Good morning and Happy Humpday! The show opens with a friendly reminder. Go vote! Today's edition of Ask Steve has a question that goes unanswered. Dun Dun Dun! Comedian Earthquake is in house and it is non stop crying. Be prepared for stomach pain. Jay-Z, Serena Williams, and Rihanna have accomplished impressive feats in the financial realm. Sephora is going through with their company wide diversity training. Tracy Morgan was involved in a car crash and thank God he is ok. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO brings up opinions and tells us what to do with them and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like theming buck things in the cubs. Y'all good it, Steh, listen to the movie together for Studley. I don't joy by join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn, got to turn out, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man? How good is God to me? And part of the mission and the reason that I have a radio show is to become a share of more and more of a share of you know. I used to hear my mother say it to me all the time. But God blesses you to become a blessing. And I think the more you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings will flow your way. I think that once you understand the principle that you know. But it's kind of tied together with some other scriptures, and I'm not too knowledgeable about them, of course, as usual. But I do know what I've heard you know, and you know if you look at something simple as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want somebody to help you if you need help. I just know how to get it down there to where I've been able to understand it. If if there's a scripture similar that it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or if that's you know, in a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you sow. Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity. If all you do is talk about people, then guess what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what I've learned in my life and through all the trials and tribulations that I've had, is to take those lessons and share them with people in case you ain't heard it from somebody else. See sometimes and The reason it seems like I'm redundant at times is what I am is because I'm always trying to find a different way to say the same thing. Because it's a funny thing. Man, You got to hear it a certain way for it to click with you. How many times have I heard a saying and then I heard it a different way that it clicked with me? You know, I've heard of this saying right here, remember this now, everybody's not happy for you. We've all heard that, right, everybody's not happy for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need no explanation. That simply means of all the people you know or do not know, when something happens to you and you celebrating it, everybody's not going to join in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then you take it one step further. My father used to say something to me all the time. He says, son, everybody come with you, can't go with you. I didn't get that when I was fifteen. Everybody come with you can't go with you. He said, you're gonna lose some of these friends you got along the way. But I don't care where you get in life. No, this right here, everybody can't go with you. If you are constantly trying to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of the people around you. Because if you are going to continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what you got to have people that's on the goal and willing to grow, or else guess what you're gonna learn the valuable lesson. You know, the late boxing promoter Butch Lewis. I was talking with Butch Lewis one time, and man with a good brother man, he say, every successful man, it's doing what I call he got rope work to do. He got rope work to do. He got to put in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to Butch Lewis and all the money he had made and all the people's lives he had changed, and all of the moves he was making, and his incredible skills as a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people. He was just an amazing man with no education. But he read everything. He Butch Lewis read all that, all the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said, you got to put in rope, And I was sitting there listening. He said, here's the analogy, little brother. He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope. You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes. You have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off just below the knee, and they tattered, and you got dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge raw rope over your shoulder that's burn marks on all of your shoulder. Connected to that rope is a wagon. That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities, all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife, your family members, your employees, your coworkers, your friends. They all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying, what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon up the heel. Now. The only thing with it is, can't nobody help you pull your wagon. You pull your wagon alone. He saying, Now, what you can do along the way of pulling your wagon, as you can find yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that what that woman does is she get down off the wagon. She fan you while you pull it. She put water on you while you pull it. She puts stuff in your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out the way while you pull it. But she but she pull it for you. But she is equally as important as you are on the pull of the He said, you hear me clearly now, young soldier. He said, NA get this hill. He says, people on your wagon that you're responsible for. But you want the people on your wagon to help you get your wagon to the top. So what you hope is that they got their foot hanging over the side pushing, They got one leg over the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing. They got they might have their butt on the wagon, but they push you with both legs. They're back facing your back, maybe some of them facing you when one of them got left leg hanging over trying to push. And you hope that all the people on the wagon you pulling is back there at least trying to help the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, everybody ain't pulling, ain't bar everybody ain't pulling, Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way. You got some people on your wagon. That's just laying on the wagon, drinking lemonade, looking at you, talking about how long it's taking you to get your wagon up to the top. Can get you? Tell my whitest wagon, so slow. Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you to pull mole. Then they want you to throw what you then earned on the way up the hill backed on the wagon so they can have MO. But guess what, they ain't helping you get more. But they got a sense of entitlement that since you got mold, they should have MO. Everybody come with you can't go with you. Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey man, I'm sorry. I thought I could do this with you, and I thought you was going with me. But it's clear to me you ain't nothing but dead weight, and it ain't my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried you as long as I have to carry you. You are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family, my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You got to get off my wagon because I'm a man on rope. I'm on a mission. Baby, I'm pulling. You're listening to show people. People get ready, there's a change of coming. Uh, that's not how I want to start the show. Good morning everybody. I just thought I stopped that for it went too far down the dog hole. Yep. Sounded like that wasn't gonna going on West step all this problems. Sometimes you just gotta do what it is you do. Just say hi to everybody. You're always trying to change something. Just stupid on himself. Wow, or maybe he's psychic. They started tweeting that, Yeah, Hey, good morning Steve, morning calling for real. Good morning Steve. How are you the one that only killed you in your space? Morning up, ladies and gentlemen. Thomas W. Miles the second your top of the morning. Yeah, going on to Steve Harvey everything everything you know? Wind, it was win. Do you know what to day is? Man? I think it to a commercial one the Guy Code when they had a contest the best commercials the camel commercial one. Yeah yeah, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike just irritated. Yea, and Steve talked about his knees are knock kneeded the camel on walking like my sister, I didn't even notice that. Yeah, yeah, frame knock. That was such a good Donald Trump do yesterday? What this dude he did? He put on Yeah, I know, he put out a tweet. What what did they call? Is? He called crying Chuck Schumer? And then he goes, wow, what a creep? I mean, he tweets this, he's the president. He's calling the House speaker. He called it a guy, just a creep. I mean, in a tweet, you take the time to name calling from the president and you and you know what we do. State lives on the internet forever, so imagine the president. This is history forever. It goes into the presidential record. This is I mean, seriously, man, I hope we never ever do this again. The flag are the fly half mask. The rest of the time, he is there because he killing us. Now he killing us? I mean he really isn't Joe Tommy for real? Well, I mean, you know, we're gonna have four more years if we don't get a proper candidate. Yeah, six, Well it's two and a half now, right, I mean after the election next year? Yeah next hit, So it's been three Yeah, he got elected in twenty thirteen. Twenty twenty is the next election. Yeah, yeah, so you know, yeah, we gotta get And I'm gonna be honest with you, man, I don't like the way the Democrats look right now. It's just not a it's not a winning. Look. We look all over the place. We don't even we don't even have nothing. We're running on true we have a platform, Yeah, we look. You know, we just got people up there, that's what we got. Yeah. Ready to debate? Yeah, all right. We're coming back at thirty two after the Hour with Asked Steve. Steve right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Earthquake. Earthquake will be our special guest. That's right right now, it is time for Steve's favorite segment. It's called Asked Steve, where we do rapid fire questions. Are you ready, Steve? Yeah, surely, I know. Keep your answer, keep your answer short. Okay, all right, here we go. How would you describe your life in one sentence? Sentence? It has been an amazing journey. I like that. Okay, it has been an amazing journey. I like it. Okay, okay, okay, I got one. What it's something you want to tell your significant other, but are afraid that you find out your break up or devoce? Oh, I know the answer to that. I'm saying that I don't. I don't know why ahead they give me that because no, no, I'm not giving that. That'll be all over the internet. Harvey wants to Oh, no, great question, but good question. The question. Yeah, I'm not walking into that body. Well, maybe you can answer this one, Steve. All right, here's a question. What is the most surprising thing you've accidentally overheard about yourself? He doesn't forget anything anything, you know, he observes things all the time. I don't know, man, I've heard surprising things. The most surprising thing. One of the most surprising things was a little boy who came up to me at the Wearable Gala just this past weekend. This is my most recent surprising thing. He's the keynote speaker at the camp this Sunday. He mentoring camp. Yeah, he came to my camp h eight years ago, came up to me and told me, mister Harvey, your camp changed my life. I was called to the ministry that night after listening to you. I'm a minister and I'm preaching at the camp for the closing remarks on this Sunday. That was pretty surprising to me because I don't know what I said into a virtual many kids. I didn't cut down down. That's tough love, A really big surprise. Wow. Okay, okay, right, junior, all right up, all right? What is something you did when you were younger that could have killed you but you were too young to realize? I got a bunch of them. One time, my brother's convinced me and my nephew to paint. My father had bought this catch strap home that we got whippings with and he kept it on the hook right over his rock and chill. My brother told me and my dumbass nephew, if you painted white and hanging back on that hook, he ain't gonna know it because they bled inn with the wall. We painted it, and what happened right there? We almost got killed. Also another one was when it snowed outside, we would hide behind the cars at the corner, whichever cars and he high and when the car pulled off, you know, they pulled off slow because our street with brick and they didn't want to spend, so they would pull off slow. If they pulled off slow. We would run squat down behind the grab, holding to the fender and ski all the way. Yeah yeah, yeah man. So one time I was feeling and slipped and failed and my glove got caught on some hook inside demands fender. So now I've slipped and failed and my glove got hooked on it. Now I'm skinny, So this this just dragging my hands down the street. I ain't skiing no more. I'm just getting drugged. I drug all the way down the street to it got to the corner. Wow. Yeah, I've almost killed myself a bunch of time. All right, let me intercheckt right here, Steve Um, I asked you at the beginning, please try to keep your answers as short astod so we can get to as many questions as possible. We couldn't be with another question without that statement, What do you do? Steve? What did you do as a kid, as a young man? I should say to impress the ladies. Nothing that's short enough for you. I'm trying to get a lot of I was a cool little dude, man. I had a lot of game, you know, So what'd you do? I didn't. I wasn't when I was young. It wasn't working, but I thought I had games. I tried I walk, I walk a girl home carry her books. Yeah, that was great, stuff like that. I tried that. You know. I was writing them poems on construction paper, giving it to him like you don't you remember a poem? Now. I couldn't spell that good, so they were laughing at him a lot. O. My spelling was shot, but the sentiment was there. Your heart was in the right place. Yeah, but you know when you didn't misspelled rose? Oh z that ain't Yeah, well you know Rose because I spelled like I taught rose all o Z Okay, cool? No, what did he spelled? Look, he's so stupid, stupid, Come on, Carlin, we got one minute. Let's get him in. What TV show was Real Wind by the final season Game of Thrones? That yeah, yeah, alright, alright, Uh, what is the most embarrassing coming? The girl has made you? After sick? Wow? Embarrassed? Oh? I had this girl tell me in college I ain't even feel But I heard her too, I said, help me not feeling. Yeah, you say you say that about me if you want to, But I didn't feel nothing. You're always quick with I was for real too. I didn't feel it. Damn all right, Steve, that is the end today of your favorite segment. It's called aste. Now coming up next it is the nephew with run that prank back? Right after this you're listening Morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, earthquake is going to be hanging out with us. Yes, yes, we're excited about that. But right now the nephew is in the building, would run that prank back? What you got? Now, we're gonna gun it. Some wages up in him? Oh lord, you shut the room down with this one man. Come on, gonna go on. Some wages up in him, baby, y'all ready what we're gonna get it some way? Wait a minute, it ain't. It ain't about cleaning your throat. It had nothing to do it tongue in the but but Steve, did you hear him say, wait a minute? He was facing Yeah, I don't know. Come what what did lady tell you? Do your teacher? Count slow and then clows your eyesight? Go ahead too long? Honest? Your wages you did say? It? Did? Wow? S that? Wow? We didn't make it easier. Take some people money, run it. Let's run it. Let's run. Hello, I'm trying to reach a place. My name is uh from the District Attorney's office. Yes, h Hi. How are you giving you a call today? Ma'am? Trying to get some updates from you. Your husband, mister is he uh still not working at this point? No? Okay? How long has he been out of work so far? Ma'am? Could you could you give me an update on this January? Okay? All right, here's what we're having. The problems that we're having. You have a son, I think it's his name is as well, fourteen years old? Am I right? Okay? The child support is not being paid for from mister for the uh, for mister young and then we're trying to get this thing rectified. Now. The problem that we're gonna having, the reason why we're giving you a call is considering that your your husband hasn't worked since the first of the year. And I haven't done the research yet. I'm just I'm just not pulling up your file. I haven't done the research to see how many months in the rears he is on child support. It just started once he lost a child. Okay, Well, the problem that we're going to have is they're gonna start taking child support actually, and I hate to give you this news out of your check until I don't understand how that self, because I have my own kids. Understand that, I understand, But they're gonna be garnishing your check, ma'am, until this until your husband can get this thing back on its feet and get it rectified and get him up to parts four of all the payments that are hurt. And when will this be taking place? Because if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working because that's not gonna happen. I have my own children, so I don't understand how that. So I don't don't have anything to do with child for it or anything like that. And if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working as a right now, underesting of the check is gonna come from you and you are at the hospital. Correct, No, that's not it's not where you work. I don't. I'm not gonna be working as of right now. That's what I just told you. So y'all do whatever you got to do, and I'll do whatever I have to do on my end. Okay, well hold on it. You're willing to quit your job, I'm not understanding this if you're sure white, because I'm not gonna be taking care of someone else's kids and I have my own, so how that's right? So somebody else can take care of my eyes then because I'm not going to be doing it, you're so right? All right? Well, I mean I'm just saying, you know, don't. I don't want you to be upset with you. I don't want you to be upset with me. I can be able to contact you, Okay, you know I'm gonna I'm gonna let you know this. It's a bit of information. You're still gonna if you're quitting your job. Man, you guys are still gonna be liable for the child's support. Okay, Well that's fine, not you guys, because it's not my children. Say okay, it's not your guys. He will be liable, okay, because I don't, I mean, can't step Can you hold my moment because I need to temp outside if that's okay, or if there's a number I and contact you back. Okay, Are you able to step outside right now? Um? Yes, but I'm gonna get on the elevator and it's kind of kind of so to call on Okay, let's do this. Why don't you step outside and I'll wait for you to call. Give me about forty five seconds, but I'm gonna give a call to my manager on this situation. Okay, please, sir, all right, thank you? Hello, Okay, mister, yes, sir, all right again from the District Attorney's office. Okay, you can hear me now, yes, I can. Can you hear me? Yes, ma'am, I sure can. Now, let's get to the bottom of everything. I couldn't get my manager on the phone, but I'll keep trying. I just want to know. I mean, that's I'm just as men your letting you. I know you are, and I hate to be so short with you, but I don't understand because we're not even getting enough. Ain't come coming in as of right now. And you're speaking of I have three children that I'm struggling to take care of all my owners. Try somebody districts, but and you're speaking of that, you're going to be a dust and money from gonna shan my check for his child's worth. What's your certain something? What's your name? Man? Who is there someone else I need to speak with? No, we're on the phone. I have that's my sister taking care of me. We're proud of District Attorney County ma'am. Yeah, shene the offensive child support service. She works with the ostive child support Okay, man, speak with you. Let me speak with your sister. Man, So where do you I mean, how is this going to be done? Because that's not gonna leave me to cass a bed to support my own kids. Well, John, I mean in my own home. I understand that. You know, maybe this is a problem with having a person hanging around. It's not a person because raised the seat about his kids all their life. This is a jealous mother that decided optim eighteen years that she wanted to around one session ships because that's what What in the hell is going on with those people in the background. Hello this nephew. Time it didn't hit the fan. She went off. No, I couldn't get to go out with her. Sister was there. Don't say nothing to him? Made her get off the phones. I need you to call on three ways. They was calling somebody. They probably calling downtown, gonna get themself in more trouble. Okay, call you back. What's wrong? I called you back. I tell you about it. I'm about know you want You're gonna talk to her right now? Who is this? And I told you you're gonna pay this child support? Not me? Get the best way? You can't he talking me, called me, I'm gonna pay this half. You're gonna make me. You're gonna make me whip your behind this money? Tell him? You trying out? Who he is? You want to you want to try my lad? Yeah? I want to. Where is your You don't have a lawyer? Didn't know you don't have one because I know who I don't whoever harever you got my novel? Holland's something say for your job? Who is this nephew? Timing from Steve Harvey morning. Yo, yo, just got Frank Bob babyun pay for this? Yat calling the foodie? Well you just found that finished? Give me a black mouth all out. I gotta ask, I gotta ask all y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Home run third Base? What you think? Well, I'm at COO, that's all I mean. As long as I'm stupid, that's that's my job. It's just to be stupid. Oh oh you're outstanding. You're CEO and president of that coming up at the top of the hour. As we move on, we're gonna have some fun, more fun with earthquake in the building right after this. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. A matter of fact, just ladies and gentlemen. Get the boys and girls out the room. Clear. Let's move everybody out safety first. I'm about to introduce a dude. Man that's just an old friend of mine. You know what I mean. I mean, we go back, way way back. I remember when he knocked on my door at a hotel that had to do you know how you had a door off the balcony. He knocked on my door off the balcony. You know. I was in one of them hotels where you could walk up and see them. You could see your dough from the parking lot. Yeah. Yeah, I've had them moments, don't y'all think? Always been here, knocked on the dough. He introduced himself. I invited him. He said, I'm earthquake man, I'm in the Navy, and man, brother, I just admire you so much. Can I ask you a couple of questions? Ladies and gentlemen out, handyman. We've been friends ever since he's been a defender of mind, a fighter of mine. But more so than that, ladies and gentlemen, this dude right here is one of the baddest damn stand ups. That grace is the stage today. One of the few living that can do ninety minutes straight, get a house laugh eighty five percent of the rule every eighteen to twenty two seconds. It ain't but a hand full of them. He is one of them, Ladies and gentlemen, A stroke of genius, a gut busting fool. Put your damn hands for my man. The one and only. His name is synonymous with pain and buildings, crumbling earth with an elf, earth quake, h intro. That's right, Steve harding believer. That's right in the front line. Where where on my chest and out my lips. That's it. Doing nothing but number ones out here, Steve say, the number ones is how you get it. Understand, you got them twos and threes jokes, You ain't gonna get fed. You got to put them wars in there. Oh you got that had him wars. That's what he told me, that the wars when you put them back to back ones, Yeah, that's when that guarantee go high. In case y'all don't understand what Kirk Quake is saying. I talked to Quake my system. When I was developing us a stand up. I grated my jokes on the scale of one to three. If I if I did a joke that just was to feel time to get me to a segue, that was a three joke, it maybe got a lab probably didn't, but it was okay, fulfill it. And then I had a number graded a number two joke. Them jokes was fifty to fifty. Sometimes they was funny, sometimes they didn't. And then I had jokes that was a number one. No matter when I told it, I high. I told it that damn joke always mashed. Every time I wrote a two, I took one of the threes out. Every time I wrote a one, I took a three out. Every time I wrote a two, I took a three out. To find out, I just had ones and twos. And then I wrote my jokes. And every time I have to rote a one joke a killer, I took another two out that was a fifty to fifty yeah, and I took a right another one. I replaced that two out and to file out looked up and I had thirty minutes or nothing but one. And then after that that's all I wrote was ones. Baby. If I wrote a two, I went back to the lab, came out with the one and replace that. Steve HARVD two hours of once once Once, I'm talking about once damn. Yeah, I just learned a lot. Yes, that was a classroom knocking you out like Anthony Joshua. Yeah out, Yeah, I saw you when you get the once, I shout the world calling sitting me a mem of that. That was so damn funny. Yeah, knocked him on outside of knocked him on the worst damn fight. I don't see you never messed up all this money with your stupid No. He made it good for fat people. I told you you can be in fat and still being shape. Listen. Oh yes he had alms, but that good took him out, understand. Yeah, Yeah, high cholestero ken Win, Oh, y'all two percent body fair out here and not eating a poke hop. Look at the pochhop wing this weekend blood pressure? Yeah, look at high blood pressure. Hypertension did well this year. That boy was two per cent body fight, but he had a real weak chir you understand, what no rims on that chin was it popped the real hard. I don't see how they speak to each other after the fight. You just knocked me on. Ain't got nothing to say to you, your mama, nobody else, interview. I ain't hugging you say no good fight. We're the pistol at. We're a pistol at. We're the pistol at. You understand you did this in front of my mama, the whole country, my girl sitting my girl out of blew fifty five like Steve, somebody gotta die. Somebody died. Take these gloves off and bringing this pistol about to be some real work, beating my real band English Wilder. Just man, I don't know what now. This man told us a girl to take that double law back. We lost it. Take the double law back, didn't. You can see him getting knocked out. His gone gotta gotta go blew it. I swear it was terrible, but he hit him so hard my TV moved. Yeah. I wanted to call the police. I am witnessed and murder right now on this illegal cable. I got TV s it sleeve came off the hinges. It was just that bad. You so quick. We gotta find out what brings you here? Yeah, tell us about your concert dates? Coming up? Well, I come here all the time because I gotta hang around a better shade of people. Yeah, I'm serious, man, My money got to break up with my friends. I gotta gonna hang with other people. Stay right there, all right, Please give me some advice. My friends gotta break over with my money. Coming up more with Earthquake at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, we're back with the one and only earthquake Quack. Yeah, where you at? Man? What you got going you? Listen? Dates where you performed? Listen man. Um. This weekend, I'm gonna be in Jacksonville the du Vall Company Zone. Uh make sure that's tomorrow Thursday. Yeah, that's right. They treat me well. Then Thursday, Friday, Saturday. But next weekend it's a big weekend New York City. My fifth annual Father's Day. Got one of your partners in crime. We're gonna be the Kingstand on Friday, I mean, on Saturday and Sunday Father's Day, We're gonna be in j Pack. I got the one and only one of the Kings, you know, set you the entertainment. Yeah, cod gonna be there. Okay, yeah, yeah, we're gonna sit there. I gotta listen to knowing, Bubba, those are the two, including yourself, yours truly gonna be there for the fathers, the forgotten soldiers, the one that gets no shoutouts, know nothing, you know, because you know bather's day. Can't get a reservation in a in a dinner, you can't do it in no restaurants. But father there, you're gonna walk in. Ain't nobody in there. They don't care about the father. They only bring father. Yeah, when the baby do run when the father, you don't him nothing about the father till the baby do something wrong. Yeah, just you're just walking there. Ain't no buffet, ain't no ain't nothing, no runch. I ain't gonna father that runch. Ain't no fatherday special. Daddy's don't get nothing but child support. And my daddy don't love me. That's all you my daddy. Another long's wrong? Must they had no daddy love? Every time? If I go to snip club and hear the same thing, must didn't have no daddy love. I'm just telling you I had to make it that good fathers like my boy Steve, he's a grandfather. He's being fathers to other fathers that ain't fathers. They need to get some acculations and some appreciation. So this is my fifth annual show. This is the fifth annual in New York, and I'm bringing it. I wanted to ask Steve and I couldn't catch it with him. Yeah, oh you can't catch him. You got a better chance hitting a lot of it. So I just hang around them. You drop them jewels. I picked him up. I'll take that. I'll take that. Yes, five years in the row. Ain't pay me. I took something. They don't. They don't kill Father's nothing, man, no nothing? What's your worst gift or your best gift? How about that? The worst ever? My son barred money for me to buy me something. Yeah that was the best one. Here you go, man, I need some money, so I don't gonna get you something. Father. And it was Monday, Yeah it was Monday. Well, I said, let me go get you tested. I have naked thirty four after the Hour more with the highly energetic earthquake. He's so funny, and that's gonna be in thirty four after the hour you're listening String show. Hi, Chay, we're back with my buddy, longtime friend Legend. Oh, the One and Only Earthquake got the Big Father's Days show where we had again quake. Oh. We're in MJ pack on Father's Day and we at the King's Theater on Saturday. That's what's happening on here. We're gonna do it for father Day next weekend because Father's is special. I don't care how you bring these kids in the world. Brother, you need to be respected and appreciated for what you did to having this child. Tell you just like that as a father, I know it. I got four of ain't having no more. A woman comes say she's pregnant, down with one of mine. Faking my death. Oh no, faking my death. That's it. That's it. Quake Day, Quake Day, that's it. Tommy says that all the time about faking, and I'm gonna face that's it. It's I'm just going there. Nathaniel strong Man, Is that a thing new? Yeah, I'm out of here. I can't do another time. It's one of positive tests for me saying this head one positive. I'm tapping out on life, taking all the money I got, Stephen, I'm gone somewhere. Yeah, you hear me, somewhere. Just be run on the run like a monster. Nothing but cash where I live, paying everything, stay cash on, no no credit on nothing. Short yeah yeah, burn the form and everything. I'm living on the ladder. I'm gonna my kid catch up with me, gonna leave me, write a book. My father here, it's your motivation. I'm gonna head. Might as well get out your life now. I'm fifty six, Bam, you get old enough. I ain't gonna bay to play with you. Come on, tell you I aint gonna be a play with when we break up. Now, ain't no six of having a relationship. Ain't gonna last. Come on, he gonna be. I ain't gonna beat to play with you. I'm sitting out here and wheel try throwing you the ball, Tell about to get it back. No, sir, No, sir, No sir, No, sir. Man how your grandson doing, No, that's my son, No, sir, I'm not in my last days like that. I tell them when I walk in there ain't happening that I ain't happening. You come here if you want to with a positive test. It's over. You're gonna kill a black man's career. Just letting you know. M J. Pat come on the Father's Day, come see me. Bring the kids. If you got kids, ben't bring your father. Do something for your father. It's in now with New Jersey. Keen Stead is in Brooklyn. That's what we're getting down injured. I mean, um, doctor Ville this weekend, beautiful hum Day Wednesday, and you got to be with quake. That's what it is. Follow me on Instagram at the real Earthquake and see what I'm doing. We love it and you can following. That's most embarrassing. Damn. I'm so shame of my buddy, Quake. It's your fause. Steve. You said, God already know why should I can't? With everybody else think he knows my heart. I'm out here. Follow me on the Instagram as the real Earthquake. I love Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is the family. I drove by. Say hello to you. Got to see my uncle. I got me a little bit more money. Now I gotta hang around better people so I can get some advice. Because I don't want no unsong. I ain't gonna have you, ain't gonna have me. Misher me around talking he was hot. No, you can keep that. I'm always I got money right here and a can patch it right now. My disaplity, my disability insurance guy can't give it any three dollars a dank somebody pushed me around. Put me in the front of the TV and watch Judge Judy. Me said, I'm living in my old mother house and people day when they ain't got me, go fund me page. No, sir, he used to be hot, he was funny. Steve Harvey said he was running the great But where is he now? You won't get that. I'm not here, sir. No, sir, You're gonna see a white woman pushing me around. I'm eating more of your cookies, all right, Quick, you know I love you too, Thank you Steve for the opportunity. I love y'all. I love y'all here like last hit, right, thank you? Quick has always coming up another one the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right around in four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today's subject. The second child could ruin my relationship. All right, yeah, what's baby numbers? Yeah, Alwa was that middle child. But the second child could ruin my relationship is the subject of today's strawberry letter. But right now the nephew in the building with today's frank phone call what you got for us? Now we're talking about my first child, your son and my daughter. Your son and my daughter. Craf yo say your sick, my daughter, I know the whimpering cry right and my daughter. Let's run it. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Darren's Darren's Father's this Darren's father. Yes, it's Darren saying listen, I'm calling you. Lashawanda is my daughter. She goes to college up there with your sow uh And I'm getting the word I got a few minutes ago, was that the two of them then run off and then got married together. I don't know what what what what make them run off and get married? Like wait, wait, wait, wait wait where did you hear this from? I just got a phone call from one of the kids at the school saying that they didn't that this. The girl grew up with and went to grew up with an all too grade school. She called it said Lashawanda and Darren then the run off and got married together. They done say that done yesterday. But my father ain't my father, ain't I talked to him my three days ago here. He ain't nothing like that. I know, ain't it yesterday. I've been calling, shying and call it. Ain't nobody picking up and I'm calling the boys. Didn't give me the boy phone number. I call him and ain't nobody picking up in the airs or nothing. It ain't like my baby girl to do like nothing like this here. But it's not like my father do nothing like that without talking to me first. So let me call down there and talked to Darren and uh, I can't give me your number. I'll call you back. I'm going down there to that school myself. I'm gonna find both of them now. I'm gonna call you to let you know his Now. If I'm find out my baby girl and then ran off and got married because she didn't got pregnant, I promise you I'm gonna do something that boy. Ye, if you got my baby pregnant, you wait a minute, now, wait a minute. Now, he doesn't do nothing to my son. I understand about your daughter that's my son. Now you're going down and put your hands on my son. If you got if you come my only baby, I got, well, I understand that's your only baby, because that's that's my only son. If you tell me I was gonna put your ass on, You're gonna have a problem. If you got my baby pregnant, your son, Derek go, I'm gonna beat it. I mean, what's your name again? What's your name? It doing? My name is my baby? Wish? What's your name? What's yourn? Do it? I know? How do you tell your damn that? Look at mister don Uh, you're not gonna put your ass on my son. Help. And there's the only reason I didn't see her doing something like that because I'm talling you. I'm taller you. Isn't year the year you don't make no baby. You don't make no baby, not be married, you don't do it? He went on. For God, man, that means you're trying to make it right that wish you did, mister Dillon. Mister Dillon, misten to me. Now, I understand that's your daughter, she's playing or whatever, but let me talk to my son before you go down there to try to do something crazy. Okay, let me tell you something. Your son didn't curse my baby girl and be getting married and he didn't gotta bring it. I know what's going on. I know what it is. My son ain't done nothing to your daughter. Let me call down there and talk to him before you talk about going down and putting your hands on somebody. I told my maby the little dog, he ain't number the dog? Who? Who? Who? Who? But don't be a choosing my son of being no damn third. Now, Well what kind of man we wrong? Getting mad? Of the agent twenty? It ain't talking to the parts and nobody wouldn't make them do something like that. Well, you're talking about my tody. My son ain't done nothing because as you're raising him, who did you raising? You? Ever done it? You're raising him? Right? Wait a minute, now are you talking to I'm talking my baby bringing I'm gonna beat your boy. If you do, you're gonna get your on my hold who you think you're talking? I'm talking to you. I'm talking to your whole home. Man. Don't put your hands on nobody. You put your hands on what? So you know what? You understand me? That's my shown about your daughter. But that's woman baby. Hey man, hey, I hey, that's my shoe. You're talking about footing your hands on You don't have a problem with me if my baby bringing out promises, you ain't gonna never knowing that because I'm gonna do something that bore you. Every man. That's the last time on here. You gonna tell them my shore. Now now you gonna shot down Gatty your show and they and I relaxed for a minute. Let me call my friend. I could dock to you, because that's I need to tell you. We're heying. Man, what you got? I got some other father in a school to get the woman I want you to know one day. Get off this phone. What is it? Man? Yeah, I'm listening. His nephew caught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mister Darren, you just got break by your son, Darren Junior. Oh that boy boy got better sense. No, I gotta have blood pressure. What I call his MoMA done my time? Me. I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning. They do people? Still? Is that still like they still they do. I don't know, but but they don't do it like they know, like they did and in the movies and stuff in the movie Anywhere who just went on always passionate when they said, yeah, yeah, they just run away and get married and come back and yeah, that's pretty much how it is. I think you're right, Carla. The Daisy Lopeman is they just go to Vegas and get married, you know, so they just text each other and say, hey, get married in Vegas. Meet me and Vegas. I just see you there. Don't kle me though. I might go to Vegas for my anniversary this year. Yeah, okay, what year is it? Oh? Wow, go here, cool, gotta go somewhere good? Yeah, what do Yeah? Vegas is a good place. Who what happens to Vegas? Get pregnant? But but but do couples do anything different when they get to Vegas. It's the lovely dub the same as it is at the house. Or is it different in Vegas? Come on, come here, come here, come on, put me up on this bath from counter top, Tommy, not to put your business in the streets, Like, but didn't you just come back from Vegas? You tell us an Okay, they need a new in that room I was in. Didn't he send us some pictures with Jackie on his back in the pool? You know they don't do that at home. Wow? Stuff, got ain't got a pench nerve right now, keep your behind in this dresser. Come on, it's running from my neck down my own nerve. It was fun. It was Vegas, Vegas. Pinch nerve. Didn't stay in Vegas. That happened in Vegas. They didn't stay. We brought that back. Yeah wow, all right, well, thank you, Matthew, and you play too much. I didn't forget. Yeah yeah. Up next, it is the Strawberry Letter subject this second child could ruin my relationship? Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letter subject the second child could ruin my relationship. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am twenty two years old and I have a three year old daughter with my boyfriend. We've been together for six years, but we've been off and on the whole time. One night, when we were not together, I went out and got really drunk with a guy that has been liking me for a long time. I got so drunk that I passed out, and the next morning I woke up at the guy's apartment and realized that we had had sex. We went to the store and got a Plan B pill so I would not get pregnant. Well, the Plan B didn't work and I ended up pregnant, and I knew it was this guy's baby because I had not had sex with my boyfriend before or after that night. When I found out I was pregnant, I got back with my boyfriend and we had a lot of sex, so when I told him I was pregnant again, he had no reason to think it was not his baby. We got back together, I had the baby, and everything has been great with my boyfriend and I. We have not had any problems and he has taken in good care of me. And the kids. But I have a big problem. I posted a picture of my six month old daughter on Facebook, and her daddy and his family saw the picture, and now they want to be included in my child's life. There is no way for me to deny that she's his daughter, but my boyfriend has no idea. I honestly wish my daughter's dad was like most of the other dudes that don't care about their kids, but he's not. He has been asking to spend time with her. I want to tell my boyfriends so badly, but I know it will be the end of us for good. I will be alone without a father for either of my kids. I can't help but think that this is my karma for getting drunk and having sex. What should I do? Should I secretly let my daughter see her dad? Please help? Well, I don't know about karma for getting drunk and having sex, but you certainly got drunk and didn't have any protection and had sex. And I cannot be a party to you lying to your baby daddy. I cannot do that. This is a whole mess right here. You're in all because you got drunk and, like I said, didn't use protection. That was not smart. Now, all these lies you've told, they can mess up everyone's life if you tell the truth. And because your daughter's father and his family want to be a part of her life, and rightfully so, why wouldn't he. You know, a lot of guys don't want to be a part of their kid's life, but you're right, this guy does. He's not one of those ones that don't want to be a part of his child's life. So no, you should not do it secretly, not let her see him secretly, because that's just more lies on top of more lies and lies and lies and lies. I mean, don't you think you've had enough secrets and enough lies? Don't you think that? And I'll say this, I mean some things I do believe you should take to your grave, but this is certainly not one of them. You're gonna have to come clean. You have to come clean because the pictures out there now you've posted it on the internet. You do not want your man to find out on the internet, and you don't want him to find out from your daughter's real dad. You just don't want to do that. It's not a good look. You're gonna have to face the music. You did this to yourself unfortunately, but you know, you have your child to think of now, and you have to You're gonna have to come clean and do the right thing. Stie, how drunk you is, you're gonna have it? Yeah, you know so, man, I don't care how drunk you is. I don't understand that. I woke up, yeah, and realized I had six Of course, I could be speaking from lack of experience, so let me just preempty by saying that, Yeah, I'm not judging her, but I don't know nobody that can really really clean. I was drunk. I woke up and I didn't realize it, but I had had sex. I don't know a person as that. I'm I saying it's not possible. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that you got drunk with a guy that was liking you for a long time, and you got so drunk that I passed out. In the next morning, I woke up back to the guy's department and realize that we had had sex. So we went to the store and got the Plan B peal so I wouldn't get pregnant. Well, Plan B didn't work, and now you're pregnant. I knew it was this guy's baby because I had not had sex with my boyfriend before or after that night. Okay, how long before and how long after? Obviously it was close enough that when you found out you was pregnant, you got back with your boyfriend and y'all had a lot of sex. So then when I told him I was pregnant again, he had no reason think it was not his baby. Oh girl, you're real tricky, Yeah, you real tricky. So now we got back together out of and had the baby. Everything being great with my boyfriend and I were had any problems, and he's taking good care of me and the kids. Wow, you tricky girl, But now you got a problem because you don't. Posted a picture of my six month old daughter on Facebook and her daddy and this family saw the picture and now they want to be included in my child's life. What just like that for? There's no way for me to deny that she's his daughter. That little girl looked just like that man that much. But my boyfriend ain't got no idea. I honestly was my daughter's dad was like most other dudes that don't care about their kids. But he ain't. He's been asking to spend time with her. What how old is your baby? Six months? Right, that's what the letter say. This letter screams for opporternity test. Yeah, so we can be shown. So before you throw your life out the window, you really need to find out if this is demand's baby. That's for starters. All right, hang on, Steve. We'll get to part two of your response, coming up at twenty three after the hour, subject the second child could ruin my relationship right after this you're listening, all right, Let's recap today's strawberry letters Steve, and get to part two of your response, subject this second child could ruin my relationship. Okay, this girl off and home relationship with her man. They have a three year old daughter together. They went off, she got drunk or night passed out. I was out with a guy that really liked He passed out, woke up next door and drunk, realized they had sex when and bought a Plan B peel. Plan B peel didn't work. Um, she decided she knew she was pregnant. She found out she was pregnant, so she got back with her boyfriend. They had a lot of sex, so it was no reason for him to think that it wasn't his baby. She's passed this off as his baby. Everything has been going good for this past six months. The guy's acting right. He's taking good care of her and the babies, and everything's been great, and I had any problems, and but now she says she's got a big problem. I posted a picture of my six month old daughter on Facebook, and her daddy and his family saw the picture, and now they want to be included in my child's life. Okay, that's natural. So it's obvious to me that for him to look at the child and think that's his child, you must have told him that the plan B peel didn't work. So now when he online, because ain't no dude looking to be no father, Not these dudes, not nowadays. So now what happened is you probably told him to play and be didn't work and then he I don't know what he said, ain't look ad what and all that. Now you go with your boyfriend pawned the child off on him. He's going for it. Now he'd found a picture on Facebook and go, damn, she looked just like me, and you already think that's his daddy. There's no way for me to deny that she's his daughter. But my boyfriend has no idea. Now he ain't like other dude, or he want to see his kids. He'd been asking to spend time with her. I want to tell my boyfriend so bad, but I know will be the end of us for good. I think you're correct, but then you may not be correct. He may stay in there with you, but it's gonna be a problem that would be the end of us for good. Then I will be alone without a father for either one of my kids. I can't help but think this is my calma for getting drunk and having sex. Well, listen, young lady, it's not your calma, but it is the results. You know that behind every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, and as young people, we have to understand that we've got to really be conscious of our actions. Now you've made a mistake, but it's nothing you can't recover from. So listen to me. I know it seems daunting, but you want to keep your relationship with your boyfriend because he's a good dude. This other dude than obviously said, see, this is why I think that you may have told him that the plan b pel didn't work. Because while he onlines, he see a baby, he goes, man, that's my baby, that's my baby. Don't dude, just go that's my baby. Unless you told him you were pregnant, he said he didn't want to have nothing to do with it. Now he got the baby. Now him and his whole family want to spend time with the That ain't right. You don't get no girl pregnant and leave out like that as his mama talking. Now, you know he got to do the right thing. Now you want to do the right thing, but the right thing is not the right thing because you told your boyfriend it was his What should I do? Should I secretly let my daughter see her dad? That's the biggest mistake you can make because there is no secret because the kid gonna tell it. She's six months now. But what is she gonna be calling that man when you go over to daddy. Ain't you got her calling this one daddy? When she can start talking. You don't think she's gonna get it confused one day? Secret? No, you got enough secrets, so we have to stop the secret. Shirley is right. Shirley said, there's some decisions you have to take to your grave. This is not one of them. This is where you're gonna have to stand up and bear up under what has happened. Now, what's the lesson we've learned here? Yo? Da? First of all, we don't do good when we drink, so we need to take drinking off the list of fun things to do because this fun thing then turn into a situation. Now you got two beautiful children. God don't mistake. God don't make mistakes with children, So they're here. You do have a dilemma because you're going to have to the first thing you need to do is secretly go get a paternity test. That you do need to do secretly so you can find out exactly who the father is because it may not be this one night dude's baby. It may not be, but then again, if it is, that's his child, you can't deny him. And then you got to tell the truth to your boyfriend. And then you got to just say you I want you to forgive me, and you got to see where it goes. But you're gonna have to play it out. I don't think you love this new guy at allow all right, listen, you can post your thoughts. Thank you, Steve. On today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Okay, now, coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, trending political news. And did you guys see the protesters in London against mister Trump? He said it's fake news. Yes, wait till you hear what he said. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the show, Guys, what do you think about President Trump's visit to um England? And after a day of pomp and all this pomp and circumstance and everything with the Royal family of Buckingham Palace, President Trump spent the day discussing politics with outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May. Now, while Trump sat in meetings all day, there were tens of thousands of protesters just filling the streets of central London. Yeah. The the infamous baby blimp, the Trump baby blimp, was out there too. Yeah, it flew over Parliament Square. It's a sixteen foot statue of Trump sitting on a gold toilet while tweeting is also on display. But despite all of these protests going on over there, the President claimed in a tweet that he hasn't seen any of them, He tweeted, tremendous crowds of well wishers and people that love our country. Haven't seen any protests yet, but I'm sure the fake news will be working hard to find them. Great love all around. You're not to look out the window, stand around them called protest. Yeah, they ain't waiting on you to come out on the back. And they're like you Michael Jackson, right sir, he don't see Yeah yeah, yeah, like you couldn't him. In that meeting, neither were ahead. They were very vocal. Yeah what what? Wow? Can I tell you another piece of news that's kind of crazy. Yeah, they're really talking about sending Trump's X campaign manager Paul Maniford teammate. It transferred to Rikers. I saw that hard times, hard time. Did they say why step well? The prosecutors in New York because this is the other phase of his us going against the state charges and they want him at Rikers, notorious Rikers Island or the type. Don't talking deep block boy, but these are his boys. This is what you what you're doing. You're going to Rikers for the president. I would have some information, Yeah, what I'm coming with some Yeah, what piece of alimation can I give you to keep? Yeahah, what you need, I got it for you. Yeah, seriously. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about trending money news. Forbes list Jay Z and Serena right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, Congratulations are in order for jay Z. According to Forbes magazine, he's become the first hip hop artist to make it into the billionaires club. We thought it was Doctor Dre when he sold Dre beats a few years ago, because he made three point two billion dollars in that deal with Apple, but he was only personally worth eight hundred million dollars. This happened back in twenty fourteen when he sold dray beats. Yeah, say only yeah, as opposed to the billions. You're right, you're right. But when you're talking, when you're talking to billionaires, you know, don't they look down on millionaires? Steve? Yeah, you need them for them being to make those Yeah. Yeah, like millionaires need thousand airs to continue to be a millionaire, right right, I mean thousand naires need d h I'm telling you man. Yeah, And and Doctor Dre isn't that far off worth eight eight hundred millions. If he don't go another do yeah? Back in fourteenaire, Oh he didn't got that. Jay Z's net worth is at a billion thanks to successful ventures in fashion, liquor, and technology. He owns homes in La the Hamptons, and New York City, as well as stakes and companies like Uber and Title. So congratulations to him. Now. In other Forbes news, yes, yeah. Tennis stars Serena Williams, Uh you know, she's also a fashion mogul as well. She made Forbes list of the world's richest self made women this month. Forbes estimate Serena William's wealth to be at two hundred and twenty five million, which the magazine report she earned mostly off the court in the past five years. Yeah, she invested in thirty four startups, with sixty percent of her investments going to companies led by women and people of color. Yes. And then in April, uh yeah, Serena also launched her own brand, Serena Ventures, which helps to fund other startups and launch her own companies. And wait, We're not finished now, Rihanna is the richest female musician. Now all right, freemate? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes, in the past fifteen months with her fenty beauty line, which I love. Uh yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean it's great Carla, right, they have makeup, how highlights. It's her lip color. Oh, her lip colors are outstanding. Anyway, She's worth about six hundred million dollars. Some people thought it would be uh Beyonce, Beyonce worth Yeah, four hundred million. Brianna is these of one point four yes, yes, yes, uh so. Rihanna is the richest female musician, So congratulations to all of them. Wow, it's really amazing, man, It's really amazing how well and how hard these sisters are working, because that is a tough feat in a man's word. Yeah, that's so big. Yeah. There's so many things set in place for you not to be successful, right, and it's really really refreshing to see these women who are doing as well as they're doing. I mean, my hat's off too, because it is hard, man, It really is hard. Yeah. You always say that maintaining it is even harder than earning it than getting it. Yeah, d um. And what I love about Rihanna is that when she wanted to do her makeup, lind there were so many naysayers telling her, you know, not to do it because there's so many makeup lines out here. Why are you going to do makeup? And she wanted to do it. Yeah, makeup line, right, and she did it anyway and look at it, look at it? Yeah. Yeah, what if she had listened to them? What if she had listened to them? You know, let's come up with ugly man makeup? You you be you be the spokesperson? Are you? Are you saying you're ugly Tommy at all? You get your glance in this box as we go, Do you look like me? All right? I can help you more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening to show, all right, and trending news. We talked about this yesterday, how Sizza shut down Sephora. Well, Sepphora, the cosmetics chain, we'll close down all its stores today for a diversity training session after Sizza tweeted that she was racially profiled by a Calabasa's location. So, um, yeah, this is a result of her. So thank you for that, Sizza, because if they need it, they need to do it. Yeah, that's big. Yeah, it is big, you know. Yeah, Sephora's big, and they need to know better and do better. So that's what they're gonna do. We get that ugly man makeup in there. We're gonna make a killing. Put your product right up there next fenty ugly people putting it on all day in the Do you look like me? I really appreciate the fact that he's final. I'm woman. Listen. This was a bad day for Tracy Morgan. Bad day for Tracy Morgan, the actor and comedian. He crashed Steve his two million dollars Bugatti. Veyron TMZ says the accident happened on a busy New York City street Tuesday afternoon after someone driving a Honda CRV tried making a last second right turn and smashed into Tracy. Who wow. Yeah, Tracy's okay. Yeah, he's okay. He tweeted that he's totally fine. His new car may not be. The car is back up the dealer to assess the damage, and we can only hope that they total it. At this point, two million dollars Bugatti. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening right now, it is time for Steve's favorite segment. It's called Asked Steve. All right, here we go. How would you describe your life in one sentence? It has been an amazing journey. I like that. Okay, it has been an amazing journey. I like it. Okay, okay, okay, I got one. What It's something you want to tell your significant other, but are afraid that if she find out your break up or devoce you. Oh, I know the answer to that. I'm saying that, right, don't. I don't know why the hell they give me that girl, because no, I'm not giving that. That'll be all over the internet. Steve Harvey wants to Oh no, oh, no, great question. But that's a really good question. Oh the question is, yeah, I'm not walking into that. Well, maybe you can answer this one, Steve, all right, here's a question. What is the most surprising thing you've accidentally overheard about yourself? He doesn't forget anything anything, you know, he observed things about the time. One of the most surprising things was a little boy who came up to me at the Wearable Gala just this past week. And this is my most recent surprising thing. He's the keynote speaker at the camp this Sunday, he mentoring camp came to my camp eight years ago, came up to me and told me, mister Harvey, your camp changed my life. I was called to the ministry that night after listening to you. I'm a minister and I'm preaching at the camp for the closing remarks on this Sunday. That was pretty surprising to me because I don't know what I said turning into a preacher many kids, I didn't cut down down, that's tough love. It's a really big surprise. Wow. Okay, okay, right, junior, all right up, all right. What is something you did when you were younger that could have healed you but you were too young to realize it. I got a bunch of them. One time, my brother's convinced me and my nephew to paint. My father had bought this catch strap home that we got whippings with, and he kept it on the hook right over his rocking chair. My brother told me and my dumbass nephew, if you painted white and hanging back on that hood, he ain't gonna know it because they bled in with the wall. We painted it, and what happened right there. We almost got killed. All Right, that ends it for asked Steve coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this hump day. Time for you to leave us with some closing remarks. Yeah, you know. I try to find different ways to encourage people because, uh, life, life is really challenging, man, and it's becoming even more so for all of us because of social media. Man. It's like craziness. It's it's you can become a part of the meal, so to speak. You can just become a part of the meal. And you don't even have to be famous, you really really don't. It can just be in your circle of friends that you start getting hated on or something like that. But it's really difficult out here. So I really try to give people bits and pieces of things that happened to me as I progress through my life and I maintain and I grow all the while in spite of in spite of not two things help me. First of all, my relationship with God is probably better than it's ever been, because I've learned some really really useful tools over the past year to really really help me. Now, little did I know that God was presenting these tools to me so I could so I would have them and be equipped for the fight that he knew was coming my way. Man, that's a cool, cool thing to know that God taught me some things before last year that was going to help me with what he knew was coming my way this year. So the first thing I have to attribute and give credit to my relationship with God has been the real root of my ability to keep moving forward in the face of all circumstances, whether they seemed appeared to be what they were or not. And then secondly, I have learned how to shield myself. It's not that I know how to shield myself, but I've learned how to put a protective coding over my mind to help me deal with negativity because it's just so much of it out there. Man. And if you get if you really listen to what everybody's saying, you know you have a lot more people that love you than hate. You know that the problem with hate is it's so dog gone loud, and love you just somebody call and say, hey, man, don't worry about none of that. I got your back. I love you, man, thank you for all you do. Your real friends know the truth. It's just people who don't. They have something to say. So, your relationship with God and this practice that I've learned of how to the coat now how to coat my mind from negativity, have been two of the most powerful things that I've developed over the past couple of years and last year and few months ago. That's really really helping me. And So what I wanted to kind of share in light of all of that, or in that same vein as what I want you to stop doing. If you're doing this, stop giving people permission to have an opinion about you. Man, Stop giving people permission to have an opinion about you when, first of all, they don't even know you. Number two, are a lot of people with an opinion about you. They've never met you. And here's the most important reason they don't know you. They haven't met you. And you want to know the real reason, you shouldn't care, because they don't care. They don't care anything about you, one way or another. They just riding through the system, pushing buttons, and you happen to be the button that they pushing today. Do not give people permission to have an opinion about you, and you listen to it. I stopped doing that. I stopped giving people my permission to have an opinion about me. You don't have I'm not giving you permission. Now you can go have one, but it's without my permission, So therefore you can't affect me. Listen to me. People, If you don't give them the permission to affect you, they can't affect you. You can keep pushing on and upwards to your goals. Don't give them permission to turn you back. Don't give them permission to stop you. Don't give a person permission to ride your back. Marty Luther King said, a man can't ride your back unless you bend over. Stand up, stand up to some of this mess. I'm not saying go down there and do something about it. I'm just saying, stand up, hold your head up, square your shoulders, pinch your shoulder blades, get your chests out, hold your chein up, go on with your bad self. Quit worrying about what they're saying. Then people don't even know you. Don't give these people permission to make you feel less than who you really are. Your heavenly Father made you. You're a child of God. These people but didn't make you. Do not give them permission. Don't give them permission to be a determining factor in your life. They don't have your permission to do that. They don't have the ability to do that. Don't give them permission to hate you, turn you back, ride your back, make you feel less, be a determining factor in your life. You know why because they don't know you, they never met you, and they don't care about you. You should not care about what they think. Those are my remarks. Have a good week. 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