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Today's show is pre recording. Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them move like the Milian buck bus things and it's touble be good it. Steve listening to movie together for STU. Please, I don't join me, join you do me. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha h I shore will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man. You know what y'all? I mean, Really, the goodness of God is overwhelming if you think about it, I mean really really think about it, even when your circumstance doesn't look so bright, even when you're going through something that's causing you discomfort, pain, Even in that God's goodness is actually overwhelming, because don't forget why you're going through this moment. First of all, this too shall pass. But also secondly, remember man, ain't everything else that you've gone through that seems so insurmountable at the time, didn't you get past that too. I mean, it's amazing if you really think about it, you don't get stuck on any one issue your whole life. The only people that get stuck on an issue they whole life is people who won't let it go. That's really all it is. That are people who exist, and you may be one of them. Oh please, No, I've been guilty of it myself before. But I learned something that are things in my past that I just would not let go of. It was done, it was over with, I was past it, but I would not let go of it. It was over. The dude that did it to me didn't exist no more. The problem that it created didn't exist no more. The only problem that kept hanging on was I would not let it go. And man, you can't go forward if you're gonna keep looking in the past. It's an impossible thing. It's like driving a car. If you keep looking only in the rearview mirror while you're driving, you're going to crash pretty soon. And a lot of people just keep crashing over and over and over and over because you won't drive your car you keep looking in the rearview mirror at to pass. Oh woe, is me? Oh you know they did me like that. You know I ain't been the same since he cheated on me. Oh man, ever since she stole my money, I ain't been the same man. She played me and every since that out and treated women differently. You may have some deeper stuff going on like but eventually, guess what, do you understand that when you have relationship God with God, you can take that to him too and drop it off and leave it there. Do you know that he can fix and heal that. Maybe it's something serious like that that you need fixing or healing from a relationship with God can fix and heal that. But man, come on, y'all, whatever it is, and I'm not trying to downplay it or make it act like it wasn't traumatic in your life, because oh god, you don't want to you know, you don't want nobody do that to you because you want to be the you know, the post to child for misery. So please don't let me take that from you. If that's your position, that's your Hall of Fame card you hanging on too. I'm the post to child for misery. Oh no, one is more woe than me. Then please don't let Steve, try to take that from you. You go ahead and hang on to that. But let me tell you something, though, If that's what you're gonna hang on to, that's what you're gonna always be the post to child for misery. At one point in time, you're gonna have to get on the move past it. You can sometimes, man, it's merely a simple thing of taking it to God and leaving it there. You know, some people don't have money for therapy. Some people don't even know who to call for therapy. God is the best psychologist in the world. He can fix it for you. There is nothing too hard for God. You know, when something seems impossible, y'all, God does the impossible all the time every day. You don't know how I know. I just look at a couple of basic things. Do you know that that sun comes up every day in the morning. It comes up in the east and it sets in the west. You can't do nothing about that. All you can wish because you plant your flowers on a certain side of your house. You can wish, y'all all you want. Then maybe one day he would bring it up out the northwest so those flowers were nam Now it's gonna come up out the east, and once the sun hits the horizon. When you look in the water, like if you ever out in La and you see the sun going down. Once the sun once you can visually see the sun touching the horizon, you have three minutes. You have exactly three minutes. You can sit there with your watch. You can time you're three minutes and it's gone. Three minutes, it's gone. I read that somewhere and I went and tried it. It's gone every day if if it's clear enough, not cloudy, once the sun touches the horizon on water, you got three minutes. When the wind blows, you can't do nothing about it. He can bring it from the northeast, he can bring it from the west, he can bring from the south. He can bring it hard, he can bring it cool, he can bring it hot. It's certain things that God, God does the impossible all the time. How those stars sitting up there, How how can you find these constellations, the Big Dipper, the little dip of Ryan, the Hunter. Oh, that's God. That's got nothing you can do about it. You can't reach them stars, you can't shoot at them, you can't move them out the way or Ryan, the Hunter's belt is gonna beat them three stars at the angle. You can, you can, you can call it what you wanna call. It's still that's what it is. See, He does the impossible all the time. He created heaven and Earth. You're saying that God can't get you through your pass. Somebody did just to me, it's the worst thing I had, the worst childhood. If anybody God can't get you pass that. He can move Heaven, mountains, Earth, he can form the Grand Canyon, he can make the water come over Niagara Falls twenty four seven. He can't fix your little bitty pass yours. It's amazing how people make their problems bigger than God. Somebody told me one time, stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big God is, and go on with your life. Quit driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Ain't nothing back there but your pass. And if it was hurtful or painful, or something you just felt like you can't get over, take your problems to God and leave them there. You hear the old spiritual all you've heard it. Take your burdens to the Lord, leave them d all time. But you think that applies to everyone. But you come on, man, and a lot of people out there through much worse than you have and have overcome it all. Why won't you take the step to overcome your pass so you can get on with driving your car. See what God trying to take you. But it's the trick of the enemy. The enemy tricks you from seeing your future by having you constantly looking in your pass. Man, it's a trick of the devil. If the devil just lets you quit, if he would just let you get to driving your car. Look out into your future. Your future shows hopefulness. You have hope when you see the future. But he can keep you in misery if he keep you looking at your miserable pass. God looking for you, Man, God would love to hear from you. Let's spend some time talking to God today. Hey, God, was happening. It's me. I know I ain't talked to you in a while, but feel bad about that. But I need you. He know that everybody should say that prayer all the time. It's cool, all right, good morning show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. This is it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the baddest and I do mean the baddest morning show in the land. Now you can argue it if you like, but argon does not change the facts. Simply put, this is, as stated, the by none greatest morning show on Earth to date. I have heard, we have heard in other parts of the universe that there are claims of also some radio terrestrial planets out there claiming to have a great radio show. We say, since your punk ass don't speak English, non, lord the hell you're talking about, so it's spokes. We are the real deal. Championship Championship champip. No, it's not like that, y'all say it right. If you don't say it, Champ it say it Championship Hip, Championship, No, no emphasis, No, it's just one two together, Championship team, Championship team one. But guess what, guys, we would be nothing without our fearless lead. Yeah, champim Okay, what about the cocare about the champions don't go ahead, go ahead, CHAMPI champ chap here, okay, cocare go play a trap? Go ahead, Champ Your champ in the world coming to me. Don't let this did coming to Americas. What was looking I'm looking at him? Or what's that feel? Was that? Don't take nights with the champ damn it, do it because I got the movie. Not even doing attitude because you were wrong. Come on, every black man, Okay I'm wrong, damn it, do it? What are you doing? I think Steve is better than you in movies? The word the worst? You got any movie trivia from me? Right? Quick? Timmy moving trivia, moving trivia. Let's see. Uh okay, I got a movie I know you have never seen. I ain't seen none of them. He likes to give it. Give no. If you were telling me to give him a line and then he'll tell me ye, oh okay, that's a die hard. Yeah I got one, Steave, I got one. He got that. You got to have vision Wizard of Oz. No, I I can't believe. No, I can't believe. I don't even know this one? You never seen? Will it? Dynamite? Are you kidding me? Oh my god? More famous lines than that. You're listening right now. It's time for the nephew to run that prank back Christmas decorations running kid loo, I'm trying to read cecil. Yeah, this cecil's going on. Hey, this manny Man, I live like about four five streets over from you, this manny, How you doing, brother? I'm doing good? Man? How you doing? I'm good? Hey? Uh I see you. You You got your Christmas lights up right? You know? Yeah? I got him up. I got my whole of them. Many things set up. Man, it's just looking rid. Okay, let me let me ask you something. Man. The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from? What do you mean where I get them from? The idea? Like you got a snow man, you got Santa Claus, some reindeals, you got your whole house decorated. Where did you get your idea from? I'm lost what you're talking about. Man, You ask me where I got a team from? I mean you try to imply from him. I'm I'm asking you a question. Where did you get the idea from? I made this up. I made up Jesus, Jesus and the man you know that represents Chrystals. Man, you go with a team that's Chrystmas base man, and that's that's Chrystmas base Jesus. There Chrystmas, Jesus and just in Jerusalem, and Beth Lamb and hey, what's what's going on? Man? I? Who are you? Where you get my number from? Any I'm I'm I'm manning. Man, I'm manning. I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the reel where you get this idea from? I made this idea? If I made this up? Man, I made this up the second time you asked me where I get this idea from? What you? Let's go the real deal, dog, the same thing you got if you come four streets over. I got the same thing in my yard. And it looked like you to stole my idea. And see what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas Yard of the season. And you don't stole my ideal. That's the problem I got with you. Now. The problem you got is like to twisted. Okay, to see I put this together without here, I never even heard of you. Many begin with sickly, I've been doing this particular theme in my yards as I've been standing over. I've been stand over six years. You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year, you ain't had that. Lad this thing last year and to give THEO and I put myself in the same place every damn time I put it down. You did not have this last talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme and about my yard and what you got going. I know you ain't copying there, man. I'm gonna tell you right now, and I ain't gonna go no further. You need to rearrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got. No, you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging that over here. Hey, man, let me tell you that I got to come over there tell you something, man, And I'm being really as real as I can be with you. If I got to come over there and unplugged, if you got to come out, if I got to come over to your house um plugs some stuff, No, no, no, I think if that thing my foot will be getting a plug from your First of all, you ain't gonna come on my street, in my house and just tech me at all about anything that I got set up in my y'all say, ain't that way. I'll tell you what. Then, I'm just gonna do this ship. I'm gonna just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise. Man, I tell yard, that's what I'm gonna do. Come over this way. Call everybody messing with Jesus in the manger. It's gonna be some real powers. Because football, that's like thick with it. That's that's the center. Other thing. Now, if you want to come over here and you want to kind of do something like that, you're gonna need Jesus to help you because it's gonna be some rollings while going on like y'all, what's the bottom line is just right here, you got the nerve to do the same thing. My god, I'm full street sober. I'm driving through looking at everybody here, man, looking at everybody only one and commus, I've seen the same way, the same place. Good a doubt. Long yere, Ain't nobody ever call on me your stuff looking like man in from four five six? Who the head is? Man in? Any Wait? Man, it ain't got no right coming on my street because you don't stay on this street. You're going around looking at people. I'm trying to get your ideas. Man, you got a rich No, No, I'm very original. I moved to this neighborhood and folk you did. I've been here. I've been here ten years. You've been here about six. I lone. You've been living over here. I've been living over here six years. This sub division was just coming up when I came over here. How are you gonna tell me you've been running your team long and not been running mine? Who you clay? Hey? Man? And it ain't I ain't got time to go back, man? You know what? I got better things, so I still got some more lights put up? Hey, I gotta wa go back and forth. What I'm gonna tell you just right here, I'm gonna come take Jesus off your yard. I'm gonna take Jesus and then one to take Jesus out my yard. I see now you're sounding like when I'm crazy, people became about thinking Jesus out of my life. That's where he's got life and mess up. Come on over. I got somebody, man, and what you look here? Don't turn your lights on. Light's gonna be on the night tomorrow night and every other night. Tell about taking my Jesus in the manet. I'm a riten as a written that can be Come over if you want to I got something. You have stole my ideal and we're talking about this selling idea. Come on around here, let's see hey dog dog, let me tell you something right now, Jesus and then wise men is coming I chow yard today. No, you know what, man, I'm through with you. Man, I'm through with you. You know what? Come over here if you want to touch my babe, Jesus, touch my Manjing touch Meving Joseph and the wise Man, and I'm gonna put the North Star over your literally. Hey man, I don't know where you get my number from? My night? Who are you anyway? Who is it? Who are you? Man? I tell you what you tell about? Coming over here? Listing with anything on top? Okay, sit to go off every evening at du who's the story getting dark? My going on? Let money? I come on the nights cook for yo? Anyway? Why why are you? Why you can't come up with your own team? Man? Why you can't my own thing? Look at it? I'll tell you what man? Who are you anyway? We're just watch how you stay four five threeks over? What kind of car you got? Your? God? Where I come? Fire you little? Come deal with you right now? Where are you at right now? Where you know what? Don't worry about where I'm at. I'm I'm a beauty on your life. Now I'm gonna come fine. No, your life ain't coming on tonight? What never not come on or night. There's gonna be some files in your life. It's gonna be on the breeze and you i'n't let you know there? Man, Man, who for you? Anyway? Man? You don't caused me out of the blue telling me that you're gonna come disconnect my life and still my major and take my baby Jesus out the man? Who are you send up here accusing me of steeling your things when it's been my theme or all these years six years I've been doing. This is not a war best yard three years or three years running in this season? Now I think you're trying to get mine. But see the problem is you're the one best yards because you're still in my idea. How can I be sitting your man? Man? You know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with your right Hey, dog dog, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you. You stole my Jesus theme. Dog, Hold on, wait a minute, how can I have war that's yard three years running, and you're saying I got to think you should have been getting you must not be doing it right. Let me let me, let me, let me go on on say this to you right now. Dog, what Larry on your streets told me to call you. I'm Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your boy Larry Man Nephew Tommy show. Larry told me to call you. It's a you win every single year the Christmas. But it's kind of funny. Not let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Oh man hands, I don't know, doubt the show with Nephew Man. You're listening Morning show. All right, Steven, it's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a message, you just give a holiday greeting to your loved one. Call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve and leave a message. Okay, see I'm standing howiday a greetings to my brother Joseph Dundell's sudden from Darling and to my first love There Henderson's Merry Christmas in a happy, happy New Year. God bless you Steve Harvey and the crew there. We love you, man, Thank you, thank you for your words of wisdom and just sense of humor in this insane and very fallen world. And your show has given me never thought i'd laugh again and given me positive energy too. And I always get a message that God works through you, and God has worked many miracles in your life. And I'm really grateful that you kept your promise with God to spread the word and common sense since seems like nobody has that today. And we love you man. God bless you, Hi Stebe enjoy your show. My name is Laura Program from lumber Student, Georgias, and I would like to be able to start out all of my co workers and mccraig spec Ap and mccraig George. I just want to wish them all are happy and I'm merry and profit with Christmas and you took Steve. This is Rosie from South Haven, Mississippi. I would like to wish my son Ricardo owed him and all of my family was very happy Marry Christmas. He's in Chicago. Thank you. Christmas is fast approaching. We all know that time to get the toys together. However, the elves. I didn't know this. The elves are on strife and you got with some grievances. Uh, I got this, I got this. Someone handling this one myself because it's something that I'm I'm good at doing because I'm a former union man elves. Elves have decided it came to me with a lot of complaints and I'm being they representative. Now. We wanted Timmy to stand up for him, but then he was already standing up right there they were. When I'll be damned, we need somebody that's standing for it, that look like they actually standing. So I said I would do it. The elves this year are going on strike. Well they haven't gone on yet, but they're threatening to gonna strike. The elves and wanting to sit out this year. Santa Claus is having trouble because he's trying to talk to these damn elves about their concern So I'm here with their grievances and I want to start by saying these are the elves grievouss and I will be preparing these statements on behalf of the Elm Foundation. We the elves who work at the North Pole, are requesting the following changes. Please show your support through our website www dot help elves dot com if you're gonna help the elves, help elves dot com, Tommy don't actu. So you know, we raise all the complaints that the elves have and here we go. Number one problem that they have it We the elves would like to stop making these damn wooden toys. No, no, kid won't no damn woodn't toy. And we've been making them for years. Okay, ain't nobody asks them now? When he wouldn't wheels, these wouldn't page lock. They got real toys now. Secondly, we the elves are requesting to have a casual Friday, so when we ain't got to wear these stupid ass uniform, tight ass pants with the pointed hats. We want a casual frid voicing the concerns that elves haveing to consider on going on strike, and they wanted me to convey this to sent across and everybody. We the elves would like to request a thirty minute smoke break. They smoke, and then we want to be able to go outside and smoke whatever we want as it's legal. Try making these cards without it. Hells don't get high. Here's the next complaint on behalf of the hells Elves. We the Elves have voted to eliminate bring your kids to work day. The truth of the matter is elves really don't like kids. No, we don't damn that because they think we kids too, just because we're short. It showed damn hands off of me. I drove here in a slave. Next complaint that they have we the Elves are uncomfortable wearing knees. Dang funny told shoes that heard that he didn't get We want Crocs to be the new official el shop. Crocs and Gators to be the new el shoe. Do the Elves I'm doing complain? You don't act like you ain't with them. You're trying to add a complaint. I don't like you. Ain't everyone two elves and pilgrims have the same shoe. Do you know that I'm not I'm not. Well, let's quit playing this. Ain't next complaint we the elves. They're not like elves shirts and pants. There ain't got no damn pockets. And we want to start using fanny pack stuff. So when we go outside to take our smoke break, we'll have our stuff with it. Next complaint. We the elves understand that we on the north pole, but some of the younger elves wants to cut back on the heat being so high all the time in the workshop. The older elves is fine, but youngs, we swear people. We the elves would like to assign ten elves each year to ride around with Santa, because we think it's unfair that we make our lead down toys and we don't ever get fat ass just be packing up the sled with the rain. Dude, damn it, we made the toy us a couple more quickly. We the els. We still love miss Claus and we know she's very nice and she's never too busy to being down and give us a hook. But we still would like to know exactly what do she do up here? The cooks, the cooks for everybody. We ain't had nothing from her. We gotta Keela at last, were not LEAs we the ales support the me too movement that's real strong up here, and some of the female ales are requesting that Santa refrain from saying ho ho ho ho. And on that note, we're gonna go down. You're listening to the Step Morning Show, Well, guys, tis the season for partying. You know, there's all kind of holida kinds of holiday parties going on. However, the guys are here to warm up your holiday drunk rules. You know they're gonna warm you up with that. Okay, are you ready? Man? Are you ready? Come on? Come on coming, junior. I won't read one off. And what I need y'all to do is demonstrate that type of drunk I'm talking about the first The woe is me crying drunk. Anybody who won't it? Take it? The woe crying drunk? Every time I come over here, y'all act like y'all me. Yeah, I'm coming every year, way and any way, don't you coming? And you'll never have me. I ain't coming next year. I don't like y'all know how a right easy? Listen to me? You ain't we cry now? Man is not your father. I didn't want to tell you that what you fought, and I figured you are a note on your next one. Here we gonna see you got it? Here we go the start of fight, drunk talk trash. Oh that's a big one, big one. Yeah you got it? Yeah? What wh who got you? Why? I got to open my gear first. I was first. Yeah, I'm not opening my I give for first for this year first flashhear, I was the first. I want to be the first this year. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Get your hand off your box. Back that box, because I don't know I can bush you on your eysquater dot, I don't you can ask give you for christ Look, I don't care if just for the Christmas they were they were fighting the major what they don't never made no sense? All right, here we gonna get it for you. This is doing this doing the international drunk. There we go, give me that one, give me that, Come on next? What next? We listen when when Quinny when the stars is lining up in the sky for the galaxy and then universe is spitting around, that's Yallo Leo Ya Leo said that, and then you Usophagle and Neil was and then that's Quinn. The teacher had asked me that you know what's for Shakespeare? And I said, to be listen to me. He is too not to be ever the question. I know what for me? Then now you know what? Alright, alright to come to Jesus drunk. Come on, let me head Father God, having in having we having this prayer, knowing that you is or the King of the kings, and that when get you coming back one day, and now I'm gonna be ready, and because when you did I say he would, he would coming back. When when Jesus is coming back, I'm gonna be ready because I'm gonna be right and I ain't gonna know her because the Bible says in u ecle basket clebastic in the fourteen and two, that's what it says. That's what it says. And you better know that we're looking at me, because the Bible says to look at the others, and you would have him looking at you. We're not fitting me because we Christians in here show ass off for me. You know, we were sitting up and then you know, oh oh you lost your train. That's what they do what they do. Waiting minute, Wait a minute, hold on, damn you get your talking. Don't batch my back. You know more. When I'm playing go here and the Lord forgive agnes, I think I beat on myself drunk. Come on, you gotta do it. You know what I'm at that very moment, who did wasted all little lemonade on me see your holiday drunk scenarios from the one at all good job outstanding, All right, coming up, that's warm. Sure, yeah, that's why. For sure, Thank you you're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, Tommy come on, introduced Shirt President, CEO of Team Tommy, please so we can look into his mind. Come on here, baby, let's go deep. Everybody, buckle up, whole tight. We're going deep, deep into the mind of an extraordinary mind. Hold on tight. I have no idea how far we're gonna go in this mind. If we're gonna go shallow, if you're gonna go deep, hold on tight. You need to seep belt no matter what, ladies and gentlemen, the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. What I'd like to introduce right now is my very first Christmas CD. You can go to Amazon, you can go to all the streaming platforms. Just said. It's got five songs and send us. Got a wishless sound uh sound this Christmas without you side peace sound out there all there. But right now, I like to introduce a song that I did. And I try to write songs for people who are not so jolly. You know, the jolly has their own They got their own thing. I'm I'm I'm not going after the jolly. I let let the jolly be jolly. I don't go up to these people. Whenever I write a song, I know that I'm speaking to somebody like this song right here, hit it. No, no, no, all of them around. We're doing that this year. Check this out, this study hit the spot book. Christmas bitter. Been a bad week in the new year. Don't be pressing. Can't another warring teene or the dune will be locking me? Keep back to my Please go that hole being manny, get that. I don't like getting men anyway. I'm gonna block you from my phone without with them beat gone. I don't care what you do. I didn't want to stand small without you. That's right without you. Let me get a lot of gifts. Give me that much in them anyway to box just too damn small pig, A raggedy treat I am I kissing ane of the missile tone, I am about kissing another missile. Note Bye, oh Andy, don't slow my door. Yeah, you're riding in the car with that person right now. You can't make eye contact. You want to enjoy this song? Fun some time later on, when you can sing it to yourself, you really want them gone. Everybody with somebody right now, don't want to be with that person come Christmas. That's what this song is. I'm saying. It's a lot of that. I've been hearing about a lot, a lot of that. I've heard none of that. It's buying you a funk gift, cause that you're looking at me, going, what the hell are you smiling about? What's so damn funny? I've heard none of this. Where who's talking about this? It's trendy. It's trendy. All right now I'm depressed. You're listening to show. All right. We promised to talk about holiday traditions, especially Christmas traditions, and while time honored holiday traditions are important, they've also evolved over the generations. Now. This is according to a survey, family activities and writing to Santa are still among the most popular holiday traditions. That is interesting, even though because I've never written to Santa. Even though we live in a tech savvy world, three out of four parents say their children still handwrite letters to Santa, as opposed to a more modern approach like email and really and what's the most popular family activity in twenty seventeen. This year, well, according to most households, it's decorating the Christmas tree as a family. Now that I like, I can I can relate to that. Do we do that? Yeah? Uh so let's so, Steve, we got to start with you here. What are what are the family traditions that your family keeps that you definitely First of all, let me get this straight, Boodlem. Your grandson Ale, Noah and Rose grandchildren. I'm not telling you that Santa Claus's coming down the chimney. Okay, hey, Mom and Daddy Mike. But if they come over Papaul's house, Papa bought all this, Okay, they needs to. Let's be straight about that tree down here, y'all. Papa paid for all the tree, okay, all the little finger as snow. I bought all that in hire. I had that tree in the in the in the in the foyer that Papa bought that. So that's a new tradition really, because you weren't you brought up with thinking Santa Claus did it for a while when you were a little Yeah, yeah, so you're usually as young as your grandchildren are. Yeah, well you know my kids take their kids to see Santa Claus. Yeah, they're thinking it's a Senaca. I'm just telling don't bring them over here. You gotta so real with it right now. Well, no, a Papa house. All is paid for by the big ball hard as you work you want through credit. Yeah, the white man didn't bought nothing up in here. The ball head black man that's in that office down there at the front of you're going that dad, Senate clause a matter of fact, don't bring him up when you're coming here because he had nothing to do. Ain't on this side of gate. Santa Claus ain't had damn thing. Okay. So that's one. That's one. That's that you burst wide open. Okay. Secondly, huh, if you tap up your toy on Christmas, you get your ass on Chris what man? That it's a tradition, that tradition, many rations. Man. How I hadn't lay away and you just saything broke it. It ain't even floked at it. Yeah, opened it at five and it's broken. Man. I had a nephew named Pogo. All Pogo did every toy he got, he took it apart. Wow. But then you know what he put it all back together. That's all he wanted to bring. Well, yeah, that's like girls we used to take our doll's clothes off here mckinnic, right, that's what he's a mechanic right now because see, yeah, so that was some good. But did he get in trouble for doing it when he was a kid? Dog? Because if my daddy saw the tard toe up, but he would asked after the second year, is that poy gonna put him back? Yeah? Oh, he wasn't too mad, all right? What else? So? So, no Santa, but whippings if you broke your toys? What else? Uh? These are some traditions, Steve. I want to hear some of junior stuff. I know it sounds like he got his but up. Oh man. Absolutely. One tradition was you're going to bed at seven on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, Christmas Eve. Oh. I could never sleep on Christmas Eve. I could never do that because Santa was come. But Santa don't show up to the man in the morning. We gotta go back to bed nine. Why I think nine? We're running late at y'all go back and then go back to beach name. He ain't made it here yet y'all going there to go back to? Yeah, I'm next nephews praying phone call right after this. I'm drinking all night. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, guys, well about four minutes after anyway, it's today's Strawberry Letters. Subject listen. If you lost your underwear, please call me? That is the sub. If you lost your underwear, please call me. But I've been there, Nay, But did you want to say that though? Right now? What happened? But have you ever came home though with just one league in your draw? Piled up? Zimple? You didn't know how to explain you just got one? And why you got pennies in your pocket? See you right? All right? Right now, the nephew is here with the prank phone call for today. Let's go. Now what you got? We got a problem in this relationship that I'm about to run Shirley. Oh yeah, yeah, that's a major problem and it happens a lot in some relationships, especially before marriage. The ring, Oh, the ring, like like the movie The Rain, the Horrible. Yeah, that's how he's saying of the rings. The Rain. I was looking for that rain. Yeah where all right? Here is the rain that rang run a cat dog. Let's go. Hello, hello, I'm trying to reach a uh Denise please, yes, this is she, Hi Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm actually the head jeweler here Diamonds. Know how you doing? I'm good? You brought your ring in what was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my salespersons, and yes you wanted to get it resized as well as as get it a praise. Correct, yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him to be a bit on my own. Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize of the ring. And first of all, let me be the first to say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you? I'm getting married and stuff coming there. Well, congratulations to thank you. Listen. I don't know how to tell you this now. As far as the appraiser list concern, I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybe fifty dollars. Excuse me, I've I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what I'm confused on what you just said. And I understand that what I'm trying to is that I've been in this business for for twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for nineteen ninety nine. This is a Cubic Declonian stone and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, you wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my friend make and as much money as my father is putting down on his wedding or has put down. And you're gonna understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly don't know. What I need you to do is hold on. Wait wait. I need you to hold on because we need to convict us. Wait wait man. First of all, I can't wait wait wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on because we're trying to do you wait wait wait what are you trying to what you're trying to do? Sir? I need I need you to repeat what you just said to me. Okay, I need little of personal stuff man, you oh you hit it. It's personal. Now. I need you to hold on. Okay, Oh, she calling her man Okay, thank thank Hello, Victim, I can listen to this jeweler that's on the front. I want you to hit it. But he just told me, what's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Who Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiance rather, she brought her ring in to actually be resized. Yeah, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her, and actually the ring is estimated to be only, in the word of around fifty dollars. Fifty dollars fifty that's what the man said, sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Yeah, what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. And what'd you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistake it. There's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury. I've seen it. I couldn't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them. And so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Now absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's a jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty he's the highest. That impossible. I don't understand all the money that my dad is putting down on this wedding, and you're gonna pay fifty dollars you bought a cheap ring? No, no, no, I did not buy a team. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it? You show got that right, You show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself fifty dollar this? You can't I believe that that's right, That this is obviously some kind of mistakes. Oh, it is a mistake. I'm mistake and thinking I'm gonna get marriage to the man of my dream. I do have the engage a ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. No, I don't think you I would think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is worth fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on, the man trying to explain. I'm trying to get to the bot. Okay, thank you, So you have I don't think you have the right ring. I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two ocock the dude. You know I ain't bottle damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you're mistake is not here. So you bought a piece of jump. He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make a mistake. You come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end world. It's not on my end. Yeah, don't you want things that my dad is paying too much money for this wedding? So your doll's gonna pay fifty dollars dollars? You wait till I tell him this? Chill. Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to put it off for us because you bought the PIF for fifty bucks. The money did you make? And I get fifty dollars worth of a ring? Then he's hold on, let me talk to this. Where are you going gets? I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where this. She's the one that brought the ring. I tell you what, I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, and you want to put it on me. You you don't tell me what the I'm know what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull first of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this one. I know the ring's gotta be real. Know that if I were you, miss de Niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming there, I'm looking for your pocket and you know what, you don't get the ring A right, man, you're gonna go at it? Can I say one more thing to both of you? Are better? I tell you what if they did? I want to hear me and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew telling me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, y'all just got planked by the niece's sister that that's why she ain't got no man to be Wow. That's wow. That's how cool? Time are you about to start me? Wow? I think I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I would make its ring. I gotta ask y'all something, what is the baddest radio show in the wow but Steve Harvey The Morning Now? Wow? Ring? Baby is always about the ring? The ring is important, Yes, it is important. Many what do you come up with this? That d left side of the brain backcona right there, left side of the brain back ConA all less West, Your easiness is right up in the front, bright, Why about back somewhere like you got to get it right here? Thank you, lest side of the brain tell you it's right there, all right? Think enough, you're coming up next. It is a Strawberry letter. Subject if you lost your underwear, please call me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Well, it's time now, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter on the air live, just like we're about to do this one. And this one is crazy. Let's go now, let's get to crazy. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is straw very letter, all right. Subject if you lost your underwear, please call me. Dere's Stephen Shirley. Here we go. I am a married man that drives part time as a lift flash uber driver for extra income for my No you ain't, no, no, you ain't both now wait minute, Yeah, that's what you can do. Well, He's both okay, there, you can do anyway. He's he part time drives for Lift and Uber for extra income for his family. So last week he got him late. I get Uber and I don't like my drive, and I call Lifting. Hear his ass come back around the corner one on both would you get Let me get through this letter, honey, all right? Last week I got home late one evening after working my part time job, and I decided to take my wife and two year old out to dinner. As my wife was securing our child in the car seat, she yelled out, what the heck is this? I immediately, what the hell is this? That's what it says. I immediately turned around in my seat and I see my wife pinching a huge pair of ladies panties by the corners. Not only were there some random panties on my back seat, there were several sizes larger than what my wife wears. My wife was yelling and screaming, accusing me of messing around with the big girl in the back seat of our car. First off, let me say that I don't have anything against full figured women, but that's not my thing. And secondly, by the size of those panties, there is no way I could have been getting it on in the back seat of my compact car with a girl that size. My wife refuses to believe that a random overlift passenger would mistake can leave her panties behind in my car. And now, whenever I'm out working as a driver, my wife keeps close tabs on me and it's wearing me down. If there is a big girl missing some panties, please come forth so my wife can get off my back. What should I do? How can I get my wife to chill? Please help? Well, first of all, if someone left their panties in your back seat, they're not gonna call you. They're not gonna do any of that, especially you know, to get you out of trouble. If anything, they left them to get you in some trouble, all right, but not to get you out of trouble. And how do you get your wife to chill? Well, that's a big one. Please help, you say, I just gotta ask you, are you for real with this letter? I can't even believe that this really happened. And as a wife myself, do you honestly know how hard this is for a wife to believe she finds some panties on your back seat. Yeah, she's going to react just like your wife did, Just like your wife did, yelling, screaming, going in all of that holler and everything. Forget taking them out to dinner because she's probably not gonna want to go now, she's so mad Penny's in the back seat. It's just too hard to believe. You know. It's just wrong on so many levels. So from now on you have to check your seat every time a passenger gets out. That's for the future, but you're in it now. You're gonna have to bank on every good and wonderful thing you've ever ever done for your wife as a husband. I mean, you know, the fact that you're a good dad. You've got to win her over again. You've got to make her believe that you're telling the truth. How are you gonna do that, I don't know, But she has to know that there's some good in you, or else she wouldn't still be married to you, and and you wouldn't be you know, you got to tell her, for instance, and remind her that she's that you're a good man. That she's married to a good man. You're holding down two jobs, all right, so you can take care of your wife and child. You're making time for them even after your job. You're taking them out to dinner, not just your wife but your child. You're a family man. You gotta remind her of all that stuff. And hopefully maybe I don't know, that'll explain away or when some of the trust back for those big panties that were left in your back seat. But good luck, though, good luck, because I don't know. It's gonna take a lot. It's gonna take a lot. This is hard, and this is not even your fault. You're a victim of circumstance. Here. I feel for you, my brother, Steve. I don't know how to approach this letter. Pole guy left uber driver trying to hustle up extra money for his family, got in late one evening from your job, and you're gonna take your wife and your two and you're old out to dinner. And your wife is back there putting the baby in the car seat. She shared, what the hell is this? Yeah, and what happened? I immediately turned around in my seat and see my wife hinching a huge pa A lady's pennies by the corners, not only wearing some random panties in my back seat, they were several sizes larger than what my wife were. All right, now we got a problem. So now she's accusing you were messing around with somebody in the back seat. Now he wants to clarify that he don't have nothing against four figured women, but that's not my thing. And secondly, by the size of them draws, there's no way I could have been getting it on in the back seat of a compact car with a girl on that side. Let's talk about the draws for a minute, because this could be out. See, the thing that got you in, it's the same thing that can get you out. See, you let her bring a false accusation against you that you had something to do with them draws. Now they were draws when she was picking them up, But when you turned around, your identification of them could have been anything but draws. And had you went with what it looked like as opposed to what they was, you could have got your ass out this situation earlier. Then patties. That's a car cover. Yes, you know what I'm saying. Baby, They mate, they made patties I took your kids camping. That's a pen. See what I'm saying. You got to throw them off because if day that big, you got to go with that. That's not baby. You don't see, you don't recognize them. That's how confident you got to come up with real big stuff because you need a minute. King Kong jumped in the car and tried to hijack you while you was driving, and King Kong had on drawls and when he jumped out the car dammage, his draws got caught on the seatbelt. All right, Look, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, and hopefully that that's all we got. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap the letters subject if you lost your underwear, please call me? Yeah, his second party, which is really nothing we could do about this letter? You do? You got this big girl been in the back seat and it wasn't your not believe you do too. I really believe you, but she don't. And your problem ain't us though. See we believe you. Every man believe you. Hell yeah, but you in here, you know you got to come up with something else. Man, yeah, because this ain't working. I believe him. I don't know if if if I were his wife, Let's just go with something. You know, Hey, look you a uber driver. You went on the call. It was her cousin. You know how big your cousin is. And she set in the back seat just talking that. I heard a town when she got out, and next thing I know, you're pulling her draws out and asked your cousin. I remember fabric for a suit I'm getting made. Get out of it and all that is. Baby, you've got to be something big. That's a comfort that I'm getting. Madd I'm pleased. Actually my draw to be Yeah, this a reenask me with everyone. Yeah, everybody get in on this seat, everybody, because every man know how to cover that everything that is. This is my mama's draw. Gird them curtains for the house. I'm gonna get them made in the like stop oh that table clothes. Girls, man about speak crazy the ridiculousness of it all. Put that down. That's my that's my car cover with I park. I'm having the house humilgated. They're gonna cover the whole house. There ain't no draw. Put that down, you don't see that. That's a rug that lea that down. That's a runner. I was gonna put that in the hardway with a bathroom manhoh Man's baby, no float man. Great you you didn't spoil it. Now we was going on the picnic. We're gonna sit on that now you didn't. You didn't found that so much for surprising you what you're digging all down and them cracks for now you don't pulled up. Oh now, you pull the carpet up out the trunk, dug down in that damn fault. None of these are working. They sound good. I know every man, every man right, every man within the sound of our voices. Right now, baby baby, there ain't no draws. That's my niece's jumper. Put that back, girl, that's a hammock for the backyard role play, baby roll. I'm putting them on for you. Will you take them and cover the baby sits? You strapping to me? They main draws. That's a role Put that down, girl. We're gonna put that cross the back yard so we can't see the neighbor. When heck like that with it. It's a stick back because he go with the kite. Hanny kites limp in the basement. No, stop acting like that, Just quit it silly, say so he can't just let him sit back there. I can't buy you nothing without you spalling it all. Yeah, cut them up and make napkins. Now stop it, napkin baby, cut these off. Faked we was that was the winning select damage the choir robes, that's all it is. That's the fabric fo that's the one we penny robes, baby, panny robes. Baby? Why is you tripping? That is the backdrop for my canvas. I'm painting on them. Okay, Oh you don't want to go win sailing? Okay. I try to introduce you to do things, now you don't want them. Okay, so you don't want to try nothing? Weak? Oh so all in parachute lessons for nothing. That back window is broke. That's why them drawls was there. They was covering up that. Yeah, baby, why would you hear people say put some drawls on that window where I came from? Put some draw that window? Come out? Didn't you tell me you want to go sky davin? So now we ain't GOINGRD. I like it like I'm making a hot air balloon. That looked like underwear and stop not stopping silly. Cain't do nothing for you. Our son wanted to be a superhero. He panting. Man, I'm trying to work on the board cape. Maybe put the board cape together. I want to be fanning man. Here a call to save the Really, guys, really, we're gonna watch the movie in the backyard. And but now it's done. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it now, Steve, you're awfully quiet. I know what I mean. I'm done. An I ain't got no more winding fabric. Now you wasn't happy, okay? Pressure to save it was a Christening outfit? Anything, all right, listen, we gotta get out of here, you crazy guys. You can ask, Okay, come on, hurry up, Pani baby, that's wrapping paper. You're listening, all right, So our resident poets, Oh yeah, Junior in the building, Yeah right now? Oh yeah, who's Christmas time? Baby? Christmas time? And it's a time that a lot of people breaking up, but they really don't know how to say it to the other person. So I thought we might want this fan in poem. It's the best way to do it. Just say it in poem. He ain't go one right here time he's all Christmas break up poem. That's all it is. Here we go mistletoe. Mistletoe is what we wants kiss become this Christmas. These lips you gonna miss, and that ain't all merry Christmas. Wow, that's how you up right, that's it. He ain't got to waste a lot of times. He ain't gotta waste a lot of time. This saying just missing toad. Missing toad is where we once kissed, become this Christmas. These lits you go miss and then ain't all merry Christmas? Getting better? Yeah, somebody down he got another one time he got another one. Frosty, frosty, like your attitude has been but when you try your key to night, it won't let you win Merry Christmas, very Christmas with you. Yeah, you're getting better relationships. It's like we got time to argue all night long. No, no, just say this. The relationship is over because you've been messing with my wied. You even smoked three bridges off my Christmas tree. You got to go marry Christmas smoke the tree. Yeah, y'all ask how you put down there and smoked three bridges off the tree. No, we don't need I like this this. This would hit me about one thirty in the morning. It's about one third in the morning. Came to me. You haul may Flower or even two guys and a truck. Their numbers are on the counter, and I wish you good luck. Marry Christmas. That's my favorite. May Christmas. Just wants you to know, how about you to get for you haul may Flower or even two guys in the truck. Their numbers are on the counter, and I wish you good luck. Marry Christmas. Yeah, I think I might do that shirt just a break up Christmas call. I like them. Okay, here we go, all right, twas the night before Christmas. Please try to be gone because I'm getting my life together and I'm moving on. Babu bye, Merry Christmas. I got hit it with the Marry Christmas. That Marry Christmas. It's not real. Yeah, he gonna lance when I wrote this, h ad the gingerbread man to the gingerbread lady. This relationship is over because you've been asked shady ho ho home, Merry Christmas. Steady, that's not you break up. We're not using a lot of words pressed yea thank you. You're listening to all right, guys, As promised, the ignorance continues. Time now for comedy Roulette. Jay just set it up just a little bit so well. You know it's a new you have never heard it before. You take for a subjects. You put the subjects on a spinning wheel, spin it around, wed stop at we will do the damn thing all right here. It is things you will hear from people trying to get on zoom. Okay, I like that. That's my mom used to leave sweet potato pie. This is foods people leave for Santa Claus doing fat all right. And the last the last one is something and else might complain about something, and else might complain about all right. I like it all right, spot spot around time it's been the wheel, something the zoo, and my mom says, tato pie my face. Oh okay, it said, didn't stop on that when it stopped doing something, and else might complain about all right. Come on you right away and look at Sam. I can't I let you look at it. We need new uniforms now. All the other companies are going straight T shirts and pants. We got on vest, we got these these little show has pants. Man these hats. Why can't we go straight to T shirts and pants? That's what we need to do on a T shirt and pants? All right, that's what opened complaining something that else Michael about. Hey, hey tell them raind It ain't that damn special. They ain't gonna rain. Hey, listen, listen, something that else might complain about. Listen, Sun, these tarlets is way too high. I can't pee up there. I can't. I can't. I can't get it up there. I can't. Okay, so you're slipping file. It's because you gotta bring us one down here. We need a lord coming to roulette something and elf might complain about it. I don't know how to tell you. Somebody should tell you way before I got here. But d damn wooden tarles, we're still making ain't nobody ain't really good? Something? Something that else might complain about it. Look, Robert, the whole time we've been here, this clause, don't do a damn thing. Have you know what I'm saying, she's the delegator hating elf. Hey, you know what something that else might complain about? Listen saying I gotta tell you something. Every time I'm trying to get some then Rudolph nose go off. Everybody see what I'm doing. You see what I got to put someone? We're gonna have to put something on his nose, and I can't get my book on. Uncle here he comes like coming to roulette. Something and else might complain about. Look, I'm gonna just say it because I know the other elves feel the same way. You need turning heat up on it here? You really do? Man, outside is cold, but we need something heat up in the head? Dog man, could you turn the heat something that else might complained about? Can him take something? Just the last candy cane I'm making in this shop here? You don't like cant sicking? Can can go two thousands of men him? Let me just go on ask. I've been working out here for twenty some years. Can I please? Can somebody tell me what I got on my four one? Can't? I don't see none of my I don't see anything coming back. I'm saying, ready for retirement. Something and else might complain about comedy roulette looking him. I just need to know how come. Don't nobody get the god deliver the toys? But you about what's that all about? That we can't we can't getting into slave a lot of the takeaway standards big night. Hey, you know what, we never get a whole lot going on uphill is just us? I mean, can't we get a little magic see that Christmas? You know? Thank you guys. That was Comedy Roulette. You're listening. Happy holiday, Let's go to the phone. I just want to give a shout out to my daughter Lecanna William, my son DeAndre Black, and my grandchildren and just tell them happy holidays. I want to wish my fiancee Toka Tenzi. If you hear me out there, sweetie, I love you. I appreciate everything you do for me, and I want to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. And let's turn it up baby. Hey Steve, I listen to you every day every day and it makes my day. I just want to wish a happy twentieth anniversary to meet and my husband Brian Brown. We down here and where our kids South Carolina, and we listened to you on one on one point nine from b Thank you so much now I also stream you on nine to two point three, D George, I do thank you so much. Hello crew, this is MARIOA Franks from Florence, South Carolina. How are you doing, mister Harvard? How many? I hope you would give a warm, happy anniversary to my wife, Claire Franks if I twenty fourth anniversary. She's a love of my life. She's everything to me and my family. Hi. My name is Misha Moore from Georgia. I want to send a special Merry Christmas to my family, the Phillips, Blankhamse and more family. I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a process and happy to hear. Love you guys, say Steve. I just want to get all my love to my family and friends. Mitchell Johnson's Texas. I own my family Norton, South Mary Christmas and happen here to hear you're listening, all right, Tommy, come on, introduce your president CEO of Team Tommy, please so we can look into his mind. Come on here, baby, Let's go deep. Everybody, buckle up whole tight. We're going deep, deep into the mind of an extraordinary mind. Hold on tight. I have no idea how far we're gonna go in this mind. If we're gonna go shallow, if you're gonna go deep, but hold on tight. You need to seep belt. No matter what, ladies and gentlemen, the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. What I'd like to introduce right now is my very first Christmas CD. You can go to Amazon, you can go to all the streaming platforms and said it's got five songs and sender's got a wishless Santa Santa this Christmas without you side peace Santa. They're all there, But right now I like to introduce a song that I did now. And I try to write songs for people who are not so jolly. You know, the jolly has their own they got their own thing. I'm I'm not going after the jolly. Let the jolly be jolly. I don't go up to these people. Whenever I write a song, I know that I'm speaking to somebody like the song right here. Hit it one, no, none at all of them. An We're doing that this year. Check this out. This dude to hit the spot. Buk Christmas bitter than a bad little weed. Get the new year. Don't be present. I can't take another warring team. All the does I will be locking me. Keep back to my please go back, hold your manny, get back. I don't like men anyway. I'm gonna block you from my phone when I'm with them, be gone. I don't care what you do. I just want to stand this SMAs without you, that train without you, and we get a lot of gifts. Give me that much of the mini where Bochester damn small tree by. Oh, you're riding in the car with that person right now, you can't make eye contact. You want to enjoy this song fun some time later on when you can sing it to yourself. You really want them going. Everybody with somebody right now, don't want to be with that person come Christmas. That's what this song is. I'm saying a lot of It's a lot of that. I've been hearing about a lot of lots out there, a lot. I've heard none of it. That it's buying you a funky gilt because you live that. You're looking at them going, what the heir are you smiling about? What's so damn funny? I've heard none of this where who's talking about it? It's trended all right now I've depressed. I'm talking to you all right. We're coming back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. As a matter of fact, this is our last break of the day. Steve's closing remarks. You don't want to miss it. It's been a good day. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour right after this. You're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day. Wow, what a week it's been. Huh wow. So you have some closing remarks for Steve. Oh gotcha? Okay. In light of encouraging people and getting people to understand the process that we are all involved in when it comes to finding our success in our happiness, we are all in the process. And you know, one of the things when you're trying to become happy, or you're seeking out your success, your position in life, what you're gonna do, how you're gonna get it done. Maybe you start a big is this maybe trying to get a promotion, maybe trying to finish school, whatever it is, You're gonna run into some things. That is just life. You are not the only one. But when you get hit with one of them hardness, one that kind of slows your roll a little bit, and we all have them, one that kind of knocks you down and you didn't see it coming. I mean, man, it's life is difficult. Man, it really really is. And all of us have to face some of these challenges that are so heavy that it feels like it knocks us out to game. And you can be thrown for a moment. Don't get me wrong, it's human nature. You can get tossed up pretty bad where you feel like giving up. You can you can get tossed up pretty bad where you feel like, well, this is the end. But when you get knocked down, when you get ran over, when you get pushed, when you're exhausted, you gotta get back in the game. You have to get back in the game. It's still no excuse for not getting back in the game. Because life is ten percent what happens to you, it's nine what you do about it. Everybody has hardships, everybody has challenge moments. Everybody gets knocked down, everybody get ran over, everybody get blindside it. But you have got to get back in the game. You don't have the time. Time is too precious for you to just sit on the sideline on the bench, not playing anymore. You can't do that. God is your coach, and when God, all things are possible. I want to ask you something. When God is doing what he does when he's in the background moving on your behalf, when he's back there working out things that you don't know that's working on, when he is working on your behalf just because he knows you've been asking him to, if he'd been secretly working on your behalf, because you his child, because you honor him, love him, in respect him. If he's in the background working on your behalf. Wouldn't you like to be on the field for the end of the game. Wouldn't you like to be on the field when the results come in when God get through doing what he doing. Wouldn't you love to be there when He puts his stamp of approval on it. Wouldn't you like to be on the field in the game when the package that you've been praying for finally arrives. Wouldn't you like to be in the field in the game when He finally answered that prayer. Wouldn't you like to be there standing on the field when it all turns around and all your haters got to sit there and become your footstools. Wouldn't you like to be on the field for that? I know I would. I want to be on the field when God starts packing out victories. I want to take a victory left when God starts blessing you when everybody said was over. I love it when God proved people wrong. I absolutely love it. I love it when God say there's nothing you can do to my child that he can't handle. And when you get through starting these fires around him, when you get through messing with him, look at him. He gonna be stronger and bigger and brighter and better than ever when you was laughing at and when you thought he folded and I came to his rescue, who laughing. Now all the people in the stands will see it. You won't have to shove it in nobody's face. Oh they're gonna see it. They're gonna be sicker, they're gonna try something else. But at the end of the day, I want to be on the field when it's over, when God comes through, when he show up like he always does. I don't care if it's the last second field goal. As long as I win the game. What difference doing me. I got hurt while I was playing, but I won't I'll take that. God got a great life for you, but you got to stay in the game to get it. God got a great life for you, but you gotta get up when you get ran over. God got a great life for you, but you got to hang on when you feel like sitting down. God got a great life for you, but you will never know how great it is until you get the end results. You'll never know how great it is until you hanging out and see what God finally had worked out for you. Stay on the field, get back in the game. It's critical. It's critical. I want to be on the field when they're doing the victory lab. Those are my closing remarks. Wow, drop that mic baby, drop it. Yeah, y'all have a great man like he broke it. He did. Drop it like it's broke. It's hot. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.