Earthquake, Tamar Braxton, NBA Finals, Democratic Party and more.

Published Jun 12, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning it's Humpday!  Fool #1 opens up the show and he introduces our boy Earthquake!  We get into the do's and don'ts of Father's Day.  Tamar Braxton has found a new love and offers a blanket apology.  NBC will be hosting the Democratic Debate June 26 and 27 in Miami.  The NBA Finals are still on and the crew could not stop talking about Toronto's fans.  There is a connection between artificial light and weight gain in women.  The CDC is concerned for pool season because of contaminates.  Earthquake lets you know when and where he will be next.  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks about knowing your value, plus more!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things and it's cubs, y'all be true, good it, Steve ha listen to movie together for STU. Please momy, I don't join join me, be doing me. Honey. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn, turn, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water got me. Come come on your baby daddy. Uh huh I shore will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says, well, Steve, what you mean, if I'm just positive being changed, un I'm a gonna what me being positive got to do with that? Okay, now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time. A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight, nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts. This is just start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent of what happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude, how does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude, that a positive approach to life. It causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to evict turn around, and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who is obviously going to be if not already been toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure, insecure purity. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happen to you, instead of burying yourself under the what's wrong with it? A old woe is me now? Concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they finn to come getting my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't when they went it was sick of the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty third, two thousand and five, when my when? When? When? When my deal was done? With the beat out in La? Okay, Look what happened though, y'all was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities you see, but I didn't go old woe was me. I said, oh okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, Here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody treat you just the way you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old Woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude. How high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. It ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna wear about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard. All right, that's the conversation you're listening. Let the light from the light high with all our visitors. Blow your horn. Please, you are welcome to the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You're welcome once, You're welcome twice. You're welcome. Welcome in the House of Christ. We want to welcome you all here to the Steve Hobby Morning Show. The one and only Shirley Strawberry is in the building. Hey, good morning, nephew. Yes, Carla Ferrell is in the building. What's up, nephew? Is hump day? What up? Junior boy in the building? My man timing? What's happy? Brother? When we got a special guest, but he really ain't on special guests. He's a family mem He kind of liked that cousin. That that cousin you love to hang out with at the family reunion, the one and only earth Quakers in the building. Yeah, no, fenship Baptist for me. I'm here, say amen, I'm a man, man man, what up? Quite quite? Ain't nothing? Brother here with your light skin, y'all winning right now. So you know I'm holding on just cuting honor for us to have you come and visit us. We love having you here. Well you know, I hear your shell, but the invitations are very few. We know your business. I am never too busy to come here and talk to these titting me. You performed the Jay's Club last night to Jay Spot, Yes and Jake still having paid. I'm gonna find between treatment scooban doctor. I need to see you right here. I need to see you right here. I'm a whole I'm gonna put my foot on this too. You better give me my money. Yeah, yeah, boy, you ain't gonna put my foot on this too. Now, A man's gonna trip better get you. It's beautiful, it's lovely, it's it's the most inspiring thing ever'ting wrong with Jay. I don't believe he's just getting all his women back. I got I got one of his ex one to talk me. I got to go back here, help Jay out. I don't want to. I ain't want to. I know you ain't no good, But I gotta go back. Yeah, yeah, you don't run the bell all of them come back home. He's looking for a caregiver. Watch out there? Now there's no watch out there. Now, no watch out. You better getting my money, Jay? But it went well there. Yeah, it's beautiful. Man. We had a great test. Great, that's great. Quick, I love fair come by your house, man, You didn't be come behind everything? Yeah, man, I love you got another bottle? Fun? Yes I do. I have to go get it so quick. You like company, certain kind of company people I like, not relatives. Understand you like your relatives? Is already there? Yeah, you see what I'm saying. So I just cut all them off and then pick people that I like. You are, right, Yeah, So he's a good host, right host, you're a great host. Man there you laugh. It's like he'll be married when you leave. Oh man, you ain't got to go now, I know, I get so saving company leaves. I love having company, I do. I ain't been certain people ain't let me in that chateau yet. It was just when it was just too old. He saw when it was framed up. Thank you, all right, lit Andy to keep it quiet like drug money, all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys, today's little Duvall's birthday. So we're gonna talk to the crew. We're gonna talk to everybody, find out how they're living their best lives. How are we living our best lives? And we'll talk to you Quake about some Father's Day gifts. Yakay, it's coming up. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So today's little Duvall's birthday. Yes, we all loved little Duvall, so we gotta say happy birthday to little Duval. How old is he today? Forty to forty? Yeah, birthday. He really doesn't look forty two. Yeah, but he gotta let that little go in forty to get to Duvall. That's the only thing. While you putting them purpose seas around, they got a time limit. You know what I because of his statue though, No, he's huge in statue. What we do, yeah, the little nickname, but like minds is POI stop that twenty two? Yeah, yeah, you got to let it go. Yeah, pret we Yeah yeah, a little man man. Yeah. I have a cousin that's about he's in the fifties. Week still call him baby to this day. Yeah yeah, that ain't a good little good and grown good and ground. Even know his first name, I know, right, yeah, been a little due along that. The've been a little due ball since I've known it. Think his name is rolland Roland. Oh man, but it ain't hold. What about like Scoop he keeps his nickname. Oh that's different, different rules. He made hits under his name. You have to keep that, you can't. I can't see ice que and call him oh shade, you know, I just can't do that. Yeah, you can't call Snoop Calvin. Yeah, and it just Snoop Yeah yeah, all right. So, um, Father's Day is coming up? Yeah yeah, this worst disrespectful holiday in the world. Keep on. I will tell you this. I went to Ruth Chris and had for dinner over the weekend, and I saw a sign It was so cute. It said Father's Day, uh brunch this Sunday, make reservations. I was like, oh, that's so cute, that's so cute. The paper just clear, ain't I've never seen that before ever in a restaurant people signed up. Why is that the fathers don't get the respect? Well, you know why? We always they don't care about your daddy. Yeah, you don't, don't kid nothing about your mama's everything. Mama okay is you can't beat it. But when when things go wrong, where is daddy? Exactly? Wait until your father gets home. Father, that's truth, until your father get home quick. What kind of fathers gifts? What? What don't you want? What are the rules the dudes and don't father day gifts? Oh? Well the dudes don't. Don't ask your father to give you the money to buy the gift. You understand. That's that's the first one that I hate. I told you. I'm telling you. I talked to the Father's Association. It's about nine of us strong, ain't strong? Some brother just can't. You don't make the meat. Three of you guys you ain't up for the brunch? Yeah? Yeah, no, good kids? So okay, ye, So they the kids should make an effort to save their money, their allowance money or whatever it from mom. Yeah, it's get it from earth, get it from here. Coming us for the Mother's Day. And also know we don't want no towels, no soap, no socks. We're tired it all that I ain't doing something. Sent us on the trip. Send me the Magic City. Know your daddy, Daddy is he is? Daddy heres and sit there or the thousand of the ones and he is. You got dancing for two hours? Giving me a membership? Boys, know your daddy you you you hot right now? Membership? Boy? Boy, you boy, you you're hot right now. Nephew, I've never seen you so intelligent. Let you go. Let's go on an annual. We just can go for the whole year. Maybe on the Remember, don't have to stand in line or nothing coming. They just get daddy. Tell me how how do you think your wife will feel about that kind of gift for you? Just thought that, Paddy? Why you can't let me magic sit it with MP. You got to bring bring reality. Let me be great, let me can he can he imagine what it was? Yes? Bringing down quick? What you know? What you know what's bad is this year on Sunday, this year, which is Father's Day, this coming, this coming up. Do you know my kids is out of town. They got stuff to do. They gone to two different camps, so so Father's Day ain't even enter their mind. The book around it, and they planned something with Mom before they left. They leave you nothing, don't get on it but the planet on top of it. You let me come on. Now, you knew when you was playing Hens Summit, you knew, you knew you was gonna be Gone's Day, Father's Day, that look right at the sixteenth, and didn't think nothing. Don't even come up on that counter. You understand. You see you opened up the phone all out the holidays father Day. Don't even come up here. I'm telling you it ain't nothing on the phone. So I'm gonna do to change that attitude. Something has to be done. It can't continue like that too late. I tried, What did you do? I mean, just I just cut them off economical sights. If we ain't gonna do nothing for me, ain't doing nothing for nobody else. Bring them to the table. I'm turned it the trunk. Let's put some time, put some tiiffs on up on your kids. Put tiifs on everything they asked. I put extra on it. Yeah, you gotta do economical state, just do just like them, take a picture, take a page from a woman. Just break down on them. I ain't doing nothing. Just cut off. We will do that them kids. You want to get them turned away a foul off. I give your father day gift there, Okay, magic city? What else? Yes? What else? That's all you need. That's all you need. Don't want to be greedy. I want to show you I'm grateful. Yeah, I'm just being greedy if I ask for anything. Yeah, I wasn't raised like that manners. I love it all right. Listen coming up next to me, gonna keep this foolishness going. Run that Frank back with the nephew coming up right after this. You're listening Stow Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment news, Tamar Braxton is thanking her new boyfriend on teaching her how to love. Okay, yeah, that's news plus and I'm more entertainment. Well you gotta learn how Yeah, tell you get a new cause got to justify that new payment. And DJ Khalid is furious. He says he doesn't have the number one album in the country, and he knows why and he's gonna do something about it. But first the nephew is here would run that prank back? What you got now, Shirley, We're going to step right into church feed, church feed play to yeah, church fees. What you're not gonna do is come in this church late from no more. When you come in this church now and you're late, you would be paying late church. You would paying church feed. Okay, yes, all y'all. That's missing praise and worship. Coming in when you want to church fees running kids. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach ray you got Hey, how you doing? This is? This is brother Glenn from the church. Hey, brother Glen, how are you doing. I'm good, I'm good, I'm real good. Did you enjoy service morning? Oh? I enjoyed it? Pasta who pastor brought it down? Oh my god? That was a word for me, right right, right right? So what do our old the pleasure that's called I wanted to give you some information at the that the church has come up with and we wanted to let you know what was going on before next Sunday. I didn't interrupt you that, no, no, I actually I may sound a little a little off a little bit. I'm trying to get getting ready for my little babies, my little darlins, and I'm trying to Your voice sounds so familiar to me. It just sounds so familiar. Trying to play place that voice. Okay, Well, you've seen me at the church quite a few times. I think I have I'm just trying to place it. I can't place it right now, but look at it. Well, nevertheless, I just wanted here's here's what's going on now. You aware of that for the last the last six Sundays, you've been actually coming in the service late. Have you realized that, Yes, I know, I'm sorry about that, but uh, you know, yes I have. I have my reasons. So okay, okay, Well here's what's going on. The officials at the church have gotten together and this is what they've decided on, is that anybody who is late starting next Sunday, there would be a fifteen dollar charge for that for coming in and disrupting service past the fastest tide of service being disrupted by people walking in late. That that could not come at the worst time. I don't have fifteen dollars to give. I don't. I don't have it. Oh Um, Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we late. I am We are doing our best. I have three kids, have three young kids, two seven and nine, and they are a handful and and and we do the best that we can to get the church on time and and tell your truth. When we get there. It's during praise and worship, I mean pass. They ain't even preaching yet, so I know it's not past, it's not up yet, but he's he's stating that people coming in. It just seems very disrupted to the service that's going on. That's so Nevertheless, like I said, this is a warning call, you know, to let you know that if you are late on next Sunday then they will be charging you fifteen dollars a late charge. And actually you won't be a to even come intil you are until your papers. I can't even get in church with we Look, okay, look, I don't I don't owe nothing. I don't owe you no explanation, but I need to tell you something. We are, me and my kids for the last a few Sundays that we've been late. It's because my car broke down. We are owned the bus man public transportation. Okay, I mean, and I understand, I understand, I savitize with everything that you're going through. But why are you calling if you understand? Why are you calling me about fifteen dollars? If you understand what I'm going through? Well I didn't. I first of all, I didn't know what you were going Why are you raising your voice? Appen? Why are you raising Did you just raise your voice at me? You know what? You know what I think? You're raising your voice at me? How dare you call me about this? About a feat? And I'm there at church. I got my kids in there trying to raise them up? Is why they should go just like the Bible say. And you know why I gotta do this and why I'm late? Why why we gotta chesch the bus? Do you understand why that is? Brother Glenn, No, I do not. That is because they their daddy is Ain't Andy. Yes, So Tracy, you got to calm down a little bit now. Oh Jesus help me, Jesus help me, Jesus. Okay, listen, here's all I can do is tell you this. I hope you can make it. Maybe you can catch an earlier bus. You know what I mean and get there a little earlier. But but I'm just stating the fact that as of next Sunday, if you come in late, it's fifteen dollars late fee, and that's what you'll pay in order to get in the service. You know what, Well, maybe next Sunday I just won't be there. How about that? You know I'm already working six days a week. The only day I have off is Sunday. I've been baking, breaking my back. Do you know I worked two jobs. I work two jobs, and they always trying to take money out of my check, always trying to pull me here and there, and I'm always tired. I get two hours asleep and then now the church wants to dump another fifteen dollars charging me for being at church. Well that's what I'm supposed to do. But you're coming in late though, Souse to Tracy, you know what, you know what? Late ain't bad. Okay, I might be delayed, but I ain't denied, and I'm getting there the best way that I know how. We're o the bus. I have to put my kids on the school bus, and don't have to put them on the school bus, and I have to get on the bus to myself to work because I don't have a car, because they daddy's ain't doing nothing nothing for them. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? I need to understand. Oh, Daddy number one, guess what he daddy for? Two? He in jail, been there by five years he ain't. And Daddy number three he decided to go ahead and walk out, ain't. I ain't heard from that that tent in about seven months. Now. He know we're struggling. He had the nerve to take my wallet too. You don't. You don't even understand what I'm going through. You don't even understand that I'm trying to make a better life for me and my children. There is one more thing, so it's the tracy that the church wants you to know before the next Sunday that you definitely need to know. But what one more thing does the church want me to know? It's about sixteen dollars. The Church just wants you to know that this is nephew tim me for to Steve Harvey morning. Jo you'll sister Patrese got me to prank phone call you. I am gonna here. You know, I ain't got time for that. No, I ain't got time for that. Oh you're all right. Oh, I got something for her? How about that? Tell me? She said she my sister carpro down. She says, she got these kids. She over there struggling and struggling, and she's trying to make it. But you gotta give a hard time. She just wanted, she wanted, she wanted you to put us. She wanted to put a smile on your face. What she well, are you being settled out? I'm gonna have to say she did. All right. Wow, now that I know you, y'all were joking, and now I know this is nephew Tommy. Hey, I gotta ask you something, baby, what's the baddest And I mean to be at his radio show in the land, that's Steve hard Morning. Basic. Do I have any problems in the central? Any problems whatsoever? Ye like too much? Okay? Talking? You're gonna pay these fees? Okay, then you know what? You gonna stand out there in the best of you what the best of the overflow. The boy is right out there. That boy is brilliant. You need to teach some classes. And listen, nephew, I never even been reading. Listen to him, Tommy and get caught up. You're not Yeah, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Guys Entertainment News right after this you're listening show all right. According to essence dot Com, if you've been following Tamar Braxton, you know that she's very happy, very very happy because of her new relationship. Her new love with businessman David at a fiso is that his name at a Fesso. Their connection has brought out a completely new side of Tamar, one where she is open to love and ready to apologize. Ooh to those she's hurt, Tam, Yeah, yeah, that's a list right there. Tamar recently posted a video from her recent trip to a water park with her man, sister Tawanda, and her friend James Wright Chanel. We're all there. In the slow motion video, Tamar is having fun in the water with her new crew before running up to her man David for a big hug, and she's smiling from ear to ear. Tamar posted and explained how meaningful that moment was to her. She says, when all you know and felt is hurt, then you hurt like hurt people hurt people. Basically, that's what she's saying. She's saying, whether it's self inflicted or you hurt others, hurt people, hurt people. I hurt myself and I hurt other people. She's saying, from my sisters to the ladies of The Real ian La ben Zant, Yeah, because I mean, these are things that are that have stood out as far as Tamar is concerned. You know, she's yeah, yeah, constantly into it with her sisters on the show. Then. You know, remember she used to be on the TV show The Real yea yeah, because she's apologizing to them if she hurt them, to a Yanla, because that was an explosion when they were on that show with the yan Lai. Yeah, with her sisters and her mom and dad. Yeah, to old and new friends. So she's apologizing to everyone. She says, to whomever else I've hurt from being hurt, please forgive me. She said, I didn't know how to love and to show you love. Now I do, thanks to her boyfriend David. So that is growth right there. I really we're gonna see it. Yeah, no, because her if her and Dave go through it coming back to the old Tama, you know, I will see it. I'm still living there now. Yeah, let's takema and I remember watching one of the I think it was the finale of the Braxton's Quake, and her sister Towanda said, this is all of our fault, meaning the family, because Tamar being the baby, they spoiled her. Yes, and you know what that means, they created exactly. You know what that means. They spoiled her. That's what she's saying. Yeah, but she said she's hurt, so she's hurt other people, and she's apologized and ask for forgiving. But you know it ain't because you know it just like in my family, we had five, six, seven kids. Your mother get tired at this seven mone He's like, just watch them. Yeah, yeah, every else. My little brother mar say, I used to eat all this serio. Just wake up going each bag, take all, take all the prizes out. Yeah, people get killed in the second chest. That's right. But about the age one go ahead, two times, say y'all, watch y'all, watch her, y'all watch it all. Right, let's let's get to the headlines and that we got national news with the one and only miss A Tripp. Thank you very much, guys, Good morning, our farmer Red Sox slugger David Ortiz is taking his first steps now he's receiving getwell, which is also from the President. Will actually the ex President Barack Obama, The Farm President says on Twitter that quotes six years ago, David Ortiz's spirit and resolved helped us all begin to heal from the Boston marathon bombing. Today, I want to join many others in wishing him a speedy recovery of his own. Get well soon, Poppy. Meanwhile, Artise continues his post operative recuperation in Boston, far away from where he was shot point blank range at a bar in his native Dominican Republic. Several reports say that the married Ortiz had been warned that his life was in danger for supposedly dating a woman with close ties to a big time drug dealer. By the way, two suspects are now in custody. Send him a Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says that legislators are getting closed door briefings on threats to US elections. However, up till now, the Republican leaders resisted taking up legislation that would actually tighten security. Prior to the twenty twenty balloting. However, lawmakers from both parties have proposed measures designed to protect against election tampering. McConnell though continually dismissing the need for action, even though US intelligence officials say the risk of election interference this time around remains high. So Democratic Center leader Charles Schumer says, what's the problem. We have to make sure that our election systems are resilient, our cyber defenses are up to date, and there's nothing partisan about that. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential hopefuls have been making the rounds in Iowa, where the first caucuses for the new presidential campaign, whom he held as former Vice president. Joe Biden and Donald Trump, by the way, held events in the state yesterday. Donald Trump was in rare form, calling Biden a dummy who has the weakest mentality of all the Democrats trying for their party's nomination. Biden, on the other hand, is holding a number of events and making a speech entitled Trump an existential Threat to our Nation. President Trump, by the way, now all gushy about the relationship he says he has with North Korean leader Kim John Un. I just received a letter from Jim Jong Un. I can't show you the letter, obviously, but it was a very personal, very warm, very nice letter. I appreciate it. We have a very good relationship together. Now I can confirm it because of the letter I got yesterday, and I think, you know, I think that something will happen that's going to be very positive. Just what that positive thing was going to happen, he didn't say. It wasn't clear if the President was referring to another summit or if something else had happened or was going to happen. This is reportedly the first contact, though, that Trump had with the dictator since talks between the two leaders fell apart back in February, and the President brushed off questions about North Korea's continual missing missile testing and answer that he said that the economic awards would be great if North Korea got rid of its nukes and was able to join the global economy. On Capitol Hill, the House Judiciary Committee scheduled to vote later today on a new bill, one that extends the expiring nine to eleven victims compensation funds called the Zadroga Act. Rather, it's running out of money and it's had to start cutting payments to ailing nine to eleven responders and survivors by more than half. Yesterday, several groups descended on the House of Representatives to press the passage of new masser measure and one that extends it and just leaves it there, hoping to make the case for extending the legislation, hoping really that the majority Democratic House will see things differently now than the GOP dominated House did back in the day. The latest sleep study shows that dozing off in front of your computer screen or TV, or sleeping with the lights on confuses your sleep hormones and body clock could lead to obesity. And finally, today is call your Doctor Day one line. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In political news, NBC will host the first official Democratic presidential debate later this month. It's about to start up now, it's about three people. Yeah, that camera payan gonna be long. Yeah, it's gonna be a too night debate. It's going to air live from Miami on June twenty six. In June twenty seven, it's going to give viewers an opportunity to learn more about at least twenty of the Democratic hopefuls. NBC Nightly news host Lester Hope will moderate the debate. He'll be joined by Savannah Guthrie, Chuck Todd, Rachel Mattau and Telemundos I Love Telemundo Jose Diaz balar So. Each looked like a grown folk spelling each night. Yeah, we're gonna have to pay attention to though. Each night will feature ten candidates. That's a lot, man, that's a lot each night. Because you want to like really get a feel for who these people are and who you might possibly vote for. I mean, it's a correct You need to put numbers on them, surely. Yeah, fourteen, you know sixteen? Do you know any numbers? There's some people up there. I got more votes than they do. Get better than the post. I mean they got zero zero point one zero you listen, Yeah, don't pass out. Some flies come back right. So right now it's it's Biden up top. He's the front runner. Then Sanders, then Elizabeth Warren, then I think, then Kamala Harris Kamala, and then after that, I don't know, I don't care. My listen, you can have five hundred. I just had one criteria. Who's gonna be Trump? That's mine. That's that's mine. Listen, man, I don't want to hit no policies. I don't care. Who can be those I don't care. Listen, I take four years out. No, you can get four years off. I listen. Do whatever, you just keep it steady. Then we can get somebody else. I agree with that. I completely please. Which one of these candidates can beat Donald Trump? Is it Joe Biden? Yeah? Biden? I used to I used to think that. I'm not so sure right now. I don't know. We got you know, he's the front runner, but I don't know. We gotta keep our eyes on the prize. It could be well if it ain't the front running, is it? You like the back runners? Who you're like in the bay? Listen? I take whoever. I love his name, I love brilliant man. I don't think he can win. Personally speaking, I just don't think he can win. Um. I like Miss Harris Elizabeth Warren. Never vote four. I'm sorry when you talk. I don't care of Texas. Nobody should have to pay ninety percent. Even if you take ninety percent of your money on alcohol, you're alcoholic anything, No, well, we just have to watch the big quake. June twenty six, and twenty seven live from Miami on NBC. All right, coming up next to thirty four after the hour, the NBA Finals Raptor fans versus the Warrior fans and the players. Junior, you're ready, all right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show Trending sports news. Guys, All right, Junior, Tommy Quake, Golden State Warriors players, Amond Green. It's upset with Toronto Raptors fans because they were cheering. That was in very poor taste. I thought when Kevin Brand went down within an achilles injury in Game five, what do you guys think about that? I think it was I think it was bad. But you know what I did like? I did like that the um the Raptors, that the players, you know, they were they were in support of him, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, they were support them, But you know the fans they just they just taken it to a Nate trip. Yeah. Man, man, what I don't believe I understand that you understand the Raptor fans. Yes, listen, sir, sir, me sir, the smart used me. Sir. You haven't talked to a fan that hadn't one understand what I'm saying. I'm talking to Cleveland US. Y'all got a couple of rings. I'm talking about never one. You've been coming to these Raptors games, just getting drug ninety ninety three. Yeah, you close and all of a sudden, boy he he cough, Yeah, he comes back there and we saw a whooping here and he go there. Thank you Jesus. You don't want them to die. Give him up out of here. It's our turn. Yeah, I understand it. That's why they call a fan short for fanatic. I am a red Skin fan. Please believe if we could win the Super Bowl by beating the Cowboys, I'll push the ninety eight year old woman who's a Cowboys fan. I have a town the steps I help out that we win the game. I'm sorry, grandma, but if you would have made it there, it would have gave them inspiration to beat us. I'm sorry, Grandma, And I do the time. I would do the time right because Kale to the red Skin. Yeah, you know one, I'm spending my money chin when we lose it and I'm close to victory and this one, lady, super a parade we never get a prey. I gotta always be the side person. I'm tired of being a maid of harnb. Yeah. Would you push your kid out? Just trip him like Bernie, say, hit him in the throw? If that what keeps us from win it. I'm a fan. I'm looking at the whole fans, Yes, kicking down. Not listen, bro, he got too already, he gonna be already. He got, but he got he got two. Honey, me too. No, but he got to ring too. But it takes a long time for the Achilles tick. And you know what they're gonna do. They're gonna give him thirty one million while he's kill out of him. Yeah, he got a healthcare and thirty one million. Oh we for the black man he's doing? William? Can I have a turn? Can I be the prettiest girl in the clue? I't mad at you know what I mean? I understood that he is, though, So you saying that the Raptor fans deal with any other sit Yes, other fans. It's the emotion of you don't want him hurt. But if I play and my team can knock the other quarterback out and give him a concussion, you don't know who scared Jesus knock him out, and the Red came back in that game and hit his first It look like it looked like he was gonna put a fifty five. Yeah, and then the Lord saying, come on, sit on there, let me wheel you out of here. Sometimes you got to see your blessing. That wasn't the Lord, the Lord, it was it my oars in guard's hand. So you're on the sidelines with Drake then, yes, uh huh, No, I'm saying I'm a wizard fan. Okay, So I'm all dc V. I'm just saying I know if I was there, and it was there, Yes, okay, he gonna be out here. This two shall pass at that thirty five points. That ain't gonna be over. Who you gonna pull name two light skin brothers ain't gonna get us. Yeah. And that's the thing. The Raptor Frans were cheering about an easier way to win the game. I don't think they were cheering that Kevin was hurt. I think they were cheering about the possibility that they call but they lost. They but it helps better, that's what they're saying. It's easier. Yeah, what I'm saying, we kind of advantage. Yeah. I don't want to be right. I want to win. That's it. I don't want to be right. No, no, no, I'm tired of rooting for anybody else. All right, listen, keep these comments coming at Steve Harvey FM dot com. The nephew is up next with today's break up phone call right after this quake. I don't believe you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today subject I gave the teacher an oral exam. All right? Whoa boyvation for that? Right there, right right now? It is the nephew in the building with today's praying phone call. What you got for his nap? My dog? Like roof roof dog or your boy my dog? I believe you running? Hello? Hello? Uh? This apartment A ten C. Yeah, this this ATC. Hey man, my name Virgil? Uh? Who is this right here? Who is who is it? You speaking to? Marcus? What's going on? Okay? Marcus, let me ask you something. Man. Y'all, y'all, y'all didn't messed up. Y'all, y'all didn't got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Man, hold on, I'm lost here. What what what is this you're talking about? You got a Polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Are you sure you got it right? Number man? Man, y'all, you and you and you and you and a t C. Yeah, okay, this at seen? Now tell me now what is this about Apolo? Who is Apollo? I don't I don't know what you're talking about. You got, y'all, got Apolo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. You know? Now he down town and and and and if there is somebody present charges, So now I got to figure out how we're gonna I'm gonna get Apolo out of jail. Hold On, I mean to call to go down. Cole ain't going so Apolo can come home. Fuck the brakes, boss, Listen to what you're saying now, You calling me about somebody that I don't even know. I ain't even I don't know no Apolo, you know your I apologize for your homeboy and and and and everything that's going down, But I don't know nobody name Apolo, I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So you know, y'all, y'all, y'all ain't called the police last night. Ain't nobody calling no police. You you ain't called You're gonna sit here in line to me and tell me you ain't called no police last night. Let's take this back. Now. Now, what's your name? Man? My name is Virgil. And now now how you come about getting my number? Don't wonder about I got you? Know? My guy? Are you the one? I know? You? The one got Apollo arrests on these Trump charges? Don't hold on? How do you know? How do you know where I live? Because I live above you? I live in nineteen s nineteen si so or you're the one that got the loud barking dog all I was, that's the row my dog gives a polo, my god, Apollo. Man, you got me thinking that you're talking about some human being. You sitting here calling me about something animal something? Oh that my dogs living man. First of all, I'm charged, no ever deny you press in charge. Hey, listen, my dog out of jail man. Every daily you need to listen to what you're talking about. Man, you calling me about some animal. Listen, we called the front desks people about disturbance. Every time we look around, we hear your dog. So you might need to take it over with whoever that's in charge with the apartment conflict, because that's who we inform about your loud dog. And now you know you calling me. How you got my name, I don't know, but you need to check this out and and talk with the people that's in charge of the apartment complex. I'm taking it up with the person that that pole to complaint and got my dog arrested last night, not my dog down now on some Trump really charge really really ain't even read didn't read apolo his rights or nothing like that. Really you really talking this? Listen to what you're saying out the dolls, man, and it's all let's call to you. Man. I think you need to huh you need some counseling in something bouts because you're talking about a dog. How can a dog get arrested? You need to Uh, this is crazy. Listen. I don't think we got anything else to talk about, man, because we got we got to talk about a polo. Man, How you gonna go down and then get him out of jail, and you need to have him be here back to body this evening. I ain't even to go through this without my dog being here. This man sounds crazy. Maybe this man calling me about a dog being arrested, this is the dog that be balking. It's a Pomolo. Man. Apolo is as a family member, and you haven't got him arrested. Man for for what? And man, why would you do something like that? Man? How about this? You and that dog. Don't be calling me no more talking to me about some do that I ain't got no control over. You need to take this over with the police or whoever call. Ain't nobody calling the police. Did you just say, Polo? Man? Listen? Did you just say that you heard what I said? Okay, Okay, hey man, I'm not trying to argue. Okay, look look, let's let's just let's just do this hire. Is it any way you could just come down there with me this evening and drop the charge. Come down, well, come to the police station. Man, Well Polo went dog he doesn't listen. Listen, Okay, I'm not trying to hollow he down there on some trump to charge. You came pick him out in a line up if you want follow clean, I can't. They got no problem, I can't. Man, Listen, man, do you really hear what you're saying now? I know they say man, best friend is a dog. But you're taking this a little bit too far now. You need to really listen to what you're talking about. You didn't have all this. What you got a problem with with the a, the front desk and the police if you got your dog just really don't make any sense right now to me. Now, apologize once again about your dog. But I think we have our business finished, right man, because I tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you this right here, Okay, monkers, right yeah, okay, let me tell you this here. You're trying to testify against try to testify against against Apolo and see what happened. But in the way you listen, man, I'm gonna tell you like this, you Apolo and anything else that you got to say about this situation. Right here. You found my number, You found you know where I live. You just come see me. You really wan't that I'm about to be through with this phone call. Man, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Let me say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here to you try to try to try to get on the stand and testify against Apolo, And I promise you, dog, you're gonna have some problems on your hands. You listen, you really talk to some nonsense right now? Do you really hit what you're saying to me? Apolo is a dog? I know he a dog. He my dog. You know what I tell you? What? Hey man, how did how did pretty little wife for you the doom when to be at home while you're gonna work all day? What you just say to me, is that pretty little wife for you that be gone, that be at home when you're gonna what's your what's your name? Rich told you my name versa this nineteen see where you're at right? Please please believe that's what we're about to meet right now, because now the nail couldn't come up here talking to me about my wife. So if it's any other dog you got up in the place, please believe that doll is gonna get stuck right along with your Okay, well, I got one more value to say to me because you and took a little too far around with me and a dog. Now, you're trying to talk about what's going on in my household and my wife. Please believe nineteen Sea is where you about to find me. Let me tell you who else up here in nineteenth Sea that's waiting on me all, I'm about to get stuck. Who else is all up in nineteen Okay? Let me tell you who else is here? You want to know who else is here? Man, I'm gonna tell you this here, Nephew thomments from the Steve Harving Morning Shows up in here in nineteenth safe. What the hell, nephew, this Nephew Thomas. God Man, you got me, cousin and my mom gonna be listening to this station your neighbor jail got thank you about the neighbor town. Oh man, hey man, you gotta tell me this, baby, what's the baddest radio station in the lane? The Steve Harvard Morning Show and nephew time is crazy. I can't believe it. I never had your dog go to jail before. Huh. I you know you play entirely too much on my dog down there on some trump up charge. Y'all never had your dog down there trumped up charge? Did he snitch? Ready to love baby, Ready to Love. The show is back on network. That's right, Old w N it is back. I will be shooting the latter part of June all through Julyve par August. The Nephews back. I am the host of the One and Only Ready to Love. Twenty contestants. Well, we dwindle it down to see if we can find three couples who have found love. I get on that sharp tide looking. Come on, I'm going on there. That would be good next season. I'm coming on, come on, baby, ready to Will. I will talk to Will Parker. We will have you right there with the nineteen other people looking for love. Okay, I'm gonna quit. No nineteen of us like we're running for president. No sir, No sir, you're going to quake. No, thank you, he said what I was gonna say. All right, thank you guys for coming up Today's Strawberry Letters. Subject. I gave the teacher an oral exam. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Okay, subject I gave the teacher an oral exam. H Dear Steven Shirley. I'm an elementary school teacher with a big problem. I graduated from college two years ago and it's my first year teaching at my school. There's a very beautiful young black teacher that I have a crush on, but she's married, so I would never say anything out of the way to her. When I first got to the school, an older white teacher in my cluster was very rude and would never speak to me unless we were alone in the hallway or in the parking lot. I was told that she might be a little racist and to avoid her, so I did. But near the end of the school year, the mean teacher warmed up to me and would basically flirt with me. I tried to keep avoiding her as much as I could. Fast forward to the end of the school year, dance and I signed up to be a chaperone, so I was helping to set up the gym beforehand. Well, I ended up in the back office of the gym alone with this weird older teacher that had been flirting with me. She started telling me all kinds of nasty stuff she wanted to do to me. Mind you, she's fifty seven and she was about to retire. She cornered me and unzipped my pants. Oh, good God, I rebuke you, devil, I rebuke you. She cornered me, and I'm zipped my pants and started playing with my boy and I let her do it. Then she ended up giving me an oral treat I got so caught up that I couldn't say no. Well, you're not going to believe this. The teacher that I have a crush on walked in and caught us. I jumped up like it was my wife that caught us. Now I'm scared that the teacher will tell on me. This older white teacher could tell me, could tell on me too. She has nothing to lose because she is retiring. I was so stupid. Should I tell on myself and beg for mercy of the school administrators or just deny it? All if it ever comes out, please help. Okay, this sounds like one of those situations out about fifties black and white movie or something. The chaperone for the school dance. This is some people. Don't I tell you this right here? Um anyway, Okay, No, definitely, definitely do not tell everything on yourself because right now it's your word against theirs, unless they have cameras in the back of the gym. Okay, So she's getting ready to retire. I doubt if she'll tell I don't. I mean, what business is it of the other teacher to tell on you? So I wouldn't. I would just deny at all if it ever came out, and I mean it could come out, it couldn't. I mean I would maybe look to getting another job somewhere if you could. Uh reason for leaving, Uh just wanted to move in a different direction in my career, something along those lines. Do not tell what really happened, police, police, don't do that. You know, I taught here for a year. I want to see what else is out there, you know, something along those lines, and that reason for leaving Box. Yeah, this is really craziness. I mean, you go to school to teach to learn and all of that. Who would think that something like this would happen. I'm glad you never tried to hit on or say anything to the married lady. I'm glad you have some scruples there, you know. Had you had a couple of drinks when she came in and warmed up to you like this, you didn't say no, But of course you could have, and you didn't. So you know, the best thing for you to do is to keep quiet, to stay away from them. She's retiring, just quite kind of just let this pass, and I think it will pass if she does retire, if not, start looking for another job. Quake. I don't know, well, Shirley just said, but some people don't know they blessing. Come on, you're hit me now. Listen, man, Sometimes when you pray things, my lord just give it to you without you ask her for And I want to say right now, you would bless you said you walk into back. I never cleaned up or hooked up or put a party together and got that kind of blessing. But believe me, I want to be in the teacher's organization profession. You was blessed. The only problem I had was you jumped up feeling your blessing was going you might have got more blessing. You posted told the other one that you liked. Come on in the too. You have been set off, I mean blessing. Ye see you talk about this every time you gotta ask more. Yeah, yeah, didn't you want to receive? Yeah? See what I'm saying. He should have. He wanted the other one and he didn't know the other one was gonna give it to him. So she was wrong. And looks what the Lord do right right in there? He wanted You know what I'm saying. Had the other one changed her racist mind and bow down what I say, your enemies would be at your foot. Yeah. Yes, now what I'm saying. So you just don't know the blessings that your hand. What you need to do in stating quit don't do with Charlotte. Did call your friends and say it's popping off at this element of school. The facilities and the faculties is getting it. Damn. That's what I'm saying to your brother. If this is a bad letter, you don't want my life. It's wrong. In the workplace, we was not working. We were setting up for a party. I can't he was supposed to be the chaperone. He needed a chaperone in this situation. No, this is what he got for his extracurriculactivity. You understand. He gave back to the kids and look at God instantly. If if the administration finds out, he's gonna get fired, you know that. All Right, we're gonna hear from Junior. We're gonna hear from the nephew when we come back. Uh with part two of today's Strawberry letter. The subject I gave the teacher and oral and oral. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, let's recap today's Strawberry letter U. The subject is I gave the teacher an oral exam. An elementary school teacher wrote in. He said he had a big problem. He graduated from college a couple of years ago. It's his first year teaching at his school. Very beautiful, beautiful woman that he's he admires. She's married, so he's never said anything to her. She's black, another older white woman. They say she's a little racist and me and so he's left her alone. So by the end of the school year, she kind of warmed up to him, you know, so by the end of the school dance, or at the beginning of the school dance, she really warmed up to him. And that's what the letter is all about. How he was hot. That's hot, that ain't warm. Yeah, he's a chaperone. At the end of the year school dance, he's in the gym. She comes in the gym exactly exactly and uh yeah yeah, and she uh starts performing orally on him. The teacher that he likes, that's Mary, comes in. Now. He's afraid. He's scared now that they may tell. What should he do? He's asking should he tell before they do? Should he just come clean with the administrators? Absolutely not? All right, Quake said, he doesn't know that he's been blessed. People don't know how blessed they are. All right, junior, what do you think? Come on now with Quake brother, You mess enough a good blessing. Send you a teacher. Let me put it in terms you can understand. Add it up, do the man yes, do the man subtract sensibility yes, okay, divide everybody co signed nothing and multiply and do it again. Get caught somewhere else in this elementary Why try getting called to CAPTI yeah, yeah, get called him now. Yeah, she'll do it at the gym, she showcases the cap. What about the science class? Science class, bring out that bust and burning? Yeah, so she look like that. She white. Let's go to history social study. Yeah, let's lose some cattle economics and cook something. You don't want to do that, it'd be all unflavorable sea kill the moon. Why is you gonna leave the school? This is where you need to be. Yes, this is where you need to be. Look at God, I'm telling you. Why would you leave your racist and made a kneel? Yes? What in one year you've been trying for He did it in a year? Yes? Who is you? Great leader? He don't know his caller, that's what you think. Why would you leave auditory? Yes? Yes, being a class, you cannot do this kind of stuf. Oh let's yes, come on. I think I think the young board does not realize that he has been cougar rized. You understand she is a coolger, and you don't realize you've been cooged. She she's been playing in this all the time, all that stuff that was in that back room. She put that back down because she wanted to delure you to the back room. And guess Whatnot only did she do that, she also set it up that five to seven minutes. She told that sister, come on in here in five or seven minutes, I'm gonna let you see something. And she came in there and guess what, Low and behold, she saw you in the middle of the mix. That's what a cougar. Dude, coogle, That cougar been on the prize since you got to that school. He'd been laying in the cut, just waking. But I got week of school. I'm gonna I'm gonna get what i want out of this board. She got it from you. You can cougar ride. When she retired, she leaving with you. And think about it. Also, Tommy killed the car petition. Look at cold her to come in there, so she'll break y'all us and stay with her. Genius man, genius genus. No, no, I ain't got nothing on you. You saw the case. Do let me tell you something else. Don't you ever in your life in the middle of this act jump up. You're gonna hurt yourself. You can't do that. You're gonna mess around and mess yourself up and be out of the count down for the count for at least six weeks I've been. I mean, I hadn't seen this heard about me. Let me ask you guys. It doesn't doesn't it matter that he was around work, at work type environment? Yeah, no, what's wrong with it? Man? While you pick here exactly? No, I'm saying I take it when you give it to me. We don't count the stairs call yeah, baby christening, Yeah yeah, emergency roomy room, Yeah, got shot. I see you, you know you see Yeah, I see you, you see me. I'm gonna hear it. We don't care. I understand crime scenes. I know somebody go pussing here. They're gonna move the body here, but let's lay on. It is warm, yea, that's how if you have to ask, you have I know, Okay, we don't care. Maternity ward and it wouldn't need my baby mama sitting. I showed my son when he came out. This is how you can't him right down the nurse looking. He had another placehood. You can do it in hell. Yeah, I don't care. I'm gonna do it. Yeah, I'm down here, Carlin. Who are these people? I'm stopping at the hall part some screw I'm waiting on. I'm gonna do it, but just before I get judged. All right, listen, guys, email us your Instagram us, your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter, these complete idiots on Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. I know coming up at forty six after the hour, quake is here, Ladies, Sleeping with you tvon could make you gain weight. All well, you're gonna get into that right after this, guys, you're listening to the stew All right, ladies, listen. Keeping a lot of light on you while you sleep, such as from a television or a bright night light, Well, that has been linked with an increased risk of weight gain and obesity. That is sad news, because I go to sleep with the TV on every night too, Every night too, Yes, every single night. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Science, as women who sleep with the television light gain five kilograms and increase their body mass index of ten percent compared to those women who slept with no artificial light. How many is that in pounds? I didn't gul five killer killer five kilograms. I think it's over a period of time. I think they said like ten or eleven pounds over maybe five years. A ruby, my ain't ruby been had a TV on for thirty years? That's the eleven pounds behind. What's exactly what it? Eleven pounds? Eleven pounds and how many years? Well, I when I heard the stories over a period of like five years. You yeah, that to my girl, that's sweet potato eating past eleven clock sweet. Yeah, you're eating the dog. Surely without the light on, it's better. Well, according to this it's better. Yeah, that's what I'm out in my house. That's what we're gonna do. Yeah, this story is about bright lights. So if you eat in the dark, I mean to answer your stupid question. Yes, trying to say women are gremlin. They study the women. Yeah, they did study women for five to six years. Here it is right here. The study went on to say light affects women's metabolism. So ladies, listen, ladies, we need to sleep. We need to get our good sleep in. Okay, we need to turn that TV out. No, no, avoid lights, electronics, take all the lights out the house. Now, brother, this is beautiful. This is no ladies, this is what y'all need to do. The most men kept on trying to tell you need to sleep underneath the couples. Under the couples. That's when you need to sleep under No, no, no, no worry. We open up you breathe, but you ain't. You ain't been in the middle of a hot flash. Yeah the other then once you get in the middle of a ladies hot flas, trust me, all the couples is coming. Listen. I have slept with a woman in the refrigerator. She was so hot. You understand trying, yeah, listen, you understand? All right? Listen these call us at eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve if you sleep with the TV on, or you can go to Steve Harvey f M and on social media and post your comment. Okay. Coming up at the top of the hour, the CDC warns about peep poop and sweat in pools. He'll be summer everyone, We'll get into it right after this. You heard me. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, happy summer, everybody. You know, we all know that some folks, adults and children, uh, they pee in the pool. I mean, it's facts of life. Yeah, come on, I just you paid in the pool, fool. Huh huh. But with caller, got a pool caller, you didn't say you didn't just stood there, hang CALLI and your poore as a kid back in the day, at the community pool, not in your own pool. Oo oh the pool at the park. I wouldn't dad jump in there? Norman? As a kid, Yeah, as a kid, it was fun, sure, especially growing up in Chicago where summer was only two months out of the twelve month year. He had. Yeah, all right, So, like I was saying, we all know that people you're innate in the pool. But with all the chlorine they add to swimming pools, it's not that bad, right, you would think so, well, yeah, not exactly, according to the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. Yes, chlorine is at it to prevent the spread of germs. But the people at the CDC uh say, the stuff that comes off swimmer's body is still a concern. Are you interesting? I just got out of the pool, Junior, scrusted spread my finger, heard that I just got the pool over the weekend, all right. You know, usually you take a shower before you get in the pool. That used to be the supposed Yeah, you're supposed to shower before you get in the pool. But they're saying people pee in the pool, they poop in the pool, they sweat in the pool. They're the new thing they're doing is they bringing the dog in the poop in la. I believe, Oh my god, I'm sitting that sitting myself. I had to get out the water. That mess a homefu man la. Yeah this is la. LA will do that. Don't get the pull. Well, it turns out everywhere. Yeah, okay, it turns out that these contaminants can actually decrease the amount of chlorine available to kill germs. Wow, are you just in there? Just putting this story will make you never want to get into a pool in your life. Did I start the story by saying, happy, one urination and two poops and the chlorine is just gone. See this is another thing y'all getting soft. I understand we've been peeing in pools for years. That body healthy nigga just doesn't make y'all like you're used to kind of standing there with the chlorine pool, y'are weak. Take a shot before you get in the pool. That was the shower. Look at what you understand. You don't understand. Listen to me. That pool was my babysitting. Mama dropped me off there the summertime. Come get me once you got all. I was white. I was white. You know what I'm stand? Yeah, yeah, saw crazy. It ain't just getting soft around here and nephew and pooping in there all the time. Yes, yeah, there ain't no snickle. There ain't no snicker. I don't know snickle, Junior to scratching over here. I can't go back, you know, I'm sick. Must They ain't no snicker, nephew, swim on, get your laps in, dag you in, Marco, Polo, no worried talking about no snickle, Marco, the city ceases. You can help prevent these chemical irritants quake by keeping pee, poop, sweat and dirt out of the water. That's this, that's the point. Yeah. Yeah. They also, oh this is a great one. You're gonna love this one. They also advise not to swim when you have diarrhea. You got that's why they call it diarrhea. You don't know we're gonna hit I mean, what is this? Don't nobody getting the pool to say, all right, right now they hit shi once again. That ain't no stick, it ain't no snick, It just hits you. Come on, story, this is so gross nasty, It really really is. But but don't I swim when you have diarrhea? We've gotten so Yeah, y'all got so you could deal with that. You ain't even know with ignorant. You don't understand that funna. All right, coming up, more fun more craziness with quake, more music coming up in twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right quick, Kee've been with us all morning. We're so grateful. We always love you. So you're traveling around the world. You have your big Father's Day show this weekend. Tell us what's going Keeings Theater on Saturday with one of the Kings, you know, the family also of the Steve Harvey sc the entertainer. Yes, we're gonna be in there, Yes, at the King's Theater on Saturday, and in Jay Pack on Sunday for Father's Day. Those forgotten soldiers that's in the War of Love. Yes, New Jersey shot down. We'll be there doing it for the father's of my fifth anniversary. That is, my father's retreated. So you took it upon yourself. Yeah, something nice, Do something for your father. Bring him out, let him laugh. We got the King of comedy. I brung him in New York City, in New Jersey. That's what'll be getting in. Yes, what's next and after that we're gonna be in Richmond, Virginia. Two shows Friday and Surady and you know, come see me at the Funny Bone in Richmond, Virginia. Friday started him next week, So come see quake. You need it. Also follow me on the real earthquake Instagram. I mean I need those followers. You got the crazy boy whatever. Yeah, they'd be stalking man. Yeah, people be over there blocking me, turning me in. You don't like what a post man? Just move on, that's what says. Keep on reporting me. Man, I don't know who that hate out did one of the ex ones that I said I was gonna love and it didn't happen. No, you taught me. I need some help. Right, We got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three after the hour, Right, after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, Trending sports news. Guys, All right, Junior Tommy Quake, Golden State Warriors player Draymond Green's upset with Toronto Raptors fans because they were cheering. That was in very poor taste. I thought, when Kevin Brand went down within an achilles injury in game five, what do you guys think about that? I think it was I think it was bad. But you know what I did like? I did like that the um, the Raptors, that the players, you know, they were they were in support of him. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, man, I don't believe I understand that the Raptor You understand the Raptor fans, Yes, sir, sir? Use me, sir. You haven't talked to a fan that hadn't won. Understand what I'm saying. I'm talking to Cleveland Huston. Got a couple of rings. I'm talking about. Never one you've been coming to these Raptors games is getting drugs. Ninety three You close and all of a sudden, boy, he he come, yeah, he comes back in and he saw a whooping and he go there. Thank you Jesus you don't want him to die. Get him about of here. It's our turn. Yeah, I understand it. That's why they call a fan short for fanatic. I am a Red Skin fan. Please believe if we could win the Super Bowl by beating the Cowboys, I'll push the ninety eight year old woman who's a Cowboys fan. I have a town the steps I help out that we win the game. I'm sorry, grandmama, but if you would have made it there, it would have gave them inspiration to beat us. I'm sorry, Grandma, and I do the time. I would do the time right because hal to the Redskins. Yeah, you know one, I'm spending my money chin when we lose it and I'm close to victory. And this one, lady, a trophy, a parade, we never get a prayer. I gotta always be the side person. I'm tired of being a maid of horn. What about? Yeah? Would you push your kid out? Just trip him like Bernie Muck say, hit him in the throw. If that what keeps us from win it. I'm a fan. I'm looking at the hard fans. Yes, not listen, bro, he got to already, he gonna be already. He got but he got he got two Honey, me too. No, but he got to read too. But it takes a long time for the Achilles to you know what they're gonna do. They're gonna give him thirty one million while he's hell out of him. Yeah. So if I play and my team can knock the under quarterback out and give him a concussion, you don't know whose kids is coming up. Our last break of the day. We're gonna let Quake do his dates one more time because we want to make sure we are where you are, and we'll get some closer remarks from Steve. He left us with some at forty nine after the hour, right after this you're listening to all right, here we are Steve. Last break of the day. It's been a great day. What a day, What a day. Yeah, it's been a crazy day today. So Steve, now it's time for you to take us home with your closing remarks. My closing remarks today are going to be based around the value of yourself. I think this is important. Tommy sent this to me, you know, a bill board, and it really triggered me to thinking I'm gonna share that with you. But it all pertains to the value of yourself. This can pertain to you in terms of reaching your goals, your dreams. All in business, and this is for you to consider in the relationship of It is amazing to me why I talk to people, and people talk about how they're being treated and handled it and represented and dealt with, and how they can't seem to get no old body to see they value and their worth. And I'm sitting a bit going, wait a minute, wait a minute. You can't try to get someone to see something in you that you don't see in yourself. It starts with you. You know, you've all heard the saying beauty is on the inside. It's not just skin deep. That's true. Confidence is not an outward emotion. It's something that starts from within. Everything starts from within, and it exudes and and and and and manifests itself in the outward shape or form. So if you want people to value you, you must first value yourself. I tell my daughters all the time. You can train a man how to treat you well, Daddy, how do you train a man You just don't accept bad treatment from him. If you don't accept bad treatment from him, little girl of mine, then guess what he can't keep giving it to you. A person can only treat you the way you allow them to do it. If you don't accept a man coming to pick you up late all the time, but you stop going with him every time he late, the next time he want to go out with you, he got to be on time. Now. If he don't want to be on time, then guess what. You don't go out. You've trained him how to treat you, and if he don't line up with what you walked, then guess why he not for you. At least you don't have to be mistreated the way he want to treat you by simply not allowing him to treat you any way he wants to. You cannot have high value for yourself and expect someone else to have a high value of you. That goes into the same thing with business. You can't go in and ask for a raise if you don't think you deserve one. What would cause you to walk in there and ask for a raise if you don't think you deserve one, if you don't have the facts to back up a raise, You can't want more money just because you don't spend all the money you had. You got to go in there and ask for a raise, because you can show value to the company. You're worth this much more to the company. The company has become this because of you. Then you can show your value. Then you can go in there with a raise, and you can go in there with some confidence with the raise. It happens with goals and dreams. If you aim too low, your problem is you might hit it. But I'm gonna say that for tomorrow. So it's what you think of yourself, how you value yourself, that matters most. Now let me tell you what was sent to me. I listened to this real careful, because this is going to register with the lot of people. Listen to me. If you aren't being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Maybe you've marked yourself down. It is you who tells people what you're worth. Get off the clearest rack and get behind the glass where they keep the valuables. It's you who tells people what you're worth. Get off the clearest rack and get behind the glass where they keep the valuables. Stop acting like you a sidewalk sale. Stop acting like you can be picked up at the swap meet. Stop acting like you belong in the junkyard. You're a new car. Don't act like an old car. I don't care how old you are to somebody. You got to be a new car. Stop putting yourself on the sales rack when clearly you deserve full price. If you low the value for yourself, that's what we'll pay for you, and that's how we'll treat you, and that's how we respect. If you don't respect yourself, if I see you constantly disrespecting yourself, then you're gonna turn to me and demand respect. How does that work? That be a coat where they got the lock on it. See, you can't take me off the rat and just try me on. No, that ain't how this work. See. But now you go over that to that valuable section in the store. You everybody been to Mac's. You got that stuff where you got to go get a salesperson to come and unlock it for you to even try it on. That's cause they to put a value on that. Or you're going over there and just put the little shirt on. T shirts ain't locked up. Anybody can get one. If you're steal his T shirt, it ain't that bigger loss. They ain't a fold dollars pack of three. Come over here, body's swaye. Come over here, body's fur stuff. We got locks on this stuff right here because it has value. We know it has value. So we can't just let you try to up letting people just try you on. You got it, put a value to yourself, maintain it, you determine your value. Don't let other people do it. You do it all right. Those are my clothing, your ball, drop the mic, drop the mic. Baby, thank you, Tommy, appreciate you. Pimp needed that, but that I just need thought started. Hey man, can I tell y'all so announcement, have a great weekend for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show