Earthquake Shakes The Show 3.1.17

Published Mar 1, 2017, 6:16 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them more, just like theming buck bus things and it's cubs do me true good to tete hardy listening to me to each other for sto quick clean, Hoby. Why don't you joy yeah by joint beeriod doing me honey, say you got to use that turn yeah you go. You gotta turn You can't learn to turn out. Turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn water water go comy, Come on your thing. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting on its Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here it is today. Gotta going for you today because I was just sitting here um um, you know, at the mic, and I'm always trying to think of a way to find a different way to approach these subjects in the morning. So I can, you know, be a little bit different, you know, because it's it's challenging because the principles of success are the same and it's not a whole bunch of them, you know, it's just the same. So when you're coming forward every day for ten twelve minutes. You're trying to come up with a way to to say it a little bit differently. I think I have something here and I and before I began to even take credit for what I'm about to say, let me put it to you this way. God puts something on my heart this morning. And I have to give the credit to him because I look, you know, he's catchy sayings and stuff. I can't take credit for that. I'm just I'm I'm I'm a i'mos I'm a small interest. I'm a small piece of him. You know. I was created in his image, as was all of us. All of us was created in God's image. God created us this week. We're we're very special species that He's created because of all the things he's created on this earth, nothing he's created. It's his greatest creation outside of man on earth. Now what heaven is, I have no idea, But on earth man is one of his greatest creations. And he's very, very very proud of us, you know. And I mean he created us in his own image, and and that's that's the beauty of it, that all of us have a peace of God in us and that's and that's the part that I try, I try my dog goneness to to just work on that part the most. So you know, so the other pieces that ain't got nothing to do with God don't become the top layer of me. And so okay, all right, all right, here we go. Here, here's the information that came to me today. Okay, here this When God created you, God created you as a work of art, because like I said, we are all a piece of Him. He created all of us as in his own image. So all of us are this very unique. Each person is very very unique, down to very fine details. No one is the exact same. Now, you meet a lot of people are very similar to you. You run into people who have a bunch of likes that you like, share dislikes. You know, you've got a lot in common with people. But nobody is exactly like you. And the reason you know that is because of fingerprints. How how is it that this God, what is so imaginative, he's so dead on that no two fingerprints are alike? You have a tripped on that before. Man, How in all the FBI, the criminal everybody in the database, no two fingerprints are alike. That's how unique God made you. That's a powerful thing to come to the realization of that you, in some very small way are so different from everyone else. That's how special God is. But that's how special He made you. So you are this creation. You are this work of art. Now, since you have work of art and you created in this image, God said in his word that he created us, and he came to us so that we could have a life and have it more abundantly. Now, okay, now let's just start right there. You are created in God's image. You are very unique. Proof your fingerprint is like no one else is living. That's amazing. He didn't done over six and a half billion people and ain't duplicated the same fan of prayer. Oh man, come on now, okay, So now he's created you to be something with this gift he's given you that he can expose to the world, that he can show off to your circle of friends that whatever your world is, however big it is, and it doesn't matter about you becoming famous in your world. He wanted to be able to show you off, to flawsh you, to show the peace of you that has Him in it. Okay, that's what you were created for now, says God wants you to have a life of abundance. That means everybody, here's the news that God has blessings designed specifically for you and the mom that you were created, he started sending them your way. Here is the good news. Here, that's the good news. Here is the news. We gotta be aware of you. I. We are the only ones that can turn back the blessings. Trump rope. Oh news flash. The moment we were created in his special way for us, God started shipping the blessings that would allow us to have this life of abundance that He wants for us, that would have us to be able to accumulate and acquire and develop the gifts and talents that He's bestowed upon us to show off in the world that we are created to be in. He sent them on the way. Oh, news flash, you I, we are the only ones that can turn back the blessings. See what you're talking about about that because of our attitude, we directly affect our altitude. So our attitude, y'all, determines how high we go. You got a bad attitude, You you got low self esteem, you have low aspirations, you have low tolerance for people. You have a low relationship with your creator. You have a low time on the meter of prayer. You have low will guess what low altitude? You are the only one that can turn back your blessings. Now the way to get your blessings sit and you stop blocking them and turning them back. You have to change your mind. You have to get into receivership mode. You have to be ready and willing to do just a couple of things to get the blessing sense your way. First of all, go to God, who is your creator? Who made the fingerprint that you have? Man, I can't even get past or what I just tripped on right here. He has made you so specific. No two fingerprints are like out of the six and a half billion people that He's created, ain't No two fingerprints are like You can't tell me God didn't create you to make you special. With that in mind, with your uniqueness, talk to the to the God you served, the creator, and find out what he created you for. It's a very simple prayer. It's God, I know that I made by you. I've been struggling with the who I am and the what I am. I do not really know what my mission is I have not figured it out. Can you help me figure that out today? And he will start sending the answers. But let me give you a couple of jump starters. First of all, identify your gift, Steve, what gift? The gift that God gave everybody when he created us with these fingerprints. See, he not only gave you your own fingerprint, he gave you your own fingerprint because that's the imprint you will put on the world that we live in today. Yours is uniquely yours because that fingerprint is the imprint that you will put on the world when you're gone. So, now, that's got to be something great in you, and you know it. That's why you keep asking the question, what is it? It's gotta be more to life than this. Um. I can't tell you how many times I asked my God that. But let me tell you what I found out. If you identify your gift, you start the process. Steve, what gift you keep talking about? I keep talking about that gift to God gave you. Because God, just like he gave you the fingerprints, he never ever created a soul that he didn't give a gift or talent to the gift and the talent is the same thing. The gift and the talent is the same thing. What is that simple? It is the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. See now we go back to one of them principles. That's the same Steve said that thousand times on the radio. I'm trying to get another way to get you to understand that. But it's your gift, your God giving. Your gift and talent may be very similar to someone else's, but your fingerprint that you're gonna leave with it your journey through life is gonna be totally different. Beyonce's gift God of the worst she is. You may be able to sing out saying Beyonce or seeing just as good as Beyonce, But guess what, that ain't your fingerprint. You ain't meant to be her. Maybe you're singing gonna go somewhere else, But you first got to identify the talent. And the talent is always not in entertaining in sports. The majority and the greatest talents have nothing to do with entertainment of sports nothing. What is it that you do better than anything else that you do without any effort? Do you counsel, do you teach, do you draw? Do you design? Do you do you worship? Do you are you a nurturer? Are you have nursing skills? Whatever that is, Go find that first. That's the starting point. Thank God for that right there, and the wrest will start to coming to you. Try to hit this again tomorrow. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after the hour, here we go on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah man, yeah, hey, what is today today's as you gotta tell your traditional ASH story this morning at yes how you made an employee a co worker? The first only Ash Wednesday story I have ever since then, and it is ash. Let's be clear, it is ash a but that's what I be. No, I wouldn't be disrespectful because it's religious. It might sound like I'm saying something else, but I'm really, in my heart of hearts, I'm saying Ash Wednesday. I heard. Yeah, so um, it's it's pretty good. Today is a good day. I'm in a good mood. God is in a blessing business. I live my life with the expectation that great things are going to happen. I live my life that way, and it shows, It definitely shows. You know, I'm gonna give you I'm gonna give you an example. Well, let me see. I know I can't use that ex smple. Oh no, no, no, no, no, see, I can only swing at Tommy every nine then Tommy Kay takes swings every day to Okay, yeah you can, and you need to learn that about him. He's a good man, but he can't take hits every day, you know. And I don't think today will be a good day to see how he Yeah, I'm doing, you know today in a good day, Junior. How all trying to heard you off at the pass because I think we're said something to him yesterday. He don't do two in the row. Now, we can get him the mall, yeah, but you cannot get him two days in a row. Yeah, And so you know, just let me just remind everybody this, when you ask God for something, you cannot tell him the route or the method to get the request to you be because it's going to come with the requirement. Because to whom much is given, much is required. And sometimes what you're asking for may have a requirement with it. So don't get mad or feel some kind of way about the route in which he chooses to take you to get there. That's the biggest lesson I've been trying to learn lately, and I'm at sixty still learning that the route it is not my business. I just have to expect the results. Would that help anybody realizing that today? Yeah? Yeah, So Like give me an example, Uh, surely of something you've asked God for but you didn't care for the route. All of you think of something that you've asked God for but you didn't particularly care about the route. Junior, I'll tell you what happened last weekend. I went down the Florida right went renting me a room. But I need to have this conversation with God. I really did. And it was about moving to l A and all the things that all the things I was concerned about. And I'm just sitting out there looking at the ocean thinking, and so I didn't get an answer. But when I got home, my phone rang and it was somebody I have never talked to in about three or four years. But they're in a situation now. I just asked God for something I know I'm required to do this to help them. On the same day, same day, I just got to playing goods. But when I asked for the phone ring and this is the situation I got to do. Yeah, I know. M hmm, okay, let's see what is mine? Probably uh husband, And that was like years ago. I mean a route seemed like into God for ever. But but but the lesson and that the lesson and that for me was he had to prepare me. I had to be ready. You know what I'm saying. I had to be ready. I wasn't ready. You know, it's because I was. You know, I was married before and it didn't work out. So he had to just prepare me. Get all that out the way, and so we're good now, and I thank him. I'm glad he did it this way because it turned out much better, you know, because if I wasn't ready, if you divorced again, let's not mention that college. Do you have an example, Uh, I would say being a mother, because I wanted that for a very long time. But I realized at the time when I wanted to be a mom, I really wasn't ready. And uh, now that I am a mom, i am, I'm ready. God bless me with a husband. So you you kind of take it the out you want to go and which way you think you should go. And I know that right now. I was not ready to be a mom when I wanted to be a mom. And you know, my daughter kicked my behind getting here because it was tough pregnancy. That girl kicked my getting here. But great for the God. It's a blessing. And I really love being a mom. It's really blessing and thank God. Yeah, well, Tommy, Oh, I think y'all know, man, I have been asking for patience with my son, the oldest boy. Man, I've been asking God for a whole lot of patients and I'm trying, and y'all know I don't have no patience. Y'all know that. So that that that's a tug of war with me trying not to kill him. But obituary, it could be very well around. Oh my God, tell me, I just see do you do you? Do you understand any question? Oh? Yeah, I don't. I don't. Yeah. I ask you you struggling the route to pace that you've asked God for and you didn't really care for the route. In other words, you could you asked them. You have it now, but you know I have it, But I'm still going through and the route I'm taking just to get this boy on the right, straight and narrow. It's difficult. Okay, maybe I didn't answer. Well, you wanted me to know. I mean, I mean I can accept that. I can see that you wanted me to be timing. I could have done that for you. You want me to do it again. Well, they're real close on that note. On that note, we gotta take the break right here. The good news is today is March first. So when we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, it's ASH Wednesday. Steve is going to tell us about the time I do it. Don't worry about Okay, we'll be back there if I misunderstanding of ASH Wednesday coming up. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back thirty four minutes after the hour. We're gonna play this song and then, uh yeah, wants me to tell what happened? You got this is tradition, Steve. We have a lot of news. They've never heard this story before. You're gonna break it down. All right, we're back. Okay, here's what's happening. I was working at Ford Motor Company. Yes, you were sir, and I worked on the simile line and at that day I was working in all pumps, so I was putting all pumps on the on the engine block when he came down the line. And Uh, there's a white dude that worked with me too. I really liked them. And you know, we're worked with cover rolls. We wore cover rolls like whatever you wore to work, you put cover rolls on top of it. And because you work, oil would get on your man grease. It's just tough man. But you checked in every day. You can get clean cover. You could change cover rolls in mid day if you wanted to have, you know, and uh, kept your all rag in my pocket. You know. It's pretty good at my job. And so I didn't know nothing about ash Wiz. That so was not in my repertoire. Everybody I grew up with Bathletick, excuse me, not Bathleck. That's Baptist and Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, m Pentecostal, you know, Methodist at best. And so he goes on lunch. I didn't know it to a church because I don't you know what I know. So he come back and he got this cross on his forehead, and uh, you know, I'm I'm putting all pumps on and he's standing behind me talkings. I ain't really paying attention. So I turned around and I looked, and he got this what I thought was a smudge on his forehead. I didn't. I didn't know, so I, being the dude that I am, I pull out my all rag and dip it a little bit on my tongue and then put him a little, you know, a little all on it and reach up and rub it off his head. Too. Said, oh my god, what are you doing? And I said, dog, just chill man, you have something on your forehead. Yeah, so you're kidding me. I said, no, you was writing in the middle of your phone. I don't know how I got there. He said, that's Ash. I said, well I got it, man, Damn what you're tripping for. I didn't rub around with ash on your head all day? Dog, I got it for you. He said, it's Ash wedchdeak. I said what he said, it's Ash Wednesday. I said, you're gonna do that again next Wednesday. He said, Jesus, are you kidding me? Are you serious? I said, what are you talking about? Man? He said, it's ash Widy. You never heard of ash Wizz. I went to I'm Catherine, I went to church. I got this put on me at my lunch break. Some ashes on your lunch? What cause this ash? What sake? Damn? Don't you show upset about these ashes? You wanted here to say? Thank You's gonna be all ungrateful your man, you're walking around all these girls in here. You got that. And then that's when I noticed a lot of people had it on. This must be big, said big Wonder when they started that in Cleveland, crazy, A lot of man. All right, we gotta got a break. I love that, a little back guy. And then next one, what are you doing coming? Ash? Which day? It's run that prank back with the nephew nephew? Oh my god, yes, yes, I'll let you know when we come back. What it is. Just hold tight. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show forty eight forty eight minutes after coming up at the top of the hour, everybody on this Ash winds Man, Monica Catholic, Monica, come you no ash on you today? You too short. It's early. She hasn't been. It's too early. I say it's early. She probably hasn't been the church yet. College. You Catholic? Mhmm, I went to Catholic schools in Chicago though. You used to get the ash too, But don't you didn't have all the colors? Oh you got Oh you got college. College. They're gonna put it on you now. You don't even know it's there, dude, come in day glow or something. They have it like powder, like chalking, like what about like like light ash, you know, because she's got like a great color on it. We're gonna need variations. Okay, okay, oh god, so we'll know. Ain't nobody thought of that? Yeah, you're still going with it? Tell us what's coming up next? You makes me ill? I got it. It's running that brank back. That's the Tucker in rare phone. You put some dull to see you on that white dude like spotted right off talking to you. You can talk to me for a few minutes. I might not even know You've got me hate you like I can see your master. Okay, okay, yes, I'm trying to reach a Lester Tucker, MS Tuck. How you doing this? Is our Curtis Walking soul brother number nine. I'm with the VP of A and H the BP of A Black People of America. What okay, we listen. We are we're doing a survey today. We're calling on a lot of white households and we're trying to figure out have y'all been using the N word in your house? And if you have, how many times are you using the N word on a daily basis in your house? The N word? What come up that I don't use the N word of my house? I got youngest, We don't do that around my house. Have you been using the N word at your job? Ahead? Don't know what kind of survey? I'm no? Back to hell? Up? What did you just say? You got what at your job? I got black? Look? Why fashes this up yours? If I used the N words? I paid a rent in this trailer words Hey, hold, hold, wait a minute, brother, Now look you called me, hey, hey, let me explain some something to you, sir. We're all we're doing is a survey. Now, I will tell you this. We do have surveillances at your place and we will be trying to figure out if you at my trailer. We will be taking dictating. We will be trying to figure out if you're using the N word. Let me say if I won't say the N word, I say words I don't want to say. If I find some surveillance to my trailer, I will come and keep your black people association that hear me? You know who? You? Uh? Just you leuss to Tuck? Ain't you? You got right? I'm luster Tucker. Why do you want to know how many times I said, we're trying to get a survey on it, sir, that's what we're trying to You just trying to start. I'm with I'm Curtis walking with Black people of America. Hell, I'm giving walking. Why are you telling my house? So I'm just here to ask have you been using it? And have you been using it at your job? Why did I tell you I don't use to my house because I got kids. I don't use at the job because it got black people to work for me. I don't want to run them off. My call on the name. Okay, Well, when you go down to the club by yourself, are you guys in there using it? Come on now and be honest with me. Are you guys in there using it? Man? Let me tell you something I don't know what about but it's not me like I got black neighbors. All right, I ain't. I ain't like that. I ain't like that. Okay, Well, let me ask you this. When you just when it's just you and them, them good old boys, when you just y'all, are you using that in word? Well, let me ask you this when it's this you and you're and you're hoodling a little buddy? Do you mean what? What the hell do you call white people? You used? I am not used the words, sir. I want to get like I tell you who the hell you are, sir. I'm doing I'm doing the survey here. I don't all right, because why will white people of America? How about that say we can't have a long association? Hell up, calling me up, call me, ask me question. Okay, I just got one more thing to tell you. Are you familiar Williams? Yeah, he works for me. This nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Marning Show. You just got pranked by william You all right, man, you got kind of ribbed up. Man. Well man, you you a go see that brother. He told me, he said, he said, this white guy is gonna go off. He said, trust me, he does not use the N word, but just act like he's been using it and he's gonna go to hell off that me money. Anyway. All right, let's the come to I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Let me tell you if the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And you know how I know some black guys that work for me have that he that is, let's the tuck a stupid continues. It's going down Saturday night this Saturday, that is March for Lake Charle's Louisiana at the Civic Center. The nephew comes again here it is. That's me, that's Opemeal. That's you, Gene. We're coming Lake chal right, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? Uh. Last night President Trump's addressed to Joints to the Joint Session of Congress um happened. He talked about tax and regulatory reform, improvements to the workplace for working parents, and Obamacare and vucation access, a great rebuilding of the American military, and commitments to veterans. Well, ms An is here to give us more of the President's speech and probably more insight. Good morning, miss Anne. Morning Steve Morning, everybody. Shirley called Tommy Junior, Good morning everybody out there. This is a trip of the news, and let's talk about that speech. President Trump addressed the Joint Session of the Congress last night for the very first time, outlining his vision for the country, and his delivery in tone was decidedly kinder and gentler. The words of the speech also seemed the edges seemed to come off much more than his delivery has been in the past. He started out by acknowledging Black History Month and condemning the land the kind of violence that his critics say his campaign rhetoric actually ended up encouraging recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week shooting in Kansas City. Remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. You know, he was talking about Kansas who was referring to the gunning down of an Indian I T specialist in the Kansas bar for no reason, allegedly by a white Navy veteran who shouted, go back to your country. Meanwhile, guests are the president of the first lady designed to make a point, including so they had their guests, the young woman who benefited from a school choice program, the relatives of three people killed by illegal immigrants, with critics saying that the presidents seemed to be declaring war on some aliens. I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims. The office is called Voice Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by a media and silenced by special interests. Joining us, Joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave Americans whose government failed them. Their names are Jamille Shaw, Susan Oliver, Jenna Oliver, and Jessica Davis. Jamille seventeen year old son was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member who had just been released from prison. Jamille Shore Jr. Was an incredible young man with unlimited potential who was getting ready to go to college where he would have excelled as a great college quarterback. But he never got the chance, and he'd been on to mention the other crimes that had pertained to the guests that he had. He said he intended to get rid of Obamacare, although earlier in the day, Trump was quoted saying the issue of healthcare was more complicated than he thought. Probably the issue of being a president also more complicated. Democratic lawmakers invited to make their own subtle statements as well by their guests, like an Iraqi, who worked as an interpreter for the U. S Military and who was detained at JFK for eighteen hours after Trump signed that travel band order. And now it's back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. But before we go today it's National Horse Protection Day. It's also National Food Compot Day and National Pig Day. Oint oint. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I thank you, miss saying. Let's go to the phone. Uh call me and tell you what you're giving up for Lynn, it's ash Wednesday. Well are you giving up to improve? I've never done it before. I've never done it before. Seven. Surely are you giving up someone you say he was giving up? Yeah, I'm giving him sugar and um, potainer chips, a nice shopping No, that's easy, potato chips. No, that's not easy for me. I eat him every single day. Just about wet potato chips every single day? Yeah, surely, yeah on the radio show, I never saw you eat potato when you heard it every day every morning, Mike. We got some people with some habits. And now I do drink coffee every day. Monica eat them three maddling cookies every day. You eat potato chips every day. Tommy drank green tea every day. Used to drink and you used to well you stop now, but you used to have hennisy everything. Oh yeah, work on. I don't say it worked, but every day you had not your man. We didn't have that intervention, that thingy's giving up behind trouble. I tried. I started call A and E and A. That's a heavy show. Who's heavy? Say anything anything? Let's go to line for and talk to Nikki out of California, Nikilly, nick come give it to Hello, am I own? Hey, Nikki, what are you giving up for lit and wine? I'm giving up because the summer is about to be here. Girl. Yeah, that's okay, giving up? What sweet sweet hey? Can I tell you something that to happen for you faster? If you just add a couple of things to sweet because they're sugar in bread, right, and so if you're gonna give up sugar, give up just all refined products like bakery. Sh'll go. If you could give up rice, pasta, potatoes, anything that's white, Oh jeesus, you'll be fine. It for thank you so much, she said, thank you so much. I paid a lot of money for that. Thank you, Thank you. See you in forty days girl. Coming up at eighteen after the hour, the Butterfly. Eugene is here with his butcher fly flogs. After the hour, the butter Fly. Eugene's here with his butcher fly flog. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that, our coming up next, Eugene is here with his blog. I don't know what it's gonna be this Ash Winsad. I don't e gonna tell him what he got, all right, Good morning everyone, Stephen Time, Shirley College Junior. Good morning to the crew, Good morning, good morning. So it's ash Wednesday. Of course people are giving up different things, true, and of course I have something I have. I have made up my mind last night that I'm giving up um at least for what is it You're gonna be amazed. Bytes You're gonna be amazed by Charlie. Carlie, you guys are gonna be amazed. You're ready now. I am giving up nephew Timmy for forty days. I will not deal with him for forty days. How are you gonna do that? That's your house? You know what? You have to free your mind? Free your mind. And I want to say this to everyone out there. If there's somebody in your life that you need to be free of, now is the time to do it. Go forty days like this without dealing with those people. And I promise you you are free yourself. And that is what I am going to do. I just don't know how you're going to do it? Yeah, Can I like you join in on that? And why? Why? Why are you giving him? You want to give up nephew Tommy too? For I want to do it? Do I do? I hear one? Do I hear too? Who wants to do what? I want to? Thank you? You know what, Shirley, When you live where I live, it's about just you just want to be free. You have so plastrophobic right now and you just want to just feel free. I don't want to hear his problems. I don't want to hear his ideas. I don't want I don't want to hear none of that stuff. I just want to be free. Just let me be, Eugene Antoine berguson. But what about the tour and all of that. I mean, I'm gonna do my part when I get the stage. I don't want to hear anything from him. But he'd be hard on Joe. You don't do that. Don't don't get into me. Don't If you want to have attitude, let him have at I just want to be free, That's all I want. Party days of that forty days. I'm know you won't have nowhere to do. He stopped being. If you tell me you out, yeah, I mean you're already out. What I mean is you will be You will be like you'll be confined. Are you still in character? Maybe you don't know what it's like to be trapped, to be trapped in a place that you can't get out of, and you just want to be out. You want to be free. I just want to be away from this crying photo because I'm stuck. Imagine if you were stuck inside of the day, I'm nephew time. What would you be doing crying? I wouldn't be I would come out. Come out in here, Steve, come out. You're not ready to be in here. Ain't room for me? First of all? My brain too big. So you know you don't want to be in here, none of you are. You don't want it there? Yeah, what's what are you right now? What's what's wrong with what's wrong with Tommy? Right now? Carla? Really? What ain't wrong with him? Carlor? What ain't wrong with Well? Maybe we can work out tomorrow because he ain't. No damn read up front and gig man, you got money. We had a girl. Guys got all them cars, got a chateau gated nice function in the house because one battery away from finding a part. I don't want all right, Butterfly, I will speak with you on tomorrow. All right, call us and tell us what you're giving up for lent? What do you want to do to just change things? If you don't like what's going on? How do you want to improve yourself? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright. Thirty four minutes after that, when we come back. We're going to the phones eight seven seven twenty nine. St al right, here we go, call us and tell us what you're giving up for lent? What do you want to do to improve yourself? Let's go to line one and talk to Beverly out of California. Hi, Hi, Beverly. How are you? I'm fine? How are you? You know what? Girl? I'm I'm I'm all right today. Good. That's wonderful. Let's say, hey, let the good times roll. I got a girl, That's that's what it means. Yeah, she said, let's get down on this roulette. Right. I just left. I've been up on that table all night. You know what I'm saying? Hey, So what are you giving up for lent this year? And wife, I'm going to give up beer and then I'm going to give up cooking. The reason I'm going to give up beer it's not that it's such a detriment to me, but it's just that I want to see if I can do it for forty days and then you know how much weight you're going to lose? Yeah? And I'm not fatsy, so yeah, the baby, baby, baby. I just said, do you know how much weight you're gonna lose you know, you find care a lot of weight. Yeah, I am burned. Yeah, okay, I believe that. Baby. You sound like you know. I ain't got no reason to dot you. What's side state, Junior? Hey, j oh here, we're going give up being with you. I'm about to give up cooking with you already have. It's just a good old country girl. Are you married? No, I'm not really been married. I know I really have not. I've never been married. Okay, to mask your question, how donl about you? Bevan, I'm sixty six right off? My wake up, I'm here, wake up. I'm a very young and I'm telling you you sound so young and so much energy. You can hear it in a voice. And my students keeping me like that. And then I have my great nieces and nephews, so you know, and I'm always busy like today, And you know, I have a lot of different ethnicities in my classroom, and I celebrate each one, a different one every month, and we just keep it moving. And they learned so much. They learned so much. And Steve, I know you don't remember me, but I met you a long time ago when you brought Michael Jackson over to my office and we went to church over first day and me because that's why I came to Los Angeles from Mississippi to operate the school for Reverend Murray. Yeah, well I remember bringing Michael. I heard the church over there. I was in your office. Yeah. And then because we left the church and went over to my office right across the street, then I ain't holler at you, he said. I was fine, but that was it. You know, that was Holly's house, Michael. We was in the lord's house. So I backed down. I told you that. Yeah, I see just what. I'm your sorority sister. You're my friend, You're a que and I'm a Delta. Well, girl, that's your friend. I shall wish we'd had this conversation right after coffee with no damn buddy, because I must around and married the girl in my dreams. And I know, I take my stupid ass whole see me, and here's something said the show. He was fine, but I didn't had time because I had to I had to go outside and do the interview for Michael because he didn't want to talk to replace. Yeah. Yeah, we went to the conference room and did an interview. You had the students in there, and then I told you I should see if I said I'm going to make you a pound cake and you something. That's what people from down south do. If they like you, they make you a pound cake. Yeah, if you bought that pound cake over to my house. It was this whole conversation taking off the air. You are too much. That was back then. You just get out, all right. When we come back from the break at eight after the hour, the nephew and his prank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show party and minutes after that hour were coming up. At the top of that hour, we got strawberry letter. But food, what you what you got next? Limp, get up stuff. No, that's that's what y'all. Y'all, don't go into the long asking him what they bout. Just let him say his prank and let you play on your nerves listening to the prank. Okay, yn't like my prank, See right, there be a prank. That's that's find Yeah, come on, let's come here on my pranking. Come on, quick drankingri quid, dragging your backs round, believe in listen. Hell, hey, I'm trying to reach Dorsey. Yeah, this cliff Man. I work at the post office with your wife. How you're doing, bro, I'm doing alright? Everything cool? Yeah? Everything good man? Everything good. Um. Like I say, my name is cliff Man. I wanted to reach out and holet you about a couple of things. If you if you got a minute, you got a minute. Yeah, everything all right with my wife? It's something wrong or something no, no, no, no, no, no, no, your wife good Man, your wife good. I wanted to hit you up. Man. We've been working the post office quite a while. We've probably been in the same room a few times. Man. I don't know if you you remember meeting me or not. But but what I wanted to say, man, is trying to do better with my life dog and you know, just just trying to do better, you know what I'm saying. So you know, for for lift, Man, I gave up a few things, you know what I'm saying. I just thought that would be a good thing, man, to try the things that matter the most, uh, that you addicted to you know, you want to get rid of you know what I'm saying, at least for Lyn is what I try trying to do. You feel me O Hey, I'm kind of confused. But what they got to do with me? Well, basically, man, I'm I'm giving up for Lynn. You know, I decided to give up, uh, messing around with your wife. You know, because because hold on, man, hold on, man, I'm at work. I don't know what you're talking aback, but back up and rephrase everything you just said. Well, like I say, Man, for Lynn, I'm trying to I'm trying to give up stuff that I'm that I'm addicted to, you know. And I just said what they got to do with me and my wife though, and you well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Man, I'm trying to give up messing around with your wife for Lynn. I mean, that's what I help giving up. I've given up messing around with your wife for Lynn. Man's talking about man messing around with my wife? Man, got no time for no games? Right now? Who this man? What's your name again? This is Cliff Man. I actually worked with for as ten twelve years. But but what I wanted to really let you know is, you know, her schedule probably gonna change because what we used to be doing, we ain't doing. So she's probably gonna be coming home a little bit earlier, things like that, But I don't I don't want you getting addicted to it, because you know, after Lena is over, then you know we'll be back what we used to do. Man, what is you talking about? Man? Hold on? My wife said to be home in a minute. We're gonna talk about all the yep with me. Man, I'm about to hold on? What what are you? Are you in the city right now? Can I can I meet with you right now? Cliff? Right? Okay? But what I'm what I'm trying to say, Well, like I'm saying, I'm trying to do better, you know, I gave up trying to do better. That sounds like a bunch of to me. I got something for you and my wife. True? Okay, Okay, okay, man, I mean, ain't you feeling me? Don't trying to do better? Though? I ain't feeling the thing you calling me telling me my wife. Fact, we need to meet up and talk about this face to face. Cliff, What you think I mean we talked right now? If you want to have a conversation, No, no, no, you just tell me you're dress and me and my wife's gonna just come on over there. How about that? And we all said, I do have a little power. I don't know who thank you is? Man, But me and my wife been together over fifteen years and we ain't never had no problems with no like this, like the you're telling me on this phone. It sound like a bunch of crazy to me. But somebody nick gonna today if the true? So what you need to do? You need to tell me your name, your number, And I don't know why you come from this block phone number. You hear me, man, I'm hearing you. Man, what I'm saying, The reason for the call was to let you know, you know, don't get used to her schedule because after lett, it's gonna be back to the way it used to beat. That's all the phone. What's the is you talking about? We'll getting u not Well, what's your what's your what's your what's your last name? Clip? I'm gonna come find you. I'm gonna come see you now, Jack. My name is Clip. Like I said, I work at the Clip and I work at the post off the way. So okay, Well, how come you call from a block number? Cliff? What's your phone number? Man? Hey, hey man, listen, I'm not trying to have no confrontation with you. Man, it's already a confrontation. You can call my phone from a block number. I don't know you, you don't know me, and you're telling me you be my wife? Are you serious? Did you know she was married? I mean what you mean? Did you know I was married? Yes? Or no? I mean yeah, I know? I mean, yeah, knew she was married. Okay, what it is? You knew that from the jump, So that means you've been disrespecting me from the jump. So now I got to getting your Now you just ConTroll off on yourself. So it regardless. I'm coming to see you today, jack Hey, and my name name jack Man, my name Clill. But you're not. I'm not gonna look here. I don't know. I'm not trying to have no confrontation. I just wanted you to be aware of the schedule. Yeah, okay, I'm definitely aware. Not clip. Who the hen is you? Man? Another thing? Man, I want to know this, like I know, I know your tattoo on your name on her lower back. I've seen that. Uh it's a dorsty right there. Whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa? Hold on, hold on, man, you're telling me you haven't seen the tattoo on up back? Is that what you hold her lower back? Man? Right right, right right on above a tail phone? Yeah, I've seen it. Dorsey. Your name Dorsey? Right? Man? Who is this man? What's your real name? Hey? Man? The calm down? Man? Are you? Are you cool with you call my phone? Are you school with the schedule changing? That is what I'm asking? What are you cool with her schedule change? And you see what I'm saying, Her schedule are gonna come back to normal once lit is over with. I gave up messing around with her for but not man, I'm not cool with the same. I'm about to be cool in your face in a minute. Now, tell me your name, tell me your number and your real address, and we're gonna talk about our lists in person. Okay, all right, what my name? What's your name? My name? Tommy? Man? Okay, Now we're getting somewhere. Tell me what I mean I mean while you need my last name? I if I'm gonna come see you? What you mean why I need your last name? Hold on? Hold on, somebody get in on the phone. Hey, hold on, don't go nowhere. We're gonna get in on the phone right now, and we're gonna settle this right now. Hold on, you're on the phone, color color for real. Yep, Tommy, who what's you're scared up? Okay? Man? They called me nephew Tommy. Oh who my name? Nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. What uh? No? You didn't set me up? Man, Man, your wife got me to prank. Call you, man, she tell you so. I left. I just left the house called him. Now. That's why Saint ask in the phone. It was over for you. Man. Y'all come on, man, y'all wrong for this man. This needs to be against the loud man. Boy, man, I gotta ask you, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the laying man? The Steve Harley Morning. So if you like my prank, you're gonna like me. March four, Saturday night, Baby Lake Chole's Louisiana at the Civic Center. The Nephew coming to town, Me and everybody in my head. You don't want to miss me. Tickets on sale right now, Saturday, March four. What we're talking about? Come on late Charles, that's giddy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, boggle A long time here, thank you, temmy subject. I trusted him until Good morning. Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty six year old mother of three. My husband and I have been together for seventeen years and we've been married for thirteen years. I've always been a trusting wife. I never doubted anything he ever told me. I never thought to check his phone, emails or Facebook page until recently. About two months ago, my husband's alarm on his cell phone went off. He was in the bathroom, so I reached over to stop the alarm. When I did that, a text popped up that read I love you. This text was not from me, it was from another woman. In this text, he went on to say I love you and asked her if she wanted him to visit her. She lives in Missouri, I believe, so I confronted him with the text. He of course said that there is nothing going on. I told him that I didn't want to hear it, and that the only reason he is not getting cussed out was because one of our children was awake. I had to go out of town that weekend, and of course he called me, begging and pleading. He claimed that he just texted it to her because she texted it to him. What He also claimed that their conversations were about me. He said that he was getting advice from her on me. Um, how she has never met me. He said that we didn't communicate enough, but he decides to go outside of our marriage and communicate with another woman. I'm an emotional wreck. The person I trusted the most hurt me so bad? Should I forgive him? Do you think we can get past this? Signed trying to keep my marriage? Should I forgive him? Can you get past this? Um? Well, I'll tell you honestly that if you do forgive him, if you decide in your own mind and your own heart to forgive him, that will help you to get past it somewhat. Um, you're hurt, understandably, so you're an emotional wreck. Like you said, you feel betrayed. You're angry. Who wouldn't be, especially you've just seen a text with your husband telling another woman he loves her and wants to visit her. Everything about this says cheating, all right, everything, And I'm sure Steve would be disappointed at his lies. At least I hope Steve would be. He texted I love of you to her because she texted it to him I love you really, and he's getting advice from her about you. Those are some really stupid lies right there. I will suggest to you, though, that you go for counseling and try to work it out, only because you signed your letter trying to keep my marriage. Uh, And let me suggest this to you. Try to rebuild the trust, but don't be so trusting next time. Maybe, Steve Well, Shirley, I got news for you. I disagree with you on this right here. First of all, the text, let's just go and get to it. It was from another woman, and in this text it said I love you. He went on to say I love you and asked her if she wanted him to visit her. She lives in Missouri. I believe what a man must do is capitalized any doubt. Seeing in this letter that is some doubt she lives in Missouri. I believe right there there, as you're opening, that is a moment of doubt. There is no woman in Missouri. I know this for a fact. There is no woman texting me from Missouri. I ain't ever been to Missouri. I don't even like Missouri. Stay right down on the doubt. Ignore the fact that she said I love you and you love her and you want to visit. Take the brother is doing what you see? Who brought you? Women don't understand and you get mad at us about that. I don't. I don't want to hear. He called me begging. Over the weekend, he claimed that he just texted to Ruh because she texted him. What that's what she said? What but that? Wait? Hold up what that's all he got? He got to go with that at the particular moment of being busted. And you have nowhere to go go with what you first go with. I texted only because she texts it to me. No man, and stay with that. That that's it's okay. It's okay that Shirley said. I would hope that Steve would be disappointed in his lie. Listen to me, A bad lie is better than no locktop man. What you cannot do? What you want this man to say? Yeah? I love her, I told I wanted to come see her. I have eyes for her. What is he supposed to do? The dude love his wife? He has to create This is our only texting to her because she texes that to me. I love it. See that's what you got. That's he said, bade A bad lie is better than no lie. I'm texted it to her. She texas that to me and stayed right there, dog and be emotional about here's the other bro. We're gonna get back to this when we come back right here. Yeah, he said that he was getting advice from her, and then she went, yes, m it's some mo doubt. I was talking about you with Hume and when I said I love you, I was talking about to you to her. We was practicing. We was wrong. That's how if you stay with your lie, it gets better to you. Oh my god. All right, after the break at eighteen after the hour, we'll have part two of Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make sure you stick around, uh in about thirty minutes. Earthquake, my boy, it's in the building, and I got part to it this letter right after I get an interview. Quake. Can I do that? Don't you? Last? Were reserved? Im? Just you try so hard. I try so hard to go with him. Yeah, I know, your boy, your good brother man to give you a change. Alright, Tommy, it's on you. It's hard to tell who's wrong and right when with the swearing to see the line, you don't have much time with this letter. Still time to say he told this woman that we didn't communicate enough, but he decided to go outside image it communicate with another woman. This is how we cast further doubt. Now, this line right here, this classic classic. You pushed me to her. This is classic you pushed me. Now, ladies, should you believe this absolutely? Now it's not and nobody's asking you to do that. But I do want you to understand the lie and the purpose for the lie. Now, the truth of the matter is this man really don't care about this woman. He really don't, because if he did when you went out of town, wouldn't be no begging and pleading, you know, So he don't really care nothing about them? Oh no, no, no, Now how heavy it is, I don't know because I don't know if they visited each other or is this just some over the phone stuff, Because obviously y'all don't live close by, because you say you believe the woman live in Missouri. Now, what does your husband travel for a living or is he around this could have been some online stuff, Facebook stuff like this. It could be so, it could be something that's not an actual or fair because you have no evidence of proof of an a fair just some words. Guys, get the flirting playing around online? That could be all to it. Should you save your marriage? Yes, you should, especially based on just the facts that we got. Now, A lot of women listen to this to tell you I'm gone, I'm through. Well, that ain't how life really go. People do mess up, people do make mistakes, Men do mess up me and can get it right? What about when women mess up and women choose to get it right. Everybody's got to be afforded the opportunity to get back up. Now. Is it gonna be hard? Yeah? Are you gonna give him the blues? Oh yeah? Are you gonna not be so trusting anymore? Of course not. Is he gonna be on pairs and needles and walking around on eggshells at the house and scared the flush of toilet leave a toilet seat up? Yeah, and gonna give him all the hell you want. But see if he changes, See if there's any more evidence of this, And it may not be no more than just what it was. Nobody texting love and ain't made none of it. Dog, They made love dog. Dog. It happens all the time. Ain't nobody text I Love you to me and we ain't been there before? Oh yeah, don't it happens. Don't say that. The strawberry letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girls Shirley. Now coming up after the break at thirty four, after the hour, we're gonna go to the phones and see what people are giving up for. Lets see how they feel about that. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fast year's number one new show is back Little Big Shots with me your Man Steve Harvey, featuring the world's most talented and precocious kids. The season premiere of Little Big Shots, followed by Chicago Justice and Shades of Blue Sunday on NBC Daddy for minutes after that, we're back. Coming up next, we're gonna go to the phone's, uh see who's out there? Eight seven seven, twenty ninety. Let's go to three Shirley out of Illinois. Shirley, Hello, Hello, Dolly, Hello, Shirley, are you giving up anything for Lynn and why yes, well this is Pastor Shirley and I'm gonna give up. I had a choice between bubble your hams. She didn't close enough. Finally, I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, three church to night, all we do is listen to you guys from the time you come on to the timmy wall or supporters for you guys, you are the different and our lives. Now, that's what we don't watch TV. We watched the Steve Harvey Show. We just wanted you to know that that's number one all supporting me. When I went up there to see Trump, I was and my whole church. Boy, you know what I told you, do not touch that young man right now because I was hit the color. You don't know what God allows them to me and numbers. He is number two and they don't know what Seve. Why God put you where you have to bring you back that when He brought your back, he brought you backroom house. So they're what you want to say to say, who God send the top the sea? Please on your side by you mean in the church, were on the street with the boys. That's how we rolled off. No, don took it, and I'm taking me about six months to get through to you because the group we're called, we're called the Daughter a Royalty Minevella, and we're none to play with. What's your name? Is that the name of your church? The name of the church is called Make It Plain All Nations House of Prayer, International Ministry. It's associated with you Ever heard this song I Love Jesus, Dr. Larry Robert Robers. Then when we built our church from the ground over with a million dollars? All right? How many members y'all got over that? Three thousand? Right now, I'm teaming with Fellowship passas Jenkis and I'm working with him to get him to eighty seven. That's what I do. So you say, who are you? I'm the person that went for the license, like Paul. It took me fourteen years. These ain't no micro waves life. But when I tell you, I didn't know I was gonna get the whole role and the throwing in the side and called gracious sufficient too, I got it all. Shut up. Now shut your mouth, girl. So Hill, once I told you is how here we go? Come on? I'm a job you know, army the log Yeah, yeah, I'm a job, he said, you don't know about that? Boy grew up in that. See, let me never tell how know about it, because that's the stuff that keeps me, keeping me when these arrowls is coming in my back and and they setting them fires all around me. Them songs right there, a little little Stevie stars singing them songs. Yeah, I got some flaws and made a lot of mistakes in my life. But look at me, hole, don't you see him come out? Jr? What have Pastor Shirley says she was giving out? What what are you giving up? Pastor shop? So I'm gonna give up. I decided I'm gonna give up some flops seas and now asked me why she called when I was as I was raised by man and not a woman. One of the things my father taught me is and my my brother's keeper. I'm taking it back. So what do I do? I'm walking on the gates like they walked. I PI walked off my foot hurt. Heill walk them on their math. What's up, little dude? What's up? Baby? Throw them sees out of them? You know they like some flower seeds and bubblegum in that order. Then you hope to have a cold one if you can get the top dog right. So I'm gonna get away to see and I'm gonna be to see. I'm called love baby. So I'm taking it back on one, one group at a time, one guy a time, even my song long then when you went to see Trump and said, Steve did us wrong? Excuse my freshing ninja. I told him to think, well, side sick school player. Which way are you going in now? Yeah? Thank you? Love we love you girl, We love you, thank you all right? With two side six? That's side Twitter? Which way is going? All right? That was crazy pastor Shirley coming up next to our friend. We love him. Comedian earthquake quick in the building. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all getting ready, Tommy Jr. I bore earthquake coming up, Tommy. This is your this is your chance. Go step aside. You know I try to hand you these interviews. That's safe, you know, friends, you know I don't that way. You know I'm keep you out of trouble. So are you saying like when the former president Barack Obama Colley and I'm not gonna be able to under that. Hell, hell no, let us president already know you can't talk to the president. Hey, President Obama, where Steve Steve my man? You know with all the w your issues and this president is yeah who nephew? Oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Michelle watched your feud all the time, not fu maybe a few times a month. Again, I guess that's what you're saying. Yeah whatever, I got a quick over. I can't. All right, we got our boy in the building. Can I get a drum roll? There we go? Special guests this morning, stand up comedian actor. He's done films, animated movies, and now he's on tour and he's got some shows in Atlanta this weekend to tell us all about to put your hands together. Our boy, our family member, the one the only earthquake, white wake, what's shaken? What's up? Earth? Just out here that just trying to hold it down. You know, it's getting real rough out here. I'm a little trumpet tied. I'm trupetized. I got my Latino's over your so old nervous and everything. I to turn my house into a sanctuary house. I'm hiding him like money. I'm the Mexican I'm down here looking out for her, me telling that's hiding him in my bed. I told next to cut the grass everything. But they safe here. But the yard look good. I am here now. I see you talking about bad lives. It's better than no life. And that's good because you know, I saw you super Bowl weekend, me and you did. I mean, Tommy, I saw you, and I'm letting you know something. You know the whole weekend. My boy just stayed out for the whole weekend, didn't see his wife for nothing. I said, man, he stayed on my house and said, man, what are you gonna tell your wife when you get home? He came up with a said baby, They said, where you been? He said, I'm telling you right now, baby. Donald Trump departed me from the airport and they threw me. I wouldn't let me use the phone or nothing. I was some mother. You can't get these sounders for wal market. He's stupid. I'm wouna be in the ladder this weekend, kicking it at any good time. Shout out to the file to blue the super Bowl. But I knew they weren't gonna win because Michael Vick put the color purple on. Ain't nothing good gonna come to you, do you he's stupid plank. I'm telling you people don't post have a dog like my brother in the studio apartment with a dog in the cage, in the cage home. Man, he didn't have some running room. You ain't got the room for yourself. This bad. He went away for three weeks, I hanging with me on tour. Put the dog in the dog hotel. Came back, so the dollars me back to left the dog in the hotel. I'm come pick his dog up. He sat. Man, I ain't even got it like that. Just go ahead and let him go. He know his way home, he knows, Yes, yes, yes, Uptown Comedy Corner. Uptown Comedy Corner. That's right. What can we expect? That's that's tonight, all the way to Sunday. What can we expect? Hey, man off the chain. Man, we're gonna be off the end. You know what I do and what I'm It's people with no health insurance. You've got cars that you ain't got help in shiding games before Barrock Tooks gonna say sign it. She had a stroke. Two shows on Friday, two shows on Sunday. One on Sunday coming to tell comedy Corner the club. I found it with Steve Harvey help coming back home man doing it in Atlanta, and I remember that helped the focal chake off that curse. Yes, hey, did you did you? Did you check out the speech last night? Did you check out Donald Trump speech last n No? I don't listen. Donald Trump talked to us like blinds, so much like we ain't got Google. Yah. I mean he's a professional lot. He got a pH d from Live Light University. When the truth were, I had more people than everybody, and I see the picture and more people in my party? Did you what is wrong with you? Man? You see Brock love them days off now and I'm telling you what talking about y'all looking for a husband like Barack. When Barrock cried over Machelle, I need a Barack, Well, you need to be a Michelle gotta be believe in my dreams. Told my woman, I want to be president. She like, of what you want to be president? Ain't got time for this? Break on the monk. I take you ain't been free ware. I'm talking about you want to be president of the free world? Of what? Of what? Good? Come on? Gome and tell you a woman you want to be president? Want to Barack be a machelleven me baby believing me with this income tax check? Okay, okay, I gotta ask you this. I gotta ask you this. The Oscar flob One baby announced wrong win a moonlight one. But he said, la la land one, give me your take. He was. We had to put some light on it, even though whin the full moon. And the first thing I said was where to go? Steve, Yeah, they're right now because the fun did it when your heart but when the doing, it's all right. Earthquake Friday and Saturday and Saturday. Friday and Saturday, two shows eight thirty and ten thirty. Sunday. He got one show at eight pm. Don't miss him. Atlanta g A at the Uptown Comedy Corner. Earthquake, We thank you, boy Asta Graham at the Real Earthquake. We love it more. You're lostening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't own you don't own a rose. Roy see you gonna sit up here? Faith, Yeah, I see it to your face. Tell everybody that you don't own a rolls Royce, go ahead, tell me I don't know Roy I'll see it to your face. All right, Tommy, that's a lie. Let it ghost. Well, No, that's a lie when you tell him a lie when the truth is yeahday which brings me to this today is ash Wednesday. And according to the l A Times article, even if you're not Catholic, some people see Lent as resolution reboost. Okay. A pastor interview for an article said that it's always good when humans look at their lifestyle choices and give up a negative habit. It's good for the herd and it's good for the spirit. So call us and tell us what you're giving up for lent? What do you want to do to improve yourself? Eight seven seven twenty nine Steve mhm, give it up. Let's go to line one. Talk to Kevin out of Ohio. Cam, Hey, what's uping man? What' you gonna give up for litt? And? Why? Good? How you guys doing. I'm gonna give up drinking? Yeah, I'm gonna give up drinking one. I'm I'm thinking at my church and uh, I think it's about John. You just ain't lit. It's a confession. What do you drink? Cal what you drink? I drink VDKA because I try to hide it, but you know you're drink enough of something that it still come out. You're all in your skin and everything. You just you just fa you just smell like potato mash right, put a little ge all over there. Don't work? Yeah? What what's what's what's your favorite vodka? Cam right now? Do you know what? I'm not that big on up. My My favorite is that extra smooth rocket because it goes down smooth. You know I don't have any sensive. So well, now it's okay. I mean what brand you talking though? That's secret? Oh secret, bumpy face? That should you really be talking to Kevin right now? I mean you're not really liking Yeah, no, I don't know. I don't drinking nothing clear, Tommy, Did you want to ask Kevin anything like that? I would like to say something, Tommy, I didn't want to talk to it in past. Is actually gonna call you guys and asked you for your adds just because I got a lawsuit against you. I'm sending you some paperwork, Tommy. The other tell you was talking and man, you had me laughing so hard. Man, when you were talking about stalking, you made running into one and they employ your cars in the parking lot. Help you with that, But I just appreciate you. Put my head down laughing so hard. By the time I hit that car, it was on a Friday. They had glass up, so you know I want to pull it off. Well, no, I'm a train looking on me. You be in the church drunk sometimes that that hangover? Come on, now, did you miss the card? Real bad? Yeah? I put a little thing in it, yes I did. But nothing wrong with the mind. Though. What kind of car you're the boar? You to? Kevin? Are you drunk right now? I think I just had some coffee this morning. He'd be drunk at church sometimes. Come on now, like we know we're just like we don't you know, we can try to go in the right hang over his church. We tried to be in our right frame. Come on, like we're gonna say amen. Right, So, Kevin, you're gonna give it up for for a lent drinking. Well, that's a good thing. Okay, that's that's good all the day. Baby, go get it. You're gonna replace it with any calling people to tell them you messed up. They called man and replace that whatever you messed up? You know that what are you gonna replace drinking with what are you gonna go with? Weat like water, juice or something I did? All right? Anything else you want to let us know? Taking before we go, taking and training Now now we're good. Okay, what you're giving up? Nutmeg? Oh my god, I'm not fitting it up nothing, read it too much. It's gonna change my life with nutmeg. I ain't doing nothing with that's our standing love nut meg. That's my favorite. Spies find out got any in it? You don't cook to be using? Promise you? I love me some nutmeg? So what do you put nuting mag in sweet potatoes? What? Sweet potatoes? Okay, when you cooked that? That's not what we're talking about. He's just asking me in well, so you just got some brand new nut meig sitting in your cad freaking love nut mag I'm telling you, where do you do giving that diotatoes from from Mr from homeful? You buy him cooked already? Steve, No, you know I know how to bake a sweet potato? Not really, No, I don't. I don't know you to be able to cool do nothing in the kitchen? Absolutely? What's your favorite dish? Though? You make? Everybody loves mac and cheese. I don't know why she keeps saying it ain't no about chilling. I ain't never heard of your body, say nothing about your chili or man, I gotta give it to it. You got a good chilling, Tommy, for real, Yes, that's a good chilling. I tasted the chilling. I couldn't believe it, but it's very good. Right, I have a great recipe. You saw her make it, make it, but I coded my stomach first. I was scared. Anyway, I love not Meg and Junior is giving it up. Yeah, I'm giving them anything that's gonna change my life, you much. I'm doing penicillmon too. Nothing. We can't give up these signals for forty day? Man, what I'm gonna do? That's the objective, all right. When we come back from the break at eighteen after the hour, guess who's up? The Pastor's pastor Motown and the count and Death Jail. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. A y'all coming up next? Reverend Motown, Deacon Death Chaim Day up next? Yeah? Are we gonna give up something? Past? That's what sermon is about, alright, alright, Uh, right after this song. Gotta see. It's my answering. She we we we is here Pastor and Reverend motown and I am Deacon deare for jam today we are preaching. That's right, that's on a wonderful day. Uh huh as Wind, Yeah, keep that age strong, Pastor, say it again, hey Wind, A sermon today is lit. Huh, ain't just in your pocket? Come on with it down, Come on with that thing. Lit. Ain't just in your pocket? What that path? Lit? It's on you. Lit allows you to remove sing, yes said don a LIT allows you to start all over again. Yeah. Lead allows you to resect shrself. That's your sound. Live allows you to become a new sumbody. Else cleanse your sound. You gotta decide in your mind what it is you're gonna give up for live. Colleen just ain't in your pocket, yell lord lick. It's sinfulness ways that you can cut out and be what you're trying to be. We got members here talking about giving up things that ain't gonna change the thing. One lady call in this morning saying she won't give up something. I see you have some flour, see you guys doing this damn thing. I never ain't we a dawn. Some flop see, you can't improve yourself to flee, can't get you in heaven. Some flower sees ain't gonna see you to hell. She won't give up some flour seeds, flower taking in hand. Somebody call in say they were gonna give up Cellervi sticks, Where is your down? Trying to stop your service, can't put him down, saying down, put that bombecue down, put that South down on fruit frying do something, change yourself. Yeah, Sister Shirley said she gonna give up sugar hi, yes for the days, nothing sweet. Yeah, yeah, for the days and for the night. Yeah. But but the potato chips has the problem. Man. Then she said she's gonna give up potato chill. Take the chill if it say't the same kindgory. Some you ain't gave up nothing. You gotta give up something that hurts and everybody to give him no damn chill. Hurt Y said, Bet you can't just eat one. You didn't take it to the extreme. You need a bag of day when it's just just talking about one. Tat chill. Oh Junior says he go give up nothing me. That's what he said, not mend a powerful state in it. On the road to righteous Yeah, nothing mad. And if you think you're gonna get the righteousness on the giving up a nutting men, yeah, you're gonna end up right in the head. Nah nothing Meg ain't gonna change the thing. Candy, Yeah, I'm nothing. Lest you break it down into two words, Yeah, you're gonna leave megalone cause Meg is a nuting And now you gotta cut Meg out your life because something wrong with Meg. You already know you need to be committed somewhere. You're getting a girl named Meg, but she's an actual nut Now you won't give up nuting mag. Maybe that's it because you've been sleeping with Megan all out of wed lock. Maybe that's what it is. Giving sleeping mag Nothing Mag is a cold word for a girl named Megan that's driving your nuts. I know a code without hit. You're talking about giving up nuting Meg. Nothing mag gonna go to get your trip to Hell? I use a dating man. M Yeah, came out. That wasn't post to come out the doors and the churches over this. This ain't sounding good to you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, Alright, thirty four minutes after that I welcome back to the ride. Let's get to these back to back jails. Come on, cat allall we come back. Just time for one more thing. We'll tell you about it at after the break at forty eight after the hours. So don't go away. I tell them all you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up, we got time for just one more thing, y'all. What are you giving up for? Litt call us eight seven seven to pretty Nasty said, all right, let's go to line too and talk to Walter out of Nevada. Well, hey, Walter, Yeah, what up? What up? It's going on? Walter? What's going on? Hey? First, I want to say, first of all, your good morning show. Good morning y'all. But I want to stay Steve. I love you man than love well what what wait a minute, Not like that. I didn't always love you. But one of the services that I've provide, I'm a professional cash preparer. You know, every year dreamed that they should have the promotional material. They got the big poster, you know, I got a storefront kind of set up. I got the big poster of you in the in the window and it's like a beacon, you know, I'm writing next to a bus stop on post procrimity to the sidewalks so people won't buy. And I got all kind of knee on and signed and everything. They don't even see that all this is Steve HARKing. So they started coming in because they can't see the ticks. And when they get close, I just jumped out, hey, man, who they get taxes? I love you, Steve. Oh so you're good for business, Steve, He sang, yeah, Why am I in your tax window? Because it's a big poster green dot green. He said, you forgotten? Oh you said green dot. I didn't. Yeah, I like that. I mean, I don't love your netflix to hit your fight. But if you was in the fight, I'll tell hey, hey, don't beat up his body, don't touch his face. Come on now, beat up his body, don't do thanks look green dot and Steve Harvey, Man, the taxis the shocking to my pocket, you know, strap my pockets your rocket right, Well, that's all right. If I saw you in the fight, Walter, I help you. Yeah, I know I know about that. I know about that. I'm hood like that. Man, I can't help, but I still I live by the cold. I ain't you know, if my dude, I'll go down with you now now now when even if you're wrong, I'm gonna go down with you. But when we get back to the house, it would probably be another fight, especially if I get my ass. Are you giving up anything for lint? And why I forgot about the question? Man, who television? Did you watch a lot? Not really? I ain't watched TV all y'all. I watched TV, uh the super Bowl. How you're getting up something that you don't really normal to use, because now I was I was leaning towards going back to TV, you know, but I think I can go down be for to day. I good on TV and way, man, it's up with a damn feu damn right, because well a little Big Shots is pretty good, and you have a show pretty good and funder Thom Steve Harvey show. Ain't have a talk show. Oh no, that's for women. That makes for me you still want to fight? But oh yeah, man, that for women right there? Television which he doesn't watch that much anyway. Okay, all right, Walter, Well, thank you, I appreciated, no hale, thank you, congratulations. Well I've been a great day. Yes, yes, it has amen because we didn't gave up sugar and nut me. Yeah, I guess I like dream gave up penicillitude. That was a powerful flower seeds. We heard it all. That's not the same as chip. Yes. Well, you know I say every year and try to cut back. You said Gingerrell, Yeah, I said ginger earlier. Steve, you don't have a faith in me. You ain't gonna make cussing on a ginger. Man, you're gonna be drinking some of the ginger. You're gonna be cooling terrible. Alright, Steed. Well we're at the end. We're at the Benediction home. How many times you wanta go? Shelly bye? We said it all. Man, you're not gonna say have a good weekend. I said it, Shelly. What was you at? Tommy did not say it? Yeah? I thought, didn't he say a Carl? Well we look forward? We like, well, they look forward. I can't let him down. Y'all have a great weekend on this ash Wednesday and go get yours. And to anybody else, don't understand ashens and you see that mark on their head, don't don't know rub it all. Don't dab your rag on the tip of your tongue and wipe it off you he ain't. Oh my god, you've done got that off for you dog. You ain't see it up there, and you probably only need girls face with the little black stuff for the money. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show that b B B B b b B