Election Day, Kamala Harris Interview, White House Fence, Junior Poetry and more.

Published Nov 3, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is D-Day! We will not be deterred, we will see it through, we are voting today! Nothing will stop us. The Chief Love Officer deals with an aspiring skrippa that kept something from her husband. The vice-presidential running mate of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, Kamala Harris stopped by the show to talk about the Biden-Harris plan for America. Our resident poet Junior has a very special poem just for us on Election Day. A special 'non-scalable' fence has been erected around the perimeter of the White House in anticipation of protesting. We are asked an Election Day question. Are we better off than we were four years ago or nah? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells the world that today we pay tribute to our ancestors straight up. We are voting!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the coves through goodt ha to mother. Please I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn be hurting you are you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You have got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing now, I shall will for a good morning. Everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now running only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Oh man, Steve Harvey got a radio show because God. Because God is simply amazing, because God is off the chain, because God is over the top, because God is all that in a bag of chips. God is amazing. Man. God will take you places that you never ever thought you would go. Oh you know what? It Sometimes it amazes me when I'm watching all people talk about themselves and their careers and where they're adding life and things and they and I hear people say, you know, always dreamed of being him. You know, I can understand when a person says that I've always dreamed that of something like this would happen to me. But I want you to think about that for a second. Did you really see it just like that though? Did you really really see it just like that? Did you really know that God was gonna bring you through all he bought you through to get you to this place? Did you know that, in spite of the losses along the way that would crumble the average person, that somehow He kept you through it all and that's how you got here? Did you think of you know? I mean, you know, you know? I mean, since you're so busy talking about yourself now, have you forgotten all the times He was bringing you through when you didn't see no way that you was gonna get through? Do you remember that? So when you sit there and you say, I dreamed of this, this is what I always saw happening, I don't really think. So, I don't really think. If you take inventory, or real close inventory of your life and you look back on it all, stop look at the moment right now, remember where you come from. See, that's what gets me emotional sometimes, that's what makes me tear up because when something is happening to me in the moment, it ain't the moment for me, it's the memory of how I got there. It's the recollection of all the things, all the nights, all the days in that car, all the times by myself when I felt like I wasn't gonna make it. But somehow I'm standing somewhere and somebody passing out an the ward to me or somebody calling my name, that's that. Did you really think you was gonna make it? Then? So so so, since you're talking about this is what I always dreamed of? Did you really think in those moments right there that you would even be standing here today? That's why I try. I try to give people to understand, you know, and and and and this is kind of for young people today what I'm about to say. But then guess what I sometimes I have to remind myself of it. So I guess it's still kind of for everybod about it, you know, because I work with a lot of young people, and so many times, man, young people just don't understand what all it takes. And I know, and if you're a full grown adult, if you're forty, you you really understanding where I'm coming from, because you know it's listen to me, young people or anybody that don't understand this, that you got to do some things that you don't want to do. In order to do what you want to do, you have to understand this principle of success or else you are not going to become successful. I got what you want to do. I got your ultimate goal? Is this, that, and the other? I got all of that. But in the meantime, though, there are some necessary steps that you have to take in order to become successful. And you cannot skip these steps. You can't jump over these steps just because you want to be rich Friday, I got that. I got that. Everybody got that. But if you want this whatever you're talking about, whether it's money or success or fame or climbing the corporate letter or this is the position or you all, that's fine and then it. Please hold on to your dreams. Dreams come true. But in the meantime, let me remind you of something that you gotta do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. Let's say you want to be rich and famous. Let's just say that's it for you. Let's sit there. It's a lot of other ways of being successful. Please don't think that's the only one. But I'm just saying, let's just say yours is rich and famous, and let's say some miraculous way God made you rich and famous. Next Friday, you rich and you famous? Next Friday? Can I share something with you? This is not going to last for you. You know why because you have not done the things it's necessary. You have not done the things that you have to do in order to do the things you want. So now you're rich and famous, how you gonna know how to budget money? How are you gonna know how to get up and keep clawing towards the top when you fall off your pedestal. See, it's so many things you got to know about something, and you think, because it's what you want right now, it's supposed to happen just now. It's a process. When you ask God for something, Please know, God know the process. He knows the necessary steps to take you through. Don't lose your patience with God because your dreams ain't coming true right now? Man? You know you know I think the best way y'all is for me. I just use myself as an example. I really do understand why God has given me the life he's giving me so far. I understand to being homeless part. Now I get the not being successful when I want it. Two part, Now I get it. I got the delayed entry into the field of choice for myself. I got it now. I've been wanting to be on TV and a little comedian since I was nine years old. But guess what, I didn't get there until I was twenty eight. But see I didn't get it then I was mad at God. You know what I won't I send them here here I got exactly what you want. But I got this process. I want you to go through to get here too, because see I'm fit to take you somewhere. You don't know nothing, but one day you're gonna have a radio show with You're a little stupid behind. You don't know this yet. I'm gonna bless you with a radio show. You don't even know it. That's why I said, every more than Steven Harvey got a radio show, because see I didn't. I didn't see this one coming. But see God had a plan for me. It was in the blueprint of my life. So God said, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make your life a little rough for you. I'm gonna toss you up a little bit I'm I'm gonna let you make some of these stupid decisions you wanna make it. I'm gonna make you learn from them. I'm I'm gonna let you be homeless for a little while. I'm gonna let you not get into your field of choice until you're twenty eight. I'm gonna have people talking about if we had only seen him when he was younger. I ain't gonna let you get your first can your name till your thirty eight. I'm gonna make you go through some things because one day I'm gonna put a microphone in front of your mouth, and I want you to honor me. I want you to talk about me. I want you to tell people what I bought you through. I want you to give people inspirational moments where they can see that your life was jacked up for a minute and I turned your life around for you. That's God dealing with me. See. So now I finally understand why I went through the life I went through, so I can have something to say. See, I ain't over here telling you about what I think a happened. I'm telling you what I know can happen. That God does make dreams come true. But sometime it take a minute. Sometimes you're gonna have to do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. All right, all that you, I'm gonna be tripping a day. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, Today is d Day's voter day. We are committed. We are determined to get to the polls today. We will not be deterred. You will not frighten us off. Ain't nobody scared of y'all. You can drive down here with your trucks, with your Trump signs all you want. You ain't scaring nobody. We vote, We're standing in line. We're going to see it through. I don't care how long it takes. We are voting today and you can't stop us. And ain't nobody scared. Let's be clear about that. Now. This is a new day. This is a new people here. You know this ain't just ain't back in the twenties when y'all could just do what you wanted to do. Ain't nobody scared? And we're voting. We're standing in lines. We're bringing out water, we're bringing out vote away chairs, all of that coffee, we're wearing our mask and we're voting. Don't come down here with that if we're not having it. We're voting, and we expect a police department. We express expect all first responders. We expect all American citizens to do their duty and make sure that everyone is allowed to exercise their right. Ladies and gentlemen, Sherley Strawberry and caller for real, we're voting, Steve, we're voting. That's it, enough said, get to the polls. Get to the polls today please. Period. Yes, that's it. Period. Ladies and gentlemen, Kill Spates and Thomas Miles, me and Thommy coming down to your polar location. If you have a problem, if you see a Trump truck, we'll be there. Call us one ain't hundred, we got this, call us you go vote. Yeah. But they tried to do to voters and for Fort Worth with the police escort. They bought them Trump chucks throughout through there, and then brothers just said, no, you ain't coming down and here this ourthhood. You go the other way, go that way. You ain't coming downhill and man coming down here intimidating nobody. Man, you're not getting away with that We're not gonna be intimidated. We're standing in line. We're gonna do our duty. We're gonna vote, Take fold away chairs, take a little stool, you could take a pillar, Take you a cup. We're gonna be respectful. You know, we're gonna hold places in line for people if they got the emergency restroom trip. We're gonna do whatever we got to do. We're gonna help each other vote. We're gonna socially distanced, and we're gonna wear our mask and we're gonna go in there and vote because we sicker. You man, Today is a day. Today is the day where we stand up. And since you don't think black lives matter, we're fit to show you something today. Let me ask I think the matter? Would police? I think they do? Why would police escort them down to the hood, like unless they had gotten a parade permit of some kind. But then you never know. Sometimes it's just, hey, the boys in Blue half gotten behind Trump almost all of the Captain's unions, so you never know. Whatever the reason, we don't give a damn. We're not breaking no laws down here. We vote, all right, we don't give a damn. We're not breaking laws. Were vote. We're riding with Biden and Harris. Please get out and vote today. Right now, we're gonna switch gears. It's time for Ask the CLO. That's coming up at thirty two minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, today's election day coming up at the top of the hour, Senator Kamala Harris will be our very special guests. Yes, we're excited about it. We're excited about that. We are riding with Biden and Harris. Please get out and vote. We're gonna switch gears here now because it is time to ask the CLO. Life still goes on. I guess and the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is here. Yes he is the Cloe. Yes, all right. This one is from Kelsey in Las Vegas. Kelsey says, I'm a twenty seven year old married woman with a big secret. I've been taking pole dancing classes instead of going to the gym, and my husband doesn't know. We had a showcase at a local strip club and fifty people were invited. It was a way for us to show what we've learned. Now, videos of the show have popped up on social media. And I'm afraid my husband is going to see it. I was going to surprise him with a private dance for his birthday, but he's going to be furious if he sees me dancing for other random men. What can I do to get ahead of this before it's a big problem? Okay, let me ask you a question. First of all, why would you let anybody tell you that we're gonna go down to a strip club to showcase in front of fifty other men and you married? Why would you do that? That don't make no dog one sense at all. Now, how can you get ahead of it? You can get a copy of the video and you can show your husband. He gonna be mad, though. Yeah. All of what you can do is ignore it. Hope the video never surfaces unless some years go by. What you ain't gonna happen because somebody gonna see it somewhere that knows. Somebody didn't know you. So I can't tell you how to get ahead of this. The only thing you could do is going there and tell him what you did. And you didn't know it was being videotaped, and you did it as a surprise. That's your only chance. And you know and women, y'all always tell about Just tell us the truth. Okay, going in there and tell him the truth. But watch how this work. Watch watch how this truth worked for you? To watch how now? Now all y'all doubting the truth, now watch how this truth work. Now. But see if your ass wasn't up on that pole, if you hadn't went to the poles instead of got up on poles. Something right here, because today is go to the polls, not get up on the pole of all right, Miracle, Yeah, this is from Miracle in Newark, New Jersey. She says, I'm thirty seven and I'm dating a forty four year old man that lives in my building. He's newly divorced, and I'm his first real girlfriend. So it's like he's forty four, she's thirty seven, so she's his first real girlfriend. So it's like she has to teach him how to be a boyfriend. He can't seem to understand that it's not okay for his ex wife to visit him and bring him his favorite dish when she cooks. He said that even though their marriage didn't work, they're still good friends. I think she's lonely and baiting him. For sex. He said he'd never ever have sex with her again. Should I trust my boyfriend and let it go, or should I give him an ultimatum about his ex wife? Wow? Well, I you know, look, I don't know how this works. I ain't never had that, ain't none of my exes never came by me and damn thing self hell in grief. So I had them play to hell and a bowl of grief out have had all that. I had a platter of ass. I've had all that with folk, but I've never had them bring me my favorite damn dish and try to talk about we them, damn friend. We're not friends. I'm just to be clear about that. We're not friends. We're not friend, We're not cool. I don't get damned by sake of the kids, none of that. So I don't have nothing for you on this ladder right here. I don't know what to tell you. All I can tell what's her name, Sherley. Her name is miracle. Well see miracle called Ryan with Paul. And if you take your ass down here to the poll and vote and that be, let that be your miracle. Because you don't know what's happening with this man and his ant wife. But the miracle is you need to go to the polls. That's what we need to do. A great advice. I love it. Man, If you're gonna love this wight, I'm ready for. This is from Big Daddy in Burningham, Alabama. Big Daddy is a fifty eight year old bachelor. He's looking for a woman to spend his retirement years with. He was in a long term relationship with a younger woman, and she took all of my money, he says, but didn't want to give me any loving. I'm a big guy and I love to cook and socialize. As I gained a little weight, my woman started pulling away from me more and more. I wanted to be with her forever, but she is not willing to stick around to help motivate me to lose weight. Everything below still works fine. So how can I get a woman to see past my belly and into my heart? Well, bro, man, oh my ass, that's out of the relationships now, Big Daddy. No, no, hell, no, nice hand's name, Big Daddy. But now you set up in here now you want somebody to see past your stomach when you can't see now? What we gotta be real now, y'all always talking about Steve. You can't fat shame but dog when we get up in age, man, we got to start watching ourselves. You can't do this, man, Come on, bro, Ain't nobody fitting to see all the beauty in you? When all they can see is all the stomach that's in that shirt? All them buttons spread wide, open their little holes into your shirt? Where you' here? You stretch? What? Surely? But fee? Hello? Okay, Now he loves to cook. Remember there, he eat cooks and chefs. He loves to eat. This problem he's putting all that damn food in his mouth. It's when he gets through cooking, yeah, cooking everything. He cook his ass off to the point where they're calling him big Daddy. That's somebody in there. And now you're talking about Oh, then you know the last one pulled away from you. She was trying to not pull away from you. Was get out under you. That's what the problem was, dof. That's the difference between pull away from you and trying to stay from I'm under you now, big Daddy. Listen, man, we're glad to make some changes. You can still enjoy cooking, and you can still enjoy eating, but it's got to be done. Sensibly, we're gonna have to lose some weight. Dog. Sorry, bro, I know you want somebody to go with you, but we gotta lose some weight. Part coming up next, nephew, Timmy's run that prank back. Right after this, you're listening Morning Show. Today's election day, to time to implement your voting plan and to get to those old people. Coming up at the top of the hour, center to Kamala Harris will be our special guests, Yes, she will. Right here. We're riding with Biden and Harrison the Sea Harvey Morning Show. You know that. But first it is time to have a little fun with a nephew and run that prank back. What you got for us, nev Chick. That's a minute. Let's go catal check. Thank you. Hello, right, I'm trying to reach out place. How you doing. It's attorney over the associates. All right, I want to give you a call. I just got your file that hit my desk and we got a check going out to you on Monday. You came in yesterday, correct, Yes, okay, listen, we got a few low glitches here. We want to grow over with I want to go over with you and make sure we get this all ironed out before you come in on Monday, and I'll have a check definitely waiting on you when you get here. All right, you're supposed to be getting six thousand, four hundred and ten dollars, Unfortunately as being reduced to twelve hundred due to injuries not being as as bad as they say it was, a lot of calculations got really mixed up on our paperwork here. And please keep in mind that on the twelve hundred, we still haven't taken out our fee, which is like about thirty three and a third. We'll have a check for you on Monday in the ballpark of four to five hundred dollars. Hold hold up, okay, I'm still like getting it. So what was the total mount that y'all got from the law from them should Evidently the person that did these calculations completely did them wrong. And I do apologize for this being a mishap on our part and it's totally screwed up. And I do apologize on the behalf of the of the association here that we've dropped the ball on that. But your actual check has been reduced to twelve hundred dollars, okay, and that's without us taking the law fees out of it. So I I just it's right, because how was six thousand dollars cover the doctor field and the chile practice. Well, from my understanding, man, what they're also stating is that your injuries are not that bad. And I don't want to be the bearer of bad news. They're actually wondering if you were actually hurt at all. So actually her because I even had to get injections, okay from the chiropractice. Okay, And and do you have any I have some medical documents here, and I understand that you've been going and you probably look like you went over at least at least two months going to the doctor and getting and getting therapy. And that was his call, that the chiropractice car that wasn't my decision. Okay. Well, a lot of this call from out from my injury exactly, and a lot a lot of these doctor fees and that you've gone to as eating up eating up a lot of these funds. And I tell you, these doctor bills they get pretty high out there. I do want to apologize what we're gonna do here since we've dropped the ball on this. We're gonna give you the check for twelve hundred and not even take the law fees out of it, and I'll have that check waiting on you on Monday morning. That's still okay. I understand what you're saying. What I'm trying to figure out is from the I need to see some paperwork of saying stating what was told them out check that was written from the insurance company, plus what was a portion of it supposed to be taking out for the chiropractor, plus supportion that was supposed to be taking out from the doctor's itself. My mouth that you're telling me six thousand that smart wouldn't have covered that and leave me with only twelve hundred. Okay, I'm not at liberty to let you look at this paperwork anymore. I'm calling you basically to let you know I have twelve hundred dollars check for you. If you don't want that, then you can go ahead and take some other ligat. I mean that doesn't sound of right who I mean from the entire month, Because I got the paperwork from the chiropractor stating where Monte was paid. I understand that, man, I'm what I'm trying to let you nomine issues there. What's going on right now is the response coming back is that you're not actually hurt at all. That's what they're saying. They're saying you're not hate at all. Actually, I don't want to use the words, but they're saying that you've been faking this the whole time. I need to see some paperwork with FOTA to check it. It doesn't sound right and that doesn't make any sense. Well, right now, you know, I'm the last person that that this file is going to come across. It's coming across my This is pretty much a take it or leave it option, you know. And if you don't, no, no, no, I mean you don't have to get add to me because you are my lawyer. Now I'm you're a client. Well, you're not gonna raise your voice. You're not gonna raise your voice. Set me. That's not gonna happen either. So let's let's pipe it down a bit. Okay, Now here's what we're gonna do. Do you want the twelve hundred dollar check or do you not want it? Now I've already wavered the fees of the of the attorneys here. Do you want the twelve hundred or do you want me to reduce it to four hundred. No, I don't want twelve hunds because I'm gonna take you to court because that is the term off you me and he's supposed to be my lawyer. I'm being the best attorney that you probably could afford, young lady. Okay, and I'm trying to do the best I can to help you. Now you if I from what I understand is y, I'm sorry, that's not going to be acceptable. I just have to get to get a lawyer to see you. That's not acceptable. You know, you know you people continue to want to tell me to offer Yesterday when we came in at me, I didn't. I wasn't there doing the meeting yesterday. Like I said, these papers just landed on my desk today. What I'm not going to tolerate is you people consistently wanting to file a lawsuit on somebody. Now you want to file a lawsuit on me. You know you're going way too far with this. This isn't time I want to talk to I've never Okay, well, now you've heard of me. I'm and I work here as well, and I'm not gonna stand you, uh, dismantling me the way that you're doing. I just have to get a lawyer to see you. That's not accessible. I got one more thing. This is Nephew Timing from Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pracked. You got pracked by your husband. Oh, your hum told me she's been waiting on that check. Yeah, I was about to go by the little office. All right, baby, let me ask you tell Timmy what is the baddest radio show in the land? Baby? Look here, get your check? Give it Timmy? If it Timmy, huh, you got it? Can I hang your pranks? King? Your pranks King? That's all that you understands? He needs more. I'm gonna tell you sometimes I would ride around and pull pranks out of people. Car if it ain't you, that's how good he is. Man, I'll talk about you best. Don't they Ain't nobody be doing this. If you think about pranking, stop, that's all we're saying. That's if you thought about started prank, quit, We already got it. You don't need no help, man, Thank you appreciate that. Let me jump right down here. Wait, that was better than King of Pranks, King of Pranks, King of Pranks. Yeah, yeah, longer and louder. Yeah, it was louder stupid. It's about to grab the mic once to again. Thirteen fourteen, fifteenth of November. The nephew is gonna grab the microphone. Uptown Comedy Corner, Atlanta, GA, November thirteenth, fourteen fifteen, COVID nineteen limited seats. But dog go on it. I'm finn to grab it, because don't. I'll be there thirteen fourteen and coming to who Friday two Saturday one seen after Mike, I'm grabbing it. We'll come on teen. Steve Harvey shocks him and shows up coming up at the top of the hour. Senator Kamala Harris our special guest on this election day. Go vote right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, everybody asked promise. Our special guests today is uh California State Senator from Oakland, California. She's a graduate of Howard University. She's also from a graduate of Hastings School of Law and a member of Almighty Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. But more importantly than all of that, she is our Democratic Vice presidential nominee, and today, everybody is the day we are in it. This is election date. So I've invited her to the show to highlight the Biden Harris planning to tell us about voter suppression and how to avoid it at the post today. So let's get to it. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the show. God willing our future vice president. But right now the VP nominee, Senator Kamala Harris. Hey, Senator, Uh, we love you, We applaud you. First of all, congratulations on just a a record breaking, ground setting accomplishment to be the first African American ever and female on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate. Congratulations, thank you, thank you, thank you. So I stand on very broad shoulders of all those who came before. I've been thinking a lot of you know Sairleyism and Barbara Jordan and so many others. Yeah, what can we expect at the polls today and what should our voters look out for? I'm so glad you raised that. You know. First of all, I think it's important to remember. I think there's three reasons to vote. One is Kahana the ancestors, right, we lost this year John Lewis, Congressman John Lewis, who shed his blood on the Edmund Pettis Bridge for our rights to vote. And so that's that's part of why we must vote. We must vote also because everything is at sake. So we're in the midst of this virus that has killed over two hundred and twenty five million, I mean a thousand Americans, but we're also looking at obviously disproportionate outcomes for African Americans when black books that three times as likely to contracts the virus and twice as likely to die from it were And then you have on the one hand of Joe Biden who says, let's expand Obamacare, which he and President Obama created and will protect you know, your listeners who have pre existing conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. On the other hand, Donald Trump's trying to get rid of it. So everything is at sake. So it's it's the ancestors and honoring them. It's what's the stake. But it's also to your point, See, powerful people around our country forever and including the Selection, have been trying to make it difficult or confusing for us to vote. And you have to ask why and I do believe it's because they know our power. They know when we vote. They they know when we vote, we went And so let's not let anyone sideline us or silence us. When the strongest way we can exercise our voice at election time is to vote. We can actually be the determining factor in this whole election. Yes, yes, If the people who didn't vote in Detroit, in Philly, in Atlanta would just vote this time, we wouldn't even be in the position we're in today. I agree with a Stephen. Here's the other way I think about it. Let's walk in that White House together. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, nobody left out, Like let's let's let's all be a part of that. You know. I agree. Let's talk about this. Let's talk about the Biden Harris plan for America. So people understand, because today is d date, we've got to get to the polls. But what is it about the bad Biden Harris plan that makes it so different from the Trump plan? So first of all, we have a plan that we will implement to get a control of this virus, and that's going to be about free vaccines. When we get a vaccine and also distribution of it taking into account racial disparities. I've been as a leader on that. In the cenis we're going to deal with helping small businesses. We have one hundred and fifty billion dollars that is going to be directed to low interest loans and access to capital for minority small businesses. You know, you can go to any mL K Street in America and you know what I'm talking about. Our small businesses are the economic lifeblood of our community, and our small business leaders are artific leaders, they're community leaders. So Joe and I know if you want to create wealth, which we want, we don't want to minimum wage ups. We want to create wealth, we need access to capital and that's the thing that has not been afforded to so many of our small businesses. We are going to invest seventy billion dollars in HBCUs. As you said, I am a proud graduate of an HPCUS our ABCUS to produce the leaders in every profession who go on to become national and international leaders. We are going to put a fifteen thousand dollars tax credit in place for first time homeowners because we know that access the wealth also is about homeownership. So that will help people with downpoint payment and closing costs. For students who are coming from a family that makes less than one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars, they will go to a four year college, public college, including an HBCU public or private for free. See, so many folks who go to our HBCUs or even in any university end up not graduating simply because they don't have enough money to pay tuitions, not because of the capacity they have to for greatness. So these are big issues for our community because when you look at especially the economic impact of the long standing disparities, it has everything to do with whether we're going to be of us, grow our communities or none. And so it's about all of that. It's about criminal Gusta's reform, including the criminalization of marijuana and expunging the records of people who've been convicted for marijuana offenses. It's about ending cash bail, because people sit in jail for days, weeks just because they can't afford to get out. And that's an economics thatsiciue as much as it is a criminal justice issue. M the policing we're gonna end karated in tokehol George Floyd would be live today that was the case. Hey, Senator Harris, hold on right here, We'll be right back. We gotta take a quick break. We'll be back with more Senator Kamala Harris right after this. Folks, you're listening, all right, everybody, We're back, and our special guests this morning is Senator Kamala Harris, who, by God's grace, we will be calling madam Vice president after today. That's what we're pushing for. So let's get back to this. So there are huge, huge, significant differences between the two choices that we have in this election today, and we want to make sure everyone knows that it's within their power to make the decision about who will be the next person of the United States. Absolutely, And you know what what you're getting at and what I've been saying on this show, the black vote is so crucial to this election. I mean, look for a lot of reasons. I mean, but first and foremost, if you are an African American you think for one moment that Donald Trump is for you, you have been misinformed and miseducated. You have not done your homework as to who this guy really is. On a personal level, a professional level, and a business level. You can politically, you can hear the statements, you know for the Proud Boys, there's there's good people on both sides. Let me just over and over and over without any shame at all. He's open and blatantly said stuff that's disparaging for anybody of color. But in this election, what is your message to African American voters today who have waited to today. And it's nothing wrong with that, but what's your message to them? Go get in line and stay in line and vote like your life depends on it. And here's the thing. Don't vote because it's just supposed to vote. Vote because your vote has been earned. And when you see and so go on website Joe Biden dot com look at the fact. But there is so much at stake and so much My message to everybody is just please don't don't let don't let the people who are trying to create fear are confusion it. Don't let them win. We have to stand in line. We have to. It's one day that can determine the course of our country for many generations. Wow, they want to frustrate you with the long lines, with the delay with the number of polling places, with the number of boosts in the polling place. I mean, and we just got to fight through this. Well we do. And again, I mean, you look at the stakes including for example, you know how our students are suffering, and so many of them are entitlement schools, and entitlement schools we're looking at underfundings. Don't are gonna triple Title one funding. Knowing that we have to put the resources into our children. They have so much God given talent, but not the resources going into their developments. We know that we need to build up infrastructure around broadband with this COVID. The number of our children who are learning at home and don't have access to the internet, don't have access to technology, and what's that's going to do in terms of real gaps in terms of their learning? Hey, great, great, great point right there. Senator Kamala Harris, hang on right quick. We gotta take a quick break and we'll be right back with more from Vice presidential candidate. Send the Kamala Harris you're listening to all right, we're back, everybody with the Vice president candidate Kamala Harris. Senator Kamala Harris, who hopefully after today, as I've been saying over and over, we will be calling madam vice president or what a great, great accomplishment this has been. So let's get back to it. Here's the thing. Joe really cares about working people. He understands struggles the other guy. You know, it looks in the mirror, and that's this priority. He's concerned about rich people, which is why they passed that tax bill benefiting the top one for some big corporations. They'll say, no taxes will be raised on anybody making lesson four hundred thousand dollars a year. Yeah, you know that. That statement alone is what defuntows me about the Republican Party and some of his supporters. They're going to raise taxes. People in this country don't make four hundred thousand dollars a year, but they do. You are so right, you know what, the people of four hundred thousand dollars, the top one percent, what are you talking about. He's not talking about raising taxes for you. Right, This is a big boy problem. But let me tell you something about big boys. Big boys, when you raise their taxes. They also passed because of Senate, they also pass and tax incentives there's ways around us. Man, rich people gonna always find a way to stay rich. Now, that's exactly right, That's that's right, And you know what to speak to your point. Think about all if I've been thinking about this, COVID viruses in many ways an accelerator. It has put a microscope on what was bad already and it's now even worse and everybody's seeing it. Think about the rich people versus working people. All of a sudden, more people are now realizing how many workers don't have paid sickly, even paid family ly. That's wrong, that's right. Right. Don't saying no, you have to support working people. We're saying that no family, no working family, will pay more than seven percent of their income and childcare. Right, these are the things that working people have to struggle with every day because the system has been designed in many ways to really take care of the rich people and their desires because they have access to power, instead of putting the power with the people. Yeah, that's a true statement. Let's talk about this because and then because because I notice is a busy day for you. The Trump administration, Donald Trump's failure to really lead this country during this COVID nineteen pandemic. How do you and President Biden playing on handling the coronavirus and restore some sort of normalcy too, Well, first of all, yeah, I couldn't agree with anymore. I've said many times we have witnessed the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of America. And that's why it's so bad. Right now. We're looking at over two hundred and twenty five thousand people who've died in just the last several months. We're looking at people who over nine million people who've contracted the virus with unknown long term telltone suppressors, including things like long scarring. And meanwhile, he's in court trying to get rid of Obamacare, you know, because he was just, you know, obsessed with trying to get rid of anything Barack Obama created. And so what we need to do, and what Joe and I plan to do, is implement a plan we already have for national testing for a distribution of a vaccine when god going, we get a safe vaccine, but also a national plan for contact tracings, also getting the ppees, the frontline workers, and again getting the resource of the small businesses so they can open back up safely. These are the kinds of things that we plan to do in a way that's immediately going to have an impact. But we got to start with having a president who understands that you got to wear a mask and that you have to take truth and be informed by what the public health experts in the sciences to say instead, who is you know he suggests this is going to be a miracle. I mean, we can all pray for a miracle, but you know, God needs from my hope. You know what I'm saying. I mean literally, we are the laughing stock of the world in terms of saying that we're strong, but we can't control something with leadership that takes responsion. Do with it absolutely. Listen, Senator Harris, thank you so much for stopping in today. To anybody that's sitting on the sidelines, get out and vote standing lines. Hopefully God willing will see you as the vice president. Congratulations. Thank you so much for being a great example to so many women out there. Thank you, Sister Okay God Black, Yes, I love her vote today. Coming up next the Nephew Yes with Today's prying phone call. Right after this, you're listening Today Morning Show, Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is the pastor's son isn't very holy? All right, the pastor's son isn't very holy. We'll get to that in a minute. Right now, the nephew is here for today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Now? Early? We got a new landlaw. Oh is a new land law. Let's go if we can cat dog new land law. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a m Marcus. Yeah, don't see who's this? My name is Jason. Got you doing all right? What's happening? Listen? Um, I'm trying to figure out if you guys are going to be out of the house by Sunday. Um, not the house? What the hell you mean out of the house? Let me let me get the clarification. Are you guys that um West Jennings? Yeah, okay? Are you you guys haven't start packing up or anything like that? Dude? Who are you? Okay? Are you kind of here? You get my number? I got it from mister Vernon or are you familiar with mister Yeah, that's my landlord. Okay, Um, mister hasn't Um hasn't made contact with you, Marcus. Now, I didn't talk to miss the last gave him my payment. Wow, And who are you are here? My name is Jason. I actually who who are you to? Miss? Well? I actually bought the property from six weeks ago? Six weeks ago. Yeah, I actually owned. I actually owned the house. Now, I'm I'm it was my assumption that you and mister already you know, because I made my last payment less than six weeks ago. Can you own this house? Actually? From I'm sorry, I'm renting this from mister. I gave him my payment less than six weeks ago. So you're saying he got my money, you owned the house and what's up with that? Well? Yeah, I actually do. I guess you know he's UM. He actually told me that you guys would have been out by now, And like I said, I'm gonna I'm looking for everybody to be out by Sunday. Are you guys going to be able to get out of there by? Stay hold of? First of all, I still got two more years on my lease at this house. You tell me you want me out by Sunday, well Saturday, if you could actually do it, dude, come on, you want me out of here on Sunday. What I'm saying, I actually have some tenants that are gonna be moving in on Monday. What I'm trying to do is actually get in there, get you guys out, get the place cleaned up so the tenants can move in and actually start unpacking all their things. They're wanting to move in on Monday. Hey, listen to him, man, me and my family, we ain't moving. No, Well, I don't know what the hell you gotta do. Who the hell you gotta talk to? But you better go on FIXTAP because I wish I would come over here and try to tell me. I gotta get the hell about this house. Okay, sure, because I'm the owner of this house now, I don't give a I gave my money to mister Verney. You better call him, call somebody, take it to FIXTACA. We ain't moving those please, sir. I'm gonna need you. Did you want to play? I need you out by Sunday, sir. Now this is my house and you're actually arguing with me about my play. Listening to me, man, you ain't listening to me. We ain't moving. I ain't I still got two more years on my least due my last payment. I paid that two months in advance. Man, I let me get you mindless. If it was it was responsibility and lea here. Who look on the Come on dog, you're tripping. Don't calling me with you. I wouldn't come bring bring you if you won't too, All right, sir, I'm alway here. I will be there on Sunday. No you're not moving out. I'll have to move you like I ain't moving nowhere? Sing you here? You won't I'm not. Don't go back here half with you. I want you out of my house by Sunday. I bring you all monkey over here right now. We can start this right now. I need you all then? Are you I ain't want to be about I'm hear me. I ain't saying it no more? Are you're arguing with me about my property? Sir? Are you listening? I'm paying for this. I'm paying on this right now. I ain't moving no where. You hear me? I made you like kid. If you're gonna two of me and saying I can get them a better place, ain't you hear me? So let me attendants that will be pulling out how they give it. Bring whoever want to bring. I got something. Wait on, y'all, come on it. I ain't received no notice. I ain't got a phone call from nobody else. I'm like, I'm listening to you talking to mister be calling me. He one, who got my money? Mister? This picture down the phone call, no email, no takete list no what the mister? Okay? What my own like? Put in my family? If you're gonna be here for another two years here, you're not gonna be there another two I get them to a better place. You're gonna be on it there. I'm gonna hit my family a factors there, y'all bring it over me. If you won't to Are you listening to me, you're gonna be out my damn day? You know? Coming on hey, trying to hear you gotta take care of it. You own. You ain't moving here and my family this house? Are you? Are you listening to me, sir? What you gotta say? You're saying something different now. I'm telling you, if you're not out by Sunday, then I'm coming to move your stuff out by Sunday. You ain't moving bring over here. If you won't, I wish it woe you excuse me? You I got something else I need to tell you. Are you listening? What are you listening to me? What say something? I want to tell you this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Malik, your son got me to plank phone call you. Come on, man, are you playing? Are you serious? Come on, dog, y'all see y'all all the other stuff. Manna, I'm gonna get the man. Yeah, y'all got me? Dog? Oh man, I got you man, you'll hey, yeah, I'm alright, man, I'm gonna let my blood pressure calmed down. He told me, y'all listen to the show on the way on the way to dropping the kids off at school in the morning every morning. Dog. Oh man, I know you wasn't getting out that house comes suddenly, wasn't you, dude? Hemn No, we don't moved nowhere. Oh man, I'm already trying to save what. I'm trying to another spot. Hey, man, keep pushing, bro. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. You already know the Steve Harvey Moore and this show you already No, he was on one for real. I'll tell you what I wish to blaking it blank wood over here, I got some I'll tell you what. I ain't moving no blankety blank man, thank you, I tell you what. Come on over the Sunday. I got something for your blanketed blank talking that blank. I told you I ain't moving nowhere. Anybody called me, left, no notice, anybody talking to me. The sauce got my damn money, I ain't. I ain't nobody to move. I just got my family in the hill. Ye I love it. Stupid on the rise, baby, stupid is on the ride. Didn't give a damn who you what? Sun she was Tom. But then you said, but sad if you could make it sad, yea. And you can help me out a little bit sad to be cool. Okay, Oh, if you taught me friends live at Uptown Comedy Club. I'm coming Friday eleven thirteen. That's November thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. I'm back in stride again. Think it's IM gonna say, COVID nineteen, Yeah, COVID nineteen safe. That is Uptown Comedy Club corner. Sure, that's in Atlanta. G eight All right, now I'm coming excited to get back on the stage. I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm gonna be COVID nineteen. Safe though, I promise you I'm gonna be COVID nineteen. What does that mean. I line to come out there with an Astronauts suit on. Hell, I don't know what I'm wear. I'm coming football helmets something. I'm gonna be safe. And Steve said he was gonna be there. Your uncle's gonna be there. You ain't when you recognize him, he gonna come out there looking like gotta be a shockle cry. You know he would cry. You know, you know I'm weak like that freak me that I can't be funny when he walking in. Man, he got it right off thet. Man. Oh, that's how you took that. That's exact. That's the only way we can't take it. Live it uptown comedy corner. Being rude. That's how the table turn. Okay, it's the election, got everybody. I'm not on edged. My question was legitimate as far as I was. Yeah, well, let's let's trying to be entertaining to all y'all. It's in line, you know, keep your laughing, keep stuff off your mind. Trying to be entertained in this morning, so y'all can stand in line with a little bit of entertainment. We'll be with you to ten o'clock today, trying to get your laughing through this whole day. To stay out there and vote. All right, thank you guys. Coming up the Strawberry Letters, subject the pastor's son is in very holy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's election day. Please go vote and go to vote dot org to get your voting polling place. We hope you know this by now, though this is today today, you should already know this, but you can still go to vote dot org. Okay, please do that and please go vote today. Time now as we switch gears for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and please click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, buggalo. But hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is subject the Pastor's son isn't very holy. Just Stephen Shirley. My life is a mess, and it all started a year ago when I moved in with my aunt to help her after she broke her leg. I was running errands for her one day and I met a man at the grocery store and we started talking and he was flirting up a storm, so I gave him my phone number. We started off talking a lot, and it helped me get through the rough days as a caretaker for my aunt. We quickly went from being casual friends to meeting up for sex. He was mysterious because he lived in an apartment without a lot of furniture, and he never had any food. He works as a counselor, but I didn't know where he worked. I was falling for this guy, but I couldn't tell him because I didn't want to mess things up. He was perfect in every way except he had three children, but I was willing to overlook that if we became a couple. So here's where things got ugly. My aunt's church reopened, so I told her i'd take her. She has a new pastor and wanted to meet him. After church, we met the pastor and his wife, and the pastor told me he has a son about my age, an emotion for him to come over. His son is a guy I've been sleeping with. He walked over with his wife and all of his three kids and introduced himself like he didn't know me, even though we were in maths. He knew me and I knew him. My aunt could tell something was wrong with me, and when we walked off, I told her. She called the church and told the pastor what his son was up to. And the pastor said, I enticed his son into an entanglement. Now my aunt has to find a new church because she cursed pastor out wiremn wire. Men so evil? How are women supposed to know when we're getting played? Please advise? Mmmmmm? Why are men so evil? Let's just start this, Okay, let's just start there. First of all, men aren't evil. All men aren't evil all, thank you, Shirley. But a lot of men you're welcome. But a lot of men will lie and will cheat to get what they want. Okay, not all, but a lot of them. And that's that's what this Mary, That was her question. Yeah, and that was this. That's what this married men did to you. Okay, he lied and cheated to get you. That's what he did. We as women, we say this all the time in the show. We have to pay attention to the signs. That is our job. It's time out for us not noticing these blaring red flags. You go to his house. There's never any food, not a lot of furniture. He has three kids. He's all mysterious. You say, miss, what is he being so mysterious about? You know, that's when you should have been asking some really probing questions. You know how to do that? You know, where's the kid's mom? What kind of relationship do you have with the kid? Do you have with the kid's mom? Why don't you have a sofa in here? H do you have any Why don't you have any towels and stuff in the bathroom? Uh? You're you're a counselor, you say, what type of counseling? You know? These are the kinds of questions that you have to ask him. I know your tuition had to kick in at some point, but it was too late by then because you were already emotionally invested in him, and like you said, you didn't want to mess things up because you know, if you guys, we were trying to be a couple. That's what you said. And those are the ways you get played because you don't. You ignore the your your gut, what your gut is telling you. You ignore those red flags, You ignore your your tuition. And I'm sorry this happened to you, but you gotta let this be a lesson that um you know you won't take into your next relationship. The signs are always there, we just gotta see them. As far as finding a new church for your aunt, because she cursed out the pastor, and may I say that was very unpastored like him of him to say that about you, that you enticed his son. You know, if she wants to stay there, stay there, all right, Just stay there and look him dead in his eye every Sunday. Just you don't have to. But if she wants to find a new church, it's okay, it's all right. But you just concentrate on you and what you need to do, and that's listen to your gut from here on out. Steve, Well, let me start at the bottom of the letter. The question is, how are women supposed to know when we're getting played? Please advise, Well, Shirley said it to you. And she put it to you in a very smart way. There are red flags all through this letter, everywhere you wrote. A woman was on my show one time and said, women have got to stop collecting red flags. Leave them stuck in the ground, quit taking them home, hugging them like they fit to be. White flags are green flags. They read flags. You met him man at the grocery store. He was floating up a storm. You gave him your phone number. This I already know, y'all kind of old, because they don't do that no more. They give each other they IG. Yeah, that I learned that you don't get the seal number. Here go my IG. You can d M me and you can find out how I want you to see me on my highlight reel call Instagram. That's the way. So y'all, you know, thirties, low forties or something, you know, bam, something like that. Okay, cool, Okay, now here you go. That was a red flag right there, dude. So y'all have started talking a lot, and he was helping you through the rough days of being a caretaker. You ain't really a caretaker. Your aunt broke her leg. We quickly went from being casual friends to meeting up for sex? What kind of quick? Yeah, all right, Steve, coming up. We'll have part two of your response at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject for today's Strawberry Letter, the pastor's sun isn't very holy. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject the pastor's son isn't very holy, Steve. Well, he's not. But your question is hi? Women supposed to know when we're getting played. It's very simple. Pay attention. Shirley said it best in her response, You just weren't paying attention. Now, let's talk about this. First of all, you went too quick. We quickly went from being casual friends to meeting up for sex. Okay, meeting up for sex not already in the relationship. Ain't off to the best of starts? Left, that's all you want on it? Then? Fine, But doesn't seem like that he was mysterious. Now you meeting up he was mysterious, So you're meeting up for sex with a mysterious first right now? You don't know nothing abouty He mysterious, but y'all meeting up for sex, and he lived in an apartment without a lot of furniture, and he never had any food. He works as a counselor, but I didn't know where it worked. And you was falling for this guy, but I couldn't tell because I didn't want to mess things up. He was perfect in every way except he had three children. Now, let's take this whole block that I just read. If a man has three children and he's divorced or separated, you don't know because he was mysterious. When they come over for visitation, where did they stay? He ain't got no furniture, Ain't no damn beds in there, ain't no food in friederal, ain't no cerealing. Now what the hell is these kids eating? And where do they stay when they come over the mysterious man's apartment and ain't got a lot of furniture. You got three kids, you got to have some bean bags or son you gotta have or miss cozy kitchen set for the little girl? Something he ain't got nothing? Didn't he tell you he works as a counselor what that means? Yeah? That was mysterious, Right, I'm a counselor? What kind of counselor. Oh school, Like yeah, yeah, school counselor was schooled my kids school? Right, It's like, but I didn't know where he worked. Where you work all down at the counselor in office. I was falling for this guy, but I couldn't tell Ellen because I didn't want to mess things up. Wait a minute, mess up what you're having sex with the mysterious man in an empty ass, vacant apodect with no furniture in it. It might it might. He might have just made a key to an abandon apartment and you want to you don't want to mess that up. But I was willing to overlook that if we became a couple. See, this is a man. I can't tell you how many times you're talking about becoming a couple, something that you want, But you've already given away the greatest benefit of being a couple. You've already given the man all the sex he wants, because all y'all do is meet up for sex. Now, why he got to be a couple with you? He getting the sex? Why we got to be a couple? Now? I got you at this abandon apartments, the old crack house, and we were here screwing it. Yeah, it's the same furniture that the crackheads es when they aren't that getting high. No, Papa, you can't go to the bathroom. Hain't nough tolitician. Don't go in that, don't flush that. Oh no, So now this is where things got ugly. Like it ain't bad enough being that in a panda ass apartment. You having sex with this misterious man. Yon's church reopening. You took her after church. You met the pastor and his wife, and the pastor told me he had a son about your age, and he motioned for him to come over. His son is the guy that you've been sleeping with. He walked over with his wife and all three of his kids and introduced himself like he didn't know me. What you supposed what you thought he's supposed to do? Ah, you the girl from the crack house was something? No, kids, I told your head hit the right here. Oh, and I failed to mention my wife. You thought he's gonna say that. Now he acts like he know me, even though we were in mask. He knew me and I knew him. Now your aunt could tell something's wrong. And when y'all walked off, you told him. Now, y'r aunt and called up to the church and told the pastor, but what his son was up to? And the pastor said, I enticed him into an entanglement? Is this a new word entanglement? I heard that a couple of times this year. I don't understand what is entanglement. It's what is entanglement? These used to be a fast but they called entanglements now. So now my aunt got to find a new church because she didn't custom pastor out. Why our man so evil? Evil? He gonna protect his son. I don't care if he is to pass. If my son did this, you entangle him. He's got a wife and a lovely family. I hate to see that broken up. He don't want his grandkids flitting up. The passer tried to protect yourself, and he gonna do that. This is your responsibility to take matters into your own hands, to protect yourself. Now, I apologize for me and being lies and dogs. He did tell you partial truth. He told you he had three kids. He just didn't tell you that he had a wife. And he had found the keys to an old, abandoned crack house, and he had put a piece of furniture there and using it as a chickpad. Now I'm sorry. Thank you. Steve Poster comments on Today's Strubberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man coming up at forty six minutes after Junior special Election Day poem. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, today's election day, please get out and vote, and Junior is here with a special election day poem. Junior. I could not let this go without motivation for election day. Yeah, he's yeah, yeah, opinion, you know, matter of opinion. It's okay, open, I got it, I got it. Here we go. Idiots try to change my mind. Okay, okay, I'm working on I'll put this together now. I've been have been waiting on this day. It is. It's called Junior's Election Day palm, that's what it's calling. Here we go, ye time, all right, here we go. It was the morning of the election, and all through the South we was doing what we needed to do to get the vote out. Dad had the car all filled up with gas. Aunt Jenny had two depends wrapped around her ass, sitting since had a photo. Come on, I'm sorry, Here we go. Dad had the car filled up with gas. Aunt Jenny had two depends wrapped around her ass since had vote in paper tucked in her hand. Uncle Ronnie was making sure he pee because he's an old man. So let's get out to vote on this election day so we can send all the Trumps, Mitch McConnell's, Lindsey Grahams, Joe Collins, John James, Daniel Camerons, and the Republicans who don't care about nobody but themselves well on their way. The end I got them outside, had the car feel over, Dad, and you had two depends. We go my favorite poem, We're gonna be a live today, so you might want to wrap up. Just give me your ideas, get your vote in chairs, you know, yeah with the depends. I'm proud of my brother man over shaw Man, my brother Shawn's and the Houston, Texas Man Day are gonna be barbecue faverybody at the power Center of the day. So if you align the Power Center day passed now barbecue all day long, you're gonna go up there and eat. Man, it's all free, so don't even worry abody. You're gonna be in there. They're gonna pass it out, So be brother, Steve. I'm proud of you, man, I'm proud of your brother. Thank you so much. We're gonna get out of here to day. Were getting everything out this White House. We gotta get it out. We're not playing. You're sitting down in that chair. Something we have got. We are all exhausted from begging everybody to vote, but we had to finish line. We got to get the ball across the line. If you get up out your chair and get your paperwork, your license, and go down there and vote, stand in line, make it count. We got to get him out the end. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. This country is on edge. I'm sure you guys have heard about this. As we await the results of today's election, a non scalable fence, also known as an anti climb fence, has been installed around the White House. Man anybody trying to get up in there. Hundreds of National guardsmen have been put on standby, so basically the White House is on lockdown. Also, various businesses around the country, like Macy's, like Bloomingdale's, Tiffany's Luxury shops on Rodeo Drive, and Beverly Hills all are being boarded up due to a potential civil unrest. The question is will there be a peaceful transfer of power if Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump. I hope it don't be. I hope no. No, no, I don't mean with the public. I mean I want his ass to stay up in there till they come and drag his ass house. Oh yeah, yeah, no, seriously, because he has always thought of himself as above the law. But if you get beat in this election, man, you got to go. And the Republicans know that January twentieth, right, And I like what you said yesterday too, Steve. He has made this no longer the United States of America. We are the divided death of America. That's all it is. And it's never been this more in modern times, more obvious, more people to feel embrazen to talk about their hatred because it's coming from the White House, and this man has put his stamp of approval on it. From the Proud Boys to the militia groups to the clan, to the skin head, to the red boots or whatever them cats is. He just got everybody thinking, man, that it's okay to flash the hate. At least we forced them underground before this man has brought them out. Mentioned them, call them, embolden them, call them. Find people, y'all. We got to get to these poles today. If you have not voted, go down there and get in line. We are not intimidated by your Trump signs. We're not intimidated by your caravan or trucks. Do what you want to do. We were not who you I don't know who you think we are, but let me tell you something. We're a different kind of people. Ain't nobody scared of y'all. You can put your hoods on and come down there if you want to, because we understand what's in the hoods. It ain't gonna be dark parting it. Come down here with them hoods on if you want to. You're gonna find out something. Man. But I don't look. Look, look, I'm not pushing violets. I'm pushing fearlessness to vote. I'm pushing steadfastness to vote to vote. I'm pushing us wanting to do our civic duty and our obligation to our ancestors to stand in that line. Hey man, they were slaves there, entire lives a lot of our ancestors. We're gonna stand in line for a date, for a dat. You can't do nothing to me in a date. It's hot, I'm tired, I got to pete. I'm thirsty, I'm hungry at least man, our ancestors, with our ancestors were slaves for years, hungry, tiring, sick, worked, beaten, threatened, and they still survived. Then miss me with this here, we're gonna be allowed to read simple things. Man, we're gonna be in line all day. We're gonna stand right here. Can about dad? Yeah you behind the Yeah, you you all locked down. You scared the people you embolded. Poles are open, so yeah, yeah, do what you gotta do. Do we have a job to do today. Do what you gotta do. And he built that fence, you know, during the summer this past summer with the protest, the same move. He scared. You scared, all the tough talk you scared. Now he's just a wall he talked about building. All right, we'll have more of today's trending stories right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, you know what time it is, you know what day it is. It is election day. And the question is are we better off than we were four years ago? Yeah? What is that a question? For real? America is more divided than ever. The national debt is higher, more Americans are unemployed than when Donald Trump came into office. I don't here what he says. And we're even divided on basic questions of science. I mean, Trump's denial driven response to the pandemic has caused American UH to have twenty percent of the world's death despite having just four percent of the world's population. Come on, now, come on. Did you see at his rally a couple of nights ago they were saying, uh, fire doctor foulci fire doctor foci. Yeah, come on come on now, yes, yes, exactly. You know I guess how it right? Right? And Donald Trump, you work for us. You keep forgetting that you don't know that. Yeah, he keeps forgetting that he's a servant, he's a public No, he's not. Surely he has never been a public servant in his entire life. That's his problem. He's never been a servant of people. He's been a rich boy from a rich family who grew up to be a rich man. He knows nothing about being a servant. He never came into the office to serve people. He came in there to better his position in life and his family. That's all he's about. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show, it is time to ask the CLO. Life still goes on. I guess and the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is here. Yes he is the CLO. Yes, all right. This one is from Kelsey in Las Vegas. Kelsey says, I'm a twenty seven year old married woman with a big secret. I've been taking pole dancing classes instead of going to the gym, and my husband doesn't know. We had a showcase at a local strip club and fifty people were invited. It was a way for us to show what we've learned. Now videos of the show have popped up on social media, and I'm afraid my husband is going to be it. I was going to surprise him with a private dance for his birthday, but he's going to be furious if he sees me dancing for other random men. What can I do to get ahead of this before it's a big problem? Okay, let me ask you a question. First of all, why would you let anybody tell you that we're gonna go down to a strip club to showcase in front of fifty other men and you married? Why would you do that? That don't make no dog gonn sense at all? Now, how can you get ahead of it? You can get a copy of the video and you can show your husband. He gonna be mad, though, yo. Yeah. All what you can do is ignore it. Hope the video never surfaces unless some years go by. What you ain't gonna happen because somebody gonna see it somewhere that knows. Somebody didn't know you. So I can't tell you how to get ahead of this. The only thing you could do is go and then tell him what you did and you didn't know it was being videotaped, and you did it as a surprise. That's your only chance. And you know, and women y'all always tell I just tell us the truth. Okay, going in there and tell him the truth. But watch how this work. Watch, Watch how this truth work for you? Though? Watch how now? Now all y'all doubting the truth, now, watch how this truth work? Now? But see if your ass wasn't up on that pole, if you hadn't went to the polls instead of got up on the poles. We have something right here, because today is go to the polls, not get up on the pole. Coming up. It's our last break of the day on this election day, fro day for the election day I'm t bringing y'all I will have. That's right, that's right. Do your part. Everybody has to do their part. If we just our part, that's right. Get out and vote. Come on, boys, stad y'all break from ya get well. We'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, today is the day we've been waiting for. It is election day, November three. If you have not already voted, this is the day. Okay, November third. Some people, you know, get up and they don't know what day it is. Or what's the date. It's today? Okay, it is today. Earlier, Senator Kamala Harris was on our show. This is it encouraging people to vote. We need everyone to get out and vote today. That's how important this is. I mean we've said it before. Vote as if your life depended on it. Okay, and it does, and it really really does. All right. Democratic senatorial candidate Jamie Harrison in South Carolina is who you need to vote for today? All right? Democratic senatorial candidate Mike eSPI and Mississippi is who you need to speak in Mississippi. Democratic Jamie Harrison in South Carolina. That's Mike Aspy in Mississippi. Let's go y'all today to day, that's right. Raphael Warnock in Georgia. Warnick in Georgia. He's at the bottom of the ballot, so go all the way down. Raphael Warnick in Georgia. That's who we want. That's right. Also, Democratic senatorial candidate Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee, Marquita Bradshaw. Everybody in Memphis, Nashville, chat nouga, Markeito, come on Shaw Queen. Democratic senatorial candidate Mayor Adrian Perkins in Louisiana. Adrian Perkins in Louisiana. That's who we want. Adrian Perkins. Everybody in Sliddale, laet Now, that's right. Body playing with deal, that's right. And don't forget Steve out of Kentucky. We want Amy McGrath Senator, Amy mcgrathcratic senatorial candidate. Don't worry about the name Amy McGrath. Mitch McConnell up against MITCHI. Yes, that's w Yes. Also in Michigan. In Michigan, vote to keep Democratic Senator Gary Peters in office. All right, Gary Peters in Michigan. Brothers and sisters, Gary Peters is who we want to keep as the senator in Michigan. Not John James. Do not vote for John James. He is a Republican, is a Trump supporter. He is not for us. John James is not on our side. Gary Peters is on our side in Michigan. Today is the day we have been waiting for. We are going to prove to them once and for all, whether you want to acknowledge that black lives matter or not, you will know after we vote today. You will see the determination on our faces. You. It will not be because of weather. It will not be because of long lines. You will not deter us because you're driving by with your flags and your pickup trumps. You're not going to ter us by telling us that it looks like a landslide victory. We don't give a damn who you say it's a landslide victory. We're standing in line. We are voting today. We are going to pay tribute to our ancestors today. We are going to stand there. We're going to remember that through slavery, that they stood there for years, when they were tired, when they felt like sitting down, when they were hungry, when they got thirsty, when they had to go to the bathrooms, they were forced into the institution of slavery. And it's really just a black damn shame that in twenty twenty we still got to be asking to be treated fairly and be treated like everybody else. It's a damned shame that in twenty twenty we got to steady say to y'all, black lives matter. When you're gonna get it through your head, that didn't matter. I'll tell you what, though, we're gonna get tired of proving it to you. Though we're not gonna get tired. We're not going away. We are here forever. We are the very five of this country. We built your nation. There are families who have been institutionalized wealth that have been rich for hundreds of years, off and the backs of slaves. Off. And because of the backs of slaves, that was money made because you had no labor cost. Empires were built because there was no labor cost. And in twenty twenty here we got to constantly fight the Republican Party for minimum wage so we can at least get fifteen dollars an hour, seventeen dollars an hour, oh god, don't ask for twenty. They're so used to getting free labor that they keep trying to hold everybody down. They won't even pass that law. They don't want to give you healthcare that covers pre existing conditions. They trying to get rid of that. They've been trying to get rid of Obamacare since he got in office. And you know why he ain't got rid of it because he ain't got nothing better. He has nothing to replace it with, nothing, because he lies over and over and over and over, and we're sick of it, man, We're sick of you lying. Talk about. You didn't have done more for black people than any president, says Abe Lincoln. What have you done the Prison Reform Act? You think that was for black people? See here what they leave the information out? Biden and Obama when they in administration release thousands of inmates from prison who was serving unjust sentences due to non violent drug related offenses. Now he passed a Prison Reform Act and that three hundred out. Now he didn't done more for black people than anybody else. Donald Trump ain't done a damn thing for black people except try to prove to everybody we are black, and he don't want to have nothing to do with us. We tied in this. Man. If y'alls ass don't vote today, don't say a damn thing else to Steve Harvey after this right here, I'm not gonna be in here. I'm gonna give you some encouragement how to get through life. But I'm not mentioned that ignorant ass president no more if you let his ass. When GOO for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show