Do The Right Thing, As Seen on TV, Time Magazine, King of R&B, Trump, Questions for Morning Show, Sand and Soul, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Dec 12, 2018, 3:45 PM

The show opens with Do The Right Thing movie references. Ever buy something that you saw an ad for on TV? Time Magazine makes an exception this year for Person of The Year. Who is The King of R&B? Trump, Schumer and Pelosi clash in Oval Office over border wall. We have fun and random questions for the members of The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sand and Soul is coming up and is better than ever! Closing Remarks today covers the opinions of other people and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them like American buck things. And it's not doing me true good at Steve Hary listening to the movie Together for Steve, Please, Moby, I don't join join me. You're doing me. You gotta use that turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your baby daddy. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, Boil Boiled boy. I can't even tell you, man, um, I've been doing some thinking and you know, just coming off vacation, I was really had some time to sit down and and you know, just recharge myself and and just think about a lot of things, and and and really spend some time with my wife and her and I, you know, just recommitted ourselves and and and just went over a lot of things. Just had a lot of long talks. You know. Communication is the key, you know, and I'm a guy and I suffer with that, as do a lot of guys. I think a lot of women say that they have a communication problem with their men. I'm a different you know. I can write a book all day, but I still I am a man. I'm wired a certain way. It's not making excuses, it's just it's certain things that we have to pay attention to, especially when it comes to women, because of the way we're wired. And we were just sitting out there talking and having some conversations, and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. Being grateful at all times. It's very difficult to do. I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and living and learning, being grateful at all times it's difficult to do, but it's necessary because it's it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right. And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, when things have turned so dramatically the other way, and it seems as though you're the only one in the situation where you're involved with other people, or someone got an accusation against you falsely, or somebody trying to do something to you unjustifiably, whatever the case may be. When it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary, and I just I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficulty in being grateful in hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that, you don't It's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is. But here is the trick for me. This is what I've had to learn how to do, and I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You got to practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself and what I've learned to say to myself, is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because there's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, and that in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit, of something's purging in me. And when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, it's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told in every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey, to withdraw, to pull away after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain. But when you're purging your system, when you're you're when you're having to pass a test, when you're about to make when you're being made ready for the next level, that moment right in there in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it, But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me in all the things I've done, in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not a vindictive or mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we hadn't all done that? Look, it doesn't don't make you a bad person, you know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happen to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and not and not with malice intent towards a person. I've heard people looking at something I wanted to do without really looking at what the cause and effect would be on the other person. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has never left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it too. See that no matter what you're going through, you've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it, now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you want it or the way you liked, but guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works, That's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, He don't fully punish us right away every time we do something wrong. Now does it? You know eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing. You do understand that, don't you. But the first time that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. Look, I know you're not perfect. I know we all sent us down here, so I know you're gonna make mistakes. One time, I know you was looking at her when you wasn't supposed to. I know you said something to him when you wasn't supposed I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fire warning shot and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on though. See see see that's what happens. See we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, Old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah, well see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See, had you stopped the first time, you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more, the situation wouldn't be as critical. But because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gives He always allows us to get back up again. He always gives us mercy, He always gives us his grace. He always does that. You're listening all right, everybody. You have just done the right thing. What you've done is started your day off with the Steve Harding Morning Show. I am Jay Anthony Brown. Put your hands together, because your morning is about to be ignorant. What's up? Shell? It was a movie by Spike Least called do the Right Thing? Good Morning by Yeah, Oh my dad, the energy is beautiful. What's up? Color? Hey Mookie, you remember to do the right thing? What's up, Mooky? Oh Dad? Color? What's up? Junior boy? My right partner? What's going on? You got love and you gotta hate hate right last? But now lie season King of Planks? Time it what you got? Man? How come you ain't got no black people upon the wall? How come you ain't got no black people? A boy the wall? So Nelson Mandela hu Gruth. That's movie. It ain't never too hot or too cold? What that's the line? This was the line. It's march. It ain't no marcha It's march. And that's all I'm gonna say. The line DEDs double d What do you say, Junior about Todded radio? I don't know what to talk about? What say? Rest in people? Put put some on mascrella on number and that's the true group. Have you finished your little soliloquy because we got that. Go well, wow, that's do the right thing. In case you guys didn't know, we're talking about. Yeah, movie by Spike Lee in the nineties, right, one of them? Rate movie? Yeah, really good movie. Yeah, well Carla, welcome back girl than you did you guys, miss me? Oh yes we did. Yes, we cried for like the last even though you three days man, we didn't know it. Best Lead and best Liar. Oh you missed the Stevie Awards. You missed that? You got one? Tell me about I accepted on your Behalf? Yeah? Oh really? Yeah, you were in a movie you were most likely to be on the phone talking. That's what you want an award for that? So that ain't even cool? And I want allegedly accepted on your behalf alleged thank you and mine, Carlor was movies. I thought I should have been starring. Oh just pure hate Tommy and Junior. Yeah, Juniors was most likely to have a kid's voice in a child's movie. Yeah, at that's something. And then Steve one for the person who's only seen a movie once in the last fifteen years, only seen one, So no worry, you'll be here for it's it's once a year. Yeah, this is the Ward Season awards. All right, Carlos back. Steve's out today, coming out at thirty two after the hour, inside of Something Funny. It's always that time of year when we see these commercials on TV and we always want that. So we're gonna talk about what we're attempted to buy off these TV commercials, what we bought and bought some of it. Now, all right, we'll talk about that when we come back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the show. All right, Here we go, guys, with what we're attempted to buy off TV and what we bought off TV. All right, I'll go first. I'll just get it out of the way. I don't know what it is. It's Christmas time, yes, the laser light use and I want that. So I have not bought it, but someone in my neighborhood has it. I hate to say it in person. It looks real cheap the house and put light that after beats real lights. I'm sorry, but I get that though. I gotta jump in since we talking about cristals. Okay, you know the little thing to look gadget that you're supposed to be to click on the bulb on the tree to see. I bought it. Okay, My whole tree still dark. I can't figure out which light is. I'm doing it wrong on the what the whole left side is done? But they got my All I got is the top lit with the angel. That's rest of the tree is in a blackout. Did something wrong, Tommy? Okay, I'm about the air fryer. How did you like it? I ain't used it yet, but it sounds cute in the kitchen it's red. Okay, Carla, I'm with you. I love all that stuff. I don't use it, but I love having it. I love you. Ain't got but no, I like you. Wait, so Tasha's like, Mommy, we are you gonna use the air frying Oh ye? What about? I'm gonna tell you right now, man, I'm not what, but I'm thinking about digit getting you one the Walfe and tis if they they don't show me that commercial one more time. Every time I see it, I get lazy and lazy when I get in the shower, time is stepping over this. But my only tip without his shooting you, howe you get out with? But they got a bench in it and everything. Man, imagine getting you a girl, y'all getting the tub to get walking in first, Baby, something happened in the house. Neither one of y'all can't get out of that's crazy. I just keep seeing that. I like it. Here's what I want. I don't know why I want what you want? Have you seen that little lighter that you can light a cigarette in the rain? Now? Why you smoke in the rain? Why do you need that? Woods up in the rain? And you can run a truck over? Now? Who don't want to? I love that? Okay, okay, okay, here's what I did buy that all of y'all should get this. Okay, that little flash light that's got that helicopter light in it. Boy, Oh yeah, that thing is the truth you bought that. I bought four of them, and you spread them all over the house. Time and show when you go through it there right, yes, and when you when the hurricane come and your power go out like light four the up and see what happens. It's no storm or okay, this this makes me so happy when I see this commercial. I gotta get some that flex tape and boat. I want a boat. Then I want to get a boat and go out on the marina and tell that in it because it as you can take the boat up and you can put it on the water and you will not drown. Water will not get into the boat. Well, you want to get a boat with a hole in it anyway, because I want to see if the flex tape works. How could you not want that tube and put that on? You got one? Okay, here we go. Remember I tell you I had the air fryer. Yeah, yeah, they got an air frier oven. You gotta get out this as you gotta get you got to get out of this as I can get it. Right now. I got to tell you what I want. I want. I won't. I've seen it, and man, when he hugs it, I just gotta have it. Got to get my pillow I want. I just don't think that pillow in Minnesota and he get in his pajamas and he got a cross on he said it who some pillows? I'm gonna get you that for Christmas. Jay, I'm not gonna lie. I gotta get ja. I was about to say, I got I got. I know y'all have seen this. What hello, because you know we'd be at the TV show. We walk a lot. That little uh circulated for your feet. That that woman with the very coast veins, it's got to be working because she rocked her foot back and forth to circulate the But I said, man, if you getting rid of very coast veins, I've got to get that. I gotta get it, stupid and get that. Let me tell what I'm One day I might need it. I really like the hurricane. The hurricane. You can break it down. Man, you gotta get the bed. Wait, you can go up and go down by yourself. You gotta get that. Oh god, Okay, yeah I know what you want. Um yeah, yeah, sleep. But my mind is split. It doesn't go our way to the end. So just like from the waist up to the head, you can go up and down, up and down. Okay, I got one. Okay, what you got? You know I've been off. So what you got? Girl? The huggler, The huggler, Huggler, it's the snuggle blanket, remember that. Oh yeah, yeah, but it's got a hood to it. Yeah yeah, yeah, nice and cozy huggle hoodie. All right, let's get back in that kitchen. Now, let's get back in that because I love all this stuff. Have you all seen the of glove? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can grab your pots with it. Yeah. You just put the of glove on, Carla and you don't have to do anything. You don't have to worry about getting burned. You could grab logs out of the fire, you could pots. Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, I'll buy you one for Christmas. Showed huh what happened when you grab someone with the globe and touch somebody else? Do it? Is it hot? Oh no, no, it's not hot on the outside. You can't feel anything. Yeah. So these are just some of the things that we want for Christmas that we have seen on TV. Yes, so please all right, look coming up next it is a Nephew. We run that break back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, sad News. Kathy Lee Gifford is leaving the last hour of the Today Show, and yeah, she made that announcement and the time Person of the Year has been revealed. But right now it is time for the King of Pranks. He's in the building with run that prank back. What you got now? Me and your baby getting married? What that sounds like me and your baby getting married? Well? Man, yeah, yeah, your baby? That's right? Are you asking for handing? Man? I ain't answering, I'm kidding your baby getting mad? Okay, let us know how that turns the hout running. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read. I'm trying to reach mister. Yes, mister, how you doing, I'm trying. Let me let me make you I'm calling the right person. Your daughter is Crystal? Yes, okay, cool, yo, I got the right Hey listen, well, I wanted to do mister Ridgards is called and introduce myself to you and let you know who I was. My name is Jeff, Jeff, and I've been uh seeing Crystal, uh you know, pretty much like the last five or six months, and I wanted to, um, let you know that I'm very very interested in your in. I know this kind of crazy for you to get a phone call for me when I'm very interested in Crystal right now and I wanted to, you know, I just wanted to do the man thing and just reach out to your man and say I'm really interested in and uh in marrying your daughter and marrying my daughter. Well, hold on, man, what what? What? Same? My name is Jeff Jeff. Okay, Jeff Jeff. Listen. I'm very close with my daughter, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. I talk to my daughter every day. Wow, I don't know what that's about. But it's been like about five close to six months that me and Crystal being you know, going out, you know, up here at the school. But what I wanted to do is tell you that I really really really like Crystal. Man. Uh, And I wanted to call and tell you that, you know, I'm really really interested in man, Crystal. You know, I want, I really do want Christa to be my wife. Well, I again, I've never heard of you before, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. My daughter isn't dating anybody right now. My daughter is in grad school. I understand that. And you know, we you know, it's been you know, we've been you know, a little back and forth or whatever. But you know the main thing is me and Christal really, you know, we really we really do love each other, mister, I want to But if you love my daughter, she would have told me that she was in love with someone. Well, you know what, you know, And maybe it's a situation where Christa is like a little maybe a little uneasy about talking to you about it. You know what I'm saying. My daughter can talk to me about anything. We talk every day, right right, You're like you, I talked to my daughter every day, your daughter? And how old is your daughter? My daughter? Fifteen? Hold on, womanut man? You your daughter was fifteen, right right? Right? Okay? Well how old are you? I'm forty six, forty six, you're forty six years old? You want to man my twenty five year old daughter. Hey, hey, let me say this right here. Love ain't got no limit, man, And I understand you know, I was a little shocked at first about the age difference between us, but you get you know what, man, I'm me okay, and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you, man, is that it comes a time man when you just you just don't know what's gonna have. Man. Love just love is love, man. And you've been locked up on parole at the university there on work releasing that my daughter. Yeah, man, I'm I'm gonna say this, man, Christal is just a beautiful person. Man, hold on, man, you calling me at the Bulldowter. Look, man, I'm at work. I got a lot of work on my damn desk, and you calling me telling me up for I'm a gentle burden to man. My daughter, my twenty five year old daughter, and you damn that fifteen, You damn that my age. You want to marry my daughter. Man, I'm not trying to talk to you, buddy, Well, I don't even do. I need to talk to Crystal and get to the bottom of this. That's what the hell I need to do. Hey, And I understand that miss you was probably gonna I want to talk to and I ain't got no problem with it. What I'm trying to explain to you is that man, live ain't got no limit. Man, It's just something that album Crystal love me, I love huh And it is what it is. I just wanted to try to get your blessings on this. You can't get listen love Si man, he get gonna marry my daughter now? My daughter been a private school. I love damn life. She was on the do all four years of college and she's going to grad school and you're gonna, man my daughter, you man on your work release, Miss, I understand that what I'm what I'm trying to explain to you that you know what, man, Sometimes I love is right the second time around. You understand what I'm saying. What the hell you mean a second time? I got kids already. What I'm trying to say is it didn't work out with me on the first time. What I wanted to do, man, it just called you. It's solidified the culinary experience they got to doing. Dude, what the hell is you talking about it? Look? Look, look, look, look, I gotta talk to my daughter. I'm gonna call Crystal and I'm gonna find out what the hell is going on, because yo, man, I'm not even trying to have this conversation with you and I, mister Paris, I understand all. Let I understand what you're saying. What I want to say to you is just right here. Crystal is twenty five. Even if you don't agree with this, here, we're gonna eat Lowe and make sure that we can look at him. You ain't doing my thing with my daughter unless it's mine. Look here, man, you ain't doing I don't even know your jail bird. You ain't doing. I'm gonna call my daughter final. You really are dost your mind. You just think your old jail bird, it's gonna be Larry and my daughter. My daughter's not a future. Ain't that's wrong with I'm not gonna sit it and go back and forth with you. Miss Me and Crystal getting married. That will not happen under any circumstances, not what you think. The circumstances are me and Crystal getting married. That's it. Not the love. I don't know what you think. You are as wrong as you know what it's gotta be. I got one more thing I need to say, and then me and Crystal just gonna come over there and dry down there and tell you exactly what's going on in our life right now. You got to say to me, are you listening to me? You got to say to me, I got to say this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your daughter, Crystal and her boyfriend. Ain't I'm outside my job. Let people look at me like I'm crazy, man, Your baby girl just wanted to put a smile on your face. Man, I gotta ask you, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land and the sea. Harvey Morning Shuff Me and your baby getting married? Sound like the baby daddy gonna fight after this win Here it is Columbus, Georgia at the Civic Center. Is going down on D Center the twenty eight and then on the twenty ninth Washington d C at Dark Constitution Hall. That is two shows. New Year's Eve in Houston D Center thirty First, y'all, it is Smart Financial Center. That's the last four of the year. The Nephew on the Run Nice Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News and Time Magazine's Person of the Year, Kathie Lee Gifford leaving. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, We're going to debate who is really the King of R and B. That's right. But first in today's entertainment Day, Bobby, I love you. Time Magazine has chosen a group of people it's calling the Guardians as the twenty eighteen Person of the Year Times cover, which features a group of four individuals and one group who have taken risks in pursuit of the truth. Among them include murder Saudi journalist Jamad Jamal Kashogi, the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, which was the scene of a mass shooting in June which left five journalists dead. Remember that now if you're wondering. Mister Donald Trump, who was named the twenty sixteen Person of the Year, remember that was this year's first runner up. Special counsel Robert Muller came in third. Okay, okay, wow. So I thought that was kind of cool time they honoring journalists, people who were seeking the truth and all of them who they lost their lives, journalists from all over the world too. So I know who won't win that award for telling the truth? You're right? Yeah, yeah, fast, that was pretty big. Yeah, didn't Sports Illustrated name Person of the Year the Golden State Warriors. I think they had the whole team. Yeah, they n it was Person of the Year. That was funny, yeah, all right. And other entertainment news Kathy Lee Gifford her fans are a little sadder today because she announced that she is leaving the Today Show. She's been a long time personality on TV. She has co anchored the fourth hour of The Today Show with Hoda Kathy for more than ten years. She said that yesterday morning that she'll leave on April seventh, which is the show's eleventh anniversary. Now, originally she was only supposed to do a year, just one year. She said she fell in love with Hoda Kotb. She fell in love with her, So eleven years later, you know, here they are. She says she wants to do more acting. Yeah, really good. Yeah, but you know she wants to do more acting and things like that. So you know, she's bowing out at their eleventh year anniversary. Someone was like, why don't she just go in to make a twelve? You know, yeah, sometimes when you're done ten, you can't do that eleven. That one. Okay, that's what you heard. It reads a lot right, well, and they say Hoda's going to continue to do that hour, but they have not named from now going to be because I was wondering if they would just replace both of them, because holda, now she's the anchor of the Today's Show. Yeah, one of the works a Yeah, she worked a whole lot. Can always go to Vegas and makes some any singing it. Yeah, she can sing, you know, she can act. She's very talented. So that's what she wants to do more of. So congratulations to her. Yeah, eleven years, that's a lot of time. I was on their show when I was doing my book. Yeah. They were nice, Yeah they were. They were so nice white women, I know, Yeah they were anyway, Jay, But you're writing, they're they're so sweet and kind. They were. They treated me so beautifully, they were. They were like, oh, you're nervous a little bit, no problem, have a glass of wine where you'll be fine. They're so funny they do, you know they do woman Seal of Approval. Check out more at Steve HARVEYFM dot com and our special our social media pages. But yeah, she will be missed for sure. And now the search begins for someone to replace her, just like the president. You know, he's searching for a new chief of staff. No bad missing chest to have the cleaning lady ain't over that dos in the kitchen, you know what I mean. People ain't at that house ague with me. Y'all, no bad man, quick, it's time Jay for the headlines. I read everybody in the headliness and trip y'all. While threatening to allow for a federal government shut down, the president insisted on getting five billion with a beat dollars and that's the amount he wants for his campaign promised border wall. I don't mind having the issue of border security on my side if we have to close down the country over border security. I actually like that in terms of an issue, but I don't want it to be an issue. I wanted to be something that the country needs. Is not really an issue, it's something the country needs. Yeah. However, expected House Speaker Nancy Pelosian sent him with NARTI leader Chuck Schuma stood there ground. Schuma says the president can't always have his way. This Trump shut down, this temper tantrum that he seems to throw will not get him his wall, and it'll heard a lot of people because he will cause a shutdown. Schumer says that less than six percent, less than six percent of the one point three billion dollars already authorized for the board of Wall has been spent. Lawmakers have only ten days to reach a budget agreement, and avoid a partial government shut down just before the Christmas holiday. Former Trump lawyer some say bagman Michael Cohen gets sentenced today for lying to the Congress. Cohen played guilty to tax evasion and campaign finance violations. Prosecutors are hoping for some substantial time behind bars. Cohen, of course, hoping for none. US sent a committee get this one. The US sent a committee on Indian Affairs a schedule a hold of hearing today on the high disappearance and murder rate for American Indian women. According to federal statistics, there were almost six thousand, six thousand open cases of missing Native American women on the books in twenty sixteen. Authorisay some communities Indian women face murder rates that are more than ten times the national average, and that there are two and a half times more likely than other women to be victims of rape, sexual assault, and violent crimes. For instance, the white upstairs neighbors of one Native woman in North Dakota recently cut the fetus from her womb, wrapped her in plastic bags, and threw her body in a river for no reason. Jurors in Virginia say the white man who drove his car into a crowd of anti racism protests, killing one young woman and injuring several others. Should spend the rest of his life in prison. Jury in Charlottesville yesterday recommended life plus four hundred and nineteen years. But James Alex feels his lawyer claims feels fear for his life and rammed into the crowd and self defends all the panel and by that feels is to be sentenced. In March, Time magazine has elected four journalists and a newspaper as their Person of the Year. They're calling the reporters, the Guardians, and the War on Truth, and the group includes a murdered Washington Post columnist Hamal Choji. President Trump was the warner up, by the way, in the third place, special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Finally, today is National Dingling Day. To the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to. All right, well, everyone, this is a big debate on social media. They've been debating on the topic of who is the king of R and b uh and uh. Georgia singer songwriter Jack Quez launched on social media and declared himself the king of R and B for this generation. He says this generation. He said, I know all about the past and all of that, you know, R and B, U, R Kelly and Bobby Brown and all of that, But right now, honestly, I don't think there is a king of R and B right now, if it's not me. But John Legend had something interesting to say. He said that, uh, maybe not right now. There's not a king of R and B. He said, anyone consistently dominating the charts, selling out Arenas, etc. Allah Usher back in his prime, but um, not a comment on quality. He said, I think the throne is open right now. Part of me is is talking myself into know or weekend or the weekend. But he said, um, he's not sure they fit really neatly into that genre because just sit in the chair if this is nobody, but that is true because they cruss over into pop and everything. Then me going, I'm I'm king R beating at nobody else what I'm saying. So wait, let me ask so Jay and in Junior, you guys are saying you gotta earn it right, absolutely, but I just can't say it right. You ain't. You ain't doing that. Nobody will be to king R and beating. Well, yeah, we can just you can just claim something that I'm the king of fish Sandwich and anybody claim that? Ye yeah, I have a MOHI moh he please light on the charge. Saw Thank you very much, sir, the King of I VS Ain't nobody had more than me. But to Jack Que's credit four two seven five is it is one of the best R and B albums of a year. So there you go. So yeah, so he declared himself king of R and B? Has anyone nobody got that one? Give me that I got that? Has anyone spoken to Bobby Brown, Bobby anybody but anybody talked about that? That's safe. But that goes back to right now. Yeah, yeah, he's talking about this generation. So yeah, you know, we we can go back and forth and debate about it. Of course, we have to talk about the greats, you know, Luke Maxwell, Stevie Wonder. I mean, yeah, we can go on. What about Chris Brown? Chris Brown? Yea, and Chris Brown is I would think this generation absolutely Yeah, I agree with you on that. Yeah Chris Brown, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, he is he is? Yeah, all right, what's what's his name, Jack Queens? How you say his name? Yeah? You can go to Steve Harvey FM on social media and coming up at thirty four after we'll debate this a little more. Who is the true king of R and B? Right after this you're listening Steve Morning Show, time for us to continue the debate. Who deserves the crown king of R and B? Well, thank you, And I asked a question. Now there is a king of R and B and then there's a king of R and B. So those are two different categories. Is your kang the king? Who is your king? Kang? Is Chris Brown right now for this generation? King for this generation, That's what I mean. Now, who is back in the day? It's gotten for me, Come on, I work for him. It's Luther van Drop. Yeah, one of the great the legends. Okay, leave Teddy, you can't leave Teddy. I mean he was before, back in the day. Yeah, back, come on, al Green come on now, yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta we're talking back in the day now. Yeah, we're going back. Yeah, Alvin B King too, Yeah, and BB King Yeah all this dude I saw down this club one time. I mean you couldn't tell him he wasn't I can say that much. All that he had on when he walked out, the boots had a curve and him so deep. God, who is that is this album? Well, this brother got to be the king then I'm gonna say this right now. You can't. Even though he was cool, he was greatness back in the day, but he's still relevant today. Charlie Wilson The Legends. Yes, yeah, yeah, definitely one of the great I mean, and then you can look at the nineties, you know, like I said last break, you can look at Maxwell, you can look at D'Angelo, you know, yeah, say, I mean Usher, you know, for sure, for sus for sure. Yeah, I don't know. I'm trying to. I mean, we don't give you what a requirements? What are the requirements? Well, I'm sure I'm saying, you know, a saying you gotta have some hits, and you gotta have some hits. You gotta you have to sell a lot of present and a few awards would help out too. Yeah, somebody like like what's his name that sells out in New Orleans. You should do New Orleans only. Frankie beverly Man. Yeah, that's a group. That's a group. Yeah, that's a group. Yeah, that's a group. I think he feature solo artists. Solo artists. I think, you know, we always laugh about when Witney Houston said that about Bobby Brown, but I agree with her because he was one of the original ones that started all that style like genuine and usher and everybody started to have in the late eighties and the nineties. So you know, you have to put Bobby Brown up there with one of the with as one of the greats. You know, Bobby Brown is up there in my book Bobby. Bobby looks at his old videos and go, damn, I did that. That was my prerogative. He's a bad boy, that boy man, Come on, man, But you know you got out of these news Daniel Daniel Glover. What's his name, Danny Glover, Jay, not Danny Glover, you know, Rudge Donald Glover. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's a bad boy. Um what is his RMB name? Childish Gambino, Childish. But there are and there are a lot of newcomers out there too. Anderson Pack, I mean there are a lot Love Duval dropping hit about three or four more hits. He's gonna be a rock star, baby. I'll say. We didn't mention Neo. Yeah, y'all know I'm a Anthony Hamilton's you gotta go. Keith sweat I love Keith sweat Man. Yeah he's two. Yeah, Gerald LeVert January. That's there's so many, you know, Tyrese, you gotta give songs a lot of about the debate, to debate, to debate, please, Jamie Fox, okay, all right to say he got out. He got to be in there. Jamie can say blame it on the alcohol. No, that wasn't man, but a heaven must be missing the angel. He got hit, all right, Um, keep the comments coming socially On Steve Harvey FM. Up next to it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Talk about king. That's the King of pranks right there. Face coming up right after this, Oh baby fan face. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's strawberry letter. Oh my goodness, I got a good one for you today. People's subject our friendship perk up, Tommy, our friendship has turned into a threesome. And what is the letter? Fuck? It is not what you think. Right now, the nephew is here, as you heard with Today's prank phone call. What you got now? Well, Shirley, you know y'all ain't say it now. I think y'all don't forgot what But in the next few hours what I'll be going to give mcclas Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, man. You know when you're go into they play that song. Let's get it started. So the name of this prank is h can you bring me some paper? Oh gosh, this foolishness. You brame me some paper. Let's run it baby. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to Charles. I'm looking for Charles. Yeah, this Charlotte. I'm this Huna, this Charlotte. How can I help you? Hey, listen, I'm you boy, I'm am I speaking with I'm sorry this Scotty man. I'm I'm house sitting for reader, y'all okay, okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going outtown. What can I do for your brother? How caught y'all down the way? Man, y'all, I'm in the house, both our houses, yeah, I think let's see. Yeah, we four houses down. Okay. Now, she loved me a number man, loved me, y'all know me? And then she loved miss Dars. No, I try to call miss Darks, but then nobody answer the phone. Yes, she normally in church around this time. Rida says she was gonna be gone for a minute, so you say you down there right right? Right? Then? She told me if I got into murgency anything that I could reach out to y'all and call y'all. Right, right right, okay? Are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually, I'm in the middle of cooking my wife from dinner and got some meat on the grill. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you you are you able to help me out with something right quick? Or you got you got time for that? Well, like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and uh showing you or doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie. Would you have to have any paper, man? Any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying to No? No, no, no, no no, no, no no news play Let mean some paper? You have some paper? What notebook? Paper? No? See man, listen, Charlie, I like I said, man, my name is Scotty. Man, I know you don't know me. I didn't got myself a little situation here down here, read the house man, and I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation. I actually I'm in the bathroom man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog. So you're saying you won't be to bring you some toilet paper. I mean, if you're don't mind in there, my legs ain't got none of them. I can feel my whole little body, man, from butt down, I can't feel nothing, and my feet everything, and went to sleep on them. Hold up by this dude out here a Riada house saying he wanted me to bring his paper because he didn't got numb sitting on the truck. Man. Look at here, bro, I'm in the middle of cooking. I wish I could help you, but you know, I mean, I can't tell you about four hours of doctor huld run down here right quickly. I'm in the back door. I used to say, Man, I understand all that you're saying, but like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going, and I can't to leave her. Like that just to come bring you know papers. Now, what I can't tell you to do is if Riada got one of them tis or something town Man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man. Okay, hey, but lawyer your voice. Man, you calling me to help you, and you acting like I called you to not have no guyfake in the bath All I'm asking for just they're gonna take no more for two three minute run down here right quick and bringing the paper man, and then you get on back to your dumb well what you was sounding like what you need to do? Bro? You said you had emergence. I thought the house or the dogs had got out of you had locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down there and bring you know papers because that don't sound like emergencees. That's sound like some personal And furthermore, you're in the bathroom just jump, cut your clothes, getting the shot on white. So I'm not finding the dog. That's like I said, I'm numb right now, man, I need some help, And so you want me to come down, then bring you some tilet papers and pick your number. You can't get up out the tallet if I want to help you. Then that's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in an emergency. Man, Okay, Well that like I said, Man, that don't sound like emergene, like a little quick fix to get your drawls and in white your drawns told them way go get you some moth. I mean, I'm not saying to walk full houses down there to bring you some tallet papers your legs now, I'm high. How are you gonna get up and open the gate so the backdoor is open? All you I do? It's come in here and reaching here and pass me a roll of paper. Man, That's all I'm asking you to do, Miss Charlie, I understand that. But I'm not say to come down and bring you know paper. I'm not saying to bring you and bring me some paper down here? Man, don't you know? Man? Say, man, who the hell you? Thank you? Hiling that you need me? I don't need you? Well, won't you to do something? Man? You see, I'm sitting in a situation. The reader left y'all number that y'alla helped me while I'm down here your house watching man, just kids, crazy baby? Man? What wrong with you? You're gonna call me? Asking me to bring you some news paper. I told you that. I was in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner and you come calling me talking about some paper. Man. I don't want to hear no, I know, and I ain't coming down there to bring you know paper man. Hello, Charlie, you're gonna bring this paper man? Man. Look like I told you before, I ain't going to bring you know paper down there. We don't wait no on this street like hold on, man, I can't just you can't just leave me here and I'm numb like this, but to come bring no brown man, no toilet paper, because here was possible. When you're going into the restroom. That sound like a personal problem. You you too wrong for that that this is sent You're wasted though this is an emergency, man, Man, that don't sound in the emergency. That sounds like a personal problem that you got going on. Come on, I want to get off of here, man, you know me off with. I don't give a bout you being man, not a same Soon as you get your up out of there, you so, man, you come on down here. I'm coming down that the trick I'm coming down there the way I am just like this hell, and I'm a whoop for not helping me while I'm gonna situation brillio. I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do. Is you're listening? Bring your tone? I got some snakeskin shoes and fit right up, clean up. Only I got one more thing. Is you listening? Man? What? Man? Like I said? What you got to say? Man? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your neighbor reader. Ain't this at mother from the radio station? Is this comment from the Steve hark in the Morning Show? Ye, I'm gonna whoop read them? Got you calm man? You had me also to come down there, man, and you better be glad I'm eating. I can't believe it. Hey, man, I gotta ask you mad one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvest Show. Y'all played practical jokes. Told folks man right, you know what anna say that when the last time somebody just had the audacity to ask you to break some paper? When ye women women doing that in the stall. I don't have any tissue in here? You know. How Why do y'all sit down and ain't no tensing? Anybody said, don't notice? But ain't nobody sitting down though? Yeah, dude, I'm gonna say, could you m hey? Hey? Do? Could you hey hey? Buddy? I see your feet? Could you um you next door? You? I know you hit me talking New York. Did anybody see Mission Impossible fallout number three? Yes? Oh so good? Do you remember at the beginning when the three guys were in the stall? Yea and the very memorable moment in the movie if you haven't seen it, okay anyway, Yeah, that's all I'll say. All right, nephew, Uh, what you got going on? I'm gonna make it real fast. Go to Thomas Miles dot com. Thomas Miles dot com. You can get all my dates. That's gonna be Decenter twenty eight, twenty ninth and the thirty first twenty twenty nine, thirty first Thomas Miles dot com. That is Columbus, Georgia. That's Washington, DC, and the one and only Houston, Texas. Thanking of you up next strawberrary letter subject our friendship has turned in two eighty three. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. Guys. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter. Yes, your letter. You your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one today. Buckle up, pinhold on tight. We have it full you here it is Strawberry Letter. Subject our friendship has turned into a threesome. Dear Stephen Shirley, I need some advice on a situation with my best friend and her husband. My friend and I have known each other since high school, and we were each other's in each other's wedding, and our children are around the same age. My husband and I double date with my friend and her husband, but now I can't stand her husband on. He is a great guy. He's professional, successful, and a great dad. What bothers me about him most is that all of a sudden, he has taken an interest in what me and his wife are doing. All of the time if we are all out together, he tends to be all up in our conversation and engagees in our gossip sessions, and usually as more gossip to share than we do. He thinks he's a personal stylist too, so if we are discussing clothing, purses, or shoes, he joins in with his opinion on designers. When we discuss politics or sports, he is not as animated or as interested, But the minute we start talking about reality TV, he chimes right in. My husband has noticed it too, and he is usually just sitting there with nothing to say because he doesn't watch reality TV, nor does he gossip. Whenever my friend and I are having a juicy conversation on the phone, she will put me on speaker and tell him, oh, honey, you got to hear this. This is driving me nuts and I want to talk to her about it, but it seems like she encourages his behavior. I know your husband should be your best friend, but jeez, I can't take it, and I'm ready to bow out of this threesome. What should I do? Well, now, this is a different kind of threesome. Hum, Tommy's all disappointed? Here are disappointed? All listen I blame this on your friend, your bestie from high school, for including him in the conversation and everything. I mean, you know, sometimes it's polite if they're just sitting right there. But I mean, come on, you know, we girls like to get wild and gossipy and we do that. I mean, we we all do it, uh, you know, with our friends when it's time for you know, to talk just girl stuff, just like guys talk just guy stuff. But if she's including him and making him think that it's okay to do this, maybe this is what he thinks she wants, so yeah, he's going to be a part of it. I think it's it's a little rude of her. It's a lot rude of her. I should say to put you on speaker phone. You know, you're supposed to let people know when they're on speaker phone, because if you're talking to your girl, your girl might be saying some crazy, wild stuff. You don't want guys hearing that some things are just for our ears only. Okayum, you know we could just be saying crazy, crazy, just crazy stuff. I know, I do. You know, Carl and I talk if we're on the phone, we're not Nesto and Tash are nowhere near us and we're not on speaker phone. Okay, what they need to do? Right? We're talking crazy, so you know you don't want that. So again I blame us on your girlfriend. What is she doing this for? I mean, what is the point in all of this If you're just talking with your girl. Let it just be your girl. If you know, if it's all inclusive, then do it when you all are all together and it's something of interest to everyone. You say, your husband isn't even interested in gossip. He doesn't watch reality TV, so you know, change the subject if that's the case. Uh, to the woman who wrote the letter, change the subject if you see it's not going the way you wanted to go to talk about stuff that includes everyone that that your husband will be a part of, or you and your girl just get up and you know, uh, go out and talk about what you want to talk about. I mean, I don't think we should make this into a big deal where you gotta choose between your friends or stop being friends with your best friend from high school. I don't think it's that serious. It may get on your nerves, but you just gotta change the dynamics and change the conversation. You know, know who's in the room and just change it. Uh Junior, Yeah, come on, I see what's going on here. You see what's going on. I see this right here. Yeah. Well this begs me to ask the question, what kind of man? Uh you shen All women conversation talking reality, fashion, all know all about the person, this line, this fall, line of shoes, all this type of stuff. Close. I tell you what kind of man this is? Don't type of man that dude? This is ugly to men. You know why? No man? They got time to read this. Ain't nobody bothering them. That's how they have so much noted. Ugly people know a lot. You ain't never her, You ain't never found an other person. Ain't got nothing to say. Other people know about everything. They know about all the guys are going down at the church. Didn't know everything ain't going on at the job because they ask. Nobody's talking to them. They listen. When they get an opportunity to jump in, they must be feel this information. This is an ugly man. At worst I've seen this ass is ugly about you see, her husband didn't know that. Her husband didn't know anything. He handled people don't have to say nothing he found you get for us cold. He don't talk a lot, you know, and he's about everything. He had thirty two women to talk to, all right, j what you got really gonna have? Friendship? Agree with Junior. Not only is he ugly, but the part of this letter that jumps out it is he's a professional, he's successful, and he's a great dad, which means he has learned with his ugly self everything in his life that he needs to know he has. He's suffering from a disease that a lot of men get when they get around that age. It's no tall. They know every damn suffering from. No tall means he's a know it all. He knows every damn thing. Just something that they say about him when he's not around. He makes me sick with his ugly ass. As soon as he's not around, they say that a lot. He made me so sick with his I know it is what you see it you don't know, you see he made me so damn sick with you guys. You guys have a part, right, Yeah, And she needs to realize that because I don't think this is anything worth breaking up a long term friendship. Like you have with your bestie. Don't do that. Don't don't do that. No, you've been You guys have been friends since high school. You your kids are friends. All right, we'll get into it. The nephew hasn't responded. Uh. The subject is our friendship has turned into a threesome. We'll be back at twenty three after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, come on, we need to get back into this letter. We'll recap it. The subject is our friendship has turned into a threesome. We've heard from Junior, we've heard from Jay, you've heard from me, of course, and we haven't heard from the nephew. But the letter a woman writes in she wants some advice on a situation about her best friend and her husband a different kind of threesome, Tommy. As a matter of fact, she and her friend have known each other since high school. They were in each other's weddings, their children are around the same age. She and her husband date with her best friend and her husband a lot of the times, and they go out and everything. But now what's happening is her best friend's husband is starting to dip into their conversation. He knows more about the stuff that they talk about than the girls do. Okay, he knows all about fashion, he knows all about reality TV. On the other hand, now he is a professional and all of that. He has a great job. He doesn't talk about politics, he doesn't talk about sports or anything like that. So he's talking more to the women than he is to the guy. They don't talk about, you know, guy things. He's over there with the women. Junior says, he's ugly. I say that she needs to switch the conversation up. She needs to just you know, talk about stuff that they can all be inclusive in. Jay agrees with Junior that the man must be ugly. He got to be because he knows too much. He knows too much us be quiet. Yeah, she said it's driving her nuts and she wants to talk to her girlfriend about it. But but she's kind of upset with her girlfriend because she believes that her girlfriend encourages his behavior. So he doesn't know that he should, you know, step back and and and not do this. I don't understand for you. It's a different kind of threesome. Something I'm not used what I'm not used to the other one. Let me let me stop listen. Uh. I don't agree with this man. I don't agree with what he's doing. I don't agree with these realities shows. Unless he is on the own network watching Ready to Love. That I understand this man. You understand me. I don't understand if he's watching something else, but if he's watching Ready to Love, if he's talking about the host, I don't Ready to Love. I understand him. Delvin diving in and talking back and forth. What the ladies about this? If he talking about the host, if he talking about Will Paco, if he's talking about Oh, if he talking about Mike and Shaye, are they gonna get married? If he's talking, I understand this brother. I feel where he's coming from, and I get it. He understand now. If he's talking about other shows that I don't know nothing about, I ain't gonna do that. What I'm saying is if he's talking about Ready to Love on the own network hosted by yours truly, then I understand what this man is going through. I understand when people start talking about it, he wants to discuss it. I get it. I get it, and I see why the threesome this is a this is a reality the threesome. You understand I'm saying, and I get it. It's a reality threesome. You know, this is where this is where three people are joined together talking about a reality situation, a reality show. This is a threesome. This is a Ready to Love threesome by fans. This is what this is. Don't about to see this see with Yeah? Yeah. What I do see is how this gets on her nerves. Though. Understand you don't want to Ready to Love or do that to you. You see what I'm saying. But I mean Ready to Love is different because that's the show for men and women. You know, that is a show. But see, that's what he that's why he's jumping into the conversation because he knows everything about it. Yes, yes, yes, yeah, yes, thank you. So he knows your history of the show, he knows where you came from, he knows that you've been through, and he's constantly trying to share this with these women because he knows everything about that show. And it's and I understand the guys, it's all right to be ugly and watch reality TV. I don't care what you look like. It's the knowledge he didn't retain. That's what we are set about. How you know all this stuff they bring up the game? You ain't see that, but soon did. Somebody said, did y'allsey, Tim, you are ready to love? And he come up the back with his mouth. I showed the I'm not mad at him. You're talking politics. Did you see what Trump did to Jack? Oh? My god? S sports? Politics? He don't he don't say nothing. He says nothing nothing. In the game, it's silent, you and Jay having a conversation and he come in. Go ahead. So like the game the other night, man, it was a great game. Did you see it? Because it was great? Man? Man, did y'all share Mike? Did y'all shaw Mike? Ready to Ready to Love? I know y'all talking about something, but did y'all see your no? Man? Hey man, So you don't like um um Sunday? Man, the Cowboys beat the Eagles. Man, I'm not a big cowboy thing. I don't like cowboy either, but I gotta get pull it out, man. You know Aaron Aaron Aaron on Ready to Love had a Cowboys shirt on on the land front. Is quarterback team or something? Bro? Bro, We're not We're not. We talked about football. We don't know what to talk about. What is you talking about? H So, who do you think that the greatest quarterback is? Like today junior man right now, Drew Braids right there? This season is you know Drew red Patrick Mahomes is ready showing out this year too. Man. You know the guy Poco Poco, he lost the quarter in the quarterback but he lost the quarter doing the show, ready on, ready to thinking about going back to try to find who who were not talking about that? But we're not football man, hold on ye, but I was saying Poco had lost the quarter. They everybody was looking forward. Now get Jack look here man, um, Lebron James and Dwayne Waye Man they played against man for the last time. Man last the heat. Man. It was a good game. Came down the last shot man, Wayne to the last shot, missed it. But you know Lebron was going. I thought that was pretty cool man for them to go listen to y'all know Will Packer had Lakers tickets. He goes all the time. He host for ridder Man. Did you take your ugly behind with the women? Go over there with him? So over him to talk with your wife and her friend about all this. Man, we all talking sport, y'all. Y'all, y'all, y'all make me want to throw some water in y'all face. That's all right, guys, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram my shirt thoughts on today's strawberry letter. At Steve Harvey FM now coming up in ten minutes, President Trump argued with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer over the wall funding. Boy did you see that? But Chuck and Nancy were ready with the clap bag. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. President Trump argued with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer over wall funding on this Mexico border wall in the Oval Office. This was on live TV. Did you guys see this? Tears? I think we can agree on is we shouldn't shut down the government over a dispute. And you want to shut it down. You keep talking about the last time, Chuck, you shut it down. Oh no, no, and then you open any time quickly. And I don't want to do what you did twenty times. You will called for I will shut down the government if I don't get my woll none of us. If you want to know, you've said you want to put them on set it. I'll take it. Okay, good, you know what. I'll say, Yes, if we don't get what we want one way or the other, whether it's through you, through a military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the governabout and I am proud and I'll disagree. I am proud to shut down the government for border security check because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not gonna blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn't work. I will take the mantle of shutting down and I'm gonna shut it down for border But we believe you shouldn't shut it down. Thank you very much, everybody who and sing that President, but this is lock live, this is live. Yeah. I mean I feel like we were pulling back the curtain on suddenly. We should not have been singing, you know. Noah, My argument is lave wait. What I tell all my arguments is live. That's all. You're not the president, sir, and you're been the oval. Offer to say that I'm shut the government, yeah, I'll take it. I'll take Christmas to say stuff like, yeah, the government people don't waiting I mean the post office, Yeah, the DMV all that. I mean, nobody wants to hear that. No, no, no, they don't. He'll do it though, you know he work for the government. And then what he said about the people coming over here, I mean, you know he shouldn't have said that either. No, he always criminals with with being criminals and evil people and they're all not that all, not that it just as not Yeah, of course not. He has no right to say that. Yeah, But Chuck and Nancy were just it was It was to me, it was like two people who know what they're talking about against a guy who didn't know what the hell he was talking about, right, and he just made they made him look stupid, right stupid. After that, Chuck Schimmer went on to say that the president is having a temper tantrum. Take a listen to this. This Trump shut down, this temper tantrum that he seems to throw will not get him his wall, and it'll hurt a lot of people because he will cause a shutdown. He admitted he wanted to shut down. It's hard to believe that he would want that, very hard to believe, very very hard. If he's the president and he's asked, he's saying, if he doesn't get what he wants, he's gonna shut down the government. You're the president. Yeah, he let your little kid in the back of the card. It's whining because you don't want to take him to get French fries. Yeah, no, no, he want to take his ball and go home. Yeah, you're right, right. And can you just imagine if this were Obama? I mean really, it would just it would be so awful. He would be the worst person on the planet. He would You know what happened in Mexico paying for the wall? One n they're gonna pay for the wall. Now he told you he wasn't paying for it. Now told him, he told you Mexico told him right. Yeah, he told him in two languages and no, no, no, my friend, happen we're not fishing the wall. No. He taught him in Spanish and French here and in coach h that's why I made in French. Yeah, well. Chuck Schumer went on to say that the Democrats have a proposal that both Democrats and Republicans will support that will not shut down the government. The President said, if it's not good border security, he will shut down the government. Was he listening, No, he wouldn't listen. I mean really thinks they won the election. That they didn't. The Republicans lost yeast of the seats, but they're not in charge anymore. I mean right, that's why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were there in January. They will take control. Yeah, he tried to. He tried to slight. It looks like Nancy Pelosi a little bit because she doesn't have that control, you know. In other words, yeah she did. And if you saw it, did you see Vice President Pence in the background, No, I didn't pay attention to. Oh yes, he was on the side. Yeah. Yeah, he was closing his eyes, looking Christmas around around like he was lacking position. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Oh, he he wanted to be anywhere else, but he never went Hey, guys, come on, I mean nothing, he didn't no, no, no, But I love all the pictures on social media Nancy Pelosi when she left her and Chuck Schumer. She put on her glasses and her red coat. Yes, I don't want to start talking about fashion like that guy. But okay, I didn't see that in the Strawberry letter earlier. Yeah yeah, but we we you know, we can't go on like this. I mean, things are going to change in January when the Democrats take over the House. You know it will change. You won't be able to do these, you know type of things. Just shut it down like this, don't do Try to work together, try to reach over and and do some bipartisanship here. You know, that's what it's going to take, both parties working together. His hat needs to change to make a make America hate, because that's all he's done, made America hate. Yeah, low approval rating too right now? Yeah yeah, Well, hopefully he won't shut down the government, but he says he will. Hopefully he won't, but he'll do it. You'll do it, Okay, Can I just say this, uck Jay? They saying on social media? Then Mike Pence look like weekend at Bernie. Yeah he really did, I mean he really did. All right? Coming up coming up next at the top of the hour, some fun random questions just random questions for the crew right after this you're listening to all right, guys, these are just some fun random questions just for you, guys. I want to hear what you guys say. Yes, yes, just some random questions. All right, here we go. This question is for you, Tommy, the very first one. Why just because? All right, what's the best gift you've ever gotten? That's a good question. A little saucier after that one. Okay, y'all gonna y'all, y'all gonna make fun of me though, well yeah, okay, okay, can't take it. Giff is from my mother and my sister. Oh, I know, I know, all right, and it is every month I get uh caviar sent to me on dry eyes from Europe. That's Stevey. Hey, hey, we don't meet him right now. It's right, but I get the caviar in I get to do my thing. When you know, that's you know, out of the box thinking good gift. I appreciate that. That's a good gift. It's very because they know how much you can't live without caviar. Whatever, we won't do that, but go ahead, all right, Carla, here's one for you. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? Caviar? No, every month, every month a key chain. Older relative wrapped it up for Christmas and I opened it up and you like it. I want to throw it and you gotta lie. Oh yeah, this is just what I want. It so nice and just talking about chain. You never have enough? All right, Jay? Whatever, Jay, Jay one for you? Okay, and this is perfect for you. What are your methods for getting over someone? You know, when you break up with them? What how do you get over them? Oh? That's easy. If you're in the emergency room and and they can't find you, and you send them You go to the emergency room and you send them a picture of you in the emergency room. Right, you're not actually in there. You just go there and take the picture and say that you're checking yourself in and you're gonna be in there for a while. And so we're gonna have to break up because I got a lot of tests. I'm gonna be taken. I'm sorry because I don't want to put the sickness that I got on our relationship. Love. This This is a break up. You're breaking up with you, you're breaking the question. Yeah, the question was after you break up. How do you get over it? Oh? How do I get over? Yeah? Yeah, I didn't understand. We'll ask the question again. Okay, what I'm gonna come back to you? Ask me again. I'm ready because I didn't understand what you were saying. Ask me again. So, how do you get over someone after you've broken up with them? I'll ask you that way? Steve said it best. Okay. The best way to get old of somebody is get on top of the situation somebody. The best way to get somebody is to try your best, and it could be anybody. And at that point, you're not really choosing. You know what I'm saying. You just want to get on top of the situation. Many times, many times we get it because what I'm doing is getting on top of the Here's one for you, you, young junior. What account can you never access because you forgot the password? All of the one? Right now? No funny, junior? Right to get money at them? I couldn't. I could not. There's not ain I got a bill do right now? It's late. Notice it's late. Notice it's for my water bill seven dollar. Huh, there's gonna cut the water off seven because I don't know the password, none of them. Can't you just change it and get it? I don't know why? Well sure, huh how is it connected to your email? Yeah? But how they seep sending me? They said that when you clay log in, then the two words you hate when you don't log in? What you think I'm doing? You keep telling you below though, Junior says, click here, you forgot your past your password? Yeah, change your password? Okay, yeah, but all my account? I can't. All right, all right, you have one for me. Okay, we're all Steve's not on this boat. Huh, we're all on a boat. Okay, we're trying to get off of this island. We can come back and get one person. If all of us get on the boat, who do we leave on the island and come back and get at a later time? I would leave Steve. No, no, no, Steve's not involved in this, is not involved. No Steve, just us just whoever it's share today? Well you know Steve because he's rich and he called, all right, who do you put off and say, hey, we'll be back to pick here later on? Man? I love you all. I don't know. No, No, we can't get off this island, and with this, Shirley, this I mean, honestly, Dan, I have to say, Tommy, because I've known him the longest, you leave to leave him. I thought you said, who would I take with me? No, you take everybody's gonna leave. You just left me and you just threw it off with them. That's what you just did. You just got on your boat and you just wave bye bye to me. That's what you just did. That. We got you, We got you, We got your little ass. Call it what's yours? That's not what I meant, Tommy, push that what the gad calling? Let me get your choice. Who I'm what? You know? Who? The hell? The question is who? You leave it on the ah. We're gonna come back and get him, but you gotta leave him. Who we leave them? I'm I knows me, Tommy, You're gonna have to stay for me. Okay, okay, okay, okay, got that? No, no, no, a fish, Julie, gotta fish Junior. Yeah, let's go, Junior. I'm leaving Jay ass. Now. I need a lot of medical attention. He can't. I'm not submitting the doctor with him. Maybe getting myself checked out and about him later, but I want to take Jake because I need the jokes. I need the last any time to tell Jos no, they don't both left me. Go ahead, Jake, tell me I didn't. I didn't. I left, Jake, Yeah, I left. Well, I want to be the sickest person on the boat, so I'm definitely leaving. Junior's asking when they come back and get me, don't be around all right, We'll oh more questions when we come back. We'll do more questions when we come back. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let's get back refresh everybody. What happened? Yeah, okay, we were just asking people fun. I mean, I was just asking you guys fun, random questions, just you know, questions off the top of the dumb. Then Jay came in and asked this crazy question about if it was all right. You asked the question if every if we were all on an island, who would I leave and come back and get? But I thought you said who would I take? And so I said Tommy. But but but the question was who would you leave? So basically, bumba, you got on the vote and left me. Carlin said the same thing she leaves pizza. Junior said he leaving jacause he wanted to be to have all the medical attentions right right, I don't need him in the way. I don't need him in the one. Jason, he's leaving Junior because he wants to be the sickest person on the boat, like like that's the badge of honor. Let me say this, though, when you when you and Carlor come back, it's war. Nobody's leaving the Eyeland where y'all. I thought Steve was there. I would have definitely left. Were about to be Gilligan. Then when y'all get back, well we're if it's Gilligan, who would you leave? Who would you leave? Tommy? Didn't you know what? Jay? I know you know what. I've changed so much? Jay, I would leave myself because I love y'all so much. Just that all that to Lot, Well, you're gonna leave me. I'm not worried, but it's just a question. I would all y'all so much. I would just stay myself and y'all go ahead. See I'm all right, No, that's changed. That was my That was my initial response that I couldn't leave anyone because it would be too hard. That's not how that worked. This is This is why people don't be in leadership position, because they can't make decisions. Somebody gotta be left. I'm already over. Everybody's leaving you. You don't want that. I'm dreaming that this is fantasy Island and it's a bunch of naked people on the other side. Crazy, all I know. If it's Gilligan's Island, I'm ginger, that's all I. Oh, I guess I'm marrying. All right, here we go. I'm the professor. No, you're I got FLEXI steal. I got okay, so um here here we go. Let's see. I'm gonna ask you this, Tommy, what TV characters do you wish were your friends in real life? That's a good one. Ray Donovan, Oh yes, yes, yes he is the man. Yes he is the man. Oh I love Ray donald One. More of friends? Oh, let me see, Okay, I'm running out of time. Can we pause for a second, Paul one one. It's just a question. I know. I just want at it though. All right, that's why you get all right, Look we come back. We're gonna tell you all about sand and soul right after this you're listening, I have an idea. What let's tell people about Sand and Soul again. This is the third annual Sand and Soul Festival. Air phone listen to this. Seventeen events, five days, phone nights. One incredible time where Hard Rock Hotel in Cosine location put the Colla Dominican Republic. October tenth threw October fourteenth. That's Columbus Day weekend, y'all. Now, these are some of the amenities that you can get at the fabulous Center. So you can ask anybody to win. Last year high walls, it was the ball. These are some of the amenities. All inclusive food, alcohol, twenty four hour room service, leave your wallet at home, don't even b ain't even pull it out, jacuzzi and balcony in every room. That's bubbles. Yeah, free WiFi and free calls back to the States. Please bring yourself on. Thirteen swimming pools, y'all. Eleven restaurants, twenty three bars and lounges, unlimited resort credit and the largest casino in the Caribbean. Really nice casino had a great time slot machines that always could play my video poker. They treated me real nice. Gotta go back. Go to Steve Harvey dot com for information unlimited resort credits, largest casino in the Caribbean. Go to Steve Harvey Saying This Soul dot com phone number one eight hundred six eighty eight twenty five. Listen to this line up the Welcome to Paradise Genuine Is performing live Goddad Pony John Pony, Casino Casino Royal Party, Come raisor Sharp Dressed to Impress. We got an eighties party, party like it's the eighties with Dougie Fresh performing live Tears of Joint Comedy show with your favorite comedians, showtime at Deal Polo. We got to act like a success masterclass. We at the Beauty Bar, hosted by my wife Marjorie. We got Steven Marjorie Harvey Charity Golf Classic. We got jazz and cocktails on the beach. We got cigars and Koonyak's Cigars rolled on site. We got the Red Light District Party, Kid Capri's performing live Red Attire Suggestion. And then we got Party at the Sea, Dave Cruise, Party at c Day Cruise. That's just so much stuff. It's gonna be a wonderful time. Thank y'all, See you there, all right, Steve, that is correct. Go to Steve Harvey sand and soul dot com. We will see you next year and Puntacana the Dominican Republic. Baby here, all right, thank you. We will be back with closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine. After you're listening show, here we go, last break of the day, Steve. You're closing remarks for us. Hey, let me give you this thought that will help you out. Oh about other people's opinion. Don't let other people's opinion determine your direction. Don't let other people's opinions affect your direction. Let me explain something to you. They don't know. They actually do not know what's best for you. Most people don't, even people who are well meaning. They just really don't know the answer to your success lies. Really, I'm telling you, between you and the relationship you have with God. God is in the dream come true business and whatever he puts in your imagination, that's what he had for you. We've covered this last week. But if you're gonna allow people's opinion, other people's opinion to affect your direction, you are now being guided by some people other than you, And God, what do they really know another thing about other people's opinion. You gotta be careful of them because sometimes you need to look very closely at the person that's providing the opinion. Look at them. Some of them really really shouldn't be an advisatory capacity. They really shouldn't. Man, it's some people passing out advice in your life that hain't that ain't took their own advice. It's some people giving you advice who need to be advised. It's some people giving you advice that don't listen to nothing nobody else got to say. And their life is just an example of it. They are walking results of their of their opinion of them, sales, and and and and the and their ability to follow directions. So you gotta be careful when you're taking directions from other people, because everybody don't mean well, they don't even when they think they do. Man, how many times man in my life, Man, if I let somebody give me an opinion about me, an opinion which I should have never have listened to it. You know, I'd say this all the time. I was watching um um um or Joel Osteen on TV, and he said people's opinion of you is none of your business, nor should you make it yours. It doesn't matter what their opinion of you is. It just doesn't matter because God is in the come get you business. Let me tell you something, man, whoever you are right now, I'm gonna tell you a story I heard one time. It's called it's like the Thomas and the Boat story. This man named Thomas one day was out on the boat by himselves, a beautiful day. It's out there sailing on a boat, and a storm came up out of nowhere, and it capsized the boat. And he was way out and he was lost at seat. But he got lost, and he got washed up on a deserted islid, and so he got up. He woke up, he shook up pretty bad, and he found himself on his deserted olive. He didn't know where his boat was or nothing. He was just sitting there because the boat it capsized, and so he's sitting there. So days went by, days and days and days went by. He just out on his olive, just trying to make it work, running out of food. He can't get nobody's attention. He drawing notes in the sand and stuff helped. Nothing. Planes going by, He don't he waving, don't nobody see him. He just on this olive. So weeks it went by. So he got kind of crafty, so he decided one day to build himself some shelter. He took some bamboo and some banana leaves, and he built, you know, a little covering just for some shelter at night. And this is going along pretty good for a few days, but he getting a little bit more and more depressed because nobody can find it. I mean, it ain't a boat going by or nothing. And it just started getting real down on itself because his predicament seemed so unbelievable. So he made a fire like he do usually at night, and a wind came up, and when the wind came up, a couple of the sparks hit the shelter, these dried banana leaves and bamboo, and caught it on fire. I mean a horrible fire. It's just burning it down. It had been raining that night, man, and it started raining real bad, and he trying to stay warm, and all of a sudden, sparks catch holding. All of a sudden, his whole, his whole, how was little hut temporary shelter is on fire, and he just through now and he's just going, God, where are you? Man? I'm so, what are you doing to me? Now? I've been out here weeks. I can't get off this olive. You don't hear me? And now you didn't burn down my shelter. I mean, it's just a fire, just burning. And he's standing there, man, just complaining and telling God how he didn't forsake him, and he didn't forgot he was out here in all this trouble, being out here all these weeks, Lord, where are you now? And all of a sudden he saw some flashlights and he saw some people running up on shore, and he couldn't believe it, but some people had had found him, And he said, man, I've been out here for weeks. What did y'all do? How did y'all find me? They said, we saw your smoke signal that you sent up. We just responding to your smoke signal. He just dropped down, started crying because he thought God had forsaken him burn up his hut. But see that disastrous moment right there turn out to be just what he needed. That smoke sign and they saw that what he thought was a disastrous farm. The one ship that was going by saw the flames and the smoke, and the resident. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to ste