Differences Between Rich and Poor People - 08.15.17

Published Aug 15, 2017, 3:50 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving the mo like the mozen buck bus things and it's tub y'all do me true good at Steve Hardy, Yeah, listening to me toach other for still farther quick to listen money, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah by joined into being men said you gotta turn letting go. Yeah, you gotta turn the turnow turn lobby. Got the turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show, got going for you today? I got going for you today, Okaid, You're not because this is coming purely from self experience, purely, and it just happened to me. You know, I was going through something that I've been going through for a long long time and just weary of it all. And I I've been talking to God about it, and I mean for for years though, for years, and I've been saying, Okay, enough is enough, you know God, I'm really I'm really tired and so but you, But you know what h after it was over. You know, I kind of laid in it for a little while. You know, how you've been going through something for so long and then even if it's over appears to be over, you steve a kind of lay in it a little bit, and you know, you have a a while. Man, I can't believe I've been dealing with this this long, even though even though it's over, or you threw with it for that particular day or what or whatever it is you threw with it, it's over with for that day of that period of time, you know, but it's over for whatever. But I I found myself going, you know, man, I can't leave. It's lasted this long. I was just talking to myself and I had to catch myself yesterday. And maybe you've been doing the same thing to yourself, But man, I had to take an inventory yesterday. I really did, and it really tripped me out, and I said, I'm gonna share that with everybody today. You know, have you ever counted how many times you made it? This is really good for me. I don't know how you do it, but this was so good for you for me. Have you ever counted Steve Harvey, how many times you made it? And so that's what I started doing yesterday, And that's what I did this morning when I woke up, was getting ready, I was actually taking an inventory account of how many times I made it. How many times, man, I didn't have it rent and somehow I came up with it. How many times I didn't have my house payment and somehow I came up with it. How many times I was out of money, did not have enough, didn't didn't see no way, but somehow I came up with it. How many times I got sick? I thought, well, man, this is right here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but somehow I got my health back. How many situations I have found myself in? That was I thought at the time, detrimental and diabolical and man so sinister at times, But look at me, somehow I made it. I look at all the accidents I've been in, but he kept me. I made it. I think about even the simplest times of like stepping off a curve and almost got here, but I made it. I was just tripping the other day. I was I was thinking about the times that I've been hit by a car and it could have been worse, but it wasn't. And I made it through that too. I was thinking about, man, when they count you out? Do you know how many times I've been counted out? He's done? He ain't gonna be nothing, He ain't nobody See what I told y'all, look at over that they counsel this, he offer that he out of here, He ain't gonna make it. He didn't got fired. Man. You know how many times I've been counting out? You know how many times they didn't wrote me off? How many times have you been written off? Man? But here you still stand? You know you have a tripped on it? Taking inventory y'all of how many times? Count the times you've made it? Sit down, get a pin, dude like I did. I just started jotting stuff down. What about the times man, when nobody was there to encourage you? But you still here though you have tripped on that? Ain't nobody called you and told you good day? No nobody called you and told you recently thank you. No one's called you and told you how much you meant to them, how much you've done for them? A man, that you can make it, Never give up. Keep your head up, man, keep grinding, but you still here even when nobody have you counted the times man, that you made it anyway? You counted the times that you felt like quitting. How about that one you felt like giving up? You kept going? How about the time this is a good one right here? How about the times man, when when when when everybody was standing around saying, ain't no way, ain't no way, Steve, Man, I can't tell you every times I've heard it, ain't no way, and then somehow there is a way. You know why, because he makes away. You understand. You know how many you know how many times I've heard this one right here, Steve, listen to me, Man, nobody ever before has done that. You can't do that. How many times you've heard no you want you know anybody that done that? You can't do that. No one has ever done that. I made it anyway? You know, they don't normally or we don't normally allow this, but in this case, for you, we're gonna make an exception. How many times have you heard that, Oh, I think I'm on to something. How many times have you heard in your lifetime? We don't normally or they don't normally allow this, But we're gonna make this exception in your case. How many times you'vedn't heard that? Have you ever counted the times that you made it? You know? Everybody out except me? How how can that be? You know you're the only one that got through this? Congratulations? Wow? Man, I don't I don't hardly see this too many times. But do you realize that normally this is what happened to people? But man, y'all don't know how your name came up, but here you are. Wow, it never happens like that. You have accounted those times I was doing it yesterday, I was doing it this morning. I was just taking an inventory of everybody of how many times I've made it. So what I learned yesterday was when God gets you through something, when he pulled you out on the other side, no matter how difficult or how long it took. When He gets you out on the other side, aren't you get up, dust yourself off, and start trotting what you laying there for? Man? Wallowing in it, going over it, recycling it in your mind. So many people can't move forward because we keep recycling stuff in our minds when clearly it's time to move on. It's time to let go. It's time to go and see what God has for you. Stop looking at what you lost. What you lost was probably not yours to have in the first in the first place. Do you know the things I've lost? I'm not talking about losing the love of one or mother or father, nothing like that. I'm talking about innate objects or situation. Do you know the things I've lost? Man, I look back on it. I wasn't supposed to have them in the first place, or they was doing me no good. I it wasn't what wouldn't mine to to lose, but I claimed I lost it. Come on, man, take an inventory everybody. Start looking at the things man, that God has brought you through. Start looking at how many times He allowed you to make it. And get glad about waking up in the morning. Man, get glad about your life. Start feeling something positive about your situation. You cannot expect God to continue to bless you if you're not grateful for the things that you have. Come on, man, have you ever counted how many times you made it? I started yesterday ended up this morning. When I go on break, I got some most stuff to throw on the list. I can't count how many times God didn't got me through something. But when He gets you through it and get up and get on about your business, don't lay that in it. It's over, it's done, you made it, you survived it. Let's go, Let's go. You're listening to lady is a gentleman for ones and girls. Man, have your attention, please please welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Shoot. Today's show is dedicated to all of the loving, hard working men and women, boys and girls who work out dough if you out door, yeah outside, even the ones at the airport that bring that plane in rules like ring on the back of a garbage God, bless you. Yeah, rufus people that brain put up satellite, this climb and telephone po farmers. Bless you, bless you're heart, bless you liked you work outside. Ladies and gentlemen, dedicated to you. Hey, Steve, I've never had an outside show. It worked out. You're so bush. I am not. I'm just ain't never worked outside, worked outside. How I don't know, like what would I like mowing lawns and stuff? Yes, it's for boys. Do you know one girl that moses tennis court swabbing tar down on the bridge on seventy one camel. Yeah, now jumping Jack's very few though, Yeah, laying down concrete, putting farms up, being outside farming plow. Okay, I'm the only one that's never had an outside job. Yeah, what did you do, Carla? She said she had announced work for the Census Bureau. Oh yeah, doe to dope. You know, Monica worked outside Mississippi. The ain't even don't even have in dough. They just now started building buildings in the sixth The first builders went up in the sixties. You was born in the seven like your first building with ten years old. Her jobs was outside, Yeah nothing, catfish, championships everything, Monica in all that. Man, Shelley Man, get you bad and boush. I haven't but just worked as a park Yeah the p You ain't know, washed cars, wash the car man. I worked at the car outside. I know, I'm nothing. You ain't done windows or nothing like that. Windows as a job. Let you get paid for no, he your hair to sweep. Yeah, that's at home, that's not that's not a job. You black moment, Just get me that whatever. We just ch white girl anyway, all right, coming up Junior's Truth to Be Told. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it's time for something funny. Let's go with Junior's Truth Be Told. And then I'm gonna give you guys a list of words. Steve, You're in on this as well. Uh, let's start with the letter b okay that you guys are constantly messing up always alright, told, real fast. Let me just remind you body. September is the Sickle Sale five k Walk for Keres Hope and Run. I am doing that. I want you all to come out to Oyster Creek Park in Houston, Texas. It is benefiting the Mark Thomas Foundation for everyone that's in the Austin area Dallas. You come on down on September six This is a run. It's my first annual run and I'm really excited about it. So please come on out September sixteen Creek Park in Sugarland, Texas. And I'm committed to its first year. So it's really just gonna cost. I'm an a girl, I'm all right. You know, people think that if you don't speak with them, then there has to be a problem. You know. They think that they really do believe what's wrong with you? You know? So I get a text message from a family member that redd when family and friends go through life not speaking, there will come a day to regret it. It's called the funeral. Well, I respond to that family member, real civil truth. If I go first, what I'm trying to hope to do. If I go first and I don't have them I read it to regret it? Really the fact that you sent it over there and you still haven't got a response, what that means. I'm not mad. I just don't speak to you like this. No, I don't have time like like this. Is this people to understand If you text somebody and you look at your text law and all other text messages are from you, dave responding you a message back. If the last message you got from me was married Christmas, I don't want that. We just don't talk. That's that's not my fault. If you kept telling people to tell me that you said call you, guess what I ain't call. I just want you to understand that I'm not mad at you. I just don't have to talk to you. So you can be mad. You won't do Yeah, Okay, it is called the funeral. But then knowing you, and while I'm not talking to you, I won't even be mad when I shouldn't get up get what confidence a lot? Like everybody here lies a great individual, someone to live beyond aman a life changes. I can get up that a lot with the best stuff. That's all I got to say. All right, thank you again. Before you figure out I'm not talking. If you send a bunch of I'm not talking, I just ain't talking. Sometimes it's good to cut people out of every you know, I ever said everybody should not be in your life? I do it all right. These are words, yes, yes, that you guys constantly messed up. It's just all right. I believe so. No, you're standing wrong, fed Steve believe so it is? That does? I believe? So? It's take keeping it gag, I believe. So? How is that so hard? Or bleed? That bleed? That bleed? I like that. Yeah, I'm about to go. That's still wrong. It's about to go about to go. Yes, I've been here long enough. Now I'm about to go. What you going to do? About to go? About to go? About I'm about to go, guys, okay, all right, And and about this word about. It's about by the way about it's about to go down, but it's about to tell that about to go outside your head? Yeah about? All right? How about this one? Bring one back for me? As in can you bring one back for me? So wrong? So wrong? What what did you say? Bring one back for me? As in can you bring one back for me? Bring back? When you go to stone get you stuff and bring back one too, Yeah yeah, bring back that sounds yeah all right? Can you back that up for me? Please? That is the proper way to say it. It's backed up? What did you do it? Back up? Backed up? Backed up right and back up. It's something that's even mold like. You don't let me go off the record here, okay, teach you how to talk to talk and I must see your U B words now. I want you to, okay say it didn't happen. It didn't happen. Bloated not blew it, miss that hold off to it? You you bload it? Okay? This you guys get this mixed up all the time, messed up. Panties know exactly you know what that is? Panties? Yeah? What would make you one? What would make you leave a fight? Leave a club real early. So you're in the club, you're having a good time. You got to get about it. Let's go. They're about to fight, about to fight, about to fight. I gotta get up in here because I feel like they're about to fight or sense to fight, us to fight. It could be fixed to fix. Okay, Okay, say this, Steve, you will not that mad purpose. Everybody understands. Everybody been on the show for seventeen years with you in particular, and you want to say be words. I gotta asked me again, say the same thing you want. You will not. You will not go to break. And we're about to go to break. Okay, we will be right back. We are about to go to break last okay, gorgeous, gorgeous back back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Hey dad, coming up at the top of the hour MS and will be here with today's national headlines, of course, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back, run it back now, all right, just for all your chilly ladies out there, bottom up, peer mean bottom. I'm not gonna say nothing this time, baby to your baby, not at all know your baby. Wait your baby could be that your base. They're about to drop your baby. Well, your baby gonna get dropped. Nobody strong enough can have the little flies down here waiting on this morning, waiting long. You can't be the nine year old and you wont fit. You asked the base. We already and had trouble fat and you a skirt. Let's go to the let's go here you go? Hello, Hello, hello, hello, yeah, can you hear me? I'm trying to reach Angela and on just a second, let me count it down. Okay, Hi, how are you trying to reach I'm trying to reach Angela. This is Angela. Oh yeah, this hi Angela. This is Chip Chip. I'm the new camp director for the cheerleading camp for the summer. Hi, Chip, What can I do for you? I just wanted to give your courtesy. Call your daughter. You've got her signed up for four weeks with the camp, right yeah. Yeah. This is your guys, third year being a part of the camp. Yep, and she's really excited. She loved coming to the camp and we think it's a great thing for how to be involved in. What's that? Okay? You guys just finished the whole cheerleading season two, Am I right? The competition season? Yes, that's coming off of that, right, right, Okay, Well, we're getting ready for the summer, you know, where everybody's excited about coming out and being a part of what's going on. So here's what I wanted to give you a little bit. Like I said, I'm the new camp director. I was just starting at this job. I got a few notes that that we're given to me about about, so I wanted to give you a call and see if I could talk to you about it. A few notes given to you about Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't think it's anything that we can make sure it's okay. What kind of notes? Well, it's been brought to my attention that some of the parents whose daughters are out there as well, there's gonna be there this summer a little concerned about her being on top of the pyramid, that she's uh is getting a little heavy, should she uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ho ho ho you calling me about some some other parents and saying about how big Micheal is or how much machal Wait. What I wanted to let you know was was we're gonna put as a a base. No, you ain't gonna put no bake. I don't not to say my money and what you say? Your name? Chip? And um, how long have you been the director? Because I was just up there two weeks ago and they told me that she was gonna be the same position that she was last year, because that is what worked, that's the formation that worked. So I don't even know what the supposedly that some of the girls are complaining that she's too heavy to hold up. So that's what seems to be the problem in there. They're not getting a strong enough pyramid. And now wait a minute, wait a minute, I know, well, she ain't the biggest one. I felt if you've been I felt, my child is not the biggest child. I fell when because to you, I've not seen these chiles and if somebody's so most I felt, Okay, hang on a second, Angela, I want you to come down a bit now, anybody gonna calm down because I had not already paid my money. And this is that I'll be talking about what parents, what Nerrison said? Something is it? Is it? Carrie Man, I'm not I'm not gonna state who it is, but let's just say it was several. Harris has got something to say about my child and her position on the chill leading squad. Because if you ain't gonna up no name, I don'tna listen what you're calling me about. I'll tell you one thing. When she get out, tell I didn't pay my money, she bet not be on the base. She better be in the hour. I guarantee you that. Right now, I've been hanging with and then nobody said nothing to me about in her way and all that. Okay, Angela, can you hear me? I just wanted you to hear me clearly. I haven't seen these young ladies yet. Once I see them, I will critique what I think. You don't even need to be calling me because you ain't even seen nothing. So you're calling me with him. He says, she's from some other parents that's been skinny and gritted in my face, and they now wanted to say nothing to me. They have been in my house. We didn't have parties always he competition every week end, every other day, and they couldn't say nothing to me about my baby. I tell you what, why don't you call your girls on the three way? Miss the chill, if you can't call him on the three now, I got them. I called him on the three way. Okay, Okay, Look, all I wanted to do is make you aware of the possibility that she may be Thank you you have made you oh ware. And I guarantee you that if I bring my big yellow something and come to the practice, I guarantee you she won't be a space. How much you want to bet on that, Mr Chill, Look, you're gonna quit holler. I mean, I told you I would try to take a look at these girls. But I tell you what your thought is gonna be a face or she's gonna be a back support, whichever I decide, she's who? And the do you think you're holling that? Mr? Chill? No, that's not how it's gonna go down as a matter of fact. As fact, Mr Chill, are you at the registration, Say but two days I'm here now while people are registering and turning around. I'll tell you what. I'm all my way up there. Why don't you and the parents thats been complaining. Why don't all y'all come to the table, and we're gonna have come to Jesus meeting about whether it's gonna be for some enough season, because I'm not going to tolerate this. I've been told you, I haven't paid my money and this high is going down. What what is it to you? Whether game wait or not? What does guy have to do with her chip meeting? Do you agree that probably bigger than most of the girls on the team is not bigger than most of the girls on the team? Uh mon, daughter, it's bigger than and she wasn't no banks last ship they hiked up up. You don't get up to We are just gonna be big impromp up in the air. I can't turn the round and I'm here to tell you the table. Lets be with it before you get here. There's something else I need to tell you. Ain't gonna tell me something. All you gotta do is men, have you and the stairs around that table when I get there, because I'm on my way up there right now. Then y'all can say all y'all gotta say in my face before you get it. I just want to let you know, man, what this is nephew time? Who this is on this phone? Wait? Wait, wv hollo, what did you just say? This is a nephew? Times from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Be god, Oh lord, hell, there's another pair named Rochelle. She told me, y'all are good friends out there. Oh she got so she want to break out, like we're gonna see the season start. My stot the uniform. She'll be able to perform. We looking for hers? How am I think I want to break out? Oh many? Let me ask, baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lag love other than they show there? It is people, good job, she told her. And you can believe that. I believe that. Stop it, Steve, don't say nothing, but I got practiced tonight. I gotta go. You know they listen to you. I didn't all of that. M knock her soup up. She's this game after how they chill with all that that they got? The rats can't see the game has nothing to be cheered for the wrong teams. Yeah, they don't even truck back Today's place without him. This way, Shirley Carlor, come out, all of you all on this show. Y'all going over there this way to Colo was in the car killing Colin was in the content. Then together and that's how we came up with that bag. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm signing usun jack with today's headlines. According to Men's Health magazine, guys, scientists have yet to develop a magic pill that helps you lose weight without dieting, but some engineers claim they created a gadget that does do the job. The inventors of this gadget, called Modius, claim their invention helps you lose weight by decreasing your appetite and increasing your metabolism. One of the creators claims he reduced his own bad body fat by in just a year. That's great, but of course there is a catch. Guys, there is a catch. This Modius thing draps to your head and delivers electric shocks to her brain. You knew it was going to be a catch, but there you look like what it's targeted. Of course, this thing sends low level electrical impulses to the part of the brain that controls body temperature, thirst, and hunger. Who wants to be skinny? This bad? I mean, okay, who cares about your brain getting fried a little bit? If you can have six pack abs, anybody, anybody? Now you're just sitting back to the house. You a big sex, right, they got they got a white deal mount every twenty minutes. But you find Yeah, but you look good, you got a six pack. You're sitting who ring dude with the diaper? Diaper? Yeah you got you can't hold your apps. You cut and searched that treatment. One of the guys that created it claims he reduced his own body fat by in just a year. Yeah, but you to shock yourself for a year and you're eating ribs through a straw juice. Real, but this is crazy. I mean, we all want this, but you know no, you don't. You there's just no easy way. There's no easy way, and you got to eat work. Yeah, and I've been doing it, man, I've been eating right. This is your third week or second that we're entering my third week? Wow, okay, you feel better? You feel better? Well, I've lost six pounds so that this week all right? But it's slow, you know, it's a little slow for me. I want to really get that. But if I just stay at it and stay consistent, and I haven't even began to really get it yet, my body will and about another week start. Really, So are you lifting or you just doing cardio. You're doing both. Know that's the quickest way to really do it the right way. Resistance training is necessary. I've been having sex. He shut the room down. Did you hear the silence? No, I'm just waiting for this dunk, okay and coca. It's a great it's a great workout, guys. I'm just two a day because you got even here, because you know, I know it's a great workout for you because you shot that. Ain't got nothing to do, you know what, many times you got the jump. We gotta go. I'm glad whatever, ladies and jentlemen. Here she is by herself, miss and for m self, corning everybody out there. And there's a lot of news to talk about. Solistigated on. Republicans as well as Democrats criticized Donald Trump's initial response to the racist violence in Charlottesville, because the President said it was caused by quote many sides, the negative reaction was swift. In fact, besides politicians, the CEO of the pharmaceutical company Merk withdrew from President Trump's American Manufacturing Council to protest Trump's not calling out the hate groups right away by name. So yesterday afternoon, the President got much more specific. Racism is evil and those who cause violence and its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, Neo Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. By the way, the US Justice Department says there's a new federal statute prohibiting domestic terrorism, although the U s Attorney Jeff Session says it may not apply in this case. Meanwhile, James Fields, that's the twenty year old Ohio man accused of using his car to ramans to a group of people who were protesting the supremacy the white Supremacist rally, and who killed one woman and injured nineteen others. This guy feels charged with murder as well as other charges. He says he couldn't afford an attorney, so one was assigned to him. Feels appeared by video from jail. Another hearing has been set for August twenty five. Until then, James Fields remains in jail. There's a report that this guy, several years ago was accused of beating his wheelchair brown mother and of threatening his mother with a knife. By the way, officials at Texas and M University have abruptly canceled a white racist rally that was scheduled to take place there next month. This amit bipartisan pressure from state lawmakers who said that hatred should be rejected in all forms despite the First Amendment. A former A and M student named Preston Wigginton was planning what he was gonna call a White Lives Matter rally with some other White Lives rat rallies, rather planned for some other campuses around the country. Thorry to say they were arrested. A man who want to bomb a building in Oklahoma City. R S Jerry Drake Bartel, was plotting with undercover FBI agents who he didn't know ages and wanted to replicate the Oklahoma City bombing twenty two years ago to kill so many people and a multi racial group of fans held a demonstration last weekend outside M ANDT Bank Stadium in Baltimore in favor of the Ravens hiring Colin Kaepernick. They're gonna be similar rallies. In fact, it's going to be something tomorrow at five pm in New York City outside NFL headquarters for that. Finally, today is National Cupcake Day. Lemon Meringue Pie Day and National Cowboys and Cowgirls Day. This has been answered. We'll be back with you g in the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. If you want to stop your hair from thinning and reverse and regrow those thin edges, you need the Vitalize Hair regrowth System. I've been using the system and can tell you firsthand Vitalize will work for you. The ingredients and Vitalized or clinically proven to provide thicker, fuller hair to go to thin edges dot com right now or call eight hundred, eight hundred seventy five seventy seven with the money back guarantee. You've got nothing to lose but those thin edges family then edges dot com or call eight hundred, eight hundred seventy five seventy seven eight hundred, eight hundred seventy five seventies seven, Ladies and gentlemen, j Anthony brown you need to put your hands together. Well the one thank you save match, Oh my god, thank you, thank you. Now it's going well. Anthony Browns. Good morning to the entire crews, Steve Harvey, Charlie Strawberry, Carla Ferroll, Tommy and Junior. Good morning to everyone on Butterfly, Good morning, good morning. No you make him happy. J Anthony gives me the boost that I need. You know what I'm saying. It just it puts me where. It's in a good place anyway. It's um listen. Today is National Lemon Marine Pie Day. All right, So it's PI Day. And I know you guys were talking about eating healthy and all that, but every once in a while you have to cheat. So one day this week you have to cheat. So if you had to cheat, which type of pie would you cheat with? If you had to cheat? Man, why don't you do your segment? Why you drag us in where to stop doing these surveys? I don't nobody want to help you don't want to ask the pard your segment? Why I'm doing this first? Why it ain't national? And why do why you want us to help you with your segments? I'm just asking you for anything. You're just the first persons outside. That's how I'm like, though I'm not laughing. That's your segments, Sweet Potato Pie, Butterfly, Thank you so mad See that that was not that hard. Thank you? This it's very and then she did not have a prowle read it, Jinia, what's yours? Unfaithful? Path? Unfaithful? Huh? Segment right? What's a diabetic? He's not even in this chicken pot pie? That's all you can eat? Right, that's the only Poe. Come on your segment? A work for Dan? What do you do that? Okay? Cool, Julia, faithful pack Jay sleep was a magpie? What is a magpie? Like con pie? What's yours? Butterfly? I got another one? What's you? What's your cheat? With a crack pipe? Steve Harvey? I thought, he said, Pike, we got a girl. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for comedy Roulette, Jake, here we go. What it is is you guys test out comedy ability each week. So we take five subjects put them on a putay. All right, here we go. Here at the topic for today. Number one, people I hate on my job. That would be doing Number two. Your mama keeps hitting on me. That's like your mama. Okay. Number three I thought they were dead already. That's a man. Yeah. Four oh Jay four Jehovah's Witnesses. Funny number five. Here we go, people with a nasty house. Okay, those are your five willcat you know, people on your job. Let's glass what you want to do? Every I want I want? Let you stop on. Okay, oh, people with a nasty right, let me start. Let me start this all. First of all, if they got a nash the house, you don't have to get in the house to see how nash it is. It starts on the porch. They nat you ain't got all the way in the house to see the night. That's right, man to tell you what he like about. You know, somebody got a house. When you get there and they invite you in, they're so glad for you to be that. Come on there, you ben't get the chunk of your what you got somebody's house and it's a washing machine on the back. Ready you get wreck. That's just the beginning, all right. You know a house nasty when they cook it outside on an open trash can and won't go inside. They used the phrase right here now, I haven't cleaned up in a while. Let you know right there, it's real damn gonna be us with y'all the minimum occupancy. If it's seven that the minimum and people coming out of nowhere n ear anybody, ain't none of the damn Pitts house track about this here. You know it's bad when it's big trash day and they start trying to load the house into the truck, the whole house. You sit down, right, you sit down and you find something. Go oh, I've been looking for that. Now this ain't no somebody have. Man, when you're the kid, they make you spend the night, when they slap you in the middle of the night with rubbing alcohol because the mosque. It's bad when you wake up and say I won't go home, come give me y'all, come on in. But you come in, you know they say, I hold, don't go in there. Yeah. When when you go in that house and it's just a path that's a little path right, just just enough for you to walk where you have to walk behind them, that's a nasty walk directly behind house. Real man, when you'll starting moment on the way, I can't believe they telling me, yes, I haven't done it, But they use the phrase I've been meaning to watch them dishes people with nasty house. This is when you're in the world of trouble. You go over somebody's house and they are renowned. Well, no word and got out full fl roach owner rollo that Ladies and Gentlemen's comedy. Last, Oh my God. We'll be back with Nephew Tilly prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But first, come on Nephew for the prank phone call. What you got, Well, we're gonna stick with the Nasty House. It's big Books. We have a theme. We have a theme going on. It's Nasty House. Winds on Tuesday. Nasty House, Big Buck. Hello, Hello, trying to speak to Nis see here right now? If I think a mess? Uh? Do you know when she's coming back? Now? Is this business? Calls him? No? No, this is personal. I need to talk to her immediately. No, you need to talk to me. This this a man? This is who is this? This is? This is Brandon? Who? Who? Who are you? I'm earnest man. But why do you know, sneeze. I got a bit of a situation here, man. Uh. And it's basically a financial situation that I'm owed some money from her, so I kind of need to talk to her about about getting this money. Uh is totally disrupted my whole apartment. And I need to actually see about talking to her about getting this whole problem taking care of what what's the what's the situation? What, what's what's the what's going on? I mean, I'm basically right now, I'm twenty five dollars in the rears due to do to Chinese and and I, you know, I need to see if she's gonna be able to pay me for this situation or what. You know, my third owe you money. She owes me twenty five on the dollars for what. I don't even know who you are. First of all, so what's up with the man? First of all, my name is Brandon, okay, and I've been I know, I've been knowing Nis probably for the last three or four months now, Okay, So here you want to know it all in a nutshell? Is just like this. Shani has been coming through okay for the last three or four months, been coming over here to my spot, to my apartment, hanging out. I'm just now finding out within the last two weeks. Us, I had to get rid of my couch. I had to get rid of my mattresses because mattress, because it's been wait a minute, do wait a minute. So you're trying to tell me she was in your bed. Yeah, she's been in my bed. Dude, she's been in your bed? Are you crazy? You know the problem is my mom girl was in your bed. Now we can go get into that. You understand what I'm saying. But that's what follars. You can forget about it. No, no, no, no, no about for us of all, you're calling here, you calling here, you're calling here here, and dude answer the phone and you still got to to ask for her and then gonna tell me about some twenty fithers. I was about some mattress, dude. I'm my my mattresses man or thousand bucks full of bad bugs. I had to throw that away. Mabouy worry about no damn mattress. Dude, you tell about my girl. We've been together for four years. I'm about to pop the question on her, and you want to sit there talking about she'd been hanging with you or take it with you for the last four months. It's about to be over in a minute now if you want to marriage snee cool, I don't care nothing about don't even worry about that now. Talking about some damn mattress. Man, that's that's a problem. Dude. Ain't wonder if I know damn mattress. But I don't wonder if I ain't got no mattress right now? My house? Do you call it mine? Tell this food? I do not tell the mattress right now, nor do I have a couch. Do you understand that I care about the mattress? Cows? Dude, I don't care nothing about that. Your name, you're saying your name Brandon, I'm Brandon, Yeah, Brandon. Okay, don't worry about it right because you're gonna find me a real food. Don't let me find you. But when you find needo, you understand what I'm saying, don't you do? Do? Dude? You can have you can have them big bugs and and mattress or whatever. Answer these fall out here. But what I'm saying is you're talking about some bugs and event bugs over here. Okay, So well, she you know, see the problem over here in my place. I don't came out of the public. She adn't bring nothing over there, first of all. But I don't need any even a problem right now. You need You've been over here, man, and that nobody else over here, the one about what you hand over there. But you're gonna call here talking about no money. You ain't getting nothing from here. Okay, First of all, do check this out. I don't have a problem with you, Okay, Me and you cool, no you problem. We all get the problem. You calling me something about super sleep or one of my brother Hey, dog, Dodge it was. I'm gonna say it again, Me and you, cool dog, we're cool. We're not cool. We're not cool, but I'm not I'm gonna handle Snise myself. I'm I'm gonna handling you later. What you're doing, what you're talking about you, you're gonna handle me. I'm might handle you later. You want a mattress right hey, Hey do dude, I'm astress head and marriage Denise. I ain't got nothing to do with that. My about my money back man for the for the property of mine that she has ruined. Man, don't worry about that. I'm gonna get a Maxis. Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a cast. Get wrapped around now so they do. Dude, why are you sitting here creating the trauma with me? When me, me and you, we ain't even the problem. The problem is Shannik. The problem is you picked up your phone and you crawl here. That's the problem you guys will do because you ain't got no couch, you ain't got no mattress. Now you gotta do that. You understand what I'm saying. You know what I see. I can't talk to you. When do Sannis get home? Man, don't worry if I when she needs to get home. I wish you need to worry if I was when I find you. Okay, So so when when I when you go around my money? Then when you find me because I need my money? Yeah, I don't have you your mattress to please understand you're gonna be resting really okay? Okay, So so let me ask you this here, man, Shanni is bringing bad bugs over the mouse. Leave them all in my mattress, Leave him all over my couch. Where I gotta throw my stuff away? Where I'm wrong? In man, where I'm wrong. I'm gonna ask you straight up, did you know she had a man say? What did you know she had a man, but I mean kind of kind of sort of but not really though, you don't kind of sort of man even you know she got a man. You know you don't got a man. You know she had a man, right, and you're still win DV right they dog, I ain't got nothing to do with y'all. Man, I'm dealing with these big bugs. You understand I'm saying. Dude, do you understand you're messing up a full year relationship. You know, I'm the time I put in with this woman. Four years. We're about to get we's about to get married, and you're calling here with this. What are y'all supposed to get married? Don't worry about. I always supposed to get married. Man, you messed that all up. What I'm trying to explain to you is, dude, you're calling here on some big bug, which I know she ain't got nothing to do with. But the fact that you told me that she was over your house and your bad that's over. It's over now. You understand what I'm saying. Now we'll see get home. I'm gonna deal with that. You understand what I'm saying. That's gonna get done with I'm walking up out of here. But when I leave here, please believe my next stop is to come find your prince of all. How do you get the number to this apartment? That's what I want to know? Hey, dude, she gave me both numbers, the cell phone number in the house number told me you're know, if it's an emergency, call the house. Okay, and this is the emergency. Yeah, that's an emergency. Got bad learning another emergency number? Learning on one one? Because when I come down on your dog, did you come out on you handle it? Or you better call the cops. You understand what I'm trying to tell you. Hey, man, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad? Bugs? Who is Tommy? I'm just saying, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad But it's Tommy, Tommy dog nephew Tommy from the Steve Walby Morning Show. Ernest, you just got bright by your girl shot niece. Man, y'all, y'all, hey, it was over. It was over. You understand what I'm telling you. It's over. Was it nasty enough for you right now? Buy a new mattress? Stuff like that makes it? Yeah? Yeah, I have a really big it up hotel. I had to change hotel. Yes, I had at a hotel, keep the ass hotel. Yeah, now we're not in a good hotel. But I'm always thinking about it whenever I go to a hotel. Now about that could happen. But how do you know? Though you can't see him, you saw this one? Yeah, look like a dog. You know people got that yet? Well, no I don't. I haven't had bid book. You know a couple Mosquito bites you know, bites right now? He was right, j mosquito. No he bites us always because we have children listening, people listening role models, can't we are what do you want to be? Or not? No? No, Shirley's right all up. You want your baby to sound like that, you need to reteach them this here show. You gotta tell him this here ain't the way you posted and you talk to him. But if this is the worst thing your baby doing is talking like me, your baby might make it. Ye that I agree with There are worse things in life. Yeah, I agree with that. I don't really you know, I don't really mind. You know mind what the way I talk doesn't bother me. First time you came on radio, that was the speech you gave in Los Angeles. Don't be calling up here talking about the way I talk. We gotta go. We'll be he's still here, We'll be back. I want to do it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is up next, and it's a good one. But first, Steve. Now, this is according to a recent we TV survey. Can I say something here? Yeah, you all do a fabulous job with coming up with these interesting bits of information and stories. You wouldn't call us well, thank you. I just wanted to say that on the air, in front of air thank you. Sad sometimes you don't thank people a wh What are you saying that you didn't thank us? Who? Me and Time Engine? Yeah? Oh well, you know, I mean what y'all want to hell with? I mean you're telling jokes, you know, ain't like I ain't in here with you know, y'all just come to work. Y'all ain't in researching working it out? Girls do that. So this is according to recent we TV survey. It's of Americans say they had to get rid of this after a romantic split. What is it? The answer? A song they shared with their ex. Yeah, like you have. That's like, this was your song. You don't want to hear it no more. You don't, Yeah, you don't want to hear it. Like your song with Marjorie as a door right by Prince. Yeah, And I had that with her when it first came out. Then when we got back together, still our jam. So I didn't have to get rid of that. I ain't never had no on the song nor the woman. I had bad memories. Man, All my songs is connected to Misseric Man. Like if I hear Anita Baker's album Rapture, oh yeah, do it back then? Yeah, I was in the will that hurt Hey Hand with Leo. All of them songs that Kurt whal And album, all that reminds me of homelessness. Man, that was the big album back then, Rapturing on and to tell you something, ain't don't bring me to your me and my extre damn stupid. I break down into your stuff what you're doing because I was about that's the one to get you, man, the one to break me. Who's making love to you? Old lady? Making love? Whenever I hear that those words you're Tommy, what you got you one? I still love song. She gone, but I still a little tupac. I get around, still around. I did a yeah, you know that's that's a cool thing about though. I'd be learning so much with that dramatic thing. I didn't got anytime. I had never heard. Now I'm all in a dramatic. The other day on the set, my little musical prodigy that works for me is ter Reil. He's my little young musical product. He's like the closest thing to me when it comes to mut knowledge of music. So he's playing this David Hollisted cut and he slowed it way down like it's a ballot. But I told him, I said, hey, man, that's Michael McDonald's song right here. I keep forgetting. We're not in love anymore. Tell me how my keep forgetting. I heard the letter before the letter, it's that time. It's that time. Buckle up and hold on tight. I think it's a good one. Start every letter. Well, it's definitely a sad one. Subjects hurt and angry mother. Hello, Shirley and Steve. I don't think you have had this problem before, but here it is. I was married to an abusive husband who I found out was also molesting my daughter. I put thirty eight stitches upside his head and had him arrested. He did not serve any time in jail, but received probation and must go to counseling. I moved to another state and tried to start my life over with my children. The problem is when my daughter turned twenty one, she moved back to the state. I left and started living with my ex husband and had a daughter with him. After two years, she moved back in with me, saying she was sick in the head and needed help. I wanted to help her, but I am angry at her and my granddaughter all the time. I want her out of my house, but feel guilty that maybe it is my fault for not protecting her when she was little. She is lazy, won't clean up, and won't work. Help Shirley. What should I do? Okay, okay, First, you're you're so right here. We have never had a letter like this ever. You know, this is sick. I mean, this is horrible. This is unbelievable, you know, And and I'm gonna tell you this not so much that your abusive husband molested your daughter, because as awful as that is, and that is horrible too. We have heard of that happening before. But the fact that when your daughter turned twenty one she went back to him and had a baby with him, that that is simply, uh unthinkable to me. It's it's just unthinkable. So I can totally understand your hurt, I can understand your guilt, I can understand your anger. But but please stop, please stop, if you can, just stop blaming yourself and your daughter and your grand baby, because you did what you You did everything you could do at the time. To me, you put thirty eight stitches upside his head. You had him arrested. I mean, the author these didn't do what they were supposed to do. But as a mom, you know, you did what you could. Maybe you didn't know, and that's why you didn't protect her. Clearly, this man, though, is the villain in this story. Uh. He's your ex husband. Your daughter is the victim here. She went back to him because he was familiar to her. You know, in my estimation, he's a monster. Uh. And my suggestion to you and your daughter, you know, if you could suggest anything, it's to get some counseling. You know, you got to talk about this to someone who is really equipped to handle this type of thing, Steve, I know we don't have a lot of time. I don't. I don't. I don't have an answer here, clearly I do not. On the anside, Gil simply is prayer because I don't really know. You know, I got no jokes for you, that's for sure. But um here, here's here's a deal. The innocent person in all of this is the granddaughter. Okay, she don't know nothing about the history. She don't know. She here, she just here, she says, the granddaughter. The anger at her I don't understand. I think maybe because it's the seed of your ex husband their lives. Reason. I'm not qualified at all here to handle this one right here. We need an expert on this or right here. Uh, Shirley is absolutely correct about about counseling. But man on, man on, man, there's one thing in this letter that's the absolute truth. This is the absolute truth. Your daughter is screaming for help because she said she's sick in the head and needs help, and she knows that. Okay, Wow, you're listening's coming up. In about twenty minutes, Junior has another poem, and Tommy will tell us about famous people as verbs really okay, But first, come on, Steve, Part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letter. Hello Sherley, Steve. I don't think you've had this problem before, but here it is. I'm married. I was married to an abusive husband who I found out also was molesting my daughter. I put thirty eight stitches upside his head and had him arrested. He did not serve any time in jail, but received probation and must go to counseling. I moved to another state and tried to start my life over with my children. A problem is when my daughter turned twenty one, she moved back to the state I left and started living with my ex husband and had a daughter with him. After two years, she moved back in with me, saying she was sick in the head and needed help. I wanted to help her, but I'm angry at her and my granddaughter all the time. I want her out of my house, but I feel guilty that maybe it was my fault for not protecting her when she was little. She is lazy, won't clean up, and won't help help. Shirley. What should I do? We got some real talk for you here, but uh, the part about she's lazy, won't clean up, and won't work U that all that could be true, but you're focusing on that because you're really mad at her about a bunch of other stuff, and so that's the part you want to write about, she's lazy, not that. Well, that makes everything that just a sinuate, accentuates the negative when you're really angry about something else. There is a lot of sick going on in this letter, just a whole lot of sick. First of all, the abusive husband, then the child molesting husband, then the girl becoming of age and going back to the state that you escape from and moving in with the ex husband, and then having a baby with this man, and then coming back to you needing help, saying she's sick in the head, and now you're mad at her and the granddaughter all the time. It's just a lot of sick in this letter, a lot of hell in the needed here. Um as um, somebody needs an ass shopping in this letter. I have a real good idea who he is, and UM, I would start there, even though I don't recommend that to people in real life. That's why I would start. But surely we have a number for this woman why don't you give it? Yeah, it's it's an organization called RAIN. It stands for Rape Abuse in SSS National Network. The number is eight hundred six five six hope, eight hundred six five six hope. Or you can go to RAIN are a I n n dot org. It's an antisexual rain r ai n dot org for anybody out there is going through this. Or a number is one eight hundred six five six hope, eight hundred six five six hope. Um, that's the deal, man. I have nothing else to tell you except you really need that type of help and proyl. Alright, Steve, we gotta go email or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Girls Surely and it's getting closer, people, it's getting closer. This Thursday, one pm Eastern Facebook Live The Strawberry Live After Show on Facebook. Okay, one pm Eastern, Please join me five minute find me on my Girl Shirley for Surely Strawberry. We'll talk about the letter, we'll talk about whatever is on your mind. Just joined me. It's gonna be a lot a lot of fun. I definitely want you guys to be a part of it. Please thank joined me. Yeah, not Sureley, this is what I can't wait for on Facebook Live. But okay, when folks say I'm going through the exact same, yeah, right, Your your mom is sleeping with your your husband and your sister sith that you're going through that really really, that's the magic radio whatever you put out this somebody's going through. Yeah, amazing, amazing. But this Thursday, we'll talk about all of that one PM. I want you guys to definitely listen in. We'll do it once a week and see how it grows, see how it goes. H what are you singing about over there? The dooby and the love? He's still in love? You say it's real. We both know it's true. Tell me, tell me why. I know you always think he's finished. Keep forgetting love anymore? It's time to move on. No, keep forgetting any time I see your smile. Yeah, I keep forgetting that though. Hey, No, I keep forgetting he's gone because I keep forgetting it, because every time I see here ago again forget. But women will let your ass remember we're open. We're not together. No more you forgot, Yeah, we're done. You can start leaving in for these kissing what you're telling Hey, get too close. I thought we could be friends. But I'm too closebody, somebody, Now, you haven't been sitting up in there. And somebody came in with a key. Oh, let me tell you something. I'm sitting up in there. Man, my little young ass to roll the bike over this girlhouse. It's older than me. She liked, worked at pick and pay. Dude just put the key in it. Though he came in. He was about twenty five years old. You know I'm seven teens, he said, some little man. You know I'm skinny. I gotta bite. He looked grown in me muscles. You know they're going to back man on Sutday and that just so. Then he said, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna go out here. I bet I bet he won't go. Betty won't come over here no more. Okay. We was on the sixth floor of the apartment. I left that apartment and did not touch a step from land. We gotta go. Coming up next Junior's poetry. Oh Lord, not against Junior. Hey, yes you are, and you know you're don't stop my broth. Sure are you trying to impress someone? That's all I want to know, because I think heativity should always be on going. And if I want, if I want to reinvent my sols, what you're saying that Jesus yeah, and he get who they gave it to me. I don't put that on the law. This is for a lot of people that go unappreciate. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve at first your nephew with this segment of famous people as verbs. So you gotta explain what that is. We don't know. What I'm saying is there's a lot of people that verbes not like okay, and then most of my famous like to if I if I salonage you what you think that me beat down in elevator? Now if now, if I if I to jay Z, that means you got yours beats a different thing. That's what I mean. Some people are ok this is Tommy talk. It's definitely me called you're verb too, your uncle? Yeah. Yeah, Like if you to Steve Harvey to Steve Harvey somebody, that means you didn't hung out with somebody white that black people didn't like that. Hell you this, Steve Harvey, how is you're doing over there with Ryan? Steve Harvey? You see how they go. They are verb. Now, yeah, I know you didn't Michael vickt me babysitting my dog? What if they famous people? They are verbe they are verbs. I'll be damn if he didn't get if he didn't owe j up in hire, whats to get out Scott free? When your ass just gilt? Here? Now look here here go when you need to remember to Kevin Heart somebody, okay, Kevin, what does that mean? It wouldn't mean get me, but it wouldn't mean that wasn't none of me? Right now here go here go a triple one this Westless knife, Rod and d M. You know what that means. Think that when you ain't paying your tax, you ain't Westley's NiFe. You know what I'm saying. It's like that. Not to Jada pickt somebody you do a crazy crazy here. If I say calling you, you're doing a Jada picking up? Come on, come on, it means you straight up prey. You act like you don't understand that. I think everyone is very unco ye. Women be gonna take stab and then I'm a Colin Kaepernick. This is knee. So look, next time y'all want a day off, just pull the tomic, just pull Tom. Yeah, you could claim that your your damn lord was on the side of the road. You can pull another time. You can call in sick, but then send the video on your damn family playing in the backyard. That was stupid. I can't make it here going video alright, I think we get it. Famous people's verbs. Now, all right, thank you, nephew, Anthony Brown. Leave one show and go to a better show. I'm leaving. I'm leaving, all right. Well, you know you know it continues on this show. It never stops. So now it's time lower the lights please, ladies and gentleman's time for Junior's poetry hours. Just right quick, this poem right here. Yeah, forget that. The point of the poem is is getting close to scoring back school. Yeah, and everybody that's uncles don't get appreciated because we help. Yeah. I got a seven teen yo nephew that's bout to be in the same grade with the fourteen years. He didn't call me. You don't say that on the air. It's on. First of all, hold on what you want? What you want me to act like? It? Ain't he good? Okay? My people, they know you want to act like he's a scholar, does he not? Should I be ashamed of the fact that what he won't do? Now, fourteen old didn't damn near caught the seventh el but I didn't think it was gonna happen. But nor I'm mercy they won grade appault. That's what they like that now. I mean, would he go in the classroom? They think the teacher didn't walk there. That's all I'm saying. What I'm just saying he asked me for some stuff, and I just wanted to let him know this. Now, the name of the poem is I'm just Huncle. Here I'll go, hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey, I'm just Huncle. Stop asking me for cash, Okay, because when I help you out, you don't do not but walk in another room and just talk trade. Go bag your mom and your daddy because they don't want that had you. Because I'm just Hungle, I can do all I can do now that I know you're going back to school and you light new stuff. But I'm living out here in l as Hies. Hell man, it's even rough. Now. I'm not trying to beat me because I really do love you with all my heart. But I'm gonna get a jump on this. I'm gonna say no before you even started. I'm just huh, that's all I can do. That was called the style conversation. Definitely, that's what you're doing. You're sitting there looking for rhymes. There's no rhymes, and it ain't got to be. It was called you don't you have different styles? This was called the style of conversation. I don't get what I was talking to him. I don't. It's just style, Donald Trump, do you do you have? Do you have? Do you have any kids? Asking you yeah, saying just the yeah. But this was the style of It's called style. I created it. Do you know that this was just most Why would I go listen to most, most deafening, the style of conversation? Style? You made up? All right, we gotta go, we'll be back. You're listening to the stow. The engagement's off, guys. It's off between Evelyn Lozada and her Major League Baseball superstar player Carl Crawford. But if you think it is not giving back that fourteen and a half Caret diamond engagement rings she got from him, uh, Crawford once signed at two million dollar contract and proposed to the basketball wife star with the one point four million dollar ring. This was back in two thousand thirteen. Evelyn obviously said yes. The two were set to get married three weeks ago. Uh huh, they were set to get married three weeks ago, but Evelyn pulled the plug after getting suspicious. Oh, she was suspicious about Carl's fidelity. Was he cheating? She was, You ought to be able to cheat? Now, if you got a ring for one people doing, you got a one point on me and Rain they it made no damn Yeah. And the rule is if you call the wedding off, then you have to give the ring back. And she did that. Legally, she's obligated to give the ring since the engagement ring is considered a conditional gift in California, the condition being she has to get married, all right, So what do you think is an appropriate amount to spend on an engagement ring? One point four? Tommy says, one point before you ought to be able to cheat? Whatever you feel like. I don't know if I understand this, Rain but cold that's the only one to understanding, right and a half. And he signed a contract A hundred and forty two million. I don't think he's playing anymore. Yeah, I don't think he's x X. I don't think. I don't think he's playing anymore. But he still has the money, right, I mean once signed the country and yeah, so he don't have that let it well. I mean, you know, you know it's smart. A lot of baseball players are smart. They get a really good guidance. You know. I don't know, man, I think he has money left. I'm pretty sure he doesn't let it have a ring. I don't. I mean it's something her. She called it off. But I mean I like ev I like a lot. You know, I don't know her, know her. You know she's a person. She really pulled herself together, you know, went and got some therapy and know what was really bothering her, and she really became a really really smooth person. I don't know what a man is doing. Is he you got a bad chick and she is a little boy by him too. They have a child together as well. Know that'll you know the break up, you're gonna get my ring? What huh? Yes said I need that ring back. You're not getting it. I'll say that higher ye, ring back pain and stuffer. You know if he yeah, what if he respected, if he's cheating, he's not gonna get there. No, that's cash did yes, Yes, And if they didn't they didn't sign a is now dependent? Yeah. Well if if they didn't sign a pre nump in California, if they and living together for a while, yeah, Man, I don't say that you're gonna want a whole another candlebee. That's California. That's I mean, that's California. Let me ask you, when you got a ring like that that cost that much money, where where can you what do you where can you take that ring to cash in? You don't? I told you it's dependent now around my neck, I'm shop. We'll just ask me, what do you mean? How do you You can get it back down in the Diamond district or you can make AMD district. They got the one in l a and the one in New York. You can take it off and go down there and get it a praise, get your get to get the certification certificately and everything. And then they have some stories who can make your offers on think's not gonna be what you paid because they're gonna make some money, but you can get a chunk of change. You won't. You won't lose a lot. Diamonds don't lose the value unless you pay some astronomical retail price. But if this guy is claiming to have paid one point four million for this r for then he paid retail. He paid retail. He didn't go and get it the right one wholesale. When you're buying, when you go fourteen carriage, you can go behind the door. When you have money like that, you can go behind the door. Kobe's was straight out the stove. You're supposed to ben behind the door. He didn't go to that guy with one name on the sign up outside Checob the Jewels. I can't say it, Oh man, Yeah you could. You could save yourself some money. But if you buy retail, it's a diamond. The diamonds a very controlled business man. They have this thing control. You're not gonna go nowhere and just steal nothing. Can't have they control it. Man. I need to go with you. Then I wouldn't wait. He came up. Yall, good God, say that again, nephew, what'd you say? I'm not with him? In New York and the diamond. I remember that. Yeah, you went ring shopping. Oh my god, Yeah, what happened? What you just did? Cheapo? But wait a minute, Steve, did you say what did you say? You lost it? Lost? I didn't lose anything. I'm just saying I spent how much I spent on? Uh, but you sound disappointed. That's that's how much did you spend? Fifteen? And he won't spend that? Now? What wise? We in hire? You frustrated? But I'm in the hill and my dude, but he got he got the ring the word third or five? He got it from out. Okay, so you were in here. Your wife is a beautiful ring him. Now you don't want to pay that? Now? The dude looking at me? Your yea? What do you do? All Right? We gotta go. We'll be back. Tommy is cheap, but we're leaving. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show DMX. Back in the news. He really made a jail angry recently after showing up more than thirty minutes late getting ready. Yeah, I just said a couple of words and he was ready right after showing up more than thirty minutes late to his bail bond hearing, but he still dodged the jail bullet. He still didn't have to go to jail. U X and his attorney, Murray Richmond, showed up to court on Friday morning in New York City and the judge gave him an earful Notably, X failed four count them four for drug tests for pot and coca fail. He's out on bail and I was I was woking all over. He's out unbail in his tax evasion case. And uh one of the conditions is no drugs. X violated another condition, not leaving the state without court permission. He recently flew to St. Louis to handle some family your family matters. The judge could easily have thrown him in jail, but showed him mercy that's good news by putting him under house arrest to make sure he doesn't straight excess to where an ankle bracelet. Now, the judge was pretty clear telling him he couldn't even go out to mow his own lawn. Uh mz So DMX spaces fourteen counts to be vading more than a million dollars in federal taxes. Wow, Wow, who knew DMX had that much money? That he was hiding. Yeah, fourteen, he was hiding that much money. No, four fourteen counts one million million, fourteen counts of evading more than one million dollars in federal At this point, man, what happens is you have to talk to the government. They're gonna send you notices. What the evasion is about, man, is when you quit talking to him. I'm telling you, And it's a dude sitting over there. Man, it's making sixty five thou dollars a year. Who's gonna bring a bonus in but collected and get you they get the bonus. Come on, Steve ment to me, he's a weird Come on, you gotta talk to the government. Man. You gotta go to the government. Yes, you do what they really want from my brother saying that you got talked to him. Come on, you go down that women he talked to show. Can't you got to go and then hug your brother. You got to hug the Irish man. Someone go to jail already told you what you need to hugging that was That was that didn't go well at all in my house. Aren't got no weight. I really wanted to up his ass that day. They're gonna make me lose my mind open here. I was like, you have, I'm about to go all come on, Steel, mais a week and here's that's the problem. You keep failing drug tests. Did ain't await? What is it? Steve? Come on to help her brother. I'm talking here, you talking to me? They say, you know how to get out of topic? Ste Are you annoing him a mental? We'll be back, We'll be back. Jesus, you got out of the paget help me out. You're listening, Steve. President Trump has been invited to attend this month's boxing clash between uh Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor. Yeah, this is according to Yeah, this is according to Floyd's business advisor, Leonard Ellerby. I haven't personally invited the President, but I am told an invitation is out there. Ellerby said, whether he comes or not, we're going to have a great event. Trump is friends with Ultimate Fighting Champion President H Dana White, who is co promoting the fight. Mayweather is the undefeated five weight division world champion, and twenty nine year old McGregor is the reigning UFC lightweight champion. Other famous faces besides the President expected to attend the event are Matt Damon, Angelina, Jolie, Lebron James will be in the building, Kobe and the one and only we know him as Steve Harvey. Let me say that, how did you know that us that you were going with a friend. But see you going and Donald going to I don't want to see no pictures of yours and Trump. That's what I tell me over there by damn taking it. But if you see him coming, don't just move now. If I said, I'm gonna go right on over or something. Man, my man, we've been through this before this again. I'm telling you right now, start tweeting, started tweeting and get it, get it all out. Accidentally run up into him and I'm gonna hugging, but I'm gonna pulling real hard to me. Don't like if you're shaking people that I'm gonna jerg him to come here, boy, come here. No, I don't think that'll be a good look. See, don't do it. I'm gonna be over there with a whole lot of other stuff going. He's probably gonna be that's gonna boy. Yeah, I don't see Trump going. I just don't can't tell us that you're gonna be sitting next to No, I'm going with the owner of the UFC. Oh my house, you're charging thirteen dollars? Man, what are you doing? Wait? Wait, wait, wait, come on, what are you doing against Steve? Later, I'm going to the fight with the owner of the UFC toime atars. Now that I know you're going, I'm gonna change it and and charge twenty five to come to your house. I'll be bawling up in there. It's crazy, man. Is this why you told what? You're charging people to come to it? Quit doing all this half rich mess man. That's how you get a whole rich by doing hand You got to start with a head hard go ja. So you're gonna put the let me say that, Jay and Junior, would y'all like to come to the party that I throw it up in gon ain't nobody? You ain't having a party at my house, the Chateau caveat that. You're not gonna be there now, you can't because my house is under major construction. All right, we'll be back with just one more thing to close out the show. Okay, we're gonna be in that black you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Financial planner and author Tom Corley spent five years studying the differences between rich people and poor people. There's a lot of stuff more than that. A little book donna be missing it from Tom Coring. I tell you right now this book has vague believing that ain't any He spent five years study boy, I was eight years stock raving. He's an author. He spent five years studying the differences between and rich people and poor people. Here's a rundown of some of the things rich people do that poor people don't. Let's see if these are some of the things that you've told us about, Steve uh One exercise, he says, rich people exercise, poor people don't. Number two, poor people are exhausted people exercise, the run to the gym membership? What else you got? Number to build relationships? How they got too many. But as you start to get rich, they start coming out work. But in order to do that, you have to build relationships. Are you understand that his relationships that get you there? Some people never understand the relationship part of it. Do you know who specifically in the room? Yeah, all right, if you if this is one that you tell us a lot about, with the dream board and all that. Steve, visualize your goals. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, yeah, if you don't do that. And it's also a scripture, is Rebecca too, And to write the vision and make it plain so that he who reads it will run to it and even though it terry, wait for it for surely it will come at an appointed time. It's almost if you can't see it, you can't achieve it. Man. That's right. That's yeah, that's right. Number four read a lot that. Yeah, that's not necessary. You didn't do it. It's not is food and wrote three books exactly do TV and he doesn't want all right, here's the number five. Repeat positive affirmations to themselves. You do that all the time, all the time. You do that. Number six volunteer, does that give yourself, give up your time. You do that all the time. That they should read the phrase that two more vote you know, philanthropic Yeah yeah. Number seven maintain a close relationship with a mentor. Uh yeah, you have several And these are things that you know. Some of these not the read part, of course, But you've been saying for a long time for us to do this for a long time. I repeat it over and over and over. That's what I've learned. I've learned and it's necessary. And now that I've been seeking counsel from some very very wealthy people to learn more about it, I've even I've even learned some things that I have to change. I have to I have to up the level that I think. I have to up my thinking. I have to scale everything up. Yeah, man, i gotta scale everything up to get to the next level, which I'm presently doing right now. I also learned that you have to make some tough decisions with your business and you you have to. You you have to prune the tree often and man is painful. It's painful. They have to do that, and uh, you have to. You have to real people in and you have to you have to reassess your company all the time. I've got some really really smart people around me, but I also have some people around me because and just human nature. Friends come around you for various reasons, and all of us have this important time. Some people are our friends because they have an your motive for being out friends. They need something or want something or see a way to get something from us. At whatever level you are, and you have to be aware of that every friendship that comes towards your life is not from the the genuine pure friendship. Let me bring something to your life. If the moment you'll see them warning something, you have to start watching for me. I just got here about yeah, I feel it. Feel friends want something in the tree. I just got here. That's my I don't see why you don't see this, don't you guys have been friends for a long time. Don't let me ask your question. Can you think of a person currently that's in your life that you think it's in your life for some type of game. Yeah, j I know about five and it's too late when they get in. There's too late. When you see it now, it's not too now. Yeah, it's too late. You can cut the bleeding off. You can stop the bleeding before you get bled to death. You got somebody in your life, Jay, I wish you had let me know this like a couple weeks ago. Then I can just don't get my affairs in order because I know I know what you're doing. Nobody in yours. I feel it. I feel it coming, man, Thomas's the weekend. I definitely do. I definitely do. Monica, she's shaking her head. Yes, oh yeah see so not what you have to do now. And here's a tough decision that you have to make because if you don't, it is going to worsen, and you're they are going to develop a sense of entitlement. And then once they attached a lifestyle to this attackment for this little favor you're doing with something, then the heart in you is very hard for you to try to take a person's lifestyle from him. Oh yeah, we're doll going to Jen, thanks for coming, for sure to go. It's great week. You have a break. You a week. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.