Earthquake Interview, NAACP Image Awards, James Harden, New CDC Guidelines and more.

Published Feb 28, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Does anyone remember and Chinese man and a Black man dancing to that aforementioned song? The CLO stung some people today! The legendary Earthquake stopped by to talk about his Netflix deal and latest going on with his career. Your favorite play cousin is feeling some type of way because of Harden being traded. The message was clear today in Church Complaints! There was a lot of Sugar Honey Iced Tea going on. Kevin Hart, Taraji P. Henson, Regina King and Will Smith are among the winners at the NAACP Image Awards. We have some new guidelines from the CDC regarding masks and social distancing. Steve had some things to say about toddlers in Would You Rather. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve explains what the "eye of the hurricane" does for him.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on, back down, giving them like Amian buck things and it's not me true good Steve Hartley, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out the water, the water. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man got a radio show because God is in the blessing business. I just happened to be a recipient. I just happened to got a couple of things right, and man, his grace and mercy carries you the rest of the way. All you got to do is get a couple of things right, and then his grace and his mercy will take over his favor, his love of you. It's it's already evident. I mean, you know, because so many times we go along without even acknowledging him or conferring with him in our decisions, and we look up when we find ourselves in a predicament, and he always comes to the rescue. He always manages to show up. He's never too late, he's never one minute too late. And so in light of this today I wanted to talk to you about something. It's another principle of success that I'd like to share with everybody this morning. And once again, these are not things that you don't know or you've never heard before. These are just reminders along the way. And one of the things you have to be conscious of is don't be afraid to change. Don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. See, I have a theory, don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. You know, everything changes, nothing remains the same nothing, and change is inevitable. Now, you could participate in the change, or you can react to the change. Are you following me. You can participate in the change or you can react to the change. But don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. Now, what I mean by that is this, in participating in the change or reacting in the change, there is a difference. See, if you react to the change, that means the change has occurred and now you have to make the necessary adjustments to the change. Example, the boss walks in. You think your job is good. The boss walks in and hands you a pink slip. That right there, that's a change. Now you didn't participate in this change because you didn't ask for the pink slip. But now you got to react to the pink slip. Whenever you have to react to the change, it's an adjustment period. It almost throws you off. So change is going to come. It always does. You could participate or you can react. Or let's say your boss comes in and hands you the pink slip and you said, you know what I've been preparing for this day. Always knew nothing. Last forever, I've been working on the sideline, on the business idea I had and I had, or I had several other applications in around town. I was just holding off to see what was going going. So when they hand you the pink slip, the transition, the adjustment you make is a lot more smooth a transition because now you just transition into your new business I did that you've been working on, Or you transition into the apps you already had in or the contacts you made the preparation for. When the day they're coming in hand, you the pink slip we stee what did they surprise you with it? This is just one example I'm giving you. So you know, let's not nick pick the message. So what I'm saying to everybody is, don't be afraid to change, because change is coming anyway. So many people are stuck in a rut because of your our refusal to change. I was hell bent on a certain thing going a certain way, and this is how I was going to go. Well, that that I was thinking didn't really fit. Now in my own personal experience, this may not be yours, but in my own personal experience, the things that I've had the most trouble letting go of was something I wanted when I line myself up with the will of God to ask God what he wanted for me. You understand, those things came a lot more easy to me because it was in the will of God. It was what God wanted me to do too. Okay, see what you mean by that? Okay, here we go. When things were going wrong in relationships for me, what I did was the biggest mistake I've ever made, was I attempted to fix what was wrong in my relationship outside of the relationship filming. Okay, so I'm out there working my groove like I want to. Well, now, guess what, there's a cause and effect for all of that too. Your house ain't gonna get better, it can't. And then that lady's room for some other things. And so now that when the change come, guess what, I gotta react to it. Now, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta have a reaction to it. Had I lined myself up in the will of God, the transition may have grown differently. It could have still ended the relationship. But guess what, some of the pain I was in I ain't had to go through. I bought a lot on myself. Sometimes you're pursuing a passion of yours, and what God really wants you to do is pursue your gift. So now you're pursuing your passion. Right, you're passionate about golf. You love golf so much you just determine. But now you're messed around. You ain't made it on the PGA Tour yet, and you fortify still talking about I'm gonna play on the PGA Tour. Really, Okay, maybe you ain't as good as as you think, or maybe you're not as gifted as you think. Maybe you're pursuing a passion. Sometimes, man, we have to change and we have to ask God what is his will? His will is much simpler. It's a simpler rule. Not going to be easier, it's simpler. See when I wake up. Now, it's simple for me to wake up because I know that are a few things that I have to do. I have to click this mic on. I have to be positive. I have to be inspirational. I have to be in formative. I have to be uplifting. Got it, That's what he want. All I got to do is sit down, close my eyes, ask God to help me be who he want me to be. And for the most part, he tell me what to say. Now, guess what he's done though, to create this in me. I went through enough things in my life. I had enough challenges. I made plenty of mistakes. So I now, at my age, I can turn around and tell somebody listening to me, Okay, this is what I did. This is a mistake I made. Maybe you see yourself in this story right here. Maybe you don't have to go this way, or this is what I've learned about becoming successful. Here's a principle that I learned, but then guess what I had to be unsuccessful to get it, though did not. So you can't have a testimony without a test Change is coming, It's inevitable. You can participate or you can react. I much prefer to participate in the change. All right, let's go. You're show. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. On this very blessed morning. I would like to start with a song by Edwin Starr, but I will not start with that song called Wall whom good, God? What is it good? Fault? Absolute lutely nothing. I've changed my mind hid it Wall? Oh? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing? I did it against my better judgment. But I do want to say war, what is it good for? Absolute lutely nothing. That hasn't got to be away? To resolve this without the loss of human life through that has to be yea has to be. This is horrible, sorific. What's going on, ladies and gentlemen. This is the world we live in, which makes me more than happy that I have relationship with my heavenly father that keeps me in peace. I feel safe tucked under his wings. No matter what this world may bring. I strongly suggest if you want to have that same type of feeling, to form yourself a relationship with the most High. He is available. He is open to being called by several names and worshiped in different ways, but he is available for you. I strongly suggest you take a close look. Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry caller for real Mississippi, Monica Junior is back. And nephew, Tommy Junior? Where you been out for a while? Yeah, out of time to think. Yeah, I gotta gotta gotta gott a question for this mont because I just want I just want to talk to ignor Steve just for a minute. Just let me ask you this. Un at sixty five, Yeah, at sixty five, do you would you still fight with your friends? Do you, like, if they got into a fight, would you just jump in? At sixty five? Would you still do that clip like you're talking about? If my friends is fighting, do you, as celebrity as you is, would you jump in the fight if my friends is fighting somebody that that I don't know. Yeah, I have no choice. At sixty five, I have no choice. We can't we can't get back home, and your ass didn't get in here with us. No, I'm just saying behind Steve all of that. No, No, just Steve, the old me has to do what he was raised to do. I have a code and an honor that I live by. And if this my friend and you jump on my friend, and I see it, you ain't just jumped on my friend. You didn't jumped on both of us. And all my friends got hands, all of them. They slow our hands. Now they don't have no fast twitch muscles. It's gonna be a fun ass fight on field, but it's gonna be a damn fight on Look, got slow. They punching, but their effort is dead though. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, the pastors and church complaints on this Monday. Right after this, you're listening to the string show, Well, it is that time. It's Monday, and you know what that means. It is time for church complaints from Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. We again we gal the most badaciously where we inteplicate of bringing about the glarious change. Lord, and I imploded you to come with me as we fontificate and further prolificate. Lord, health mercaid by this thing that we call a sermon, Ladies and gentlemen, without indicable difference. Yea Lord Jesus without portuitiveness, I present to you my benevolent Deacon death jail Lord. All right, path, let's get down to it. The ass She Ministry I having a Luberdern party and want you to be the guest speaker. H The theme this year is sad, said and asked, will you speak past it? That's what they're asking. What do asses have to do with Luberderm? As she passed the ass shit ash? Oh, I thought you said, ah, no, it's the Asshy Ministry the ash, because I was trying to say, that's got to be Sister Perkins or josh Leen Baker if you were talking about the Asses Ministry. My mistake. I'm so sorry. Oh, y'all can do whatever y'all want to do. Or you what did you say about Luberdern Deacon. It's a Luba during party and they have the theme is sassy and ask you they want you to speak at at the party. But the speaker feet that I don't know, well, I mean this is uber Dum, the sponsor. I think I think so I think I'm some I'm gonna need a some smooth cage. I'd be shooting. Let them now, I'd be sharing, let them past. Thank you the beautiful all right, Beau. Yeah, Sister Rose out of Beasley, I wrote a book called The Woman Owned the Porch down the street from the Lecerstoe next to the church parking lots. Ain't wait to read it. Yeah, that's the name of her book. It's called The Woman Owned the Porch down the street from the Lekustoe next to the church parking lot. She's asking h if Steve Harvey could hook her up with Simon and Schuster publishing company. Dude, you know Steve Harley. Oh yeah, do or look like to offer suggestion or to sister Beasley, Um, you want to have a title that can fit on the cover of the book, or the title should not be good reading, the good reading should be on the inside. Or that's just a suggestion of mind. I'm exhausted from the title. No one cares. We were. It was exciting when you said the woman on the porch, but then when you mentioned the fact that she was down the street or from the from the liquor stole across left to the church parking lot. But nobody gives a damn at that point what this book is about. It's too much. And plus she now, but that's like a roadmap to your house. You ain't gonna get no piece. Everybody know where you is now. But all you gotta do is backtrack it. You gotta do. Get down to this parking lot, then step over there, and that liquor stole that's right next to the church, that down the street, and then out there has to be sitting right there on the poach. Go here, all right, I sister Renee Dixon is throwing a lie detective party. Now. She invited all the men, but they have all rejected the invitations. She wants you to make all of them, uh attending the party. Yo, car pass We're not We're not gonna do that, sister Dickerson. And you understand why who is the lie detective party? For? You know we're lying. I know we lying. They all know they're lying. You a fool. That's that's the only truth. That's party. Now, you got to hear this right here passing it's a mist and jumped out. Now I want you to listen to it now, mister Belinda Yates, as you know, who's always gossiping, said that she saw brother Craig Colin's car his truck outside of ball all night. Now she didn't call it. Every member told him to. His truck is outside the club out night. He's a drink woman chasing need to be put out the church. Brother Collins didn't say nothing. You No, Sister Colin only lives. She only lives Sister West and she only lives full houses down from the church. So let me tell you what brother Colin did Saturday night. He parked his truck outside her house and left it there. And Sunday Martin, everybody that saw his truck sitting out there on their way to church, she is lived past it. She is lived. Yeah, got her. I thought that was a gangster move on. Brother Collage Park said she want to start a rumor. The best thing is to be in the room. So that's how you you heard this, saying, oh, what is the one that's most appropriate for this situation? Closed mind house, don't get fed. That probably has nothing to do with this, but I wanted to say it anyway, so I said it. I've always wanted to preach that as a sermon, closed mouth, don't get fed, and but an open mouth gonna have to eat a lot for sugar honey ice tea. Oh think I found it. That's the message for sister being a closed mouth, don't get fed, but an open mouth gonna have to eat a whole lot or sugar honey iced tea and let it flow. Blow Ray coming up the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, legendary very comedian an actor Earthquake very Special guests to talk about his brand new special on Netflix with Right now it is time for ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is ready for you. Manny and Summerland says, I am a thirty nine year old divorced man and I've got a crush on a friend. I sent her roses from a secret admirer and she called me excited about the flowers, saying she'd hoped that they were from a guy at the gym and that she's been flirting with. Should I tell her there from me or let it go because she's not interested Hey, dog, I haven't told y'all about these friendships. But here we go again. So what did you send it as a secret at mind fault? Now you can got your face crack. She hopes, this dude down at the gym, it ain't is you. Why don't you just go on and tell her you thirty nine? Tell her you know what, and I'll tell you a slick way to do it. Send another set of flowers tour and say I heard of your enthusiasm for who you had hoped these were four, but it was actually me. Don't don't say nothing else. I have learned about your enthusiasm of who you had hoped the previous bouquet of flowers were from, but they were from me and thee. And see if she come up to you, then see pillay keep against dog? All right? Many moving on to Wow, this is an interesting name, Superior. That's the street I grew up on. So she better have whoever this is better headache thing together because I grew up off one hundred twelfth and Superior have it together. Let's go Sherley. Her name is Superior in Memphis. She says, I'm thirty and I moved back to my hometown for a really great job. I have been hanging with my old friends, and the places we go are the same place as my father goes. He's single and loves to hang out, so it makes it very awkward. He loves to let everyone know he's the cool young dad. How do I address this? First of all, you've made a mistake. You got out of Memphis. God blessed you sent you back to Memphis for a great job with a great promotion. You then went right back to your same old place, your same old ways, and your same old friends. But you want to see something different. You're not. It's the same. You don't gotta address your daddy. You gotta address yourself. The group you staying with his frozen in time. You got to move on so you can be what God made you to be. You said to have been trying to fit back in with something he clearly got you out of. Okay, The problem ain't your daddy at the club the club. The problem is why y'all at the club, same damn club. Better job? All right? All right, Superior, can't go up and backwards at the same time. Hard to do. Try watch great advice. All right, here we go Jillian in Hawaii writes, my husband and I are celebrating forty years of marriage, and we asked my son and his wife to come join us for a weekend. My son's wife doesn't like to fly, so he said it wouldn't be right to leave her. Who is more important, his wife or his parents? His wife? I hate to tell it to you. Yeah, his wife, his wife. Yeah, any more questions. I think she's clear you didn't stung with it though she wasn't ready for that. You didn't his wife because that in the Bible. Right, Yeah, leave all others and cleave only unto her. Blee. That's sorry, MoMA leaving Cleveland. Okay, all right, See the reason you and your husband made forty two? Yes, it's because y'all seem to understand that now you want your husband, you want your son to not understand that, so you don't care if he makes forty two. Sounds like she doesn't really care for the wife that much. Yeah, wound y'all fly over there to celebrate your forty two. You need to get out, y'all living, probably are living old boy, and ask hawai y'all that water and ways and palm trees on a dry ass pad. I come on over here to St. Louis or something, Come on over to Cleveland, come on, yeah, get away? Yeah all right. Moving on to Nina in Manhattan. Nina says, I'm a high school teacher and girls basketball coach, and I'm dating a pe teacher at my school. We got along fine, but we haven't had sex shut because of the way he smells. He wears cheap cologne over his natural body odor and dirty clothes. We've been trying to hook up for a while, but this is a major issue for me. Do I offer to wash his clothes and buy him some cologne? Excuse me? What does she say to man? Does he's a pe teacher smell like? Have you been in the boys locker room in a school? Because that's where he had all day? And then he in that gym with them boys all day. How you think this man posts a smith just going to boys gym, That's why he had all days. The man that show wear to school somewhere, he going to prison. Sureley, if that man take his clothes off of that damn school and getting that shower ass, not his ass, are going to prison. Damn coach, can't take your clothes off at school. Tell you that right now at home. I don't know what school you think is in this public school. The man smelled like his occupation. What you need to do is go out on a date with him and see what he's like away from the pe j'ab. The bro might be fine. He might be fine that well. The cologne is okay. But you know a teacher man, he ain't got a lot of money. Probably came by tom Ford cologne, and all this he got by was down there at the grocery store. What they said at the grocery store? What cologne's pr Who? That was one of my favorites. Do they do they have Polo down? Now? Polo down? Licra Phil? Why do they have down? Fine? Height? Wait a minute, hold on, hold on, I got two for you. Come on, draw call down now? What hold on back? Houston? Whoa that was? That was? Take me back? I know great, I know great flannel down there? I make me back, Lord, you play cool. I read see juice all right, jupe coming up at the top of the hour, I'm better not find no brute. I know that. With the chain on the bottom. Earthquake right after this, you're listening Hey, y'all, uh hey, listen up. As promise of family members on the phone, this brother right here is, simply put, is just one of the greats period at this thing that's a very specialized skill set called stand up. I know who they are. There may be some up and comers that I'm not aware of or familiar with because I'm not out there touring. But if you are of the status of greatness as a stand up, there is no way I don't know you. It's no way I ain't work with you. The brother that I'm introducing is greatness. He has a comedy special coming out on Netflix as a part of this all New Chapelle's Home Team series, and the first special premiers today on Netflix, and it is from our special guest this morning. I'm oh boy, long overdue has well deserved earned. And I don't know, well, I do know, and I'll explain that reason why it's gotten to this point. But ladies and gentlemen, he's here today, and I bet you whatever Dave Chappelle is doing this here one right here, it's gonna be the funniest one of them all. I got all my cash bent on his ass. I could tell you that right now. I haven't seen it, my damn self. Ladies and gentlemen, The legendary, the one and only earth quake, my quake, Quay, can't that boy doing intro like? I keep that dude? Hey, And that's the name of the special two earth quake, legendary quake. First of all, man, congratulations man, yes you Steve is uh you know, like you said for thirty year overnight sensation. You know what I mean, overnight It's great, man, it's trilling good. I've done more mainstream press this last for days than I've done my whole dirty year career. And it's right, it's remarkable. Everything I'm found. I was on TMZ for the right reason, you know what I mean? No, I was, no, ye ain't quake because you know what it is. And this is what I want to say to people, the reason and quake said it just now he's done more mainstream press than he's ever done in his entire career. The reason it has taken thirty some years to see this brother finally get a special it is because, and I'm going to tell you all facts now, it is because the powers that be on HBO Show Time, those powers that be. They did not. The white people who make the decisions who greenlights these specials did not get Earthquake. They didn't get him. He was too black, he was too urban. What's he talking about? Have you all seen his ticket sales? Have you all seen the reaction that the audience has and well you said, don't about know that? Who you going? Man? White people would hear that and go, what is he doing? It's called killing. He's killing and he's ripping the room. But Dave Chappelle knew and he used his contact with Netflix and his power and this is the first one that's coming out tonight because this dude right here, Earthquake got it just like all of us been getting it for years. Congratulations earth Question. Yeah, well thank you, brother, And it was a blast of many today to the team, my team Nextflix. Yeah, they took care of me too. I didn't have no Monique problem. No thanks, it was great and I was over there at leasing. Thank yourself. I'll come back here again. Check him like whoa look at Jesus, I like, I said, look at Jesus. I said, look at God boy. Ain't nothing like that chip. You ain't expect you know that when you didn't count on Lord Lord, Lord, Lord Lord. Yeah, church with coast. I ain't even get my ties, so you know, I gotta get those together. I said, I wanted to go, but it was they were practicing COVID, so they didn't speed away from the church. So I'm gonna get the napart. But I would have never been good. It's been great, Man. I love him. I love hey. Man. You know you talk about so much stuff over the years. Man, what what can people expect from this this version of quake? Man? Listen, Man, I give you the utmost respect the props because you helped me early in my career, and I gave him what you taught me. Man, A hundred percent ignorant. But nothing but number one. All these and number one I put on the note, but one, number one, all one, None buter ones. Bro, I ain't leave. I shot none of ones on them and one hundred percent igrant. And I think this the first pet show that actually captured who quake? Is that what everybody else has been knowing and scene over the thirty years of my career? I mean it was And I finally watched it this Wednesday when we did the screening Kevin Arts facial shout out to cams Man hosted the screening premiere for me. I told him, he said, who you want their champ? I see anybody that you move with Needle Rob Rob packing on the back. I don't need somebody to help me getting some money, so I don't have no understand episode. That's all I quake squa hang on man, we'd be right there. Hey, y'all, don't don't know where we got family? Remember quake more of him right after this. You're listening, all right, y'all, we're back, and we're back with this food Every Earthquake Who's uh special on Netflix. It starts tonight. It's called Earthquake Legendary and it's gonna be all ones in case you don't know what all ones is. Tell everybody what all ones is? Earthquake. I learned this with Steve. You have a rating of jokes, you know, folds it when they it's fillers. Three they work sometimes two they kind of slams. But one that means you can tell them at a funeral and they gotta laugh. This one works anywhere that you work. And Steve taught me that. He's like, get them all together, move your ground and then when you're ready to cut a specially when you're ready to headline, line up all your ones. If you line them all your ones and then I do rapid five, I put them all in ones and don't put nose flack on it, then you can go behind anybody. I tell people all the time, don't tell me how many followers you have. Tell me how many comedians can you follow? That's what allows you what noo we are in that game you are. I don't even know how many people you follow. I want to know how many comedians can you follow? Can you follow? Five dogs? After the show starting late, because you know it's a black show, ladies put their uncle on and the beauty they have a beauty concast. They they have them when they're telling Chicken. Then the path for talking and then they said he didn't. Don't you got you gotta have one for those you got one for. I'm gonna tell you something about earthquake. Earthquake is from that era where he had to follow everybody in front of him was great quake. I don't know if you remember this night in Dallas, Texas out the outdoor Amphitheater by Coca Cola. It was Joe Torrey, Jay Anthony Brown, Steve Harvey, Bernie Mack, Bill Bellamy, an earthquake man. That was the line up. So what Quake is saying is, man, you had to be able to follow everybody out there kill it. So when you hit them too, famous words, the most fearful words in show business. When you hear him, you got to be ready. You next an earthquake. I didn't kill where you slotted him. He was always ready to be next. He comes from that era of some bad boys. I'm so proud of you, man, I can't even tell you. I feel like I'm getting a special I do. He's a comedians comedian. Baby Quake. Sit right there, man. We're gonna keep Quake on because this is our boy. Tonight everybody has starts on Netflix. It's called Earthquake Legendary. Oh Lord, make sure you get it. Watch it over and over and over. We'll be back with more Earthquake right after this. You're listening, right, everybody, We're back and on the phone. We got us this morning because his Netflix series starts this evening, and the special on Netflix is called Earthquake Legendary. So quick, let me ask you a couple of questions, man, about what's going on in the world today Friday. You know, President Biden nominated a federal appellet Judge Cotanji Brown Jackson to become the first black woman to serve on the US Supreme Court, and we really kind of hopeful that the Senate gonna confirm her as soon as possible. You got any thoughts on this at all? Well, First of all, any sister got three names is qualified. Second of all, U you know, I think that's first of all. Second of all, when I found out she used to be a public defended Sometimes somebody at the highest court understand the judicial system at his lawers level, I think to sit there. You know, I heard she did pro bono work and had a major law firm represent one of her family members pro bono to help them with a life centers on a non valance charge. You need those type of people in that room to get the perspective for all people. For the little longest, they just had people from one perspective of the law. You need some people who's going through, preferably people such as ourselves. I tell people all the time, we are black people. We don't have no problem with the law. We have a problem with the enforcement of the law certain people who do not play the same price that other people doing, preferably my Caucasian brothers and sisters. So you know, I'm looking forward to it. I believe anything wouldn't come to a black woman, you know what I mean, because they're the reason why where will we at? We have men, our men has been riding the coattails and the back of black one our women for essentially, So I'm proud of it. I hope you get confirmed what you know, how it is Lindsey Graham and the rest of them and whos talking about his discriminatory has the scriminatory Can we get one chip from the cookie? Because I don't even look at the other brothers on our side, So can we get one chip? Yeah? That cookie right there? Boy, I swear I don't know what they did to them, but they called them, they called them, robbed him of all his humanity on that black side. Yeah. Man, it's like it's it's so much happening out here that's going crazy. Man, that's going to take a different perspective of them right now. I have to watch what I say concerning this Russian Ukrane conflict. I gotta be careful with what I say. You know you don't because you don't. You know, you and Dave are very well. You gotta be careful. Let me take that back, because you gotta be careful because your asses on the neighborhood. Now you don't do any TV shows. So listen to me, man, that's the Quake I know right there. Tonight, everybody, the first special premiers on Netflix from the Chapelle Home Team series, and I'm just gonna flat out tell you right now, this is gonna be the best one. I don't even know who the other ones are. I'm pretty sure they're real good. I'm pretty sure they share greatness. But in my heart, Steve Harvey's hard nephew, Tommy's hard, kids hard, those of us that do it. And then women and the girls that have loved Quake for all these years, we could not be happier or more proud of somebody getting the shot. And I'm gonna tell you one other thing too, Quake. This is just the first one, because after this one, they're gonna give you another one. Watch what I tell you. I was a twenty two year old comedian. The only reason why I know what the improv looks like is because quake pull is the first one to put me in the aliast room. I appreciate you for that, man, Well, Steve did it for me and he always quake listen. Man, I love you, man, we love you. Keep doing your thing. Man, congratulations. Everybody in the Steve Harvy nation already know you love him. Show up and show out on Netflix and keep getting it over and over and over. It's called earthquake. Legendary ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the legend that is earthquake. Come on, you're listening to morning show coming up at four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject he won't let me lead. We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now it is time for the prank. Comb almost said, comb falls, nephews comes. My son used to say it time for the frank phone call with the nephew. What you got for his nap? Comb? Alright? Alright? You know we have some rough beginnings. We do. We have rough beginnings sometimes, but there's nothing better than happy Indy, Happy Indy. I know, I know some of y'all are frowning and cringing a little bit. But that's all right. It's all right. Happy endings, cat dog. If you would hello, Depian, just duty speaking. How may I help you? Oh yeah, I'm trying to me and get some therapy done. I was in an accident at my job. You know, I got injured like a week and a half ago. I ain't been able to go back to work for my back and my league they say, you know, I haven't broke any bones in none, but it's you know, it's real so or real steal, hard to get out of bed. So I wanted to see you know what it takes to get a therapist and get started getting some type of treatment. Okay, well, sir, what we typically do is we ask for our patients to come in, you know, check out our facility and so we can also accept you you know, see where the damage is, the majority of it, and you know, then get you to a therapist. So if you would like to come in, we can definitely do that for you. Okay. Do you know what the therapists actually do when they do in the treatment. Well, if you come in, sir, we can definitely direct you to any of our three therapists that we have on site right now, but each one specializes in a particular field, so it's more beneficial for you if you come in and then we can assess you and then direct you to that particular therapist. Okay, so you said, how many y'all do y'all have? We have three. There's Marty, Brenda and Cecilia here. Okay. The person that referred me to y'all told me that Cecilia was the one that had worked on Is there a way I could talk to Cecilia? Typically, we normally ask my patience to come in then let me see if she's available right now. I know earlier she was was a patient, so let me just check really quick. I mean, if she is available, then I can I can transfer you. Okay, Okay, okay, I just hold on, Okay, hold on, Hi. This is Cecilia. Yeah, Miss Cecilia trying to come up there and get some therapy done. I heard my back and my leg at work. I mean they are they already told me was nothing broken, nothing, But I wanted to see what exactly do y'all do is for? Is physical therapy? You know, what exactly will I be doing well when you come in, we'll do a consultation and you know, will massage you and take X rays and put you in a whirlpool up and there are several different things that we can do for you. Okay, is it a certain timeline? I mean, like, how long would it take before I can get back to work, because you know, I've been awful about a week nine. I'm trying to get back within the next couple of weeks. But it's taking me, like, you know, at least thirty minutes to get out of bed because of my back in my leg. Oh wow, Well you need to come in as soon as possible because that's something like that's pretty bad. Okay, Well, let me ask you this hill. After people get through doing the therapy, do y'all have happy endings? Happy endings? What do you mean by happy endings? How happy end is? Like, you know, when therapy is over with, you know, do would you yourself? You know, would you do happy endings at the end? Okay, I'm still not understanding what do you mean by happy endings? What are you talking about? Okay, say, like if I come over then and go through a session or whatever for about an hour. When we get through you know, when you kind of like, you know, close the dough and and you know, you know, do happy endings, you know, and make me feel good. Okay, um, close the door. I'm still not quite understanding what you mean by happy ending, sir. Okay. What I'm trying to say is like, when we get through with the procedure, uh, you know, make me feel good in a in a nice uh you know, sexual way. You know, happy endings. When Judy sent you back to me, what are we talking about with this happy ending thing? Because I don't I don't. I didn't ask something about the happy ending? Is that that right there just gonna be between me and you? We'll see. I don't. I don't plan it. I don't know. This is a place of business. We're professional here. We do therapy for people who are seriously being hurt. This is not the nearest for we're talking about happy endings after we finish with that. What's not a place? Do you think this is? Well? I mean, I know it's I know it's therapy, But I mean, if people going through that much pain at least have some type of happy endings, don't you think well, I think you might suggest your significant other Okay, so you wouldn't be up for doing a happy ending for hell, No, ain't interested in that. Look, man, what kind of this you call about talking about? You heard? Hell? Have you heard? You shouldn't be talking about be ended? You're talking about it? Okay? Hold on? I mean you're not talking to me professionally. Well you coming at me with this happy ending ain't professionally at all either? What kind of place you? Ain't we running over here? Okay? Hold on? I was referred to you. I'm thinking, you know the guy telling me? You know you're gonna take Kimmy? What God told you like this? I'm sorry, God, I told you something like this. Let you know what. Let's not even going there because I don't even want to bring him into this. Can you satisfy me? Out the east there? I'm gonna tip you a little bit too, man, Have you lost your everlasting marble mind? Are you gone crazy? Julie? Julie? Who in the hell is this on the phone that you didn't sit through me thinking this is an happy ending place? Who is this? Missus Cilia? She don't she don't know nothing about the happy ending part. It don't matter you You you the receptionist. You know what, you on the borderline losing your job because this is hello hello, missus Cilia. Can I just tell you who who referred me? Who? Who who told you that I have happy endies for anybody? Because the person I have happy endues for it is my husband. Who Who is it, missus Cilia, nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvin Morning Show, Your girlfriend Karen got me the prank phone call you y'all, y'all in here getting me read. I'm about to find as I got. Folks in the libbists back out have lost my job, called me on my job. I'm a kid. Cuts make no sense, missus silius. She told me, she said, my girlfriend Patience is short day day. Oh it's own. She gonna need her, that's all right. I got something for her. Oh you got some happy I got some happy endings for her. You just wait till you gotta tell me this, baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lad the Steve Harvey Morning Show's nephew proud Well, I mean, lady, what, Yes, I am stupid. It is bast baby, that is that's the Nephew getting ready for March nineteenth. March nineteenth is Bowmont, Texas Julie Rogers Theater, The Nephews coming to town. Tickets on sill ritten Now you know that said, you can get him in. I'll ticket Master outlets, so you can go down there to the box office in Boumont and tell him I want some tickets to see this fool nephew. Tim Me come in, ignorant, coming, crazy, coming every way. You can think, Baby, I ain't never, I ain't been there in twenty some years, So get your ticket. Stupid only comes around once everyone, I guess every twenty years. Every day. Well it's every day right here. Now you can get it every day right here. But you want it in your face, and your face you come get it and the nephew will be there. Okay, that right there. It's Bowmont, right after bow Month. Where we're going. It's April Fools, y'all. April Fool's weekend. We are headed to Nashville, Tennis. Shit, Okay, that's right, Nashville, Tennessee. The Nephew come to town. That zanis Comedy Club. April Fool's Weekend Friday, Saturday Sunday and what better way to spend April Fool weekend than with a fool. Everybody don't get a ten chance to do that. You get a fool on April Fool weekend. You can't beat that, So get the tickets they don't sell. Zanis Nephew coming. Appreciate Baltimore. Did I do it? I did? Huntsville? Did I do it? Yes? I did. I'm on the road again. Thank you. We're coming up the next Strawberry Letter. He won't let me lead. We'll get into that, see what that's all about. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, because guess what, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. He won't let me lead Before I get into this letter. Let me say, if you have any young kids with you, you don't want them to hear this letter. Okay, that's my disclaim for this letter. Again. The subject is he won't let me lead. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty something married female and I know that my husband cheated on me for years, and I finally gave him an ultimatum at the end of January. We talked and both said we didn't want to end our marriage, so we decided to do things a little differently so he wouldn't get bored in the bedrooms. I met his girlfriend and she was honest about their relationship. She said it was only for the sex, and she'd been asking to involve me in their sex capades. I was drawn to her sexy lips and cute little hips, so I initiated the first intimate act with her. It was just me and her and we let my husband watch. After that night, things immediately got better for my husband and I in the bedroom. Two weeks later, we invited her over for the weekend while our children were with my parents. Since it was my first threesome, I wanted to control the position, the lead, everything until I got comfortable watching him with another woman. We started off the weekend like we were at a resort. I got a charcuterie board and caviare and we put three big stakes on the grill. We enjoyed our hot tub and pulled together and my husband massaged us both in the bedroom. But then things went sour when the intimacy started. He was focused on her, and he was focused on her and ignored my request. They were next to me whispering to each other intimately, and when he got to me, the only whisper he gave me was to tell me I was ruining the night with all of my directions. I was stunned. When it was over, she decided to go home, and my husband got upset with me. I've tried calling her to fix things and she's not returning my calls. Have they shut me out? As he really really mad because I tried to lead, or because he wants this other chick? I think all of the above. Yes, he definitely doesn't want you involved. I mean I think that was pretty clear by the way he was acting. He just wants her for himself. Yeah, they've shut you out, and I got to ask you, why is this a surprise to you when you said you knew he had cheated on you for years. I think by participating, all you did was give him permission to continue cheating and continue with these affairs. Only now he can do it in your face because you gave him permission. You joined in. And while some men would love this gift that you gave your husband, you know, having three sums in all of that, it just seems to irritate him that you were even there. And but now both of them have a change of heart. Because the other woman who called you and said she wanted you to participate at first, it's like you're getting on her nerves too. I think that's because your husband empowered her with all that whispering and everything and being mad at you. So I say, put the ultimatum back on the table, because you're done with his cheating and you're no longer gonna go along with it. Right, that's not what you want. It's time for you to stand up for yourself and just let him know that he doesn't respect you. That's clear, he doesn't respect you or the marriage, and that may or may not change if you let him know how you feel. But moving forward, at least you can respect yourself at this point, all right, and make some decisions involving you, you know, and what you want. Steve, I can't believe his ragged as letter. I know. They just kept surprising me every time I ask some mo. It kept. Now the biggest surprise for me is later in the letter, so I won't I'm going The shock of the whole letter for me is later on. Okay, but I'm the whole Damn. You're forty year old. You knew your husband has cheated on you for years, for years, You've known this. I finally gave him an ultimatum at the end of January. We talked and we both said we didn't want our marriage to end. I mean, why would he. I can be married and you know I'm cheating and we still married. What is this ice cream and Kate too situation? Why? So here we go. We decided to do things a little differently so he wouldn't get bored in the bad room. Are you sure this was a weird decision? Oh? Well, let's go. I'm he was. He was that. That was a shocker. He was the next shocker. I met his girlfriend and she was honest about their relationship right there? Right? What? Who are you married to? Who's this got married to? Who's writing this letter? Suddenly? This is not from the people on this morning show. Colin Farrell is a stone cold killer. I can't imagine killer. No, no, stone cold killer. When the breaking, sugar gas tank, tire slitting shot, fine ass pupping, dope breaking, when the crashing, when she'll breaking and caller from back in the day, carler broker antenna off a dude car one time. Just you're not listening to the damn ray Hill card used to have antenna's on him. You're not listening to the Regil. When I come back, I'll tell you the rest of the shocking things that I discovered. All right, we'll have heart two of your response coming up. It's twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject he won't let Me lead. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject he won't let me lead? All right, here we go. Funny, y'all, woman married to a man that she'd been knowing she'd been she'd been cheating on her for years. They sat down and finally issued an ultimatum. At the end of January. They both decided they didn't want their marriage to end, so they decided to change things up in the bedroom to stop some of the boredom. Then the lady out of nowhere, saying I met his girlfriend and she was honest about that relationship. She said it was only for sex, and she'd been asking to involve me in that escapade. Now, this obviously was exciting to you. You say you was drawn to her sexy, lipton, cute little hips. So I initiated the first intimate at with her and it was just me and her, and I let my husband watch what they don't. They don't look like fun to me. I don't sitting here watching on There's no way that's number one reads. I don't like strip clubs. It's all that's watching. See. I don't don't y'all, y'all see, y'all gonna see nothing about New Steve Harvet, no strip club that ended in my life long long time ago, because even for I was famous good. It's just what we were watching. I don't like watching. But if I ain't, this ain't for me. For participation. And you see, once you can't dance on me, then go dance on him, because now I'm gonna dislike your ass. The whole strip club doesn't work for me. See that's so anyway, that's a long story right here, here we go. After that night, things immediately got better for me and my husband in the bedroom. Two weeks later, we invited over for the weekend while her children were with my parents. Now he is a key. Since this was my first threesol, I wanted to control the positions. See now we go back to the title of the letter, lood he won't let me leave. I'm going to tell you why. In the second I wanted to control the positions and lead everything until I got comfortable watching him with another woman. We started off the weekend like we were at a resort. Now, hell is the most shocking line in the whole damn letter For me, I got a tratutary. What the hell is that? Oh, that's the most amazing thing. I got a tratutory board and caviare and put three fixtakes on the grilly. This is the most shocking line. Why don't we term about this fault? So this is about a threesome. Nobody give a damn what you eat hot to give a damn But they got these tra trudory boards at Kroger. You go down there by one of them got a little cold cut on a little saliment. No nobody to eat salimic bis damn self less. It's on a pizza. You can cut it all up next to some damn cheese, cut up next to it. What we fitn't have a threesome? Body give a damn what you got on this snap track? This was the and then put put three big steaks on the grill. Now here we go. Now back to the letter. We enjoyed our hot tub and pull together. My husband massage just both in the bedroom with things got a little side. When the intimacy started, he was focused on her and ignored my request. They were next to me whispering to each other intimately, and when he finally got to me, the only whisper he gave me to tell me you ruined and the like you're blowing it with all these damn instructures. Shut your damn mouth. You're talking too much. That isn't what this is, baby. All these traits do that sit over here to touch this right head, stand up, get up right here. Crawl over here, now, crawled back over that. Swim act like you swimming. Then lay down on your back backstroke. Now, put your tones up on the ear. Put your toe on your air. I can't put my toe on my damn you hold on. Put your knee get put your knee on your breath. I can't put my kneel for mother, the damn instructures. I was stunned. When it was over, she decided to go home, and my husband got up upset with me. I tried calling her to fix things. She's not returning my call. Have they shut me out? Is he really mad because I tried to lead her? Because he wants the other chick? What the hell? How stupid are you? Lady? Lady? First of all, let me give you some facts. The reason they don't want you to lead, it's because you can't try this. It's your first threesome. You passing out instructures that's not in the threesome law book. And you ain't never been in the threesome, so you don't know you're passing out instructures. Now here's what you don't know. The reason they know you was breaking the rules is because they haven't done a threesome before. Why would this lady want to introduce you intoday's sex capage? He said, Now, don't think she gonna go for it right now. So she hadn't bought another chicken. Now, they hadn't done it before. Now you're just in that talking all this damn talking. It ain't o time. What is you talking for? You're supposed to be watching and encouraging. Don't do that. That's too far back. Don't push your leg way over there? What did you doing? I got this? You can't drive. They've had threesomes before. Yes, he wants the other chick back because they know how to do threesomes in everything else. Hit us up on Instagram and Steve Harvey you have them to comment on today's Strawberry Letter. You can also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up next, it is Junior, Junior. It's back with Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior is back. It is time for sports talk. What you got Junior? All right, Shirley, But first, let me just tell you April Fools comedy jam and you heard him earlier today me Earthquake, Bill Bellamy, Bruce Bruce gonna be live in Dallas at the Texas Trust Theater. Get your tickets at ticketmaster dot com. April fools, April first, that's what we're gonna be at. But right now, Sports Talk, Shirley, I'm just tell you right now, up Tommy, I'm just say Over the weekend, James Harden debuted over in Philly. He had a great showing. He had twenty seven twelve assists and um, you know, uh, congratulations James. I'm always gonna be a hater at this point because you left the Rockets. Uh. Who everybody left the Rockets? Yeah, yeah, I know, everybody leave the Rockets. Yeah yeah. PJ Tooker got a ring. Yeah, everybody leave us and go get a ring. Kyle Lory left us and got a ring. That's my point. So James, congratulations you made it to Philly. Uh Uh. Did you know this though? Did you know that Keith Cleveland Cavaliers is number four in the East, fool? Yeah, Well, the Rockets is dead last in the West. You don't get on the Waty box at Folk, nobody mentioned fourth placed. If you vote at the Olympics. Guess what, your ass ain't on the metal State. You didn't even get a damn bronze. So I don't want to vote. I'm just I'm just saved. You you fo from East. You you're in the playoffs. The Rockets, on the other hand, is dead last. You know what. I'm tired of people leaving us in Houston and going in well to make Magic happy. I was mad when the Oilers lived. I was mad. Yeah, I'm mad. Everybody leave usn't do better. Oilers when I was rooting for, never went to a Super Bowl. Soon they turned themselves to the Tennessee Titans. They go to the city. You know why, Why because the Houston, one of my favorite cities, is a transient city. Very few people are born in Houston. Houston was born after the seventies. That was that big rush. Everybody went out there, say nobody loyal to Houston. What did your favorite? I'm mad when Warren More left. I'm mad at war If I see Warre Mooman put him down. He left host Yeah, but he left us. I'm mad everybody leave Houston. That's difficult. Be mad. Be mad at the owners, Junior, don't be mad at the player. No no, no, no, no no. I don't know the owners. I know the players. That's why all y'all, all, y'all left Houston. Befolk tell you the truth. Everybody on this show. Oh okay, then left Houston. Excuse me, y'all went to where the money was. Snap crack o pop. Oh that's what you're gonna do. You'll bring that, ain't y'all for Houston? Wow? Wow, I don't play that ago. Thank you? Where you junior. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. The fifty third annual in WAACP Image Awards aired Saturday night, and the theme of this year was a celebration of our stories and excellence in Entertainment. Actor and comedian Anthony Anderson hosted the show again this year, Looking good, Anthony, I love the black Tuck, I love that was. Yes, it was a couple of times. Yeah, yeah, And he had his mama with Yes, he was a Yes. Mary J. Blige performed see that, Yes, good Morning, Gorgeous and I Love No Limit. She performed Yes she was beautiful as well. Jennifer Hudson one Entertainer of the Year, and did you see this? Morgan Freeman presented her. Yes, you didn't. I did. I ran that over and over again. Did she paused? Jennifer Hudson one Entertainer of the Year an Outstanding Actress in Emotion Picture for her role as Arita Franklin in the movie Refect. She did an outstanding job in that movie. A few more of the big winners were Kevin Hart We Loved Him in True Story, Yeah with Wesley Snipes. Yes, Kevin. One for Outstanding Actor in a TV Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special. Congratulations Kevin, so deserving. Yes. Taraji p Henson One for Outstanding Actress in a TV Movie, Limited Series or Dramatic Special for Annie. Congratulations to Taraji, She's so good. Regina King, our girl, Regina King. One for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture for The Harder They Fall. We love this movie, King, one of my favorite movies. If y'all have not seen Harder They Fall on Netflix, you miss it? One of a great check it out because you're the most amazing thing is Auclets saw it? Yes, exactly, Hetty is amazing. It is amazing. Speaking of a Heart of the Heart of They Fall, The Heart of They Fall one for out Standing Motion Picture of the Year, So congratulations to all the cast, all the producers, everything, Anthony Anderson one for Outstanding Actor in a Comedy Series for Blackish of Course, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Will Smith. Congratulations going out to Will Smith for Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture for King Richard, The Story of Richard Williams, The Father of Venus and Serena Williams, The Grave Night and its Players on Earth. Yes, so it was. It was a good night head by all. Prince Harry and Megan Markle were there, they sure were there. They were. Yeah. The Duchess, Duchess of Sussex. Yes, you know, they don't live in the castle no more. You know they live in America, so they live in and they're doing great work here, they really are. I wouldn't have moved out the castle. Talk about me all you want. I'm high security, ride around London whipping people ass. Say something about me or this baby, one more damn thing, one more worried about me or this baby. That's your ass. That's what I do. What I'm not doing is moving out this damn castle. I'm not doing that Holly damn servants and here, guardens around here and all this enough to move riding in them calls all them carriages and stuff on them. Do them fur hats on watching me? Her? Hey, I'm not leaving this world. Had to do what sitting over here talking on open crying and stuff. I'm not fit to do that. You ain't doing nothing sitting up Good Morning CBS trying to talk to Gail King about my I'm over here, this rough, but we're gonna get through it. Ain't gonna get over it. Pray for us. Yeah, mister Harve, is that any truth that security has been Yes, that's very true. We've noticed all arise in a tax on journalists. Yes, but I'm in this castling y'all can't come in here. So what is y'all talking to me about? It? Ain't nobody live in this castle ever been arrested? Congratulations? Did you sell? What is going on? More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after. Please you're listening to the same Harvey Morning Show. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have offered a new strategy to help communities across the country live with a coronavirus and get back to some version of normal normal life. Okay. The CDC now suggests that seventy percent of Americans. Seventy percent of Americans can stop wearing masks, and they don't need to social distance or avoid crowded spaces. The additional twenty eight percent of Americans who live in areas that still have high COVID ainteen levels are still advised to wear your mask endured. Does anybody know what areas those out? Not where we live everywhere. I hardly I got mask. Be my luck. I run up into the twenty eight percent. Yeah, I are loosely people wearing masks now when you go out, I have mine on. I'm not saying I enjoy the mask, because I don't, but they're very helpful for me when I do go out in public, because I put on a hat or hooded, some glasses and that math I actually walk around. So it's a disguise for you. Oh man, it's like a heaven sent every now and then people are gonna Steve, what's up? Yeah, I gonna damn bro, I got on mask. Oh man, I know your walk hit the one that got me. I went to the golf store a couple of weeks ago. Hey, Steve, what's up? Damn bro? I got on the mask. He don't, he said, what you drive? You put a mask on that? Yeah? All right, we'll love more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. We'll play a round of would you rather? Right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather live with ten small dogs? Or would you rather live with ten toddlers? Give me the dogs? Why them dogs? Yeah, I'm not changing that many pampas. I'm not doing five of them go at the same time. I ain't got time for that one big pail. Let me put this food in there. I can walk away here. Let me do that. But Steve, we have not heard from you. I'm not staying with no ten toddlers. You got seven keys already. I can't chase after the many people, all these steps in this damn house. Stop get out, put that back. What you're doing over that? Don't touch that? Why don't you put your crying fall? Stop hitting him? Get over here. No, we ain't got no more. Stop eating that. Don't eat put that out your mouth, put your hand in that socket if you want to. No, I'm quit crawling on the what is you picking up off the flow? Fall? Lay down? Get out the floe, lay down, don't climb on that. No more exhausted first, y'all. I'm done and you'll say all that in fifteen minutes. Yeah a minute? No? No? All right, all right, let's go. Would you rather wear no socks for six months or no underwear for six months? Socks? I'm wearing shoes though, right walking on the ground, seeing my job, in my job, and be hard. No socks because man, I've got to stand draws too much. But I guess I'm gonna have to go with the no socks. I'm gonna have to, but I'm gonna have to buy that old fashioned as footpot of that cake up so I can feel like I got a sock on in that. But if I try to do my job in front of all these people with no draws on, I can tell you right now it's gonna be a full blown situation. I'm on the internet every day ready to love is over? Yeah, because it looked like you always ready, you are always scuty. I'm talking about man, he'd be cutting on. Well, well, let's cut on family few. See what's side he on today? See what's side here? No, you didn't, Steve. You don't got the families over there. You never know what's gonna be. And I know how to tell my jokes and Steak keep working all right? Coming up, geez, thank you. I guess he didn't like that answer. Coming up forty nine minutes, we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this her he by the turn the colonel. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Monday. Before we get out of here, we got to say thanks to the legendary earthquake Earth. Yes, today is Netflix Special airs tonight on Netflix, of course, produced presented by Dave Chappelle. And I mean, finally an overnight sensation. He said, after thirty years, thirty years in the game, they'll never give up on your dreams, never quakes, living proof. It's love you ungratulations Qua Yeah, yeah, uh, you know, I was thinking about everything that's going on in the world, you know, I mean, it's just so much going on and there's so much, so many things happening that the new news causes you to pause on the old news and I've discovered something. It's an amazing trick they use. It's almost like a diversion, and they use news stories to create a diversion. So now everybody the latest thing is the Russians attacking the Ukraine. A minute ago, I thought it was the Rioters, I mean the Capitol building, but then I thought it was about us with voting rights acts. But then they did what they usually do with us. They rescinded the Voting Rights Act again. And it just goes on and on and on, and you forget that people are fighting for some basics like food, like education. You forget that we have a drug epidemic in this country that we still have not addressed. That the United States has more drug addicts in it than anywhere else in the world. The United States purchases more drugs than anybody else in the world. The United States leads the world in prescription drugs sales, America leads the world and incarceration, and we all know who that is. So as we look at all these new stories that come out that divertiye At tension, which is almost how we almost never get anything solved around here, because every time we get close to passing the law, voting on something that's important to us, something else happens around the world or to us, and the attention goes there, and then the enthusiasm and the rush dies down, and things go on and on and on, and the beat goes on and on and on, just like it always has, like it always did before. You know, the thing that keeps me centered in all of this, what keeps me in the center of the hurricane. I reside in the eye of the hurricane, where there's very little wind, there's peace, there's tranquility, and I'm not caught up in the sword world that is the tornado. See when the tornado comes through, I should say the eye of the tornado. I sit in the eye of the tornado because the world that's swirling around me everything, I get to sit in the eye and watch it for the most part. Well, Steve, how you do that? Because I got a relationship with my heavenly Father who gives me peace, an abiding peace, not fun. I said peace. See a lot of people confuse that what is peace? Well, peace to me is joy is that I have lied. I have found how to find joy in the middle of my troubles and hardships because I know for a fact that this too shall pass. I know for a fact that this adversity that I'm going through is preparing me for something that I ask God for. I know it because I've seen it happen over and over and over again. So even when I'm getting tossed, even when I'm being talked about, even when it seems like it's going all wrong, I managed to have peace, a certain amount of joy that I hang on to because I have a relationship with my heavenly Father that allows me to be still, hold my peace, let him fight my battles. Oh, I can't count the times I've wanted to say something. Oh. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to straighten some people out. Oh. I can't count the times when I knew the real facts and I allowed the lies to be told. Can't you say that, y'all? Don't you know how many times you've known the truth about you in spite of what they were saying. Do you know how many times you knew the real deal when they was explaining it in the other deal that you wanted to say something that could have straightened it all out, but you didn't because you didn't have to. Because he fights my battles, he holds my peace. So as the swirld goes on around me in this world and they say you ain't gonna get this, you ain't gonna get that, I look up and I realize I have everything that I've not been denied anything in my life. And it didn't matter what nobody said. That same piece, that same joy is available to you. That relationship with God can be yours. All you got to do is open up your heart and accept him. Just say, hey, come into my life. I accept you. I believe even you. I need your help today because I can't do this by myself. Just say it. Try. I dare you. I bet your life a star going better. Bet what you bet. Try. Those are my closing remarks to day. Hope it helps somebody. Hey, listen, y'all talk to God. He'd love to hear from your Kate. See you tomorrow for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show.