Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is back and lets us know how his anniversary went. The first presidential democratic debate kicks off tonight in Miami. A new White House Press Secretary is appointed. The pit masters of the show give us tips for BBQ in 4th of July. The Obamas have been spotted yacht hopping living their best lives. Mike Epps gets married over the weekend and the state of Illinois will legalize marijuana. The ultra wealthy want wealth taxes imposed. Megan Rapinoe of Team USA Soccer will not visit the White House if Team USA wins the World Cup. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about appearances and how they vary between age groups and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like American buck things. And it's not me true good it Steve Hard. Listen to move together for Steve Hard. Please don't join join me. You doing me. You gotta use turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn't got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your fab daddy. Uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Oh, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, Boil boiled boy. I can't even tell you, man, um, I've been doing some thinking and you know, just coming off vacation, I was really had some time to sit out and and you know, just recharge myself and and just think about a lot of things, and and and really spend some time with my wife and her and I, you know, just recommitted ourselves and and and just went over a lot of things. Just had a lot of long talks. You know. Communication is the key, you know, And I'm a guy and I suffer with that, as do a lot of guys. I think a lot of women say that they have a communication problem with that men. I'm no different. You know, I can write a book all day, but I still I am a man. I'm wired a certain way. It's not making excuses, it's just it's certain things that we have to pay attention to, especially when it comes to women, because of the way we're wired. And we were just sitting out there talking and having some conversations, and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and living and learning, being grateful at all times it's difficult to do, but it's necessary because it's it's it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right. And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, whatever the case may be. When it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary. And I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficulty in being grateful in hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that, you don't It's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is. But but here is the trick for me. This is what I've had to learn how to do, and I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You got to practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself, and what I've learned to say to myself is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because it's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit of and when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, it's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told and every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey to withdrawal after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain. But when you're purging your system, when you're when you're when you're having to pass a test, when you're about to make when when you're being made ready for the next level, that moment right in there, in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it. But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me in all the things I've done in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not a vindictive or mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we didn't all done that? Look, it doesn't don't make you a bad person, you know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happen to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and not and not with malice intent towards a person I've heard people. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has never left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it too. See that no matter what you're going through You've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it, now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you want it or the way you liked, but guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works. That's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, He don't fully punish us right away every time we do something wrong. Now does it? You know eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing. You do understand that, don't you. But the first time, that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fire warning shot and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on though. See see, see that's what happens. See we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, Old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah, well, see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See, had you stopped the first time you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more, the situation wouldn't be as critical. But because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gills, He always does that. You're listening, Ladies and gentlemen, gather around the ratio and make some noise. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show that I didn't didn't you now? Okay, thank you, Shelly. Well let's I'm gonna leave it there. I'm not gonna try it again. Yeah, good morning shooting. Hey, good morning Steve. What's up right? Everything? Everything? Hey, Junior? Morning up, my hero, So pimp, what's going on? Nephew, Tommy dogging dog? Top of the morning man sitting up in hill Man, just grooving. I love it when we're cruising together. You're musical today. I was the anniversary a lot. Oh man, come on, yeah, you can make it to work yesterday so I know, no, I was I was in the recovery room with an IV in your arm for you a little dehydrated, just like you know what I'm saying. Well, I can't tell you exactly where I went, but I took her to a sweet overlooking the ocean and had several meals prepared, sweet overlooking the ocean, right onto the water, and them prepared two meals, had her favorite wine. Now, we just set up man and talked, talked about our life, wrote some jokes together. What uh, you know, just fun stuff. She thinks she's fun there that she really is. Of course, I wish you would act like you didn't think it was funny, and it was just really really just really just a cool evening. Watch the movie and put some pressure on each other, you know stuff like that. Yeah, you know, I put some pressure on you. You put some pressure on me, you know, pressure each other. Some things got out of hand, you know what I'm saying. Oh, okay, no wonder you couldn't make it to work yesterday. You know, I was trying to climb over the balcony escape at one point. Okay, I'm gonna name three things I was asking me And I was hanging over the bathroom and trying to. I was trying to drop hand to the sweet below me, but it wasn't war so I had to pull myself back up and just going back over there. Deal with it. I'm gonna name three things. Tell me if any of these things were involved yesterday? Um A clock? Uh? Yeah, what Yah would allowed? Tick on? You go ahead? Uh? An elephant? Oh? Just trump? I started to say that one and a pair of timberlands only hair one final, So now I understand the pressure. You speak up, sir. Wow. All right, coming up in thirty two after the hour, Steve, we're gonna talk about the first Democratic presidential debate. It kicks off tonight in Miami with all a hundred thousand of the Democratic candidates. Okay, so many, it's twenty three. Actually we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Well, well, well, the first Democratic presidential debate is set for tonight and tomorrow night at Miami's Arsht Center. UM. The debate will air on NBC, MSNBC and telemon No at nine o'clock pm Eastern, with a total of twenty candidates ten each night. UH. Candidates had to qualify to be invited and to qualify, Yeah, you had to get sixty five thousand donors to contribute to their campaign with two hundred donors from at least twenty different states, or they had to receive one percent of support in three polls the d n C deems as qualified. Son't make the number one. Yeah, that's it's twenty three candidates only twenty may to ten each night. Well, who didn't get the money? All right, So here's a list of the of the twenty candidates that qualified for the debate. Corey Booker, Bill de Blasio out of New York he's a mayor. Uh, Julian Castro, John Delaney, Telsey Gabbert, stop me, you know if you don't know. Yeah, Okay, Corey Booker out of New Jersey for the Senator. Yeah, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, former HUD Secretary, Julian Castro, former Maryland Congressman John Delaney, Hawaii Representative Tulsey Gabbert, Washington Governor Jay Ensley, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobasher former Texas former Texas Congressman Beeto Beto O'Rourke Uh, Ohio, Yeah, Beto, Ohio. Rep. Tim Ryan Uh that's why Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's heading the pole. She because she has a plan. That's all she talks about is I have a plan for that. I have a plan for that. She's got a plan for everything, Yes, she does. Former Vice President Joe Biden, Colorado Senator Michael Bennett, Pete Buddha judge. You know, he's a mayor of South Bend. Ye the last name does it for him. Kursen Gillibrand uh out of New York. She's a senator, Kamala Harris, California Senator. And she and the body's getting a little shaken less. She started saying something, Ka car and say, I like a lot. But she gotta start saying something because she this old she has she has to come with it and stop saying that's something I would consider all these safe fans. Is she gotta get a little bit more definitive. I think the winning ticket, I'll tell you who I think it is, all right, John hick and Looper out of Colorado. He's a governor. Bernie Sanders out of Vermond. He's a senator there of course. Uh. Eric Swalwell, California Representative Mary Ann Williamson the author. And when I first looked at this, I thought it was Andrew Young. But this is Andrew Yang, a businessman. I didn't even know he was. All right, yeah, yeah, okay, is that everybody for here's the four that didn't make it. Seth Moulton, Massachusetts Representative, UH, the mayor of Miramar, Florida, Wayne Messman, C. Bullock, the governor of Mantana, Montana, and former Alaska ain't nobody vote for nobody in money. They didn't even make a debate, and you got more cows, and you got people you know, just tell you the real Yeah. Alaska Senator Mike Gravel he's in it too. He didn't make it, but he's he's the candidate for presidents for president. But they didn't make it. If you can't make this cut, how are you gonna make that? Here's the ticket. It's two tickets that has a chance of with it. Joe Biden, Yeah, and Kamela Kama Kamala or right now the way at Lucas wait, you sang Joe Biden for president and Kamala for VP. That's who I think it will win. Okay, because you know she wants to be president. I understand that. Understand. Yeah, I want to be a billionaire tomorrow. I'm just saying, yeah, no, ain't nothing wrong, but I'm and hey man, look I'm with her. I'm with her with everything. She won't But I'm just telling you, Okay, you know what you want and what is two different things? Okay, who's the other team? I think? I think Joe Biden and I think Joe Biden, and uh, I tell you who else? I think Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren, but she wants to be president as well. Now we could have a female. Everybody can't be president. Yeah, Now he ain't getting here. We need someone to win win. Joe Biden is still number one, Bernie's still number two, Elizabeth's number three, and she's gaining. I ain't mad at an. I didn't think she had a chance. Yeah, but people are started. She's starting it well, you know, she's starting to make a lot of sense. But like you say, she does have a plan. Ken, Ken, Biden and Bernie be together? They're they're no, they don't think alike. I don't think. Yeah, n't Ken, who be together? Biden and Bernie? Oh hell no, that's such a cute sounding ticket though Biden and Bernie two old white men, and Bernie does not want to be He wants shut up, you shut up, free everything and just give everything away. But yeah, so are we watching it? We are definitely watching watch. Yeah. I want to see tonight. I mean yeah, I'm definitely gonna want I can't wait. I can't wait to see that. Everybody will get a question of piece that's about it ten each night. I think I'd be pulling out of I didn't make the cut today. But remember when Donald Trump was run, there was whole so many Republican candidates as well, there were a lot. It was just you recognized him and he was different. He was different because he was rude, right obnoxious. He gave people names. Yeah, he said stuff they wasn't post say. He looked everybody was waiting to see what he was going to say. He was the guy from the Apprentice. Here was a reality show guy rich, supposed to be upposed to be a what do you come post? A real estate tycoon. But the problem with Donald Trump, he's everything. So many people want to be exactly famous, rich and women. Yeah, well there you go, all right, Well we'll be watching it. Coming up next, nephew in the building with run that prank back. Right after this, you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with our national news and then entertainment news. Cardie B pleads not guilty in the Queen's New York courtroom. Donald Trump's third press secretary is named. But right now, nephew, run that prank back. What do you have for us tonight? Tonight? Today? Dear? Did I say tonight? You did? That's because it's still dark outside. Say it again. What do you have for us today? There are condoms at the clean Oh this one breaks are condoms at the cleaner. Feel so for this one, don't feel for It's pranking time. Let's go cat though. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tomka. This is Shane. How are you doing. I'm I'm bred from Quality Cleaners. I'm the manager over here. Uh huh. Listen, Um, did you bring some clothes in this morning? No? I didn't bring anything into you this morning. Okay, Well, listen, we got an order that was dropped off this morning. Here. It's a couple of suits, some business shirts and a few other things. But there's actually been some articles actually left in the clothing, so that down. Okay, he this morning, it was dropped off like around seven this morning, but we got it's got a let's work. It's like about a hundred bucks cash in the pocket. There's a couple of business cards. Uh, there's there's a cup link here. I looked all over as only one cup link and then there's two condoms in here. So I wanted to see if you guys wanted me to put this in a classic bag or something and have it have it? Can you repeat what was left in there? Again? Well, like I said, we got a it's like right out of a hundred maybe hundred five bucks of cash. Uh, there's a business card from an insurance company. There's another business card for um, what is this? This is? Uh? What else was left right right? I'm trying to tell you about all the business cards. I don't I'm not interest in the business because you said something else. Okay, No, there's a cup link that we can't we can't find the other cup link if it's here. We're looking all over the bag to see if we can find it, but we don't see that either. What else is in this pocket? Uh? Like I said, you got you got one hundred dollars in here? There's some No, no, no, no, you had said something to me. Yes, there's business cards. There's an insurance card, business cards. You said something else. A couple link, ma'am, there's a coup link in here that we can else. Oh, okay, what the last? There's two condoms in here? Hello? What did did you say? Uh? Like I said, there's one hundred dollars in here? Did you say did you say that there was some condoms in there? There's two? There's two extra large condoms in here. Hello, I'm here. I'm just trying to dodge us all the stuff that you had just said that that was in my husband's pocket. Now you share that this is my husband, Chris Chris h Well, I mean maybe you know the idols man this is there's a there's a gray suit. There's also a solid blue suit. That's that sounds from that sounds familiar, but I'm not understanding what that condoms. The phone number, the phone number that I called, the numbers that attached to this actual order. So I mean, this is the number we have on file? Is this is this his number or your home number? Or was your sale what a number is this? This is our house number. I just don't believe you know what what you're telling me, because we just celebrated our our anniversary last week is this is? What? What? What? What? What? I mean? What's what's wrong? Man? What's wrong? What's first about? We marry and we never used condoms? And then you look that calling me talking about he got condoms left in his suit coat pocket. I'm not understand. Okay, Oh, I know he ain't cheating on me, well not not, I mean not necessarily. I mean you know they could have been there. Why he have in his pocket? I just don't make any damn sense. If we married and we don't use kinda gonna want to what do you have kindas in his pocket? I don't know. Man, you'd have to talk to Chris about that one. Now. I guess my main reason is it you want me to wait a minute. I wanted to know did you did you clean anything yet? Did you clean the suit? No? We haven't cleaned it. I just I just started, I'm starting stuffing on. I don't want you. I don't want you to clean them things and all those articles that that you said. I want you to put it I want you to. I want you to put everything, including the damn kindles. I want you to put it in the bag. I want you to put it in the bag. Don't clean up this because I'm gonna come up there and I'm gonna pick everything up. Okay, I mean I'll be here all day. Like I said, my name is Brad, and I'll be here if you want me to um. If you want me to put them to the side, I won't clean him. I'll just put him to the side and I leave him in the same laundry bag he had when you dropped them all. I don't Chris, I don't believe this. I didn't gave this. I'm gonna good years of my life and he gonna turn around cheat on me. You make sure you don't clean up then, because I'm gonna say it. Side all that my damn self. You put all that in the bag. I'm gonna call my job and let him no, I'm not coming in today. Want to get slow down. I don't want you to get to get to hysterical. I mean, you know you're getting a little I radar you, Okay, I'm I'm I'm gonna be all right. I am gonna be all right when I get up there. Who Chris is gonna get? That's all I got to say. You make sure you have all that stuff not clean. I don't want you to clean it. I want you to put all that other that you said that you found in the pocket. You put all that in the bag because Chris is I don't know who you think. Okay, mister Tika, would you like for me to call Chris. I don't want you No, no, no, no, Bobby, I don't want want you to no. Man, Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, my name's Brad. I'm Brad. I don't give a damn what your name is. So I really don't okay, because Chris is gonna get up. You just put everything in the backside like I had asked you to. I am all my way down there, and Chris, no, this ain't going down this way. We've just renewed our vows and man's that don't con those coming three and you know what they're talking about. This that's what I'm not understand that I know how to do my mas. Okay, Chris is gonna get when you get him on tonight. Here's here's something else in the pocket. Too. There's a note in here. I no, what does it say? Okay, man I you know what? This has gotten way way out of hand. I don't want to and you need a quick tell Mannie in the pocket. What do you need that to me? Not a fact? I want that in the bad too. The more evidence I have, the better off is gonna be for me. Uh what did the note say? Says? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hardin Morning Show. Your husband Chris got me to play fall called shoe What God, Chris was going to die tonight? I was we was gonna have a barbecue in his honor, Tommy, do you hear me? Oh my god, Chris humbly to me, Oh my god, Tommy. Hey, baby, let me ask you this radio show in the land, Steve Y Morning Show, Baby, Steve far In, this show. Word of advice, fellas when you buy the three packs and you only lose use one, so the other two out through winter so you don't have condoms the cleaners him Steve, Oh, I thought that was good advice. You can give him. Good at me? All right, Look coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news in a national news update with miss Anne Tripp you're listening to all right. So, fresh off her Album of the Year win at the b ET Awards, Cardy B showed up at court in Queen's, New York yesterday. Check out what she was wearing. I am here for all of this wearing a navy blue and pink pantsuit with matching what blue hair? What? Yes? Cart No. The judge informed Carty that she was being charged with the attempted assault in the second degree in various other charges. The judge gabe Carty the option of having all of her charges read aloud in court, and her attorney said that would not be necessary. Carty then voiced her plea and she said, not guilty, sir, honor, Not guilty, sir, honor, sir. I like that. Oh I look good? This blue is this blue is? Yeah? Can you see it? I love the blue. That's sexy right now? Okay, all right, Cardi B. Well if you could just pull up a little bit, just a little okay, alright, Oh, he's still saying exact you can hit him in a courtroom right next and it sounds worse at a little softer than that. Get him, Steve, Yeah, all right, Well back to Cardi b h. This is a very serious case and she could be looking it up to four years in prison if convicted. Uh. In these attempted assault charges of this past Saturday, during a b ET Awards performance, Cardie told her fans, f you mean I ain't going to jail. I got a daughter, you know what? Okay? With Yes, you think I'd be saying the wrong thing, I'm with you when you write nextewa, I know all right. In political entertainment news, yesterday, the White House uh named Stephanie Grisham it's new press secretary and communications director for what I mean? Whist? Hey did not? But did I not say that Sarah Huckabye Sanders was not gonna make it? Yeah, you say, I can tell, but I knew. I saw Spicer on here. I said this, dude gives a sick of this right here? Yeah, but Sarah Sarah Huckabee. Uh no, no, no no, no, no, who is a new person? Ain't got her? Name is Stephanie hurt Oh. She's been with Trump's campaign since two thy fifteen. She currently serves as Millennia's chief of staff. Well, all they can do is all they can do. Is make sure that they cut out press conferences. If they cut out press conferences, he can last make it. Yeah, if they only have like what two a year in the rusty tweets, so she'll be good. Yeah, okay a year and a half ago. Yeah, can you make it to the finished land? What was Scaramucci? I thought he he wasn't press secretary, he was something else. I mean, I know he was eleven days. Yeah, but but but he came out saying the roles yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah he did. Yeah. So anyway, um, yeah, there you have. It's Stephanie Grisham. She's been with the Trump campaign since two thousand and fifteen, been with the First Ladies for a while. She's her chief of staff, or she was. Now she's going to take over. So you know, Joe, what is that her chief of staff? What are you? What are they doing? Well? But you don't tell me. Those people have big lives because she takes care of us. She has a big light milan up what she does. All right, I ain't been the white Let's go to the Ladies and they'll say it. He will everybody. This is answered but the news and it's hump day. The Trump administration wants to tighten the economic screws on the Iranian government, and the President's warning that if Iran attacks anything American, that the US is going to respond with quote great and overwhelming force. That's a quote, and that in some cases that might mean here's another quote, obliteration. The tensions between the US and Iran, you know, have been escalating in recent weeks, Irani officials calling the latest round of US sanctions against their country outrageous and idiotic. President Trump, criticized over his administration's treatment of children in detention centers, now says he's concerned about the conditions at the border for young migrants detained by US authorities. And now John Sanders, the acting Commissioner of Customs and Water Protection, is resigning his post after investigators say they discovered some three hundred migrant children being kept without adequate food, water, sanitation, just just being given like cookies. Occasionally. Trump says that the government needs to at least three billion dollars to deal with the situation, and the Democrat control House of Representatives did their best. Overnight they passed a bill providing four and a half billion dollars an emergency aid to care for thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children detained after crossing the border. Problem is the bill was passed along party lines, in other words, with very little or no help from Republicans. That sets up a showdown by with the Republican dominated Senate, which may try to change the measure a little bit before it gets to President Trump. Looks like yesterday's Capitol Hill meeting went really well for the nine one one responders and activists. They say they've secured an agreement from Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, saying that he will call a vote on a measure that would extend the Victims Compass A Fund. Lead activist John Field says he got an assurance from the GOP Senate leader that the Senate would vote on extending the bill before August. Right now, the fund expires every five years. It's been running out of money faster than expect it because more people have been getting sick. Democratic control House of Judiciary Committee has okay to bill that would extend the fund until the year twenty ninety, but the full House and Senate must still take that up. Tonight, the Democrats hold their first debate with ten candidates on the stage tonight. Then it will be ten others tomorrow night. The lineups were chosen by random lottery among those on the stage tonight New York City Mayor Bill Deblasio, Senator Corey Booker, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Koebischer, and bade Or Walk that's tonight, than they have again ten others running on the stage tomorrow. Former Special Prosecutor Robert Weller has agreed to testify publicly now before both the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on July seventeenth. We'll see what happens then. I finally, today is each up Beans Day a little please now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the fourth of July is just a week away. Guys, I'm loving this. And Steven tell me you both love barbecuing and all of that, you know, pit masters and everything. So here's a question for you. One of you guys had a barbecue and tell me you have them all the time. I know, and the majority of your party we're vegans. What would you do? Even the sides got meet in it. So I don't know what you're gonna do you know what I'm saying? The green bean got some meeting. Bro baked bean, bacaron and cheese might as some meeting. It's gonna be next to meet me. Man, potatoes got some meeting. You're gonna potatoes at it the whole time. The chaos salad got needed it. They need not beat salad, beat grind with meat. What you think you mate? Nuts? You won't be a vegan when you leave? Wow? Put it dead way. Well, at least at least you guys didn't panic. According to a new survey, I put meat my ice tea. So you're gonna ask you what about yeah, bacon ice cubes. Yeah. Well, at least forty six percent of people panic when they find out that vegans are coming to the house for the barbecue. Seventy one percent say they hope they're guests with dietary restrictions will be fine with carrots and celery sticks and get by with what is already offered at the barbecue. Oh look, I got roasted corn for you, bell peppers, zucchini, uh, portobello, mushroom steaks. You know I lay out Fifty seven percent of guests with dietary restrictions say they have taken their own food to a barbecue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so don't don't. Don't come in here making faces. Yeah all right, listen. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, the Obamas are living their best lives. They're in Europe on their summer vaca. Oh my goodness, they're doing it. They're doing it real big. We'll talk about it at thirty four after Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Obamas are living it up on their European summer vacation. Well. This past weekend, for example, they had lunch with Bono and his wife on the French riviera, Thank you very much, and Sasha and Malia joined them. Barack and Bano have been friends for a long long time, you know. Um. Next stop for the Obamas was a visit to see George Clooney and his wife Amul at their Italian villa on Lake Como for a charity dinner. I mean, they're balling out control right. Lake Como's mayor implemented a three hundred foot exclusion zone for the Obama Obama's visit boats were banned from approaching within three hundred feet of Cluney's villa, and a tiny beach near the villa was cut was deemed off limits. Even pedestrians were banned from walking past the property. Wow, is he more famous now than when he was in office. He was in office, it would have been way, way worse. I know, I know. The Obamas have been spotted on private yachts and French Polynesia, spending time with Richard Branson on his private island, and doing a bit of shopping in Italy. So, Steve, do you think he misses the White House at all? I mean, yeah, he don't miss nothing. Battle He's so happy right now now he would he have made all that money on that book. They got investments to men, they live in their best the best thing, greatest day of his life, the best two days of his life becoming president in the United States and not being president. Yea yeah. So listen, now you go on vacation next week, right girl? How excited are you? Sir? Shake it just girl, I'm shaking. Let us live vicariously for a moment. Oh, listened, you're talking about what the president doing finner deal with look out, George Clooney, here we come. Now. I ain't got nothing to do with clooney. I'm not going over Lake Cuomo. I'm standing out in a big water. I will not be up there in Lake Cuomo. It's stunningly gorgeous up there, but stunningly gorgeous. But you're gonna be on the French Riviera and Italian Riviera and the Mafi Coast and Croatia and Sicily. I'm going down there and over the Sardinia and Corsica. Now I'm gonna let him have it. Man back up in port, Yes, ma'am, do you doc and get out? And yeah yeah, yeah a lot of times a lot of times, but I like like like we like more like staying out now, you know, we take the tender end. Were like waking up on the water coffee and you have a private chef, right and everything you eat as fresh you're tell yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah all of that. Does it cost to doc? I don't know, Yeah yeah yeah at least fifteen what? Oh? Easy to pull up? Right? Easy? That ain't that's pull up? That ain't no gas or nothing. You know, if you take me, I take care to dock and cost I take that off, I take it off, I get them. Well we pull up some of them places. I said, at least fifteen hundred. That's very rare that you get that more than that. Oh, they go up dog, it's dog, it's ten thousand. Sometimes we ain't pull in that. We we're gonna take the dinghy wow all day. That fifteen is just someplaces they got some places call so much money pull up at wow. Ain't no joke, man. Well, I mean, Steve, you work hard, you should play hard. Yeah, my wife is not going one vacation a year. One vacation that's ours. It's anniversary. And that's where when we go and I save, oh, and I pay for it and hit in advance. You know, we just go and enjoy ourselves. It's such a blessing man, that that God gives you a life that you can do some things like this, and it says so many different levels. Man. I'm just appreciative of God that he's allowed me to see some of these different levels. Man, it's just nothing but God's grace. I can't take no credit for this. I'm telling y'all, man, God, God can do anything. Man. God can make anything happen for you if you can think it and conceive it. Come on you can achieve it. Yeah, nothing all you got dudes, believe it. It ain't nothing too hard for God. This is we stuff hard for us, but for him it ain't nothing nothing. All right, thank you Lord. That's all I can say. And this too. Up next the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's strawberry letter. Let's subject my husband is such a dummy. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for U? Snap? Tombstone? Everybody will have one sooner on later tombstone. Okay, all right, all right, all right, it's Auntie's funeral and ain't got they got this name spell wrong on him? Tombstone. Let's go wrong on them as will is the date, and we got a problem. We gotta get rectified. Man, y'all got her? Hold hold on man, calm down. First of all, what is your name? My name is Richie Man. But yall, y'all, I can't understand a funeral home making these tund of mistakes. You know that that don't make no sense. I'm wrong to y'all haven't been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. Well, I don't making mistakes like this. Man, What's what's the problem? What's the mistakes? What's what mistake do you think we made? Okay, look, man, we're being my anti. Two weeks ago. Her name is Rosetta. Okay, all right, where you spare, Our name is r O s e t t eight. Y'all got r O z e t t an. She was born tune to eight, nineteen forty eight. Y'all got August the six, nineteen forty y'all got the dates mixed up. He y'all got her name mixed up. And what we ain't going to do as how my anti are rifted in peace with the row stuff on her thrombstall. Gonna first calm down where you can't get that, man, I can't. It's no way I can help you to geting that. Men, I mean, what's the problem. Then man, I could check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrong information, your family gave me wrong information, then we just put down where we would get it. And if we got to change something, we'renna change it. But it's gonna cause you some more money. We're we're not paying another damn damn to that funeral all, not another damn damn. The stuff gonna get changed on this damn tool, So then we're not paying for none. I'm gonna tell this this. I'm gonna. I'm decided. I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you. What if you gave me the wrong information, that's only you. Why didn't do that? That's only you? We didn't give you the wrong information. No, I'm gonna tell you this. Frore your name, tell alone, what is your name? My name is Kendrick. Okay, Kendrick, let me tell you something. If this don't get changed, but none me or some of my cousin's gonna come out then start digging up about it all y'all not coming over here and digging up nothing. Y'all's my player. He would disrespect my family and come over here. You're gonna get up what we're gonna dig up some budssto. It's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We're gonna fix the problem. I'm go and check the paperwork and I can get back to you. That's why I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing. If I but me and my cousin is coming out there digging up some of them, Damn damn butter. Until you don't get this damn thing fix, I'm gonna be nobody coming over there. Just hold on. See what now I'm getting excited to comment. Man, Let me just talk to you like a man. Just what I'm saying that you win, that the family seals out the paperwork, put the name in the birth date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fixed. I have to call the man out here to fix it. And that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is, if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, does not own us, and I might have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it taken care of. I'm nothing to get charge nothing. We ain't got no little money, man, we ain't got no moment. Don't charge of an arm in the egg to bear in my honey. We ain't got no more I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you one more time, mister Kendrick. If I don't see a child, I'm coming after this evening, and look at my handy Toombstock. I'm coming out there now. If the date and the name ain't fixed, I promise you so help me. I'm gonna start digging up but it. And if your answers out there, I'm gonna put you in one of them homes up and I'll tell you what Vegan. You're not gonna put me in no home, man, I like I said, I tell it. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get the fixed. Ain't nobody come out here and dig it up nothing? I go out. I'll bet you. I bet you I'm digging up a hole and I'll put you if you don't fix my HANDI Toombstal and we both were going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. We're both gonn that in because somebody I want to fix this around and put the room. You want to put the spell my head man ruin everything. I don't even answer the damn Paul and my uncle get Expliciens region resident fix nothing mean you're yelling at each other. We mean we don't do this. Yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problem. I I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you're gonna look at it? Rather you keep yelling. I don't even have time to gold with its paperwork every time. If you're really look at something, you're yelling in my head. Let me say this time, I'm coming at monfucker. I'm gonna come out there right now. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what We're to come on? Then I try to talk nice to your Tell you what do I told you that this is a fan of business. You just respected me. You come out here. You ain't no because when we're both going to every days. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Right now, you're not looking at what you need. You need to know them was on my way because they're guarantee you you're gonna try. I'm gonna bring you. Then bring no. You ain't gonna laughn call big a bull setting hold I'll be when didn't get rid of to say the Kendrick on the tombstone men, they're gonna sing it wrong. Oh women, come on, you ain't gonna cut it. Why I got some miss and I need to tell you. Yes, you got to say. I'm saying you're listening to me. Kendrick, you wrapped the sixth Regie. We're going to say. This is miss you. Tommy, you just got break by your sector Tarry with yo, your man you Tommy. I'm gonna get damn a man. He got you, man man Old he was being here today to day. I knew something was funny. Oh man, Jordan, you got me. But I was gonna do the whole for your trying. All right, Hey, man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Hardy Morning Show. How y'all want y'all Tunstone? Yeah, between we're gonna have your dad. What do you want? Some flowers on the side? How you want? I'm ain't gonna visit. Well you least you know now what you're getting down. I pretty much my cast. It's pretty much over. I ain't gonna get the heaviest Hey, look, did they put the right tum starts out of there. What you want? You want one of them lium things? What you want? Were you in that wall? And he really thought about it? Yea? And he really gonna make me no damn difference. Okay, Now if you won't, I can have it where it's in New Orleans. That's above ground. You know what I'm saying. You ain't underground? You had that? Are you in charge? Definitely in charge of my funeral? What I want a funeral rehearsal? You know what I'm saying that way? You know the people that because a lot of people who surely gonna have to practice care a little plaster shut up. You know a lot of people used to having six pall bears. He's just gonna be too. You know you're gonna say, I walked into that's like little ring bearers at a wedding. Yeah, that's gonna come down. It's gonna be two pall bears, just one in the front, one in the back. He's gonna be a little heavy towards his head. Timmy gonna get pay to carry your luggage, yea. Or roll on, Timmy gonna come down there in the lou of a town. Roll on, because you know he liked it. I'm gonna have you wrapped in one blankets on the plane. I'm not gonna just wrap you. I'm gonna swaddle. I'm gonna swaddle you in or Louis Vatan and I'm gonna put you in a rollover. I used to love to swaddle share it and she hates. I know what swaddling is. I'm gonna set you. You ain't got to use no cask at stand that. We'll put you up on the table where they've had an offering, a little lock on it, and you're gonna be l down. All right, Thank you, nephew, Thank you, Steve, really, thank you Steve. All right, up next Strawberry letter, subject my husband is such a dummy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter on Steve Harvey f M and just click submit Strawberry Letter. We'll get it and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now today, all right, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is de Strawberry letter, subject my husband is such a dummy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for twenty years, and it's been the longest twenty years ever. Neither of us has been perfect in the marriage. But I got myself together and I was hoping that my dumb as husband did too. Huh, But it seems like there are far too many ways for him to do his dirty deeds. Now. About three months ago, he sent me a text that was intended for someone else he wanted to meet up after work. I busted him, and he lied and said that the text was for me and he was trying something new to keep our marriage interesting. I knew he was lying, so I started paying close attention to his daily called logs on the cell phone bill. He was dialing all kinds of numbers that I had never seen before for I didn't ask him about it because I needed more proof. Then, by looking at his phone, I noticed that he downloaded a new app that allows him to talk and video chat with people without its showing up on the cell bill cell phone bill, then I realized he was on social media, liking pictures of half dressed women, commenting on how nice and fine they are, and sending these women direct messages. He was demming them. When I confronted him with everything, he swore that it's all innocent fun and he's not trying to be sneaky. He said he never had planned to meet up with any of those women. I paid the cell phone bills, so I told him that I'm going to have his cell phone deactivate it and he will not have access to any apps or social media. He almost lost it when I said that, which confirms my suspicions. Okay, she pays the cell phone bills. Okay, so she told him that she's going to have his phone deactivated and he will not have access to any apps or social media. He almost lost it when I said that, which confirms my suspicions. If my gut feelings are right and he's cheating again, I'm out of here. Do you think I'm just tripping or blowing this out of proportion? Please help? Well, you definitely have a few things that are definitely caused for a concern here, and really more than that. First, the text you mentioned in the letter that he sent to you by mistake. You knew it was intended for someone else. You knew he was lying. He tried to cover it up, saying that you know he wanted to try something new in the marriage. You knew that was a lie. Also, the new app he has where he can video chat and like pictures and DM people, that's another clue. And of course your gut feeling. You know what they say, always trust your gut right. Well, after twenty years, you know your man, you know his habits, you know how he moves, so you know when he's telling the truth, and you know when he's lying. All through this letter he has done nothing but lie, and you've caught him. So you ask us, are you tripping? And are you blowing things out of proportion? You know, I say, trust yourself, trust your instincts. No, I don't think you're blowing things out of proportion. I don't think you're tripping at all. I think your husband is tripping. I think he's tripping. He's the one that's out of control here with all of this. You say, if you if your gut feelings are right, and you find out he's cheating again, you're out of there. So it looks like you know, you better start packing your bags. You don't have any concrete proof now, but it looks like it might be coming, so get ready. Steve, Wow, I don't know what to tell you. You've been married for twenty years, you said has been the longest twenty He is evil. I mean, damn, neither one of y'all been perfect in the marriage. I mean, you didn't tripped in need and trip, but then you say you got yours together, and then you was hoping he did. But now it's tech causing technologists just too many ways for him to be out there tripping. So he sent this text about three months ago that was intended for somebody else, said, you know, to meet up for after work. Well then you busted him. Now here's what he did. Though. After you busted him, you said that he said that was for you. He was trying to keep new things in that man. I sent that that you. I just told you that. I just act like I ain't know. I knew he was lying. So then you started watching the call log on the cell phone. Didn't all kinds of numbers on that, you know, But now you're snooping. So you didn't want to bust him right away. But you started looking at his phone that he had downloaded a new out that allows him to talk and video chat with people without his showing up on the cell phone bill. Now that's curious to me. A video phone call is different on your cell phone bill? Uh? Is it the WhatsApp? WhatsApp? I think it's WhatsApp Steve. She didn't say that, but it's probably what you mean. No, nephews, seems like he has some insight on this. What was that married man? Okay? Then okay, inside boys outside boys crazy? This boy is give give year, definitely years like the last to be the lonest that allows him to talk in video chat with people without his showing up on cell phone bill. Oh, I see what you're talking about. That must be boy said. Then I realized he was on social media liking pictures of half dressed women. Come in on house and find a sending these women dms here. When you confronted it, and he swore he was innocent. He's need. He ain't playing on me with no new women. I just said I won't. How did he say it? I'm just saying I ain't gonna beat up with nobody. I just said, I have won it too. Girl, you tripping? Yeah right? You don't see me over there? And now do you? All right, hold on, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's strawberry letter my husband is such a dummy. We'll get back into it right after this you're listening to all right, let's recap today's strawberry letter and h come on Steve with your response. The subject is my husband is such a dummy. Man, y'all been together twenty years, according to you, has been the longest twenty available technology and took over head and found a lot of ways to cheat. Now, three months ago, he sent a text to you that was intended for somebody else. He wanted to meet up after the work. I busted him. He lied and said that the text was from me and he was trying to gil gil a text for you. What's his name? Girl? Oh? Tell me the dude's name in the letter to realize to realist because he tells the women I'm to really it's still really so to realist is dead serious. And uh, Lee lied and said the text was for you and you knew he was Lyne. So you started watching the call logs. He downed all kind of numbers you've never seen before. I didn't ask him about it because I needed some more proof. Then you're looking at the phone. Notice he in the downloaded a new app that allows him to talk in video chat with people without his showing up on the cell phone bill That horse app Cordney Sherley. Then I realized he was on social media liking pictures of half dressed women, come in on how nice and fine they are, and sending these women direct messages. Then when I confronted, when he swowed and it was all inns that he just not trying to be sneaky girl. I ain't had no plan on going out with none of these here women because listen, we was just talking. We was just talking, and that's all it wars York. And then when you come talking about that I was going to meet up with these women and I wasn't and I wasn't you know, So then you know, then you come talk on because you paid the seal phone to bills that you was gonna have my phone just deactivated? Now why are you tripping like that? Wow? And then you ain't got no I ain't gonna have no access to any of these apps. I need these apps for my job. If he got a job, he should pay his own cell phone. There. If my gut feelings are right and he's cheating again, I am out of him. Do you think I'm just tripping and blowing this out of proportion? Okay, let me ask you something. What's her name? This is to really us and just Shimika to real Okay, yeah, okay, yeah they call him STD. What they call him STD? Shimika and to really is doing the damn thing. If my good feelings are right and he's cheating again, well, if your good if your good feelings is right, your gut telling you he's cheating again, I'm out of him. Do you think I'm just tripping and blowing this out of proportion? Look, if you're looking for a reason to stay with him, man, they're just gonna stay with him. You got twenty years in. You could use that one people like to use I got twenty years in, Like that's supposed to have value to it when they after that if something had gone bad, didn't it was a season for it. You know, Some racing relationships are just for seasons. It's just you didn't blow that part in in your life. You look back on it, you got some good times out of them twenty even though it was the longest you ever had. You know your husband had dummy. But if he done what they make you though, because you're staying with him and you're good telling you what he's doing man to Really, it's just that any questions about this letter because I don't tell him to get her own damn phone in his own name, don't because you know, tell me when you're stupid? Now you're noticed? What notice? Now? Some of this stuff I don't want to see what they questions for? I well, you know you you know when a man is at this level of igness, it compounds and manifests itself in a lot of ways. You know, you know when you stupid, you ain't just stupid at that that stupidity shows up in multiple areas of your life. Now, Tommy, is this true? What's Steve saying? Come? Oh boy, I love you answer the question now to see the thing about Tommy? Now, let me tell you something. Tommy's ignorance is reserved for prank phone called now his anger management problem that carries over but he don't have to deal with his anger management in pranks. His stupidity is for pranks. Now, his angle management, that's other areas of life, and that's not really stupidity. That's angle managed. Okay, aren't we getting off subject though? We're talking about stupidity. Well, I don't know how we could be. Didn't I say timmy twice? Okay? Yeah, I'm may I am as ignorant, but I'll be damned if I'm stupid. Stupiditiosity, whatever you say, All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Leave us your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram, at Steve Harvey FM, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in ten minutes. We'll review the headlines and some trending topics that's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve hard Morning Show. So, guys, friend to the show. Mike Epps, he's our friend. We love him. Mike Epps is married. He's a married man yet again and graduated. Yes, yes, yes. On Sunday night, Mike married Kyra Robinson. She's from Chicago. She's a TV producer. He married her at the luxurious Pelican Hill resort in Newport Beach, California. The couple had been dating for two years. They went exactly where they got married. Uh huh, Yeah, they've been dating for two years. They went public shortly after Mike and his first wife, Michelle, got divorced in two seven, twenty seventeen. Ti left the Beet Awards on Sunday night to be at the wedding Snoop Dogg and Cedric Cedric the entertainer. See, they skipped the awards altogether so they wouldn't miss the wedding. Earthquake was there, our bo Earthquirk was there as well. And get this Dougie Fresh and the whisperers, Tommy, can you say that the whip right performed at the reception? So we have to say congratulations to to Mike and his new bride. They look beautiful together. She's gorgeous, right go ahead, mate, Yeah, So here's an interesting story. We mentioned that Mike EPP's wife is from Chicago. Well, Illinois is now the eleventh state in the US to legalize the purchase and possession of recreational marijuana. Wow, okay, yeah, yeah, we gotta say shout out to our friends at B one oh three, that's our radio family in Chicago. Where were you going to say? So it means it's not it's not medical, it's recreational. Yeah, recreational. Oh man, yeah, might calm a lot of things down. Yes, let's hope Governor Pritzker they're signed the bill tuesday. It allows adults twenty one and over to buy and possess small amount of marijuana. Adults will be able to purchase and possession. Adults will be able to purchase and possess thirty grams of cannabis, five grams of cannabis concentrate, and cannabis infused products containing no more than five hundred milligrams of THHC. That's a lot of week, that is it. I mean, I don't know. Five hundred milligrams sounds like a lot concentrate, so a lot. Yeah, yeah, that's a lot. Under the law, medical patients to speak to your question, Junior would be permitted to buy marijuana seeds and grow up to five plants at home, so long as the plants are kept out of public view. So there you go. You ain't being backday and coming coming up at the top of coming up at the top of the hour. Steve, we're going to talk about the proposed federal wealth tax that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show well. Abigail Disney, that is a gra daughter of a Disney World co founder and heiress to the Disney fortune. She's among a group of nineteen ultra wealthy Americans who signed a letter on Monday asking presidential candidates to support a federal wealth tax. The letter states said America has a moral, ethical, and economic responsibility to tax our wealth more. The wealth tax could help address the climate crisis, improve the economy, improve health outcomes, and strengthen our democratic freedoms. The letter was published in The New York Times on Monday. Miss Disney joined CNN's Don Lemon to discuss the federal wealth tax, noting that we're creating a super class that is so far above the vast majority of people that they don't share the same planet or the same reality as working class Americans. She added that forty seven percent of people cannot cope with being hit with even a four hundred dollars emergency. She's saying, I don't think that the people who are on their private jets are living in incredible riches. Can even begin to digest what it means to not have four hundred dollars for an emergency. So Steve, I gotta ask you, what do you think? I mean, you know, what do you think about what she's saying about the federal wealth tax? I mean, you know she can say what she want to say, enohing to do that. I mean, you know you could say what you want to say. Here's a problem. No one. No one is paying all of their taxes, no one, and they know that. And you just can't go. Look, man, I don't know how you punish a person more for being more successful. I don't know how you keep doing that. You already put them in a forty percent tax back. You know, if you put them in a forty percent tax back, and how much more can you tax him? I mean, I just don't know how to do that, you know, I just don't know how to do it. For every dollar you make, plus if you put in the if you put in the state taxes and all your franchise taxes that you have to pay, you had fifty percent better. So if your dollar you make, you got to send fifty cent to the government. That's that's you're asking a lot of people. What about them? The statements that she made about forty seven forty seven percent of people and that's almost half can't cope with being hit with a four hundred dollars emergency. I understand that, man, I've been in that position many times. Yeah. Yeah, but it's it's nobody else's fault that I didn't have that. I couldn't blame you, surely, Like if you were working and you make, you know a lot more money than I do, and I don't have four hundred dollars, I can't expect you to get that to me just because I don't have it, you know, or I can't go to time. I mean, go, hey, man, look you make it more to me. I ain't got this. I want you to give me yours, just the first art. I know you can you dream a little bit. It was just it was just believed. Yeah. Yeah. Her letters stated that America has a moral, ethical, and economic responsibility to tax our wealth more Steve are wealthy? More? Um? Who is who is this person? She's Nabigel Disney, the granddaughter of Disney World co founder. But you know much money she got Disney's Hey, Now, look, if you want to if you want to pay some more Texas, go ahead. Matter of fact, just send it in, all right. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening show, Team USA Soccer superstar Megan Rappano is making it crystal clear that if the US wins the World Cup, she says, there's no way in hell she's visiting Donald Trump at the White House. She said, she said, this is what she said. I'm not going to the effing White House. She added, We're not going to be invited. And she's probably right about that because Megan and her Team USA Soccer teammates have been very outspoken when it comes to their disapproval of the President. You may have heard that Rappano has been very political in the past. She was the first white pro athlete in America to take a knee during the national anthem, following Carlin Kaepernick's lead. She no longer takes a knee, but Megan doesn't put her hand over her heart or sing along with the lyrics of the national anthem either, So there you go. She's not going. She says, I'm not going to the effing White House. That's a quote shirt and in fact, we're not gonna be invited. Is Toronto gonna go Toronto? What I'm going to go to the White US after winning via NBA Championship. NBA Championship. Well, they from Canada, So what do go on up there for? Okay, just throwing it out there because they're in the NBA. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, to get to get some burger king at McDonald's food. Yeah, all right, listen, we'll have more of a show Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour you're listening to show. Well, well. The first Democratic presidential debate is set for tonight and tomorrow night at Miami's arsht Center UM. The debate will air on NBC, MSNBC, and Telemundo at nine o'clock pm Eastern, with a total of twenty candidates ten each night. Candidates had to qualify to be invited. And to qualify, yeah, you had to get sixty five thousand donors to contribute to their campaign with two hundred donors from at least twenty different states, or they had to receive one percent of support in three polls. The d n C deems as qualified. So we're burn didn't make the current no one. Yeah, that's it's twenty three candidates only twenty may to ten each night. Well, who didn't get the money? All right, So here's a list of the of the twenty candidates that qualified for the debate. Corey Booker, Bill de Blasio out of New York. He's a mayor. Uh, Julian Castro, John Delaney, Tulsey Gabbert, stop me, you know if you don't know. Yeah, Okay, Corey Booker out of New Jersey for the senator. Yeah, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, former HUD Secretary, Julian Castro, former Maryland Congressman John Delaney, Hawaii Representative else He Gabbert, Washington Governor Jay Ensley, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobasher, former text former Texas Congressman Beeto, Beto O'Rourke, Uh, Ohio, Yeah, Beto, Ohio. Rep. Tim Ryan, Undaul Ryan. That's why he. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's heading the pole. She she because she has a plan. That's all she talks about is I have a plan for that. I have a plan for that. She's got a plan everything. Yes, she does. Former Vice President, Joe Biden, Colorado Senator Michael Bennett, Pete Buddha judge. You know, he's a mayor of South Bend. The last name. Kirsten Gillibrandu out of New York. She's a Senator, Kamala Harris, California Senator. She and that, but it's getting a little shaken less. She started saying something last say. I like a lot, but she gotta start saying something because she this old she has she has to come with it and stop saying, oh, that's something I would consider. Yeah, all these safe fans, she gotta get a little bit more definitive. John hick and Looper out of Colorado. He's the governor. Bernie Sanders out of Vermond. He's a senator there of course. Eric Swalwell, California Representative, Mary Ann Williamson, the author, and Andrew Yang, a businessman. I didn't all right, yeah, yeah exactly. Yeah, Well there you go. All right, Well, we'll be watching it coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, it is that time. It is our last break of the day. Any final thoughts. Steve is coming up with this closing remarks, But any final thoughts from you, Junior. Yeah, I just want to thank U for the great laugh I got today about Tommy's funeral cask. Thank you. I've been thinking about that all morning. What did he say? Oh? He had him in a roll away bag and he gonna swaddle him in a Louis Vauton swallow. Oh, any final thoughts from you, nephew before we handed everything? You want to have a funeral rehearsal, Whether I'm wrapped in a Louis Vatton blanket, swaddling clothes, however you want to name it, I'm gonna having that way I can. I can see who coming, I know who preaching, I know who's singing. Nobody doesn't have to casket. Well here's my final thought. I'm too busy right now living my best life. I don't believe in it right now, but I do believe in a living. Will you believe in that? Oh? Of course you are a little segment just see. Oh sorry, Oh hey, hey, can I say this? Can I say this? My kids are rolling right now, They should be rolling right now. They're going to uh, they're at Wendy's camp Windy Rockel Robinson at her theater camp. They are in LA. So they're going. They're doing their thing and my little girl are loving it. My little man, Jordan is loving it. So they headed to theater camp. So y'all enjoy you, hey kids, we love them. They got a little bit in them. When he's the best person to go to. Yeah, you have great kids. To Tommy, Hey, Sydney Hay, Jordan. Hey Jackie, Jackie is going today to uh family. Few surveys top surveys on the board, so she going to see He don't know they yet, but you'll see us now. Don't tell them, don't tell him. I ain't gonna remember to already to tell Loco I'm coming act. I ain't sitting over there now. She's got friends Twitter probably just one. Yeah, oh yeah, I blow up there. She ain't coming in there' garage. She ain't rolling deep like that. She usually be three fo deep. I saw it. That's as well. Years I was trying to get over that. I said, your husband got your time. I went out and had some friends. Boy, when I opened up that damn gave me about six women came in out. I thought she had one girl here about six. All right, time for your clothing ready, Yeah, I got it. You know, UM, I want to talk to you about something today. Um. I talked to so many young people man, and they have some really, really wonderful ideas. I talked to some young kids at my mentoring camp and they were talking about all these ideas. Here was a thing that happened, and this is a true story. I used to really harp on haircuts at the camp. You know, get yourself a hair cut, had JT's barber's college would be down there. And over the years, I've changed that because so many of the kids have dreads, so many of the kids have so many braids and stuff in their hair. Mister Harvey, this way we're doing it now. So I accepted. You know, I gotta I gotta go with it, so I don't push haircuts like I used to. I was in the barbershop with JT at the mentoring camp and his young kid eighteen years old. He was telling me his plan was to go to college. So I ask him, what did you wanted to be? And he had an attorney. Nah, he didn't have dreads. He just had his hair plaided you know, my little girls used to make their hair loop and they put barettes on the end. Well his didn't do that. They're kind of fat, and he just had them kind of sticking straight out and they looped down a little bit. I said, so, what's your plan when you go to school, young man? He said, I don't be a lawyer, a defense lawyer. I said, really, I said, looking like that, he said, yeah, yeah, yeah, mister Harvey, just how I want. I said, man, y'all think about that. He said, uh, he said, what do you mean. I said, well, think about your appearance if you're gonna be an attorney. He said, mister Harby, no disrespect, but that's racism, and that's what we're trying to get, trying to stop people from dick taking us how our hairs should be. I said, you're exactly right, young man, that's exactly what that is. It's racially biased towards us, it's culturally biased towards us. It's that way. I said, But let me ask you a question. I know you want to be a defense lawyer. I say, but let's say you're on trial for m robbery in possession. Man, mister Harmer, ain't never done like that. I said, we're just using it for a hypothetical situation. Let's just see you on trial. And some of the barber's were over there, and a couple of the barber's head dreadlocks, and this older barber he was just a regular cut dude with salton pepper hair. And JT was over there, and this other little Latino kid. That's why I said, look over there, man, I said, just by looking, I said, just by appearances. If you are on trial for possession and intent an arm robbery, what's one of those men over there with you like to be your lawyer? He looked over there, and he picked the older guy with the care cut. I said, while you picked him? He said, because he looked he looked like he'll be serious. I said, I said, I commune and picked his kid with the dreads. Now I'm hard. He looked like me. I said, well, don't you want to be a lawyer? He said, yeah. But if I'm in trouble, man, I got to go in there looking with somebody a little bit more squab. I said, well, sir, let's just think about what you just said for a minute. If that's how you would select a person I said, how do you think other people view it? I said, so listen to me, son, It's not always about what you want to do, because what you're saying is absolutely correct, and I hope you do change American the way it's thinking, but the way it is now. I said, Man, just get to where you're trying to get to and you can make a lot more changes that way. I said, So just remember that, brother, Just remember sometimes you got to you got to get in there and do what you're uncomfortable doing in order to get to the point of comfort that you want to be to. That's all I wanted to say to him. We at a time. Y'all, have a great weekend, see you tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.