Derek Fisher, Stormy Daniels, Meek Mill, Carla's Reality Update, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Apr 26, 2018, 2:45 PM

Derek Fisher gets engaged and his one time rival is ok with it. Stormy Daniels is still in business and its booming. Meek Mill's judge will stay on the case. Carla's Reality Update talks about someone getting a new makeover. The Closing Remarks for today has Uncle Steve wanting us to want better for our lives and more!

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Hold on, she is here, call us update, Thank you nephew. Here we go, guys, loving hip hop Atlanta. Scrappy's mom you know, Mamad remember yeah, yeah, and the BAM's mother in law. You know Scrappy and Bam are married. Mama D got a grandmother makeover, a child. This woman had plastic surgery. She got the works, light po tummy, tuck boy, rest job, and Shirley. She got a new booty. That's a lot of going on, right, that's a lot breast booty. What else? Yes, dude, Yeah, she's married to Earnest. Looks like, yeah, yeah, what had Earnest? I don't know. She didn't Earnest show had to make some improvement. What hell? Old? And well, you know her and Earnest they are not getting a They are beefings, so I don't know if they're gonna be together much longer. Things are not looking good for Mama D and Ernest stupids. I don't know about the name get so anyway, that's that Mama Die got a new looks Ago, mamade with your bad self. Not Kirk. You know Rashida's husband, Kirk. You know he messed up last season y'all know he had the affair and the mistress and the baby from the affair. Well, anyway, Steve, this is your version of just rated I write this lie out. So Kurt's daughter told her dad. She told her dad, Kirk, that he needs to get his wife back because Rashida, you know, she could be moving on. This is what the daughter told the dad, because Rashida she has this, you know, very nice clothing boutique. Shirley, we've been there, Press Press, Yes, And so Rashida's trainer. He stopped by the boutique to help her out to do some handiwork and you know, to train us hut looking all good. Well, the daughter ran back and told the dad, Hey, you need to fix this relationship. Straighten it out with you and your wife so you can get back home because she might be moving on. So your boy, Kirk, he just showed up to the house with a moving truck with a whole bunch of boxes. It was like, I'm back. But he did have an outside child though. Yeah, okay, so he's out for a reason, see right right, Yeah, I'm listening to it. I've been following along. I don't I don't get this. Well, you don't get what I mean? Well I got it, dog. But man, y'all out here making kids done? Yes, yeah, yeah, right, practicing safe sex behavior. Obviously not cheating from the get go. But yeah, like you said, Steve making babies. So anyway, this boy, yeah, he shows up to the house with his boxes like he's about to move back in. She's like, hold up, you know how you're gonna show up like that? And the kids were there or whatever. But anyway, she Rashida. She loves her children and her family. She decided to let her husband. She said, that's her best friend and she misses him, so she let him move back into the house and different part of the house. Yep, So Kirkus back, where was this type a little? When I was coming up? What you do here doing? I ain't never had two women fight over me. I didn't know, but both of them ended up not won't meet that case. Believe you're taking the ass. Now you're taking that. He gets to move back in the house with the baby. Yeah, yeah, he is two years old. Two years old. Yeah, you understand this. This has this. No, I've never had two women fight on me. Neither has Thomas. Let's stop there. I have y'all too ugly, So y'all don't get this. Okay, y'all don't get all of this people fighting. No, y'all don't get that. I've had that, y'all ugly, So y'all don't get the hat at unless you got another ugly person fighting. No, you know, other than that, you're not gonna experience this. I hate with two ugly me and be topping to me because y'all, y'all just so y'all so mean. Man, somehow you seem to think I get you're strange looking at keep. Let me tell you something. I ain't walked in your shoes. Your shoes, you ugly you and Junior is ugly people. And I refused to say I have walked away. Y'all walked, So no, I'm not. Let's just take a service. Let's just come on, let's just start. Let's start with Monica. No, no, let's start with because Monica is at least because an ugly man with money, Steve, it's fine and he we pick him. So now, yeah, next question you told me today my name, your ham string is bold, the race that can move on quickly. Okay, So, now here's the thing. Chris Jenner. She tweeted night before last to deny the stories published by People magazine. She's declared lies, lies, lies, to the magazine that her and Kanye had a fight and that Chris is squashing that. She said, it's not true. She's not true. They're saying that Kanye seems to be on edge and he's very hard to deal with. But Chris tweeted, Nope, not true. Meanwhile, Kim, she is launching her new perfume and the bottle is inspired and it's shaped like her curves of her body, and she tweeted out naked body pictures. Did you get I'm looking at that right now? Do you? Song? So kk W Instagram tweeted, she tweeted, I just showed them to check a look that. So the perfume is launching on April thirty, and it's called kk W Body Launch and that is Kim's perfume. And again, the bottle is shaped like her body, her curves, and that's what's the inspiration. And did you guys see Courtney Kardashian she was on Capitol Hill. She talked to Congress yea, yeah, she talked about cosmetic safety and all of that sow. The Kardashians are doing it big and quickly. On the Braxton's. We will see what's going on with Vincent the lawsuit. They're trying to sue him over the theme song of the show. And we'll see what happens at Miss Evelyn's birthday party. That is reality update. You want to respond, hit me up on lips by Carla. We'll be back at you're listening to the Steve Now this guy's is According to t MZ, Stormy Daniels is back and business is booming boom and uh, the proof is in the porn pudding. Shall say what right? Stormy just released her first new movies since the Trump scandal broke. It's called Stormy Secret, Uh, Stormy Secret, in which she plays a writer looking to get those creative juices going. Uh spoiler alert. She succeeds, she gets Yeah, she gets the juices going. Okay. The teaser clip has already racked up more than a hundred and fifty thousand views in the two days it's been live. Daniel says that she never stopped working in porn, but I had to take a break from on camera work due to a back injury suffered in a writing full time right, trying to wrap Yeah, so she suffered a back injury in a writing accident because don't tape. I'd like and with me was Trump in the ride NexTag it doesn't mention him. Yeah, but business is good for her, and she said she never stopped working in porn, but she did have to take a break from on camera work because of her writing accident when she injured her. Understand, excuse me, tell me your understand it totally. When you're trying to work like that, y'all don't y'all ain't been under the crush of a camera working like that, sexy and naked and listening with all you ain't never had that kind of problem, do you understand? So are you talking about your private or prefers acting what everybody on set? Let's go all right. I'm trying to figure out if this is his personal and professional life he's choosing to share with us at this I'm trying to figure it out, Junior. I can go other ways. I can do that. What you're gonna be a little little Little Women of Atlanta. That's kind a born show. That's a regular reality. They're breaking back. My show would be breaking Bad, Breaking Bad, sockets and tree plants in the background. Well, anyway, look out for Stormy Secrets. Okay, she just released it. You gotta check out the trailer. She plays a writer right what movie theater? She's owed an apology. That's according to the father of the woman arrested at the Alabama waffle house and Sarah lenn Um over the weekend. We talked about this story yesterday, a day after bailing his stepdaughter out, Lamar Howard told ABC News that he's proud of his daughter's restraint and he had he been with her, he wouldn't have been able to control his emotions. Shakisha Clemens twenty five, who goes by Kiki, sat down near the front of the restaurant and is then shown on video that was shot by her friend, being aggressively taken to the ground by two sarahlen police officers who pulled on her clothing and exposed her breast. Remember this. Clement's father said that his daughter had dined at the establishment a week before and she was given plastic utensils for free. She's owed an apology, just like the two men in the Starbucks. He said, I know, I knew you're gonna say something about that wuffle house. Yes, sign at the establishmentience. Yeah, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Rvey Morning Show wants to give you a chance to win one of four trips for two to the Essence Festival presented by Coca Cola and New Orleans July five through the eighth. You can listen for the daily key word, then go online for your chance to win. One winner will be selected each day. Drumroll cat, I need one right here please. Today's keyword is music. That's right, m U s I C music, Enter and get rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. Okay and good luck everybody. Uh. In entertainment news, they did it, Yes, they did. Congratulations are in order for Derek Fisher and former basketball wives l A star Gloria Govan after three years together. Derek pop the question and she said yes, yes, yes, yes. Apparently Derek got down on one knee on April seven, but they just posted the pictures of the engagement on the Graham. The romantic proposal happened at their l A home. He had Gloria's friends to take her out for the day while he decorated the house. Once she returned, she was surrounded by candles, flowers, and their kids. As you know, of course, Gloria was previously married to Derek's ex teammate Matt Barnes. This is a really this is a great part, guys. Uh. The two have become, you know, pretty friendly, you know, because they had some public fights. They had some public It's just they're on the same page now. Matt even congratulated the couple. Uh. He said that he's focused on co parenting. You know, he and Glorias still have to co parent their kids, and he says the kids love Derek. So there you go. Could you do with Steve Harvey? Let's go, could I do whatver? Yeah? Be friends? Yeah, yeah, you know everything that went down with Matt Barnes and Derek Fish, your Matt Bonds. I mean, you know, I've I've spoken with Matt Bonds before. I know, d Fish, You're good brothers, man, They're good brothers. You know. I don't really know how it all transpired, but both of them good dudes, you know, as long as their kids and kids. Okay, that's not what I asked you. You're trying to do what I asked you. Could you do it? Could you be friends? No, No, I'm not friends with no damn body. No. No, see once we fight as adults. I asked, it's eternal enemies. And I'm gonna tell you something else to do. What do you mean you have to do that. I'm telling you what I don't do. Don't show up at my baby games. I'm just telling babies have two parents. Now you gotta find a way to work around now that it ain't no problem, and listen to me. Y'all do it anyway. Y'all want to what. They have another parent, so it has to We got one daddy over here and I met don't co pa. Now you can do whatever you wanna. Hey, I look him. I ain't that good at Christian. Don't ask me about the cop issues. I had issues. I was really asking you. Could you be friends? Like? No, I'm not. I'm not parenting. I think co parenting is excellent because you gotta do us best for the kids. I think it's excellent. I don't co pa because I can't. You can you choose not when you think of the children first and and their needs. You can do it now. But here's the ass should have been thinking about, you know, all right, coming up our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are last break of the day. Guys. It's been a pretty fun, crazy, crazy ignorant day on this crazy ignorant show. A lot of fun today. But Steve, now it's time to get a little serious. And I just want to encourage people to do something really, really simple today. And I think this is something that most people would agree to want. It's really this simple. Everybody should want more for your life. I'm talking about your life right there, the one that you have. You should want more for your life. You should never allow yourself to become complacent. Now, I want you to understand something. Some people get complacency confused with they don't want to seem ungrateful. Once again, some people get complacency confused with not wanting to appear ungrateful. Well, I don't want to keep asking God for nothing because I don't want him to thank I ain't grateful for what I what I have, Well thanking for it? Then that's really simple. Simply thank God for what you have. That's the gratitude. But then it's still okay to want more for your life. Here's the good news. God actually wants you to have more for your life. God is really looking for people to show off. He really is. I happened to raise my hand all the time in volunteer I do. I just say God, pick pick me, come on, do me, use me, show me. Now. That doesn't mean I'm perfect. I'm far from it, but I do want God's blessings to be able to flow through me, So I keep an open channel in my life for that stuff to flow through. First of all, I want more. That's the big getting of getting it. Then I have the good sense to ask Him for more. You have not because you asked not. Well, I happen to be a big ascar Oh stuff, So now I want more. I ask for more. Now here's the trick to asking for more and wanting more. You have got to be willing to do more. Oh, now, you gotta do more. Now. That's the one thing that stops so many people from having and wanting more for their life. If God will give you blessings and God will increase your measure in life. If God comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly, if he's promised to do that for you, And what you have to do in return is you have to be willing to do more. See you can. You can't get more without doing more. Convenience is built through inconvenience, you can stop wanting what you see everybody else with and you ain't willing to do what everybody else did to get it. Quick look at it Oprah's pile over there. If you ain't willing to do what Oprah did, which to my average person is not because the average person wants to be comfortable, and you can't be successful and stay comfortable. I was interviewing the wrestler on my show yesterday day, but teach a great story. Man. This cat was really out of it, really really fascinating story he had and we were talking and he was talking about living outside your comfort zone. And I told him one of the things that I've had to learn how to do in order to become successful is I've had to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. He said, wow, Wow, that's a great way to put the step I have learned how to be comfortable while I'm uncomfortable. Because in order to get successful, you have to be uncomfortable. You have to do things that you don't feel like doing all the time. You have to show up when you don't want to show up. You have to be there when you feel like being somewhere else. You have to say yes a lot of times when you really want to just say no. That's where you're at, man, that's how you become successful. But you can't keep asking God for more and you ain't willing to do more. It doesn't make any sense. It cannot happen that way, folks. So come on, I want you to want more are for your life. But there's a scripture that that bags that up too. It said to whom much is given, much is required. Now, if you don't want the requirements, that he gonna have to pull up on the given. Mhm. But if you want the given, know that here come the requirements. So one more time, if you don't want the requirements, he's gonna have to pull up on the given. Do not be the one who blocks your own blessings. Want more for your life and be willing to do the things to accept and receive more it's just discipline, it's just some more work. But if you just cut out some of the b s, man man, just cut out some of the happy hours, just cut out some of the drink. You can't smoke one every day though, you can't go to all the clubs something. You're just gonna run all the women that that's that's that's, that's what you're gonna do all them. I got news for you, Lenny, can't be successful. Drop it all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.