Today's show is dedicated to those that like the art of dice rolling. Older women do certain things to attract younger men. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Beyonce. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Dawn VS Tommy. Evvie McKinney from "The Four" debuts her latest single. Fool #1 pranks the plumber. The Strawberry Letter involves a third party. Is it male or female? Find out what criteria makes up a good listener. Today The CEO talks about life and what exhausts him in Closing Remarks for today plus more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all all suit all looking back to back down, giving them ball, just like the American buck bus things. And it's cub y'all me true good to the hardy one to move to other for sto bar Hobby, don't you join? Yeah? Well hobby joining me? Honey? Do you turn to go? Yeah? You want you gotta turn you to turn about to turn lovey, got to turn out to turn wan y. Come come on your thada uh huh, I shore will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Yeah, man, real grateful for that. You know, it's funny man. I remember when I um first started out in radio. A lot of my peers laughed at me. It was, you know, some of it was being mean spirited. Some of it was just you know, marking me. I'm used to stuff like that. But I had as a special guest on my show or Joel Oldstein on my talk show. And you know something, man, he he said something that was I can't remember the scripture. I don't know exactly how I where like we were having a long conversation, but the gist of it was, don't be upset with where you are now, and don't be upset with the small things in your life. Be grateful for the small things and the small position that you have right now, because you don't know what that is going You don't know what that's gonna be one day. You don't know what that's gonna lead to. And that was very uh warming to hear him say that, But it also reminded me of when I started in radio, how small it was. It reminded me of when I started in stand up making twenty five dollars a show. It reminded me of the cause I used to drive and the cause I didn't have. It reminds me of not having a home at a period in my life and what God has allowed me to live in now. So don't be distraught over your position now and don't be ungrateful or unappreciative for the things you have now because you don't know what that's gonna grow into. And that's really the gist of what he got that I that I got from what he was saying. I just wanted to share that with you, that where you are now. It's so temporary because now, like I've said, for now is a fleeting moment. As soon as you say now, right after you finished saying now, that moment that you claimed as now, that's gone. So the where you are now it's a very fleeting process. Now you can change where you are now, and you can change how you feel about where you're at now, and you can change about where you're going by simply changing your mind. It is no difference. I'm telling you, folks. The thing that I've learned about successful people is not so much what they do. It's not what they have, is not how I see them functioning. The biggest thing I've learned about successful people is how they think. That's the thing that's different. It's how they think. And I'm telling you that you can change the way you think on any subject and start becoming successful towards that starting now, and that you have to understand that. Man, the biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and non successful people is how they think. I was reading what is God said that he was taught all wrong about money. He said that his father was very negative about money. He all throughout his life he heard his father say, you know, people who got money have walked on somebody to get it, or cheated somebody to get it. People who have money, money is the root of all evil. Money is money is this And people who got money, you know, don't deserve it. They've done something wrong to get it, y'ad y'all. So he said, he grew up the whole time thinking that having money was something was wrong with that. He discovered that it wasn't. You know. Now, Look, you can choose to be successful in any way you want to. I've chosen several ways to be successful. I want to be a very, very successful father. I think that's one of the things that's paramount in my life that I really am working hard right now to become a successful father. Not a successful father in terms of money, but a successful father in terms of offering the amount of love and guidance and leadership and the example that my children need to look at. And that's what I'm really really working hard at now. I want to be successful as a father, but also I want to be successful as a husband. You know, I want Marjorie to always know that she can count on me, that to not have to wonder about me a look for me. You know. I want her to feel secure in the fact that I really have gotten it right, that I really am focused on being a good husband to her, because it means so much to me, having gone through everything I've gone through and having God to have at this stage of my life giving me such a wonderful gift. I want to want to show her how much I appreciate it. Uh, you know. So, I'm working hard on a lot of levels. I'm working hard and trying very strong to be a successful motivator of people. I want to be a sharer of information to people that will uplift others and give others the same things that I've learned through the trials and tribulations of my life. But at the same time share that information and use the power this microphone to uplift people, you know, not to destroy. My show is not about guess what's go on? So said? Guess what's going so did. I don't like mean spirited things about people, you know, I joke with people calling this that's another thing. But I don't like destroying people with the power to microphone. So working very hard on being successful in a lot of areas of my life now. Also, I do care about being financially successful too, because my father the one one of the gifts he gave me was very simple gift. He told me a long time ago. He said, son, the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them. And that stuck with me. And this was a hard working man who was a coal miner who worked construction his entire life. My father didn't have an easy life man. My father didn't sit behind a microphone. My father didn't come to work and people cheered for him. My father wasn't famous. My father was just a go get it dude. That he instilled that in me. And I've taken that and applied it to my craft and I thank God for him for that. But I do try to be financially successful so that I can do some things with it to help some other people. Now, am I opposed to having nice things? No? Do I apologize for having nice things? No? And why should I I work? I work? You know, I'm done. I'm not. I'm not on the radio asking to give me money, you know, so I can go buy a car. I'm working. So I don't feel how you want to feel. And other people do feel that way about it. But if success in terms of finance, it's what you're lacking, you can go about the big isn't of doing that. I'm writing a book, and that whole book is about teaching people how to become successful. And Man, I'm breaking it down in a way where everybody can get it, man, because I want the college student to get it, you know, I want I want the working mom to get it, the single mom to get it, the the the hard working father that has been trying to hold his family together can get it. The father that ain't ever got it together and feel that because of that reason, he can't be the father he needs to be. I'm writing something, man, to put it into words, to let you know that God is a forgiving God, and that God is a merciful God, and that God can get you out of any situation you find yourself in. You just can't beat yourself up every time you make a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, man, I just got to remind myself to get up. I ask God for forgiveness, I call on his mercy and it's grace and I get up and I go again. But it's coming, man, And to find success is what you want. You got to change your mind. You got to start thinking about how to produce it. You got what you gotta just this is not what you do first. The first thing you do is you gotta ask. You gotta ask ask to have a life and have a life more abundantly. That's a scripture that he comes to you to give you life and to give you life more abundantly. That's the scripture. That ain't a joke, that ain't a theory. That's a fact, and the fact that if you don't have a life of abundance, you can get that by asking. Now follow the rest of it, But it starts by asking. Then it starts by believing, and how to don't even worry about that. He takes care of that himself. He'll send the stuff your way. But you gotta be willing to put some effort in this thing now, and you can do it. Okay. I know I was a little around the place today, but that's what it was. So you know, let's go get it all right. You're ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You are listening to the baddest more without a doubt, this is Steve Harvan Martin Show, Today's show. Come on, make it good now it's dedicated, Come on to eat it. Body who loves the art or shooting dice? Man, Man, it's an art. You gotta know what you're doing. Man, you really do. What's art about? You think it's no art to but there's definitely art. You got what you're doing. It's not just well, no, it's not all luck. But you know, dice shooting is luck because you know you can't control them dice. You know when they when you get when the dice are laying on the table, how you set them well, I mean you know it's no particular way. You just gotta throw them down there. So it's no art to it. Then it's just luck. Well, it's it's a lot of luck in dice shooting, but it's a favorable odds based on certain things. When you shoot dice, it's strategically done. They throw dice a hundred and forty four times. Out of that hundred and forty four times, they know the number that's gonna pop up the most is seven because you can get it with a five and a two or six and a one or four and three. So that's the most highly likely number. That's out of a hundred and forty four tosses. If you read gambling books, it will show you out a hundred forty four tosses, how many times on the average that seven will come up? A minute? Excuse me, if you read gambling books. I thought gambling books, I didn't know. I didn't know that there's people that do it for a living. Now, if you're on the table, you know, and you got a good little run, somebody could actually throw. I've thrown the dice eighteen rolls without crapping. What you mean hitting a seven? Oh? I thought you had a problem. I didn't know. Have you ever had somebody playing with trick dice on? Well? No, not not not in Vegas. We're not in Vegas. I'm just saying, like black back home in Cleveland, just shooting dice. Anybody ever had the trick dice? I hear about trick. Yeah, when we're on the corners, Castle switched dice on you in a minute. Dude can't bring in the dice and the dice is red. But he bought the dice, and he got a loaded pair of dice with him, you know, and loaded dice gonna always land on seven. So when you throw out first, you can throw a seven seven of win your money on your first roll until you get a point. Very interesting. I don't gamble that all well. I remember when we were little, Mother would not let us play games with dice in them and stuff like that. We couldn't. She thought it was a sin. We couldn't do it, like Monopoly and stuff. She thought it was a sin. Y'all. Couldn't play Monopoly, any game that had dice with sin, We couldn't. We couldn't do it dice. Yeah, we gotta go. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Jay, you've come up with a bit. Oh this is so nice. You don't really like this at all? Whatever j O left? Oh my god, Katy, well we about to find out. Let thought was number one. Stop walking around with stuff in your broad like your phone, like change, like your purse. You know where you gotta dig down in so we can see. Everybody want to see you digging in your cleavage without quoting something. You don't tease off like that. And then you got people like Monica sitting over here. Can't put nothing in him. She put her phone in that one time. Man, she'll gonna broke her teeth. She got so much stuff in the water bottle even time. A crown raw bag is not a purse. Okay, young boys, do you like to see them crying? Roll back? It sexy for some reason? Yeah, please stop doing it. That's the only thing about I don't know how you can object to that, but y'all they're not cue, so whatever, right, Okay, if you're gonna wear Capri's no problem. You know those the pants that stopped right at the calf, right this dame. You ain't got to win every day, and please take them damn strings off bottom up. I can't stand that Junior had on the pad of the day for anybody. Stop wearing them caprete with them damn strings hanging there, sing, don't bother you. You don't think something on you? You like with Lebron war shorts then wasn't then they didn't have strainings on. I just supported Lebron and I'm trying to get a championship in Cleveland. I wouldn't be called dead with a damn short set on. I'll tell you that right now. Ya. Stranger nut gives a turban is not coming back. It ain't coming back, you know, with a little diamond and dad ain't coming back. And I'll tell you what else ain't ever really in for black women. The big giant roans in the side of your head. Boy, you ain't Meetsy Nash, but she's black though. Take that big rose out the side of your head. We see you, you already pretty whatever. We need some flower floor on the side of you. And they get bigger every time I see it, like a hat segments. You ain't got to wear a knee brace every damn day. Really, some people's head. Yeah, a lot of topic copper fit down. I ain't go once any time. And here you go. Stop referring to younger men as sugar, honey, dolling baby was supposed to call me sugar? Do I mean book sugar and preshious, book and precious and precious? Yeah, here we go, Here we go. These are things that older women need to stop doing to attract younger men. You got one, how you do? Stop wearing these hal to tops so tight that your back looked like a can of biscuits. Were somebody to put that spoon on that scene? Whatever? Your little as you bet your back look like a can of biscuits. Stop wearing them damn halters. They are not for you. We don't know whatever. We can't even see that. We can't even see the straps on the halter swallowed up your breast all back that round by your back. If we can see your breast from behind, you don't need a damn hal to. Okay, what else? What else? You get a lot of these young men, a lot of them don't like these older type. You know, foods like hog malls, shitlands, green sweep, potato pie, pay the salad had candied yam. Why we got to come over your house, eat and go to sleep? Why we got an overload? Damn? You got nothing in here, Martin. You ain't found another recipe? Six slavery? Who the hell still puts the hamhock in the damn green sta smoked turkey? Now you just eating the same giblic even time. Why am I so sleepy? Because you're eating hog hell hot juice. It's in them greens. It's putting you to sleep. I just saw, what the hell? Now? What the hell? All my one? It was the hamhocks? You got one? Go ahead? What is it you're walking around the house and your slip anymore. Last time I've seen the slip with my mom anymore. Things things the older when they can get attract younger men. Okay, there's other cologns and confumes out there besides white Diamond, Stop sitting and avon. Okay, l number five and pass. They make other things. I don't know anyone you all forgot. That's that legendary boy. My mama, man, and let me tell you something. And my mama loved Lizabeth Taker. My mama thought Lizabeth Taylor was the flies chick on earth. She just never mentioned all in magic. My mama was against that. You just never bought some, mama, how many times you've been. Don't worry about that, don't judge. I just remember her and Richard. Next, it's the nephew would run that brankback right after this. You're listening, She's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, as promised, it's time for the nephew to run that prank drug test. About to get the drug test? What are you thinking about drunk? Yeah, it is running prank. Come on drug test. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a fake place. This is Hello. This is Officer Rodgers from the Probation Department. Yes, sir, listen, now you have been uh on probation for a little over a year. Now, all right, faith, now you're supposed to be serving two years probation. All right now, I'm giving you a call actually bringing you a bit of bad news. And I hate to do this, but you you came in for a couple, um, a couple of weeks ago and did a did a drug test? Am I right? All right now, I don't. I hate to bring you some bad news, but the actual drug test that you took has come back positive. That's a lot. That's a lot. That's a Wait a minute, Wait a minute. Now, you came in a couple of weeks ago, you took a drug test. This drug test is actually coming in positive. Now what I want to say to use this, You're gonna have to actually hold on a second. I either need you to come into me or I don't. And I don't want to save you embarrassment of having to send a car out to pick you up. No, nothing embarrassments you're talking about, sir. I gave you some was good, ma'am. Right now, I got you have a positive drug Tell you have you you you come up positive? Man, now you gotta we used the one that you brought us now must have been the wrong one. Couldn't have been, man, sir. I'm sorry, sir, but I wouldn't have gave you no bad year and it's just wouldn't me, ma'am. I don't want to have it back to jail. I don't even know why you would call me with this nonsense. I got children. I'm trying to do, right. I don't know why you would call me. I wouldn't have gave you know bad that's not me, ma'am. You have to come in and do another three months now, Oh, sir, I can come pick me up. I can tell you right now. I can in your hand if you want me to, ma'am. Your your yurine has come back positive of drugs. Now. I don't I don't know any other way to explain it to you. You've been actually evidently using drugs again. I'm trying to tell you I don't drugs. I've been cleaned for a year and some months now. You got the wrong that's not How do you telling you? How do you know it's not yours? Man? It's got your name on the lid. Everything you have come back positive, whatever dinner you put your name on it, because that ain't came back would have came back good. You can't fill me and tell me I gave you some mad can and tell me that that's a negative, sir, that's a double negative. It's not a double negative, it's a double positive. You've actually come back positive. Say he has written here on the actual cup. Fake. No, No, we don't have more than one faith. You're the only thing I've actually double checked that myself. You need to either come in or we got to come out. And all you're behind in here, Well I need you to come right now, cause I got the right now right now. Are you trying to tell me that if I come and pick you up and take your year and now your YearIn is gonna come up negative? Is that what you're saying. I'm telling you that you're up terrible positive with that, my YearIn is gonna come up negative? Ma'am. I hate to I don't want to come out all year in front of your family, but you're actually gonna be coming in and you're gonna do three months. That's all I can tell you. You're confidence you got the wrong, saying, I don't know you got the wrong. It's one of the two. Might be both you got the wrong, you got the wrong stake. I'm letting you positive positive. I'm trying to tell you I got kids, man, I ain't no positive. Listen, ma'am. I'm telling you one more time. You either want to come in or want me to come and get you. Which one. Let me tell you what I want you to do. I want you to find out who you have, because that ain't money. Don't I'm gonna tell me nothing about you got some some that that is not good. I gave you some good times. I got to figure out y'all keep picking up people, software, kids and folks. Y'all had me, says time, miss child. Now I'm I've been giving you good and you stay. I want to with me. I'm dad. I ain't getting a bed. I'm coming no more like that. And well is my probation office. You say your name is My name is Officer Rogers. I'm no, no officer Rogers. Like I said, you might be the reason why it came back pas. You might be the reason I need to speak with Mr. That's my probation ouficers. Now I have clean at all time. Mr. You shouldn't be calling me. I should be calling you because I'm gonna ever dently. I'm gonna have to come down the hall you're behind in myself where you can bring your song and when you came you with you here. Let you know I'll have no time to you can come to my job. I got you got. Let me know what. There's one there's one more things I need to right now. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? What is it? Sir? This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pregned by your sister Alan. I know one thing. I'll played too much. I'll play too much. I'm coming to give him Mr Roger. She gonna get this hell out of me thinking I was doing and didn't know about it. Okay for you, all right, I'm not I'm nervous. It's your sister. She putting me up to it. Baby. When you ever see her, you see what she looked like. I'm gonna be to hell out. I got one more question for you, baby. You got to tell me this. What is the baddest. I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steven It is drug, which is immediately followed by what you're looking a get somebody to prank, Get at the nephew and Thomas Miles dot com. That's Thomas Miles dot com. Get at the nephew. I got a button on there. You leave all your information and I will hit you back. We can prank your pastor, your uncle, your mama, your grandmama. Wait a minute, what see he's against Thomas Miles. No, I'm not against that at all. I just said it sounds strange to me. You want to get at the nephew, Yeah, and then go to Thomas Miles. Just so strange to hear Thomas Miles. Ignorance continues this weekend Friday side to sunderby the nephew coming to town. That's too Friday to Sadday. To somebody fact called Atlanta and ask them what they got a couple of weeks ago. They got straight ignatrocity. I promise you that I'm bringing it to you. I'm gonna hit you dead in the face with straight stupidness. Yeah, you're gonna get the nephew you're gonna get all of me, and once again I need some burminham. Bobby que said they're gonna get all of you, Tommy. I don't yeah, I know him to break this stupid don't be a short sample, Bobby Cue out of the ham. I need to know where it, said, Steve Harvey up dot com. Hit your boy up. Let me know where I can get the best barbecue in this today. You got my tickets? You got my tickets. I'm not giving tickets. Are called the spot, yes you are, and where we go and we do a show on the last gotta hell. You got people up there too, you always you better give me my tickets. Yeah, yeah, I need my tickets for my in laws. Okay, okay, thank you. All right, we're going to play. Are you smarter the nephew, Tommy? You've been doing okay, so far pretty good? And you our listeners could win a chance at Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million dollars. Okay, all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register to play. Are you ready, nephew? Certainly if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. You know the phrase you know the phrase the nephew is ready. That's a Stein nephew nephew answer that I don't know how to do. Let's see you're going, Thomas. You know what I mean? All right? You heard him. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, come on. J Anthony Brown is here to murder. It is time now to lose another friend. Here's j Anthony Brown. Wouldn't met the hits. We're talking about feelings earlier and how to say things that you should say or want to say to you. So I put together a song because the question always comes up, how do I look in this dress? Did you think I'm fair? You know those questions that you can't answer, But it's all in the song. The song answers everything is Beyonce. The song is You're Way More. Um, it's a Beyonce song, You're Way More? Yeah, but you you listen to it? Just listen, please, just listen. You see what I'm going. I'm going to answer the question that every man has been asked. The question is does this dress make me look fat? Check it out? Check it out. I'm gonna have to say your lands round. You gotta quit you're gonna have to share it some pounds now you will not allowed the game. You really got big around insteader one who digging you dude? And put that rig down your pod honey on everything it showing only in your face. Mabe, I love you, but you win more, my little freak gamest wink you put honey on. Everything is showing only in your face, biby, I love put you win more, my little freak games. Some were why more because you win more? Wit more, way more, because you win more way more white and more because you wear more. You're gonna have to share it some mountains. You're win it about to times just so you're using Hello, you win more. I mean if if you say it in a song, right, you think they're gonna dance to the to it? Oh? I see what he's said, so I wait more wa I can't with him. It was Beyonce. Yeah, I try to Yeah, you right right? One for me that I can give to my lady that you're getting on my damn new can you do it? Getting on my damn Yeah? You know my last name on the one that I need. I'm only hoping that you wish that you go, you go you go. Please you my last name one that I really need. I was gonna use it, Lilier. I thought I might need it. Lady in the week, she's here and trip. Okay, thank you guys, Good morning, everybody. This is anentered with the News four cities assuing the Trump administration accusing federal officials of deliberately sabotaging the Affordable Care Act. The cities of Baltimore, Chicago, and Cincinnati, Columbus, Ohio asking a judge to block some of the Trump administration's new rules and executive orders, which they say have damaged Obamacare markets. Lays for the four municipalities accusing the President and Health and Human Services Secretary alex as Are of failing to faithfully execute the law as demanded in Article two of the Constitution. They say their residents have been harmed by the actions of the new White House because insurance has gotten more expensive, leaving fewer people covered, and the lawsuit quotes the president President Trump saying that he might let Obamacare either implode or explode about twenty times. In North Carolina, dozen people I've been arrested for voting. Apparently the twelve were either on parole or on probation for felonies, which in the Ta Hill state makes you unable to vote. Nine or the twelve were black. All say they thought they had regained the right to vote after serving their time time. Let's see every every state is different. In North Carolina, former felon does not regain the right to vote unless his or her parole or probation are over too. It can be prosecuted even if they didn't know that they were wrong. Felons are not stripped of their voting rights at all, and Vermont remain. Other states allow people to vote once their prison time is over. Still, others allow felons to formally apply to have their privileges restored. President Trump thinking that North Korea is Kim and he's thanking him rather for a letter that he got, which to the President calls a nice letter and says he looks forward to seeing the North Korean leader soon. Sarah Sanders confirms it he did receive a letter. I believe that he received it on August one. Uh, there is not a second meeting that is currently locked in or finalized. Certainly open to that discussion, but there isn't a meeting plan. Well, the Secretary of State Mom Popey. Mike Pompeo was to see his North Korean counterpartist Singapore. They're attending the same regional conference. But he's quoted now in the news on CNN is that North Korea does not appear to be disarming. Okay, not at all. Okay. She was once his ride or died, but no more. Ama Rossa is out with a book entitled Unhinged, and in it she says President Trump is in mental decline of Coordin the Daily Mail, almar Rossa says when newsman Lester Holt recently interviewed the President, she says Trump was erratic and contradictory, and that she says to herself, oh no, this is bad. Amar Rossa says, the President rambled and even spoke gibberish. The book is entitled Unhinged, and today is national I like bear Days. Yes you do. Back with more entertainment coming up twenty minutes after the hour, Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? On the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, it's time to play Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Tommy, Let's meet our contestant. Please, let's do it. Let's do it. Good morning, Good morning. My name is John. What you call them from? Girl? I'm actually in Las Vegas, but I live in New York. Your on vacations. Yeah, she's a baller. Don what you What do you do for a living? I'm a compliance coordinator for health insurance confidence. Oh yes, oh yeah, we don't even know what that is. You know a thing? Until about a thing? Untuney said a lot of big words, A lot of words over there. Okay, okay, so so he stepped back from the mate got me shaking in my knees over here. Don do you think? Don you think you're smarter than me? Do you think so? I think I'm just gonna blow me straight out the word love it? Okay, okay, okay, keep ready, all right, clean us, clean us, level up, ahead on doing well. This is how his works. Shirley is going to ask us some trip your questions. We have up to sixty seconds to answer. The one who answers the most questions correctly, they are the winner. It's just that simple. I alright, cool, that's all it's miss. I'm on vacation in Vegas. Come back down it's on your A game on? All right, Tommy, I'm out, I'm out. Why are you still here? By stupid love that don Are you ready? All right? The clock will start after I read the first question? Here we go. What is the capital of the United States? Which comic book superhero is associated with the substance kryptonite sum. Which popular horror movie had the character Norman Bates in it? What is the what is the abbreviation for the state Kentucky? What ingredients in bread causes it to rise? Which performer had a two Legit to Quit tour in nine two. Who was the star of the nine eighties TV show Magnum p I Oh The White Man? What company had over nine thousand video rental stores worldwide? US Presidents Washington Jefferson A man. Oh all right, Hang tight, Don, because when we come back, we're going to find out who is the smartest between you and nephew Tommy. When Nephew returns at thirty four after the hour, Will it be Yon, Will it be you? Don We don't know, but we'll be back to find out. You're listening to the Steve Show. We are in the middle of playing Are you Smarter? The nephew, Tommy. Tommy is back in the studio, Tommy, Well, our contestant Dawn did very well. Yeah, I did very well. Yes she did, Yes, she did. So you should be scared. You're you're ready? You what all of that might help you today? Yesterday? All right? The clock is gonna start after I read the first question? What is the capital of the United States? Which comic book superhero is associated with the substance kryptonite. Which popular horror movie had the character Norman Bates in it. What is the abbreviation for the state Kentucky? What ingredient in bread causes it to rise? Which performer had a to legit to quit concert tour in? Who was the star of the nineteen eighties TV show Magnum p I Tom Selley? What company had over nine thousand video rental stores worldwide? US Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln's faces are carved into what national monument mount No? What does the Spanish phrase sinco de mayo mean? What you're talking about? What you're talking about? Willis different? Strokes don't count. She's stumbled too, Tom was up anyway? That what is well, I'll tell you Well, while we dally, I'll go through the questions and answers. What is the capital of the United States? You better have gotten this one right, Washington, d C. Which comic book superhero is associated with the substance kryptonite Superman? Which popular horror movie have the character Norman Bates in it? Psycho? What is the abbreviation for the state Kentucky k Why? What ingredient in bread causes it to rise yeast? Which performer had a to legit to quick concert tour in mc hammer. Who was the star of the eighties TV show Magnum p I Tom Selleck. What company had over nine thousand video rental stores worldwide? Blockbuster U s? Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln's faces are carved into what national monument Mount Rushmore. What does the Spanish phrase sinco de mayo mean the fifth of May? You said May May five. I didn't get that. Well, we're tallying, yeah, trying to tell me what I say it. Don't call up, I'm trying to alright. Let here we go to all right, Dawn, you did very well. You got five, Tommy got nine nine. No, we still like your answer to number seven, who was the star of the nineteen eighties TV show Magnum p I. She said, some white man. Technically, you're right, some white man. Is he not white? I'm just everest though I can't believe we didn't give you that is up there man to carve in the mountains. I've done better saying look out mount people than dad carving and faces. Hey, that's alright, though, don I still want to give you a give a call in the game. Are you smarter than a few timing? Alright? Baby? Did good? You did good, you did well. She's in Vegas. She's been up all night, you know, so she got five. I think that's good money that you lost. Look at that. Yeah. Hey, if you think you're smarter than me and you want to try me out, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and register. You might be able to win my uncle's grand prize of one million dollars. That's Steve Harvey FM dot com. I will play another loyal listener on Monday. Yeahrank prank phone call next with the King of Franks. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning sho coming up in about an hour of Memphis. Get ready, Eavy. Every season one winner from singing competition show The four Battle for Stardom will be here. She's gonna bring us the world premiere of her brand new song is called how does It Feel? But right now it is time for the Nephew the King of Frank's and it's praying. Phone call, get ready coming up at the top of the hour, the strawberry. H m hm, it's time is what's you're playing? Phone? Called the plumber, the plumb what's the defiance in your We've been called the damn plumber the plumber? Nah? Hello, Yeah, I'm trying to reach you, y'all. Mr mrs how you're doing you? You're the person that does the plumbing work? Am I? Right? Na? My wife got some work done for you. You come by the house now, do you know? I know you probably got quite a bit of work. I do so many throughout the day. So I have it on my receiver. I can look at over Hill about three days ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can recall was a lady there, Yeah, it was tarlet was backed up and was overflowing, and yeah yeah, yeah, I can recall that something's wrong with the sinking there too, and that that had a leak in the back of it. Yeah, I had a leak in the back and U, and I've done that. I fixed that therefore you and uh. I took that toilet that I had around the bottom of your basically toilet base there. I had to take that up and retape it to that tape head came came loose. It was kind of older. And you know, I went through that and done all that and and saved it up and sealed it up and and I re based that seal back there on your in the tilet and and your sink had a little leak back there in the back. I fixed that because you know, that was really easy. Now, so well, now I see that it's something that went wrong with the tilet. Not did you did you put up another pipe or something that you rewrote a pipe? Anything? No? No, Like I said, all I did. I took the vase of it off there, and I taked it up where that old tape there, and then I'll put me some cement which was was with with my pipe there, and and I sealed it all up, and I checked it out and let it drive and see if it leaked, and it didn't leak, and I put your base back on and you know, and then then then you had a little leak there in your seat, and that was on the top of the your nozzle there, and I fixed that. I'm gonna tell you, because I'm gonna be honest with you, can tell you. I'm not happy with what I got. You're not happy with it. No, Now, let me tell you what's happening. Now. Say somebody in the bathroom and they flushed that tarilet right right when they flushed that tilet come out the seat in the kitchen. Oh till that say that what you did again? I said, when they flushed the tilet in the bath room, right, come out to shank in the kitchen. It come out in the kitchen like that. I don't know what how you wropped something like you didn't you didn't miss routed or something. No, I didn't. I didn't route anything. All I did was fixed up and put the tape on there. So I fixed the leak that was. You know, it's a base of your toilet. I didn't rewrote anything. I don't. I don't. I don't understand. How can you rewrote a pipe? I don't. That's not to go into your kitchen. And shoot, we'll shoot crap out of your kitchen like that. I don't know what what what you did when you was up under that and how you rerouted something, but that's what happened, and it's got, it's got. It's going from the from that bathroom when you flushed that toilet, it come out in my sink in my kitchen. Now, what's bad about it is this morning I'm in there cooking and what's your name again? My name is? They called me? Okay? And crop is coming out of your in my in my kitchen now this morning I set out some red beans and right to cook, and I put my beans on. Not not I've been cooking. I've been cooking. Listen at me. I've been cooking on. I'm trying to be professional about this because you know, I guarantee my work. I've been doing this over twenty years. And then one thing I do, I guarantee of work. And I'm real proud about the things that you know I do. But what what did you have anybody else over there working on your pipe? Ain't nobody in your kitchen? You know what I did with your bathroom is bathroom. Don't have anything to do with your kitchen. That's throw a pipe, have anything to do with one of the others. Then explain that coming through my sink and my kitchen. I can't explain it coming from your your seek. I can only explain that's getting the toilet in your See, I have no idea. I'm gonna listen because that thing got me ropped up. Listen, not not what it is. It Well, you got me kind of wrapped up here because you know what, Like I said, I do this here and I've been notable for twenty years and that's first time I ever heard anything like that. Bedn't happen it. I ain't never say. Well, I'm gonna tell you it's just disgusting to be cooked the cook red beans all day and not now find out that it's sitting in some dirty water like that. You can't smell the water when you was in the in your seat, didn't had a lout u s. I didn't smell nothing. That it's more earlier this morning. I washed my hand now and I didn't I washed my hair in there. That's your what it smells like a baggage. I'm just I just I just refused to believe that the work I needed on your toilet and there taking some stuff up and seeming some stuff up and on your seat had anything to do with scrap me and shout out to them kitchen seat. Well, I tell you what what I need to do is for you to get your back over here and fix it, because this here ain't a good job and I don't recommend nobody using you. Well, first of all, why I'm trying to be professional about it and you custing me, and that ain't gonna getting nothing done once come out my plate, it was no longer professional. Not you had somebody else over there doing something in your scene. I ain't had nobody. Do you have a guys just fasing over looking at it ain't on the whalings and crowd coming out of my God, you get your back over and you fix with youth bold to fix and fix it right now. I'm not paying another damn dying for it. Ain't I tied to me profession about it. I'm listening to what you gotta say. I shout hunt up a long time ago when I get her team of work, and I'm trying to, you know, deal with the customers. When I left, I told let the pressure to it. She flushed to it. She ran the faster in the bathroom. We ain't no problems like you don't have somebody else over now they're doing whatever. Lord knows what I don't. I damn sure, I don't know. Do you know? I ain't none of my fitting. I ain't some of them red beans and not what bothering me? Now? I feel sick to my stomach. I'm feeling read meaning what here? You know? It's like what you you you cleary ill, I'm gonna make your dick something the red beans. If you don't come fick deep pipe, you can go ahead. I'm trying to be professional. In fact, I told you I'm doing my job. I did it the best I know I could. And when I got when I left there one nothing leaking, one pipe. Don't you'll get over sixty pipe? That was you? You your life kiss, because I know well I did. I'll stand the job over there. You ain't done nothing. If I got him, pay me in the right, stick them up, you and your pipes, and I don't. I don't give a damn I know what's coming on the right. I ain't done nothing over there in your damn kitchen to have you that I'm sit with me. I got one more thing I want to say to you. If you're listening, I'm listening to you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got played by your boy. You're kidding me, y'all? Y'all crazy? Man? Hey man, I gotta ask you big time? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Y'all got me this morning? What are you saying? I'll tell you what. What we're gonna do is this here, Me and You're gonna get together and we're gonna prank. How about that? Y'all cool with that? Yes? I'm just asking y'all cool with it? All? Right? Yeah? I mean I catch myself, but I might have went a bit far on that. But you know, burmon Ham, this is it. Tonight is the night baby. First two shows to tomorrow one on Sunday. The Nephew is in the Ham. Did you hear me? I'm in the Ham? Start, dumb baby. That's right, it's going down. You ain't seen me. I think about three year. I don't know how long it's been. Well, good what burming him? I am here get two tickets if you haven't gotten him yet, The Star Don Baby the Nephew tonight, tomorrow and Sunday. Thank you yike. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well this Monday morning. The winning continues at seven twenty eastern, six twenties Central. We are giving away a chance to win Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million dollars. That is big we're gonna play. Are you smarter than nephew, tom You're not. Go to Steve Harvey f M to register right now. And now it is time for today's Strawberry letter. Nephew. If you need some advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letters. Please let's go, let's go, let's go Strawberry letters. Alright, subject, I want a little extra two. I want a little something extra too. Here's Stephen Shirley. This is uh, this one is short and sweet. I actually want Tommy's opinion too. If that's so. You know it's a crazy letter. No, no, no, but that's you see how they did this one is shot as sweet. I actually want time his opinion too. That's right, Oh, same sentence I get. I've been married to a wonderful man for the past twelve years, and we have a great marriage. I have done any and everything to make him happy. Most importantly, we have a very exciting sex life. I often let him have threesomes, and I've started to really enjoy them myself. But there's a big problem. Our threesomes are always with females. I want to switch it up and have another man to join us sometimes instead of a woman. When I bring this up to my husband, he always gets mad and ends the conversation. Why can't I have a little something extra too? So it's okay for him to have all the fun, I don't think. So what do you guys think? I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Uh, this is never gonna happen. This is what happens really when bedroom games go just a little too far. You say you do any and everything to make him happy. You have not said one time in the letter what he does to make you happy? You asked him, and you see it didn't happen. It's called a double double standard. Wifey. Um, as crazy as it seems, just no man really wants to lie back and watch his wife get done by another man. I mean, you know, in very rare occasions, it just you know, very rare occasions maybe, yeah, but generally no, Um, it's just not gonna happen. He wants to have all the fun, like you said, and satisfy his fantasies by watching you and another woman and be able to do another woman while you don't get mad but actually cheer him on and don't mind it a bit. A lot of men will sign up for that if that's what they're into. But you're tired of his selfishness and the one sidedness and all of this, right, Well, please realize it's not going to change, and he will probably never allow another man in the bedroom, uh, in a threesome. So I say, shut all of this manag stuff down, shut it down all together. Try to get back to the intimacy of the two of you. Uh, and if if you can, because this kind of relationship, this kind of intrusion in your marriage and in your bed, uh, it's bound to cause some major problems and it already is doing that. Steve, Well, she wants Tommy's opinion. This is right up Tommy's that. I'm gonna let Tommy join in, but let me explain something to you first. Yeah, there can only be one dangling participle. There can only be one dangling partisanple glad he said partisan. So had men ain't gonna be in no room. And it's more than one of these dangling part of simals in this room because he now is not a threesome anymore. It's an orgy. Now, we like threesoms. We don't care for orgies. Come see a pile of butter is in the flow, and it's some men somewhere and my my leg touched his leg. See, we gotta be a problem in hire. Now. I can't look over there, and all of a sudden he rubbing on my hand. Wash your hand over you having an orgy? And it's not This is not a threesome any more. Threesomes is clearly defined as to what they are. I ain't with none of this, but Tommy, go ahead. I am with all of this. Heap giving the threesoms. Don't stop this. Don't be selfish. It's not about you. If I want to stop, that's not the issue. She doesn't want to stop. This is not about her. We're not bringing in no extra men. You can't that that other man can't graze up against me. That can't happen. But the threesomes have to continue. Whoever y'all bringing in there, I tell you whoever it is sure not ever couldn't say sure. But but whoever you bringing in there, bring I have. I'm not saying I have participated, but I have heard about these engagements and they're wonderful. You want this and if you start no, I'm just saying, surely, if you started out doing this for your man, this has to continue. Now, she said, she enjoys it too, but now she wants to add a man. See what he's scared over is you're gonna bring in King Swain. I can't hang. Don't get calm on the boat, rampage everywhere. Well, little man gonna be standing in the corner sucking that boy over that damage in the prophet he over there and told the yard of so bad that y'all don't look like it can be no more good freeze. You ain't here, Holland, But Holland, harder and love than when he and that she likes things in threes. Yeah, she wanted a three part answer from all of us. Well, there you have it. Surely said it right. No man wants to watch another man do his wife. No man wants to watch that. And now you seem to enjoy him doing another one, and and you another woman in there. You know that's y'all. But you know, I'm I see once, Shirley is right, Once you bring this in, let the games begin. So what you ought to do is just surprise him and had a dude over there. All right, look, coming up, we're going to interview Evy Eavyest, season one's winner from the singing competition show The four Battle for Stardom. Evy will bring us the world premiere That's right, I said, the world premiere of her brand new song, how does It Feel Well? That? Part two Steve's response at Tree after the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Let's go Steve with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. So subject Sirley going to do a reactment of what can happen with this woman who's been doing this threesome with a man because she's enjoyed it. Now she thinks he's having all the fun. She wants you to do another man into it. And here's what can happen if that happens. Come here from work, honey. Oh hey baby, how are you doing? Honey? I'm good girl. Hey you ready for that? You know we talked about doing this. Yes, yes, yes, and boy, do I have a surprise for you. I like you. I'm surprised. I know you do. And you're gonna like that last one. You hand it here, that last one? Oh, thank you? Thank you? Honey. Well, well, it is my hope that you'll be high fighting baby. But baby, but notice what, honey, I'm fine as you thought. I well, thank you, honey. That makes me feel good. That makes me feel good. I do all this to make you feel thank you. Oh do you? Honey? Thank you? I hope you still feel that way. Let's always well, take my hand, let me lead you on into the bedroom. Open the door. I know you're I don't keep your eye. You're so excited. Right, Oh, this is gonna be fun. You're gonna love this, honey. There's a couple more stairs to go. Careful, careful, careful, I know, Okay, careful, here we go. Okay, Okay, okay, open the door, honey, you can open your eyes. Now open honey. What's next? Is my name? Next? Loan? Well, honey, yeah, Well I'd surprised you, honey. You know what I told you. I've been telling you. I wanted to switch it up a bit and maybe bring here. Who are you hey? Like I said before, man next to next? A loon? Honey, this is Dexter yet, well I just call him Dex. You called him deck, Yeah, you called me dex told hold on, hold on? Why why is he in here? But well, because, honey, you know, I've been telling you that I'm getting a little bored and I wanted to have some fun too, so I brought in Dex. You know, we always have a woman, and now I thought, you know, we'd bring a guy in and switch it up a little bit. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, Do what you work? What? Yes? Yes? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? You meet? Just do that? Baby? Well? Um at the grocery store, he was in the Yeah, in the produce section. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold a partner? Yeah? What you do when you're laughing? For? And why are you standing in your draw? Like I said? This is dext next to long. You know we're gonna add a little spice to what you and your wife got going. Hey, hey, hey, hey, already know what to name is. I'm trying to figure out why you can hear? Why I got a drug? And what is all this equipment in here? But we just brought a little few toys to have some fun. Brother swing set? What does it swing setting here for? So I could swing on in there? What do the market? Do you gotta swing set on market? You got a cam quarter? We are filming this we other one's honey? What do you mean? I thought it'd be fun? Hold on, hold on the three of the grocery store you meet? Just do that? How you get in my house? How do this man get in my house? Down at the Gelston, we don't go to Gilson. Maybe we're shopping whole foods and round? What are you doing that at jail? Well? I just wanted to do something different. Yeah, she met me right by the cucumber. Hold up, don't his name is dex honey? Next see the packs on dead? Yea, I'm looking at the packs on dead. I'm looking at the rip ash bowl, and I'm scared and you, and I don't know where you got in the cue comber, Hold up, don't hold put your crothes on and get out of my house. Oh I can't just I came in my under Bama man. Hey, well hold, I'm don't how did you get over here? No? I drove? Okay, did you drive you and your draws out of my bedroom? Because you know, hey, you ain't honey. Hell hey, let's hey, dog dog dog dot. If you get your ass in your car and finds set somewhere to go because they How about this, brother, how about this? How about you run to the store real quick. Let me go and don't take care. Okay, okay, hold on, I'm going to the store. I'll be right back. Come on, come on, yeah yeah, yeah yeah. And guess when I'm pouring that deck. Yeah yeah, I know. Come on, brother, yeah de de need to that's gonna need something else to that's gonna need medical. You don't get yours in car, get up out of here, all right, honey, we gotta go. Yeahs on your way out. You send your sister in here, and she got to be all right, listen, go to Instagram and and uh, let us know what you think about today's Strawberry Letter. Go to at my Girl Shirley with your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. Alright, coming up in ten minutes, Evy from The four Battle for Stardom will be our special guest. Memphis is in the building. Hey, Memphis, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, our special guests were so excited to have this young lady with us today. Her name is Evy. She is a fantastic singer. In case you've been watching The Four, as you know, Evy won the very first season of Fox's hit show, The four Battle for Stardom. She was awarded a recording contract with Republic Records, and she's joining us this morning to tell us about her very first single that she's going to debut on or that she debut I should say on The four last night. Let's find out about Evy's new music. Please welcome her. She's joining us for the very first time. The one and only. You're going to be a superstar, if not for your voice, for your charming personality. Heavy, Welcome to the show, Heavy, ladies, No way, you gotta hear this guy say it. Heavy, just say something. It is so good to be. Yeah, you're all the way from Memphis, Yes, all the way from weekend you yeah, oh yeah, I missed me for so much. I know that they are just gonna be so happy. Then my single is finally coming out. But I recently moved down here, and it is just a completely different lifestyle. So food difference, different different, yes, very so from Memphis. None of the Southern charm or Southern hospitality that you're used to. Yeah, down I mean down here. Obviously, I just talked slower than every man. And so when people are talking to me the like, I guess they kind of already think that I've already said what I'm about to say, but I really haven't. But people just talk a little faster. But it's okay, I'm sure over country. Tell us about yourself. Though, you grew up in Memphis, we mentioned that, So when did you start singing and taking interest and uh, singing as a career and all of that. As long as I can remember, I've always sung. I mean, I grew up in the church. I'm the youngest of seven. I have two older sisters and four older brothers, and we all just grew up in the church. And you know, we all were in a choir and stuff like that. But being the youngest, like I guess, people didn't really know if I was gonna take it as serious as my other brothers and sisters. But I just I've always loved attention. I've always loved to dance. I've always loved to perform. I've always loved to perform. Like I've never just been a little girl that'll just sing, even in the grocery stores, even at church banquets and stuff like that, I would just perform. I would just want to perform. I would want to hold production the likes to dance, of the music and everything. So now it's like my dreams are just really connecting at a very young age. Yeah, and it's good to have a supportive family, yes man, Yes man, it is very important. I mean family to me. And I'm a cancer. My birthday is June's on a seven. I just turned to it one. I can run my own car, you know. But I mean having a family support you with dreams as big as saying I want to be a superstar. It really takes a strong family to even believe in you, to say okay. Then there are certain steps, different types of steps that you have to take as opposed to everybody else, because you're not the average person. You're not somebody who you know. You don't have, you don't you can't work a regular job, so you have to find some way to make money. And I will never forget I was explaining to my mama in in high school, but she already knew. I was telling her, Mom, I don't think I'm I don't think I'm gonna make it the college. I really don't. And it wasn't you know. It wasn't like the grades to anything, because I maintained over a four point oh high school career. Make sure, right, that's nothing that a parent wants to hear. Yeah, that is. That is so I really just appreciate my mama for who she is. Maria McKenna, shout out to you, because we got your baby here. Mhm. Shirley. Remind everybody who we're talking to. Okay, hold on, she's talking to her brother right now. Okay, yeah, she brought her brother here, uh and he supports her. Yeah, but we are talking to the fabulous Eavy. She's the season one winner of the four Battle for Stardom And congratulations, you have a new single out. We have to talk about your new single. You debuted it last night at the season finale of The four. We got to see you perform it live. Fantastic, Yeah, fantastic. You're You're a great performer already already. So the name of the single is how do You Feel? Tell us a little bit about it. Did you write it? Yes? And no, Yes and though but Collabo writers inspiration. The inspiration came from, you know, being a young girl. I was once in love. You know, y'all have that little puppy love, somebody we share all our biggest and deepest secrets with. But I chose how do You Feel to be my single because I wanted something that people could feel. I wanted something that people could listen to and feel and relate to and believe it or not. When I was recording this song, I recorded this song like I was hearing my ex in his face and I was saying exactly what everything that I wanted to say to him in the time of our relationship. I performed it, I was crying in the booth. I will never forget. I was crying in the booth and I really just needed all of that passion and pain and effort and time everything, all of that. Like, I wanted it to be portrayed in my song and I wanted people to feel it. Y, where's that fool today? I'm sorry? Loser so funny? All right, Evy Uh wow. I can't wait to hear the song. I heard it last night. I want to hear it again, and we're gonna do that. We're gonna take a break right here. You stay with us. We'll be right back more with Evy the Fabulous Evvy when we come back. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, Vy Uh, we are back. We can't wait to hear this song again. You got to introduce this to our audience now. It's called how do you Feel? You're Fammphous? We talked about that. You are the season one winner of the four Battle for Stardom. It I love it. I love it. Yeah, So we want to set up this. I mean, you told us about how you came about writing this song or co writing this song, so we want you to um introduce to the world right now. We're gonna play it. Hey, y'all, I'm heavy and I'm so excited to announce my new, brand new single, how do you feel? I really hope and pray that y'all love this song and feel this song. Get ready because it is about to be a show down. Thank you every day you so talking not watch the game and run Chip for your life said, all your jokes in not fun. It's all I want to know and study care can't seem to take it some off? This's fighting, Yes, it's all sad. What do what do? What if I lose this game? And all I wanna know? It's how do you feel when you when she cracks the sap it up your ape? Can even feel when you're saying that, how you in love with her? Even you can't see? How I do feel? I do feel. I don't want you me, I don't want money, a loon to bees body, I don't need no. All is love. She didn't listen to me. It seemed to take as a wall and the body guts the side. What do I do? What I news in this game? Time? I do it? Bit? What do you? I? Shi cracks the smallness? And you know how I feel? What you saying that? How are you in love with even though you can't see how delive me try oh boy? When she passed a smile, eat, It's all said, are you can't? I'm doing me h heavy heavy ebby baby love time when I was twenty one. I'm all right the game you're work. We're so excited for you and your stay. Just how you are, like you're You're just so genuine and so pure and so just real. You know we need more of that in the industry. Don't let it change you And tell your mama when we come to mem we're gonna come out and get something to eat. Yes, and every Tell everybody how they can get the single. How do you feel? Tell everybody's it on iTunes? Where can they get it? You? You all? You can get my single on iTunes on Spotify. You can also check out my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at every Underscore Music. Please check it out. It'll be It is out right now. You need to go and purchase it, listen to it, have it on repeat, play and play and played. Send it to your mama, your grandma, and your uncle, your cousins, your nieces and nephews. Because it is a revolution that is half in and y'all are about to experience at firsthand that Yeah, we know an album is coming, so when that drops, please come back, all right, please come back. Thank you evy much success to y'all get the season one winner of the four Battle for Stardom, evy evy, evy evy, thank you. You're listening to the Steven Show now. According to a report published an American psychologist, people who listen to others without actually seeing them are better able to determine that person's emotional state. The tone of a person's voice expresses emotion more than the face, where it's easier to hide such emotions less. It's more when trying to figure out how people feel, because when you are just listening to a person, you are focused on just that. But if you're both listening and looking, your attention is divided. So, Steve, do you think you're a good listener? Oh? Yeah, absolutely, you have to, you know, for a man, For a man, I'm a good listen. Qualify that, yeah, I mean, you know, because we do listen differently. I'll admit that I think women are far superior at it. But for a man, I'm I'm a good listener. Yeah, And you have to. You have to be in your line of work. But you know the reason women listen because there's a more of a richer and deeper exchange. We listen just to the point where we can provide a solution, and then we wants to move on to something else. Women women dig into it a lot deeper, and Richard, we just try to provide a solution. Yeah, we want all the facts. What happened? Then what he said? Then what did she say? Girl? And then and then what happened? We don't need all that. Huh what do you need? What do you just? What? You're trying to get out of it? Listening? Call him and tell him no? And do you what what? I got it down to a sign. I can actually be on the phone with my wife. I know when to say, uh, huh, what what? What? Really? And nothing? But not listening to none of but know how to jump me and let me stop you Tommy, because she's listening right now. So be sure you want them huh what he's not listening? You better fix it? Who oh my god, Okay, we need to go down now. Huh. So so your uncle listens to provide a solution, you don't listen at all to get through the day. What what? What? So you don't care, you don't care. Who what? Where's Jodan? Who? Okay? No, huh? He engaged? He makes her think she's engaging the phone. You got the phone on speaker, you la, and it's just what's sitting down there? And you're just are you acting? Are you acting? Are you in character? Absolutely? Say that again? Now that did what? Not? Lord? Ha Mercy? Are you listening to me? What do you say? Baby? I'm hearing that thing you're saying. You're gonna hear that part. You're gonna hear that. Okay, Well tell me what I just said. Oh that's what I hate when they do. Okay, okay, well tell me what I just Tell me what I just said. I heard you. Now you're you're trapped at that point. Get out of that. Tell me what I just said. I said, you just said, Tell you what you just say? Tell me what I just said. I don't get cute with it, you know what I mean? Well, what do you think I should do? But what you know? I mean? I mean probably really honestly, don't honestly, don't call it, y'all. Just pray about it. So should I take all the money out of the bank? No? No, we need to pray about it. Right, you're having He said, no, all right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, come on. J Anthony Brown is here to murder enough. It is time now to lose another friend. Here's j Anthony Brown. Wouldn't met the hits. We were talking about feelings earlier and how to say things that you should say or want to say to you. Mean, So I put together a song because the question always comes up, how do I look in this dress? Dude? You think I'm fair? You know those the question that you can't answer. But it's all in the song. The song answers everything is Beyonce. This song is You're way More. Um, It's a Beyonce song. You're way More? Yeah, but you you listen to it. Just listen, please, just listen and see what I'm going with it. I'm going to answer the question that every man has been asked. The question is does this dress make me look fat? Check it out? Check it out. I'm gonna have to save your lands, can be let your round. You gotta quit eating a night. You're gonna have to share it. Some pounds now you will not allow the game. You really got big round and it's dinner one who ticking? You eating too? And put that brag down your wood, honey on everything it's showing only in your face. Mabe, I love you, But you win my little free games wind you put honey on everything is showing only in your face, Maby I love you. Put you win more my little free games on. Well, wait, more weight more because you win more weight, more weight, more because you wein more way more white and more because you wear more, You're gonna have to share it. Some pounds you win. And about you, I mean if if you say it in a song, you think they're gonna to it. Oh, I see what he's said, so I wait more, wait, wait, I can't with him. It was Beyonce. Yeah, yeah, you right right. One for me that I can give to my lady that you're getting on my damn new Can you do it getting on my damn Yeah? You know my last name on the one that I need. I'm only hoping that you. I wish that you go, you go, you go, please, my last nie one that I really need. I was gonna use it, Lilia. I thought I might need it. Lady in louis coming up Steve's closing remarks at fort nine after the hour. Gather round everyone you're listening to all right, Steve, here we go, last break of the day. Um, some parting words for us with your closing remarks, please? All right? UM, I guess so, without thinking about this much, I want to talk to you about life, how fragile it is, and I want to have something to say about m M. You know what, I'm really not gonna get into the whole Roseanne Bar situation, because, like I just be honest with you, there are times, there are actually times when I'm actually sick and tired of talking about it. I am exhausted with the fact that the color of my skin has to come into play in my everyday life, my just day to day. I don't know. I really can't think of any days realistically who I do not have to consider the color of my skin, the shape of my nose and my lips wherever I go. The situation I'm in, I very rarely I can think of a day that I'm not made aware of it or I have to factor it in. If you're not a person of color or minority, you may not even be able to understand what I'm saying. But I'll just give you an example. When riding in the car and being stopped by the police, as me and my buddy Greg Calhoun was doing last year after golf out in coming from Montgomery to Alabama and his car and we were speeding and we were supposed to get pulled over. We were speeding. But what I had to do was immediately become aware that I am a black man. Skip your money and your fame. I don't have time to throw that out at you. I got to get and start preparing myself. As the officer approaches the car, I must understand without him getting my I D I'm a black man, just a black man. So I put my hands up on the dashboard and the officer came to the passenger side and said, why is your hands on the dashboard? I said, because I don't want nothing to happen to me. The officer said, while that's acting mighty suspicious. I said, no, it's not. I'm just being safe, officer. If you don't mind, she said, well, I'll need to see I D. I said, my I D happens to be in a pouch in the back seat I would have to reach. She said, we'll go ahead, and I was tense because I didn't. I didn't want to be mistaken. When I'm on an elevator and I get on, I am conscious of the fact that me and my guy are the only ones on the elevator. When I go to golf courses and I oftentimes see that they are hardly any African Americans out here. It's just me and wanted maybe the forces something that I'm playing with, and and and I'm just always aware of it. If you're not that you don't have to be aware of it. But it's the awareness that becomes draining at times. It's the fact that you got to be the only one on your floor, the only one on the elevator, the only one in the cubicle, the only one in your department, the only one at the meeting, the only one in the cafeteria, the only one on the on the trip, the only one, the only one at the hotel, at the front desk, the only one, the only one, the only one's kids that's in the recital, the only one's kids that's at the that's on the soccer team, the only one, the only one the only one. The only one gets to be exhausting at times. This will not change. And two more, people who are not of color can try to empathize or sympathize or generalize or something with us to say, you know what, I don't know how that feels. But I bet that ain't right, because, as I've often said many times, slavery didn't end just because black people got sick of being slaves. We were sick of it the thought of it. When they put us on the boats. Nobody wanted to ride the boat over here and come be no slave. Nobody was under the belly of them slave ships, going, man, this is nice. It's gonna be a new opportunity. Nobody. So I want to wake up and just see what it feels like to just go about my day without having to calculate my race, without to have to calculate the color of my skin, to watch other people get paid a certain amount of money, and then you don't get paid a certain amount of money with the same type of ratings, and then you got you got to incorporate something else again. Now, I've been very blessed with the life that I have, and I would not trade mind for anything with all this sick and tired of being sick and tired. Also what makes this also tolerable for me, it's my love of who I am, my love of our power to overcome, our power to maintain in the struggle, our power to still be something when we were brought here to simply be nothing. So for us to have accomplished what we've accomplished, I'm grateful and awful proud of that. So I guess my pride just keeps me going on. I hope that God will continue to let whatever light that I can let shine through my existence to inspire someone else to overcome when it looked like you ain't gonna make it. Because that's exactly what I've done, by the grace of God. I have overcome against all the odds, even when they said I wasn't gonna make it. And even though I'm tired of being tired, I wouldn't trade places and be nothing else, know how, because but then, in this struggle has taught me so many items of strength. I've learned so much about myself. My soul is strong, my spirit strong, Thank God for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.