Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Steve Harvey Morning Show is LIVE and well in vivid aaaaaall living color. The CLO discusses deal breakers on Facebook. There will be a medical special about COVID-19 tonight at 7p EST on Facebook and YouTube. Big Dog shares with us a fishing story involving Marjorie. Blue Cheese gives us insight on his fashion sense. Junior talks about Scottie Pippen's upcoming book where the 6x NBA Champion calls Phil Jackson a racist. Steve tells us what age he had the best time of his life. Veronica Redd's image was incorrectly used during the Daytime Emmys and an apology was issued. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks to us about opening up our plan to the will of God.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things and the to me good it. Steve listening to the other for st Please, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn you you got to turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha uh huh, I sure will a good heart to everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Um. Five things that I know successful people have to do to be successful. The principles are the same. You can apply it to anything, you know, if you want to be happily married, you know, whatever it is. The principles of success are the same. There are a series of things that you have to do. You cannot skip the steps of success. If you do, you're going to have to go back and step on them anyway. So here's here's here's here's a part man that I want you all to understand about me and and and about how to look at it. You know, you cannot underestimate faith and prayer. You just can't. You cannot underestimate the power of faith and the power of prayer. See for me, this is just for me. Now, this ain't in the scripture nowhere. This is just something I discovered. What prayer did for me was was it tied me to my creator. It gave me a sense and I'm describing it this way, but I'm telling you it's deeper than this. But it gave me a sense that I wasn't alone and an actuality. I wasn't. But prayer helped connect me to the power source that was available to me to get through, get around, or get over whatever it was that was in a way, whether it was just a period I stretched, I had to go through hard work. It had a period I had to go through to learn some less some periods I had to go through from having to pay for some of the mistakes I've made. Whatever the case may be, Prayer gave me a decided advantage, especially oh here we go, Especially over my enemies. Now, the majority of people in my life that were my enemies, I didn't want them to be my enemies, Make no mistake about this. But through the thing called life, some things went down, Some things happened from here and then went over here or that way, and a person became my enemy. The majority of enemies I had came out of nowhere. I have no reason to even see why they are my enemies. But you know, life goes on, man. It happens from time to time. Some people just won't let it go. See some people, in their quest to do something to you or to make you pay, they just won't let it go. What it may cause you some discomfort, and some of them may be lies about you and all of this and all of that, but you that that can't prohibit you from going forward. So what I'm saying is prayer gave me the strength, wisdom, understanding the carriage to either go through it, go around it, or go over it. But it happened. I do not know how I could have made it. Without faith and without prayer, it would have something would have got me. You two would have got me. The bloggers would have got me. My partners that I grew up with, that used to laugh behind my back. They would have got me. My friend that would over my mother's house one time and told her. You know what Steve's problem is he out to telling them jokes. He just lazy, he don't want to work. That would have got me. They didn't know. I ain't really mad at him because they were just All they was doing was basing their conversations and passing judgment based on what they knew, based on what they believed. They didn't believe I was gonna make it. But that's them though. If it was not for the faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, I wouldn't have made it because I would have listened to everybody else who didn't see me getting here and went along with it. And then prayer. Oh my goodness, man, how many times has prayer bailed me out? Prayer has bailed me out? Prestiel belling me out. Tell you the truth, man, quiet as its kelp Prayer. That connection to your heavenly Father, that connection to your creator, that connection to that source of power and inspiration, that connection of never feeling that you were alone. You know. I was watching a Bishop Jakes on a TV yesterday and it was a repeat and one of the things he was talking about, well, let me just get to the gist of it. I was going through a portion of my life and I went through it for some years, y'all. I had gotten myself into a jam that lasted for years, I'm telling you, for years, with some serious consequences to follow. For years. And I was so busy looking at who I was at. I was sulking sometimes, Man, I'd get on the radio, Man, I'd be just done. I was sulking. My my spirit had gotten low. I had gotten tired of the fight, and I would I would come on some mornings, man, and I will try try not to let on, but I was hurting. I was because I had been in it for years. Man, I had been in this thing for years. And one thing I was doing. I was so busy looking at where I was at. And when I was watching Bishop Jake's he preached this sermon. He was talking about so busy looking at where you at that you don't even realize that God has been with you the entire time. And you know what, man, just yesterday, just yesterday, I heard this and I text him. I text Bishop Jakes, and I thanked him because it was an old message I could tell. And I called a X him up and I said, man, thank you so much. I was just watching you on TV, and you told me man, something that I that I'll always remember that whatever you're going through, that he's there with you the whole time. But see when sometimes when you're so busy looking at where you at, you don't even notice where he is. And see sometimes, man, that that helped me and that's going to help me in the future to realize that what I'm going through, that he's there. He's there with me, and he gonna protect me, and he ain't gonna let my enemies overcome me, and he ain't gonna let nobody overtake me, and he ain't gonna let me go under because he's there. It's just you can't be so busy looking at where you at that you don't take notice or where he at. God is always there, He's always available, and the best way to tap into that and know it is you got to pray. Prayer has changed my life. Prayer can change your life. You can become something if you just pray. You're show, Ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us to Steve Harvey Morning Show us here alive and well and vivid, all living color. I am the one and only himself. We are here to entertain, uplift, educate, and provide moments of levity mostly ignorant though, and I will be that today. I give you my word. Ladies and gentlemen, Here I go. But before I go, let me introduce you to the All Star cast. Shirley Strawberry. Please be ignorant today embarrassing with Steve Harvey. Good morning, Colin Farrell. Yeah, be ignorant. It's summertime and stuff. Thank you, Junior. Just make it a promise, Just promise, can help. I'm a help. I'm a helper. You could be right there. Oh how y'all doing this morning? Man? How's you doing that? Oh? Man, I'm good, you know, just hanging in there, man, Yes, getting ready today as my tournament, golf tournament out at Bear's Best today and tomorrow. And so it's just gonna be nice. Get on't out there and get it done. It's a fundraiser for the foundation. Fundraiser for the foundation. Gonna have a lot of a lot of good brothers coming out there. We have a good time. Excuse me that line again. We have a lot of single, beautiful ladies that listen to the show. Say that again. Now, A lot of good brothers would be out there playing golf nice place to meet upwardly mobile thinking me in at golf courses. Just say that. I've said that to a certain member of this show and she don't listen. So I'm through explaining it because she hard hit it at all. We have a matchmaking for her. Man, I'm about almost done. I can't try no harder her head. That's how bad it guy. Yeah, so it's all good though. That that's It's a wonderful cause is always Steve. You guys always have a great fun and come right. It's great. The Whimsie is sold out completely a most slots. You know, it was sold out before, so we add it today. So we go out there today. It's supposed to be raining, but you know it's okay. And then you go out there and you put it in your foundation and it helps for you to mentor well, we got cigars and bourbon, so whatever you're down with the calls or whatever. Well, you know, the little kids ain't gonna be out there, so you know, well, I'm coming. What year is this, Steve, Because you've been doing your golf tournament every year for how long? Now? Oh I don't know, I don't know how many years it's been it's been a minute though a long time. Yeah. I mean we've been doing this Los Angeles for years. Yeah to twenty Wow, I would say so yeah, yeah, close to twenty close to constantly giving back over twenty years. Man. Trying to be relevant, that's all I really ask God for. I want to ask for money or fame. I just want to be relevant. I want to be significant and try to change and help as many young people as I can. Few adults along the way, you know, if they're willing to listen, but mostly I'll dedicated a large part of what I do to the uplifting notification of young people purpose. All right, all right, Steve, thank you. Coming up. At thirty two minutes after the hour, it is time for Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, time now for Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is here. This one CLO is from IRMA and Stanford, Connecticut. Stanford, Connecticut. She says, I'm in my mid fifty and I've been dating a man that's my age. He is active on social media and takes lots of pictures with women. He said he loves meeting people and that's it. There's no romantic involvement with the women. I have no idea if that's true or not. So I've asked him to stop posting the pictures if he wants to continue to date me. Instead of removing the images, he blocked me from his Facebook page. Is this a deal breaker? Oh? Wow? What fifty year old man? Just love meeting people? Yeah? For what we are men, we don't do anything without reason. We do nothing. Listen to me. I don't care what man it is. We don't do nothing without a reason. I love meeting people for what. That's cool to love meeting people. But you've got to meet him for a reason. Right the hell, I'm will be meeting a lot of people for unless I want something man, please? Yeah, and just women. Right? And So to answer her question, Steve, it should be a a deal breaker, right because he'd blocked you. Yeah, yeah, definitely. That means he not been to stop for you. So yeah, you don't mean that much to him, irma unfortunately. Yeah? All right, moving on this one from Dallas that is the name. Dallas is an iHeartRadio app listener Dallas says, my girlfriend and I broke up last week over some money I owed her, and she embarrassed me so badly. I repair computers for a living, and I've been having problems with my u siatic skiatic nerve, so I take muscle relaxes for the pain. The pills mess with my libido, and I can't go to work while I'm taking them, so I couldn't have sex or pay my girl back. She sent a group text to our friends calling me mister Microsoft whoa, which implied that it is small and it doesn't work properly. Can I recover from this? Uh? Not in this circle appearance, you know, unless you unless you change your name. The hard drive Ye, that's about all you could do. You got to get it on a Facebook page started up called hard drive drive, you know, and that's it, and you can you know, and you could put that out there befoul the Microsoft thing hits you know, mean, yeah, well you know, I don't. I don't know. What are you talking about? This? Uh? What you gotta scattic? What kind of nerve? Nerve? No? I don't, okay, And you got to take appeal for it and it makes you muscle relax. Well you can't. That's the one muscle you can't relax. And I'm just telling you. We get the point. Yeah, we're gonna stop taking this hill. You gotta give me, give me some vikaty, give me something else. Dog, But we're not even take muscle relaxing. I love your answer for hard drive. I love all right, all right, Yeah, that's how you can recover from it, Dallas. All right. Moving on Francis and Smyrna. Georgia says, I'm sixty seven years old and my daughter and her son moved in with me after they had a small house fire. Okay, now this is a guy. No, Francis is a woman. I believe. Yeah, I think it was my grandson's fault, but I don't think my daughter suffects anything is wrong with him. I've been losing sleep since they've been staying with me because my grandson is up all night. He's fourteen, so his mom allows him to cook and be independent. How do I tell my daughter that her son might need to be evaluated? Whoa baby? You need to give you check down? Well you need you know, you got to talk like old people. Baby, You need to take him down and get get somebody to see about it. You know. Now we're gonna start with prayer, but if that doesn't work, we got to get him down to a hospital because he just set your house o f. And they defend to burn his house down because his ass can't cooking in that cooking all types of night and that's probably how it burnt your damn house down. But I can't get no sleep because he up wearing meat that ain't gonna work. Yeah, I'd use up on him at night if I was friends. What you're doing in him? Every time you see me to catch you walk up behind him and go let me hold twenty dollars nothing mean, yeah, let me twitter. Do you say that to a fourteen year old? Yeah? Seriously? So yeah, you just gotta I mean clo. She just gotta tell her daughter point her daughter point blank that her son. Yeah, we gotta get him checked out, seriously, because you don't want another disaster to happen and go to bed at night. Yeah, what a fourteen year old kid is allowed? The first of all, he ain't disciplined exactly. She let him run him up, and that's what's wrong. No discipline. Yeah, staying up all night. I mean, I guess it's summertime. But he need practice, he need to be this stuff. Yeah, but his mom allows him to cook and be independent. I don't give a damn if it was summertime. I had to go to bed. Yeah, you need structure. Yes, can you just stay up? That TV? Off? In there? You ain't paid for nothing, exactly those lights out getting the bed. She's standing in refrigerator fall. You ain't bought nothing there now, drinking out of the milk cart. All right, we're moving on. Ruth Anne in Chicago says, I am recently divorced and my ex husband is about to get remarried. His mom and I are best friends and we go to casino together often. I baby said. All of his sisters children, so we've been a close knit family for over twenty years. But that will all change soon. My ex husband told his family members that I'm off limits now and they need to get used to his new wife. They're not happy about it, neither am I. And do we have to respect his wishes? Well? They do. You might not, but you ain't gonna be running with my mama. Thank you. Coming up next, I guess Junior is in for the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the morning show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news. We'll do our tell me something good black girl news. Uh that's worth waiting for right there. Yeah. Yeah, Plus we'll tell you all about the Black Coalition against COVID nineteen special called Making It Plain town hall meeting tonight. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now, Junior is in for the nephew would run that prank back. What you got, Junior? Zoom golla, Gali. That's it, zooma Okay, come on running, Captain. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to reach uh Ti Ti? Is that is that your name? Ty? Yeah? My name is Ty. Who is this? Hey? This Kennedy Man? You can call me Ken, but this Kennedy. You work with my wife with my wife Katrix. Oh oh yes, sah yeah yeah, I work with katriz man working on for years. Man. What's going on? Okay? Hey, what's what's what's up? Bro? I can't remember if I met you before, Ty not. I ain't sure, but I've seen your your face. Y'all be the work the job. Y'all be doing this, um this this this zoom thing, right, yeah, we do zoom for conference calls. Man, what's going on? What's up? Okay? So so let's let's take hear me out, man. So this what's going on? I noticed, you know, I passed by the office, my wife in there doing the zoom thing, and I see, you know, all these people on there and y'all doing I guess y'all doing the conference call or whatever. But you know, when I look closer, Yeah, but when I look closer, you know, it seemed like when my lady talking, you know, when my wife talking, seemed like you you over there, uh, touching yourself, winking your eye, you know, like you trying to make passes at her, get her a hint or something. You know, I don't know what going on, if you're trying to throw her some sign leg on or something. But all this little, this, this, this, this, this, this zoom golic goli boys, this here got us stop dog wait wait wait, first off, man, you got me messed up and and another thing, man, take all that base out your voice. You're gonna talk to me with a little respect. Now I've been doing your wife for years. Man, I got nothing but the utmost respect for her. I would never do anything that just suspects them. And I'm I'm married myself. Man, I wouldn't putting myself out there like that. So what is you what? What? What are you doing while my wife talking on this on this, on this, on this zoom. What is you doing? Yo? I'm not doing anything but my job. Man. And again we both grown ass, man. So you ain't gonna talk to me any kind of way. Ain't gonna talk down to me. Man, You ain't gonna pull my phone and call talking like a child. Okay, I'm let me let me okay, let me let me go and put this Let me put this out here right here, tyd. Let me let me tell you right here, tyd. Let me tell you that right now. I'm telling you right here for lord. I swear to you, man, if I seem if when my wife get on this zoom again, if I find out you on there touching yourself look like you winking at her, I promise you soon as just this, this this virus get through, I promise you all that zoom golic gollish gonna get your ass. Whoop. I'm telling you right, mother, no dog cut your bullsh got on that damn conference. Man. Hey, man, like I've told you, okay, man, you need to quit talk of me that way. And you know what cute by the way, man, you're gonna call me and talk all this now you man, you ain't gonna be with my wife with that bulls touching yourself? Your wife? Man? What what did you winking? Your mother and I fu Man, We ain't waking at your wife. Are you crazy or something? Are you touched in the head? Man? What's wrong with you? I ain't touched. I I'm gonna touch your mother and ass up if I find out you on that zoom with that that all that zoom goli GOLLI bulls gonna get you. Stop. Well, I tell you what you are. You better thank God for the coronavirus because if it was anything different, I be at your house. But your ass right now. You hear what I'm saying. You can say what you want and do what you want want. By the fact, soon as this get up about the as it's me and you Pottinger, Oh zoom, golla golla mother, me and you, I ain't nothing between us for the opportunity whenever you're ready by ain't nothing between us but that I'm virus. And as soon as that it's gone, it's me and you. I told my wife you was over there doing that bulls. I talked to Trieste. I told you more than once. I have nothing more respect for your wife. But me and you we ain't bro Yeah. Wait so man, all this bulls. You're calling me on my phone talking all this. I'm trying to do something. I got a married woman in the house. It's me crazy right now? Are you get out your mind? Man? Whenever you ready to call over and get your ass well, you go ahead, come over here, You're go ahead jump Okay, let me ask you this here. Do you know do you know Dwayne Bean and Big Mike? Do you know them? Hell? Yeah, I know them? There my boys, man, So what you know about them? What I know about them? What I know about them? Tie is they told to listen to me, told me to call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked. You got pranked by your boy. Dat beat a big more day, yamsure? Hey man, we gotta laugh during this time right now, babe. Man, that is the most ex safe lives. Thank you. Man. Hey, man, so y'all your job doing all these uh y'all doing zoom conferences? You're doing a lot of them. Yeah, Man, that's all we've been doing, man, because you know, we can't go anywhere, it can't meet up with people, so man, we keep been doing them a whole lot. Man, that's all we've been doing. I hear you are hanging there, man, Be safe, keep your family safe. Man. It's try to put a laugh on somebody's face. That's all the nephew trying to do. Man. And you know what, man, we appreciate everything you do during this time. Man. You guys are helping us stay up. So thank you. Brother. All right man, twenty twenty. Let me know this, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey's show, Nephew Talk. Gotta got It? Dad? Is Junior? You got any dates? Man? I got something caught up in the fall. Man. I'm not gonna do that in this summer. Man. I'm you know, I'm gonna start a room this summer. But that's about it. Man, I'm not gonna not gonna start a rum Yeah, I'm gonna start rooming it, lamb, man, just where I can work out it. Oh, I thought you said you're going to start a rumor. No, no, no, start a room, Junior. Didn't you do that once before? Yes, sir, I showed that back on Junior. What's that means? Start a coming room? We gonna work out? Yeah, Joe, I came through that one time. I didn't go out, just came through. Came through uncle, you know, on back on the radio on Saturdays here in Atlanta, do so? You know I do that all right? Yeah? Yeah? Magic five tend to too, Baby tend to too? That's right, can't we just never said? Man? So you know you ever got the radio away? Gonna tell people what a meeting. I gotta find a room, you know, I gotta find a good place around here. But we can do it. That's what I'm trying to find. I don't know, I don't I don't know. I don't go out no more, Julia. I can't help you. Y'all know well where you live, why would you go at well them? Days is over them? We go out. Days is done. Yeah. Yeah, So Junior, you have to find a spot and then you have to go and perform there. I'm gonna find a spot to have everybody to come out. Man, We're gonna have some fun to summon me. Okay, yeah, another, I'm working on opening back up a little bit. We'll definitely come and support you. Plus this vaccination of me to get up a little bit more because you know, I had sickle sell. I can't really risk this. Yeah, right, you know that's nothing. So yeah, a matter of fact, your ass need a mask on right right now, even at work, even at work on the mic. And all right, junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to show, all right, and trending medical news, guys. The Black Coalition Against COVID nineteen will be hosting a special Call Making It Plain town hall that will be tonight, June twenty ninth, at seven Eastern time. The live event will feature White House leaders, medical professionals, and labor union experts who will discuss how COVID nineteen is impacting black unvaccinated essential workers. As America Reopened joined the conversation tonight at seven pm Eastern on Facebook dot com slash blackdoctor dot org. That's Facebook dot com slashback blackdoctor dot org, or you can go to YouTube dot com forward slash black doctor org. All right, good team business, good information. Yeah, yeah, don't miss on for sure. Let's y'all. Let's go, y'all, we gotta get vaccinated. Let's do this. I don't I really don't understand the hesitancy. But at the same time, everybody has to make the decision for themselves. I didn't. I'm not going for the theory portion of it. Let me just tell you this. My in laws who are in their eighties, both of them that their nurse gave them COVID. The doctor said, thank god you all had the vaccinated. This could have been really bad. They suffered hardly any symptoms at all. Beautiful news. I mean at best. At best, my mother in law had a little cold, but my father in law and they have pre existing conditions. So I thank God for the vaccination because it would have been bad for them. Yeah, that's what the time meaning is for. You know. That's my crazy ass sister. Won't take it, not not, moaned Polo. I don't won't take no shot. Okay, stay your ass at the house, Steve. No, no, you got to stay your ass at the house. Now I want to go out, but I'm scared to go out. So she just at the house. There ain't no problem. You stay at the house. But you know, you know, you do understand. Yeah, it's like a weight come off your shoulder once you get vaccinated. Like I felt relieved you when I leave. Yeah, I'm telling you. I mean I lost four friends in COVID, so you know, really over yeah, four and couldn't go to the funeral because it's only ten people allowed, you know, so you know that was a personal reason why I got vaccinated. You know, not a reason why, but that was a big one. Both friends, good friends. Now nobody got see every now and then people I just talked to, you know, people you just talk to. Yeah, the hit home like a lot of people listening to us right now, lost loved ones and friends. I lost a couple of a couple of people I knew, not close friends, but some people I knew definitely I lost. And yeah I think some really really close calls with some too. So yeah, yeah, everyone knows someone who's been touched by COVID in some way for sure. For sure. Yeah. Well, moving on. It is time now for tell me something good. Black girl magic news. Okay, yes, that is the title. Yeah. Track star Gabby Thomas just set a new world record, making her the second fastest woman of all time. Thomas just set a new record, yes, um, with the record breaking speed of twenty one point sixty one seconds in that's twenty one point sixty one seconds in women's two hundred meter. All right, whoa. She will be heading to Tokyo for the Summer Olympics. Gabby didn't all too far behind Florence Griffith Joiner. Now that this black girl magic Harvard grad has reached this amazing feat, she's planning her next goal. She's going to have him to map out a different trajectory for her life. Now she says she wants to make the Olympic team. Oh yeah, she's done. Now that's amazing, all right, Steve, Yeah, we gotta move on, ladies and gentlemen, miss a and trip. Okay, good morning, everybody. This is a trip with the news. I'm want to start with Florida, folks. According to the latest report out of Serfside Florida. The remains of now eleven people have been recovered out of what's left of that twelve story Beach froncondo building that collapsed last Thursday. That leaves over one hundred and fifty residents still missing an unaccounted for one hundred and fifty. That's a staggering number on account of for Miami Dade County Mayor Dan Yello, Levy Cavis says, the search though, goes on day and night. We're going to continue and work ceaselessly to exhaust every passable option in our search. I repeat. The search and rescue operation continues, and now the search and rescue team in Miami has been joined by teams from other parts of Florida, as well as teams from Mexico, even Israel. The work is painstakingly slow because the big pieces of concrete can be removed by a machine, but everything else has to be removed by hand. And they're using both video cameras and also listening devices to try and find victims because sometimes in these things, sometimes a victim is caught in an air pocket and that person is alive, so they're trying to find anybody, any live victims. The Bide administration defending yesterday's air strikes against Iraq back militia in Iraq and Syria Iranbeck's militia. Rather, it was in Iraq and Syria. The White House press Sergi Jensaki says the action was meant to protect US and allied positions on the ground. The President's view is that it was necessary, appropriate and deliberate action. These strikes are designed to limit the risk of escalation. We will take, and he believes we will should will take necessary and appropriate measures to defend US personnelity partners, and allies in the region. Now, Persaki adds of the administration did notify the appropriate members of Congress before the action was taken. He just didn't go out, they say, like a cowboy. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxsons followed a suit against a company called Blessings in No Time or Bent, accusing it or running a pyramid scheme during the pandemic. The lawsuit accuses Bent of defrauding mostly black Texans out of tens of millions of dollars, collecting some fourteen hundred dollars from each person and promising to bless their family and bring that sum up to eleven grand if they get some other people to sign up. That Folks is a pyramid scheme. Okay when somebody says that run Finally though, today is National Hug and Kiss Day. Oh wow, really really really really really truly well oh yeah, okay, now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show Steve, you know you and your lovely wife Marjorie, especially Marjorie love fashion. Okay, Uh, you've been really flying episodes of celebrity Family Feud, if we must say so ourselves, don't everyone on the show. Yeah yeah, I'm like, ain't well know what he's doing? Ye? All right, So let's talk about a little bit about style, Steve, Um, you know, tell us about your style. Um, I mean, what I like about it is it's youthful. You never you know, you always tell us about your age. You don't hide your age, and a lot of guys your age look their age. But you dress youthful, but you still keep it age appropriate, you know what I mean. So let's talk about swag. Yeah, you do all of that, Yeah, I mean, you know, I mean I've always been a fan of dressing up and I've always been like you know into fashion. But I mean, of course since evolved over the years. You know, I used to be strictly urban and I represented the urban culture for show very well. You know, baggy pants, you know, gators, all of that, and so you know, as I've I've grown older slowly. I mean, I've always just evolved this new I have a stylus or that I hired over a little over a year ago, and he he's more into more like fitting what's really out color combinations. But we had to talk this year. I said I wanted to go back to some of the colors because of my Facebook watch show. They they said, we don't want you to wear, you know, shirts and ties like you did on your talk show in the first season of Facebook. I want you to just you know, you know, what would you wear? And I said, well, I could just wear what I wear when I'm not on TV, which is a little more cutting and fashion forward. And so we decided to go back to a little bit more colors and do some more different fabrics that I would wear if I was just out and now celebrity family Feud of Conscious decision was made was to go back to the colors. Kings of comedy colors. But but with the new tailored fit, and then we did some more fabrics. We started doing a lot of monotones and stuff like that. Here strategy. You're serious, Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. And it's fun to watch it happened. You know, this new stylus is really smart too. What's out and what's not and everything that's out of here for me. So I just really make it my own, like you said, you know, I keep it age appropriate because you know, I am sixty four years old. Blue Chief Forever. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about summertime it is upon us. Right after this you're listening to Day Morning Show. Well, you guys know that it's summertime. People can't wait to travel and go on vacation. So Steven, I gotta ask you this, what do you like most about going on vacation? Uh? Yesterday we saw you in Marjorie fishing, Junior. I know you and your family fish, Tommy, you and your mommy fish. What's happening, Steve, Well, we were just out in the backyard. That's all you want, big dog. We were just out in the back y'all. But y'all said, go on vacation. We ain't gone vacation. It ain't vacation time. If I was on vacation, wise, I'm on this radio. That ain't vacation today, all right. Just went out back to see Marjorie. She she want to fish. I gotta go down there, set all her rods and stuff up for And I wasn't even trying to fish. I had on slides and everything. But then she down there. She want to use another rod. So I had to go down there to show how to use that type of rod. She want to use my rod, which I use a bait caster. She ain't ready for that because now she gonna bird nest all day long. She threw. I told her not use my rod one time. Well, let's just it's three different rods. It's it's a, it's a it's a it's an open face, it's a it's a bell hazzle, you know, and then it's a bait casting. I used bait casting. Well that's you don't know nothing about it what you asked me for. We're listening, But see I don't surely asked me. Then when I tell it you, then I don't. I don't know nothing about this. What your ass bait casters Just throw the rod in the water and catch a fish that ain't what it is extra stuff. Okay, So anyway, we understanding that in the backyard vacation. It's so bad. Hell you bring it up. Come on, I saw you and margin on that fishing. Go ahead and tell us something, Jillior, she can understand. Okay, say thank you, Shary. We don't. We don't feel we're crabbing people. We crab, you know, we go down to gap. We got the crab. You know when we do get down, Yeah, we do crab. You know when we do get down in time. Because it's be a fight on the way down. And because somebody didn't forgot the nts never gotta stop and getting nts never gotta get baked. It'd be all day by time we get there. A damn crabs that went back in the water too long. We were waiting to get caught. They take it too long. Stop two minutes stop, somebody got buddy. I'm hungry man. But it's the worst trip. Tommy. You were fishing the other day, I did. I fished in Tampa the other day. I called a unique Well, it was unique to me, I never called one fish called a pumper note if you ever heard of that. But I called a pumper note supossibly good for eating. But did you eat it? I didn't eat it? But that was the first time. Let me catching one, which was which was a good experience out in the bay of town for catching some fish. Yeah, that's what I do. I could fish in hold hold, hold on. I can fish in my backyard. Yes, I ain't got that kind of I ain't got that kind of lake he got. I ain't got the lake he got. But I'm not on the lake. I'm not on the lake. That's right, I'm on the lake got You know, big boy got lake property at his estate at the chateau. You know you got a river. I'm just a little shared shared river property with other people. Get the lake? Just having to go back? Is this whose lake is bigger than? Mind? Size matters? Is that we're talking about right now? I just want to get in vacation, mo. Yeah, oh, I won't a vacation, but seem going down to the chateau. Remember you said that you're gonna I didn't. I didn't go nowhere. I didn't go nowhere. Have you ever been fishing, Carla, because I've never been fishing. No, I want to learn. It seems relaxing. Oh it is. It's very Yeah, it's one of my absolute favorite things to do. It's your favorite thing to learn. You see what Steve says is one of his favorite things to do. Oh. Absolutely, I like fishing morning. I like playing golf or smokers in golf. What you Okay, No, fishing is dope, man, All right, but we're moving on. Okay, Coming up next, the nephew is here and he'll have a praying phone call for you right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today and the subject is me, my husband, the girlfriend, and the kids. It's a lot going on and we'll yeah, we'll get into it in just a little bit. Right now, the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us, naff Yo, baby got my babies name? Your baby? Got my baby name? Yo, baby, got my baby name? Yeah, that's it right there, Come on, cat, your baby, I'm my baby name. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Patricia, Patricia who is it. How you doing? Listen, Um, my name is Floyd. Floyd. I want to give you a call. Your your daughter, she'll team's middle school. Right. What's your name again? Okay? What can I just fight you? Well, like I said, your your daughter she goes she do go to middle school, right, yeah, okay, Now her name, her name is Dereka. We know that. Okay. Well, it's something wrong or something. No, no, no, nothing wrong. I mean I don't mean to along, you're nothing like that. But let me see what. Well, here's the situation. My daughter actually goes to middle school along along with with your daughter. Okay, and and it's it's a bit of a problem that that that has arisen that me and my wife just found out about. Okay, some issues Derek and your baby in in some kind of like trouble or something. No, no, no, no, no, nothing like that. But I think you don't fool with nobody at that school. She don't mess with nobody. She owned the honor roll and everything. I don't have no problems out of Dereka, right, Okay, I no, call me, let me know. Let me tell you, miss miss Patricia, what's the problem is. See, my daughter name is Dereka. Okay, so, and and it just blew me and my wife away that it was another Dereka that went to the school. Okay, all right, I don't know too many Derecas. That's a unique name. That's cute, okay, right right, Well here's the problem me and my wife Actually, you know, when it was time to name my child, we thought we was really picking a name that nobody would have a tick out for their daughter. And to have another Dereka in the school that blew us away. And I guess the real reason why I'm trying to call you, miss Patricia, see if if if there's something maybe we can work out, you know, maybe uh like your Dereka does middle name or nickname she can be called by in opposed to both of them being Derek. You really want our child to be the only one with this name? Okay? Wait wait wait wait now you calling me? Are you asking me to change my baby's name? Well, I mean you you ain't really got to legally change I mean, but just start calling us something else, you know. No, No, wait a minute, so you naming police or something? Do you know how many? And Luke this and Patricia's out there what if I ask everybody in the United States to change their name from Patricia, you know how crazy that is. And I understand that you must be on drugs. Not what I'm trying to say is you know this, This is something that we really have. Our baby girl was this name, and we didn't want nobody else to have this. So does your Dereca a middle name? She can you? No, we're gonna call her Dereka like we've been calling your name, your baby d D. Let's call your baby d D. Did you change y'all? Y'all change y'all baby name at the school. I'm not calling I'm not calling my name. I don't give me what you call it, but I'm not changing my baby name. Hey, listen, Okay, Look, I'm trying to call you and handle us like adults, you know, but you've seen to see you're gonna push my front to take me to another level. Obviously, you ain't calling me trying to handle us. It doesn't ask me to change my baby name, call my baby something else at the school, because y'all want your baby name to be Derek, and the only Dereka in the school. He you have many other kids at the damn school got the same name. I understand that, but from my baby girls, it ain't schools to be like that. Well, I'm sorry, I'm spy gonna baby go and your wife, but you know I'm not changing my beady damn name. Now. I'll call y'all baby. Do you know what I'm trying to do is get it rectified that we can call you get my phone number. I'm not a school. Ain't good you my number. I got your number. Don't worry about how I got it. The problem is that what we're talking about right now is call we what can we start calling your child? I don't give it. I know that school ain't called you damn number. Listen, man, all I'm trying to do is thig out what can we start calling your daughter? Don't the cut less she's been doing called you and your wife got need to go down to the statistics office and get your baby name. I kind you have to sum out to kind of name beha, but my day to keep the same day name. Let me explain something to you. I've been trying to be calm with you even now show, but if you are firing something else to call on. And I'm gonna go. I'm gonna get all that you know, dum number, How do you get my n Don't worry about how I got the number. Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. If you don't find another name, I'm gonna start getting the kids to call your daughter something else. You're just going to call my daddy starting I start with a Bay who called my buddy? Stop? Next, you're trying to change your baby names. I want my baby name to beat the Dereka him. It's true. My princess is supposed to be the only one named Dereka. Had a chain calling your baby stopping else at the school. I'm going out of these kids starting tomorrow at school calling your daughter. I'm going else. I'm not standing. I'm just staring with you. Like this number off my phone and don't call my right Let me tell you something. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You listening to me? What are you listening to me? I'm listening to you. What this is, Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning to show you just got franked by your girlfriend. I would give h Wait, old y'all, ain't put me on this I'm so sorry, so solid. Yes, I'm gonna give her your that is Oh, I'm so sorry, but you got my nerves bad this morning. Lord, have mercy. Lord, I gotta kiss my breath. I got one more thing I gotta ask you, darling. One is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hart, The Morning Show. I listen to y'all every morning. Crazy, y'all crazy and not have mercy. Y'all got my blood pressure this, but I love y'all. I listen to y'all show every morning. Come on, come on that same name. Let the baby be Derek. Baby. You know how crazy you sound, right, even stupid baby? She said, you name your baby d d Yeah. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. People. Let me let me take a look at the stupid calendar and see what we have coming up on the stupid calendar. Bring it. Uh yeah, we have coming up on the on the stupid calendar. We have Virginia Beach, Funny Bone. That's on the calendar of hun that's July sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth. That's on the stupid schedule. Also on the stupid schedule is Washington, d C. For the hit TV show Ready to Love, Getting Ready to be there for about three or four months, shooting across the entire city. That's the whole DMV there, that's uh DC, Maryland, Virginia. The Nephew is coming to calend So that is the stupid schedule. So I'll be on the lookout. You may be a part of the schedule and be able to experience stupid at its best. It doesn't get any better than that. Who is this girl? Excuse me? Who? I don't know? Who are you? Where's Timmy? And bringing back? Yeah? Who is in there? Just trying to be uh you know, a little bit of both, a little bit of Timmy, a little bit of Thomas. Just kind of blend that thing and just let people know what you why and what's on the stupid scancer y'all don't like do y'all not like Thomas Man? We won't have her, know you Just throw your hands Shirley, did you just who was that? What was it? I was boyd By? Who are you well? Morning show? We had the Quiet Storm? Yeah, okay, get ready stupid coming to time? But Junior Beach, funny Bone Baby July sixteen, seventeen eighteen. Stupid at its best, straight ignatrocity is on the road and uh watching d C. I'll keep it sexy. What I get there, y'all stay tuned. All right, there you have it better? There we go. All right, listen, thank you, nephew. The Strawberry letter today, Me, my husband, the girlfriend and the kids. Will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. You could be the ones who's whoever? You could be the one whose letter we're reading right now. That's what I'm trying to say. You never buckle love and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is, this straw every letter. All right, thank you nephew. Subject me, my husband, the girlfriend, and the kids. Woo all right, let's get into this one. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am forty two. I'm a forty two year old married woman and I've been married for four years. I have two children from my first marriage, and he came with four children from his first marriage. A month ago, we celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary and I found out that he had a girlfriend for as long as I've been married, as long as we've been married. She called him early on the morning of our anniversary, and I answered, since he was putting out the trash. The number was stored as Damien, so I thought it might be one of his co workers. It was a woman on the phone, and she said, good morning, babe, what time will you be here? I responded, and she was startled to hear my voice, but she called me by my name. She said it was her daughter's third birthday, and I asked whose daughter. She poured out her heart to me and said she has two children by my husband, a three year old and a one year old. Her voice sounded from Milliar and I asked her name, and she said, we go to the same hairstylist, but we have never met. I told her to wait till my husband came back in so he could clear things up. I had her own speakerphone, and he was shot to walk in and hear her voice. I asked if he really was the father of her children, and he said, yes, he's done two D an a test to prove it. He sat on the bed next to me and took the phone from me. We cried together, and he asked me to forgive him. Since that day, I've met as other two kids, which gives us a total of eight children. D has planned to move away for a while and asked us to keep the kids. I'm barely dealing with the affair, and now I have to raise his outside children. My husband keeps saying he chose to marry me and not her. What do I do in this situation? Please help? Okay, first of all, you say, no, okay, no, you're not taking care of anyone's kid. Uh. This woman has a lot of nerve. I mean, she has to be slightly out of her mind. I'm thinking because she can keep her own kids. I know she didn't think you would be babysitting the kids when she was sleeping with your husband. You think just because you forgave him doesn't mean you have to stay with him. So what you guys cried together? What else could he do in that moment? Okay? What else could he do? He was busted? Yeah? Cry, that's good. Let's go there, and um, don't you you know, look, don't you go feeling all sorry for your husband and you know, getting soft on him. He cheated on you. He cheated. Uh. Inside, he was probably praying you didn't kill him in his sleep when he when you guys were crying together, and that's why he cried. That's that's why he cried. He was scared. Okay, he made not one, but two kids with this woman. Was he crying then? Maybe in ecstasy? Stop feeling like you have to do something. You've asked us, what do you do? He said? He chose to marry you, Okay, he also chose to cheat and have two kids with this woman who goes to the same stylist as you, so you know she knows all about you, your husband, the girlfriend, and the kids. The girlfriend doesn't need to go anywhere talking about she needs to move away for a little while. No, you make her stay right here and deal with her own kids. You take your kids and leave them. Steve subject me, my husband, the girlfriend and the kids. This letter should read like I said in the promo, me my husband, the girlfriend and the kids. The police, the hospital, child protective services, and the coroner. Oh wow, all this need to be in this letter. Ladies forty two been married four years, got two children from her first marriage. He came with four children from his first marriage. And a month ago they celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary. So that means you all don't have any children together. You got two before and he had four before, and fourth you celebrate your fourth and and you found out that he's got a girlfriend for as long as y'all been married. Now here's what happened. She called him early on the morning of our anniversary. I answered the phone. Why because he was putting out the trash. The number was stored as Damien, so I thought it might be one of his co workers. It turned out as a woman on the phone. She said, good morning, babe, what time would you be here? What? And I responded that she was startled to hear your voice. But she called you by your name and said it was their daughter's third birthday, and I asked, whose daughter? And that's when she poured out a heart. Now let's stop right here. You didn't had this man, didn't had an affair three years ago, which was mean that the baby was they was had, making the baby or nine months ten months before that, and they had this baby on the same day as your anniversary. That's ironic, man. And so now he asked her, good morning, baby, what time will you be coming by here? Now, I don't know how he was gonna played a birthday and the anniversary. God dog, Now she expected him over the Hey, baby, what time would you be here? What he finn to tell his wife on anniversary that he finn to go and he got a baby's birthday. Boy, this is ugly. When he come back, he gets ugly up. Yeah, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject me, my husband, the girlfriend, and the kids will get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, let's recap today Strawberry letters Steve the subject to me, my husband, the girlfriend, and the kids. Yeah, this lady's married to this man for four years. Come to find out he didn't had a girlfriend the whole time, and she's pregnant. She has a three year old by him, and on one year old. We don't even got to the one year old. Yah. And she called the man's house while he was out taking the trash out, and the wife picked up the phone because it was listed under Damien. She thought it was one of the co workers and it was a woman on the phone and the baby. She has to the phone and say good morning, babe, what time will you be here? And then the lady answered the phone and says she was starting to hear my voice, but she called me by my name. She said it was a daughter's third birthday. I asked whose daughter. She poured out a heart to me. She has two children by my husband, a three year old and a one year old. I don't know how he was gonna play this birthday in the anniversary. Lord Jesus, I wish you to put that in this letter. Her voice sounded familiar, and I asked her her real name, and she said, we go to the same hairstyles, but we've never met. Now she's fully aware of you, you haven't been aware of her. I told her to wait till my husband came back in so he could clear things up, because undoubtedly this woman is doubting that this woman got the right man. You tell me what y'all got a baby. I had her own speaker phone. He was shocked to walk in and hear her voice, Lady, lady, shocked is an understatement. Shocked ain't what he wore. I'm gonna tell you. Man on the inside of him his head, that was a cherry bomb. Him made it explosion. I mean his whole brain liquefied and was running around his head loose. He was not shocked. This was his brain sounded like when he walked in and herd heard you talking to her. That's how scramble it was. The people was running around in his head having a riot. He didn't know what it was that type of noise, so then pants couldn't have been cleaned up. It happened to him, and then he was shocked to hear her voice. Understatement. I asked if he really was the father of the children. He on speaker phone. He got to say yes, yes, and he's done two DNA taste to prove him. He sat on the bed next to me and took the phone from me. Let me get this health of office first. Baby. He gave him a little bit of relief to have the phone. It's just a little bit. It wasn't much, but it was just And then we cried together, cares I wouldn't have gave a damn about together. But I showed would have been crying though, yeah, what else I would I wouldn't. It wouldn't have mattered to me if you joined in or not. I'm crying. He was, and he asked me to forgive him. Well, now a lot of time has occurred because she went from he asked me to forgive him too. Since that day, I met his other two kids. That's a three year old and a one year old, which gives us a tot of eight kids. Here where the letter gets stupid, D that is the health of name. Girlfriend D has planned to move away for a while, and she asks us to keep your kids? What? Who? WHA? What D going? D? D sounds like she find to go get a fresh start stress D find to get some of this stress off of her. D been tired of living this lie. And now that's why she just poured her heart out because she was tired of holding this and now you're on the phone, let me let this go. And now since how to let it go, let me go get me a fresh start, y'all keep these kids for me because I need to go start over. I need to find me a new life somewhere now helpful. And then she said D has planned to move away for a while and ask us to keep the kids. What you mean a while? The hell is a wild You're gonna see your sister for a week and you coming back? What the hell is a while? I'm barely dealing with the affair, and now I have to raise his outside children. No, you don't. No, And wait a minute, how do D get to get the break? Exactly D did? D did the D? Now she get the breaks? My husband keeps saying he chose to marry me and not her. That ain't no consolation prize. You can't tell him. Yeah, I would rather you married her and asked me to be the sideline chick. Let me make that decision. But no, you married me, got me thinking I got something, not come to find out you got a sideline chick. So you want to know what you should do the kid? First of all, the kids have no blame in this. My question you is are you gonna forgive him? I'm not keeping him. I can't tell you what to do. Do you want to remain in this marriage? And only you can answer that question. I'm not gonna tell you leave him, because it don't sound like you planning on doing that. Now, I've been deep in living this lie and needs a break. And she sounds like she couldn't wait to stop hiding hook kids. And I don't know how long he didn't hear a three year old in the one year old. It's hard to hide two kids. You knew everybody at the salon knows about it. Oh that's what I was gonna say. The half styles got yeah, yeah, yeah. You voice from being under the damn head drive talking Strawberry Letter Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man coming up with forty six minutes after Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got, Junior? What is going on with Scottie Pippen? Oh my god? What Scottie's out here rattlers and feathers people. Now he has a book coming out. Okay, I take that in mind. He has a book coming out called Unguarded. Now, in this book, Scottie Pippen says that Phil Jackson was a racist. Now, I've never heard that about Phil Jackson. You ain't never heard nothing. And this is how he got to the conclusion. It was a game against the Knicks. Well, Scotty Scottie Pippen was on the sideline with Tony Kukoch. They over in the huddle and Phil Jackson dropped the play for Tony Kukoach to hit the game winning shot and not Scottie Pippen. Pippin took itself out the game and then Tony Kukos goes out hit the shot. Now where in there is the racist He picked the white man to shoot. Okay, that I thought this was basketball. That's what I thought this was. He didn't call you no names or nothing. This is about the least racist thing I can see. Yeah, that's how he got to scott Yeah, weigh too much other stuff going on, man, I mean, and this is this is the crazy part. Then he says he was not giving enough credit that Michael Jordan was not the real leader in the locker room. He was and he didn't get any respect from the organization or the press. Now this he got a book coming out, but we're not gonna sell this. Saw the move the documentary, the documentary I saw that damn show looked like the leader in the movie all the way through. So I don't know what he's come on, Scotti. This is not a good look, man, I mean he going out to everybody. Kevin Durant said, Kevin Durant can't win the championship without any help. That this is kind of ironic. Yeah, I don't know what. I don't know what Scotta talking about. I mean, you did have Michael Jordan. I don't know what ever, I got your six ring when Jordan retired from him two years? Where was you at? Yeah, since we talked about leader, Scotty, I mean, you had two years to get one, you didn't. He came back, you got three more. Sound like you need Jordan. That's that's That's just what I think happened. I think Scottie was writing a book. I think Scotty could have made some off color remarks, but I don't really see how he could have thought he could print that in the book interview. I believe, Yeah, he wants to sell a lot of books. He got to be. That's all this could be fault because I don't I don't know why you'd make that comment, man, I mean, like you said, we saw it now, we saw one. Now we saw, we saw when you didn't about Michael Jordan to see what the rest of y'all was in there? All right, thank you Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour. Are your twenties really the best years of your life? Think about that. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the show, Well, some people would love to go back to relive their twenties. You hear people talking about that all the time. Were those years really really the best time of your life? Um? Well, according to a new pole not everyone thinks, so I knew you. GOV survey asked Americans what are the best years of your life? Twenty four percent of people do believe that they're twenties were the best time in their life, but almost an equal amount say their best years were between thirty and thirty nine. So I got to ask you, Stephen, the guys, what years would you say were the best years of your life? And why? And if you could what and if you could relive any age, what would it, what would it be? And why? I go back to sixty four because last year, right, your best year. That's now I'm gonna go right on back sixty four. I'm not going back damn twenties an I had every major failure is that when you were homeless in your twenties and I was just started at thirty dude, married, flunked out of school, lost a bunch of jobs, didn't have my sugar honey iced tea together. Now, them twenties was brutal for me. Man, I learned a lot in them twinnies. Huh, No, best the best years. The Bible promised me that, though said, if you honor me, your latter days will be greater. And that's that's what I'm living. I'm living my best life now. So okay, yeah, what about you junior two thousand and eleven and owned the whole? Were you then though? Thirty three and up until now? Yeah? Yeah, that's the day I got the call to come work for Uncle Steve on this morning show. Best this damn decision and day moving forward, I'm going I'm not going back to mount twinnies. I was starting comedy. I was a horrible at it. I wouldn't moving then, I wouldn't getting the work done, and I had no family support. You couldn't go back to nobody house. I'm grateful to God for right now today. As a matter of fact, this morning best day of my life. Did they think it was a stupid career to get into? What do you mean? Yeah? Surely every time you call over there for how much money we make today, mister comedian? Oh, I love your family. They keep it. Don't say though, don't say back. What about you, nephew? What about mid forties? And up? Okay up? Not your twenty Oh no, no, I supposed die fold times in twenty Oh my god, I supposed to be up here, so die four TIMEO go went to jail for three times? New that was it when it was rough. So what's so good about your mid forties till now? A lot more focused, you know. Calm down one, calm down us me. Yeah, wait a minute, Oh this is a new slash. Okay, you're calm now the hot hat on the show. What you say? The word is you're welcome because you very well. There's no way, no way, tommy, my twenties. I was snapping right on all. Let's get it cracking. We fight right here right now in the church. I don't care. Let's go. You and your uncle are similar in that you both like to fight. No, I'm not like to, but you know, if we got to your rise to the occasion, Yeah, ain't run. I definitely don't want to, definitely don't want to. But I'm not standing here. Why are you just whooping on me? That my favorite last ye? Why? Why are you kicking my ass? What is I'm puposed to? Just tell me what it is I'm supposed to be going. You gotta fight back, right, bro, I ain't here for that. I just want to know our role we are imposing for this picture, right. I didn't agree to do this scene in the movie. It's gonna be some pushback over your all right, Okay, We'll be back with more of The Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. While the Daytime Emmy's had to apologize to actress Verona ka Red. Verona Karreed took over for actress Marguerite Bray her role as made Mamie Johnson on the soap operate Young and the Restless. Verona Karred, who was still alive, well, her picture was inadvertently used during the Daytime Emmy's in a memorium segment the Daytime Emmy's released a statement saying we deeply regret this era and attend to intend to re edit this segment for digital releases. Okay, just isn't Cheryl hosting the Yeah? Yeah, okay, she may have been the one to catch it. Wait, I mean already could relate to because I'm always I know, I know that's but y'all they already had the daytime memories. M M okay, well they had. They had to apologize, yeah, putting her picture up. Yeah, they made the mistakes saying she was gone already. And thank you Carlo for pointing that out a story. I was like, I do have a Tennessee sometimes to take you out of here, out of you. Sorry, he's the biggest virtual funeral home I able to say. I need to be unburied by the Bernards. I know. Well, at least they apologized, yes, and and and made it right. So that's the important thing. We'll have more the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Guess we will coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the show, all right, and trending medical news, guys, the Black Coalition against COVID nineteen will be hosting a special call Making It Plain town hall that will be tonight, June twenty ninth, at seven Eastern time. The live event will feature White House leaders, medical professionals, and labor union experts who will discuss how COVID nineteen is impacting black unvaccinated essential workers as America reopened. Join the conversation tonight at seven pm Eastern on Facebook dot com slash blackdoctor dot org. That's Facebook dot com slashback blackdoctor dot org, or you can go to YouTube dot com forward slash black doctor org. All right, good business, good information. Yeah, yeah, don't miss up on that information for sure. Let's y'all, let's go, y'all, we gotta get vaccinated. Let's do this. I don't, I really don't understand the hesitancy. But at the same time, everybody else to make the decision for themselves. I didn't. I'm not going for the theory portion of it. Let me just tell you this. My in laws, who are in their eighties, both of them that their nurse gave them COVID. The doctor said, thank god you all had the vaccinated. This could have been really bad. They suffered hardly any symptoms at all. Good news. I mean at best. At best, my mother in law had a little cold, but my father in law and they have pre existing conditions, so I thank God for the vaccination because it would have been bad for them. Yeah, that's what the time hall meeting is for. Educate yourself about it. You know that's right. My crazy ass sister won't take not not moan. Yeah, I don't want to take no shot. Okay, stay your ass at the house, Steve. No, no, you got to stay your ass at the house. Now. I want to go out, but I'm scared to go out. So she just at the house. There ain't no problems. You stay at the house. But you know, it's like you know, you do understand. Yeah, it's like a weight come off your shoulder. And once you get vaccinated, like I felt relieved when I leave. Yeah, I'm telling you know. I mean I lost four friends in COVID, so you know, real COVID. Yeah, four and couldn't go to their funerals because it's only ten people allowed. You know, So you know that was a personal reason why I got vaccinated. You know, not a reason why, but that was a big one. Four friends, good friends. No, nobody got see everything now, and then people I just talked to, you know, people just talk to. Yeah, hit home, like a lot of people listening to us right now, lost loved one and friends. I lost a couple, a couple of people I knew, not close friends, but some people I knew. Definitely I lost him. Yeah, I think some really really close calls with some too. So everyone knows someone who's been touched by COVID in some way, for sure, for sure. Yeah. Yeah, coming up, it is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks from our fabulous, wonderful leader, our fearless leader, mister Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day. It's been a pretty good day. Uh yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yes, and short week, well not short week, but the holiday, the holiday, thank you. We're in vacation mode. I think, get out of here so I can get out to this golf tournament today and tomorrow. You know, you know, I wanted to talk about something because I was Sunday, my closing remarks of Sunday. I watched two sermons on computer Sunday. That's I do that often, don't, not just Sundays. But you know, whenever I'm doing my meditation, sometimes I decide. I was watching a sermon by Joel Oldstein and I was I was thinking about some things after he got through, and I thought about something that I've changed in my thought process that has helped me a great deal. I'm gonna try to share it with you. It may not be crystal clear to some people. Some people may get it because they may not understand where I'm coming from. But you know, I don't worry like I used to. And I know I'm not talking about that saying where if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it, and if you're gonna weary about it, don't pray about it. I'm not talking about that because I've been saying that for years and been wearying anyway. I'm talking about really, what I've really grown to understand about wary and my future. And I know it's only human nature to be concerned about your future, try to figure out your next move and what you're gonna do. Now, that's human nature, and I've been extremely guilty of that. I mean, i spend a great deal of time thinking about my future. My next move, I would even took it so far, was I would set a goal and then I would go about the goal with the idea of how I thought the goal should be accomplished. Now that's human nature also correct. But as I've grown older, I've found out that, Steve, you have to not only have your goals and the things you want in life, and you have to have a plan, but you have to open up your plan also, mister Harvey, to the will of God. That has been the key for me of late, and I really started gathering this during the pandemic. See, sitting down during the pandemic got me really, really in a better place with my spirituality because it made me understand it a lot better. I mean just a lot better, you know. So I was I was. I was sitting there and I thought about all the times that I worried about different things, you know. But what I had to come to terms with was as I planned my life and I ordered to and I wrote down the steps I thought it should go, the key that I was missing was I failed. I failed to incorporate God's will, and that right there would cause me because God gives us the power of choice, and God allows us, as the creatures that he created, to make decisions, he has to allow me to make those decisions. Just like I could decide to use God's will, I can also decide to do it my way. So in doing it my way, I found that I was working against myself sometime because He had to go ahead and let my will exist because that's the power of my choice, and then I have to work back through it later when I found out God really wanted me to do something else. I don't know if I'm explaining this right, and I knew I was gonna have a struggle with it because I don't have the quite the order of it in my head. But if you could stay with me for just a second, I'm gonna clean it up for you. If what I was working on and what I was planning on was not exactly the will of God, and he would have done it another way. Me going about it doing it my way was getting in the way of his way, and it was delaying the blessing, and it was causing me to take the long way round. Does that make better sense? Yes, sir? Okay? Cool? So what I had to stop doing was. I had to stop making these concrete plans and setting it out there so rigid. This is how I want to go, and then I want this step in that way. So now when I make a plan and I have an idea and I put it on my vision board, I always say, God, give me the understanding to know what your wheel is and your way is, to help me better understand the way you want me to do it, and give it to me in the time and the fashion you got set up for me. And I got out the way. And once I got out the way, y'all, it made the worrying go out the window, because now I don't have to worry about should I call this person and order this? Should I call that person and see if I can get him to see it this way? Nah? Man, I ask God for it. I put it out there. I made a plan, but I opened it up to the will of God. And I gotta tell y'all something, man, It has changed the wary factor because now that I know that God is always working on my behalf and always working on your behalf, just like he always has. I just had to get out the way so I could allow him to do it his way, because it's only gonna happen in a certain amount of in due time. Anyway, It's not gonna always happen when you want it to anyway. Have you heard somebody say, if you want something bad enough, it had happened. Do you know how untrue that is? You know how many things I've really wanted and never got that ain't true. You can want it all you want, but if you could learn to put it into God's will, you would be amazed how you could get it, and you could get it in a way that he wants you to have it, and he fixed it up in a way. What can nobody take it from you? And it causes you not to worry anymore. And that's the thing I've come to. They'll try to better explain it again tomorrow. Maybe, Buddy, I hope you've got something for it. Those are my clothing marks. Have a great day. By for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show