Duke of Ottingham, Derek Chauvin Trial, R. Kelly, Junior Poetry and more.

Published Apr 19, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve brings to you a word change suggestion that will increase your blessings. The Chief Love Officer explains the word confession. We have a special edition of Church Complaints because P.I.T. Deacon Junior is in for Deacon Def Jam. R. Kelly's trial is finally on the books. Steve has a special recommendation for all Black folks. Closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial are scheduled for today. Today Junior gives us what Steve calls from now on a J Rap. The only Black in The Buckingham Palace recognizes the royal things. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about dreams and hopes.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a giving them like the million bucks things in the sub not me through good it. Steve hastening to mother, Please, I don't join me. You gotta turn hur you go, you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your h huh. I show will a good morning everybody you're listening to the boys, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got this radio show. Man, Hi got here. I really can't explain it. Only by the grace of God, that's all I can really tell you. I was talking with a buddy the other day and he was telling me. He said, Man, he had an interesting philosophy about it. He said. You know, you can have dreams and visions, he say, but God, God will never show you what all he has for you. He won't show you all of it because he knows you will mess it up. And you know what, man, I thought about that, and wow, how true is that? Okay? I know that I got a radio show. I didn't see it. It's just become this major blessing for me. I didn't see it. But if I would have seen it and known when he had planned on giving it to me, I would have messed it up because Number one, my first question would have been to him, why I got to wait so long? Why don't I go down hill and start on the radio now? And then I be in radio and then tidy see that God? But see, the thing about God is God don't need your help a matter of fact, that he don't really want it. All he want is you to love him and obey him. If you can do them two things I think. I think I could be wrong. I think he'd be really cool with us. So had I known about these blessings that he had for me, I would have messed him up because I would have put my thinking in the figuring process, and that would have jacked it all up. That's the first thing I asked him, why I got to wait so long? And then if he has shown me what I was gonna have to do to get it, I would have showed messed that up. Man, I ain't gonna do that. I ain't even to do all of that. Wait a minute, I got to go through all of these mishaps in my life, so when I get the radio show, I have something to share. Man, why don't I just read a couple of books and share that experience with them? Now? See, I want you to know what you're talking about. I want you to be transparent. I want people to be able to identify with your struggle and apply they struggle to it and see that they can get over. See. God never shows you all of it because he know will mess it up. I wouldn't have any books, I certainly please know, I would not be the host of family if you can't tell you that. It is amazing man, how God works. And my invitation to everybody today is allow God to work. You know, you can ask him why all you want to. And from time to time I still do no good for me, But that old why me, old woe is me? Lord? Thing that don't really get it for me, because when I start asking him why, I'm asking somebody who has a thought process so high above mine that there's no way if he told it to me, I wouldn't even get it. You wouldn't need hunk out bright you think you are, man, You just ain't gonna get how and why he does it his way. You're not going to understand it. But he has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we adhere to the plan, if we submit ourselves to his will and just say, okay, God, what you want me to do? I am telling you it is the best way to live. Now. You can also do it the way I did it early on. You can just do what you want to do and see how I go from now. And I will tell you from personal experience, it's not going to go good. You know, my wife and I were talking the other day. As she said something women, I had to write it down. She says, Steve, you know the funny thing about sin? She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. I ask my word where she got them from. She says, some old person told it to it. She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem, man, about doing what you want to do. Because we are all sinners. Man, all of us, all of us, every last one of us are sinners. You will be a sinner until you die. Now, you could be saved by grace. But you're going to be a sinner man. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to in your life knowingly do wrong. I bet you will. I don't know who you think you are. I don't know who you've been listening to. But get this, we are sinners. We were born into a world that is sinful. Now it's okay, it's okay, it's our world. But we can make the best of it because we can form a relationship with God. We can and we can go to war with this thing, you know, and we can win. You can actually get over. Being born into this world is not an end all. That doesn't mean you're doomed, nah man, because God is available to give you life, and not only give you life, but give it to you more abundantly. I have more of an abundant life than I've ever had. If you took away the finances, trust and believe, I have so many things I could tell you that I'm grateful for. For my wife, for my children, man, for my family, for the few friends that I have, for the work that I do, man for the respect that some people that I feel around some people from the reputation I've earned. Now I ain't cool with everybody. I got that. I'm cool. I ain't cool with everybody. Everybody ain't cool with me. Everybody don't like me. Man, get past that right there. I don't care what you do. Everybody ain't gonna like you. Some people didn't like Jesus. What did he do? What did he do wrong to anybody? Show it to me where he was just out there, just messing over folks, and you could justify all that happened to him. Just show it to me. But he knew everybody ain't gonna like me. I just come to save y'all. You understand, I got you. Ain't feeling me. You're gonna spit on me. You're gonna hang me up there, You're gonna pierce my side. You're gonna do all that to me. When you get through, I still love you. That's a powerful statement. Man, God will take care of you if you form this relationship with him. He has something for you. He has a plan for you that is beyond your imagine. Nation. He will give you the desires of your heart. But he also has some stuff in store for you that you're not even asking for. That he is willing to ship to an address that belongs to you. As long as you stay on the right path and are trying your best, God to ship you the blessing anywhere. Because please know He's done it to me. I'm a living witness to this that God will ship you blessings and you ain't gonna be perfect. But if he know your heart, man, if he know you trying to do better, if he see you trying to change, if he see you trying to get it right, he understands that you're gonna stumble all the way through this thing. But if he know your heart and he know you trying to get it right, and you're doing the best you can, boy, here ships some stuff your way. Man, you really be tripping, man, you would really be tripping. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. It's crazy, ain't it. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen. It is time. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is here. Thank God Almighty for raising us up this morning, starting us on our weight. But we're here. We're glad about it, and we're grateful. It's Monday morning. Man, be excited about it. I'm excited about this day. I listen to me, I saw a Motivated series they did on me on Instagram. And this is what I just want to share this moment with you. When I wake up in the morning, I say, I get to go to work. I get to have a job. I get to play this music. I get to greet everybody. I get to wake up the country. Instead of waking up and saying I have to go to work, I have to go down there today. I have to I have to do this. When you say I have to, you block all your blessings and it doesn't release gratitude. Start saying I get too. I get to go to work. I get to get in my car today and watch the mental change that happens in you, and watch what new blessings that you unre that you release into your life. Watch the blessings that you release by having a simple word change. Instead of I got to I get to ladies and gentlemen, the Steve Harvey Morning Show get to come on right now, Sherily Strawberry. I get to say good morning to you, Steve. Good morning. I get to introduce Carlin for River, and I get to accept that introduction at my job. Amen, good morning. Then I get to say Junior, I get to say, what's up up morning? Everybody? Ain't that right? Now? See how much better that feels? Yes, yeah, I get to instead, I got to Yes, if it changes everything, man, I'm telling you. And I just discovered this a couple of weeks ago. I was just saying it one day and I said, man, that's a big difference. One I said like that, and I just started implementing it and it just it was nothing. You know, I'm already grateful, but this really helps reinforce it. Ye man, yeah, it makes it positive. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got to go to Africa. No, I get to go to Africa. What I got? I gotta go to Africa? No, no, no, I get to go to Africa. What's going on over there, Steve? Oh man, it's interesting. So there was a marathon today. It was a marathon and a lot of Africans in the front. You know, they put the front runners to top runners in the front, so they don't get behind all these nobodies that ain't gonna win, right, they put the top run just like at Boston New York Marathon. They put all the top runners in the so everybody up to Africa, right, So they finished one, two, three, African finish right, his white guy, his zone. The news, it says, why does it have to be in Africa? It's unfair. They train here, they race here. They went to the African and war, he said, But we went in we win in New York, we in Chicago, we went in Boston. What do you want to The white dude finished in thirty eighth place. All right, the top women beat him. All right, We're moving on, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour of Time for Ask the clo. Right after this, you're listening show time for, Asked the clou The Chief Love Officers, Steve Harvey is in the building, and this one is from Stella in Louisville, Kentucky. Stella says, I'm thirty seven years years old and I've been married eight years, and out of the blue, my husband confessed to cheating and said he's sorry and it will never happen again. I can't even think of when he would have had time to cheat, and I really don't understand why he confessed. I went to our pastor and he already knew. He agreed that some things are better left unsaid. What do I do next? Do I try to find out who the woman is or leave well enough alone. Wow, Well, I mean, what does finding out the woman do? Right? Okay? So I don't I don't think you need to bring that into your world. I'm still stuck on this food. Why he confessed that? In the blue? Who told you this? Though not a pastor knew. Yeah, he went to the path, but I guess he fell bad. He wanted to get it off his chest. So here's a good thing. Here's a good thing to look at. He didn't have to tell, but he felt bad enough, and he came for with you. Obviously was something that was eating away at him, something he regretted doing it. So there's a good side. It ain't like you busted him. And then he confessed. He walked in and told So I think that's okay. So you can try to go back to like it never happened, because you don't know who it is and he why you tell it? I don't know why you wouldn't have told you you wouldn't have eaten away at you, you know if that happen. But you're saying, as a man, you would never have confessed to it, only if you got caught your wife. Even then Yeah, that's exactly what when you catch me, they ain't be goun to be no confession. What can you say you caught in the ass. It wasn't to me nobody, No, I mean, listen to me, man, nothing like don't nothing eat at you. I've done some things in my life that I feel horrible about. Right, I've done some things in my life. The moment I did it, I wished I had to die. I've done some things that I went to do it no, and I shouldn't do it. Yeah, exactly. Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. I've been coming here and tell it though it Yeah, between you and your guys to the grave. I'm gonna ask for forgiveness. He gonna whip me about it. Now. You know you're gonna get whipped about it. Yeah, you know. Then you have to forgive yourself, and then you don't want God forgive you got to give yourself, ain't I don't need you know, But I don't need everybody forgive it, right or judging? Now everybody you're you're everybody's not the lord. Yeah, yeah, all right, my shoe I ain't I don't know who she that is. That ain't my hand I know I got one on right now. I don't know how that lipstick got on my lip. Yeah, but I better not find out who did it, I tell you. Yeah, yeah, I see sah. All right, So you think the wife should just leave well enough alone. Well, I'm just saying, you gotta you got. You're gonna have to go in there and talk with the pastor so y'all can work through it and so you can get some closure to it. But I mean, the good thing of it is he voluntarily told you, so it obviously was something that was eating away at him and he feels horrible about it. That's a good thing, all right, Josephine and Tampa as we move on, says, my daughter is twenty two years old and she's told me that she dances part time at a gentleman's club. She said she didn't want me to find out on the streets. She still lives with me, so of course she doesn't need the money, and I never expected her to be into this sort of thing. Um. I don't approve of this, but I don't want to be that parent that puts her down. How should I handle this? Well, you're gonna praise it for you don't want to put her down. You don't want to try to talk her out of it. You don't. You don't want to show her the pit falls of that lifestyle, because that awesome pitfalls too. You don't want to go in there and say, you know, I would, I would love for you to think more of yourself. I would have hateful what's happening to you now to haunt you later on in life. But you want to make more serious decisions, and something that happened or somebody saw you at this club prohibit you from further in your life. It can prohibit jobs later on that you may need because you can't stay up on that stage rest of your life. It may stop you from having a man of your dreams because he may not approve the former lifestyle. You don't want to say that too. I try. I would at least giving a shot. Okay, well, what time you're coming in tonight? He needed me to play the food on the stove. I make her feel bad though. I go down now and the fold it is hard. Strip in front of your mama is very different. Your mama said that church dress on all my little friend in her head. She got a church friend and it is gentlemen. Bubbles all right now, bubbles problem. Oh, I was shamed. That's my baby she got she got a bag of change. She ain't throwing dollars. Damn my baby. I do how bars her get her? Baba? What you come down here? I just wanted to see your work, girl. I had it just like that too, Chip off the old block. Who's an all right judge? Phine? I hope that helped you out in Tampa. This is from Lady and Little Rock. She says, I'm having an all white party for my fortieth next month, and I invited a lot of men, including my sister, including my sister's ex husband because we're still friends. Um. He told my sister he was coming, and she called me and told me I needed to uninvite him. I've told her it's time for her to move on and it shouldn't matter if he's there or not. My sisters told me to choose between her or her ex husband. Of course I'll always choose her. But why is she being so patty? She ain't being patty? You being stupid? What your sister's ex husband to the white party? Fault for what? Now? Unless unless he white? This I think they mean clothing, Sarah, you know that? Oh White, fine, do you get a point? I mean, really, what you do want? Wrong for inviting to dude? He should never be your sister's ex right right, yeah, all right, listen, thanks cielo Um coming up next. Church complaints with Reverend Motown and Junior coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna standing by with our national news and uh, we'll also have some entertainment news at the top of the hour. But right now, time for a little smiles and laughter. Church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon Junior, special guest. Deacon today are dipping below my level of continuity. Oh, I only work with deaf jam but he's not here, so we're bringing on a sub junior. Oh what do they call a practicing Uh? Middle stood? What is you? Deacon killed or pastor? I am in trained. I am in a theological seminary school here to school. He ain't him out yet, so we don't expect much from him. So he's a student school. He's a student class. We all have to step in from time to time. If I see these announcements not being done correct, Ladies and gentleman, a pastor in training call him a pit. Ladies and gentlemen, junior, thank you for motown. These are the complaints for this week. Uh, people have to first of all, we're going to have to develop more of a church tone in your voice. You can't you can't do church bitch and sound like you doing just announcements at the school. That's the class he was taking. I'm gonna GoAhead it, but I have learned so far sometime today. Now the complaints today, Reverend follow as follow. People have decided to come back to church. Will you be getting new communion wafers? Because if you don't the ones we had a nasstale is what they ask. We're going to eat the wafers we have because of what it represents. Christ is old. Therefold. These crackers is old. The cracker, the wafer represents the body the Christ. Christ is way older than these crackers. Quick complaining about the date that's on the crackers when we need to celebrate the date that He has risen. Amen. Now amen, it is that's complaint. When we get back to the church, can't we have alto call and just have them text just to save on time because they're taken too long. No, alto call is not testimony or junior deacon boy. Listen, alto call. That's when we have a calling. When we open the doors to the church and were invited new members and people who want to accept God in their heart. That's what that is. They have. You obviously are in the beginning year or seminary Theological college fresh year. You you might not get a degree unless you learn something quick. Now me personally like right now, I don't see you coming out on first year. Listen, ain't cut a lot of pressure first here, you know. That's okay, though, Pastor, we have we have some problem. Uh. People don't like the fact that you are not uh doing the baptismals. You are having contactless baptismals, which is coming very hard for people understand when you want them to go under No, this is this is all I'm saying. We're doing zoom services. So the baptisms have to be zoom. Your water in your bath cool. And when I say three, dunk yourself down for the over year that they ain't coming up on time, that ain't got nothing to do with me. Yeah, the problem is everybody don't have hot water. Well, then you got to wait till we got in our water in the baptismal pool ain't ain't hot either. The water down at the river wasn't hot either. Y'all got to quit complaining. Now when I say three, When I say three, that's it. Gotta go. Okay. Here's another complaint, Uh, the motorized wheel chair praise dance ministry. Uh. They are saying that they need more money for better batteries so everybody can make it through the routine. You have to help them. If we I told you not to allow them perform or group bread, they have to They want to participate in the church. Every time they perform, we got to go unhook some spokes because they didn't got tangled up together. We're not doing this every week? What's wrong with them? They want to be a part two? They can be a part of it. Just do it in the parking lot where you got more space through that old halftime on sadness at the car wah. Also they ask it if you don't mind, also, could you also have a church supply seatbelts so he could slide out the chairs as well? Sliding out your chair is a weight issue. There ain't got nothing to do with a built Now we're gonna be like Softwest. Now you're gonna start charging double there it is and then you know, just like airports had to give black seatbelt extensions. We don't have money for that. Yes, come on now, mold old mo mo more Reverend like, yes, sir, thank you. Red. Also Red, we're asking right now have can you please? Uh? They are asking members asking could you please widen the middle detectives at the front of the church as we come back into service. Everybody's have COVID weight. They're not getting in like they lorn the wood. They just ask, could you please widen the middle weight game doing covid lockdown. We're not gonna be able to why I'm not gonna be able to wide need metal detectives called. We gonna have the money for that, okay, realf Uh. Also we're asking pastor, Uh, I'm sorry, Pastor motown. We are also asking that the MCA has a complaint. This is the mean Christian Association. Uh. They having a zoom meeting and they will not tolerate any tardiness even from you. Ref m O. The MCA, the mean what Christian Association. I'm not coming down there, no way. They ain't got to worry about me and coming late. I'm not coming at all. Tell them I said that m and rights from from one mean asked Christian to the other. How about that? Oh, I think it's gonna be empty because they might want to hear no mad message gets up. Oh, I'm gonna have to agrade your performance to then I'm gonna have to give you all or low. Mar Let me ask you something. Was you called well? Did you just go down there? Now? I went down hand? I thought you take some time off to you get called coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Our Kelly's sex trafficking trial is finally on the books, it's on the calendar, and he's been moved to New York City to face the charges. Kelly faces five charges of racketeering and four counts of violating the Man Act when the trial opens on August ninth of this year. The Man Act is a century old statute that criminalizes adult for taking miners across state lines for sexual purposes. Several of Kelly's accusers, each identified only as Jane Doe, are expected to testify against him. Kelly has been incarcerated in Chicago since July of twenty nineteen, but that federal case involves different charges, including child pornography and obstruction of justice. That trial had been tentatively scheduled for September, but it's unclear now when it will unfold. WHOA okay, man? Good? Yeah, good? This is this is serious, serious justice for the victim moving when they move you they're serious, man? And then are they going to have another trial in Chicago? Yeah, they're gonna get it. Sounds I don't have a trial where he committed a crime. Yeah there you go. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes if you get enough time, they don't have another one sometime. But it just appears on what happens in New York, I think. M But but they're gonna want to see justice everywhere. Pretty serious challeges, Yes, yes, And the women are coming forth to testify, you know, against him. So this is very serious, very very serious. He could be doing more serious time. All right, time for tell me something good. We're gonna flip it. Here. Here's some good news from three guys named Steve, there's Stevie, there's Steven, and there's Stefan Wilson. They do almost everything together, Steve, including graduating college at the same time. The triplets are graduating from Louisiana's Grambling State University and they all majored in biology with plans to become doctors. The trio has been overcoming challenges since being born premature, even schools suggesting and rolling the boys in special education courses. And they said, if it wasn't for my mother, she's the one that said, note, those boys got talent. When we graduated high school, we proved them wrong. Now we're getting ready to walk and prove them wrong, Stefan said. Ultimately, the Wilson Triplet's biggest goal is to be role models for their community and in the medical field. After all representation matters. Stevie says, congratulations. We gotta say it from our Steve Harvey to you guys. Will Ye that's big man, Steve cracking that barrier. Baby, but three Steves. Yeah, Stevie Wonder and I both thank you. Yes, congratulations to them. That is wonderful. And Stevie, Stephen and Stefan, Yeah, they had a mom that believed in them. You know. That's it, right, that's it. M Yeah, black models, love black parenting and just you know, trying to make our kids win and be productive. It's a great story. We need. I love that their biggest goal is to be role models in their community and representation is important to them. So congratulations again and thank you mom for a job well done. Yeah all right, yeah, it is time for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip, thank you very much. Like going on. Closing arguments are expected to begin later on this morning. In Minneapolis and the Derek Chauvin George Floyd murder trial. The defense presented only a few witnesses. One of them was a guy named doctor David Fowler. Fowler was born in Zimbabwe when it was Rhodesia and was educated in South Africa during Apartheit, and he was their main medical witness. Then George Chauvin himself officially refused to testify. Of course, predictably, the city of Minneapolis and some other municipalities around the country have been put on alert, with the National Guard called up. Meanwhile, only a few miles away, demonstrations continue in the community of Brooklyn Center over the killing of young Dante Wright, again by a white cop, this time of twenty six year veteran, who claims she thought she was tasing him. California Democratic Congressman Vaccine Waters came out to support the community over the weekend. We have to persist then, calling for justice. We have to let people know that we're not going to be satisfied unless we get justice in these patients. But for people who still don't get an attorney. Benjamin Crump lays it out on ABC this week. She claims that she was trying to pull the taser, and even though you have the gun on the dominant side of the taser on the non dominant side, and the fact that the gun weighs two and a half pounds and the taser weighs eight ounces, but even tasing him, it's still an excessive use of force. Whether it's George Floyd with a twenty dollars allegation of a counterfeit bill that should have been a ticket, and certainly this pretext your stop for an allege expired tag should have been a ticket. And we see when it's our white brothers and as sisters, they give them the benefit of the doubt. And the benefit of professional of them. And when it says black people, we can't even get the benefit of humanity, we will see. That's Ben Crump and Chicago. A Cook County assistant DA placed on administrative lead because the state's attorney, Kim Fox, says he failed to fully present the facts during a bond hearing last month in the case of thirteen year old Adam Toledo. State Attorney Fox says the ADA failed to mension that the teenager was unarmed when a Chicago police officer shot and killed him. Assistant States Attorney James Murphy told the judge that Toledo had a gun and that he was still holding it when officers Stillman told him to turn around and drop it. Bodycam video shows the seventh grader dropping the gun and facing the officer with both hands up and empty. Officer Eric Stillman is on an administrative leave. A white teenager who police in Indiapolis State murdered eight people at the FedEx warehouse last week before taking his own life, identified his nineteen year old former FedEx employee, Brandon Scott Hall, who was actually interviewed by the FBI last year after his parents told him he might try to commit suicide. Four of his victims were from the Sikh community. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, all right, Steve. So you're over in the Motherland, um to do Family Few, the Family Few version, second season, second season, second season. Yeah, and everybody knows this. It's a business because I'm not just over here doing it just to be doing TV. Yeah. I bought the international rights to Family Few. Big business, and so I'm over here as though, you know, owner, producer of the show and star. Don't forget star. Yeah, well I got hosted. But it's just I really want to say that everybody to look into it. That's listening to me. Uh look, I know you're gonna price of the tickets are expensive, I know, but there's deals everywhere and I'm gonna be working this soon as things get back open with the Tourism board over here in South Africa to put together some packages. I've been to Ghana, I have some things available card to do in Ghana as well as Botswana. But I want everything African American to put this on your list of places to go, and I want you to put this on the top of the mist because this is whole. I cannot describe to you the feeling that you have when you come here. I can't even tell you what it's like the Morning Show we went once before, Yes, you know, And I want I want every African American to know what it feels like to wake up and not be a minority. I want you to know that. I want you to see what it feels like to walk past all the police and you don't have to tighten up. I want black men to know what it feels like to be in a car and see policemen and not tighten up. Now, at first, you're gonna tighten up because it's innately in us, Like I automatically when I see police cars, I get it, Like even if one pull up next to me and I'm in my car, I for some reason, just over the years, and I'm just being honest, I tightened up. They might wave and say hello, but I just I tightened up. Anybody, you know, to have people look at you for the and judge you for the color of yours, it's amazing. And then to see cities like Capetown and Durban and Barcewana. I mean, I'm just talking about it. In South Africa, and how full what they are. You know, now, this ain't Vegas, you know, not every hotel is opulent, but they got really, really really nice hotels over here. All the major chains are here. It's not what you've been told it is. You can come over here and shop. They got fashion malls with all the fashion houses in it. They have every thing. You know. You won't go to Louis Vitown. You can go to Louisviton, but if you want to really go and enjoy, come over here and culturally shop, go to the villages in the in the areas that they have where you can buy things of the culture. Come over here to eat at McDonald's and buy no damn Louiverton. Come over here and participating in culture. You will love it. You will absolutely love it. Please everybody put on your bucketness absolutely see sure. All right, thank you. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, closing arguments today at the Derek Schauvin trial. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, what's going on now? Here? We go closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial our schedule for today, following nearly three weeks of witness testimony. According to AP News, today, the prosecutors will draw on expert testimony, the video, and other evidence to explain how White officer Derek Chauvin's action on May twenty fifth, when he pinned George Floyd's neck to the pavement with his knee for nearly nine and a half minutes, were quote a substantial cause of Floyd's death. That's the prosecutor's job, and they'll highlight testimony from top Minneapolis police officers and officials and outside use of force experts that an objectively reasonable officer would not have used that kind of force. Meanwhile, on the defense side, defense attorney Eric Nelson will try to persuade jurors that elements of testimony he elicited from prosecution witnesses and his own witnesses add up to reasonable doubt over what caused Floyd's death and whether Chauvin is responsible. So those are the two opposing sides there was. I have one question to be in closing for anybody saying that they don't think that they're trying to lay reasonable doubt that this man's knee on this man's neck was not the cause of his death. Let me ask anybody who saw the video, do you think that that man that you saw in the video in the store, do you think that nine minutes and forty six seconds later, based on what you saw in the store, did he look like he was about to die? No? You mean prior to yeah, as saying yeah, yeah, right, What what did this man look like in the store that would make you think nine minutes, if everything had been just left with view got in this car, that nine minutes and forty six seconds later, he'll be dead. So how are you gonna try to tell me that his knee on his neck was not the cause of his death when if he had never put his knee on his neck, this man probably thousands put thousands will still be living. Well, you cause the death. Yeah, they tried everything. Exhausted. I can't breathe, drugs. I'm gonna tell you. Do you know the number one cause of death in this country not breathe disease? Yeah, Now, when you stopped breathing, Oh, that's the number one cause. Once you quit breathing, IM about assure you, yeah, that's it. You're saying, Yeah, people can't beat canceled people didn't beat people didn't beat dementia. People didn't beat long disease. People can beat heart disease. You can't beat not breathing. Yeah, for that long anyway, I just you know, and we all saw it. We all saw it on the tape, So I mean, yeah, it is. I don't mean to cut you off. Go ahead, finnish your statement. No, no, no, go ahead, you can finish. I'm just saying, we all saw on the tape. We just hold it. You can go ahead. Yeah, I was just saying, this is it's also about racism and the prosecution here going to bring that up too. It's part of that. And it's just with the jury, with them deliberating. This is just common sense. Now, you get in this room and you see this man had his knee on this man's neck for nine and a half minutes and he died as a result of that period period. That's the end of this. You know, his attorney though he did it. Yeah, you're right, he did. His attorney for the tape. Yeah, this country has a thing that says you're innocent into proving guilt, and into proving guilty, it has to be beyond the shadow of a doubt. So all the defense's job is is to show reasonable reason, abut make you wonder about anything. So they whole defense is not that he didn't kill them, but maybe he died from something else from maybe if he hadn't had Fenton al maybe if it's right here, No, no, no, man, Yeah, why didn't he take the stand? Explain your story? Explain what wrong? Yeah, he played but he yea yeah, Now carbon monoxide got something to do with all. Well, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, all right, we'll be watching, for sure, we'll be watching. We're gonna switch gears um and coming up next it is Junior in for the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, subject I don't want your step daddy, And we'll get into that. We'll get into that. See it's a little bit Yeah. Right now, Junior is in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, Junior? Your funeral arrangements? Yeah, funeral, I don't I don't know what This is about the map you just left and where is he? He ain't coming work to day either. Look at my face, Junior. You know he worked. And let's see what he say that, Junior, because you know, yeah, it worked out in Birmingham. Yeah, excuse me, I'm in Africa. Yeah. Then flew all way over here taking shows all day and I'm doing radio. No, no, no, no, come on play no no no. I don't care about the little shows you're doing setting people down there. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to retail miss Diane. Please she at the moment I taking message peace. My name is John John. I'm actually the funeral director here funeral home, because Diane came in earlier today and tried to get the arrangement set. First of all, I want to say my condolences to you all and your entire family for what you're going through. She's she's built out some paperwork here and I wanted to make sure I got everything actually correct. I'm a little not sure on what she wants on the actual tombstone. I don't know if she wants Rob or Robert. Are you are you wanted the members that maybe able to tell me exactly what she would want on. I am I'm Robert. Listen, whatten is all about it? She's getting me this smaller than what you're talking about. Okay, hold on a certain sir. You who I am? Robert? Rob Robert, that's me? Okay? And is there probably senior or the junior is just a child. I'm Robert, That's who I am, junior the child. Neither one of us did we were health? Okay, okay, okay, okay, hang on, Oh my god, all right, I don't okay, hang on a second, sir, just been on miss Diana, Miss sir, Miss Diana is your wife? Yeah, that's my wife. You show you got the right Diana. You show what she came in uh this morning? Uh maybe five five what salt and pepper haired, shoulder line? Uh maybe a medium brown complex? Mm hmmm. What kind of cast you? What's happing? You see the colleges and seeing the call something? Uh it seemed like it was a some type of h Was it a camera? I think? Yeah, that's what I mean. What happened? Tell me, actually tell me what happened? As moall, she came in and saying what to you? She came in mister? Why why? Why? Why why don't I call back when miss Diana is there? We can go call back, you know, tell me that right that, I need to know what is going on. My wife want she went flu for me, and you tell me you to tell me, let me know, tell me that, sir. All I know if this Diane came in, the paperwork was a little I was just coming reevaluating on what I what? What? What? What was written here? It wasn't right. I mean, she came in, she she picked out the casket, she did everything that she was supposed to casket, casket, but but just right here. But I don't understand. I don't really understand what's going on. But I'm a fan out later on, I'm going back. I don't understand. I've never been in a I've never been in a situation like this. Okay, so getting the sixty. Maybe I need to call back when this Diane gets there. I said, I need to talk to you now. She get had six o'clock. Don't worry about that. Where you went anyway? What's your name again? Where you went? I'm I'm I'm John, sir. I'm I'm the funeral home direct. I'm sorry, y'all. You might be. You might be making some suder ram for her too. I might get to switch names for her game on them. Okay, sir, I'm just what six o'clock is? Six o'clock, sir, six o'clock. You're gonna be the sir of a funeral is a very serious thing, sir. So you're you're so serious? Bro, Look my wife coming, she trying to marry me me. I'm Robber. Wouldn't name you on the people, Robert, it's it's it's it's rob or Robert? Which ever one? I mean? I don't, I don't. I mean, I won't. I don't want. I don't, I don't. I don't know. We even be you know what I'm saying. We didn't even argue. We had a little lads in lands week, my little lad neal something little bit black man. But you would have a funerals of men. I tell you that they got the right law. You got the right one. I tell you, man, I'm not watch watch mister. I mean, since I have you on the phone, is can I ask you? What? Is it all right? If I ask you something? Sir? May you want to ask me? Bro? I mean, since since it is your funeral, would you would you like the light blue lining or the white line and the inside on the inside. You play with me right now, even now, you trying me. Now, if I come down and in swing, you won't like it. It's gonna be two funerals. You keep on last, You're gonna pick your own planet. O. Man, I'm not here brushing my like at twenty hour she was all I said, for a little bit, lights all around here. It's gonna keep the build out. But she was saying, it's around here, sir, blee lash light whole life a funeral. Come over, man, boy, I swear to God, I'm okay. Can I can? I? Can? I? Can? I tell you? What else your wife told me when she was here? What what else should do? I yea? I need to know anywhere I need to know. Damn me go ahead, teller. When she told me to tell you exactly who I was? What? Who are you? I'm sorry? Who are you? Sir? Who's furect? I'm not I'm not John. I'm not John from the funderal home. You better let me? You better tell him? You no better him, not no, no, no, nothing of them. You're coming fud. Just see it this right here, isn't it you tim me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your white Diane got me to prank phone call you. Hello, listen, I swear y'all y'all some boy it boy y'allach us man, y'all just stop saying people's phone. Man, I'll just see you. I say, hey, man, look him, bro, big batter need the soup man after I mean, hold that eat hole that shoe shop head right man? That hey, let me ask you, miss, what is the baddest ratio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show? And that man lording me about this light be I you know, custom lights on over here? Cut the lights off over there because a little light over here. Now we are playing a few stick light on't light on? Light on? Man? You want the white he's planning on the light blue. You blame me now trying to be funny out your damn gonna be two cats get down there because you didn't need one of them. Oh man, but no one? Yeah, Oh my god, he played too much? Can I tell you who I am? I tell you better? I tell you who is you? Man? You bet? I tell you nobody else? Who are you? He? Try you better? I tell me you wanted them blank blanks down here blank it w tell me, hey, date man, he was heartbroken because the girls about the light. You know you're aboust to dig off man, I got ahead of glass that I don't I don't like. All right, thank you, Thank you, Junior. And for Nephew Nephew on that one coming up. Strawberry Letters. Subject, I don't want your step daddy. All right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and or please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter because we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's an actual letter, an actual letter. All right, ladies and Gentlemen's time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friend Shirley Strasbery. All right, thank you, junior. Subject, I don't want your stepdaddy. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I need your help. My husband's mother is separated from her husband and she's staying with us temporarily while she works out her marital issues. Meanwhile, she's been up late at night entertaining a younger man. My husband has seen it with his own eyes, but he doesn't know how to confront her about it. My husband said, we need to focus on getting her back with her husband so she can leave our home. He's asked me to help out by talking to his mom's husband, which is his stepdad. He doesn't have a good relationship with the stepdad because he is a whore. He slept with two of my mother in law's friends before they met, and she knew that and still married him. Anyway. They are separated now because my mother in law came home one day and another woman was sitting in the kitchen with him smoking a cigarette in her house. He's so foul and we wish she'd divorced him, especially since she's already started dating again. Yeah, the goal was to get her out of my house, so I agreed to talk to a stepdad. I went to their house and I took my eleven year old daughter because he has said a few inappropriate things to me before. He offered me a drink and I declined. He told me he's happier without my mother in law there and he wants a divorce. I reminded him that it is her house and he needs to move out. He got upset with me and put me out. Next thing I know, he told my husband that I came over there ready to do a lot more than talk. My husband had the audacity to ask me to tell him exactly what happened, as if he believed his stepdaddy. I'm furious at my husband. This had nothing to do with me, and my husband has put me in the middle of it. What to do? Please help? Well, first of all, you let your husband put you in the middle of it, and this is a whole mess right here. Now. I know your gut. I know your gut told you to stay out of it when your husband first asked you. But the most urgent thing was to get your mother in law out of your house. So you went along. You agreed to talk to your stepdaddy, and stepdaddy is the one who needs to go. Clearly, he's the culprit in all of this. He doesn't get along with anyone. He doesn't get along with his wife, his stepson, and he doesn't get along with you. He puts you and your daughter out he's the one who had the woman in the house, so okay, it's just disrespectful smoking a cigarette. Talking to step daddy didn't work, so now it's time to talk to his mom, his son, her son. Your husband is afraid to confront her, and you guys got to talk to him. Though, fear or not, you guys still have to talk to him. I would say, don't talk to her about entertaining the younger man because she'll only get defensive. Okay, talk to her about going back to her own house. That he should be the one leaving, not her. Why should she allow him to make her leave her own home. You guys got to also throw in the fact that you have a young and impressionable daughter, her granddaughter, that doesn't need to be seeing her grandmother with another man. This is crazy. These are all the reasons her stepdaddy or his stepdaddy needs to go and mother in law needs to file for a divorce from this clown and move on. But first, of course, she needs to move out of your house, because next is going to start affecting your marriage if it hasn't already. I mean, your husband is questioning you right now about what happened with his stepdad. That's not a good look. Does he believe his step Yeah? You don't want these problems, You really really don't. So you guys gotta seriously set her down and have a serious conversation with her. Steve, this is crazy, Yeah it is. Now let me show you why. I think. The whole letter just really explains itself to me. I don't know why she even wrote us, but I do understand why she wrote us. But let me help put just be able to solve her own problem. They're not getting back together. Let's just understand that. Okay, they're not getting back together, and they don't want to. She's staying with y'all temporarily in you and your husband's house. Your mother his mother that's separated from her husband, and now she's downstairs late at night entertaining a younger man. Like going on. She had moved out and got busy at y'all's house. Okay, your husband has seen it with his own eyes, but he don't know how to go to his mom about it. I was thinking right away, man, he's gotta mess him up because he won't hearing her daddy back together. But now he don't. My husband says that they need to focus on getting her back with her husband so he can leave our home. But that's really not the best move, I don't think, and I don't think that's gonna happen because which is his stepdad, and he wants his mom to go back to, but he don't have a good relationship with his stepdad. I want y'all to keep that information for later. He don't have a good relationship with his stepdad, who is a whore because he is a whore. It says it in the letter. It does. He is a whore. He slept with two of y'all's mother law friend before he before they met, and she knew that and still married. And anyway, now they separated because your mother in law came home one day and there was another woman sitting in the kitchen with him smoking a cigarette in her house. Yeah, come over here and chill out. Who do that? Let's smoke over him? So right there, the disrespect is blatant. So while we talk and I'll explain the rest when we come back. He's so foul we wish to shot. We'll let part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hours subject, I don't want your step daddy, and we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter, subject I don't want your step daddy. My damn husband's mom then moved in with y'all. They have an argument with her husband, y'all, calling mantle issues. Meanwhile, she been entertaining the younger man at the house said nothing, which means she don't want her husband no more because she left the house. Now she at your house clowning. Okay, on top of all that, your husband has seen it with his own eyes, but he don't know how to approach his mama because that's his mama. And he can't talk to his mom's husband because that's his stepdad, and they don't have a good relationship because he is a whore. This is what your letter say. I've never called a man that in my life, so I'm enjoying it in his letter. Your stepdaddy is a whore. He has slept with two of your mama's friends for they met, and she married him anyway. Now, the reason they separated because mother in law came home and saw him in the kitchen with another woman in her house smoking a cigarette, and the lady says, he's so far we wish she did she divorce him, especially since she's already started dating again. Damn, what is the letter? Fall y'all never want y'all want her to divorce him because he's a whore and she's already started dating. But y'all stupid husband talking about we need to get them back together so they can go their home. Why would you want your mama to go back to the whore? Okay, and your mama just started dating at your house, so the goal was to get out of y'all's house. So then you agreed to go over there and talk to the step dad and you took your eleven year old daughter because he has said a few inappropriate things to you before, because you didn't say that to your husband, because you're trying to keep do this. He offered me a drink. I decline. He told me he was happier without my mother in law there and he wants to do bs. Well, if it's if it's the wife's house, why did she have to leave you put his ass out? It's her house now you know, took the eleven year old daughter over there just in case. He offered you a drink and decline. He told you he's happier without the mother in law. He wants your I reminded him that it is her house and he needs to move out. He got upset but you and put you out. Then he told your husband you came over there ready to do more than talk. My husband had to dance it and ask me to tell him exactly what happened. How about I start when I took eleven year old baby over there? How about that I took the eleven year old baby over there to do more than talk? Are you kidding me? The horror has to be put out of the house. That's the fact he I got because it just it just so much. The man is a horror. I've never said that to another man. You're a horror. You're a horror a man I never said. I never said to a woman. Well, thank god, Okay, next thing. So now I'm furious at my husband. This has nothing to do with me, and my husband has put me in the middle of it. What to do? Please, fell First of all, you need to put this in your husband's lap, because it's his Mama that's downstairs with the younger man, and it's his daddy in law. Now, the fact that he don't get along with him should have told him in the beginning. Not only is his father in law a whore, he is a liar too. So now he gonna try to throw doubt in your marriage because you don't like your stepdaddy. And I got news for you, brother. Your stepdaddy don't like you eating. So now he's trying to throw salt on you in your relationship. Man, that's the oldest game in the book for old cats. Let's get the light off me. You're over here trying to talk to me, talk about me with your mama. Your wife came over here to do more, and she's gonna do more than talk. But dog, but that's the oldest trick in the book by old cats. Man. The best defense is the best offense. So now instead of paying a defense, let me put you on d I'm gonna throw a fireball at you. Your wife came over here to do more than talk and tip the eleven year old girl. Really, man, so what you need to do, really, this should be on the man, the wife's husband. He needed to talk to his mama and go over there and talk to damn stepdad and stepped to him the right way, go your pardon, say something else about my wife like that. I'm gonna bust you upside your head already, don't like you, and get out my mama's house. Poor, Yeah, not for real. I'll go over there for the dude out of my mama's house and my mama moving back in. She ain't got to go nowhere, and then she could date the young man a house because you dating chicks in her house. Then get out here. This letter crazy all right? All right, Steve, Well, thank you. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and on Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now, I'm so excited about this because coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, guess what junior our residence. What poet is here with a brand new poem? Yeah, right, ye, after this. I'm so exciting. Yes, you're listening, all right, Steve, Why don't you do the honors? Come on, ladies and gentlemen, do it right, Okay, ladies and gentlemen, here comes a man who has worked himself up into a position. As we've seen before, some people believe that they are motivational speakers. Yeah, some people think that they are bakers. Junior is a poet. Come on, ladies and gentlemen, here comes for another JP Junior poem. You tight up the poem today. It's called Somebody Please tell me? Somebody Please tell me? How come it's always us while we always end up dead? It makes you want a cuss hit excuses. Oops, my bad, I'm sorry. I made a big mistake. The pain is so unbearable. How much more do you think we can take? It? Don't matter if we rideing, sitting walking, or just being out at night. For the mistake is never made on young men who are white. So be careful, young black brothers, as you go along your way, May God be with you and bless you, hoping you see another day. When will it end? The end? Wowow? Profound? Yeah, shocked me, yeah profound? Right? Yeah, that's a poem right there. Yeah, yeah, because it's just this too much? Were sick and tired of it? Yeah, yes, sir, yes, sir, you know because of that poem. I'm gonna save my new poem. I had it I'm gonna call you portray. I finally gave your poetry a name. He did. That was your best point, but I would expect that they too. Continue. No, No, that's probably took a lot, So you're not calling Junior point before the round from now, we're gonna call him they We're gonna call him jay raps. This is called a jay rap rap, got it? Yeah? All like the a p Yeah, well what you think about this one? Though, Steve? He was deep and serious this one. Man stern. Really I had that quickness and I was shaking my computer. I was checking my head since I don't know who it was us all with that one. Yeah, check shaking his head phone and shaking the mic. We got a bad connection in Africa. Must ain't talking, you know. But yeah, all right, Junior, thank you? Yeah, yeah, great poem. Coming up at the top of the hour, The Duke of Itingham is here. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well sadness across the pond in the UK, Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip, passed away. He was ninety nine years old and the funeral was on Saturday. We're gonna switch it to the Duke of Ontingham. He's here to talk about other royal stuff. Hi, hey, hiy hi am. Hell were they, of course none of them? The Earl of Octingham, good morning, shalt and Colin Joe y'all, good morning, morning, morning, wonderful, wonderful Harry. I wanted to bring about the dudes thanking all of you from across the world for Lane to harass our honorable ye wonderful man. And he was over that in London, but since we've laid him to restaurat, I came on behalf of being the only black in the Fuckingham Palace. I wanted to bring about a couple of recognition of the things that are royal over here that need to be recognized, okay, d First of all, I would love to recognize the purple Prince of Minnesota. Yes, oh yeah, that's royalty now. Yeah, trying to get y'all credit where credit is due. I'd also like they're meant to represent another great member of royalty, the fresh Prince of Della. I don't want a young man. Also like to recognize the King and Queen of Soul, you know who they are. Also, I'd love to recognize the one and only the Queen of Latifa. That I Also I love to recognize the one and only King of Martin. Oh, yes, another wonderful man. Also wonderful moments I've had over that when visiting. I'd love to recognize the beggar of king and oh my god. Never ever, how could we ever forget the wonderful wrong court of the kings and Queens. I'm coming that. Yeah, that's the true American Roalton. Well, let's not forget the Knights of gladys Plays. Never lame them about away. Also, we'd also like to also recognize the one and only the Duke of Ellington. Yes, I'm the Earl of Altington. They getting was the Duke I'm Ellington? Yeah? Hell, and I'm getting close to the end of recognizing royalty. Yeah. Also love to recognize the King of R and B. Yeah, I'll take it from down and of course lost but not least. The only royalty that we true can't truly care about is the Royal of Crown. That the purple bag. That thing is such a that needs to be recognized that I just wanted to stop by and give you my yeah, give you the flowers while they live, something gone, But of course I needed to say something called America all over the news. Yeah, I watched Phillip's funeral on television. There were no black shot that he couldn't go. I was looking for him. There wasn't not a single one blowing a bigle carrying a casket, drive in the bucket, dammage, dude, no where, no where. I didn't see anyone. They might have been there, but I didn't see it. I saw a black girl crying against the ropes one time they told her to shut up. Excuse me, du I can come back now more trending stories of the sh I'm so happy you asked. I'll be right back. I didn't I that shit, did I heard it. I'll be back in twenty minutes after, right after this. You're listening string all right? So here we are with me, Duke of Nottingham, still here. He's recognized all of the royals. What were you saying? Well, I was going to ask you. We talked about the funeral of Prince Philip Philip over the weekend, and of course Um William, Prince William was already there. Prince Harry flew from California to be at the funeral of his grandfather and they were talking. The press was watching to see, you know, if they were going to communicate or be standoff as they were brothers. Yeah, they're brothers. Yeah, I'm cos you can have a difference, which I brought. I'm still big brother, that's right. But I was going to ask you, um, duke, what do you think they were talking about what you done home to the castle and we're talking and I was in the back and they didn't see it. I overheard everything. What were they saying? What they say, dude was what is name? William? Twill you? William was asking if hell would you think I'm ringing the castle fog. I didn't hear what he said, but I chimed in and said, well, I'm still hal I ain't gnawed man castle. I got quiet called, I said, damn, I don't want to get put out. I'm back and got quiet. Damn if I leave the castle only black hall. You have seen no blacks inside the castle? Look out they're cutting grass or anything. All right, Well, I just wanted to clear that up. Thank you so much, Duke of Iddingham. We will be back with more of the Steve Harvey morning show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, what's going on? Now? Here? We go? Closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. Our schedule for today, following nearly three weeks of witness testimony of acording to AP News, today, the prosecutors will draw on expert testimony, the video, and other evidence to explain how white officer Derek Chauvin's actions on May twenty fifth, when he pinned George Floyd's neck to the pavement with his knee for nearly nine and a half minutes, were quote a substantial cause of Floyd's death. That's the prosecutor's job, and they'll highlight testimony from top Minneapolis police officers and officials and outside use of force experts that an objectively reasonable officer would not have used that kind of force. Meanwhile, on the defense side, defense attorney Eric Nelson will try to persuade jurors that elements of testimony he elicited from prosecution witnesses and his own witnesses add up to reasonable doubt over what caused Floyd's death and whether Chauvin is responsible So those are the two opposing sides there was. I have one question to be inclosing for anybody to say that they don't think that they're trying to lay reasonable doubt that this man's knee on this man's neck was not the cause of his death. Let me ask anybody who saw the video, do you think that that man that you saw in the video in the store, do you think that nine minutes and forty six seconds later, based on what you saw on the store, did he look like he was about to die? No? You mean prior to yeah saying yeah, yeah, right? What what did this man look like in the store that would make you think in nine minutes, if everything happened just left with if you got in this car, that nine minutes and forty six seconds later, he'll be dead. So how are you gonna try to tell me that his knee on his neck was not the cause of his when if he had never put his knee on his neck, this man, probably thousand PUDs will still be living. Well, you caused the death. Yeah, they tried everything. Exhausted, I can't breathe. Drugs, I'm gonna tell you, do you know the number one cause of death in this country. Not breathe disease. Yeah, no, when you stopped breathing. Oh that's the number one calls once you quit breathing. I'm about assure you. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. People don't beat cancer. People didn't beat people didn't beat dementia. People didn't beat long disease. People can beat heart disease. You can't beat not breathing. Yeah. Coming up, it is our last break of the day on this Monday, and of course we will have the Duke was still here. Of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Monday. Yeah. Yeah, oh you know what one or two? Um, you know, some sad news from the hip hop world. Rapper Black Rob he passed away and a lot of people if you were fans of bad Boy Man back in the day, yes, yes, Black Rob. He was fifty one years old, and um, you know, just according to multiple reports, they've said Rob passed away after battling kidney failure. And so I just want to say our condoles is going out to Rob's friends and family. You know, you saw his health deteriorating on social media and posts, so you were just praying and you know he was fighting to get better. But Black Rob was featured on a lot of bad boy hip hits like including bad Boy Life and of course the jam whoa you know that was the jam Junior that was that was an anthem right there. So the rest in peace Black lives. So I just wanted to all right, thank you Carla with that music news of course, yeah yeah, yeah, we're losing some some good man. But closing remarks, Steve, what today, Well, you know, um, look like you're thinking deeply right now. Yeah. You know, Um, there's a guy that I followed on social media. Uh. He's a motivational guy, Eric Eric Thomas. Eric Thomas, uh, the hip hop preacher. And I was watching something he was doing today, you know, and he said, and it just reminded me of me so much, man, And I was just listening to it. He said, oh, you know, Um, he said that his friend came up to and said, uh, yo, e E have you seen Empire? He said, Noah, Noah, Man, I missed that. He's a man. You don't want to watch Empire. He said, yeah, yeah, yeah, man, I love to watch Empire, but I ain't got time. He said, I ain't got time to watch Empire because I'm out here trying to build an empire for my wife and my kids and and and that, and that message kind of stuck with me because you know, I look back. You know, you know, we have movie conversations all the time, and where I could never really participate in the movie conversations. And it's kind of crazy, man, because I ain't seen nothing. And always say and I was jokingly, I always saying, hey, y'all, I was I was just hustling that that period of time, I had my head down and I was hustling, but I was thinking about it in terms of currently even today, I'm not able to watch a lot and I know a lot of people aren't. But I want you to think about this. Listen, you all to get to where you want to get to in life, everybody, it's gonna take and all out of salt. You're really gonna have to pour your heart and soul to a thing in order for it to come true. Now, this a thing can be any number of things. It can be your dreams, your life be something. But you all have to have a thing. Everybody has to have something that they aspire to. I mean the scripture say, as a man without a dream or visions, your perish. Do you know what happens to a lot of people. Man, when they retire, they retire their dreams and their hopes because they've accomplished it. My dream was to retire, and then when they retire, they've set nothing out in front of them, and they slowly fade away. I know of some people who've retired who have faded and just rusted away. Now I'm seeing some people retire and find new things to be active in, things that move them and make them, that wake them up in the morning. You know. They volunteer work, they get involved with some type of philanthropic if it's something. But you gotta have a thing. Everybody has to have one. I don't care where you are, I'm telling you, man, you gotta start looking at this thing, right You gotta stop looking at everybody building their life, and you gotta put that focus on building your own life. That's why, like haters don't really shake me like they used to. They really don't. I used to be bothered when social media first came out. Oh man, what they say? So why they say that about me? I don't care no more. I truly can tell you. They don't move the needle in my life. You know why, because they don't move the needle in their life. Anybody that has the time to sit around and troll the internet talking about everybody else ain't taking care of themselves. When you got a person who I got this one person who follows me and got something negative to say about everything I do? Why are you following me? They say, why don't you block him? Oh no, no, no, no, I'm not blocking me because I gotta provide this dude with something to do. I've tried to look him up, but he gotta You know, he got a private page because he's a coward, you know, because he want to say all this stuff about me, but he don't make himself available. But I feel sorry for the brother too, because he inflicts. He inputs so much of his time into probably not only me, but a host of other people, that he ain't having time to build himself up. He's so busy trying to tear me down. You got haters in your life, that's trying to tear you down when they could put that effort into building themselves up. I'm under attack all the time by somebody trying to tear me down, but they could take that same effort and build their self up. It's just really sad, man, how some people spend their time. So I'm employing all of the Steve Harvey Show listening. Get yourself a thing, a thing that you are willing and wanting to pour your heart and soul into your efforts, and make that a goal of yours, because I'm telling you right now, everything that is now is going to change. COVID has proven that the work world is changing, Your job is changing. The predicaments in this world have changed. Get ready because some of this stuff ain't going back to normal. So if I were you, I would develop myself a thing and pour my heart and soul and being into that thing, and so do it so much where you ain't got time to watch empire because you're busy trying to build your own. Those are my closing remarks. I'm saying that in the hope that it lights a candle in you. That's the only reason I said it. Have a great day, will see you tomorrow. Y'all be safe, careful, keep masking up, washing your hands. Is steel cracking out here. Y'all be morning. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.