Don Lemon Interview, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update, Jodeci and more.

Published Jul 23, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are there and we in it! It's National Vanilla Ice Cream Day and Steve is ecstatic. The Chief Love Officer gives the hard truth for the valedictorian that is in love with the popular cheerleader. Dat Damn Don Lemon from CNN stops by to discuss his podcast and his special guest for today Kareem Abdul-Jabbar along with Trump and Biden. Miss Carla reports that Kim Kardashian asks people to have compassion for Kanye and mental health. Junior does a mini Jodeci concert for someone's birthday. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog continues voting discussion and he talks about the comfort that prayer brings, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like the milling buck bus things. And it's not good. Steve har to mother for stunt joy. You gotta use that turn ar. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall will a good heart to everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now want it on to Steve Harvey got a radio show. Um. Five things that I know successful people have to do to be successful. The principles are the same. You can apply it to anything, you know, if you want to be happily married, you know, whatever it is. The principles of success are the same. There are a series of things that you have to do. You cannot skip the steps of success. If you do, you're going to have to go back and step on them anyway. So here's here's here's here's a part man that I want you all to understand about me and and and about how to look at it. You know, you cannot underestimate faith and prayer. You just can't. You cannot underestimate the power of faith and the power of prayer. See for me, this is just for me. Now, this ain't in the scripture nowhere. This is just something I discovered. What prayer did for me was was it tied me to my creator. It gave me a sense and I'm describing it this way, but I'm telling you it's deeper than this. But it gave me a sense that I wasn't alone and an actuality. I wasn't. But prayer helped connect me to the power source that was available to me to get through, get around, or get over whatever it was that was in a way, whether it was just a period I stretched, I had to go through hard work. It had a period I had to go through to learn some less since some periods I had to go through from having to pay for some of the mistakes I've made. Whatever the case may be, prayer gave me a decided advantage, especially oh, here we go, Especially over my enemies. Now, the majority of people in my life that were my enemies, I didn't want them to be my enemies, Make no mistake about this. But through the thing called life, some things went down, Some things happened from here and then went over here that way, and a person became my enemy. The majority of enemies I had came out of nowhere. I have no reason to even see why they are my enemies. But you know, life goes on, man. It happens from time to time. Some people just won't let it go. See some people, in their quest to do something to you or to make you pay, they just won't let it go. But it may cause you some discomfort, and some of them may be lies about you, and all of this and all of that, but you that that can't prohibit you from going forward. So what I'm saying is prayer gave me the strength, wisdom understanding the carriage to either go through it, go around it, or go over it. But it happened. I do not know how I could have made it. Without faith and without prayer, it would have. Something would have got me. You two would have got me. The bloggers would have got me. My partners that I grew up with, that used to laugh behind my back. They would have got me. My friend that would over my mother's house one time and told her. You know what Steve's problem is he out there telling them jokes. He just lazy, he don't want to work. That would have got me. They didn't know. I ain't really mad at him, because they were just All they was doing was basing their conversations and passing judgment based on what they knew, based on what they believed. They didn't believe I was gonna make it. But that's them though. If it was not for the faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, I wouldn't have made it because I would have listened to everybody else who didn't see me getting here and went along with it. And then prayer. Oh my goodness, man, how many times has prayer bailed me out? Prayer has bailed me out? Prestiel belling me out. Tell you the truth, man, quiet as his kelt prayer. That connection to your heavenly Father, that connection to your creator, that connection to that source of power and inspiration, that connection of never feeling that you're alone. You know. I was watching a Bishop Jakes on the TV yesterday and it was a repeat and one of the things he was talking about, well, let me just get to the gist of it. I was going through a portion of my life and I and I went through it for some years, y'all. I had gotten myself into a jam that lasted for years, I'm telling you, for years, with some serious consequences to follow. For years. And I was so busy looking at who I was at. I was sulking sometimes, Man, I'd get on the radio, Man, I'd be just done. I was sulking. My my spirit had gotten low. I had gotten tired of the fight, and I would I would come on some mornings, man, and I will try try not to let on, but I was hurting. I was because I'd been in it for years. Man, I had been in this thing for years. And one thing I was doing. I was so busy looking at where I was at. And when I was watching Bishop Jakes, he preached this sermon. He was talking about so busy looking at where you at that you don't even realize that God has been with you the entire time. And you know what, man, just yesterday, just yesterday, I heard this and I text him. I text Bishop Jakes, and I thanked him because it was an old message I could tell. And I called a text him up and I said, Man, thank you so much. I was just watching you on TV and you told me Man, something that I that I'll always remember that whatever you're going through, that he's there with you the whole time. But see when sometimes when you're so busy looking at where you at, you don't even notice where he is. And see sometimes, man, that that helped me, and that's going to help me in the future to realize that what I'm going through, that he's there. He's there with me, and he gonna protect me, and he's gonna let my enemies overcome me, and he ain't gonna let nobody overtake me, and he ain't gonna let me go under because he's there. It's just you can't be so busy looking at where you at that you don't take notice or where he at. God is always there, He's always available, And the best way to tap into that and know it is you got to pray. Prayer has changed my life. Prayer can change your life. You can become something if you just pray. You're listening to here we are are we now were in it, ladies and gentlemen, that it is the call of the greatest morning show on Earth. Ringling Brothers once said, the greatest show on Earth. Well they don't do that no more. Because the Steve Harvey Marty show his own baby. You ain't heard from ringing brother Peter, shout all that down, Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry, good morning, see yeah, Pla Farrell, good morning, Steve, what's up? Crew? What's up? Junior? Morning? Up morning everybody, Ladies and gentlemen. Thomas Miles. I thought it would be by thank you so kindly, sir. Are you hearing ready for what you? Well? Yeah? Fun day, Thursday, Yeah, man, Thursday, Monday, Sunday, Friday. I don't even do days of the week, no, mo, I just do days. See, this is a good day for you and or and everyone who likes ice cream. It's National Vanilla ice Cream Day's blue bell I love ice cream, you know, put some own mind though, I can just take it vanilla, I'm cool. Yeah, Chocolate day was natural ice cream today? Who makes the best vanilla ice cream? Blue Blue Belly? You like homemade? Yeah? The little for them? Good, both of them, not even like I like homemade all day. Hogging Dogs has a new flavor out that I had the other day called birthday Vanilla. Oh yeah, a good, yummy, delicious Yeah all right, yeah, it just might want away from first day. Ain't that part of Kanye Party. I ain't content. I'm not fooling with Kanye right now. He's not gonna getting this damn ice cream conversation now now, hogging dogs does hell or Bourbon Bourbon and Pecan or Bourbon and pray leagues? One of the two Lords, Lord Father? That good? I like boy Bourbon Bourbon and plans or either Bourbon and pecans is one of the two. I just had it in came it was good in Jerry's fan Yeah monkey, yeah, like slap you behind, like like I have some of my refrigerators house. Okay, I don't play, don't I like a little? Ben and Jerry's cole Stone hurt my feelings one time recently too. What happened because their version of cookie dope? Uh huh, very disappointed. That's not a favorite flavor, oh cookie dope? All No, it's not a favorite of mine. No, girl, you ain't no ice cream person. Yes, I am all right. Listen. Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do Steve's favorite segment. It's called ass the CLLO, the Chief Love Officer. Right after this, you're listening to the stow coming up at the top of the hour, guys c and ends Don Lemon. Yes, a very special guest and you don't want to miss it. You do not want to miss it. Uh, but right now it is time for the cello. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is here and this one. Steve is from Corey in Birmingham. Corey says, I've been dating a girl for four months and we are college singer seniors. I'm a computer nerd and I'm slated to be valedictorian this year. My girl is a cheerleader and she's in a sorority. She's popular. I'm not. I feel like she's ashamed of me. When we're at my place, she's all lovey dovey all the time. When we're on campus, she barely acknowledges me. She says she's falling from me and I'm perfect marriage material. But we don't need people in our business, so it's best to keep our relationship quiet. What do you think is really going on? Is she ashamed of me? Yeah? And now listen to me. It's okay, it's okay. Yeah, he's a nerd. Yeah, he's a nerd. He damned it about valor victoria. Very few cute men are value victorious. A lot of cute women be value victorious, but very very you just say valor vic Hey, I have never been up for it, the title. I wasn't fit to be, no where near that. No, they didn't even let me graduate in the front. So it's very few attractive men that become that high level are smart now A lot of women can do it? And so what didn't happen to you? Bro? Is you marriage material? But you're not popular? She don't. She ain't really flouncing with you in front of nobody because you are nerved, but just accept its role. You're being used, you're smart, you probably help her with a school work, and you're being used for your body and don't that's the yeah. Is flouncing a word? Well? I my mom used to tell me that all the time. Is you checking me? Now? I was just talking to the ladies asking them with flower, saying flowncing you want flouncing the word? Yes, ignorant. Let's get to Raven in Dover, Delaware, Clo. She says, my best friend and our and I are in our early thirties. I am single and she just got divorced. Since her divorce, she loves to go out and get sloppy drunk and have sex with old friends or co workers and a few one night stands here and there. I hate to see herself destruct like this. One of our close male friends told me that I will be judged by the company I keep because birds of a feather flock together, Uncle Steve, Is this true? Will guys think that I'm a drunk and an easy lay if I keep hanging with her? Well? Yeah, I mean he told you right, that's how guys do it, y'all together. You with it all the time. You must approve of this lifestyle and behavior. So yeah, quite naturally, even though it may be so opposite from from the truth, but the assumption it's going to be okay, all right, just let me spend a little bit more time with this one. See how we'll see what she wanted to do because your girl just letting it go. Yeah, yea one night stand. Yeah she's see. That's why like married men can't go out with single men because your wife eventually gonna ask you about something he did, because she's gonna see her here's something crazy. Birds of fleather flock Together, the association brings on participation will be applied to you. Now that doesn't make it true, but it will be applied. Yeah, so she should stop bringing her being her friend or just hanging out with her. Well, you ain't gonna stop being her friend. But you can't take all your friends everywhere. Now, Hello, you have to categorize your friends. Yeah, see some of my friends. I can go watch a baseball game with him. I got some friends, but I got friends I can't take around none of my jobs, not even this one's job. Yeah, loose one. Yeah, a crazy one. There's some friends of mine that can't come around Shirley. You know, Yeah, everybody met a couple of my friends. Some because I know, I can't call it the med one, because I know call the hood. She'd be able to handle. You ain't handle it. So I don't bring him up around you because you're gonna say something, your little prim proper ass and then you anyway, all right, So yes, so just limit your your time. He is a g just yes, shout out, Oh gee, you re all right, cello. This is from Jericho and Monroe, Louisiana. She says, I'm a newlywed twenty five year old woman, and I need your advice. My husband is very sensitive and I can't stand making love to him. During sex, he whimpers softly. If it gets really good to him, he cries. Oh, this is such a turn off. A few times I stopped in the middle of sex and asked him just to be quiet. When I asked my therapist about it, she says, it's normal, and some men make macho noises and yell out, but my husband is different and he makes softer noises. I prefer more manly moaning. And I never ever want to see a man crying after sex. How can I get it to stop? Oh? You just can't help everybody, Come on enough, it's that good. What are you doing? Oh? God, man, shut up. I've never heard of a dude doing that before. I'm sorry, I just never have and I can't help you. He didn't. He didn't cry for y'all got married. Well, did you say that for when you got married? Yeah? They may have. They're only twenty five, they're young. Yeah, what are you crying for? He says what she says when it really gets good? All right, we gotta move on though. Coming up next, nephew Tommy is here to run that breakback right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, CNN's Don Lemon and we'll be our special guests. Yeah right now. Yes, we can't wait for that right now, though, it is time to have some fun. The nephew is here, would run that prank back? What you got for us, nest We got these three minute remarks, okay, and we're going down here to do this funeral. There's gonna be three minute remarks. Can't go over that, Let's go well, Yes, I'm trying to reach your brother Keith, please. Yeah, this is Keith Keith. How you doing this? Is Lawrence overhead El Funeral Home. Okay. We are the ones that have the um doing the funeral for sister Dolores. And that is h y'all my understanding, right yeah, okay, And as you know, the funeral is uh this coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my tension, uh that you are going to be giving remarks for the funeral. Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely, okay. I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the funeral and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks because they say that you're not going to be What do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute rule that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off. And uh uh? Who who is they? Who come out? Come out? Who? Who? What's the name is launch? I'm Launched, I'm the actual funeral director lord? And who who told you to take me off? One of the one of the family members. I'm gonna humans who who made the adjustment? And an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program? Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite a few family members doing different things, uh throughout the funeral. Okay, so how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out that they said that let listen to me. Listen, listen to me. Listen to me, brother, keep listen to me. What they said it is that you weren't going to abide by the time, you weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Monty raised me, he put me through college. And you think I'm I'm Beenna goes there in her funeral and be under two minutes. Well, well listen for listen, brother, keep brother, keep listen to me. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, I'll tell you. I'll tell you what, mister lord. Don't list the list. We have a shealer. Yes, there's a ceiler that's singing your name off the list. Take her off the list and put me where she supposed to be with my current and her time is Bobby Bobby, Yes, Bobby Junior is given remarks. That's a that's that's Delores'. That's mister Laurs's son, right, Yes, that's son, the one that been locked up. He just got out of. Tell the truth, be told, he the one down. Then put her in the cof. You needn't take him off the list too. Give me all that time, because I mean, if I gonna take nothing that Keith, let me let me let me just say this to you. I cannot take Sheila or Bobby Junior off I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that, actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking people name off, you're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though. Who is they? Who is Dave? They for having my problems? They try to take me off my hockey program? Who is day? Sir? I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that, you can't matter. Sure, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad, and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyd's okay, damn right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guaranteese, I guarantee you it's gonna be a toothful one in there. Somebody else don't get things in the caff for tooth I guarantees that if I don't get to say nothing, that my monkey funeral monthy didn't pay for the college. I didn't put six thousand indunabal, I bet you I tell you this. I'll tell you this, mister lord. I bet you whether I don't want the program, I'm doc. I bet you, I say, with the fool I want to. I'll bet you that much. You tell by that I didn't. I didn't put me through college. I put money on the funeral. I called around a few. Ain't putting no money on the Frindal tell in they can't be on the program, man, Keith. They when they decide who who Who's own it? If they changed the format, then I will call you back. Who who the is they? That's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is they? Can? I can? I tell you something? And I don't want you to get to I rate okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man. I just want to say this, Keith, with them, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Mornin Show. You just got freaked. Dude, You have gotten breaked by your cousin Bobby Junior. You bum, I'm Bobby Junior. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my pleasure is all. I ain't got Tundy playing man taking me on damn program. I'm oh, Bobby said, y'all grew up black brothers man, and you was you was basically another son of mister Lord's. That's right, Yes, yes, I was man. Oh hey, let me ask you this, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's it? Three minute more? Man, ain't for three minutes? Just get you know, because it bothers me called everything. You go to a funeral, you sit back there and look at your watch and say, they're not gonna make it three minutes, five minutes, six minutes, seven minutes. Are you serious? Come on? You had time to rehearse all these changing statements, they'd be making time. And let me say one more thing. Yeah, and then this one time I remember when do y'all know? And I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this about Robert. I'm gonna say this because Robert and me And listen, me and Robert, y'all got this bad with before me. Robert and man, that's my boy right there. Y'all don't know. Oh see, we will get ready to go to jail. Oh hi, I think we get the picture. I don't know how I'm coming about Robert, Robert thinking, nephew, our special guests were in SNN don lemon. You're listening, hey, listen up to everybody joining us this morning. As promise we have an esteemed uh Emmy award winning journalists on CNN. UH. He hosts his very own night the show it's called CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, and he recently just launched a new podcast. It's called Silence Is Not an Option and it's on CNN Audio. We're gonna get to it. We're gonna find out more about it. But I want to introduce him in a way that he's never been introduced before. But the dudes that Steve Harvey grew up with, I can't even tell you the this collection of men are different. This is what they call you, d D D D Damn Don Lemon, lady, a gentleman that Damn Don Lemon. Welcome, Welcome, Hey Don Don. I bet you never knew that man, and laugh at the same time. Brother, you your work. Shirley said it before we went on the air, Man, how we feel about you, how you your bravery on so many fronts. Man, It's just it's inspirational, man, And we just wanted to say, man, we're huge fans of yours, and please man, keep up the good fight because he hates you and his people, which is the greatest compliment. So I appreciate you, and I am honored to be on and I look up to you, so it's a mutual admiration all of you. Thank you for inviting me on. Everybody. No, absolutely, Hey man, let's get into this because last month you launched your podcast on CNN Audio and it is an appropriately named to It's called Silence is Not an Option? Tell us about it, man, Why why a podcast and how and why the title of it? Because you know, I guess you guys can tell when you hopefully you can from watching the show. I like, sometimes I want to continue on with conversations and that I think are important, but but I have to get to the next segment. You know, you do. You have to get to the news of the day, and you have so many topics to cover, and there's sometimes I really want to dig in, and sometimes television doesn't allow you to the intimacy that you have that you have on radio quite honestly, that you have on a podcast where you can really talk to people and they let their guard down because that scary camera is not right in front of their faith, you know what I'm saying. So I wanted to drill down on these topics, especially now after George Floyd's death, after COVID, where people are sitting at home and they feel vulnerable and everybody in some way can kind of relate to each other through that vulnerability. And I said, now is the time to do it? And I was. I had picked up the phone to call the head of digital and I opened my email and he sent me an email saying, hey, let's do a podcast. And I went, well, it was meant to happen. That was That's God. Yeah, yeah, hey, And you know your stance, man, do you do you get major support from CNN with the stance that you take on so many different issues? Black Lives Matter? Is Donald Trump? How do you feel the network behind you? I do, but I still worry. Trust me every Listen. I'm not a big fan of social media because, um, you know, it was great in the beginning, but it's become so toxic, right, you know, you know, when I get off the air, I'll tech social media. It's like, oh am, I canceled. Now I'll look and I'm like that I go too far. But I listen, I've had I haven't had support from any employer, any employee that I've ever worked for more than I've had now and our you know, our boss. We've Jest Sucker here, who is just news a news person to the core, and he is very supportive of his people and he understands that. Look, everybody has a point of view, everybody has a lens. That doesn't mean that you're biased. I bring my particular expertise to the to the to the audience. And I'm a black man who grew up in America, and if I wasn't speaking the truth, especially now in this moment, I would be derelict in my duties as a journalist and as a black person telling that story in America. Absolutely absolutely, I see that. I see that in you. Hey man, you okay. Now, this podcast it's called Silence is not an option. And uh and uh, you're gonna have today's podcast. You're gonna have on Kareem Abdul Jabbar, who, by the way, one of my all time favorite basketball players when I was a kid. I'm putting them at thirty three on my sneakers. So I wanted to be him, and I had the same lips he had, so I figured, cool, let's go. Wow, I just do that just for color. You know, when you smile yeah, yeah, So kind of what did you all kind of cover on the podcast What Can People Aspect Today? Well, you know he's brilliant. Yeah, and you just said that he's brilliant and he's an intellectual, and you think, like, well, you know he's a sports that he is an intellectual. He's one of the smartest people I've ever interviewed. And after this whole thing started, you know, he became a Muslim. He converted back in at late sixties I think are early seventies. I forget, I forget the exact day. Don't quote me on that, but he converted because you know, you live in America religious freedom, and so he had heard had been hearing all these comments when people like Nick Cannon from the Sean Jackson, Steven Jackson and so on and so on, and they've apologized now so and listen, we believe in redemption in America. But he was hearing all these things, and so he wrote something and op ed telling people, hey, listen, we cannot expect people to support us as marginalized people and to understand black lives matter and racism if we are going to make remarks that are insensitive to other people of differentess the cities of different religions, and he wrote this fantastic out ed. I called him up and asked him to be on, and he had some really profound things to say about it, about his relationship to the Jewish community, about how he understands why people may be saying anything, and how we need to move forward and more importantly, have relationships with people and understand our connection, our similarity to the Jewish people's flight. He is Kareem abdul Jabar. He is a legend, and as I said, he is brilliant. Hey, hey, don hang on one second. Hey, y'all, we'll be back with more from Don Lemon right after this. You're listening to show. All right, everybody, We're back with the compelling D D D Dad damn Don limon. Okay, this whole thing about the relationship between Blacks and Jews, the one thing you said just a second Agod has always kind of resonated with me. I just I don't understand the division. And I guess some people have their reasoning, but I just don't get it, because I think that if any two people should be able to resonate with one another and understand one another's feelings is it should be our two communities, because between slavery and the Holocaust, we're talking to the great atrocities against the human human kind. And I just I don't, I don't, I don't even understand how it started to begin with. So I'm going to tune in because maybe Kareem can help put some light on that subject. Yeah, well he will help you Listen, genocide a genocide. Slavery's no doubt what genocide. The Holocaust, the genocide. But you should tune in not only for Kareem. I mean, he's a good reason, but also I had the professor Mark Doling of the San Franciscocto University, who is a professor of Jewish studies. He talks, he talks about why there is this, you know, tension sometimes between Jewish and black the black community because and he goes into it again better than I can. He talks about white Jews and how Jewish people basically assimilated and became white in the late nineteen fifties and nineteen sixties, meaning they could take advantage of education. People didn't necessarily know that they were Jewish. They started living in suburban neighborhoods and so on and so forth, opportunities that were not afforded to African Americans because we're black or black people, because you can see that we're black, we were red line. Not that they didn't face discriminations, but discriminations started to be different because we were all kind of the same living in the same quote unquote ghettos, facing the same discrimination. And then all of a sudden, Jewish people started to assimilate more. And I think on some level, African Americans, some African Americans are some black quotes may resent that and think that Jewish people cannot relate to their plights. So again, the Professor Mark Dollinger explains it a lot better than I do. But you're going to learn a lot about how what he says about that and how that has to change and even Jewish people, he said, especially when I'm quoting him white Jews, he says, have to um really that they have to learn that and there are some things that they need to unlearn. Interesting, right, Yeah, that's really you know, Hey, don look, I got you on here for a couple of reasons. Yeah, talk about the podcast. Get it out there. I think you deserve to be heard on several platforms. Okay, so we're doing that. Hey, hey, don hang on one second, man, hang on, hang on, stay right there. We'll be right back. Everybody with the compelling D D D dad, damn don limit you're listening. Hi, y'all, we're back. Uh Okay, here it is here. Why I really want you on this show. Let's go Trump and Biden. Let me start with this question. Right here is the Democratic Party, dude, they have the right messaging right now as you see it is Biden getting his message out there the right way. Listen. I'm not a Democratic Republican or political strategists, but I will tell you these are unusual times, obviously because we're in the middle of a pandemic. I think Joe Biden is getting his message out obviously to the best that he thinks he can, to the best of his ability. He's doing the right thing, I think personally, by socially distancing, wearing a mask and not going to places that draw large crowds. That that's what any responsible person and especially responsible leaders, should do. Obviously, if Trump had his brothers, we would have been back in church in April. He would have had major rallies, which he did, and then you know, the number of positive people started going up, and he's going to hot spots all wrong. Now he's having to changes soon. I think it's the right strategy for Joe Biden right now, because when your opponent is doing the damage to themselves themselves to themselves, you don't have to do it. At some point, though, he's going to have to step up and and come back the messaging coming from the president, because the President has a fully quoll pit and Joe Biden doesn't have that luxury. So at some point, in some way, he's going to have to figure out how to get his way his message out more forcefully and to more people, rather than just on social media and doing an interview here and there. And I think that that time is going to come. He's gonna have to do that the closer we get to the conventions, and obviously the closer we get to the election. Okay, he should come out after Trump gives a press conference and says something about him, especially if he doesn't, if he doesn't tell the truth about Joe Biden or his plan or what have you, he should come out right away. They need a rapid response team, like the Trump people have to be able to come back that because people will. If you tell a lie enough times, people believe it, and if you tell it with conviction, people will believe it. Oh and he on a daily basis, he just shoveled doses of it down that throat. Man. It's like miss and here's here's the thing. I'm curious about it, and tell me your opinion in this right here. I would think there's a group of former Trump supporters who have looked at him over the past four years and went and said to themselves, this is ridiculous. I can't keep this up. Do you get a sense of that. I do get a sense of that, and is that I think there's a small group of people within that group that will change over and neither vote for the other candidate meeting Biden or just won't show up for the falls. But for the most part, what they will say is I don't like him, I don't like what he does, but I'm voting for him because of the judges, because of abortion. I don't like him, I don't like what he does, but I'm voting for him because of the economy. I don't like him, I don't like what he does because I'm afraid that my streets are going to turn into war zones with Joe Biden in, and you're gonna start defunding the police. I don't like him, but I like the policies he supports. That's what you hear from people, and it's hard to get them to change, especially when you want them to vote for a Democrat. And the longer the president can come out and beat Joe Biden down with his rhetoric and tell his truths about him, it's going to work on some of those people. And quite honestly, the more people who are out there in our cities who are shooting each other and killing each other, it's it's gonna have an effect, and Trump knows it. On suburban especially women, suburban families who may be prone to vote for Joe Biden, they're gonna say, Joe Biden is not going to be the same with law and orders. I don't law and order. I don't want, you know, these people coming to my neighborhood. I don't want my neighborhood to turn into that. He's going to play on that and watch you on YouTube. I watch your between in the break segments for inspiration. So don't get it twisted. I am a huge fan of yours. I will always support you and I love you brother. Thank you. I love you too, man, Hey Man, keep telling the truth and keep being you because we need more people like you. The podcast Everybody's called Silence is not an option. I love you guys to y'all. Take it. Evey, thank you so much for inviting me that day. I'm done. Thank you. You're listening to say morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject why can't we both have a side piece? Okay, why can't we both have a side piece? All right, but right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone. Call you. What's up, nephew? What you got your daughter? Bait my son? Your daughter? Bit my son? Now, come on, come on kat hell Hello, hello, sweet to Kira, this is this is Look do you do you do your daughter? Go to the little academy? Yes? Who's this? And her name is? Yes? Who's this? Listen your daughter? Then bit my son? Uh, Joshua went on the back. This is Wilton, your daughter, the bit my son. You can't just call my house and tell me my daughter bit your say and be cussing at me. Lady, I just said, your daughter Sakira bit my son Joshua on the back, and I just I just said, no, two things. One my daughter wouldn't bite nobody, and two, don't call my house with this tone. I called with any kind of tone when I want to call with all I'm saying is your daughter then bit my son in the back, and I'm gonna tell you I'm saying is don't call my house with this add to saying some that my daughter bait your child in the back. My chadder has manners and she wouldn't be biting nobody in the back. Somebody, how the hell you know what your daughter gonna be doing? If you ain't there my daughter you're raising? Ain't you just come in one month and trying to do some kind of daddy work your daughter at but four years old? How the hell you do you know how that damn well, I've been with her for four years. What you being? My daughter does not be biting people around in the back of the neck or anything like that. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't call my house with his attitude? Were you where I get how the hell you figure I'm a weekend daddy. I'm calling you about what's going on with my child. But I don't think you got your facts straight. So next time you call somebody to tell them about their child, figure out everything about your child first. All I'm saying is that the people at the academy says, so, Carol, bit my son Joshua were in the back. Well, I can't understand what you're saying because I don't like your tongue. So don't call me all my baby. Have her mama called me? It don't make no difference if a mama or daddy called long with somebody, call hello, call her back down. Hello is this Carol? This is why you ain't up on me. Why are you still calling me? And why are you yelling at me? My child didn't bite your child in the back. When I picked up my child, they didn't say to me your child is fighting in the back. My child with my child every day. Like I said in the first, lady, you must be some kind of weekend daddy. How can I know my child? I'm with my child every day? How you are you I'm with I don't even know who joshua Is. She should have just hit him in the head. Ain't what you ain't gonna do and city and talk about my baby like you asked me to lower my child. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hang up one lay Hello, Hello called back? Don call her back? Cat Hello, don't hang up on me no more lady number again. I'm gonna call you until you tell me why you your child and beat me just bite my child in the back. I am not in the mood to play with you right now. You're gonnas. Did you and your child shoop? You and your child? Who you don't? Whoa whoa? Whoa? Guess what Shakira got her? Daddy? You talking about whipping somebody? Daddy? No, you have else to say. You can't call my house and threaten me and my jold if my child beat you up, child, what that's what your child deserved? He got whoops? Daughter whooped? Your sounds just probably want me to last trying the little fast not in those kids you're gonna be talking about when the fake facts she didn't bite them in the back. She might have whoked it, but my daughter don't play now, why keep talking? You found my phone number, find my address and have kids. Daddy, beat your you what I said, bring your son over again, my babies, care with your babies. My baby. Daddy gonna whip you'll bring it on. I'm gon over and beat you and your child for the day. You don't call a woman and tell her you coming over to behind a child. You come up here and beat her. Daddy. Come over here and beat sakis. Daddy. He don't he don't want nothing to me. You don't want it. I'm on my way over without now. Bring it on. Somebody gonna get day. Daddy home week. He ain't got no damn job. He got a job. Y'all gonna make me come over out a night. Bring it on right now. You know you know what. I'm gonna tell you something up to tell me something else. You're gonna get bit and your baby gonna get bit too. You gonna my baby sha gonna whoop? Yo? Can I say something to you? Say something to me then, Nephew timing from the Steve Harvid Morning Show. You just got prk there. Oh I am shame, I am ya just got prank. Your sister Glenda said I couldn't get me. She said get She said, you always never get me. We had that wouldn't happen to me. But you can't call somebody talk about that, baby. That's that's where it killman. Don't don't call nobody about that. Now, you got my heart hearted? Look, can I ask you something? Let me ask you what is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show? You and then you have it your daughter? Bit my damn son. You ain't gonna just trust me out about it. But I'm just leaving you know what did you say? I see air Carlin? This was obviously pre COVID. Yeah, baby's got to take the mask down and it won't be happen this year because ain't nobody going to school? Isn't this crazy? Yes? In such a short period of time too, that's gonna crush my kids if they can't go to school. They want to go to school, man, Yeah, my kids want to go to school. How do you feel about it? Though? I want them to be healthy. I don't want to be putting my kids out there. They can catch anything and come home and they say rather, I'd rather them be here until we know. How are you though? Tommy? As a home school teacher. Oh, I'm oh, they're not gonna pass nothing that what you're talking struggling with that? So they just gonna be safe. They're gonna be safe. They't nobody for in the pass. Not No, this boy going back to the third grade. If it's up to me, repeat, you find to repeating their heads listening to this. Yeah, Tommy getting mad at Jodan because he wouldn't listen what the teacher say. I can't help and math changed too. I can't help you man. Yeah, yeah, you're the one. I remember years ago you told me that they didn't carry the one anymore your younger. Yeah, yeah, you gotta carry the one. She said, where we can? I said, you can't it to the next column. She said, I don't. I don't understand what. I don't know how you add without that one? Daughters in all AP classes? Yeah, what does that mean? Honest honest side like GT Gifted and Talented, those type of classes. Once again, I didn't know what Valley Victoria was. And three years I had twelve credits in three years? Yeah graduate? So you took three three uh credits each semester? H no, no, no, you took eighteen hours in college three years but old, Yeah six weeks. I mean most of us do We took what fifteen hours? Yeah? Eighteen? Oh my god, my whole plan was to make up. Oh all right, listen, we gotta get into the Strawberry Letter. Thank you guys. Coming up Strawberry Letter subject why can't we both have a side piece? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Well, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter. What are you doing? All right? Hit but thank you nephew. Subject why can't we both have a side piece? Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I. I know. My husband and I have been married for three years. Our marriage was good. It was going good until a year ago when he told me he was having an affair. Shortly after we met. He told me about a female friend of his that lives out of town and she's like a little sister to him. I met her five days ago when she came to town for homecoming. We got along great, but I don't trust any females around my man. He and this woman texted and called each other often, and when I asked what's up with her or what they had talked about, he would say it was just small talk. Last June, she moved to our city, and my husband was so excited. Last July, I found a ten pack of condoms in his car and there were really and there were only two left in the pack. My female intuitions mmmmmmmm, my female intimi intuition told me that he was messing with this woman that he called his little sister. I asked him about the condoms, and he admitted that he was having sex with her. He told me to say have a history and he can't get her out of his system. I told him that he needed to stop the affair and we could go to counseling to fix our marriage. He said there was no need for counseling because he wants us both. I haven't had sex with him in over a year, but we still keep up appearances in public like we're a happy couple. His affair is still going on, and I don't plan to leave him because I love seeing him stressed out trying to keep two women happy. My only problem now is that I've started dating a new guy and my husband is being overly possessive and tried to fight him. If he can have a side piece, shouldn't I be allowed to please advise? Well, wouldn't that just be perfect if we lived in a perfect world, you know, where we could do whatever we wanted to do and you know whatever. But it's not like that. And you know that you already know there's a double standard in the world, and that they're just things that men do that are acceptable in the world. But if a woman were to do the same thing, she'd be talked about and judged harshly. And that's when this is one of those things. This is one of those times. Okay, the double standard. That's why he tried to fight your so called side piece. Okay, because he can do it, but he doesn't want you doing it. You know, I do give him credit, I guess for coming clean finally, you know, I mean after he got busted out with the tim packet condoms and only two in there. But I mean, your husband's way out of line here. You know that he has no plans of giving her up after only three years marriage. He's already lying and cheating and won't stop. But but to you, I just say, this is not a joke. I mean, you say you just want to stick around because you love seeing him stressed out. I mean, I suppose you can get some sort of satisfaction and seeing that since of the way he's treating because of the way he's treating you. But I mean, you know this is this is a crazy arrangement here. I think, don't you think it would be better if you just left him and went on with your man that you have now and lived a happier life. You know, two wrongs do not make a right, you know, I guess don't you want a happier life? I don't get this. Why why you're still there doing this? You know you could just move on and do better with your life and let him to do her and to be miserable. That's my response, Steve Well, surely great response. The problem. The woman asked a question of why can't we both have a side piece? Well, let's just try this. Your first sentence is the answer to that my husband and I have been married for three years? Subject, Why can't we both have a side piece? Answer? Because you and your damn husband have been married for three years? Yea, our marriage was going good till a year ago. Oh no, no, it wasn't. You thought it was when he told me he was having an affair. Now that's interesting. Why would he do that? And I'm gonna tell you why. Shortly shortly after we met, he told me about a female friend of his that lives out of town, and she's like a little sister to him. Most regular people ain't sleeping with their little sister. I just want to throw that out there as to why this whole letter reeks of false information? Why can't we both have a side piece? Because we've been mad three years? Madge was going good till a year ago. He told me he's had a female friend out of town and she's like a little sister to him. That's what he told you. I met her five years ago when she came to town for homecoming. We got along great, But I don't trust any females around my mad here and this woman text and called each other often, and when I asked what's up with her? What they talked about? He would just saying small talk. Okay. Last June she moved out city and my husband was so excited. Last July she only been here a month. Right, you found a ten pack of condoms in this car, Tommy said out loud. Condom coming to twelve Path, and it's two left in the pack. In thirty days, they've been together at least ten damn times. Whoa this out? Yeah? From she got here in June. In July he was down ten bam. All right, hang on, hang on, Steve, because I got most of you when we come back this high long I've been on this show. That's right at twenty three minutes after the our subject today? Why can't we both have a side piece? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today strawberry letter. Why can't we both have a side piece? Well, the reason you can't have a side piece, first of all, because y'all been married three years. Side pieces don't ever work out. I'm just sharing something with you. The marriage you thought was good till a year ago when he told you he was having another fact. He just came out and told you that, I'm we're gonna get to that. Shortly after we met, he told me about a female friend of his and live out of town, and she like a little sister to him. I met her five years ago when she came to town for home coming. We got along great, but I don't trust any female around. My man here and this woman text and called each other often. When I asked him what's up and what they talked about, he would say, small talk. What you want? You know what I want? That's small talk. You got it, you want it, that's small talk. Last I asked, what's up? Small talk? Last June she moved to the city, and your husband was so excited. Last July you found a ten pack of condoms in his car. Tommy pointed out that condoms coming to twelve pack. I happened to agree that was only two left in the pack, which mean ten times who in thirty days. That's every three days. He over there with his little sistem, small talking, small talking chatting. Huh. My female intuition told me he was messing with this woman that he called his little sister. Pump your brakes, your female intuition, you know what told me he was messing with him, And I don't have female intuition. That twelve pack of columns you found that ain't had but two left? You ain't got to have intuition and know that all you gotta do is be able to count. Yeah. Now, if you got a twelve packer in your car, fellas and your girl find a twelve pack still in now you picked him up for your boy, or your boy left him in the car when you picked him up, and you threw it in your glove compartment till you see him again. That's a conversation you can have. What you can't do is have an open box of condom and they mix it? Who put them in the car? Stupid as you dumb, Let me explain this part to you. That's really gonna throw you into something. Come on, my female intuition told me he was messed with this woman. I asked him about the condoms. He admitted that he was having sex with her. Just like that. You just came out with that information because just because we found some condoms. Oh, naw, Pardner. Oh, I got a list of stuff I'm gonna throw out at you for I tell y'all was having sex with somebody, and I care about you and I man, but he just flat out and told you he hav another fair because he don't care that, you know, because of that, that affair obviously means something to him. He told me. He told me that they have a history, which means they've been doing this for a long time. He can't get out of her system. When she came from home coming, she was in the system. When he introduced you, he was in that. She was in the system. I told him he needed to stop the affair. We could go to counseling to fix our marriage. This where you got in trouble. You know what he said after you told him that, He said, ain't no need for counseling because I want both of y'all. What counseling go help that? None? I want both of y'all. Now hear where you started me, I haven't had sexual with him in over a year. Well, how many condoms you think he didn't went through in a year. Let's just go eight in a month, times, twelve, seventy two times whoa dud that mask seventy two damn time, you're brilliant because you ain't having sex with him. But guess why you ain't having a sex with him, because you didn't meant a new dude that you're dating. Why can't we both have side pieces? Because y'all two foods is married now, but when you're in public, you act like a happy couple. His affair still going on? This one a letter get twisted like Shirley said, I don't plan to leave him because I love seeing him stressed out. He that damn stressed out. He ain't that damn stressed out because he ain't moved out and he's still seeing her. Yeah, he ain't that damn stressed out stress trying to keep two women happy. He don't give a damn if you're happy. He keeping one woman happy. He just trying to keep the other one quiet, which is you got He ain't tripping with try nothing. He just wants you to shut the hell up so he can going back over there. The only problem now is ill to start dating the new guy, and my husband is being overly possessed and tried to fight him. He want it all, he does. Yeah, they're young because they're still going home coming and all that. Yeah, he's being possessive and tried to fight him. If he can have a side piece, should not be allowed to please advise? Of course you can. If he got a side piece, you have your side piece. Now he going with his ass every time you see double standard? Why don't you jump on home one time? Even we got to get out of here. Listen, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's trade at Steve Harvey on Instagram and Facebook. Please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Why don't y'all get a divorce and then just go see who you want to see? Yes, let's be free with it. Thank you. Coming up at forty six after the hour, our girl from the Talk, the one and Only Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the Talk. Sure, that's what I'm talking about now. Listen, people need to understand why this election is more important than any election in our lifetime because the president is of him wilding out, don't know what he's talking about. When you don't know what you're talking about on Fox News and they supposed to be your backups. You know what I'm saying, your team, that's your team. Man. Did you see Chris Wallace? His daddy would have been proud of him? Mike Wallace? Yes? Or whatn't he? Whatn't he he was? He was roping open them questions. I ain't never seen nothing like that since boxing back when me and Joe Frazier you hang out us, we already knew that the police had been militarized. We already knew that white supremacy had infiltrated law enforcement on all levels. We already know that we want good police in our community. Now the press as it dead with his eye alone can fix it. I believe he's violated the constitution when you decide that you're gonna send some federal troops in, but you also sending people don't have no insignia, don't have no name tag, You don't know what's really going on. And yes, the president has an authority under the Department of Homeland Security and everything to protect federal land. They can protect federal things, but that's all they can do. But when you start wilding out like some of these things that we're seeing in Portland, and then you say you're gonna send troops to Abuquerque, New Mexico, You're gonna send troops to Chicago. You are now violated not just the First Amendment, Peace for protests, what's the Fourth Amendment? You do not have to subject yourself to unnecessary or illegal search and seize her. That's why he's violated the Constitution and need to be in peach again. Okay, And I like Maya Lightfoot. I like her. She said, listen, We're not gonna have tyranny here. We don't need our troops to be out here. We don't need We didn't ask you for this help, So why are you sending this help? And my thing is, does the mayor's gotta stand strong? The governor's gotta stand strong, and we must be ready to vote Trump out of office. I'm saying this as a Republican. I am a never Trumper. He is violating the Constitution, the First Amendment, and the Fourth Amendment, so he can no longer be the commander in chief. He could no longer be the President of the United States. Get ready, because we vote you out? Did I say that, right, Carla? For First and fourth Amendment violation of the Constitution. Anybody else they would have rolled him out on the rail. Well, Trump got to go, You got to go, all right, Cheryl. If Carla's reality update that's coming up right after this, you're listening, all right, Temmy, let's go. Let's get to it. Baby, she is here. It is third Carla Farrell with what reality update? All right? Thank you, nephew. Well, let's just talk about a reality star. Kim Kardashian West and her husband, Kanye West. They've been in the news all week, you know, talking about his campaign rally, his Harriet Tubman's statement, those Twitter rants. Dave Chappelle flew to Wyoming to check in on him. Well, yesterday, Kim broke her silence and released a statement about Kanye's mental health, especially with all of those hurtful comments that he has made about her, her mom, you know, and just the family altogether. Kim, she talked about Kanye's struggle with bipolar and she and the family are struggling with him, and she asked for compassion and empathy. Kim posted, as many as you know, Kanye has bipolar disorder. Anyone who has or has a loved one in their life who knows exactly incredibly complicated and aiful it is to understand. She went on to say that those that understand mental illness know that the family is powerless unless the member is a minor. Kim said that Kanye is brilliant, but complicated, and on top of being a black man and an artist who has experienced the painful loss of his mother, Donda West back in two thousand and seven, he has to deal with the pressure and isolation that is heightened by his bipolar disorder. She went on to say how the media and the public have to have compassion and empathy when it comes to mental health issues, and she thinks those that express concern, you know, true genuine concern of Kanye's well being and that's it. You know, it's just really really sad. Yeah, you know, yeah, it is in the whole Fami everyone everyone. Yeah, you don't want to see her husband go through things like that. Then they're meltdown. No, no, no, no quoting its history. That's just wrong, though, Jesus, it's just a lot, he said, a lot of her for things about her. He you know, yesterday or the day before yesterday, he was talking about divorcing her, saying she had a private meeting with Meek Mill to talk about prison reform. And then she came back and said the meeting wasn't private, it was public. He talked about wanting to divorce her. So it is heavy. It is heavy. What is going on with them? Yeah, just dude. But see, I don't know anything about bipolar. I don't know anything about it. So maybe it causes you to do some things that I think is not smart. But I don't see discussing your private life publicly on social media repeatedly. That's not smart. Has what they got to do with anything? I mean, look, man, that's got to be not the place to vent. I mean who you trying to prove it to? You know, and you got to take care of your business at home. Yeah, I don't care who you are. Yeah, And it's just unexcusable. It's a sad thing. I mean, you know, like Don Lemon talked about earlier, you know, to social media used to be a good thing then all of a sudden became toxic. So since we all who have good sense not that it's toxic, why are you putting your life on the toxic platform. And then Kim got to come in and say, please be understanding. Well, women hold up, women hold up. I understand what she's saying that that's perfectly right. But this ain't the social media ain't a place of understanding. Yeah, that ain't what that is. People can be harsh again very much. Ye judgment, they don't stop to they tell you completely down, then they go on to the next target. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So we're praying for them, praying for Kanye as well. You know, we don't see nobody going through that. And finally, before I run out of town, I run out of time, let me shout out the Real Housewives Ode of Town, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It was so cool to see them against their boss, Andy Cohen on Celebrity Family Feud. Posted by Mary on Steve Harvey. I watched that episode. It was so cool and Andy Cohen and his team they won big money for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. So make sure you watch Celebrity Family Feud Sunday nights, eight pm, seventh Central, hosted by my boss, Steve Harvey. We'll be back at twenty afters. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for Steve Harvey celebrity birthdays. M Junior, take it away because this is near and dear to your heart. Right here, I'm gonna let you do your thing. Go ahead, Oh do my birthdays celebrity birthdays. Oh, y'all already know what to day is? What do tell us? Mister down and Joda is what this is? This actually, Joda is the whole birthday today as a group, as a group, we celebrate as a group. Fact, matter of fact, many concerts right now, just for y'all. Hitty, I've been watching you so so very long, trying to give him a nerve build up to be so strong. I really won't to meet you, but I'm kind of scared. You're a kind of lady ass. We're so much class. I'm getting my thoughts to get the the very next day. But when I see you, lady, I forgid what to say your eyes and have. It's a beautiful tune. The way you're dressing walk today. It really turns me. Oh oh, Joe, come on, come on, come on, everybody, come and come home to me. I can't duds no more, Jonah saying we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Have you birthday? Mister Dalvin from Don't scow me back right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen up to everybody joining us this morning. As promise, we're having the steam Emmy Award winning journalists don Lemon, let's go Trump and Biden. Let me start with this question. Right here is the Democratic Party? Do they have the right messaging? Right now as you see it is Biden getting his message out there the right way. Look, I'm not a I'm not a Democratic Republican our political satadast, but I will tell you these are unusual times, obviously because we're in the middle of a pandemic. I think Joe Biden is getting his message out, obviously to the best that he thinks he can, to the best of his ability. He's doing the right thing, I think personally by socially distancing, wearing a mask and not going to places that draw large crowds. That's what any responsible person and especially responsible leaders, should do. Obviously, if Trump had his brothers, we would have been back in church in April. He would have had major rallies, which he did, and then you know, the number of positive people started going up, and he's going to hotspots all wrong. Now he's having to change his tune. I think it's the right strategy for Joe Biden right now, because when your opponent is doing the damage to themselves themselves to themselves, you don't have to do it. At some point, though, he's going to have to step up and come back the messaging coming from the president, because the president has a fully full pit and Biden doesn't have that luxury. So at some point, in some way, he's going to have to figure out how to get his way his message out more forcefully and to more people, rather than just on social media and doing an interview here and there. And I think that that time is going to come. He's gonna have to do that the closer we get to the conventions, and obviously the closer we get to the election. Okay, he should come out after after truth is a press conference he says something about him, especially if he doesn't if he doesn't tell the truth about Jill Biden or his plan or what have you. He should come out right away. They need a rapid response team like the Trump people have to be able to come back that because people will If you tell a lie enough times, people believe it, and if you tell it with conviction, people will believe it. Oh and he on a daily basis. He just shoved the doses of it down that throat. Man. It's like vill And here's here's the thing. I'm curious about it, and tell me your opinion in this right here. I would think there's a group of form Trump supporters who have looked at him over the past four years and went and said to themselves, this is ridiculous. I can't keep this up. Do you get a sense of that. I do get a sense of that, And is that I think there's a small group of people within that group that will change over and either vote for the other candidate meeting Biden, or just won't show up for the poll. But for the most part, what they will say is I don't like him. I don't like what he does, but I'm voting for him because of the judges, because of abortion. I don't like him, I don't like what he does, but I'm voting for him because of the economy. Coming up, it's our last break of the day, last break of the day, and we'll have some clothing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Rvey Morning Show. All right, here we are our last break of the day, and the one only Steve Harvey is here with some closing remarks for Steve. You know what I've been talking about voting, and I said I wasn't gonna stop, and I'm not. But I want to say something else too, because doing times like these, the thing that keeps me afloat with all of the challenges that's in front of me, that's in front of you, with all of the bits and pieces of good news and bad news that you receive from time to time, because this thing is called life. And you know, I don't care what you've planned, what your dreams are, you can be going along and up pops this incredible thing called life that goals, you know, kind of just awry. And so what I try to do is I try to remember some things about my faith in moments like this, because God never changes. He just never does. He was this way before we got here, he'll be this way before after we leave. He was here before all of this. And God gives us some things that can really help us in times like this, and I think the thing that He's provided for me the most that has helped me is just comfort. I mean there are days, man, where you can really really feel completely unsettled. I have news for you, a conversation with God and an incredible sit down. Just open up, give him all you all you all you, all your troubles, give him all your thoughts, all of your challenges, hand them over to him. It's amazing the comfort level that comes with that. It's called prayer. It really is a comforting thing. And you know, for people who are not believers, I feel sorry for you, but nothing against you. And I'm not talking to you because I'm not really in the conversion business, but I am in the strong suggestion business when it comes to your faith. Whatever you choose or whatever you want to call God is cool. But man, what a comfort prayer is because it's the one thing that I can do and I can get results instantly. See, let me tell you what happens if I have a problem and I take it to God. He may not solve the problem for me the day I give it to him, which is how I would love for it to go. But what He provides for me in the interim is he gives me such a calm peace that it's gonna be okay, that I have now the mind set to wait and trust and realize that God is coming, that he will fix it for me eventually, even if it's not on the time frame that I want. Do you know how cool that is to know that it's coming even when it's not here. But the stress factor that we created in our lives is when we never take it to God and we just try to deal with it on our own, day after day after day, and sometimes we just ain't got no answers, no solutions, we don't know where the next one coming from. And then on top of all of that, here comes something else. Oh man, you have got to start unloading some of this to your companion, to your creator, to your savior, to your heavenly Father, and allow him to carry this. See. I read a slogan nor time somebody sent me months ago that says it ain't ain't the load that breaks you down. It's the way you carry it. See if if you're carrying it wrong, that's what breaks you down. You know. It's so many things that you get from prayer, It's so many things that it provide. But if as long as God steals me, just makes me be steal that's what helped. Look. I got some bad news the other day, and let me tell you something. When I first got it, I was rocking and reeling with it. But you know what I did, man, I took it to God and I gave it to him. It was nothing I could fix, It was nothing I could do about it at the particular moment. But as soon as I turned it over to Him and said, hey, this is what I need. I need your help Lord, because I ain't got no answer for this one right here, but I bet you do, he put my mind at ease immediately. And guess what, all of a sudden, it wasn't as daunting as it was. It didn't. It didn't it didn't seem like there was no answer, because God got an answer for you for whatever it is. Because I ain't got no problem bigger than my God. I just don't. I just don't, man, And I'm just strongly suggesting it to you all, especially during this time. Look, we're dealing with the COVID, we're dealing with the administration. We're dealing with unemployment, We're dealing with with with with with with people being sick of quarantine. We're dealing with people not wearing masks. We're dealing with Black Lives Matter, We're dealing with a rise in white supremacy. We're dealing with the death of Floyd, the depth of all breath of death of Brianna. We got all this, we're dealing with. We've been screaming about this for years. And on top of all that, on top of all that, some of us got to wake up and have color on us, on top of all that, and then guess what, then, your president just told you you got sending your babies back down to the school and it ain't even safe. All that all of that, Man, you better hand some of that to God. You really do need some help, all right. That's just a strong suggestion, now that I've said that, when we all vote dot org, ye Scott to happen, y'all register go now to we all vote dot org and register to vote and tell everybody you know, the vote. Those are my clothes remarks. Keep the faith, y'all. God would love to hear from you, He really would. That's it, well all right, thank you Sang Junior singer long I again. 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