Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve presents himself and the crew. The Chief Love Officer offers advice to a young man that is bitter towards his mother's marriage. Now that Bill Cosby is free, he wants $200k. A woman went viral because of her awkward birthday party. 44 gives us his summer playlist. Conor McGregor is trippin' staight up! A random dude in New Jersey gave out his address and got the smoke! Jimmy Brooks had Chavez Ravine cleared for a special date. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve points out the edge that having faith gives us.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on. Don giving them like the million bucks things and it's not true. Good Steve to mother, Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turn, You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you lon't got to turn them out. Turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I shall well, good morning, everybody. Excuse me, you'll listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man o man o man something going on real good today. You ought to feel blessed today. The fact that God woke you up and gave you another opportunity. You know, every day you wake up, it's another chance. It's a chance for all of us to get better, to get it right, to get on the right path, to stop heading the wrong way. Every day you wake up, that's your opportunity. See, because He's gonna keep waking you up because he has a plan for you. You know, I don't know, uh you know, I don't. I don't. I don't know when he makes his call and and you know who gets called home when I can't explain it. I don't have that answer. I'm not him, I'm not God. I don't claim to be. I don't. I don't understand it all sometimes, but God has an amazing way. But as long as he's waking you up, I do know this. God ain't through with you yet. God has a plan for you. Your job is to identify identify the plan. You know. That's that's clearly what I need for you to do. You know. Um oftentimes the thing that you're looking for, it's right there inside of you. You know. I can't tell you how many people I meet. Mister Harvey, mister speak to you for a minute. Yeah, man, what's up with you? Man? I was just wondering. Man, I've been trying to and I want to know, man, can you give me a good agent? Can you give me a good lawyer? Can you give me a good Now? Look, if you got some legal problems, I understand you're gonna need some help right there. But the majority of questions I get asked is about their future, about their place in this world, about their mission, about what they're trying to do, how they're trying to figure out, and then how to go about doing it. But the answer I must remind all of you is always within yourself. It starts right there. See, a lot of people burn up a lot of time looking around trying to find someone. If I could just meet them, if I could just get on her show. Man, if all, if I could just get to his show, I beating made It's not That's not necessarily the case. Because see, just like every time you put your put your faith in a person or an event or currens or some type of thing that you imagine yourself being and then that'll do it for you, imagine of all the people who've made it without you know, I look at everybody telling, man, if I could get on so and So's show, that will do it for me. Man, somebody else got on that show and they blew up. Man, if I could just make it to that show, do you know how many people have made it without that? So, see, when you start focusing in on what your idea of how to make it is, and your idea of how to make it does not include your relationship with God, you're spending your wills. Man, it's a vicious cycle you in now, and I'm asking everybody to get out of that cycle. Get out of looking for someone and something. The answer is within you. God resides in you. That burning thing that you have that you just can't get out your head, that's a seed. God planet that the That's a seed. It needs watering, nurturing, fertilizing. That's what it needs. It didn't it. Don't ever say, Man, I need that other person right there now. Now, people you will meet. That a compliment you, and I can assure you that God will put you in the right place at the right time. I'm almost certain that God will introduce you to everybody you need to be introduced to to make it to wherever it is. You all are trying to get to him. Talking about you and God now. But the moment you're taken into your own hands and you make the decision as to who you got to get to, you've just clouded and muddied the waters. See God's plan for you don't really need your help. It needs your attention, It needs your focus, It needs your faith, and it needs your hard work. But it needs you to listen. Needs you to listen more than anything. Listen, keep the faith and be willing to work your tail off. I don't know how you think it can happen any other way. But then again I do because I try to make it another way. So I had to come to the conclusion, Hey man, listen here, dog, this ain't working for you. You gotta get some more God, here, man, listen to me. The answer was always within me, the moment I sat down with myself and told myself the truth that a partner you ain't really all that they a partner, regardless as to what people are seeing and stuff. You ain't happy, Hey Pardner, this really ain't about you. Hey Pardner, you really ain't all that good at this. God is keeping you for a reason. Okay, hold up, Steve, quit tripping. What I need to do. I just started talking to myself and then I heard Bishop Jake's say a couple of things. Then I was watching TV. I heard Joel Oldstein say a couple of things, and I went wild, man, Okay, cool, that's pretty slick. I'm gonna try that. And when I did it, it changed my life. I am telling you, man, it has been God this whole time, and the God has been residing inside on me, just like the God resides on the inside of you. That's him talking to you, telling you man, you are to get it together. Man, making you feel bad, it's sending you on guilt trips, you knowing you wrong, and you out there wrong, and something telling you you all not do it. Here's how you know. It's God. And Bishop Olmer taught me this in his book He's Got and think of the name of it right now. But it's a really good book. But it says in there man. Bishop Alma was talking in this book and he was saying, the way you know is not God's voice. It's if it ain't no sin in it. See how many times have you made up in your mind, I'm gonna show this person or I'm gonna show that person. I'm gonna get this person back. You hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. You know the Lord don't like ugly. I'll show you well, the Lord don't like ugly. But no way in that doesn't safe for you to go show them. It doesn't say that. See, so when you strike out on that mission, you know the God knows in my heart I loved you, but I got to do this because you did me. Whoa whoa ain't got nothing to do with God? Right there, you can take him out of it. If it's God, has no sin in it. So anytime somebody come to me talking about the Lord told me to do this to you, and that's the only reason I'm doing it. You need to get yourself right with God. I heard all them threats right there. That ain't God talking to me through you. What are you crazy? If it's God, it has no sin in it. So you got to be careful, man, when you're talking to people and we're gonna go down here and we're gonna do this because this is the right thing to do. If it has something wrong going on, then it can't be the right thing to do. Took me a minute to learn that one. But please get that through your head so you can quit spinning yourself around and remember everything you're looking for is within you. It's all right there. Quit wasting your time looking around all the time. Go to your God, man, talk to him. Go to that spirit that's on the inside of you that's calling you. Stop letting people shake your treat. At the end of the day, somebody gonna be right, somebody gonna be wrong. All right, y'all, we're gonna help going day tripping a little bit, going through something you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is here, it is upon us. It is the beginning of a new day. We give thanks and honor to Almighty God for letting us see another one. Man. You got to feel that way about it. I'm telling you right now, Please don't take it for granted. It is not a given that we wake up every day. So we appreciate it. And now, since she has given us this gift, letting me return to favor by letting the gift that he gave me shine through brightly. Today, Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a man who is dedicated to just high level an obliterated instantaneous ignorance. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you myself. Hey started off, appreciate you, give it some love. And now the others Sherley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve, thank you, Lord, thank you, Colin Farrell, good morning. What's up? Crew? Haste? Another level of ignorance Killspas better known as Jewel. I can't do it without him, not nowaday and now a man who has mastered stupidity at a level unreached by anyone I know. Since fault or his further mote. Come on him, I present to you a man and introduced to others. In his own words, stupidity DICTI yes, nephew, tell me your sick. I'm gonna be stupid to date. Whoa watch? So what? So? What was yesterday? Shut up, Junior? He ain't never had it there he thought he was still He didn't know he was stupid, and it leaked out. Ye talk about a random announcement about it, but obvious. Hey, hey, I just had to get the word out. Okay, feeling good today, Steve sounds like, yeah, you know what, I feel pretty good. Blessed Tyley favoring. I'm in shape. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, you work, boy, Yeah, I'm I have to thank God for that. I really am pretty healthy. Man. You know, I got a couple of little issues, but you know, ain't nothing made you going on? You know, here's what I knew. I was okay. I was complaining about the supplements that I had to take. My son went to was in the gym with me. He said, Dad, at least they supplements Dane in a green bottle with prescription right now, okay? And I went wow, wow, yeah, you know what? Right on back in let of taking them down or supplement. Got quiet and shut up. How many, though do you take keeping morning and night? I'll probably take about twenty eight, Yeah, fourteen and fourteen and fourteen? Yeah, how much? No, I ain't not no, my nice stand. I don't have the like that I see it. Supplements, Marge're not gonna have no understanding anything to look at your being look like my hospital. All right, coming up at thirty two minutes after, we have some time for to ask the cello. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey and the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for ask the clo. The Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is in the building. This one is from Teresa and Arkansas. Teresa write, I'm a forty two year old married woman and I had a son when I was in high school and my parents raised him. I left home at age eighteen for college and I married my college sweetheart. My husband and I have two sons. My oldest son chose to stay with my parents, and he resents me for getting married years ago. It bothers him that my younger sons have a family. A family unit, and he did not, and he's been meaning rude to me for years, and my husband is not having it anymore. How can I got my grown son to stop this? Well, he's better, he's dealing with some issues. Kids don't like to think that some other kids are the beneficiary of a family that they didn't have as they were growing up, and they hold on to that. I've seen it firsthand. So but what he has to do is he has to understand that that wasn't available to him when he was growing up. There was no old husband wife's situation, and her parents stepped in so she could go ahead to college and get her education. Well, she met her college sweetheart and they got married and they have two children. You chose to stay with your parents because that was his idea of what he thought was his idea of a family situation, husband wife raising him. Now, the resentment part of it, he's gonna have to get past that because God got him through it. But now he's allowing the devil to use the biggest trick that he has, and the devil's tricker to rob you of your destiny and to make you not see what you've gotten past and make you live in your past so you don't ever get to the abundance of your future. The reason I can speak about this so eloquently is because I have lived this one before. So you can't fool and trick me with this one. Pardon me so. And in the words of Slick Harvey, you can get over it or die mad. You decide. My damn daddy man, he didn't play with it. Son. You can get over it or you can die mad. Now what you want to do? Yeah? It is what it is exactly, ain't tommy? My father made it real clear. What up? Get over it or die mad? Which one you want to do? We didn't handle money for therapy, and you ain't going down. Now herego your therapy. Yeah yeah, here go your therapy right here? Yeah, all right? And I bet you better not be looking over here mad. That was my daddy's other statement. Look look over here, mad, one more time, glance again, glances in. All right, here we go. I need it. And Nashville says, I'm a fifty seven year old divorced woman. I let my fifty one year old cousin move in with me. We have a mutual friend that I had a one night stand with after my divorce. My cousin was the only person I confided in about it. She told me that it's best if we forget it happened so it doesn't mess up the friendship. Well, I just found out she's sleeping with him now and sneaking him in my house. She wanted to forget about it. Uh, she said, it's just sex and he's very good in bed. He can I know that? Was she plotting to get my sloppy seconds all along? Well, I don't know, but let me just say this. You fifty seven, she fifty one. There's a hundred and eight years of life experience over here. Y'all. Don't think both y'all two olds high school? High school. Yeah, if you don't want him, what difference you would make you? But see, you confide in people. Here's what I learned. What sh Everybody in your circle ain't in your corner. Yeah, do your dirt by your slap And you don't know that though, But everybody in your circle ain't in your corner. Quick thinking, you can share everything with everybody because somebody gonna take it to other way. Yeah, and this is family, which makes it even worse. This is family. This is not some random friend or just some random person. This is your cousin. Oh well it's just that. But both y'all, well, both y'all getting played. Tell you the truth, all right. Hammond and first Hood and a ford Hood, Texas says, Hammond is his name. Hammond Hammond and Fordhood, Texas says, I'm a twenty two year old man. Hammond is his name. I'm a twenty two year old man that decided to change my life by joining the military. I was in the streets making fast money, so I knew that I had to do better. My girlfriend was not happy with my decision to leave, so I gave her a promise ring to show her I am committed to her for life. We've been dating since we were seventeen years old, and she's being distant since I left town. My mom said she was only with me for my lifestyle. I love this girl so much, and she stopped talking to me. What should I do? Hey, dont go get you somebody else? Yeah, that's all Your mama then told you she was with you for your lifestyle, using the streets making that fast money. Now you don't run on here and got the military making you some good legal, clean, hard working, honest man living. Now. That ain't what she won't get you somebody else. Ye fall out of love with her cause you didn't fall in love with somebody else. The best way to get over one of them is with another one of him. All right, nice, all right, Carrie, And the DMV says, I'm a thirty six year old married man and I've got a problem with my wife's wardrobe. In the last year, she's ordered a bunch of outfits and shoes, and when we go out, she doesn't wear anything nice. She's always got on the same black leggings and a baby tea with black heels. She's beautiful and fly and I'd love to show her off, but she won't wear any of her new clothes. Well, I'd be out of line if I pick out a few outfits that I'd like to see her in. Well, you have to say it to him. You know, she didn't bought all these new clothes and she ain't wearing them. You know, maybe you don't compliment or make her feel pretty well, maybe he don't compliment and make her feel good. Maybe she wearing a man work somebody seeing the clothes someone else? Wow, bang, just in the closet. I say that, I say that, I know you did. Thank you, Clo. Coming up next, it is a nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with today's national news and in entertainment news, Bill Cosby back in the news again. Check this out, guys. He wants payback for his jail time, is what real? Well, if he was hopefully accused, that's what he's saying. All right, Oh no, no, no, we're not gonna run past it. In the words of my grandmama, go on your house and shut show dope. That's it, shut show dope. All right, we have some other entertainment news for you. This one's for you, junior. We'll tell you about your homegirl from Houston, Meg the Stallion and her heart girl summer. Okay, we'll talk about all of these stories. Oh yeah, at the top of the hour. But right now, the nephew is here. As you've heard, with today's run that brank back. What you got for us, nav You ain't no sigma. You ain't no sigma. That's the title, right that, You ain't no Hello. Oh, I'm trying to reach a Greg please. Yeah, this is he? How you doing? My name is Bernard, five Beta Sigma. I'm over pledged relations? Uh giving you a call to day? Man. You attended priv a m University? Am I correct? Yeah? Am I right? You attended Privy and from my understanding, you pledged five Beta Sigma and fall of ninety one. That's correct, all right, that's the that's the Theta chapter. Correct. Yes, all right. Here's where we're having some problems here going through the records records. Actually looking at the records that we have here headquarters, you're not actually an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what has taken place. But wait a minute, what what you mean not a member? Looking at our records here at national headquarters, it's indicating that you're not an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what could have gone wrong with this time. Now that ain't right, man, That ain't right, because see, depth data is recognized nationally, so why wouldn't I be nationally recognized. I'm not certain, sir. Maybe it's something that took place on that that actual line of fall ninety one. We're actually going to have to do some research on everything that's going on with your line as well as the chapter. But how is that possible if they gave if they gave me a certificate in the in the plaque and I got my pen and I mean, I'm gonna sigma. What you mean? Okay, sir, I don't know what I'm looking at here, And and please understand, I want to try to clear this matter up. Yeah, yeah, we need to do this matter. Who else? Is there somebody there like a oversee, uh maybe the head president or your branch or something I can talk to or something. Well, I'm actually I am actually over pledged relations and I wanted to give you a call personally so we can try to rectify the matter. And it's gonna take us some time to hiring this thing out. But what I need you to do as at this point. Yeah, And you know what the problem is that I'm noticing is that all of the people that were on your line and they are official for some reason, mister Greg is an official, so I want to I don't understand that because I was the line president. So how how is everybody else able to be a Sigma and not me? When I did all the paperwork that it takes to for the process to be right. I don't understand it. S you know what, brother, I can't call you brother for the fact that right now I'm trying me brother because I'm a Sigma. So here's what we're gonna have to do. Greg, We're gonna have to get you to first of all, if you're dealing with anybody alumni wise, we're asking that you don't go to any meetings right now. We're also asking that you don't wear any five beta Sigma peral for now. You at this point, we want to make sure and get clarity that you are definitely a brother. Amn. Man, I am definitely a brother. Do you know what I had to go through to get where I am today? To be a signal? All the dude y'all, y'all took y'all dudes whatever to that. If you're taking my dudes, you should be able to tell me yo. Man, um, we got this going on. Certain things that going on with your line. We need to we need to check you. You took our money. That's the thing. I'm seeing checks that have gone through for other people on that line. I don't play, you know, man. And to this day. I'm like a lifetime member. So what the hell are you talking about. I have no records indicating that you're a lifetime Remember, that's what I'm saying, sir. We kissing bad dog. Somebody needs to tell me something today. We're gonna try to get to the end of this by the end of the week. It's gonna take no. No, but no, but no, you're not understanding what I'm saying, man, because I'm a signal to the heart. Dude. You know what I'm talking about, y'all playing with my heart right now? Man, Ain't nobody's gonna do that and get away with I don't know what's going on. You know, here's what we can do. We can bring you back in and do another pledging process. Pledge. Did you understand what you just said to me? No? Man, that ain't have me dog, And I've been through this already. Man, I'm not pledging. I'm not signing my name on nothing else because I have pledged. I'm not doing it. Y'all need to get somebody on the phone that can answer my question. I want to know what's going on, okay right now? And I understand and you know the disbelief of what's going on. I really do you honestly don't. So you have brother, Brother, We're gonna try to what year did you grow across? Did you walk the sand? Let me tell me what's going on? Brother? I'm fall eighty nine. Brother. And now what we're gonna have to do right now is, first of all, no paraphernalia. No, you're trying to see me that I can't well what's nearest and dearest to my heart, next to my wife and my child. You're telling me that I can't grow around and proclaim what I am. That's like telling me I can't be black. What the hell is you're saying? And another thing we're going to get you to do. Understand you have a brand, a Sigma brand. That's how I have to come off until we until we get this taken care of. What a man? You talk about them medical procedures. What are you saying so we cannot allow you to wear a brand representing five beta Sigma when right now you are not only you can't five a lot that that brand to me was allowed to put the brand on me. Now I can't be allowed to wear something that I've been wearing for almost fifteen years and you ainzy. Come on, man, that's some crazy. So we gotta get it. You to take your brand of me and tell all of this we brand what the hell it out? Man? This is something look here, brother, but not what Bernard? Is that? What your name is? You need to get somebody on this a minute. That's all right, I know the president bill. How about that. I will just call in and I'll figured out my bill. Right now, we need you to take the brand off off you. Come take the brand off of me. And you want it that bad, come get it. That's what you do. You are not a member of five Beta sick. I'm don't give up you talking about dog. I am a member. If you want something over here, I land your boy. That's what you do. You're bad, Come do it. So I'm telling you for the final time, do not wear any paraphern Now you keep don't want to hear that talking about no final. Let me tell you what's final. I am a five Beta Sigma to the hard dum sir. All I'm telling you is no more shurt and cover that brand up until we here. Man, I'm gonna wear everything. I got a hat. I'm ahead of a matter of fact, I'm gonna wearing hey, just to get on your lyrist. You're gonna keep brand covering up until we figured out if you are no hand covering up, you come get it. Until then you better get away from me. I'm talking about pull that brand up, and don't you wearing no hurts no more to tell you something I ain't covering. Come get it if you want it. I got one man, he had many. This is bruefire. You don't want none. You don't want none, y'alls. This is the man. I don't know what one more thing I need to say to you? Are you going to say what you got to say? You ain't getting this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your point. Hello boy, y'all had me ready to kill by my man. Y'all boy, they got one more thing, man, What is the baddest radio show when the land? What is it? All right? Tommy? Keep on all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, We'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, now that Bill Cosby is a free man. Bill Cosby says he wants to make the state of Pennsylvania pay for incarcerating him. According to his publicist Andrew Wyatt, he thinks the lawyers had an axe to grind against black men. As we told you, Bill Cosby was released from prison last month after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his twenty eighteen conviction for sexual assault, citing violations of his due process rights. If things go according to his plan, he's hoping for a couple of hundred grand in compensation. We are looking at what recourse, what legal recourse, we can take against the State of Pennsylvania, says Wyatt. We are looking at all legal angles for those things right now. Meanwhile, Bill, as we told you yesterday, wants to get back to work, get back on the comedy stage. Steve, First of all, the two hundred thousand that you might get from Pennsylvania's from cost you that illegal fees. That's just my opinion, because the state of Pennsylvania is gonna file motion after motion after motion after motion, which is gonna keep costing you legal fees. I'm pretty sure this has to be bigger than two hundred thousand dollars from a man with as much money as Bill costs me. Because to win two hundred thousand dollars ain't worth it unless he's just trying to make a point. If you're trying to make a point, go ahead, because some type of injustice was done to him, as pointed out by the court system. Got that second thing. You do not need to go on tour. Now, what do you say you're a professional, Why do you dog listen to me? You will not believe the protest outside the venues where you are performing. Just let it go. Man, It's okay. You're in your eighties, your home, you free now yesterday. I mean, look, man, you can write a book. It's a lot of ways to good around this human. Do it, do it tape, Go on Instagram, but please an instagram. Please remember OJ Remember oh J. What do you mean by that? Oh J? If I did it, this is how I would have done it. See double homicide is what I'm saying. Yeah, that's what see. Look, our support deal causby being out. I've always been a huge fan of his for his work. Now, if something was done illegal to this man that got him inconcerted illegally, then our just the system worked. If they've done something to this man illegally, they should pay a price for that. I got that. Nobody should be incarcerated, you know, without due process, just due process. So with that, I'm okay, because this is our legal system. I don't even know what happened. So I'm just talking about that aspect. I'm not arguing guilt or innocence. I'm arguing the fact that if he has rights as a citizen and they were violated by the court system, he should go home as he is. And if he if they hadn't have done something, he would not be home. I got all of that, and and you have every right to feel how you want to feel. That's not what I'm commenting on. I'm kind meanor on the fact that the judicial system saw an injustice that was done and this is the American way. Oh yeah, that's it. Yeah, we get that on your house and shut dead. I'm just saying that. Yeah, and I'm gonna say it again called shut dead and enjoy home. All right, Look, I got it, Shirley, Ladies and gentlemen, miss a trip, Thank you very much. This is a trip with the news. There have now been ninety four bodies pulled from the rubble of that twelve story Beach FRONCNDO building in Florida. Twenty two people still missing and on accounted for. Eighty three people of those found have been identified, but the search continues for all the rest of the victims. Serf Side Mayor Charld Brookitt, though says some big questions remain. We have no idea why that building fell down. That building should have never fallen down, and ultimately we will get to the bottom of that particular building when we get the debris off the site and are able to get into the foundation, analyze the the columns and the slabs and try to make a determination there. Meanwhile, the Miami Dade County Commissioner who helps Surf Side officials after the tragedy has now tested positive for COVID nineteen along with his chief of staff. So they are now concerns about any of the other people they came in contact with at or near the site, and if there's any any infection near the disaster site itself, and paralleling of those people who are trying to recover bodies. Democrats in the Texas legislature have all gone to Washington, DC with preparations to stay out of the Longhorn state for maybe as long as a month, all part of a revolt over the Republicans attempt to pass new voting restrictions, restrictions which they say are aimed to keep minorities away from the polls. For instance, the GOP wants to get rid of drive and voting in Texas twenty four hour voting, but without the Democrats, the legislatures falls short to see of the quorum needed to pass new bills, and Houston Democrat Garnet Coleman says the new GOP voting restrictions are a complete obvious case of political sour grapes and voting procedures is targeted at communities of color and targeted basically at the success of the voting process during the twenty elect The Republican governor of Greg Abbott is saying that the Democrats have abandoned their responsibilities as legislators and their decision to break Quarman flis harm on Texas. He wants to arrest them. He also wants to maybe just lock them into legislature if he gets them, and make them stay there until the voting procedure goes on. President Biden's been briefed by the delegation sent to Haiti over the weekend following the assassination of President Jovin l Moois. Mister Biden says the US stands ready to provide assistance to Haiti because he says that that country's people deserve peace and security and that their political leaders need to come together and with gangs assuming control during the current power vacuum. The President's also urging their elections schedule in Haiti for September take place as planned. Today, meanwhile, is National Best Munchie's Day. But whatever your best much She's muchieall out? Back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, all right, So this was the weirdest thing. I'm still shaking my head on this one. A black woman has gone viral, gone viral after she arrived at her fiftieth birthday party. Gets this guy's in a casket in a casket. Okay, yeah, what listen to the theme of the party? It was life after Death. The woman was wheeled to a venue in a glass topped casket while a poem titled life after Death was recited as she made her entrance. Then she emerged from the casket. Then she walked into the party and was just singing and everything. I'm still confused. I'm still shaking my head. What happens? It didn't make no sense. If you're trying to make the point that turned fifty was like dying for you, and there's life after death, there's other ways of doing it. But I don't, I don't understand. The cab was ridiculous to me. And then and then they had to help her ass get up off the damn gurning. Now I don't know what she was doing under that glass casket, but you look close to me, I don't. I don't. I've never seen anybody pretend like they was deaf and need right a poem and go through all that. But the people around that taking her serious? All right now? Anybody buying into this ignorant ass mess up to me, you just don't play with I don't who thought this was which one of your friends thought this was a good girl. That's it right there, go ahead. She didn't run that by anyone, that for real. But speaking I, I'd also like to say I had a damn thing to do with the pole. Let's clear that up. Right. I just want to make that is not my work. That was crazy. Where were you gonna say, Carlin speaks viral videos? But did y'all see caring a Karen in the Victoria's Secret Uh store throwing a tantrum and she kind of attacked the woman. I guess the woman was a sister recording her on tiktop and st arguing about drs. I don't know what they were arguing about. This woman had a tantrum for a long time in Victoria over some pettis what I god, I don't know what it was old. I don't know what's wrong with crazy. She hit the black woman and then just backed up, started crying because she knew she was recording. She screaming, don't don't. Yeah, she tried to come at her. She tried to be the victim. Kareno, what did the sister do? Kept Riccordner and kept calling her Karen, Karen, Karen? All right? Coming up with thirty four minutes after, we'll see what's on Barack Obama's playlist for the summer. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, former President Barack Obama shared his twenty twenty one summer playlist and what has become somewhat of an annual tradition with him in recent years. Mister Obama tweeted, with so many folks getting together with family and friends, there's a lot to celebrate this summer. Here's a playlist of songs I've been listening to lady lately. It's a mix of old and new, household names and emerging artists, and a whole lot in between. Obama Summertime soundtrack includes Jay Z's The Lord, j Cole's Neighbors, Bruno Mars, and Anderson Packs Leave the Door Open. They're all songs from Rihanna, Jasmine Sullivan, Stevie Wonder, Erica Badou, The Rolling Stone, Scissors, Smoky and the Miracles, Her and the Mego song. Straightening. Uh so Steve Straightening, Yeah, I got Yeah, he does. He likes it all. I like that a good mixture, So, Steve, if you have a summer playlist ready for us, what you got? Yeah? So it's the same, you know, Yeah, My Love Ballace five, a Maze anthology, you know, all Comus greatest hits, Luther's Essentials, you know, I like a leader, dol You know Bruno um that on there, or Tyresas Shane. Oh yeah yeah, that cut right there was so nasty. Oh he's on there all I gotta meet goals Avalanche on now you know that? Yeah like that one? Of course. I keep a little jay Z on there. I got some eminem on their yellow brick road. I like that. That's my cut by him. I was naming. Somebody asked me a family feud yesterday. If I had to make a Mount Rushmore of hip hop artists, who would it be? And I came up with my top four. Now listen to me, I would be the first one to tell you that I'm not qualified to discuss hip hop. I'm just gonna tell you that flat out. So my top four rappers of all time probably ain't gonna make a real hip hop heads list, But my well, my, here's my faulk on Mount Rushmore. If I had to make it, Tupop jay Z Snoop oh yeah and al though and uh huh. You can only put a fault on there, Steve. You can only put fault no Kanye. No, I can't name six rappers here. Made I love Kanye? Yeah, see, I wasn't a Biggie Guy. So my Rushmore just folk people. Tommy. You know if you gave me five, Q would be on that like you, what about you, Junior? I'm interested, Joe, Well, I know, but but it doesn't matter because Junior go ahead, I go ahead, Okay, Tupac, Biggie jay Z and Um, I'm gonnanna say, uh Joe, they can be up there on the table, and I had them up there. They got to be up there. I mean, they don't wrap, but they do rap sometimes when they sing it every moment, every moment, every moment, that rapping take. Yeah, yeah, yeah, your top four caller, Top four, Mount Rushmo Rappers, Mount Rushmore, Little Kim. I gotta get a female yes, Biggie pock jay Z, I only got four. That's it. That's my forefeit. That's it. That's good. I like that. Want to bumble with the bee. Comments on the whole bath went too far? Eric being rock him, okay, rock him, rock being rock him? Uh, one person him, two people, Well let's hit you threw every ice is a group, Well you can say rock him and then was a DJ. Okay, get all right, thank you guys. Coming up next to Nephew in the Pryk phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the String show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject I lost my girl over a glass of champagne. We'll get into that in a little bit, but right now, Yeah, drink, but right now, as I didn't lost some people before, but I ain't lost some like that. You get a drink and come back. You didn't know what she was? What was? Yeah? I mean, how you do that. We'll get into it. We'll get into it right now. It's time for you, nephew, and today's Frank phone call. What you got for us? Yo? Trash stinks? Well, let's trash well but but but it's but but your way too, funk it out your trash. It's a level to its Okay, you got you got, Okay, when you funking five, funking five is way too high. Okay, you at a funking five. Let's go. Carre. Hello, Hello, Hey, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach swerve. Yeah this man, Well, how you doing? Man? I'm on it. I'm one of your neighbors. But I'm one street over from you, you over the off river ran Dry. Yeah, that's right, a little bit this rico. Man, how are you doing? I'm one of your neighbors on the next street over. How are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good, but how you how you getting my Another one of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to you. Uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood, man, and wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what what's going on? Uh uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday, okay and Saturday right now. The problem is that that that that a lot of people, I guess since the holiday just passed, you know a lot of people got their stuff out on the on the curve already right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo yo trash is actually really really filed. It's smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man and see if you do not hold on, hold on, hold on. You say you calling me because you smell my trash? Well, yeah, they say yours is the one that's really speaking, man, And if you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage until tuesday. You know, no trash. And that's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in the garage. Okay, what do see? Then? Who is everybody saying my trash? Saying? Hey, listen, I'm saying. I'm not saying. You know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood gotta file with my transact, you say, okay, well what we We've discussed that too, But listen, listen. We don't want no trouble man. If we could just get you to put your trays back and I'm not moving over chads. I pay rent over here, my brother, Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. I don't give what you're gonna do. I'm telling you where I paid rend that. Don't tell me to just over here. Okay, Well, listen, man, aren't you concerned that your trans is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smell my chances they got a problem with it, tells them come take it. Out still the end, it's saying out there, okay, whether that's the problem, The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put us out till Tuesday morning. And now who money side it? If I put it out there, it's saying out yesterday, Come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you, man. Okay, damn what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna call me telling me take my lands? I pay rent over here? Okay? How if everybody's smelling my chad out of everybody on the street, I don't know for my understanding, it's just a couple of holes in it. Some food or something must have got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My trash ain't going down well. And how come you the one? You? How come I next th name ain't called? How come your around the corner and you called? Who put you up to? This? Boy? What everybody's smelling it? I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look I just gone and call it myself. I tell you this, you and you my phone up. I'm thinking that yeah, there, it ain't going nowhere. Le okay, well listen, litten, swerve this. We decide on the case we got to this situation with you, how I trust that I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard and just Tuesday morning and Tuesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way, all the smell of being in your backyard and you say you gonna I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard. So the so the smell that fucking I mean, that's that. Let me let me take it this in. If you come over here, you might well call the posies that that's who you gonna need. You come over here, bring all of them. They had a problem saying my Chad sing to come over here and take it out. Man. You I mean you, you're trying. You're trying to You're trying to act like it don't smell. Man, you I don't give them. If it's man, I'll tell you what I do. I'll go out of fool cloth. So when that when that when they helped you out of look here. Okay, but see that's not what the people in the neighborhood want. We want you to give a damn what take walk? I'm telling you what I'm gonna do, And how to did you get my phone over any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left one to the right, say which one? Listen, listen, listen, sweve, won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash think, don't How is my chansh how the hell y'all tien point my chad? How everybody else trads on the block? And how the hell you smell? Man? I don't know, man, I don't know what it is. I don't know if you're trans busted, don't open or what the deal is. But everybody's saying. Everybody's saying it swim trans that that streak that's too much plans for needs to be gone through time. And see what I think it's back the chance out there and it's gonna say out there I said it ain't come get it and you ain't coming over there. Okay Na, let's see that's where you're wrong. Swam out. I ain't coming over there. I'm coming over there, and I'm gonna take that chance to put it in the backyard to too. Now you're gonna try to get it in my way whatever, but I got to come on on, get this chance. And if I tell you what, bring your over here right now, I'll put on my shot. I'm standing on the point right now, bring aout the case. Come on, Rico. Whatever you Rico, I'm Rico on one street over and I'm smelling your man, trans take your chance out. My may smell, but you ain't they come take it out. I set you that he listen, swords. I'm gonna say this word. I called the back name. Excuse me? Tell calling about it? Who in the hell told you called me? Swerved? Called me back that? Okay? What that's what they call you? What's wrong? Me called what's wrong? Me called you? You're gonna call me that name? Now? You saying my chance thing? Come over here and take chance out? Hey, man, I ain't. I ain't nobody sitting there scatter you swim I'm trying to. I'm hard to get the name. Didn't not just care you top out of my name and swear. Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do. Okay, way, and then it is what it is bottom land. I'm on my way over at the mood that damn trash. Come up, come over here, Come over here, moving, I'm on the right, naw, Come on over here and meet me at about the mask. Thank you, trash you got I'm standing right and doing now. Okay, well, I tell you what I'm on my way, Nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over that. You ain't gonna do you what you're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over that. My name is Nephew tire me from the Steve Harvey Morny Show. You just got franked by your cousin All Reese. Oh, thank you out of here. Hey man, I gotta ask you something, dog. What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land that the Harvey Come on, come on, come on, give it time. Too much trash, But I'm not play hey. Let me let me put this out there. I am in Virginia Beach this coming weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and of course I was sold at howth oh my god, but I sold out. We of course we opened up and we have more chairs now. So if you're in Virginia, Beach, Norfolk, wherever you are, anybody, anybody in a surrounding way, the nephew, they have opened up some more seats to my shows for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are on sale right now, so get show tickets while they're getting this good. I ain't add no shows. I ain't doing all that right now. There's five shows, okay, to Friday to Saturday, one on Sunday I've added, so you guys can buy some more seats and uh come watch to pool, all right, and let me go just drop a little tease right here, though. Pretty soon you're gonna be listening to my pranks and eating my grits at the same time. That's all I'm gonna say. I'm just gonna leave it just like that. That's all. I'm gonna leave it just like that. I ain't gonna say nothing. That's it. Okay, Okay, then all right, okay, all right, more to come unclean uncle being it's gone. But nephew, tell me is on the way. Hello, let's get gritty with it, Okay. The Strawberry Letter subject I lost my girl over a glass of champagne. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this. When you hear that right here, right now, who knows it could be your Mark it up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry lettuce subject I lost my girl over a glass of champagne. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm at the love of my life four years ago, right after I got out of a terrible marriage. My woman is educated, very established and dropped dead gorgeous. She grew up in the suburbs, and I grew up on the other side of the tracks. I've assimilated well and I have a great career, but my hood side still comes out when I least expected. She loved my corporate and hood sides. For the first time, I was comfortable being myself around a woman. She is the polar opposite of my ex wife. She doesn't argue and she's a great listener. She's cool with me having a female best friend and other female friends because she's not insecure at all. I will admit that I'm insecure and I don't want her to have male friends, so I'm glad she doesn't. I let my hood ways and insecurity break up my relationship. A month ago, my lady invited me to an open house for her son's private school, and we were eager to make a great first impression. When we walked in, she pointed out the only other black man in the room and told me he's a divorced single dad. I saw how he looked at her, but I let his slide. A few minutes later, he grabbed two glasses of champagne and headed towards us, and I kept my eyes on him. He came up and spoke to her and gave her a glass of champagne without acknowledging me. I told him that my lady doesn't like champagne and if she was thirsty, I'd get her a drink. I was rather loud, so a few people turned around. My lady told me that I disappointed her and I should be able to control my hood side in any situation. I've worked too hard to be a better man for her or it to end like this, she said, We're not equally yoked and it's over. Apologizing won't fix this. How can I get my lady back? Okay, this is a tough one because I think this woman honestly did you a favor breaking it off with you. I mean, all you did was check the guy who was so very disrespectful to you, your relationship, your girl, everything. I don't know too many men who would have held it together as well as you did under these circumstances. Some guys would have just right then and there punched his lights out for what he did, and nothing happened. Anyway. A few people turned around. You said, that's it. I mean, her son is still in the school. I'm assuming they didn't press charges or whatever. I mean, they didn't do anything. You know. The sad part is that she got you thinking that that's hood No, that's a man. I mean, I think he handled it like a man would have undle that situation. The only thing that was bad about it was that it was at her son's school. I mean, I get that, So you could have tried to control yourself out of respect for the location and everything. You didn't. He set you off by what he did and what happened happened? Was it something to break up over? Well, apparently that's what she thinks. I mean, I thought you said she loved you, know, your corporate and your hood side. I guess not. I guess that was not accurate. But I don't think she was all the way in anyway. I just don't. I don't see her being all the way in in this relationship. It sounds like you're way more into her. In the letter, you made a lot of changes for her, and you really still couldn't be yourself. I think her behavior was not cool at all. She should have told a guy no to the drink, and because she didn't, it makes me think is there something going on between the two of them? She pointed him out to you and all of that. I just think you gave her an out when you put him in his place, So instead of worrying about how to get her back. I really think you should consider all the sacrifices and changes that you made for her over the years, only to realize that it still wasn't good enough. Steve, I lost my girl over a glass of champagne. After hearing this letter, that seems a big trite to me. That seems just a little bit suspect, a little inadequate. How do you lose your girl over a glass of champagne. Well, I think it's more than that. I think it's been a build up. I think one thing has led to another. And I'm gonna show you something, little brother. I'm at the love of my life. Four years ago. It got a terrible marriage. My woman is educated, established, drop dead gorge, and she grew up in the suburbs. I grew up on another side of the track. I've assimilated well a great career, but my hood side comes out when I least expected. That means you ain't got it in check yet. But I understand because I am exactly that way all right. She loved my culprit and hood side. For the first time, I was comfortable being myself around the woman. She's the polar opposite of Max why she don't argue. She's a great listener. Now here's the part with her. Let her get crazy. She's cool with me having a female best friend and other female friends because she's not insecure at all. Okay, I will admit that I'm insecure and I don't want her to have any male friends. So I'm glad she does it. Okay, Now let me say something this all these girlfriends you got that's gonna come back to bite you, and I think it has, and I'll show you what I'm talking about. And then secondly, I'm not insecure and I don't want her to have any male friends, so I'm glad she doesn't. So you think, so? You think? And I think that's male friend is going to show up later on in this letter. You think so, Steve, I think the male friend is going to show up in this letter? All right? Will we come back here? I come yeah, all right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour Today's Strawberry Letters subject I lost my girl over a glass of champagne. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject I lost my girl over a glass of champagne. Dude claims it meant the love of his life four years ago after a terrible marriage. He loves this woman. She's at ak educated, very established, drop dead gorgeous. She grew up in the suburbs. You grew up on the other side of the track, you say, as you've assimilated well, got a great career. Mahuicide steal comes out when I least expected, I said, of course, on the staying that mine due too. She loved my corporative hood size. For the first time, I was comfortable being myself around a woman. She's a polar opposite of my ex wife. She doesn't argue, and she's a great listener. She's cool with me having a female best friend and other female friends because she's not insecure at all. Boy, ain't nobody cool with all that? Don't you believe that? Ain't nobody cool with all that? You got a female best friend and a lot of other female friends. Dog, ain't nobody cool with that? Ain't nobody cool with that? Don't even listen to that. I've been around a long time. Dog, ain't no woman cool with that unless she got something. So let's get into that. I will admit that I'm insecure and I don't want her to have any male friends. So I'm glad she doesn't. So you think, but I think this male friend gonna show up in a minute. I let my hood ways as insecurity, break up my relationship. A month ago, my lady invited me to an open house for her son's private school. We would either make a great We were eager to make a great and first impression. When we walked in, she pointed out the only other black man in the room and told me he's a divorced single dad. Now, let me ask you something, dog, Why is it that as soon as y'all walk in, she gotta make sure you aware of him because she's aware of him, and because he's aware of her. Point blank, she dropped dead gorgeous. He noticed that he's a single day. You don't think he'd have noticed that. And she walked in and point out to you, that's the only other black man after school and he's a single father. Well, she know an awful lot not to hand no friends. I saw her. He looked at her, but I let it slide. A few minutes later, he grabbed two glasses of champagne headed towards us. I kept my eyes on it. He came up and spoke to her and gave her a glasses champagne without acknowledging me. Well see he gave her glass of champagne. That ain't the first time he didn't talk to her without acknowledging you. He just walked up to her with this champagne for no reason. Partner, what you crazy? You think they just met that night? No, they talked all the time. You just said she ain't got no male friends, and you glass she don't. He just bought two glass of champagne over there. Think he just picked out a random out the bunch. Come on, sold you. I told him that my lady don't like champagne and if she was thirsty, i'd get her a drink. Well you didn't, and she took to drink and he bought it over that because he didn't give a damnage she was thirsty or not. He was hauling at her like he normally do. I was rather loud, so a few people turned around. My lady told me that I disappointed her, and I be able to control my hood side in any situation. I've worked too hard to be a better man for her. For at the end like that, she said, we're not equally yoked, and it's over apologizing won't fix this? Well, certain, let me explain something to you. You think you really think this over glass of champagne, that's what you think? This is A woman told you over glass of champagne, we are not equally yoked. She'd been preparing this speech for a minute now. And the reason after what she told you you're not equally yoke because the dude has pointed that out to her. I promise you that. Oh damn, that's who you went. Oh that's how he act around here. I bring you a glass of champagne and that's his reaction. Wow, that's a bit much to me. I could assure you a little prim proper. How does he speak ahead? I'm certain that that wasn't it? That that was quite a bit that was offensive to me. I can't believe he reacted that way. Where boys, that's the Bushit a single dad, the only other black man in the family in it. And now she's presenting himself this way so she can set the difference between the corporate man and the hood man. And that's what didn't happen to you. Dog. She didn't just decide that you all are unequally yoked this. She's been building the case for a while. That's why she ain't said nothing about your girlfriends, because she she got She got male friends too. I ain't saying she's seeing nobody, but I'm saying she got a male friend. You don't think that man didn't ask for her number? Are you crazy? Single gorgeous woman to help at the school. She didn't immediately told you this is the only other black man at the school, and he's a single dad boy. Sir, she said, we're not equally yoked, and it's over. Apologizing won't fix this. How could I get my lady back? Well, dog, I think she's gone, but I want to show you something. I think she likes this guy and she was just looking for a reason, and you gave it to it. He's probably her gaffrey and that you don't think she has the one that you don't know about. And let me tell you something. If something this small breaks, y'all up a glass of champagne. What's gonna happen when the big stuff happened, because this is what number the glass of champagne and this broke y'all up. Dog, y'all must have been on thin ice and hug together by some real thin as thread. I don't think you had nothing, though. I think it's time for you to move on, all right. Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey. We'll go back up to the school and whisper just one more thing and is here though on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast coming up in forty six minutes after the hour of Sports stop with Junior. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we go. Junior is here with sports. What you're got Junior? All right? We know the Olympics is coming up, and this is something we didn't get talk about because we want vacation. But I want you to know that Carl Richardson has been turned down for the relay races as well. I it was a mistake. She admitted to it. She owned up to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I ain't mad at the rules. Rules. Yeah. And here's the thing though, everybody was making a fuss out, well, you know, like Michael Phelps did it. Well, here's the thing. Michael Phelps was taking a picture and he had a ball in his hand. But he tested him. When he tested him, he was negative. That's why everybody's like, what let her run? You know? And you know, I just I just hate. She needs to call Michael and find out what Michael had. What Michael he What did Mike take? What did Mike take after he got through getting fun? Need that after fun? Uh? A little sample? You need that? Yeah, But you know it's like it's like it's like but it's like, you know, like it's just an opportunity, you know, and hopefully, you know, we get the lesson from this opportunity to be missed, and then you know, we're gonna move on. Because she's young, She's gonna be in another one. You know what. Man, I'm still supporting her though, I'm still I'm still supporting and I just heard there are other runners, you know, there are other Olympians that we could be watching out for as well, you know that are going to be in track and field that we love. Yeah, yeah, and they're gonna be running. But I'm just saying for the one that's not running, and we know she's lightning speed and we don't we're not gonna get to see her the way we want to see her. I'm just letting her know, keep your head up, baby girl. We know you're coming back, and we cheered for you. You you made a mistake, and and well I'm not gonna beat up because she made You can't beat up. I had made a million mistakes, so we're not. But you know, a crazy time you be hearing people talking about her. Yeah, she did all this, and I said, hey, to ask you something, you know, would you have to track me? I can't see you out there on the track. You know you're talking all this knowing you can't b Yeah, you can't run that. So what did you talk about? So let her make it with that? Man? Another thing though, you know your man man Connor McGregor is still talking. He had the surgery on his legs and everything went well. But this is what he had to say. This, This is what he said after he had his surgery. Con mcgreg just out of the surgery room. Everything went to plan and everything went perfect. I'm feeling tremendous. We got six weeks on the crouch now and then we begin to build back, you know, dusting. You can celebrate that illegitimate when all you want, but you've done nothing in there. That second round would have shown all. And you know I'm riching up what we go to him. We dushed ourselves off, we build ourselves back, and we come back better than ever. Let's go to him, okay, like the president? Well yeah, yeah, no, he didn't say nothing about the man's wife. But I don't know what he's talking about. Get to that second round because he didn't do well in the first he did so he did so we'll see what happens. Though. We gonna find out, thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll find out what Drake did at Dodger Stadium. He rented the whole thing out for a date. We'll talk about it, right you're listening to show, all right, So Drake the rapper, Drake goes all out for his dates. Ladies, listen to this. All you have to do is ask one Joanna Leah, he recently rented out Dodger Stadium. Did you hear me? I said? He recently rented out Dodgers Stadium for what intimal for an intimate dinner with this woman. His lady loved their calling her. ABC seven in Los Angeles caught footage of the date in a random flyover. They spotted the two seated at a table along the third baseline in front of the dugout, with an assortment of food, surrounded by what appears to be multiple vases filled with flowers. As if that wasn't enough, there was also a waiter at a separate table just a few beat from them, and apparently the relationship has been going on for months. They met because of high school basketball. See Joanna's son plays with lebron James Son and Bronnie James. We know him. The assumption is that Drake met her when he came to see Bronnie play. Okay, so Steve, here's a question for you for all of the brothers out there listening that may not have Drake's money, because again, Drake runted out Dodger Stadium, put a big old table in front of the dugout with a waiter seated nearby. So you know, if they don't have Drake money like that, give them some suggestions and some tips. Well, you're gonna have to do this down at the high school field for starters. A whole school had to go down to the high school field. You're gonna to clownb of fence. They're not unlocking that at night. No, the clown of fence. Get some bolt cutters because you're hole in the fence. Make it real sexy. Yeah, nah, that's about. That's about it. Come day right now, rent out Dodger Stadium. Now, I'm gonna tell you right now, he didn't rent out Dodger Stadium. He made a phone call and pulled some strains because I don't give a damn. You can do something weird balled than that, then renting out that whole damn stadium for no damn dinner, no right now. Yeah, Oh it's sexy. I no, No, I ain't knocking it. I think it's straight gangster. Yeah, but I'm saying he didn't rent out the entire stadium. He pulled, pulled in a favor. See that's a FA connection. You're not renting out that damn stadium. I don't give a damn how much money you got. I mean, oh, he got plenty of money. Got the money to rent to stadium. Don't get them run Okay, okay, yeah, back in the day to rent Phillips Arena. That's with no security and nothing, Phillips Arena. It was eighty five to one twenty five as I remember. But now, but yeah, you said Dodger Stadium did whoa boy he night. Now let me tell you something that was straight. Player. I want you to understand it. Hats off to you, Drake, Hats off to your pills. But now fellas, get that out of your mind. Let's do some substitutes that you can do. Okay, okay, you can go and buy a third base. Put that in your back y'all. That's you know, you could buy a third base. That'd be right there. You know, you know, you know, you know. You can make a minutaure baseball diamond in your backyard. You could do that all all. You can cut on oh video Major League Baseball game and put that up on the screen and have your dinner in front of the TV. Act like, yeah, I'm just trying to tell you what You're not gonna do what Drake did. Now, that's straight MOBBYN Go ahead, Drake, I ain't man at you. Man, hat talk to you one player to another one. I take my hat off to you. On that one right there. That was games. It was all right. Thank you, Steve Moore of Today's Trending Stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening to show. All right, So, did you guys see the white man from New Jersey who went viral for screaming race slurs and harassing his black neighbors. Yeah, he gave out his address on the video and basically challenged people to show up at his house. This was all over Instagram. Yes, we all saw his address. Yeah, he gave out his address. He showed up. He was foul and vile with it, he really was. When we allow up? Did somebody show up? Listening is fundamental story? Did show up? Somebody? Women there? What is showing this all come? Well? We all saw when people accepted his challenge and showed up at his house and protested. Edward Matthews was humiliated. He was arrested and charged with drugs, weapons, assault, and stocking. The community came together, which is a good news, and handled their business. So yeah, Tommy, they showed up. And how many people went on, now, Shirley a lot? About three million Steve, how about that for everybody video He gave out his address like he okay, right, like like nothing was gonna happen. It was when they threw the Black Lives Matter flag at him when they were arresting him. That did it for me. Did did they drape it over him? Like he was like he was Jane Brown? Did they draped over all? Right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So this was the weirdest thing. I'm still shaking my head on this one. A black woman has gun viral, gun viral after she arrived at her fiftieth birthday party. Get this guy's in a casket in a casket? Okay, yeah, what listen to the theme of the part party? It was life after Death. The woman was willing to a venue in a glass topped casket while a poem titled life after Death was recited as she made her entrance. Then she emerged from the casket. Then she walked into the party and was just singing and everything. I'm still confused. I'm still shaking my head I saw it happened. It didn't make no sense if you're trying to make the point that turning fifty was like dying for you, and there's life after death, there's other ways of doing it. But I don't I don't understand. The cab was ridiculous to me. And then and then they had to help her ass get up off the damn gurney. Now I don't know what she was doing under that glass casket, but you look close to me. I don't know. I don't. I've never seen anybody pretend like they was deaf and then right a poem and go through all that. But the people around that taking her serious? All right now, anybody buying into this ignorant ass mess on some stuff. To me, you just don't play with. I don't play with them who thought this was which one of your friends thought this was a good Yeah, girl, that's it right there. Go ahead. I didn't run that by anyone. Now, you play too much with that career speaking. I also say, I'd also like to say I had a damn thing to do with the poll. Let's clear that up right. I just want to that is not my work. That was crazy. Where were you gonna say, Carlin Space viral videos, what did y'all see Karen A Karen in the Victoria's Secrets uh door, throwing a tantrum and she kind of attacked the woman. I guess the woman was a sister recording her on tiktop and just tu. I don't know what they were arguing about. This woman had a tantrum for a long time in Victoria's pettis. I don't know what it was old, I don't know what's wrong. She hit the black woman and then just backed up started crying because she knew she was recording. She's screaming, don't don't tell her. Yeah, she tried to come after. She tried to be the victim. Karen tried to turn right into what did the sister do? Keder and kept calling her Karen, Karen, Karen. All right, coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, it will be our last break of the day on this Tuesday, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from our fearless leader, the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Here we are last break of the day. This is Tuesday day. Yeah, really very good day. In closing today, I want to talk about something, um, I want to impress upon people, uh, the importance of faith. I was talking about it yesterday, but the difference between faith without works is dead in this conversation I had with a young man. So today I just wanted to continue, but I wanted to talk to everybody out there about the significance and the importance of faith. Look, we live in such a world today that it's almost not cool to talk about your faith because of IG and Facebook and you know all these social media this everybody works for likes and approval and comments and follow and all of this, and nobody really talks about how cool it is to be a person of faith. But it really really is man And because it gives you a place of protection when you have faith, it gives you a place to go when you need direction. It just gives you an edge I found. Well, Steve, what do you mean by edge? Well, it's very simple. I can use myself as the best example. People who have followed me on the radio show for any number of years. I've had radio fans for over twenty one years, have followed me everywhere I've gone on the Radio, Shirley and Tommy and Carla and Junior and all of us, you know, followed us for years at one point in time. You've seen my missteps get played out publicly. You've seen some mistakes I've made get played out publicly. You've seen me had to stand in the face of fire publicly. I don't think there's a person that has followed my career has not seen me face public scrutiny and all of these things that I've had to face. I want to tell you something. I was able to get through it because I didn't face any of it alone. I happened to be a person of faith. I happened to be a child of Gods, and so are you. And the fact that I'm willing to acknowledge that gives me a certain amount of strength that some people can't seem to muster because they seem to be in this thing all by themselves. But if you're a person of faith, you're not in it by yourself. See that tax that I've been under. You didn't just attack me. You attack a child of God. I'm one of his children. And I'm here to tell you that you are too, that you can reside under the protection of His wings. That you don't have to stand out there and feel like it's just you and you all alone by yourself, because you're not. He promised to be with you in the worst of times, in the best of times, when you can call on nobody else, you can call on your faith. I've done it time and time again. I'm a living witness to the fact that God is ever present. That I don't care what you get yourself into. You ain't gotten yourself into nothing God can't get you out of. I don't care what it is you going through. You ain't going through nothing that God don't have the ability to pull you through. Steve Harvey is a living witness to that. I'm just talking to you about faith, man, so you can get back to being cool with being a person of faith. Don't worry about what them they say or saying. Don't worry about what them haters say. They have no say so in your life unless you give it to them, and I don't. I don't give the Internet no power over me. I don't give social media no power over me. You can take to swipe at me if you want to. I'm not going to respond. I have learned to be still, to let him do the battle for me. That's hard sometimes because you know you can correct it with this remark or with that remark, or you could think that you could put something out there. But let me tell you something, when you respond to these people, you're not doing yourself any good. When you respond to these people. You know why because for people who love you, no explanation necessary, but for people who hate you, no explanation acceptable. I don't kill what you say to a hater. If they've made up in their mind to hate, there's nothing you can do. But can I tell you something. It's nothing they can do either. They can't do nothing to you that God don't allow to happen. And if God allows some of this to get through, it's only to strengthen you. And sometimes God allows things to happen to people like you and me because he's got a lesson to teach them other people, because see, sometimes God allows the stuff to happen to you because he knows you strong enough to take it. And the lesson sometimes ain't for you. Sometimes he's trying to show your enemy something. I can't count the time he's prepared a table in front of my enemies. I can't count them. I can't count the times when I know people have laughed behind my back. I can't count the times that my faith has gotten me through. You have this same God available to you, and I know you do, and I know you know it. But you got to get back to being a person of faith. That's cool with it. Having faith, it's cool, It's really really cool. I got no problem telling people. That's how I got to where I am. I ain't got no problem to I have no other explanation for you anyway. How I've gotten through every misstep, every mistake, every public piece of scrutiny, is because I have a faith in God. That's that. It's just it's it's powerful man, and it gets me through everything that I need to get through. And He's pulled me through everything I've needed to get pulled through. He'll do the same thing for you. Being a person of faith is cool. Don't ever stop being that, okay, because God is good? All right? Those are my closed new laws. Y'all have a greatitating. Talk to God. He love for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.