Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve has been working double duty. The CLO has a lady writing in that is torn between her husband and a truck driver. Our family Earthquake got a Netflix special with Dave Chappelle coming up! Nephew got a question about Game 6 in Cream City just for his Uncle. Rev. Jesse Jackson was given France's highest award by French President Emmanuel Macron. Joyce Beatty was arrested for leading a demonstration supporting voting rights at the capitol. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve has a some sound advise just for us as it pertains to dreaming.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbings me good it Steve listening to mother for st Please I don't join join me. You gotta use turning you go, you gotta turn to turn out, turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water got come come on your bad uh huh? I show well a good mind that everybody you're listening to the voice, come on, dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show, this one today. I want to share with you. It's for all of us. And here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems in situations. If you don't know what your next move is, that to go, I don't I don't care what it is. If if the relationship you're in it's all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems in situations. That solution to all your problems, that way to make all your dreams come true, the way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times it's prayer, prayer, a connection with your creator. Could that be the thing that's missing in your life. I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think, just a moment, Steve, have you been have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creator? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy, and I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this, it happened to me last night. Again. I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving, or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant, all I got to do is retrace it. Because as I'm working, it's no doubt about that. I'm working, but I'm I staying connected. Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us? And I pray? And the answer is usually no? And so I know, okay, okay, man, I'm getting off track hill because see, let me tell you something, man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes people who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind the next Somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill, that changes the parameters the time frame of everything, because it's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the creative when these things happen, I'm not put in my bed, I've not talked to him about how to handle it, or I'm just not aware of it and what to do next. And the next thing you know, it becomes a little stagnant. That has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me, slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty that are times when you feel like you've lost your way or your purpose is a little blurred. You're not shoe anymore, or you don't know what your next move is, or the relationship you in or the relationships you're dabbling in. They're just all wrong for you. Man, there is a solution to all your problems and situations, and its prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed, or any other thing you could think of, just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately? About it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection, Man, my prayer and slipped off, I started feeling a little bit less, so I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it, man, and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one of a thousand percent. Fust shout see, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God has filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past. Man, he know all of that. But he is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty fifth chances. But you know the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let my out of the reason I don't let my past bury me, The reason I don't let my past define me is because my past I found out or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just my ingredients. See, you don't get rid of your pass. They they ain't gonna know where they are, the ingredients, but when you put them with something else, they look better, they taste better, it is better. All of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake tastes, then you gotta stop putting some other ingredients in. Just because you started off and your cake was messed up, don't mean you can't straighten out the flavor your cake. You gotta put some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's bitter. Your cake is bitter, Well, you got to dilute the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more sharing, a little more caring. And then after a while, man, those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste because the bitter taste is further behind you. Now see something that happened to you twelve fifteen, thirty, twenty five, sixteen years ago. Ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth now less you let it be. It's still ingredients. Man, If you're sick, it away your cake taste and change your ingredients. Put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste. If you don't like the way your life taste. Pray. I've been here, my mama saying for years. Boy, prayer changes things, don't My mama, you said to me all the time, I said to my TV artist, is when they come see me on the talk show, before I walk off stage, I tell them these words, my mother said, I said. My mother used to always tell me this and it's bailed me out and it might do the same thing for you. I say, whatever I get in trouble, I hear her words. She says, son, don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, because prayer, prayer changes things and you better believe something. It one hundred percent showed. Do you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it your undivided attention again, by the grace of God. Is hell? What is it? Steve? Does Hell? The show to start them? What's the blessing in this? Steve? We're here too. You know this show can start without you. You do know that? Do so? If we are here fought, that's the blessing. Steve Harvan Martin show not in full company today, but plenty. I can roll with DC three right here. Let's go Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning, Steve. Let's roll with it, baby, Yeah, let's callin for real. Good morning. What's up Steve and krewe This here food ya yay? The nephew is in No no, done it many times for just these folks. Good enough for me. Junior's out still birthday in and stuff. So that's good vacation. It's good to celebrate kicking in. How was your day yesterday? Did you work family feud? Double dude in Yeah radio? Yeah, Yeah, it's been real interesting. Had two people almost passed out on the show. What why? We just old people? You know they one of them was a panic attack. We went to commercial breaks. She knew she was next. That was it just anxiety? Yeah, you do. The question is what did you do? I walked straight off stage? Why are we now? You know you're gonna say, so I get clear of all losses who don't help nobody they do. Hey, hey, she was between her husband and her son, okay, and the husband said call ninety one one, please cool, let me move my ass out to wait. Use called nine one one. I ain't got no phone, so I knew and by I can't get no phone. So somebody on this set, somebody, it was in the mic. Everybody heard it, right, something's wrong called out. She was perfectly fine. She just suffered from anxiety. You know, she knew she was next. She got nervous. That's all that was just hit the little panic. But yeah, yeah, yesterday in Detroit yesterday. Family was from Detroit and she was in the huddle with her family, black family, and she said in the huddle, I don't feel well. And the whole audience heard them, because you know you be Mike. The whole audience heard it, started pointing at it. What happened? I went the other way? All they have to do. That's like, you know, if any of us get sick, you know, you do the same thing. You know, we've all been sick. And how you doing? Click and once you start clear the lawsuit, were you Well, that's why I'll go over there, kawen fin to find out. You know, Steve's over here. He said, Steve Harvey was over there. He calls the anxiety. We're gonna switch gears because coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, it is time for ask the clo Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for asked the clo the chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one clo is from Melenda in Augusta, Georgia. Melenda writes, I'm a fifty six year old married woman, and I'm having an affair with the truck driver. He was asking through town and I met him at my son's barbershop. He's made several trips to see me, and we had sex for the first time on his last visit. He wants me to ride to Charleston with him one weekend for a romantic giveaway getaway. My marriage is troubled, and this affair is a lot cheaper than counseling. The trucker does not know I'm married. Should I tell him or should I enjoy one last rendezvous with him? But you gotta tell the man you married, Yeah, because then then, But yeah, you got to tell him now so he'd know what he is, because see, he got to be on point. What he can't do is have your husband roll up on him. He called, who the hell is this? Because he's gonna thank you here. But you know, you say this affairs is better than therapy. I don't know what I mean. Look, I ain't knocking what you're doing. I understand, but you know, come on, you're fifty six. Hell yeah, you gotta tell his man you're married, or one more? One more? What you're marriage in trouble? Yeah, don't want to, that's all. But Tommy, you and I both noticed stuff. Aye free, I know, yeah, I know? All right, Well you find to go for a weekend and your husband ain't gonna ask what are you talking about? It's gonna all in in as. But it's just how favorite things to me? That's your favor because how much of this weekend you get in? Don't all? Right? Moving on, Philow Tanya and Tyler, Texas says, my mom and my dad have decided they're in an open marriage, and it shocked me and my siblings. My mom is a retired teacher and my dad as a retired principle. I don't think my mom fully knows what an open marriage is. My dad is reaping all of the benefits, and I saw him with a woman in the car last week at Walgreens. My mom has always done whatever pleases my dad, and she doesn't like to rock the boat, as she always says. Should I tell her what an open marriage truly is? Or do I mind my business? Your mama ain't stupid. Your mama know what an open marriage is. It's say open, we're in a marriage that's open. You ain't even got to be smart to know what that is. You know, all these years you've been in the closed off manage. Now all of a sudden it's open. So your mama know what that means. Now, if your mama's I mean look right, I mean look, then you can google that. Yes, you can google open marriage. Now you ain't got to wonder what it is. Stay out your way. You don't know what your mama doing, though, we'll see because because women are way slicker. So if I was you, I just gonna stay out the way. What do you think her daddy's doing? A walgreene? What did they getting over that? What do you think they're getting out of walk? Anyway? Moving on, Foli and Little Rock, Arkansas says. I'm close friends with one of my co workers, and we hung out over the weekend and his girlfriend tagged along. We got totally wasted and his girlfriend was flirting with me all night. I drove my coworker and his girl home and he passed out in the back seat. I carried him inside and I helped him into the bed. His girlfriend turned to me and asked if I wanted to do it quickie. I was drunk, so of course I did the worst part is he's planning to propose to her. Do I drop to him about her? Or leave it alone? Boy? Let me ask you something, folder. Let me just ask you that what you find to say to your best friend? That's gonna make you think two things. First of all, y'all ain't finn to be best friends? No, damn you ain't no best friend. Well do you say close? Well? He said close? We close friends? See caliber in the mad world. If you're close friends, then we boys? Yeah, yes, true, yeah, yeah I was wrong for calling the best friend, but we boys thought. It's still wrong. Yeah. You look at it, and now he gonna propose to her. You want to quick it right quick? Yeah? And he was drunk. He blamed it on that, so he did it and they worked together. They work Yeah, yeah, he and the guy he gonna stab you with a funk. This is really what a what a fun left Trump and your damn back lights out. You're gonna keep your damn mouth shut? Yeah, and leave this girl alone soon to be wife? All of that? All right? Moving on, chantay and Gary says, I'm a forty four year old single woman and I need your advice. My great uncle pass away in May and he left me as his beneficiary. He left me two houses, and his two ex wives each want one and feel their children should get the houses. I'm tired of arguing with them, and I need the money from the sale of the houses. Do I give them the option of living in the houses while I still own them? Or do I sell both houses and let them all stay mad? Did you say them was his X wives? Yeah, X wives, and he left her and he left to forty four year old girl the house. Yes, he's a beneficiary, yeah, yeah, Bye, he knew. Yeah, he didn't want them to have a house. He wanted you to have a house. Bye, cause you the X wife, You ain't entitles or nothing. Bye. I'm selling the houses, yeah, because she needs the money anyway. They ain't gonna let that house sale. If you try to sell all that house, what do you mean him get in that house? You'll never get them out there. I'm telling you right now, man, man talk all. You can't get people out, Lead them, lady, lead them when they're at now. They can't stay that not hell naw, hell naw, that's a headache. Man. She stopped. She's she's tired of arguing with them. Don't you ain't got to argue with them. You change your number, change them locks in your number, get some realtists and get them houses on the market immediately. That's right. They were his ex wives for a reason. Yeah, you're the benefentary for a reason. X means so that X is powerful. Yeah, all right, Cello, thank you as always. Coming up next it is the nephew. Would run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, our good friend and family member Earthquake. We'll be in the building. He's got a lot of stuff coming up in his career. We're so happy for him. Can't wait for that. But right now the nephew is here. We can't wait for him either. He's here. Would run that prank back? What you got for his nap? Three minute rem three minute re now you all you know, come on sharing the car like we've all been the funerals and most people do what five t Are you serious? Right now? This right? Here's three minute remarks, y'all take a listen. Come on, kay, Yes, I'm trying to reach your brother Keith. Please, yeah, this is Keith, Keith. How are you doing? This is Lawrence overhead l Funeral Home. Okay, we are the ones that have the h doing the funeral for sister Dolores, and that is y'all are understanding, right, yeah? Okay? And as you know, the funeral is uh this coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my attention, uh that you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral. Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely, Okay. I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the funeral and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks because they say that you're not going to be What do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute rule that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off. And uh uh, who who are they? Who? Who I'm come about? Come out? Who? Who? What's your name is? Lawrence? I'm launched. I'm the actual funeral director lords and who who told you to take me off? One of the one of the family members I'm assuming is who who made the adjustment and an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program. Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite a few family members doing different things, uh throughout the funeral. Okay, so how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out that they said that. Let listen to me. Listen, Listen to me. Listen to me, brother, Keith, listen to me. What they said it is that you weren't going to abide by the time, You weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Monty raised me. He put me through college. And you think I'm I'm Beena goes there and her few room and be under two minutes. Well, and listen, listen, keep brother, keep listening to me. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what, mister Lord don't list? Is she loan the list? We have a shealer. Yes, there's a sealer that's singing her name off the list. Take her off the list and put me where she's supposed to be with my turn and her time. Is Bobby Joy there too on the Bobby now, Yes, Bobby Junior is given remarks that's that's that's Delores's that's mister Delores's son, right, Yes, her son, the one that's been locked up. He just got out of tail the truth be told. He the one Dawn and then put her in the coffe You needn't take him off the list too. Give me all that time, because I mean, if I ain gonna take nothing, Keith, let me let me. Let me just say this to you. I cannot take see Law or Boby Junior off. I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that, Actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking people name off, you're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though, who is they? Who is they? They for having my problem? They try to take me off my hockey program? Who is dy? Sir? I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that you can better, sir, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad, and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyer, Okay, damn right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guaranteees. I guarantee you it's gonna be a truthful one in there, somebody else gonna get things and the call for tooth. I catcheees that. If I don't get to say nothing in my monkey funeral, Monethy didn't pay for me the college. I didn't put six thousand, but in the funeral. I bet you I tell you this. I'll tell you this, mister lord. I bet you whether I'm on the program I'm not. I bet you I say with the fool I want to I'll bet you that much. You tell by that I didn't didn't put me through college. I put money on the funeral. I called around a few ain't putting no money on the Frindal tell in they can't be on the program, man, keep they when they decide who who who's on it? If they changed the format, then I will call you back. Who who the fool is they? That's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is bad? Can I Can I tell you something? And I don't want you to get to I rate okay, ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man. I just want to say this Keith with them. This is a few Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got breaked. You just gotten franked by your cousin, Bobby Junior. You bum, I'm Bobby Junior up. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my pleasures all. I ain't got time to be playing man taking me on damn program. I'm oh ba, Bobby said, y'all grew up like brothers man, and you was. You was basically another son of mister Lord's. That's right, yes, I was man. Oh hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, I think you know, I really that that's like a standing ovation right there. Y'all are to be y'all, y'all ain't on y'all feet and take take Bobby Junior and Sheila off the program. I love him, Bobby j and Sheila. You put me through college. What what you're talking about? No, I'm speaking. You played too much of what's the long with y'all? Seeing somebody at the funeral? What what's the long with you seen somebody go? When they're doing some remark five five, fifteen minutes, how long Steve dogging my boy? One funeral, a dude stood up that thirty minute. Nobody brought him Amen. Amen at my partner's funeral. I don't want to say his name, but the dude went up there with an Apple laptop, opened it up and read all his remarks off a laptop. I was so damn mad. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, earthquake in the building. Quake will be right after you were about the quake. You're listening, right, everybody has promise. We got special guests this morning. Family. I'm talking about family for real. That's right. We got a special guest. He's a comedian, actor, radio personality. Got a lot of great things going on. He's back on tour, still doing his radio show Monday through Thursday. But he got some big projects coming up. And like I said, he family. We go back like Cadillac's seats, Ace Boon, Coon, Buzzard back Buddy, back when Bobby Q was bobb Yo. Ladies, gentlemen, none other than the infamous, the notorious, that damn earthquake. What's up man, What's up? What's up? Boy? You don't understand quake. I remember the first time I met you. I was in my hotel room and Mobile, Alabama, and you know, I wasn't making it then. So my room faced the parking lot. You could see my dough from the damn street. And a knock came on the door, and I went to the dough and I looked out the mirror and I saw this black dude. So I had a knife and I stuck it in the back of my pants and I opened the door and it was brother named Earthquake. He said, hey, man, my name Earthquake. I'm a comedian. I've been following you, man, I just wanna learn from you. I mean I was in the Navy. I didn't believe that because I knew black people can't swill them that good. So I didn't believe he was in the navy. And that's how I met earth Quake. Quake. What the hell going on? Man? First of all, I want to say thank you man. Things are going great. You know, the pandemic working. I'm back out here. But you know, a little coronavirus can't keep a brother from South DC. Damn. For I was still getting that funny that the capacity wasn't what it is, But like you said, he a little bit paid something. So I took that a little bit and down his back open And in two weeks man, Me and Daves Pale will be filming my first Next Flix special in Washington, DC on the thirty first of July in the first of August. And I also got my first lead in a movie. So that's what's happening for me. Steve Wake is working on out over here. Baby. I'm about to change him numbers because you told me a long time ago when the numbers changed, the number gotta change. Yeah, when the numbers change, then the number got to change. And if you try to leave your phone number the same when your digits change, yea, they got something for your ass. First of all, let's just get this out the way now, Quake, you got an upcoming Netflix comedy special. Dave Chappelle is on the show with us. Tell us about the special. When is it gonna ask where you're gonna shoot it, what can we expect? Come on, well, you know we're shooting it a lot of thirty First in the first Dave called me at the president of Neckerflix called my agent, said he wanted to do a deal with me and produce my special And we've been collaborating on for the last month and I have I went to Vegas with him and everything, and we're filming in us Padancal Blues Comedy Club, I mean supper club Kickers already sold out. We already done on that. We sold out in the first four hours on it. It was done and we should have shooting it on the thirty first. In the first we had an August release date when we were doing it in June, so I don't know when us with these dates is gonna be now to kill me, Vavid that it well and like good man, very well. Let me ask you this. So Chappelle is producing it, Yes he is. Wow man, that's big. Yeah. He negotiated the whole deal and everything. He did it off quick, Chapelle, negotiate your deal, Yes he did. Oh you got paid? Yeah, that other money money. Because Chappelle has a relationships at Netflix that's probably as big as any else. And there's no stand up with a beggar with a bigger platform on Netflix that Chappelle. Ain't. Nobody done number Chappelle done on Netflix. Nobody not at that standard. That boy's two standard. Things were so cold. The first time I saw him, I was in Africa. I set up. I was hollyed, yea, what this wrong? What did mister Harvey? What's this wrong? Ain't nothing wrong? I'm Holly's so quake, so quake man, So give me an idea, man, I mean, I don't I don't want no bit to nothing. But what can they expect? Man? I mean, how you gonna go aback it? Man? The way we have nothing but number one, back and forth from the beginning to the end, nothing but number one. Hey, all of you say, nothing but number one? Nothing but number one, sir, number one? Nothing theory from number one, nothing but number one. God, I bet that thing ain't gonna be funny. Man, your asses? Well, you know life is good man, y'all see that I got a woman in my life, man, and changed my whole life around the rolling nothing but seven since I know how you feel now, see, I know of having a real woman. Had I met this woman before, you know, I'd never met with none of the women I've ever been in my life. You know what I mean? Why she's she know? You just noticed? You just know the significance of what a woman is. You know what I mean and the value of a woman and I it's nothing against the women that I've been with. It is this that had I been with her, I would have asked more of the women than I was with Now that I know what a real woman value really is, contributing to what and what I am. We're gonna be talking with Earthquake this morning. When we come back. We're gonna find out the Netflix special the movie what it is. Ladies and gentlemen, We'll be back with the legend that is Earthquake. Yeah, you're listen, all right, everybody, We're back our special guests this morning. Comedian actor, radio personality, friend of this radio show for years, a friend of mine for a long long time. Me and Quake been knowing each other when I had it wrong both times. Me and Quake go back to the eighties. Yeah, we was in today. I met Quake before I met such act to entertaining I met. I've met said at eighty nine. I met Quake before that. That's crazy, man. Yeah, Quake, I didn't think I would ever hear you say what you just said. I think, damn it, I'm fitting to cry. I ain't think I ever here earthquake, say nothing like this man. I've been knowing this boy for a long time. Well you asked me that time, you say, quake, you ever see yourself ever getting married again? I like, nah, ain't no way to live. And uh, I didn't know the significance of what it is to have a woman that's yours, that is that was put here to enhance who you are. And it changed my life. And it made me say to myself, had I known this exist, or what the quality of what I have now to exists, it would have change my whole standard for every other woman I ever would have mess within my life. So it now I say something, and I tell my friends, you know, take sex all the equation with any woman, and you be with Would you be with her if you were an intimate with her? And I asked myself, I said no, because now I understand you know what it is to have a woman. I'm substance in your life to make you a better man off of it, and those will be my qualification from death to the day I leave this earth. When a woman can do things for you without you asking, and be there to assist you and boost your confidence and have your back in make you a better man. I always knew. I told her joke a long time. I said, I'm always one good woman from making it and m and I never had that when I got one, So you know what I'm saying. So I was laughing it that I wasn't gonna never meet my potential until I found that person to be with it that enhanced me and made me a better man. So it came upon and then things that's just been rolling every since. See see quake. What happens is you didn't You couldn't have been this earlier because you didn't know this existed exactly. You in that space I was in, I didn't know this existed, so it wasn't nothing to want. I just thought, you know what I'm saying, I thought this, I went, yeah, exactly. I thought. You just drove the car till you ran into the wall. Crash burn, Get your ass out, Get another car, run that one into the wall to the crash burn, get your ass And then some people I know just stay in the car while it's burning. I've been all of them dogging. I know, man ay quake, Hold on right quick, man, we'll be back. Sit tight, you're listening. All right, everybody, We're back with the one and only earthquake. So quake. Let me ask you this question. Man, are your radio show that's on Serious Man? Uh, it's on channel ninety six and it's called Quake's House. Tell us about it. Yeah, we got the number one radio show on Serious Act them. Shout out to Kevin Harts. He gave me a break, um, open up and Kevin Harts Radio and I've been with him. Dun this as inaugural and we three hens. We took the show the number one and we continue on to get it done. It's called Quake cous kicking to my house till you get to your house. You can always come to my house because my house was clean because I got that bad scene. Baby. The only Delta we sweaters Delta Airlines over here. Bay Hey man, do you have a Do you have any co hosts on the show. No, it's just me. I just bring a different group of fortified comedians and we talked about subject different segments and I bring them in in a week. The week go for two hours and then I bring in four Ball on the next top. It's just me, Steve Hey quick because I went, you got a deal, just you. Oh, that's what we're doing now. No, man, but I've been. I've been. I've been rolling with this cruise solid so long. Man. I really couldn't even see myself doing radio without the folks here. Man. They our seriously, if they came and said we're gonna take them from you, you had this and I ain't coming in here. I mean that now for real. I ain't coming in here without y'all. Hell, I'm coming. Who gonna make me come? See Sherley and Charley call and make me come to work. If they ain't hear what I'm coming to, Cleb can make me come to work. Man, I gotta be looking for his I asked half the Monday quake. Man. I want to say congratulations to you, man, because I've known you the whole time. Man, I've always thought that you was that catman that was deserving of it. You know, I'm gonna tell you something man, we've never told you. When we were talking about the Kings, originally your name came in the hat. It's just Walter Latham didn't know who you were. He didn't understand. And then after Bernie passed, you know, we were talking about remaking the Kings just for a minute, we decided not to and we said we need somebody to go up there in place of Bernie to represent because he's gonna do something. And your name came up again. Man, I just wanted you to always know, man, you were always thought of in that real select group of brothers man that knew how this was. That's that's why I really watched your pale then came and got you. And that's why uh Kevin Hart gave you a shot on the radio because those of us that did it at a high level quake, we know, we knew exactly who the hell you was. Because your ass on that stage, man is damn full blow gorilla man, you ain't nothing to play with one thing about you. You get your knee on the on their neck they answers in trouble. Thank you. And I want to tell y'all, Shirley Mississippi Monica speeds. You know it, but Terman and Colin Man, y'all have supported me for my whole career. Let me come on, man and just to say that I know you speed. You don't even know, and you me through so much of your the morning when you give. I have one of your things that gets me through every day, and the one that killed that gets me through every day is And certain people gonna hate me because I picked Keeth over drama and just over disrespect. I live on that, bro. You understand what I'm saying. You dropped that on me and I needed that at that particular time. You have always and I just want to let you know you have always given me those gems man, that you don't even know you were talking to me. You just sent it out and I court it and I said thank you. And that's the one that I live by right now. That gets me through anything else. And you know, I understand. That's why the name of my UM specialists. They silently getting to the eye. They finally the quake. We love you, boy, appreciate you so much. Man, good luck, We're looking for you. And hey man, hit it over the wall. I'm ready florid man. Thank you, brother, ladies and gentlemen. The one and only quick thank you all right. Coming up next, it is the nephew with the prying phone call. Right after this, you're listening Stay Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject she used to be my sugar baby. We'll get into that in just a little bit, but right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Next? One of your twins is mad? What one of your twins? He is mad? He? Listen? Listen, listen, listen. It happens, y'all. Okay, okay, first of all, none of y'all on this show are doctors. It happens. Okay, it happens, and that's idiots evenstrued sometime. One of the twins. Hey, hey, one of the twins is man. Okay, all right, this is gonna work out for you. I want my baby, one of the twins. Let's go get Hello. I'm trying to reach Tony. Yeah, this is Tony, Tony. What's going on? Man? Hey brother, my name is Kendrick. Man. I'm trying to reach out to you. You. Um are you? Are you the Tony that used to used to day man? Yeah? What about it? Man? I was trying to reach out to you. Um. When you say this is again, my name Kendrick, Kendrick. I I got, I got, I got a little problem. Bro, Hopefully we can work this out. Man. Let's man, I ain't got nothing to do with no damn no mote. Man, that's the path Tony. Don't even call me about her. Man that just you know, I don't want to hear. Do you win? Do you win? Um? You do y'all have kids together? What do y'all have? Do you do? You all have children together? Yeah? I got kids from Keiper? Man. How do you get my number? Man? Say? Yeah, how you give my number? Hey, Bro, I ain't trying to hand no beef with you, man, it ain't anything like that. I'm just y'all. Do y'all Do you have a set of twins? Yeah? Man, we got a set of twins? Man. But waving hold on, now, why are you calling me? Man? Whatever you and did? Man, that's you know, but what you're asking me about my kids? Fun? Man? Okay, Bro, it's I mean, I don't even know how to break this on you, but I'm just gonna just put it out there, Okay, just and just hit me out, man, just hit me out. Um. It's been brought to my attention that there is a strong possibility that one of the twins is mine. Oh are you crazy them. Man, who you say you is? Again? Man, just kidd man. Man, look, man, don't call my house with this. Man, Hi, twin gonna be yours? Man, ain't my twins? Man? Hey man, I found out and I thought I thought the same thing you thought, Tony. I was like, okay, man, they don't even biologically possible. Man, what I thought? But I found out that two seeds could actually join together create twins, and each one of them could have a different daddy. I'm finding this out for the first for firsthand myself. Oh Man, you ain't fund man. Look man, whatever, man, I'm telling you. Dog Man, the kids is mind many. You ain't got nothing to do with this, dog. You ain't got nothing to do with this. Man. Hey, listen, man, I'm trying to do is get to the bottom of something. Let me let me, let me, let me me out and listen to them. Let me ask you to your set of twins. Are they are they? I mean? Are they the same shade of color? Are they different shades? I mean, I'm just asking. I'm never look, dog, let me tell you something, man. I want you to get this through your head right now. Man, whenever you got that's on y'all. Man, this ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, one of them dog skin? What I'm like skinning right down right there? Man? What right there? What? Okay? Tony, let me ask you what what shade of color? You are? You killing? A light skin? Now I'm dog skinned, man, I'm light skinned. Man, the light skin twin must be mine. You know what, Man, I'm not even continue this conversation. No mo, I'm gonna just tell you something. Dog. You don't know where you whipped because I will you up. You understand that, dog? Man, Listen, I just found out that this this is a fluke. I said that that it's possible to happen. You understand that you talking about my kids? Man, Man, I understand the passion that you have for your children. Man, I know you wanted the kids call don't eat house talking about my kids and shows man, one of the twins is mine? Man, That ain't no man. Look man, look dog, I'll tell you what. Man. I'm gonna let you make it. Dog. You know what, because don't call here or no mo. Man, whatever you and for doing, that's what you and that crazy it's doing so she with you, old crazy stupid. You're stupid enough to call here talking about one of the kids. Here, I guess she told you that, stupid. Now, dog, don't call me no more, man, Canton, and listen when you when you consider, I mean, I got us an appointment tomorrow the doctor. Would you consider bringing the kids if we can see which one is yours and which one you are? Retarded? Man, that's what's up with you, doc retarded? Man, I ain't meet your neck. Well, dog, that's what I'm talking about. Man, I'll tell you what, dog, I'll meet you man to man, man, man to man, me and you dog man, the man come gonna kick your when you got to fight, Tony. I just want you to give me my child. Man, I'm gonna give you up. I got me a little bell a slugger. You stupid. That's what you is. Man. You're an ignorant man calling me Sunday morning talking about my kids. Is your kids? Man, were retarded? That that can't be happening. Man. I understand the man, but it's a fluke accident and now you're trying to deprive me or man having a relationship with my child. Man, I've been raising these kids for five years, by my damn self. Man, I get him up, I take him to ballet, man, I take him to literally you understand me, man, do man, Tony, I understand? And dog, it was heartbreaking the meat too, Tony. Tell you what, man, I'm gonna get up phone and uh I'm I want you man, I want you to never ever call my I don't call me with new ignorant like this. What you say your name is? What? What? What? What's your name again? Dog? My name, my name Kendrick. Man. Listen, listen, Tony, I'm gonna find you. Dog. You understand that. Dog. We're gonna settle it with you. Understand you with dog. Okay, But Tony, I got one more thing I want to say to you. Okay, and you ain't got to say to me many. Let me say one more thing to you man, man, Okay, Man, hold on nowaddaddy all right, yeah, y'all gonna play. I'll be out there in a minute. Man see dog o. Man, you didn't gotta everybody around here all man curse like it's around my kids. Man. Okay, I say one more thing to your man, A man, stay with them. You want to see and don't call her no more. Man, Tony, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey on the show. You just got pranked by your homeboard. Oh man, you know what, Tommy, Man, Man, that's a man. You know what, dog man? You was really about to get your man? Man, you can't be putting aybody about their kids? How days? No man? Oh man? Okay, okay, you what man? That all right? All right? See you what man? Don't don't don't even tell you did it? Man, because see we're meeting. We're meeting later to night. I got something for you many. Hey, nephew Tommy here one faithful man. Was that Watch the ten o'clock news tonight. Man, you're gonna wat mockets on there, man, watch dog. I can't believe it, man, oh man, all right, hey man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, oh man, the Steve Eve Harvard Morning Show. Man. I listen every morning. Man, I can't believe y'all got me. Man, he almost start crank? Did you man? Almost start crank? You gotta be playing with people, they kids and their babies and twigs crazy and carl it. What if I called your husband Tash and say I give you ten thousand dollars for your daughter? Okay, I give you ten? Okay? Oh you about to get you? Get us out the wall the side. You think Joel will come about home? Baby baby? You want to push his button. That's the one. I'm sure his baby girl boy, just like you, man girl. Somebody say something about my baby girl. It's a rap. It's a rap. Y'all gonna have to come get me. But I don't know what the bell are gonna be. But y'all gonna have to come get me and be comfortable with it. Whatever. I'm comfortable with whatever the be elios I got it. Just come get me. It's I just can't get to it, but come get me. So now you know? So, why are you playing with people by dame? Because it's my job. It's not your job. He told you to do that. It's my job to get people in a just in an uproll. That's my granddad up roll. Get my job to get you in an uproll. Your uncle is quiet on this, all right, nephew, Thank you coming up next. My strawberry letter subject. She used to be my sugar baby. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve RVEFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never hold on tight, Yeah, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We guided for you here. It is the straw Berry letta subject she used to be my sugar baby. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty nine year old retired businessman. I had had a startup in the early two thousands that did very well, and I sold it in a multimillion dollar deal. I make the majority of my income now from my real estate investments. That's how I met my twenty seven year old fiance. She was renting one of my houses, and after three months of her living there, we had sex and I started taking care of her in every way. Here's why dot dot The sex is beyond amazing, and she's a classy young woman. By day, but at night she's like my personal sex slave and vice versa. She has me under her spell and I can't be next to her without touching her. I was ashamed at first of our age difference, but I got over it and started showing her off in our community. I proposed six months ago, and she has moved into my home and I bought her two puppies as a welcome gift. The only big downfall of this relationship is that she has her priorities mixed up. When she moved out of my rental home, I had to do a few repairs and replace the carpet because she tore everything up. She can step out of the house without a single hair out of place, but she's failing miserably at housekeeping. I've never been with a woman that leaves dirty underwear on the floor. She won't do the simplest of things like rents the tub out after her bath or wipe off the kitchen counter when she spills something. Our housekeeper now comes twice a week because my fiance and her puppies leave lots of big and little messes all over the house. Maybe this is an age thing, or she lacks home training. Is it possible to turn my sugar baby into a decent wife? Or am I making a big mistake because of great sex? Well, I gotta be a little messy right here and ask don't you guys always make mistakes because of great sex, don't you? I mean, you name it. It's been done all in the name of great sex, whether it's cheating or fighting, or lying or missing work or whatever the situation. When great sex is involved, you guys lose your minds. I mean, let's face it, you're whipped, so it's no real surprise as to why you proposed and moved her right on in your house. But you're right, it does sound like a lack of proper home training and you've followed her rotten sugar daddy. Well, you can speak to her about it, and I suggest you do it now before you, guys get married. You know, tell her about the messes she and her little doggies that you bought her leave around the house. I suggest you do it, like I said, before you get married, because if you continue to let it go, it's gonna get worse after she becomes your wife. You know, don't write us. Then she should at least be able to do the basics, you know, clean up a spill or don't leave dirty underwear around. But until then, I really hope you can afford to have your maid come and clean up behind her. Maybe she can come in, you know, more days. Now, you know, can you turn your sugar baby into a decent wife or I make or are you making a big mistake because of sex? You can might be able to turn her into a decent wife, but she's got to get the basics down. I mean, that's the least, the very least she could do is clean up after herself. Steve. I don't normally start at the bottom of a letter, but based on the comment that Shirley said, I'm gonna start at the bottom just for a brief moment, I'm gonna be a little messy hill. So I'm just gonna say it. Don't all me and make big mistakes cause gray sex. So damn, don't nobody give her Damn Sherley about what you talking about? So damn what we make big mistakes called the great trick? The hell that got to do with it? Now, let me go in and start to let her. It's forty nine year old man, retired business man at forty nine, sold a startup ded sold it for multimillion dollars deal making majority this money now from real estate. And that's how I met his twenty four seven year old fiance. She was written one of your houses, and after three months of living there, we had sex. And I started taking care of her in every way. And here is why, because sex is beyond amazing. And she's a classy young woman by day and at night she's my personal sex slave and vice versa. Well, dog, now let's just start right here. Well that's what you got. You got twenty seven year old personal sex lady and vice versa, and you her sex lady. You can't if you sit next to you can't help but touch her. I got okay, all right, so that's what you got. Then you said I was ashamed at first of my age difference, but I go over. I got over that started showing half and I proposed six months ago she'd moved into my home, and I bought her two puppies as a welcoming guilt. What dog, who do that? A old last messies? Do? You bought her two puppies as a welcoming gil I want your puppies fault. What the hell was the puppies fault? Where are you mad? She'd asked you for no damn dog? She won't free rent. She's sex slaven for rent. Body asked you for no damn dogs. That's just like we asked this country to treat us, just like they say in the Constitution, we need ask for June tea. Yeah, all right, listen, you just hold your thoughts right now. Damn puppets, get it together. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after be our subject she used to be my sugar baby. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's recap steve Today's strawberry letter, the subject she used to be my sugar baby. You're still mad at forty nine year old man, tid business man made all eat millions selling his company. Now he got real estate, and he'd have met this twenty seven year old fiance. She read one of the house. After three months of living there, we had six and I started taking care of hen every way. And here's why, because it's sex is beyond him. She's a classy young woman by day, but at night she's like my personal sex slave and vice versa. Well, like I said, that's what you got do your sex slave. So all this other stuff you've been asked for humping to ask you something. She got you under her spail. You can't even sitting next to her without touching. But then you started showing half in the community. And you proposed six months ago she'd have moved into your house and you'd have bought her two damn puppets as a welcoming. Yet, man, do you're so damn stu? He keeps doing you all your mistakes is words. Now you have movedest woman in your house. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I ain't mad at you. You're in love. What are you in love with? Just sex? I got you, I understand. But the puppets, though, and then you come talking about the only big downfall in this relationship. And she got her priorities mixed up. When she moved out of my rental home. I had to do a few repairs and placed to carpet because she told everything up. Hell, you just said she is sex LaVey sex lag gonna tell your household? Wait, man, hold on, dog, you you think while she'd been living over that. You was the only one wayman. Hold up all you think the house got to up waiting? Hold up, you can't be all that good at sex at twenty seven, ain't had none before. I'm not dogging the lady. I'm not knocking them, but I'm just saying to bro come on, man, you got a sex slave. This sex is amazing. You get amazing. That said because you don't got good at six? You get good? It said because you don't have sex. Come on. I ain't knocking them. I'm just saying, that's what you got. You got what you wanted. You got a sex slave. Now you looking over that because she didn't told a house up. Slaving hard, sex slaveing hard on carpet, walls, racks, shot curtains, the back of the tarlet do knobs. You gotta use all this when you sex slavey you all this get tore up at the house. Slaving hard on the house. You're near, drilling holes in walls and putting no swings, sensing diving boards is in the middle of the dip room, walling trampoline coming out to kitchen where you sex slaving? Why you think the house tore up the total, carving up the ripped it, sliding furniture across down. Now she can step out the house without a single hat out of place. But she's falling miserably at housekeeping. I've never been with a woman that leaves dirty underwear on the floor. She won't do the simplest of things like prince out the tub after a bath or wipe off the kitchen counter. She spills something. Dog, ain't gonna tell you this no more. She is sex slave. She don't do housework. She a sex slave. You got it takes time to sex slave. You're tired when you get through slaven. She a sex slave. She ain't just a regular slave. She a sex slave. Now, if you want another kind of slave, you got to make another move. But you got a sex slave. Dog. She here for sex, She didn't here for housework. You need a maid keeper. You need a maid and a housekeeper come in every day. Because she tied, she left her underwear and the floor car that way. You took them off at Remember you were sex slaven. A housekeeper now comes twice a week because my fiance and her puppies leave lots of big and little messes all over the house. Hey, hey, hey, quit talking to me about this messy puppies made because your ass brought them. Damn puppies. There we go with the puppy. I told your stupid ass soon as I read about the puppies to hear you bought it in puppy for now you want. You thought puppy. You thought the puppies would potty train. You thought the house train as soon as you bound. No, she don't take care of nothing. How you figure she's gonna take katty too? Damn dogs? She said, you're stupid dog. You don't bought a lot of this on yourself. I don't feel sorry for you, pimple. Maybe this is an age thing, or she lacks home training. Dog she good and what she trained at doing. And she's sex slavey. She ain't the housekeeper. She ain't molly made. That isn't what she do. Dog. She turned them out. But it got no time be picking up underwear and wiping off counters. Why as I got to wipe off the counter, I was just crawling on it a minute ago. So pick up my underwear. I don't know why you told my draws off? A you told them off? I was just running by you turn my draws off. They was in your mind for a minute ago. Now you didn't dropped them somewhere, and now you want me to go back around house. Fine me, Penny, I'm not gonna do all that and be your sex lave o? God, is it possible to turn my sugar baby into a decent wife? All my making a big mistake because it grade six. Dog. I'm not saying that the girl can't be a wonderful wife. Ain't what I'm saying. I ain't saying the girl cheating on you and none of that. They ain't saying none of that. But sexually, you don't do how world? Now you're gonna to bring that maide in every damn day. That's what he needs to do. All right? Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve m Puppies in a box somewhere and cut ass down to the pet stow on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six. After the hours, Steve will be back with Sports Talk and for Junior right after this. You're listening show, all right, So tell me you had a question you wanted to ask your uncle about tonight's game. Junior's out, Steveson. Yeah, but I was gonna, yeah, I was gonna put a little wage on the game. You know, this is the Phoenix Suns against the Milwaukee Bucks. This is the NBA Finals, this is Game six. Uh, it would be played in Milwaukee. Uh, you know, and you know the pho Phoenix Suns got to bring it. Um it's it's they up against the wall. But I will say this, I just want you know. You know, I'm always trying to bet my uncle or something. So I'm just thinking, you know, a nice five thousand dollars what bit? Wait? Wait, watch men, five thousand dollars bet that Chris Paul. I ain't saying he gonna win it, but but but he gonna hit twenty. That's that's it. Then he gonna hit twenty. I'm scared of any bet you damn five thousand dollars because Paul hit twenty four. He got the ball in this hand. Then turning they come up to damn, f take that, stupid ass, be going to make a real bet. I got excited. I'm I'm gonna take this food money ball. Get twenty your damn right, he gonna get twenty Will you give me a bad deal? What's your bed? Did? Come on? I bet you the Greek freak get thirty. No, that's that's that's that's that's almost automatic. I wouldn't do that either. Okay, let's right in both of them in the thirties. Well, now Chris ain't always thirty, but he'd be right in there though. So they both they both in there. Let's let's bet on somebody else on the team up, Devin Booker, what about him? Twenty five? That's a bad boy right there. Twenty five? Light skid hit twenty five? What you think I bet he hit twenty eight? Okay, wait, no, he hadn't made it all Vegacy nine, I'm scared, don't make money. Come on, see he don't read no betting books nothing. He just came on here talking. He goes with this gut all right, all right, okay, So Devin Booker, he said twenty eight, you said twenty five. So what's the best, Tommy, he ain't gonna take the bet. I ain't gonna take that bet. Call, I ain't gonna take that. I'm doing some safe betting, Carla. This is safe. This is trying not to lose. You're scared. Okay. How about that big boy that Phoenix got. I bet he hit twenty Andre Aiden, yeah, Aiden Twinny. Now that's saying a lot right there. You bet he hit twenty Yeah. Okay. How about you want bet five thousand? That's too much. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not gonna do five thousand. I'm gonna take some zeros. I'm gonna put fifty dollars on that, right, I'm gonna buy Yes, I am all right. Coming up, Thank you, guys, coming up at the top of the hour. Our voting rights this is very serious. Our voting rights are under attack. We're going to talk about this right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. What is going on? Here we go again? Now, did you guys see on social media the head of the Congressional Black Caucus, her name is Joyce Beatty. Well, Miss Beatty got into good trouble, as John Lewis would say, and she, along with other voting rights activists, were arrested by US Capitol police for participating in a voting rights protest in a march around the Senate Heart Office atrium as they asked the Senate to pass for the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Okay, that's all they were doing, just protesting. And here's the question, though, here's a question, where was that same energy to arrest protesters during the surrection on January sixth? Okay, because they came and got Yeah, they came and got these voting rights protesters right away immediately. Yeah, y'all looking for fail We all remember when the domestic terrorists destroyed federal property, they trampled people, they rushed doors. Officers were killed, people were killed. I mean, come on, and all they were doing with protesting voter suppression, but they got arrested immediately. I mean, it's the racism that this country is, and it's a blatant racism that this country exhibits, and they do it in your face, and they do it and they stand right there and tell you that's not what it is, when clearly we know exactly what it is. It's been going on for the longest. I'm not surprised by any of this. You know now that the Senators and Republicans are trying to whitewash the right head on January sixth, Yes, and if you look at the take, they were just patriotic Americans exhibiting. There was no threats. The man that's dead, the woman is dead, all this stuff right here. And so these racist people that this country has elected and put into office or hell bent and now they don't care because Donald Trump has empowered all of them to be who they are. I was watching the show last night on Netflix called Tyrants, and the whole thing on Netflix is how you could become a tyrant. And there's a playbook on how to become a tyrant. And they were talking about ed I mean, they were talking about Momar Kadaffi, they were talking about Hitler. Those were the three they were focusing on, and they were talking about how to become a tyrant. But if you listen to what they said, and I mean listen to it, that playbook is exactly what's being used today in the United States in America by Donald Trump. He did exactly. There's the first thing you have to do is create a movement. And then when you create a movement, you have to create a slogan, and then you have to find an enemy, and then you have to you have to put on a good face with your slogan and your cause and your enemy. The enemy became anybody that wasn't a Donald Trump. Fake it became CNN and fake news. It became the border, it became the Muslims. He banned Muslims. He went down there and throughout DOCTA. He went down there and wander the wall. He wanted down and now and then it was the athletes and so and every body that he created as an enemy was a minority. So he drommed up his racist supporters. And then he gave them a slogan, make America great Again. And so now they had a cause, they had an enemy, and they had a slogan. And that's how you become a tyrant. And they didn't say that on Netflix, but as I watched the method that MoMA, that ed I mean, and that Kitty used, they just used it in this country. They did the same thing. His name, Donald Trump. If he could be a tyrant, he would please understand yard And that's what we're dealing with him. Yeah, and they scared everything, all right, this blatant racism, man, Yeah, yes it is. Yeah, stay woke, Please stay woke. Steve Harvey, Nation We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, we got to say congratulations going out to Reverend Jesse Jackson. Reverend Jackson, Yes, yes, yes, Jesse Jes. He was honored with France's highest merit Legion of Honor award. France President Emanuel Marcone said that the Reverend Jackson has never stopped campaigning for peace justice. He went on to say that the values that Reverend Jesse Jackson has promoted are also those of the French Republic. Reverend Jesse Jackson said in part, I am honored for this prestigious recognition and let's continue to work together to promote global peace and balance, economic growth and development. So congratulations once again to Reverend Jeff Jackson. I I got on the war from France so much it made me dance. I want to let you know that it made me hot in my pants. It is great, it is a great understanding. What you don't know is my younger son, Lance, let me know that when we get back to America, we're going to take a stance, because right now I'm calling from You're crazy for real light too much? Yeah, but you nailed it, though I got you nailed it. We American Nolan. I will be coming home with a great old ward in establishment that most people do not know about. But I'm bringing it back to home to my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Thank you, so thank you, Reverend Jackson, and congratulations again. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for ask the clo the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one see Hello, is from Melinda in Augusta, Georgia. Melinda writes, I'm a fifty six year old married woman and I'm having an affair with the truck driver. He was passing through town and I met him at my son's barbershop. He's made several trips to see me, and we had sex for the first time on his last visit. He wants me to ride to Charleston with him one weekend for a romantic giveaway getaway. My marriage is troubled and this affair is a lot cheaper than counseling. The trucker does not know I'm married. Should I tell him? Or should I enjoy one last rendezvous with him? What you gotta tell the man you marry? Yeah, because then then but yeah, you got to tell him now so he'd know what he is, because see, he got to be on point. What he can't do is have your husband roll up on him. He called who the hell is is? Because he's gonna thank you here. But you know, you say this affairs is better than therapy. I don't know what I mean. Look, I ain't knocking what you're doing. I understand, but you come on you fifty six? Hell? Yeah, you gotta tell his man you're married? Oh? One more? One more? What your marriage in trouble? Yeah? Don't you didn't join one mo. That's all. But Tommy, you and I both know this stuff ain't free. I know, yeah, I know. All right, Well, you find to go for a weekend and your husband ain't gonna ask what are you talking about? It's gonna all end in an ass whip. But it's just how much you get in the favorite thing that's your favorite encause how much of this weekend you get in all right, I'm moving on. Philoh Tanya and Tyler, Texas says, my mom and my dad have decided they're in an open marriage, and it shocked me and my siblings. My mom is a retired teacher and my dad as a retired principle. I don't think my mom fully knows what an open marriage is. My dad is reaping all of the benefits, and I saw him with a woman in the car last week at Walgreens. My mom has always done whatever pleases my dad, and she doesn't like to rock the boat, as she always says. Should I tell her what an open marriage truly is? Or do I mind my business? Your mama ain't stupid. Your mamma know what an open marriage is. It's say open. We're in a marriage that's open. You ain't even got to be smart to know what that is. You know, all these years you've been in the closed off marriage. Now all of a sudden, it's open. So your mama know what that means. Now, if your mama's I mean look right, I mean look, then you can google that. Yeah, you can google open marriage. Now, you ain't got to wonder what it is. Stay out your way, you don't know what your mama doing though, we see because because women are way slicker. So if I was you, I just gonna stay out the way. What do you think her dad are doing it? Walgreen? What did they getting over there? What do you think getting out of walk? Anyway? Moving on? All right, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it at forty nine after the hour you're listening to. All Right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. Right before Steve and his closing remarks, It's been a good day. Thanks again to Earthquake and congratulations again to Earthquake for a special with Dave Chappelle. That's so great. Yes, it is love for him, happy for him. I'm happy for him. Yep. You've been grinding a long time, man, a long time you man. He deserves it, very deserving. All right, Steve, Well are closing um today, I'm gonna stay on the subject of positivity. I'm gonna stay on the subject of spirituality. And as you know, I don't push my faith on anybody. I give everybody the right to believe whatever you want to believe. A great deal of my friends happened to be Muslims, and I say that warmheartedly. A great deal of my friends happen to be Muslims, and I respect their faith, man, I really really do. I didn't see I have seen it work for them. They also respect my faith because I'm a Christian. So we can talk, laugh, go to games, go to dinner, enjoy each other's company because we've we've come to respect one another. And that's all we need in this world is some respect. And so in terms of spirituality, I'm okay with the person being whatever they are. But whatever faith you belong to, if you jo who witness, if your Seventh Day of Venice, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists, whatever you are, I'm fine with all of you. If that's what makes your world the best for you, I'm with it. It's not my job to judge. He didn't put me here to judge. God is the judge of all of us, not me. But I want to talk to all of you who are people of faith, and the subject that I'm talking to you about is don't let people talk you out of what God has for you. This is an important message, man, don't let people talk you out of what God has for you. Do you know how many times people have been talked out of some great ideas, some wonderful opportunities? Have you know how many times people have been talked out of their visions? You know how many times people have been talked out of their dreams? And do you realize out of all those people that have been talked out of stuff, that are still those who have made it happen when all others said it couldn't be done, because you know what, they refuse to let people talk to them out of what God had for them. See a lot of times, man, you have to understand what your ideas are. Why you keep dreaming of something over and over, why you keep having these visions about you doing this or becoming that. That's God talking to you. And I've said it a thousand times. Before God puts your future in your imagination, He shows it to you in your imagination. But see when you tell it to people and they start talking you out of it, you have to understand why they're talking you out of it. As soon as you tell your great idea or your vision or your dream to somebody and you start getting negative pushed back. As soon as you get it, do what I do say? Okay, all right, my bad. They don't see it. They don't see it, and they don't and they oftentimes don't mean you no harm. They just don't see it. But you know why they don't see it because God didn't show it to them. He showed it to you. He put your future into your imagination. He showed you these visions of dreams because they're visions of dreams of yours. He didn't show it to them. It's okay that they don't get it. It's okay that they don't see it. It's okay that they don't support you. But stop letting people talk you out of what God has for you. How they know? Who are they? Had I listened to my family, I wouldn't even be sitting here today. Had I listened to people closest to me. Do you let me tell you something? One dude I knew in Cleveland named Russell Middlebrooks told me, yeah, man, you got to go do this, Harve. And only remember my family told me to go forward. Was my father, my mother, and I loved my mother more than I loved anybody ever lived on this earth. She ain't see it. Told my mama didn't see it. My two brothers didn't see it, my sisters didn't see it. None of my friends saw it. When I was out there scratching. Man, they should come up to my mama's house and go. Have you heard from Steve, Miss Harvey? Now? Nah? You know he out there trying to make it. You know, Steve just lazy. He don't want to work. Nah, Man, I ain't lazy. I just don't want to work for nobody else. I saw something else for me. But they still my friends. They just didn't see it. They can still be your friends, y'all, but stop letting them talk you out of what God got for you. Your friends can still be your friends and not see what you're going after. You don't need everybody's support, And I got news for you. Everybody can't give you their support because how they're gonna support something they can't see or believe in. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. You asking them to have some faith in something they can't see. No, how half the people ain't got no faith in you, ain't got no faith in their self. How's somebody gonna see something for you, and they ain't never seen nothing for their self. Man, you better step away from these folks. I'm telling y'all one more time. Don't let people talk you out of what God has for you. God got a life for you, and he put that life in your imagination. Believe in it, work for it, and achieve it. God is in to make your dream come true. Business, and he's in the blessing business. Okay, Okay, those are my clothing remarks today. Hope you got something from it. And listen, y'all talk to God. He loves you, hear from you. Okay, that's for real. Okay. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.