Good morning and welcome to the ride! After a long, fought, hard, battle fought weekend, Steve is back with another chapter, turn the page. The Chief Love Officer shows us how a perfectly good lie can solve a problem. Pastor Motown got some splainin' to do in regards to his 90 second Zoom sessions. Hip hop legend DMX passed away on Friday April 9 at the age of 50. Bitterman gives us his random smoke thoughts. In honor of the late great DMX, we have something good for you! Fool #2's uncanny ability to find something stoooopid is second to none and he gives us the good things to come out of COVID. A new survey out there shows us the effect of stress on daily American life along with its causes. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been named the top choice for President by the people. Today the show wraps up with the crew telling us about the weirdest jobs that they have ever had.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all looking back to back down, giving them like a million buck things and it's not true. Good Steve har to Steve Joy, you gotta use that turn be h. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your bah huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. God been good to me? Man, ain't God been good to you? I mean, just think about it. Think of where you are now compared to where you used to be. Now, if you've fallen from where you used to be, all you gotta do is check yourself and you will discover that it's a series of decisions that we make that causes ourselves to be in the predicaments, shapes and conditions that we are in. It is never God's fault. It is a series of decisions that we have made. Please understand, God is only in the uplift business. Sometimes he got to check us because we need checking. And He has commandments, rules and morality clauses all throughout that teach us how we should be and if we're not, there's repercussions behind it. But please understand, you are where you are because of some decisions that you made. God is in the uplift. God is in the blessing business. God is in to take care of you business. He's in to protect you business. Please know that Steve Harvey got a radio show because God is simply amazing. It ain't bragging. It's just the way I do it. Now you may do it another way, find your way to talk about the goodness of God. This is just my way. I can't nor most stop being who I am, then you can stop being who you are. We all trying to be better, but through God's grace and mercy we exist anyway, and try as we may to be perfect. We're not going to accomplish that. But you can get as good as you can get, but you can constantly strive to do better, but you're gonna need God's help. Steve Harvey got a radio show, simple as that. But the only way I got a radio show it's because God bless me. Period. I am not all that I'm fully capable of saying to anybody listening that was not my own doing. If I told you that I thought my way completely to where I am, I would be lying to you. If I told you where all I thought I would end up, it certainly wouldn't be here. Steve Harbor got a radio show. God is amazing. Okay, cool, don't worr. Everybody will find another way. We're gonna have a good in this morning, y'all. I said, we're gonna have a good one this morning, y'all, because the way we do it right here on this show, right here, spread across the country. We do it this way because there's no other way to get it done. Because we all understand that there's absolutely no better way to start your date. Then the first of all, stop give thanks in honor to Almighty God, because God is deserving of your honor. God is deserving of your praise. If it wasn't for God, where would you be. You know, I was watching Joel Oldstein on TV yesterday. Oftentimes tell you this, and uh, you know it is amazing. I never go to the TV guide or the channel surfer and say let me go find Joe lost in to day. I just happened to turn it on and as I click that he is. I can only think that that's God making me sit down and hear some of the things I need to hear. One of the things he was talking about yesterday was aiming for something worthy and how to accept the challenges that come with it. Now, this isn't worded exactly the way he said, because I caught it on the tail end, but I kind of got the message that I needed to hear, and I just wanted to share it with y'all this morning, that when you have big aspirations, you're going to have big challenges. If you ever noticed, man, how sometimes people always seem to have little bitty problems, Well that's because they have little bitty aspirations. They're shooting for little bitty things. See the moment you decide to shoot for something big, won't something more, You're going to get major, major challenges, major tribulations are gonna come your way. Because to whom much is given, much is required. To those of you that are aiming high, please know that you're going to run into some more challenging times. That's the way it goes. If you're not being challenged in your life, it is only because you are not aspiring to be anything. Your aspirations are too low. You've got to go. You've got to you know, Joelo's Teams says something that I never knew before. You've got to want something so big that you don't see no way it can get done. You have to have God's help. Is that amazing? Man? See if he said, if you can accomplish all the things you set out to do without God's help, you are setting out to accomplish some mighty, meager things. You know. If all you're trying to do is make your rent, you don't need God's help for that, Just make your rent. But if you're trying to buy a house, to really put your family in a better neighborhood, in a better school system, and you don't see no way you need God's help. You have to aspire to something that requires God's help. See, that's when you really are being what God wants you to be. That's when you're striving for something that God has in mind for you. God, I don't want little things for you anybody can have at once. You're just going over that sit and have yourself nice, little, regular, little life. Quit bothering people with it. Man, if you could just give me five dollars on some gas. Man here, Yeah, people like they always got some little bit of stuff for you. Man. And and you so caught up in what you're doing because it's so big. When people come to you, you go that's it. Man, here, just go ahead on and people, man, thank you. Man cool. That's because they're aspiring for small things. You ain't even got to go to God for all small stuff. If you can accomplish everything you want in your life with just your help and you don't need God, you ain't aiming high enough. And when your aim high. Stop making excuses, man, excuses. There ain't nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses you'dn't heard. It is amazing, man, it is amazing how people lived excuses. Stop making excuses. Aspire to greatness. Aspire to something that requires God's help. Then you'll be fulfilling your mission. Some of us are sick and tired of our lives the way they are because they ain't going nowhere because we ain't want nothing no more. Get something in your head that requires God's help and live your life to the fullest and prepare yourself. It's going to be difficult, but with God's help, it's doable. Get you some help today, Holly, God about it. Don't quit, quit giving up, don't ever give up. God can accomplish some amazing things in your life. He loved to hear from you today. This goes out to all my brothers and sisters. Is locked away to the two women that I met down in um down in Columbia, South Carolina, to Deborah and her friend that was on a work released program from a women's correctional facility. I'm praying for y'all. I'm pulling for all y'all, to all the women that listen every morning in that correctional facility down in Columbia, South Carolina. I told you I wouldn't forget you this morning. I love you. Keep holding on the God's unchanging hands. All my brothers and sisters that's locked away, keep your head up. God loves you. Man. God is a forgiving God. Call on him. He'll hear your prayer. I've been now, He'll hear your prayer. Come on now, you're ladies and gentlemen, I have your attention. Please. After long fault, hard battle fault weekend, we are healed live Steve Harvey Morning Show voices a little impad. It's entirely too much talking. But I come to work after that, unlike some of my other come padres. Who's here? You heard the two that saying something? Didn't you can't? I don't know who can? Well, well we only hear two voices. That's yours in his saying it because you can't be talking about me. That's why I'm saying, and that's why I'm saying that you've been not to be talking about me. If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that holler is the one you hit. Charley Strawberry, what's going on? He caller for real? Good morning, Happy Monday. What's up, Steve? Here we go, Yeah we go. Let's get into the rock throwing partition of the show. J Anthony Brown. I've been at an undisclosed place doing undisclosed things. But I'm here. I'm here if you time, if you threw a rock, and I'm ye, Holly, that's because all the other ones ran out. You gotta think about that, Okay, Ain't no ain't no dogs hanging around for that talking about She's the one that brought it to our ascension. Yeah. Yeah, but first of all, we would see the rock coming, so we would analyze what timing when you see the rock coming with you. If I'm a dog in the rock is hurling through the air, I'm not gonna sit then getta look, well what your hauling folded? I'm gonna say, damn, that was close. I'm going to show. We already know Tommy every time he said sold out, we're gonna add a show. I go here, we go here, it's coming, it's coming. This a show. He fit the overburdened us with his schedule. Now we got to introduce this prank. We got to know which one he wanted to play. We got to sit up here covered on the top, top top top of the morning. Y'all we are, y'all all that mess. Junior's out today, Steve, Yeah, Junior's out. We don't know why, y'all. His I think he was getting his second shot. Oh whole show. It takes four hours. I had that joke, but I feel I couldn't have done it myself. No, no, you ain't allowed to do ain't here jokes go on stand good one on this shown All right, guys coming up in thirty two minutes after should be our more weekend stuff and we'll do ask the CLO with the Chief Love Officers Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening morning show. All right here we are. Anymore weekend stuff? We want to close that segment. Any more weekend stuff going on? Anybody forgot to tell us? Because it's time now for the assid CLO. Might as well just get to it. He take some while to get warmed up, yeah, because when you've been off work for a while, you don't get jumped right in here. Yeah, you talk yeah in the break room. Then he gonna come here. Oh okay, all right, here we go. This one's from Derwin Derwin in Kansas City. Uh. Derwin says, my sister is four years younger than I am, so I've always been over protective of her. She was engaged to a guy that I knew wasn't right for her, so I relieved. I was relieved when he called up their weddings. It's been almost a year since they broke up, and she still wants to know why he left her. She wanted me to talk to him. I have no desire to talk to him because if he says something bad about my little sister. I'm going to have to deal with him. What should I do? Why would you talk to him? Because she asked him too, so he won't talk to her. And what you got to do with it? Right, Just stay out of it. Man, You got your wish you didn't think to do was rightful? Yeah? All make up? So because yeah, I talked with him, he said he got a couple of page now he good, and two babies is on the way. And then just walk out the room next list name because she desperately wants closure. Yeah, so it's closed. He gone, isn't done. It's been a year, all right, Anthony on iHeart Radio Closa. Several weeks ago, I met a teacher at my daughter's in new school. We exchanged numbers and chatted awhile with our masks on. I called her and asked her out, and we met up a few days later. She came into the restaurant and she sat beside me and took off her mask exactly. Her breath was hot and it smelt like sewage. Oh. I got up and sat across from her, and I said, I wanted to look in her eyes while we ate. I don't intend to ever go out with her again. But she worked at my daughter's cool. What do I tell her about? And I got up, went over the table and look in your eyes. It was just so I could save my own ass. What do I do? What do you all all? When you took off your mask, I thought our food had a ride. I had ordered salmon and Brussels sprouts, and when you took your mask off, I thought the food was there. You need all you need More than that. You need to add you can't wear your mask if you got holitosis. You can't wear your mask because it traps it in and it recycles it. It puts it back into the system. You're breathing in the same as you. It's it look every nine and then when even if you got air condition, you got to crack your windows. Yeah, in a car, you're recycling the air. You know that little button on the dashboard in your car with the little arrows that mean the ass going back around. That's what's happening in that mask. Oh, she'd have got used to. She's recycling the app And when she opened it up in like freedom, wow school. Hope she got that mask on all right? Next time to take out. Just be standing there with a canter for breeze in your hand. As soon as you take that mask and openho mom can shoot her dead in it, all right, M've be moving on. Amazing in Peoria. I like that name. Amazing in Peoria, Illinois, says I'm forty nine and my mother is seventy five, and she has a habit of popping up at my house at the worst time, and she brings people with her. She's forty nine and her mother is seventy five. Okay, then her mom pops up at the worst times and brings people with her when she comes. My husband and I can be watching a movie and she'll come by with her boyfriend or one of her female friends for herself a drake and sit there and talk to us like she's not interrupting a thing. My husband doesn't have a problem with it. He thinks it's cute. And he said, I need to let my mom live her best life. Do I sad boundaries with her or not? No? She said the fact, yeah, coming in and catch her. You know what I'm saying. She rolling up on you having drinks, you know, I mean, you know, like she wanted your homies though Yeah. What a girl I was just in the neighborhood. Is good. She's still driving, she's seventy five, just popping up, and she got a boyfriend and everything. Yeah, joy, Yeah, I see that's what I say. Let her live. Yeah, all right, here we go. Jay, You have a question. Know I got one. You know I got one. Here is Steve. You have all week to get it ready, so let me get it in. You had the bowling alley with your wife bowling, having a good time on each side. You see two of your side pieces. One do you continue bowling the bowling alley? I guess out that bowling at it. As a matter of fact, I act like I'm about the bowl. And when I pulled my arm back, I left my bowling ball bust. My wife did in her head. Yeah, we got to get out here and get to emergency care. I'm throwing this ball and some damn by dropping it on my foot, I'm doing something. This is no way both of them now, I think. But Steve, Steve, you're having a good game. You're having a really good game. All strike, dog. Let me go to the game. I could be on the verge of a three hundred, which I've never had in my life. I've never been close. When you get to three hundred and you jump up celebrating and them two women come over there to help celebrate with you. Podner, what's the highest game you've ever bow Oh, I'm not, I'm not. I just go I've hit a two hundred before. Yeah, I bowled two thirty two one time. That's good. I've never been close. All right, I've never seen two hundred after that. I don't know what happened to me that day, but it never happened again. All right. Coming up next, church complaints with rever Motown and Deacon death Jam. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna standing by with our national news and we'll have today's entertainment news. But right now it is time for some laughter and some fun. It's Monday, so you know what that means. Here with church complaints, were already here. Thank you so much. Amen to that. We we gavel on this glu glorious money, ready to b bachulate by bachelate, yes, so by bachulate and re re reefflicate. What the things that are going on in a congregation habit to weary as we move forward. Habituary that's like, oh you know where they stay by? You get a preach now gold DC, which are speaking of preaching. The congregation is upset that they are worried about this app You've been preaching for ninety seconds on zoom and they are concerned that you are just not studying. What is it that all your sermons have turned into just ninety seconds? The pandemic, the global pandemic requires my at tension on so many levels that all we have time for ninety second world, If you don't hear me in ninety seconds, why would I stay in ninety minutes? And almost made sense, but it don't make sense. How long you need to be told you going to heal the world. That's what we hear for all right, I'm moving down our speaking out. Yes, a pandemic. We got three of our acquire members Birtha, Birda and Berna dead. They have formed a new gospel group called the Covidnets and they would like to take the fund their first sing off, the covid The reason they chose the name Covidnet is because their paranoid they always have on their mask and nobody's gonna support this muffled ass. How does that sound fast? Whoo whoo, whoo whoo? Who anybody? Anybody got no money for that? They're not gonna take it. The covid NEETs ain't gonna take their mask, or we can't fund that. Can I hear the covidnets again? Who? Whoa who whoo whoo? You jam it though? Alright, passing, let's keep it moving here. We got a problem. Sister Laura Banks got a listen to him and now got a Fisor shot, one Visor shot, got one Maderna shot, and then I also got one Johnson shot. She got three shots in total. And now for some reason she's barking in the night and can't stop, and got all the dogs up in their neighborhood. She wants you to come and lay hands on it and pray for but I don't know if you can help ut now I'm not going to. I don't know what she got Who told her to take all three vaccines. You're supposed to take two doses per one. Johnson was the onder. She didn't add Maduna and fis she'd have probably developed a whole new strand of COVID shot. Now she over. She ain't got COVID, she got the vaccination disease. We don't even know what that is yet, sang it covid quit okay you have could you have one of the covidnets, introduced the group. I'd like to hear that there you all what havery, what's here to go? Here? We can't we are here to coming to We won't see you see a deconsulution. I'm gonna be singing on giving on we are we're so did one of the I did one of the cover that's out the call. Let me hear that. Let me won't you come? Won't you come? I don't get call. Come on for you every room after we just room at the front, make room for every problem. Come on up down to the front. Be here, turn your life over to we believe that you say this simple prayer. You don't have one more? Got one more? Got one at at a funeral doing the funeral, give anyone in crying and you don't have blue? All right? I have one? Um they now they're asking for you, pastor. There is a versus. The Blind Boys of Alabama won the versus five Blind Boys of Mississippi. They want to do a versus and they want you to host it. So that's your call. Well we can have it, but we we we don't have to pick a location. All we got to do is tell them they there, and all we're gonna be doing is singing songs that relate to the quartets. If I can see clearly the rain m I can see all those obstacles in my way. Here's the favorite hit. I heard it through the grape vine. I'm about about to lose my mind. You know they like heard it through the grape vine. I have one more song than I'd be saying, Steve. I'm looking for a love. Yeah, I love. And I'm looking over here, I'm looking over down. I'm searching something. Wow, I'm looking everywhere. I'm looking for a look. Oh baby, this is the versus Blind Boys of Alabama versus the five Blind Boys of Mississippi. That's what they see the verse. So silly coming up, coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment in national news right after this ignorance, you're listening to show as we already know, on this path Friday, Earl Simmons, we know him as DMX passed away. X was fifty years old. On April second, he was admitted to a hospital in White Plain To, New York after suffering a drug induced heart attack at his home in White Plains. On Friday, April ninth, DMX passed away after being on life support and his family was by his side. His family released a statement saying Earl was a warrior who fought until the very end. He loved his family with all of his heart, and we cherished the times we spent with him. Earl's music inspired countless fans around the world, and his iconic legacy will live on forever. DMX's hometown, Yonkers, New York, is committed to making sure that X's memory lives on. Mayor Spaniel said the city is considering naming a street after him and also creating a statue of his image. The family has also confirmed there will be a private and public memorial and of course, our deepest condolences are going out to the Simmons family. He was mad, dude. Yeah, I think that Swiss beats uh. Instagram posts and talking about DMX was the best because it was so touching. Yeah, they were really really close. Yes, Yeah, they were like brothers. Man. Swiss. Swiss did a lot of music with DMX and I talked with him about it before the verses, and you know, he was just hard broken and um, yeah he was hoping. We you know, everybody was hoping for the best, but it wasn't meant to be. And you know he was he was just greatness. Man. And the tributes that's going on about this young brother man all around the nation. Man, it's like really heartwarning man. Yeah, the dude, his music crossed over so well. Man. A lot of rappers, a lot of rappers never get that opportunity to do man and d M Yeah, you know he did that, man, he did that. Dmxo's a movement. I mean in the nineties when he hit the he was nobody was like him. He was aggressive, he was streaked, he was grimy. And so how he approached his storytelling what he was doing and rapping, we had never heard that before. And people just loved him to motorcycles, you know, rough riders and all that. So I saw a concert caller a feat of white people. Yeah, that's the one I'm telling about, man, yeayeah feeling and not just around the world, yeah, around the world. Yeah, And he wrote all of his songs. He wrote all of his songs. He wrote the very talented so sad. Yeah, definitely gonna be family. Lose my mind up in here. Up in here, I mean, who ain't sell off? Right? See, who ain't saying yah? And he put it to music, and it's like, damn, everybody has been saying that, right, you're right a dog. I don't know nobody household where you ain't heard that's right? Yeah, y'all gonna make me lose my mind up in here. I keep on up in here. And it wasn't a party record either when we said it, y'all gonna make me lose my mind up in hill. You can put it to music if you want to. But when mamma said, when mama said you to get someone set down, that's yeah, for sure, for sure, for sure. Yeah, yeah, he will definitely been meant. He will definitely missed. I mean seriously. All right, Um, we're gonna move on time now, Steve for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you, everybody. Good morning. The governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, says he's directing state police to investigate the encounter that has caused NAFROL Latino Army medical officer to sue two white police officers in the town of Windsor. Army Second Lieutenant Corona Sario can be seen on video in uniform last December asking cops why he was pulled over, hanging both his hands out of the window and saying, yeah, in the committed a crime and he was frankly afraid to exit the car because they both had their guns drawn. While your weapons drawn, what's going on? See? The cops claimed that Lazario, Lieutenant Lazario was driving a new car with no license plate and one of them pepper sprayed him, but the officer's body camp shows that his temporary dealer plate was clearly in the rear mirror. Okay, anyway, the Kappa who peppers Fredi has already been fired. Today marks the start of a third week of the Derek Chauvin George Floyd murder trial. On Friday, and medical examiner who pronounced mister Floyd's death a homicide, took the stand, but also another forensic pathologist, Lindsey Thomas, who said she agreed with all the other diagnoses that mister Floyd died of suffocation as a result of actions by the police and not heart failure. This death does not fit what has been described in someone who dies of a cardiac a rhythmia from arterial sclerotic heart disease and likewise hypertensive heart disease. Towards the defense gets to present its case, and Derek Chauvin's lawyers have already signaled they intend to focus on George Floyd's drug use, his heart condition, anything else they can drum up to put doubt in the minds of the jurors. Former Republican House Speaker John Bayner says in his upcoming new book on the House, a Washington memoir that's the name of the book, that Donald Trump incided the Capitol Hill ride on January for his own selfish reasons perpetuated shall we say the sugar honey iced tea, And he didn't use that. He said the word that he's been shoveling since he lost a fair election. Bayner says Trump's election claims were false and that those claims led to the GOP losing control of the Congress. Meanwhile, and nevertheless, Donald Trump demonstrated his continued hold on the GOP. He held a big confab at Marlaigo over the weekend and called the Center Republican leader Mitch McConnell a dumb soob and he didn't use the letters okay. He said he was disappointed with former Vice President Pennce for not supporting stopping the electoral college vote. Trump also claimed that the GOP will win back the White House in twenty twenty four. Finally, funeral services are being held from Britain's Prince Philip this Saturday. Prince Harry's already over there. Megan his pregnant. Her doctor told her not to go while here at home. The family of a musical kind of Prince DMX plan for both a private and public memorial. The mayor of Yonkers says he'd like to see something on the Yonkers Raceway, and the head of the Neperhand Community Center in Yonkers, doctor Jim Bostick, says, d X never forgot the youngsters in the community. You can continue to our sports programs, some of our basketball programs, and he also held a Thanksgiving dinner every single year for all the kids. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show a right see introduce your man fifty grand Well, I don't mind introducing because I don't have to do it often. So here we go, ladies and gentlemen, j Anthony Brown. Now and now, won't you just relax and listen to what I'm saying. These I'm not doing jokes. These are just smoke dots. Smoke dots from j Anthony Brown. Here we go. Big girls have the nicest nails. Big girls always have the nicest nails. Smoke dots. Africans not trying to be racist. Africans can't whisper. These are do youse are smoke thoughts. White people will always call you back. They will always call you battle. If they say they're gonna call back, they will call you back. Why do strippers have such big bags? What's in them? What the hell is in that bag? Smoke thoughts? These are smoke thoughts. If you call someone, you do. If you call someone you really don't want to talk to, buy mistake and hang up, they will call you right back. These are smokeouts. Say will facts, okay, this is a question, There is a question. Not trying to insult anybody who starts most fights on the job. Just listen to me. When I say this, big breasted women or little breasted women, I'm just putting out. I'm not asking if you don't, I'm just I'm asking a question. Little breast, little breast started, Okay, I'm just these are smoke. Thus, if you're in a relationship with the woman who has kids, you can give the kids something, but you can't get it until at night when he kid asleep. Did you understand what I was saying? But you can give the kids something, but you can't get it at night until the kid asleep. Take your time with Damon, all right, take your time with Dame. Your eyelashes should not scratch your glasses. Okay, that's just a smoke whatever. Some last one. Some people can hold their liquor, but they can't hold their pee. And some people can't hold it, but they can't hold that liquor. Okay, that's all right. Here's the last one. If she can't make macaroni, men, if she cannot make macaroni, she can't make biscuits. All grady, Okay, that is a fact. These have been smoke thoughts coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, Thank you, Jay. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carla, what you got girl? You know what guys, Steve, Tommy, Jay, even Monica. I'm feeling like some DMX music right now. Come. I want to hear some rough riders. I want everybody listening right now, you in your cars, throw your excess up resting power kingma up there up in there, dog gonna make me go all out up in death up in here, y'all gonna make me after wold up being here, hyag gonna make me lose my cool up being there up there. I got to bring it to you, Cora Di. It's gonna be quick, or you made the being the chill before to suck like, oh no the mother, catch you runway, get done with it. Come quick, you're gonna puke the dog or some bum high the thick now one one, whe hold up with some time. Ain't that summer remind me of a strip club? Every time you come around, it's like, well, I just gotta get an ox up And I don't know who the you think you're talking truth, but I'm not here, Mike slap to find what you do when you're gonna find yourself very next to someone else, and we all thought you love yourself. But that couldn't have been the issue. Or maybe they ain't just singing that now because they miss you, maybe didn't try to miss you. That's when you lay it on your back, looking at the truth of the church, treat the telling the truth and it hurts, y'all. Go back my mind up there up in death. Dog gonna bagdee go all out comping there, upping there, y'all gonna make me act on bore upping there, dag gonna magde do my cools upping there, upping the head off the chain of leaf, soft of the brain, or they'll walk the bay off the name. First of all, you ain't back long enough to be with me. You you ain't strong enough. So whatever it is you're covering on, they got you thinking that you're superman. I got the dripping Knight and I smacked them back and the mic characters sun even to her cactus. What's gonna be the out blue that's down for the fact that you whacked and twisting your girls the wall. You broke the kid ain't joys and everybody know the old man say you stupid you'd be like, so I love my baby mother, I never let her go some time of week, want to go blue that it was longer them strong with them, get up a frield like my mans and the who get it off the strip of their hands with them. Man, y'all gonna baby lose my mind up in there, y'all gonna leg bee go all out upping there, humping this, y'all gonna nick be act on boy up in this dog gon magde lose my boos humping here, humping head. Bring down rings that help you get hursed ahead. No more trumps, put them in a search shit. You keep walks that you're trying to end up red since I end up fat, that end up damn. Get you the soft type white fake up dog type holl it's like a soft fighting love dogs. It's the dog blood sicken and water. Were then fencing the muod and we click at the slot and the bigger the bad in, the more buds going out when the fit, everybody come out, when the body burnt out sitting then to shut out, I'm gonna keep out out front of the smout. I'm a blow was donna have them listen. Why he's about to see missing. And you know who's gonna find you? The more man fishing it grandma, watching your soul depressed. But it's hard to like ja besides the hole in your chat, y'all? Oh man do the sea if man hustle gang here hunt you the king. You are tuned in to the Steve harve in morning shows. Something No, stop stop shut them down over shock. Oh no, that's our wrong fithers. Bro stop stop shut them down over up shock. Oh no, that's our wrong files broty just want to try, just want to lie. I just wonder why they just want to try? All I know it's pain all I fearless brain. I cannot maintained with badness on my brain. I resort the bolence. My killers move with silence like you don't know what I filing and your killers a wile my dog spit it. You want it, come me get it took it can be split it damn right. We did it with the f gonna do when me running up on you and see what the wrong through don't know what we gone to. I might have to joke. I easily be broke. Let me find out there's a boke that's running with joke after we can't break it up at the snatcher light it up like a candle, just because I can't stand to put my bootcapes like you busting rap Di you holding wake and you haven't met the apes. Stop stop shut him down on that little shot. No, that's I wote, father, vote stop stop shut him down over little shot. No, that's I wote father, vote stop stop shut him down over little shot. No, that's I wrote father. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I don't like how he treats his ex wife. We'll get into that in a minute, but right now the nephew is here with today's Frank phone call. What you got for us? NAV eight and two eight and two watch me work eight and two? Come on kids, math. Yeah, I'm hey, I'm trying to get Sam answer. Uh yeah, well this Sam? That Sam? Sam? Okay? Sam? All right? Hey yeah, uh okay. I thought it was samounting. Okay, it's it's it's Sam. Yeah, Sam, Man, what's up? Okay? Uh Hey, my name Calf. I wanted to reach out to your high let you about U about uh your girl? Right? Your girlfriend? Yeah? Yeah, she is Okay, how long a y'all I've been together. We've been together about about tending up years. While what's going on? But listen, me and holidays each other for like the last few months or whatever. I wanted to reach out to you. You know, she don't want to call you. She wanted me to call you. I wanted to tell you that. You know, she didn't decide that she wanted to start hanging with me. She wanted me to come over to the house and pick up stuff up. Oh yeah, oh yeah, really really, that's what's going on? You calling me? She didn't told you to call me and tell me basically what I wanted to feel saying, I'm and just have a man and man talk with you. Just let you you you that's that's what. That's what's going on right now. Don't do it because right now you just talking a bunch of what's up? Now? What I'm saying any other dad? You know, I'm already making room for her at my apartment. I'm just trying to come on, h Listen, that ain't none of it. It's whatever if you want to come, do, come do, But it ain't going out. We ain't. We ain't going out without a fight. I'm not tripping. I'm not tripping with you, and I'm not tripping it up. But you come to my T'm about getting from my hall. Then it's going down, me and you, Me and you. So what's up? You're coming and get u because I'm on the road right now and these shouts, but dob meet you out. So if you're coming and get us, come on with it. Okay, okay, though i'd let's back up and see. Like I said, he I'm trying to have less you know where. Then when you gotta have no problem I want to do is come in the house and get her stuff and pack it up so I can get it over to me. You think you're just gonna come in and tell my house and I've been with I don't needs you. You think you just gonna be We're just gonna be teachers in Queen. You got me, I'm telling you, do you come to my house's going down? And that just then she needs to be a woman. Why don't she bring it to me? Why she didn't bring it to me? You know what? I'm saying, what what what y'all want to be together? Now? She ain't no more. All I know is she was feeling me. That's all I'm saying. She was feeling me. You know, she telling me. I mean, dude, you have a problem with her league because that's her choice. You know what I'm saying. If she claims she want to be with me, that's what she won't. You know, I ain't knocking what nobody do you understand? But what I'm trying to tell you she telling me she want to be with me. So I'm just trying to get you to lift. Is it better for me or her to go there while you ain't there? Ain't get our stuff? Dog all this? Didn't you saying? Nah, I don't. I ain't got the rational lot thing with you. She needs to be the one telling me all of it is and saying she can't do it. And you man, you man, you know that what you call from man the man, Come get up. That's all I'm saying. Come here, Hey, Samantha, Samantha, Hey hey man, hey, hey hey man, my name is sam Man. I ain't gonna tell you that already told you that when you call, when you first called okay, Sam, so listen, okay, way you know what. I ain't even gonna go back and forward. You then shows me I'm gonna come to you up. Hey, all this you talking? You're still on this phone with all that y'all jacking. If you're gonna come get up, I hadn't invited you. So if you want to bring your so over here, come get it tom aiden two old. I've up two of them. Yeah, but I'll tell you this isn't much too it the black them two down. They don't want to me no more. They want to walk with me no more. And like I said, telling something with you, she ought to be woman to know what she's behind the back in the background telling you to come tell me from me. Think that's the man I'm gonna and you come because you're acting like a too, I'm gonna plap. So what's okay? Well look here, let me gonna say this to you. Then can I can I tell you what she called me? Man? You tell me you want to tell me? Really don't know what she told you? But what what's up? I just want to tell you she told me to prank phone call you. This is nephew, Steve Harvey Morning Show, a man saying you all right, I'll just stay man. I was just stay man Mannick hill Man. You ain'teting me ready, Hey, I gotta hear you say one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve hard That out to all the all the gay couples out there. That's for y'all. Right there deuces to you, baby, Yeah two with them too, that meet me. They don't want to fool women, No mo they Sam was not boy. But you know what I was. I was waving to call it Sam again because that really pushed it button right, Yeah, yea, yeah called me. I didn't told you now when your first called it Sam, I told you that he told you. I didn't. But all the jokes me and Jay Haad is down. They're gone. I'm not new. I don't need to do them because I thought it was a head of sexual couple. These jokes will not be funny to the same group people. We don't let this go, Thank y'all. Beautiful, great prank Tommy, Hey Sam, what's up? In the words of the COVID singer, it's the COVID NEETs Jay, the covidnets the last hour Catch my show Friday Night on the own Network. Ready to Love, Ready to Love on the on Network that's nine eighth century. You don't want to miss it? Two then two then I got curveballs every weekend and I'm throwing at my contestants. They don't know which way time is coming, so I keep them on their towels. So too. Then get your popcorn, sit on the couch and ride with you. Boy. That is Ready to Love on the Only Network, nine eighth century. It's so good, Tommy my only did y'all catch it this this pass Friday? Did y'all catch yes? Yes? Who of course we did? It? Was good like you guy from Louisiana too. I like him too, I love him. Yeah, Joe Joel is his name, the one that said he's looking for an old ladys like what his Uh? He's got an interesting story, man, His wife passed away with cancer and he's raising a set of twins by himself. Man. I take my hat off to that brother. Yeah, I'm rooting for him. Yeah, he works out a lot, got that he got that New Orleans twin call. Yes he does. Me and my husband was watching and say nothing. Yes, sir, Ready to love Baby on the own network, nine eighth CENTI every Friday night, hang out with your boy. All right, thank you enough, coming up, Strawberry letter. I don't like how he treats his sex wife. We'll be back and get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this right now. That's just so you'll you'll know it's a real letter. Okay, all right, buckle up it hold on type. We got it for you here. It is the popping Strawberry Letter. That's for Jay. Thank you, nephew. Subject I don't I don't like how he treats his ex wife. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm thirty six years old and recently divorced. I met a guy eight months ago and he just got divorced too. We bonded over our divorce dilemmas and he was open and honest about his breakup. He told me that he was controlling and they had a rough marriage because she liked to fight him and throw stuff at him. He told me that he had to restrain her a lot, but he never laid a finger on her. He told me that he even took a domestic violence class to try to fix his marriage. This made me afraid to continue talking to him, but I told myself that he was so sweet and forthcoming within from nation, that I shouldn't penalize him for his past. I wanted to go into our relationship with an open mind. He's been nothing but a gentleman to me. I get regular foot rubs and massages, flowers for no reason, and he even does things around my house to help me out. He never raised his voice at me or seemed irritated at me, But whenever his ex wife calls him about any little thing to do with their daughter, he is a totally different person. He talks to her like she's a piece of trash, and he usually hangs up on her. He has done it in my presence numerous times, and I always give him time to cool down before talking to him. He's told me a few times that what he calls. He's told me a few times what the calls were about, and it's never anything for him to be so angry with her. The other day, I overheard him on the phone with his friend and he talked about his ex wife NonStop and said that his ex wife is lucky she moved out of town. This made the hair on the back of my next stand up. Could he be a violent man that had to go to domestic abuse counseling U that had to go to domestic abuse counseling or does his ex wife bring out the worst in him? I need to know before I go any further with him. Okay um, I think we have a problem here. I do, and you certainly know way more about this man than we do because you've been dating him for eight months. But based upon what you said, I think it's two things that are that are issues with him. His ex wife most definitely brings out the worst in him, and he does have violent tendencies. I also think he still has feelings for her because he gets so upset whenever he talks to her. And you know, he may be sweet and giving you foot massages and flowers and all of that to you. But this guy that talks to his wife crazy and violent, lee and all of that, that's him too, Okay, So he's still that person, you know. I think he does have feelings for her, like I said, because he gets so upset when he talks to her, even when he talks to others about her. I just don't think you've brought out those violent tendencies in him yet. The red flags are everywhere, and that's why you're confused. I'm sure you wondered what would happen if you made him mad. I'm sure that's run across your across your mind, and it sounds like it wouldn't take much. I mean, he's been good for these eight months, but who knows how much longer that would last. I mean, people change, but I don't think he hasn't because he's still doing it with his ex wife. And why haven't you said anything to him about his bad behavior towards his ex wife? Why haven't you just you know, sat him down and asked what the problem is. Yeah, he told you he was controlling, but there's a lot more to it than that. I think you really need to have a serious conversation with this man. And find out what is going on. Maybe he needs more than just a little bit of counseling. Yeah, I don't like the field of this. I think these are red flag Steve Well, it's real simple here. I'm gonna get to it in a second, but first I'm just gonna call this letter red flag letter, and I'm gonna point out the red flags to you. Thirty six old, recently divorced, met a great guy eight months ago. He was just divorced. Two we bonded over our divorce dilemmas. Red flag, y'all bonded over divorced dilemmas. Get your flag out your pocket. I'm not saying it's a red flag yet, but get your flags out. He was open and honest about his breakup. He told me that he was controlling and they had a rough marriage. Because right, let's just stop right there at your red flag out. He told you he was controlling and they had a rough marriage. The reason they say they had a rough marriage was kids. She liked to fight him and throw stuff at him. Red flag. He got a lot going home to get stuff throwed at you. Yeah, when they started throwing stuff, that's cost words ain't enough. Get your flag out. He told me that he had to restrain her a lot, but he never laid a finger on her. Get your flag out. How do you restrain a person without touching them? Help me? Now, let me throw this one. He told me that he even took a domestic violence class to try to fix his marriage. He didn't say they took. He said he took a domestic violence clad girl. Now he took a domestic viole girl. Get your flag out. A matter of fact, get your flag out and tap it on your forehead. So when he talking, he know you know that the flags is out. I'm just trying to help you. Now, when I come back, I'll give you the rest of it and what I think you should do. All right, Hang on, Steve, We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. I don't like how he treats his ex wife is a subject. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject I don't like how he treats his ex wife, and I call this the red flag letter. Let's go over the red flags met a guy months ago. He had just got divorced. I'm divorced. We bonded over divorce dilemmas. Get your flag out open an honest about to break up. He told me that he was controlling Get your flag out, and that they had a rough marriage because she liked to fight and throw stuff at him. Get your flag out. When women start throwing stuff, it's because the words ain't working no more. He told me that he had to restrain her a lot, but he never laid a finger on them. Excuse me, how do you restrain a person without laying your hands on him? Tell me how you do that? What you just got a pillar in front of you blocking everything because she stayed throwing stuff. Get your red flags out. He told me he even took a domestic violet class to try to fix his marriage. He took a domestic violens class. He didn't say she had to go take a domestic violens class. He said he took a domestic violens class to try to fix his marriage. That's to fix the damage he hadn't done in the marriage. This made me afraid to continue talking to him. Where is your red flag hat? When you when your two intuition tells you that you are afraid of a man. Get your flagout system. But I told myself he was so sweet and forthcoming with the information. Why do y'all do that? Ladies? Why do y'all think because if a dude is honest about something, that makes him a better person. Hell, he just told it to you to see what you're willing to accept. Yeah, yeah, okay, so here we go. And so then I shouldn't penalize him for his past. I wanted to go into our relationship with an open mind. He's been nothing but a gentleman to me. I get regular foot rubs and massages, flowers for no reason, and he even does things around my house to keep me out, to excuse me, to help me out. He's never raised his voice at me or seemed irritant, hated at me. Red flag. Now, he had a rough marriage. All of this stuff was because of rough times, fighting, hidden restraining. And now you think this man is all that? Can I tell you why you think he's all that? Because y'all ain't hit a rough spot yet. As soon as you hit a rough spot, you may get some of the same stuff. And let me tell you what you're gonna get you say. He's never raised his voice to me or seemed irritated, But when his ex wife called him about any little thing to do with their daughter, totally different person. Red flag. He talks to her like she's a piece of trash. Red flag. He usually hangs up on her another red flag. He's done it in your presence numerous times, and I always give him time to cool down before talking to him. Red flag, red flag, red flag. He's told me time. He's told me a few times that he called what the cause were about, and there's never anything for him to be so angry with her about red flag. The other day, I over heard him talking on the phone with his friend and he talked about his ex wife. Non stopped and said, his ex wife is lucky she moved out of town. That Mary really this made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Red flag, purple flag, black flag, right all the dog shades a flag. Okay, here we go. Could he be a violent man that had to go to domestic abuse counselor he told you he did. What what is you guessing for? He told you he went to domestic violence training to try to fix his match or does his ex wife bring out the worst ten him. Well, it seemed to me like if you argue with him, this is what you're gonna get. And like I told you earlier, y'all just didn't hit a rough spot yet, I need to know before I go any further with him further further, y'all ought to be done lady, immediately. Yes, there's too many red flags in this for you to keep walking down the street with this dude. Yeah, it doesn't look good. And what you don't want to do is discover what you already know. Right what why are you going through this? Don't send yourself through that. You're not that lonely. And he's the same person her nice sweet guy is the same violent person when he talks to his ex wife. He's the same He didn't go nowhere and get saved. He went to domestic abuse counseling. He didn't go away get saved. He didn't he didn't go to wear and convert. She has a problem on her hands if she continues. Man, let's just do go save yourself right run. There's too many flags on this dude. She's scared to even talk to him. I'm afraid to bring it. Yeah, all right, yeah, come on right, all right, yeah, it's not good. Is it a good time for you to talk? Can you? Hey? You want to go to get some call? You'll want to personality? All right? Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Well, he's here, so we may as well use him up. We'll look into the mine yet again of Jay Anthony Brown right after this. You're listening Steve show. All right, Steve, come on, introduce your friend here. Not often, but he is here something. Wow, Thank you man, Thank you bro. Before I do this, can I remind everybody to watch Assistant Living on Tyler Perry Network. Please some Wednesday night eight thirty. Check it out your boys doing his damn thing just right here some b Tyler Perry Network. It is Tyler Network, coming soon. It's coming soon. Anyway. We all were affected by COVID. We all were affected by the cod But what people have not done is there were some good, good things that came out of COVID. Not a lot. For instance, because of COVID, some people still had to go to work and you took your lunch and you say you ate half of it, and you put it in the refrigerator. When you came back, it was still there. Nobody, no nobody, no nobody touched it. I mean and my life, guys, and no day that that killed the lunch band that you can put it in. Hey it it stayed in the until it went bad, until it just just molded up. No, yea, yea by that because of COVID. We all were affected about COVID. It is some good thing to come out of COVID. Nobody showed you your babe, their baby, which means you don't had to look at no ugly ass babies and then lie, you had to lie, Oh that's a beautiful You ain't had to say that because anybody showed you that damn baby. Well, why didn't they show it because they didn't want the baby? Did it sicker then with you breathing on that baby, no ignorant? Yeah, because of COVID, all your aunties out there with mustaches because you had your mask on, nobody saw you can let it grow out. You you can go go tea. If you nobody can, you can lay your mask down and when you go back, it's gonna be right there, your man. Nobody grabbed that mask. Last one, last one for ladies. Ladies who got that creepy uncle that cut at that creepy hugging and all that time and cut that out COVID then creepy ass nash dass uncles that like the hug real long. Stopped it. It stopped, all right, Well, thank you Jay for pointing that out. Yeah, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show, all right, guys. According to a new survey, seventy eight percent of Americans say they feel stress at least once a week, with fifteen percent saying they're stressed every single day. Monday mornings are apparently the most stressful, with nineteen percent saying they're stress peaks on the first day of work of the work week. Not surprising, people describe the pandemic as the most stressful time in their life. Also, money is a major issue for people right now. Other top causes of stress include work, physical health, mental health and family. And then there are the people who are causing people stress, with fourteen percent of those surveys saying there's fouse slash partner is the main source of their stress, followed by my boss, my parents, my kids, and other family members. So I gotta ask the guys, are what is causing you the most stress? And so first let's start there, guys, and then Steve tell us some things you do to distress? Well, first of all, it ain't my wife that causes me. No stress causes you that in my life, y'all? No good? Hell will what I'm gonna do mean? I'm a participant in the court system. Can I aim in that? Yes, bitter man? Yeah, so nah, I ain't got that problem. I used to sit in my driveway for I was dreading to go in the house. I don't do that normal, you know. I used to fly back out to La early. You know. I don't do that no more. So, I don't really have that. I think the biggest stress point in my life is probably I probably had to say Tommy what it's probably with him? You know, so weird about somebody whipping his ass over these planks, you know, weird about it? You know, if he's gonna add the short as he come in to work the next yeah, gonna sell out. You know, I know here german phobic. Is he gonna get COVID? If he get it, how he gonna act? You know? Down there he cleaning vaccination needles and stuff down that I'm going board and come out of a pack. It's just probably. That's really it for me. I really stressed too much. I ain't got no you know, woes and stuff like that. A little concerned about the next move every nine then, But I as soon as I get concerned, I just tell God, I ain't got nothing to do with it. Show me what you want me to do. That's it for me, all right? All right? What about you, Jay or Tommy? Did you want to respond? No? I don't. Now that's surprised. It's surprised all of us. All right, come on, Jay, what you got? Well, I've been blessed. The man upstairs is truly truly blessed me doing COVID. I mean, all of us. We were able to work, so you know, the only thing we had to deal with was being home, and you know, we were making money. We were working. I could get I could get my stuff that I wanted to get. But I moved to Atlanta and Atlanta is not like late and I'm I've been so stressful since I got here, Like, where am I gonna get it? Who am I gonna I gotta get new people because I don't know these people? You know what I mean? Stress? It's oh my god, Shelly, I mean in La, there's a story. You just go in, show your ID and it's just it's a wall to wall. You got the cookies, you got, drink, you got gummies, you got brownies, you got and nah. Now I'm in Atlanta. I don't know these dudes. I can't. I can't. Who can I trust? What are you stressed out? Do you hear the stress in my voice? You're legal in La? Oh lord God? All right, we'll be back if we're still on the air, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Thanks to Jay, I got new people. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, the presidential election isn't until twenty twenty four, but it looks like Dwayne the Rock Johnson has a jump on the competition. That's right, According to a poll of potential voters, he was the presidential preference of forty six percent of the over thirty thousand people surveyed. Angelina Jolie, Uh no, Angelina Jolie was next to lead the Free World with thirty percent. Boo with U with Oprah Winfrey for what for? What to be the president? Angelina boom? Yeah, so it was the Rock, It was Dwayne the Rock Johnson, then Angelina Jolie. Now I'm talking about Oprah Winfrey. She got twenty seven percent. Yeah. Uh. Meanwhile, participants were also asked about Matthew McConaughey, you know he's thinking about it seriously now running for governor of Texas, UM, throwing his hat into the ring to replace Governor Greg Abbott. So now he yeah, yeah, Angelina Jolie go down there. Yeah, I take my boo back. Yeah, but is he? Is he a good guy? Matthew McConnell, Yeah, alright, alright, alright, yeah, we know his acting? I don't know. Yeah, I would like Beto, remember Beto? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah, all right. We'll be back at thirty three minutes after the hour with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to show as we already know. On this past Friday, Earl Simmons we know him as DMX, passed away. X was fifty years old. On April second, he was admitted to a hospital in White Plains, New York, after suffering a drug induced heart attack at his home in White Plains. On Friday, April ninth, DMX passed away after being on life support and his family was by his side. His family released a statement saying Earl was a warrior who fought until the very end. He loved his family with all of his heart, and we cherished the times we spent with him. Earl's music inspired countless fans around the world, and his iconic legacy will live on forever. DMX's hometown, Yonkers, New York, is committed to making sure that X's memory lives on. Mayor Spaniel said the city is considering naming a street after him and also creating a statue of his image. The family has also confirmed there will be a private and public memorial and of course, our deepest condolences are going out to the Simmons family. I think that Swiss beats uh Instagram posts and talking about Dmax was the best. Yeah, they were really really close. Yes, they were like brothers man Swiss. Swiss did a lot of music with DM MAX and I had talked with him about it before the verses, and you know he was just heartbroken and um yeah he was hoping. We you know, everybody was hoping for the best. But it wasn't meant to be. And you know he was he was just greatness. Man. And the tribute that's going on about this young brother man all around the nation. Man, it's like really heart warning man. Yeah, the dude cross his music crossed over so well. Man. A lot of rappers, a lot of rappers never get that opportunity to do man and DMX, Yeah, you know he did that, man, he did. That's a movement. I mean in the nineties when he hit the he he was nobody was like him. He was aggressive, he was streaked, he was grimy. And so how he approached his story telling what he was doing and rapping, we had never heard that before and people just loved them to motorcycles, you know, rough riders and all that. So I saw a concert caller, a feat of white people a seat. Yeah, that's the one I'm telling about. God man. Yeah, feeling around the world. Yeah, around the world. And he wrote all of his songs. He wrote all of his songs. He wrote a very talented he was so sad. Yeah, yeah, definitely family, My mind up in him, up in him. I mean, who ain't single wall off? Right? Right? See who ain't saying that? And he put in the music and it's like, damn, everybody has been saying that, right you right a dog? I don't know nobody household where you ain't heard that? All right? Coming up, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, we'll be back at forty nine after you're listening to stew All. Right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Monday. Can I just say this, Can I say something real quick? Wow? Did we put the work in today? We cannot stand you know. I'm all I'm saying is it was hard and I'm glad it's quitting time now, because wow, wow, your friend where a whoa crazy? You know, people think we don't work, but we work today. We put it in to day. Jake, Timmy, Timmy, I'm sweating, I'm dressed rich let him go. He did serious. Jay is that co worker everybody's listening to. Jay's that co worker on the job. Don't do nothing and just like talking to all that noise. The co workers like, oh, really, well, good thing. We got that project in on two taking all the credit. Man, and I'm not gonna come in when the meet. He comes in forty minutes late for the meeting, forty minutes straight the meeting, and he walks in, So what y'all do? What we're doing? Oh? Oh oh that that? Okay, okay, bring me up, thank you. I didn't know what I was in here talking about. Bring me up to see stand and y'all doing this again tomorrow too, all right? All right? Oh here saying oh that's due today. I was today on that five day a week. Guy first started show. Yeah, first to clock out, he's the first to clockout, the absolute first. He's at the time clock. He's like, what y'all still working for? We all know that's him that takes those long lunch breaks. Man. You remember punching the clock some yea, some people don't. I remember punching the clock boy, Yeah, oh my god. Put that little paper and then hit that bud. Yeah, yeah, the work. And you looked at the plant right like a board plant link electric, gellery electric. What is the weirdest job everybody has going around the room, The weirdest job everybody had, the weirdest job, the weirdest job. I can't tell you, man. Well, when I was, when I was little, I was, I was little learned and I was very small. So this guy hired me at a car dealership to go up under the dashboard and turn back the spedometers so it looked like they didn't have a whole lot of mounds on them. And he gave me illegal he gave me, Yeah it's illegal, but it's done. And he gave me twenty five dollars a car. Yeah. Oh that a lot of car dealers do it. Yeah, oh yeah, Yeah. Weirdest job I was up. My weirdest job was I was when I was about eighteen, eighteen or nineteen. I was a model at this boutique and um, I was in the window and I had I was a mannequin, a live mannequin. That was my job. Yeah, it was a mannequin. I was a mannequin. Yeah. And and people, he must have had your eyes. I was just gonna say that, I was gonna say that I was a mannequin in a store window. I was, Yeah, I don't know if I had a weird My weirdest job, I cleaned up your offices at fifteen. That's pretty good job when people but that was back when people would smoke and I would have to go into offices like oh yeah, the ash trade. You know that a little white powder member put the cigarette stuff out. That's the only weird job I had. The rest of them was legit trying. I worked at a dump as a kid, really, so like, yeah, I worked at a dump and they would pay me when they would pay me to come and dump. It wasn't a city dump. It was it was a ACA's home. It was yeah, I guess you can call that, but you can you know, it's trash. It's not garbage. There's two different things. And they come dump, they trash, and they would pay me and I'm sitting there, you know, I have a big wad of money. My uncle would come and get my dad's brother would come and get the money from me, and you know, but I mean he was making a killing. But it was a it was a almost like a pond, and they would basically be filling up these holes, filling up these water holes, and that's where the trash would go. And then after it's all filled, they covered with dirton and it looks real pretty, but it was it was water holes. It was. It was weird. Okay, trash from garbage, no food. Garbage is okay, that's what I thought. No food, okay, trash tore down a house, that's trash. Well, when I first started my carpet cleaning company, the first day I had the idea, I got some flies printing up. I took him to church and I passed them out, and it was doing, you know, like any five rooms fifty nine, Well, somebody hired me. I'm in there trying to clean five rooms by my damn self. I'm moving dresses, lifted up one the end of the couch, setting it back down. I wore my ass out. I was in that lady's house all day long. I got that eight o'clock in the morning. I ain't leave to ten thirty that night. Nine dollars plus minus the cost to the machine and equipment, I made about eight dollars. Yeah, hey, y'all, listen, have a great day. Talk to God. He love to hear from. Okay, y'all be good, We'll see you tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.