Good morning and welcome to the ride! The whole crew is present and accounted for. The pastor in Baton Rouge remained defiant. There is a list of COVID-19 home remedies that the crew share with us. Joel Olsteen went through with his service minus Kanye's choir. The Lifetime movie about The Clark Sisters was loved by the whole crew. J. Anthony Brown also gives us the real breakdown of our day, specifically during this pandemic. P. Diddy had a star studded event on IG with Oprah, Jenny From The Block, Drake, A-Rod and more. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO reiterates the importance of finding the blessing within our situations as we endure this pandemic, plus so much more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all sit looking back to back giving them like theming bus bus things and it's good. Steve has to don't join you gotta turn ver you got to turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come, come on your back, Uh huh, I show. Well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah man, got one. Hey. You know, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know, I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dwell on you know, the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings, the positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that he promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I perceived to come my way. I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out into space, and what you pray about is what you receive. You know, and so I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is about to attack and what they're going to do and saying and all of this is his. That's not to con say that I'm not concerned about it, but I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of us. We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive. See. The problem that I had years ago was I was the driver of my life, and I was taking myself into directions that I thought would be best for me, and I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving when I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life, well, for what God wanted for me. Now he wanted for me and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make. Well, not try, that's the connection that you got to make to really get it. Now, listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly as demanding and a offsetting as you think it's gonna be. See, I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God to God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that. Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and expose to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things totally differently and started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference. I mean, and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promise God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what He's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still shocked. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't. So you quit saying it. You quit saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd have for. He'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you go stumble and fall. See, you got to get that part right, man to stumbling falling part is coming. But see you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow, roll over, laid their languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling, fall, you get back up. Because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong, You're going to come under attack, you're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you. The moment you make a decision to do better. The moment you try to be more. The devil got to send his attackers, man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side twenty four seven. You know him too. You've all met one or two of them in your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They just busy about to do about the destruction of others. You said, I know him, you know him. They coming. But here's what you got to hold fast too. They can't take away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See, people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business, why don't they make theirselves? Or if they ain't with you no more, and they're so busy in them I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since since you want to get credit from making somebody make yourself, if you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success. See, be careful of that, and don't and don't don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him that I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, but man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours? I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean, for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. If you're give an honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury in life and breath and hope and promise, you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What an exchange, What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you got to put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it, because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing to compare to what He'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have what you can own, what you can become, who you really are. Go to God, let him fix you. Man. That's all you're listening. Morning show ladies and gentlemen. Here we are here, we are here, we are another great morning, another great day to be alive. This is Steve Harvey, Morning Show Man. Look at Hill Yo all day. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning Steve. Happy Monday after Resurrection day to you. Yes Lord, thank you Lord for another day caller for real? Amen, Amen, Hey, Steve, what's up? Crue Hey? That damn junior morning? Everybody? He has risen, Yes he is if he has jan They didn't. I didn't like to go to Easter on chech on Eastern, not a cancel it. And I'm sad. I'm like, really, damn said man, so you you was gonna go. I wasn't gonna go at all. But it's canceled. That's what I'm saying. Now. Now you can't not go to nothing. There's nothing to go to, you know what I'm a few times they dug a dog the guy cancel his service yesterday, that minister down and now ye many people over eleven hundred parishioners. Pastor Tony spell out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana because you know what they said they were going to do. The police said they were going to be there and photograph all the cars and everybody and possibly issue citations and then they were talking about and possibly forced quarantine. None of that happened. Yeah, well they may set up a case for him later because he may buy yah home uh stay at home orders for sure. There was a church in Kansas that did it too. They said, yes, they had like three services. Yes, I saw that. Uh huh. All over the country there were some that held you know, I mean, I hope that the people are safe, but you know what I mean. At there are times you have to understand something of shepherds make mistakes too. Out of eleven d you think it ain't one in there with that, they said buses and everything to pick them up and they were touching. See, but that's social distancing has to be practiced in this time, y'all. Uh it does. Look, I'm a man of faith. I love God. I believe in him. I believe he's all powerful and can do anything, but also believe that you don't test him. He gives us science for a reason. He gives us medicine for this, He gives us wisdom and understanding. We have laws for a reason. Yeah, I mean, we believe in God, but you still can't do more than twenty in the school zone. You feel me that ain't got nothing to do with your faith in God. You can't do twenty in the school zone. That's the law that's come on. Yeah, I got faith that I ain't gonna hit nobody. Wait, wait, wait, wait, no, we have laws in place, so when these laws come out to protect the general public, you shouldn't put your flock at risk. You just shouldn't. You just shouldn't. Man, It's just because you don't know. See, the devil is busy. You don't know which person know they're sick. I'm gonna go down there and affect somebody, just like that lady walked in gross store coughing on all that food and stuff. Yeah, Billy, see you got you. You don't know who would work? Hill Man? You feel bad? Yeah, all right, listen, we're living in crazy time. Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll talk more about some of the country's churches that were being defiant regarding Easter services and ignored the public health help guidelines. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to morning show. So yesterday Easter service was different. Many many churches remained closed. They held virtual online services as a part of the nationwide effort to slow down the spread of a coronavirus. Really, that's what all churches should have done. But no, that's not what all churches did. A number of churches across the country health services going against the stay home orders. Like pastor Tony Spell. We talked about him earlier, Steve the one in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He had over eleven hundred parishioners attend his Easter service. The pastor said his faith would protect him and his churchgoers from getting sick. Take a listen. Spell says, if anyone in his congregation is infected with COVID nineteen, he will heal them through God or address that by laying hands on him. By farm, I'm believing God to heal their body. Yeah, okay, pastor Yeah. He went on to say, Pastor Spell, he is the first responder. Take a listen to this. When the paramedics can't get there, when the law enforce we can't get there. The Holy ghost can get there, and it'll make a difference to somebody like let's keep watch on this lemon hunted right, and see what that's scary? Man, It really is. It really is scary. Not only that he believes that people believe in him too, I mean both that's scary. But you have to take it seriously. I mean, we're all people of faith, like you said earlier, Steve, you know, we're all people of faith. That doesn't mean that you don't take the coronavirus serious, lady. And here's a home exactly. And surely here's the problem to that statement. If you believe God can heal, but the person you touch and don't, we have a problem. Yes, there's an see we have an instant problem now. So see what you can't do, oh ye, mighty Man of God is expect everybody to measure up to your level of faith. That's why you the shepherd and they the sheep. But see the sheep got to be smart too, now, because see you can't see you can't well, if it's the Lord's will, no no, no, no no, no to lossy stay home. God got everybody stay at home for a reason. He's got God, God allowing this to shut down so we can change some things. See, so you stay home so you can learn. Sometimes you keep going out, touching, feeling, hugging, praising. Hey, man, hold up, partner, did you hear what everybody? Hold up? Somebody said that text that y'all sent out, that was the best, they said. People Tommy sent the text out, Timmy say. People keep asking, is this COVID nineteen thing that's serious? Because sinos is closed and churches is closed. When Heaven and Hell agree on the same thing, it's probably pretty serious. It's probably dog serious, man, dog bro. I sent that to a couple of people time because I said, man, hold up, dog. When Heaven and Hell churches saying casinos agreed, we never happened. Dog. This is serious business because you because you remember when I heard them say that Vegas was closed. I went, okay, this this this serious. Now they don't shut their money down. Yeah, that's right, true, you never heard of Vegas as we love Hollywood. I knew we was in trouble when they shut Hollywood down and they God out here it's laughter and money, that's they God. Hollywood. Man, don't Hollywood ain't out here for nothing else. If you if you write a meaning for film, we get your oscar for it. Okay, but you know, dame, what we're trying to do, right NBA Na, that's another one. And started close clubs, strip clubs, buillionnaires sports teams. Yeah, when they know we got to close, we have a problem. Yeah. So I'm like, I'm like a little confused with the churches. Look, I under go ahead. Well, I was just gonna say this. A lot of people are serious about the separation of church and state, and they don't want the government Steve telling them what to do as a church. They want the government to stay out of it. And that's yeah, yeah, yeah, see that's cool. But we have this thing called wisdom and understanding that's in the Bible. The whole Book of Proverbs is about that one, the wisdom and understanding that the whole thing is trying to teach you, through parables and lessons, how to gain wisdom and understanding. And a part of it is you have to understand that nothing is bigger than God, but God gives us medicine. Nothing is bigger than God, but God gives us herbs. Nothing is bigger than God, but God let us go to school to get educated. Now, we can't take that that God give us and then act and throw it in the wind like it ain't nothing. Bro. You if you get COVID nineteen and you take it back home and you don't even know you infected, come on, you can kill someone in your house. Yeah, it's like past. Oh st that was me, that was you and dog. And let me tell you something. I scared the hell out take something. I just coughed and looked around. Ain't nobody in there with me? Oh? Hey, don hey, hey, man? You know how you start rubbing your own thighs. I'm rubbing both my thighs, make sho and man, do you know how many times I gave myself that that self test? You know, they released a thing. I should read it. I'm gonna read the official verdict of it, but a friend of mine that works in the Pentagon send it to me. There's a self test that everybody should do every morning, and it's a simple test. Take a really deep breath and hold it for ten seconds. If you can hold it longer, that's fine. But if you can hold your breath for ten seconds and you feel no tightness, no tickling. You don't have to cough. That's a good sign that fibrosis hasn't set into your lungs. And you should test yourself at least every morning. I do it all day and drink plenty of water. And these are just simple things. Coming up next, we got to talk about these remedies. Have you guys been hearing a lot of these COVID nineteen. Yeah, we got to talk about this. Coming up next. Right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with today's COVID nineteen National News, And of course we're praying for our neighbors in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee. They're all recovering from a catastrophic h tornado, lots of tornado damage yesterday. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour, but right now, uh, it is Monday, and um boy, this COVID nineteen. Um, I mean, you know, there's so much stuff out there. I mean, they're almost turning into urban legends now, all these myths and homemade remedies and stuff. But I'm trying, let me tell y'all what I did ya? I did. I was told if you hold a hand drive up to your nose, it'll burn the COVID nineteen off from behind your name. I'm just saying. My wife walked into bedroom I had that had drown full thrown off. What the hell is you doing? Board? I say, they say this, this is burning off from back there. She said, you're gonna burn all your nose hair. What is wrong your facial hair? You have? I heard No, I don't know if it shoots because right after Easton probably if you take pot liquor straight pot liquor scoop the greens out. So you just want to raw liquor right boil your feet in that. If you boil your y'all laughing, you want to you trying to? Look? You got to put some chopped onions in there. It's so much, man, it's not gonna work at all unless you put some chop on your feet. I mean what you got, junior. And you know what, man, if you get sick of them, you try some of this stuff. Because they told me you take like a piece of a ginger. Okay, ohother than your dishwashing. Yeah, let your dishwashing get hot, then open and stick your head in there and then see get the steam from the dishwashing. Go get it right out. He's gonna burn it off. But the ginger got to be in there. You need you gotta put that in there. Home remedies. Yeah, and don't over the tend it, get to the red cycle. Don't open the phone, so no cash game, just not come over you. Now, what is this again? COVID nineteen Home remedies that we don't suggest you do at home, but they are. Yeah. My uncle in West Virginia, he said, he said, now, boy, what you do? Listen to me. We used to do this with the fluke. Get you some vixed vapor. Rubs both your nostrils with ricks vapor. Just pack it as much as you can stand and then inhale hard as you can put that right now. Ain't no damn COVID nineteen for you, colas, and you can feel it work out. Okay, Okay, listen, this takes two people. Okay you try, Yeah, but you're not not. But you gotta be ready. You gotta be ready for this, all right. Get take a light bulb out of his sock, thick your index finger in now, and then get somebody to turn the light on and you can shock that COVID right at your I'm just shocking. Yeah, I'll tell you. It just involves tape. Though. There's some tape and the seeds from the hollow pen your pepper. That's the seeds, not the pepper. Not the pepper. Take the seeds, put them on some tape. I take that to your nostril. Breath that for fifteen minutes, because say to COVID is attracted to the seed. And I don't know if it's true, but I'm gonna try it today. I got one. I don't know if it's true. Homemade remedy COVID nineteen cure. You take some icy hot, put on gloves first. You got to put gloves on your ice hot, and you smear the icy hot in your underwear. You don't want to gam it up there yet. You just want to get You want to get that level, like a level amount in your shorts. Right, be smart with this. Yeah, you don't put too much in this guy to be leveled off. So put your put your drums off. Ain't go sit in the back up and I will bet you. I will bet you man of money. I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna hurt. Yeah, I got one for you all right, Now, this is important. So you got foligise instructions. Take your blender. Get your blender, yeah, and take it in the bathroom. Lug it up and get you an extension chord. Yeah, because you're gonna sit it right next to you. Okay, I don't go outside and get you three three cubes of charcoal. Put some hot water in that blender. Put them three pieces of charcoal in there, and blend it up. Now that extension cord. Bring it over that right next to the toilet. Why are you sitting on the toilet? Drink that right, Drink that and clear that right up out of you. Yeah, make sure you sitting and you make sure to make sure that blender right next to that toilet. You maybe to get in through you so fast, so you got to be in place when that happen. Is never gonna be useful, But it's crazy and stuff. Some people are trying. They told you he had that drive up to throttle in your nostrils. Pack just package backing hog. That's gonna burn, yeah, they say, in your draw nice and smooth. He's gonna last one. Take your ice cube tray at your freezing Okay, lick your tongue out, stick it on the back of that ice tree, and then let go with both friends. Your gonna be sticking straight out damn nel on the floor. Take turping time and skirt it squeety in the back of your folk in the back with that ice tray hanging on your tool. Your ahead. Thank you guys, and no things coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Pastor Joel Osteene hosted a virtual Easter Sunday service from his church in Lakewood. His Lakewood Church in Houston, Tyler Perry spoke a message of hope. Mariah Carey, of course, joined the service and saying hero as a tribute to first responders. Oh that was nice. And Kanye West had to cancel his appearance because even though his choir members were going to wear masks and they were going to practice social distancing, h Kanye said, it didn't feel right or it didn't feel safe. It didn't feel right or safe, he said, so he pulled the plug on the choir's performance. Wow, yeah, I understand. That okay, yeah, yeah, safe safe, Yeah, I ain't mad. That makes sense legistically, But you can't get a hundred people on zoom. You could have worked up ount man that come up people on Zoom's real time? Do they still have the glitches that they that they figure it out the glitches that they have. I know I've seen some of the digen but yeah, the corn and all that I was on a zoom. Letna say, happy belated will Packer, Happy birthday, Will Packrick. We had the whole room birthday party. Yeah wow on Saturday. Well, Timmy, now we use zoom for ja for your comedy. He could put a hundred people on there. It got the quiet did the song call of the day? I mean you don't feel that at home? I mean, I mean that's what I've learned some amazing technique anology stuff. I accidentally send somebody a text with the vanishing it vanishes. Who knows how to do that? Effects the effects like up. I mean you send a message and then no, no, you send a message. As soon as they open it, it just like disappeared. They get to see it, but then it's gonna yeah you get to see it, but it just well how you do that? I don't. I don't know how. I've heard of that. I ain't done it. Yeah. They got that thing where they can text you something and then when you touch it and it fizzy. It get real cloudy to do it. When you when you text the message, hold it down in all the I'm telling you, invisible inks, loud slam, all those show ups. So when you text the meshes, hold that little button down and what what what effect you want to put on? It will show up? Wow? What button down? Yeah? Yeah, no, I'm doing it now. I'm doing it now. So let's go. Okay, hold hold the way the recorders, just hold that down. Hold that down right there, hold down the recording. Okay, don't push the little recording yet. You see how to show up all alone. There you go. Okay, we're really doing Okay, that don't work man, because it's two old people trying to give it. Do anybody know how to do it? Telling them the right thing? I'm telling the right thing. Let me tell you something. It takes Jay to get on zoom with me. He's a liar, a liar. Team Tommy. Right where you text your message is an arrow that will point up all that arrow down. So you said, hold the microphone the arrow down and it'll pop up. The preference said seeing invisible. Okay, okay, all right, okay, all right tech one oh one, Thank you guys. Here we go tomorrow. Alright, listen, we're praying for our neighbors in the southeast. Do the yesterday's tornadoes, uh Steve. And it's time now to get caught up with the news, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne True. Yeah, we're gonna talk about that too the morning. Everybody in the United States now has had more deaths due to the COVID nineteen pandemic than any other country in the entire world. To be specific, twenty thousand, three hundred and eighty nine Americans have died. And that compares to Italy, which was really terrible nineteen thousand, four hundred and sixty eight deaths. We have more than Italy. Meanwhile, at least five hundred and fifty thousand Americans have tested positive for the virus. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner says they are now six hundred and fifteen new cases of coronavirus in his city, Arkansas, so the lowest number of corona hospitalizations compared to neighboring states. Number of infected people in Ohio now lower than previously projected. This is good news. Hospitals in California have seen a nearly two percent drop in ICEU patients. The nation's top doc is addressing disturbing reports that minardies are dying at higher rates and white from COVID nineteen. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams breaks it down in New York City. Hispanics represent the majority of deaths. African Americans and Native Americans developed high blood pressure at much younger ages and so less likely to be under control and does greater harm to their organs. Puerto Ricans have higher rates of asthma and black boys or three times as likely to die of athema as their white counterparts. Only one in five African Americans and one in six Hispanics has a job that lets them work from home. People of color are more likely to live in densely packed areas and in multigenerational housing situations, which create higher risk for spread of a highly contagious disease like COVID nineteen. Let me be crystal clear, we do not think people of color are biologically or genetically predisposed to get COVID nineteen, but they are socially predisposed the coronavirus exposure and to have a higher incidence of the very diviss that put you at risk for severe complications of coronavirus. So there you have it. Tornadoes killed at least six people as they roared through Mississippi and Louisiana on Easter Sunday. Storms also roaring through Georgia, killing five people. Disney World putting forty three thousand workers on furlough while the park is shut down. Americans on the other side of that beginning to receive those economic relief checks from the IRS. This is the money from the two point two trillion dollars economic stimulus package that the Congress grew up in Trump signed last month. It's going into direct positive accounts. And finally, the mayor of Alton, Illinois called himself getting tough about his stay home order after residents complained of a large illicit party in a bar near the Mississippi River. So the police were sent there. The folks were busted, and then an officer had to call the mayor why because his wife was one of those brought in. Yeah, he said, don't give her any special treatment, guys, but you know, I really probably think that they probably did anyway, just just briefly, Chicago authorities are tasked with the same mission. Meanwhile, the officials in New York City area are setting up new places to store the bodies of those killed by the Corona virus or the COVID nineteen virus as more and more Morgue's face possibly becoming overwhelmed. That is Chicago w bail. Get back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody you're listening to show, did you guys watch the First Ladies of Gospel? Please tell me you watch the Clark Sisters movie? Yes, yeah, so good. It was really, really, really good this past Saturday night. It was on Lifetime Steve good. Yeah, well, we talked about it all week that it was coming on. It was really really good. If you haven't had a chance to see it, please go check it out on demands. Yeah, you've gotta see it. It's so it was actually a movie that could have been in the theater. Yes, yes, yes, it was just that good. And their mother, Maddie Moss Clark, she was not a game. We got a shout out. Yes, she is such she behind she played that role. She said, I would have loved to have met the real Mama back in the day. I mean I was there, I was right around there. You were there. Yeah, I was the same. Yeah you know what I mean? That looked like enticing, right, Yeah, that shut up? Shut up right. She was not a joke. She was not a game I loved. And how do you say her name? Something new ellis it's her last name. I told her everybody to watch it. In my dumb ass, mistery, I was talking. I forgot about you about it, man, I ain't said nothing, and I set up been told every man, I gotta watch it, watch it, man, y'all start talking about this. I'm so I ain't doing nothing. Yeah, let me tell you something. Every time Junior called me, I answered the phone. No, I ain't doing nothing. I'm telling y'all it's why. It's this is the most unbelievable time time I've ever had. I've never had. This is actually, you know what, man, Like this this time has taught me so many things, man. And I'm serious, man, I did not know. I've been so busy for so many years, for so long. Yes, I've really this has been. I know. Look, I know we're in the middle of a challenging times and I know that, but this has been for me and I opening experience. I've learned just such a time of ease and refreshment for me that I've never known. Man, this time of the year is so busy for me. Now, I don't want to do this all the time. I know what you mean, No, but I've really discovered a lot of things. Like I'm I'm technically more savvy. I know how to work my TV. I can go to Netflix without calling nobody, don't. I know how to search for movies and stuff. I know how to work on the man. All right, jo Anthony Brown in the building with his daily Corona virus timeline. We'll get to that right after that. You're listening, all right, Jay, what is this daily coronavirus timeline you have for us? Well, the day is not as busy as we think it is. In fact, we'en doing a damn thing. Here's the corona virus breakdown pretty much everybody clue housty. All right, you get up early in the morning thinking you gotta go to work. You don't, so you go back to sleep. You go back to sleep. Turn on while you're in the bed, turn on some depressing news. Why you eat your breakfast in your chime, sir, you're going some one channel. That's your day. Then you stip again over to some more depressing who you figure out if it's depressing on this challengel, I'm not gonna watch. And then I go over there more depressing news. More. Then you check your phone, check your phone callback, callback, callback, don't want to talk to, don't want to talk to? What the hell they call me for? I'll be damn begging, begging, began to check your text. You got dad. Then you're completely up. If you nasty, you wash your face, brush your teeth, and you take a shower. But you ain't going nowhere, so you might not do any no damn thing you might see to yourself when I ain't really going nowhere, ain't nobody in here? What me? I really don't have to watch myself? All right, Now you've done all of those things, it's time to eat. It is time to eat again. You eat breakfasts, all right? He goes this. When it really gets busy, your they gets busy. You look out the wonder, see the white people. You see the white people without mask You see to yourself daily crazy. Hell, they ain't got any with a mask though, didn't just don't make no. I'm sitting in the house with a mask on, but none of these white people who pass it got a mask on. Maybe they do something I don't know. Watch the white people. You watch the white people clean up behind the dog. Now, they won't speak, They won't speak to you at all, but they have no problem picking up dog. Dude. They would not saying are you doing, but they will have been over in scoop that up like nothing. Okay, all right, all right, dad, moving now just today, you gotta watch that Netflix chickum picture. You hadn't finished watching last night because you went to sleep, so you gotta finish. Then you're gonna call people you really don't want to talk to. What You're gonna call him anyway because you ain't got nobody else to talk to because you really bored? Is all right? You let me call this rascal who I don't like. Then next thing you know, boom, you wake up because you took a nap. It wasn't playing plan nap. You didn't playing a naver. You damn this five o'clock, which me it is time to eat it. Yeah, alright, all right, you wake up from the nap. You might watch a little TV. Next thing, you know, you gotta go back to the window again because it's dark and starting to get dark. You gotta go back to the window. Wear yourself. This is the last things about to go to bed. You want to wear yourself before you go to bed. You're depressed because you gain weight. It's time to eat again. I beat damn, you got to eat again. I got your last Netflix movie. You wake up, it's morning time start all over again. That's your day right there. That's it. That's that is the coronavirus timeline. Baby, time to eat again. I've actually I've actually done some of that, to be honest. Yeah, except for the eating, cause I chose the worst time but actually turned out to be the best time to actually try to get in shape since I was going to be off and I had nothing else to do. So I've been doing U intermittent fasting. I don't eat it to twelve noon and my last meal is at eight at night. Oh god, I just be man at eight on you both, Tommy, you're telling me no more? All right? Coming up next. The nephew in the building with the frank phone calls right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject more money, more problems. Wait till you hear this letter right now, nephew in the building for today's prank phone call. What you got for his nef? I know it is what quack stat ass Huh that's the name of that's the name of it. Quack statass wax quack statusspekay w h a x X Yeah, got it? Thank you, all right, let's go. Okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Owen pleach. Yeah, this is on hi Owen. This is ramone giving you a call um where we're just confirming your appointment at eleven on Thursday, and I wanted to make you're a new client, so we wanted to make sure that you were Okay, wait a minute, pument what you have a spa treatment scheduled um any eleven on Thursday. You did receive a spat treatment from your wife for Christmas, um, but I don't remember being set up for anything any appointment. Well, she's made an appointment for you for eleven o'clock on this coming Thursdays. I'm just calling them confirm that you would definitely be in to the salon. Well, I thought this was like a couple's massage or something like that. So what is the treatment all about? What's what do you guys? I don't I understand. Um, well, she's got you signed up for Let me look, she's got you signed up for us to actually wax your back in your buttocks on Thursday. And we actually have a special that we have, um a man zillion, which is a b. This isn't for real? Sure we have you lined up for an appointment. If you don't want the appointment, please let us know. Wax my my back and my get that all out of here. Man zillion. Your your wife has set you up for a back and but hair removal, which is waxing. And what I'm saying is a manzilian is if you would like that, we would remove all the hair from your private area as well. Yeah, try again, man, there's no way I'm getting my private black. What's so I could be hairless like like that? No way, get out of here. Evidently, if your wife has set you up for this. Maybe she's not into all you have. You evidently have a lot of hair on your back. I'm assuming yeah I'm a hairy guy. But she's never said anything the battles. He likes it, okay, he loves Well, maybe there's a mix of communication, because this is the thing she's asking us to do, is to remove your hair. Yeah, no, that's not happening. And if she's gonna have tell me yourself. And there's no way I'm going in to have somebody ripped the hair off my back and my hands and my private You kidding me to get the bat of here? This is crazy, This is this is a very professional procedure. It won't take long. We'll have you in and out within forty five minutes. But you're gonna forty five minutes, forty five minutes to rip off all of this hair. That sounds like tot shit. He mean, okay, sure you know No, No, I think we're done. I think you know what we're done. I mean, I mean I'm gonna tell her to get a refund. It's getting a refund. Okay, they're not gonna be a refund. Now you're supposed to come in at eleven. This is something that she wants you to do. Yeah, I'm not listen to me. I am not getting wax. That's not something a man does. There's no play I'm doing that. If this is for real, I'm gonna have a talk with her as soon as she gets home. Because no, no, no chert shirt. Right now, right now, you're are disrespecting my profession. That's what you're doing. Okay. Look, I'm not sure. I don't. I don't know what this is all about. I don't. I'm not trying to suspect anybody, but stuff way, I'm doing this all right. I'm not getting it back. No. I mean, if there's something she wants to watch, you can wax her private. That's cool. But a man has hair. I mean, it's it's well. If she has an appointment, then she's serious about getting it done. Yeah. Well I'm serious about not going. So, I mean, you know, I don't know how I can explain it to you. I'm not coming in. You can reschedule it for somebody else. I'll talk to her when she gets home. But that's that's it. I'm just your wife has paid two hundred dollars for this procedure. Did you pay two hundred dollars? Your wife has paid two hundred dollars for this procedure? Yeah, no, who's gonna get a refund? You guys are this is sir, sir, oh, this is not refundable, so there is no money coming back. I will let you know that. Two hundred bucks. There's no way. You gotta be kidding me to take care off on my back and my two hundred bucks. Sir, this is a very referable spa here. I don't, I don't do it. I'm gonna get I'm gonna go to the dollar store and get a pack of raisers for a dollar, and she's gonna do it herself and I'll give her. I'll give her fun bucks. This is good. I'll give her a tip. That's the five food bucks. I'm done. I'm sad. Two hundred bucks. There's no way. There's no way we are playing that money and you guys are keeping that money. Here's no pay Do you understand there's no no, there's not a refund, mister Owen. There's definitely not a ref mister Owen. What because are you? There's no lue and I'm gonna i am Raman, I am ramone here at the spa and your wife came in and purchases wonderful gift for you for Christmas. Remote. I don't give a remote. Now, you're not respecting that profession you're acting. I don't look. Look, I'm not trying to disrespect you, but I don't care about the professions. There's no way that's actually that's robbery. Charging somebody two hundred bucks to rip off hair off their their body. He gets just no way. I'm just doing it, and I'm gonna talk to her. She's gonna do it herself. I don't cash because you're disrespecting my profession and you're not coming into an eleven. Y would you supposed to come in an eleven so we could whack your back in your body? And now you're saying no, there will be nothing whack. I'm not coming into eleven. I'm not coming in ever. She's gonna take care of this though. You don't have to worry about it. Ramon. I mean repect you, but no need to know that. Mister Owen. There's no refund, Okay, I mean, this is get ridiculous. I don't even know why I'm talking to you. You're countin Peter. Have you spoken to him lately? How do you know? Peter Tea got me to call you. This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Robin Morning Show. You just got you just get out of here because I knew this idiot. Oh yet I gotta up, man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show, No doubt. Well that's stupid enough, y'all. And he wanted it done too. He really wanted doing social distancing. Yeah, he just didn't want to find distance. Sound like he wanted it. Yes, you can. You can catch this food and my partner in crime, the TNJ Stay at Home Coronavirus comedy show. Catch us on Wednesday and always be posted on Wednesday right around three to four o'clock. You can't depend on high late, James, I have. It's two versions of the show. There's the show we do and added version that I don't never see until it goes up. Go to my YouTube channel, The Nephew Timmy Experienced The Nephew Timmy e XP. That's my YouTube channel. You can see the t n J Stay at Home coronavirus. The comedy show. Yeah it's funny. Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious. It's funny. Juniors over it last week. A right happened one time. Just fix the I fixed the glitch, and then I knew someone's wrong when I got a Texa N word call me. Well, you know, glitchund round with the b wood, which is what tell the people. One more YouTube channels, The Nephew Timey Experienced, The Nephew Timey ex Speed go to our YouTube channel and you will see it every Wednesday. It will be there at least three o'clock Eastern Standard time. All right, all right, thank you, Nephew, Thank you. Jay Coming up? Whoa this Strawberry letter today? Subject more money, more problems. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We will be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read drop today. Yes, that's for you. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it full Hivitesberry letter, Thank you few subject MO money, MO problems. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a fifty six year old man with lots of swag, and I've had fine women all my life. Eight years ago I decided it was time to get married, and I found a good woman to settle down with. I've always fooled around with lotto and bought scratch offs, and a year ago I got lucky and won eight hundred thousand dollars. My wife and I retired, paid everything off, and traveled a little bit. My wife's twenty six year old niece is in culinary school, so we hired her as our personal chef, and she came three days a week to cook. My wife volunteers at a senior daycare most afternoons, so I was left home alone with her niece when she was cooking. The niece is slim and fine, with long legs and a nice butt. We talked and sipped wine while she cooked, and whenever she left, I'd give her a nice tip and she'd give me a hug. One day, the hug turned into a kiss, and the kiss turned into sex. She initiated it, and after that day we had sex several times a week. She was real freaky and she always wanted to do it in the kitchen. I got caught up and I started giving her a lot more money. This made me feel like the old player that I used to be, and I was not thinking straight. This girl had been filming us having sex over and over again. In the beginning, she told me she likes to film herself in the kitchen so she can use her cooking videos for extra credit in class. Well, now she's demanding that I give her fifty thousand dollars or she's telling my wife. I can't move this much money out of our account without my wife knowing it. To make it worse, I can't fire her without my wife questioning it. I haven't slept in days, and I'm a nervous wreck. How am I going to get out of this? Please help? Okay, first of all, you're gonna be broke if you keep spending like this. Okay, you won eight hundred dollars, eight hundred thousand dollars, You and your wife retired, You paid off everything, you traveled a little bit, you have a personal chef. You know you give her extra money after she cooks for you. Okay, that's a lot going on there. But beside that, why did you do this? Why did you get involved with your wife's knees? I don't care how slim and fine and how nice her butt was, and you're asking us what to do. I don't know what you're going what you're going to do. I mean, yeah, you really did get caught up, just like you said, because she made you feel like the your old player self. Okay, so you used to be a player. You had lots of swag, you all got all that, you had lots of fine women. But you're risted all all your money, every your marriage, everything for this, I mean, and really, all she wanted was some of that eight hundred thousand dollars You thought she wanted some of the old player you. Huh, she wants fifty thousand dollars. To be exact. The problem as I see it, if you pay her off, what's to say she won't come back for like the title says, mo money, Because how many videos of you guys does she have? I mean, she taped you guys a lot, so she probably has them stash somewhere. They're all on her phone whatever the case, she has a lot of videos. And how do you ever know if you you know, if she won't keep coming back asking you for money. I mean, this is craziness. You're right, you can't take that kind of money out of your account without wife finding out. You're in a mess here, and I really don't know how to help you. I wish you had asked us before, you know, you got busy with your your niece in law, your wife's niece, then we could have really helped you. Untild you don't do it. But now, I mean, what if we can't help you? Steve boy, listen to me, sir, old player, you're asking a lot of trouble. Though I hadn't been a lot of spots before, I ain't been in this one. You your boy boy, you're in a situation. Yeah, I mean listen. Man, let me start by saying this, why you open the letter? You set yourself up. I'm a fifty six year old old man with lots of swag. I've had fine women all my life. It wasn't but eight years ago. You decided this time to get mad, and I found a good woman to settle down with. I've always fooled around with a lotto, and I thought you was gonna say something else right there. But I've always fooled around what you should have said, because that's what really happened. I've always fooled around. Let's just stop there, and then you're surprised and said, with a lot on bought some scratch offs in the year ago. I got lucky. I want eight hundred thousand dollars. My wife and I retired, paid everything off, traveled a little bit. Then your wife's twenty six year old niece in the Coulinary School, so y'all high as your personal shell. She came three days a week to come. My wife volunteers out of senior daycare most afternoon, so I was left home alone beneath she was cooking niece and slim and fine, yeah boy with long legs and a nice but yeah boy. Yeah. We talked and sip wine while she cooked, yamn one. And whenever she left, I give a nice tip, and she give me a hull. Here where the problem is right here? This nice tip you gave her. You was testing the waters. Then you was flexing and playing big willie. You already paying her. So what's the name extra tip for she ain't come up for three days a week. Okay, player, when I come back, I'm gonna read you the rest of your rights. You're asking trouble. Oh yeah, all right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letters subject more money, more problems. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, right, Steve. Come on, let's get back into this letter. Let's recap more money more. We can see this letter coming. Fits six year old man tells us at the top of his letter that he got a lot of swag and he didn't hand fine women all his life. Way to set us up, honey, you got another one seemed like too. Now, eight years ago you decided it was time to get married, and you found a good woman to settle down with. They've been all over the place. Dog, he was just a player. I've always fooled around, It's what he said. He could have stopped right there and put up dot dot dot, but he kept talking. He said he fooled around with lotto and bought scratch offs. By the year ago, I got lucky one eight hundred thousand. My wife and I retired, paid everything off, travel a little bit, and then your wife haven't had this little twenty six year old nieces in culiary school. Y'all still playing big Willie. You hide her as our personal chef. She came three days a week. Now, let me tell you something. I don't know how y'all spiing eight hundred thousand. But if you fifty six and you got eight hundred thousand and you're hiring personal shels and traveler, dog, I don't. I don't know what fun you didn't put this eight hundred in? But could you please please call me partner because you spend it? Right now? How everybody quit on eight hundred? Dog? You ain'tble fifty six? Dog? Have you doc? Have you thought this out? So? Dog? If at fifty, at fifty thousand a year, five and ten years, five hundred thousand gone, you ain'tble sixty six, y'all must be playing on dying then I mean, I mean, I mean anyway, maybe you got some more money, but that ain't the story anyway. Your wife volunteer to senior daycare, so I was left home with your niece when she was cooking niece and slim, and here we go. And that's just how you like them too, Remember you like fine women with long legs and a nice but yeah, we talked and sip mine while she cooked them. Whatever she left, i'd give a nice tip and she'd give me a hug, which means you couldn't wait to give her the tip because you wanted to hug from the long legs and the nice button and the fine girl, because that's what you used to And you've been fooling around your whole life because you, Jeff, wanted to get married eight years ago. Your answer forty eight fo. You gave it up, dam but it was stealing you was deep in you, wasn't it dogging? One day the hug turned into a kissing. The kiss turned in the sex as usually high gold. You don't usually have sex then start kissing. I got that. She initiated it after that day. Now she initiated. Now let me tell you why she initiated it, dog, because these big tips she was giving hug and then that hug that you was hanging on too, extra she twenty six. You know what that is? I got this old fool. Okay, So she initiated it, and we had sex several times a week, so she had to initiate that every time. So and then she initiated, and she was real freaking and she always wanted to do it in the kitchen. So now you know you. You are now on the cutting blocking, stepping in draws, and everything got dish tiles everywhere. I got caught up and started giving her a lot more money. See now, listen to this. He's saying that this made me feel like the old player that I used to be. No, it didn't. Started giving her a lot of money made you feel like the old player you used to be. Now giving her a lot of money made you feel like the old sugar daddy that you are. Say, make you feel like the old player you was when you give a younger girl a whole lot of money for sexual favors, you're sugar daddy. Dog. You ain't the old player no more. You are old fool. You're sugar daddy. But the sugar got too good to you. And this made me feel like the old player I used to be. And I wasn't thinking straight. This girl had been filming us having sex over and over and over again. Now in the beginning she told you she liked to film herself in the kitchen, And what't y'all in the kitchen? Yeah? What what was you thinking about? How you didn't get that damn phone? Dog? How you didn't get the damn phone? You got caught up? Well, now she's the man that I give her fifty thousand or she telling my wife. Now now here come, here comes the old player. I can't move as much money out of our account without my wife and daughter, which means the player he used to be and the old sugar daddy he is is now entrapped. So now he talked out. He talking about I ain't giving her nothing. All. He's saying, I can't move that much money out of my account without my wife knowing it. To make it worse, I can't fire her without my wife questioning it. I'd rather fire her and have my wife question that. Then the hunt sit up in the head, start rolling, take and now hit it food. I ain't slept in days. I'm a nervous ring. How am I gonna get out of this? Please help, pimp. You can't see, pimp, there is no get out of this. See you're in the quantity. So here's what you gotta do part. You got to sit the niece down, and you got to explain the situation, the problem you in that I can'tnot move this much money without my wife. No, I just can't do it. You're gonna have to say that, all right. Then you're gonna have to beg huh, your punk ass gonna have to start crying. Crying, Yeah, that's all you got on all right, you got his tears. And when I come back, I'm gonna just finish a little bit more this when we come back, just ain't much, just a little bit, okay, all right? And then Junior is here with the new poem too, coming up in forty six minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening, Steve had a little more. He wanted to put on the Strawberry letter um from this older gentleman who got into a bit of trouble with his wife's niece. At this boy sleeping with the girl. His wife's niece is in Colorary school. She fine. He an old player, used to have got l swag and always been around fine women. Were he been paying her money, tipping her and hugging every time she leaves his wife volunteering down at a senior home. He and here just acting a damn food with his old stupid ass. Now he didn't got caught up, and this made him like the old player that he was. I had to remind him this don't remind you the old player you was. This reminds you the old sugar daddy that you are, because that's all you are now. Now now the girl is trying to embezzle him, extort him out of fifty thousand or she telling my wife, Now you scariest. Now you say I can't move this much money out of I count without my wife knowing it. To make it worse, I can't fire her without my wife questioning it. I ain't slept in days. I'm a nervous wreck. How am I gonna get out of this? Please help ars him? Hear what you got to do. You got to throw yourself on the mercy of the court. You got the big and plead with the girl. That's all you can do. Surely got it dead on the head. If you give her the money she still got to take. How your old ass hain't get that phone first day? I never know. I don't know how caught up in this thing you was but you got to be the biggest damn food out of evers seen. Now you feel to lose your wife, you feel to be back out there and find out how big a player you are. Let me tell you something, how big a player you ain't. When your wife found out, she gonna divorce you, and it's gonna create a rip ripple through the family. The eight hundred thousand that you had, which I don't know how much of that you got left, but more than half of that's gone as soon as your wife find out, she's gonna take all that damn money your ass just for it to be an old broke ass food. And you just set up here, quit your damn job. You're gonna have to go back down there, get your damn job. Talk about throwing yourself on the course. You gonna have to go back down. Damn y'all back because you to retire to damn you you damn you back, bro. And it's nothing we can help you with me, Tommy Jay Junior. We we ain't got nothing for you, man, bro. He's nothing we can do. So we ain't got nothing for it. Ain't giving her fifty ain't gonna work because she's gonna come back for another fifty is because what's your Homebolod? What's your Homebolod? Brother? Hey man, all you can do the only thing you can do, it's going there and just say tell her, Just go ahead and tell her. I don't give a damn, I go and there. What you come on? That's the only shot you got. Problem is she twenty six and she gonna walk our ass in there, and she gonna put it on social media. Man, your head said trumping. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, and Junior's up next with his z Easter poem at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you have one more piece of advice you want to add to the old player and the Strawberry from early. Two things he can do that can get him out of this. For me, there's two test you need to go take. Number number one, you need to go down there and test positive for Corona. First thing you need right now, you need a positive Corona nineteen tests. The second yeah, yeah, yeah, you need twenty The next test you need is you need to test positive for Alzheimers. You have to test positive for Alzheimers. You got to come in now and not know who that girl is tomorrow. You you got to quit quit recognizing your all timers. Yes, you got twenty. I would like to get Alzheimers and COVID twenty before I leave here today. You need you need to walk in that house and not recognize your wife to mark, don't know who the hell she is at all? Every time she text you, snatch away who you? Who? You? Who? You? Immediately this Harper, this is all you, bro. This is your only chance test positive for COVID nineteen right now. You got you got to get that test tomorrow. Now. This is what you do. They got these online applications that they got these online tests you could take for COVID nineteen tested. Fill it out and get you a red stamp somewhere to say positive stamped your damn self. You do come in there, boy, and I'm talking about get this much fine flem and packet in your damn logs. It's your Yeah, it's your only chance. Start peeing on yourself right while you talking to start peeing on yourself. That's lose all controlling. Yeah, I don't don't let it dry. It's got to be no do it while you're talking to it. Yeah, but as you drinking your coffee drink man, all you got you got listening and Steve don't notice the pecause she calls it out. She'll say yourself and then and then you say, hell, now, hey, I'm nine peeing on myself? What's wrong with you? And the matter? Let me? And who are you? Ain't ain't nobody to for pe on met man? Yeah, this is your only route album yet Still she got the tapes. But that's at least he can have that. You know, I wasn't thinking it wasn't me. I don't know who the hell see, I forgot I was married any damn one that wh I was sleeping with. You know, he got to go. That's what sulet this man. I know this. We have nothing for him. He can try all this, everything worked, but the truth once this, once we see this footage, that's a wrap. Man. If you can't catch her giving that phone to your wife, you need to dive at your front window right away to bust out the glass. Stuff. You need to get that phone is what you needed to just burn the whole house down there to get that fash hell with that house. He got money. He got money, you'll get him another one. He got about twenty dollars left if he does all that out of that eight hundred thousand. All right, thank you, guys. I think coming up we'll talk about did he's virtual Dan Sathan for the coronavirus relief? That twenty minutes after right after this you're listening to show. Did He's virtual Dan Sithan for coronavirus relief? It was big this past weekend? Did he dance virtually with his ex Jennifer Lopez and her current fiance a Rod. I like that. I love that. Yeah, I know you guys are gonna say that. A lot of celebrities checked in, Yeah, including Oprah who donated one million dollars. Has to have a finger in my mouth when I said that. My baby finger puppy got his team mm team love Dancitan fundraiser raised money for healthcare workers on the front lines of the Corona virus. I love that information. Yeah, and he's got up to like ninety thousand viewers. Yeah, I mean really good. It's really I'm sorry. Video for a good cause, even if it's for a good Joss the street for a good car. Guys, Okay, now I'm not dancing with your new fiance. Put Jay Low back home. But he was in the back. She was Dan. I thought he got on the camera. What Dan is you doing? He was there, but she was in the front, always there. I love that. Robby on the scene. Huh he knows. Yeah, Chris jen and Corey Gamble they checked in donated it is big, big, It really was. Yeah, idea. All right, because good Well, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay, what is this daily coronavirus timeline you have for us? Well, the day is not as busy as we think it is. In fact, Wayne doing a damn thing. Here's the Corona virus breakdown for pretty much everybody. Clue housty. All right, you get up early in the morning thinking you gotta go to work. You don't, so you go back to sleep, Go back to sleep. Turn on why are you in the bed? Turn on? Some depressing news. Why you eat your breakfast in your challenge shirts. You're going from one challenge to the other. That's your day. This is so true. Can you slip again over to some more depression news. You figure out if it's depressing on this challengel, I'm not gonna watch, and then I go over there more depressing news. More. Then you check your phone, check your phone, callback, callback, callback, don't want to talk to, don't want to talk to? What the hell they call me for? I'll be damned begging, begging, baging? You check your text, get that? Then you completely up. If you nashty, you wash your face, brush your teeth, and you take a shower. But you ain't going nowhere, so you might not do any no damn thing. You ain't nobody in here? What me? I really don't have to watch myself? All right, now you've done all of those things, get this time to eat again? All right? Here goes this. When it really gets busy, your day gets busy, you look out the wonder, see the white people. You see the white people without mask. You see to yourself daily phrasing, hen they ain't got anybody pass the mask, don't didn't just don't make no I'm sitting in the house with a mask on, but none of these white people who pass it got a mask on. Maybe they do something I don't know. Watch the white people. You watch the white people clean up behind the dog. Now they won't speak, they won't speak to you at all, but they have no problem picking up dog. Dude. They were not saying, he aw you doing, but they have been over and scoop that up like nothing. Okay, all right, all right dad, moving now, just moving today. You gotta watch that Netflix chick um picture. You hadn't finished watching last night because you went to sleep, So you gotta finish. You gotta get that. Then you're gonna call people you really don't want to talk to. What You're gonna call him anyway because you ain't got nobody else to talk to because you really bored? Is all right? You let me call this rastal who I don't like. Then next thing you know, boom, you wake up because you took a nap. It wasn't playing coming up. It's the last breakup, break up the day? What is your jump ass doing? Are you scared about something? Shay? Break up the day? That's how you do it. Coming up in forty nine minutes after the hours. Steve Harvey's closing remarks as well, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are. This is the last break of the day. It is the last break up the day. That's better. Okay, last break up. You go a little fast right there. But anyway, anyway, it's been a good day. You guys were funny, crazy funny that strawberry letter my money problem, and you know what, it ain't nothing to do now, yeah, yeah, yeah. Once we hang this up, we just man going in there, quiet, just going back in the down. Uncle went outside and knocked on mind and then it came again and answered, who wasn't it, Tommy? Who wasn't it wasn't? Hey, Tommy, you don't know what I did this real, I kid, y'all. Now, I set outside and watched a trail of ants and just was just as interested, fascinated, I mean, and had built up a whole story of where they was going, where they had come from, because you know, it was a two lane highway system, it was a road go in a role coming and I was just fascinating. They went off into the grass. So I couldn't track them because you know, I ain't. I don't My tracking skills don't go with ants through grass. I don't know if they just went in a whole underground, but I couldn't find them. No over there went straight crossing and tire little section out in the backyard, and I went out but down. It was interesting, is what I did. This is what I did because is the absolute truth, Because it was I had nothing to do. I tried to wet up a crow with the water holes. They are fast, can't you can't get them. I'm trying. I'm trying to get one, but you can't get it fast. Man. Hey, y'all listen in this in this uh COVID nineteen time, we just have to keep stressing to you the importance of this time that we're going through. Uh. First of all, it's let's just be aware of something. It's not just happening to you. This ain't. I know you. I know there are some people, not all of you, but there are a lot of people going, oh woe is me? Well, it's oh woe is us, It's oh woe is everybody? Nobody's enjoying this. But you can find some enjoyment in it. I mean, if you understand what I'm saying, Uh, there's some family time in it. It's some closeness that can be had. Look, I know it's some negative points to this, got it. But if you're gonna sit here, it's in your smart and your best interests to try to find the positive in it. You can find the negative in anything, you know. I complained so much about how tired I was all the time. Man, I gotta work, I gotta film this, I gotta tape that, I gotta do a retake for this, I gotta go over here for that, I gotta do this, I gotta do that. And I just complained about it to the point where I'm in here now and I'm not that busy. And you mean to tell me that I have the nerve to complain about that too, when I could very easily, as I've decided to do, take this time and think of it in a positive way. As bad as it is out there and we are in a situation, admittedly a very challenging situation, there is some good in this that is a blessing in this. There is something that is coming out of this that will benefit you. But you have to be a person that looks for it. You have to be watchful. You got to live your life in expectation. I expect a blessing to be on the other side of this. I expect to come out of this better than I was. I've actually put some things in place to ensure that. You know, God gives us choices. Here everybody, this thing, this pandemic, that's global. It is worldwide. My friends that I talk to in Botswanna, my friends I talk to in Ghana, my friends I talk to in South Africa, my friends I talk to in the UAE, my friends I talk to in the Bahamas. This is global, man, this affects us all. It's not just you. But you have the power of choice. You can decide how to view this situation. Now if you want to sit there and be miserable about it, I can't believe we're in this house another day. I know the kids is on your nerves. I know you didn't feel like being no teacher. I don't blame you. I'm not in that situation, but I don't blame you, and I get it. I understand. But find the positive, find the light at the end of the tunnel. Look for the benefit of this. So since you work all the time and always busy, take advantage of this time of ease and refreshment. Take a time in this to connect with your family, to become more spiritual, to get in shape. Do our online workout course. Do something. I learn how to cook more, go outside and get that grill. I'll try some different recipes on the grid. Do something, turn it into party. Take your son outside, teach him how to grill, your daughter how to grill. Do something. Man some activity. Man together. There is an upside to this, but you have to look forward. Live your life in the expectation. God is a good god man, he really is. God has something for those who live their life in expectation, who are hopeful. God got something for us all. But we got to believe that that's the case, and we got to look for it. And also before we get out of here today, our good partner, Ryan Cameron, fraternal radio brother, Ryan Cameron, needs your thoughts and prayers. He's in spool, doesn't have corona, bears another condition, and our prayers and and thoughts go out to him and his family that Ryan Cameron will get up and be just fine. We're praying for you, brother. You you one of the best dudes I've ever met in radio. Man. I've known Ryan for a long time. Man, were praying for you, brother, God speed, You'll be fine. That's our prayer. Prayer works, prayd work better than anything in that thing. For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to sw