Dick's Sporting Goods bans Assault Rifles, Showtime at the Apollo, A Sand and Soul Update, Comedian Earthquake and more

Published Mar 1, 2018, 3:38 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show discusses Dick's Sporting Goods ban on assault rifles, Showtime at the Apollo, A Sand and Soul Update, prostate cancer awareness, plus Comedian Earthquake visits the show, and more

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all s all looking back the don giving them ball like American bus things. And it's tough, y'all. Do me true good at hou listening to me together for stoo bar quick, hobby, don't you join? Yeah? Well, hobby joining me? Honey? Do you turn to go? Yeah you y'all you gotta turn you to turn out, turn to you lovely, got to turn out to turn water water, y'all. Come come on your thing at it everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, want and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Sometimes you wake up and you're not feeling your best. The reason I'm talking about this today is because today it is one of those days for me. You know, you can stay positive, and I'm a very very positive person. Now I'm turning it around as I speak to you because I've learned a trick in my life. I've learned a self motivating tool that I use, and I'm gonna share it with you today. So if you wake up and you're not quite feeling yourself that day, as is the case with me today, if you wake up and you just you know, you know what the old saying, you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that type of thing. You haven't one of those days. Here's what I do, Here's what I've already began to do to turn the ship around for me. Whenever I'm having one of those moments while I'm not on point, don't feel all something seems a little our center, I immediately immediately and and and and I ain't. I'm I'm not kidding you. I'm I'm in the process of doing it right now. I immediately start thinking of all the little things, all the little things that I have that I could be grateful for. And I start with the fact that the reason I had to get up this morning. See, the reason I had to get up this morning was because of you know, the work I do, the job I have. Now, you may not have a job that you're in love with like I'm in love with mine. But let me ask you this right here, suppose you didn't have that job, Oh man, how would today be? But you could sleep in a little bit longer, But when you woke up, man, you'd have to be faced with cold realization that, hey man, I ain't working man, I ain't. I ain't making it happen for me and mine. I'm not getting it done. And so with that in mind, I immediately I started showing some gratitude for waking up and man, just having having having worked to go do. And then I started telling myself that, man, he didn't have to do it, but he did. He woke me up this morning, that I'm up, I'm actually able, that I'm here again, that that he ain't through with me yet, that there's really still things for me to do. Man, okay, cool, I'm on point with that. I'm on point with that. And then I just started going over the little things. Man. You know, my coffee machine wasn't working this morning. I said, Man, I've been down. I've been fittling with that coffee machine, trying to get it to work. You know, I couldn't get it to work. I called somebody, you know, I get some coffee. It's okay. The ain't the end of the world, you know, And I was I started thinking about, man, that I have a place that I can go to once a year. That's beautiful. And I started thinking about you know, man, look I got a place that I laid my head that's mine. I mean, you know, as my father in law once told me, when somebody came to see about him and his house was inside his house talking to him crazy to the police, he said, listen to me, he said, this is my house. He says, as mega as it may be, this is my house, and I'm the king of this castle right here. However, meaga, it may be, this is mine. And you know, when you start looking at stuff in terms like that, man, I mean, for me, it's just a trick. I use. I started feeling better. I started looking around, man, I started thinking about man, I had I got something to wear today. You know. I started looking at little stuff. Man, I'm gonna have some eggs later on today. I started looking at other stuff. Somebody is hungry today, See somebody, somebody don't don't really have an option of knowing what they're going to have today. I actually have a refrigerator with an option in it. You know. I started looking at the little things, man, that God has done for me, the little things is in my life. And I started picking myself up. Man. I started feeling a whole lot better about myself. And see, the more I started telling it to you right now, the better I'm starting to feel, because man, is you can you know, I mean, look, I mean listen to my voice. My my energy is picking up, my pace is picking up, because now I didn't hit out of out of hit my rhythm. I'm up. I'm glad, I'm up. I'm grateful to be here. I'm glad. I got a family. I'm glad. God didn't kept my kids. Glad God kept my wife. You know, I'm glad. You know, whoever you are, whatever your situation is, God didn't kept somebody for you on your behalf. That's a benefit to you or somebody you're trying to teach something they may finally get it today, or something you've been trying to know, you may finally know it today. But you got to accept the blessing of what it is that you know. Now, Okay, you know, see, if you've been looking for an answer, a solution to a problem, and then the solution come, you know you got to be grateful for it. You know, Lord helped me with this relationship. Maybe today is to day you find out that that's been the toxin and the poison in your life, that that relationship is what's wrong. See, But because we want to hang on to it. Oh, we try to make it go against everything that was in us. Now we got this toxic poison in our life. You know, you may find out today that that's it that you need to move on. Well, you know, something that ain't the most devastating thing you could find out. There's a blessing and a lot of things that that that looks painful at times. You know, I said it at best one time, I said, you know, sometimes the breakup is the blessing for a lot of people, it is, man, because you know, look, man, you know, you know, we make choices with who we want to be with. And sometimes you didn't pick the wrong person. You know, look, and they don't make that person the bass. That person just wasn't good together with you. That's all it is. And so when you come to that realization, sometimes you know it is time to move on. You got to be grateful for all of the little things, man, the fact that you have a way to get around, the way that you have the read, that you have some money to go get on, something to go get around, that you're in school. It might not be going just perfect for you right now, but guess what, you're in school, man, you got a shot. You're making it happen. You know what I'm saying. A lot of people don't have that, man, A lot of people don't know what the next move is. At least you're in the process of doing something about it. And you may not know how to see your way all the way to the end. But just knowing what to do what the next step could be for you, that's good enough. You know. You don't have to know all the steps. Just what am I gonna do next? With left? I do this, and I'm gonna take this course, and I complete this semester, I move on to that semester. I don't care what it is. Look, man, we just gotta find something to be grateful about today, because in your gratitude, God blesses you with more. Some of God sees that we're grateful for the things we have, he gives us more things to be grateful for. It's simply the law of attraction. If you're thankful and grateful for the things you have, you will now attract to yourself more things to be grateful for. It's the law of attraction. It works in every aspect of your life, not the fact that you don't know the rule, it does not matter. So the thing that you want the most of in your life, it's the thing that you're gonna have to give the most up. The things that the thing that you hope happens to you the most, it's the thing that you're gonna have to have happened to others the most. Lord, I want you to cover me. You're gonna have to cover some people, but I want you to hear my cry. You're gonna have to hear some people's cries. But I want more love in my life. You're gonna have to love more people. I'm talking about real, real love. And I'm not talking about going out fooling around with somebody. That's that's ridiculousness. And see here's or whatever. Since I'm talking about love and wrong love and ridiculousness, here's how you know that it ain't from God. I want you to hear me. Now, if God is involved in it, there is no sin. If there is sin involved in it is not from God. Just remember that rule. It took me a long time learned that. One. You know what the Bible says doing tell us that you would have them do it when they did it to me, so they must want it done to them. I'm gonna go down here. I'm gonna do this. If what you're going to do is a sin, you have now twisted a Bible verse to fit your method or what you want to do. To know, simply know that if it's God's voice just talking to you, or something that's going on, is in it. Bishop Oldman talked this to me. The God's voice and God's methods always has no sin in it. That you all right, have a great day, everybody. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people all around the world. This is the fabulous Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey Steve, how are you. I'm good? What's up calling? Good morning crew? What's up? M M? Did you blackout? That's for a moment? Morning out? Tom, Eric Rich Uncle. All right, Steve, So you're fresh backing everything? Day off yesterday, one day off from taping TV. That's all. It was a tough run for me. But now I'm gonna go on another one. So but I'm cool. I'm blessed. I wouldn't rather have too much work than to be out here looking for work. So I'm just gonna take this blessing and go on, cad right on where you need to be. I won't complain to the law the imme jones. Yes feel no ways time. No, that's how I don't feel no ways time. I don't know what's the other one? Oh, I won't complain. I won't. I didn't know you would love that one because I was in complaining problem you done don't complain an example? Well, you know people take my complaining, uh like for example, you all um and run with it. So I have been learned. I've had to learn to temperate. You know when I happen because when we throw it back in your facial champagne. Yeah, you know what I'm saying because all of us said what it means you wearing about that Captain because you know, Captain hate to be over that guard one is wrong. How much we really love you though? You know that. It's really interesting because you know, because it's like all the levels. Junior is right where junior is. He's at the junior level, yeah, of his career. Then you got Tommy who's at the mid level, and then you got me, who has done a lot of things that's high levels. I did a lot of things. Now I've done a few things. Now stop, you're there, Steve, you have arrived. Okay, you're it. People aspiring you once. You've got a family that did it for me. I'm like, oh, yeah, he's there. I've I've done a lot of things. I've done a lot of That's the beauty of where he is because he did a lot of things too, you know. Oh the beautiful the blessing for me is a lot of my stupid stuff was befol social media and phone camera. Thank you Lord Holia. Anyhow, no proof? Won't he do it? All right? Well it is still the show continues, the ignorance continues. It's time for something funny with Junior. He's here with truth be told. Absolutely. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny. Junior is here with truth be told. What you got Junior? Absolutely? Before I do start, though, I do want to say that I'm looking forward to going to New Orleans. I will be performing at the Sigma Gambara Regional Convention and even laughter with Junior. M Yeah you what? Junior? Hold ups well? I'm performing at the Southwest Regional Convention for sig Mcgamma row Uh in New Orleans at the Grand Height Yeah Hotel. Yeah for the story. They have their conventions, so I am the guest comedian for the junior that the junior level. No junior, that's like they're major even of the year. That's really good. What I'm saying though, is junior, I'm gonna behave No damn boy, what Steve? They'll get mass No. But you know, you know what many times I have started this and he didn't assumed he knew what I was talking about. No, I know that's at the union level. No, what I'm trying to say? No, no, boy, Now you be trying to talk to somebody they think they know, but they keep getrong, not pissing me off. It's what it's doing. Okay. All I was thinking is you might be able to find yourself a wife because we're not expecting. How are you, junior? You got come on, don't it's about that time, Steve, It's damned about that time. What what was left? Tommy just got married? Hey hey girl, Hey my girl. My player extension with a little longer, hey player. But Tommy did not really went a little longer. Okay, let me ask you all the question, and this is for you, Tommy, because I want to hear everybody's opinion us. Did you all think Tommy was a good player? No, I laugh, I didn't. I didn't think. I didn't think he thought I was pretty decent. Now come on, now, I wasn't good at all. He was always in trouble. Yeah, always pranking somebody's husband, you know, just doing crazy stuff. Too many women. You know, it was just too much, Steve. No, I don't think. I couldn't name and I would really have a meeting with you after you did that, because if you say on the air, that's where we draw the line. No, no no, no, Tommy, I'm talking about stuff that has been on the air. Of course. What did you think, Tommy, your duffel bag of clothes got through outside? Oh yeah, I remember that, Remember that exactly. He was dating an older woman and her son, who Tommy, would you were older than her son? Right? Or younger than her son something like that. Her son didn't like you. Yeah, they jumped on me. Actually, you know which is I told you all? I told that boy was Oh I know what it was you wanted him to call you daddy, and then and then I and then I told him don't come in his back room with me and your mama back here. Man, what I say that far? He was mad at you twenty one years old as I ain't calling you daddy. You ain't my daddy. But you just met him now, Yeah, and you're gonna tell the boy to call you daddy. In a relationship for a long time, but don't just met him, Tim, He told the boy he had to call him daddy. So Tommy and not in a serious relationship with this woman, just here in the back spanking this boy. Mama. Oh god, So let me understand this. So y'all have to understand the dynamics of Tima's relationship with the boys. Mama. It was nothing, wasn't anything serious, wasn't a committed relationship. Tommy in the back giving the boy mama or spanking back what you're saying, ain't that better than spanking in the front? Why is we in the front room with all that? Ain't But then you come in the front and meet her twenty one year old son. Now you want him immediately to call you daddy? Yeah? Yeah, Yeah, now, did you warn him? I'm trying to figure out where I'm wrong. I still how are you gonna ask this boy that twenty one? Call you daddy? Ain't never met you, He ain't stupid. He knows what's going on back there, right, he can hear it. And then you want the ultimate respect? Called me daddy boy one that they jumped up. Oh yeah, you didn't know that story, junior? Yeah, ever heard it before? Yeah? He called me surprised because the board and called his brother and they didn't jump. He's surprised. Just call me. I can walk you through it. I swear I want now. I still know the game, mean just because I'm out. You didn't know the game when you was let me go. This whole thing started was did y'all think Tommy was a good player when he was? All your playoffs stories ended in this with him escape been within an inch of his life, each one of them. Yes, your clothes been outside in a delfel. Remember that time you left your phone at a strip club getting tired on me? Now that right there when you got go make me crack? All right, listen, coming up the nevview is gonna run that prank back and we have a special guest in the building. We're gonna talk to the very famous earthquake in the building. Yeah, Frank, run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and miss and will be here with today's national news. Right now. It is a time for the nephew to run that prank back and don't go anywhere. A special guest in the building. Family member, earthquake in the building with the man. Yeah, yeah, quick, you know it. Man, how he's getting it in, I'm telling you. And if they are above six ft you in the game, black man got it. Hate everything got Donald Trump, but them tax cuts Jesus because I'm Sam was on me like the clay. I swear to Gol. I didn't know I made that kind of money. I'm looking around. I gotta cut some of these more obligations. I'm making enough money for me. It isn't these truth. I swear to goal. So my kids do not come here and give me nothing that can't prosper. I swell, I mean it, it's over. I checked my kids every day and do a DNA has swathia. I need a paternity test. Make sure your mind. Why you keep checking me? Because the tests never come back A hundred percents always come back nine and nine point nine. That means somebody got a one per same baby round here, and I want to make sure they ain't in my house. Steve can't a fault it. It's ridiculous over here. I swear to God, I got to get on something right here. All these channels and everything black pant for hanging in it. I swear they're mad at the the little kid for being an age and ill. Who's his money on there? I read for plenty of eight call back to play eight? Where was that boy called that? It was a thousand eights on this? Steve? Now I know it was better than one of them, a script with nothing but ground. I went to my acting coach everything I couldn't get in the movie. That's the shame out here, trying to get on. I swear to god, Steve got every show. Yeah, I said, brother, please give me I play one of them. I'm coming in here. I'm letting you know. It's good to Steep, my man, my people. I listen to y'all every morning, and I love y'all death over here, y'all it getting it in junior dressing. I'm gonna do dressing good, I said, look at you. I s even in Ralph, like he was going to the club. I said, well, that that that Harvey money is really looking good. I remember he was living across the street in hotel. I said, keep your head up, don't you let him get you out of that pocket. And now he ran here with his nose up like a Kadashia. I'm not speaking to nobody or nothing. I said, do what Junior do? What Junior do? Do it? Call pay for part and got Junior down. Y'all furniture been saying, hand cut fresh. Don't have to stand in the line and get in the club. Man just bawling over when it's your turn. Don't forget your own that's right, don't forget your back there. Man tell you Quake. When I first started doing comedy, Quake was the first comedian to allow me to play an a list room. Oh that's how long ago it was. Wow, I had never been in one. I had always been doing a clue. It wasn't that long ago. That's how long ago there would be able for you? All right, Quake it's gonna be with us here for a while. So let's get to the frank. Tell me what you got? I got Lester Tucker Tuck running that frank back? Go ahead, Yes, I'm trying to reach a Lester Tucker MS Tuck. How you doing? This is our Curtis watching Soul Brother number nine. I'm with the bp A and the bp of A Black People of America. What the okay? Listen we are we're doing a survey today. We're calling a lot of white households and we're trying to figure out have y'all been using the N word in your house? And if you have, how many times are you using the N word on a daily basis in your house? The N word? What? What come up? Said? I don't use the N word of my house? I got youngest, We don't do that around my house. Have you been using the N word at your job? Oh? Hell, don't know? What kind of no? Back to hell? Up? What did you just say? You got? What at your job? I got? Look what bashes up? If I used the N words? I paid the rent in this trailer? Hey, hold on, hold, wait a minute, brother, now look you call me, hey, hey, let me explain some something to you. Sir, We do, we do. All we're doing is a survey. Now I will tell you this. We do have surveillance at your place, and we will be trying to figure out if you at my trailer. We will be taking dictating. We will be trying to figure out if you're using the N word. Let me say, if I won't say the N word, I say words I don't want to say. If I find some surveillor to my trailer, I will come and keep your black people association. That didn't hear me? You know who you? Uh? Just you lest to tuck? Ain't you? You got right? I'm luster Tucker. Do you want to know how many times I said say the N word? We're trying to get a survey on it, sir. That's what we're trying to you just trying to start some I'm with. I'm Curtis Walking with Black people of America. Hell, I'm who you are, Curtis Walking. Why are you calling my house? So I'm just here to ask have you been using it? And have you been using it at your job? Why did I tell you I don't use to my house because I got kids? I don't use at the job because it got black people to work for me. I don't want to run them off my car on the name. Okay, Well, when you go down to the club by yourself, are you guys in there using it? Look? Come on now, be honest with me. Are you guys in there using it? Man? Let me tell you something. I don't know what about. But it's not me like you. Look, I got black neighbors, all right, I ain't. I ain't like that. I ain't like that. Okay, Well, let me ask you this when you just when it's just you and them, them good old boys, when it's just y'all, are you using that in words? Well, let me ask you this when it's just you and you're and you're hoodling a little buddy? Do you mean what? What the hell do you call white people? You used? I am not used the words, sir. I want to get like I tell you who the hell you are? Sir. I'm doing the time, I'm doing the survey here. I don't all right, but why will white people of America? How about that? Say we can't have a long association? Hell no calling me up, call me ask me question. Okay, I just got one more thing to tell you. Are you familiar Williams. Yeah, he works for me. Well, this nephew Tim from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by william You all right, man, you got kind of ribbed up. Man. Well man, you brother, he told me, he said, he said, this white guy is gonna go off. He said, trust me, he does not use the N word, but just act like he's been using it and he's gonna go to hell. Off mans me money anyway, all right, left the cob. I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Let me tell you if the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And you know how I know because some black guys said work for me. Have that you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yesterday was a really emotional day as a students from Stoneham Douglas High School in Parklin, Florida, returned UM. The students have been demanding action from lawmakers on gun control laws. Well, private corporations are showing us some action to Uh. This is some really good news. Dick Sporting Goods, Inc. The store. Uh, they're taking steps to curtail the sale of firearms, including ending sales of assault rifles uh and banning the sales of guns to younger people people younger than twenty one. The company announced, Uh that was yesterday. Dick Sporting Goods sold a weapon to the shooter, uh, Nicholas Cruise back last year. I think it was in November of last year. And the company Yeah, yeah, the company doesn't want to be a part of this horrific story anymore. CEO of Dick Sporting Goods, Inc. Edward Stack, made the announcement yesterday and Good Morning America also breaking news miss and standing by with details on Paul Manafort Trump's campaign. Uh. He was Trump's former campaign manager. Uh. He pled not guilty to vast money laundering charges and road charges. And also the President's son in law, Jared Kushner. Did you guys hear about this lust of security clearance at the White House? Yeah, yeah, it's going down. Ye all right, Steve. That's big on the CEO too, to take their gun out of there. It's really really big, yeah, he said. He. I wonder what Walmart's position is. Do they sell as salt weapons at Walmart? Walmart tweeted out they are raising the age for purchase of firearms and ammunition from eighteen to twenty one years old. And they are also removing online items resembling assault style rifles. Now, now we're starting to get somewhere. I mean, Dix is a great move, but Walmart they're the largest retailer in the Yeah, because Walmart don't need nobody money. All right, this is what the CEO said, take a listen. Based on what's happened and looking at those kids and those parents, it moved us all unimaginably and into to think about the loss and the grief that those kids and those parents had. We said, we need to do something, and we're taking these guns out of all of our stores permanently. So yeah, no chance you're gonna reverse never reverse it. Yep, there you go. That was CEO of Dick Sporting Goods, Inc. Edwards Stack, taking a stand. It's just not a gun that's needed, no, because it doesn't exactly what it says. It's just for assaulting. It's not for hunting, it's not for sport. You don't need it for target practice. It's for assaulting. Its name exactly what it was designed to do to assault. Now, look, I'm all for people owning guns Second Amendment rights. No, No, I don't want to put it on the amendment because see that's what's time whole up. It's a part of our American Constitution. Yeah, that's what they do. Tie it to your right. See, we keep talking about the Second Amendment is all right? Now it's not all right. It needs to be changed, just like so many other amendments have been made to this constitution. The Constitution is old. It was written by old people, and they didn't have a gun that ran off that many rounds at one time, and they didn't have a society that we have today, or where you can get Ammo like you can get ammo. You know, any of that. It has to change. Did you hear when Delta Airline said they were gonna stop the discounts to nr A members going to their meetings. Now the Republican people who are in charge are now saying, since they're doing that, we're going to not give them the tax credit for gasoline since they're gonna stop that. That's how high up it goes. The hell you're wearing about a discount on the airplane ticket for a few people going to a damn n i A meeting, And now you're gonna keep taxes on them for gasoline prices which are now everybody else's airline ticket. Yeah, alright, Steve, And as you calm down, let's bring in methane. Okay, well right now, okay, thank you. I'll take it like that. This is a trip morning, and here we go with the news. The students in Marjorie Stone and Douglas High School returned to classes yesterday for the first time since Valentine's Day, when a former student shot and killed fifteen students in three instructors. It was only a half a day session. The young people were welcomed with carnations and hugs from the law enforcement personnel station there. And then, believe it or not, there was another school incident yesterday, but with a twist. Authorities in a in a place called Dalton, Georgia say that a high school teacher barricaded himself inside of a classroom yesterday with a gun. He shot once out the window. Luckily, no one was hurt and that teacher was in custody. Meanwhile, one of the nation's largest sports retailers, as you just heard, Dick Sporting Goods, says we will no longer sell assault style of rifles, and then no one under the age of twenty one will be sold any kind of gun. Walmart also a step to stop selling itsualt rifles now will not sell it to anyone under twenty one. It turns out the alleged gum and Nicholas Cruz had purchased a gun at dick Sporting good Store, although that was not the weapon he used in the massacre at Stoneman Douglas, but nevertheless that that's how Dick's Sporting Goods their name wasn't and they wanted to certainly want to get out of that. White House Communications director Hope Hicks has resigned her post one day after telling a Congressional committee that she sometimes had to tell little white lies to protect the Trump administration. The NFL just into deal, dropping Papa John's Pizza as an official pie and making Pizza Hut its official brand. Papa John's founder and president, John Shnatty, you may remember, ended up on the Football League's bad side last year when he openly criticized league officials for allowing players to kneel during the national anthem, and he claimed that his sales were tanking because of it. However, Pizza Hut said it sales well up and suggested it maybe Papa John's product just wasn't good enough. Shnada also turned a lot of black people off when he promised to lay off hundreds of his mostly black Papa John's workforce if President Obama was reelected. Mourners are paying their respects for a second day to the Reverend Billy Graham as his body lies and stayed in the Capitol Hill rotunda. Around us stand the statues of heroes who led the nation in prayer during the great and difficult times, from Washington to Lincoln, to Eisenhower to King and today in the center of this great chamber lies legendary Billy Graham. Of course that was President Trump. Today is World Compliment Day. So beautiful. That's a good one for all. You're trying to make brownie points with you a significant other. With more entertainment Today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So he's still here. He is here. Earthquake in the building. Yeah, I came to see Olga, Steve. What food ain't nothing? Man? I hurt. You got that production comedy. I'm coming to see you. Yeah, man, man, I got did. I'm telling you right there the idea tell you. I'm tired of being the bride's maid. I'm ready to be a bride. Yeah man, I'm running for it. I'm tired of being happy for everybody else with a TV show. I'm ready to walk down the line, get me away. I'm ready to be a bride. I'm ready could be mavish. I'm tired of being happy for everybody else. Oh that's yeah. Yeah, it's a way to go. Everybody, look at me when you're gonna get married. Jesus ain't bromm. Yeah, it comes when it comes. I gotta say all that I'm tired. I can definitely see one. I'm tired time of me get on it. I'm I'm ready coming right down to prayer of my look for we as my uncle. What you wanna do? Man, I gotta I'm gonna do me a show. I gotta readio show I'm gonna do. I'm gonna talk to you about that. How would you do it? Off there? I told everybody every time I get something, I wouldn't even be where I'm at today for my comedy club. It was for Steve. Did nobody else come befalling my club because they had problems with it? I called Steve up. Steve say, he came man. He walked in there. It was only twenty five people. It was crowded for my club. He said, I only gonna, you know, show for twenty people. It with all these people, all right? He woke up in the morning when you radio came back there six eight, ten, twelve, two chair every chair. They gave him that sixty K. I didn't you know that kind of money came out there. I said, Oh, that's for him. I said, that's for him. We don't get none of it. I mean, he do deal with none. And that he was every soul nine and nine nine. Yeah. I gave you the I gave you the whatever food you so and whatever drinks you could sell ya. I went to Quakes club that nightmare. Wasn't hollerd nobody. I said, DI due this all week that quake. I came down here. I'm going on the radio the morning, all right. I feel that whole damn joined up. Ye showed me how to do that radio. He said, let's stop by and get some donuts and some orange ues. Because you know that he's DJ's they give insecure. We hit the stage. I got the ball. You gotta go on. Sweet him up. He went on and sweet him up. That phone was ringing like we was a hot line. Hold on. The line was lying so long, looked like we was hiring. It was all the way down the corner around the corner was there. It was just me and him, six, eight, ten, and twelve. Put me on the map. After that the other club closed down. It was oh man, listen. He did all those in one night. He did it Friday, Thirday and Sunday. Four shows on Friday, foe on Thurday on Sunday, and the most money I've ever seen somebody. And this was twenty years Well hanging us. We'll be back with more are of Earthquake and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kat, I need a drum roll, please, we need a big drum roll for this story, Ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey, the one and only, all Right, get you get your checklist out. Steve Harvey has the number one morning show in the land. Alright, Congratulations with over eight million listeners per week. All Right, he is a TV personality. He is a talk show host. He's an actor comedian who currently hosts Check This Out Quake, six popular TV shows, Daytime talk Show, Steve, Little big Shots and Little Big Shots for Every Young Family Feud, Celebrity Family Feud, and Steve Harvey's funder Doome. Additionally, Steve has uh He's hosted Miss Universe Contest and now Ladies and Gentlemen. Steve Harvey will host the return of Showtime at the Apollo Baby Out and premiere tonight on Fox at nine pm. Steve will tell us how hard it is to win over the Apollo crowd, what we can expect the season, all of that. Since that's your DVRs and watch live tonight Showtime at the Apollo premiering tonight on Fox at nine pm Eastern eight pm Central. Congratulations fold shows he got there because he was doing folk shows at the Comedy Club back in the day. That's how you get there. I need a break. See. So what I've done is h grace of God, is I've managed to convince all of my business partners I will not sign any exclusivity in my contracts. If you put it in there, you have to take it out. Well, that's the only way we'll pay you this kind of money. I don't want it game because I want you and they don't. They don't want you to do anything else. But then no, I'm on NBC, ABC and Fox, the only major network. I'm not on his CBS, but I'm on it in syndication but not on network. But I have all my shows on prime time and on one of these networks because I will not sign exclusivity. And then I just, through God's grace, have been allowed to work with some fabulous partners that work around my schedule so we can fit it all in, and so I'm able to bank shoot shows. The Apollo I had asked them years ago to turn into a prime time special. They never believed in that. No, no one wants to watch your talent show on television. I said, what are you talking about? Then here come America's got talent, the Voice, American Idol. The hell you mean? America don't want to watch out? What the hell was their sullivan? Okay? And I was just sitting there and then this this white guy told me, but the booing is barbaric. I said, no, man, it's a form of judging. See y'all keep having judges on show. I got fifteen hundred judge coming every night and there, get your ass out of here right away. You ain't gonna come back next week. You ain't gotta get no number. We gotta pay all these damn guests coming on judging. While you standing there looking crazy, why are you singing? They immediately start George and bear Phoe you your answer is judged pretty much. It's back and y'all when you tune in tonight on Fox, it is hysterical. If you think the Apollo was good back, then, lord, I'm telling you right now it's a better show. By The promos have been really fun. You've been Yeah, this little boy I had this little group on that called Mannish. The oldest one is six little boys. Yeah, he just man, he's standing there. What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? And so the name of the hit record is I need a girlfriend? Who? Yeah? And so I was asking each one of them did they have a girlfriend. So the little thug boy, the one thing he real hard with it with the yellow hell. He told me he said, no, I ain't got no girl friend. I said, what you're gonna need one? Because you're gonna need somebody right to you. It's gonna be all right. We come back more of the show. Nephew tell me has the spring fall coming up? And quake is in the Building'll be right back. You're listening. Even Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. The subject whose is it? That is the subject of today's strawberry letter. You do not want to miss it. But right now it's the nephew m Right now, it's the nephews, taring with a I'm sorry, I ain't like I'm afraid of my response. I don't even want to know. I'm glad to be right there right now. I'll take my blessing when I get it. Yeah, in the moment. Yeah, here it is your son and my daughter, Your son and my daughter. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Darren's Darren's father. Is this Darren's father? Yes, just Darren singing. Listen, I'm calling you, Leshawanda is my daughter? You go just college up there with your sort uh And I'm getting The word I got a few minutes ago was that the two of them then run off and then got married together. So I don't know what what what what make him run off and get married? Like wait wait wait wait wait wait where did you hear this from? I just got a phone call from one of the kids at the school saying that they didn't this a girl and grew up when they went to grew up with a Ustle grade school. She called it said, Shonda and Dare then ran off and got married together. And they done that, they say they've done yesterday. But wait, wait my Saturday, my Saturday, and I talked to him about three days ago. He ain't not nothing like that. I know the getting yesterday. I've been calling Shonda and called, ain't nobody picking up? And I'm calling the boys. They give me the boy phone number and I call him and ain't nobody picking up in theirs and nothing. Dude, ain't like my baby girl, do like not nothing like this here. But it's not like my son do nothing like that without talking to me first. So let me call down there and talk to Darren and uh, I can't give me your numb and I'll call you fast I'm going down there that school myself. I'm gonna find both of them. Now, I'm gonna call you to let you know his Now, if I'm find out my baby girl then ran off and got America, she didn't got pregnant. I promise you, I'm gonna do something that boy. If you got my baby pregnant, you have it. Wait a minute, now, I wait a minute. Now, you know, don't do nothing to my son. I understand about your daughter. That's my son. Now you're going down and put your hands on my son. If you got if you come my only baby got well, I understand that's your only David, but that's that's my only son. If you talk about gonna put your ass on, you're gonna have a problem. If you got my baby pregnant, your son Derek going, I'm gonna beat it. I mean, what's your name again? What's your nael it dialing? My name? Yeah, it is my baby wish on? Who's your on dialing? Uh? I know, how did you tell your damn that? Look at Mr Diller. Uh, You're not gonna put your hays on my son. Let me bring it. And it's the only reason I didn't see her doing something like that because I'm taller, I'm doller years and years and years. You don't make no babe. You don't make no baby not be married. You don't do it. I went on, and God, man, that means you're trying to make it right that wish you did, Mr Diller. Mr Diller, listen to me. Now, I did stare. That's your daughter, she's playing or whatever. But let me talk to my son before you go down there trying to do something crazy. Okay, let me tell you something. Your son in cuse my baby girl and getting married and he didn't gotta pregnant. I know what's going on. I know what it is. My son ain't done nothing to your dog. Let me call down there and talk to him before you talk about going down and putting your hairs on somebody. I told my baby, I told along, ain't nothing but the thug. Who whoo whoa, whoa whoa. But don't be accusing my son of being no damn third. Now, well, what kind of man grown over and get mad at the hands and twinting ain't talked to the parts or nobody wouldn't make him do something like that. Well, you're talking about my tody. My son ain't done nothing as you're raising it. How did you raising you've been doing? You in raising? Right? Wait a minute, now I'm here. You're talking to I'm talking to you. Got my baby pregn I'm gonna beat your boy. If you don't, you're gonna get your along. My hol You think you're talking to you, I'm talking to I'm talking to your home man. Hands on, nobody, you put your hands on so you know what you understand me? That's my show, but about your daughter? But that's my baby. Hey man, hey, hey, that's my show. You're talking about putting your hands on. You don't have a problem with me if my baby bringing out promises you don't never knowing that because I'm gonna do something that bore you. Man, that's the last time on here you you don't do something my shot. Now now you're gonna sitow down gut of your show, and and I will last for a minute. Let me call my friend like I get back to you because they don't come else. I need to tell you what we're saying. Man, what else you got? I got something other farmer out that school to get the woman. I want you to know one thing for I get off this phone. What is it? Man? Yeah, I'm listening. Nephew caught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mr Darren, you just got pranked by your son, Darren Jr. That boy boy got better sense. No, I gotta high blood pressure. What I call his mom my time me. I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show, about every loping? You've been mad? Three times? You ever your lope? Anybody ran off in yah? Man, I should have ran off from the offer. That's w should have jallops out of wrong. I should have loaped my ass out of the day. I should have missed that flight, said wrong, escaped. All right, it's going down this weekend man, matter of fact. First show, it's to night Baltimore Comedy Factory. The nephew is in town. One show tonight to Friday too, Sadday Friday gone, Sadday Gone. Got a few more tickets for the night they're talking about. And the third show. Now I'm listening to how my other you should do it? I might do it. I'm yeah you did four that's got that's gonna get him, Tommy, don't play what you think quick listen. I watched them understand, I take it. I'm there that money again. Eight then well too too, you understand turning three hundred one. Thing about you, quack. I noticed because we all work around comedians every day, they always deferred to you like quake makes them laugh. He's a comedian. Comedian, yes, he is, well because he the purest form of it. It comes from a place always quite comedy, always come from a place of realness or perspective that everybody can relate to. He didn't write no jokes about dinosaurs, and e T won't laugh at this. You could be on the show with five six comedians. Y'all be in your dressing rooms, individual dressing rooms. As soon as you hear that quake grabbed that Mike. Everyone side of the state hear this food right here it happens is retard. He is retard. Ain't talking about nobody, kids, and please don't take it that away his ass to the point where it ought to be. It ought to be inspirational. Really, I don't know how to made a story about Wow TV show. All right, listen, um coming up at the top of the hour. It's today's Strawberry letter. The subject we already talked about it. Whose is it? That is the subject? We love it. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you're in a situation and you need some advice, please please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com. Steve and I could read your letter on the air. Who knows, just like this one? Uh? The subject today is whose is it? Come on, Tommy, buckle up and hold on time. We got it for you to strawberry letter. I don't know. For some reason I love this subject. Whose is it? Uh? Dear Stephen Shirley. This past Valentine's Day started out as the most amazing day with the man of my dreams. We plan to go out to dinner, So after work I went to his condo and wait it for him to get home. The moment he walked through the door, we got busy quick and wild style. Afterwards, we pulled ourselves together and went out to dinner. He gave me the bottle of perfume that I had always wanted, so the night was going great. After dinner, we went back to his condo and had some drinks, listen to some music, and ended up getting intimate again. The love making was so intense and passionate this time until he abruptly jumped up and yelled, what did you say? It took me a couple of seconds, and then I realized, Oh, my goodness, I just whispered my ex's name. How did this happen. I've been divorced for ten years and I have no contact whatsoever with my ex. My man looked at me with this hurt, angry, disgusted look and left the bedroom. This is the second time it's happened. I did the same thing a few years ago. He eventually forgave me the first time and we got back on track. But this time, I don't think it's going to be that's going to happen. I've apologized over and over, but we've only spoken twice since then. I'm so mad at myself. I'm heartbroken and confused. What is wrong with me? Do you think he will forgive me again? Or is it best to just leave it alone and walk away? By the way, we're in our mid fifties, both divorced, and we've been together for the past seven years. I don't want to lose him. Please help. Wow, what a way to mess up for a really good evening. Girl, What were you thinking? I mean, I can hear you, I can hear breathe. You guys had a great night. You say this is a man of your dreams. You guys have been together for seven years, you've been divorced for ten. Where did this come from? I mean, did you have too much to drink? Where you drunk? You know, maybe you can blame it on that, but yeah, this is this is kind of crazy. And you you heard his ego, you know, not just one time. This is the second time you've done that. How do you think he's supposed to feel? Uh? It makes him think. I guess from a man's point of view that you're thinking during the most intimate time, not about him, but about your ex. And that's not cool. I don't know how you did that. You slipped up really badly. He forgave you the second time. Uh the first time, I mean eventually, I don't know if he's gonna forgive you this time. I don't know. It depends on you. Know how you make it up to him if he allows you to make it up to him. I don't think that you should just leave and walk away without you know, doing everything you can. But you're in your mid fifties, you're both divorced. I mean, sounds like you have a good thing going. You just messed it up. You're just gonna have to I don't know, really, you know, plead and appeal your case to him. Maybe he'll forgive you a second time. I don't know, Steve, Well, I don't need to how much time I got how many minutes? You've got plenty of time ahead, because I could do this three minutes. I can get all this seen in one time. Come on, let's just let me explain something to what happened was has happened to a lot of men before. But the title of the letter is whose is it? So obviously he asked the question in the middle of the session, Whose m is it? And he said it because he knew he would put me in work. He had had this thing. Oh moaned this round to y'all. Back you walk in dough is passionate, all held and broke blues, then bat your buttons off. That's when you know it's question right there her buttons. He couldn't just rip a lot. I'm gonna need two times to do this because I forgot. I got to set up. What the hell happened? Y'all came in the room, tan at each other. The anticipation was incredible. He gave you perfume that you always wanted. Y'all will walked through the dough. Y'all got busy, she says in her life quick and lois style. Lord, you know what wild style? This all this? When you break spindles off in the banister, that's where you can't explain how the hell that's not the refrigerator handle in your on hands? This how wild? Yeah? Blood that hold the mallet and butcher knife it broke. You can't even find that other kitchen chill. You don't even know where the hell why is the kitchen chill outside? He just got three now? Yeah? And who told the hot water handle off? The speech? That's pretty wild. All the cushions on the couch is with You can't explain none of this. And it's a crack in the flash screen TV. That's how wildly got And the fireplace don't work no more It's just I thought this is quick and wild style. When you're in there, you can't explain nothing. People coming on. What is all the need prints in this car? Girl? Is your knees bleeding? He got a zipper print on his cheek. That's how wild it got open there. Now, when I come back, I'm explained to you. Right in the middle of this wild style while he was performing at his eyes level ever before, he asked the proverbial question whose is it? There's a word missing in there, but we all know what he meant. You said, whose is it? When I come back, we will go down the list of things you could have said, and then a list of things that you probably said right after this. All hell, bravele. Alright, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter subject Whose is it? You had some lists? Yeah, Tommy, yes, sir. Now, for the first time, I'm gonna play the role of her. I'm Tommy's not gonna be okay. I want you to do Tommy it's saying whose is it? Then this first list. It's because she said something wrong, because in the letter she said the Tyler letters, whose is it? In the middle of the letters, she said, he jumped up and said, what did you say? Hmm? So Now after he jumped up and said to avoid the what did you say, let me give you, ladies, a list of things that you can say if you're unsure of whose it is? Mm hmm So Tommy, go ahead, whose is it? Oh? Show? I see that's easy. Like a bear, that's all right. He sounded like a bear. Whose is it? Who is you? Daddy? Here's your daddy? You're not a good girl. How you gotta be? I'm just trying to save your marriage. Whose is it? Big downs would have worked, Whose is it? Look at me? Whose is it? Who you think? Whose is it? You better know it? All of those would have worked. One more, Thomas, Who's is it? That's my favorite? Now, those are a list of things that you can use to keep yourself out of trouble, that would keep a man engaged, working hard, giving his all. Now here's what you can't say. When he asked you, now, his name is Nathaniel, name is my name's Nathan. It's quick name. I forgot that driving like so come on, Tommy, whose is it? Oh? Harold? What what? I don't know? What that? Baby? What wrong? What I say? Missing? You have to call me Harry, I said, Nathan? You no, no, no, you said hair Nathaniel? Why would I come? Okay, go again, let's go. Come on baby, look at me? Who's is it? Oh? What what you're doing? What's your name? Did you say? Go ahead and talk to do again? All right? Baby? Whose is it? Okay? Okay, okay, let me tell you that time you gotta go, fir. What did you say you got to keep doing that? What did you just say? What did you say? Do it again? You? Go ahead? Whose is it? Baby? I don't know. What did you say? You're doing? Good job? You don't know? Come on, baby? Whose is it? Baby? Maybe? I said? Whose is it? Why are you asking me? Yeah? What what's you talking about? I asked you? Whose is it? Last one? Baby? Baby? Whose is it? What did you say? What did you body? Last? One? Time? Talk to me? Baby? Talk to me baby? Whose is it? Baby? Whose is it? What your name is? Thank you? My name? Nathank? You know that's what do you mean fill it in? Yeah? Was classic? Alright, fun Steven oh Man, who was your face? Thank you for let me be again? Word? Sorry that just cover ahem me. So he was really into it. Got a part I didn't even Yeah, reading hard, it's just a reenactment. He got that part down. Yeah, put your shirt back on the We don't know you like that? All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Guys, you can email us or Instagram. That's your on Today's Strawberry Letter at my girl Shirley and please join me today. It is today for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook Live one thirty pm Eastern Time today. I'll see you there. Uh so, Steve our Man, earthquake is still in the building. We gotta finish talking to him. We'll be back. I let him go after this up. Quake in the booth. Who's is it? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Carlo's Reality Update coming up at the top of the hour. But right now, Steve, you have some standard soul information and then quake is in the building. You said you're gonna let him mail let me tear y'all something y'all. Uh in only eight weeks, we have sold out the rooms at the hard Rock Resort. Finish is saying it's Soul Festival. But I got a special announcement, so everybody listen to me. Listen to me. Right now, next door to the hard Rock, we've got a hotel called the Reu Republican, which is right next to the hard Rock. It's also all inclusive alcohol twenty four hours a day. And we just cut a special deal with them and a special change, and now all of our re you guests who are next door can attend the full schedule of events hosted at the hard Rock. Did you hear me? So everybody that stays at the Reu next next door can now participate in all full events for the entire day. You know, at first we had to do it wherever they could come in for the evening events. But now the hard Rock has opened up the doors and said the real guests can attend the full schedule of events hosted over at the Hall Rock. So ain't nobody gonna have to miss nothing. I don't care what hotel you in, you ain't gonna get missed nothing. So just y'all head over to Steve Harvey sand and Soul dot Com. Or you can call this number. I'll give you a chance to get your pin out or type it on your phone, Steve Harvey saying the Soul dot Com. Or you can call one eight hundred six eight fourty five one hundred six five and you can reserve your room at the REU Republica today. Now, when those one hundred rooms are gone, that's it. Now, I want to see y'all there after these one hundred rooms are gone at the REU. That's it. I ain't got no mode, So I'm telling y'all man to come on, saying the Soul Festival weekend two thousand and eighteen. We got seventeen events, five days, four nights. We're gonna have really incredible time. The Hard Rock Hotel and casino and the Reu Republican Resort which is right next door. It's all now inclusive. It's imputed kind of Dominican Republican. U excuse me, Dominican Republic. The dates everybody is August thirty to September three. If you have it reserved your room, you gotta do it. Man, y'all gonna miss one of the hot events. Uh and only saying the Soul guests are allowed on the resort and at the events, so you have to be at one of these locations. Other than that, we can't help. Not only one hundred rooms left at the hard Rock Resort and casino and a big announcement. We just added another two hundred rooms and Republic and they're going now to real y'all. You can look it up online. It's really an amazing resort. It's all inclusive, food and liquor and all saying. The Soul guests will have access to the hard Rock Resort for the nightly theme parties, concerts, showtime at the Apollo, and of course the comedy show. It's twenty for our rooms service. All that's included. Leave your wallets at home, y'all. Come on man, y'all have a great time. Go to Steve Harvey Saying and Soul dot com, or you can call this number eight hundred uh six eight five. It's the last time I'm gonna give you the line up. You all ready, cat drum roll, Please get it. Ladies and gentlemen, The welcome party come by ripping your city, rapping your jaw, ripping your college, or rapping your frat. If you had the Post Office rap that you're down to telecom ripping ripping. The next event we'll have the Players Ball. Come raise the sharp dress to impress the Players Ball. Come on out there and bring it. Then number three, we're having a seventies party. Put on your favorite seventies at tire and come with it. Afros dot Chi's Platforms, bray Bottle. Well, I don't know what I'm aware. I'm gonna let him have it though. And then we got the comedy show. We got Tears and join with your favorite comedians. Quake could be that killed there ye to be there so funny. Then we got show Timathy Apollo Night where if you think you got talent, you to come on up. We gotta act like a success masterclass. We got the beauty Bar that's gonna be hosted by my wife mark Uh. And then we got to Stephen margin Harvey Charity Golf Classic Tournament. The golf course Fellas is right there at the hotel. Come and enjoy yourself. Man, We have a good time. All We got jazz and cocktails on the beach. Oh, we're gonna have sets and Kanyee rolled on site. We got the all White concert and we got a live Q and A with the morning show crew. That's gonna be fun on that Friday one. And I believe, yeah, that was fun last year. That's gonna be really fun. Yeah, we had a great time that I haven't even told y'all who the performers are. Yeah, tell us I ain't gonna do it. Yeah, because cause number one, y'all ain't flying way over there to see No damn, but you young people fly to amsterdamn to see Bruno mall y'all, whoy' only oh that night he gonna be there. We're going over there to have a good time. Man. So we have to line up completed and I'll tell you what that is later. But saying it, so, it's a big day to day to get you reservations in. That's yeah, that's gonna be fun. I see you're all right? Did I take a lot out of you? That was exhausted? Quait? We look for it to see you over there quick? Yeah, I'm going over here, and so don't be hitting me all on my text said can I go? I got one ticket? Yeah? Now I'm cute and now you yeah qua, yeah, you ain't ever get married again? No, no, that lasting really did me be bad man and stepped it back like slavery. Yeah, kicking it back. Man. It was rough there. I only mess with tempered work work. It was mine. Every relationship is mine. But I can't leave me. I gotta work with me. When I come back and call it's reality update. I can't leave me. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, right before we get to Carla's reality Update quake, you were saying, Now, well, I'm just saying, I'm Steve. I'm never getting married again, but I'm gonna find somebody because I'm in my fifth is and my price state given out on miss Yeah boy. I went in there, Steve, and I swear man what they did to me, and there I bought a T shirt and saying me too, listen to me man, man, it was it was. I was feeling some type of way when I came out there. I didn't know what the process was. I swear everything man for me too. I was in there through the tissues or you know, box of tissues on there, put your clothes on, come on in the office. I said, no, Roses. I looked at him, and you can't take your woman in there with that because she's like, you couldn't take it. Huh don't you said he didn't hurt read slow? I mean it was it was less. You got me right here feeling bad. Man after guy. It was terrible of is. I gotta have somebody to be with me. Somebody got to be with me right now. Somebody gotta hug me or something. I got to find something. I'm telling you around because I ain't up there. I got quantity, but the quality gone. I got to find somebody to hug me and smuggle because it's gone over here. Man. I see why next time I said, just let me have prostate cancer. If this would it takes. But I got to go through this. I take the cancer. I swear, letting me lose weight. I just ain't going in there with that man. No much that man it's in there with a glove that's take away myself to steeve. I started fox fights, stepping my tip shoes again again, step on him again. What's wrong with you? Man in that room over there? Me too, me too, I'm part of me too. I'm just letting y'all know right now. I'm letting you know my ps, my p s a was high. I didn't know he said, we need to do an exam. I thought it was a regular xam. Did I not know it? Yeah? Do it? Please please get you. Yeah, but you're gonna feel something bad. Yeah, here in that cup. And they come back, they tell your p say, have we got to do an exam? You gotta get your mind right now. Yeah. When I used to go because I started doing him at forty right. So what my sister would do, quake was she would have she would schedule me two days in a row at the exact same time. Because the first day or if I sit in the or if I sit in the that's not my phone, that's probably Jay's cheap ass phone. Keep leaving in here, you know, j oh, he still got a house right now. Yeah, And so so I get mine for two days because like the first say, if I'm sitting in there and they don't take me right away and I started thinking about it, I'm going home. So then I come back the next day. So now my doctor know when Steve come through the door, we got taken right away because his as if he think about it, he's going home. But I'll switched doctors so quick. I gotta, I gotta. I got a female doctor. Now, that's why women babies. You guys can't handle. I just didn't know what yeahs are smaller man. Yeah, I ain't know what it consisted. No, but then she told me though. She said, um, she said, m you don't have to look back at me. Well, I'm trying to get something out of it. This is a medical examination, and you don't have to look back at me. I'm trying to get something. Guy contact, so to regroup after that two hours, you're still Oh no, it's still over here. It's when the examiner was at the club. I saw it when I walked in and I turned around. Let's go, y'all, let's go. We cannot be in the same club. It's gonna be there. She witnessed it. I know she's gonna tell her girls. Let's get on that there, kiddle. They walked out there. He couldn't handle it at all. Look how you're looking at the flow. Couldn't need my ball better to that whole room. No, you won't paralyzed. Your paralyzed. Oh yeah, you ain't moving, he said. The man in the room with the glove is taking out my comfort. I started four fights myself. Yes, it's en your something. Man. I see they say black men are the leading part. Not when you come junior next year, is there you four? Do you gotta start going in Yeah, you supposed to going forty, man, and you gotta go every year. What I did was I got mine so under control. My p s A is so low now, man, I have like outstanding p s A. Because it was kind of high, and I had the lord at p s A. Man, So I started eating the right foods and taking the right supplements herbs, and I got my p s A so low. Then now I just have you uarnate and the cup. Yeah you know, I thought PSA was public service or not. I thought the years when they put their fingers public you have your please, man, go get checked, please stay healthy. Yeah, well I mean you know we do it. It didn't joke for and like got ready to say, African American men are leading the high percentage because we have this ignorant thing. Ain't nobody touching my butt. But if you don't, let nobody touch you. But because prostate cancer can be can be cured if you catch it early. That that's right, and man, it's it's an. It's an uncomfortable exam, but you can die from this. And it's only three seconds. Trust me, it ain't at the long three though. I know, I know one. Mrs it's only three seconds. Mr cb we missr I don't take a three seconds times three seconds seem long to you. Man, as long as three seconds in my life, man, I'm telling you if it's three al, we'll be back with more than Steve Morning, right, Missippi one. Mr Sip, Mr Cippy too long phone, you're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, Carla, here we go with reality Update. Come on, tell me get ready, get ready? She is here. Carla Ferrol with Reality Date. Okay, thank you, Nephew, thank you, Shirley. You guys, okay, okay. Real Housewives of Atlanta so quake. Last week we kind of talked about the whole thing with Nini. Have you've been watching this roach gate? Steve looked at this video determined that Nini really don't have roaches at her new house, all the stuff that Kim put out and her daughter Brielle, you guys remember this whole video drama. Anyway, the ladies are in Spain, they're on this trip. They were at brunch and they told Say. Nini told Say that she needs to tell Kim. You know, since you're the bone collector, says, you're talking and telling everybody stuff, you need to tell her that she was filed for what she did putting out the video with her daughter, and that you need to let her know that she was filed for that. Shay said she didn't want to talk to Kim about all of that because she didn't want to tell Kim how to raise her children, her child, because she don't want a body telling her that. So that was that drama. Anyway, Cynthia realized that her accommodations for the ladies, you know, the house that they were staying in Shirley was not fly enough, you know, so the ladies were not feeling the house. They felt like it was whacked. Nini came in saved the day book hotel rooms. So the girls were happy about that out and about they recite seeing around Spain. They were driving around, goat cards they had Porsche had a little fender bender. Did you see that crashing up the boy your baby? Oh yeah, we're screening order or nothing. I'll be good of that. Check this out good, Yeah, your girl, Porsche quake you guys, Marlowe. Marlow went in and she was very rude, and she was very mean to her. She talked about this welcome matt at her house, saying it was too small. She told her that she had stinky breath, and it's just I was on team Porsche at that point. Yeah, she said that her welcome matt at her house was too too small. Yeah, yeah, well maybe maybe it's just because I got a big ass dope perspective. Yeah, I just thought that was that was very You go look at the matt in front of our house. I don't know who gave us this matt in front of our house. It says Nona and Papa's house. We spawl grandkids. Here's the grandkids. I don't know who the hell gave me that glass man, But you know, I just I just wipe my feet and walk on it. That's what it's for exactly. So anyway, Porsche had this hand fan in her face and she was fanning while Marlowe was talking to her. Marlowe insulting this girl, She grabs her fan. Porsche jumps up. You know it's about to go down. Security Security comes in to try to break all this up. Long story short, Porsche left, Porsche went to talk to Nini. It was just too much. All of that was really it was a really good moment though, Carla. Don't you think between Porsche Nini? Yes, she really went to Nini and just said, you know what, I feel like, I can't win in this situation with these women, so them out. So Porsche left and the girls you know, kicked it and stayed in Spain. But hit me up on lips by, Carla, tell me if you were on team Porsche or team Marley. Yeah, yeah, Carlo. Did you hear about Kim Zosiak getting her daughter accustom made gun for her birthday? Kim and Brielle because Brielle is getting ready to move out on her own, so Kim bought her a gun. Gun. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised, and it's legal. You know it is illegal, but yeah, she got her gun for her protect because she's moving out on her own. So that's reality update. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're here the whole Steve Harvey Morning Show with our special guest family member Earthquake. Yes Si in the build. Dude, glad you stopped by the day. Well, do you know I'm gonna stock you. Y'all are doing so well, I said, let me come by and let you, But don't forget about your whole cousin. I know I love you that you know I love you. This Friday, come see me at the Cots Auditorium arena. I'm sorry, and um, Oklahoma City, don't get that money in Oklahoma, said there, and Rochester Auditorium in Rochester, New York. So come see your brother this weekend, Friday and Saturday. I think I got one ticket left, just one. Oh, I get that money on that end. Trying to spread out this one job. Ain't getting it Okay quick, I have a question for you. And Steve have known each other for a very very long time. Yeah, Steve keeps toying with the idea of stepping back into the stand up arena. You know he left it a few years ago in Vegas. We were all at its final show. Yes, it's farewell show. I was there and I looked up there and I was the same way. I said, no, it's too early. Yes, he's great, And I'm not just saying that because I'm on it you can just I just watched him. Steve used to sit back and just tell all the comedians what they need to do. Steve was blunt with it'll tell us something. You ain't gonna make it. You ain't ways your true. We ain't got what it takes. Is any of them here? None? I thank you, he used to tell him. He used to sit back and we just sitting there. Me, there's white, the rest of sitting in this club four hundred people. Man, it's back and it's in. But he's always was able to take any subject and elaborate on it and just go on it. And that's what I took from him and see why. And I watched him from that point on and just take a subject like a lock and just let it just morph larger and larger and larger. And I took it from there. And I remember one time then he was writing. He might don't even remember that I was writing this down. He said, what you're doing, say, man, I'm writing this joke. You just grab a paper, put it throughout the window. What you're doing, man, you don't need the right heels, come straight out your mouth, ready, do you the way you are? I haven't done it. I haven't done in no other way since believed in it. From that point on, I never knew what I say when I'm getting on stage, because you never know. You just hope it comes out like as supposed to. Because if I sit back here and say, that's why I like to come and go straight on stage and I just wait around other people messed with my environment. But boom, I got that from him. Wow. So you think that, knowing all that you know about Steve, he's ready. He still got it. He could, to be quite honest with you, And I'm I told every week. Can he could walk out of his bed right now and handle anybody that's out here just off the top hand. All right, you heard it from one of the best. He needs to go meet you, Junior and crazy over here to Nephew. Yeah, that I'm hosting. Don't get his chops on up and and Jay and do Steve Harvey and family. I like it. But the tour just gonna be on Wensday. That's all right, up, that's all right, got to do all up, that's all right. We take a way I do that new We get it. Steve, You got to think about that. I could one of the best in the could do something. In September October, we'll be back with our last break of the day. We'll say goodbye the quake for the moment, and then Steve, you have some closing remarks. You're listening. She's Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good morning, good morning. Yeah, thank you quick for stopping for thank you do it more often, man, please anytime you call. Alright, brother, appreciate you. Man. Alright, Steve, just one more thing. Closing remarks. You know yesterday I did oh, I clowned on my closing remarks. I did Roscoe Wallace, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Thing and get here. Yeah. Yeah. But there was a school who listens to the show for the closing remarks and they were upset that I did closing remarks. No more Roscoe. We want them closing remarks. And so that's what they said. I know. So I'd like to apologize to Hardy Middle School in Jackson, Mississippi for being irritated at me because I didn't do so they affected me. They affected me, and I just said, okay, I'm sorry, you're right. So closing remarks. It is so so um here it is my closing remarks today about the effort that it takes to become successful. And in case you're confused about it, let me clear up the myth that if you want to be successful in this country, or you want to be happy financially in this country, it requires an all out assault on your behalf to attain it. I'm going to say it again, it will require an all out assault in order for you to attain it. If you want to be successful in the United States of America. Really, I don't care where you are, but I'm just talking because the show is here. If you want to be successful in this country, financially successful, it is going to take an all out an assault on your behalf. Success is not easy. I'm not gonna paint this picture for you that all anybody can do it. Anybody can do it who's willing to apply themselves the right way. But if you're not willing, if you think there's a short cut, I have news for you, it's not. You have got to start getting doggish about your own success. You have got to make success and absolute requirement. Failure is not an option. Now, listen to me, you will fail the whole time you're trying to be success. But to allow that failure to consume you, stop you, drop you, sink you. That's unacceptable because failure is really just a valuable learned gained experience. That's all it is. It's not an end all for you. So let me help you understand something. Let's start with eight hours of sleep, as you've heard most medical people say is required to live a healthy life. Those people who put out their survey are not wealthy people. I can assure you that because let me explain something to you, and I've talked to a lot of well off people. If you are not where you want to be in life financially, you can ill afford to be asleep eight hours a day. If you are sleep for eight hours a day, you are sleep a third of your life. It's only twenty four hours in a day. Eight hours is a third of that. If you are asleep a third of your life is nowhere in the world you'll be successful. You can't. There's a script it that's saying something to this effect that people who love to sleep, who love the folding of hands, poverty will set upon you like a thief. In the night. It says in so many words that that's not it exactly, but that's like the New Testament, meaning that new version. If you love to sleep and you love the folding of the hands, just sit around with your hands folded, poverty will set upon you like a thief in the night. Now let me ask you a question out there, how many of you, just with us talking, how many of you know someone who loves to sleep? I think that would be all of you. All of you know someone who loves to sleep. Now, let me ask you something ain't a poe. The answer is yes. Scripture proven period. It requires an effort. You are going to start to have to eliminate some of the junk from your life. You can't be at every happy hour every day. You can't be at every party they throw. You can't smoke one every day. You can't watch every TV show that comes on every Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and never miss an episode. You cannot do that and be successful because now you're putting yourself on somebody else's schedule, and the timing of their schedule has nothing at all to do with your success. Think about it. So, what you watch scandal every day. The people on Scandal already successful. If you're watching a particular show every day, every time it comes on, and you have a series of those shows, you're scheduling your life around other people's success. You can't be tending to your success. If you on front of the boob to watching other people's success, it cannot happen to be successful. It takes a massive all out of sault. Stop messing around, take as much, eliminate as much trash from your life as can as you can, and apply it to where you are trying to go. It will serve you well, my friends, to put forth a massive effort, because that's what it takes to be successful. Those are my clothing re marks today. I want to say thanks to the Hardy Middle School in Jackson, Mississippi, for bringing me back on around. I slipped off yesterday. I'll just being ignorant. It felt good to me. I wouldn't sing I Saint get here all day long today. Yeah, y'all have a great weekend, y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.