DJ Khaled on Steve We The Best Another One - 01.11.18

Published Jan 15, 2018, 7:46 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all sung looking back to back down, giving the mo just like the molking buck bus things and it's cub y'all to me true good to Steveh. Yeah, listen to me together for stoo barn to listen. Mommy, don't you join? Yeah, yeah, hobby joining me, honey said dot turn go, Yeah, you gotta turn you to turn the time to lobby, got to turn out to turn to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today, Is it? Everybody? Okay? On a real positive note? Today? Is it? Today? Is the day? You know, when I was in high school, you know, my mother was Sunday school teaching until she passed. I would walk out the door every morning on my way to school, and my mother used to say, listen to me something, hey, don't forget. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And you know, I don't think much of it. You know, it's just my mama being religious, you know, my spiritual woman. So you know, I just took it as that. But as I've gotten older, man, you know, that's registered more and more with me. You know, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's pretty cool, man, I mean, what better blessing will you get throughout the day than the fact that He allows you to live and see another day. See sometimes, Man, when you're young, you don't pay no attention to that. But all you got to do is keep living, keep watching some people that you know not be here anymore, go to class reunions and they're smaller. See people that you really loved. It meant a lot till you leave this world, and all of a sudden, man, immortality starts to matter a great deal to you. Some of us learned this lesson sooner than others. But I know, when you're young, man, you know, you think you're gonna be here for a while. You think you've got time to play around. You think you've got time to get it together, you've got time to make the mistakes, and you've got time to chill. But man, oh man, almost every full blown adult that I know will tell you and have said these words right here many times. And I want to reason I'm saying this because I want you to hear him, because you're gonna use them. Man, if I only knew then what I know now? Do you know how many people have said those words right there? Because in time, man, you gained so much wisdom. Oh but it ain't like nobody didn't tell you though. See that's the hooker. Somebody told you back then. Hey man, it's best to buckle down now, he said, Hey man, you better quit wasting time. Hey man, don't stop taking your foot off the gas pedal. Hey look, do your best at all the times, you know, stop stop worrying about that. I'm telling your son. In a minute, them clubs ain't gonna mean nothing to you. In a minute, they're going out all the time, ain't gonna mean nothing to you. I can't tell you how many times I heard all of it. I can't tell it to you. I can't tell you how many times I repeat it to my kids. But man, today is a different day, because the day is the day that the Lord has made. So he gave you a shot today. If if you woke up this morning, or if you're finishing your day on your shift. He gave you a new day, nothing bigger than the fact that he woke you up today. Now, why don't you do something about that? Why don't you take advantage of it? How about today? How about if you start today? How About if you stop hesitating today? How about if you stop delaying it today? How about if you stop procrastinating today. How About if you make today to day that you go forward? I mean, man, let's all just decide today, Let's go forward. Let's put forth a maximum effort today. How about today? I mean, really, man, what you're doing? You look, man, take advantage of this blessing of waking up. Do something today. So many people are in the indulge rooms of life, or living in a rut, or just merely existing instead of thriving simply because of one one thing. You just won't do it today. If you would just start the process, man, Start that business you always dreamed of. Go looking to that other job you always yearn for. Go get the training you need to get the promotion. Man going back to school. Man, go see what you need to do to lift yourself to the next level. Stop waking up every day seeing high it's gonna go and start waking up and do something about how it goes. If you make one step, he'll make two. But you can people people talk about all the time. Man, it seems like you're always getting a blessing. Oh man, when you're talking to a person, listen to this. If you're talking to a person and it seems like there's always a blessing coming his way, let me tell you what that person doing. That person is putting one foot in front of the next. That person is putting forth some efforts out there. And that's the only way God can bless you. God can only bless you with your efforts. He can only put his finger on the thing that you are doing or attempting. That's all he could help you with. He that I know, Joab, I was walking up to your door, knocking on your door. But if you're beating the payment, if you're sending in the apps, if you online scouring somewhere to work, somewhere to get a job, then God can touch somebody's hard to hire you. But if you're sitting at the house every day, smoke everyday, drinking, but you wonder why you just can't get a job. A couple of times you don't want out there, you got to. If you ain't got a job, you gotta look, get go, get one. Every day. You got to go look for one every single day. You can't take no days off. How about today? How about today? If we decide today is the day that we're gonna make the move. Today is the day that we stopped delaying, hesitating, procrastinating. Today is the day that we take a step in the direction to do something for ourselves, for our lives, for our family, for our wives, for our children, for our community, for our school. Do something today, For crying out loud, man, stop sitting in your own life in just a stew of misery in your own life. I'm gonna tell you something. If you are in a state of confusion, if you are troubling, if you're stuck on what to do next, you let me tell you what's happening. You're not doing enough. That's what it is. Man. See when I get in a place, man where I don't know what the next move is, it's because I unusually stalled out. See, this is the way God works, This is the way He's worked for me. Every time I'm busy, and I'm about the business of always trying to live my creed, which is ABC. My My motto is ABC always be closing. I'm always working on something, something to close something. When you're so busy with the business of improving yourself and doing with yourself and becoming the best you you can be, God is always working on your behalf behind some scene of something that you're in the process of tempting to close. But because you're not doing all you can do, you're limiting you. You are because if your decision not to give you all in all, you're limiting the opportunities for God to put his finger on things and touch them on your behind. I don't know if the average person really understands or knows what it takes to truly be successful on whatever level you're talking about. But whatever that level is, I don't care what a dollar amount you've got attached to it, what level you got. If you have made the decision that you're going to be successful, I think that a lot of people, the average person does not know what that means. Whatever level you've decided to be successful on, See, that's your level of faith, that's where you see your life at well, guess what you got to maximize your efforts to even get to that level. So listen to me. If you want to be successful at your church, if you want to be successful in your relationship, if you want to be successful down at the day cassing, if you want to be successful at your college, if you want to be successful on your job, guess what it's gonna take all you got in that world to become a success. I don't know why people think that. If you don't want to be where somebody else said, you ain't gonna put forth that effort. Now, no, ain't wrong. You've got to put forth your maximum effort at whatever role you're trying to accomplish. Lord have mercy. Man. How about today, though, y'all? How about today? Today is a good one. Let's make today today. Let's get out of that. Let's get on with it. Stop hesitating, stop delaying, stop procrastinating, start today. Watch God have something to put his finger on there. And that's all you're trying to do. Man, to line yourself up with God's grace, you gotta put out a lot of effort so God can put his finger on something. You feel me today, I shall hope you do, because I'm on one today. Let's go. You're listening to dad, ladies and gentlemen, I have your attention, please. You are listening to the voice of the man himself. I'm is Steve Harvey B And this is that Steve Harvey Morning Show, which would be nothing without the following people. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning Steve calling for real, Good morning Steve crew. What's up that damn jewel morning everybody? That damn food dog get dog. Yep, here we are. I was just writing a song called loading Yeah completely yeah, because I want you all to be loaded this year in two thousand and eighteen. I want y'all make a lot of money. Come completely load Yeah man. That'd be nice, man, be nice. What's your plan for making more money this year year? Are buying less shoes? Seriously making more money? I'm not saving? Okay, you know what, I don't really have a plan plan right now. I failed to plan. Then you can plan to fail. Now, let's get it together. We have been doing two thousand and eighteen preparation talks all week long, and the person that has been closest to this conversation has been you. And what have you learned from this to not play? Not a darned thing, evidently, man, just sitting over there, just shopping. That is exactly what I've been doing. I'm looking at shoes right now. I'm looking at shop. Tommy, your sir, tell her of what she needs to do this year. This is Tommy's mid show at the beginning of Hell Tommy, what she needs to do to straighten her life out? In your opinion, I think she needs to play, and I think Shirley needs to get some projects. I think Shirley is the person that a lot of women would actually follow, and Sureley put some projects in order because I think Shirley guy is going on. I think, well known for shoes, surely you can have your own show called Shirley Shoe Class. Get there. Yeah, maybe you get everybody people people feel to get married and want shoes for that or blah blah blah, Surley Shoes. I think, why don't you, why don't you create a shoe line this year? Okay, I'm writing it down right now. Can we just give a round of applause to the next I mean, you really have changing too. I don't know who he is. Okay, Okay, shoe line. I have no idea how to start it, but I like the idea. Partner with you if you do it, okay, online business only online, no brick and mortar, no in stores. Anyway, I will introduce you to some people. You could promote it from the show. That's really a good idea. That's a great idea. Tommy, do you want to percentage? No, Shirley, I just want you to win. Thank you, Thank you God for you baby, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, coming up, we got something for you, okay, something for your health, for you to sleep naked. We're gonna talk about it. Yeah, being naked on the show, and we come back at thirty. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, it is time for something funny and catching some z's in your birthday suit. This is what they're saying, can actually do wonders for your health. Good night's sleep is one of the most important things we can do, but it's not always easy to Achie. We know that. So what are you supposed to do? You know all that tossing and turning and stuff that you do at night, Well, try getting naked. Just taking off your clothes. How about that? This is according to the You like It, Tommy, you like it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, Steve, there are some serious health benefits uh to go going on natural at bedtime. Number one. This is for fellas. If you wear boxers during the day and nothing at night, you'll be doing a big service to your Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't wear boxes. No, I can't wear a box. What do you mean? I can't wear boxes? Period? Bad live What you wear? What are you seeing? You? As you seeing you? Extended beyond them? I don't want no tin, got no little fruit of the look what are you talking about? I wear bicycle shorts. Oh okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, those were the best underwear. He's cash you sleep in cash min Yeah you jr? Cash me underwear. Don't don't don't don't don't get don't don't get stupid. Yeah I got yeah, they make cash, they make yeah, that make cash me underwear. I don't even got money. Got all care of stuff. I watched that water he o, man, I got one way hold up. He washed some cashmere draws. See right there. You ain't got no real money. What if they that was wrong with them? Draws to the cleaners. That's what I'm doing. Bro. You know what, you know what, they don't have them down in. Okay, Julie, you really need to quit doing that to me because you'd be throwing me because I'm telling you you need to come down here with me, because I'm tell you, okay, nice, but they ain't cash man. There's some good quality cotton down okay. So with Steve, you left us hanging. Now what were you gonna say? Literally? Okay, you can get the best underwear really for the money is Tommy John underwear. Tommy John underwear is the best underwear for the money. Now, I'm gonna tell you another underwear that's really good that's a lot less expensive, but a ward for years. Under Armor makes excellent underwear. Under Armor under Armour, they make excellent underwear. You can get it in any sporting goods store. And I'm telling you, man, their underwear is excellent. But you know it's tight fitness like biker shorts. But that's really what a man should wear because it keeps his suit in place, it keeps a smooth look and they don't bunch up. Now, you gotta get the nine inch if you got big thighs. You got to get the nine inch. You can't get the six inch, but Steve doesn't. Kevin Hurd have a line with Tommy John. I can't wear him, can Kevin Hard's damn drawn muscles muscle? Kevin Hart tell myself at tight draw I rupture myself sometimes. See sometimes I gotta go to bath room into heavy. I got a hair up, go to the bad food. You ever tried to pull yourself out of some really really small draws? Man? Want to tell yourself right on? Look? Kevin hag kivin Harg got some draw kivil Han get something elk he can't hand no draw well he does. Tommy John Kevin Hart collection. He has a collection with Tommy John available today for all sizes, Steve, all sizes of who what is they? Kids? That's funny? Kevin Hart got drawls? Yeah for Tommy John. Yes, what they look like? They're cute a cute? Yes, I'm too big. Have on some damn look cute draw what they got on? What they got? The heart? They got hard? So little haws animals for that new Jungle movie here is so good? Yeah, yeah, that's good. It's really good. Let's look this up let me let me look this up. Okay, Okay, So he's looking at naked sleeping naked, Steve. Okay, so that's good. Better sex life if you sleep naked. British research Discovery having percent of those who slept naked had good relationships with their partners. And you say, what you sleep when you turn and lean this way, Hey, it might happen, Kevin Hard, do have Tommy John underway? He cut got a little microphone and everything. They just look small to me when you move on. They just a little small, alright, And he's saying, aware the biggest one ever. It's great for burning calories when you sleep naked. Really, I didn't know that because it's coming hard underwear. It's great for burning calories because you know how much hell are you gonna getting them? And you're gonna burn from calorish getting them. Kevin Hart, depressure the const press. All right, we're moving on. Coming up right after this, Nahew, Tommy's run that brank back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, miss and will be here to update us with today's national news and our headlines. But right now, as promised. It is time for the nephew who sleeps naked. We just found out to run that prank back, and I sleep naked for sleeping off the site. Now, let me tell you something. Tommy Johnny has some good drawings. I because you're small like Kevin you, but I can't ain't no way I can try. I gotta get the regular Tommy john You showed them back. No, they ain't panties there to prank one of them twins, is man? One of your twins? Is man? Really? Hello, I'm trying to reach Tony. Yeah, this is Tony Tony. What's going on? Man? My brother? My name is Kendrick. Man. I'm trying to reach out to you. You are you the Tony that used to used to day man? Yeah? What about it? Man? I was trying to reach out to you. Um, will you say this is again? My name Kendrick. N I got, I got, I got a little problem, bro Hopeully we can work this out. Man. Look, man, I ain't got nothing to do with no damn no more. Man. If that's the past, so I ain't. You don't even call me about her, man, that's just you know, I don't want to hear do you and do you? Um? You do you all have kids together? What do you all have children together? Yeah? I got kids? And man, how do you get my number? Man? Hey, bro, I ain't trying to have no beef with you, man, It ain't anything like that. I'm just y'all. Do y'all Do you have a set of twins? Yeah? Man, we gotta set of twins? Man, But waving hold on, why are you calling me? Man? Whatever you and did? Man, that's you want know? But what you're asking me about my my kids? Fun? Man? Okay, Bro, here's I mean. I don't even know how to break this on you, but I'm just gonna just put it out there, Okay, just and just hit me out, man, just hit me out. Um. It's been brought to my attention that there is a strong possibility that one of the twins is mine. Oh are you crazy? Them? Man? Who you say you isn't being man? Just ken? Man? Man, Look, man, don't call my house with this. Man. How twin gonna be yours? Man? Ain't my wins? Man? I thought the same thing you thought, Tony. I was like, okay, man, they doesn't even biologically possible. Man, what I thought, but I found out that two seeds could actually join together create twins, and each one of them could have a different daddy. I'm finding this out for the first for first hand myself. Now I'm telling you, dog man, the kids is mine. Man, you ain't got nothing to do with this dog. You ain't got nothing to do with this. Man. Hey, listen, man, I'm trying to do is get to the bottom of something. Let me let me, let me, let me listen to them. Let me ask you to your set of twins. Are they are they? I mean, are they the same shade of color? Are they different shades? I mean, I'm just asking. I'm never saying here. Look, dog, let me tell you something, man. I want you to get this to your head right now, man, whenever you got that's on y'all. Man, they ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, one of them dog skin? What I'm like skinning right down right there? Man? What? Right there? What? Okay? Tony alright? Let me ask you what what what shade to color? You? Are you doogs? Here? A light skin? Now? I'm dog skinned, man, I'm light skinned. Man. You know the light skin twin must be mine. You know what, man, I'm not even continue this conversation. No mo, I'm gonna just tell you something. Dog. You don't know who you with, because I will you up. You understand that, dog, Man, listen, I just find out that this this is a fluke accident that it's possible to happen. You understand that you're talking about my kids, man, Man, and understand the passion that you have for your children. Man, I don't know you wanted the kids. Don't eat house talking about my kids and showers, man, one of the twins is mine? Man, they ain't no man. Look man, look dog, I'll tell you what. Man, I'm gonna let you make it. Dog. You know what cause don't call he or no more. Man. You're stupid enough to call here talking about one of the kids. You. I guess she told you that, stupid Now, dog, don't call me no more. Man, don't canton and listen when you when you consider, I mean I got us an appointment tomorrow the doctor. When you're shoid of bringing the kids. If we can see which one is yours and which one you are retarded? Man, that's what's up with you dog, you retarded. Man. I I ain't meet your neck. Well dogs, that's what I'm talking about. Man. I'll tell you what, dog, I'll meet you man to man, man, man to man, me and you dog man the man, I'm gonna kick your when you got to fight, Tony, I just want you to give me my child. Man, I'm gonna kill you. I got me Louis be a slugger. You stupid. That's what you is. Man. You are ignorant man calling me Sunday morning talking about my kids. It's your kids, Man, were retarded. That that can't happen. Man. I understand that. Man, but it's a fluke accident. And now you're trying to deprive me or man having a relationship with my child. Man, I've been raising these kids for five years by my damn self. Man, I get him up, I take him to ballet, Man, I take him to literally you understand me, man, do my man? Tony, I understand and dog it was heartbreaking the meat too, Tony. Tell you what, Man, I'm gonna get up phone and uh I want you man, I want you to never ever call my Don't call me with new ignorant like this. What you say your name is what? What? What? What's your name again? Dog? My name? My name Kendrick. Man. Listen, listen, Tony, I'm gonna find you dog. You understand that. Dog. We're gonna settle with you. You understand you with dog. Okay, Tony, I got one more thing I want to say to you, okay, and you ain't got to say to me. Let me say one more thing to you man, man, Man, hold on now, baby now, baby daddy. All right, yeah, y'all gonna play. I'll be I'll be out there in a minute. Man, see dog hope. Man, you didn't got to everybody around here all mon curse like it's fround my kids. Man, Okay, can I say one more thing to your man? All right? Man, stay with them you want to see and don't call me a no more man, Tony, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey on the show. You just got pranked by your homeboy. Uh man, you know what, Tommy, Man, Man, that's a man. You know what dog man? You was really about to get your man? Man, You can't be puttybody about their kids? How days? No man? Man? Okay, okay, all right, I see you. What man, don't don't don't even tell you did it, man, cause say we meeting. We're meeting later to night. I got something for you many nephew Tommy do with one faith for man? Was that? Watch the tien o'clock news tonight. Man, you're gonna muckets on there, man, watch you dog. I can't believe it, man, oh Man, All right, hey man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, oh Man, Steve Harvard Morning Show. Man. I listened every morning. Man. I just can't believe y'all got me. Man, one of your twins. Use. I don't know how you still up and walking around, but you do with these brands. Don't see how you aund tight as Kevin does make really really great underwear. That was the first brand out of your mouth, you said. But if you don't want to spend that much under armor makes a great underwear. Comes one in the box. Get your right side and brothers get the nine inch draws. Don't get the six inch because they're gonna rise up on you. You ain't gonna like that. And so there's just one in the box. Yes, listen to me. You didn't need to be out of the department where your drawers come in the pack? Okay, but you want me, yeah, you buy each in the coming the individual box. You're too old be buying a pack of draw No, no, no no, no, no, no no, not amazing. They're good quality cotton. Coming to back you too. You got too much money where you didn't forgot? How get three in the back draw? Okay, it's twenty it's third days in the month. I need the third days supply. I can't just buy one path and then that's it. Whatever you want to get to the boy. All right, listen, guys coming up at the top of the hour, miss and it's gonna be here with their national news. We'll continue. You're listening to Steve Show. All right, we're back. I'm waiting waiting on this. Tell me what you ask me. It's called sacks s A X X looking up that they fly sack. Yeah, I know them, Temmy, I've never heard of him. They're flying man box of breathe. Okay, has any say x X and if anybody from Saxon listening, y'all can't call me. And you just got this dog on h you like them. No, they're too small, I can tell. But what kind were you? Were you saying? Look, I'm looking at him right now. What you want big and tall draws? Where are you trying to get to draw at least big? They casts eleven dollars? Uh? Between that and ain't hand? It's like they don't look meet him in the nine inch though. All I see is where were you going to say? He bore? You said something you knew? What kind o? Come on down? No, stop all this. He didn't find this online somewhere else, you know, gonna here with comic? Can't wear the draws? East? Which one? He will? You know? What draws? He? Well? Yes, granimal granimal man wearing no doubt grown man draws like this soon if they don't even make him even come in his side husker. All right, let's let's get serious for a moment before we get to miss and Tommy, do you buy the thongs? What is your talking about? I'm just looking at you. Don't wanna told me to go line? They got thongs, briefs that high keeping. Don't let him push your buttons? Good, hey, Tommy, they got some good looking patterns on here. They flying man facts is flying. That's a X X sex. Let's fly. We own it, man, ain't nobody spelled it? No? All the way we own it? Well, can I tell you what's going on elsewhere in the world, Well, let's let's flip it. Let's flip it back. What kind of draws y'all buy? Y'all feeling good? Right? You don't buy nothing? He buys his own. I mean he's already picked up my husband's T shirts. And he's always done it. He's always done that. Yeah, but he got always found some meat. But I like it with Mardred Cook, I know, but he doesn't. He doesn't ask me to do stuff like that. He likes, he enjoys doing stuff like that for himself. He doesn't mind. Yeah, I mean, Cash doesn't mind either. But if I'm there I pick him up, he'd be let me thank you, but good looking out. If I'm there, I'll pick stuff up for him, stuff like that. But I mean, I don't just go out and say, let me get him some underwear. I don't do that because I don't have to, because he hasn't asked me to, or he hasn't required that of me or whatever. I don't do it. Okay, do women wear a certain type of yeah, you know, yeah style comfort. Yeah, I go to a certain store if that's what you mean. Okay, what what what store you go to? I got a department store as Victoria's Secret whatever. Yeah, there's a story. Well this this gets too involved, but yeah, there's a certain story that you go to to get your we can talk to No, do like them? I do love them? Yeah he does. All right, we gotta go. Miss Anna is here introduced, ladies and gentlemen, miss and Trill and trill and trill and trill. Thank you, Thank you very much, everybody. Good morning, and this is awed with the news. In southern California, everybody. Rescue crew are still searching for some two dozen people reported missing as a result of this week's flash floods and mud size in Montecito. As of last night, the death toll out there had reached fifteen. President Trump repeated his promise yesterday to help keep so called dreamers in the country and from being deported, but only only only if Democrats support his promised US Mexico wall. Any solution has to include the wall, because without the wall, it all doesn't work. So he says, Democrats say they do support stepped up border securities, just that they don't think a new wall is the way to provide it. Meanwhile, US immigration agents reportedly rained down on seven eleven convenience stores across the country yesterday, arresting people thought to me in the country illegal. At least twenty one people under arrest. A panel of federal judges has given lawmakers in North Carolina three weeks to draw up a new map outlining where the states thirteen congressional districts are. All. Three judges say the current one draws drawn up by the GOP is in violation of the Constitution's Equal Protection provision because districts are drawing to only favor the elections of more republic apkins, thereby violating the free speech of democratic candidates. Republicans say they're going to appeal this one. Close to one hundred French actresses, writers, and academics have signed onto an open letter criticizing what they say is the current wave of puritanism and unfair denunciations unleashed by the Harvey Weinstein scanale they could get this. The letter says basically that while it's a good thing that women are speaking out that the Me Too movement, they say, has gone too far, becoming a witch hunt that is hurting innocent men. That is how the letter goes. And the French letter also says women are not helpless children who need constant protecting, and they defend a man's right to try and seduce a woman or make a pass. About forty women in this country issued a counter letter citing high statistics of sexual violence and compared the frenchwomen to quote a tired old uncle who can't see what's going on. Well, finally, today is cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day. It's also national stepping uputtle and splash your friendly the kind of a big puddle, but you know it's melting. Is it's getting warm in the east anyway, in the northeast, so maybe it'll be that big. Anyway, This has been a trip, and we'll be back with Eugene the Butterflies for twenty minutes after the hour, So stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, introduced the butterfly. He's in the building. Do you know the butterfly? Because I do here he is. Here's the butterfly about to come through busting high. Here come the butterfly year. Why is don't we cave figure? Why come on a segment, Ladies and gentlemen, butterfly Joes, butterfly Johns. I'll think about that, Stephen. It's a lot going on with me in my life. We talked about Gloria, we talked about handling Grotto, and this is what I need from you. You're helping a lot of people in people that have not spoken with their children in a very long time, people who have not spoken to significant others in a long time that used to be significant others, trying to get together and actually create, um, a relationship where we can all get along and be a family, even if it's not about being you know, in a relationship anymore, but just having a relationship with children, um with their mother and just be at least being able to be cardiole. So I really need your help on this. It's it's this is what I'm dealing with at the beginning of So I want you to help me, and I want you to look beyond me being your car worker, how you feel about me, what you think about me, just help me, because I think what you're gonna answer is gonna help a lot of other people as well. Do you want I want to know when you haven't spoken to your children in a very long time because of tension, because of things that their mother did that that created some of the tension where you know, you kind of went for years and years I'm not speaking to each other. How do we get back to, you know, trying to create a re kinnel a relationship with your children. Well, first of all, you have an obligation as a parent to rekindle the relationship because you should be more mature. How old are your kids now? See, they might not want to have nothing to do with you. I didn't know they've really grown up. Yeah, But if you do want to have a relationship, it starts simply with the phone call. But I think the best way for you to do is start off with a sincere apology to the mother, no to the child. See, this is what I'm talking about. This is what I'm talking about right here. This is Yeah, start with Glorious and just tell the things ain't been the same since you went away, because this show ain't it show? Since you lost Glorious your entire life has changed, and you need to put it in a song. It's a little different now, the girl you matter. Fact, you can send this and you don't. You don't need to see another day. But I don't want to start with glorious. That's the problem. I'm already have been pushed back. I'm dealing with her. I just he hurt me. Seems like only yesterday. All right, Butterflying, You're gonna be all right. I'm gonna get through her sweet face. Coming up. Couples handling relationship issues with maturity, Butterfly, you might want to stick around for that. Thirty four after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Yahoo is recording guys a new poll that finds fifty of couples say that they um suspected their partner of cheating. If they suspected them, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. I'm going to say that again for the lateies, Okay, and couples say that if they suspected their partner of cheating, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. Let me ask you a questions. Shirley and colum, let me ask you a question. Just listen to this question. If you suspected your husband of cheating and it was not on the internet, nobody knew, none of your co workers, it was not it wasn't made public. If you suspected your husband of cheating, would you bring it up calmly? Would you bring it up with anger? How would you do it? Probably? All of the above for me without the calm though you're already nowhere, bigger, all of that, all of you above for me, without the calm anger. If I suspected that not yet? Not well, I mean, if you had suspicious you ain't have no proof you ain't you ain't heard nothing, You ain't got no pictures, ain't no, ain't on internet, and none of that. But Steve, you know we have intuition. You know we have intuition. H You disappointing to you, Mr Harvey. I don't know. I'm just trying to see what y'all would do. I don't really And and the word discussion I have a problem with. There will be no discussion. Well are you gonna just find out on your own first? Like little see us. I let me ask you a question. Suppose you discovered that you were one wrong about him and that he wasn't cheating. What happens at that point then I'm apologizing and begging to his forgiveness and begging for his forgiveness and threatening him he better not do it. You see what happens God in the heart that yeah, you apologize for your wrong doing, but you know, make it up to him. You know that. Wow, that's amazing. Any more questions, We're here for it. No y'all. Answers short and yeah and truthful, and there's no one. There's no one in between, ain't no. You know that's I don't like talking to y'all. Were you expecting something else? I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it. You've obviously been through this before. I'll tell you what I found out, though I'm find out. I ain't fired up to have a discussion once they find out out cheating, it's all you're uglans sitting up here. Got the ric cheat you did? But Junior, don't you know that money changes things? How you get the nurse that was before? Look at you now see Tommy saying dang Junior, like you can't believe Junior called himself. Tell me you're ugly. No, I am not. I'm not gonna let you stop doing that. You go eighteen, you're not gonna do this. I'm not. I'm gonna tell truth and truth thousand eighteen. Are you fine? No, I'm not no fine, and I'm not out. But I ain't just been to be ugly though. Now I'm not doing that. Dog, you're not fine, and I'm not hugly. But listen to me. If you're not fine, then by a long ship, what you think that is? Why did you do that to him? Don't I don't know why to keep thinking he cute, but you're not cute. I didn't say I was cute. I'm just saying I'm not Listen to me. Listen to me. You look strong, I'm decent. I don't look man. You do do not looks great. All you get a mirror and look at yourself from the side, you're strange looking. I'm not strange. Don't tell me you are. You look strange all everybody, all the men in our family, we're strange looking from the side. Look, I have phone at the time. And when you accepted Tommy, he's never going to accept that. You guys know that I'm not I'm not doing it. Speaking of break, we'll be back with his brank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, we'll have the Strawberry letter for today. But up next, nephew, Tommy's right here at what time photo prank, before the prank before we left the last break, Suirtly you see it speaking of tom was you saying when he said ugly? You see it's strange looking at the break Early said, speaking of Tommy, Now when you're saying, speaking tom are you Tommy? He's up next with the prank phone call. It's called ugly. Yes, I'm talking to Tommy. No, you're not ugly. But he didn't say he didn't look strange. But but but surely, but he's strange looking. He's not Tommy's No, he's not he's not what he's not strange looking. He's a normal looking, handsome young man. Tommy ain't handsome. Quit telling this boy that we don't have a handsome men and handsome tomy things he is. Okay, I don't want to shatter that Tommy think he tall tom Tommy, thank he's saying, but he got there. Yeah, and now you think you know and if he accepted, he had fun with it. Let's see, I keep telling you, just trying to hurt his feelings. Heky before I played, before you played the strange. My pranks are not strange. Listen the name of the time that this is. You got to bring those TVs back? Hello, Hello, how are you? I'm trying to reach a Sharon Police. My name is Paul Paul because I'm head of security here. How are you this? Yeah? You, um, you actually came out and you I think you were here on Friday. Uh, and you came out and purchased four flat screen televisions forty forty two inches? Am I correct? Yeah? But what I giving you a call for sharance that we got a bit of a problem. Now when you purchase these actual flat screen televisions on on Black Friday, so to speak, it seems that we've got them. Um, well, your your purchase went through successfully, I will admit that, but there should have been a red flag that have gone up because we're going back over transactions of the past two three days here and we're realizing that your purchase should not have been successful. It should have been void. Your credit card is actually not valid at all now now my credit card because we got paid on Wens so my money was there. Well actually, ma'am. And what I'm what I'm trying to explain to you that it is coming up in valid now and we're having a problem with it. So I wanted to reach out to you and give you a call and see if we could probably you know, uh, it was. It was that when I was at their Ratis because it went through I gott to receive everything I imployed today exchange of warranty on Alpha UM. So it was that on on Friday. I don't know what's wrong with it today, but it was good then. And I understand that. I understand that that, you know, just being at the register and you purchasing in and no problems at all happening. That's pretty much the thought process that you're gonna have. What I'm letting you know is on the on the back part of it when you came into the store. What we're getting the day the day after is that it was pretty much invalid. It wasn't good at all. Your credit card was not good at all. But you need to call your bank then, because I don't know what to tell you. You You know, I had the money in there the day I went about them, and that's it for me. So I don't know who you need to call. But don't call me because you know that ain't been in my problem. Okay, you know what I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna raise this to be a major problem. We're gonna try to rectify it and get it taken care of. Yeah, do what you need to do. Okay, listen, now here's what we're gonna do. You know what. I wanted to try to work this out as smoothly as we can. What I'm gonna have to ask you to do. Can I get you to come back up to the store and bring all four televisions with you? No, now, you sure can't. Baby. Look, I bought them for TVs. I have read one of them up this under the tree from my hus my mama early. She already got the other TV we hunted up for home Saray when we was watching movies. So it didn't really ain't no way we're gonna bring the folk TVs back. I think you should go back to Wealth process your credit card and tell them that they that. I don't know what you're gonna tell them, but you need to go back to them. I ain't got time to be running back and forth to this story. I don't want to. I don't want us to create a problem here. I don't want to do that. You need to lower your voice, Okay, but you need to go back to wherever do your credit cards because they went through when I was at the stop. Correct. I don't want to that's a no. I told you that it went through. Explain you ain't got no business on my damn phone. They don't call me with this bull no mouth hold on what. I don't want to have to do. I don't want to have to come out to your home and compensate you this. I wish you would come after my house. Maybe we will beat you into bad health. You're bad. Not bring y'all over here. Look, you need to call up do your credit cards, get your prey with them, because your business with me is done. I got a receipt and I got any sticking towards out here. My lord, tell y'all you bring your over here there that listen, lady, I don't want to go back and forth with you on this, and that you ain't going back and forth. It's over with. I've got the TVs, I got a receipt. We it's done. I don't know what's wrong with your machine. Listen, my car Win. I'm trying to get her to understand. I understand what I'm saying. You can hang on one second and let me speak with my boss. Please on the phone. I tell YO bout y'all don't run me back. I got a receipt for fail TVs and I'm okay I'll fault TVs. Listen, you know this is pretty much considered a theft process. Process happen in Listen to me, pimp that I got a red feet for foul TV. I won't got to start wear my receipt. I got my extended warranting. So this ain't no self. What this is is as communication between y'all back. So you need to get YO right because I got a prepaid debit card. Baby, I don't owe nobody on them TV. So you need to call YO back and get them about my phone with this. It don't yall some TVs from a store and damage. You're gonna bring them back. Think you come get him get I got foul t VS. Yo done machine game to me and I'm gonna keep We're gonna watch them game. Oh Yo, TVs bring y'all over here to want to we do a moster tell with yo. So you call me by no TVs, no mote. So you're the one. Ain't gonna have no job for the holiday? Just what you're done? Some colling you got to give just for using bad credit card at department stores and I don't get your home? Then do you understand me? So that's Joe Tommy. You put the folk TVs back, then, Joe, Uncle tom trust the white man for his TV. You gotta get you a business or from a detailed shopper, start the raft label. Get so work fun the white folks don't come code front me by that TV. You're about to get this. Listen you listen to me. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Then you scare me? Are you lifting to me what you want? This is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Nobody his nephew come out. We're back the damn TV. This is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your girlfriend. Wait man, wait a minute, this is who Now this is Nephew Tommy Baby from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranking by your your girlfriend. Tell me almost got your se Just ht me up. Now you get that play with people like this. Oh man, I got one more thing to ask. What is the baddest radio show in the land. Oh that's Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is right there. Stupid is all get out and I will beat nineteen one January. That's pro. I just said this Sunday, West Palm Beach, Florida. The Nephew is coming to town. Take us on sale right now. Good God, I'm playing golf down there. Yes, Sam, that's gonna be strange too. I'm strange because I'm playing golf. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. The Strawberry Letter is coming up next. But first, Steve, we had such a good time last year of the sand and so we're doing it again this year. Folks. Listen to me. August thirty to September three. That's Labor Day weekend, August thirty to September three. You have got to break your reservations because this thing is selling like hotcakes. It is the second official saying that Soul Festival Weekend two thousand eighteen. Listen to this, y'all. I got seventeen events played out over five days and full nights for just one incredible time. The resort name is the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. It isn't beautiful. Poota Kanna, Dominican Republic, August thirty to the September three. Now, let me tell y'allself, it's all inclusive. I heard what you said when we were in the Bahamas. I felt you. I stayed in the same hotel y'all stayed in. Wasn't no different, Gonna do the same thing again. I'm with y'all on this one. This is all inclusive. Everything you eat is included, everything you drink is included. Twenty four hour rooms service is included. Leave your wallet at home. I am telling you every room listen to me. Every room has a jacuzzi and a balcony. Every single room you get free work, free WiFi calls back to the States. We got thirteen swimming pools, we got eleven restaurants, is twenty three bars and lounges at this place. Everybody gets a seven hundred and fifty dollar resort credit, you know, and you can use these seven hundred fifty dollar credits for like massages, spa services and hotel gift store. They got an eighteen hold Jack Nicholas golf course right there. I'll be on every day right there, and it has the largest casino in the Caribbean. All you gotta do is go to Steve Harvey Standing and Soul dot com. Go to Steve Harvey Standing and Soul dot com. Or you can call this number eight hundred six eight four five. I'm gonna give you a chance to get your pen, to get your phone out. You can call this number one hundred six eight four eight five. Now these are the invents and all this is included. We got a welcome party. This is where you come and you rep your city. You can rep your college, or you can rep your frat. You from Detroit. Your Detroit shirt on, You're from the Almighty Frats. Put them on, Soeratis, put them on. You went to college in the school. Put it on. You want to represent your cup and you want to wear your fan ex un phone. We don't give it that. Next night were having a players ball. Simply put the players ball. Come dressed to impress. That's all I'm saying. Come dressed to in plays raise a shop. Then we're doing a nineties party. I was thinking about doing a seventies party so we could dress up like the seventies, because that would be more pimper because right now on the website we got a nineties party. But that's because my daughter put it together. She thinking nineties. Her young ass don't know how holy damn people live is. That's coming because whatever we wolling in the eighties, we still had it on in the nineties and a lot of us still have. Yeah. Then we got a comedy show and we're calling this the Tears of Joy. We got your favorite comedians on that, and we gotta showtime at the Apolo night. If you think you gotta talent, I'm gonna let you come up and shorts, and then during the daytime, I'm gonna offer you one opportunity and act like a success mask a class that's just me, or I may bring in. I'm gonna try to get this other cat man that I think is really fabric But somebody will be there in a motivational capacity. Then we're gonna have the Beauty Ball, hosted by my lovely wife Marjorie. Gonna have a beauty Ball for all the ladies come through. Uh, we're gonna have a lot of stuff for you to try, discuss, learn about everything and that Uh. Then that Sunday we're gonna have to Stephen Marjory Harvey Charity Golf Classic, and then we're gonna have jazz and cocktails on the beach. We're gonna have cigars and Konjak rolled on site, cigars and yack Man, and then we'll have the all white concert. All this is included. Go to Steve Harvey sand and sould dot com. Steve Harvey Sanding Soul dot com. Y'all, you can put a little money down on it and hold it. You can payments on it as you go along. But reserve your hotel now because it's getting very very close to being sold out. It's not sold out right now, but it's getting very close. Sand and sold all inclusive. Leave your wallet at home. All you can eat, drink, be merry, do what you wanna do. We're gonna have a good grown folk time. This event. What's surpassed last year's event? At least double wow sounds great, Steve can't wait. Thank you guys, and we'll see the ladies there. I know for sure that Shirley it's coming. I know for sure Call is coming, and Monica, Mississippi is coming. I know they're coming, and I know Junior at all. Right, now, let's move to the letter. It is that time. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for yes, Strawberry letter subject A good man not trusted. That is the subject. Hello morning crew. So I've been in a really sationship with my fiance for seven years now, and I can't trust him. He's never done anything for me not to trust him, But looking at all the men in my family and knowing that they cheated, I can't trust him because I feel there is no way he's faithful. I have the mindset that all men cheat. My grandfather, dad, and uncles all cheated on their wives, and those idiots are still with them after they've been caught time and time again. I refuse to get hurt. I've never had a problem with females calling his phone or anything. But I can't trust him. He does everything for me. And the kids. Every day he comes home from work or school, I'm asking him if he's talked to any girls and asking him has he ever cheated on me? This is every day he says he's never cheated and will put it on his mother who is deceased and his kids that he's never cheated. What am I to do? Am I about to run a good man away? Uh? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, you could very well run this man away with your nagging every day. Uh. And if this has been going on for seven years, I'm really surprised you still there. But he must be a good man. But this letter is really really about you and your trust issues and your fear issues. You said this man has never done anything for you to feel this way. You're comparing him to all the men in your family who have cheated. I kind of understand that because that's what you saw growing up and and based on that you made an assessment about all men. But in relationships, you have to judge your man individually by how he treats you. You say he treats you well, he treats the kids well, he's coming home every day. Uh. Seven years is a really long time. Don't you want to get married one day, you're gonna have to trust someone. Okay, we're running out of time, but when we come back from the break, we'll have more of today's Strawberry Letters. Subject A good man not trusted. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter, subject A good man not trusted. Hello, Morno CRUs I've been in a relationship with my fiance for seven year is now, and I can't trust him. He's never done anything for me not to trust him, but looking at all the men and my family and knowing that they cheated, I can't trust him because I feel that there's no way he's faithful. I have the mindset that all me and cheat My grandfather, dad and dad and uncles have all cheated on their wives, and those idiots are still with them after they've been caught time and time again. I refused to get hurt. I've never had a problem with females calling his phone or anything. But I can't trust him. He does everything for me and the kids. Every day he comes home from work or school. I'm asking him if he's talked to any girls and asking him, has he ever cheated on me? This is every day he says he's never cheated, never will and he put it on his mother who is deceased and his kids that he's never cheated. What am I to do? Am I about to run a good man off? Yeah? Yeah, a matter of fact, you're You're lucky he's still there because i'd have been going out your crazy ass life. What you ain't gonna do for seven years, I'm doing the right thing, and you're checking me every day. I'm on the man side. This time. You need therapy. You need gonna sit out somewhere, check yourself into a class with a room full of multicultural people. You need to be with bouch Chinese women, white women, yourrigreat women, pig me women. You need to get in a group with all kinds of women. So y'all can set your crazy ass in the group in a circle and look at each other and say this mess to them crazy women over there. You need therapy. Your man has never done anything, but you are the mindset that all me and cheat and then just say and then these women didn't know they cheated. Still staying with these idiodiots. You've been with you for seven years. Don't you think he cheat? Ain't you still sitting your ass up to her? So? Now, who's stupid here? But you've been to run a good man off. The man ain't done nothing. I am stunned that he's still there. She's nagging him. Would a bendon got me somebody else? A matter of fact? What you ain't do to me make me you think I'm cheating? Show ye? Please? Lady, you need to go get yourself some help and quit doing this to this man. I don't know. No man gonna take this for everything right here? And then you say I refused to get hurt. You're hurting now. That's the line that I underlined in my letter. And you're hurting him, the kids, everybody. You can't trust me if you think, oh man, cheat what you want wanting for? You know you can go the other way. You know that's an available chance. Go get you a woman. Hello. Since you don't like me and all that, cheat, go get you a woman. Hello. That's a different answer, you know. Let's since we crazy, since crazy and we're doing crazy stuff, let's just do crazy stuff. I don't know what to tell you. Except you need therapy before you run this good man off who ain't cheated on you. But please know if you keep going, it's going to have to happen. All right, Steve, thank you. You know we gotta get out of here. We gotta go. Email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girls, Shirley and please join me today. It is going down today the very first one of the New Year. Facebook Live The Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook one pm today Eastern time. All right, now, Steve, let's get to her our girl from the talk first time. Sure, brother of Omega Corporate. And I saw your ignorance sitting up on your show dressed as me for New Year's Yeah, we're not shocking the most, Steve, yea to me, I got your back, and let me tell you something. First of all, I want to go to Santa So. And let me tell you why I want to go. I didn't clear my schedule, I didn't got my passport, I'm getting my shots. I want to go to Santa So. Why do I want to go to Santa So? So we can have the first annual Mr. Sanding Soul Contest ladies were chasing men because we got the money to do it. Yes, Steve Harvey saying it so. And let me tell you where I want to go. And and for all y'all get ready because we're going to the Jay's Fire, Shirley, you're gonna host. And what is that? That's the thirtieth that's two in l a at Jennie Brown Club. I need every single man in southern California to come on up into Jay Spot because in I'm gonna be so me and I'm gonna get me a man. Why because I met a man in the airport Omega sci Fi Steve Harvey, orthopedic Sergeant Steve Harvey. He's single, want to get your gonna be right? Let me, Junior, wait a minute, Junior, tell me tell you why he's not the man for me? Why? Because you want to have some children. Y'all know I had my transmission drop adopt what listen to me? Now, I'm not gonna do it, but let me tell you what I will do. First of all, I think when we spend all our money to look good and be sexy on the beach, I need dexter Saint Joaques dragging it through the beach to come on and be like, sarall be my woman. I'd be like, you know what, I'm just seeing I was saying, and it's so And when you say, what, Sara, why would you bring saying to the beach? I ain't got no beach and I ain't got no saying. That's why I gotta bring some men for the ladies. So, Steve, can I come to saying that's oh, why are you getting quiet on me? Well? I didn't know what you was going with all this here? You can come to say, So can I part of something? Okay? What can I? Can I be part of the first annual? Mr? Saying this whole content? So it's the finest dude on the continent that come and gather ain't gonna be in. I'm so glad you beat me to. We have been trying to do. Yea that he's not attractive. Well, Tommy fine, but Tommy ain't available. That's the problem. Ain't you're not attractive? You ain't available because I was spoken to feed your butt some cheap caveat about the grocery. So if you were sick, but you ain't available. And because he don't know what the real stuff. Okay, so Steve it's official carline. The wom would be at Santa So might be cracking some jokes, but I'm gonna bring some single man up and Sandy so it's going down. Baby, get your ticket right now. Find dudes on the beach, Fine dudes on the beach. Bring your listening on your baby off coming before he went after the hour, Carlos, girl in the building this they're O'Dell coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mine. Oh yeah, my lord shee hallelu my my mind h feeling mighty good in my soul today. Yes, I am. Good mornings. Everyone's mom. Sister den Hey, Cally, Hey, Sister Dale, Happy new year. Signing to you, sweetie, Hey Junior, Happy new year, Sister Odal comming, Yes, ma'am. Good morning Mony, Shirley, Well hello, and happy new year to your sister. O'Dell. We're all signing to you, Sweedie. Just doing brutal, just doing beautiful. What is y'all doing today? Just working? Just working? Um, you know how we do. Just working. And we're happy that you joined us last year. Yeah you new opportune hump am I hug oh baby, you know now, how should not put this to you? How should not what I'm just trying to see? Asked me? How you want me? Asked me again? What am I? Am? I attractive at all? Sort m h put it nicely. I tried, you wake it to him gently. That's why I just said the other option was here, not that. I just tries not to use that type of words with kids. That So just now, timey, you're not baby, You've never been attracted. Why do you say that, sister, you're eyes. I'm saying it because I got calls. I can see it's a sound confusion. No, but because he thinks he is, and it kind of hurts his feelings when people say, you know that, Timmy think a lot of things. Shure the Timmy think he right? Good plays too? Well, wait a minute, when he writes wonderful plays, don't nobody gonna see him? I thought that was a promotion. So once again, see he think he attracted, but don't nobody see it. That's all sweet. I'm not trying to hurt him. I'm just trying to be real with people. Okay, but let's look at the good side. You're funny, Okay, you know you can act. You're good on the y. They owe you the king of pranks. Now you're not attractive. Why would you think you're gonna be everything? M hm, Well you're just a little unattractive talented main one more time, just a little middle It didn't mean and you shout You're just a little shout unattractive talented main. Ain't nothing wrong with that, man, Hey, Gary Coleman made a lot of money, same way. And what was Gary cops or nothing but a little shout unattractive talented mad You know um citer deal. You know that Junior and Temmy raced last year at the end of last year. You know I've seen that on the incident. Yes man, it's a grammar Internet internet on on Steve Harvard dot com. Oh yes, man, I've seen it. My granddaughter showed it to me. Yeah, well Tommy lost it. I was just gonna say, so, now what is that making He's a little shot, unattracted slowman. But my point, cinter Dell is that no that it is my point. He always acting like he can do something be something that he ain't. And he rased killing you give your smoked it smoked him. I thought Steve had him in it. Now. But what I was gonna say to all that you would think that Tommy would stop there, but he says that he's going to continue this year. You know, were racing and you know, doing just doing things. Yeah, this boy don't need the race, nobody else. He's only read the only race you get in and have a chance. Maybe it's special Olympics. You need stop that now, you need to really start. Really you're going that's too false. Okay, well that's move on. Okay, sister o'dale Betty White, you know Betty White White the Golden Girls for many many years. Yeah, more show all of hot in Cleveland. Well, she celebrated, she will be celebrating her nine birthday. You know that's the first time you never told me a person that we're living. Well, she's ninety six. I thought you would sending tem and she was gone, oh no, next Wednesday, she's ninety six. You know we got Steve got the same birthday. Oh that's right. Did you know that she's Januinee too, and she from Cleveland was born on different sides of town? Though you think you couldn't heard it black ass over there in that halfpitter. She was in Well sister, you del Miss Betty White is saying that the secret to living a long life is to being positive, to drinking vodka and eating hot dogs. Where Tommy, you ain't gonna make it. Why are you saying that, sister, Because you're negative. You drink here and you're black asking took up cave. He's out of here, sister. You go wow, Now that's gonna make it. And he's a show unattracted slow and we got a ghost this through Della's so is a pleasure. Nice being here coming up at the top of the hour. I can lighten your day, your girl, Carla, since you O'Dell, we'll be here with reality updates. You're listening to Steve Harvey. Alright, it's that time, getting ready to get ready, to get ready. She is here, Carla Faraoh with reality update. All right, thank you sound ugly, No date intro was ugly. Alright, let's get going Real Housewives of Atlanta, Sister Odell, I wasn't really mad at this episode. The ladies did good. Now Kenya decided it got a little serious. She decided to film a p s A about domestic violence awareness. Shirley do you remember last season when Sara opened up about her abusive relationship with her ex husband Bob and uh, you know it got real serious when the ladies were talking about domestic violence. Well, Kenya decided to ask the ladies to put their differences aside and come together to be a part of this domestic violent p s A that she was producing. So it's good Kenya, Nini, Cynthia's mother, arre Man. Unfortunately, they have all been in abusive relationships and it was very serious and very emotional and therapeutic for the ladies. On another note, Shirley your girl Marlowe, she tried to get Nini and Porsche to squash their beef and invited them to have tea at her house so the ladies can talk out their different Marlow Marlowe, she's a friend of the housewives. I don't really know how, right, yes, man, No, ma'am no, ma'am no sister on the recurring character. Yeah, she's a recurring friend of the other Okay, I don't really know how. Cute house, Carla, cute house, marlow Yeah, she's a cute house, cute town home. Yeah. So anyway, surely, uh, they were there for this tea to try to work things out Nini and Porsche, but they would really drink and baking cranberry juice and teacups. But anyway, no tea there. But there was no resolution. Everything is still the same with these ladies. They were still beefend So there's still some tension between Nini and Porsche. But don't you think Porsche was sincere? She was sincere and Nini was just her body language and rolling her eyes. She wasn't Nini wasn't happened? Would you say Nini is a gangster? Yes? She hard to rationalize with gangster's hard. They don't talk good. Can I ask time your question? Go ahead? There's a hyper hy potential question. Hypothetical question because we tried to figure out what blood pressure question. Yes, that's just a high pertension question. You know, they ain't really real. If you had to date one of the girls on Atlanta Housewives, which one would you ni? Poshe City Bailey, Candy, Kenya Shardo and the other girl that I don't know that's on that a ref for girl, a recurr girl, oh Marlowe? Which one would you date? Sure? Right, that's my one right there? Right, she's so nice girl. Yeah, yeah, she's dating a guy in prison right now? What Hey, sister Hotel, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you came out of what you called them, the prison and she asked him what was he doing? I was like, what are you doing? Right? What you're doing? Drawn? Yeah? So anyway, so that's the Real Housewives of Atlanta. So everybody's up to date on that. Let's move on. There's a reality singing competition show. You guys, did you miss the first episode of the four? You know? DJ Kaletu? Yeah, Jad you see that bigger than that went out there and wanted yea, yeah, Well tonight it's coming on again tonight. You don't want to miss it. But this is what I want to say. Did he dj Kalott, Megan Trainer, Charlie Walking, Fergie, they're all coaches and hosting on the show. But Steve DJ Kalott stopped by your talk show and you guys talked it up. You guys chalked it up. You talked about everything, fatherhood, probably character which one. Yeah. I really enjoyed calid Man as our first time meeting man. My son told me said, Dad, you're gonna vibe with him. You're gonna really like him and I did. Man, good little good brother Man. How is the four different from other singing competition shows out there? First of all, it's called on There, It's Diddy on there. Now, I'm just being honest. To get Calida and Diddy on one TV show. That's legendary. That's an energy that can never be duplicated. Um, you got Megan Trainers, you got Charlie Walking, you got third as the host. And we're given opportunities to young artists to become superstars in the winner not only get a record deal, but get to work with me in the studio. Diddy, Charlie walk and Megan Trainer we go in the studio, we make music together. We have one but we also helped market. We also got a program with our Heart Radio or you're automatically get your song played the minute we give it to him. So you get your opportunity. You get all the opportunities of a superstar to become a superstar out the gate. My son changed my life. UM, I'm so excited about being a father. He's my biggest blessing. God has blessed me in so many ways. But when you give me my son, and my queen gave me my son my whole life change, meaning as in like I'm living now. This is like like I know what living is for real. Now this is like the purest form of love. And everything I do is for my son. You know what I'm saying. So if I mean saying that, you know I love my parents and now I know why they love us so much. Besides that's being blood. It's a different frequence, you know what I'm saying. See, real manhood is when the day arrives when you love someone else more than you love yourself. Well, I'm a real man. You know I'm a I can tell you that for a fact. You know you're you're full grown all the way than you from that. But I'm a great interview. All the stars stopped by your show, Steve on the Talk show. But I really enjoy watching and listening to that. You're doing your things, sir. Don't miss the episode. Don't miss Steve's talk show. You gotta make sure you check your local listings for that, and also check out the four tonight on Fox and that's Reality Updates. That's it, guys, Monny, after we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so wait a minute, Carla, you had one more thing you wanted to say about little women you ain't saying by little women. Oh, Junior, your show is back, Little Women of Atlanta. So here check this out, Junior. So one of the twins, you know, the tiny twins, we as them Andrew and Amanda. Okay, well it seems like Andrew is pregnant again. Amanda's upset because it's how they're gonna make money being the tiny twins when you know you keep havingnant right right right here. So yeah, they are so no, not a lot of babies. She just had a baby out and now she's pregnant again. And you know, they're entertainers, the tiny twins. They are so adorable. They're cute. But anybody on the show, Junior. She wanted to run a five K charity run to show that little people could do it too. You know, this was her thing. She had encouragement from her friends. You know, her mom was like, I don't know, but when the race started, right out the gate, she got a cramp. She pulled a muscle. Just what we brought this story, people, just muscle from you ain't got no billers and trying to bucks out run hold on, wait through. I got to ask you something about hey, when you beat me running that fine grant? Did your manager take tim person in it? Oh? Okay? Did you give it all to the keys like you saw to thank you saw to thank you? No? I didn't. I didn't honestly, Oh you did? Okay, well we shouldn't. You wish it to team? Yeah, but you had the kids got thank you. They said thank you uncle Tommy with your slower. But I said you did dirty bath I think, okay, yeah, good dirty when that something? When when he was? When he taking yours too? All rights on? O. J. Simpson says that he is not the father of Chloe Kardashian. You know how that rumor has been floating around for years and years? Man, we knew that. Yeah, yeah, why does he still talking? Well he's out now, Tommy. But but be quiet though. Why did you talking? Yeah? Well he can't, he can because that rumor has been floating around for years. Steve that he was Chloe Kardashian's father because she looked so different from the rest of the Kardashian girl You don't think they would have said something by now, well she dream they had, Yeah, they were dressing. They talked about it on the show that she thought oh J was her daddy. Well, she talked about the rumor that was out there, and didn't she call him while he was in prison Chloe or something like that. Yeah, what she say, Well, she didn't say hi, daddy. She didn't do it. He didn't say that. Okay, after that trial they was over. Yeah, Rob was doing him. So that look he had on his face, yeah, yeah, yeah, he was through with him. Yeah, oh J. When he was asked the question, he just laughed it off, saying, I don't think for me, I have anything to do with it. I would be proud, but trust me, I had nothing to do with it. What do you do better? Like making gloves or something like if he wanted to have a business that he can. Hey, we gotta go that. But more of this ignorance. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, right, row, this show went fast today, all right, Steve Sandon. So people are excited about it. We're excited about it. Uh, second annual. This is gonna be the event August thirty through September three. I need everybody to come on out and join us. This one is gonna be so much bigger, so much better than the first one. I heard all the people had a great time on that first one. But I also heard the concerns you all had, and so they instantly become my concerns. And so we thought about it and thought about it. And the first things. First, I want you all to leave your wallets at home. Don't bring it, because I have found the most gorgeous place for us to do an event for standing souls. Second one, and I found it in the dr Dominican Republic, in the beautiful island of Punticanta. Yeah, so now Punicona in the d R. The third and from August to September three, all inclusive. All the foods you want included, all the drinks you want included, twenty four hour room service included. Leave your wallets at home every room. Every room got a jacuzzi and a balcony, every room free WiFi, thirteen poods, eleven restaurants, twenty one bars and lounges. You get a seven hundred fifty dollar resort credit. You can use these resort credits for massage, spa services and at the hotel gift store. We got a golf course right next door. Got the largest casino in the Caribbean or the Caribbean, whatever you want to call it. But go to Steve Harvey Saying and Soul right now, everybody and check it out. Go to Steve Harvey sand and Soul dot com and check it out. If you want to talk to somebody, one eight hundred six eight four. I'm gonna give you that number again. Here we go, one eight hundred six eight four eighty five. Here's the events that's included. Got a welcome party. Want you to rep. This is called rep night, REP, youse city, REP, your college, REP, your frat, your sorority, you can rep, your your job, whatever you want to rep. But put a shirt on. Got something on it. Players ball raise a sharp dressed to impress nineties party, which I may change to a seventies party dressed like the seventies. That might be cooler for us. We got comedy show called Tears and Joy with your favorite comedians. We gotta show time with the Apollo thing gonna be doing. I gotta act like a success masterclass. Got the Beauty Ball hosted by my wife Marjorie got the charity Golf Classic. We got jazz and cocktails on the beach. We got cigars and Kanya rolled on site. We got all white concerts. It's gonna be crazy. Man, Sand and Soul this year is in the d R. Anybody hear me, Connor, that's where we're going, hard rock hotel and casino. Look at them, it's absolutely gorgeous. Go to Sandy Soul Making Reservation. Put your money down on it, the whole your spot. Man. We got some wounds left, but we're getting close. I don't want you to get left out. I may have to open up a second hotel, so Harry, I'm so you stay in the main one, but I may have to open up a second hotel. That's how good it is, going the church man man again again. And so all right we'll be back with our final breaking the show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right here we are, last break of the day. Just one more thing, Steve. So happy that you've brought back your closing remarks too. I mean, you know people love them. You started them right here in l A and their worldwide now and people love them. And I think I've thought about it because I said, man, what else could I do to make a more valuable contribution? And one of the things I came up with was just to share my experiences with closing remarks because, um, look, I've learned a lot in my life. I've been through some things. I look, I ain't been through no more stuff than nobody else. That's not what I'm saying, because you know, whatever you're going through is all relative. But I've gone through a lot of different challenges. I've won a lot, I've lost a lot. I've gotten up, but i've been down. I didn't got over because I've been under, out of want, because out of lost, and so I'm able to share experiences with people. But one of the most the biggest change you can make in two thousand and eighteen, it's simply your mind set. You know, you actually have a say soul in your future. Two thousand and eighteen can be the best year of your life. But can I tell you something, you have a say so in that it's not been predetermined that you're going to have a horrible year. That's not true. Now, let me explain something to you. When I say you have a say so in that. What I mean by that is you have the decisions you can make to make this a great year. Now, in your decision to make this a great year, it doesn't mean that bad things are not going to happen to you, because that's life. You can't do anything about what happens to you. You can't stop life from happening. But remember this life is temper cent. What happens to you, it's what you do about it. Let's take, for example, we will lose someone we care about this year, probably, or we will lose someone we know. We're going to face some disappointments this year. We are going to be disappointment disappointed this year. We are gonna face some hardships this year. We are gonna face some setbacks this year. We are going to be faced with huge decisions. This year, we are going to be hit with some bad news. Something's gonna come in blindside us. We're gonna come under attack this year. That's gonna happen to everybody, all of us. That's not negative, that's just what's gonna happen. But guess what, since we already know that's what's gonna happen, let's just talk about what you can do about it, because the one thing you can control is your mindset, your attitude. If you project positive images, if you project positive thoughts, you will attract positive images, and positive thoughts shall come back to you. If you're a positive person, you will then react positively even to the things that are going to happen to you in life. You act positive. If you're a negative person, you're gonna act negatively to it. And not. This thing that happened is gonna be magnified because you see no good in it nowhere. You have a say so in your life. You actually have the power to have or say so in the direction and outcome of your life. Let me give you one simple scripture, one very short scripture that changed my life. You have not because you ask not. It's very simple, folks. Most people don't have the life of their dreams because they never asked God for it. You keep trying to go through your life figure out how you are to do it, or you keep waking up in your life just talking about well, maybe to go like this, maybe to go like that. No, no, no, no, no, you have a say so in this, But most people you have not, cause your ass not It's one of the biggest, most important scriptures in our life, and we failed to realize what it is. Man, do you realize that you could have a great life if you included God in your discussions every day? Do you know how it important it is to ask God for everything you want? Most people ain't rich today because you never asked God, could you be rich? Oh? Yes, I did? No, no, no, I mean ask him and waited on it, asked him and waited to see how he wanted to give it to you. I'm not talking about if you go down there and buy power ball or a lottery ticket every week. I'm talking about if you really put your faith in him and asked him, and then after he provided you to answer, were you willing and are you willing to do the things that's necessary? Because I can't tell you how many people I come with me and they asked me man with Steve, okay, give me something solid I could do to get to where you at. And then when I tell him everything I do to get where I'm at, Man, I ain't gonna do on that. Okay, cool? Well, what you want me to tell you? Do you want me to tell you? It's not easy? Being successful. It's very doable, and most people could be successful if they were willing to do the things that was necessary. They just don't see it the right way. God is a big God. God got big stuff. He do big stuff. Ask God for some big stuff. You have not cause your ask. Now, ask God for some big stuff and see won't he give it to you. He'll do it, man, he'll do it. If you're willing to work. Faith with our works is dead. God will give it to you. That's my only explanation for my existence today. I have no education. I'm not that smart, really not. But you know what, I know how to ask God, and I'm willing to work. You put them two things into play. Change your attitude. You can have a major say so in your out of the two thousand and eight two. Adjust your attitude, You adjust your outitude. You can have a great two thousand eighteen. Okay, havena cause you as I bet if I was you, I would start asking God for the biggest steps for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules physics, Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.