Good morning and welcome to the ride! God is still in control and it is what it is!!! We got to do more, do better and do it more often. The Chief Love Officer clarifies a rideshare issue. We are still counting and 45 makes a frank declaration. The two candidates exchanged tweets. Plus, big shout out to Keith for giving us a moment of joy, straight up!!! Jimmy from Richmond, VA has an alternative perspective and Steve adds to it. Randy from Brunswick, GA is very vocal about the political climate and expresses his concern. "What up doe?" Our boy Randy talks about the lack of a black agenda. Leroy with the hella deep voice has a great idea! Today in Closing Remarks, Steve is optimistic and gives his last "Get out and vote speech of the year!"
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them mo like theming buck bus things. And it's not me true good of Steve har listening to other for Steve har Please by, I don't join by joining me. Have you got turn you you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby that uh huh? I show well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on, dignan now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day. When Steve Harvey used to get the preaching, I used to just turn the radio off. Mina's different, old dude be bringing it, he'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that, you know. Man, When I was younger, man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do, Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I don't want to hear nothing that contradicted what I wanted to do, you know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes. I wanted to get done. I didn't want to hear that. You know. It's a funny thing, man. It's like like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booger man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking wow, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stuck in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of the people that left this world with my head in the sand. But I just wanted to say, man, this morning, that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice, I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man, Some people just saw me doing wrong and say, young man, come in, let me talk to you for a minute. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do. Man, when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life, a lot of grace been shown on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me, helped me a long way. So I don't have no problem with this part of what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changed its growth, and it ain't no growth without change. You got people. Man, You ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, no body in the building think they should go that way. But they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro, listen to me. Man, that ain't high as done. You're gonna run into this distance. I'll show you. Hey a minute, man, you can't do it that way. Man. If if you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now we got a penal system in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down and we'll restrict your movement and your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's a foolishness, and y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, pray for it. Pray for change, Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very interesting prayer. If you're a praying person, I suggest you try that sometimes. It's so interesting. Man, Do you know what it did for me when I started asking God what he wanted for me? Instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me. It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off I no longer had to think of everything, and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't work in no way. And when I opened myself up to what he wanted, to what his wheel was, Man, do you know how much simpler my life got? And do you know how much bigger it got? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing, you would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in La since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you hear the change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you got to work towards your trade change. You know it as a faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God, always want to talk to God about something, But then man, ain't, ain't, don't, don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, It just does not happen. So so after you didn't pray to God, about it. What you gotta do then, is you gotta turn around and go hey, man, all right, now what is it I got to do? You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something to date about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today. Man, I want to change. How about today? You know then you see them same people? Man, I want to change. That's next week. How about today? I see people years later? Man, I'm still in this same old situation. Man, I'm gonna do something. How about today? Today is a good day. There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things in me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now, what's stopping you is you won't start the change today, don't hesitate, make that change, and then I want you to watch something. When you change, watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you, feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different? If if you're watching for the change, if you're feeling the change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference. You will be different. If you're sick and tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you had to make. I'm gonna change. The change is up to you. You can decide to day if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall, man, and you're sick and tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You've thought about that? Change? Man. If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that. Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, pray for it, man, ask God to help you with the change. Or you get some movement, then partner, you get a whole lot of movement. Then all right, let's right, you're listening show. Good morning everybody, Good morning everybody. I'm gonna say it again, good morning everybody. It is still a good morning, irregardless as to what's popping off. We are here for you, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. God is still with us, God is still in control. Do what you wanna do, but you ain't really running nothing. I've given all my power and consent over to my heavenly father. That's how I'm rolling today. I invite y'all to do the same with me. Now with that said, I'm showing sick of this methsto. Good morning, Shelly re What is this Phase two? Sitting up in here that dog gone kills spraits Junior boy, morning up, morning everybody. What's going on the other ball headed one? Nephew, Timmy King in the building. Man, Yeah, it is what it is, baby, It is what it is. Yeah, be patient, just you know, some patience. We gotta have some faith. It's not over. It's not over, Steve. I'm not out of faith. I am out of patience. I know, hey, twenty twenty, the election, it feel like a prank. Yeah, yes, right now it feels like a prank. That man, all the Poles had him out front awesome landslide. I knew that wasn't gonna be but that Yeah, yeah, I said it, but I did not. I just didn't believe Donald Trump's bass had grew it did Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you know what we thought, like the Democrats, I thought character, man, moral, you know, mashes of it mattered, right, Junior, I thought that was part of it. No, it was not. You believe the soul of the nation. Well yeah, now you know what the soul of the nation really is? Okay, Well, now with that said, yea, that is still hope half of us who are really concerned about the soul of the nation and the and what type of soul the president of the United States should have. Absolutely, it is still a large percentage of us. And so you know what, man, I was really surprised at his based group. But it's a wake up call for me personally, Steve Harvey, and a wake up call to us all that we got to as usual, do more, do better, and do it more often. That's the wake up call to all of us. That's it, man, because they they they trimmed. Man. Man, I want to day before we get our hair. No, we ain't gonna know today. We ain't went dog. We may not know for a couple of days. And he's already set the peel the peel in place that it's a fake election that they chieved. He did, Yeah, he did. All right, we'll have more about the election, and we may ask the CLO right after this. You're listening to show, well, well, well, it is the day after the election. And guess what, it is not over. It is not over. The twenty twenty presidential election was neither a Joe Biden landslide like we hoped for, nor was it a Donald Trump triumph like he hoped for. Uh. Instead, it was a tightly contested battle that could go either way, although our candidate Joe Biden appeared to have an edge. However, in a bizarre late night press conference, Donald Trump continued to make unfounded claims about the integrity of the election, putting the whole process in doubt and hinting the decision would go to the Supreme Court, to which he has appointed a few justices. We all knew about that. Early Wednesday morning, though, on the East Coast, Biden was in the lead but didn't have enough electoral votes to win the election, and Trump still had a chance. Trump won key battleground states like Ohio, Florida, Texas, and numerous red states, while Biden took the big blue states such as California and New York, as well as Colorado, New Mexico, and my own state, Illinois. Biden addressed his followers in Wilmington, Delaware, at a drive an event early Wednesday morning, saying he was on track to win this election. Take a listen. Your patience is commendable. We knew this was gonna go home, but you knew we're gonna go into maybe tomorrow morning, maybe even longer. But look, we feel good about where we are. We really do. I'm here to tell you tonight. We believe we're on track to win this election. Keep hope alive, Keep hope alive. Baby. Biden also invites patients until all the votes are counted and we're trying. Steve says he's run out, though, right, Steve, I'm too man. I told y'all, I told y'all what I was going to do was please big employ encourage all of us to get out and vote. Okay, now that I've done that, I can't do no more. I'm done. I do want to say this though, as a form of encouragement, I want to thank all of our listeners and the vast majority of African Americans because I think we showed up. I really really do. And if we can turn Michigan and around or Wisconsin or for Georgia to be this close, it's causing us. For Texas to be damn near blue state, it's cause of us for for us to be as close as we are in Georgia. George has never been blue. That that I mean probably Clinton or something like that, but I'm talking about in recent memory. But man, I'm just proud of the effort that we put out and we came through when we did. What we did not account for, which is crazy to me, is that Trump's based grew it grew it grew. Man, Never underestimate your opponent. Yeah, it's yeah. Well I'm speechless and yeah, and it just is what it is. I mean, you know, like still goes on. We still gotta live, you know what I'm saying, yeah, it's a yeah, it's a disappointment. It's over but you know, yeah it's not overlooked. And it was like, look, man, I wanted to desperately for it to be a lands slide. I really did, yea, And we know the decision who the clear winner was from. But by this morning morning, you know, And but I really thought it would be that bigger because I said, man, these people quietly have got to be sick and tired of him. But the disappointment in this country, with it being this close, is so many of them have no problem with him being the way he is. And that's the sad part and says a lot about the condition of this country. It has nothing to do with his his stance for the Republican Party. It's his other stances that have made this guy such a He's immoral, Yeah, he's a liar. He only cares about himself. He don't give a damn how many of y'all or us get coronavirus. He got nine doctors at Walter Reed taking care of him his wife and his child, and and and cool for that. But boy, I just don't I do not. I didn't believe his base would growth this much? Yeah to what his race is down to? This? This is crazy, man. Yeah, we'll see. We'll talk about the presidential election all morning. Let's get a couple of clo questions. Let's all right, Yeah, let's have some fun. This one's from Tamera in Chicago. Tamera, since I've been dating a man for almost two years and he drives for a ride share company in his spare time. Over the weekend, we took his mom to Target, so I jumped in the back seat. I saw a piece of a condom wrapper under the driver's seat, and I held it up so he could see it in the rearview mirror. Mom went in the store and we stayed in the car arguing. He was mad at me for holding up the wrapper where his mom could have seen it, and he said I was crazy because I know he drives people around in that car, so it had to be left there by a passenger. How did he turn this around on me? Do you think he has something to hide? No, No, I don't. He rides trip. There's people back there, everybody, everybody back there. He could have fell out somebody's pocket, somebody could have threw it on the ground. But you're gonna hold it away and Mama could have seen it. Yeah, he right about that? You tripping my mama, don't? Yeah, all right, all right, we'll get one more in uh sugar and Baton Rouge says. I'm in my late thirties and divorced. I just started dating a new man. I've kept it a secret from my family and friends. I'm black, he's white. I told my a co worker, and she said she's disappointed in me because I never gave the black guys a chance. I'm an equal opportunity dater, and I wanted to try something new. He's been pursuing me for a while, so I came to my senses. Any advice you would have, it would be helpful. No, you love who you want to love. Go ahead on. Donald Trump could be the president again. You think I can't who you dating. We got bigger issues here, bigger problems with another white man. Do what I can already tell y'all. I like your white man better. Other president coming up? Run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Call us, we want to talk to you, Call us to just get it off his chest talking about what's going on, Yes, with the presidential election. Here's the number eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve has game just like the White House number. Keep up alive right now, nephew in the building would run that. Frank back? What you got for us? Now? New land lord? You're like got new land lord. Let's go down. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a um Marcus. See who's this? My name is Jason. How you doing? What's happening? Listen? Um? I'm trying to figure out if you guys are gonna be out of the house by Sunday? Um, not the house? What the hell you mean out of the house? Let me let me get the clarification. Are you guys that um West Jennings? Yeah, okay, are you you guys haven't start packing up or anything like that? Dude? Who are you? Okay? Are you trying to hear? You get my number? I got it from mister Vernon. Are you Are you familiar with mister Yeah, that's my landlord. Okay, UM hasn't UM hasn't many contact with you? Marcus? Now, I didn't talk to miss last gave him my payment? Wow? And who are you were here? My name is Jason. I actually, who who are you to miss? Well? I actually bought the property from six weeks ago. Six weeks ago, Yeah, I actually owned. I actually owned the house. Now, I'm it was my assumption that you and mister already you know, because I made my last payment less than six weeks ago. Can you own this house? I actually, I'm sorry, I'm renting this from mister. I gave him my payment less than six weeks ago. So you're saying he got my money and you owned the house, and what's up with that? Well, yeah, I actually do. I guess you know he's um. He actually told me that you guys would have been out by now, And like I said, I'm gonna I'm looking for everybody to be out by Sunday or you guys are gonna be able to get out of there by hold of First of all, I still got two more years on my lease at this house. You tell me you when you're out by Sunday, well Saturday, if you could actually do it, dude, come on, you want me out of here on Sunday? What I'm saying on mine, I actually have some tenants that are gonna be moving in on Monday. What I'm trying to do is actually get in there, get you guys out, get the place cleaned up so the tenants can move in and actually start unpacking all their things. They're wanting to move in on Monday. Ain't listening to him, man, me and my family. We ain't moving. No, well, I don't know what the hell you gotta do. Who the hell you gotta talk to? But you better go and fix that, because I wish I would come over here and try to tell me. I gotta get the hell about this house. Okay, sure, I'm the owner of this house. Now. I don't give a I gave my money to mister Verney. You better call him, call somebody take it to fix it. If we ain't moving. No, please, sir, I'm gonna need you. Did you pay? I need you out by Sunday, sir. Now, this is my house and you're actually arguing with me about my If you ain't listening to me, Man, you ain't listening to me. We ain't moving. I still got two more years on my least, dude, my last payment. I paid that two months in advance. Man, I s let me get you through the mine. It was it was, it was responsisibility letter here? Who come on, dog? You're tripping non calling me just about. I wouldn't come bring bring you if you won't too, All right, sir, I'm away. I will be there on Sunday. Now you're not moving out, I'll have to move you like I ain't moving nowhere. You won't. I'm not gonna going back here half with you. I want you out of my house by Sunday. I bring you up monkey over here right now. We can start it right now. I need you out of mind? Are you? I ain't want to be about, I hear me. I ain't saying it no more. Are you're arguing with me about my property? Sir? Are you listening? I'm paying for this. I'm paying on this right now. I ain't moving no where, you hear me. I need you my kidna two with me. I can get them a better place. Are you hear me? So let me attendants that will be pulling up giving bring whoever I want to bring. I got something wing on y'all calling in. I ain't received no, No, I ain't got a phone call from nobody else. I'm like, I'm listening to you talking to mister be calling me hen one who got my money? Mister picture on the phone call, no email, no takete list no what the mister? Okay? What my own like putting there? My family? If you're gonna be here for another two years here and you're not trying to be there another two I get it to a better place, you're gonna be on it there. I'm gonna hear my family about is there y'all? Bring it over me if you want to. Are you listening to me? You're gonna be at my damn day coming on hey, trying to hear you gotta take care of it. You know you ain't moving here and my family house? Are you? Are you listening to me? Sir? What you gotta say? You're saying something different now I'm telling you, if you're not out by Sunday, then I'm coming to move your stuff out by Sunday. You ain't moving, bring over here. If you won't, I wish you woman. You excuse me? You? I got something else I need to tell you. Are you listening? What? What are you listening to me? What say something? I want to tell you? This? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Malik, your son got me to plank phone call you. Come on, man, are you playing? Are you serious? Come on, dog, y'all see y'all all the other stuff. Manna, I'm gonna get many y'all got me? Dog? Oh man, I got you man? Youall? Hey, yeah, I'm alright, man, I'm gona let my blood pressure calmed down. He told me, y'all listen to the show on the way on the way to dropping the kids off at school in the morning every morning. Dog, Oh man, I know you weren't getting out that house. Come suddenly, was you? Dude? Hemn? No, we don't moved nowhere. Oh man, I'm already trying to save what I'm trying to get them another spot. Hey man, keep pushing, bro. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. You already know the Steve Harvey more on this show about him. He had no intentions of moving. He didn't he ain't packing nothing. What you said, really would like for you to clear out by sady, dog, you infuriated. Got two more years. If you can help me a little bit, Sady, I can start cleaning up and having ready for the people. That's moving in, but I'd have just gave this money to this man. Yeah, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up, I'm ahead. No, come come on, bro, come on, I gotta keep it stupid, sir. I wish you would come over hill. See that's that's that's when you know we threw with you. I wish you would And let me tell you something and ever so serious. Once you get in this driveway, we're gonna get the moving around over here. I remember a long time ago I was talking to a white guy. He said, Steve Cash, your question. I said yeah. He said, why is it that black people's response to everything is always violence? I said I don't know, and then he kept on pressing me. I said, hey, man, don't ask me no more because I said I don't know. And then he asked me again. I say, hey man, I'm gonna bush you upside your damn head if you keep asking me. He said, it's exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't told you once not take it there, nephew, tim me live. I can't believe I'm saying this. Nephew, Time me live Uptown Comedy Corner. That's Atlanta, GA. That's Friday. Uh, November thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteen. The microphone. Yeah oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you want to open up. Okay, your phone calls after this eight seven, seven, twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back. You're listening, Steven Show. All right, Steve Harvey Nation listen, listen. If you're waking up thinking that you know who the president is, we still don't know. We still do not know. Right now. Joe Biden is in the lead, but critical battleground states like Georgia, like Michigan, like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are still counting ballots. It's some grandmother's week up this morning because the baby mom ain't got town to be up at night. What's going out? Who want baby? Last night, Trump to watched the returns from the White House, Joe Biden watched the returns from his home in Delaware. Biden told his supporters, we believe we're on track to win the election, and President Trump talked about current election results. Take a listen to this, and all of a sudden, everything just stopped. This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation. This is a very big moment. This is a major fraud in our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we'll be going to the US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don't want them to find any ballots at four o'clock in the morning and add them to the list. Okay, it's a very sad it's a very sad moment to me, there's a very sad moment. His plan the entire time listened to me. You know what, man, his plan. He knew that in early voting he was getting beaten. That's what all the polls were saying. And he knew that it was so many early votes, so many absentee ballots, that the counting was gonna go on for quite some time, as it does every single year. And because this one's close, he knew that. So he had already set the table for this to happen, because he sees that that Wisconsin could get away, that that Arizona and already got away. And so now we're going to go to the Supreme Court, which he rushed this woman through. He stacked a dead. Now, if these justices are justice, which I have no whole faith in at all, because we have we ever gotten justice beyond a Taylor, we can go down that miss. Ye. He's already saying we were gonna win, and all of a sudden it stopped. This is the biggest fraud. This dude is a con man, and America is being conned. And but they're not really being coned. They're going along with it because they parted the con That's true, all right, Steve, that's true. Let's talk to the people. How about that? But the people say you can call us and tell us how you're feeling about this election this morning eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve, Steve, are you ready to take some phones? Let's go Line one. Marlene out of Dallas. Hey, Marline to Steve Harvey. What's going on? Darling? Good morning, Steed, Good morning. How are y'all everybody good? What's on your mind? Marlene? So, I just wanted to read a right like what you said. God is in control. Not only is God in control, he is sovereign. He hasn't not to remind myself, he hasn't brought us this far to leave us. Now, I understand, and I realized trumps base had grown. But I just thought the number of COVID there, people were going to kind of slide across the learn. But clearly that did not happen. I thought, that's the evil and the hatred that he spears. I thought people were going to slide over a little bit more. But because he hasn't, he hasn't. He's a man. He is a man. He does not. He may have victory if he wins a lecture, but at the end of the day, we have victory, and it's not over until God says it's over. That's just what I wanted to remind. I had to remind myself of that moment when I was listening when y'all started this morning. I was a little sad as I say, that's okay, he in control, and I had I had to drop my dead with Steve said there. I was like, come on, let's do huh girl, you have a good day. Girl, let's go to line for Stephen talked to Ryan out of Hampton, Virginia. Hey, Ryan, this is Steve Harvey Man. What's going on with you? Was Bill with it? Steve. Yeah, Hey, what's on your mind? Ryan? Yes, Steve, I would just want to say, Man, it's real scary that, you know, we have to turn around and look at this and see how many of these people are supporting this guy who does nothing but spew evil and and it's real scary that his supporters even went up a little bit. So, you know, I just want to say to my young black men and women, you know, we gotta keep our heads up because you can't make excuses because we actually see what it is right now, and it's very scary. So even if Biden wins, all these people came out the woodwork still loving Trump. We know what it is. So we just got to keep keep on going and pushing because you know, things aren't not really going to change that much. I'm stid man, but we've gone through so much, Ryan, We survived four hundred years of slavery. We're gonna get past this too, whoever it is. And we were hoping that America had come to a certain degree. I thought after Obama a miracle was taking a turn, but they didn't flip the script. All right, more of your phone calls after this, you're listening, all right, Steve, we've been sorry saying that. Yeah, we've been up all night screaming at the tv. Right despite battleground states that are still counting ballots, President Trump tweeted, We're up big and they're trying to steal the election. Joe Biden meanwhile tweeted, it is plumps or Trump's place to declare the winner of this election. It's the voters place. How about that. Let's go to the phone, Steve, it's time. Okay, let's go to line Yeah, let's go to line six and talk to Keith, who's a trucker on the interstate. Wow, what's going on with you? Boy? Goring? Steve Man, come on, everybody's time. Man, I need you to tell me. I need you. But anyway, I think some of my black voters moved over to the other side, man, because I'm a truck and I listened to a lot of people talking, and uh, they kind of move over to the right man in the sense that can they make you move money by just got more money on it. My check didn't get them more money on it. So I don't know how Trump tax playing helped them out. But at the same time, Steve, I want to thank you for inspiration this morning because I'm one of those guys that was behind them. Bar I came out thinking the right decision. Thank you man. That's why I'm in this truck now today. Brother. But I used to yes, Sir, I used to be a pie baker. I can make a street potato pie that make it say pattle fireguard. But yeah, Steve, if I'm living that landing now, man, so you need to swe potato fire let me know. I on the reason to make the Thanksgiving So I appreciate you guys every morning. Man. I listened to y'all constantly, got me on the phone, hey, and congratulations man on your new found success. And at the end of the day, y'all, we're gonna keep going to the phones. But at the end of the day, whatever happened, you know, and Steve Harvey gonna do, I'm gonna go give me some more God. Yeah, y'all, y'all. Here the thing about me, it don't matter who they put in this White House. And I'm very proud of black people, man, I really do, because I think we showed up in big numbers. I so I ain't even mad at you his base increase, but let me tell you something. His base didn't increase. My faith in God didn't increase. Come on, his base can't do nothing with my God. His presidency can't do nothing with my God. And I got a scripture man that Shirley sent me. I want to read to y'all when he come back. That gave me a little bit more connection to it all. We were hanging up in here, but it show would be nice though, if Joe come on and get this thing on up in Wisconsin. Ceazy in on Michigan. We keep talking to you, damn about you and yourself free caught back after that. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, we're in it now. We're in it. Okay to win it? Uh to win it? I mean we've been talking about it all morning. What does the Steve I don't know. I thought I heard somebody hall. I'll get his ass joke. It's really really close. What is to say about us as a nation? You know what I mean? Really character? All of those things we talked about anyway, Steve, Yeah, let let's go to the phones and see what's happening. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steed, Let's go to line one and talk to Jimmy out of Richmond, Virginia. Hey, Jimmy out of Richmond. What's up with you man? Good morning Steve. Steve. I'm gonna call from a different perspective, right I was. I was on the same bandwagon, nerd about it. Trump races races that, no question about it. But um, I ran across the gay a black guy. Us. When I see a black guy with a maga hat on, an automatically think that she word o N words. But I saw a guy he was talking more good, more amount of language, and he was saying some things about Trump that I couldn't really disagree with. So I looked it up. That's what I do. And I saw stuff like Trump signing executive orders for the HBCUs US black Hotess funding. I saw he um signed in a hundred billings to go in and left behind communities. I saw him sign a Prison Reform Act. I saw him sign a Second Sense Act, which my own cousin I've been, I've been down to myself, changed my life like the trucker did. I believe in Christ and ung So anyway, my cousin was senting to two thousand and nine. His release date was twinted thirty. He's coming home this month because of that act that Trump signed. So a lot of hate that Trump get itself unpligu He got a terrible mouthp on, but I never hear about the decent things that he'd do. That act would benefit us, like school um what it's called the school opportunities as he signed. Mean, if I got four boys at a school, if I don't, if I'm not satisfied with what they're learning that education, I can put them in any other school. I want you to put them over there with the other people. Look y'all learned listening to bring that and off back to your people. Trump actually signed that. You can both look that up on YouTube and see not just an article. So he does the stupid stuff, and I'm not here to defend it. But I'm the type of guy. I did some saying it's my life. People can can steak bad up, but I all throwing people to speak of the good that I do, just to be fair. And when I looked up Biden record, Buidy record and that good, y'all. Yeah, I do more racist stuff from Biden than Trump. And that's just the truth for what I think personally. And I'm not needed. I'm gonna say that you once rocking up. I ain't feel comfortable rooting for nobody. So you know, I prayed, and when I say I trust God, I trust God. I said, you know what you control, I'm gonna root for cranking time. So I set out. I don't feel comfortable with neither one of them, even though I stopping good team that Trump did. And I've seen a whole lot of things that negative was bad neck like when Bill Clinton and I'm gonna I'm gonna give it about Bill Clinton signed that crime at Bill Um and he apologized he knew that unjust guess what Joe Biden wrote that and I never heard no apology. He say, I don't care if you give him ten years, twenty years, sixty years, fine with me. And I suffered under that first time getting in trouble. I had a legal gun aske a weed on it. That's why I got locked up for and I got five years automatic. Yeah. Wow, see, brother, I understand what you're saying, and I appreciate the phone called Jimmy. Uh, here's a deal. The passing of the thing for HBCU was he said, And you don't have to keep coming back for this? Why do you keep coming back for It was during the election year, politically motivated and suggested by his team to look good for black people with the HBCU think he signed it. That was the reason why the prison reform bill. Do you understand that Obama in his last year released thousands of inmates from prison who were unjustly serving time for non violet drug related offenses. Donald Trump wants to trump that and fast prison reform bill. So a few hundred thing got out, But that's a fact of that. The opportunity zones is good, but because of the climate this president has created. You look at the militias, the Proud Boys. They don't even want us in the damn opportunity zones because of the climate that this president has created. And then as far as Trump being a racist, I don't know that you can be more of a racist and hold the presidential office. So any brother with a mega had on blowing a horn about what he has done for black people. If you really look at his record, you need to check out what he has done two black people. Brank phone call up next. You're listening, all right? Uh? It is it is? Hey can I say something to the last caller, Jimmy who called in. Look, man, I appreciate your success. I really do, brother, but in your honesty, but I want you, Jimmy, to realize one thing. Man, we need you and we need your vote. And caller said it best. Democracy is not a spectator sport. We have to participate in the process. Brother, So come on, Jimmy. I know you got hurt and you got put down and was unjust and it was unfair, but we don't want you to take yourself out the political process because we're gonna get through this. Y'all trust and believe we're gonna get through this. Did Jimmy say he didn't vote? Alright? Alright the prank guys. Yeah, what you got for us? Now? I got the limo driver, the limo good afternoons? How can I hap you? I'm trying to get cecil yeah this season, I say, some one of my boys gaming your number. Man, I'm trying to get a car service for the night. Okay, listen, this is my personal number. Do you have the main number? Man? I keep calling the main line, but there ain't nobody answer. I had to call that about six seven times. They keep rolling over to it like to a voicemail or say, okay, okay, brother, what's your name? Monday? Tony? Okay, listen, Tony, I got a customer in the back. Let me get them happy, can you you got a few moments, I'm here. Just let me get the dope form and all hold the phone. All right, okay, cool, all right, thank you have a good eating All right, Tony? Yeah, what's up? Yeah? Now you're saying you called the main line and you just keep going the voicemail or something like can't you call the main line? But you know, I know I'm calling it the last minute. I'm trying to get a get a call for the night man. Okay, what you need? Listen, we gotta we got the suv. We gotta us Sudan or two. We got a couple of limits, white up black. What you need? If I could get I guess like a black limits. Ain't be cruel? Okay, we got that. We got that. What time where I'm picking you up? What time? What the cost? You know? For an hour? Because all I need is an hour? Where's it's sixty five hours a novel? But we only do three hour minimum. The first three hours sixty five okay, okay, okay, see, we'll see. See. So all I need is an hour man really like forty five minutes. So do you think they will work women where you can't get them? So you're dealing with me? Let me see me. I'll tell you what I'll do you for one hundred and fifty dollars and I'll take k But now I want you to know. I'm gonna let them know everything. So I got to have either credit card or receive or something on the KVE to let them know because I'm not no quocket brother. I'm gonna let them know everything that I'm doing with that fourth fight one fifty, I give you one fifty when you pick me up, that's no problem. Then where am I picking you up in? At? What time? All right? I'm at ninety eight Village Drive, ninety eight Village Dry okay, when I need twenty? And when am I taking yourself? I'm going downtown on Capital Street, downtown to Capital Street, all right? And what time am I picking you up? You could give me like at eleven forty five to night that would be good. Then forty five okay, that's forty five minutes two an hour you're gonna need then forty five to next two especially twelve forty five twel thirty two five okay, good that, Um, let me see and downtown Capital. What you didn't give an address? I don't even know the address. I'm going to um to bank bank downtown all right, right? Um? Can I ask you something tony right? Um? Yeah? And I'm trying to get any business. You know, we don't ask questions usually, but a banking knight's gonna be closed. I mean, you're not going to work because I gotta take you back. So you're dropping off to something, to somebody or something like God, No, no, I ain't dropping nothing, no, but I'm picking something up to see. What I need you to do is just right here. I'm gonna go in there, and I'm gonna be in there probably like about fifteen minutes. But when I come out, man, I need you to out a car running and we need to get side of there. Why man, you asking me to run you down to a bank at midnight and you kicking something up at midnight. And I got to be ready to go when you come out, Me and my boys when we come out of there, just when when we get it when we get back in the back of the limo, I need you to I need you to put the pedal down, man, and let's get out of there. Look here, yo, young brother, well I how old you man? I'm twenty four. Yeah, that's what I figured. Look here, man, it sounds like you in some kind of shading. I don't do that. Brother's man. Yo, you're a driver, dog. Your job is to drive. If you pick somebody up, first of all, you ain't gonna be asking nobody where they're going, what doing You're supposed to drive. Let me say what I'm telling you here, man. Once we come out of the bank, drive, let me stop it. That's why I'm driving stid it working somewhere else driving because I was ignorant like you at one time. But let me tell you something. But I don't know your business and really don't care at this point in time. I'm not doing no crazy like this shit. Brother. Let me tell you something, man. What you need to do is get you young into some type of training school or something to find yourself a job. You're gonna go down and the enemy's gonna blow your brains out. I ain't really trying to hear all this lay here. What I'm trying to do is playing you this one. I'm fifty you driving me where I'm trying to go because you ain't even back. If a brother, you can't get right now, not even know advice. You need to listen to me. That's what's wrong with you. You're now y'all crazy, get rich right off overnight, tight or you need to slow down because they got something you feel me, they gotta hold on, hold on, hold on, man, hold on what you know? You don't know nothing. You don't know, man, I need to know what, brother, how you gonna be preaching the mate out? Because I've been that man. That's what I'm driving to Limo because I've been that young brother. I'm trying to keep you from going that because you won't like it. Look at Tony, I don't know what to tell you at this point. First of all, I'm not doing it, so you can cut that out. Okay. Now I'm thinking of you and all the other young brothers to do this. Thumb you watch too many of the movies or something. Brother, you need to get your place because they got a place for you. Prob Let me tell you something. They read my offer. I ready anything. My mamma told me they didn't want me to know they cut it out. Do you feel me? They looked at me every night where they wanted to fed me garbage that I had to eat or die. You ain't ready for that, man, You ain't ready for what. I think. He got your land. Your brothers don't know what's going on out here. You got it too easy. See now you're talking about going down. They robbing the bank. You ain't no bank ropper. You don't sound like no third goal, real a remo. The way you're going, you ain't making nothing because they were blowing you on your I waited about their paper. You don't understand that. And you show you ready for no jail? Cause I say one more thing to you that yeah, what is it? All I want to do is tell you it is that I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show and your boy card. They don't got me the frank phone call you. I don't give a who you are. If you around with them folks down town, they're gonna blow you well. They're gonna get your hundred years under the jail. Do you do did you just hear what I just said, though, what you said somethingbody with my partner. No I no, no, no, no, I said, I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy the other another driver. Cordell got me the plank. Phone call you if you oh you mean Steve Harvey on the radio. No, man, no, no, no, this is are you serious? Man? Ain't Cecil, your boy. Cordell got me to pray. Phone call you, man. I'm gonna get that. I'm gonna get that when you let my fire man, I don't know that. I mean my fight moved four. He say, be careful, he say, big, Cecil. He's been he been down there. He didn't done some time in that been that man, Come down, baby, come down, man. I got one more question to ask you. Man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. I want the Nephew Tommy, but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I got you, baby, me and your boy. Cordell got you. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna get here, man, meet you brother. I old you want to come on. That's how you rob a bank. Baby, If you're gonna rob a bank, you robber with a limbo. You know what I'm saying, that's how you do it? Use me running, young brokay, young brother, don't don't do this. Don't go down there, don't do that. I did this. Don't don't even do this. You don't even want to say. You don't even want to go down now? Oh man, you gotta keep it stupid though, baby, that's that's that's my job. That's in my contract is to be stupid. And I want to know that I'm upholding my job. I do what you are? Yes, you are? Okay? Then, hey man, what a man? A man just gonna sell some tickets to you. Yeah, okay, cool, nephew, Timmy and friends live at the Uptown Comedy Corner. That's a Friday, uh November thirteen, fourteen fifteen. That's a possibility opening up, opening up, coming out of retirement. I'm open for you. Yeah, yeah, oh you Oh you will? You will? I walk out there and mopyo ass If that's what you want. Let you have some of this. Y'all must have forgot, I promise you. Why I'm George type my Strawberry letter. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, everything and everybody's all right, all right, man, or to just be Roscoe Wallace and just get through this nutty ass date. Yeah, you know what, You're right, Steve. Let's take a break from the election. Okay, we've been talking about it all morning. Let's switch gears. Time now for the Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f MT com and click submt Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, buggalo. But hold on time. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject. I don't owe your dad's girlfriend a thing. Damn they wanted to say something else, Yeah they did. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been with my boyfriend for seven years now, and he was raised by his father and his father's girlfriend has been a mother figure to him for the past fifteen years. His father is a sweetheart. When you say it, mother figure, ain't no what his father is a sweet I wasn't gonna say nothing my kind of letter now again, mother figures say his father's his girlfriend. His father's girlfriend has been a mother figure to him for the past fifteen years. His father is a sweetheart, and it's good is nice, but I've always thought she is kind of weird. She had a birthday recently and my boyfriend and I were invited over to have cake and sing Happy Birthday. I told my boyfriend we should take her a gift, so we got her a twenty dollar Visa gift card and stuck it in her birthday card. We had a good time with them, and she said she'd open her gifts later. I told her we gave her a small gift card so she could go get her nails done. A week went by and my boyfriend's father called and he was upset with us. He was yelling about his girlfriend's manicure costing seventy dollars and said we were low down for only giving her twenty. They're both stupid if they thought a full manicure was only twenty dollars. And furthermore, who gets the service done without asking how much it will cost? But they didn't, so they told my boyfriend that he and I needed to come up with the rest of the money. I told him that I didn't owe his dad's girlfriend a thing. She was yelling in the background that we ate a dirty trick on her. I yelled back and called her stupid. My boyfriend said he was going to keep the peace by giving me the fifty dollars, by giving them the fifty dollars. He took it to them, and when he got back home I had nothing to say to him. I'm mad that he didn't take Uh he didn't side with me and defend me. This isn't even his mother and his dad doesn't think enough for her to marry her, so why would he take her side? What's up with that interesting? Interesting letter? Uh? You wrote us a letter about twenty dollars. Now think about that. Think about that, because that's what this letter is about. I mean they're mad. Don't even worry about it. I got her, Yeah, I mean they're mad that that because you only gave her twenty dollars. Okay, but what happened to it's the thought that counts, isn't that you know? Isn't that the gracious way to do things around here? Why couldn't she just say thank you and keep it moving? Is this the first time she's ever gotten her nails? Done because you're right, it caused way more than twenty dollars. And yes, your man wants to keep the peace. You were right about that again with his dad, and that should let you know though where you stand after seven whole years. You should be feeling some kind of way because obviously you've been by his side all this time, all this time, and he sided with them. Maybe instead of being so mad at them for not liking your gift, you should be trying to figure out why you and your so called man aren't married. You've been with him, they've been together, guys for seven years, and you all aren't married, not even an engagement nothing. You mentioned that his father hadn't married his girlfriend after you know, a long time being together. She's been around for fifteen years maybe like father, like son. So you see, this letter really shouldn't be about twenty dollars. It should be about what do you want from this relationship? Because he has shown you, you know, when it gets really real, what side he's on. Steve Well, this is her bad look that she would write this letter in on the morning like we're going through right, because I want to open this letter with I don't give or damn I would like to also add, in the words of caller's beloved mother, Patricia Bolden, I could give lesson then. So now that we've opened the letter the way, I won't to Jimmy gone and read this letter. I've been my boyfriend seven years now. He's raised by his father, and his father's girlfriend been a mother figured to him for the past fifteen years. His daddy sweetheart had a birthday recently, and y'all saying it had birthday, had a good time. And so you bought a twenty dollars VISA gift card and slid it in her in her birthday card, and you told her we gave you a small gift. You was not lying, right, that was true giving you a small gilt. It ain't but three bills smaller than a twenty. That's a ten to five and a one you gave. Huh about the foalth smallest bill? That is all right? So you are wreck It's it's small if you gave her a ten. I I don't even know how I feel about this. When we come back after this break, I'm going to do this letter the right way, but in a very un Christian life, all right. I don't feel like being that good a Christian this morning because we're still talking about this damn election. I wanted this to be over with part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, All right, come on, Steve, let's get back to the Strawberry letter, the subject I don't owe your dad's girlfriend a thing? All right, yeah, this letter right here, man, at this time, right here, it's about twenty dollars and seventy dollars. So what this man that's been dating this woman for seven years and was raised by his father and his father's girlfriend from fifteen years. Uh, the girlfriend of fifteen years to the father had a birthday party. So this woman who wrote the letter and her boyfriend who was raised by the father, and the fifteen year girlfriend, they go to the birthday party and then uh, you know, they went over, had birthday, got a kate, and then she told her boyfriend and I'll take him a gift. So they got a twenty dollars visa card and put it in a birthday card. So they ant the party. They had a good time and everything, and they told her the gift card was so she could go get her nails done. So a week went by and then the boys daddy ended up calling them and he was mad. He was holed at him and stuff on the phone. Call His girlfriend's manicure cast seventy dollars and they would low down for only giving her twenty dollars. Now, the girl say they both stupid if they thought a manicure was only twenty dollars. See, they don't see old ass people. All you heard was you can go down there and get a manecure. So they took their old ass down now talking about we want manicure here, go on my gift card, or twenty dollars only get three fingers. Twenty dollars, get three fingers and a baby tot. She does all you get from twenty dolls. But you are now they't mad. So the daddy then called and they're mad at him and they're talking they about they low down. So now anyway, the girl mad because who gets a service done without asking how much? I'm pretty sure it's posted somewhere, and people that run them nail shops they are ready and no ignorant finn come in there. It's posted somewhere she just sat down, pulled out her gift car. Time she ready for her manicure. Well, we got twenty on it. So they told a boyfriend that they told him. The father and the mother told a boyfriend that he and this woman that wrote this letter need to come up with the rest of the money, which was seventy dollars. I told him that I didn't owe his dad his girlfriend a damn thing. See, So really what this letter was saying, I don't owe your funking mama step mama, which ain't even your step mama, damn step mama, girlfriend, babysitter, all of that something like that, because she ain't got no title. So I don't owe huh sugar honey ice tea, and don't ask me by this sugar mine iced tea, no damn more, because I don't give us sugar iced tea. And I'm mean that, and I mean, man, you can shut the front door to me about this hill. She in the background yelling talking about they played a dirty trick on it. So then the girl y'all is back and called her stupid. So my boyfriend said he gonna keep the beach piece by the fifty dollars now, Come on now, you gotta understand a man's role is to solve problems. We have a problem. You got played. You stupid for going down there thinking a manicure only twenty dollars. So he took it to him when he got back home. You I didn't. She didn't have nothing to say to him, and now she mad because he didn't side with her or defend her. He what you want him to do? He trying to fix the problem, just his daddy and the woman that raised him. You said that, so he just took the fifty over there. It's no side to take. He took the side of the ignorant so the ignorant could stop being ignorant. That's the side he took. Now at this I ain't in to his mother and his dad. Don't think enough for her to marry her. You've been the boyfriend for seven years? Yeah, what the hell he think of you? See, be careful about throwing that that rock over the fist, because that rock could come back over the fist. See. So why should he take her side? Because he trying to keep the peace. Now listen to me. Let's be honest. You pity for sitting here arguing with two old ass people over a twenty You pity, she mo pity, and stupid for expecting y'all to pay for the whole manicure. It was in the birthday card. It's twenty dollars. We all we did was I got five on it. That's all this was. Yeah, we just got something on it. This your birthday? And hop you know, when do you get at what age is you supposed to stop counting what people give you for your birthday? You old? You're just lucky, your ass is still a lie. Take that twenty and be happy, be grateful somebody still thinking about you. And now let me say this before we get out of here, don't write us no mode this week about nothing stupid because we don't have a time or patience for y'all praumatized. We got this fool still in the damn White House. He find go to the Supreme Court because he probably gonna lose this election. We got all kinds of problem. Call you know, mode with this sugar handed iced team. More calls after this, phone calls after this, you're listening morning show. Okay, back to election talk for a second, guys. You know a couple of keynotes I'm so tired. Yeah, all right, yeah, I just wanted to shout out democratic Rafael warn out. Oh no, no, no, he gonna run off right now. Okay, all right, let's go to the phones. Okay, twenty twenty just ain't it? And I'm tired of all of it? Wow, so tired of this boom? All right, let's go. All right, let's go to line one and talk to Stacy out of Montgomery, Alabama. Hey, Stacy out of Montgommery, what's up with you this morning? Darling? Oh, nothing much for about y'all. Just chilling. I mean, how much time do you have? We just we are we're doing is chilling and tripping. What's your comments? Okay, it's like, um, when he became president. I don't like to say it's God is my president now asked to leave and receiving a Now, I keep reminding myself that he's like, keep asking about the same thing that it means. I don't believe. So I've think it's relaxing, waiting and laughing with y'all. Cool, Well, thank you, thank you, of course you voted. Please, all right, let's go to Randy out of Brunswick, Georgia. Hey, Randy, Hey, buddy, Hey, what's up, man? What's going on? Ain't not much man. I'm just like to tell y'all that, um, I'm sorry to say this, but you know what, I went through all of this, then this pandemic. I do. I do uber eat, I do uber driving, I do lift driving. I help all these people. And Donald Trump. Ain't her hair helping nobody to black people. Nobody nobody helping Ahmad Audrey. I mean, and in the same woman that was in the condition of it, that was in all this, jee went the back to reelect. So why is she in there? And why can't we have somebody that wants to help us and be with us? Sup? Right? I understand that, Randy. What I'm starting to understand is we are in such a tight race because Trump's base actually grew, They came out of the woodwork. It's more of them who don't care about the coronavirus, don't care about Black Lives Matter, don't care about doctor, don't cann about the wall, don't can num about none of that. They believe what this guy is. All Right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes. I thought you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sure, all right, Steve, this is the election day aftermath. We've been talking about it all day. Let's go back to the phones and talk to the people. Okay, a name you'll love, Line four, Leroy out of Atlanta, all morning. Yeah, what's going on? What's going on? What? Lee? What's going on? Steve? Are you guys doing crewe there? Long story short, A lot of people are calling and they are in the weekie right now. We know this present don't care nothing about us. That's period, Jimmy, you know, thank you Steve for handling that. Jimmy. I was in your situation before, you know. I kept the responsibility. I associalist degree and called every artist and I got out of there. Period. I got a financial background. Now, I helped families, cumpanies and I do tax free up people. Jimmy, you could turn your life around no matter what. Don't let the body put you down. Now, So we need the top party. How do we become the elector voters? Because we got to put people in there don't care about us. You know we're you know and told me so, you told everybody if you're not at the inn table. You must be on the menu. That's right. Wow, that's right. And Steve, if I can have opportunities come to your mentorship camp for free, I'll show all the kids for one case, really work how to become tax free, that free. You have to use credit cards or whatever, how to use them correctly. I would love to do that for free. Hey, man, I love to have you. I want you to just go to my foundation page Harvey Foundation dot org and uh put a put a note in there for the director page. Love to have you, brother. Thank you man. That was cool. Man, All right, class for adults. Yeah, yeah, all right. We're taking your phone calls. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve. Let's go to line five and talk to Sandra out of Miami. Steve. Oh lord, Sandraw, good, we're good, Sandraw. What's on your mind? Oh? They called the woods. Let me carry you. I worked in the poll in the Miami area and the precinct that I worked at. You don't normally do about one hundred fifty two hundred people. We did over five hundred people yesterday. Let me try people just registered to vote within the last two weeks. You want to come out and vote. M h yeah, all right, Well, you know that's everybody's right to vote. I think it's it's surprising even though I'm didn't shot. I just really was hoping that America was would just be sick of this man's rhetoric, his tone, his divisiveness, his attitude, his bigotry. I just thought America would be sick of that. But I found out something they're not. They're not. But now there's a great chance that he's going to lose this it is. It is a great chance that he's going to lose this steal, but it doesn't negate the fact that his base grew and this race really shouldn't even be this type based on the person he is. I just knew this race couldn't be this type, but based on the person he was, I didn't think he was gonna win either. So the ugliness of this country is showing up, and you know, we just got to we got to get more involved, more active, so we can start getting people in the Senate that care about us, because this is something we can do. And I do think that this race is this tight, but I do think black people performed in this election. I really do think that way that death give us the numbers on it, but I really think we showed up in a great way. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show in twenty minutes right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, I have been cool this morning, trying to be a leader this morning by example. But I'm tired of that. If y'all don't get your eyes on that, damn Detroit, Troit counting right now could save us. Detroit, Detroit couldn't save us. I want to think all of the gators that I bought it, city Snickers, all the outfits I bought it, the damn Brown Way, and all the food out of there, that sweet George Browns and the Zea food spot at the Breakfast's house. That damn Detroit is clunting on their ass. You thought it was over, but Detroit say you ain't counted us yet. Yes, de Detroit, damn that I because the Ohio and disappointed me, the Mississippi of the North. I wouldn't give it, damn bout on how no more? Move all my friends out of that De Detroit. I told y'all that was my people up there. That's why my cutout is at the football game and everything. That's why I pulled for the line. I told y'all Detroit, Detroit showing on their ass, gonna mess around to not be the president because it didn't. Black folk can Detroit. We'll be back right after this. Thank you, Steve. You're listening to show. All right, Steve, let's go back to the phones. Let's talk to the people. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Yeah, if you want to talk to Steve, let's go to line one and talk to Randy out of Dallas. Randy out of the d Hey, what's going on gays top of the morning? Go ahead, yeah, Hey, listen. Briefly, I just want to say, look, you know, I'm really I don't understand why we as blacks are so so the disillusional about this election. We should have seen this coming. Okay. This election is primarily based upon white privilege and continue for them to maintain control and dominance. That's what this is all about. And we we continue to fall into this trap because we don't have a black agenda ourselves. And at some point, guys, we gotta look at the fact that the black eleaders, the old white guard from the Democratic Party that has kept us stifle for the last forty years, and we have nothing to show for it. Look at our neighborhoods. I'm sick and tired of us always got to go to white folks and beg them for something. We got resources in our own community, and those who look like us, they are not for us. We got to start expelling those people's wealth because they're they're in life part of the problem. Until we do that, you're going to see that other groups around the country and other communities, they take care of their own people. We don't do that. We're so busy trying to celebrate white culture, then celebrate our own culture. That's why you see the results that you see right now. Yeah, I agree with you, right, it's very factual what he's saying. You know, it's a lot of ways to view this thing right here. Me personally, it's just sheer disappointment. It's the sheer disappointment that this you know, I just kept thinking, if you look at the morality of this man, that's got to be sickening to people. Well, you quickly discover that that morality of that man matches over half of the voting population, and you have to go, wait a minute, man, you know, because you look, you thought when Obama won all those you know years back, I went, wow, man, Americans taking a turn, David, because it wasn't just black people that voted for Obama. But then the viciousness of the turn. It's what has tripped me out. And the viciousness of the turn and the rhetoric from this man in the White House, which proves to me that the average American don't care nothing about no black lives matter, don't don't care about no unifying the country. And what Randy is saying it is to remain elitist. He's done. He ran on what I thought was crazy. But man, that make America great again? Hat embrace. It empowered white supremacist groups. It empowered whites who really dream of being Donald Trump, a playboy, bunny, a strip, a hole, U, money or ship, And now here they is. You got to be kidding me, man, last break and coming up and we'll be back right after this. You're listening show who lot it? What a day? What a day? Man? Talk about day? Whoa? But we made it through though, thank you Jesus, it would definitely uh didn't go the way. I thought it was gonna go. Thought we'd be doing ding down the Witch is Dead this morning, but we didn't. But it's cool, you know which mad though. The witch is mad though? White House up. Oh yeah, and we're standing at the doorbell. Oh yeah, it's for real, you know. And I still think that there is a strong possibility that he will not be the president. But now he's not going to go quietly. I don't care if he don't go quietly. It is what it is. You know. You can go to the Supreme Court. They can't change laws. Don't worry about I go down there with a couple of my boys. We'll get him out that high. Don't worry about me and a few of my boys. We'll get you out this high. And come on. Hey. Something a scripture that was sent to me. Uh, it's Proverb six sixteen and nineteen. Now, look, y'all, at times like this, always go to my faith. I mean, you know, look, I'm not a perfect person. I'm not a perfect Christian, and you can't follow me and make it to heaven. I ain't never told you that. But I do have a very faith based life, and I rely on that faith to get me through troubling times. But I also have a relationship with that faith when it's going good for me too. But I just wanted to share a scripture proverb six nineteen. It says there are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs of conflict in the community. I don't even have to read that again to give me some real understanding that even though we may think a person is getting away with what they're getting away with, are pulling off the ultimate con there is a price for that, There is a place for that, there is a requirement of that. And so as this race unfolds and we're still too early to call it, and however it goes, I mean, God is in control of my life. God is in control of your life. You know, we don't have to worry about these people, you know. Look, look, listen, man, I could say so many things about it. How disappointed I am in America. I was hoping that after the election of Barack Obama, that this country was turning a corner because a black man was the president of the United States, and I never thought I'd see that in my lifetime. I was so hoping that was the case. I was so hoping it was the case on so many levels. But the turnaround has been so abrupt and so rather obvious, and touted so loudly from the top this White House administration that I just began to understand even more, for my faith has to be not in man, but in God. Men are just flawed people all the way. And this election right here, y'all to my listeners, listen to me. Let's go get ourselves together. Now. Let's get focused on our dreams and visions, our families, our hopes for tomorrow. Let's get focused on our position. Now we have to vote. Voting is our obligation to our ancestors who came over here and died building this country. So we have an obligation to vote. And we can still make a huge dent in this vote all the way around the board. I mean just waiting on the Michigan to finish up, and Pennsylvania to finish up. In Philly and the Detroit Wayne County to finish up and all of this stuff right here. Man, this is big man, This is us having a say soul, and I just firmly believe that. So there's an upside to all of this. But at the end of the day, y'all, we got to be okay. No matter what happens, this ain't gonna define me. Quit tripping, man about all these blacks for Trump. Man, they've always been amongst us. They've been amongst us thinking they leaked, thinking if they say they for them, they'll be more accepted. They don't know, Man, I know I'm around well off people all the time. You ain't fitting to be one. You're not. Now you can get your share of the pie, but they really prefer that you eat it over there. But you're not gonna come over here and sit at the same table and eat with the same silver way and out the same piece we eating off of. Take your piece and go over there. I don't know, I don't know what has to happen to get you to understand that this man don't care nothing about you, never will, never have been. I like a lot of the callers today that called in and stated a lot of things. Man, we got some really really smart listeners, and listen, y'all. We'll be back tomorrow and we'll see if we got a result for you tomorrow. If not, we'll be back the next day. But we're gonna stay with you. But bigger than that, God is gonna stay with all of us. I give all my fortune and future over, I put it in the hands of my heavenly father. I invite you to do the same. So no matter what they do in the White House, don't let that get up in your house, all right? Feel me? Who? Yeah, I have give him my last get out and vote speech of the year. Amen. Amen. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.