The Steve Harvey Morning Show discusses how Dwayne Wade Honored a Florida shooting victim, Delta vs the NRA, how Philadelphia wants Lebron, Roscoe Wallace returns, and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving them mo like theming buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to Steve Hardy, Yeah, listening to me toach other for still far to Moby. Don't you join? Yeah, Hobby joining me? Honey, said Dot turning in the long go, yeah you go. You gotta turn, you to turn at the time. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your face, huh, I sure will I good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. Of one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, got a radio show and got something to say to man. I thank God for it. I thank God for my life. I thank God for her in the midst of storms, he calms me. You know, I was going through another trial in my life. You know which is life is going to always be that? You know, it's a it's a I think the things that I say on the radio, I want you to all understand that I do. So have to put him into practice all the time. And uh, I was going through something yesterday and I don't know how long I'll be going through it, but I'll be fine however long it takes, because I have something, man, I'm gonna share it with you. A lot of you got it, but I don't. I don't think sometimes we appreciate it until we have to use it. And and the thing that we got is prayer. Prayers available to every single person. Prayer is so important, man, it's so important. I'm not afraid to say it though. It's so so important to you because it's such a comfort, it's such an island that you can go to. I was going through something yesterday and somebody close to me knew about it, and they sent me something in the middle of it, and it said simply that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. See. And that was so cool for me, because you know, oftentimes I'm on the radio and I'm talking, and i know you all think I'm talking to you, but like I said, oftentimes because I'm just talking to myself, man, because I'm just like you. I'm just a human being trying to get through I have and to come under attack, as does everybody else. I got trials and tribulations just like everybody else. So when I'm talking, I'm talking to myself a lot of time, and all of us are faced with things, but the beautiful thing and one of the things I've always said that on your way to success, that's going to be our position. I've always said that the road to success is always under construction. I have always said these things, but I also have to hear these things. And I, even whoever I am, and all of us have to apply these things. And see what I was sitting there going through it. Man, somebody Texas to me to just simply said that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. And you know, man, what prayer enables you to do is have just a little closer relationship with God. It allows you to form a barricade when necessary. It allows you to have a place to go when necessary. It provides you a place of shelter when it gets real, real windy and real real funky for you, when the bullets and arrows is flying, there's a place that you can tuck yourself. I always like to refer to it as under his wings. I like to get tucked under his wings when the bullets and arrows is flying. You know, I do realize Man through my life, and I've been taught this over and over and over. Isaiah forty three one and two. That's someone to the effect that you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothing. And what I learned from that scripture, y'all, what simply is that if you do have this relationship with God, if you are making an attempt to be righteous, trying to live your life to the best of you, ain't stepping on nobody, trying to hurt nobody. You're giving God some glory. You're talking with him. You know you're making some mistakes alone the way, But you know what I'm saying, You ain't. You ain't just mailing it in. You are consciously trying to be a righteous person. Then there's a promise that he gives to you that he would be there for you. Now here's the promise. The promise says something just like this, that you will be able to walk through the fire and not get burned. Normal kindling set upon your clothing. Now what that means to me, my interpretation of it real simple. Some things are going to happen to you, and when they happen to you, it's not his doing. When when you come under attack, when you when when when the haters come from you, it's never his doing. But he gonna walk with you though, and allow you to walk through the fire, and you will not get burned. That's amazing, man, because I got a little fire going on right now. But guess what, they can't consume me with it, because in their attempts to do what they do to you, to me, to anybody is trying to go somewhere, mind your business, in their attempts to do what they're setting out to do. Here's a problem with that. Now, if you got God, if you use this little weapon of prayer that he gives you, he'll provides you a refuge, but he'll let you walk through the fine. You will not get burned. Now, a part where it talks about won't know kindling set upon your clothing. That's kind of like if if you've been in the house that's been on fire before you know you can walk in and soot on the walls. It's a smell in the air. You can see the damage. I mean a house that's been on fire until the repairs come, the restoration, you can walk in there and know that there's been a fire. Weeks later, after the house has been on fire, you can walk in because you can smell it, you can see the seinge marks. But here's different houses. You know, I'm talking about just structural buildings that they don't have ongoing relationship with God's I ain't talking about your temple at church and nothing, so please don't go there. I'm just telling you a fact. A house does not possess a soul. A person possesses a soul. So your relationship with God is it's where your refugees. So now here we go. When you have a little walk with God, when you got some faith in him. Hear what happens to you, y'all when they come for you, when they attack you. The part that it says you won't get burned, but the no kindling that means when it's over, no kindling was set upon you that are being. There won't be no sit on you, there won't be no seeing marks on you. You won't smell like you've been on fire. You won't even look like you've been nowhere near a fire. But the whole time the fire was raging all around you. But there's a place that you can go when your life is on fire, when you come under attack. There's a spot. There's a spot if you know God, if you if you're just trying to be righteous, if you just go over there and get over that buying just a little bit, y'all, if you just send up some earnest prayers and and pray it and mean what you say, there's a spot you can go that you can tuck under his wings, and you will walk through the fire and you won't get burned. Now he is DEPARTO. I want you to feel me. Now. It did not say in there that it would not get unggodly hot. That's the cold partner. Come on, y'all, because what did I tell you that to do or text me the thing? What did I just tell you? I just simply said that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. Now I'm in one right now. I want you to understand, so when you come for me, you don't come from somebody that's standing over that by himself. I have a relationship with him, and um I use continually on a daily basis, more than three times a day, that beautiful little gift, that weapon of prayer that he's given to me. So while the storm is raging, I want everybody to know I'm just fine. I'm now, I'm uncomfortable. I don't like it. I do not like what happens to me, no more than you like what happens to you. But I got news for you. Though I'm so covered, and I stand there in that place for refuge, man, and I drank that up and man, today I'm telling you, man, God's promises are true, that he'll be with you in the midst of a storm, that he'll hold your hand. God promises are true. All you gotta do is lean on him. You feel me? Check it out? Show ladies, boys, gentlemen, women, This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh. What we're about to do today, I like that lead day. What we're about to do today is let the ignorance begin. Good morning, shirty, Good morning Steve. Hello, caller. Good morning, sir, how are you wonderful? Junior? Morning and the ignorant one, the whole nephew, tom top top top top of the morning. Damn man, So what's happening today, y'all? What's going on? Anything? I can just you know, y'all, only thing from me today? You need anything from me today? Today is called I'm here. You just here. I'm here for you, for all of you. Anybody call us. I don't care what it is. This is Steve Harvey here, Dave. I am here today. Anything you want, I don't care what it is. No holes barred, no limits, no limits. You go first, Tommy, I'm taking requests. Don't ask me for no damn Okay, when we move back down on my listing, Yeah, you got first, Mommy money awful? Oh? I got my apartment straight in l a uh huh Nah. I need a vehicle. You gotta rolls that you ain't really use it? So do you think it's possible that I can use that till I get on my feet? Well, let me ask you this right here. Is there a reason why you won't ship your rolls from where it is? Part called? So didn't It'll be sitting and doing nothing, And why don't you shipping out here for it can keep earning this keep be cause you owe on yours. What they got to do is paid off or not. If you owe yours gain your all need to be out here doing some duty. You are changing, you know, tie rotating up gas and he needs to earn here keep. So what I don't want you to do time is be sending your money into these people and your card just over that ship. You need to go to work. Man, See how healthful I am to take We're not called I'm called calling, And sureley, let me ask you a question. Did not that make perfectly good sense? Yeah? It wasn't it kind? Yes it was? And I applaud you for that st And surely I'm gonna be kind all day. I don't know what you're saying's not gonna be mean about it. I'm going to be kind. Okay, okay, big lips, let's go. It's no problem. It's anybody with another person. I accept that this day begin all right. Today is the last day of Black History Month, and we got to get those little known Black history facts in Okay, sometimes we miss them the short month. So it's time for something funny. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let's go. It is time for the last day of our little known Black History facts. On this last day of Black History Month, Wow videos. First African American okay, dropped the mic was Randy Watson from the What's Going Down? The episode that asked my mama. That is the first person to actually drop the mother. Randy Watson from from Coming to America. That's the Randy Watson light Blue tuck Seed, Randy Wasson first. Honestly, I thought it was Steve. Honestly, all these years that wait for that, you made it famous, Steve. Yeah, I'll tell you what you know. Have y'all ever wonder why it is necessary for us to sit still through the thunderstorm? Yeah, you didn't even know. Well, it was because of Berlina Big Bamba Babba. Know who was the first person to believe that doing a thunderstorm, anything could get you struck by lighting? She the first one. Yeah, she first want to believe anything you did could get you struck by lightning? Like, who is that doing all that breathing? Hush, you're gonna get struck by light breathe who is that in the eating chips? Cut out that chewing out. You're gonna get struck by lightning anything anything, you can do nothing? Who is that doing all that blinking in here? Struck by lightning? Show? It's about eyes. Here's a very small one that y'all didn't know about. He's a very lone, very black history moments. Yes, Ruda made Jenks Yea the first black woman to ever roll her? What what? First? Who? Rule made? Jake was in a field one day field oversee your paim By, if you don't fill up this bag? Without even looking at him, she rolled her Damn, okay, thank you because I didn't know that this right here nineteen I think it was about nineteen sixty eight, Jasper Jenkins was sweeping up Bayless juke Joint. You understand that. That's what Jenkins sweeping up Bayless Juke Joint, swept up everything, couldn't find no dust pan nowhere. He looked and looked. Finally he got tired, went over there to what the man play records that grabbed EDDA James album and use that as the dust pan. He is the first person to use an album couple as a dust pan. Remember that, jasper jaw See. You never know these things. You don't know this, Yeah, people don't talk about. Yeah, we need to know our history. You know. I got come on, let's go, I got a part of that. Uh you fight dog? He fought a dog fought Yeah, fault one. But he ain't the first person to do so. It was Edgar right hand Jay Livingston, the first black person to knock out a pit bull smooth out. What happened, I don't know, but he the first one. We saw other dogs then retreated and locked themselves in their own chimsel. Let me tag that because what was again? Good, right hand Jay Livingston? I remember because my great great grandfather really and had escaped the hounds. Was only he had cret cross the river. That one pit bull hound stayed on that track and shot cross the river and saw him climb up in a tree. Ever turn around knocked his as a smooth went on to freedom with and later opened up the first peach cobbler selling company. What is that? Yeah? When he got the freedom, he found his talent that right hand at right hand because he read cast a couple of peach grows when he escaped and it kept him in his pocket and they got hot in the sun and melted. That's when he discovered, Helen, you put bread with this. Yeah, I'll be Really we're doing little known black history. We need to know our history. How Melan Harold Melon Hell, Melan last name water? What's the first person in church to ever get in an argument? And what's with the famous words meet me outside? The first time it was and he got an argument and he couldn't say what he wanted to say, so you know, he said meet me us. And to this day everybody knows that if you go outside, you're gonna get your ass. Thank you, little Let's go. Nineteen sixty one, Memphis, Tennessee, five o'clock in the evening. Ernestein pad aweight was washing her clothes at the launch. Matt Folk, carl A Stein. Everybody knew it was kind of packed in there. Right when she was getting ready to move stuff from the from the washing to the dry, a lady in accepted her dry. That lady right down, a normal Jean Kirkpatrick. Nah, the fight started, but before we started, ernest Theme took her ear rings off. She is the first lady to take her ear rings off before a fight and whoop, normal jeans ain't right right there, memple tennessee hurry, yes, a little Uncle Thomas right okay, will later be known as Uncle Tom that they had put in charge of the other black people when the mass wasn't around. That's when the term h e n I see all right, coming up next, New Tommy. We'll run that brankback right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna is gonna be here with today's national news. But right now the nephews on deck with run that prank back. But you got ne um, Well, we're gonna run that thing back in angin cleanness belt loops, spite be quiet. Hello, it's just it's just the clean Yeah, it's a cleaner. Is this the cleaners? A cleaner? Okay? Hey listen, I'll be bringing my clothes to y'all all the time. Somebody to mess up a prayer on my prayers? Oh did Japan you know to see the pens? So well? Yeah, depend is no feed you we're seeing for you? No, no, no, no, y'all have already missed up or no, what I'm trying to say right here, is this that whoever did the prayers took the belt loops off? The players? Who? Who? Who do? Who? Do? Who do I? The pens? Who do? What? Who? The who? The Washington? Your pen? Y'all the people. I told y'all, I want to start in my jeans, you know, I told y'all, I want to make sure my jens stand up by the self. Okay, y'all put the start any But the problem is, y'all took the belt loops off the plans? Do you you pay already? Do you pay? So? What do you pay? Yeah? Prayed you all the day on money, y'all? Game me the player. I didn't know the belt loose wasn't on there until I got on. But what what? What's your name? What's your name? Washington? Whington? What Washing? What your name? Your name? I don't never leave my first name. I'm always washing Again. I had to find the re seat to see what you are? What's wrong with your pens? Do you let your let name? What? What? Washington? Why you can't understand what I'm trying to say to you? What? Who? Who? Who to help you with your clothes? Who the person to help you with the clothes. The lady that I would be in the front is the one that helped me that, the older lady, she's the one always helped me. Let me here. Okay, you did. You're the way and kind and I'm myself Okay, I saw the night and that you needed. What is he saying to her, she's not here? What I need you to speak English? This is an English situation. Okay, Okay, she she not speaking, she's not speaking, Okay, so I I can't play for her? Okay, she she not here? You want to call count tomorrow? Did we help you with the clothes? Okay, But you ain't understand me. My belt loop is of my parents. We know that, we know to take it. It's not if we don't have to hear. We just watched the cloth. We don't take to that. Did do that? Y'all? Did take the bell loops out? You do? You? Wait? Okay? Okay, I work wait, okay, yeah, go ahead take the water and oiland and then he can't know the sear su I'm t can you need the man who do nicky? You're McKey, I'm not I tell you, I'll tell you English. Then what what do you. We we try to help the problem. Okay, I understand you try to help the problem. This is an English problem. I need to bunhill. What's going on? Right? English? So we I speak of the English to you? You I don't understand what you say. I'd say I need you to speak English. You're not speaking? You speaking the English to you? Why you're not? You're not? You don't look, you don't worry, old Look, all I'm saying is just right here. Somebody got my damn bill losing it took him out playing, and somebody from the putty back out or today you don't we well tell you that we are fixed upon okay, and you you bring it in and you know the nothing you for you on the phone? Okay. You want to like to fix the pen, you have to bring in another day? Okay, Okay, what do you want me to do on the phone? Okay? If I don't have to pen, how I'm going to fix it? You have to bring it in tomorrow. Okay, but that the father would be here tomorrow you breed in. Okay. It's very busy today. I don't have time to do this on the phone. Okay, Okay, y'all gonna fix money. No, you don't. You you paid money? Okay, did you? I always say, I just fix it. Okay. You see on the phone and you you squeam and you yell, and then nothing I can do for you. Know you're here for don fix my day on prayer. I don't need to fix anything. Okay. We we need to help you. But if you don't want to work with us, you know we cannot help you. Okay. Let me tell yourself. You're gonna make me come out with here, Walter. You come here, okay, you come here and you talk to us. Okay. And I had the police here, at the police here, and then you take it with them. Okay, your mother, I put my damn bet loose back on my prayers thing. That's all I'm saying. Okay. You you don't at me? Okay, Well you don't ye at me? Okay. You want to you want to him he came. Okay, you're talking. You're gonna take care of me. The fine that he got here and you talk to him and you mask you met with him. Did he think I don't do what you? Okay? You better you better have him down blue? That would he better? Now? He don't have to do nothing, okay, because we're not we're not we're not met up your path. We try to help you. You had the problem. You're talking to him and he do you gonna kick? Okay, you're gonna do what You're gonna kick you? You're gonna kick my? Tell what you're just saying? Oh? How how lou did you just say? Yo, Dad? It was gonna kick my? Yeah? He could to care you and you were couldn't go to police. Okay, you go to jail. Okay, okay, Look I got something else I need to say to y'all. Is you're listening. I need your wife? I say, did you list? What are your what? What's the problem? Do you have a man that worked for you in your cleaner's name? John? You want to talk to John? Know? My name is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by John that works in your cleaners? What John? John? You to call me? What did you want? Did John call me? What? What? What is your name? Sue? Yeah, that's my name. You always get mad at John for listening to the radio in the morning. Right call you under under radio? John got me to prank phone call you I work at the radio show. That that's that's that's not funny, John Lama, don't me to say and I radio tell me that lun All right, then, Sue, I gotta ask you, what is the best radio show in the land. Oh that Steed Steve Hardy show. Yeah, you to Candy. What y'all think? Oh, that's one of my favorites that you know that. I love that. I love that one. I love h Hey, let me put this out there right now. What's Baltimore, Maryland. The Nephew is coming to town at the Baltimore Comedy Factory. There are there's a show on Thursday. That's two on Friday, two on Saturday. That's this weekend. Guess what. Saturday gone sold all the way out. First show Friday gone sold out. You hate that. Too many more tickets left. The Nephew coming to the Baltimore Comedy Factory. Tickets don't see right now? That's Tomorrow night, Thursday, Friday, two shows two shows said, ain't no since in looking they said, and Friday because they buy gone Thursday. That's right, That's that's what you got left right, Hang out with comedy Congratulatesten. Well, boy, you're gonna be able to going to Netflix and half MILLI half that's just sitting there, Junior, just sitting there. Half they got that in the budget. You know how many comedians? What's your minimum number you would do a special for Netflix? I don't have to not that. I would definitely be coming to you asking. I would not would just go here. What you think your minimum number for Netflix? Manimum? Hunted? Can I get a hunt Hunted? Uh? We gotta go home. He's he's thinking you should have asked, can I get that? Other folks? She left home? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Delta Airlines finds itself, Uh and kind of the middle of this whole gun debate thing. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright. Bowing to public pressure, Delta Airlines announced on Saturday that the airlines was dropping its contract the n r A for low, low cost fairs for members flying to the group's annual meeting. While the announcement please the student activists and those pushing for gun control, as you know, Delta has its headquarters in Atlanta. It's been trying to talk Georgia's Republican led legislation into giving it a tax break on its purchase of jet fuel, which could add to up to tens of thousands of dollars. Former Republican Senate UH State Senator Rick Jeffries, who is now running for lieutenant governor, tweeted, if Delta is so flushed that they don't need n r A members hard earned dollars, they can certainly do without the forty million tax break. Forty million dollar tax break they're asking Georgia taxpayers for. UH. Current Lieutenant governor and State Senate President Casey Cagel UH also had a threat for the airline, tweeting, I will kill any tax legislation that benefits Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with the n r A corporations. Listen to me, that's following so many but you can't stand up for something righteous without the fear of losing discounts of a business. And all of this here that's so foul on so many levels. That's how much money the n r A is paying folks. You have no idea how much money, how many of these politicians they got in their pocket and that just goes to show you how many of our stuff so deeply into the n r a s pocket. That's why we can't get again gun laws change. They support the candidates, the candidates win, and they're beholding to the n r A. That's what it is, you know. So now they're trying to man, man, let me help you understand something. It's gonna get ugly, man, because the n r A can pull that many strings. It can go bad for them if enough people stick together. Well, it has to do with voting, for sure, just like Carla just said, it has to do with voting. We have to vote. We have to. We have to vote now more than ever because we have to get these gun laws change. We have to. And they're kind of backpeddling now. You know, it was big when the kids were out there, you know, the students from Parkland High School in Florida, when they were out there, you know, when you could see them on the TV. But now it's you know, each day, we don't talk about it as much, you know, And that's what the students were afraid of. Yeah, would you say, Carlin, that's what the students were afraid of, you guys, because they go back to school today today, Wednesday, And they were afraid that when they went back to school, their protests and they're marching and they're they're wanting change, would lose momentum because so they always do. You know, the momentum is high when the incident happened. Now it's almost two weeks and it's starting, you know, to slowly reach you know, not the lead story anymore. Yeah, crazy, I know, Steve, you've been saying it's about money and power. You keep saying that. But they're still doing their march though on on the march right, they're still having that march on Washington, the students. You think the airlines are backed down. Uh no, because let me let me explain something to you. Uh. They want you to believe that the n r A has fourteen million people in it, but the n r the n r A claims to have only five million members. M hm hm. So so five million people you're you're looking at, that's just members. What what they're trying to do, it's a real trick that they're doing. They don't really care about that. It's the amount of money that they take from the profits of the gun sales. That's what drives the n r A, the profit of gun sales. But it's just to keep that money coming to pay these politicians, so they and keep making these guns, making this problem. I see what the most important amendment is though. Now all right, Miss Anna's here, Steve laies and gentlemen, cheese here, ms and trip. Thank you very much, everybody. This is Entrepate the news, and we're going to get into that a little bit now. Students at Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, go back to class today for a half a day, although some students say they just can't. They can't go inside those walls. They say it's like going inside of an airplane after it's crashed. Seventeen people were killed on Valentine's Day. There will be counselors on the premises to help the students. Meanwhile, the U. S. Department of Justice is coming out against the device used to increase the rapid fire capacity of various rifles. It's called a bump stock us to turn any General Sessions told the gathering of State Attorney generals yesterday about his plans to get rid of it. People in the Department of Justice have believed for some time that, uh, we can, through regulatory process, uh not allow the bump stock to convert a weapon from semi automatic to fully automatical. Problem is, and ever to ban the bump stocks fizzled last year, even after President and some other lawmakers expressed support for it. And that was even after the closest sixty people were killed by a gunman at an outdoor country music concert in Vegas. So you know, got to hold your breath on that when meanwhile, a House Intelligence Committee looking into Russia's cyber attacks against the US leading up to the presidential election question the head of the n s A yesterday, Chief Admiral Mike Rogers, with Connecticut Democrat Richard bloomentor pressing the issue. Would you agree with me that the Russians have been in no way deterred from the Oh, yes, sir, I think that's true. They're doing it with impunity. They could care less what we think. They're continuing to attack us, Yes, sir, so, Thus far the response of the United States of America to this ongoing attack has been completely inadequate. That hasn't changed the calculus, is my sense, has not changed the calculus of the behavior on the part of the Russians. When another lawmaker asked the admiral was the President had ever authorized him to disrupt Russia's hacking operation at the source ahead of the NSA said no. The body of the Late Reverend Billy Graham Lyn and reposed the capital retund of today and Thursday and today is national Get rid of the dummy. You've been dating day. Gotta go, gotta go. Be back on more entertainment, Today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steven Show. Okay, breaking news. Uh, you guys know Safari. You know who he is. He's Nicki Minaj is X from Loving Hip Hop New York and l A. Well, he liked some nude pictures on Twitter. You guys hear about this and apparently it was a big deal. Okay, wink wink. Uh, ladies are going crazy. They're looking at him very differently. I mean they're looking at him very differently. Remember that song Nicki Minaj had Anaconda. Well, people are suspecting that it maybe may have been about him. About Safari. Oh, he got his manhood. I'm saying. I'm just saying, I ain't searching for how much money. I don't know how much money he's making. I'm just saying, that's the news. I'd rather be a bigger man at the bank. Yeah, I'm sure you gotta ad a condo, but I'm wrote, I gotta end the conduct. I can't buy nothing. I gotta in the conduct. Music producers got. I can't go far. I'm on in the cord. I ain't living in a house, and I kind of got a mind like a mouth in the condor. Everything in wrong now. I never wrote a song. I got it in the Conna fire me is shutting down social media? He really did. I mean, women are going crazy. Don't have y'all seen it? No? I have seen it, the story, but I ain't seen it. I haven't seen it yet. No, I mean I haven't seen it. How you see? I tell you who has looked it up? That damn mother? And you know this? Yeah, it was all over social media yesterday though, from Waconda, from Wakonda with the anaconda and all of it. Yeah, yeah, I just feel saffre. Yeah, s a f what Why do you need to know the spelling of it, Steve, look up, Okay, you already look up? Different make to me. I don't give a damn I never had no damn complaints. I might not be him, but hell, he what you got. That's right, that's you under saying you gotta take what you've got to make it work. You're sexy? Are you already that lost? NICKI minaw? Yeah, obviously you wasn't doing something Anna Kna couldn't keep that? Hell now, what is the Safari Challenge? What is going on? I'm gonna get into Safari Challenge, but I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna use photo shot. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, your friend. Dwyane Wade learned that Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School student and shooting victim Joaquin Oliver was buried in his in d Wait, Miami Heat Jersey. Okay, listen to it now. Dwayne got very emotional. He was very emotional over this. He later took to Twitter to pay his respect to Oliver's memory and re emphasized why NBA players will remain outspoken on social issues. The Wait tweeted a picture of Joaquin Oliver with the caption this is Joaquin Oliver. He was one of the seventeen young lives that were lost tragically at Douglas High School in Parkland. Joaquin was one of many that I heard was excited about my return to Miami and yesterday was buried in my jersey. This is why we will not just shut up and dribble. The last statement, of course, Dwayne, you know, was referring to the Fox newscaster ms arrogant Laura Ingram when she said shut up and dribble to Lebron James and Kevin Durant. So there take that. What I want to know about her is what qualifies her to be a spokesperson for anything. And you know she was making reference to the way the the Lebron and Kevin talk. But I keep telling people over and over the way you sound has nothing to do with your level of intelligence. Something well said, don't have to be well spoken, see, and that's why people so they try to use their little education like they mold. But this brother that you're telling to shut up and dribble has managed to build a billion dollar empire. So how stupid is he? You took your ass to all these colleges and where you at. Uh, you should have dropped out and got your ass a basketball. His love of d Wade, this man who got buried in his jersey, you know. I mean, I couldn't see how that would touch you know. And you know, man and man, these brothers care, yea, they actually care. This generation of ball players, man, are making moves. The football players are making moves. They're conscious and so in these this student body at this Florida school, they're not gonna let this go. This is the generation that's gonna get it done and change it. And you see how dirty then r a play now, don't you Now they're sitting up in here talking about if you don't let these members fly with this discount, you ain't gonna get no gas discount. You see how they play. It's all about the money and they know it. They know it. Don't worry about the Delta. I'm flying Delta next week in your ground Delta staying wow. I I mean I have blood Delta and United and h Advis and budget a car and all of them. You know, Yeah, who revoked those discounts? Do is tell them kids and let them kids get busy. Okay, so excuse me. So you're gonna keep gas prices high so the rest of our tickets can stay high because y'all can't get a discount to fly to y'all. And it's just to the meetings. Yeah, it's just to the n A meeting annual meetings. Yeah. I think they have them in Dallas or somewhere. Yeah. And I've really you know, we have to put those kids in our prayers today. They're really strong, they're very articulate, but they're they're very young. Like the like the young man said, we're just kids. I mean, I think he was fixing is we're just kids and they have to go back to school today, you know, less than two weeks or two weeks to the day. I should say, hey, young kids spoke better than the president. Very well, Tommy, I heard a baby talk in print. I'm gonna just say something real revealing him. This is the first president that has the same vocabulary. I guess that's it's less than that. That's thought. It's that's listen to me at the first president. Everything he said, I've understood exactly, So you can be president. Alright, coming up after this, nephew Tommy has a prank phone call. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's Today's Strawberry Letter, and you don't want to miss that. But right now it is the nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got, nev uncle, Steve my man? Lester Tucker, come on, shut up? Three months your damn on the last day. Yeah, this is how you said it down with Lester Tuck. Yes, I'm trying to reach a Lester Tucker. This is us Tucker MS Tuck. How you doing? This is our Curtis watching Soul Brother number nine. I'm with the VP of A and the BP of A Black People of America. What the okay? Listen we are we're doing a survey today. We're calling on a lot of white households and we're trying to figure out have y'all been using the N word in your house? And if you have, how many times are you using the INN word on a daily basis in your house? The N word? What what come up? Said? I don't use the N word of my house. I got youngest, we don't do that around my house. Have you been using the N word at your job? Ahead, I don't know what kind of Oh no, back to hell? Up? What did you just say? You got what at your job? I got black? Look? What this up yours? If I used the N word? I paid the rent in this trailer? Work? Hey, holo, Hold wait a minute, brother, now look you call hey, hey, let me explain some something to you, sir. We're doing. All we're doing is a survey. Now, I will tell you this. We do have surveillances at your place, and we will be trying to figure out if you at my trailer. We will be taking dictating. We will be trying to figure out if you're using the N word. Let me tell if I won't say the N word, I say words I don't want to say. If I find some surveillance to my trailer, I will come and keep your black people association that you know who you? Uh? Just you lest the tuck? Ain't you you got right? I'm luster Tucker. Do you want to know how many times I said say the N word? What're trying to get a survey on it, sir, That's what we're trying to you just trying to start some I'm with I'm Curtis Walking with Black people of America. Hell, I'm giving who you are, Curtis Walking. Why are you calling my house? So I'm just here to ask have you been using it? And have you been using it at your job? Why did I tell you I don't use to to my house because I got kids. I don't use at the job because I've got black people to work for me. I don't want to run them off my car on the name. Okay, Well, when you go down to the club by yourself, are you guys in there using it? Come on, now, be honest with me. Are you guys in there using it? Man? Let me tell you something I don't know what about. But it's not me like I got black neighbors, all right, I ain't. I ain't like that. I ain't like that. Okay, Well, let me ask you this. When you just when it's just you and them, them good old boys, when you just y'all, are you using that in words? Well, let me ask you this, when it's this you and you're and you're hoodling a little buddy. Do you want me what the what the hell do you call white people used? I am not used good words, sir. I want to get like, I tell you who the hell you are, sir, I'm doing I'm doing the survey here. I don't all right, I will white people of America. How about that? Say we can't have a long association. Hell up, calling me up? Call me? Okay, I just got one more thing to tell you. Are you familiar Williams? Yeah, he works for me. This nephew timing from the Steve Harvard Marning Show. You just got pranked by Williams. You all right, man, you got kind of ribbed up? Man? Well man, you see that brother he told me, he said, he said, this white guy is gonna go off. He said, trust me, he does not use the N word, but just act like he's been using it and he's gonna go to hell off. That tells me money anyway. Hell all right, left the cob. I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Let me tell you if Steve Harvey Morning the Show. And you know how I know because some black guys that work for me have that. Somebody to say something. That's how you shut black history down Right there with Lester Tucker, I just say, that's how you're ending black history. Yeah, you're ending it on a high note or something. What that's how, that's how. That's how the black history continues. For me yesterday to friends at Black did you have any more Black history facts that we may have missed you down? Yeah? We do. Call Let me put this, let me put this Black history out there. Baltimore Comedy Factory. The nephew is coming to town. I will be there late tonight, which is and then Thursday it jumps off and I'm calling Thursday night Singles night. So all you single ladies and all your single men come hang out there. You're gonna be black, telling me you're back. I'm gonna be black and the comedy Factor. Okay, here's here's what I got. This is a little known black history moment. Snickle Wilson Schnickel Wilson, first black person add a white club, to have a white person mispronounced his name, and he thought, he said something I need. The gentlemen is great to be here, like guess whatever you tonight, Schnicke wor up there and and nobody knew why. It's just Snickle was tough and in between Drake's he thought the white dude saying something else. Okay, I asked for he was a stuns person ever in a white club nineteen in a white club. He was in Brooklyn, was before Knicker Snickel. Wilson was having a drake laughing, and the white dude announced that he was here, and Snickle misunderstood and ran up on that stated that about five minutes white folk, he had a list still quick said than this in gentlemen, Sicker, this is the last day of black It's okay, it's what we're here for. I don't know facts as crazy. Oh my god, wow, you got one. J Yeah, I got one. I think we all know this brother here though, Who James Anthony Brown Jack better known as j Anthony Brown. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Well Jay is the first person to ever lie by his age just so he could keep working. What are you saying? Jennen Brod is the first person we know to ever change their age just so they could keep working. J really six five? Yeah, you don't. Nobody's hand just automatically dry our shirts. A A r P has asked Jada please quick call it down. He has used all his business. We've never had anybody used Moses from this program. Jo, but shout out again to snickers. Please, man, get't you carry you to night? Coming out of skinner? A right? Coming up? Wait, you're talking to coming up at the top of the hour. As I was saying today's strawberry letter, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show before we get to today's strawberry letter. Did you guys hear this? Um? While slamming the sheriff's deputies who didn't engage the shooter at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida earlier this month, President Trump claimed that he he the President, said this, he would have run to the school, into the school himself, even if he didn't have a weapon. But uh, come on now. But then White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders walked back Trump's imagined, we have to say imagined heroics. She said, I think he was just stating that, as a leader, he would have stepped in and hopefully been able to help. Yeah, that is definitely not what he said. But he meant what he said. He wouldn't have done that. But come on, rich people don't run into the line of five. Now, parents in there had been outside and their baby was in there. That school would have been. Yeah, so people go running there about their kids. Yeah, you could believe that our can see Trump running into nothing nothing. Come on, and Steve, did you hear this that Trump at President Trump has already named his campaign manager for his re election bid with Yeah, he's already named him. He is m Brad's par Scale Brad par Scale. He's a digital and media digital media and political strategist. He served as a digital media director for Trump two thousand sixteen. So let me tell you something. If the Democratic Party don't get theirselves together, come on, he gonna win again. Because right now, the Democrats are doing the same thing the Republicans did to Obama. They spent eight years hating everything about him, that they didn't prepare a candidate. And if the Democrats don't smarten up and learn from this lesson, I got that you got to call him on everything. I ain't saying you shouldn't go ahead and do that. But if the Democrats don't smarten up and prepare a candidate, this man ain't gonna win again. Yeah, he's already preparing to I'm telling you, we've got to prepare a candidate and we got to start looking at him right now and start getting him in a position and start saying the right things. But started collecting your money, because let me tell you something, they're gonna throw some money behind Trump. Oh yeah, the n R a um. But Carrie Seller said he knows he would get in trouble for saying this, he says, but I'm gonna say it. He said, they they're too old, the Democrats, he said, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and uh Bernie Sanders. Yeah, he says, you know, they need younger, new life, new life into the Democratic Party. He was telling that. Look, it's what I said to the audience yesterday because I have a lot of millennials that come to my show, and I just had to admit. I love millennials because I love my kids. Because they keep me relevant. Man. They say stuff to me, man that I don't even be thinking about. They keep you relevant. These young kids in Florida, they gonna, they're gonna do something the Democratic Party. We don't have a prepared Bernie Sanders can't run. No, Hillary can't run. No, Hillary can't for anything again. They can't Bernie can't run again. We didn't even know if he was gonna make it to this pet. You always said that, you said, they keep looking at this man banking on po Yeah. I mean, you know, Joe Biden is a great choice. But even even I don't know even if at this point, yeah, even exactly exactly. Yeah, they gotta do something, man. All right, we have to move on and take us to the left running for Yeah, we'll talk about a little later. We're talking about that, all right, Hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subject fifth times a charm. Dear Shirley. I listened to your show all the time, and I laugh at some of the letters I hear. However, looking at my own life, I realized that I need to write a letter my darn cell my damn self. That's what is say, man. See, Steve said it. Steve just said it. I don't say it on the radio. If I do say it anyway, Yeah, let me finish say. I'm a married man of six years. I love my wife. I have since we both said I love you for the first time. I made a promise to her and myself that I would never betray her. Well I did anyway, several times. Yes, that's right, Like all the other cats out there. Some time ago, I cheated with a few women. My wife knows about my exploits, and we've since been to counseling about it. She has forgiven me. She has since forgiven me and moved on enough to produce our first child. I look at him, and I am terrified that, in addition to his father being an adulterer, he will end up just like his father, weak in the ways of relationships. What I did is a total lack of appreciation for my wife and all she has given me. As far as I know, she has strayed. As far as I know, she hasn't straight. But if she has, or ever does, I don't blame her, and probably wouldn't be mad if she did. What really scares me is I can't stop looking at other women and wanting what I can't have. It's uncontrollable. It's a serious problem. I haven't done anything since the incidents, but it's getting harder and harder to resist the urges. Recently, after speaking with a psychiatrist, I found that I have bipolar disorder uh slash borderline personality disorder. It explains why, it explains why I have setten you fork bursts and uncontrolled energy and destructive low point. I've meditation and the treatment program, but it doesn't help me with the fact that I hurt the one person on the planet that loves me completely. I don't know what to do now or where to go to make amends or to take away the guilt and regret. Please help me, my brother. Thanks for writing. You know, I guess I, along with so many other women in the world, we really do not get why men cheat. We don't get why you guys can't keep it in your pants. But here's what I do get about your letter. You did, you admitted it. You guys sought help together. And the best thing for you of all of this is that your wife has forgiven you in spite of all of this, and and she's moved on. She had a baby in everything. But you can't seem to move on. You know, you're even thinking negative things about your son one day being a player. You know, we're not doctors, were not psychiatrists, were none of that. We have our opinions and we give our advice on these situations. But you know you've had counseling. I think you need more. You've seen a psychiatrist, you've been diagnosed, you have prescriptions, you have your meds. Everything's in place for you to now do the right thing. Uh, you know, if there's nothing else medically wrong with you, and there might be, I don't know. Um, you know, but that's the hardest thing sometimes to forgive yourself, even if family and God have forgiven you. So I say, you can change if you really want to. You know, if you really want to change and you don't want to be stuck where you are right now, you know, just stop, you can stop cheating. Twelve. It's not that hard, is it. Men. Yeah, we've been back from will let you know about all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letter. If you want to do right? Okay, here we go ahead. The Strawberry Letter fifth time a charm. Dear Shirley, I listened to your show all the time. How come he say see what's up? Oh he didn't. I don't know. Well that changes things then, boo it, Dear Shirley. I listened to you all the time, and I laughed at some of the letters out here. However, looking at my own life, I realized that I need to write my damn self. See, I'm a married man of six years. I love my wife have since we both said I love you for the first time. I made a promise to him myself that I would never betray her. Well I did, anyway several times. Yes, that's right, like all other cats out there. Some time ago, I cheated with a few women. My wife knows about my exploits, and we've since been to counseling about it. She assists for giving me and moved on enough to produce our first child. I look at him and I am terrified that, in addition to his father being an adultero, he will end up just like his father, weak in the ways of relationship. What I did was a total lack of appreciation for my wife and all she has given me. As far as I know, she hasn't strayed. But if she ever has, or ever does, I don't blame her and probably wouldn't be mad if she did. What really scares me if I can't stop looking at women and wanting what I can't have. It's uncontrollable. It's a serious problem. I haven't done anything since into this, but it's getting hard and harder to resist the urgent. Recently, after speaking with the psychiatrist, I found that I have bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder. It explains why I have sudden euphoric burst of uncontrolled energy and district. I can't stand this left and destructive low for I have medication and a treatment program, but it doesn't help me with the fact that I hurt the person one personal plan that loves me uncontrollably, I mean completely. I don't know what to do now or where to go to make amends, to make to take away the guilt and regret. Please help me. Huh. I hadn't even noticed that in the letter. But let's just start at the bottom. He didn't win and got help. Yeah, he didn't went to a psychiatrist and find out that he has bipolar disorder, borderline personality just order. Oh now that's it now, Oh that's why me and cheat now because everybody bipolar borderline personality disorder now, which explains why I have sudden uphoric burst. Oh that's what we're gonna call left to it's a euphoric burst now and he's not taking medication. And then the treatment program, Oh you can do that now, Well, mr dude, that they went on and fell into the system with your stupid and let me inform you. You think, first of all, you can get up off the psychiatrists couch because you ain't bipolar slash borderline personality this order. You don't have setting euphoric burst, and you ain't got no medicine and the treatment program that's working. You like sex, that's what you got. You like sex, you like having it and you're like having it with damn there everybody, you see. That's really your problem. You ain't no medicine or no treatment for that, and you can't get that now. You're gonna let a psychiatrist sit you and tell you that and that explains your setting euphoric Well, I wish I wasn't on the radio so I and really tell you what they for an outburst that because you're thinking with the wrong body, Paul, that's what's really wrong. And to you decide as a man to honor your commitment the promises you make. Until you say you're gonna keep the promise, you can get up off the couch. You could taking the pills, and you could going to the meeting and to you say you're gonna honor the commitment to this woman that you promised tell you wouldn't make. You can get up off all that. I don't care what nobody says. You can bring Dctor feeling on him. You can bring doctor feel good on him. I don't care what nobody says. Until a man make up in his mind that he is going to keep his promises, you can forget all of this here and the statement you make. Yes, that's right. Like all the other cats out there, I cheat. Hold up. First of all, all men don't cheat. Let me tell you why men cheat. And let me tell you why men don't cheat. First of all, men do not equate sex to commit me. We never have. The sexual part has nothing to do with commit me at all. Sex to us outside of our relationship don't mean nothing to a man. Now, ladies, you've probably send him up. How could it not? You have such an intimate that it's an intimate act to you, It ain't to him, it ain't me. And don't what he got at home ain't got nothing to do with what's out there in the street. That ain't how man look at it. That that thing over there don't mean nothing to me. For mean something to him is at the house. I'm just telling you truth. You ain't gotta like this answer. That's just how men think. So when a man go outside the house, he thinks as long as he take care of home, he could. Second, cheating is a taught behavior. We are taught this from the early age. Look at video. Ain'tn't do that that with one girl? Do to that a whole lot of girls. You talked by your brothers, play the field, you talked by your mother, play the field. Don't just you ain't gotta be just hooked up with her. You need to date ground. Every woman tell it to her something let her young boys sixteen come in the house talking about I got this one woman sheeting warm from me. I'm boy, you don't know nothing about you, but just go on a date. Everybody feeds that today. Children, everybody I know now somebody in there talking about you sixteen, that's the girl for you for the rest of your life. Gone, y'all settled down. If somebody teaching that to they kid, I have yet to hear it yet. Cheating is a taught behavior. It is something that boys are talked a whole lot of time, and it is your first foray into this theme called glory. All right, listen, Steve, we gotta go. Coming up in about ten minutes, Lebron, Billy question mark what you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, The Oscar The Oscars are this weekend, and uh, the movie Three Billboards is nominated. I saw that movie is a great movie, but here is the kicker. The City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, decided to do a scene from the movie The seventies Sixer's posted three billboards in Cleveland, a long interstate four eighties Steve to entice Lebron James to leave Cleveland and come play for the seventies sixers. The billboard has a picture of Lebron and four blue jersey numbers to match the sum of players. Now, you got two Super Bowls. No, we're not having that. We all we got the felly. You got a Super Bowl and I was pulling for you. You're not gonna do is get the Super Bowl and then take Lebron. I'll be through with y'all as y'all one a Super Bowl. You got the Phillies, We're coming up there. You got the big Afrina, that light skinning boy jumping all out the damn Jim Simmons. What you're not gonna do is getting Lebron. Hell yell, hell yea, you're football. Then they went to the damn Super Bowl. We ain't been nowhere another sports franchise from up No damn body all right again, the billboard has damn that bill boys quick talking about Steve Yeah, and four blue jersey numbers. Can at the sum of them. You can take the bill Boys down. Listen to me. Listen to me. You put my big leg bass up on the bill bowls. Well, you're gonna put my big lip as with them numbers up there next to my limps and mustage because you got me on one on five w D. You're not You got a piece of Cleveland up there. You ain't getting no damn. You got some Detroit up there. You got Frank and dal sal You're not getting put You got a Super Bowl sitting up in here. Now. You want Lebron too, Steve, have you spoken to Lebron about this? I ain't got to speaker Bron. I'm talking to Phillis. If you're getting the problem. You want the big African and the Yellow boys, You're gonna have all three of them. I want big Aster, Babe and Simmons. We are not I am hum okay, but Shirley didn't know trying to tell Steve they have three yes, okay. One has a picture of Lebron and four blue jersey numbers to match the sum of the seventies sixers players. Complete the process. The next billboard says, trust the process, listen Steve, and the third billboard says it just says it's Steve really wants Lebronte they want Lebron? Won't Lebron? Everybody want le Bron? Who want Lebron? Hey? New York won't Lebron? Pelicans won't, won't state go to state? Greedy as him? Yes, give him nothing else. I'm sick of this right here. We're not gonna discuss this all in and bill boys that don't let me hear no more about bill board another worried about Bron. Ain't that about enohing won Obama? But he got that is true, though, say that again? What Philly will he? Who would you have? Who can they have? Yeah? Just just tell who they can have. Oh, we got two water boards? What not? Alright, dare I say it one last time? The third billboard? Billy wants Lebron three mill Boys. That's a good movie on this show? What excuse me? I'm not gonna say that normal on this show. I don't care what feeling what they greedy as you want a damn Super. It's a different sport. This is basketball the same city. No, it's the same city. You can't keep taking stuff from us. You can't have one title. Person. We got a baseball team that can compete, at least they could. They make us think they're gonna do so they got to the damn Super to the world. What if Lebron wants to go? Anybody asked, Lebron, what do you want? Leron won't It's more us in Cleveland than it's one Lebron. It's a whole lot of people. Lend listen to me, now, pist off Blackpool right over, man before this time around? Whoa you make us? Man? It's different, get your little damn cartern. Don't say that, Lebron, Now, listen to me. In all honestly, yes, there's a possibility he could leave. Oh, you know, just the business and I really free agency. Technically, technically, if I was here, I got to go where the money is? Is it about money? Still at this point with him, it's always always about money. Sure, just asking. I mean, I know he still has loyalty and love for Cleveland, so well, so what is Philly putting up billboard if he loved Cleveland? You know, you know, you know, we saw show about all the loyalty and the billboards. Hey, listen, coming up at the top of the hour. I don't think we're finished with this conversation. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk more about basketball. The Golden State Warriors were in Washington, d C. Yesterday. We'll talk about that when we come back. No, they've you're listening to the Steve Show. All right, Steve, We're still on this basketball thing. The Golden State Warriors were in Washington, D C. Yesterday and as you know, the traditional champions invitation to visit the White House was never granted from President Trump. Remember, he took the invitation back and it didn't matter because Steph Curry, head coach, Steve Kerr, Kevin Durant and all of them didn't want to go to the White House anyway, so they're uh so instead. Yesterday, the Warriors spent the day in Washington, d C. With local children from the DC area. Warriors star Clay Thompson said yesterday, We're not going to politicize anything. We're just going to hang out with some kids, take them uh to an African American museum, and hopefully teach them things we learned along the way and some life lessons. We'll still be getting some great memories. That was good, very good. Yeah. I mean, how do you extend an invocation and then take it back anyway, because because that's when you know nobody coming to How do you tell women that you're gonna grab them by the pet and become president? Hello? How do you claim that people on both sides of a protest in Virginia one of them was klansmen, uh, skinheads and white nationalists? Why do you and how can you say there's good people on both sides? Yeah? Yeah, well, how can you be in a hate group and be a good person? I'm confused. Yeah, we can ask those questions all day. Right. It's because he's drained the swamp as he promised, and filled it with all new creatures. We won't bush. We you won't bush. We won't Never thought you say that dude's Nixon. I like, listen, my coolest dude, because you just try to lie the whole way out. Yeah till he resigned. Okay, now switching gears. Kim Kardashian's sister, beauty mobile Kylie Jenner has just had a beautiful baby girl. Okay, her name is Stormy. Well. Kylie got a push present that's what they call UH presents they give to new moms push presents from her baby daddy, hip hop artist Travis Scott. She got a Ferrari La Ferrari with red interior and the butterfly doors, you know the ones that go up the sticker. Price runs at one point four million dollars. Even Kylie's famous sisters, who flaunt an extravagant lifestyle and social media, think that Ferrari is too much. They think it's a bit much. Now that she's a mom, the family believes twenty year old Kylie ought to tone it down a bit. UH source told People magazine quote, everyone thinks it's the most ridiculous gift ever. Kylie has been obsessed with cars. She likes to show off her wealth, and uh, I mean this is like her third or something. Ferrari. Didn't her ex give her a couple of Ferraris on her birthday instead of yeah, tiger tiger, he gave her a couple. But did you get a push president from your husband? Carla? Just asking? Yes, I did a Prada bag. My questions cute, thank you bank. I didn't get a push present. You didn't get a push president. I didn't get one. Nope, I didn't get one. Asked the guys that they give. What did you guys give? Did you give you? I've never heard of that. Well, you know it's new kind of too. My first kids was born, I was so damn polded, pushed gift I bought. I bought two ones. He's down at the gift the hospital. There were thirty two dollars a piece. My mama talked about me so bad. You don't buy no ones. It's for no baby. I no gift shop at the hospital. It's just two dollars at Walmar. Yes, Tommy, I bought her a stroller so she could push the baby. That's not for her. That the baby you have? What did you get your baby? Mama, your wife for having the baby? Yes, what do? I didn't get nothing owe her. I didn't whole thing. She didn't one wanted the baby, but she couldn't do it without you, crazy, So I did my part all that she went through, all the pushing, Right, I was there when she was pushing the whole time. I haven't right that with thank you? Yeah, I got nothing. Why am I telling her thank you when she one wanted the baby? All right, Temmy, you just brought this up. Stacy Dash has filed paperwork to run for congress. The actress, best known for her role as Dion in What Clueless, Yes Well, run as a Republican for a seat in California's forty four congressional district, which comprised this is the city of cities of Compton, Watts, San Pedro, and North, Yeah North. What'd you say, Steve, I didn't hear you. Ain't nobody vote? What about come on down there with the post closed? Two votes? Her slogan, now, she does have a slogan. She's preparing. She is a Republican. Her slogan is dash to d C. Clueless. That's not in there. It is dash to d C. Stacy tweeted formal statements coming for those mocking for the district I live in open your minds. It's time for me to put up or shut up, and I want to serve great people. They don't know the way to Compton? Do you know the way? She's what? Dave? You're listening to show? Alright, entertainment news. I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but despite divorce, two people that we know and love, Dwyane Martin and Titia Campbell, have decided to call it quits. Yeah. Dwyane Martin says he and Titia are forever forever family. They'veill officially split. In case you missed it, Tsa Tsha recently filed for divorce after twenty two twenty two years of marriage. The couple have two children together. Yeah, it's really sad and in a statement, really cool. In a statement via twitter, um, Titia said she's asking for people to respect her family's privacy during this painful and emotional time. She also added that her future ex husband Dwayne said they are family forever. Very sad. Yeah, twenty two years. They're talking about a Martin reboot too. Yeah yeah, all right? Uh Yeah, divorce is hard. Yeah, it's hard, especially with children. Very um No, who else's divorcing to? Shirley, Marlena and Curtis. They don't know the third Ward They after job, third Ward, Houston neighbors Jr. No money, No, they just two people. I know that just getting divorced. I didn't know if this was some little known Black history that people getting bored. They won't they prity respect my aunt Agnes and uncle Willis's calling the critics after sixty eight years? How old I ain't they and they ate something right? Man? Yeah, she said she wasn't watching him no more. You really the problem with that ass can rockfall? She she want divorce? Yeah, she's out and she just gonna leave. They don't have nothing to split. They asking for anybody that can chip in and get to seven hundred and fifty dollars where they can file paper. They're gonna they gotta go fund me account granddaughter set up for them to get a divorce. They're only gonna cost seven there's no assets. Why can't she just hired home health care? She said they had assets, but then he sat on here so long till it now requires washing. And she don't even want that. No, really divorces everybody. So we need to get and it ain't just teaching Martin. So Jennifer Aniston and her husband, Yeah, she probably still love Brad. That's what everybody wants them. He and Brad to get back together. Brad is single. Yes, Tommy, if you will Jennifer and ship for Angelina like nothing. But I wouldn't let Jennifer hear. Oh you'll get sick. You're ready to wash sickness and health? Yeah, I mean washing. You think what I already told her. We got to have money for somebody to do that. Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to do that. And yeah, yeah you have to put that in. I'm not gonna get you do that and didn't tell you to dinner. I'm saying we got to wash. But I love how you keep it real though I do. I love how they're watching everything I got to touch now. Yeah, it doesn't say that in the vows in health and say nothing about required washing, right, It does not say that. It does not say that I'm gonna stay with you, with you sick, but I'm not gonna watch. I'm with you when you write Steve Harvey you know, my grandfather did that. My grandmother Washington everything I saw my grandmother back all them rolls on it, Papa. Okay, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morny Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright. Bowing to public pressure, Delta Airlines announced on Saturday that the airline's was dropping its contract with the n r A for low, low cost fairs for members flying to the group's annual meeting. While the announcement pleased the student activists and those pushing for gun control, As you know, Delta has its headquarters in Atlanta. It's been trying to talk Georgia's Republican led legislation into giving it a tax break on its purchase of jet fuel, which could add to up to tens of thousands of dollars. Former Republican Senate State Senator Rick Jeffries, who is now running for Lieutenant governor, tweeted, if Delta is so flushed that they don't need n r A members hard earned dollars, they can certainly do without the forty million tax break. Forty million dollar tax break they're asking Georgia taxpayers for current Lieutenant governor and state Senate President Casey cagel Uh also had a threat for the airline, tweeting, I will kill any tax legislation that benefits Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with the n r A. Corporations. Listen to me. That's follow so many it is steve it really so. You can't stand up for something righteous without the fear of losing discounts of a business and all of is here that's so foul on so many levels. That's how much money the n r A is paying folks. You have no idea how much money. How many of these politicians they got in a pocket. And that just goes to show you how many of our stuff so deeply into the n r e s pocket. That's why we can't get again. Gun laws change. They support the candidates, the candidates win, and they're beholding to the n r A. That's what it is, you know, man, man, let me help you understand something. It's been to get ugly man, because the n r A came pulled that many strings. It can go badly for them if enough people stick together. Well, it has to do with voting for sure, Just like carlag just said, it has to do with voting. We have to vote. We have to. We have to vote now more than ever because we have to get these gun laws change. We have to, and they're kind of backpeddling now. You know, it was big when the kids were out there, you know, the students from Parkland High School in Florida, when they were out there, you know, when you can see them on the TV. But now it's you know, each day, we don't talk about it as much, you know, And that's what the students were afraid of. Yeah, would you say, Carlin, that's what the students were afraid of, you guys, because they go back to school today Wednesday, and they were afraid that when they went back to school, their protests and they're marching and they're they're wanting change, would lose momentum because so they always do. You know, the momentum is high when the incident happens. Now it's almost two weeks and it's starting, you know, too slowly, you know, not the lead story anymore. Yeah, crazy, I know, Steve, you've been saying it's about money and power. You keep saying that, but they're still doing their march though on on the march right, they're still having that march on Washington the students. You think the airlines are back down? Uh no, because let let's let me explain something to you. They want you to believe that the n r A has fourteen million people in it, but the n r A claims to have only five million members. H coming up our last break of the day, and Steve's closing remarks will be right back. You're listening to, all right, Steve, our last break of the day. Just one more thing. You're closing remarks. You know, normally my closing remarks try to take some time to encourage people. But today I'm gonna step away from that. These closing remarks ain't about nobody but me. Today, these closing remarks, there's a song that's dear to my heart, and if I was a lounge single, this is the song that I would want to destroy. Jay Anthony has murdered a hit. Huh. This is called do the Damn hits Roscoe Wallace singing Brenda Russell's Get Him. I don't know how that's gonna go. It's just something I always wanted to do, so let me go on in. I'm gonna go get Roscoe. Tommy, if you don't mind, I like an introduction, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. If you've never seen the legendary, put your hands together, because he is here, the one and only. What no, no, they no, they ain't. What's going on? What's going on? Roscoe wrote? Oh man, we're going on with you. We're going with you, Roscoe. Been a minute you've been going by what you feel? Have you developed in the feeling I married? Rosco? I take I don't. I don't want yours. I just want you to help some type of feeling for me, just didn't any way, Summer Hayes, I hope. I love your music, Roscoe, girl, come on love, that's in the help. That's good. Well we know who don't care about it, but she anyway without garlic? What's up? You got that right? Hey, Roster. Ain't you gotta have a hater? You know what they say? You know, hey, don't make it greater? What listen? What I know Steve? You wanted to do clothes to the mark right here, but he couldn't think of nothing. So you can see us every morning, you know? So you want to do something special for the This goals out for the ladies. I watching Steve Talk Show you uster day, and the lady and said she can't find nobody on tell Well. A man in the artist was saying he was having trouble meeting women at the gym. She lived in New York, he lived in l A. I said, but why don't y'all get together? She said, But we stay so far apart. And I started singing this song yesterday. And boy, let me tell you something. I bought the house down, he did, so I just want to get it to you. This and get him by Brendan Russell, All Lee, Adam, whoever you want. You can reach me by real we You can reach me by trade. You can reach me on an air help plane. You can reach me with your You can reach me by cave man. Look at him across the desert like a a room man. Ah, don't care, No, I don't how you get here. Get here? If you can here, you can reach me by silbo. Come on, climber tree. This is a little now, climber tree and swinging, roll to roll, take a slide and slide down the slope into these arms. Or mind you can jump on a speed air coat. That's a horse across the border on a blaze a whole. That's an immigrant. I don't tail how you get here. Just get hell if you can't. There are hells and mountains between us. That's to a Trump bill. That wall always something to get old. But if I had my way, come now, she leave you. I need you closer. You can win surf into my life. That's probably gonna be a white man. Take me up on a corp it right hat. That's somebody doing drew. You can make it in a big balloon, but you're better make it south. You can reach me by a caravan. I said it before author desert like on a man. Uh, don't kill ah she ah, don't kill Chris show christendo. Ah, don't care how you get hill. Yeah, but get your your hero chool. You got what're saying so right whenever you gotta go, rods go. That was great, ring off. He was a week. I'm cool. I want to hit get you. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.