DMX, Bridgerton, Derek Chauvin Trial, New Verzuz Battle and more.

Published Apr 6, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is ridin' high baby!!! "Boy....shut up!" - Steve Harvey The Chief Love Officer has a reality check for a "tricker" and it is profound! Mariah Carey treats frontline workers as she got vaccinated. There is a Verzuz comedy parody circulating that will have you laughing out loud, that is, depending on who you are standing next to. Be careful! We here at The Steve Harvey Morning Show ask The Steve Harvey Nation to keep DMX in your prayers for a full recovery. Congratulations Baylor University. Saturday really spelled 4321 and the crew speculate on why it is significant. There is more testimony covering the video of George Floyd and the crew have some things to say about the latest going on with this trial. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about what God is looking for in us.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things. And as to me through good to mother, don't you join jo? You gotta turning? You going to do? You? Are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn You haven't got to turn out to turn turn the water the water got come Come on your bad h I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. Here we go today. I think I have something for a lot of people today, at least I hope I do. And this is about on your journey, And this is about something that happens to us all. I mean, what happens to all of us from time to time when we get discouraged, What happens to all of us when we feel like quitting, What happens to all of us when we have that turn back moment, What happens to all of us when it don't seem like it's gonna pan out. Because I want you to understand something that everyone, every single living soul, has those thoughts about something at some point in their life. I mean, you know, look, I've oftentimes been discouraged about things not happening as fast as I like them. All things don't pan out the way I would like for them to have panned out. I mean, there's so many ways to get discouraged. But but what my encouragement to you is when discouragement comes is understand this. It is a part of the growth process. It is a test. It is a test of your faith. How bad you want it, do you really believes that's all faith is. It's simply and I've said this how many times. Faith is to belief in things that you cannot see. So when discouragement comes, setbacks come, it is a test of your faith. At least it's been that way for me. Now other people can explain it another way. I'm not other people. I can only give it to you the way it has come to me and throughout my life, and man on man on man. Discouragement sometimes it's tough to deal with because it seems at times when you are discouraged that is so absolute that this means the end, and if you allow it to set in, it can be just that the end of you. When Milly Milly. It was a test, that's all it is. But the majority of people that I know who are not successful or who have told me the story of how they gave up, it was because at a moment of discouragement that they allowed it to set in and it became so engulfing that it became the reason why you shouldn't finish. And then they started justifying it with hither one that I hate to hear. Well, if if it's God's will, excuse me. If it's God's will that you fail. If it's God's will that you're not successful. If it's God's will that you lay down and give up, it's God's will that you allow yourself to amount to to not reach your potential, that's God's will. That's not the God I know. That's not the God I served. That's not the God I've read about. That's not the God I believe in. I'm sorry. I just my mother always taught me something that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. I just don't believe that, not for a second. Now have I convinced myself or some things, yep, Have I allow the devil to come into the picture and paint a different one from it. Yep, yep, I've done all of that, But you can't blame that on God. Now, come on, So when discouragement comes, try to look at it if you can, as a test of your faith, and you merely have to pass the test. It could be for a day, a half a day, a few hours, a week, a few weeks, it don't matter. Don't nobody know how long the test period is. Your job is to keep the faith and keep moving. Keep the faith and keep moving, keep working, keep believing, keep hope alive. That's your job. If you do that, that's how you pass the test. It could be over tomorrow, it could be over in two weeks, it could be over in a month. You don't know. But all you got to do is wake up and keep the faith and fight the discouraging feelings. And how do you do that? Steve? Now here we go. This is the part I know about for show because how many times I've had to fight off discouragement in order to get to where God wanted me to be. What do you do when you become discouraged? Well, I think of the outcome when I get discouraged about a task. I think about the outcome, Man, what would it be like if I were to complete the task? What would it be like? Man? What would the outcome be for me if I hung on in there? If I didn't give up, if I if I imagine, I imagine, if I don't quit, I imagine if I don't give up. What would it be like? Man? Suppose everything I'm hoping for comes true. But if I don't quit and give up, that might just be the case. I start talking to myself like that, I think of what the upside is. What's the upside to stay in with it? You see, all this is the same thing. I'm just giving you different ways to look at it. I'm saying the exact same thing over and over. But I'm just trying to find the switch that connects in your mind where you can say, Okay, man, I'm gonna hang in there. Because if you think of the outcome and the outcome is appealing to you, if you imagine what it would be like if you don't give up or you don't quit, you if you think only of what the upside is to stay in with it? And then I go, where can this lead to? If I stay with it? Man? And the outcome comes true. What else could that lead me to? Because I mean, there's always more to it. So where else could this lead me to? What are the possibilities? Man? What are the limitless possibilities? What could God possibly have in store for me? If I just hang in there? If I passed this test of faith? If I just passed this test, now, it ain't gonna be the only one. But you gotta get past this one. No, then you're gonna hit a smooth plane. Then it's gonna be another one. It's gonna be another one. Life ain't none but a series of tests. Man. Man, when you're thinking about giving up, when you discourage, think of the outcome. Imagine what it would be like if you don't quit, if you don't give up, what's the upside to stay in with it? Where can this all lead to? What? What can this get you too? If you do this and you get to where you think you want to be, Oh my god, what's after that? What are the limitless and endless possibilities of holding on to your faith? What could really be out there for me? Man? If I just passed this test, you gotta talk yourself into hanging in there. You're listening tow. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the one and only the host of the most epic epic versus of all time. One of the greatest moments I've ever had, man O, man o man to sit with the legends Earth Winding five and that damn Ronald Eyes and his brother Man one of the great moments I've ever had in my life. And I got that moment, I must tell you all because of this thing called Grace. Because it wasn't nothing I planned. It wasn't nothing I could set up. It's just something I throughout in the air, I said when I first started off with it. Man ought to gone down now, but God got this thing called Grace that he just passes out and Lord ha mercy. Next thing you know, I was sitting there between two of my well, my all time favorite band ever formed Earth Winding five and then my longtime dear friend at Dan Ron Abby Boy. Shut up, lady and gentlemen, Steve Harvey and the Marty Show. Shirley Strong. I can tell you got some Russ good morning ride in high whoa lord I Shirley, Yeah girl, or you just don't know call it for Rell. Good morning what's happening, ain't nothing with the Junior Morning Up. While so glad to know you. I can just tell people Nephew, Tommy, yeah yeah, I'm in the building. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. So you just name dropping what I'm just saying. I know him, does it? Steve Harvey Hops versus Mark Boy, come on now. I love the fact that you're still basking in the glow of it all. Steve, Yeah, you know, man, I was yeah, well, you know, I've had a lot of time to really think about it, and I've heard a lot of comments from people now right and grown people, man, which just they wanted more stories. Young people don't get a damn about no stories because they have the attention span of a gnat. So you know, of course, when they go to clubs now, if you go to a club now, they just play song that song, that song, that song, that song. You know that there's no slow music, you know, So that that was not what they wanted. But we thought it would be great to enlighten them and to give them the history and how things came about. But man, overall, man, it was just such a such a great experience for me. Man, I just I probably haven't I haven't felt that good about doing something on stage. I I ain't felt that in a long time. Many. Wow. And it wasn't you know, I mean you know, And it wasn't performing. It was just I was with people that I knew really really well. We have history and we was just sitting there. Man. It was so cool. And then People magazine has a new Sexiest Man Alive and ron Isisley, apparently because everybody wanted Ron. Yeah, I ain't got time for this. Ron you everywhere, man, I ain't got time. I'm going home with Candy. Man, I ain't got tim All right, listen coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Time now for ask the clo. The Chief Love Officer is Steve Harvey, and he's ready for your questions. Here we go. This one is from Mark and Greenville, South Carolina. Mark says he's right off the bat, Steve, I had sex with my cousin's side piece. Okay, no build up there nothing. My cousin is staying with me because he cheated on his wife and she put him out. He is still cheating on his wife and his side pieces at my house every night. The other night, he and his side piece were at my house and his wife popped up. His side piece came into my room to hide out. She heard him begging his wife to let him come home, and he was telling her he loved her. The side piece got very upset and started coming on to me. So we had sex. I'm gonna do what you gotta do, what you gotta do. His wife left and he walked in on us. He's furious at me. Was I wrong or not? Well, yeah, you was wrong. You was wrong. But come on, come on, I look, man, I don't know how, I don't know what he man is youthful exactly. She into your rule. See, the thing about being a tricker is you must also be ready to get trick. Now, Hello, tricks ain't just for kids. That's a serial you understand, Dog, In real life, the trick can go both ways. And so now, man, I mean that's the cause when you play, you played. But now now when women start playing the same way you playing, you can't get mad. Dog. You introduced cheating into the game, So you cheating with a chick on your chick, But then your chick is not married. It is cheating on you with somebody else. What's wrong? Everybody? Everybody cheating? Is that the cousins at That's another thing. But the here you walking in here in my house, folks talking to me? You getting mad at me? And got put out of one house as shelter. So did he forget the side piece was there when he was begging his wife? No, he didn't forget. He forge it what he had to do. He let the side piece going at a hide out because he didn't want the wife to know that the side piece was on the right right. See. No, his cousin took one for the team. Hello, and I mean really took one for the team. She started coming on to them, so they had sacked. I mean, what's wrong with that? What you want me to do? All right? Uh? Marlina and Tampa says, I've got five children from my first marriage, and I've been dating a new guy for two months, so I thought it was time to discuss my children with him. Out of the five children, three of them are my step children, but I helped raise them and consider them to be my children too. My new man said, it's crazy that I'm still in the step kids' lives four years after the divorce. He said, I should because only on my own children. Does this sound crazy to you? As hale as hale dog, you cain't been dating two months and then started telling a woman who she need to be loving on and they children? Yeah, if she removed herself from them children's lives? What happened to the children? Right? And pardon? Can I share something with you after two months? You really ain't that important? All right? La Faith in Brunswick, Georgia says, my husband and I been married for two years and he has a child from a previous marriage. He's a great dad and he's respectful to his ex wife. A few days ago, he came in from work and said, hey, Sheila and leaned over to kiss me. His ex wife's name is Sheila. He swears it happened because he was exhausted and wasn't thinking clearly. Should I do some research on him and Sheila? Or was this really an honest mistake? Could be? Yeah, you ever did that? You ain't winning there and done little stuff like that? You know? Yet you think we're gonna talk about this so you're saying, if you have, we'll never know. Huh, the nine million listeners ain't Hey Sheila, Hey Sheila, Sheila? Who you call it? Sheila? That's a rough one right there, and kissed her on the cheek, but follow through with yeah. I mean, I mean, I mean Denise La Faith. That's her name, La Faith. You can't get Sheila mixed up with the faith at all. It ain't an s in there. It ain't is at the end. Yeah, is it the faith on the faith, the faith? It ain't. It ain't Sheila. If your ex wife name was trade trade, Heyl, shame the faith. I mean that's close to time. What should she do? Steve, No, No, I think it should. I think it could be an honest mistake, especially if he'd been with her for a long time. Huh. All right. Celo tiff And Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, says, I'm thirty nine. My boyfriend is ten years older than I am. I'm concerned about his need to pamper himself daily and have I creams and foot creams and essential oils for his bath. He takes a thirty minute bubble bath nightly, applies the face mask three nights a week. And gets massed the cures and pedicures often. He always looks and smells amazing. Is this okay or not? You need to be thirty minute bubble ba every night? Yeah, I got to be very concerned. Why feeds and naked bubbles nightly beats fairly takes. He smells amazing. Manicures and pedicures regularly. I cream and were last time you put on some cream? You know where to get our cream? The I cream store? All right, said ice cream? Go down? You tell me he's running that prank back right after this. You're listening, She's Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna standing by with our national news for today. In an entertainment news, Mariah Carey got her first COVID vaccination shot. Plus trending news, Duke of Hastings explained why he is leaving Bridgerton. We talked about it yesterday, remember, yeah, but we're going to talk about it. Friend. Yeah. I can't get over this. Yeah. I actually I had some perils on I would clutch him. I mean here you could borrow mine. The nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got for us? And af you peed on my house. I'm gonna say it again if I would you peed on my house? And you know this, how I don't get this one. You pied dog? Oh my, don't you think I can't prank a dog. I could crank anything. Come on to see it. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a uh mister, I think that's the name. Yeah, this is this? What's this in regard to uh this about the air conditioning unit? You did some workoff force over on uh my household off street. Do you remember coming out there last week? Uh? Yeah, yeah, I remember, yeah, right my Uh it was a lady that my wife, she let you in to come out right right there. Problems is their problem? That is not cooling? What? No, no, no, no, it's cooling everything. Matter of fact, I want to tell you, uh that you did you did a good job. But I got a question for you now. When you was at the house and you was working on the air condition out there in the backyard, did you did you happen to go on the side of my house and pull out and use the bathroom right there on the side. Did you go then and you do number one on the side of my house? Well, what I'm saying is that my wife tells me that when you were there that you you went on the side. She was looking out the windows. She said that when you was there that you and went and used the band room on the side whole hole. Wait a minute, I did what not to what right? You? You? You? You and you did number one over on the side of the house. Not is that something that you did? Say? Man, Look, you got to understand something. Man, all right, Nah, I apologize, I that did happen, but you got to understand something. You know, we're downside, man, and you know we're talking eighty five, ninety and ninety five degree weather. Man. I got to stay high traded. I got to drink a lot of fluids. So you know, with me being the age that I am, I have to drink a lot of fluids and the tend to pass through that look once a month. Again, I said, I apologize, I understand all that, but you know what, I can't accept no apologies like that. When I got a man this foot got on the side of my house and then talk, Man, I'm apologizing on you and you coming off on me like that. You didn't put you all the side of my house in front of my wife. I'm not looking at your man now if your wain't shown me it was really she needs to see some paper, because you ever really ain't doing something? You do that? Oh you think you're talking to you don't ain't watching me anyway? Do my work? What is she hit? Hold up that she got a look at home? Man? Look? Look, look. All I know is I don't want no man at my house in the house, side of the house, back yard. Nothing. Look man, let me tell you something, dog, let me tell you something. I'm the only person at my house. You understand me. You ain't righty? She out there looking at me? Look your fun I'm a professional, Okay. I do my job, and I take my job with pride. Okay, it's not being professional if there's something that I did, that's that water running through me? Right? Okay, But you don't. You don't at no other man's house, and you at my house and my wife's sitting there looking at you out to wonder. I got a problem with that. What you need to come with your wife looking at me? If that's what I did, You know what you need to be at home and give with something to look at other than looking at me. You don't tell me what I need to do about my wife. Now, you don't go to another man. Man, you know what I'm about to lose it, all right, you're gonna you're gonna make You're gonna make me lose a cock. Let me let me get my death God, let me get my book. That's all yeah, right here, you damn right, and you know that's that's you don't said another man's house. You don't do that. And people my wife looking out the window, and I bet you knew that them blinds was open. Yo. Man, Nah, it isn't be real upfit with these accusations. All right. Now, look you had, you had what it street. Now you are, you know where I'm at. I will show you what I want you to bring your back over here. Feelings. I know exactly what said you that y'ast on that on that that's gone gone off stream. I'm gonna come over them and I hold that for you. I got something for you. Will you're taking me. This was gonna my prefensionism, and I'm gonna come show you what being it was about. Look, man, what you don't do is at another man house, and that's what you did, and you know it ain't called for now. You could have held that apologize, Man, I had to go. I told you I drink a lot of fluids in this heat. Man, what else do you want me to do? I want you to keep your flui until you get to the service station down the street. But not in my backyard side of the house and my wife looking out the window. Man, you if what you're talking about, if I did I apologize to cantccepting in the hell with it? Look at you're gonna me off and make me do something up in the I'm telling you not, man, I don't told you. I don't apologize you and I would come on that kicking. Okay, you take your dude. What Let me tell you something. Kick your young because it is from the while your wife, I know your store. You can't deal with no old school I can kill you. You're gonna You're gonna get your today. You hear me, You're gonna get Let me take it three two. Come, let me tell you that I got one more thing to say to you. What you're listening to me? Freak freak damn it. This is nephew Tim If this is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just god prank by your boy name. Now you know what I'm gonna get with his He know, I got a hard computation. I don't need this type of my life, man, he said. Man, my boy be out there fixing air conditions that he does out there, he said, Man, let me tell you something, he said, be frustrated to begin with, he say, begain McCall, he man, because I got nine to ten mos too got to do to day. Hey man, you like, yeah, I'm I'm might not in this few I might nothing. You're that Steve Harror from down Fools in the morning. I say, y'all care come morning, man. I don't know how I and how you'll get people. Y'alln't got me with the same. Oh man, I enjoy y'all show Man, y'all keep the good god gone work. I appreciate it. Man, I got one more question to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Well, you know the stew and there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. Oh my god, what im talking crazy? To the the maintenance play too much? Oh, man, Hey, what's going on in Burminham? Man? What y'all doing down there? Man? What's going on? Y'all? Don't bought all them tickets? They're gone? Are you serious? Burma, what y'all did? What? What? Nephew? What sold out? Congratulation? So I added another and tell y'all at the next prank tuny and at the nixt prink I'd tell what's going on? Okay? All right, thinking nephew, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this You're listening show. Mariah Carey gave frontline workers a taste of her famous vocal range by letting out her cute, very cute, short high note when getting her first shot of the COVID vaccine. Mimi, who admitted she was a little nervous, tweeted a video of herself talking through the entire process, even though she had a cute note when when the needle went in, she ended up saying it wasn't as bad as she expected. She said. She told her followers here, we are hoping for the best, encouraging you guys to do it when you can. So there you go. She went like, let's go. Yeah, U I get so, I'm excited. Okay, yeah, okay, We're gonna be fully vaccinated. Uh and other trending entertainment news. We are still in shock. As we previously reported on yesterday, actor reggae Jean Paige is leaving Bridgerton. Of course, that's a hit Netflix series. According to Variety, Reggae page says, um, Well, he plays the Duke of Hastings Simon, and he said the only he only signed on for one season. Okay, he only signed on for one season. No one knew that, of course. He went on to say that the show felt like a limited series to him. Well, fans who read the romance, who read romance novels, and a lot of fans do. They knew that the Duke was leaving the show, but the viewers who watched the show certainly expected the Duke to come back since at the end of the season he was having a baby with his wife Daphanie. A waste of time, huh. I don't see myself tuning it in. Where's he going though? I don't know? Yeah, I mean he's every time lights kids get on top. This is what happened any time we get there. This is what happened. Case y'all stupid, No, but listen to me, Quinn and go do what Yeah, I mean they were saying to I was gonna ask you this. They were saying that when you do these subscription type series streaming service, it's different from network television. The deals are different. I got that, that is true. They are different deals. But let me say this, because it's not like network television because it's a script subscription base things, right, right, So movies are treated differently also, And now I don't know exactly why it is. I think it's plus twenty percent or something like that to do a Netflix movie, which is good money. But when you quit a series and you're an actor, you're quitting to go do what you better. Maybe you got some skip, going to read for more parts, stack your gigs, you can do that and other things. Yeah, but it's so popular. I'm just so surprised that he's leaving. Put that lace puffect ass shirt on, that tight ass then and going back, and that man had his damn baby. Only shoot that white dude, and let's go through all this with your uglass daddy. Now, show all right, we get what. We gotta get to the headline. Come on, Steve, I'm telling you right now, you look nothing like you. We gotta get to the headline. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, missay and true, Okay, thank you very much. And this is answered with the news. Let's get to the seriousness. And here it still goes. Testimony continued yesterday and the Derek Chauvin murder trial prosecutor his first question the doctor who declared George Floyd did that in an effort to counter Derek Chauvin's expected argument that mister Floyd died of a heart attack brought him by drug overdose and ostrangulation. But the doctor, Bradford Langonfeld, said there was no evidence of any heart attack. There was no report that, for example, the patient complained of chest pain, or was clutching his chest at any point um or having any other symptoms to suggest a heart attack. That information was absent, and doctor Langonfelt added that George Floyd was brought to him in cardiac arrest with quote pulseless electric activity indicating a lack of oxygen. In other words, he says a lack of oxygen is what made George Floyd's heart stop. Derek Chowen's other excuses expected to be that he was only doing what he was trained to do. However, the man who fired Chauvin and his three co defendants after seeing that video is police Chief of Medaria Rodondo, who testified yesterday that Chauvin and the others who actually doing the opposite of what they were taught. When we get the call from our communities, it may not often be their best day and they may be experiencing something that is very traumatic, but we're going to respond. But we have to take that into consideration because we may be the first and last time they have an interaction with the Minneapolis police officer, and so we have to make account. It matters, by the way, a Chief Rodondo, in a statement last summer, described George Floyd's death as a murder, not a lack of training. Meanwhile, the other officers charging Floyd's death are expected to stand trial sometime this summer. Hunters of fans joined family members of DMX outside and up State New York hospital last night as part of a prayer vigil for him. DMX, whose legal name is Earl Simmons, has been on life support Since last Friday, judicial watch groups say that a lot of Trump supporters who broke into the US capital in January sixth will not be facing any serious jail time because of their actions. They say a little over a quarter of the two hundred and thirty or so defendants formally and publicly charged so far face only misdemeanor trust person charges that doesn't carry any kind of harsh sentence. They say that recently all the judges, defense attorneys, and prosecutors have all indicated that they do not expect most of these riders to be legally lumped in with those they describe as the more sinister suspects. US Preme Court to miss the Lower Court to a ruling that found that Donald Trump violated the First Amendment rights of the people he blocked on Twitter when he was president. The High Court says he's not president anymore. He's been banned from Twitter. So the case is mood and as girl Scout cookie time, we've already got a winner, a little girl from Wassall, Wisconsin, who sold a whopping six hundred and seventy three boxes. I mean that's a lot of samoas and thin mints. Kuque is now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right, some sad news still friends, family fans turned out on Monday to show support to iconic legendary rapper DMX. Hundreds showed up to the prayer vigil outside the White Plains Hospital in New York City where in New York. Among those in attendance where DMX was Beyonce Desiree and their son Exodus. While many gathered outside the building, workers show their support from inside the medical facility, throwing up the X sign. This is the third tribute that has taken place in the past couple of days. On Sunday afternoon, members of the Rough Riders motorcycle crew rolled up to the hospital to show love. On Sunday, hospital staff members held their own vigil. His family flew in over the weekend. On Monday, his children were allowed in to see him one by one. XS in critical critical condition right now with with limited brain activity in what is being called a vegetative state. He's being treated in the hospital's intensive care unit. We gotta pray harder, yes we do. Yeah, this is so sad for him. Steva No Swiss Beats. They are very verse. They are like brothers. I mean, Swiss and X were labelmates, they were friends. So I know that when you saw him on Sunday, when you did the versus battle and you started the battle off asking for everyone to pray. Yeah, that conversation I had with Swiss about it. Swiss wasn't there at Beat Switches swisses uh somewhere else. And so he called me and we talked about it. A great lives and um he was saying that that that is not true that he is still on life support. Yeah he is, yeah, you know, and his lawyer released a statement that wasn't true. But he is and does need your prayers man very much so, and you know because for he he well, I don't I don't want to. I don't want don't. I don't want to get into what he told me. But we we just need to pray for the brother. Yes, yes, yeah, I mean you know Eminem Yeah yeah, Iced Tea Ice cro you know, everybody in the hip hop community, Missy Elliott, everyone, they're all turning their prayers. Yeah. They call him the dog, Yeah, praying prayer wars I know, Yeah, I love his boys, ser what'd you say, college man? We had the baby don't in there? Yes, you better talk about PB. I love some d Max. Yes, yeah, all right, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? So you know Apion, Crocketts, Spice, Adams, and Godfrey the comedian. This is just funny, that's fun laughing did a versus comedy parody Steve featuring Apion as Verdin, Spice, Adams as Ron Eisley and Godfrey? Who did you, Steve? Oh? I need to I ain't heard this? Oh mother, this is funny. Take a listen. I'm gonna tell y'all right now. You don't understand how blessed I am to be here. I'm gonna tell you Ron, I've known your long damn time, that's right. And Verden, I've known you a long damn time with your pretty half. I'm gonna tell you right now. Whoa hey, I ain't never and I don't watch a lot of verses, don't watch a lot, And I'm gonna tell you all the verses is trash. And I said, I said, they said the Island Brothers and earth Quhim and five, I'm gonna be here And I said what when? Wow? And I said, I got the hostess. I got the hostess. I'll be there if you ain't gonna let Steve Harvey host this man, this old school Steven did how you look at him a bath? I don't think he likes that. I don't think look, you're not. Oh, I saw the whole thing. Yeah, oh you said, right, so really you're honest opinion? You know that was hilarious. You laugh and invitation the sincerest form of flattery, Steve. That's the problem to him and Kenan, I love you. Yeah, yeah, it was funny. Spice Adams is a bro. I thought you meant a black man at first. We know what I thought. I saw a picture him, so man, huh, I like Monica say, he is of Eternity Brothers. Yeah, so that was good. I saw the fast they did that, man like right then. Yeah, it was quick. Timberland and Swiss Beats commented about the video, saying, those guys are so talented, it's like Versus had its own Saturday Night Live right there, ready to go? Ready, Yeah, it was funny. Though, Yeah, I was watching um uh Swiss and uh Timberland. They do a recap of the verses. I felt there of that. I saw a little bit of that, and they were saying one of the things that they liked was that it was a family a fair you know, the family was gathered around, people with their moms or odds and relatives watched it from beginning to end, from beginning to end. Twenty four my husband and I watched it, and he said, this was just a moment, just a huge musical epic moment. It was. I know it. I know it couldn't have been the biggest one because of the demographics. But for me, though, I could care less because I know, I know, I know, I know the moment that it was because the richness of that history, that history is from everybody from nineteen sixty to today. Somebody is affected by that music today. If you ain't know nothing about your music, you was probably conceived to it. You made that clear on the versus, Yeah, it was. It was amazing. All those hits, man, oh have a half hand. Yeah, they you can't even play. You don't understand. Man, If I would have picked out they went to fire playlist. We're still be in there, we know, but people will be talking about this particular versus for years to come, I'm sure. Yeah. All right. Coming up next the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the sty Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject how large is too large? We'll get into that in just a few minutes, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Nephew Elf, he self that I don't know. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Darwin Darwin. Uh, this is he Hey Darwin? How you doing? This? Is Frank with FPC. We're trying to come down and um see about making an appointment with you within the next week as that's possible. Fund this for what Uh we're supposed to come by. I'm with FPC. We wanted to uh we have what what what is that? What is FPC? Uh? Sir, your name was left with us and you're you're you're on on our file to actually come out and make an appointment with you. So we can um so we can get your picture taken. You must have her own number. I'm not I'm not signed up to take no picture anything. Sh Well you are you're darling? Correct? Yeah? Yes, I am done and you call it darlin and that's what you call it. But anything about a picture? What? What's up with a picture? We've got you on our schedule here, FPC. We have you on our schedule to um to actually for us to come out to your home and take your picture. Okay, FPC? What's company is that? What's what's y'all? What type of picture? And would I be taking I'm not taking no picture? But what what is FPC? Okay? You don't know anything about a photo being taken of you? No? Okay? Uh sir? F PC is uh we are? This is a funeral Picture company? What funeral picture company? And what we do is we come out and take your picture and we actually keep it on file. That way when you do pass away, we have your picture for your programming. We have a nice picture for you made. Look I'm not did right now? You're not taking no picture me? Who is this again? My name is Frank? Frank? Oh okay, Frank? You mean to tell me, y'all taking picture which is of people before they dae, just so you could have them picture. Oh foul, So we're keeping on filing. Then you have a good picture on your program. And that's what that's what, that's what we did. That ain't signed up for nothing like that. Who the hell signed me up for something like that? I'm quite sure. But we're trying to schedule where we can come out beginning of next week so we can get your picture taken next week. Week after you get picture when I'm dead, you're not taking no picture of me before that that. That don't sound right, sir. Don't you want to have a good picture on your program? So you're not taking the picture of me for no humor arrangements that I'm not dead yet. I don't understand that. What the hell is this about? Nobody who signed me up for it? Then tell me that much, sir. I don't have the actual person listed here on who signs you up, but I do have the number, and you are Darwin, mister Darwin, So I didn't sign up for that. I'm not taking the picture you got running around taking pictures of people before they that just to have a good picture on fail. That's man, I ain't never heard of no like that, sir. Okay, sir, are you? I mean we have your address? Here? Are you? Are you available? No? I'm not available. I'm not available at all to take no picture for a funeral that I'm not even dead yet. I don't. I don't get that. That that sounds like a bunch of more And I who the hell gave you my number? That's what I want to know, sir. I'm not quite sure. But one thing we have to do is we have to follow through with our job. So what we're gonna have to do is we I have to come out there and take a picture. So I don't want to, you know, create a problem, but I have to get a picture of you by next week. Oh it's gonna be problem because you're not getting no picture me for no funeral arrangement, mister Darwin. I have to come by your house at least by Friday at around twelve now, and I'll come by and get a picture. You ain't coming by my guy house, no, Frida, youve lie gotta me come over you to try to get my pitching. I got plenty of God pitching in my house to put on the mother funeral program. I'm not taking the kitchen that noon. I'm claim to be dead. I'm not dead. That's some more bad. Look you got dead. I don't know who you worked for, Frank, but you you got the word our word for l PFC, Sir, I worked for f PC FCC. Mike, you're not taking no picture me. Don't come over here, Friday. Come about no guy pissing? Okay, before you got pistol and you and I hope they got Joe got pitch your on file. But that's a stupid you got the company you worked for. I ain't never heard of nobody taking no picture before they die. I got millions of pictures in here for that program. And when I'm growing with them, God care about what a picture look like? Or who hadn't my gout funeral? There's a enignant you tell whoever you worked for any to go find another occupation. That don't make no guy just you're not coming over here, Friday, buddy. You come over here if you want to. Okay, Uh, missus Darwin, Yes, are you familiar with with Glinda? That's my wife? What what you about to say? Now? I want all I want to do is say this, man, I just want to say, Glinda, the one that got me the prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy Baby from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Huh, I bit up, boy, I ain't never heard a business like this. Some FTC funeral. Oh man, I said my New year resolution. I was gonna cut back on drinking. But you got me over here about the tip a bottle right now? Are you crazy? Man? And come over here to day before get a picture of Glinda. Y'all got me? Baby, you got me. I ain't never heard no talk to me like that. You ain't putting me up to it? Are you gonna? I'll tell you what you're tuning in tomorrow morning. Man, you're gonna catch yourself on national radio. I'm gonna tell everybody. Boy, they had me hot over here. I'm gonna don't tell pleading, but I'm gonna have me a drink anywhere. I was looking for an excuse to put on foul boy. Yatta loft the half of a mine, y'all head with that a hit, buddy, man, I gotta ask you something, man, dam and tell me this it. Man, what's the baddest And I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Wick Up Show, Buddy Too. Once he decided he wasn't taking this picture, he turned up the custom yoh yeah, he said this some ignorant blank whoever it is you work for, they need to find another proficion Yeah, there's plenty of it. When I'm dead, I'm gonna give a blank what picture you usually? Who have this blanketed blank feeling to drink? And now I keep it? Stupid? Baby, Yeah, it's stupid. Will you do that? Furmanham At Alabama April sixteen through the eighteenth, the nephew has added a show Sunday night eight o'clock. Y'all heard me said, So I'm telling an uncle right now, I just ain't that. I ain't gonna be making on Monday now. I can't do all any one time. So sixteenth through the eighteenth, awful nineteenth, I know he can't. He better than me, edit better than me. Well that's the fact. What else you got of? You need to fight that one? Yeah, that's gonna move on. What else you got off? Yeah? Yeah? Hell, you ain't get to be off? Yeah? Yeah, Sunday night you added the show at the start though, but don't get catch your boy Friday Night on the Own Network. Ready to Love It jumps off. You don't want to miss it. If you missed the episode one, don't worry about it. The next one is coming. You fin to meet the entire cast. It's jumping off this Friday Night eight. Welcome back Chris Centratime nine East only on Own and welcome back Chris. Yeah. Shout out to Jackie Bam Jacobs. It's on television. Yes, no, yeah, your wife on TV. He was on she was on the on the show last week. Really all right? Thank enough? Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject how large? It's too large? We'll find out right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter, Because what we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. I'm buggle up, hold on tape. We got it for you here. It is a strawberry letter, subject how large? It's too large. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am in a struggle right now, and I need a little advice for a big problem. I have a male friend that I've known since first grade and we're almost forty now. I'm divorced and dated a lot of men after my divorce. After a one day recently, I had a revelation that my soul mate is someone I have known all my life. My good male friend and I hang out all of the time, but he's not who I had in mind if I were to date someone i've known a long time. He's a tall man, almost six five, with big hands and feet. He's not overweight, but he's massive in size compared to me. I'm petite and barely five three, so he towers over me. He's always well groomed, but handsome. He is not exclamation mark. So he and I met up after work for dinner with another male friend of ours. He paid my tab as usual and said all I owed him was a hug. He walked me to my car and I got on my tiptoes like I always do to give him a hug, But this time he kissed me. That was a first, and I must have had too much wine because I started kissing him back. He picked me up and sat me on my car and we kissed for a good while. He didn't say a word. Afterwards, he took me down off my car and said good night. I was so turned on that I told him to follow me home at my house. We kissed some more and then went to my bed. After a few minutes of us trying to have sex, we realized it wasn't going to work. This man is large and in charge in all areas. I was not ashamed because I've known him forever, and we laughed for hours about it. He opened up and said he wants to date me, and I'm all for trying it because I do love him and I know he loves me. But it is intimacy out of the question. I will need to try it before I get too serious with him. What should I do? Oooh, Okay, I understand your concern, and this is certainly the opposite of some of the letters we get, that's for sure. I'm sure many women would want to be in your shoes right now, but it's not about them. This is about you. First. I would tell you to talk to your doctor. Women who are women are definitely built to um, to carry children and to push babies out and all that. But it's always good to be sure about what's going on with your own body. And I think it was the wine that took over your body and you went too far a little bit in this one, uh, and that maybe that's why you know you were struggling and didn't fit. You were trying too hard. I think you need to be sober if you want to be into it with him and intimate with him. I say, the next time you guys get together, maybe you should relax and let things happen organically. Don't try too hard, don't think too hard, don't try to force it any of that. It's gonna either fit or won't. I mean, you know that, and that's how life is, I guess. But you you got to take your time, relax and not rush into this situation. And that's all I got to say. I tried to. Sometimes you can't be gin to Shelley hear people help now his ladies in the struggle right now. She's been knowing this man since they was in the first grade. They thought that she's divorced. She's dated several men. She had this revelation. Yeah, that her soul mate was somebody that she's known for a long time, you know, you know, revelation, premonition, feeling, dream, whatever she had. Well, she got a good male friend to hang out all the time. And he's not who she had in mind if I were to date someone. He's tall man, he's almost six five, with big hands and big feet. Now I noticed he I this wild come in. I got big hands and I got big feet. I understand you've noticed Time is very quiet normally he got something say on these Why because I got it? Okay, well I got another. I got the part. I'm gonna you chime in Time to just sit tight. I found a part for you. He's not overweight, and he's massive in size compared to me. Once again, this is not Tommy. Well, it's just he lived. You know, it's just short. You know, this man six five. We can't be talking about tom big hands. You've seen his hands when you do some live remote. Got a little raccoon hands. You know. I remember when Time was the baby. He couldn't even hold an apple, you know. With the letter, I'm just saying we had to cut the apple slice. He's not overweight, but he's massive in size compared to me. Well, now, I'm petite five three. He's well groomed, yeah, which is a plus. Now he's always well groomed. She's barely five three. He towers over me, but handsome he is not. Okay, right there, Tommy, right there, you got something you want to say? Right there. I'm not gonna be ugly with you and Julia. But this is the part I'm just I told you. It's a part in the letter where you can come in. He paused on time though they met up after work for dinner. All right, hold that thought, and right after that it started. We'll be all right. We're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour, subject how large it is? Too large. We're gonna go to break and get back into it right after this. You're listening to show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject with youth, which you seem to think it's about Tommy. Uh just no, no, no, that ain't bout Timmy. He's just a section in him, which is that we'll get to it. Okay, This woman is in the struggle right now. She got a big problem. She got a male friend she knows in the first grade day forty now, and she's divorcing. She's dated a lot of men, but she had to reach a recent premonition that her soul mate was somebody that she's known for a long time. Now, she got a good male friend that hang out all the time. But that ain't somebody she thought it would be. He's tall man, almost six five, big hands, big feet. This is not Tommy. Six five, big hands, big feet. That ain't Tommy. He's not overweight, but he's massive inside. To me that I'm putteth a barely fell. She fired three. They ain't hard to be bigger than her. No, massive inside. It's what I'm doing. I know because she fired three. I'm not talking about that. Yeah, five three, I'm gonna get you that dog. We are, But I got the line for you. This whole type. He tires over me. He's always wear of groom. Here we go, Tommy, but handsome he is not there. You go on any comments. I'm not feel free. I got that. I understand that. That's called denial. Okay, let's move on with the letter. We met up for work for dinner, and another male friend of us. He paid the tab and he said, all you know and was a hug. He walked to the car. I got on my tipper toes like I always do to get him a hug. But this time he kissed me. Now here we go. This was the first. That was the first. And I must add too much wine because I started kissing him back and Shirley, come tell about instant one. No, it wasn't. It wasn't the wine you wanted to. Wine and alcohol make you do exactly what you think. It removes reasoning. The other time, Tommy got something you wanna say right downright. None of sex is where you might and have something say. All right, he picked me up and he set me on my car and we kissed for a good little while. He didn't say a word afterwards. That's that, ain't you, Tommy. You can't pick him and picking him on the well, you know how high you had to have hold of your head to get the mess around and fall back break your back. Don't try that. We told you you had a g I Joe. We wouldn't even let you put that on the kitchen table. Watch watch Tommy, Watch and we kissed for a good while. He didn't say a word. After he took me down off the car and said good night. Player, moved straight, player, move right there. I was so toned on I toned him to follow me home. Now she ain't drank that much, sure, because she drove home. She know the way. So now at my house, we kissed some more and then went to my bed, because just what you do, so you've got him in the bed. After a few minutes of us trying to have sex, we realized it wasn't going to work. Now, let's put the brakes on trying. How you trying to have sex? I don't know about that. This man is larging and charging in all errors. I'm not ashamed because I've known the fairy and we laughed hours about it. Well, how he held in the half sex. We don't have sex with it now I'm golfing here. We're laughing for now. I'm just trying. I'm just asking because they're friends. And it didn't work, so you know, they laughed it off. He opened up and said he wants to date me, and I'm and and I'm off for trying it because I do love him and I know he loves me, but it's intimacy out of the question. My answer right off the bad is probably. But then I have other answers. I will need to try it before I get too serious with him. What should I do? Well, let's think about this. If you say you gotta try, I suggest that you practice all this. We got to practice. We got to treat this sex like a marathon. You don't just go out there and run twenty six and a half mile. Now, you got the warm practice first, you got to learn how to run a mile. You can't do the whole marathon, right. Then you got to learn how to do five miles. You can't do the whole marathon. Then you gotta do a ten k. Yeah, you can't do a whole marathon. Then you gotta try to. Then that you do ten k, then you gotta try to do half a marathon thirteen miles and follow what I'm saying. So, since this man is law, we got to ease into this. We got to and not noticed I've been through. I've been through. It's not your part, Tommy. You had your part. You steal back there trying to put up on the car. I'm at the house. Second, time trying to work out how we're gonna do this. Now, you just got you know it's there's an old saying on how to become successful, and I'm gonna share it with you. And this is all I'm gonna say about this letter. I've given this advice to millions of people. Inch by inch, anything's a cinch. Yeah, have a happy life, enjoy yourself, work it out, all right, post your comments to steal back there trying to put up on that car, and we Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Junior with Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior is here with Sports Talk and its time Junior. What you got? Well, sure that they didn't did it? Championship game last night. Congratulations to the Baylor Bass for taking out good Zaka eighty six to seven. Yeah, they wait out playing, never trailed in the game, never looked back, beautiful fit. Man. I'm glad they beat Gonzaga. I was just tired of handing. Yeah, number one, they're gonna sweep it in undefeated. Well, okay, and I know they hurt, but it was it was I mean, it was a good game. But then them boys, them boys was athletes, bay Man, Baylor wasn't messing around, man. No, man, they played. They played a great game. Gonzaga was undefeated though they was undefeated the season, the entire season, championship game, and it's just it just you just find you want up against a team, man, that was just better, way better. I mean not no noticeably, it was all over that court call yeah, somebody yeah, yeah, so any of these seniors, junior yeah, yeah, the center's yeah, he's going pro. Yeah, bambo he going pro. Unlocking everything, get them NBA contracts. Let's go boy by your mom my house board. Ye. Yeah, that's the next step. Did you see this at Globe Like Park in in Arlington, Texas, the Rangers home of the Rangers. No, you're talking about when the governor. Yeah, he lifted everything, man, And they had thirty eight thousand fans at the game with no social distancing, nothing like it, just a regular they at the park. He lifted it. And then they asked him to throw out the ceremonial first pitch, and he refused because he don't want to have nothing to do with Major League Baseball because they canceled the All Star Jordan as a protest against the voting. And this Republican in Texas, I'm not throwing out the first pitch and no baseball game. I want to have nothing to do with base Wait a minute, man, because they came up with some voter suppression. You want that to go through so bad that you're not even throwing out the first pitch. That's how hatefully these people are, man, And that's how unified. That's how unified they are as the Republican Party one talking against cancel culture. Now y'all mad at baseball? Yeah, get out of here, say nobody board cotting no sport? Right, And it was just the first first pitch. It would like you were playing anyway. Yeah, I don't about to care if he don't throw out to pitch. You taking me an equivalent? Yeah, seriously? All right. Uh we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, yesterday, at the Derek Chauvin trial in Minneapolis, police Chief Mederia Aridondo testified yesterday that Chauvin's actions of May twenty fifth last year, violated departmental policy and restraint and medical response. Take a listen, when do you believe or do you have a belief as to when this restraint, the restraint on the ground that you viewed, should have stopped once mister Floyd, And this is based on my viewing of the videos. Um, once mister Floyd had stopped resisting and certainly once he was in distress and trying to verbalize that, Um, that that should have stopped to continue to apply that level a force to a person proned out, handcuffed behind their back. Um that that in no way, shape or form is anything that is by policy, is not part of our training and it is certainly not part of our ethics or values. Wow, you go from the police chief. Yes, okay, okay, y'all heard that, right, yes, okay. When they get into Jewry rule, what do they hear exactly? See exactly? That's like, that's enough right there that you would think the video would be enough to promise you. You are so all point by saying, would think that's a But man, I have been convinced in this country and this country has let me down this so many times. This judicial system has let me down so many times. I'm gonna just tell you flat out, man, I do not have faith in the judicial system when it comes to black lives and when it comes police officer, I have no faith in the judicial system. But when you agree though this time, though, guys, when you agree though that the police chief is sessifying for the prosecution, that very rare. Of course, yes, would make this even more unbelievable, right if something were to happen, Yeah, right, if the verdict right, you know, I don't see how they could. I don't really see how because this country. But I'll tell you what, though this, I do believe this should result in a conviction. I think for sure that it will come out to a conviction to get us to man and he's gonna do some serious time. But this not this I do know for a fact. If he's not convicted. And I'm not promoting it or wishing for it, because I hope it don't even come to this. But if they let that man go, it's gonna be a problem. I'm just telling you right now, it's gonna be a problem. Yeah, it's gonna be And we don't want we don't want an accounts on them. Don't want that. Yeah, I think I don't know. Third degree anyway, murder two, yeah, D three right now. Steve Chauvin's defense attorney asked the police chief if he agrees that you supports is not an attractive notion, and the police chief replied, I would say that you supports is something most officers would rather not use. Prosecutors said that Chauvin's knee pressed into George Floyd's neck for nine minutes and twenty nine seconds and that's what caused his death. The defense argues that Chauvin did what he was trained to do. You just heard the police chief say something different. Yeah, that was against their policies. You just heard the police chief say something different. Yeah, that's that's amazing. His actions were in no way, shape or formed by the book. Now, I do know that training is they are shooting, they shoot to kill. Ain't no targets with legs on it and all that. They are trained to do kiel shots and the targets are black. Wow, that says right there. They're trained to do kiel shots and the targets are always black. That says so much right there, it really does. All right, Um, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending stories coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, guys, Saturday was April third, twenty twenty one, which means the date was four three twenty one and lots of three two one, four three two right down? Okay. I kept saying, why what was the big deal? Right? Yeah? And lots of couples wanted it for their wedding date. So hundreds of soon to be newlyweds lined up at the marriage License office in Vegas so they could tie the knot on that unique date. Nearly seven hundred couples got licenses for the date. But the most popular wedding date in Clark County Marriage Bureau history is seven to seven seven with four four nine two four thousand. There, I go, I thought that was another significant cover four thousand, four hundred ninety two marriage. So you count down dates, Yeah, I'm four for nine two. Now what does that mean a combination? Right now? In my head? That's what I'm thinking, right all right? So, Steve, I gotta ask you, how did you and Marjorie pick your wedding date. I don't know. She just she just wanted that date. She took her ring off, gave it back to me and said, when I can pick a date, then i'll put the ring back on. But I don't want to wear a ring and I have no date to it. I gave her the ring right back and said pick a date. She said, give me a couple of days, and she thought about it, and she came back with the date and were married six months later. Okay, all right, well we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So you know I Fion, Crocketts, Spice, Adams and god for you the comedian. This is just funny, that's fun laughing did a versus comedy parody Steve, featuring Aphion as Verdein, Spice, Adams as ron Eisley, and Godfrey? Who did you, Steve? Oh? I need to I ain't heard this, Oh mother, this is funny. Take a listen. I'm gonna tell y'all right now. You don't understand how blessed I am to be here I'm gonna tell you Ron, I known your long damn time. That's right, and Verdein, I've known you a long damn time with your pretty half. I'm gonna tell you right now. Whoa hey, I ain't never and I don't watch a lot of verses. Donna watch a lot, and I'm gonna tell you all the verses is tradsh and I said, I said, they said the Island Brothers and Earth Quien and five. I'm gonna be here. I said, what Quen? Wow? Uh? And I said, I got the host there, I got the hostess. I'll be there if you ain't gonna let Steve Harvey hope this man, this old school nil did how you so quiet? Look at him? Bath? I don't think he likes that. I don't think Look you're not. Oh, I saw the whole time. Yeah it was oh you said right? So really you're honest opinion? You know that was hilarious. You laugh. Invitations the sincerest form of flattery, Steve, that's the problem to him and King I love you. Yeah, yeah, it was funny. Thanks Spice, Adams, just bro of yours. I thought you meant a black man. At first, I thought I saw a picture him somewhere. I liked Monica say he is one of the fraternity brothers. Yeah, so that was good. I saw the fast they did that man doing it right then, Yeah, it was quick. Timberland and Swiss Beats commented about the video, saying, those guys are so talented. It's like Versus had its own Saturday Night Live right there, ready to go. Yeah, it was funny though. Yeah, I was watching UM Swiss and H Timberland they do a recap of the verses. Yeah, I saw a little better that than they were saying. One of the things that they liked was that it was a family a fair. You know, the family was gathered around people with their moms, are relatives from beginning to end, from beginning to end. Twenty four coming up. It is our last break of the day, and of course we will have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine minutes after you're listening to show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day, and Steve, you have some closing remarks. You know what. I'm just on this tip right now because I want to just remind people, Oh really, really focus on yourself. And I'm not meaning to the point where you don't consider other people. That's not what I'm saying. But in order to be successful, I really want you to focus on yourself, because in order to get you to the next level, nobody should know you better than yourself. And the best way to to know yourself is to be true to yourself. Do the things that feel right to you, Do the things that motivate you, do the things that put you in a better position. Do the things that you know in your heart are right. If it don't feel right, it's probably causing. It's not If what you are doing is that the expense or the cost of somebody else, you're gonna have to pay for that, because that's not how it's done. You don't have to use anybody to get to where you're trying to go in life, especially if it's in the same place God has for you. God don't need no help. God don't need you using nobody, stepping on nobody, abusing nobody. He doesn't need that help. So if you are doing something and you know it's wrong, you have to pull yourself up, pull yourself together. Now, listen to me when you make a mistake, and you will and you get it wrong, and you will get up and go again, Get up and go again. You have to keep moving forward. God is not looking for your perfection. He is only looking for your persistence. You are not going to be perfect. I don't care how hard you try. That's what grace and forgiveness and mercy is all about. Because he put it. He implemented a system where he knew that we were going to fail so many times along the way trying to get it right. So he created grace, mercy and forgiveness. So when you make a mistake, stop laying in it. It's okay, you made a mistake. It's no big deal. Everybody makes them. But know yourself and know what you do. If you don't really care to drink, nothing says you have to drink. If you're the person that really ain't an the weed, just cause it's legal don't mean you got to do it. Alcohol is legal, cigarettes is legal. But if it's not for you, it's not for you. Know yourself and lock in. After you know yourself, lock in on your purpose. You know I say this all the time. The two greatest days in your life for the day you're born, in the day you discover why. But listen to me, man, that why is critical? That why is your purpose? That why is your meaning your service? That why is everything? You've got to lock in on your purpose and stay there and stop allowing everything to sidetrack you. So many people, man, we are so easily distracted in this world because the distractions are everywhere. But you got to get tuned into your purpose. Why are you on this earth? Are you really on this worth to live the way you live in? I mean, you have to just come to that. I had to just set myself down one day and go, Steve Harvey, are you really in this world to live the way you live it? Do you think that God took all this time, bring you through all the stuff he brought you through, for you to act like this, for you to continue living like this? And when I had that honest conversation with myself, the answer was no. And so I had to start pulling it together. But I couldn't pull it together by myself. I had to ask God for some help. You know, why would I not go to God for the help. He's my creator. If you're driving a car and you got a car and your car breakdown. There's an owner's manual in the glove compartment, and you know why it is there because it helps you troubleshoot what's wrong with the car. Now, if you're driving a Toyota, that manual that you're looking for in the glove compartment, it's gonna be a Toyota man annual specific to the type of car that you're driving. That way, you know exactly how to fix what's wrong. So when something is wrong with you, you have an owner's manual. It's your Bible, it's your Koran, it's your Terror, it's whatever you read for your religious faith. You have an owner's manual that specifically can fix your ailment. And it comes in chapters and verses. I don't care what's wrong with you, There is an answer in those pages. And if you don't have the book, all you got to do is ask God for help. But you have got to get tuned in your your purpose. And when you make mistakes and you fall, it doesn't mean it's over. I have fallen thousands of times. But the blessing that I have that God has given me is I have the hill, the desire and the faith to get back up, over and over and over again. And you can do it too. You have that same thing in you. In order to get up. You simply have to look up. Every time I fall, I look to my heavenly Father and he gives me the strift of goal to tomorrow. And you got it. All you got to do is get home, go to sleep, wake up and go again. Come on, y'all, this is the year. You can change a lot of things. It's gonna take some effort on your part, but you can do it. It's just take some faith. The faith with our works is dead. You got to get busy, stay true to yourself, identify your purpose, and stop getting distracted. Let's go twenty twenty one. This is the year, because twenty twenty one. Who so, let's listen, let's do something with this. Twenty twenty one. All right, my clothes remarks, y'all have a great day. See y'all tomorrow. All right, talk to God, He look here from for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM. Dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.