfortable feeling. Trust me on never all right. The other night I went to a Halloween party last night. It was off to Shane. Everybody was up in there. Kevin Hart would dressed like Jimminy Cricket. Oh my god, I had a good time. Jay z would dressed like Meduza Man, the Girl, the Snakes, and the old Jay. Sipson came dresses Chuckie. We made him leave his knife at the damn door. Little Wayne took all them tattoos off his face. Nobody knew who the hell he was. Little Nas was dressed a Sheryl Underwood flavor. Flavor was dressed a big ben the clock in London. Steven Name smith Snoop Dogg and Rihanna came his three disco balls. Thinking that one out working down. Keep that with the head keep that with Stephen A. Smith Snoop Dog and Rihanna came his three disco balls. Will Smith came as Dumbo. He left early, flapped his earls and got up out of that. Lizzo played her flute and dressed as the pie piper. Nobody followed her because her ass was out. DJ Kallett dressed like the Pilsbury dough Boy. DJ Chalott was dressed like the Pilsbury doughboy. And Catt of b was dressed like the gay Go listen boy, you should have seen that tail on her. I'll be damn now. That was a party, man, That was a damn good party. Nobody followed when we following Listen playing the flute, the ass was out. We heard you the first time. I'm gonna do it again. Nobody falling. Lizzo flu because little kids were scared. Clothma. Man, he don't care. Good time giving out candy. I gave out scoops. Rice. All you gotta do. All they want to do is to hear that sound. They don't know what it was. They'll find out when the ass get home. When when when? Rice? Thank you? Nobody gonna watch out for you, man, You better hope you don't ever get real sick because they fini different. Watch you ride out of here, scoop for you and the stoop for you. There you go. It was dried rice, rice Rice. They thought it was getting a lot of jellybee hit the sound. Steve's nothing wrong with the race. If you want to cook it this w oh Man his mind. Okay, thank you, Jay. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have some more trending headlines on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Steve Harvey. Nation election Day is tomorrow, November second. Two states and several major cities are holding elections this year for governor, state legislators, mayors, and more. Check out your voting status and know your rights at when we all vote dot org. That is when we all vote dot org. In New York, We've got some big ones. Go ahead, show New York. In New York, Eric Adams. Eric Adams, the Brooklyn Borough President, emerged from a crowded field in the June primary. Curtis Sliwa, a Republican, is his opponent. In New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy the Democratic incumbent, is being challenged by jack Cia Terrelli, a Republican. Elections are also being held for the State House and Senate. In Atlanta, Mayor Kesha Lance Bottoms decided this spring not to run for reelection. She left the field wide open. If no candidate gets more than fifty percent of the vote, the race will go to a runoff on November thirtieth. Two candidates lead the field right now, former Mayor Cassim Read and City Council President Felicia Moore. In Virginia, boles show a very tight race between Democratic candidate Terry mcculloff, and the state's former governor and a former chair of the Democratic National Committee, and Glenn Junkin, a Republican who worked in private equity. Virginia is poised to elect its first female lieutenant governor and and its first black woman in a statewide contest. The candidates for lieutenant governor are Democratic Democrat Halla Ayala Halla Ayala, who serves in the Virginia House of Delegates, and win some Seers, a former state legislator. So if you want to know more information about who, when, how all of that, please go to when we all vote dot org A right, Virginia, flip the ballot over where the bills and amendments are. The last ballot, it's voting for casino in gaming at twenty one hundred Walmsbley in Richmond, Virginia, and we want to vote yes for that to get the first black operated and owned casino resort in the country. So if you are in Virginia, make sure you flip the ballot over and vote yes on the last issue about gaming in Richmond, Virginia. We want that because it will be black owned. Yeah. Soon, is it over shaking them up? Yeah, Virginia is a big race. Trying to hit him over the head. Yeah. Again. If you want more information, go to when we all vote dot org. Wow Democrat Yala, I like her name, Hala Yalla. She's a candidate or lieutenant governor m Virginia. Y'all got to get out and vote. We're in Richmond on in some big cities in Virginia. Y'all gotta vote. Please get out and vote. The tight, tight, tight race in Virginia. That's governor. Yeah, and we can make the difference like we did in there. And the candidate we want to win is who Terry McCullough's the Democrat there, the incumbent. I mean everybody, everybody needs to vote everywhere. If they are local elections in your area, you gotta vote. You gotta vote for those judges and mayors and mayor positions and all that. You got to see what's going on in your community. Don't ignore these elections also, and the mayoral thing is happening too in Atlanta, right right, that's a big race, Mayor Cassim read read it's the push for us, for me because I just I heard him talking, and I've just heard a lot about you know, crime and stuff to fix, and I like that. I mean, we got to do something about this crime. Hell and people think that former mayor and now new hopeful again Mayor Cassim read hopefully you know he can do something about the crime in Atlanta because it is getting worse. And his opponent will be UH City Council President Felicia Moore. You were saying Atlanta, but we need to make sure to Jersey. You know, we did really good for Philly, yeah, having Phil Murphy. So we want all of our listeners w DAS, WBLS, Jersey. You got to get on out there, and vote. Absolute must man, Absolute must guys, because we've we've got to start voting in all the elections, all of the elections. This Tuesday's a big one. Okay, we go tomorrow. All right again, one more time. I can't say it enough. Go to when we all Vote dot org to find out more information so you can vote tomorrow. And coming up next, it is the nephew with a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after um, it is my strawberry letter for today, the subject why can't he take a hint? We'll get into that in just a little bit, because right now it is time for the prank phone call with the nephew. Nephew, what you got? Can I borrow your pool? What? Your whole swimming pool? Can I borrow your who? If I don't have one, then yes, I'm asking to borrow you. Can I borrow your pool? Okay? All right, all of us are not fortunate to have one? Can I borrow you? Okay? It's act there. Okay, yeah, let's go, cat dog. Can I borrow your pool? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Dobba, Hey, Dobba, how you doing this? Is Kendrick. I live in the neighborhood. I got got your number for one of the neighbors. What what neigh do you know, Louise that lives I guess a couple of a couple of doors down from you. Okay, listen, I got a bit of an issue here. I'm not actually on your street. I'm the next street over, but Louise told me that you might be willing to help me out due to the whole uh you know, p yeah, all right, due to the pandemic situation. The clubhouse is actually closed, and you know, nobody's able to use the gym, nobody's able to use the pool or anything like that until all of this kind of passes over. But my son's birthday was actually his birthday party is scheduled for this coming weekend, and we now don't have a pool to use, and we wanted to see if you didn't mind letting us borrow your pool on Saturday U and have my son's birthday party only a couple of hours. You know, they were like fifteen twenty kids nude. Fifteen to twenty kids. Are you in the United States. Do you understand what's going on. I don't know why Louise told you that. I'm so hard. I'm just gonna apologize for her. I don't know why she told you anything like that. But I'm not lending out my pool to know fifteen to twenty kids. That we had a small gathering the other week, but it was only three people, and I guess she saw that and I told her that, you know, it was a birthday party. But I don't mean I'm lending out my pool to people. That's not what it mean. And that was a family member and I don't even know you, So for her to even give you my number, it was kind of goofy, you know what I'm saying. So okay, okay, So so wait, wait, wait a minute, wait minute. We already knows it's that we independem I got that. What I mean, you know my son fro the turn tine, you know what I mean. So, I mean, I don't want to tell my son, and we're not gonna have a pool part I mean, I'm just asking you for a couple hours and it ain't but twenty kids. Yeah, but you know what I mean to do with you or your son. Baby. I'm sorry, like you're gonna have to find Why don't you go to a hotel or something like that and maybe you can like ring out their pool or something. But I'm not letting my pool to anybody. And right now things aren't cleared up. I don't even know if I'm allowed to. And you talking about fifteen to twenty people in my house and I don't I'm talking about fifteen to twenty. And is she told me you would be you know, you would be straight with me using the using your barbecue grill or whatever so I could do some hot dogs for the kids. So well, okay, well sir, I'm sorry. I think Louise got the wrong idea. You know what this is what this is what's wrong with black people? Right here, this, right here, this what's wrong with black people. Black people. It's about smart people who know that this virus is out here killing people, killing kids and going rambo on everybody. No, no, because my thing is you're not gonna put my family at risk for your little son. Now, you can go ahead, like I said, and maybe call one of these hotels or motels. We'll see if they can let you use their pool. You're not using my pool, sir. And like I said, I don't know why Louise gave you my number, but I'm sorry that you're having I don't know why Louise gave me your number either. You're gonna sit here in about it. Excuse me, sir. Okay, I on this note, I'm just gonna end this call because you're taking it too far. Okay, you have you know what you know. What I'm gonna do. What I'm not gonna do is deny my son. I'm just gonna come over there I get something. I don't have nothing to do with me. I don't. I'm just gonna don't understand I'm coming over that throwing my pool party for my son. Anyway, I'm not gonna not. Louise already told me you was cool, and now you're gonna act like you're not cool. Louise said, I'm cool because I am cool. Boo boo, but I'm not cool with you. I don't know you. Okay, So if I told you I'm Kendrick from one Street over, I told you I was don't give a flying who you are. It doesn't matter. I don't know you well enough to let you use my pool. You're not using my pool. And that's the bottom line. My son, my son justin don't turn ten but one damn time. We all just turned ten one time. What are you talking about? Nothing? To not have no pool party for my far so bad? So how about you try to white people and see if they let you use that pool. It's other people around here. You got John across the street from me. Ask him, see if that white gonna let you use this pool. You come to me talk about this white black people can't do and all this kind of stuff ain't about being black, It's about being safe. You're not coming in here. I don't know what kind of anybody's you got. I don't know if you had COVID. You ain't even saying no like that. You don't even tell me whether all y'all been tested, all the kids have been tested? Can you tell me? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, listen, listen. This is what I'm gonna tell you. I'm near Saturday at noon, waiting on the twenty kids have come, gonna be for two hours on there. Good luck. Yeah, guess what. I'm a clack clack reach you back. You come to my house pulling up with some kids. You're going to catch a bad one and I will have the police here. Way. What time is the party, baby, because I will have police here. Way you know I'm coming in my yard. You got people out here getting killed for them less than that. Look, you know what, I don't even want. I don't want to argue with you. Just give me your address. I can let everybody know where they're gonna. You know what, good luck finding my address. Get it from Louise. I can curR up. Then I'm ana you up to and I'm gonna get kids up to let them, little nappy headed kids come in my yard and see what happens. Okay, okay, okay, okay, so so, so what about your neighbor, Patricia? Ask Patricias called Patricia. That's on, Patricia, ain't got nothing to do with me, just like this party ain't got nothing to me. I don't know justin I don't know you you calling people getting adamant and nasty about using somebody pool with all this going on, man, I'm not trying to put my life at risk for you, Louise. You okay, okay, okay, hold on, Can I tell you something else? Thought? Can I tell you what Patricia told me. What Patricia told me to call you. This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Money Show. Patricia got me to prank phone call. What wait a minute, but this is this is nephew Tommy Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your next door name with Patricia got me to prank phone call. You might have fact. Patricia and Louise. I hate both of them right now. I was talking to Louisa. She kept saying, Oh, so you're just having parties. It was three little people in there. Oh my god, I love you. I love you. Oh I'm so confused right now. I don't go. I was like, I'm gonna get my pool covered, like this is crazy. Oh my god, this is crazy. And You've got me, You've got I got you, baby, baby, tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the ad this radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show, Come on, man, we own John. John had that frank and got cuts back. I am cool, boo boo. I'll mess you up your kids up? Blank, you blake. Louise intested. My son only turns team one time. We all always your friend said you cool? I am cool. Boo boo. Oh man, all right, King Frank keeping it stupid, King of Pranks, moving around the country a little bit. So I'm getting ready because the Nephews coming to jackson Ville, Flada, Jacksonville Clarda. That is November to twelfth and thirteen at the Ramona Pavilion ball Room. That's Nephew, Tommy and friends, straight up comedy. Baby, come get it dead in your face. And then the following the weekend, that would be November the twentieth, Dayton, Ohio at the Dayton, Ohio Convention Center. The nephew shall be there, first time ever, so get your take us their own sale rent nine. I won't have this nasal congestion when I get there, Okay, I'm gonna be one hundred and thirty percent stupid not wow, All right, all right, thinking nephew, feel better, feel better? Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject why can't he take a hint? Why why can't he take a hint? We'll find out. We'll get into the letter right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, with all the festivities around the corner, we teamed up with our friends a goal series from Pantine to help you create a new you for the holidays. We've got your chance to win one thousand, five hundred dollars that's right to cover a new hairdo and clothes plus a haircare gift basket from Gold Series from Pantine. Enter and get rules at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. No matter how you work your hair, Gold Series works hard while you work, Wonders works better because it's made better. Get all the info at Steve HARVEYFM dot com and good luck everybody. All right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry at Letta. Because guess what we could be reading your letter right here, right now. You never know. This could be yours. That's for you, Jay, It could be Buckle Uppothold on type. We got it for you here it is the Strawberry Letta. Thank you nephew. Subject, why can't he take a hint? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm recently divorced and in the process of rebuilding my life. My ex husband has been in my face and in my space too much. I had to stop talking to him altogether in the past few weeks because he's still acting as if he's my man. He did move me into my new place and got an additional key made just in case I had an emergency. We were both very cautious people, so I didn't think it was strange for him to have a key. After all, we've been best friends for many years. I used to come home and find grocery items he bought and put in my fridge for me, and it freaked me out. Before my birthday, he filled my living room with balloons and gifts, and it scared me. I insisted that he'd always called before he came by, but since he had a key, it was hard to regulate when he came. One thing led to another, and I took my key away from him. A few months later, I met a man at our singles ministry mixer at church. He's from a neighborhood church, and we were instantly attracted to each other. I asked him if we could attend his church because my ex attend my church. It wasn't a problem at first until my ex husband started missing me at our church and called one Sunday to see if I was all right. My new guy was in the background when my ex called on FaceTime. He blurted out that we are good and everything is good from here on out. My ex didn't like that, and he popped up at my house. I explained to him that I was moving on with my life and I had met someone. He seemed calm, but he was sweating a lot. He asked if he could meet my new guy, and I said no. How do I get my ex husband to understand that he was a cheater so we're divorced and he needs to move on without me? Oh? I think he understands quite well. I really do. He knows what he did, he knows what divorce means. He understands. Let me say this, I applaud you for being able to pick up the pieces and move on. Oftentimes men like him, you know, cheating husband thinks that you're their property and they can do whatever they want and you'll just still sit there and take it and do nothing. He was arrogant and disrespectful and unfaithful, three things that can get you divorced sooner or later. What he did was gamble on his marriage and he lost. Okay, that's it. That's what we mean when we say it's not what we mean when we say take risks. I should say, you don't take risks on your marriage. You don't do that. Okay. Now he's sorry. He wants to act like he didn't do what he did, and I bet it wasn't even worth it, the cheating and all of that. It usually never is. He doesn't want to let you go, but he's got to face the facts that it's too late for him right now. You guys are divorced. It's over. He's going to have to accept it at some point. And what if you marry this new guy that you're with right now? What's your ex gonna do? Then he's got to let you go. That's what he's got to do. Steve, Why can't he take a hint? Well, because men don't do hits. We're not good at that. We don't do hints. You know, ladies, how many times if you hinted to your man something and then he didn't catch the hint? Knee? Now you mad, I hinted to what I wanted for my birthday? You got to tell him we don't do hints really well, because we don't think alike. So let's go. The woman is recently divorced. In the process of rebuilding her life, her ex husband has been in her face and her space entirely too much. She said she had to stop talking to him altogether in the past few weeks because he was still acting as if he was my man. Now, I'm going to point out something right here. The reason he's acting like you he's still your man is because you allow it. And here we go with the proof. He did move me into my new place and got an additional key made just in case I had emergency. With both cautious people, So I didn't think it was strange for him to have a key. How you ain't think that was strange? How you think that it's okay to give your ex a key to your new place? How that ain't strange? Fellas if you're in a divorce and you go get a new place and you give your key to your ex, whatever happened, you got it coming because you stupid, stupid give your ex a key to your new place. And then she said, and the reason I did it was because, after all, we've been best friends for many years. I used to come home and find grocery items he put for me, and my fridge for me. See that sounds good, don't it. But then guess what she said, and it freaked me out. You open up to refrigerate all something, it's just full of grocery. And then before your birthday, he filled my living room with balloons and gifts and it scared me. You freaked out again. I insisted that he'd always called before he came by, but since he had a key, it was hard to regulate when he came because he don't care what you say. He moved you in, he got a key. He putting food in the fridge, keep putting balloons in the house. What you're talking about? It freaked you out, but you ate it all right. Hold on, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter subject why can't he take a hint? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is why can't he take a hint? Well, like I said, the reason he can't take a hint is because men don't take hints good. You have to tell us. Divorce lady rebuilding her life, her husband, her ex husband is in a space too much. She didn't quit talking to the man all together because of the past few weeks. He was still acting like he was her man. And I've said before to break this because she allowed it. Now then she says, he did move me into my new place and got an additional key made in case I had an emergency. Then we both cautious people, so I didn't think that was strange for him to have a key. After all, we've been best friends for many years. I don't know how you didn't think it would be strange to have your ex to have a key to your new place. How that ain't strange, That's strange as hell. That is strange as hell to me. It's damn near weird, right, But it's really what I really want to call it. That's stupid. It ain't a man alive gonna get a new place and then give his ex wife a key to it because he no. She gonna just pop up every time she thank her something. And guess what I wanna be in here doing showing you why we got to divorce in the first place, all right, Nan, Then she started getting freaked out by little stuff he did. He put groceries in the fridge for him come home. That freaked out her birthday feeling living room with gifts and balloons. That's scared of the death. And then he say it was hard to rectlate him because he had a key. That's cause it's crazy for him to have the key. So one thing lad to another, and then finally she took the key away. Now here's what life starts picking up. See, once you get rid of the old car in your driveway, you then show the God that you have room for the new car. So after you took your key from the man and stopped playing house with your ex husband so he can pop in, fill it up with balloons and groceries and all this hill. After you did that, a few months later, glory be to God. I met a man. Why why did you meet a man? Because God saw you were ready to meet the man because you cut off all ties with you're old one. You can't have an old car in the driveway and no place to park the new car. So a few months later I met a man at our single ministry, Miss mixer at church. He's from a neighboring church and were instantly attracting each other. I asked him if we could attend his church because my ex attends my church. It wasn't a problem at first until my ex started missing me at our church and called me one Sunday to see if I was all right. Well, my new guy was in the background with my ex call on FaceTime, and her new guy blurted out, we're good. We're all good. Everything good from hire on out home. He was year natan on the tree. He was marking his territory FaceTime. You are right, Yeah, we're good. He wasn't talking to him, but he wanted him to talk to him. We all good, matter, We're good from now this the churchman talking like this because he read it for the confrontation In Jesus, my ex didn't like that. Now. My ex didn't like that. So guess what he did. He popped up at my house and then I explained to him that I was moving on with my life and I had met someone. He seemed calm, but he was sweating a lot. See. He didn't come over that day. He came over the next day and popped up. And the reason he was sweating because he was hoping, like hell, that man that blurted out in the background wasn't over there. And the reason he was sweating because he was scared he was gonna get his ass will. That's what the sweating was. Fault. He ain't on drugs or nothing. He went over there and was thinking this could possibly run into a confrontation and I could get my ass will, But I'm gonna go over there and hope he ain't that. And once again he wasn't there. He asked if he could meet my new guy, and I said no, Now he won't meet the new guy for what I'm gonna tell you why you want to meet him so he can size him up, so he can see what he up agains. But see, he ain't up against nothing, he was up against yourself. Home. You cheated on this woman, You did her bad? How do I get Max mons to that he was a cheater? So we're divorced and he needs to move on without me. No, you ain't got to convince him of that. You move on without him. See why are you trying to get somebody else to act right? But why don't you act right? Quick? Calling me, block his number, change your number, block him, get a restraint in order get all out right here. That's how you move on. See, you ain't gotta try to get him to do right. You just gotta do what you gotta do so you can go on with your new life. You can't make another person do a damn thing, so you have to help him. So you have to help him, and that's all it is. But see, listen to this. You can't keep letting people stay in your life that need to be out your life. Y'all need to stop that. Stop trying to be friends with everybody. That friendship you and your husband had, that season has passed. He ruined that with distrust. So y'all ain't got to be friends no more. Period. I don't know why we like to hang on the stuff that we need to let go of because and they had kids. They ain't got no kids, I know, so it's no reason for them. Man by all right, thank you. Hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM with your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter and Facebook as well, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up next, more trending stories and headlines. We'll be back at forty six minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we go. It is time, ladies and gentlemen for sports talk with Junior. Which you got Junior? All right up the NFL Week eight mans go through these scores up right here, right here, always him. Yeah, Man, Packers over the Arizona Carts twenty four to twenty one. Said yeah, Panthers over nineteen to thirteen. What happened last time? Picking as I know that, I don't give a damn he ain't. Bills over the Dolphins twenty six to elet Yeah, forty nine is over Chicago Bears thirty hit twenty two. Yes she did. Yeah. Steelers edged out the Brow fifteen to ten. I've never been so damn man in my home life. Dam that's a lie, But go ahead anyway. Eagles beat the Lions forty four to six. Picked it, Titans over the Coach thirty four to thirty one, picked it. The Jets beat the Bengals thirty four to thirty one. Me. I don't even like the damn Bengals, and I picked a prunk games and they launch anyway, that's the last time for that ten. Yeah, picking people I don't like being since that's out another man, this how to make you feel better? The Rams beat the Texans thirty eight to twenty two. Come on, n E, I knew that. Let's go ji. Patriots beat out the Charges twenty seven. That was a shocker. I st wanted to pick that game as a shocker, but I didn't. Well, go on the Seahawks, man, they beat the Breaks off the Jaguars thirty one to seven. Picked it, Yes, she did, man. Broncos Broncos over the Washington Football Teams, heavy end ten hitt it hitgo one. That's shocked that you did pick Pemper Saints over the Bucks. How you see set game of the week. I said it. I knew it, I saw it. I count it. Oh no, man, here's another one you pick. Man, I know this problem hurt you. But the Cowboys they beat the Vikings twenty to sixteen with no death Prescott hit it. Yes you did, man, You're doing great this week. Pepper Tonight's game though, Man, we got the Chansas City Chiefs and the New York Giants. What you're thinking? I got Kansas City and they ain't gonna lose to the jiant Okay, sorry, even though they fall in upon right in front of Dave's face. Dave, David is the engineer on the shoulders over there, just eating barbecue. You got the chiefs man because she's over the JA. I only missed like five, I missed five out of there, I only miss four. Man, My parlay's hurt me though I missed thirty two thousand dollars by one team. God, great record, Thank you guys, Thank you Junior. Coming up next, comedy we were Lette. Right after this, you're listening to the String Show. It is time for j Anthony Brown's comedy Roulette, and are you ready? Very easy, It's very easy. You take three subjects that you give us, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel where it stops. We'll make it funny. Huh you got? Do we know? All? Right? Here we go. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit okay, okay, when substitute teachers let you know they don't play love it. And things you say when you were cold busted, okay, just calm, don't don't land on that one. Let's go and the wheel he don't land oh it landed on Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit. Let's go. I think you say when you don't like a friend's outfit. I've never seen that color before. That's that's a lot of colors, that that one, all right, junior. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, Hey, man, what bad are you joined? What? What? What bad you joined? It's a costume? Yeah, he really doesn't like it. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, nephew, Hey, uh, when you gonna start getting dressed up? Huh? For real though, when you're gonna come on man? All right, Steve Harvey. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, You're good dog? You got pink guys something? Because I know you didn't see that right. Yeah, we're playing comedy Roulette and the subject is things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit. Uh, you got them way too many plaids, I mean way too many, too many of them. Okay, six hadn got the dope. See, Shirley, dudes is a little more insulting with our boys, y'all might have to be a little bit more round the bush. We kind of we kind of get to it. Yeah, yeah, okay, all right, I see that. I see that. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, Junior, But you ain't gonna so nobody, nobody. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, Nephew, Come on, man, either pull your pants up or your legs down, one or the two. Don't come on, man, you gotta do something with this hill, mister Harvey. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit. Everything must be in the cleaner's hump. It's comedy. Roulette Jay. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit is the subject? Man? Your testicles yat to be hurting. They have a yacht to be hurt. Huh too much? I'm happy, man, might say, Jackson with how issues putting that on? Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, Nephew, Tim, so is this is having this party we're going to? Because I didn't dude, I didn't know at all. Maybe you need to change, all right, comedy let Steve. Things you say when you don't like a friend's outfit, close it out, Hey, y'all. I think his mama steal dressing him. He whispered soon as you walk in. I think his mama was still all right, guy, thank you. That was j Anthony Brown's comedy Roulette. Coming up. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right. So. R Kelly continues to fight his federal racketeering conviction and has enlisted the help of high profile attorney Jennifer Bonjeen, who won the appeal of Bill Cosby's sex abuse case. New York based attorney Jennifer bon Jeen has filed her appearance in r. Kelly's case in US District Court in Brooklyn, where Kelly was convicted last month of racketeering and sex abuse charges, according to the Chicago Tribune. Bon Jean told the Tribune she will spearhead r Kelly's post conviction motions and if US District Judge Anne Donnelly denies him a new trial, she will work on an appeal before the Second US Court of Circuit Court of Appeals. The post trial motions are due on Monday, but bon Jeen has asked the court for a two month extension. Bon Jean says she's looking forward to getting familiar with the record in Kelly's case. Well, after you get famili you would it later it's gonna be the same thing and you're gonna be exhausted. I don't know who is she gonna see all them files. They was pushing it there. Hey, dog, I don't know who came up with the woman. I don't know who came up with the money for this woman. Dog, This is all this is money moves with these lawyers. Man, there's some money moved right here. Somebody came up with some money for this dude. He sold something, got something hide her, and then he figured, you know, since Bill calls me made that statement about him, he'd better get her and he might know something. There's some money move on her. Play Well, have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll do a round of would you rather? Right after this you're listening show, all right, it's time for a round of would you rather? Here we go, guys, would you rather be very handsome and stupid or glee and a genius? By b ugly and ugly and the genius. Well, boy, you got half for a right Tommy? Yeah, Man, he doesn't think so Tommy wants to be very hand stupid. I can figure it out. I can get figured out. What you say, Tommy, that now figured out. I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be ugly. I'm already ah yeah, yeah, ye strange looking at a boy. I don't know what's wrong with you. Man, look at yourself. I ain't strange looking look at yourself. Strange and I'm pleased with what. Well you're ana walking side project Joe ugly ass up Tunia. But I'm smart enough to know it. I know. I looked in the mirror. I know what's going on, and I'm staying being genius. So I ain't worrying. So you want to be ugly and a genius? He be ok. He's the problem with Tommy? Is he half an eight? I'm all, y'all, just three geniuses here we go. I don't know how these two came up together, but this is another Would you rather be tall and average looking or five feet tall and very very beautiful hand? That's the problem we have right now. That's the problem we have. Would you rather be tall and average looking right here, five feet tall and very handsome, very handsome? Rather be beat all a day long? I'm gonna be tall and take this every day look I got and going to make a living with it. You play. Average is an upgrade from ugly, though average is an upgrade from average. I mean, I don't care average, And what is that? You're an ugly average? Why do we have because you have this dumb on lock. You seem to think that you all right because you've been in half of all of you? Would you rather get Would you rather listen to this? Guys? This applies to all of you. Would you rather give up cursing forever forever? Or would you rather give up ice cream? Ice cream? Or no, let's substitute ice cream for sex. I'd like that better. Six. Yeah, I'm on cuss in the middle of sex. I don't know how we're gonna get pas back. Coming up, It is our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the seven Show, all right. Right before we got to Steve's closing remarks, we got to remind everybody guys that tomorrow is election day. We want people to get out and vote. These local elections are very important. So Virginia, New Jersey, Atlanta, please let's get out and vote tomorrow in your state these local elections. Check your voting status and know your voting rights. Go to when we all vote dot org. Let's go. We gotta vote, y'all. Absolutely, heyte In closing, I want to go back to something I was talking about, oh last week, and it's about pressure. I want to remind every I want to remind everybody about something. When you feel pressure, when you are under pressure, when you're being pressure rised, when you feel the weight of everything, embrace it. You hear old people say pressure bust to pipe. I mean, if that's how hard pressure is. But pressure also shapes and molds. Pressure always reveals something and the thing that you have to understand about pressure in your life. It reveals a side of you that you may not have been aware of. When I think back on all the pressure moments of my life, it taught me more and more and more about myself than I even knew. I realized in my life that I'm really strong Longer than I ever thought I was that I can actually bear up under more than I thought I could, And so have you. If you just think about it, y'all, think about back to all your pressure moments and how you handle them. The majority of us, ninety eight percent of us have handled the pressure that was presented to us. Or it didn't feel good, it didn't set right with us. It may have caused some adverse things to happen, but you've survived it. You got on the other side of it, and if you haven't, you're currently pressing your way forward through it right now. Pressure is necessary in sculpting who God wants us to be. You need the pressure to form the shape. Nothing happens without pressure. If you ever go to the Grand Canyon, do you see the beauty of the Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. You know it caused that pressure. Wressha. You haven't seen a river coming down through a creek, babbling creek to how beautiful it is? You know it causes that pressha. That was some pressure somewhere. You ever seen a waterfall, you ever been in Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls? You know how beautiful it is? You know it's caused. You know, it causes that. Prest Sha Wrestia. You know how you get to become the world strongest man. You've put yourself under pressure. You know how athletes? You know how you saying Boat broke all these world records because he put himself under pressure. It's required. Rock Obama became the first African American president of the United States. You know why because he put himself under the pressure. Pressure shapes molds and bills. Man, But bigger than anything else, pressure produces results. You have got to get accustomed to the pressure. You've got to get okay with the pressure, because pressure produces results. Oh man, if it wasn't professional, excuse me, If it wasn't for pressure, you wouldn't be who you are today. Think about it. Every woman in this world who has had a child, has given birth to a child, has been under immense pressure, unthinkable pressure to be able to do that one thing that nobody else can do with them pressure. Your beautiful child was produced under pressure. Pressure is necessary, man, But pressure is uncomfortable. But you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable, because that's the process to the success. Success is on the other side of that pressure. So you got to deal with it. Pressure, pressure busts of pipe, if you want to look at it that way. But pressure also produces a lot of beautiful things. Pressure also produces a lot of great things. Pressure produces great people. I've always just wanted to be one of those. I never thought I would be the absolute best at anything. I don't know I really can say that or not. I don't really remember trying to be the best at anything. I was morning less trying to be the best that I could be at a certain thing. I've never really put myself in that race with other people. I've always put that self, that pressure on me. I've always been under pressure to be the best of me that I could be. And I thank God for pressure because pressure has produced some great moments for me that has allowed me to be the best person I could be at that particular thing that I was doing. That's what pressure does. Embrace the pressure. Drink it, take big SIPs of it, take gulps of it, because it produces greatness. Those are my closing remarks that they hope you got something from it. Y'all have a good one, man. Hey, look here, we'll see y'all to marrow God, will it another great show coming. Thank you law for today. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.