Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve sings a throwback that takes us way back and gives us a flashback. "Fire........." The Chief Love Officer brings an interesting point to a woman concerned about her husband's performance. We salute all workers that handle the front-end of customer service and give you the things that they have to hear everyday. Steve and the crew share their most embarrassing texts that were sent by mistake. The things that you say to yourself in the mirror when you are overweight is the focal point of Comedy Roulette. On behalf of the playas and playettes, Fool #1 has something just for you. The Chief Love Officer comes back to let us know the right time to ask the specific question that leads to "the conversation" about title. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of John Legend. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about faith.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time, y'all don't know. Y'all all suit all looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck buck things. And it's not me true good Steve hard to move together for Steve. Please don't join joy. You gotta use that turn very You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your thing, I show will good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on, dig me out. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Got a radio show because God in the blessing. Business. Got a radio show because God is in a forgiving business, got a radio show because God to let you turn your life around. Business. Got a radio show because God no better than you know. Yeah, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Didn't see it coming, but he did. I'm gonna share with you today a principle of success. You know, it's it's important that we get our lives together. I mean it really really is. You know. To hear after is exactly what it says, is to hear after, and hopefully for the majority of us, that's quite a way. He's off So what about how you living today? How about now? You know often talk to you talk talk in the morning about your relationship with God that can never change. That is at the forefront and the best thought process that I can give you. And I know who I'm talking to on the radio. I'm talking to a lot of people, man, who out there just not sure. And I'm talking to a lot of people out there man that's trying to pull it together. In other words, you know, I'm talking to a lot of people like myself. There is a principle of success that is out there that if more people understood one of the bait, this is just one of one of the basic principles of success, you would have more success in your life. And that principle is this, the more people you help become successful, the more successful you become. Well, the more people you help become successful, the more successful you become. Because you are a practicing helping your and as you do onto others than it's done unto you. You know, you you build relationships. When you do that, people forget in success, that has to be relationships. There is no one person in this world who is just successful all on their own. You are successful and successful people form relationships, and you've got to really coddle these relationships. You've got to nurture these relationships. They don't just happen. You don't just get cool with people just cause you cool. No, you've got to do some cool things to these people and for these people, for these people to be cool with you when you need some cool. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, but that's the best way I can tell it to you. I'm just regular, you know, I I just speak like that. This is an important principle to put into your life. The more people you help become successful, the more successful you become. You cannot look. You have to say to people, hey, look, I've done that. This is what you got to do. You got to take some time out to share. You have to share information, experiences, thoughts. You got to take a minute man to uplift somebody, give them some encouragement. Hey man, you can do it. Don't give up. You have no idea. You you you right now. You have no idea how significant you are to someone else, how your words of encouragement could be the difference maker. Today I'm talking about it's a person looking at you that you don't even really know you, you don't really know them, and you see them struggling with something, just say, hey, you know what, I've been watching you from afar. You're gonna be all right, man, I see something. Men. You keep doing the right thing. Man, You're gonna be all right. I had a meeting with a young man for the first time. And this young man came into my office. I never met him. He has an internet service, which anybody can teach me something about the Internet because I know little too close to nothing. He was twenty seven years old, and he was amazingly bright at this and I guess you know that it's not that hard to impress me. But the fluid speech pattern that he had about this very very difficult subject. He was tossing around the terms I had heard, but he was actually putting him in sentences where it made sense to me. It's very fluid, very very sure of himself when he was talking about this little things, young dude, twenty seven years old. And when he got through, the woman that had introduced me to him, I was leaving my office and she was going to escort him out, and I turned around and I said, young man, I said, what what size pants are you? And I guessed it because I'm I've been dressing for long. I've been all the sizes. And I said, you bout a thirty ways? He said, yes, sir. I said what side shoot you ways at nine and a half? I said, what side shirt is? At a medium? He said, I really like extra lodge. I said, well that's too big for you. You just want to look lousy and bagging. And so I was talking to him and I said, man, I'm gonna help you out. I said, man, because let me tell you something. You're a sharp young dude. Man. You are raised a shop. I say, you've really really impressed me today. I said, and you know what, young brother, I said, You're gonna make a lot of money one day. Man, I said, but I want you to get your image up. I want you to I want you to look at how you dress because you're coming into professional people's office and you're talking about doing something for them and it and it takes money to make it happen. I gotta give you money to make this happen. What you cannot afford to do is look like you need every dime of this money. See you, you get when you're going there and you're talking about money with another person, the person that's gonna give you this money. Can you can't look like you need every dime of this money, you know, So you gotta start presenting yourself. And that's all I just said to him. And I just said, man, but you know what you shock, You're gonna make yourself some money. I'm gonna help you out a little bit. I walked out. I went on about my business. Later on that afternoon, I had a meeting with the woman that bought him in and she said, mister Harvey, you have no idea what you just did. He said, his eyes just teared up when you walked out. He said, wow, man, that man don't even know me, and he just encouraged me. He's a man always thought I might could make it, but he said, I ain't. Never had nobody like him tell me I could make it. And just hearing it from him, man, that's all right. I'm gonna I'm gonna get my clothes together. But you know, I've been homeless. And then he started telling the woman that he had been homeless, and so you know, then she telling me that now I'm fitting cryckers you know, I've been in that hole before, and I just and I'm just sharing that story. What y'all just to say. You don't know who you talking too, but what does it hurt if you just extend your hand to a person and give them a moment of encouragement. See this young brother right here, he could come back one day and be a major benefit to me because he has a skill set that I don't have. Oh. I might be old, mister Steve Harvey, but hey, guess what, I don't know nothing about what this young cat know and either went off and educated himself, and just a word of encouragement from somebody like yourself can make all the difference in another person's life. So remember on your way to the top. The more people that you help become successful, the more successful you become. It's a requirement of God that you do that. That ain't Steve Harvey talking. If you read your Bible. Somebody got a Bible verse that backed me up, Email it to me today if you know what it is. I don't know, but y'all do out there all right, you're listening morning shout, ladies and gentlemen. It is about to begin to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I have selected a song for you this morning that that I have just decided to just oh oh blurted out, M I don't love you anymore. It's just a simple explain it to the young people listening. Oh man, they don't get it, you know, just old songs man, where you just blurred out to beginning and everybody know what it is. M hmm yeah, oh yeah, yeah, I'm gone, gone, yeah yeah. My daughter loves your fire you on same child, fire you woo woo so on search hoild fye you. You don't make of like this anyway. The way you walk and talk, it really searts me off to a fire alarm child, Yes, sit does. The way you squeek and tea knocks me to my knees, come out smoking baby. The way you swear and cur it redirects my nerves and I'm so excited. Child who lets me know? Ha? Yeah, let us have it. Steve Harker just like so old ass, hard ass singing. That's the lounge singer that never made it because he wasn't quite on the notes. But you couldn't tell him that. Yeah, but he had all the Hollywood singer moves. Man, I would have had Roscoe Wallace making the piss man Colin Farrell your favorite Roscoe Wallace. Yeah, what's up hard singing, Hay Steve, what's up? Crew? Ain't nothing with it, Junior. I'll just be seeing you in concert doing that whole thing though. That's what I'd be wanting that you don't understand. I was bad dog. I saw Teddy laugh, I saw how Player Live. Y'all missed concerts. That was real concerts. And the dudes actually sound just like the record, like Luther What, no day of remixes, remix, no your remix hits, scaraned Tie, just random scarned TI. I like when he just blurts him out of nowhere. You're all bad bad missas. Yeah in them skinned type, hang on, Sugarfoot, coming up at thirty two minutes, just gonna say good morning, Sin say nobody say good morning. Skinned time over coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO, the chief love officer in the building. Right after this, you're listening morning show. Check this out, guys. We're gonna go rogue right now. CLLO is sponsored by the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue the Nissan Rogue is a spicy car for spicy people, and our listeners that submit these questions are very very spicy, and I have that good old rogue attitude and that's what we love. Okay, Steve the cello We have some good questions from Steve harveysm dot com. If you have some questions for the clo, please please please feel free to write us. This one is from Jess in Hollywood, Florida. Steve and says, my boyfriend and I are in our mid twenties and sometimes he is not able to perform unless he watches poor and first last night we were being intimate and he was really into it. Then he called me his ex girlfriend's name. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to stop. It was his best for performance so far. Apparently thinking about his ex girlfriend kept him in the mood. Do you think he secretly still wants his ex or is this just something that happens from time to time. Well, I got a couple of ideas here from you say that he only gets excited unless he's watching pawn in your twenties. That's dangerous. That's dangerous because I don't even I very rarely hear that from a guy that young. Very rarely do I hear that, So that's kind of that's kind of odd, right there, him calling and he only gets excited. Now you're having your best performance, and all of a sudden he calls his ex girlfriend his name. Now the question you need to find out is his ex girlfriend a pawn star has possibility written all over it. Maybe she and one of them movies that getting real excited. Other than that, I don't know how long you all have been dating, and I don't know how long you can continue to accept being called the other girl's name that ain't. I don't know how long that's allowable. But I think you should have bought it to his attention so that he is aware of it and he can start working on it if it's serious. But I don't think y'all's relationship is gonna go nowhere, because if you got to have Pointo to turn you on at in your twenties, the rest of your sex years is shot man, damn dog, because in my twenties I needed nothing. I just knock it cool. Al yeah, if if just ready just walking around, ready the wind blow either one of these that right there hot. This right here, hot don't matter. I could I could in my twenty Okay from Tony in New Jersey. I have a problem with my lady. Friend. I'm a bodybuilder, and I get a lot of women trying to holler at me, at my d and my DMS, and they send lots of nude pictures. I'll show my lady the pigs and we laugh at them together. I found out the other day that my lady also gets nude pictures of men and her DMS. She clicked on a message by mistake and I saw the picture of a naked man. She has never mentioned this to me. She said. She hates the pics and she immediately deletes them. But why does she keep it from me? Should I be concerned? Well? You know what, dog, See Hold up now, when you showing naked pictures, y'all laughing? You know? So? Now all of a sudden, this ain't funny to you no more, See, dog, you got to be careful what you introduce. I don't know what your ass is showing your girl naked pictures of other women fault. I really don't know, man. I'm confused about that. Normally that you're you're inviting a hailstorm into your house when you do that. So I don't know what that was. But then she gets me and sending her neked pictures too, But she ain't mentioned it to you because guess why, because she know, look at you didn't wrote a letter. See you see a picture you're asked to wrote her letter? Y'all watching age? You just keep kid, yeah, see Pardner. So she already know it's a problem. And the bodybuilder come on, man, come on, all right, yeah, it's it's it's it's it's not a problem that she might be messing around. But maybe she just didn't feel like dealing with this because you don't wrote a letter into a national radio show. You show her pictures, y'all just laugh. Anonymous in Tennessee writes, I've been married for five years and my mother lives with us. I'm a diabetic and I've been sick a lot lately, so my mother has assumed the role as my full time nurse and caregiver. This drives my wife crazy. My mother told my wife that she's been taking care of me all my life and it's not up for debate. My wife isn't having it, and their constant arguing stresses me out. My wife works long hours, and my mom is here when my wife can't be so in a way, my mom is right. I'm stuck in the middle. Please help. No, no, no, no, Your mom isn't right. No, she's not right right. Your wife is the queen of the castle that can There's only one queen in the castle. It might be some damsels, it might be some some some other people at work, but it's one queen, and your wife is being rooted out by your mother, who's obviously taking some liberties with you that your wife would like to be able to do. Now the fact that you're sick, Brod can't do nothing about that. Feel for you. Uh, you know, I don't know what you're supposed to say that somebody would diabetes. I don't know. You don't seeing conduce. Okay, well you know, I don't know what you say to people got diabetes. I don't know what to say, no condolences. I don't know what to say to him about the sickness. But your mother is not. She may have been taken care of you your whole life, but this your wife. Dog See you said viles to your wife. Now if your mother's there because you can't provide for yourself. I don't I don't know what it is, but she lives with y'all and it's creating a problem. She didn't marry you to live with your mama. Now. I don't know how sick you are, dog, but if your mother just over there because she won't just keep eye on you and check on you, then you got to change your living arrangements. Now, if you incapacitated in some way, then your wife gonna had to work with your mama a little bit better. But your mama gonna had to back up and let your wife be the queen of the castle. Your wife is mama's wife and dog, now, you don't speak with your mama, So you're gonna mess around here that in a minute. Yeah, yeah, we're going there and sleep with your mammy. You're gonna here that all right? Coming up next to nephew in the building. We've run that frank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for the nephew to run that frank back right now. Oh well, you know, first of all, the time to go road with today's prank phone calls one nice saw the road. It's built for a Benu with five different drive modes that can take you anywhere. So let's go row. I'm gonna give y'all a little quick road store. Just about three years ago, got a text. I hit a link on the text. I opened it up and it tells me how you know this? This came from Will Packer And he lets me know how he didn't. You know, he got all these shows from to Happen on own. And I'm like, hey, man, congratulations to your brother. Keep doing what you're doing. And then he gives me a call and he says, Tommy, I said, yeah, what's going on? Man? Hey man, it's time to go to work? Baby, I say, what's you? What's you? What you're talking about? Will? Come on, man, I need you to come host this show. I was like, come on, man, don't prank me. Do not prank me like that. Don't like you, don't do this to me. Will? He said, Now I'll tell me. We've fend to go to work. Man. I fell on my knees and cry, y'all, Oh my god, that's how you go rowe right, Yeah, all right, Now I'm gonna go ignorant for you right after going rope Gingervitus. Wait a minute, Gertrus, you have it, ginger Vitus, that's the prank. Let's go cat down. We're running it back. Hello, I'm trying to reach start Kelvin. Kelvin Davis. Yeah, this is Calvin. Who am I speaking? How you doing to Calvin? Uh? Let me make sure I got the right Kelvin, Kelvin you you um at the job? You work on the fourth floor, right, Yeah, I work on the fourth floor. Are you in the cubicle next to Randy? Yeah, matter of fact, I am. But but who am I? Who am I speaking with? Well, I'm not at liberty to give my name right now, but I'm bringing some news from the job that I think you might want to Uh. You know, this is some news I think that you would probably want to know. And I'm just let's just say, I'm I'm an employee from another floor and I got I got wind of what was going on on the fourth floor, and I wanted to, you know, I wanted to I wanted to bring it to your attention because I think on your floor, nobody's bringing this to your attention, you know. Okay, So let me get this straight. You can't tell me your name, but you work on the floor below me. Do you know me? I've seen you before, I've seen you before. Okay, no, no no, no, no no, do you know me? I mean I don't know you know? So no, let me let me say so, how did you? How did you get to so called being the spokesperson for people who work with me? Hey? Man, like I say, I just wanted to get you the news because the whole fourth floor is gossiping about you and nobody's telling you what's going on. Okay, so obviously the gossip read about me has gotten to you on the third floor, and now you are coming to be my deliverer, so to speak. I'm just a guy. I'm just a guy bringing you some news. Man, I'm just here. Let me let me ask you this, bro. Are you Are you flossing at night? And what business is that of yours? But I'm just I'm just asking are you flossing at night? Are you floss on a regular basis? Yeah? I floss on a regular basis. What's that got to do with the price of t and challenge? Okay, when's the last time you've been to the dentist? Man? Who the hell are you? Let me tell you to be honest, what you mean. My problem is not really what you I'm really upset with the people on the floor that's not telling you. But you know, why can't you talking to them? But the problem is, man, is that it is that they're talking about you and they're not telling you what your issue is. So let's get to the issue at hand. So you are flowsting. You are flowsting, that's what you're saying. Damn straight out floss. Okay, are you brushing your tongue? Come on now, you don't have to You don't have to question me about my hygienic makeup. You don't know me, you have never talked to me. But you're gonna side with a bunch of folks that think I'm not I'm not siding with him, brother, I'm not siding with him. But he call on behalf. You're siding with them. Okay, man, Kevin, kill listen to this. This is really you don't even know me, and you're gonna approach me like this. So, Kevin, they think you have ginger vider. Oh I mean, are you when you go to your dinners? Are y'all cleaning below your gums, dude to dennists, do what you do. And I'm laying there with my mouth wide open, and I go more than in every six months. So what the hell are you talking about? Well, okay, something is wrong, okay, And everybody's saying that's you, is your breath, that's that's just you know, they're saying they love in the fourth floor to go down to the lobby just to get some fresh air. Because that's bull. Well, this is what I want you to do, since you speaking on their behalf, tell every one of them, sorry soul and souls, that if they got a problem with me, they need to come approach me, and then if it's that bad, I'll blow my stink as breath in their face. Bring it off. This conversation with you is really way off face because you have no business calling me telling me because they say, can I give you some some some items to mix together for you to gargle with later tonight? Can I? So you work, you work in the building, but now you're a dentist man, you know what this is bull And we're gonna settle this tomorrow first thing in the morning. When I matter of fact, I'm gonna go to the full floor and wait for all these sorry souls. So they come up there. Who's been talking about me behind my back? And guess what? You invited to the party too? Player, since you're gonna be their representative, each one of them lying back because when they get in there, as far as I'm concerned, when tomorrow get here, it's gonna be a whooping and if you walk some of it show up since you the representative, but you can get it. Do you do you tell them? Do you do you think it could be some cavities or something? Do you think they can be cavity? My foot in your cavity? This is what it's gonna be. And whoever else you want to try to take it out, they gonna get it in there. So guess what it's on tomorrow? I know I ain't got ginger? Are you only brushing in the morning when you leave for work? Or you only bring you? Have you not understood me? Don't keep questioning me. You can question me tomorrow after I will and yours? Can you bring? Can you bring? Why did you try to do? Why'd you do me this way? Then I tell you? Then I tell you can you bring? Can you bring your tooth brush tomorrow. Can you bring your tooth brush? It's it's five fingers on my toothbrush. I bring them. They be balled up and you will get to mister cleaning that you ain't never thought you would get from a dentist. Okay, they just don't over man. Hey, hey bro, bro, calm calm down. Man, just calm down. We're trying to get to We're trying to fix the problem. Just gonna fix the problem. Kevin, you kicking ass is not gonna change your breath. I ain't gonna worry about it. That's no line jokers. Come down there and sit in your cubicle. All right? So do you you you? I mean, do you want to know who? Who? Who? Put this out there? I want you to know me when you see me tomorrow. Go ahead and lay it out from me. Tell me. So. This is Nephew Tivy from the Steve Harvey More than this show. Randy got me the prank phone call you man, you know what you almost wanted me to say something you as lined as to me. Ain't you gonna calm like? Yeah? I got it? You try Brandy in the morning you went to last see him. All right, man, give it tell me this twenty twenty baby, tell me what it is, the bad and I mean the bandest radio show in the land without a doubt. Man. They got to be next you, Tommy and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Give it tell me Danger Vitas. Yes, yes, out there. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, Jan Anthony Brown, it's time for something funny, and you put this together. Driving I thought it might be cool that we salute different types of workers. I mean a lot of workers listen to the show, cafeteria workers, doctors, beauticians. So today was going to salute the people who worked to drive through and stuff they hit, okay, and day they hit us every day? All right, all right, for instance, let's go no need to cuss, sir. Breakfast is over, okay, alright, because it's it's two A closs wouldn't have servant breakfasts anymore. This is something that live draft through workers go through that they have day day, every day, every day, sir, You're gonna have to get that muffler fixed so I can hear you. I can't get this order in if you don't get the muffler fixed every day, Sir, I cannot tell you two nuggets by themselves. We sell them in ten twelve. Come on now, I can't just get your two nuggets. I can't do that, man, Sir, did you read your the only screen? It's so we're dealing with drive three workers what they have to hear every single day? Miss you bought one large fry. You want twenty catchups? Really? That's me you want? You want twenty twenty? You are just wasting, Yeah, just wasting catch up. I tell I'll tell you what. This is one that daddy and I know they deal with it. Pull up that and lady started talking somebody else talking about ma'am. Look who's ordering? You are a baby. I can't hear both of y'all. Who is ordering? Salute the people? Uh, ma'am. I can't give you thirty extra napkins so you can change your baby, dick. I can't do it. I can't do that. I can't do that. Okay, we can't just give away these napkins like that. Wow, you're wrong for that. Up. We McDonald's. We don't make whoppers. Now that has happened to everyone everyone. Yeah, he one. I don't know why they stopped the mac rib They just stopped it. Okay, yeah, yeah, we're not selling. That's what it means, Sir sir. Why you ain't come in if your window don't work? Why you just come in here? How come you just didn't come in? You can't you can't get the window down? Drive through workers. We feel your fame. We're dealing with with you go through every day, sir, sir, ma'am, listen, we can't. This is not where you come to book Ronald McDonald to come to your day to birthday party. This ain't this ain't the wonder for that. He's not here right now, ma'am. I know Chick for La sandwiches is better, but this hour every day though they are here to day. Look, I know you gotta complaint when you can't speak to the colonel because the colonel is never here. He's never been here. I'm asking for him on TV, but he's not here. This might just be only in my neighborhood, but I know it's a drifty work in an old neighborhood. Look here. Larry worked from twelve mid ninety six. You gotta get your drugs. Then we're real junior drive through workers paying hello, worse than we thought. Drive hello, ma'am. Can you wake up? Your order is here, ma'am you got we got ten people behind you, then fell a sleeping the driver. You have to order something if you're gonna have all these kids in this play she just they drag us a park. Molly kids is at the play just playground. This is not a nursery. Miss, Come on that work with us here, go through it. Don't think out of them like we don't have any more. That's what I mean when I say we're out of this. Yeah, that's what I mean. What I mean is when I say we're out of them, that means we don't have any more. But you out of them, out of them mean like, yeah, I don't know another way to say it. I don't know. Oh, I'm gonna really respect him next time I go through a drive through case. Look, look, I'm at work. You can't drop him off at the drive through window. I'm at work. Wait till I get off. This is this wrong case. D that's wrong. You can't head the baby through the window. You wrong for that. Same man, same man. I don't know who you bought weed from last night, but I'm not saying weed here while I'm working. I don't know who you bought it from last night, but I'm not not me. Come on, still, close it out, drive through workers. What we feel you now? We really do? Yes, come on, close it out? Uh yeah, just a damn tord. I don't ack you're listening. I gotta ask you, guys, because we've all done this. What was your most embarrassing text that you've ever sent to someone by accident? So so, junior, have you ever Oh? Yeah, you need to understand last names. If the two people got the same last name, picked the right one because I sent a text to my sister said my MoMA, get on my damn nerves. Send it right to my mom. Oh I get so yo damn nerves. That's what I do. Yes, that's what I do. I should have known that it was really really rough week. Yeah yeah, yeah. It was Talicia's space and Alicia's space is really close. Yeah that's close. Yeah, and I spent the Telicia I should man's going for. Tell me, I know you sent some necking pictures to somebody before you were married. I know you did, Shirley, how do I paint this? Okay, let me try to walk this thin land though. Okay. Jackie went on whole way home and said, find us something to eat, you know, find you know, let's see if we got something there to cook to eat? You know this one this you just got your phone to take pictures and all that, so you don't you just trying stuff. I put myself in a hot dog bun with relish and mustard hook the picture and called myself sinning as saying wait till you get home and get this foot loan. And I hit sin and did not know I hit the wrong damn jacket and that was jack You heard what he said, Steve Jacket. So what did the wrong? Jackie say, Yeah, you got the wrong jacket, and you know it was a friend of the family, Jacket Like where did you find Where did you find them? Baby? Hot dog Buzz got up The worst text I was sent about five six years ago, and we're in this group text me Rashawn, a couple other people and the executive producer of the show. So the last text had came from Rashawn. So my executive producer is talking to me, and she's a woman, and she's right in my face, and she just talking to me. And she was so close to my face. I picked my phone up and just text back to Rashawn a man, come get her out your in words face. She too damned close. Seeing I'm thinking, I'm just sending it right back to Rashawn. It's in the group text. He got it too. She two inches from my face. Her phone dings. She looks at it. It says, oh, really, Shawn is running from the back of the bus trying to stop them looking at I don't know what the hell happened. It's too late, dog, I said that about her. It was right, she was right there. I heard her phone go dinging. Damn, she's getting a text too. You're listening show all right, Steve, It's now time for comedy roulette. You guys ready, let's go. All right, let's get right. Here's the subjects. Number one, I ain't superstitious, but uh Number number two, dang is it that's his mama? Number three? Come on? Number three, things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape. And number four dang, she used to be blank and she's let herself go. All right, let's spin it. Lets Yeah, which one? It looks like it's gonna stuff on the No, it stopped to three. Things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape. Yeah, you say yourself. Things you say yourself yourself when you look in the mirror, when you look in the mirror and you know you're out of shape, you're ready. Here you go. Oh man, I got nine chins. This is ridiculous, man, not nine. Yeah, that's a lot. Okay, things you said yourself, you look in the mirror. You out of shaping. Oh man, I've been that falls around barbecue bevis, ain't run me down with seasoning on the grid on wh what where's my neighbor? I don't even where. Where am I missing a neighbor? I know it's hill, it's in here somewhere. Steve Harvey, let's go this this moment, My god, what have I done? I like it? I like it so serious. But it's a serious moment. Naked ye, look at yourself that whatever. I've had those moments. So yeah, jake yourself when you know you what is it when you're looking in the mirror, and you're out of shape. Yeah, I'm not going to this clean as anymore because they are shrinking. My damn, I know they are. I know they're shrinking much. Yeah, when you you need to build your confidence up, let's say something like that. She like it though, she likes things you say to yourself when you're in them. Okay, uh oh she in that way. Don't mean, ain't no way I'm having sex without this shirt on. I'd be damn about I'm gonna tie this in and not. I'm telling you, like this can't come up just a shirt though the shirt can't come up. I'm butt naked with a shirt on. I'm just telling all right, stay yourself. You're standing that neckt in the mirror. Hell no, here, go to soap, little piece of shower you find it alight, Alright, I think we have time for one more round. Yeah all right? Why am I weason just because I got out the shower. That don't make no exhausted. I'm tired, you clean clean. So here's things you say right here, you put your drawers on, you say I'm wearing thongs. Now that's what it ended up being. Yeah, I'm now how much do po how much? How much you got one more? Let's go? Ah hell Rick Ross, cool with it and thank you. You're listening to Steve Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I need him to go a little bit longer. Uh yeah, right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got before the prank before we left the last break, Shirley, you see it speaking of Tommy? What you saying when he see it? You see it? Strange looking, Shirley said, speaking of Tommy. See now when you see it speaking of time? Are you But when Tommy he's up next with the prank phone call, it's called emotion. I'm ugly to you, Yes, I'm talking to Tommy. No, you're not ugly. But she didn't say it didn't look strange? But but but surely, but he's strange looking up. No, he's not Tommy's No, he's not he's not what he's not strange looking. He's a normal looking, handsome young man. Tommy ain't handsome. Quick telling this boy that we don't have handsome men and our family. Handsome tom thinks he is. Okay, I don't want to shatter that man. Tommy think he Tommy, thank you, Tommy, thank he But he got it there. Yeah, and now you think you no. And if he accepted, he had fun with it. Let's see. I keep telling you're just trying to hurt his feeling, right, Shirley, Hey, before I played, I'm you you've played a strange My pranks are not strange. Listen to name of the title that this is. You got to bring those TVs back? Hello, Hello, how are you? I'm trying to reach a Sharon Police. My name is Paul. Paul. I'm head of security here. How are you? This is Yeah? You, um, you actually came out and you I think you were here on Friday. Uh, and you came out and purchased four flat screen televisions forty forty two inches? Am I correct? Yeah? But what fun? What I was giving you a call for, Sharon, is that we got a bit of a problem. Now when you purchase these actual flat creen televisions on on Black Friday, so to speak, it seems that we've got them. Um. Well, your your purchase went through successfully, I will admit that, but there should have been a red flag that have gone up because we're going back over transactions of the past two three days here and we're realizing that your purchase should not have been successful. It should have been for your credit card is actually not valid at all now now my credit card because oh we got paid on Wednesday, so my money was there. Well, actually, ma'am, I'm what I'm trying to explain to you is that it is coming up in valid now and we're having a problem with it. So I wanted to reach out to you and give you a call and see if we could probably you know, it was. It was valid when I was at their radis because it went through I gotta receipt everything I am pured to that extended warranty on all poem, so it was valid on Friday. I don't know what's wrong with it today, but it was good then, and I understand that. I understand that that, you know, just being at the register and you purchasing in and no problems at all happening. That's pretty as a thought process that you're gonna have. What I'm letting you know is on the on the back part of it when you came into the store. What we're getting the day the day after is that it was pretty much invalid. It wasn't good at all. Your credit card was not good at all. But you need to call your bank then, because I don't know what to tell you. You know, I had the money and there the day I went about them, and that's it for me. So I don't know who you need to call. But don't call me because you know they ain't bringing my problem. Okay, you know what I'm not gonna I'm not gonna raise this to be a major problem. We're gonna try to rectify it and get it taken care of. Yeah, do what you need to do. Okay, listen, Now here's what we're gonna do. You know what. I wanted to try to work this out as smoothly as we can. What I'm gonna have to ask you to do. Can I get you to come back up to the store and bring all four televisions with you? No? Oh, now you sure can't. Baby. Look, I bought them for TVs. I have read one of them up this under the tree from my hus my mama early. She already got the other TV. We hunted up at home Sarity when we was watching movies, so it didn't really. Ain't no way we're gonna bring the folk TVs back. I think you should go back to Wealth, process your credit cards and tell them that they that I don't know what you're gonna tell them, but you need to go back to them. I ain't got time to be running back and forth to this store. I don't want to. I don't want us to create a problem here. I don't want to do that happen that. You need to lower your voice. Okay, but you need to go back to wherever do your credit cards because they went through when I was at the stock correct. I don't want to. I ain't going over. That's a no. I told you that it went through. I explained you ain't got no business on my damn phone. They don't call me with this bull no mouth hold on what. I don't want to have to do. I don't want to have to come out to your home and comfromsate you. I wish you would come out to my house. Maybe we will beat you into bad health. You're bad. Not bring y'all over here. Look, you need to call you whatever, do your credit cards, get your prey with them, because your business me is done. I got a receipt, and I got any stick in the wards. I would have my lord tell y'all you bring your over here there. Listen, lady, I don't want to go back and forth with you on this and that. I ain't going back and forth. It's over with. I've got the TVs, I got a receipt. We is done. I don't know what's wrong with your machine. Listen, my car went through. I'm trying to get her to understand. I understand what I'm saying. You can hang on one second and let me speak with my boss. Please, boss on the phone. I tell yo boss, y'all don't run me back. I got a receipt for fail TVs and I'm gonna keep all fail TVs. Listen. You know this is pretty much considered a fast process. Listen, he kissing, Listen to me. I got a red feet so faul TVs. I won't got to start with my receipt. I got my extended wards. So this ain't no solt. What this is is a mis communication between y'all banks. So you need to get Joe right. Because I'm not a prepaid debit card. Baby, I don't hold nobody on them TVs. So you need to call yo bank and get them about my phone because they don't Yo some TVs from a store, and damn it, you're gonna bring them back? You think you can come get them and get damn I got fol TV Joe machine game coming. I'm gonna keep them. We're gonna whistle game. Oh Yo TVs, bring yall over here to walk too. We are most flow with yo. So you call me by no TVs, no mode. So you're the one. Ain't gonna have no job for them holiday. This is what you're done. Some call me you gonna give no for users bad credit card at department stores. I don't get your call. Then, do you understand? Man? So that's Joe call me. You put the folk TVs back? Then, Joe, Uncle Tom try the white man for his TV. You better get your business or summer detail shopper. Start to rafflet fucking South worst fun. The white folks don't count me by this TV. You're about to get this. Listen you listen to me. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Then to scare me. Are you listening to me? What do you want? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Nobody's nephew come up with about them? Damn TV. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got flanked by your girlfriend? Wait a mine way mante, this is who Now. This is nephew Timmy, baby from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got frank by your your girlfriend. Tell me you almost got your Steve just set me up. I was gonna kid, Steve, you ain't did now you get I played with people like this? Oh man, I got one more thing to ask you, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land. Oh that's Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is right there. Stupid is all get out? Oh my god? All right, all right, nephew, thank you. Up. Next, it is today's Strawberry Letter. The subject I need him to go a little bit longer. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. That way, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today right now. Bugle up, but hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject. I need him to go a little bit longer, Dear Stephen Shirley. My husband is a great provider, and what I love most about him is the way he loves the Lord. We dated for three years before we got married, and we've been married for two months. I love him dearly, but we have a problem in the bedroom. When we make love, it's usually a ten to fifteen minute session. We do the pregame stuff and it's wonderful. I hook him up and he hooks me up before we get started, but when it comes to getting it on, he is done way too soon. I have a problem with him finishing too fast and not making sure I'm finished before him. I'm disappointed every time and usually have to finish myself off after he falls asleep. I can't live in this marriage without being satisfied, and I'm not a cheater. I don't want to make him feel bad by telling him that he's not lasting long enough in the bedroom, and I'm not pleased with him. I have a lot of tricks to show him, and I want to blow his mind each time like I used to when we first met. I am sure it's one of the things that really attracted him to me. I need your help on this one. Should I just be happy that his pregame activities are on point and get over the fact that he can't last over fifteen minutes. I want to give him subtle hints, but I don't know where to start. What is a normal time frame for sex? Because it could be that I'm asking for way too much. Steve, that last question was for you, please help directed to I got some fight, all right? No, no, To answer your question, there is not a time limit to making love. I mean, it can go as for as much time as you like, or for as little time as you wanted. It's it's up to the both of you, guys, who were involved in this situation. You should be happy. I'm glad you're happy with the four play or the pregame extivities as you call it. Um happy, you say, but not satisfied. You know clearly there's a problem in the bedroom with you. Guys. You want more, and he's giving you. I guess all he has or all he thinks that you want fifteen minutes. Okay, maybe that's all he has to give. Um. You know, maybe you guys should cut down on the pregame activities and and do more on the main attraction. Uh, you're getting you know, you're just getting started and he's finishing up after three years of dating. It seems like you guys would have worked this situation out while you were dating. Um, because you don't talk. You don't say that you weren't satisfied. When you were dating. You said that you used to blow his mind. So what happened? You got married and now you guys are settling in. You're getting to know each other. You got bills, you you realize that you're going to be together till death do us part, and you know, and all those things. So you guys have only been married for two months. You have to get settled in. You have to learn each other. You have to learn how to talk to each other. That means finding a way to tell him nicely that you would like him to slow down, take his time, that he's it's happening too fast. Okay, I almost said it that. Uh, it's happening too fast. That's what you need to talk to him about. All right. You guys are married for the long haul. You can talk to him. You can teach him. I did. You can teach him, all right, especially if you guys love each other and you say you do. Steve, come on, you know, come on, I appreciate your answer. Sure, thank you, Steve. Yea. It was for her, you know. Come on, you know talking this is going to get down what's really happening here? Homeboy, ain't cutting it. It's all to it. You know. It's a ten to fifteen minute session. Now I need to ask you a question. Is this ten to fifteen minutes inclusive of the pregame? You know that's where you say you take care of him and he take care of you. I think so that's we'ven't done this. Now you want fifteen mote. See, we got a couple of things we need to talk about him now after all this hill fifteen mote. I'm gonna be honest with you. He putting it in because it's fifteen minutes a hard label intensified. I'm talking about back cracking. Yeah, yeah, I'm talking about your butt has locked up. What I'm talking about your tricepts. It's pulsing at a point and you damn nil, damn Neil can't stay up no more. I uh, you've obviously spent. You need to count all these minutes or the pre game has to be counted, because if you may be in a forty minute session in pre game, yeah, you know, all this is to you take care of him and he take care of you. I don't know what they mean. I got a good idea of what I'm hoping it is not about. Yo, got you want to give me up back before we didn't skip the rest. I'm gonna go big. You're not in this ladder. I'm just saying, we do the pre game stuff and this is wonderful. I hook him up and there he hooked me up. Well here, everybody hooked up. See we alls hooked up now, So what is we crying for? So let me go of a couple of things. I'm gonna give you a suggest and that's to what you do when we come back. I have a series of suggestions for you that you should try so we can get a better grip on this time. Y'all, stay right here, I got the truth for you. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. We'll get into it when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I need him to go a little bit longer. Yeah, I bet you do. See this woman say she got a husband, great provider. Love everything about him, especially the way he loves the lord. Dated for three years, got married, being married two months. You love him dearly, But we got a problem in the bed room. When we make love is usually of ten to fifteen minute session. Now we do all the pregame stuff, and it's wonderful. I hook him up. He hooked me up before we get started. See all is hooking up before you get started. And now after that, you say he finishing two fast and ain't making sure I'm finished before him. I'm disappointed every time. And I used to have to finish myself off after he fall asleep. I ain't living this match without being satisfied. I ain't gonna cheata. I don't want to make it feel bad about telling me he ain't lasting long enough in this bad room. I'm not pleased with him though. Now I got some tricks I want to show him. I want to blow his mind each time like I used to do. Who we fush? I'm shore that's one of the things that really attracted him to me. I need to help on this. So should I be happy with the pregame activities because they aren't point and get over the fact that he can't last over fifteen minutes. I want to give him some hints, but I don't want to know where to start. What's a normal time frame for sex? Surely said it ain't and it really ends because I could that I'm asking for too much. Steve, that last question was for you, are you asking for too much? No, you ain't asking for too much, but you might be too damn much. Well, I don't know. I don't know what you're in that doing. Now that it would have had to be a little bit more explicit for me to tell if you know, are you asking too much? But here's what I do know. We got a problem because now the group has said that the ten to fifteen minutes that y'all are actually in the act of love making only what you consider I guess the final final moment is ten to fifteen minutes. The problem is is that you do the early stuff, the pre before you get hooked up, and he get hooked up. Now I understand and that, but now here's the problems you have. Number One, start on your own. Yes, h go ahead, Yeah, you start on your own to wherever you need to be. Open up the chip bag, bus open the snack, get busy or derbs his own. The next thing I want you to do is let him know when you close. Yes, and then he come on end Yeah, may bay, I'm good, Cory, Harry up, not Harry. See that way when he comes in. Now, whatever he got left is meaningful him. Can't hit a whistle again. But wait, that's her whistling. Yeah, because you know she and that she working. She didn't worked that it's about to about to go down. Then uh, they get to set your clock up. When you get started, you hit the time. Then when he coming now it'll look like you went longer. Oh man, don't you him? And now now ah, this is your alternative if you don't want to do that, tie to finish shitting off stuff with yourself and he finished. Here's a couple of other suggestions. I'm gonna just say these real quick. You can take up painting. Go down there and sign up for a craft class. Go down there like they used the old school. Do some old school crafts. Makes mans trade, yeah, Michaels. Yeah, you know, going that, start collecting hot wheels. It just goes walk outs and dolls and as you know, it's fine toys that people don't see no more. You know, make a train, you know what i mean. Put some stuff around your house, little trees, little station, get some little dolls and stuff. It's just stuff you can do. Hey, go outside, do some yard work. Good out this ship, going outside and do some yard work. Or here's the other option, the third set. Have you ever thought, sweetie that you just really really good? Huh? Has that cross stream mind that girl? That what you putting on this boy? Right? No, ye can't no man take it cause you all that Dante Wilden people. Yeah. Yeah, you just you just throw a knockout blow, all right, I'm not no Yeah, Email us or Instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, Coming up next, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Tommy, Uh, you said players and playoffs have reached out to you to get the word out. Yeah, you know what, they have reached out to me. I don't know why. You know, I'm happy to marry it. I don't know why they're doing this to me, but you know, nevertheless, they are reaching out and they want some support. The need some help. And I am um sending you know, information out to people that I know that the process we can help them. So and I know that some of you all cannot respond right now, but I just want you to hear what Tommy is saying here. It is to whomever reads this text and can get this to the person who is in charge of the money. I Thomas W. Miles on behalf of players and players in the United States of America. Hereby therefore, whereas uh henceforth UH taken to I just you know, thought, I thought, put I put that in there and make a sound basic. What I'm asking for is on behalf of the players and play afts throughout the country. First, first, let me go over the needs hair cuts pocket money, gas, money for the men, and and and and then then then then there's nails, hair and and and a happy hour. Money for the women are needed expeditiously. No, no, now now now listen to me. What I'm saying is that I would like for someone to come up with a side piece stimulus check. Absolutely, do you understand what I'm saying, So listen, no, no, no, no, don't call it. Don't hate till you understand. Not being on lockdown um has almost has it almost impossible for us to transfer for funds for five side pieces as as we usually deal in cash. You know, we can't. We can't do cash chap, we we can't do zal right now, we can't do that. So um, So what I'm saying is see if you can get someone all right who you know and can get get on this right away because if not, players and players will lose. They will lose and I stressed the word lose the side pie. Okay, they will have to go back to the mate that they really liked them again respond to this text through my mama's email. If all right, we behalf on all the playoffs and playoffs, all right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, So Steve, here's a question for you, since you're the CLO, the chief love Officer. All right, how long do you think it takes before couples, you know, have the talk about how to label their relationship? And I'm asking you that because a new study. This is according to a new study, uh, it says that it takes on average six weeks to have what you know, what we are talking and to label the relationship. Well, you know when you have to talk about your relationship and putting labels on where are we going? Where? You know, what are we doing? You know, what what are we doing? Should have it at that restaurant? No? No, no, no, no, I said, you know, like when, when and what time in the relationship should we have it? I think ninety days? Okay. I think for a woman's sake, I think a woman has to get a determination, getting some type of idea of where this is going, okay, and when she finds that out, just give it up because that's ninety days. Well, you know you don't have to do that as a guy. Minium Blay, don't mean give it up, but go ahead. But you know, um ninety days, you should have an idea where it's going. You have every right to know and ask man, what is it? Okay? Another question, Steve, how should they bring it up? How should you broach that subject? Final damn text messages? That's what you know. You know, if a woman is curious about what the relationship is, she got to bring it up. If a man wants to define it, he needs to break it up. But and how should they do that? That was my original? Hey, where we're going? Just right out with it? I said, I where we're going? What is all this? What we're doing? In that tone? No, but that's the man, because that can't be the woman. Well, hello, Ray, surely don't rush pass that waite basement could be I'm just asking too, though, Steve, don't you think that? I don't know for women sometimes they might feel it's kind of awkward or they don't know how to do that, to just come right out with it and say, hey, where we going with this relationship? What are we? Yeah that you just saying come right on out with it? Well, I mean, you know you could try to like round about so can I ask you a question. Yeah, my girlfriends are starting to ask me what type of relationship is this? What should I say? Okay? You know what should I be saying to people? And let him give you an Yeah that's what that's now, that's what I wanted to know. Yeah, how that's what I figured. But that's good, clo, that's good. So wait like ninety days to even bring up the talk and kind of ease into it. You're saying, kind of ease into it ninety days, ladies, you have every right to be able to say, okay, so what do we have? Especially if ninety days you start passing out that cookie. There's no reason for you to pass out to cookie and not understand what it is. Okay, you know, if we if we're in a committed relationship, you should know that. I'd want to know that before I passed out to cookie. Yeah, right, is this some monogamous relationship? Are we committed? Exclusive? Are we exclusive? What is it? I need to know? Okay? You know that makes sense, don't Oh? Yes, yes, yes? And then you say when you want to bring the subject up, you kind of ease into it, you know, just slide it to him, you know what I mean? Hey, Look, now we've been dating for a while and my girlfriends and co workers are starting to ask me what is this we have? So I mean, how would you like for me to address you or describe you what I'm talking to other people, you know, kind of put it on them. Look, yeah, and what and what should the woman say if the man asked her? Or will a man ask her that question? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, of course dudes they want to know. And what should the woman say? You know the truth? I mean, you know, a guy could say, hey, baby, look, we've been at this for a little while. Are we exclusive or no? And then if it's exclusive, you gotta tell him yes. And if it's not thing, you just got to say, hey, no, it's not really EXCLUDI I'm seeing some other people. Okay, all right, exactly, Thank you. See Elo, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening at the piano. John Legend sits down down tickling those keys. How pretty the sound out? Then he starts singing to lead he ranging me down down. All of this song lasts such a long time. Shane Mix three minutes de La twenty nine. He writes to lyrics, but when he sings it, he holds every line before your songs come on night doing fine. But he who musing means itch ninety ninetime. You but us all to sleep? You bot us all to sleep? Ride a club mix for Joan Legend. All song should be sung and wedding. It's a Lord to sleep. I swear that song. You kids with a d D listen because it's too hard to pay attention. He'll put a lord a sleep. He'll put a lord a sleep, a sled a sleep. You're listening, Harvey warning show. I gotta ask you, guys, because we've all done this, what was your most embarrassing text that you've ever sent to someone by accident? So so, junior, have you ever acted? Oh yeah, you need to understand last names. If the two people got to save name picked the right one because I sent a text to my sister, said my mama getting on my damn nerves. Send it right to my mama. Oh I get your damn nerves. That's what I do. Yes, that's what I do. I should have known that it was really really rough week. Yeah, yeah, yeah it was yeah yeah. Tlicia's space and Alicia's space is really close. Yeah, that's close. Yeah, yeah, And I spent Telicia. I should have hypped, man, I was going, fuck, tell me, I know you sent some necking pictures to somebody before you were married. I know you did. Surely, How do I paint this? Okay? Let me try to walk this thin land though. Okay. Jack went on whole way home and said, find us something to eat, you know, find you know, let's see if we got something there to cook to eat. You know this one this You just got your phone to take pictures and all that, so you don't you just trying stuff. I put myself in a hot dog bun with relish and mustard, hook the picture and call myself sin it. It's saying wait till you get home and get this foot loan. And I hit sin and did not know man, I hit the wrong damn Jackie. And he's, oh, that was jack You heard what he said, Steven, wrong Jackie, get your nephew. You can give us this response. He's still alive. That's a good that's a good sign. So what did the wrong Jackie say? Yeah, you got the wrong jacket and you know it was a friend of the family jacket. Like when you get home, gonna get this footloan. You got the wrong jacket. Where did you find Where did you find him? Baby? Hot dog Buzz got up the worst text ever said all about five six years ago, and we're in this group text me Rashawn, a couple other people and the executive producer of the show. So the last text had came from Rashawn. So my executive producer is talking to me, and she's a woman, and she's right in my face, and she just talking to me, and she was so close to my face. I picked my phone up and just text back to Rashawn a man, come get her out your end words face. She too damned close. Seeing I'm thinking, I'm just sending it right back to Rashawn. It's in the group text. He got it too. She two inches from my face. Her phone dings. She looks at it. It says, oh really. Sean is running from the back of the bus trying to stop them from looking at I don't know what the hell happened. It's too late, dog, I said that about her. It was right, she was right there. I heard her phone go ding. She getting a text too, All right, thank you guys, coming up next. It is Steve with today's closing remarks. Right after this you're listening show all right, time to go Rogue, which is powered by the super stylish twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Steve, please quickly tell us about when going rogue turned out to be just right for you. I mean, look, I can point to so many incidents, but I think probably the greatest, one of the greatest moments for me was a teacher of mine, not just one, but this one in tartickulate. But hey, I've heard this repeat it in my life several times. You ain't gonna ever be nothing. And I just think oftentimes about how many times I heard that you ain't gonna ever be nothing. Look at you. I kept people kept telling me what I wouldn't what nobody trying to figure out what I was. But they were so fast to tell me what I wasn't. You ain't that smart, you ain't that good looking, You ain't that you talk too slow? You country, You ain't this, you ain't got the right attitude? You got right? Wha Does anybody have any idea what I am? Though? While you telling me what I'm not? So this teacher kept repeating you ain't gonna ever be nothing. I did say back to him one time, this man, he said, you ain't gonna ever be nothing. I said, I know I'm gonna be something. Okay. That was good, And so then I made the decision, through several moments in my life to always constantly be about the business of trying to be something. It may not be what you think I'm gonna be, and I may not turn out to be what you expect me to be, but I'm gonna stay faithful. I'm gonna keep working hard. I'm gonna roll on you, Pardner, I'm gonna go against the grain. I'm gonna make a hard left here. I am roll, live roll, I'm roking a right roll. So, Steve Um, this is our last break of the day. You wanted to do something special, right, I guess I want to say something first, and then I'm gonna let my friend talk for second. All right, So let's go today. I want to have a conversation with you all about faith. You know, I think a lot of people don't like talking about faith because for some reason. I don't know, man, I just think a part of it is political correctness in our society today. I think some people don't talk about faith because so many people are from different faiths. But when I'm talking about faith, I'm merely talking about the belief in the belief in God. That's all I'm talking about. You know, for whatever your faith is, I'm cool with everybody's faith. Man, I'm not that judgmental guy. I'm not the guy that says, if you don't believe what I believe, yours is off base, because that's not true. That's just one hundred percent not true. All faiths are valid. Every faith is valid, that is God based. All of them are valid. You I don't care if you Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Gentile, jew don't. I don't care. I don't care. As long as your faith is God based, the belief that God is who he is, that's all that matters. I want to talk to you about faith for a minute from the standpoint of what are you? What are you and God talking about? Because man, I've learned so much about faith. A friend of mine sent me a scripture Psalms five three, and it's an important scripture, man, because what it did for me was it taught me something about my faith. Because if you're a person of faith, then you have a relationship with God, and God has a relationship with you, and and he hears you when you cry. And it was sort of ironic because I had started having my morning meditation a few weeks ago. And I just can't even tell you how it has completely changed the outcome of my days. It hasn't stopped anything from happening, but it has changed the way I cope with it and the way I look forward. See, I don't worry about tomorrow anymore. Oh, I'm making plans, but I'm not worrying about tomorrow because I was reading something somewhere that you cannot change by worrying. You cannot give yourself one hour of extra life from worrying. If you worry, you can't add an hour to your life. So if by worrying you can't even add an hour of time to your life, which is one of the most important things you can have as your time, why would you worry about anything else. So in the morning, when I'm talking to God Psalms five and three, I always ask God in the morning to hear my voice. When I'm praying to you, I'm asking him to hear my voice and after he hears my voice, then I wait for him with an expect with an expectation that what I cried out for will happen, no doubt, no worry. It is going to happen. Now. It may not happen that day, but since I put it in my request with that kind of faith attached to it, God's promises never come back void. God has never told us he would do something for us, and he didn't do it. God didn't ever promise something to be so, and we found out later on in what all of God's promises is true. He don't. His word don't come back void. So when you do that, man, you put your prayer out there and your meditation, and you put it out there with the faith, and you look forward expectingly. And that has changed me. Are you discussing your future with God? He wants us to make decisions now. He would love to be included in the decision making process. That's the relationship he wants with us. But when God allows you to make a decision a plan, he wants to hear your plan. Sometimes your plan or in line with what he is, and sometimes he needs to make an adjustment. So when you ask God for something, and at the end of it you say, God, let your will be done, then guess what. I may ask for something, but always tag with let your will be done, because if it's not your will, then show me whatever that is. Because his adjustment that he makes is gonna be way better than your plan. God's adjustments is better than your plans. And the cool part about it is is when he makes the adjustment, you're going to agree with it because it's going to be spot on, just right. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.