Election Day, Stacey Abrams, RiRi and Wesley, Bakari Sellers, Oregon, Ask Steve Voting Questions and more.

Published Nov 6, 2018, 3:45 PM

Today is the big day. It's November 6. Stacey Abrams from Georgia stops by the show. Rihanna has a problem with Trump. Wesley Snipes can't shake the IRS. Bakari Sellers from CNN calls into the show as well. Oregon and its voting process remains old school. We wrap up the show with voting questions for our fearless leader Steve Harvey and more.

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know. Y'all bag a long back to back down, giving them more, just like theming buck bus things. And it's to y'all to me true good to shut yeah, listening to me to each other for still to handle to listen, Hobby, I don't you join Yeah, well, hobby, join me into being me? Honey said you turn Yeah, you gotta turn the turnow turn? Do you love me? Got to turn out to turn the water water go? Comey, come on your back at uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice? Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah man got one. Hey. You know, um, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know. I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dweil on. Uh. You know the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings, the positive things, that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that He promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I perceived to come my way, and I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out in the space, and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, And so I've become better and better at that. That's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is is about to attack and what they're gonna do and saying and all of this is his. That's not to con say that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of you, all of us, We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive See the problem that I had years ago, was I was the driver of my life, and I was taking myself in the directions that I thought would be best for me. And I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving. When I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life, well, for what God wanted for me. Now he wanted for me and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make. Well, not try, that's the connection that you gotta make to really get it. Now, Listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly as the manding and and as offsetting as you think it's gonna be. See. I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man, because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God, to God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that. Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And and that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and exposed to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things totally different of me. And things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference, I mean, and I and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promised God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long, would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what he's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still short. And that's the cold thing about it. Man. See, no matter how good you get at it, you ain't gonna ever be the best you can be. You just not because you're gonna fall short. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't and you're not and you aren't and you won't and you will not. And so you quit saying it. You could saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd have for he'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you're gonna stumble and fall, So you gotta get that part right man to stumbling falling part is coming. But see, you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow roll over, laid their languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling fall, you get back up because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, You're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you the moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more, the moment you try to get it right. The devil got to send his attackers man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side. Seven. You know him too. You you've all met one or two of me in your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They're just busy about to do about the destruction of others. You said, I know him, you know him. They're coming. But here's what you gotta hold fast too. They can't take away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business, Why don't they make theirselves? Or if they ain't with you no more and they're so busy in them, I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since, just since you want to get credit from making somebody make yourself, if you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be risk posible for your own success. See, be careful of that. And don't and and don't don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. You keep doing what you're doing. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, that I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, but man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. It's like, for example, it's like detox in your body, which is one of the most healthy things you can do for your body is to detox your system and clean out the pipes and the liver and the blood and get it all together, give your kidneys a break in all like this, okay, right, okay, But to detox it properly, it takes twenty one days, right. And I hear a lot of people telling my twenty one days I ain't got. But see, hold up, man, if the twenty one days out of three hundred sixty days a year, you ain't got twenty one to straighten yourself out, You ain't got twenty one days to give yourself a better shot at help. I mean, that's that's crazy to me, once you wrap your mind around it. See, And so like if you're giving honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury in life and breath and hope and promise that you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What in exchange? What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you gotta put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it, because, man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing compared to what he'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become who you really are. Go to God. Let him fix you. Man. That's all show. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. On the biggest day of two thousand and eighteen. It is voting day. It's moving time. We need everybody. We've got to make this happen. Let's get at it. Let's get started. Shirley Strawberry calling for real Junior, Tom and Tom. We voted already, I mean to day. Yeah, Yes, got to vote on the day, baby, Make every vote count today. Very very important election, very important. I hope you realize how important this election is, not just for us, for you, for your you know, for your community, for you, yes, for your Grandmama's important. Yeah, especially for people who think that their vote does not count. Your vote counts. That's what they want you to think, so you can stay at home and not participate in the process. Please don't listen to the hype. Your vote counts, your vote is your voice. Please. You know, my husband was at work and he was talking to a younger guy working there and he said, well, I'm not gonna vote because my vote don't count. My husband turn around and said, you do realize they had them up right, You do realize that if you vote, they get to say your number right the man? I mean, man, we we we We can't use excuses, and I don't want our listeners to be complacents. We have some great listeners, but you know, man, we've got to be and encourage somebody else to vote, make them understand the importance. I know, the complacency that normally happens doing mid terms. They don't get excited like they do for president, especially in two thousand and eight and two thousand twelve because Obama was running. I got it. But Obama has been out here pushing and pushing and pushing to get you to understand the importance of this. We have the other side a bit nervous, and you need them to be concerned because you've got to have a balance. Man. You can't have a White House, a House and a Senate that represents the minority. Of the country, because what does the majority do, it's the minority. I was watching the Trump rally on TV. I don't know, did you see that they got the black dude back again, dog, the black dude again with the glasses on top of his head, the one that said blacks for Trump. But he's he's back there again in the same spot called the rolls down Law. And I don't know where they found these Native Americans with the authentic native head dress on. Really they found three Native Americans. If they were Native Americans with formal head dress on, you know, the feathers. Yeah, I mean, but man, if it is that that that that's gonna be the worst thing you could have done. But I don't know where they found these three Native Americans. So that's voting for Trump. We'll come back and talk more about the election. We'll be back at thirty two after right after this you're listening to show. Alright, guys, today is it? We've been talking about it already. Seems like we've been talking about this forever. I certainly hope Steve that all of our talking pays off at the poll. I think it will. I think it will because I think that uh, there was a poll on CNN that said they posed seven out of ten people are voting to send a message to the White House. Uh and uh Donald Trump, man, when he could a vote for this is a vote for me. Yeah right, yeah, he's making this about him. Everything is about man. Yeah, man, this guy right here, he wants everything to be about him everything, and he wants to be like, well, that's not he really wants to be like, no, tell me he is. Though he's liked, oh he has. There some people who clapped for him, who think every word out of his mouth is just the greatest thing that's happening. It's kind of disturbing to see because it's actually when he says something that's just you can't possibly think it's okay. These killings have slowed our momentum. Not that we should be to have our momentum slow bodies crazies that have committed these murders this week, but it did slow our momentum. You just go, what did you just say? You know, man, Pittsburgh was grieving when you said that. You know, I do stuff, I do stupid stuff. But he not even trying. M I don't think everything. Nobody think nobody okay, but you know the thing about don't you're you're you're you you are a certain way, but you're not You're not a bad guy, thank you. You know you're not a heart. You know you're not a mean person. You're you're you're stupidity is confined, thank you. Does he have a mean streak? Good? Thanks? No, no, no, but no he's not mean though, No, he's not mean his core. No, no, good heart. He's human and he gets mad, but this is way human? Does he get stop? Yeah? About to get mad? Yeah? Really really when you're here really twice, it's time to start. Last time you shut it down to see you said straight up, Steve. Hey, hey, y'all, don't see this coming here. Sometimes we're just here for it. But you were not here for it that near. Plus the subject matter, that's why I said, boy, y'all, don't he's nothing to play about this because we all know how to push each other's buttons. And that's what's wrong. We're going together so long. Everybody know everybody but easy man, who do you think is the biggest button? Push you? On the show, Shirley Strawberry had hands down, and we'll throw somebody else can push it. You look like she pushed hands down. The biggest mess started. She pushed the but you keep it going. Oh, now you're a great alley ooper. Now you will make the dunk. Who how am I in the and you throw it to me? And I don't? I don't. I almost feel like it's I'm obligating has Sometimes I don't even be wanting to, but you gotta do it. But I'm up here body. Sometimes it's just right there dangling, so you know, yeah, but he do. Dr Jake dunks. He taking and bring it back around. Yeah, I bring it back and make the ball touch my butt? All right. Somebody on this show, not necessarily on the mic, but someone on this show has her lips poked out. Uh uh, Mr sipping Monta. Today is her birthday. Happy from the sip baby, and want you all to know that this election is blocking. We should be prying catfish this morning. Really, you know that I walked through my kitchen last night and that was fried catfish. Where at my house? Did you eat a piece? I mean, why are you bringing it out? Because he's on the okay catfish, you're vegan, but wait, wait, wait, wait wait, you're vegan with fish though, right, I mean no, that's not a vegan vegan no animal. What is a Presbarterian? What? Yeah, presteria Reid. He once again, you're praying for fish. You know what I'm saying. It's one of the right. But you don't You didn't need no fish when you're paid for the kids. Yeah, I took a nugget, thank you. He's bad. Yeah, I tried not, but it's catfish. Though. Don't get no, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna be able to do this. What be a vegan? I not going into the holidays, no, sir, No, I don't know if I'm gonna make it to the holiday. I said I was gonna do it all the way to Thanksgiving. But how's that working out? You know, I'm just not um the food choices. And then you know, like Marjorie eats fish. She's no chicken on meat, but she eats fish. And it's kind of tough walking past that fish a lot of times. And near my in laws are here, they real food. No, damn, I love it too. Well. Come on, now, you live all your life doing well, Come on, at some point, you right, I want to eat your mother in law's cook. That's what I want to hug. So long is taste? Yeah, no, just don't dunk that one right now. We got to get out of here, please, please, please, We're gonna be reminding you all day. Vote today. Coming up next it is a nephew. He's here with Run that prank back. It's coming up right after this. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes after next hour, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams will be our special guest. We love her. We're pulling for you, Miss Abrams. Governor Abrams Plus at the top of the hour. In entertainment news, Rihanna doesn't want her music played at Trump rallies anymore. Okay, you better right now, right now, it's time to run that prank back. You're married, Joe Brother. I don't know if he's yelling at me or on the press. You're looking at me, I'm looking at I'm telling it's later on the prank bro sim run right now. You're married, Joe Brother. Hello, Hello, I'm trying this is she Hi. Commen, my name is Keith keeping from calling you from insurance group. Hi, how are you good? You and your husband. Uh, what is it, Harvey? Harvey? Is that right? Okay? You guys actually put applications and actually winning and gets your physicals done for Life Insurance, right, Yeah, yeah, that's correct. Okay. I actually I'm calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls, lab results and everything as far as your physicals and blood tests and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, You and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure, he's at work right now, but I can get him on the five. Okay, it will be Uh, it would be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time. Is that if that's okay? Okay? Somehow? Uh? No, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things that you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things of that nature, Life Insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, Okay, let me talking to them on the phone. Hey babe, sweet are Um Look, I got the insurance people on the line. They want to get both of us on the phone, uh, to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Hey, Harvey, are you doing this is keep keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey? Good with that? Nicky? Good? Good? Listen? Um, I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. And you guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I wanted to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talked to both of you guys at the same time. So if you have a minute that we can actually use a kind of get some of this information out to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now. I'm good. Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married. We've been again about three years, okay, now, prior to being married three years, How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half five six kids? Okay, you guys have been knowing each other pretty close to nine years now altogether. Yeah, okay, are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up in the same hometown? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up. I mean if I'm sorry, is this question I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there are a few things that's that actually uh puzzling, Carmen, that we need to this this this is actually didn't bring you guys. I mean we have to. I have to actually give you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the first to tell you that we run these results over and over and over trying to make sure we are completely a hundred and right. Okay, it's a problem with the test. Well, looking at our test, guys, Harvey Carmen, it's indicating that you guys are related. And nine times I attend you are you guys are siblings, old man? What And I understand the shot. It took me. It took everything I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records, and we went over these records over and over and and and the blow work shows us that you guys are actually siblings. Man, kid, are you serious. I'm actually this is not that. This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know, Like I said, I did not want to call with this information. What you did make the call? Man? Look you, I don't know what you need to go back and and and double check your records or something. Because we've been married three brief check with the laugh man, can you check with the laugh and like Paul is back and and I and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over again because oh I got this. You made the call and this gotta be wrong on So what you need to do is make another call and call the lab and call us back and let us know that you either so they made a mistake or are you talking about me and my wife? And I understanding hard Harry. Let me ask you this is it possible, you know, and this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other at some point And what you're saying by my mom and dad, that's so straight. Look at you need to have go back and do whatever you need to do. So I think you what you say something like that again, I think my back's gonna be coming down that beat you. I'm saying like that, hold on, baby, old baby, baby baby, I hold on, babe, I got this, hold on, I got it, baby, I gotta baby, I gotta how you're gonna call me with you what you don't know? You from what people do like that? But that ain't I'm un doing, sir. It's bringing you the result or I should bring me the results in personally that I whop you. That's what I'm talking about. Sorry, even if you beat the messenger at the end to the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day. I'm gonna want you. Look, I don't care what he's talking about. Nothing. He ain't my damn brother got I'm gonna find out whatever juperle you in. You're gonna call me time about brother. It's my wife. I am sing that song. Somewhere down the line. Somebody made a mistake, and you guys a brother and sister got married. I'm not as far for that. Well, let me tell you, don't shoot me mistake of calling. He's on one of these numbers again, and your life so I got one more test result I do need to get you got all that all what you've been talking about them? Well else you got to say, Now it's gonna be watching. The only other touch resort I have, ma'am, is that this is nephew taught me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriends. A I chold you ain't like watching. When I got one thing, I got to ask both of y'all, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the landry Okay, okay, it could happen today today, election election day. Election. I don't know about that. Yeah, I got time for that. Today. We gotta what does Monica doing for her birthday? We already voted so and nobody has catfish yet, so we fried some fish for at least cook some grits and fish and grits. Let's do that when we don't work. So about eleven do that brunch so to speak? Okay, I like it all right, we gotta go. Hey up. Next to entertainment news, Rihanna says she does not want her music play that Trump rallies anymore. Stop it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at twenty after the hour, Stacy Abrahams will be our special guest. She is running for a Democratic governor of Georgia. Thank you very much. He will be our first African American female to win that post. And she can do it if you get out and vote, do your part. But right now, in today's entertainment News, Steve Rihanna says she does not want her music being played at Trump rallies anymore. The presidential playlist wasn't even on rerease radar until she got a tweet from Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker, who wrote, it's been it's been said a million times, but here's a million in one. Trump's rallies are unlike anything else in politics. Currently, Rihanna's don't stop the music is blaring in Chattanooga, as aids toss free Trump T shirts into the crowd like a ball game. Everyone's loving it, she responded. Rihanna responded, not for much longer. Okay, me, me or my people would ever be at or around one of these tragic rallies. So thanks for the heads up, Philip. Remember last month, Farrell was upset we talked about that on this show. Uh, he did not want his song Happy being played. He was upset when he heard the song Happy it was being played at Trump rallies. Happy. Yeah, yeah, I think it's DJ and Duranty. But that's what we need to find out. Who's DJ and durand who's playing this music? But don't worry, he'll get a short and desist and hello gold digger, what is he gonna play? And saying digger? All right? Another entertainment news, Wesley Snipes is in trouble again with the I R S. He can't be you know, you can't be. I don't think he ever got out of the last ones. What do you do? You go to jail, dog, but when you get out you still oh don't you you don't just okay, but you got to pay. Don't If you're going to jail for some go go here. But you gotta you gotta work. I mean, what would you say? And since he's been I wish his TV show had made it because I really liked his TV show. It was really good. Yeah, alright, what are you? Just can't come on? Okay? All right, listen they want him to pay. Twenty three point five million dollars he claims. Wesley claims he's only got eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars basically. Uh. Wesley, who served three years in jail after being convicted of three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns, wanted to settle his case and have the lean taken off his house. The i r S lowered his original bill from twenty three point five dollars to seventeen point five million, and they rejected his off For now, he's filed a petition to overturn that decision. You know what, I think he's fighting it. I think you know, here's a deal. You know, if you are, I think the i's a bit unfair if you haven't filed and you owe the money and then you go you you've been out of work three years because you've been in prison. You can't make it. So where is he gonna get it from? You know? I mean and then three years in jail. I mean, you got your twenty three Come on, man, that's that's being a little bit much. It's a lot of a lot of money. Better get busy to the movies, passenger, And you can't just go make movies. Yeah, you gotta have the backing. You gotta have what you gotta be a box office draw you do. Yeah, don't body or nothing. All right, Steve, It's time for today, miss and Trip. Thank you very much everybody, and let's get this on. This is election day, and everything is important, and all of you are important. Okay, your vote matters, voting taking part in Voters taking part in today's midterm elections could change the balance of power on Capitol Hill up for grabs today. All four thirty five seats in the House of Representatives thirty five seats in the US Senate. Democrats need at least twenty three wins in the House to rest power from the Republicans. In addition, they are almost forty group mentorial races to be decided, as well as the makeup of state legislatures. Today's battling seen as a referendum on the Republican Party's control of Congress, and of course, on President Trump's popularity. The president campaign for GOP candidates in three states yesterday, Ohio, Indiana, and Missouri. Trump has socystem thirty political rallies since Labor Day. He says he's feeling positive about the Republicans hold on the Congress. I think we're doing well. I think the Senate we're doing very well. And I think we're gonna do very well in the House. Meanwhile, Trump says that he seems to be hedging his bets, as he often does. He's warning everybody on Twitter now that illegal voting will be prosecuted, strongly prosecuted, were his words. The president falsely claimed. You may remember after the twenty sixteen elections that millions of votes were illegally cast, because he lost the popular vote in the presidential election by some three million. Meanwhile, former President Obama has also been campaigning, but for the Democrats, of course, because he said this one's important. Healthcare is on the ballot. You vote, you might save a life. That's pretty rare where that happens. Making sure work and families get a fair shot. That's on the ballot. But most importantly, the character of this country is on the ballt Who we are is on the ballot. And Mr Obama campaigned in Gary, Indiana over the weekend and in Fairfax, Virginia yesterday. By the way, he reminded people of something people on the other side of the island not telling anybody. Meanwhile, thousands of fake Democrats have disappeared from the Internet. Now the Twitter deleted a bunch of faker bots set up to discourage voting from sympathizers of the Democrats. The social media site says it recently dumped more than ten thousand automated accounts posing as Democrats that were trying to discourage Democratic men from voting, claiming something silly like that would supposedly drown out the voices of the women in the parts. I'm stupid like that. And according to an Atlanta TV station, a white supremacist group has released a racist and sexist and anti semitical robot called Georgia Voters, with a man pretending to be Oprah Winfrey targeting black female guvnatorial candidate Stacy Abras, despite the fact that the real Oprah actually campaigned for Misabrams last week. Finally, today is National Basketball Day, but we're not playing. Okay, this is election day, We're not playing today. Gugnatorial candidate Stacy Abras is our special guest. At twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Morning Show. Hey, everybody joining us now, we promised you was gonna be a morning of of just some great interviews. Today we have the Democratic gubatorial candidate in the state of Georgia. She will be the first African American female governor in Georgia and as the next governor of Georgia, She's committed to expanding Medicaid, improving public schools, creating good paying jobs across the state. She's uniquely equipped to create a Georgia where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to thrive. This is one of the tightest governors races in the nation. And your vote today and we are harping on this and have been for the past six weeks. Your vote to date matters. Please welcome to the show for the first time, Miss Stacy Abrams. Well, Miss Abrams, how are you? I am good? And we are twelve hours away from victory. This is this is huge and I'm just so honored to be in the position to to help make history in America. This has been a tough race. How would you describe this campaign and what do you think you've tried to convey? I think that this has been a very tough campaign and spirited, But what I've tried to do from the very beginning is standing my values. I was raised by my parents, believe in faith and family and service, and that we have responsibility to do with right. And so if you look at my campaign from the beginning until the very end, we have run on the same three issues, education, health care, and jobs, because I know if you have access to those three things, your life can be better in Georgian across the country. Yeah, hey, now, let me talk to you about health care for one second, because we're getting some conflicting information. Because all of a sudden, I've noticed that your opponent and other opponents in the other party are saying that they don't want to do away with pre existing conditions, But what they're actually doing is actually that very same thing. I think the word you're looking for is their hypocrites, um And and that's part of the challenge of this election that they have counted on, especially in mid terms. They've counted on people not paying attention. And what has happened is that they worked hard to dismantle to Affordable Care Act, to block access to Medicaid expansion. They've voted multiple times to end protections for pre existing conditions, and they're hoping that the short term memories and long term memories of voters won't recall what they've done. Part of the responsibility that I've had that candidates across the country have has is to remind people of who they are. That these are not people you can trust with your health care, with your jobs, or with your education, because they are not going to tell us the truth. Yeah, what's been miss Abrams. The thing that you've wanted to stress the most in your campaign, if you could pull out one or two points, what what what? What you're stressing? I talked about Medicaid expansion because it is the corrux in the state, like Georgia, of so many other opportunities. We have half a million Georgians who are denied access to healthcare. That means, if you have a stroke in certain party in the state of Georgia, you can die before you see a doctor. But it's also about the economics. It's about making sure that we can create thousands of jobs across Georgia. And then most personally to me, it's about criminal justice reform. And people don't think about Medicaid expansion and criminal justice in the same breath, but in the Deep South. The number one provider of mental health here is not our hospitals, it's our prison system. And we have a lot of folks are going to jail because they haven't gotten the help they need for bipolar disorder, for for schizophrenia, for a range of mental health challenges. We're gonna take a short break. We have the next governor of Georgia. If we do our job today, the next governor of Georgia, Miss Stacey Abril. Stay right there. We'll be right back with more with the future governor of Georgia. You're listening to Morning show. We're back and we're talking with Miss Stacey Abril, who's a running for governor today. We got to get out to the post. Let me get back to this. Do you think that people out here really understand that what your opponent is against, as well as so many other Republicans there against things that they call set aside and uh Medicaid fits into that category as a set aside. For them, Medicaid is about covering a gap. What people have to remember is that the way we get healthcare and in America is through insurance. You get private insurance to your employer if you are older or if you're disabled, you get Medicaid, if you're elderly, you get Medicare. But there's nothing for those who work full time but don't get coverage unless they can pay for it out of pocket. Medicaid expansion provides coverage, but it reduces cost for everybody because the reality is poor people get sick and they go to the doctor. The problem is that they can't pay the bill the rest of us do. Medicaid expansion means that they actually put their part of the bill through a common pool that reduces everyone's cost and actually the smartest economic decisions we can make in Georgia. Wow, okay, now let me take you for us up. Because Medicaid and and education, these are things that affect Republicans also. What is it? What is it that the Republican Party is saying to their constituents that's causing them to not understand that what's happening in Georgia is it's no longer working. Georgians want Medicaid expansion, and here's why they've lost hospitals in Republican districts. They've want jobs in Republican districts. Their kids can't go to well funded schools because they don't have the tax base they need in Republican districts. And what we're starting to see is that people are connecting the dots. It's taken a few years, and that's one of the challenges of politics. It takes a while for the policies and the reality to connect. And what Republicans take advantage of is the fact that a lot of folks have too many of the things on their minds to worry about what's happening in their state House or what's happening in the Congress until it affects their lives. And part of my responsibility as a candidate has then to talk to everyone, to go to Republican districts, democratic areas, go to communities of color, white communities, so across the state and talk about the same issues everywhere, because as the next governor, I need people to know I'm learning to be the governor of all of Georgia, not just a select few. Well, you know what you've You've read a really, really class race. And you know, I mean, we just take our hat off to you because we've watched you come under attack from so many angles, and the class with which you've stood there and handle every question, even when he backed out of debates. I mean, but I got it though I show got it. I would and went down there and debated you either when he debates, I said, this boy right here, I can't go to him that this woman embarrass me like this. So we're saying to you, congratulations. We've been harping on this for weeks. Now we are getting to the polls and record numbers. I want you to know that the entire Steve Harvey Morning Show UH went out and pre voted and posted it on all of our social media and we wasn't shame about who we voted for. Me and my wife went back to Atlanta. Uh. We're good friends with a friend of yours, the um Vicky Palmer or JP Palmer, and they told us about you and we got on it right away. Thank you so much. You have our you have our support today and we're gonna show up in record numbers and we're gonna send a message, UH that the country the way it is being represented is not the way we want to representative. That we want to be an all inclusive country and we and we recognize the fact that you represent that. Miss Stacy Abrams, and today we're gonna make you proud. Thank you so much, and thank you for the civic spirit you've shown for helping us get the vote out. All names and gentlemen to the polls today, Miss Stacy Abrams, so much. Thank you. Take care our next, Governor. Yeah, alright, congratulations ahead of time, Miss Stacy Abrams. We wish you the best. We'd love you girl. We can do it, Yes we can, Governor Abrams. Governor Stacy Abrams saying up next, it is a nephew with today's praying phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's strawberry letter. Oh, I got a good one for you today. Object, I can't stand a sorry man. All right, that's the subject right now, But that's not the letter. I don't nderstand. I don't write the answer to the right now. It is the nephew here with today's prying phone call. Well in lieu of what today is? What is today? Today is election day, This is voting day. Get out and vote the name of this Frank you who would you vote for? You can't ask it all in it? Huh in your booth. I'm in your booth. Okay, I got who would you vote for? I'm in your boots. Need to know that the thing you'd be scrolling down. I'm all in there, all right, don't vote just just on the way down blue. You don't know what you're doing that go individually. I went by each one, you know that. Yeah, I had to vote it early, so I had a color mine in the little dot. Y'all was cutting yes, yes, us in a scantron. We don't care who you vote for. It is Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your earnest you while Mr Ernest I with Mr Americans Survey. And what we're doing is we're calling around two different households about the whole Um presidential race. But right now we're focusing on calling uh well, we're focusing on calling up. We're focusing on calling black people black people. Yeah, well, I mean, it's just something that we're doing. And we want to try and figure out exactly who you people are voting for, because that's important right now. I don't think well, we want to know exactly which way the votes are gonna be going here in the in the whole running of the presidential race. So we're just trying to figure out who you're voting for. Four of all, it really is on the open, sir, about who I vote for. But wall I vote for? We're getting y'all people out of I see that. But because I'm tired, I'm tired of this bull. You can put that on your dawn, saying like guy, so we tired this bully tied he saw either the anasagees we could have changed it. And if y'all mother, though I'll vote, what are you voting for him just because he's black? Now? Is that what you're doing? Right? That doesn't mean you sat back to see if he qualifies, sir. That's why that's why we're calling y'all because we think you're going about this hell thing around. I'll tell you what, even if we are going about it wrong, that's how we're gonna do it. You know what I'm saying, y'all had knel, he had this time of names up. So yet what we can change it around? You know what I'm saying, y'all been there too. All. We're gonna take the White House black now. Now, one thing you're not gonna do is paint the White House black. It's been white from day one, and you're not gonna change that. Matter of fact, I want to tell you this, Don't y'all show up none of them polls, or it's gonna be some problems if you do. If you show up trying to vote. Hey, man, how you gonna tell him about who to show up? Man? You got some there to be telling somebody who to show up? And women show up anyway? Yeah, I don't been calling me on my phone anyway. How you getting my anyway? I know what I'm saying. We're the wrongs out there now, y'all all. Thank y'all, right, for get what that's has been happened to David So y'all'm always they getting ready for it. All that I've been doing that's been getting cut out and I left calling on the phone trying to scale them. I like that. Yea. I'm just ready to get dead off with somebody. I was somebody who would be at the polls telling me who to vote for, who I can't vote for. We're gonna show y'all, we're going to have people at them polls and we're gonna stop y'all from voting if you don't tell us ahead of time what you're doing and who you're voting for and why you're voting for him. Man, you got from there with it. I mean, how do you get back a number? Man? I'm said, Man, I'm at work. I'm trying to work, and I don't really hard with you on the fine with some books. This is a survey. We are randomly calling black people and we have the right to do that. Okay, I understand the survey, but you need to you need to watch how you talk to people. Man. You can't to be calling people with that like that. You don't. You don't come calling somebody on the phone and talking to us like like you ain't got no says you need to talk to me like you got some sick. That's exactly what it's going to be. If you show up that that then posts trying to vote. Now, I can't. You wouldn't, man. I make sure I show up and I'm gon vote for everybody or anybody wh I want to vote for. Anybody on the dollar that's black. That's what I'm voting for. Let me tell you something. You're lucky we gave you the right tip vote looking you gave me like you ain't give me. My people are going to right to vote. Don't you got something else better than than You need to go call somebody who works college because you got y'all gonna stop black smoking. Win't gonna hit it. We don't want to hear you. Go ahead and you send word to the rest of them people of yours that we're better not catch man today too many like you this. You not say something. I can vote and do what I want to do. You and I can do what I want to do. You you gonna go in that poll thing and you're gonna vote for me. You know I'll vote for who I want to vote up. You need to stop calling my phone and don't call my nombo. Yes, and you can tell the mote because my black I tell you that much. You man, why you still calling me? Then I tell you I'm doing a survey. I told you, man, stop calling my phone. Man, I'm voting. We all vote. Got a fact we all acute saying that everybody loft to vote. We vote. I don't voting. You know what I'm saying. I want We're doing the survey and you're gonna answer these questions. I got for you. I asked you stop calling me, and I asked you not to show up at them polls and voute. I'm voting with my brother in jail. I'm voting for that. I got told to everybody that I know they don't vote, we gonna vote. He might be smart now, but that young feller can't run this country like we can't. We know what it takes to run this country. I know we've gone through some a few a few glitches here and there, but it ain't been that bad. Slow it up and you know they don't play that. They got chechnology to do it. Yeah. Yeah, Wait, We're not afraid of anybody, and you better be afraid to come to them polls. You hear me, man, nobody else that you you listen to me. I got one more thing that I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? I don't listen to you. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pragged by your boy jump oho man justin he put me up to a big dog. God Man. You got for me, kid, I'm at the pulling Trump you alrightest man? That's come. Man got gay Hey, look, one thing I do though, one thing I do. Though I know you're voting. I know that you voting. I'm still vote. Okay, I gotta ask you one more thing, dog, What is the baddest radio show in the land? Harvey Martin Show? That is? How was it all right? At least we voted? It's election day? You vote? Let me put this out there. I know him A knighting ten fits Tunica Casino and what Tunica, Mississippi to show one on Friday? One on save that's this coming week? Right? Can I say something sold out? They gone? Ain't no, my congratulations? They gone from the fifteen through the seventeen Funny Richmond, Virginia. Can I say it sold out? Look at you? You better ask somebody that's them two words that everybody looking for, every every entertainer's looking for now. November twenty three, Grand Rabbids, Michigan. I have not checked yet. We are a devo's performance. Hall Uh you know what Tomorrow I'm gonna let y'all know if that thing is what hold? Let you know? All right? But right now, Tunica, all tickets gone, Richmond, Virginia, all tickets gone. We sold out. No twenty three grand rabbids Michigan. I ain't know what he was fro. You know, he scared me something. All right, up next it is the Strawberry Letter, subject I can't stand a sorry man. We'll get into the letter right after this whatever. That's not the letter. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up. It is election day, you know that. And forty one after the hour today we're gonna have political commentator but carry sellers joining us. We love his commentary, he knows his politics. That's coming up again at forty one after the hour. But right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry a letter. Okay, we could be reading yours live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one. Ready enough for you, let's go, let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is just your very No. Billy D Williams was here, Yeah he's not. Hey, let me be Billy D. When I want to be Billy. Let you be great. All right there we go. Thank you? Huh, Steve Tom reminded me of Woodrow. No, look you have read subject. I can't stand a sorry man. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty six year old single mother of four who met a very handsome army vet at work back in two thousand sixteen. After dating for six months, he told me that he had to move out of his rental home because the owners had sold it, and he asked me if he could stay with me for a while. Against my better judgment, I agreed to let him move in temporarily. A month later, he was laid off from his job. Two months after that, his car got repossessed, so he was unemployed and did not have transportation to go job hunting or to go un jobbed interviews. While he was out of work and was not bringing money into the household, he cooked and cleaned and did all of the yard work, but I had to constantly prompt him to do these things. I got fed up with coming home and seeing him on the couch playing videos, so I gave him him an ultimatum to find a job or leave. He has a job now, but he only makes enough money to take care of himself, and there's nothing left for bills or groceries. This has put a major strain on our relationship and intimacy because his lack of ambition is such a turn off. I need for him to get out so I can move on with my life. When I talked to him about moving, he said he has no plans to leave anytime soon because he needs to save up some money first. I already have four children and I don't need a fifth child. Stephen Shirley, please help me figure out how to get this grown man out of my house. Well, you're absolutely right in saying this. Uh, this grown and has got to get out of your home. He really does. Sometimes. You know, we as ladies were just a bit too nice, aren't we? And we don't listen to ourselves to our into it our intuition, do we. You sat against your better judgment, That was you telling yourself you shouldn't do this. So you already knew when you allowed him to come into your home. And I don't care. No one is that handsome, no one? All right? Uh, he's taking advantage of you. He's taking advantage of your four kids, and now you know you cannot allow him to do this any longer. You gotta let him know today, today, without any hesitation, without any second thoughts, that he has to go. If you're nervous, if you're a little you know, apprehensive about doing it, please have someone with you, preferably a male or two or three. Uh. You gotta have someone with you when you tell him. You also have to change the locks on the doors, all of that. Uh, pack his clothes, whatever you have to do. But this man has to go. Okay. Uh, you've gone over and beyond the call of duty with this vet, and there's no need for you to do anything else except for show him the door the way out. Steve, Well, this letter don't make no sense from the beginning. You're thirty six year old single mother four. You met a handsome army vet at work in two thousand sixteen. After dating six months, he said he got to move out of his runtal home because they sold it. Then he asked you could he come stay for a while. See me right here, I'd already started counting people in rooms already. See y'all, you got four kids that you love and take care of your thirty six I don't know what you're stay in with all in rooms. But i'd have just started counting rooms and people. A month later, he got laid off from his job after he moved in, then got his car repossessed. Let's see, if you got put out your rental house, your next move should be to go get another rental house, not to come and leach off this woman, single mother trying to make hiss me. I mean, just right there, why would you burden her with that? Now she didn't know how burden some you was gonna become. And then you went on and proved it. A month later you got laid off from your job. Two months after that the car got representsed. Okay, so three months he made a car payment. They're making some serious phone calls. At three moments he let him, He let him pick up the car. So how but how they repossess his car? Yeah, he ain't it work, so they know where he work. He ain't it work, and he ain't at his house cause they took the house. How they know the car was over there at your house. I'm just trying to do. I'm telling you that REAPO people ain't that. Yeah, man, how do they what? But in the third month, though, stupid then he was out of work. He wasn't bringing in no money into the house. He tried to cook and clean and did the yard work, but you had to constantly prompt him to do things. Then you're coming home, he on the couch playing video games. He wanted the kids for real. Now, so you're told him to find the job of leave. Well now he got a job now, but he only makes enough money to take care of himself, and there's nothing left for Bill the groceries. I don't understand this. What is he doing with the money if he ain't helping you with it? He has no car, car note gun. He ain't got no rent. The rent gone but not he and he still ain't pitching in now. He ain't sorry, man, This dude right here, he's he's a little worse than sorry. But you you can't help this woman at all with these folk kids. Whatever money you're making on to go into the pile to help out, you've been living on it for months now. He has put a major strain on our relationship and into me said, I won't sleep with nobody broke. It's up in here. You all slept with a broke ram before. It's gotta be hard here and here. Won't all this from you? What? Come on now, let me have it, Come on, do it to me, Come on home. Put your leg over here. Hey, you ain't working. Not putting my leg nowhere? This is all I'm doing. We don't touch me. That's all right, Steve, hold that thought. Okay, we're gonna have part two of your response to this letter of this crazy relationship right after this. We'll be back at twenty three after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up in about twenty minutes, but Kari Sellers from CNN, we'll be here to talk about this very special election day. And right now, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter, Part two of your response to the subject. I can't stand a sorry man. Sorry man. Met him here in the military, moved him and he fell out, lost his house. She moved in with her. He loses his job and took his car. He ain't paying rent. He paying at the laying at the house watching videos. You're coming home. You're getting frustrated. And now you say that him not working in chipping in and he got a job, but his job. Don't let him chip in because he needs all money for us. So it has affected YO into us sleeping with a broke man. God, it's got to be it has you was broken? People slept with you though, and it had to be What did you sleep with me for? You? See, I'm homeless. All my stuff in my car. We can't go nowhere without moving stuff. I had stuff in the passenger seat. Yeah, you still need love. Be no love, Get get a lot of somebody and give you something back. Looking to hope. People do each other. Yeah, oh they did all time. Yeah they do it too much too. They really need to be somewhere sitting down. Then they mess around health baby and everybody up been here pot now Now the baby don't even know what reality is no more. He just struggling because y'all have made the ignorant. Asked to see poe ass little baby sitting up been here telling about why we ain't got no TV. That's what the baby said. Where are you going with it? Mama? What is all these candles for? Here? Man? Damn? Mama was having Why we need cornflicts with this tap water on it? Mama for dinner? Mama? Did we had corn bread yesterday? Pop? Why I got to get hit every time I asked about this cord back pop. Okay, Damn, I ain't gonna say nothing about the damn corner. I'm in the letter. Just see is the letter damn kids is complaining four kids? She has? Steve, Mama, I can't play the video game because here now my maca drone told me I can't sit on couch why TV? Because keep playing mad? Is he really a vet? Steve? I wanted to ask you that, yeah you're here, Vet, but he giving them a bad That's just like cops is cool to until they started getting bad name for some bad cop. So anyway, already have four children, I don't need to feel Stephen Shelly, please help me figure out how to get this grown man out minds. I have a solution. You feel unsafe, you don't feel secure with him around. All you got to do is say that to anybody at the court, and you will have a restraint in order he can't come with it a hundred yards of that house. Yeah, and all you want is a restraint in order he got to go. You know you've asked him to leave. He says he had to know this would killed me about sorry, asked people, you asked him to leave? He said, here, has no plans to leave anytime soon because he needs to save up money. Some money first, don't. I don't give a damn. What are you saving? They go save it at your mama house. You got partners, gonna save it to want of the army his house. Go back to the army. And they ain't got bags for him or nothing. I don't know how I work, but seemed like they want to let you stay in the bed. Re sign up to basic training again, that again, six weeks, get back down the pass island. Volk brag. Get yourself signed up. That's it, lady. You need to restrain in order. He's worthless, and get the restraint in order because you don't feel safe. That's all you have to say. You don't need a court date. You just need a restraining on that puts his ass out. You ain't sleeping with him, no way, you know. He asked, y'all having sex? He teld about who's it's the banks? Ask me who's else. Yeah, it's a lot going on. So that's what I'm for her. It's trifling, I do. She's just thirty six, she's got four kids and this man, and you know she met this dude here army that you thinking, Wow, discipline exactly. That's why I asked you that discipline people. Soldiers, military people are disciplined, people of honor. Was respectable, you know. You know, man, they know how to complete the task, their teamwork. That's what I've always thought of when I think of military people, how they function and reacting life. I know a lot of military people who are really really good folks. Man earlier I'm talking about man, Yeah, all of that. Can he go in there upraising his voice, but not who you holding it? So working? You're just couching? Movie you move it. This is crazy, you know. Yeah, she's got to take care of her kids. Four kids. She's thirty six. She's just thirty six years old. He's not Sureley, you said Tommy was hands. You ain't seen me on my show bo I'm sexy. You ain't seen man surely work glass All right, listen when they describe y'all said that ain't tom We gotta go, guys. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in ten minutes. He will be here, political pundent, political broadcaster, our friend Baccari sellers in the building. Good you're listening to Hey everybody, I told you we were gonna have some great guests today. Uh, we got another special guest. He's a noted politician and attorney. He's one of the youngest state representatives and the youngest black elected official in the United States. He's currently a political correspondent for CNN and I invited him on the show today because it's voting day. It is time to make a move, and I just thought that his insight and his his commentary could move some people today because we need everybody to get to the post. Please welcome our friend Mr bacard Sell. Thank god you just take it away. Man. What how significant is it today? What do you say to people who say my vote doesn't count? What do you say to people who are sitting on the sidelines? What? What how do you How would you stir and and and spur people to vote? Well, there are a few things. The first thing I would say is if your vote wasn't important, people wouldn't work so hard to try to take it from you. Um, that's first and foremost. The second thing is I'm tired of having people who don't represent us, who don't look like us, who don't understand our culture, determining our future, determining our children's future. I mean, what's on the ballot is not just an individual but it's on it's HBCU funding, it's health care for your your children and your grandparents. UM, it's making sure that we're not in senseless wars. UM. It's making sure that you have a living way. The teachers get paid what they need to get paid. We always say that this election is the most important election of our lifetime, but to day truly is. And so and the last thing is, my father was shot in the Orangeburg massacre February night on the campus stop Rhnest. He was in prison, he was housed on Death Road, just so that I could stand on his shoulders and we would have an opportunity to cast our ballot. So I don't take it for granted. UM. And we're not asking you to shed any blood. We're not asking you to go to prison, but we are asking you to stand in line and vote and exercise your franchise because it's that important. Wow, these UM, A lot of these elections are really close. What what what would you say on behalf of the Stacey Abrams and the Gilliams and the EPCs and and and and and people like that. I mean, you've heard what you said before, But what would you say to get people to get out there and make this happen for for folks like that? Well, man, look, first, I have to just take my hat off to Stacy Abrams because I don't think people fully comprehend how hard it is to be young, black, democratic, and female in the South and to do and accomplished what she's already accomplished. I mean it is a plus. I mean that that's that is amazing and to overcome. I mean she is running against a less dramatic throwback like the voter suppression that Brian keimp is attempting to exert on old people and people of color is unlike anything else. And she's she's so strong. I mean, I I'd be furious, I'd be ready to put hands or something. You know, it's different, but she is, she is so strong, and so I I I give her the utmost respect. And you know, now we can't let them down. They've they've done everything because that Mike guest bees, the the Andrew Gilliams, the statiatums. But let me also say that, UM. Let me also say this, UH, it's important for the for the listeners you have and in misstance Shelby County in that area, UM to to turn out for Phil Preston in Tennessee. UM, it's important in Arkansas to turn out for Frank Scott, It's important in New Jersey to make sure they turn out for Andy Kim and Cincinnati and on high the turnout for at that peer of all, because what's been going on in Washington, d C. Is they've been running over us, not caring about it. If we're not at the table, then were on the menu and we're not at the table right now. That is true. It's it's been interesting watching this and Donald Trump says something he said, a vote for them is a vote for me. It's like this guy takes every moment and then he's trying to distance himself from the possibility of what it looks like they're gonna lose the House. I've never seen a more petty person in office anywhere. Let loan the presidency. Well, now he's a sociopath, so let's mean you know, let's just call it, call it what it is. And he is on the ballot. I mean, do you over the past four weeks, I mean, we we keep going back to this, but on the past four weeks we've seen anti semitism, xenophobian bigotry to raise his ugly head or rear as ugly head in the form of violence. UM. That's the manifestation of his words. I was at Mother Emmanuel Ami UH this past Sunday. It's probably the only place in the country that could feel the same pain that the synagogue in Pittsburgh, and the pastor was so deep, and the pastor UH spoke from Proverbs and he talked about the fact that your tongue can speak life or death. UM. And what we have right now is a president who does not speak life into anyone but himself. UM. And so we have to go out there and elect candidate who will repudiate that, who will stop that rhetoric at every turn, because we have an entire generation of people who are going into this country and they think that school shootings are commonplace. They think that they can't worship in peace, that they can't be gay and be happy and not be judged, uh that they can't go to schools where their teachers are paid the right right prices, in right salaries, in their their buildings aren't falling apart. So, I mean, we have to have someone, a candidate or candidate who speak life. And that's why Andrew Gilliman is so tough, and Stacy Abels are so tough, and Bato O'Rourke in Texas are so tough because they use their tongue to speak life into their constituents. And I just, I mean, I don't know if it's gonna be enough, but I want everybody to know. I'm I'm so damn proud of all of them that I'm gonna do everything I can until my last breath tomorrow to make sure that I do everything I can to get him over the hut. Well, this is exactly why we wanted you on this show. Thank you so much for car thank you for your for your support, for your leadership, for your insight. It's just been incredible this entire election, and uh, it's gonna happen. Man, We're gonna get out here and get it done. So thank you, brother. We appreciate you. Man. The crazy part about all of This is Wednesday morning, the race for President of the United States begin. So if you thought it was over all, right, bro, thank you? Alright, alright, coming up an encore presentation of our interview with hopefully the next governor of Georgia. We're gonna claim it and put it out there, Miss Stacy Abrams. Right after this. You're listening, Hey, everybody joining us. Now, we promised you was gonna be a morning of of just some great interviews. Today we have the Democratic gubatorial candidate in the state of Georgia. She will be the first African American female governor in Georgia, and as the next governor of Georgia, she's committed to expanding Medicaid, improving public schools, creating good paying jobs across the state. She's uniquely equipped to create a Georgia where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to thrive. This is one of the tightest governors race in the nation. And your vote today and we are harping on this and have been for the past six weeks. Your vote to date, atters, Please welcome to the show for the first time, Miss Stacy Abrams. Well, Miss Abrams, how are you? I am good? You know we are twelve hours away from victory. This is uh, this is a huge and I'm just so honored to be in the position to help make history in America. This has been a tough race. How would you describe this campaign and what do you think you've tried to convey. I think that this has been a very tough campaign and spirited. But what I've tried to do from the very beginning is standing my values. I was raised by my parents believe in faith and family and service, and that we have a responsibility to do with right. And so if you look at my campaign from the beginning until the very end, we have run on the same three issues, education, health care, and jobs, because I know if you have access to those three things, your life can be better in Georgian across the country. Yeah, hey, now, let me talk to you about health care for one second, because we're getting some conflicting information. Because all of a sudden, I've noticed that your opponent and other opponents in the other party are saying that they don't want to do away with pre existing conditions, but what they're actually doing is actually that very same thing. I think the word you're looking for is their hypocrites, um and and that's part of the challenge of this election that they have counted on, especially in mid terms. They've counted on people not paying attention. And what has happened is that they worked hard to dismantle to Affordable Care Act, to block access to Medicaid expansion. They've voted multiple times to end protections for pre existing conditions, and they're hoping that the short term memories and long term memories of voters won't recall what they've done. Part of the responsibility that I've had, the candidates across the country have had is to remind people of who they are that these are not people you can trust with your healthcare, with your jobs, or with your education, because they are not going to tell us the truth. Yeah, what's been miss Abrams. The thing that you've wanted to stress the most in your campaign, if you could pull out one or two points, what what what? What you're stressing? I talked about Medicaid expansion because it is the crux in the state, like Georgia, of so many other opportunities. We have half a million Georgians who are denied actives to health care. That means if you have a stroke in certain parting state of Georgia, you can die before you see a doctor. But it's also about the economics. It's about making sure that we can create thousands of jobs across Georgia. And then most personally to me, it's about criminal justice reform. And people don't think about Medicaid expansion and criminal justice in the same breath. But in the Deep South, the number one provider of mental health care is not our hospitals, it's our prison system. And we have a lot of folks are going to jail because they haven't gotten the help they need from bipolar disorder, for for schizophrenia, for a range of mental health challenges. Do you think that people out here really understand that what your opponent is against, as well as so many other Republicans there against things that they call set aside, and uh, Medicaid fits into that category as a set aside. For them, Medicaid is about covering a gas. What people have to remember is that the way we get healthcare and in America is through insurance. You get private insurance to your employer. If you are older or if you're disabled, you get Medicaid. If you're elderly, you can get Medicare, but there's nothing for those who work full time but don't get coverage unless they can pay for it out of pocket. Medicaid expansion provides coverage, but it reduces costs for everybody because the reality is poor people get sick and they go to the doctor. The problem is that they can't pay the bill the rest of us do. Medicaid expansion means that they actually put their part of the bill through a common pool that reduces everyone's cost and actually the smartest economic decision we can make in Georgia. Wow, Okay, now let me tell you for usselves. Because Medicaid and and education, these are things that affect Republicans also, what is it? What is it that the Republican Party is saying to their constituents that's causing them to not understand that what's happening in Georgia's it's no longer working. Georgians want Medicaid expansion. And here's why they've lost hospitals in Republican districts. They've lost jobs in Republican districts. Their kids can't go to well funded schools because they don't have the tax base they need in Republican districts, and what we're starting to see is that people are connecting the dots. It's taken a few years, and that's one of the challenges of politics. It takes a while for the policies and the realities to connect. And what Republicans take advantage of is the fact that a lot of folks have too many of the things on their minds to worry about what's happening in their state house or what's happening in Congress until it affects their lives. And part of my responsibility as a candidate is then to talk to everyone, to go to Republican district, democratic areas, go to communities of color, white communities, so acrost the state and talk about the same issues everywhere, because as the mess governor, I need people to know I'm learning to be the governor all of Georgia, not just a selection. Thank you so much, you have our support today and we're gonna show up in record numbers that we're gonna send a message, uh that the country the way is being represented is not the way we want to represent it, that we want to be an all inclusive country. And we and we recognized the fact that you represent that, Miss Stacey Abrams, and today we're gonna make you proud. Thank you so much, and thank you for the civic spirit you've shown for helping us get to vote out all of you names and gentlemen to the polls today, Miss Stacy Abrams, thank you, Thank you. Take care our next governor. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The state of Oregon goes back to the basics for elections. While states across the country are worried about hackers and election meddling, Oregon is sitting pretty right now. That's because they have gone old school, gone or voting machines, all of that. Instead, residents there are mailed paper ballots that they fill out and mail back. That's the way they have done things in the states twenty years. They've done it that twenty years. Okay, so so so so you can just like not open somebody damn made but so far, so good though it produces they say, consistently higher voter turnout members people there, I don't know ye or you can look it up Google to let I do it. But somebody to open up all that mail. So they just you know, how do you think they did it before they got voting machines and stuff like that. I understand it, but we got that many people working in organ um? Is that a problem? Evidently it's Oregon. Yes, this boy here, man, I don't why I'm just reporting this story. This inorgan killing the messenger talking about that. I can refer back to earlier in the show. So he said, I deliberately do super star. I love I love the stuff that he'd be concerned about. Yeah, yeah, yes, thank you one million people in order. Let's see how did that? How does that feel? And we're gonna open up all this mail? Well some of his kids, yeah, some of my baby question, let's just say half at two point one? How does that feel? Answer that you're worried about if they open I'm worried about the vote as we getting all these votes in Oregon. You know to day, don't your ass live in Texas and l A, a little bit of Atlanta? What is you all up in Oregon? Why should read the damn started? I wanted to tell you guys, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The voting system is so popular in Oregon that the majority of both parties back it. Surely I heard you, but you called to so they just go that. Man, that's how they've been doing it for twenty years. I know. Did you not hear me? They say you can't hack paper. That's according to the Secretary of State. What is he? Why is this? He cares care? Oregon? Okay? You know, have you ever performed in Oregon? Never? Have never never been to Portlands. Now. I did plays important. That's the only thing I've done important. You wouldn't up there, you know, you know what I have. I was with Lutheran or years ago. I did a little bit. You said you're doing plays. Luther Ain't been in no place, no know, just saying I've done plays in a in an open polluting I made a mistake, brother that We'll be back with more of this crazy stole. Papay was scheduled to go up there. We didn't make it up there. What was that about? Who still operates? That's how you throw We didn't make it. That's the rock you give it to somebody. What happened? They saw that play? The lam so damn hard. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Show right now. In today's Entertainment News, Steve Rihanna says she does not want her music being played at Trump rallies anymore. The presidential playlist wasn't even on re rease radar until she got a tweet from Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker, who wrote, it's been it's been set a million times, but here's a million in one. Trump's rallies are unlike anything else in politics. Currently. Rihanna's don't stop the music is blaring in Chattanooga, as aids toss free Trump T shirts into the crowd like a ball game. Everyone's loving it, she responded. Rihanna responded, not for much longer. Okay, me, me nor my people would ever be at or around one of these tragic rallies. So thanks for the heads up, Philip. Remember last month, Farrell was upset. We talked about that on this show. Uh, he did not want his song Happy being played. He was upset when he heard a song happy it was being played at Trump rallies. Uh Happy, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it's DJ and durand it. But that's what we need to find out who' dj in Duran who's playing this music? But don't worry, he'll get a short desist. Play Kanye Hello, God, Digger? What is he gonna play? And saying digger? Alright. Another entertainment news, Wesley Snipes is in trouble again with the I R s he can't be. You know, you can't be. I don't think you ever got out of the last one. What do you do? What are you going to jail? Dog? But when you get out you still oh don't you you don't just okay, but you got to pay. Don't If you're going to jail for something, go go here. But you gotta you gotta work. I mean what you're saying since you've been I wish his TV show had made it because I really liked his TV show. Yeah it was really good. Yeah, alright, what are you? Just can't come on? Okay? All right, listen. They want him to pay twenty three point five million dollars, he claims. Wesley claims he's only got eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars basically uh. Wesley, who served three years in jail after being convicted of three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns, wanted to settle his case and have the lean taken off his house. The i r S lowered his original bill from twenty three point five dollars to seventeen point five million, and they rejected his offer. Now he's filed a petition to overturn that decision. You know what I think, So he's fighting it. I think here's a deal. You know, if you all, I think the I is a bit on fair. If you haven't filed and you owe the money, and then you go, you you've been out of work three years because you've been in prison. You can't make it. So where's he gonna get it from? You know? I mean and then three years in jail. I mean, you got your twenty three Come on, man, that's that's being a little bit much. It's a lot of a lot of money. Better get busy to the movies, pas. And you can't just go make movies. Yeah, you gotta have the backing. You gotta have what. You gotta be a box office drawing you do. Yeah, don't nobody know nothing. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and to close out the show, one last break right after this coming up at forty nine after the hour you're listening to show. Here we are, Steve, last break of day on this very important day, Election Day, two thousand eight, mid term elections. Well what's happening. Well, let's do something different. We've been in We've been uh imploring, is that the word to vote. We've been asking people to vote. We've been laying out reasons why you should vote. We've explained our personal experience with voting. So the only thing left for me to do today on this important day is the hair. The crew just asked me questions and no matter what you asked me watch Highs, but asked me questions about anything relationship, money, jewelry, trial, vote, watch. I have a question, uh, Steve, we know that it's today is Mississippi Monica's birthday. We have to get that in. So what are you going to get her for a birthday. I'm gonna get h that dud in Mississippi. I won't make him. I'm gonna make e c. I'm gonna get him in the office because I'm gonna have people. Yeah, yeah, that's what help. Your Your gift today will be Mike EPs his name is spy. Do you think it could be motivated for women to use that a gift for me and to get them going there and vote something they can do? Say the question again, like you think women could use that to motivate me and to go vote, Like you know, we gotta treat for you when you get home if you go, Well, yeah, I think that's a good way to do it. I know, if I'm getting a treat, I'm going in there voting for everything. You know, we're gonna be voting, and I'm gonna carry you down there to the polls with me so you can see me voting, because I don't want no trouble when we get back to the house. I got a question. Yeah, the black guy with the opponent till that stands behind Trump, Uh what what? What you know? What would you tell him on a voting day like today that they don't care nothing about you. I don't even know why you're standing over there. You always over there by your own black set. That ought to be a clue right there, sitting up in here with your hair pool back. I don't know what you are. I don't know he had a Trump Pens t shirt on you, so stupid. What would you say to people that I feel like, you know, the president is making this election all about him. What would you say to that, Well, I'd say they're absolutely correct. He's not only made this election about him, he's made the office of the presidency about him. He has made everything, every policy has been about him. And if we're sick and tired of his policy, if we're sick and tired of the way he's portraying us as Americans, then we got to send a clear message to him that this will not be tolerated. And we got to vote today. Okay, I hear you talking about that. Good. I hear you talking about voting. Today's election day. But how do I know my vote is going to count today? Well, see when you cast it. When you cast it, it's computerized, and that's how that it counts. Let me tell you what. If you're asking that question, how do I know my vote counts? That means you didn't vote before? And now Donald Trump asked, is in the white What what else do you need? Mr? Do I count? Well? When you don't count a show, this is what we end up. Okay, okay, okay, you want to vote, it's thinking you and Trump trying to decide who get the last life? Vest, what do you tell him, I'll be out there floating on his chunk ahead. You can have a damn life, vest. I want you to live. I don't want nothing to happened to him, But why are you holding the life better? I'll be on your biggers back. Good because I know he floats. That's good. What do we tell people if they ask who we voted for. I'm voting for anybody but him, because he clearly said the other day a vote for Republicans is a vote for me when I'm voting for anybody but you. So if a vote for Republican is a vote for you, then don't go to them credit it is. I got a question. I got a question, just off the top of your head. What do you think will be the next governor of the state of Georgia. Uh? This woman named Stacy Abrams. Yes, Yeah, that's who I feel to be the next guy to Georgia. Stacy. I think Abrams. I think she's qualified. I think she ran a great race. I think she stunned a lot of people, and I think it's time. I think it's time for a change. I've always said this a hundred times on this show. If you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you keep being getting. And if what you've been getting for Kemp you don't like it, then it's time for change. What has Kemp done for the state of Georgia? I lived that, absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing. Who do you think will be the next governor of the state of Florida. I'm just gonna put it to you like this, the Black and Florida come on, because once again, if you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. And they those two in debates have made a will more than valid points and they look better than their opponents, and I say they deserve a chance to represent us in the House. Thank you very much, have a great weekend. Those are closing remark. Hey, y'all get out and vote today for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show