DR Sand and Soul is Coming! - 12.11.17

Published Dec 11, 2017, 4:25 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby all suit looking back to back down, giving them mom, just like the milking buck bus things. And it's tough y'all to be true. Good it ste hard guy listening to me together for sto far to moy. Why don't you join? Yeah? By joining men say do you turn? Yeah, you go turn you you gotta turn, you to turn turn you love me got to turn out to turn the water the wanter go. Come come on your backdat uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeo, man, I do thank God for it too. Let me just get right to it today. Let me ask you something. Have you ever had things in your life where it just seemed to be getting on a smooth plane? You ever experienced periods where you just get some good news? Uh and and and you know it's it's it's something you want to share with everybody. Uh. Sometimes man, it's just you're just rolling along and just really ain't no real major problems. That's life altering in front of you. It's just kind of cool when you have a week like that, or a couple of days like there, a few days. Have you ever noticed, though, No, no matter how happy you are, no matter how glad you are about your new found happiness, about your promotion, about the place that you find yourself in, this peaceful place that you experience, it, Oh my goodness, ain't it amazing when you discovered that everybody ain't happy for you? That set your back a little bit, don't it? Because you know, you go, Okay, I'm this is just I'm just going along here. I'm just doing me. I'm I'm enjoying my family. I'm enjoying my relationship, I'm enjoying my career. I'm enjoying this promotion. I'm enjoying this raise, I'm enjoying the fact that just ain't nothing really going wrong. I was just wanted to share the news, or I just wanted to to relish in the moment of thankfulness. Everybody just ain't happy for you. That's amazing, man. And let me help you understand something. Every time God elevates you, every time God pushes you forward, every time God helps you progress, every time you try to make yourself better and can actually see yourself becoming better inch by inch. Anything's asins. You see yourself progressing in a way that maybe not be noticeable to other people. But you know, man, I'm doing better than I've ever done before. And I'm this way like I've never been this way before. And every time God elevates you, every time He moves you forward, every time he gives you the progress, the raise, the promotion, the awards, the recognition, the thank you's, the heart felt what you mean to me. Every time you get on a new level. That is a new devil. That is amazing. It never stops new level, new devil, which only pushes me a little bit closer to God. Now, I ain't perfect now, and I keep saying that over and over, but I'm gonna tell you what, though, you push me closer and closer to Him. It is amazing, man, how to hate to show up on every level and they attack and they attack and they attack, And it's because, man, they just can't stand to see you happy. They can't stand to see what you got. It's like Bishop Jake's told me the other day, it's almost like they're jealous of the fact that you got something, and they think they deserve it and not you, or they think that you've got some of something undeservedly, or they tied ahead about your good news because ain't no good news coming to them. It's so many reasons that hate us and devils come your way, But all in all, please know they come your way to slow your role, to stop your progress, throw a wet blanket on your party, to put out your fire. They come to make sure you ain't all that happy and skipping along about your way. They don't like your family being happy. They tied ahead about you. They didn't like the fact that you got the promotion over them. They felt they should have had the promotion when good and well, they ain't as deserving as you. They just didn't work as you. They ain't got the time on the job, they ain't feel out all the requirements and qualifications, but they just want it because they was passing it out and they messed around and gave it to you and didn't give it to them. Here come the hater, Here come the new devil on the new level, And it happens to all of us no matter who you are. If you are aspiring to be better, if you are getting better, if you're praying about doing better, if God is progressing you, moving you forward, if your life is smoothing out, if you could see some light at the end of the tunnel. Here they come, Here, they come, here they come, And it throws you off a bit, because it does. It does for me. It tosses me a little bit and makes me go. But then I have to catch myself. And I've learned now to catch myself very quickly, because all I do now is and I want to share this with you. Every time that devil attacks me, I said, okay, about to be a breakthrough moment. Every time the devil attacks me, it makes me aware of Oh God, and to do something else for me. Every time the devil attacks me, I realized that God haden pushed me forward. Every time the devil attacks me, I realized that I'm being shown in a light that don't make everybody happy, because everybody ain't happy with your good news. Everybody's sick of hearing about you. Why they always talking about her, Why they always crapping for her, Why everybody thinks she cute the way she dressed at work, Why everybody got to be compliment her on her hair? Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa partner? Oho, because I went on, got something done with my hair, and you did the best you could. It ain't work out for you. Now, all of a sudden, you got to hate me. Really, I don't care what it is. It comes in small increments and it comes in large doses. It's called hate. Here's what I want you to know. Please understand this about hate. It means that you are doing something. If you could not build a person's website up, if you couldn't create a person to say in the gossip room, in the break room, girl, what did you say? You don't say. Really, it's amazing, you know that it. See, people need it any kind of way. People do anything to make it look like they're the one, like they got it. They got haters come here, they come, y'all. You fight hater us with two ways. First of all, you know, buy into it. In order for a fire to burn and need oxygen, you can't breathe no life into your room. Ignore them, let them say what they're gonna say. See, don't go back and forth, see back and forth. It's just that you go back, they come forth. You go back, they come forth. That's how you get back and forth. If they just come forth and you don't go back, ain't no more back and forth. It's dead. So you just can't keep talking to me. See the den. See you can talk to me, But to have a conversation as a whole another thing. I'm gonna teach you something that I learned from a minister Fracon One time. He said this to me, because I saw him somewhere and we were talking, and I was just being besieged with some hate and I was struggling with it. He said something real to me. He said that as a saying that says, it is a common theme for the dog to bark up at the moon, But if the moon box back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. Did you hear me? It's a common thing for a dog to bark up at the moon, But if the moon boks back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. Ain't that cold? See? When God puts you up down all the little haters, the crab in the barrel. When God get you at the top of the barrel and you're about to go over the barrel and you don't got out the barrel, your crabs in the barrel gonna hollow at who up at the top, or they're gonna try to pull you down. Once you get up at the top, it's coming for them to reach up to you, attack you. You up there by yourself. If you start talking back to them, the one you started talking to all of a sudden, that one of many, he franked us. Now, oh they but there, you gave them validation. Don't do that when they come forth, don't you go back. That eliminates back and forth. Ignore them, keep on stepping, keep on praying. And you know what really hurts hurts a hater, it's when you just keep on going, when you just keep on progressive. Oh, they get sicker and sicker, and then eventually, guess what they got to go on somewhere else you'll see. Just don't don't breathe no oxygen into that fire. Don't go back then the cake. They only going forth. Talk to God every day. Cool. You're listening to show. Lady said, you're the boys and girls people from all around the world. Check me out, check us out, check it out. This is the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Aches invited. Come on, roaches. You ain't gotta want them. So what you're do is you know, like back why I stayed. You know, back in the day, it was simply you can't you remember the montre. You know, if you can't beat them, join them. I knew people where you just joined them. You just ignoring him, you saw him, you went. You just got one bout your usage man. Yeah, you wear yourself out trying to kill every roach man. You just couldn't do it. Exhausted, I'm talking about many stop and slap. You know what I'm saying. Just don't end up on my peanut but and jelly salmich I'm good. Oh no, I filed that. That's true stake. Just don't end up on my plate. Just let me set the sevens down and don't end up on it. That We're good, Okay, you were just seeing a leg on that. That was just the leg I don't want to talk about. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have started to my bad. Let's just start over doing the day I bought yourself. I'm Frankie Beverly made said, I know I bought it on myself. Yeah, I oh, no, blame to no one. Yeah, that's what I just did. We're gonna talk about this this Monday morning. Man, everything's good. The world is still alive and ticken oh, Trump still doing his thing. Oh my god? What rarely in the silver rights? How do you go to a hate rally util civil rights? How do you how do you do that on the same weekend, in the same week Well, he went to a vote for Roy More of the Mississippi Museum. That's what he did. You know, that whole thing is really alarming because they've managed the spin that they've put on this roy More thing is let the people of Alabama decide. That's the spin. They put on it, a brilliant spin. But then our president topped it by endorsing him. And all they're relying on is this one seemingly incredible piece of evidence that may not be this note that this woman wrote under this year book. Yes, Beverly Young Nelson. She kind of added the date in the location she said. Roy Moore still signed her yearbook, but she admitted to adding that part of the yearbook signature, which now More can mess with her credibility. What did she do that for? Why did she do that? He also signed a yearbook which he said he's never known this woman, right, right, But now, okay, what about all the rest of the kids. They got sign right, all the other women that have accused him of that, all right, where we got You're absolutely right? All right. When we come back, it's time to start something funny this Monday, and we'll find out what the crew did weekend review what's going on. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, guys, it's time for something funny weekend reviews. So what was the weekend like? Steve, let's start with you. What did you do this weekend? Oh? Hell, give me an out. I golf. That's why I don't have cheering that golf. See how loud he is. Now you can't give me put that ball? Put that can't you'll be able to understand this. You play. Shot the second greatest round of golf I've ever shot in my life on Saturday. I shot at eighty one. I was gonna say eight. That's great, Oh man, I tied my record. Of course, that's our standing, of course for me. For me, it's our standard. Now if you're handicapped shooting, see, I don't keep up with all that. I just keep my score. That don't turn your scorecard in and the slope rating at the course. I used to try to keep up with that. Money got no time for that. I go play golf. Man. We got our little rules and stuff that we go by. What's the rules? I mean, it's a bunch of you wouldn't understand, you know, you know, I know that, I know the game went through ball brackfastball. You get a mulligan on the front, of mulligan on the back. So my eighty one has an asteryk next to it, but it's an eighty one by the group I play with. And that's how for us. You know, not on the tour. Ain't no telling what that. But you wouldn't be on the tour with that. You can't. You can't even carry with you can hang they my name, let you in the clubhouse. You got an eighty one now, But now Tommy just said that was outstanding, So that no, no, not the guys, come on, no, no, listen to me. According to Golf Diget, ninety to nine of the people who played recreational golf cannot break a hundred. Yeah, they're not good. The guys you're in the airport, can them golf clubs at all? And most of the guys. Most of the guys played from a te box that they're not qualified to tea off from. It's really that true. First of all, if you're sixty, you played from the whites, m what is that one? Back from the one? Funny? No, no, no, one of them you got, you got two in front of the whites used and you got a women's tea, and then you have another tea for junior golfers or something something. Then you got the to the whites. Then you have the Blues. Then you have like the goals and blacks, black boy, black back, you go back back. If I played for if I played from the back tease, if I teed off where the pros tea off from, I would never ever see a hundred. Ever, I would never if I broke from every triple deeper than that, it might take you two strokes to get up that tea. Huh. I ain't what you're saying man, that way anyway, that's golf talk. Well what y'all do? It was kids weekend, man, make them shopping, so think about he's Christmas gifts. Yeah, that's right, man, that's just how come when you got the kids when you see the finest women in the right now he's shopping and he's seeing what what I just tell you what I saw? Not that's about But you don't have to say every thought that comes to your mind. I wouldn't be getting it on my mind. The girl and they everywhere two times and they're wrapping gifts, they're selling you stuff. You're not married. He's married. He can't say that, and they man, man, are you are you really that stupid? I checked my kids out shopping, man, getting the Christmas gifts? Why is it when you with your kids you see the finest women in the mall, the one that are real? Asking what I did this weekend? I he asked you what you did? You went shopping with the kids. That's all you had to say. That's what most married men say. This extra part about who you saw? I get to say that extra I seen nothing like Junior, what you do this weekend? As the phone calls by high beat time, and I'll tell y'all something that at work. You know, Junior and Jday writers on the show. I've never seen anyone glowed in the aftermath of anything Junior walked around. That's TV show turning like a pea cocking the hat on the suit and smiling. Everybody saw the video. Every time I saw Junior, he was doing a race recap. Okay, wait, wait, I gotta say this. I gotta stick this out. I'm at home. I met the house, my wife come here with my son after school, and I'm thinking, you know, if you don't want to do something, I'm always ready to see what you want to do. When you get in. He walked in, hug and he ain't seen in a minute. First thing out of mouth. You lost, I'm doing looking at my wife like what did he get that I showed in the video? You're sitting at me. Run for you? I would have raised Mr Junior lost your wife showed to it. When I just look you just look at your wife like really, yeah, hey Tommy, Tommy, that's when they sick at you. When you've been on the radio talking smack your daddy right here running where you lost? I like, lost, wife, you lost the race, daddy. I just looked at his mom. I'm holding him in mams. I'm just looking at his mom like, really, I'm sorry. I showed him, showed him the video. Asked to see the video. You deliberately show your damn daddy. All right, coming up, it's Monday. Pastors are here. Church complaints right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour MS and will be here with Today's now the News. But it's Monday, so you know what time it is. Church complaints past the Motown Deacon dep jam in the building. Let's go oh oh, here we are on another great day, sponsored and brought to you by do the Lord, Yes, allowing his goodness? Is he miss? Yeah, that's in it di righteously. That's right. He is all that we ain't all right, Well, that's so and mold yeah, it's here as grateful as we are, we find ourselves on this Monday, gathered again for the most grateful congregation order today. That's right. Jack Pard joined the Jerusinal Congregation. Always got some complaints here is come on starting the staying out past. It's just the um uh. Jdesslin Middleton shouted too loud yesterday and one of the usher's brother, Raymond Lockhard, I want somebody, told him to try to quieting her down. He put some flexi seal over her mouth to quieting her. That flexi CeAl tape that you see on the commercial. And she is highly upset and it took forever to get it off, and her lips is really so in her cheeks ears too. Path he slapped up some flexuscy all over her mop to quieting her down. Well, a lot of male members have as about this, Oh what do you call it? Flexor sell you now the stuff that that that stop the water from coming through the boat. You know you've seen a lot of men that wrote that recipe at day house. Can you let us know what that is exactly and how much it is. We're gonna start selling it at the church. A lot of wives have asked for it. Who so it could be a top seller and go all the mother proceeds will go towards the building. For I would make a note that that pastor a moving along. Now we gotta issue here past. Your brother Amos O'Neil, who has a hump in his back, is one of the wise men in the nativity scene. He is sitting on one of the cameras. Now that's a lot of humps in one scene. Path and the children are confused. What should we do? Well, we must explain to the children that as the Nativity scene, that is where the beginning was come as you are right, just tell the children that is too wise men and folk counts for that. Are you gonna have to explain? Brother Amos O'Neil's hupped to him. Passed. I think that's the brother Amos is also starring in our Halloween play The Hunchback or Notre Dame. All right, they're still gonna bean confusing for the kid. Also, the Santa Claus footstool at the mall, A lot of kids climbs on his back. It up on Santa Claus. Lab Well you got, yes we have, yes, we have alright. I hope this doesn't offend Brother Jay Anthony um passed. The Big Gun a yard bro lost both big toes due to diabetes. He's asking that the church get him some sandals made that the material would come between his third and fourth toe so he can balance better. Uh but special made sandals threefted out of the past, So that's gonna be your call. Passed. I was thinking about this over the weekend. He had read up into him, but he didn't run. That's the yall not with them all read up into him. At the Dallas shoe warehouse. Really that I was done for the girls, the new girls, that was doing in my relations him. And what I had suggestion to him was by the regular flip flop and put them on the wrong foot, come on, and then to make it through that third and fourth. Yeah, yeah, now that was created. Moving the past. We are taking ministry Christmas photos this coming week. Ministry Christmas photos this coming week. Different ministries, but different ministers passed it. You're gonna have to step in. You're gonna have to tell all of our ex cons that they are not a ministry and will not be taking pictures. H No one has stepped to say anything to them yet because they're scared, especially the one they called Killer J. He's the one that runs the group. But somebody need to tell Killer J that they are not a ministry. But because we don't want no problem. But the rexception is none of them can kneel while taking the photo. Now we're gonna have to take no photo. Yeah, they don't want to kneel anything. Everybody wants to take that prison shot, that squat honeyeah, that's it. What is that? The squad? What's that? That's that photo? That all in two okay, uh huh, let them okay, okay, so we should let them, let them take the picture. Well, well we're gonna have to Who gonna go in there and tell him the cake? All right, take the picture, killing j can take the alright, you can't run a church if you not. Hell, you ain't pastor from the grave. Yeah, we don't let him take a picture. Last, but not leads past the assistant Connie Wilson, the church secretary. Now listen, she about two tickets to see Bruno Mars in Las Vegas on December thirty first, and she used the church money, saying that she was gonna pay it back. The church wants to raft for the tickets off to get the money back. They were a thousand dollars prayer ticket and she has not paid it. We got that coach and looking over that wonder Hush, what you're gonna do past? The church is a money path because I got I got nobody. I'm looking over there. Yeah, she got it here and hell I bought a gold change all right. Past the deacon. Missaying is up next with National News at the top of the hour. You're listening to the show. This has been a wild year in weather. You know, the wildfire's continued to burn throughout southern California. President Trump has approved to California disaster declaration, so he ordered federal aid to the area and put the Department of Homeland Security and FEE in charge of the disaster relief efforts. Now, if you guys that are listening you want to help our friends and neighbors in southern California, please go to Red Cross dot org or you can go to the United Way dot com. They are taking donations and supplies for the various shelters that they have set up out in southern California and the other wild weather news. Did you guys see the South got a taste of winter early this year, snowing on Friday in Houston. Yeah, right in the field, mine too, snow in in Houston. Birmingham, Yeah, Atlanta got hit Birmingham. Then on Saturday morning it hit the northeast Washington obviously, New York City, Philly, and Boston. So wow, this has been a crazy year of weather. How do you make up at the house, Steve? With the wildfires in California, we got EVA notices where we live to prepare not to evacuate, but to prepare and um, you know, don't y'all won't be helping nobody in my neighborhood, so don't even worry about it. Donations somewhere, don't even don't even send nothing over here. Today's what do you mean they evacuation notices even be different, look like an invitation. It's not evacuated, but evacuation warning. Please empty all safe and prepared to depart with valuables. Wait a minute, they tell you that. They say, that's what the evacuation warning is. That's how you evacuate rich people. Please please prepared to remove all items from let's go. Come on, just get valuables and prepared to leave. Get your valuable bag. Let's gonna hurry people. That's that's evacuation. That's that's that's the pre warning. Empty all safe in their own safe, walace in here and we'll sort it out later. We all friends. Let's go get your safe safe and grab all your values. Get ready to leave and give it. That's no cause nothing save you got insurance. Don't worry about that. We got everything and shooting. You can't send that evacuations on the way I live. You tell me grab valuables. I'm gonna kill myself. Empty safe, grab valuables and are you art is expensive and valuable? Yeah? Sliding in your vans and get out. If I grab values where I live jail, I'm gonna kill myself trying to take this in the five in screen TV off the wall and get you. That's that's the only valuable I got in here. I got to get this down these steps and get it to the car. That's only valuable I have. Did you guys get a chance to see the snow in Atlanta? Yeah? I saw that on the news and snow then missing Fla and everything right, the kids do snowballs the whole morning. The whole city was shut down for thirty minutes. Yeah, yeah, thirty minutes. Then it melted and it was all good grandkids out there just standing in it with their mouth open trying. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do you know the butterflying get I'm sorry, Hey, how y'all? Do this is car? Happy Holidays? This is my oatmeal and Alison Williams here he is, well, this is a whole another Honiday season. Main we got all the good big seas and season as mate, Mama nem meeting the kitchen, cooking fake chicken, frisking and cooking it up, water cod with deposit, Kate sanitist and macaronall that all moly ho with somebody every up in the same rings. I'm already think about my saving damn diving around the table, families, Everything jingle bounds for me, smells and all the things that season breathes, shiny lights, red, green, blue and white, Mama sweet the table. These are the things the holiday brings, things that make your spirity holiday happy Holiday. It's a hold days special show holiday, Holiday, happy Holiday. You have a reason. Jay's gone by you and me family, They fly the fun up July babies crying, hes crying, cousin's playing space. I'm the uncle's greats and brains come together. Hope, don't make you want to say pay safe bels ree. I just can't wait to hope to tight need them for so time and not let you go. That's now, let's now, let's show his feeling. Come here inside your love, happy hard yours a holiday, breathing, special day, special special name. I wish every day you could be like a holiday, still with joy and classics from day. Yeah, all you've got to do, Harry, I'll back playing about with the kid and reminiscing which and he was it Its winning again, a peverly Tentamin stay away from Stone, Gotta green can of gown and send him in the rug. Having fun, loving life, finished things and kids. Listening to Steve and Marvin Glad. It's like in the builds, everybody to gather around. It's a family of fair I wish it was a holiday every day in the year, just sitting Jed Brown right now, that's that's nice. All right, thank you, o'meal When we come back thirty four after the hour and Jay Anthony Brown in the building. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen. Here he is with the potential to ruin another friendship. Ladies and gentlemen. Murder they hit and all my relationship be friends. It's an original song, Steve. It's called Side Peace Santa. It's also going down this um Talco Tuesday, Kim Whitley and David Arnold. He says, She's say Jay's by Los Angeles, California. The song is on iTunes. It's a very happy, uplifting song. Dedicated to side pieces as be Little by the Way, Mighty Blue By By By Bye, and body By and Doby Go by Bye. Christmas is a season. Players have a bond for perfect time for creeping. If you're a side piece and or close to the family shopping White be killed the monk, But I saved some money for myself to play side Peace and a close might not like how I'm living, might call me a don't but but I sing the months who could do some help. They need a side peacen or close and the gain that get given tas McCard and it's clowns sands. It could be the sadon or clowns. Maybe I'm sorry, San clown on the side, Peason clown side Peace and Clowns. Maybe I'm sorry Peason clown you Jay, I love it. We got your eyes closed saying that's a hard job being a it is man that end you gotta save up all you'd be a sad peas and all right, man, yeah, you gotta start in June. Tommy. It's a hard job because you know how, because Jay and the junior told me, Okay, that's how they better be through the grape vine. That's where you were saying, Ja got on the show. He was saying it waiting up. He said, at last, players out there, put your teddy bears in the trunk. Don't put them out on the back seat. People like to walk out to the car. Okay, all right, j and you get a little blanket in that back to throw over stuff. You know what I'm saying. If you open to give in the car, go to the car walk little vacuum. Yeah, man, And he signed, no bows to the bow in the back seat your evidence. Yeah, and don't and don't ever put two in from don't do that. Just just know what's in that here, just go here. So you've heard so, you've heard, so I've heard any man, I don't turn for that. I'm on the other side. I ain't made it over about it or nothing that came you joke about it. Adn't even Lordon told me one more. And you're going to him. Okay, let me fly right Kim Jay's. But then right Tuesday night, Love, bring your sade piece. You know what, you know what, you can have a sad piece at the comedy show. Yeah, because she's gonna understand the jokes. Nothing like a cheerful side piece. Right, don't put him on the front row. No, no, it's a oh is it? It's a little darker? Is that a little darker in the back. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. You don't want to miss today's Strawberry letter. But come on, nephew, change for a hunter. Here you come. Hello along Saturay, Regina? Please speaking? Speak? Is Regina? Okay? Hey? Uh? You did a bachelor party for me and my boys, like about two weeks ago. Okay, Sean remember Sean? Yes? Yes, okay, now listen when you you were doing a lot of lap dances at night? You remember that? Yes? So how did you get my number? Can I help you? Neither party done? I mean, what do you need? Okay? Well now, no, it ain't nothing like that. I'm saying. You know, you're just a lot of lap dances. Do you remember that? Yes? Okay, we'll listen. You know that night I was at the party, you did some lap dances for me. But okay, what I wanted to tell you was that the lap dances you had did was the lap dances with ten dollars? Am I right right? You will be correct? Yes, okay, ten dollar. But I accidentally I thought I gave you a ten dollar bill when I really gave you a hundred dollars. Okay, you know, I need actually what the reason why I called you was. I'm trying to I'm trying to get that you know, I'm trying to get that ninety dollars back. Wait a minute, let me ask you something. First of all, how did you get my number? Well, the dude that um who was who is doing that through the you know, the guy that looked y'all up as far as doing the bachelor Billy Billy, the ones that got y'all to to come and do the bachelortte party. What I'm trying to, you know, tell you is is that I got the number from him, Okay, okay, and he told me that I could call you and try to just talk to you about it. Okay, And you want me I gave I had tipped you. I was, I was really going to pay you ten dollars, but it was a hundred dollar bill. So the reason what I'm saying to you is that I want to get the other ninety dollars by I'm not giving you no damn minety dollars. I'm not giving you your damn ninety dollars on waiters and Oh. I don't even think you understand. I wasn't trying to give you all that money at one time. I need to get the money back from you. I don't think you understand. Dollars that's it, the other money that I was blown to beat. I ain't getting my change back from you. I'll not give you change back nine dollars a down till I'm not giving bag. Do nobody be giving you no damn hundred dollars at one time? What's wrong with you? I'm not giving you no damn nine dollars back. Then you should want what you was doing, because you should're gonna give me my money got I already told you I wasn't even trying to give you this money. I wouldn't try to give you. I was trying to give you ten dollars. That's what I was trying to give you. I'm not giving you nawn things back. You're not geting nothing you should be. I don't want your wife and your kids. Hey, lady, listen, you don't even understand what what's going on right here? Let him out. You should have been up. I wasn't trying to one of money is trying to get you no money. There's a misunderstanding. I mean now, look, I'm already saying I was giving ten, but not get that belonged to me. I do not get down. You're calling me working me up. You're not as I'm not giving it. I'm gonna give you a tip, but I ain't getting you know, ninety dollars tip you did you got having you ain't, lady. Look, I'm not from the city and going to go aheady with with you all this. Look, I want to get my ninety dollars back from you know. First of all, if you called me later one more time, I'm gonna come find you and kick your talking about I'm not giveing you know down nilly dollars back first for the tip. You shouldn't know the first says like I said, keep how that time a lady on the rail. I ain't trying to go back and forth with you I was. I'm saying, is it's been a mistake. I wasn't trying to give you no hundred dollars. All right, dollars, that was a mistake. I just want my money back, and nobody tripping with you giving my money back. I'm not giving your death thing back. I'm not giving me. That's your problem. You didn't go home and tell your life what you did with the dollars. You're just trying to get your old you. I want ninety dollars. Fright, it is com Simmons, come Timing, Come, damn it is, and you don't never come timas. You know you're not trying to get your ninety dollars. I don't want my money from you. What I want you want? You don't you keep ahead when you sign my ransom me nanny dollars? That you that one? Where are you gonna play me my ninety dollars? You know I'm running dollars asking that. No, I'm not giving you no let down. Thank you for a damn kill you at you you're gonna you're gonna give me? You don't give me my night. I don't you're gonna do that. You accompany here for them where they won't listen. Change that you get you my phone? W tom cat? You can you say call me with it? I got want more thing I want to tell you you listen to me? Listen to your one? Are you listen to me? I want more things I need to say to you little kids. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to links? Don't call me with that day? Listen to you? I'm killing dad? What you got? You kids? Right? I said? I want more things to say to you? Are you? What do you have to say? That is rich? Is it? Nephew? Call me from the Steve harp And Morning Show. You just gotta prank by your girl friend? Who is hell? Hello? Hello, killed? I'm gonna cutt you in. I like it, y'all like it? I love it. Pame for a hunter, That's all I'm saying. Change for a hone. Y'all go with that. Every anybody going to hill? Okay, but I'm gonna get this change for a hunter before we get out there, though, I'm gonna say you that pranks lined up on the list, and you're not gonna make it in it up? You got this especially though something right here, won't he do it? Prank c D is in wal Marter right now. It's the best stocking stuff and you could get for Christmas, but get your friends? Are your family members? A nice stocking stuff of won't he do it? Time? And see these six? Yeah I did. Oh you're talking about the prank. I thought you're talking about the race. I was like, no, he didn't do it. Back on it didn't do that. I thought I would just ask I won't to do it? He don't eighteen it's a bonus prank on the CD call I'm gonna beat Jim. We can get the CD where Walmart. I'm in four hundred different Walmarts cross country, so that's a good thing Walmart. Won't he do it? Prank c D? That is the best Christmas stuff, Christmas stocking stuff where you can get somebody and you know, get your laughing phone. I'm praying some old church people. What I do? I pray church people. I do it. I do it. That's why I say wanted to do it? I did it. I know I go too far. That's what I do, though, you'd be surprised how many people want me to go to far. You do know, any pastors come to me call me personally? Can I get the pranks without the beats? Can I please get that? I can put it in my car right around. That's what I want to hear, and I'm working on that for there. They really go there, they won't the beeps get in the way. Steeve, you should be proud of, isn't that you? You're just laughing, you know what I mean? I mean, I'm cussing this funny. You know. Really custom has actually made some jokes better. Yeah, this is true, the natural flow of the conversation. It just flows to me. You do right combinations and stuff. I really yeah, nothing wrong with that. Well, we can't say we can't ask for an example on the radio, So no, you can't actually cuss with the best of us. Really, to be honest, buddy, you're a good cusser too. I'm trying to cut back, trying. I ain't seen your diet. I ain't seen this year. That'll be one of my resolutions. How about that? You know damn where you ain't gonna stop cussing. I'm gonna try. Jameson's your girl. Okay, we got the Strawberry Letter coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. The Strawberry Letter is up next. But first, did you guys hear about President Donald Trump. He honored civil rights heroes and local officials during remarks at the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. However, the head of the inn, double a CP and two black congressmen, including prominent civil rights leader John Lewis, they were not friends, right, Yeah, releasing a statement President Trump's attendants and his hurtful policies are an insult to the people portrayed in this civil rights museum. President's Trump's disparaging comments about women, the disabled, immigrants disrespect the efforts of civil rights activists. So this was a statement that John Lewis, Steve only you could answer this um as you directly. If Dr Martin Luther King was a lie, do you think he would have met with Trump? Yeah, because that's the only way to get at the cure of it. He was about what he did, protests and conversation. He would have had a conversation with anybody because he was about his whole message was about love. See, you can't love and hate at the same time. There's no space for it. And I definitely think he would have met with him to try to at least share with him the feelings of the people that he represented. I could not imagine him not meeting with him. Here was a man who walked and let you push him, fire holds them people, and still didn't do anything about it, just laid in peaceful protests. I think one, of course, he would have met with him. All right, nephew, let's switch gears. Time for the Strawberry letter. It's the time. It's the time. Buckle up and hold on tight. It is Strawberry letter three. Yeah, I gotta share here today the country. All right, look at him, you're gonna You're gonna go, get on ship, chevy let whatever. This is the subject dating married and single men. I date both single men and married men. I find nothing wrong dating them. Most of them need love to The man that's married made the agreement with someone else, not me. He's the one breaking it, not me. Why should I feel guilty? This has been going on since from the beginning of time and will never change. I don't expect more from a married man. I'm smart enough to realize that I can't. I don't want anymore. I'm just enjoying the time for the moment. You may call me stupid, I don't care. It's what I believe. I like a variety, and I don't discriminate. I date single men too desperate. You you may say no, no, no, not, I I got plenty. Women have to realize the power they have in them. Yes, I'm single and enjoying it. I also had three proposal and I turned them down. I'm just not ready. Maybe I never will. But I'm happy, happy, happy, happy, Wow. Carlo. Since Sherlen here, let me talk to you about this here. First of all, I think this is an age issue. This is not a letter written by a very mature woman. Right, you agree with that? I also I want to know, I mean, what do you look? You're looking for something here? Because why did you write the letter? You know, she's not asking for any question? What should I do? Should I stop? Why am I this way? How has this happened to me? Do you agree with me that that's not in the letter at all? This letter came to us. This is just a statement, well and she put at the end, but I'm happy, happy, happy, So if you're so happy, why did you write the letter? What's the hello? See? That's that's the part that throws it, which lets me know something is going on. See, there's a conflict in this woman's mind. So therefore she decided to pen her response to her own conscious. This is all this is to me, because you're not asking us anything. You're writing down on a piece of paper, how you are responding to yourself who you're questioning. This woman is obviously questioning what she's doing. And now she didn't. She didn't wrote a letter to herself and send it to us. Yes, because she knows right from wrong. She knows it's wrong to date a married man. Guess what she says. She says, I find nothing wrong dating them. Most of them needly need love to she said. The man that's married made the commitment with made the agreement with someone else, not me. He's the one breaking it, not me, this woman. Okay, do you understand anything about morality? Exactly? The morality of it all? Not? She don't care. She does care, Steve, she wrote the letter. She does care, absolutely care. She's in conflict with the s and you remember you said, Steve, this is a perfect time for you to share your book with her. No, she doesn't need my book. She needs a Bible because no, yeah, no, no, no, she needs a real deal because my book doesn't go into the morality of my book just deals with the common sense part that I try to get women to empower himself. She needs a bible, she needs to understand that this type of behavior has ramifications behind it. Absolutely, you cannot do what you want to do in life. It just doesn't work this way. Uh, talking about he's the one breaking it, not me. Why should I feel guilty? You play a part in it too. You have to be responsible for your actions to Hello, Um, hell is not open just for one person. Hell is open has multiple slots, you know, just because he broke the agreement, not you, that's it's still a ticket for you. Wait if you keep going at this place, do you think there's some self esteem issues there? It's something there that that she feels that she could just date Mary Man. She's just smiling out. I think she's trying to prove something. I think she's trying to prove something that that she's wannable. I mean not. I don't know if that's a word that she's desire. I think that I gave you people going, but she would have died, she would desirable? Yeah, is that what she's trying to prove us? In a sentence, again, I find you very very honerable. Girls, girl, you is so wonnerable to me. I want you so bad. Damn you wonable? Yeah, nothing like the wonnable of Captain Crush. It's a hornable situate question I knew he couldn't put. What what are you doing? Why? Why are you talking right now? Because I hornable? Be with you? All right? We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at three after the our. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Come on, Steve, Let's get to a part two of today's Strawberry Letter. What you get dating married and single men? I date both single men and married men. I find nothing wrong dating the most of them need love to the man that's married made the agreement with someone else, not me. He's the one breaking and not me. Why should I feel guilty? It's been going on since the beginning of time and will never change. I don't expect more from a married man. I'm smart enough to realize that I can't. I don't want anymore. I'm just enjoying the time for the moment. You may call me stupid, I don't care. It's what I believe. I like a variety, and I don't discriminate. I date single men to desperate You may say no, no, no, I got plenty. Women have to realize the power they have in them. Yes, I'm single and enjoy it. I also had three proposal I turned them down. I'm just not ready. Maybe I never will be. But I'm happy, happy, happy. Um. You know what is that line you always say, though, Steve, about infidelity cheating men. You know, the number one question women always ask is why do men cheat? And there's a million answers to that, But one of the number one reasons why men cheat, the number one reason is that there are so many women willing to cheat with them. I mean, at one point in time, somebody's got to stop pull up, you know. But if you got a woman out there saying, look that man is married, he made the agreement with someone else, not me, He's the one breaking it, not me. He may be breaking the wedding val but you know there's some bigger rules. Come on, man, I mean, how about like one of the commandments. I mean, now, I'm not not look, I'm please. No, I'm not throwing stones because guess what, I've broken a lot of rules in my life, so I'm not throwing stones. But please don't justify your actions by staying I have nothing to do with this. It ain't because you have everything to do with it. Yes, she does, and if she accepts a proposal. How would she feel if her husband cheated on her? Woman that said the same excuse that she's saying. Now, that's a good point. How she feel? But you know what, Carl is using an example that many women always use. How would you feel if someone was out there presenting that philosophy to your husband? Yeah, you know, how how would you feel? And then a woman called me on Oprah show one time it said I'm so sick of me and not if that's all it takes. What you know, that's not all it takes sometimes, but then sometimes that is all it take. Care. I ain't trying to make an excuse. It is what it is. But whoever's being cheated on feels wrong. And I don't care what excuse you give the persons. I don't care what excuse you give the person you cheating on. They ain't gonna like it. All right, Thank you, Steve. We gotta go switching gears. We have a big announcement to talk about. Steve earlier we talked about the weather, the Northeast getting here with the snow. That is in the mindset of you've kind of told us about this. To the staff Sand and Soul, I want you all the market calendars August thirties to September three, which is Labor Day weekend. I've got a Christmas gift. If you've been trying to think of what to give your love them are your best friend for Christmas. I have a solution for you. Mark these dates August thirty and September three, that's Labor Day weekend. The Steve Harvey Sand and Soul Event is happening again. Steve Harvey Sand and Soul Event is happening again. Two thousand and eighteen. Listen to this. Listen to me closely. I heard you all. I listened to you all. You all had a great time in Sand and Solder to Muhammas. But I heard every word you said. So listen to me saying it. Soul Festival Weekend two thousand eighteen. Seventeen events, five days, four nights, one incredible time. The resort name this time, everybody, It's the hard Rock Hotel and Casino. I have bought out the entire hotel, every last one of the rooms already done it. This time it is in the beautiful Dominican Republic. We will be in Poota Kanna in the d R poo Ta Kanna in the d R at the All Steve Harvey hard Rock Hotel and Casino. All the sand and soul guests will be allowed at the resort. You ain't got to look around see nobody else. Seven who came with us. Now here's what I heard you. This is what I want you to do. You ready for this. This is the big thing I heard from all my listeners this time. Leave your wallets at home. Leave your wallets at home because this it's all inclusive. It's all inclusive. All the food is included. All the alcohol is including all of it, beverages of any kind, mixed drinks. Ain't nothing off limits food alcohol in twenty four our room service. Wow, leave your wallets at home. Want you buy this package? You ain't got to pull your money. Listen to me, jacuz Listen to me. Jacuzzi and balcony in every room. Shut up up, y'all. Jacuzzi and balcony every room free, WiFi free calls back to the States. Listen to me. Thirteen swimming pools. How many thirteen swimming pools? Eleven restaurants, twenty three bars and lounges. Shut up. You get a seven hundred fifty dollar resort credit. It can be used for massages, spa services, and every gift s though eighteen hold Jack Nicholas golf course right there and the largest casino in the Caribbean. Go to www dot Steve Harvey Saying and Soul dot com. Go to Steve Harvey Saying and soul dot com for more information. For a little as ninety nine dollars. You can reserve this package and put it in the envelope and sticking under the tree. You can make payments all the way up to the day you can I come back. When we come back, I'm gonna tell you the rest of hold on man. Details coming up. Yeah, we'll be back with more about this incredible event and Christmas packaging. You're listening, ste a light, y'all listen, We're back. Hey. Just go to Steve Harvey Sanding soul dot com. Listen to everybody. Go to Steve Harvey sand and soul dot com. Or you can call this number eight hundred six eight four. Listen to me, this is the greatest event ever, Steve Harvey saying and soul. It's now going from September to August, and excuse me, August thirty to September three. It's gonna be in the Dominican Republic in Poona County. I'm trying not to say something. I was saying that though you Pool counor. I'm just trying to practice. So this is what's happening, uh, this event. It's five days, four nights. It's all inclusive at the hard Rock Hotel. The hard Rock Hotel has thirteen swimming pools. The only people will be only resort will be us. No one else will be on the resort. I've already reserved the entire resort, so it's just us, y'all. But I heard your complaints. Last time, I heard what you wished was different. We had a great time in Nassau. We got treated really excellent. But this time I wanted to make it all inclusive. So leave your wallets at home. Once you pay for this trip, you really don't have to pull your money out them unless you want to buy something at the gift shop. So it's all inclusive. Food, alcohol, twenty four our rooms service, leave your wallets at home. The room services included. All the bars are inclusive, jaccuzas and balconies in every room, free WiFi called back to the stage. It's thirteen pools, y'all. It's eleven restaurants on this resort, twenty three bars and lounges. You get a seven D fifty dollar resort credit. You can use it at massages, uh SPA services, and you can use it at the gift store. We got an eighteen hold Jack Nicholas Golf Course. I did that for me. We got the largest casino in the Caribbean. I did that for me and those of you to love again. But also here is the lineup of events. Are you ready? Yes, come on on Thursday. When you get that, we'll have a welcome party. And this is the rep your city, where something with your city on it, or your college on it, or your frat on it, or if you want to just rep your job, you're postal work or ups ripping. The next night will be the Players Ball. Come raise a sharp dressed to impress. It's just a party. The next event will have will be the Nineties Party party like it's the nineties in your favorite nineteen ninety attire. Then we got the comedy show with some of your favorite comedians on it. Then we're having a showtime at the Apollo Night. Come on up if you got talent, and we'll find out. We're gonna have an act like a success masterclass hosted by yours truly. Then we're gonna have the beauty Bar hosted by my wife, Marjorie Harvey, gonna be talking to the ladies about skincare and things like that. Then we're gonna have the Uh Stephen Marjor Harvey Charity Golf Classic. Then we're gonna have jazz and cocktails on the beach. Then we're gonna have cigars and Koonyak rolled on site. Then we're gonna have the grand finale concert Fly All White the time. All of this it's going down on thirty to September three in the dim d R at the Hard Rock Hotel. I'm negotiating with the staff now already know Junior to sign up. That's it. You know, I'm gonna be there. See what did there there the rest of y'all. But it's gonna slow, Junior. Why would I not though why would I not big the beach. This is big, Steve. I love it one more time. Give everybody the website, see Steve Harvey saying, and then sold dot com. Steve Harvey sand and sold dot com. And you figured in all inclusive. Leave your wallets at the hole. How much right there? You're gonna tell black folks. You're gonna tell all they can drink, all they eat, all they can drink. Ain't gonna get rid of I see they got this all figured out. That the hotels they know. Okay, once you didn't ate and drink so much you forget. And the largest casino in the Korean huge thirteen swimming pools Jr. Come on, man, I'm I'm listen to me. Eleven restaurants, twenty four our restaurants to open twenty four hours, twenty four hour room service. All the restaurants not open all night. Yeah, just the room service, room service all night. Louned up, twenty three bars and lound. Don't hit every last one up. I mean, y'all, we really looked at this carefully. We really heard our listeners. I listened very carefully, and I don't want you coming to the event. And then you know, gotta pay for a drink, a hamburger, slice of pizza. I said, okay, cool, you can't really just it if you got to come over there and then. But it's so it's all inclusive everybody. Everything accept The gift shop is one percent free, y'all. Go to Steve Harvey Saying and soul dot com. Check it out. You can lay it away for as little as nine dollars. So this would be a great Christmas gift. Get the package. We'll send your little confirmation receipt. You put it in the box and say, hey, baby, Merry Christmas. You're going to pool coanor be you and Steve, Hey, what you are now? You wear yourn't make it real? Tell you that I'm gonna be in there with a dr speed on what I mean, Well, thank you, Steve Saying. And so we are going to the dr love it when we come back. At the top of the hand, it's gonna be We got the top ten gifts that people hate. You're listening to Steve alright, fellas Jay, what you gutcrimatine. But some people don't put a lot of thought into gifts at all. They just don't. They could care less you know, and these are list of gifts that we just don't want at all. Don't give me. I'm just speaking for myself. I want them to diabetic. Don't give me no damn shocolate cup of cherries. I don't want that, Okay, don't wrap it up, don't I don't like that gift. I don't. I don't like that's too much damn sugar for diabetic what I can't speak for? The top tien give that people hate. I don't. The top tick I hate because I've already got this before. Why would you give me a jerry box? You don't really, I don't wed they put no thought into this. This came from my aunt of mine. Here's somebody that don't know you at all, at all at all. They got the mirror in it when you open it up, the little the little box secual. I don't. I ain't got a ring all my face. Don't get me a holiday sweater? Why would you buy me a Chrystmas sweater? But when am I gonna weinna wait till next Chrystmas for nothing? I don't because after the day it's awful. I ain't never been with the ugly sweater thing. I don't have Okay, Steve, what you got? What are we doing? Top tien gives people hate. That people hate, yeah, yeah, that they hate what people don't buy me? No damn medicine. Do you know? You know? You know, I know how much your knees hurt. You got some ad vel from Cellar Bricks and you can keep it close by. Man, I just man, I thought about you, and I saw this big two hundred pe bottle Christmas. Man maybe went to sales and Cosco got you the big bulk. L don't want none of that. I don't want to let me do something about me. I have not worn suspenders in years, okay years in the years, and not the ones that clamp on, not the ones that you put a button on. And I don't want suspenders, the plastic work, I don't. I know they look nice in the box and they've got a little both twn. I don't want that. Okay, I'm telling something else. I don't want, Jake, and I mean this, I mean it. Don't buy me nothing off of informational I don't know. I don't want the flashlight. I don't want nothing. I don't want. I did buy you that flashlight though I did see a guy. Well, I don't want it. They have some good y'all go ahead and happened. I don't want it. What the hell do I want with some seal what they call it? You never know, right if I get, don't want I don't want no conflicts just cause they shiney. I've been watching your teams that I saw you be winning conflicts. Jesus real, alright, all right, no buy me no spank shape? Why why don't you buy me? You know, a form fitting shirt? What are you trying one? Yeah, don't find me that. I don't want that. I might need that, but I don't want that. No, he don't. You don't. You don't want to shirts hit body? Ready for that? He got, buddy, If I see time me to tip your shirt, I need to pitch. I need anywhere in the country. You see him? Take that man I put on in front of Marjorie one time. She laughed so hard. I looked at her said, I said, I ain't really there yet, I'm just checking it out. Laugh. Okay, okay, I'm under the impression if you put one of them shirt song, Steve, it makes your body tight, and I think it's the shirt that makes you like you in shape. That's what I think. And that's on you. Now you gotta keep the shirt on. You know what I'm saying. I'm definitely gonna give me one. But what I don't want, but I don't want it's a popcorn coupon. Please, I'm going to the movies. I can't get my own popcorn. Okay, all right, you don't need to cupon. You don't want the gift card. You love going to the movies, Jay, that's a good you love going to movies. Don't know. I don't want to mow the movie passes. I'm good on movie badger hair cream. They give me a set and it's got hair cream, and I've been just looking at people. Yeah you know you ain't got no happy to use it for your mustache case. Yeah yeah, I'll tell you what I know. I'm sinking in the shop for Well. I tell you, people like to make fun of your situations and stuff. And I know I have sickner set. But what I don't want for c is a bag of Say give you that the bag. I don't want the bag of s because hydra, Yeah, they think, but it's ch I ain't in the hospital. We're in the living room. I don't want the bags. Sat. I would report you first because you're stolen here. I don't love you. Here the one I don't like people get. I know you like cigars and I found these here. They had these cohebbers for six dollars a box, the hobby hobbies. Those come. Here's no man, no, look that that ain't the right label. Yeah, that is they coheedbers. I asked, what about you, spose they bring you a box of flack of mile. Did something I had that I've had that'll make you sick? That they brought me a pack of big lighters one time. You're always looking for a lighter. Here's a light. Here's a pack. You know how long it take for a big lighter. And we're not ungrateful. This is just what we don't like. That's all you're listening to the stew all, Right, Steve, I want you to encourage all of our listeners in Mobile, Birmingham, Montgomery. They have to get out and vote tomorrow the special Senate, the special election. Row Moore is in the election. As we know, the President has endorsed this guy. He is the Republican candidate. But I don't know if you guys heard about this. There was a rally in Florence, Alabama, and Roor Moore responded to a black audience members question about what More considered to be the last time America was great. More responded, check this out. I think it was a great time when emilies were united, even though we had slavery. They cared for one another. Our families were strong, and our country had direction. This is what we're more there. So, according to him, the last time the country was great was during slavery. That they believed that. And this is a scary guy to be in office of several levels. But let's just look at how they've spun these allegations. If all these people claim to believe the majority of these women, if that's what you're claiming to believe, then we've got to act on it as a people. And you know, you can't hide behind you know, the White House started a tremendous spin. Sarah Huckabee. I think that we should let the voters of Alabama decide that was the deflected off of them. But finally President Trump has finally come out and just endorsed him full fledged. Now the rest of the Republicans have gotten in line so they can stay out the fray by saying I think it's up to the voters of Alabama. Now here's what they've done. This man signed the yearbook. The woman wrote some stuff under it. Probably true, but he did sign the yearbook. When did this man sign a high school girls year book? But he said he didn't even know her? How did you sign the yearbook? It's proven that he signed the yearbook. It's sketchy as whether he wrote the old Hickory restaurant hunder because that made me her signature, trying to bloster works. He said he didn't know the woman. The same guy who had a band from coming into a mall. This is the same guy who has had repeated accusations from children. I don't care if sixteen is a consensual age in Alabama. If you're thirty four, what are you doing with this child? Something's wrong here. And for the Republicans to sit up here and push this guy anyway so they can control the seat in the House, that's ridiculous. Y'all got to get out and vote. Man, you got that man that you can do that. This is crazy. This is crazy that this man is running for Senate. But Al Franken he's got to go. But yeah, he got to go, but he wants you all to put him in off. All right. When we come back at thirty three after the hour more the Steve Harvey Morning Show, we'll talk about the weather. The wildfires continue in southern California. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This has been a wild year in weather. You know, the wildfires continue to burn throughout southern California. President Trump has approved to California Disaster declaration, so he ordered federal aid to the area and put the Department of Homeland Security in FEMA in charge of the disaster relief efforts. Now, if you guys that are listening, you want to help our friends and neighbors in southern California, please go to red Cross dot org or you can go to the United Way dot com. They are taking donations and supplies for the various shelters that they have set up out in southern California. And then other wild weather news. Did you guys see the South got a taste of winter early this year, snowing on Friday in Houston. Yeah, right in the Field mon too, snowing in Houston, Birmingham. Yeah, Atlanta got hit Birmingham. Then on Saturday morning it hit the northeast Washington obviously, New York City, Philly, and Ball Austin. So wow, this has been a crazy year of weather. How did you make up at the house, Steve? With the wildfires in California, we got evacuation notices where we live to prepare, not to evacuate, but to prepare, and um, you know, don't y'all won't be helping nobody in my neighborhood, so don't even worry about it. Donations somewhere, you don't even don't even send nothing over here. Today's what do you mean? The evacuation notices even be different, look like an invitation. It's not evacuated, but evacuation warning. Please empty all safe and prepare to depart with valuables. Wait a minute, they tell you that that's what the evacuation warning is. That's how you evacuate, rich people. Please prepared to remove all items from let's go. Come on, skip valuables and prepared to leave. Get your valuable get some bag, let's go. No hurry, people, that's that's your evacuations. Yeah, that's that's the pre warning. Efty all safe and their all safe. I've walace in here and we'll sort it out later. All friends, let's go get your safe safe and grab all your value and get ready to leave and give it. That's no cause nothing save you got insurance, don't worry about that. We got everything shoes. You can't send that evacuations with the way I live. You tell me grab valuables, I'm gonna kill myself. Empty safe, grab valuables and art and you can't get that back. Art is expensive and valuable. Yeah, sliding in your vans and get out your st if I grab values where I live, jail, I'm gonna kill myself trying to take this in five in screen TV off the wall and get that's that's the only valuable I got in here. I got to get this down these steps and get it to the car. That's only valuable I have. So, did you guys get a chance to see the snow in Atlanta? Yeah? I saw that on the news and missing flas and everything. Right, kids do snowballs the whole morning. The whole city was shut down for thirty minutes. Yeah, yeah, thirty minutes. Then it melted and it was all good. Grandkids out there just standing in it with a mouth open, trying. All right, when we come back, we got just one more thing. We'll wrap up the show coming up at forty nine after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, just one more thing. This's Monday. The show went by pretty fast. What you got for us? Well, you know, here's the deal, uh saying that Steve Harvey saying, the Soul Festival's coming back for two thousand eighteen. This time it would be in Punta Knor in the Dominican Republic. We have changing the locations to the Puna Conta, Dominican Republic. We're changing the date to Labor Day weekend. Seventeen events, five days, four nights, one incredible time. It's gonna be at the Luxurious Hard Rock Hotel in Casino. Now, why did I pick that place? Because I listened to y'all. Man, I heard you y'all had a great time in saying this soul. But I said, man, I'm always trying to expose people and give them a better opportunity. How can we make this better? Well, here it is I rented out the entire hotel. The entire one capacity belongs to Saying the Soul Festival, so we can keep that same vibe that we want to have. Because we had such a good time last time. Man, all the grown cool people over there. Man, we just had a good time. So many girls trips was taken that week kid, so many couples went out there that weekend. And here's the thing about it. This time, leave your wallets at home. This is an all inclusive event. August thirty, September three, Labor Day weekend, five days, four nights. Here we go, all inclusive. All your food, alcohol, twenty for our room service, jacuzzis and balconies in every room, free WiFi and calls back to the States. Thirteen swimming pools, y'all, eleven restaurants everybody, twenty three bars and lounges. You get a seven hundred and fifty dollar resort credit which can be used for massages, spa services and at the hotel, gift shop eighteen hold Jack Nicholas golf course and the largest casino in the Caribbean. Go to Steve Harvey Santa Soul dot com or you can call this number right here one hundred six eight four twenty eight, twenty five. Here's the line up, y'all. Y'all ready as soon as you get there on Thursday night, we're gonna have a welcome party. This is rep your city. How have you? You want to rep your city? T shirts with your city on his, shirts with your city on it, your college on it, your frat, whatever you want to rep, rerap it, your job, ups, post offer, I don't kill entail dale, IBM rep something. Then we're gonna have the players ball come raising sharp dress to impress. Then we're gonna have a nineties party. I might have to change it to the seven so we can put them big afrows on in bail bottoms and platforms. Then we're gonna have the Tears of Joy comedy show with some of your favorite comedians. What decide who that is? The foods is all over here and listen they're debating right now. I'm sick of the ass. They got two ways. Excuse me, I'm just talking about you know what color. I don't want to say. They're coming to junior them other two understand what they're hesitating fun. Then we're gonna have showtime and their power if you got a talent, come on, we'll find out. We're gonna have an act like a success master class. I don't want to call it masterclass. Case open with you and I did her, so we'll fix that act like a success master class. We're gonna have the beauty Bar hosted by my wife, Marjorie Harvey. She's got some great tips for ladies and talk to you all about different things if you have any questions or anything. We're gonna have the charity golf Class. We're gonna have jazz and cocktails on the beach. We're gonna have cigars and Kanyak rolled on site, and we're gonna have a grand finale concert to fly all White the time it has been going down, Man, it is going down all this August thirty two, September three in Puna Conta, Dominican Republic. Now here's a catch. You can lay this away. You can book this trip right now as low as n put it in a box, wrap it up the receipt, make a little presentation. I say, Merry Christmas, baby, We're going to Punicona. You're going to Steve Harvey saying the Soul Festival, Marry Christmas, and you can put on it what you want to put on it. How about that? Ho ho ho, Mary got a little something else to throw up and deal inclusive, y'all. Every room has a jacuzzi. Everyone that has a balcony. Every room, every single room have a weight reclimate. They have a weight reclimate. So be careful, to be careful. People quiet. Jay. I was going to stop by Jay room. I need to see who we're in there and we can Jay might not come. No, no, no, We're having it regardless. I'm gonna host a success class and I'm gonna holt showtime. That's gonna be right, that's gonna be off, Julia, I'm gonna have somebody hosting the comedy card. If Jcob he can host, m hmm. If Tommy go, he can hold, I don't care. But I'm gonna have We're gonna have it. You know what. Comedian Yeah, one comedian on these other two with the Speedo DR the DR. I was actually gonna be on stage in it one more time. Steve give us the date, location, website and phone number. The date August September three. The website Steve Harvey Saying and soul dot com. Steve Harvey Sand and Soul dot com. That's the date. All prices and packages are on there. If you want to save a little bit of money. I got another package on there. I got I bought out the whole hotel. Every single room will be reserved for us. Yeah, we're gonna go over there and have a cool, grown folks, sexy time and you ain't got to do nothing. Growing the party and kick it. Ladies and gentlemen, have yourself a great week. It it's Monday. It's Monday. It's for real Monday. I mean it's it's I'll have a good for all. Steve Harvey Contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.