Delivery Folks, Secret Trump Tape, Lanny Davis, Carmelo Anthony, Does Size Really Matter, Carla's Corner, What To Do If You Won The Lottery, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Shawn VS Tommy, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jul 25, 2018, 2:45 PM

This show today is dedicated to all the delivery folks out there that make our lives easier. There is a tape of Trump and Cohen that is controversial to say the least. Is Melo going to H-Town? Does size really matter? In Carla's Corner, we find out details regarding the Ritz and Goldfish recall. We ask The Steve Harvey Nation what they would do if they hit the lottery. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Shawn VS Tommy. In Closing Remarks today, the fellas explain the phrase "Come on dog" and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit long, looking back to back down, giving the mo like the moking buck bus things and it's y'all to be true. Good to study. Yeah, listening to me together for sto bar handle money. But don't you joy Yeah? Yeah by joining men say you gotta turn. Yeah, you got to turn to turn at the time you love, got to turn out to turn the water the water go, come be, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. Uh, this is a good one because today I want to share with you something that that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand. A positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being change? My mama gonna what being positive got to do with that? Okay? Now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fined me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well? One more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. And listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts. This is the start. It's thoughts within you. See, life is tempera cent. What happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you. Hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now, what does being positive have to do with changing that, or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude, How does that change things for you? So far, you can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to eventually turn around, and and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who was obviously going to be, if not already been toxic in your life because you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure, insecure Already you've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two. It allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you instead of burying yourself under the horse, wrong with it, old woe is me? Now, concept see a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go. Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, the thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they're finna come get in my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when it's unemployment run out? What am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. Some of the best things that's ever happened to me. Some of the biggest moments that I've accomplished in my entire career came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in l A. What they didn't when they were it was sick of the way I did radio out there and they wanted me gone. And on May two thousand and five, when my did when When? When? When my deal was done with the beat out in l A. Okay, look what happened though? Yeall was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. I'm now sixty some cities, you see, But I didn't go old. Woe was me? I said, Okay, God must have something else from me then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing that happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship, same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody treat you just the way you want to be treated, provide you with a whole lot of aspects of your life. You knew nothing about pride to that. But you gotta stay positive. You gotta keep looking out, You gotta keep looking to God. You gotta keep believing that there's gotta be something better for you. That God has a plan and it don't coincide with your plan oftentimes, but His way is the best way. Oh I have not liked it many times, man oh Man I've had people scathed me. I'm talking about man, people. I ain't done nothing too. I don't even know where it's coming from. Just go public and just try to bury me when they got through. Man, I can't tell you what happened to me because I ain't raised my voice back. I didn't. I didn't get into that negative lane with them. I took the high road. And when you take the high road, God got something for you. So all of you out there are struggling, that's being hated on, that you feel like your life and took some turns that you have no control over. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that that all ways thinking, God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude, how high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. Ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide the way if you see that something that happened to him along the way, and don't worry. You ain't gonna worry about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard, all right. That's the conversation you're listening to, baby, You are listening to the Steve Hard and Martin shoe. I am jading it brown, we are holding it down. The show right here dedicated today today to the people who deliver you stuff. Who brings stuff to your house? Baby, You ain't got that though nowhere delivering it today. Shirt is stopbery baby. Oh, I got some shoes in the mail. I got the shoes there. The best morning Jay morning everyone, my main man junior Junior delivering day everybody. They got water coming taste of water. They bring it to the house, okay, sun man and who delivers it every day? Food number one man man Timy and draw they delivered draw it order. It's changed the where we live. Man, you get stuff to it. Yeah, you ain't gotta go nowhere, I mean where. But you don't like company though, Jason, you have, but leave it on the voice. Don't get down down. We gotta interact. I don't know. We gotta health conversation. You know what. I hate shilling. I hate when I see the ups truck and I'm thinking it's for me, right because I love delivery, and it's across the street. And I told a dude, hey, man, look now, if you're not gonna come up the street and deliver me something, don't bring your hands up to the streetment all right, When that truck stopped in shrount my out. You better find someone on that truck to give me. Okay, I don't care what it is in front in front of my house, front my house. I don't get what it is. That's funny. I got this man that want something. Boy, I'm it is. But you know, I hate certified letters though. Don't bring those, Yeah that don't bring those, yeah, certified keep those Yeah, tell me you said a certified. Let it down for a couple of days because you try to get you don't open it. You don't open it. Yeah, see where it's from. You know where it's from. I hate it when they see you notice in the mail. You gotta go down to the post office and pick it up. That. Yeah, I've got to go somewhere to get bad news. Oh man, I'm not want to get it. Uh, it could stay there, right, Carla. Yeah, I'm just listening. No, no, yeah, that is what did that do? Wow? Okay, Well, we have a lot to talk about this morning. It's so much going on just right here, like Jayson's in the United States. Coming up, we're gonna talk about these Trump tapes. Okay, the sacred Trump Cohen tape. It is out man. Man, all right, we'll be back to talk about it at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. I'm coming up in about an hour. We're going to play are you Smarter than Nephew? Tommy? You could win? You can win a chance that we laugh. Yeah. Oh, listen to team Tommy over there. Oh he won't even know Tommy. Uh. Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars is what you can win. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. You got a register so you can play people. That's how this game works. Well, some big headlines this morning. Huh of the secret tape of a conversation Yeah, between President Donald Trump and his former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen. Well, it isn't a secret anymore, now, is it. CNN broadcast the tape that was allegedly recorded in two thousand and sixteen. The recording came to c ann courtesy of Cohen's attorney Lannie Davis. Lannie Davis, Mr Trump was yeah, Lanny Alanna Davis, Oh, no, go ask it. Mr Trump was looking to buy the rights of the story of playboy model Karen McDougall, who says she had an affair with the president or before he became president, I should say. This audio seems to confirm that Donald Trump knew of the effort to pay off McDougald. Cohen told Trump about his plans to set up a company and finance the purchase of the rights from American Media, which publishes The National Enquirer. Trump interrupts Cohen, asking what financing. According to the recording, when Cohen tells Trump will have to pay, Trump is heard saying pay with cash. But the audio is modeled, and it's unclear whether he suggests paying with cash or not paying to listen to open up a company for the transfer a wall of that info regarding our friend David. You know, so that I'm going to do that right away. I've actually come up and spoke to me, and I've spoken to Alan Weislberg about how to set the whole thing up with what we're funding. Yes, um, and it's all the stuff, all the stuff because you know, you never know where that company, you don't know what he's going to be get it correct. So I'm I'm all over that, and I spoke to Alan about it. When it comes time for the financing, which will be here, something we'll have to pay get no no, no, no no no, I got no no no, you got a dumb client finance. I don't finance that. Trump is heard saying pay with cash, but the audio is muddled and it's unclear whether he suggests paying with cash or not paying. Take a listen. Yeah, yeah, I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David. You know, so that I'm going to do that right away. I've actually come up and I spoke to me, and I've spoken to Alan Weislberg about how to set the whole thing up with we're funding, yes, um, and it's all the stuff, all the stuff because you know, you never know where that company, you don't know what he's going to be get, but correct. So I'm all over that, and I spoke to Alan about it. When it comes time for the financing, which will be here something we'll have to pay again. No, no, no, no no no, no, I got again. Yeah, you don't hear that again? Yeah, and it is Trump. David is Trump, you know David. No, David is the head of the National and quarter of the National, the owner of American Media. American Media, David Pecker's weird name. Why are these conversations taped? There's so many questions here, um okay. And while the tape's release comes as Cohen has been described as ready to flip against the president, his yeah, the President's attorney Rudy Giuliani, here's a tape. Differently, he tells Fox News quote, there's no indication of any crime being committed on this tape. According to Giuliani, Okay, I'll tell you what this tape did do A lot of people with sad pieces, nervous. Yeah, they on alert this morning. Yeah, man up all your partners that it tapes. We haven't talked about. Why is this sun take like the dude that gets busted and you know you keep finding of friends and all. He has it. Oh that my mom used to say that. Oh that. Yeah. Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I mean we can hear all this stuff. His base still sticks with him. But yeah, they stick with some of the some of his constituents and followers, if you will. They're tweeting out this morning. So what you know they don't care. Yeah, they really don't. This man can do no wrong. Uh. And on a side note, Ivanka Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter, is shut down her clothing line business. She says she wants to concentrate on her work at the White House. No, you don't shut down if you sell it. Well, our sales have dropped. I think about everything must go on getting nine. All sales are final. Sales are final. Come back up in here, trying to get a refund. I'm making moves. Let's time clean up. She's making money moves, You make money moves. This is crazy. Wow, this attorney. Yeah, sounds like this take and playing both at the same time. I admit, admitted, alright, the nephew is here, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure he has a nice run that prank back treat for us this morning. Uh so, coming up next, run that brank back with the King of Pranks. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, guys entertainment news. Uh Demmilvado, we'll talk about her and yeah, yeah, she's had a major setback. And in sports news it's uh, it's Carmelo Anthony. Is he really going to be a Houston Rocket? Yeah? You gotta tell us alight, right now, the nephews here, he is, the King of Pranks, would run that prank back? What you got for is enough? Today we're talking to dumb cheering today. Is your baby going back? Your baby going back? Even? I mean this some dumb cheering that it's kindergarten though, Hey, don't you think color right, you're going back? All outside, you get outside that line, you're going back. However, yes, I'm trying to reach Ms Thomas, Please Thomas. My name is Mr Stapleton, I'm actually the principal over at elementary school. You're I'm looking at my records indicating that your son, Thomas is going to be starting his first grade. Ready Babs wedding right, listen, Ms Thomas, Um, I've been going through actually all of the children's records that will be starting school, and I'm looking at your son's grades from his kindergarten and well, no, not exactly. I mean there's been a few I actually spoke with the teacher and who he was under in kindergarten, and it seems like he just really wasn't up to par as the rest of the children. Now his conduct, Now, he talked, but he gets his work. So what else is she saying on that that ain't right? Well, what what's what it seems to be, ma'am is that his grades weren't up to par as the rest of the other children. She did tell me he was a disobedient child. No, he disobedient and talking two different things. Come on? Okay, well, man, listen, what we've decided here is we're gonna let a little actually do another year of kindergarten. At gonna let him do another year of kindergarten. No, sun man, That's that's the only choice I have. Uh No. We got our letter in the mail with our report card the week after school started, and it said on the back promoted. And if I got to get about this couch and go get it, I'm gonna be because I'm telling you right now we will be in the first grade kindergarten. Want that hard. I'm not sure what they told you about him, but it must be the wrong if I understanding. He's he doesn't color as well as arrested kids. He's all he's out the lines when he color. He doesn't know his numbers completely. And that's kind of what we need when you first come into into the first grade. When I can show you on this paper he did satisfactory all the way through. Now you're about the off and them already sick calling me with some about my son blank and kindergarden. He that kind of he does not color well. Man, color ain't gonna do with the dad. Kindergarten. He is going to the first grade and I'll be down there on August four, Mom, I will not be able to allow you to get in the school. I'm sorry. Uh And let me get Let tell you what let me go and get my pencil and pen because I don't live that far from this school. And if y'all an't read it down, they're causing some comflict. I need to get up and go down there because I'm not telling my baby when he come home the day that he ain't going to the day come first. Man. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to refuse education from him. You know what, I just went back and put him in public school. I know that was a stake in the first place. Food which you're talking about some coloring. Give me your name again, sir Stapleton man, And what's that number down there? The number here is actually area code. Waitmut, I got the number, numb mind. I pulled up this report card. I got the number in your name on the back of this paper. I'll tell you what I was turning. Fourth will be coming in there, going to school, and I might make a trip around there this evening when I come from the doctor. The bottom line is, I'm not want to hear that coling ain't got nothing to do with nothing else. But it's not only color. Here's a rhythm of tickets back. No, are you working with him? At home. Are you're doing anything at home? Many what you're trying to say, I'm an incompetent parent. I'm just asking as a parent, are you working with your child? Working with my child every day? He can read better than you. Problem. No, he can't read read better than you, because honestly, you read that role on that paper that he's supposed to be going back to kindergarten when I know the paper said from it going to the first grade. And I'm not listening to no more this about him going backwards. Now, if you've got a problem with your paper work, maybe you need to go talk to your secretary of somebody in there that wrote my baby name down, your son's name, Thomas, ma'am, No, it ain't him, baby, I know it ain't him. You're not gonna sit up and tell me my son is flocking kindergarden. He is not going back to that kindergarten. Don't bring your son down here. I call you one. Be ready to me and my husband, but we will be down there, back shoes uniform. Everything you hear me, I will not be able to allow him and education and that right now. I will come down there right now and make that correction on that paper for your baby is not going back to no kinder God for no coloring. Can you bring him down here and let him color for me? I can you tell my color in the rithm and taking all themselves? No? Uh no, I'm sorry. Uh we will be down there augustly torn and four. I would have this poor card in my head that says you have been promoted to the first brother. He's gonna have a mole on his face, and so are you. I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you listening to me? I'm listening. You ain't saying nothing. Yeah, you better say something that sounds like the first grade, because I'm not playing. I would go down to this dad on the ministrator office, and I had because my son would be in that first grade. Are you raising your voice? Who are you raising your voice? You're talking crazy to me. I'm crazy to in what I'm ground woman. I don't need to be explained to you why I'm trying to Did you graduate? Honey? I am a college degree person. I have a great job. My husband and I do well for ourselves and for our children, and that's why we're not You're not even if you're not even at work right now, man, I said, I'm say I tell you that when you call here, know the doctor to call me now, partner missing my phone call? Can you color because your son can't color? Question that? Ask me? Can I color you white? Black? You ask me, I'm not color? No? I ask you, can you color like the racist lines? And that? Can you color? No? My coloring and me, my color ain't got nothing to do with none of this is just a race thing. He's trying to make sure you send him back. No, I'm not trying to send him back. I want to send him back to color to get his coloring together. You what that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. And if you're the head person down there now, you aren't competent and you aren't in a literate call me and tell me that my son has to go back to the first grad. I got one more thing you don't want. I'll tell you what I'm through with this guy. Come through with this. I'm gonna say one more thing, and I'm gonna be out here. Are your listening, I'm listening. That's his nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prankned by your girlfriend for Lashaw. I'm oblia I. I'm going to be. You're about to get the play. I mean, I'm writing everything, I'm everything. I'm gonna beat hu because you know I don't play when it comes to back. That's all right, all right, but one more question. Now, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Morning Show. Baby get a drama something with people's kids, thought to Shirley, you have to. You have to go with people about things they care about. They love is passionate, they love their kids and push push the But I'm gonna push the button. Um yeah. August three, four fifth, uh huh. I'm gonna be in Verminham, Alabama at the Star Doom, one of the biggest comedy clubs in the country. I Am going to be What did I say to y'all think yesterday? Ignutricity, ignatricity, staying with me ignatricity. It's like electricity with ignorant. It's ignotricity. You know what I'm saying you when you plug it up, you gonna get a whole lot. And I got volts of just ignorance. It's ignatricity going down at the start on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, first weekend in August, because I don't sale right now. The nephew is coming down, all right, NAF coming up. In Entertainment News, Demi Lavado and Junior is gonna tell us if Carmelo Anthony is really going to be a Houston market. We'll find out. Yeah, right after this. Whoo, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes after the hour, Guys, we're going to play are you smarter the nephew Tommy Clean? You could win a chance to I'm at some of Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars. That's what this is all about. One million dollars. But you can't play unless you register at Steve Harvey f M dot com. Please go and do that right now, okay. And Entertainment news, boy, oh boy, Yesterday was some kind of day for pop star Demi Levado. Uh Yesterday, an emergency call from her Hollywood Hills home said that she was unconscious. According to law enforcement sources, Demi was given Narcan, which is used to treat narcotic overdoses and rushed to the hospital. Now, Demi's rep said, quote, Demi is awake with her family, who wants to express thanks to everyone for the love, prayers, and support. Some of the information reported is incorrect, and they respectfully ask for privacy. The information they are referring to is that TMZ broke the story d m z uh that Demi odd at her home Tuesday, and law enforcement sources say it was an parent heroin overdose, but a source close to Demmi says it was not. It was not heroin. Al right, Yeah, but the point is, yeah, she's doing better. She had a great six year run as we understand it of sobriety, and she had a setback. Yeah, she had a setback. Um. For I'm a fan of hers man Yeah, her her big hit. M M sorry not sorry. People love that song so much. Um all right? And uh. In other sports news, Junior is uh standing by because he's got to tell us about the latest on Carmelo Anthony and the Houston Rockets. Please please, what's come on? Please? What's happening? We need Carmelo Anthony and anybody else because we haven't signed anybody. It's all we'd be in the Houston Rockets that side, no fun don't know who coming on the team. I think he can help us. I really do think he can't if he buys into the system. But we're waiting for him to be traded from Oklahoma City to Atlanta. Now, once he get to Atlanta, Atlanta said they're gonna buy this contract which gives him to making him a free agent. Then we'll sign him for league mento, which is two point five the Rockets. The Rockets will find signed him for two point five million. But you know there was something funny. I found this tweet up there and it fits in really well and with how the negotiations are gonna go with Carmelo Anthony. These are the Houston Rockets and Carmelo Anthony negotiating. Mellow. Will I have to play defense, Houston, No, melow? Well I have to pass Houston, No, Mellow? What happens if I launched a bunch of three bricks? Are three point bricks in the playoffs? Houston? You saw Games seven? That's what we do. Ah, Come on, what are you waiting though? Come on? Mello, mellow, mellow, mellollo. Al Right, Well, maybe next year Junior. Maybe next year if you guys get Carmellop Club. Alright, come on, Jay introduced the lovely and talented miss and Trip. Please. All right, everybody, it's time with the news and Trip. Thanks guys, This is and Trip and good morning everybody out there. In California, authorities are shutting down part of Yosemite National Park for several days as firefighters work on containing and then extinguishing the wildfire that's already burned through fifty six square miles. President Trump went before a friendly audience yesterday in Missouri, in the heart of farm country. He railed against critics of his trade war. He talks about President Obama, he always does that, and throughout some other red meat about Democrats. But then he reminded the group of mostly white, elderly veterans about a very important positive. As you may know, we're also working to bring back the remains of your brothers in arms who gave their lives to Korea. And I hope that very soon these fallen warriors will begin coming home to lay at rest in American soil. That's starting the process now. The President scheduled to meet with Republican members of the Congressional Agriculture Committee later today. He's also going to talk with representative of the European Union, which you know he's been attacking for quote ripping off America. In Pennsylvania, the Sexual Offender Assessment Board get this recommending that Bill Cosby be classified as a sexually violent predator. The disgrace Comedians conviction three months ago for sexual and decent assault already requires that he be formally listed as a sex offender. However, victims advocate Jennifer Storm says this added designation would mean much more, saying, yes, this guy is a sexually violent predator. It's incredibly validating for all of these women who have gone unbelieved and judged and scrutinyed for so long. A violent sexual predator has to undergo mandated monthly treatment and counseling caused these accuses would be notified whenever he moves or buys a car, or makes any other life decisions. Bill Cosby currently under house arrest by the way, and monitored with an ankle bracelet. The Trump administration says it's coming to the aid of the nation's farmers who are losing money, piles of it thanks to the President's new tariffs and other hardline trading policies. The government plans to provide twelve billion with a B dollars to help farmers that happened to be in those red states that went overwhelmed me for Trump in the last election, in which really pretty pretty much still support him strongly. Those farmers claim they don't want any government help, but the Department of Agriculture says it will hand out direct payments as some growers while buying the crops from others outright. The Ivanka Trump fashion line no more. The President Store Assessor company, which started with jewelry and expanded into shoes and clothes and stuff, closing shop, letting all its employees go. So while Ivanka's brand might still be found found in places like Macy's and Amazon and blooming Als, it's been the target of a sustained boycott ever since her father got into Pennsylvania Avenue. That's led Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom stores like that to drop the line, and t J Max and Marshalls have stopped promoting it entirely. And finally, today is national happiness with hypnosis. Did you'll find out if you ask? Okay We'll be back with more entertainment coming up twenty minutes after the hour. Are you smarter than Nephew? Tommy? We shall see? What are you listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Back at you real soon you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time to play Are you smarter the nephew? Tommy? Tommy, Let's meet our contestant today? Who is this a Sean Jersey? Alright? Alright, alright? What you do for liv? I am this administrator? M hm m h. I had to go stair away. Oh you're a big hollow areas echo? Okay, No, you think you really smarter than me? Sean? You think so? I'm gonna do the best I can. Alright, alright, well he does. How it works? Scharl is gonna ask us some t your question and who answers the most questions correctly in sixties seconds is the winner. It's simple? Is that? All right? All right? All right, Tommy, get out, get out of the studio. Now now get Sean, my dear, Are you ready, yes, ma'am, I'm ready, all right, cat sixty seconds on the clock. Please. What fictional character has a corn cob pipe? And a button knows this snowman. What legendary rapper turned actor released getting jiggy witted in? Will Smith Claustrophobia is the fear of what? What actress start as Olivia Pope on the hit TV show Scandalum Past. What type of work does a masseuse specialize in? Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty are all characters from what TV cartoon? In? What state is the Rikers Island prison located New York? What beer is marketed as the King of Beers? Which celebrity couple named their third child Chicago? We didn't get to that. Oh, okay, Jay Carlin, what you think Junior always smart already? Yeah, she says she was gonna do the best she can and uh damn good. Yeah you did very well? Yeah, standing Sean, how you feel? How you feel? Up? Two questions? But yeah, I'm all right, all right. Well, we're gonna see when we come back. We're gonna find out who is the smartest and are you smarter the nephew Tommy. Tommy will be back in the studio when we come back, and we'll see if it's gonna be Tommy or is it gonna be Sean. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. We're in the middle of playing Are you Smarter the Nephew Tommy and Tommy is back in the studio. Back into here, Tommy, Yeah, because our contestant, Seawan did her thing. She's really smart. I know that I say that about everyone, but Sean is really smart. Tommy. Are you ready? Okay? Let's go all right, Kat, may I have sixty seconds on the clock. Please? Which fictional character has a corn cob pipe and a button knows no man? What legendary rapper turned actor released getting jiggy with it in? Claustrophobia is the fear of what um um? It's Claustrophobia's people all upon you. It's too many, It's it's two people too close to you. What actress started Olivia Pope on the hit TV show Scandal, Oh God, that's what type of work does a masseus specialize in? Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty are all characters? And what state is the Rikers Island Prison located California? What beer is marketed as the King of Beers. Which celebrity couple named their times up, put your pencils down, pencils down, pencil down, New York. I screwed it up, Yes you did. All right, we gotta tally, you know, we have to tally. So while we're tallying, I'll read the questions and the answers. Here we go with. What fictional character has a corn cop pipe and a button knows Frosty the Snowman. What legendary rapper turned actor released to getting jiggy with it in Will Smith Claustrophobia is the fear of what confined spaces? What actress starred as Olivia Pope on the hit TV show Scandal Carrie Washington. What type of work does a massus specialize in? Massage therapy? Fred Wilma, Barney, and Betty are all characters from what TV cartoon The flint Stones? And what state is the Rikers Island prison located? That would be Bronx, New York. What beer is marketed as the King of Beers Budweiser. And which celebrity couple named their third child Chicago. That would be Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West. Come on, come on, car all right? Uh Tommy you've got five answers correct, Sean got seven. Sean is our winner today. Yeah, congratulations, Sean. You've just won one dollar cash gift card and you are smarter than nephew Tommy. Now this is big. If you can correctly guess our four digit code using the number zero through nine in its exact order, you could win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. And we also have Steve's banker Ken on the line, who will verify if your four digit code is correct. Please keep in mind this is not like the lottery. Please just say one single digit using the number zero through nine, one digit at a time, and remember we need a four digit code in its exact order for you to win. Sean, go four nine seven two or nine seven two. We're gonna go to my uncle's bank of Mr. Ken and see if we have the correct number. Sir, we have four nine seven two. Four nine seven two is not correct, Sean. Well that's okaycu girl. Yeah, you still won a hundred dollar cash gift card. And guess what, you are smarter than us. Girl. Hey, if you think you're smarter than me and you want a chance to win, my uncle Steve's grand prize one million dollars. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register. I'll play another loyal listener tomorrow and I will be all at it. Frank phone call coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh, Tommy Man, you did alright though, Sean, Yeah, yeah, but you're smart. Yeah you are. Yeah, you lost. Well I'm not. I don't know what a penitentiary because I ain't been dying. I question, yeah, but he loses. He always picks on somewhere. Charlie's reading too slow. You read like the question, and it sounds just like that dude, Tommas question. We're coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, in four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letters subject to size really matter. We'll get into that, but right now, let's get into this. Oh. I sounded like Don Cornelius. Right then. Uh, here's the nephew with the prince phone call. Yeah, time for another prank phone call. It's bigger, ladies and gentlemen, to put your hands together, and nephew tell me the preacher's wife. Frank phone cull, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister Angela. Sister Angela, please, how you doing. My name is brother Clayton. I'm calling you from a Greater Baptist Church. How are you doing this morning? I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeah, listen, I know that your husband, Reverend Reverend Jonathan, is actually one of the candidates that we may be choosing to be our pastor since our past pastor has stepped down. Yes, yes, yes, I'm I'm very proud of my husband. I think you'll make a very good candidate. Is a matter of fact. Here at the church, we've been asking a lot of the deacons and and and assistant ministers here have been asking different questions, different things that they would be doing once they became pastor, you know, like your first one hundred days. What would you try and change here at the church or try and make better? So to speak? Yet? But but what my husband he's not here right now. Did you need to speak to us? No, not right now? What what we decided to do? Uh? So, so Angela is actually called the wives and asked them a few questions. Okay, that's a little different, and we don't we don't want to take up too much of your time, you know, a lot of times. Uh. If a pastor is stressed at home, nine times out of ten, he's likely to be stressed at the church. So I guess, my, my, My biggest question to you is is your husband stressed at home? Uh? No, not that I know of. He eats regularly, he's on a good diet, you know, go to the doctor Regularly's just physical. Um, pretty good at home. I don't have a reason to believe that he's stressed. He certainly hasn't brought anything to my attention. Okay, No, I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't, I don't. I don't think you follow me, s Andrew. What I'm saying, is he stressed behind closed doors? Is he stressed in that fashion? Um? I'm not. I'm not too sure I follow you. You said behind closed to What exactly what you mean by that is he? Is he stressed? H in y'all's relations Is he stressed? Are you asking me about my personal business? Brother? Well, what I'm saying is if he's stressed at home, he'll be stressed at the church. And if he's stressed at the church, then the members are stressed, then the congregation is stressed. So the stress start with you. Excuse me, if you are making sure that he's all right at home, he's gonna be all right at the church. I'm sorry, brother, what was your name? Brother Clayton, Brother Clayton. I appreciate you um conducting whatever interviews you guys need to conduct with the candidates. Wise, I do think that's pretty much personal territory and I really don't want to answer those kind of questions. It's not personal since the Angela wins is so many other people involved. See, That's why I'm asking you the question, is your man stressed behind? I could assure you, yes that my husband is not stressed at home. If I get your drift, he is not stressed behind closed doors. Brother, and I would appreciate you if you don't call. What these kind of questions are you asking other candidates? Why these kind of questions? Well, I was the one UH dedicated to call to give you a call, and that's the question that I decided to come up with because I want to know if a man is gonna be stressed, because if he's gonna have tension at at the church, then then the congregation is going to have tension. The church is gonna have tension and the church cannot move forward in the direction over. My husband and I have been married twenty to five years, and they've been twenty five good years. If you get my drift, Okay, he is not stressed at home, and whatever goes on it home, my husband has sense enough not to take it to the church. That is not something he's gonna do. So you don't ask about anybody else being stressed at the congregation in the pulpit nowhere. Okay, we have together at home, and I appreciate if you don't ask me those kind of questions. But sometimes, well sometimes a woman does not realize that that a husband is stressed. You understand that there's a possible way that you don't know that he's stressed. So how can you get Let me get your phone. A matter of fact, let me get your full name. What's your first name? Let's just go with brother Clayton right now. Could you please answer this question? How can you guarantee that he is fully not stressed? Brother Clayton calling the Lord real quick, hold on, Brother Clayton. I'm an honorable woman. I'm a woman who stands by my man. Okay, but you are asking me some questions. That's very personal, very private, very confidential. You are asking me questions that that that a question is the safety of my marriage? Okay, my husband is not stressed and I don't send him away from my home stressed. Okay, how do you know? But what are you doing to make sure that it's less stressed? Clayton, I'm about to end this phone call. Okay, now, if you know, we're not gonna end this phone call until that we know we I need to know the Reverend Jonathan is not stressed at home. They put they assigned me to talk to you, and that's what I'm going to do, and I'm going to leave you. He is not stressed. I don't know who told you that the man is not stressed. If he has to stress around you, I bet you. I bet you he's stressed because you're stressing me right now now, we're both stressed out. How can we understand that that man is not stressed. That's the end of this conversation. Do you understand me? Give me your full name right now, give me some intimate details, and then I'll give you my number to cross the line. You wait till my husband gets here. If this is gonna cost him and Candiacy. Does this so be, We'll find another church. I have some it's words for you right now. I will give you my name right now, do you Yes, I'm gonna writer right now. The letter n N is in Nancy. I know how to sail N E P H E W that nephew. Your name is nephew Clayton. My name ain't nephew Clayton. My name is nephew Tommy. From the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband, Reverend Jonathan. You said, this is nephew Tommy. This is from the Steve Harvey Morning It's your Your husband got me to prank phone call you. Lord. I'm gonna killing Lord. I don't mean that. Oh I didn't trust me, sent me this morning. I can't believe I let him. You know, pranks before. Oh my god, Tommy, I will tell you if this was five years ago. Brother, I cut up a storm. I'm so glad I'm a safe woman. Well listen, listen. Can I ask you one more thing? What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You ain't gonna do the preacher's wife. You gotta do the preacher gotta do the preacher's wife. Man, Yeah, for that one for sure. August three, four fifth, baby, here come not nephew, Birmingham, Alabama. That am don't get ready to ham. The nephew is coming back in full effect. Oh my God, tell him Jay was our damn food? Or to night it was ignorant over the boy thinking. If you're coming up up the Strawberry Letter, the sides really matter. We'll find out after this. You're listening to the Steve Harve all right tomorrow morning, the winning continues at seven twenty eastern six twenty Central time. Uh. You know we're giving away a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. That's right. We're playing a little game called are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? And all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey f M dot com to register, all right, especially the people. All right today he lost today? Though, yes he did, though, yes, yes, lord. Uh, I'll be back now. Let's get that understood. We will beat back, all right, Tommy. Now it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice, on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more. Please submit your letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and submit strawberry letter. Buckle up and hold on tight letter. Thank you. Uh, we don't know so many people subjects today. Right? Does size really matter? Let's get into it, dear Stephen, surely, hold on, hold on, hold on, Well we're going to first. What was that? Yes, it does, I answered, yeah, she was answering the question. Okay, I don't even know what we're talking about, though, Well her mind, it doesn't matter. It just matters, all right, losing do Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty three year old man and my girlfriend is thirty one. We have been together for over five years, and when I met her, she was a single mom working part time as a waitress and barely making ends meet. So we started dating, and I stepped in and started doing everything for her as a man should. She will admit that I was the best thing that ever happened to her. Now, five years later, she's finished college and she's got a great job. I've always supported her with anything she's wanted to do, and after our two year anniversary of dating, I had planned to ask her to marry me, but I had a big financial setback and I had to put that on hold. My commitment to her never changed, and I gave her a small diamond ring as a token of my love to show her that I did plan to make it official soon. She stopped wearing the ring a week after I gave a tour. She said it was too small. Everything is back on track financially now, and I've saved a little money for a new ring. Without knowing that I was about to propose, she has started pressuring me to get married. She has even show me an example of the ring and the sized diamonds she wants. I can't afford what she wants right now, and it makes me mad every time she brings it up. I am honestly starting to question if she values the ring and the wedding ceremony over the strong bond and family life that we've built. Should I be honest with her and tell her I can't afford the ring she want, or should I just get the ring I can't afford and propose anyway. I don't want to disappoint her. Please help. Wow. What a man? What a man? What a man? Okay, can I just say, you, sir, are a good man? Yeah, just like the song goes, what a man? You know that song? Um, you're what real women dream of. Um, you're You're that night in Shining Armor, you know in the fairy Tales at Prince Charming character. Um again, what a man? I mean? Women say they want a good man, They want, you know, a man to come and help out and and support them and things like that. And clearly you are one of those who do just that because you really love and care about this woman. And if everything in this letter is true, um, and that's all we have to go by here. Um. I hope your girl realizes that before it's too late with her ungrateful, But I mean you came in and changed her life. She was working as a waitress, a single mom, uh and and not doing very well according to the letter, until you stepped in. So you changed her life. Of course, most women, I mean, you know, let's let's be honest here. Most women want a big, beautiful, sparkly diamond on her ring on her ring finger and everything. Um. You know that's what we want. But you know, when financial reality sets in and start to dictate what you can actually afford. Um, you know, that's a different story. The fact that you suffered a financial setback and still bought her ring at all to show intent was really really good here. So you asked the question, should you be honest with her and tell her you can't afford what she wants? Yeah, be honest with her. Communicate, Communication is always good. Tell her you know that that's not what you wanted to get her right now, but you're saving to get her a bigger and better ring because you know that's what she wants. Or or you could just get her the ring that you can can't afford. You know, what is it? Three months salary? I think is the rule on that or something that you spend on a on an engagement ring. I don't say, Um, you know, put yourself in any sort of financial bond to take care of her, because who knows if she'll appreciate it. Anyway, if you want to propose to her, if you can see yourself living with her as your wife, uh, go ahead. I understand you don't want to disappoint her, but you can't, um, you know, get yourself in financial straits just trying to please her because I don't know if she's a kind that will ever be pleased after all you've done for her. Jay, what you need to do, sir, it's fine. A woman that would be happy, would decide you got and that's in anything, okay, fine, nd a woman that's happy because it's never big enough, you never got enough, house, you never got enough, it's never long enough, you never fat enough, you're too skinny. So find a damn woman that when she sees the size you got, with what you've given her in anything, she is happy. And until you find that woman, trust me, there's some women out there who would love to have the size you given right now. You ain't got to get bigger of nothing, and I mean nothing. Is this personal? For your chance? This personal? Damn yeah, because I'm speaking to the men who don't have a lot to give. You know you given? Then you gotta hit Is that it? Yes, that's it. She stopped wearing ring because she said it was Yeah, that's too small. What damn it? That's all I got you no more. I can't tell you how many times you've heard and pay good money, boy, that line here perfectly, and that's happy. With the side you've got, you'll be happy. And let her, move on and find a big one. That's all I got to say. Better, Come on, come on, Junior, and I'm with Jake. Another part we gotta add there too, stop her girlfriends from talking to her. Y'all need to find some new friends, because that's what happened. Oh that's all he got you. That's Oh that's how much he loved you. Oh he can't do better than that. Oh that's all it is. Girl. I don't know how you be with somebody like that. Hang on, Junior, hang on, We're gonna we're gonna take a short break here. We'll be back to recap today's strawberry letter. The subject does size really matter? And we got to hear from her nephew on this. We'll be back at twenty three after you're listening to show. Okay, here's a recap of today's strawberry letter. The subject is the size really matter? Hitted Carla? Yes? Okay, you Mr Cue? All right? This This man wrote in he's thirty three years old, his girlfriend is thirty one. They've been together for about five years now. When he met this woman, she was a single mom. She was working part time as a waitress, and she was barely making ends meet. So they started dating and he stepped in, he said, as a real man would do, and started doing everything for her. He um, you know, she will admit, he says that she was. He was the best thing that happened to her. Five years later, now she's finished college, she's got a great job. He has always supported her with anything she's ever wanted to do. And after their two year anniversary of dating, he wanted to ask her to marry him. He had planned to propose, but um, he had a little financial setback. Okay, so he wasn't able to get the ring that he wanted to get her, So he got her a small diamond as a token of his love to show that he did plan to make it official soon. Well, after a week, she stopped wearing the ring that he bought her because she said it was too small. Uh. Now, he says, everything is back on track financially. He saved some money for new ring, and without even knowing he was about to propose, she started pressuring him to to get married married so um, she even showed him a picture of a ring that she wanted and he can't afford that. So he's in a dilemma. Should he, you know, go ahead and go over his budget and buy this ring that she wants, or should he just tell her that he can't afford it? Okay, because he's starting to question whether it's the marriage and bond family bond that she wants or is it just a ring and a ceremony that she wants. So that's where we are. Now. We've heard from Uh, we've heard from me. I told him he was a very good man, and uh she was ungrateful. Uh, Jay said leave, move on. And then Junior, you were saying before we had to go to break and then we'll hear from the nephew. Of course, get her girlfriends to stop talking to her. You don't have to, because that's what the problem me is. Right there, they saw the little low ring and started making them comments. Gird, I know he got a little bit more than that. Oh that's all you got is that? That's it? Five years. You can't get a bigger ring. You gotta get her phone number change, I'm telling you right now, got changed, all right, Junior, thank you, thank you for that. The subject of today's Strawberry Letters does size really matter? We got to hear from the nephew, nef what you got. This is pretty simple. This is really really simple. Um, it's it's not hard. I want you all to hear me, and hear me. Well, get you a smaller woman and the ring will be bigger. Get you a smaller woman and the ring will be bigger. Let me tell you something. If you went to little women in l A, they would be blown away by this ring you just bought. Boy, understand me. Get you a smaller woman and the ring will be bigger. Never tell you something I don't woman, you don't want to know. Lexus wants you understand. I'm saying a smaller woman won't smaller things. She don't want no house. There's two thousand, three thousand square feet. You know what she won't You want a tiny house? Follow A woman wants something that's comfortable. Does that make sense? You don't want to look at Thanksgiving? She don't want to big play the food. She want to a food, a saucer. Okay, she wants a corner shehan yes, yes, when you get her Solda. She don't need a sixteen hours, she need eight hours. Get a smaller woman and the ring will be You ain't got a bad white screen and seven two inch. No, there's too much. She can't look across that. That fun looked like she had the movies. Yes, you got about big bed queen side. Yes, a grown women. Yeah, yeah, for a grown little woman. So keep the ring, keep the smaller downside the woman? Did you? Did you not hear the line when I read I don't want to disappoint her? Did you hear? He doesn't care about we think we do. I'm passing. First of all, he's not Shirley. Shirley get word free. Ways ain't the only thing with sands. He's already given up sad. He's a sad. When you see these sad exit get off, time to go. We're driving somewhere. What is he talking about? We grabbed a better relationship. That's what a relationship freeways with sad? Somebody having two minutes sids that that look like I have an exit, get out of this. Agree that she's ungrateful. Yeah, you're a smaller woman. Many, Yeah, she's ungrateful. She is um like, that's probably great, big old woman. You can't big, you can't get a little ring. You can't do it, Tommy conversation. You all her friends, she loved Tommy. Yeah, this is um, you know, it's just really sad because he's been there for her. Yeah, he's doing the best that he can do. I mean, I'm sure later he can do better, but right now, this is he's doing the best he can do. I mean, he brought her, He bought her a smaller ring because that's all he could afford at the time, to show his intent and the fact that he would want to propose to her a later date. And then she kept on, she stopped wearing the small ring, and she kept showing him pictures of the bigger ring. But he can't afford that, And he wants to know should he tell her that he can't afford that big rings rings? She really won't it. Girlfriend's you're back on that episode of Martin told you got a little cue Marine. He said, I got the big receipt in the bag. Al Right, guys, we gotta get out of here. Email us your Instagram, what's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. And coming up in about ten minutes, comedy Roulette with the Phyllis. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, Carla is here right now with Carlos Corner to tell us what's going on with the Ritz Crackers and goldfish. They're they're recalling them. I love both of them. What's going on? Yeah, this is Carlos Corner, and you know, I kind of talked to the moms and the parents out there. So now, first it was a recall Shirley and guys on Ritz crackers and now gold fish. When will it stop? When I heard that, I was like, I know, I know, we are what I don't eat. I don't eat gold fish. But the show, ky key is quiet. That's what I'm saying. No, that's why this is the crisis going on. We are in some trying times down boy. Yeah, but wait a minute, Rich Crackers come on now. You know that was a special cracker in our homes. When you got rich cracker rits. You're doing yes, yeah, you're moving on up like the jail. You had them selve tins with no name on them. But when you got rich rich come on now? Yeah. Yeah, parents and grandparents they're upset about this recall of rich crackers and goldfish, and due to Seminello fears, that's what's going on, So what are we supposed to give these kids for snacks because we are snackers at my house. Well, they said substitute. You know, you can do chips, Graham crackers, and you know, triskets and pretzels. So those are your backup snacks. And now they would call the cheese. It's not how I feel about. He just fixed right away, man. Yeah, yeah, a story, J. Listen to this. Shirley sent me a story about hot cheetos and it caused a teen in Memphis to have gall bladder issues, is what they're saying. It might be an issue to that because she was, Yeah, ain't nobody gonna stop beting cheetos. That ain't all cheeto Cheeto. Let you know, boy, key word J flaming hot. Yes, will remind you you had hot cheetos. Yeah, at the most inopportune time. Yeah, Carla, and tell me, tell me right now, what is your favorite snack? Because I'm a snacker, So hit me up on lips a boy, Carla. Alright, Shirley, j oh my god, okay, J is here. It is time J for the segment we love to call comedy Roulette. Please explain, Dolly, and it's time of comedy Roulette. But before that August tenth and the level, Baby, I'm going to chuckles. Baby, I'll be there. The reverend will be that mattering hits. I'll be there, alright, comedy Roulette. It's very simple, very simple. This thing is so simple. And I get time to explain Tod because Steve is not he give us. Give us four subjects. Put them on the wheel, spun the wheel, web stop, we'll do the damn thing. That's how good we are. All right, here we go alright. Uh. Number one, I'm trying to give you a hint and trying to give you a hint. Uh. Number two, she ain't really feeling you. Number three, why did you get in the car when you know you don't have any money? People do that? Let's roll y'all? All right? And and number four, lastly, I wouldn't eat that if I was you, I wouldn't eat that. And spin a cat. Come out, she get your body in the car. You ain't hand my mother. Just get up in there, right, okay. I wouldn't eat that. As if I were you, I wouldn't eat that. If I were you, I wouldn't eat that if I wasn't you because they don't put no season and none of their food, no pamper nothing. Go ahead, eat it if you want to. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what did box tail? They look good, but I wouldn't eat them unless you've got ten hours a free time. I'm telling you they don't meat all the way through. I'm telling oh, I know it. She had camped food in that bowl yesterday. Now you eating sear a lot of it and the dishwasher broke. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I tell you one thing. I tell you one thing. It might look like a meat loaf, but it don't taste like a meat. I wouldn't eat that. I wouldn't eat that. I'll tell you one thing. Um, you know you're looking over there and you see that smother chicken and all that stuff they get over that if they drunk test on your job, I wouldn't even put my I'm gonna say this to you. Ye, they got some raccoon on that grill. They got some postum on that grill, and some brisket, and you can't here which one is with I really wouldn't. I wouldn't eat that back your baby. I'm tad right now, man, I'm tad. Gravy ain't supposed to be crunchy. I don't know what, but I would I wouldn't eat that gravy. You get a phone call, Hey, big mom cooking them chiling? Okay, alright, she cooking chiling. Well, if you can smell it from the freeway, I wouldn't eat them. She didn't clean and you can smell it for the freeway when you exit. I wouldn't need it. So you got the fifteen piece telopi especial. Yeah, you do know Telopia eats the poop from the catfish. I really wouldn't eat that. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't eat that. I remember when I didn't know that, and I was going around telling everybody, Oh, I don't eat catfish anymore. I just eat tapa. I'm so I'm so dead with all right, guys, Thank you guys so much. Coming up at the top of the hour, the Mega Million jackpot was five hundred and twenty two million dollars. Call us and tell us what you would do if you won the lottery eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. We'll take your phone calls right after this you're listening to the Steven Show. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I know you were watching this. Last night's Mega Million jack pot was five hundred and twenty two million dollars. Jesus, that's a payoff right there. And yeah, and the Mega Millions pot is the fifth largest in that game's history. Mega Millions is played in forty four states, but not in Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada, and Utah, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Island. The one time cash option is three hundred and eight million dollars. You're still falling five hundred three hundred millions. You still fall at that? Yeah? Right. The winning tickets were sold in San Jose, California. Experts say, since this is Shark week, be aware that you would better, uh, you had a better chance of dying in a shark attack one in more than three point seven million dollars and winning last night's jack pott and everyone dreams of tell, yeah, that's a lot. That's a lot of cheese. Yeah, I got it, all right, I mean you know, yeah, we just want to hear what you have to say if you won the if you won the mega millions. How would you spend it? What would you do? Let's go to the phones seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Let's go to line seven and talk to Kia, Tommy, Kia, k Yes, good morning, good morning. If you want what would you do? What would you do? Baby? I would buy my husband a house on another part of my land so he don't have to come home to me at night. I know I love him dearly, but you know, if I had that money, I need him to stay over there because he got too many questions from me all the time. What's your bout shoes for? What's your bout that for? What's your own house? You ain't got to get none of that up. That's all I'm gonna say is gone. You can't say you ain't got one because I bought your beautiful one. Got a beautiful like that, that's a really good one. And everything asking questions do at your house? You women have heard of that, though all women are absolutely women have heard that. Kid. All right, let's go to line aid and talk to Anthony. Tommy, Anthony, Anthony, Hey, good morning. Everybody loved the show and just do it all the time. Wonderful, Thank you, thank you brother, if you want the lottery? What we got? Man? Hey, I'm forty pig years old from timeblop arkastaf. We have been through three preachers in my church, and we got a building front going on forever I would be I would play off for building front or the same door and a steel broke. Okay, I got a new building. Okay, yeah, yeah, you don't need to he said, he gonna fix that dope. Yeah, that's okay. You're gonna praise the Lord Anthony. This about building? What's your five hundred million? All right, let's go to line nine and talk to Chris. Chris. Hey, hey, doing what's up Chris? Well, just to keep it simple, I get the money, and I would keep my ex wife in corner with Tusty about it. I keep her in court. So long did she lose the job? Wow? Who involved? How long you've been caring this, Chris? How long you've been caring? H Well, we just we just got divorced. So we were almost a year and a half, a year and a half, almost two years, and you know, for your relationships, she was she's from king. She rctually got in my in my pockets all the way in my pocket, in my folks pocket everything. Yeah, I got something else, man, you want to do? Yeah, yeah, you know you wouldn't be a half a billionaire, right, yeah, yeah that's what you did. That Yeah happened. But yeah, Chris, those of us who have been divorced, we know what it's like. We you know, I know. Yeah, we got a man. That's all right, Thank you, Chris. Line line six, Mark's online six, Tommy Mark. Yeah, it was something to cats to my boy. Yes, sir, I'll be through that real soon. Yeah, I'm gonna make it rein it off. Okay, you got a little too comfortable. Don't bring him back. We're gonna got to watch your language when you called. I know he felt like we was on the front. He don't even have that's as excited he is. Yeah, but Tommy's right, watch your language please when you call it. Okay, Yeah, asked the fellow. Asked the fellows what they would do. One more call, I'm gonna ask we got one more call, Line seven, Let's go to Frank. Hello, what's up? Thank you? Barber here like the ball Phil? Yeah, all right, what I would do with buy me a nefrigerator? My refrigerator went out last night. I wait, wait rightator, I need my refrigerator. You know you wake up and you need that drink. You can't get to it, Frank, Come on, Frank, growing up, my refrigerator didn't have spencer. Spencer, Frank, you gotta that gives you a cold drink every twenty minutes. Man, what are you talking about? I need a newerator? Rank you all may tag I'm talking about five. All right. We love you, Frank, thank you so much. You support us and we love you for that. Yeah, but you think bigger though, Frank, think all right, Jay, if you you won five hundred and twenty two million dollars, let me hear it? Very simple? Is this on following the following people can kiss my behind. What we're starting with the a's here listening for your name? Alright, leasy, hang on, we're coming back with what would you do if you won five hundred and twenty two million dollars in the Mega lottery? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, you're listening to show? All right? Last snights megamillion dollar jack pot was five hundred and twenty two million dollars. Obviously none of us won because we're all here, but you know, everyone just to do? What what would you We didn't have to wh so we put the We put the question out there, what would you do if you won the five hundred and two million dollar mega Jack Pott? Okay, we've had so many. Uh. Frank the Barber, one of our loyal listeners, said he buy a refrigerator. He posted it online. All this stuff going bad, That ain't what I'm doing. Yeah, but a refrigerat. You've got five million dollars. First thing I'm gonna do. I'm gonna bleach my skin to do. Yeah, because I don't want y'all recognize me. I would that? All right, let's go to the fund's gay, let's go to line nine. Tell me talk to Ryan right here? Good Tommy, what's up baby? What to do? Nothing? Much? Can't call it? I don't know, man. If you want that lot of it, baby, what would you do? Be honest with you. I donated to Trump, help us finished building that wall. Man. I ain't gonna lie right before we've done it. Hello, Yeah, all right, huh yeah, okay, right here, go back, go back. You're gonna do what you're gonna get this money to do? I'm gonna donate that money to Trump, help him finish building that wall. And right, Besport's over right before every time sell it up, I'm gonna push you to the other side going up. Let them have it right. I like that all right? Line seven, Jennifer, Good morning, Hi, good morning. Um. If I want all that money. In two thousand thirteen, the father of my children and my fiance that he was murdered in a smaller town. Everybody says they don't know what happened. But I would get him to start talking now because I would get to a million dollars for whoever wants to get rich, to sniche, and we would finally bring people to justice. Girl. Ok Yeah, thank you, Jenny, by yeah. Line eight, let's go to James. James. Are y'all doing? Good morning? Good morning, Good morning, James. If you want a lottery, what would you do? Man, I'm doing several things. First, I'm quit my job and it out win. I know that's where you go, James, telling everybody what I think about him, good and bad. Right. Second, I'm gonna pay off all my mama's death. I want my mama live a death free one. Okay, we like it third what I'm going on vacation because she came Bill witness to the fooliy I'm about to do. That's what I'm talking about. Come on over here, man. I love my mama. She don't need to see what I'm about to do. She'd be so disappointed in me. I get this money. All right, thank you, James. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Um, okay. These tapes with the president and well he wasn't president at the time, but and his attorney at the time, like Cohen, they're all over the news today. Um. Yeah, the Donald Trump tapes a mixtape. You call it a mixtape. J I like that. Yeah, it's all over the news, big headlines this morning. It's a secret tape of a conversation between President Trump and his former attorney Michael Cohen. Well, it isn't much of a secret anymore. CNN broadcasts the tape that was allegedly recorded in two thousand sixteen. It came to see Ann courtesy of Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis. Alright, dat Lanny. Mr Trump was looking to buy the rights to do to the story of Playboy model Karen McDougal, who says she had an affair with the president. This audio seems to confirm that Trump knew of the effort to pay McDougal off. All right, let's take a listen. I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding Off and David. You know, so that I'm going to do that right away. I've actually come up and spoken to me and I've spoken to Alan Weislberg about how to set the whole thing up with funding. Yes, um, and it's all the stuff, all the stuff because you know, you never know where that company, don't know what he's going to be to get it, but correct. So I'm all over that, and I spoke to Alan about it. When it comes time for the financing, which will be fine. We'll have to pay, so I'll pay the game. No no, no, no, no no no, I got man. You heard the President saying David cash. Yeah. But the audio is muddled and it's unclear whether he suggests playing with cash or not paying, but it kind of sounds like he was saying, gonna understand it very well, trust me on that one. I'll tell you what though, this morning got a lot of a lot of dudes time with this taper. Yeah, well, did the President tweeted something about Cohen? He was so sad that, uh, you know, it's like he was violating attorney client privilege, you know with the conversation. Why was he taping the conversation is basically what the President was saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. The tape's release comes as Cohen has been described as ready to flip, ready to flip at any minute against the president. Now the president table over. Yeah. Now, President's current attorney, Rudy Giuliani, Uh, he hears everything differently, you know, he's an attorney. He says that. Yeah, he says that there's no indication here the tape too. He says there's no indication of any crime being committed on this tape. All right, Yeah, but you're right, Tommy Giuliani from Non eleven, Where is the mayor the America's mayor? Yeah, yeah, he's changed. It seems like, well now he's the president's attorney, different from before. Yeah, you're right, you're right. The President said he didn't know nothing about the payments. That's just take the show. Yeah, come on, come on, he gave a bout the flip du the flip, y'all. We're gonna come back and close out the show with our last break of the day. So don't go anywhere. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, if you've been watching his Instagram, you know Steven's on vacation, balling out of control as always. I hope you're enjoying your time. Uh, but we're holding it down. That's right, and don't forget. Tomorrow at seven twenty a m. Eastern, six twenties Central, we will be playing yet again, Are you smarter the Nephew Tommy? One loyal listener and Nephew Tommy will go at it. Yes, you all feel smart. I'm still smart. I lost to day, but I'm still still gotta go. Yeah. Yeah, there's always tomorrow, right. One loyal listener and Nephew Tellmy will each be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. If you are smarter than the Nephew, you will win a hundred dollar cash gift card, plus you'll be given the chance to win the grand prize of one million dollar. That's right, but you can't play unless you register. Go to Steve Harvey f M dot com. All right, we'll see. Yes she did, Yes, she did way too. That ass out with the landslide. Now lost as always. Tomorrow I'll take my losses. But it wasn't like that. I just got oumped on the same thing. Loss is alright, alright, tomorrow, whoever it is tomorrow, they're in for it. So I'm just let y'all love who. They're so scared they don't even know who they closing remarks, Yeah, let's do it. Give me this, give me that, give me this, give me the closing remarks, sexy music, because this is so serious with something. Yeah, it is all right now listen the thing is. Closing remarks. Come on, man, come on, come on dog, repeat that with me. Come on, man, come on, come on dogs, come on, come on, come on down right there. Let me show me this word seek or killing you. You wrote a nineteen minute song about come on, come on, come on dog, come on. Man has taken so we gotta come come on. Come on. It's somebody to pull you up. When you know somebody to pull you away, it's time to take you and let's pull you to the side and talk. It's just just come on, man, come on, dog person you're right, yeah, come on, you need that. You need that. You're about to do something real stupid. You're about to go down to the job and act. I can barely hear you. Jack, You're about to go down to the job and act the fool. Let the boss know how you feel. You you cuss everybody that you need to. Come on, come on, dog, don't don't don't go down. Don't do that. Don't don't go down. Man, don't come on, dog, I like that. Come on, dog, come on, come on. You're about to go in there and tell her the truth about everything. Come on her, dog, dog, dog, Come on, dog, Just you just got busted one time. Come on, dollar, you ain't got to go in there and tell everything. Don don't don't dog going Come on, come on, come on, I'm getting it. Yea. You you've been punching out over time early and now you'ven to tell the truth by how you've been getting extra over to. Dog. Don't don't even do that. Just stop what you're doing and done. Dog. Don't don't go in there with that. Come down. Come on done, let me, let me, let me get this right. Get one. Man. You've been in jail for robbing bank. Yeah, man, you just got out five years. You've been eve and you out here pacing back and forth in front of another banker. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on you. That's not what you do. Come on, you you're that one of them all you can eat places. You you started to fill up a bag of chicken and walk out, dog from dog from Come on, man, come on through, take this through. Man. You don't want to go to jail over chicken. Come on, dog, don't do that. Man. He brother disrespected you, but he got muscles and work out every day. We all drinking. Come on, dog, come on, we're not gonna do nothing with him. Come on, you're gonna take that coason out. We're gonna take and we're gonna finish sipping this and we're gonna go on home. We're not gonna do none of that over here. Come on down, dog, don't do that. Come on, dogs a dude with reason. Yeah, yeah, that's that's what he helps you out. Everybody needs a Come on, Come on, dog, come down, without thinking. Yeah, everybody need to I'm on, dog, your hot broke. You got your heart broken. You see your girl with with his new with a new man, and you there in front of you at the light. You you want to run them over. I'm gonna run both of them over. Come on, dog, Come on, what you need to do? Man, you need to do right now. Grab put your hand on his wrist and kind of pull him back. Oh no, you grabbed right up under the elbow. Shill it right there. That's what spot right under the elbow. Bro I got a question for Come on down President Trump, his y Come on, he needs need you need. You need to come on, you need he need folk. Come on, dog, come on, you need to come on dog the caller. Come on, dog on, dog't come in here, man, come on, hey, time to get in here. Dog play the tape again. Come on, come on, dog, and now you out the tweet. Don't don't don't do that. You gotta have Come on, dog, you gotta help. Everybody needs What about Okay, that's a good one. You mad because what now you you're sitting on all this money, you're going through? What come? Come on? Champagne problems trying to hear your champagne problems. God, ain't got me going, You ain't going. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Thank you guys. We love you so much. Thank you so much. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve the Harday Morning Show