Eating before bed!?! ...and we still counseling Falcons fans 02.07.17

Published Feb 7, 2017, 5:25 PM

The crew continues their effort to help counsel Falcon fans for their epic loss this past weekend. And it seems Steve and Tata' Skins don't get along.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all looking back to back down, giving them more, just like themazing buck things. And it's touble y'all to me, true good to Tete Harty listening to me together for still far to Moby, I don't you join yeah hobby joint period you go with me? Honey said you got to turn yeah, you close you you got to turn the turn turn you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. You know. I want to thank everybody who stops me from time to time, who encourages me concerning the first twelve minutes of the show. Thank you very much. It means a lot to me. It's a part of an obligation. I've asked God to all at the end of my life, to have been relevant, to be a person that was all inspiring to other people, are motivational to other people. I've asked God to help me share what he has shown me and help me to remind people of His goodness and of the fact that you have a lot of things to be grateful for, and to just simply share there some of the methods and some of the antidotes and analogies that I've learned over the years concerning my journey. Uh, you know, which has gotten me to this point. Now, I'm not through yet by a long shot. God has a lot of work to do with me, and I'm an imperfect person. But one of my things in the morning is to also point out to all of you that you can be an imperfect person and still gain God's favor and his love. Now, should you strive for perfection? I've heard people say that I don't know how to do that. I just know that I can say that if you do the best that you can, the very very best that you can, and even in that, you're gonna come up short. So I don't really know how. That's not My job is to tell you to strive for perfection. Doing the best that you can is all you can do. I think it's all I can do, is the very best that I can do. The perfection thing. I know I'm not gonna get there, but I can I can do the very best that I can, because we're human beings with sub to too many, too many things uh create situation for his problems, lust, uh desires, temptations. It's just it's just it's just far too uh prevalent in there. So you know, I want to thank all of you who encourage me, who send me emails or who see me out on the street, and and and and say important things to me like that, because it does matter to me, it does have an impact on me, and I thank you very much because without those encouraging words from time to time, sometimes you don't know which way you're going, if you're being effective or not. And it is and I want to keep encouraging people to do the right thing. I want to encourage people to continue to move in the right direction. And a lot of times when you're moving in the right direction and you're doing the right thing, everybody's not gonna understand it. Everybody everybody not gonna see it your way. But you have to do the right thing as God leads you to do it. And sometimes it's troubling when people don't get it and it angers you, but you gotta keep doing what you think is right, you know, I was watching the results of the protest this weekend of how many peaceful protesters there was. Now, a couple of people got out of hand here and there, but that didn't mean to protest should not have existed. You know, U can't stop a few people, you know, from doing it the wrong way. But for the most part, people had the right intention in their heart and in their in their minds. You know. It's like when you vote, everybody is not going to vote the way you vote. Everybody is not gonna feel how you feel about your vote, but you gotta do what you do was right for for your conscious and for your thinking, and for the people that you know and love, and for the side that you're cheering for. It's just amazing, though, how when you're trying to do the right thing, how to opposition can never for a second even see your side of it. That's that's amazing to me. And uh, I guess they both both sides say the same thing about one another. But I think that as long as you're doing what you think is the right thing, uh, then then that's what you should do. And don't be slowed by it, folks, because it's going to happen I've often said it before. Any time you make a decision to do right or do better, you're going to get our position. It's just no way around it, man. And the opposition comes so fierce and so strong, and sometimes you wonder why do they get the energy of why can't they see it? But just just keep on, just keep on. I mean, you know, I've I've seen it work over the years. I don't care how strong the opposition is. Right, right, right works out a lot of times. Even when right don't work out, you gotta keep pushing. Oh that's the hard part, ain't it. Even when right don't work out, when you think it should go this way and you can't see how I could go no other way when it goes the other way, you gotta keep doing the right thing. See, you can never do the wrong thing because the what you felt didn't happen, you know, and and and and I try to employ people to remember that, man, that we've got to always stay on the right side of it, you know, I mean, you know, I know it's hard. You know, take the high roads. You hear that all the time, you know, well, Steve, why we always got to take the high road? Well, because we have to. I don't know, I don't know. I don't, I don't. I don't want to all the time myself. But taking a low road ain't gonna gain you nothing except more opposition, a lack of understanding. So it's a high rallery, I mean, you know, it's a high road. It is, you know, in all things. I know, I'm talking sort of scattered because I'm saying some things without saying some things direct. I try to get people to understand, but you know, I get so much opposition when I'm talking. Sometimes, you know, you get tired of it. You get tired of social media. Sometimes you get tired of what people say that don't even understand what you're trying to say or what you're trying to do. And it's and it's, uh, sometimes it can be disheartening. But even in that, I gotta keep pushing. I gotta keep saying what I think is the right thing. I gotta keep saying what I think is is best for the masses. Now, I can't stop, you know, loving people or wanting the best for the underprivileged. You know, even though I'm not underprivileged anymore, you understand, But my heart is with that underprivileged, because I've been underprivileged far longer than I have been on this side of it, and so my heart goes out to the underprivileged. And that's why I spent a lot of the first twelve minutes to help. The underprivileged are the people who are struggling with anything, finances, career, job, family, love this country, the rules, the laws. I try to be encouraging to say that if you keep your head down and you keep grinding, and you work hard, and you and you use on your unwavering faith that God can see you throughing, some wonderful things can happen in your life. That is an absolute must. So you know I I will keep on doing the things that I'm doing, and and I want you to continue to do the things that you're doing too, because you're getting on the right track. I love it when me and stopped me and say, hey, Steve Man, I appreciate you in the mornings. Man. You don't know, man, but you're helping me become a better person. Well, I want to say this, I'm trying to become a better person too, and and and and eight percent of the stuff I say in the morners is directly affecting me. Also, well, A really tell you the truth. But I'm usually talking about something I'm feeling over going through that particular day, so for to me and out there to say, and it's making them a better person. I want you to understand something. It's making me a better person too. You know, it's making me stronger. You know, it's making me burn with the as I to do right, to do more right, to get it, to get it better and better and better, you know, and as I you know, look across the landscape of what's going on in this country. You know, I just gotta do what I can do. You know, now, I know some people are tugging at me, telling me what you need to be doing more. But you know, once again, as usually somebody who ain't doing nothing they self. So you know, say what you want to say. But I just gotta keep going. And I want you to learn how to feel your day up with positivity. You know, wake up in the morning, start your day positive. Wake up in the morning and and get it right, you know, wake up in the morning and and and and and and get your projections together, you know, wake up in the morning and get some you know, get get your attitude right in the morning and and get on a positive track. And when you have an idea that comes your way, think of how it can work. Don't think of how it won't work. See, once you start thinking of how it won't work, you allot of negatives to come in. But God don't work. God don't need you telling him how something won't work. God needs you to believe that it will work. God needs you to believe that something can happen. See that's what God needs. God don't need you. See that's why people blow it. Man. So many ideas go go to waste, man, because people just don't have the right attitude. When you have an atude an idea, think of how it can work. I know a dude man that the first thing he do is tell at tell an idea down, just tad down. Man. Then we gotta work doubly hard to build it back up. Are you kidding me? What all you had to do is try to find the way that will work. Don't spend your wheels worrying about how it won't work. Look at how you can make it work. Look, the problems is gonna come no matter what you do. Oh well, this is gonna happen, and that can work. But if you're focusing on how to make it work, you can overcome the things when they come up that's gonna make you think it won't work. You feel what I'm saying, what's explained. I wish I got on that early. Anyway, That's what we're doing today. Gonna be a good one man, y'all hanging out. Okay, you're listening Steve. Eighteen minutes after that, I welcome to the Ride, y'all. Steve Harvey Morning Show. On this Tuesday morning, we're broadcasting live again in the Caymans. The whole crew will be here to marvel and Thursday, Junia and I'll here along with Mississippi Monica. She's taking pictures, you know, you know she ain't never been nowhere, so we got to deal with that right there. She takes pictures of flowers. She'll be taking pictures off standing next to a palm tree, but she's shot so you can't see the leaves on the tree. All you see his bark. But then she'll be trying to take yourself and she'll be leaning up against it. But here, you know, when she ain't gonna be a Monica from the country. We're done. We're in the aisle, and she didn't talking about y'all got calf fish down here? Do y'all have catfish? All this water out here? So we've been we're down this second day. Weather's nice. Steves to get there. Yeah, jacket, umbrella, I don't do nothing that. I got sandals. I'm ready to put some sandals on the mall when y'all get here and there. I've been playing golf every day. Hear my two parties? Okay, all right, I've been playing golf every day. Many with the super Bowl party in your room? Right? Oh, the super Bowl party? Yeah, you have that in your room, so you're doing all kinds of Hey, what day were leaving? I don't know when you leave. I don't think I'm going back my sickle cell operating it at prime efficiency right feeling. I'm at prime efficiency right now. Go over there, sexy. Yeah, I don't think I'm just gonna stay. Okay, you're gonna be an ex pat. H The nephew is coming right, yea, just check what you're saying. I'm just checking because he ain't at work. Again checking I'll have an excuse for him. Today. I can't do it to make up no more. I'm out of I'm out. Let's see, he's little. He can't say it's ws. We've heard him all before. Yeah, I'm trying. Yeah, there's we've run out. Yeah, I got no. He was gonna come to work today, but he couldn't find the steps. What do you mean he couldn't find out? You know, he got a set of steps made where he can get up in the truck, the steps to get up in. Yeah, so he couldn't get him. Oh, because he's little. They climbed up on the floorboard one time and his wife didn't know it was on there, and she shut the dough and drove off. He almost frozen there hanging on that frowboarders to the flowboard in the little raccoon hands. He almost had probably ground and ruin the outfit too. So he's not gonna get introl because if we weren't at work, we would never hear the end of it. Right, and we're here all the time. I ain't got to they're gonna deal with it. So I'm just saying he has been reported, but it's it's your nephew. They hold you accountable and responsible for that. Not really, I've never been responsible for Tommy. Well you brought him in. Yeah, you brought him in. But that's it. That was in two thousand ships years ago. You've had ample time now, hear radio employee. Now, yeah, I'm through. You can't save him no more. Shaf come over here. With all this mess you've been doing, it ain't gonna happen. It's gonna be a great day to day man looking forward to Uh I live. Here's what I'm let me give everybody a suggestion to that two thousand and seventeen can be the absolute best year of your life. Yeah, but you have to do one thing. You have to claim it. You have to claim prosperity, you have to claim expectations. Now why do you say that because it show Well, here's what you do. Your mind is an emission tower that emits a signal. The signal that you're seeing out from your mind is the thing that it picks up and relays back. It's like your remote control at home. If you go in the house and you pick up your remote control and you pressed the red button in the corner, that's the power button you pointed at the TV. What do you expect to happen to turn on. Okay, if HBO, let's just use this as example. If HBO is channel three and you punching in three five oh, and you express select, what do you expect to happen the channel? One more thing, if you want to know what's on the TV set, if you press the guide button, that says, God, what do you expect to see on that TV? And so every time you're punching in something on that remote and pointed at the TV and you hit select, you expect that TV to perform per the request of the remote. So is that correct? Yes? So now I want you to understand something. If I could get people to understand this very simple concept of success, it changes your entire life. You're a mind was created by God. Your mind is a remote control. It's the greatest remote control he's ever come up with. This remote control that you have was invented before the remote control of TV. The signal that you emit from your mind sends out an emission signal to everything that you tune it into. And when you press select, guess what that's what comes back to you. Why do you think they got the concept from a TV remote control? From It is from your mind, the capacity that God made you in his image. God thought of this world, this earth, this water, these islands, these mountains, these oceans, these waterfalls, these trees, these birds, these animals, male species. He thought of all of that, and guess what it came into existence. He made you the same way. So now He gave you the power, though, to make choices. So if you decide to send out a positively mission from your brain, guess what has to come back to you Positivity the same thing with a negative. If you send out negativity, people as all when you ask them what's wrong, and they always got something wrong? Don't they always be something wrong with them to the point where you hate to even ask them Now it's because they keep committing that signal that something's wrong. All my life crazy, all I keep meeting is dogs. Then all the dogs come to you. If you admitted the signal, it changes man. The moment you change your attitude, you immediately change your attitude. If you could grab that concept, folks, you can began to change your life. In two thousand seventeen can be the best year of your life. I live my life with the expectations that God would do great things for me. And guess what he does. Even when it looked like it's going wrong for me. Miss universe last year went wrong for me. Do you know what happened because of Miss Universe? Though it turned around, the good came out of it. I got news for you. I've been ate up alive with this Donald Trump me. But watch what God do see problem? People don't have it. You don't know how God works. You're just over there running your mouth comment on stuff you don't even know nothing about. I expect great things to happen to me, Therefore it will. And watch because I lived my life with the expectation. I don't look at myself as doom and gloom. It's over. It's never over, y'all. Y'all can change your life if you change your attitude. I'm telling you, man, don't thank this just work for certain people. Amen, Steve, Thank you all right? Coming up next, something funny. Let's do something funny, Steve. It's Black History Month. Let's get one end today. Huh little known black history Black This is a comedy bit, y'all. You're listening to Steve probably just got that reminder in the mail in the form of a maintenance fee that yes, you still own that time share, and that maintenance fee always seems to climb. Last year, the average maintenance fee was nine and twenty dollars. If you're tired of paying for a time share that you're not using or can't use, visit time Share Exit Team. They'll get you out safely, legitimately, and forever, or you get every penny back with local experts all across the country. Visit Timeshare exit Team dot com Timeshare exit Team dot com. Hey, good morning, y'all coming up. Uh, we're gonna do something funny. Oh, he's going to the phone. You got a lady on the phone and did a song about the Patriot and you know this, how y'all got to hear it. I don't like the song. Let it go, Junior. Okay, let's go to line seven and talk to t out of Tennessee. Out of Tennessee Hoe. Good morning morning crew, Um, Steve. I wanted to tell you this. I'll ride and die with you. I love me for Steve Harvey and this morning crew, but when you came to the game, I had to separate myself for a many I was so disappointed you with rooting for a limo bathroom. So why while party myself from my rote a little song and it goes a little something like this. Here's the story of a man named Brady who has some haters. So there was a group several people together on their wrong They said you're a deflator and you're a cheater, and they will never ever ever be a believer. But this the story of a man named Brady who has its own Ah. Go, that's how we want those super It's alright, See I don't like the song I like. I liked me to. Yeah, don't call hit him. It was cute, t it was cute girl. It was cute Brady getting Brady bunch. We got all that. It still wasn't it. Alright? Yeah, it was cute. Patriots. Patriots fans are celebrating all week and coming up next, it's run that prank back from the nephew. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning showy y'all good? Ready coming up at the top of our Tommy is not here again today, y'all. But we don't need him. Is We got everything that makes him outside income. We have all the pranks out, damn. So So if you want to show stupid behind. We got everything that's a value that you offer to this show your damn pranks and we're gonna be playing money when we come back. It's run that prank back and guess what we're gonna do this one, Tommy. We need you to be a slave. That's the one we do, and we need you to be blame. Call the dude to call him at work and told him all, yeah, we need Yeah, all the black dudes on the top of us gonna be great. I love Black History. Mouth anything I can do. The moved company for Tommy said, well this year, burn that brother attitude change towards the people. We've want you to come in. We're gonna do hold ma, let me get you want to be? What want slave? Oh god, oh, Tommy almost get killed on that one. Hello Hell, I'm trying to reach a Mrs Glinda Police. This is Gary. Gary. I'm with the Black History Okay you you you participated last year in the in the Black History Parade, Am I right? Yes? Okay? I got your name from one of the members on the committee and we're trying to see if you can actually be of some help for this year's Black History. Uh. For this month, sull be glad to help. Okay, listen, UM up in an auction tomorrow and wanted to see if you could actually maybe bil some help with the auction that we actually have going on tomorrow. Yes, do I need to donate anything or but no, no, we're not really trying to get some donation from you this time. We're trying to see if you have some time tomorrow to come out and actually help out with the actual auction. Okay, what time tomorrow? Probably like about nine o'clock in the morning. That okay. Now we're asking that you wear something that you'll be comfortable in all day tomorrow possible, okay, okay, pretty much an all day event that we're trying to get you to do. Okay, I could be there around nine, but then we have to leave about four. Well, I'll tell you what. We'll see what we can how we can work it out, but we definitely want you to come and be a part of what we're doing. So what is it that you really need be to do? Um? Well, actually, you know, we we we got a lot of people doing different things at the you know, at the auction, you know, so we just want you to come out and be of some help with everything that's going on. Okay, well I want to be prepared. So what exactly do I need to do? Work the concessions stand something like that. You know, really what we had is actually you being a part of the auction of being a part of the auction such as well, what we're doing tomorrow is we have already we already have fifty people who are signed up and you would be you know, one of those people that are that are that are signed up to do the actual What is is we're having slaves for a day and what we're gonna be doing is auctioning you off and somebody's gonna buy you tomorrow and you will be there for the day. Slaves. Yeah, you will be the slave for the day. That's what That's what we've decided to do with the black history. We decided. I mean I don't I want to participate, but being a slave no, okay, But see what I want you to understand that this is a word that calls though you know what we want were they called? But I'm not gonna be no play. Well well you, I mean you don't have to call it a slave, I mean a servant you know, a butler, you know, I mean, what do you want to call it? I'm no, I ain't gonna be a slave, okay, okay man Ms Ms Glenan, I don't trying to explain to you. This is a word to call for the black history, and we're trying to get you to be there. Somebody may buy you for five dollars tomorrow. No, I'm not gonna do it. Okay, are you are you? Are you turning us down for a word that calls Mrs Glenna, Yes, I am turning your down. Don't call me with that kind of no more. I mean, I don't understand what what the problem is. You know, sometimes we got to repeat history, so we don't go back to the history. Sometimes we got to do it again so we don't go back to what you understand. But it isn't seem like you. You're acting like a house ney grow or something like you two up to your house ney grow. Who's the chairman of this? Excuse me the chairman. Last time I spoke with Mr Wilson and we didn't have no like this, okay, and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you is this is something that I don't want you to explain the thing to me. Do not call me with this kind of again. Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you? Do you understand me? Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you? We already have you know we're gonna sell me. We are all listed to be sold tomorrow. We've got you listed to be sold tomorrow, ma'am. Can we please make sho don't be sold and you not call here again? Hey, listen, if you don't show up tomorrow, then we will come to your house and sell you there. Come to you. If I got to come out, you will come to my house over here. If you want to listen, I will come there to sell you. If you're not gonna come out to the auction, come on to my house. You're bad, Come on to my mouse. Okay, I'll tell you, and you know what I need you to do that You need to start saying yes sir and no sir to me right now. Okay, I need to get you in the in the frame of mind being a slave of the day. Okay, I didn't hear what you said, kiss my black I'm coming to your house. Tomorrow, and I'm gonna sell you in front of your house if you don't come down to the auction tomorrow morning. Now I'm a clock. You better not bring you my house. You better not. Do you understand me? Got a march for civil rights. I don't have time for no like that. And we got a black man for president. You I understand we got a black man for president. But right now we're trying to raise some money for black history and we need to sell you tomorrow morning. You're not gonna sell me. You're not gonna sell me you and don't call my house no more? Do you understand? Do not call? I understand exactly what you're saying. Can I sell you something else? Who else is gonna be so tomorrow? Tell all now? Don't tell me. I got one more thing I do need to tell you. What is it? Less is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sisters. My sister, my sister. I can't believe that. I'm gonna g hunh. I can't believe you to did ms Glenda? You all right? All right? This is so crazy. I can't believe it. For this it don't sound like you're gonna get stole. No way, you wasn't getting on miss office Block. Huh No, No ways have been there. I've been at the city, in the marches, I've done something everything. Yes, ma'am. Well, I tell you what, Mrs Glenna. If it wasn't for people like you, we probably wouldn't be where we are today. That's right. We we showed. Thank you, We showed thinking. I just wanted to play a joke on Did I get you? Yes? You did you? Sure? Indeed I got one more. I got one more thing to ask you. What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. But Steve Harvey Morning Show? That the nephew tom Me. We love you, Miss Glenda. Okay, love you too. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? Well, now that the Super Bowl was over in the New England, Patriots are the world champions. According to the New York Daily News, President Trump called NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell a dope. The highlight quote was when Trump referred to Goodell as a dope and a stupid guy. Yeah, I thought he said stupid In there too. Mr Trump went on to elaborate that the commissioner was a failure on all things, from the Ray Rice incident all the way to deflate Gate. To crystallize this point, Trump theorized that Goodell uh blew the Rice deal so bad that he thought he had to make up for it through Tom Brady. Well, he certainly didn't get booed when he came out on the field, Uh Sunday night. As he got through talking, he walked right down. He would no longer one out while he can get out. That's crazy. Well, Ms hann is here with today's head going good morning everybody. Good morning, Steve, morning, everybody out there. This is am trip with the news. Well, the attorney general of fifteen states and the District of Columbia joining the legal fight against President Trump's ban on travel to this country. According to a legal brief file with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, California alone alone has more than students, faculty, and medical students and residents that would be negatively affected, they say by the new administration's entry restrictions. So the state of California and the other states are in support, they say of that lower Court's recent suspension of the President's order. That lower court in Seattle, the Ninth Circuit Court of scheduled Oracle arguments later today by phone on the matter. Mr Trump says his ban is necessary to protect national security and to keep potential terrorists out of this country. So for now, though those who hold visas valid visas are arriving in the United States to medical students, by the Way and faculty members rallied outside Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago last week to try and save the Affordable Healthcare Act, or Obamacare. That demonstration was part of a larger one entitled White Coat for Coverage, was organized by medical students of all colors across the country. Protests say that while Obama mccare isn't perfect plugging, pulling the rugout from under the feet of the most vulnerable patients is certainly not the answer. Well. The U. S. Senate is expecting to vote later today on the confirmation of President Trump's nominee to head the Department of Education, lady named Betsy DeVos, and the votes expected to be real close. Senate Democrats protests that her nomination overnight on the floor of the Senate, with Michigan Democrat Gary Peters saying Divorce is simply out of her debt for the job. Mrs Devas's weak performance in her interview before the American people and her inability to demonstrate a basic understanding of key education concepts, I do not think that we can give her a passing grade. Two Republicans have also announced their opposition to Divorce's nomination. The Democrats are hoping to get at least one more Republican to stand with them. However, the Boss will probably get the nod folks, because the confirmation hearing for Trump's pick for U. S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions was postponed so that he could cast a vote for Divorce. And if there's a tie fifty fifty, which is what looks like it's going to be, vice president, Mike Pence will break the tie, and of course he's vice president, so he's gonna go with the President. Okay. Lays for former New England Patriots Aaron Hernandez asking for a three month delay for the start of her nanez Is double murder trial because of what they say is a mountain of new information. The Boston Herald reporting that the former NFL players. Attorneys say some of the new info includes the fact that prosecutors are going to be calling eight new witnesses they want to find out about them. Her Nan is accused of gunning down a friend and of earlier drive by killings of two other men outside of a club. And today is Black HIV and AIDS Awareness Day. It's African American Coaches Day. And it's also send a letter to a friend Day, something so many of us no longer do. Well. Yes, back to the Steve Harvey, I thank you, miss saying, Hey, let's go to the phone. Y'all still upset about the Patriots winning. Huh. I'm gonna turn this into counseling. Help him, Steve uh line one Cora out of Tennessee. Hey, hey, now we're find baby. I'm gonna just go and teach the letter file because how to deal with this. I'm from Cleveland. I can help you through it. Go ahead, I'm gonna just start counseling people. What can I do for your core? I'm the first first Steve I want to say, Miss tu the one with the song the Burden song, I love, I love absolutely. It was a beautiful song. It's a very beautiful song. Thing you love it? Yes, I loved it too, Yes, Yes, I love h At the end of the day, minus of the flighted balls, everything, everybody's trying to say, you have Yes, he is the greatest. Yes, thank you for calling. Let's go next time. J out of Georgia, Hey J, good morning JA. What's going on? What's your opinion? Man? See, I'm from Atlanta. I live in Atlanta about from New Orleans, so we weren't going for aim anyways. So I woke up this morning I robbed me to Steve Harvey Beckon. I mean blt. I'm riding around the level looking for the rides up flag and laughing at all level. It's cone. Yeah, thank you man. It's one way to get over it. Don't care about it all right, coming up at eighteen after the hour, more calls if you want event eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve is the number you're listening, Steve. There's a lot of options when it comes to buying Clara's for Valentines, but there's only one Rose authority. And that's why every year I keep coming back to one eight hundred Flowers dot Com. One eight hundred Flowers never fails to wow with their elegant and stunning bouquets. One eight hundred Flowers has a wide selection of beautiful rose bouquets and arrangements, and they start at just twenty nine. These breathtaking roses from one eight hundred Flowers are picked at their peak and shipped overnight to ensure freshness and your loved ones. Amazement. One eight hundred Flowers has exclusive offers for Steve Harvey listeners. Today's offer is twenty four multicolored roses for only or upgrade to twenty four red roses for just ten dollars more. But they're only available while supplies last. When it comes to Valentine's season, I don't settle for anything less than my rose authority. All right, we're back, coming up next. I'm telling you, I'm a start counseling flower frame about the super Bowl. It's over and get over it because it is over you. The super Bowl been made, all their money they owned to next you. They say, don't give a damn who in it. They want the Cowboys to be in a cause that's the moment. Oh yeah, hit in Eugenia, here, Cass, Tommy's not are Eugene out here. Let's go to the phone. All right, Let's go to line three and talk to Dana out of North Carolina. Hey, Dana, good morning, Good morning. How are you with your comment? I'm doing great. The ultimate therapy for the Falcon fans would be to drive down eighty five and take us Carolina fan too lunch. Okay, drive to drive up eighty five and take a Carolina fan to lunch. That's real nice baby, That's really good, isn't it is the man you're trying to talk to Falcon family. I'm actually a panthers for him. But the guy you trying, Cam had a great commercial yard Oh yeah he did, and so did Morgan Freeman. But Cam did too. Yeah. I don't know how you guys don't see it, but anyway, Yeah, we loved Cam Newton's commercial. It was good. But Morgan don't know you sure he can? He just listen to the show. I'm was the biggest fan. All right, Dana, thank you. Uh. Let's go to line four and talk to Marketsha out of d C. Oh, my goodness. I love you guys so much. Hey, um and oh god no, because he I'm gonna have to work with him soon. He doesn't know this, but I'm telling you so. I'm sorry. I just got to say this me personally, I feel like the Falcons they just got too comfortable. It's like a relationship. They got in and they got comfortable. That's just my opinion. But the iceing on the case was that four years of bad hair commercial. People say they didn't see it. The four years of bad hair commercial. What I don't your hand and shoulders? Ye know? It was called tins hair Tin hair care, no more thought. Oh are you? Are you talking about the super Bowl commercial? Yeah? Four years of bad hair? Oh? Oh got you? I surely care about if Morgan Freeman was that commercial. I didn't see it. If he wasn't it? You know, let me teach you all a little something about making own calls on radio station. Try to connect your information, because don't just call in here and have random mass thoughts that's out here, just Steve, you're supposed to be. This is the therapy call you're supposed to be. I'm gonna give her therapy because you're just in here talking about the fuckings and then whatever, and then it's for years of bad hell? Where did that come from? You? Didn't you gotta say? And then you know my favorite commercial was the one about four years of bad. Then we can stay with your calling here tripping us out. People trying to get this trip. We trip enough of this show d to listen to this phone. But it started out saying I'm srla, I love that. Oh yeah, in hasty, I love that part. I'm just saying, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Hey, listen to everybody. Do you want more chatter without a huge wire spill on a blazing fast four g l t E network, Well, with Simple Mobile you'll get more speed and more data for sixty dollars a month. Want better wives? The answer is simple, it's Simple Mobile. Coming up next, we're gonna tell which late night snacks could sabotage your weight loss goals, and we're gonna find out about my late nights. That's gonna be interesting. Alright, Well, we all love in late night snack, but what you reach for it could sabotage your weight loss goals. Now, this is according to Women's Health. Certain pre bedtime snacks can keep you tossing and turning. They can lead you to overeat the next day and mess with your fat burning hormones. All right, dark chocolate is one of them, and you know we all love dark chocolate. Uh, cut me deep. Yes. When it comes to satisfying your sweet tooth before bed, this seems like a healthy choice, but it's actually, um, exactly what you don't want when you're going to sleep. Caffeine and sugar. Sleeping on a surge of quick acting sugar is the perfect environment for fat storage, spicy saltsa. It's the heartburn that you have to worry about here. While a glass of red wine does help health boosting, does have health boosting antioxidant, it still doesn't make a good nightcap. A lot of people drink a glass of wine before bedtime. You might have a hard time reaching the deep restaurant. Huh call good night care? Might not be healthy, but oh you're talking about liquor. Okay, Uh, you know you should. You should wait an hour before hitting the sheets. Um for each glass of alcohol that you drink. Okay, So you drink a glass of alcohol, don't get immediately into the bed. Wait an where it says, so, see what's your favorite? It brings me to you. What is your favorite nighttime late night snack? I like, hey, I'm sandwich. I think a good as I'm saying, yeah, that works, okay. I like, hey, I'm sandwiches. I like ox tails. You know if I can get that's heavy big as bowl ox tails and rice. Yeah, right on down, I'm good to go. That's late nice snack. That's the whole meal. But my ain't my antie eat that. She eat pot roast and potatoes. That's that's pretty much it before bed. Yeah, you know black folks and in the head my grandmother dad, that's what they do. Whatever they cooked at seven thirty. If you eat that at leven thirty. I remember Lee training Lee hany your trainer, Steve said, eat for what you're getting ready to do to bed. You should need nothing because you ain't been to do it, he said. But I don't listen to live. I'm not fit to be Mr Limping. It ain't your gold. And you ever had a bad of skins for you go to bed? You can't lay down on skins. Let me tell y'all, man, they don't go down at all. You ever had it, You have ate some bunch of skins and didn't drink enough water, and they get stuck right there. In the middle of your kids, and then you drink a little bit of water and all they do is expand them. Now you're dying. Skins and damn they died. I'm from the hood. I bought a pack of skins one time, was coming home eating them, and then some boys started chasing me. I damn choked some polk skins and not for running, man, So no pork skins for late night snacks ixtail. Yeah, I'm saying, here's one changed. While you're eating a slice of Oh man, a little boy headed up streeting. Then I'm skinny, can't fight, gotta get on in the wind, still trying to eat that watermel. I took that slice of watermelon on my arm like a football. I was clear hedges in there. You're not alright, bottom line, No sugar before you go to bed. Okay, it's not good for you, know man. They laid the chocolate on the pillows in your hood and you eat them. And I just did that because it be so good, ylicious. Can't do chocolate, can't do spicy salce and what else? At least wait an hour? Yeah, all right, Uh, we gotta go to break I try. We come back after the break for the day after. Well, Tommy got a prank phone call. He's not here today, Tommy, Uh, what's at the super Bowl? And I thought, I just think he got drunk. You're listening, Steve, all right, here's tommy prank phone call. Mom is the ring? The ring? That's the prank phone. Tommy got a prank phone call. He's not here today. Tommy us at the super Bowl. And I thought, I just think he got drunk. I didn't see her coming. Man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Yes, my name is Gavin. I'm I'm actually the head jeweler here diamond. I'm good you brought your ring in. What was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my sales persons, and yes, you wanted to get it resized as well as get it a praise. Correct. Yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him my own Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the person say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you, I'm getting married and stuff. Come there, Well, congratulations to you. Listen. I don't know how to tell you this now, as far as your praising list concerned, I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybet excuse me. I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just seeing. And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for this is a Cubic Zaconian stone and the goal old is not real at all. It's like, whatever way you wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my hand make and as much money as my father is putting down on his winding or has put down. And you're gonna understand everything you're saying, but he's honest. What I need you to do is hold on. No, I need you to hold on because we need to convictims. Wait. Wait, man. First of all, I can't wait wait wait, wait, wait, wait. However, hold hold on because you wait, wait wait, what are you trying to what you're trying to do I need I need you to repeat because what you just said to me, Okay, I need you personal stuff man. You oh you're in it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, Oh she calling man, Okay, think think hello, convictim. I want you can listen to this deal and that's on the phone. I want you to hit it that he just told me. Hold what's what's the problem? What you're me what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiance. Rather, she brought her ring in to actually be re sized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only in the word to around fifty dollars. That's what the man said, sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Now what you got to say about fifty that's that's got to be some kind of mistakes from what did you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years, and uh, there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury, I've seen it. I can pretty much look at a ring. But I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's the jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty That impossible. I don't understand that all the money that my dad putting down on this wedding, and you're gonna say fifty you bought a cheap ring. So no, no, no, I did not buy tea. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it? You shoot that you show got that right? So what you got to say for yourself? Then you can't I believe that that's right, that this is obviously some kind of mistake. Oh, it is a mistake. I'm mistake and be thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. I don't think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is words fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on the man trying to am trying to get to the box. Thank you, so you have I don't think you have the right ring. Um, I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two occock of the morning on their home Dude, you don't like I ain't bottle damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you're mistakes out here. You bought a piece of jump. He's a doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make a mistake. You come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end, world, it's not on my end. Yeah, hold don't. Don't you want thing that my dad is paying too much money for this wedding? Pay? Will I tell him this? Chill? Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to pawn it off on us because you bought a piece stup for fifty bucks. I don't know, Manute that your time and I get a ring, then he's hold on, let me talk to this. Where you going? I never heard of it? So your wife knows exactly where that she's the one that brought the ring. And I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, and you want to put it on me. You don't tell me what the don't know what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this, I know the ring better be real. If I were you, miss the niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming. I'm looking for your pocket and you know what, you don't get the ring and a right me and you're gonna go in it. Could I say one more thing to both of you? All better? I tell you what if they say, did I want to hear me? And you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew telling me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Y'all just got pranked by the niece's sister. That that why she ain't got no man to do. That's wow, that's how I cool telling you about the star. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will make it up. I gotta ask y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the low the Steve Harvey Morning Now you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back top of that buckle up, hold on up, it holds on time. You're listening to the stubby and letter. This is my BS voice. This is how I try to sound six, even though my chin and is the same. From the side, I look like a turtle, a hard shield turtle. Um. For those of you don't know what I'm gonna do with my life, this is Thomas mom. I'm gonna beat her. I'm gonna beat her. I'm gonna be the new poster boy for turtle Way. Shut up, ju, I just thought about that turtle. I thought about that bottle and put to shield is actually ladies and gentlemen, the strawberry lettle with my girl shirless straw Thank you, junior. Great job you're doing today. Subject As I mentioned, is it too late to tell her he's a dog? Three years ago, my best friend married what she thought to be the man of her dreams. He was my husband's good friend from college, and we introduced them at a cookout. After they had dated for a year, my husband informed me that his friend was also dating someone else. Besides my friend. Being the good friend that I am and feeling guilty for hooking her up with this two time in dog, I immediately informed her. She brushed it off, and said she was already aware of it and that she had ended it with the that he had ended it with the other female. On their wedding day, my husband informed me that my best friend soon to be husband's ex was sitting in the church and she was pregnant. I was an utter shock and had no idea how to handle this situation. Not wanting to ruin her day, I kept my mouth shut. Mr Dog must have spotted her in the pew because he was stuttering and sweating bullets. Luckily, the female remained quiet and the wedding went on without incident. Every night I am laden with guilt because, as I know, my best friend's husband is come and has a secret family she knows nothing about. At this point, I feel too much time has passed for me to say anything. But the more I see him, it makes my skin crawl. To add insult to injury. You can clearly see the other female in the wedding wedding video. Was I wrong not to say anything? And is it too late to tell her? Now? Okay, stay out of it. I'll say it again, friend, stay out of it. Yes, it's too late. Don't even think about you. See what happened when you told her the first time, she brushed it off. It's right there in your letter. You said she brushed it off, and she said she was already aware of it. What you should have learned from that was that she was not trying to hear anything you had to say about her. Man, plain and simple. So don't go making that same mistake twice. She may not take it as well the second time around. All right, Uh, your role is her friend is to be there for her when the truth does come out about the real father of the baby, her whack husband, then you step in and be her friend. Steve Wow, Uh, this letter has uh dirt on it all the way through. I feel for the girl. Let me just go over a couple of things ago. Three years ago, your best friend married what she thought was be the man her dreams. That happens to a lot of people. It ain't just your friend. Uh. He was my husband's good friend from college. We introduced him matter cook, how y'all just did a nice thing. After they dated for a year, your husband told you that his friend was also dating someone else besides my friend. Okay, now that's her husband talking to his wife. Now, I just want you to understand, husbands tell a wife stuff that they can't tell nobody else. So I want you to understand that that was a natural order that your husband going, Hey, my boy dating another girl. You know, I'm just letting you know that you know, he dating somebody else. That's a man talking to his wife. Her husband's secrets can go deeper with his wife than even his best friend, as long as the secret ain't about him. You understand, We'll tell you about a lot of stuff long as it ain't about you, ain't about us. Yeah, hold, but you will get some information from your husband that that he won't share with anybody else. So that's good being a good friend. That I am feeling guilty for hooking up with the two time and dog, I immediately informed her. See that you know already stepped out of the box. Now you immediately informed her about this man. She brushed it off, said she already aware of it, and that he had ended it with the other female. On the wedding day, your husband informed you that my best friend soon to be his husband's ex. Excuse me, you're at the wedding. The dudes ex that he apparently broke it off with was sitting in the church and she was pregnant. Oh oh that's it. Oh hell good, Come on, I'm telling you that all the stuff that do groom was saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Father, Jesus. And she's not. He's not calling him lord, you know, like Lloyd Lloyd Jackson Lood. That's when you're really in trouble. I was in the other shock and had no idea how to handle the situation. You want nothing for you to handle. Just be quiet, not wanting to ruin her day. I kept my mouth as you should. Mr Dog must have spotted her in the pew because he was stuttering and sweating bullets. Yes it was. That was some stuff on his leg to it, hopefully the tuxedo pa Dog, and it was stuff on his leg, solid and liquid. I want you to know that too. Luckily, the female remained quiet and the wedding went on without incident or incident. Just once again, didn't see the incident. That wedding was not incident free. Matter of fact, it was an incident and an accident, and it was on the groom every night. I'm laden with guilt about whether my best friend husband is scum and I held a secret and excuse me. Every night I'm laden with guilt because I know my best friend's husband is scum and has a secret family she knows nothing about. At this point, I feel too much time has passed for me to say anything. But the more I see him, it makes my ski and crawl. Stop letting your ski and crawl. First of all, it really ain't your problem. You ain't got to like the guy, but I don't. I think I agree with Surely you've got to be quiet to add insult to injury. You can clearly see the other female in the wedding video. She said, my girl doing the most. She and all the camera shot all over the all over, the shot over the groom shoulders, he say, I do. She's probably rubbing her stomach all in the video, holding her mouth like she having morning sickness to thee and groom. If you look carefully, she's mouthing the words into the camera show. There's a lot of options when it comes to buying flowers for Valentines, but there's only one rose authority. And that's why every year I keep coming back to one eight hundred flowers dot com. One eight hundred flowers never fails to wow with their elegant and stunning bouquets. One eight hundred flowers has a wide selection of beautiful rose bouquets and arrangement and they start at just twenty nine nine. These breathtaking roses from one eight hundred flowers are picked at their peak and shipped overnight to ensure freshness and your loved ones. Amazement. One eight hundred flowers has exclusive offers for Steve Harvey listeners. Today's offer is twenty four of multicolored roses for only twine or upgrade to twenty four red roses for just ten dollars more. But they're only available while supplies last. When it comes to Valentine's season, I don't settle for anything less than my rose authority one eight hundred flowers dot com. To get amazing Valentine's deals like twenty four multicolored roses for only or upgrade to red roses for only ten dollars more, go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash strawberry. That's one eight hundred flowers dot com slash strawberry. Why wait, toll wow order right now? All right, y'all, I got part to of this letter coming up right after this, follow me Chicago and him. You know this woman has showed up at the wedding pregnant, pregnant by this man. Obviously. Yeah, she in the video mouthing baby, watched the video closing baby. Now what you really ought to be great for? False? It ain't none of the girls that went to my high school for Cleveland. Why are you saying that because war state that came to the wind, that videographer would have been busy. He had needed to turn this into a folk camera shoot because all heir would have broke loose. I'm surprised. But what the woman did was she sat there suggest to be disrupted, but she know and she positioned herself where the groom would know she was there. And she sat there pregnant and watched him say I do I do. I'll tell you right now from the grooms perspected the greatest moment of that day was after he kissed the bride and walked down the aisle. That was his greatest moment. Right there, it's over. Yeah, she ain't saying that. At least we got out there. But you need to look at that reception video close to she might be in there slow grinding with your best man in that video. You never know what You need to start looking at all your video clips because I'm pretty sure she didn't showed up somewhere and you ain't got to worry about it. You can't keep a family secret. No that it's gonna come out. It's gonna come out, so you don't have to say nothing. Lady, Just this got in this bed that he had made. He got to lay in it. It's gonna be ugly. Today's strawberry letter is posted hunt Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet her Instagram me your thoughts at my girls. Shirley now coming up after the break at thirty four after MS and will be here. She'll have our latest news and whatever President Trump is doing, whatever he did over the night, she'll tell us about it. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. And you know from two thousand and fourteen or two thousand and fifteen, the average annual time share making this fee increased by over eight percent. Did you see eight percent? Nice amenities at your time ship? What's the food? Eight percent better? Then? Why are you paying more? If you're tired or paying for a time share that you're not using or can't use, visit time Share Exit Team. They'll get you out safely, legitimately and forever, or you get every penny back with local experts all across the country. Visit time Share Exit Team dot com. Time Share Exit Team dot com. All right, we're back. Missing is standing by with the news. We've heard the news that Beyonce's expecting twins, but we hear the show gonna go only gonna tell us more about that, right, I'm you know, I'm just going through the motions with this. This is none of my business notices the type of humor or show why I do well? This is good. This is good because a lot of people were wondering, I like it. Okay with your well, Queen b is pic that's pregnical with twins. She has no intention, no intention because this was a concern last week when she made the big announcement about her pregnancy and the twins. She has no intention of canceling her performance at Coachella. She's a headliner at a Coachella festival. She'll also perform at the fifty ninth Annual Grammy Awards and a little over a week now. According to both Entertainment Tonight and Billboard. Beyonce will grace the stage in Los Angeles next weekend. On Thursday, she was spot at rehearsing with her dance team. I said dance team in l A. Now. If she performs, Beyonce would join a star stud a list of performers that includes the Weekend Alicia Keys, Chance, the Rapper tribe. Huh I met Chance to wrap it at the white Out Really nice, yeah, really solid. Yeah. Also a tribe called Quest is gonna be there. Bruno Mars, Adel, John Legend. The fifty ninth Annual Grammy Awards will be hosted by James Gordon Gordon and it will take place Sunday, February twelfth. That's this coming Sunday at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. It'll air live a Eastern on CBS. Yep, somebody else are still before? Yeah, she is good and ain't seen all of them. I think I've seen all quite a few and have been through a couple of Grammars. Well, she's here with today's headlines. Good morning, miss Anne, Good morning Steve Banning. Everybody out there. This is Andrews. Good morning, lovely ladies. President Trump speaking to troops at McDill Air Force Base in Florida yesterday, still making his case for a more restrictive screening process for people wishing to come to the country. We need strong programs so that people that love us and want to love our country and will end up loving our country are allowed in, not people that want to just drawing us. And that's right. And the President also accuses the media of covering up and not reporting terrorist attacks. It's gotten to a point where it's not even being reported, and in many cases the very very dishonest press doesn't want to report it now. Trump cites no examples of these cases, but his spokesman Sean Spicer said that terrorist attacks quote this is his quote aren't exactly covered to a degree on which they should be unquote. Spicers promised to come out with a list of those supposedly under reported terrorists incidents. Meanwhile, the attorney general of fifteen states in the District Columbia have joined the legal fight against President Trump's ban on the travel uh from certain countries. In fact, the Ninth Circuit Court scheduled or arguments by phone today on the matter. As for now, those who hold valid visas are arriving in the United States. Law of them trying to get here really quickly before things change. Lloyd's for former New England Patriots Aaron Hernandez asking for a three month delay to start on Nani's double murder trial because of a mountain of new information today black HIV and a We're to stay and send a letter to a friend day. Yes, wait a minute, Mr post man out back to Steve Harvey Moran shows. All right, hey, thank you for saying. Coming up next, Orlando Jones will be here to tell us about bets. Come on, Brown, I knew it Mediba, but I was, I was a bit bets Mabada, That's what I knew. I knew you were though here to tell us about bets Mabada, b e t And then that was too much, right, I love me so much. I just love you. It's a movie. I'm not Oh you thought, oh that's a good movie. Yeah, yes, like history. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Coming up next, actor Orlando Jones will be here. He's gonna tell us about Medieva. Steve. It's b et s historic movie chronicling Nelson Mandela struggles against Apartheide over three nights. It also stars Laurence Fishburne playing Nelson Mandela. Wow looks powerful. It looks powerful. Laurence Fishburne nailed it too. They never asked me to do no roles like no, Sir Mandela. Yeah, and you have to have an accent. Sounds the same man. All right, Steve had to go and do an interview on the Cayman Island. So mad at him. I can't wait to get there, right all but we are here and we're so delighted, delighted to have a special guest for you. B et s original Medieba is a three parts saga. It tells the definitive story of Nelson Mandela. It premiered on February one and Tomorrow night. The story continues only on b ET at eight pm Eastern. Medieba is the cornerstone of b e t s Black History Month programming and joining us now is one of the big stars of Medieva. Please welcome to the show. We love him. Mr Orlando Jeng, Good morning, good Mond. Oh look at you. I was I was wondering is he really in South Africa? Is they are a delay there? Good morning, Orlando. How are you? I love that accent. Good morning, and I am very good. I wanted Steve to know that me and Michael Blackson have a move program. We are coming out. We want to offer him the starting role of black Man number four. And that's exactly how he'll sign his autograph. Yes, it does not matter. Yes, let that mind be an. You're so right about that. Welcome Orlando. We're so happy to have you now. Uh. Laurence Fishburn stars as Nelson Mandela. You start as Walter Suzulu, one of Nelson Mandela's closest friends. So tell us about your role in the movie and everything. So I'm playing all over all of the Cambo, and Dave Harwood is actually playing Walter Sisulu. But you know, I get I get us and to change all the time. Girls, I don't even worry about it. I am. It's a It's an amazing role, an amazing role, you know, well, all of a Tambo and and Nelson man Sella, Nelson Mandell and Walter Susulu, we're basically best friends. So they they were trying to fight apartheid. They Nelson and Oliver knew each other because they had both gotten kicked out of Fort Hair University for cause in trouble and organizing the students, uh, you know, for overs of It's so these three men along with the you know, other groups of people, Govan Becky and I commed Catrada sort of all got together turned the prison into a university creative system of educating people back and forth in university and Oliver went into exile and uh in London and they all fought to take down apartheide over you know, a fifty year period. So a real honor to play such a which it is such a distinguishment, it really had I feel grateful for the role. Yeah, and you, I mean, we haven't seen you in a minute on screen, so so it'll definitely be a treat Orlando to see you back and welcome back. So you're playing a character called Oliver Tambo uh Now Madiba was filmed exclusively in South Africa, we understand, and on Robin Island. What was that like to be in South Africa working on this project where it all happened. It was crazy, it was it was wonderful. Im And obviously I've been I've done three other films in South Africa, so I was familiar with it, but you know, never going to the actual places where stuff happened. Um. But the thing is, this is South African history, so the cast, everybody's obviously South African. So if you mess up, they'd be looking at you side and side I and the whole time. Like you can still a lot of teeth in South Africa if you mess up. To accent represents the culture. So there was serious pressure on us to make sure guided right. And most of the cast of South Africa, and Terrri Fetto, who plays Whinnie Mandela is uh in South Africa. Then Toshiwa and Govan Becky. I mean, they're incredible actors in South Africa. They really killed it and obviously this this so so story is a really source of pride for them. Well, now you sounded great. I'm no authority on South African accents, but it sounded really good and very convincing, uh to us. So how do you how do you do you you do that? How do you do you have to work on that? You have to take those uh classes and everything to get the accent just right? How did you get that accent like that? Well? You know, uh, they don't, they don't do the Daniel day Lewis for black actors and give us a couple of years to figure it out. You got two weeks two you better get it right. Better get it right. No mistakes and not neither. But it sounds great. I mean we're no authorities, but whatever you're doing, it sounds I mean spot on. You nailed the tambo. That is. Oliver had a really interesting voice because he spent thirty years in London in exile, so you had a lot of you know, old saft sounds and a lot of sort of American sounds, so he had a very specific sort of voice. I mean obviously I've been you know, doing that sort of thing since uh just Matt TV and you know, just coming out of you know, sleepy hollow and playing sort of a guy who's really a New Yorker, and you know, they always throw me some craziness and they're like, she can handle it. They're like, we realize you black and from Alabama down south. We don't even want you to sound like special negrow. Uh, this is a special New York Negro, a special African Negro always, but you're so talented or Lindo, they know you can pull it off. They know you can nail it. They do. We gotta ask you about the incredible Lawrence Fishburne. Though he stars as Nelson Mandela, what a great talent there um, He really embodies that role. What was it like to work with Lawrence Fishburne on this project. Lawrence is a longtime friend and mentor. He was actually the person who saw me on Matt TV and told me did you should be in the movies? And Uh, to work with him again in this capacity was first of all, he's an amazing human being, but just an astounding actor. But he brings a calm to everything. And when I look at the type of work he's doing, producing shows like Blackish, like Diva, you know, very much like Seves. You know, he's very much setting you know, I think a new path forward. You know, I was tracking Steve on Instagram with his lovely wife all through Paris week looking super flied. I was like that new fancy black lack got a labat the smell in the air or something. It's wonderful to see represented like this by by black men and these black women who are who are putting forth a different black than people have previously seen and Lawrence is definitely somebody who's done that with his career that I admire and look up to a great deal. Or Linda, I wish we had more time with you. I mean, I can't wait to finish seeing Medeba. It's only on b ET. It's February eighth and February fifteenth at eight p m Eastern on b ET. Please you guys check it out, go get some history for yourselves and and learn learn more about it as we all are in the process. But with great characters like Nelson Mandela that that Laurence Fishburne is playing and Oliver Tambo that you're playing. Orlando, thank you so much for taking the time to come and speak with us today. Me anytime I'm a listener. You think I'm listening to you all all the time. Anytime you need me, hit me up on there. He has always been loved for me. I've done the Hoodie Awards. That's right, That's right, So anytime, girl, anytime, Okay, alright, Orlando, thank you so much again. MEDIEBA only on b ET February eighth and February fifteenth at eight p m Eastern. Thank you, Orlando, We love you. Thank you coming in, all right, coming up, ladies, we're gonna find out if he's really hooked on you. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve. You guys will come right out and say that they've fallen hard. But these gestures are some dead giveaways. All right, he becomes very helpful. Yeah, okay, okay, so far, so good. Right. Yeah, you know how you guys love to feel needed. You crave that feeling. So when they're when you're hooked, you'll invent ways to be of assistance, like mowing your lawn or like changing the oil in your car. And it's more practical than romantic, we know that. But his heart is in the right place right see. Yeah, Okay, you're happy just to hang. A guy is happy just to hang. When a guy is fully invested in being around you, he's content to chill, just absolutely doing nothing. Um. So it's a good son mind when you start seeing him more often, even if your time together is less planned out, you're just hanging out. You're just you know, you don't have it. We gonna be some touching. And she didn't here for two hours and I touched what were in here for. It just says when a guy is fully invested all around you, we'll do something. I watched it, you know what I do Sometimes when they get him go to the restroom. I hit the fast forward on the movie come back forward, but didn't put it on. Paul. Yeah, we're funny. Get to the end because you have plans, all right, Well, when the whole baby is this, I don't know, baby, this movie ain't good. This movie things remind him of you. If he's emailing you funny websites he's found or says he saw something in the story you'd like. It proves you're on his brain full time and becoming part of his inner world at that point. You know, I was watching these two gorillas down at the zoo, and I just thought about us. That's from from I'm just a big pot belly. He gives you that. Okay, here's another one. He gives you a sweet nickname. Men only use tender terminology like pet names once they're comfortable being vulnerable around you. Yeah, my man, my my daddy one time took us to the zoo, and his description of the ranger tang just like that's what my father, Look at that, damn rang all the animals at the zoo reminded my daddy a RelA that gon need them just a rhino. They're gonna need to look at it. Well, just look slew footage and look like a hard ship. Look at that. I went through the whole two of my daddy talking about people. I go, your mama, pastor what hyena? Look at him? And all they asked for? Damn? What about the pet names? Is that a true one too, Steve? Pet name? Yeah, you got your little pet names, don't Yeah, they's gotta be pet names. Can't be nothing sexual like can't you know, like ca't calling it short? Looking like all that? What can be the nickname? But it can't be you know, like all that, all that can't be your nickname. Now that's sure for all that. Oh, look at all that right there. You know what I'm gonna call You're gonna call you all that see right there? Ain't good. No, it's a sweet nickname that he'll give you that. But you know, if your nickname is food related, that's saying a lot about you too, Like pumpkin pie, cookie, pound cake, pound cake, roast. You had to go there roast, sexy or cute, ain't shoulder bought out? All right, I ain't a good nickname. If they got a nickname, they're kind of being cute with you. That's cool. Okay, so you agree, you've you've agreed with all of these. Actually, oh things remind him of you. He gives you a sweet nickname. He's happy just to hang out with you, but he becomes really helpful. M hmm. If you see a man spin on another dude about you, I'll tell you right off, Patty when he's spin on another dude, even if it's his homeboy. Yeah, if you get defensive, bottle or check a dude, a man, no dog, all that around my girl, Ain't they what we do? I like it? I like it? Yeah, guys, if he slipped your tie, that's a show sign that that's not a that didn't make the list. It's gonna sign though. Yeah, well it's Conso you know. Some of the lists can come from magazines like Black Tail. That's all. It's like like you turned the corner heat right there where you being's signing. Yeah, that's neither shot at your ex's coming back around here. Yeah, that's m m. You gotta pick the kids up and he and already got him. That's a sign that he can. That's a sack that he really care about you. Are you him in the argument with your kids? And then you hear the kids go, you ain't my daddy, and then you're here. I might not see your daddy, but where the hell he has? That's yeah, he's there. Keep the keeper, kid. Yeah, you're correcting, threatening your your ex, do your children? You know when I see your puck as daddy? Yeah, he come in. Your daddy got one more time. Next time you go over there on visitation, you tell him. Yeah, right there, he's a keeper. You're listening. Steve Hardy Morning Show. Let's go to the phones, Monica fad Today, Lime three. Let's go to Adam out of Pennsylvania, Adam, Good morning entire, Steve Harvey crew behind the scenes as well. Man. My comment is, uh, well, first of all, I just disagree with you, Steve. Want to uh Brady being the best. Montana I still think is the best because today is the past happy league and the rules is a little different. So Montana got feed up a little more. They both can take regular players and tournaments. Check it. Accept that you don't. Yeah, yeah, I'll coached again, just like like Belichick did. Uh. The Steelers, they I'll coach them in Atlanta. Should have kept up the pressure the way they beat up Aaron Rodgers disrupted them. They let down, they got comfortable from place it yea yeah, all right, Adam, I mean you're right. Tom Brady wouldn't take them at the balls at hey, I'm starting the room. Come on, we gotta have some to fight with when we talk to the Patriot. All right, Adam, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, let's let's let's go to line Uh, let's go to line seven and talk to Marlon out of Kentucky. Marlon, good morning, lady. Steve Jr. Hurry, hurry, good comment from the coach of the Sockers. He said it wouldn't be one thing that he would change. Well, I agree with Steve. With the three holding calls in the row that led to their first touchdown, I would change that and the controversial call on if the ball was down on the completion. As I watched it and so motion several times it was a complete pass. It was. It was incredible how he managed to still focus on the ball and make sure it didn't hit the ground, but it went off a leg and off of arm, and right before he hit the ground he had it. So, I mean it was a good game. I'm not a fan of either team. I just like to see a good game. Yeah, good game. I'm from Cleveland. I'll show you pay just y'all just trying to deal with one hurt y'all. I really needs y'all need to go and get past this. You know said we still man about the lost Yeah, y'all don't even understand what pains I fitted two years of pain. The gamn game is over. You're listening alright, thirty four minutes after that, let's get to these back to back jails. Come on, cat, let's go. Hey, coming up Richard about it? You got time? Just one more thing. We'll tell you about it after the break. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up next, we got just one more thing. Uh, let's do huh, let's do a little known black history facts. Okay, this is a bit, y'all. I know it's you know Valentine, I mean Thanksgiving? I mean, what what what Black History Month? So when we come back, you're gonna have some little now black. It's like it's the fact. Hey, I'd be like that time that I stopped in the airport and feel out the form wrong. They had booming custom for four hours. See they told Boomerang. They said, sir, okay, you don't have any explosive. You had checked that block. You don't have explosive. But what we cannot find out find it's well it is the chicken because he had to check the poultry box on the floor. You don't have any explosive. What we came find out just where is the chicken? A black dude worked there and came up and said, sir, are you the guy that was in the Kings of Comedy movie Steve Harvey Bodyguard? He said yeah. He said, come here, bro, let me talk to you. Isn't I don't know how you feel this form out, but you know you're poposed to check no boom answering it like it's true and false, test true true, true false true. Feel out the customer for true and false. Yeah, God, and uh, y'all, that's it for the day. Y'all have a great weekend tomorrow or the time crew, Well, it looks like we can't. Yeah, So the crew will be down here Wednesday broadcasting live on Bahamas and that's tomorrow from the Bahamas. He said, all this water look it's blue. Asking Meding to for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.