Day 2 at Disney World, International Womens Day, Mason Pryor and more

Published Mar 8, 2018, 4:08 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show discusses Day 2 at Disney World, International Womens Day, Mason Pryor at Showtime at the Apollo, What Steve Would do if he were President, and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball suit all looking back to back, don't giving them more just like American buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to me true good to tea the hardy want to move to other for stoo barn hobby. Don't you join yeah, webby joining me? Honey? Do you turn to go? Yeah? You go very close. Ar You gotta turn you to turn out, turn to you love, you got to turn out to turn water wan of yall, come come on your thing it uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show to date. Let me share something with you. I've had to learn this one over and over and over and over, and probably still have to teach it to myself too. This is a hard one to get, but it's one of the principles of success. It's called patience. Patience. Now, I can't tell you how many times I've gotten myself into a jam or a situation because I got impatient, because I wanted something to happen now, So I made a move on my own I tried to push something. I wanted the results of it now, and you know, I kind of think that's human nature. I think all of us are guilty of that from time to time. But I was guilty of it a lot. You know. I just wanted what I wanted right now, and I did some things to try to push it forward. Here's the thing that I had to learn about patients. First of all, success is not an overnight process. It's a long, daunting task. And I'm not saying it to sound discouraging to anyone, but I'm saying it so you can prepare yourself. If you have any aspirations are becoming successful, get ready for the dog fight of your life. Get ready for one of the hardest things you'll ever attempt to do, and that's become successful. Now that those requirements are becoming successful, it's what stops most people once they strike out on the road to success, and they see how difficult it is, how many pitfalls, setbacks, hardships, how high the mountaineers is to climb, how deep them valleys get sometimes, man, how strong the current is in the rivers you have to cross, how really icy cold it can get out there sometimes, and man, Lord have mercy, how incredibly hot it is out there. Sometimes it's it's all of it. Becoming successful is all of the things you could imagine that can happen. It's going to probably happen. Now, it's how you handle it and how you view it determines whether you get through it. How you handle it and how you view it determines how you get through it, because it's going to happen. And so what you've got to learn in this process of success is patience. That is going to be some days when you're trying to get it right, when you're trying to get it together, that it's gonna be some setbacks, that it's gonna be some difficult days and difficult times ahead. That it's going to be some moments, man, when you just feel like you don't have enough to go on. You can, you will, and you have to. But you got to be patient. See, so many people give up right before the turn can even happen for you. You've you've heard old people say, You've heard the saying that it's always darkest before the dawn, which would simply means, you know, I mean, this is about as pitch black as it gets around three thirty, four thirty in the morning. Five. It's pitch black because it's it's it's, it's it's I don't know. It just feels that way, don't it. You know, it's it's darkest before the dawn. Every accomplishment that I've had in my life, every jump in statue, every award, every increment, every dollar climb, every raise, every elevation in my career, all my life, almost all of them came on the heels of a setback. Almost all of them came off of off of a situation that I was working through, that that that was about to bring me down, that I didn't see an answer to. Almost all of my successes, awards, rewards, however you want to look at it came on the heels of something that could have been devastating or something perilous for me. I don't know about you, but that's how it's happened for me. I mean, right when it looked hopeless, when I didn't see a way, here came the blessing. I mean, man, I cannot even tell you something tragic was happening in my life when the book came out. Something traffic trapped or tragic was happening in my life. When family Field came along, something had gone incredibly wrong when I started to syndicate a radio show in two thousand five. I'm telling you, man I and I I don't know why it is that way, but that old saying it's always dark as before the dawn is so true. When I lost something, and I lost what I thought was everything I had, here comes the blessing that caused me to have everything I got. I can't explain it. I don't know why it is, but it's simply to me it's a test of my faith. You know, Pete Pablo got a song out on this album that he came out with back in two thousands, something called Diary of a Center. I'm not a big hip hop fan, so I ain't trying to flex that information. It's just happens to be my favorite hip hop album I've ever heard. I don't know the name of the song, but one of the lyrics says um he says uh uh. He was talking about being down half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray. But I realized it was only a test of my faith, and right when he was about to give up something jumped off for it. But I see, I've been in that situation where I've been down to a half a tank of gas and I was scraping up changing an ass track. I think a lot of people can relate to that. But off the heels of almost all of mine mishaps and demises came a success story because it is a test of your faith. It is do you really want what you say you want? Are you really determined as you think you are? Are you really gonna trust in me like you say you trust in me? Are you going to wait like you say you're gonna wait? Are you gonna lose your patience and go take matters into your own hands? Because I can't tell you the mistakes I've made like that, I've taken matters into my own hands and had some just messed up everything, just rushing because I wanted now, so I, you know, sign a deal here that ain't really that good a deal, but I'm signing it because I need to make this now. I need to try to push this to happen. And and then and then when the big deal was around the corner, I couldn't be cause I was into this little deal had I just waited, man, had I just waited and not not lost patience? What God had for me was just around the corner. And that's what happens to a lot of us. I had two women on my show the other day. We were just sitting on stage just crying, man, because they had been blindsided. Their husbands came in and just said I'm leaving. I want a divorce. And they didn't see it coming. And this one lady was saying, well, who am I if I'm not his wife? Who a mind? She had a twenty one year old son. Who am I if I'm not his wife? Well, you know what. The long story, I had some experts here to give him some help and what to do. This guy wrote his wife a five fifty dollar check and just said here, here it is. I'm not giving you nothing else, and he walked out. I said, oh my goodness, man, this one was devastated. But that there's an opportunity here. There's an opportunity in losing what you think is losing your husband and your primary breadwinner. Is a discuss is a chance to discover, well who am I? You know, if you've been lost in this world talking about who am I if I'm not his wife, Well, here's a gonna be a great time for you discover who you really are. And then he could also be a great time for you to discover a man that really does love you and standing by you. Be All of my successes have come off for heels of great demise. Think about it, y'all. Stay patient. God is always coming. You're listening too. Yeah, all day, ladies and jentlemen, boards and girls, and anybody else is able to listen to this show. Gather yourselves, head to the basement, bunker down anything. That's what this is. This is that anna amble alert. We got Junior in the car with us and we ain't bringing him back. So Grace Chevy no does on it. The roof is off, and a sociey on it because they're having a crisis. It's an ambulance, open door ambulance, ladies, and gim mean, this is the beginning of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I will be ignorant today because I'm doing this show off no sleep. Why did you get any sleep? You're doing That's because I'm at Disney and I'm counseling. Yeah, Mickey came in and talked to me last night. Yeah, he said he didn't talk since they drew him up. He had a lot to say. Think he's down there. He's having problems with Tigger. No, because he said Tigger was acting like war And I said, I know, Zaching what you mean? All right, good morning? How you doing? He doesn't matter, can't take him out my body? Good was Frank? Somebody else in, Hey, Hey, how you doing? Morning? Good morning? The other the other one, call the other one. Some filters on the show. Thank god, you're say Junior morning up ed the It sounds like it. You know, you could be a voice of one of the characters. Yeah, I'm finished, finished speaking, and the fool got tip I hate you kill? Oh that's that quick? Oh yeah, yeah, you got a minute. Come on, baby, you got a speaking Well I was, I was really good. It's gonna be a trying dated day. We do the second being a good day. I'm so yeah, and that you're here, you know so? Can I tell you all? So if you sleep, don't wake up to your phone. I think all right, listen, when we come back, we got to talk about Alexa. Alexa personal assistants, you know, the ones in the home she's tripping. We'll be back. You're listening to all right, here we are at It's time for something funny. Alexa is tripping. Over the past few days, users with Alexa, you know, the personal assistance Alexa, A lot of people have them for their home and everything. Well, uh, people have been reporting that they've been hearing strange unprompted laughter from Alexa. Amazon responded to the creepiness and a statement saying we're aware of this and working to fix it. As noted in media reports and a trending Twitter moment, Alexa laughs without being prompted. Oh yes. People on Twitter. Yes. People on Twitter and read it reported that they thought it was an actual person laughing near them, which can be scary, really scary if you're at home by yourself. That would freak me out. Alexa. Alexa is out of my house. Is halt my house? People? Just u yeah, yeah, you can you just actually outside and the train Alexa not gonna be over there a machine coming back out the garbage can now Alexa outside getting ran up under the truck. So important in my house. I mean she doesn't make to do list. She does podcast. She says a lot, a lot of people. A lot of people love the Elector, they're like addicted to it. Almost I tried Alexa. Didn't work out at all for me. Why what happened? Because Alexa don't listen to black voices. Wait right now, I tried, Alexa, you have to speak just right, and I didn't even know like you can. Is this breaking? Don't listen to me? First of all, they bought it on the show and the lady kept saying, tell Alexa, turn on the light and put a light by my desk. And the lady came in and said turn on anything. Light came right on. So now they asked me to turn it on, but I'm I don't know, So I said, Alexa, cut the light on. All that in your voice right there that you just said, No, it ain't the bigger cut the light on. It's not an acceptable word. You have to say, turns the light on. But I'm from the country, So I said, cut the light on, cut the light on, cut on the light. Start talking about a lady that's the representative from ALEXA on the floor. Excuse me, excuse me, Mr Harvey, Mr Harvey, that she trying to pat me on home. I'm jerking my arm because I'm trying to get Alexa to do something. I want cut it on now. No, damn this because I'm so cut it on now. It's not a request that Alexa answer. It's like Sirie. They ain't no need to be using series what you say that? Because it does not respond to the black male vernacular and voice tones. You're just you're just too aggressive. Lecture where to starbuck at right there? Stuck? It's not an ass on the signs on it. Yes, Steven starts at the end. Maybe that's why she You gotta know what you're saying to respond, I don't exactly what I'm saying, like neither one of them. I can you repeat? I don't understand this all day? Mean serious, I don't understand what happy? What is you on here for? What are you talking about? Okay? One more? Okay, maybe we can help you, Steve. Okay, Steve. With Alexa, you have to say Alexa. You have to say her name name first. If I'm at home, I could say Alexa play the Steve Harvey Morning Show on I Heart Radio. It can do that. Alexa can do that. So say it like that, Steve, say it Alexia the same her No you can't. You have to call her Alex. Her name is Alexa, not Alexe. So she's staying in my house. She ain't ever make the adjustment. But she can't get a nickname. Everybody else got one in the house. Alexa. Cut the radio show on in the morning on the heart station. Know what that means. You're probably gonna cut it off. That's probably what you're going to cut to. Did you just say cut to Alexa? Put them on and show on from our heart. You're not gonna say your name is because it is your show that will say your name. Who does she think pay the bills around this house? You know what I'm saying to y'all, listen, I don't. I won't specialize service at my house. Alexis k be at my house and call the house too. I got a lot of stuff. That's what I said. That what I said. They have to create an urban Alexa again again. Amazon says they're working on it and trying to fix it. Uh, Alex over there in the corner laughing, that's scary, all right? Coming up next, it's the Nephew and run that brank back. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, MS and will be here with today's national news. But right now it is time for the nephews to run that brank back. Me and my Jesus and you love this Frank right here, Hey, go listen, Me and my Jesus. Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member there, am I right? Yes? I am? Okay, listen um, I'm calling you. They they some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on, Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name? Against? My name is man h. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalfs so maybe we can get this problem, rectify that you that they have uh as far as you are concerned, Okay, go ahead. I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead. Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place, and it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Wellever Dindly is distracted. Man, You're distracting everyone from getting the word and listening to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the call is to see if we can get you to tone it down something. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they're singling me I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them. Am I being singled out? Man? All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now I'm just the message. Okay, Well, they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life? What's gonna keep me from praising God? And they, I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, but they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God it's been to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly. But it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down seat? Highly tell people they can't shout in church, Embrace God? What do we call the church for? Well, you do come to we need to be trying to plase God and get their own shout on and stop looking at me and what about what I'm doing. We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what I'm sorry. You know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus es sure that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting. Okay, man, but let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still? Talking? But I don't have to run right now? Okay, what I'm trying to get you to do? You know, like if I want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church? Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see? Man? Let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do the spirit moves. Okay, well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now. If we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave. Let them asked me, who Jesus, Jesus, Jesus you Let them ask me? Why don't they want me to leave the church. I've been at that church for fifteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and I'm not gonna on the church. I don't even turn me some flup where am I I feel like not not not not not listen, I think that that's all. I'm okay, go ahead, but I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these outs and shotting like this. You've got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get him a word and ain't gonna be a God. Put that hands up on me here now listen, I'm trying to hear that. Now you say, I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, dance, shout, jump, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna do it. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this this past Sunday, with your last Sunday doing it. And you're not gonna do with this, son, Like I said, just why, And I'm telling you could tell the nsues, the deacon boyd, the deaconess, the minister's wives, or who all the ass you want to tell. Let him put their hands on me and see if I don't sling on them. I'm gonna come write about the spirit and sling on. I'm telling you that now because he's said you didn't really push me that I have tried. I tried. Let me ask you this here where is trying to show that I'm saved? And never? But you make it you if you're making me revert back to my own ways, and you you really me out, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, what is the God at right now? And you where is the one that say it is? The God? Was in me when I was trying to be called with you at first to tell you don't be calling me with this polishness. But now you've made the other sign of me rose up. Well, you wouldn't raise it up, and you wouldn't raised it up in me too. Guess what come sounding you're gonna sit you in that pew and you ain't gonna say you know when you came yourself a man in the pew. Okay, I'll right, I'm we're gonna see how where I'm not that pep amount of fact. First day Sunday morning, I'm going the past. Oh yeah, well, Deacon whatever your name is, I'm gonna telling about it how you need to lose. I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk. You don't know we can call pass right now? We just passing, don't right? You don't talk to pastor. I talked to Pastor past this chart sympty. Yes, like I said, I'm telling you, O Jesus, you feel old Jesus, not not not not not see just like this here you see how you're calling on him and you stand yeah, because I'm calling on him to kid me from just really going to cuss you out right there because you're ben't really hitting my nerves. I got one more thing I need to say to you, lady. You know I want you better say real quick, cause you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pray by your girl. You're not you know, I'm oh, I'm I'm a kid. But on the part Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby. Let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the landing your stan, Jesus, that's what you called gangster Prankston. That's a gangster pranks all right. Salsbury, Maryland. Oh, it's going down Friday night baby at What Comic What Comic Coast Civic Center? Tickets on sale right now. The nephew is coming to town, So get your tet. What Comic Falsbury, Maryland. Nephew, how many seats in that two thousand, big nephew? No, no, no anything. He's gonna have something. Don't call it anything wrong with that on the stage. He's your mentor. He's gonna support you. You don't meant to me while I'm selling stuff. It's right here. But I called three times just today. He don't pick up. You see. You called me while I was playing golf. He was golfing. You know that's a no. Now, okay, Installsbury, Maryland, Friday night, I am there at the What Comic Coast City Center and if your time me and friends, and then March Friday to say this Sunday, I am at what chuckles in Memphis, Tennessee Press Scott, I'm on my way quick calling me to Prescott. Please stop anybody else on the show at Comic Co. I don't have to tell who else on the show. I'm on the show, That's what I'm saying, this man. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne, We'll be here with today's national news, including the winter storm that is pounding snow in New York City. You're listening Morning show? All right? Did you guys? Um? I love this? Did you guys see d Wade surprise the students at Marjorie Stone and High School. Yes, Dwayne Wade pose for pictures when he went down there. He also gave a speech to the students, and he told them that he was very proud to live in Florida. Praise them for the strength that they've shown after the incident. Uh. Dwayne also tweeted about the visit, saying, our conversation about bridging the gap between the students from Parkland, Florida and Chicago was really impressive. These young adults get it. They understand the power of their voices for the ones that often go unheard. And yeah, that's absolutely true, because these are some of the most articulate young people that have come along in a long long time. They really are. That's good. Yeah, that was good. They were so happy to see him. M hmmm. Uh's always been I think bright minds. I think that the cause though the Cause has elevated these kids to a stronger viewpoint. They're they're more ever determined than ever before. I think that's what these kids are. I think this is the generation that's gonna make a huge difference. I really really do. Yeah, and that's why. That's why. Well, and they were big fans of his and the Miami Heat. And one of the students that was um killed down there was buried in Dwyane Wade's jersey, so that really touched Dwayne, and he just wanted to go down there and just you know, talk to him and and give them some support and let them know, you know, it was so bad. Yester was really their first full day back at time. You know, they went back last week with some limited class schedule, but yesterday was their full day and some of the kids were taking pictures and tweet awayne Way just pulled up that was so excited. Yeah, can I ask Tommy a question on a lighter note, sure of Tommy, Yes, sir, when you get buried, what do you want to be buried in? Um? That's good like everyone else? Why am I thinking about my death? Though? Why? Why to be a chance that was your I was just trying to love one until y'all thought you might have You know, like, no, he ain't gonna be naked. That that would be the best joke he ever broke. What what? Maybe the ladies get it? Yeah, if you naked, it'd be closed clasking somebody. I've seen you naked a hundred times. You ain't nothing to be you know. I'm if it ain't all that great. But I tell you one thing though, you was impressed not you keep bringing it up that I've seen you on the time. Every time I get a chance, I go in there. Let me learn me. So tell me one thing I do think though, and I just thought of this, Does this count? Is mentoring? I'm just asking, No, he don't, won't, he don't. Won't he does not won't mentoring? Surely obviously not. I just asked who always gonna be at the comic con? Whatever he had, there's two thousand people I asked him, who else on the show just kind of killed out. I ain't talked about nobody but me. All right, well, Steve, miss Anna is here, and it's here, and why don't you introduce here? Please? Well I'm not introduced miss Ann. Please. Miss Anne is here for the third time. I thank you. That's a baby cast. Okay, Hello, she's here, Shirley, Shirley, don't rush me, ladies and gentlemen, she's here. I had to change the tone. I just told the joke, and now I just got a little minute. Go back, ladies and gentlemen, to change the tone again from baby casket to most serious though, ladies and gentlemen. Miss and trip. Okay, thank you very much. This is the answer. With the news, Oh my goodness. Okay. The Trump administration is suing California over three laws, which it says keep local officials wom enforcing federal laws on immigration used. Attorney General Jeff Session says California is interfering with enforcement, but Governor Jerry Brown says nothing could be further from the truth. Your refusal to apprehend and deport those, especially the criminal element, effectively rejects all imgration law. It's a rejection of law, and it creates an open borders system. Like so many in the Trump administration, this Attorney general has no regard for the truth. What he said earlier today is not true. It is a lie. Governor Brown says that the state's law exempts criminals from protection and not protecting criminals while simply leaving the rest of federal immigration enforcement to the federal officers who are charged with doing it. A Florida grand jury has formally and died at nine year old Nicholas Cruise on seventeen counts of first degree murder. He's got some other charges as well, but under Florida law, the first degree murder charges made Cruise eligible for the death penalty. A date for his arraignment will be announced soon. Meanwhile, the Florida House and Senate has passed a package of gun control reforms, so it's now up to whether the governor signs that into law or not. Staying with the Sunshine State for a minute, Uh. The Florida middle school teacher I told you about yesterday who was bounced out of the classroom this week after the Huffington Post reported that she was hosting regularly a white racist podcast. She now claims that the podcast was only quote satire school officials Day. They will now investigate whether Diana Volatage is really a racist. They'll investigate that matter. By the way, the TRU administration is now looking for another topic. Economic advisor in the Brookings Instwo says the Trum administration has had more turnovers among senior aids during the first turching and a half months of it than any of his four most recent predecessors had over two whole years. Finally, today's March eight, a certain McDonald's in Lynnwood, California has decided to flip its Golden arches upside down. I know what you're thinking, but no, this is not like the movie Coming to America McDonald's. I'm McDowell's. They got the Golden Archers minus the Golden arcs. Yeah, it's not that. It's not that issue. The flipp is because today is International Women's Day. Franchise e owner of Patricia Williams wants her stores and to be a w for today, so everybody says Happy International Women's Day. Everybody back with more entertainment Today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey More Show. All right, today is International Women's Day, Carla, Yes, yes, thank you for that. In this world would be nothing. Come over, thank thank you, thank you for that. Love, appreciate it. Today gives us an opportunity to recognize all of the economic, political, and social achievements women have accomplished throughout history in the fifteen countries where it is an official holiday. Well, Steve, you're gonna like this. Purple is the official color of International Women Today found it more than a century ago after some fifteen thousand women marched in New York City to demand better working conditions and voting rights. Purple signifies justice and dignity. It was, oh my god, a hundred years Yeah. Yeah, the purple and gold is over a hundred years old. I don't see there. I want to thank God for my mama. Yeah, yeah, man, greatest woman I ever met. Yeah, I have to go with you on that when my mom. Yes, lover, lover, lover. Purple. As you know, Steve signifies justice and dignity. And I know you have a lot to say. You love women and you're a champion for women. Steve, You've written books to help women, Your shows are dedicated to to to uplift women a lot of times. So I mean, you know, look, I mean, for me, it's a no brainer. You know, it's every day, it's not just today. It's just honoring women. I mean, I was raised that way to honor women. You know, I wasn't brought up any other way. I had a mother, two sisters, and your fathers always taught to honor women. I can't imagine being disrespectful, you know, I just can't older women to this day, man to this to this day, somebody bring an elder their mother to the show. Steve, my mother fair I take pictures with him? Are not even supposed to it secure to be tripping and take pictures. Came to that. I always have always had a real affection for women. You know. The first woman I ever loved was my mother, you know, that was the very first one. You know, it's been a it's it's just been a real thing. You know. I hate that this world is coming down to has come down to the way it is now with so many levels of disrespect. But you know, I think, I think, uh, I think men will get better at it now because men are more conscious of it now. And I think, I think this thing can turn around a little bit. Even China has gotten in on the meat too thing for women's rights. For in China, you know everybody you know, while yeah, it's all over the world. Carla as as my colleague, my female colleague on the show, I'd like to honor you on this day. I'm honoring you too because we're sisters, were empowering each each other. I think that women, you know, sometimes we pull each other down, and you know, we have to support each other, love each other, be strong and raise strong women. Both of us are mothers, we're raising daughters. We're gonna yeah when we come back. Eight seven seven twenty nine Steve from Women. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, Happy International Women's Day today, Hey ladies women? All right, Yes, today is International Women's Day. This year's theme is hashtag press for Progress, a strong call to action to press forward and progress gender parody. Uh. Where we've asked for your phone calls, ladies, UM tell us how we can you know, press forward? How we can uh what stride you want to see women make moving forward? And all of that. Okay, we have on the line. Uh the Christian I think her name is the Christian out of Charlotte's North Carolina line Chris line six. Not Christian, yes, Christians? All right, yes, nothing, it's not Christians. You can change that if you want. I actually have wrong to like you. Yeah, it's different. It is absolutely and this one. Oh she's a delta. Are you a delta? Yes? All? My daughter really a strong women? All right? Understandternational women's that well, basically I caught in um to let everybody know that. Basically, women need to stop making excuses for themselves. I'm twenty seven years old. I work a full time job at a freight foreward company. I'm a full time mother to two kids, and I also attend school full time. So if I can do it, everybody can do it, all right, with your strong, strong So I like Steve with all those jobs. Yeah, go get it girl, whatever you open my own business. What do you want to do in the Christian? What kind of business? Um? I actually have a lot of ideas, but I mainly want to start a real estate company. UM. I want to basically focused on low income individuals, just try to help them get into houses, because I know for me as a first time home buyer, it was very hard and credit, um was a lot in you know, played a lot into buying the house, and a lot of people aren't aware of credit and savings and everything. And I just want to provide resources to everyone and just try to help everyone become successful. Okay, all right, women, women empowering women. Yeah, very good question. Yeah, I love that. Thank you. We didn't even know. We didn't know, ya, we didn't hear enoughing little hircut there, but yeah, we're good. What kind of work she says you wanted to do? She said you wanted to open up a real estate company. Yeah, help folks get home ownership. That uh huh. Yeah. So again, today is International Women's Day. We have time to take one more phone call. Uh what is that name? She's from Virginia. I get that. Teresa. Okay, line one, let's go to Teresa out of Virginia. I could read. Well, it's only half on the screen. That's why only Reesa's on the screen. Harry, Harry, Steve, Teresa. Yeah, that's good morning everyone. Morning. Um, what's your comment, dog My com Man, is that I would like to see women, especially African American women are all women empower theirselves and help each other to move up. You know the latter. If you in a place of responsible or a good job or a professional job, and your sister comes in there, hold hold on, hold that thought right there, hold that thought. We come it right back. We gotta go break. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we were underline Steve with Teresa on this International Women's Day. Um, Teresa, sorry, I had to cut you off. Dollar. Could you repeat what you're saying? Please? Sure? What I was saying, Stephen, thank you for your consideration is that women should empower each other. When you move up a corporate ladder or just a local ladder of authority or professionalism, and a sister comes in there and you are able to help them, don't be snobbers. Don't be like I arrived or you know who were you or you're you'll be low. Let's empower and help each other to strass each one, each one. You know. I'm sorry to keep you keep keep talking back. I just feel that we we can run this thing. We are smart, we are intelligent, We are strong women, especially black women. We know how they do it, where to do it, and where to do it. So let's do it and empower each other to not bring each other down, each other up. That's all I did to say, that's right, and you it's important. You know that's that's what happens man to a lot of us, not just to women, but for women. I can understand exactly where she's coming from because we get to where we're going, and I don't know if we think that if we're the only one there that to keep us special off, we don't want to show nobody else how to do it. My mom always said, God don't bless you to get a house up on the hill, and you don't show nobody else how to get up on the heel. Both right, and so what she's saying is it's just to get people to help one another, to show him how it's done, reach back to teach one You know, she's right, She's right. All right, nephew, it is your turn before we do that. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's today's Strawberry Letter subject it's so good I can't even think straight. Uh, But nephew, it's your turn with today's you know, since it's Lady Day, this is make a wish ministry makes Baptist. This is Terrence Man. Help you please, brother Terence. Yeah, how you doing? I got your uh your number? You you with the over the church. You went to make a wish ministry? Yes, I am, I'm help you. Well, looksen, I'm I'm actually uh, I'm terminally ill, brother, brother Terrence, And I don't you know as far as what the doctors tell me, it could be six months, another year, But I know my time here is definitely limited, you know when I'm sorry to hear that, but we're definitely here to help you out with whatever you need or whatever can help you with. So what can we do for you? Well? You know, I truly believe that sometimes people have and you know, I've seen one of the more movies they got with it Gotta bucket list or whatever they called it. You know, people trying to do things before they leave here. I guess I was just sitting around trying to figure out what I could do and what I wanted to do before I left this world and went on to what he has for me next. You know, I don't believe in doing anything unless it's preyed on first. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, maybe you can uh, you know, before I can tell you my wish, we we prayed that the wish would come true. You you you you're not doing anything like that. Oh no, I don't mind praying. That's what we're here. Five Now your head with yes, yes, yes, sir? Is your head back? Yes, sir, yr sir, here, Oh the God, we come to you in the umeless way. We know how Lord, we asked you to touch this young man and every which way you hurt. And then we asked you to deliver him for whatever is going on with him and let him know that we, the church is here to help him with whatever his needs is in his last days. And Jesus Name, I pray say amen, women's gonna do it here. Now you remember the church here of Newton. Well I was remember I still consider myself. Remember it's just been quite some time, tryally over a year and after two years since I've been able to come, you know, through to my my illness. But definitely I will remember that. Well, that's all right. We're not worried about all that. We're just here to take care of your last and final wish. That's what our minister is for. You know, we helps people with with with anything they need, you know, like that, what what what all I mean when when people call and won't say what all of you you all, what all of y'all helped him with? Well, we've helped them with they rent um, take them to the store, help them with a utility bill, come out and cut the grass, anything like that that they just can't do, take them to the doctor's appointment. Anything we'd like to help them. What we do exactly? Then okay, well I I pretty much got those things taken care of. I think what I'd like to do between you and and and myself bother day. And I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you. I've never been with a with with a woman before. I'm you know, I'm thirty eight, but I've never been with a woman. Well, I guess that might be a blessing. You might you might be there. That's a good thing. Well, you know, but sometimes you know, I give before I leave. I give. That's a desire that I have. And and and uh, what I wanted to ask you was there is a lady there at the church and before I leave. I think that's the woman that I would actually to be with. Well, I don't know if Make a Wish Ministry can support that kind of stuff, but go ahead, let me hear. Okay that the lady that i'm I'm actually interested in actually uh, she works at the church too. We'll not see. She's kind of a tall what she's about five nine and she's probably about a size eight, beautiful long leagues man and and and and sandy type of half sandy color, sandy brown man. And I mean she looked like caraman hol On a minute. What's her name? I think her name Linda? Now hold on, that's my wife? What you mean? Go ahead? See wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Lindy your wife? Yeah, that's my wife? You s what do you mean? Listen, y'all are ministry now now if y'all supposed to be taking care of people on Make a Wish and and taking care of what they want before they leave this world, if that's my I wish, what is the problem listening here? You didn't cross every line there was about this man, so I don't give a damn about it. I'm you're talking about sleeping with my like if I see you're gonna do something to you. They ain't gonna even be able to recognize you. So what the you talking about? Missing with my wife? Son of a? I called missing Linda myself and see, if you know I have a problem, wouldn't helping me make my wish come true? Right there? And calling you? Won't call nobody else? That would be the least call you make. I thought y'all were here to relieve people so they can enjoy themselves, devote they leave this world. You talk about sleeping with my wife? Are you crazy? But but if I'm gonna leave here, ain't nobody gonna know? But you want hunt? I don't care if you die. I don't care. You ain't sleeping with my wife and your food with her. You probably gonna go ahead and die quicker than you need to. I thought this was a ministry. I don't think you now you won't. They're telling me about din Y're supposed to be a ministry that to help people before they leave. Don't work what it is? But you're talking about sleeping with my wife? You got an illness, but something must be wrong with your wain talking about missing with man? What ain't nobody even know. I think with your wife wants, I'm gonna there, ain't gonna be but the tool of y'all. At least you would have helped me before I left. No, I can't help you with nothing. And let me tell you something. I'm not the preacher, I'm not the past I'm not the deacon, I'm not none of them. But if you mentioned my wife, you're gonna know who I am. I'm gonna be the undertake er. Do you understand? I hear what you saying. But I got one more thing I need to tell you about who I who asked you? Isn't it to go ahead? Let me this is due from the Steve Harvey Morning. Your wife, y'all me the praise, y'all ain't recording this is, it's recorded. Every less bit of hammers ain't gonna here. This is. Oh god, I got what is the baddest I mean, radio show in the late Stve Harvey and Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, winter Storm Quinn really pounded the Northeast. Millions of longer power outages, plenty of digging. At least, at last check, more than a foot of new snow has fallen in parts of New England, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, and thousands of flights were canceled. Please stay off the roads if you can and be safe. Wait for the local authorities to tell you the roads are back open. And of course, now it is time for today's Strawberry letter. Uh, don't forget. If you're in a situation, if you're in a position and you need some advice, you need some help, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Okay and submit your Strawberry letter today. Do it now, Steve, and I could be reading your letter on the air. That's right, all right, Tommy buggalo up and held on to We got it, Thank you, all right. Subject, it is so good, I can't even think straight. Dear Stephen Shirley. Hopefully not this way, Dear Stephen Shirley, I need some don't that right here? Good lord, it's a little different, alright. I I need some real advice here. I've been married for a year and my wife recently started a new job. She was enjoying her job, and everything seemed to be going in the right direction. One weekend when we were chilling at home and my wife discussed confessed that she is falling for a man at her new job. I never suspected anything, and I was shocked that she admitted it. I was very hurt, but she begged me to be patient and help her work through this. She was truthful about everything and seemed to be genuinely sorry, so I said I. I told her we could move past it. She said she was going to avoid him at work and it would all be fine. Well. A later, she came to me and told me that she and the guy couldn't avoid each other at work, and now they are in love with each other. She told me that he lives with his girlfriend, though, so that's keeping them from being together. I found his girlfriend and met up with her. She already knew everything and she was not leaving her man now here. I am all confused because my wife is still doing her wifely duties at home, like cooking, cleaning, giving me regular foot massages, and making good love to me. When she makes love to me, it seems like she still wants to be with me, But I can't shake the feeling that she's only here because she can't be with her coworker boyfriend. I don't want to be a fool and let her continue to a house with me. Should I give her an ultimatum? Or should I wait for this to blow over? Maybe it's just a workplace fling. I can't even think straight. What do you think? You know what? I'm gonna be honest with you. I really thought you were gonna say that after you contacted his girlfriend. Uh, you know, and you met up with her. You hooked up with her. I thought that's what you were gonna say, honestly, But to my surprise, you didn't. So right there, let me know that you're a good man. You love and you want your wife. You want your wife to yourself at home. Uh. You you've shown her that by sticking by her after she told you that she had feelings and she was in love with her coworker. You stuck by her. The problem is she's not honoring herself, you or this marriage or the marriage vows. She's not sticking with you. Uh. This is not blowing over like you say. You say you should wait for this to blow over. This is getting worse. They're getting deeper involved. She's allowing this man who already has a woman who you've met, and she says, she's not even him. She's allowed this man to come between the two of you, to come between your marriage. Um, and you're going along with it, you know, I say definitely yes. Give her an ultimatum. Tell her it's either you or him or you're out. She's playing and your marriage is not a game, see Shirley. Yes, yes, I can't me and me and you on two different pages with these letters this week. And that's a good thing. Yes, it's a beautiful thing. I'm and I appreciate the perspective you took. You took a wholesome You talked about the marriage, and talked about commitment, you talked about honesty. What is what are we talking about? Let me let me get you that this letter. We started a new job one week hend we're chilling at home and my wife confessed that she falling for man at her job. She came in and told list to who right there? See that the opening of this whole letter. My wife confessed that she's falling for a man at her new job. Who she tell it to? You can't be talking about me, No, he's talking about No way you're talking about me. I never suspected anything, and I was shocked that she admitted it. I was very hurt, but she begged me to be patient and help her work through this. What kept your work through what? You're falling in love with a man on the job. You want me to help you work through it. I don't give a damn about your job him, how much it pay, how new and fresh it is, but you won't me to help you work through it. We're not working through a damn thing. I'm gonna try to be patient for I get to the violence of this letter, but let's try to move on. She says she was truthful about everything, genuinely sorry, So I told her we can move past. Steve see well, Steve um, Yeah, all right, we're in the middle of this strawberry letter. I think we may have lost connection with Steven. We'll get him back, of course, like we always do. The subject is it's so good I can't even think straight. And uh, Steve is saying there's no way that this woman could have come in the house and told him that, And absolutely, I think we're in agreement there. We're just saying, yeah, I mean we definitely said you drop my thing. Cut off, y'all hear me? No, we didn't hear anything. You've been gone for a minute. I've been gone for a minute. Yeah, for a little minute, y'all. Miss what I had to say? This unbelievable ass Let him go back. It was very hurt, and she begged me to be patient and work, help her work through this. Then she said, be truth about everything. Seeing Junior, I told her we could move past this. Who wrote this letter? What man? You know wrote this damn letter? We come back. I'm a destroy this whole letter. All right, we'll be back at twenty three after you're listening to the Steven Show. Hey, listen, coming up in about twenty minutes. You don't want to miss this. Mason Pryor. That's Richard Pryor's son. He's going to be on Apollo tonight. We'll play some of that for you. But right now, come on, Steve with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. You yeah, subject, you forgot? You forgot? What? Subject? Is so good? I can't even think straight. This is uh, it's so good. I can't even finish at the end of this man, I'm on the mike. This man, this man has a wife that came to here one weekend, they're chilling at the house. She confessed she falling for a man on her new job. Not right off the dribble. She told this to who It's why I'm confused, because you're you ain't coming into my house to tell me that you're falling for a man on a new job. He said. I was shocked. I never suspected anything, and she admitted I was very hurt. But she begged me to be patient and help her work through this. What confused. She was truthful about everything. It seemed to be generally side, so I told her we could move past it. She said she was gonna avoid him and work and everything's gonna be fine here in the crazy part. Well, a month later she come to me and she told me she and the guy couldn't avoid each other at work, and now they are in love with each other whole house. Is you telling this in in her house? Now? What? No? No, no, no, no, no no no, no shulling no no no. I'm sitting up. I don't give it that. Not. No, you're not coming in my house with some more information about a man. And what you're telling me is bigger than the information I got in here. That's not happening. Ship. I'm sorry, you can get a move on. Path that is her house to my house. Hell, she told me that. She told me that he lives with his girlfriend though, so that's keeping them from being together. So now this woman then mustered up enough guts to tell us, sorry ass husband and hus and the fact that he got a girlfriend is the only reason. That's the only thing stopping us from being together. Damn you, the marriage, the vials all this week got. What's stopping us from being together is his girlfriend. But how the hell she keeps feeling comfortable enough to tell this to you? My wife not that comfortable. And you want me to tell you why because my wife, No, she can't bring nothing to me. That sound that he because I didn't do something. Mmm, I'm gonna do something. Now let me tell you what I ain't gonna do. What this dude wentn't did? I found his girlfriend? This is the husband found this man that's in little with his w I found his girlfriend and met up with her. She said she already knew everything and she was not leaving him. So now he I am confused. Who was this punk? As? Who is this dude? This set up here called this man. Girlfriend, you want to meet me and you know your loves man? He talking to my wife? Wait when you're gonna meet him? See all this meeting and talking, but you ain't going to the sauce of the problem partner. How you ain't had this conversation with this dude? You're sleeping with my wife? Man? What what? But she's comfortable enough to tell my punk as I wish my wife would get that damn comfortable. I'll tell you right now, we're gonna be all over t m Z. I swear to god, we're on TMZ. Come in here. Tell me about what she's gonna do with somebody else and setting me up with it? Now here, I am confused, confused? How weak? This is not a getting weaker, it's getting weaker. So now here, I am confused, confused. Hey, are you gonna get mad when you're gonna do something? When you're gonna somebody asking this left? Come on, boys, it's all listen. Is missing man I met with his girlfriend? White? He hateah? All right, then, I'm confused because she doing her wifely duties like cooking, cleaning, give me regular for massagy, and making good love to me when she makes love to me, it seemed like she's you'll want to be with me, But I can't shake the feeling. Why are you reading it like that? I'm through? I'm so damn mad this here, boy, she practicing on you for? What's she gonna do with the man that she not in love with? Is she comfortable enough to share with you? What kind of mad you got? I don't know what kind of man you are. I don't know where you're from. I don't know who your daddy was. I don't know who you made of. I don't know where your home is at. I don't know where you're blocked. I don't want your gun, I don't I don't know what that is. This need to be in this letter? Be quiet? Surely you don't tell me what's sat Calm it down, Thank you, This didn't happen to you. She's only here because she can't be with her coworker boyfriend. I don't want to be a fool or let her to continue to play house with me. You don't want to be a fool? Where you been one through the whole lot of While you wait until we get to the end and let it. Thank you don't want to be a fool. Should I give her an ultimatum? Or should I wait for this to blow over? Blow over? Blow over? Did you say blow over? And will you think that's going Pardner? This ain't a storm? Then he he come again with his podcast. Maybe it's just the workplace fleeing exactly what it is, and she doing it in front of your face, and she telling you because she know you ain't gonna do nothing about it. I can't even beat straight. What do you think somebody in this letter got to get their ass? And I think you the dude, because he's still got the girlfriend and your woman and ain't nobody attacking him? Granted, get out of here? Yea. That's why me and Tommy created Ride down There dot com. Hey listen coming up in about ten minutes. Uh. Richard Pryor's son Mason on the show on Showtime at the Apollo comes on tonight. We'll talk about that. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. To all the beautiful, strong, empowered women out there. Happy International Women's Day. That's right, this is your day, This is our day. Yeah, for the sisterhood, girl power, all of that black girl magic, all of that all right, listen, we're gonna take calls from women today this morning, eight seven, seven twenty nine. Steve tell us, you know what are you saying, Tommy, women can do to move forward? Yeah, press for progress like t use that hashtag ladies International Women's Day. But we also wanted to tell you about Mason Pryor. Uh. That's Richard Pryor's son. Okay, the late Richard Pryor, the late Great Richard Pryor. Mason Pryor is, no doubt comedy royalty, right, but that still didn't save him at the legendary Apollo Theater. Uh. And you know, well as the host, don't nobody kno, but it was it was. It was wrong on so many levels. Wow, well, well we're gonna I don't I don't think this is what he does. I don't really don't think so. Well, Steve, you gave the thirty one year old comedian the appropriate hype when you introduced him to the Apollo audience. Mason is Richard Pryor's youngest son. He's going to appear tonight on showtime at the Apollo. Take take a listen, judge for yourself, make some noise for Mason. Pryor look jazz Dad. Hello, man, I'm nervous. I can literally hear my dad up in heaven right now. Like boy, you may have not missed this up. A lot of crazy stuff going on right now. Donald Trump is president. No, calm down, I'm not as mad as Facebook kids. You read the messages. Oh, Donald Trump, this is the worst president ever. I'm not the smartest man, but four hundred years of slavery and not one of them presidents made the cut. And the worst part is, I feel like I understand, really what's the problem with Donald Trump? Everybody here in American knows the code. If you get caught cheating, you gotta cut your side. Things loose. Donald Trump still on the phone at the White House talking to Russia. Hello, Hey, no, no, I want to talk to my man right now. Out you go get my poodin? Is that you? My pood? I love you so much. I love the way you smell. I love the way your name comes off my lips. How respect that's anything? Steve seeing that's that's that was a stand up boom because he telling him to sit down was a stand up. What happens, Steve, y'all got the editing version tonight. Yeah, that ain't hottest. How did it go? That ain't hottest? Win? How did it go? Can't wait to see your face. It went way worse. And see is a thing. Uh huh. Prior's kid when he came out there, man, he looked just like and sounded like him when he says, just like him. But he he didn't get it, man, he didn't get He's he's never worked a black room before, He's never worked the Apollo. It's a very different place. You gotta come out there with the highest level respect for this audience, and you gotta come to work. He I can't even tell you how disappointed you. You could not have been more hurt than me, Idol, you could not have been more hurt than me, And so they booed him. I went out there and I talked to the crowd. I said, man, y'all, I said, come on, man, come on, I said, y'all, we're gonna bring him back out. Yeah, man, dog, I bought I bought him back. I said, man, just let the kid pay homage to his father. Let's just do that, just for what pride and been in this building and y'all on the real just for what Pride had been to me? Please, alright, step bring him on back? Yeah was out there. Oh yeah, there a couple of lead bulls that alright, Step bring him on black out. So I said, lazy man, Mason Pride. Now this is about five almost ten minutes out there. I'm trying to settle them. So they said, I ict, we got you. So they gave a big round of applause. He came out. He's man, thank you man, thank you man. Who man, y'all was man? Man? So he said something else m and he just didn't get started, and then the lady said something. He said, shut up, beat what what hold up? Dog? So they mad why she got to be all that dog? Now they they and they're here in the escutcheon with the apollo. It's not cannot discuss with them people. So they get ready to the boing him again. He says, so what you want me to do? You want me to blank this log? Heicks the log up and starts dry humping the log. Then the slips and he almost drops it. The whole room got quiet. It was a gas because, bro, if you drop this log and it split open, we're gonna have to kill you. I'm not that log, no landmark. Hey man, he picked that log up and it slipped out of his hand, but he called it and the whole room got quiet, and it was It was a horrible wow. Showtime at the Apollo Steve Airs tonight at nine p m. Eastern Time, and then on You're Gonna be a man cave and yeah, ban cave to both for I've ever had on television in years. We gotta go. We'll check you out tonight. P S. Turn it all. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy International Women's Day Today, women, we are celebrating you. Okay. This year's thing, yeah is hashtag press for Progress is a strong call to action to press forward and progress gender parody. We've asked women to call us and let us know what you think you know about uh, the strides we should make to uh you know, move forward, to press forward. What do you think? Yeah? Yeah, we want to empower each other. Uh. Let's go to line too and talk to Tamira out of Lansing, Michigan. Tamra Tomorrow, Hi, good morning, be Carlos, Sherry Shirley, Sorry netthew Tommy Junior, good morning, thank you so much. Um. Yeah, So I I just I have to shout out Alabama. I'm from Alabama, but I'm living in Atlanta, Michigan. Um, And I just wanted to say that I want the sisters to start taking the time to help one another mentally. UM. You know, black women have got to start taking the time to notice each other's problems and start inspiring and encouraging each other because we are all in this together. So I just wanted to put that out there. And uh, thank you Steve for all that you do. I listened to you every day and you're such an inspiration to me. My husband and I love families few I've been a fan since your Mr High Power days. So just thank you for all that you do. I thank you all for people like you to thank you, sweetheart, and again, yes and again, we want to thank you because you're always, um, you know, a champion for women. You always want to empower women and uplift women. And you know that's why you wrote the books. You know that's why you do what you do. I got four daughters, mhmm, I got two sisters, I had a mama. I was just always taught that way, man. I was just always I just I didn't see it another way. I just thought that women were always special. And I don't mean special in the lesser says. I just thought they were special. I just thought that they were supposed to be treated differently. You know, I don't talk around with women the way I talk around my boys. I don't. I don't do the things in front of women that I do in front of my dudes. They're they're different, they're special. I mean the mere fact that you could give birth and put a life in this world. Dog, that's well, hello, that's something so major. Absolutely it is, you know. I mean, dog, you win right there. I mean, what can we do? You win? It trumps all else I got. You make a lot of money I got, you paid for the house I got you. The only want to work in that house. You can't make it. You can't bring a life in him. It's it's a it's an incredible thing. I I don't mean to just get it down to that, but sometimes, man, you gotta get it down to that part where, Okay, so Steve, wouldn't make them special, that that they become mothers who in your life was more important than your mother. For the most of us, for the most of us, you know, man, there have been other things the most of us. The mother, man was that's the first world Mama, I know. For me, Mama, I was gonna say success, kindness, being generous, all of these qualities that my mother, you know, taught me. Independence. It's it's just like you said, Steve. For me, it was right there. My mom and my grandma strong women in my life, you know. And now I'm raising the starter trying to teach her those same qualis exactly. And my mom was a single parent as well. And I just always thought that my mother could do anything. She could do anything. I mean, she was so fearless and strong and fierce to me, you know, as a woman. She she was my everything. My mother was really she was. All right, um, let's just tell you a little history about International Women's Day. It gives us an opportunity, of course, to recognize all of the economic, political, and social achievements women have accomplished throughout history. In the fifteen countries where it is in a usual holiday, purple is the official color of International women today. Uh found it more than a century ago, Steve a century ago, a hundred years ago. After some fifteen thousand women marched in New York City to demand better working conditions and voting rights. Purple signifies justice and dignity, and just you know, we just want to shout out all the strong, beautiful women out there. Yes, Steve Tommy, take the time to thank you haliber for having an Instagram page. I just want to be a wonderful shout out for just the things that she puts on her Instagram. Which one are you talking about? Tone, the yoga power. It's so empowering and left to me to see Hanniberi's Instagram face the hood doing yoga. You don't know how to move us me. Let's go to line too and talk to Christine. Christine is online to Steve. I think it's Christina Christine. Hi, this is Christina Peter sent County, Georgia from where Douglas County devils these things Wednesday? What about a man? About ten minutes? Okay, all right, well welcome to the show. Well I got a minute, what's coming? Glad to be here. I my comment and woman should get more involved in these local elections. I just qualified yesterday to run for Solicitor General of Douglas County and women um they're doing a good jobs. Get getting involved because you know, the last elections we saw the president come in. I think it's fired a lot of people who actually get involved with their communities and I think, um more women should do that. Good boy, we agree with you. Christina. Congratulations, this is good. I love it. And again, Happy International Women's Day to all the women out there. Um well, we'll come back. Christina talked about politics, women getting involved. We'll talk about the mayor of Compton when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, So you guys have seen these headlines. You've heard about these headlines. I'm sure Compton mayor, the mayor of Compton right here in Los Angeles. Uh, Asia Brown is going to run against Stacy Dash. That's right. Stacy Dash recently UH filed. Stacy recently filed to run for Congress UH in California's forty four district as a Conservative. Now, however, she's about to get some stiff competition from Compton mayor Asia Brown. Apparently, Brown wasn't even planning on running against Stacy Dash until several members from the California Congressional delegation reached out to her and urged her to oppose Stacy Dash. She reportedly will make the announcement tomorrow and for the record, district includes Compton. It includes Watts and Pedro and North Long Beach. The Democratic mayor is known for her community initiatives and she's very very well liked in Compton. As we told you earlier, she honored she even honored Kendrick Lamar with a key to the city of Compton, and according to sources in her camp, brown Fields that Stacy Dash is only running for notoriety and has no connection with the district. So there you go. You all really think I could run for president? Absolutely? Yeah, in today's climate. Yeah for sure. Yeah yeah yeah, before before Trump one. You know, Steve, you saw always talking about your background check and all of that. But scats Lemon. Now, yeah, you don't have to You don't have to show your taxes, taxes. Yeah, we need to ask on a couple of questions, like, okay, go ahead, y'all, go ahead, y'all, ask me just see if you can pass of any poem stars in your pace. No, okay, absolutely not. Okay, check, yes, I've done some poor star things. You don't have to volunteer information. Get this out right now, that's where reporters are for it to dig. Take nowhere. Yeah, I'm damn show was you know doing scenes? Okay, Well, Trump's Trump's platform. What with slogan I should say was make America great again? What what would be your slogan if you were a candidate for the presidency? Steve everything that Trump was? I that what he was ain't everything that Trump was I ain't as president. Okay, alright, okay, can we see your texture from two thousand all the way to two thousand? Teams? Oh, let me see me think what I'm sure you new ones gonna be some people, man, gonna be some haters. I just want you to know some haters. It's coming. But I gotta show you nothing from two thousand ahead, Carlin, Okay, listen to this. So you know Trump has a high turnover rate, his candidate, his cabinet is just every five minutes, who you got mine? Like you're running made? You know I'm gonna have a high turnover too, because I'm gonna go in trying something like what But I'm not gonna have nobody I know in my cab nobody you know you got a position already now without you, the last person I could take to the White We're talked about a presidential cabinet. Now, who could fit in a cabin right? Let me tell you I ain't. I ain't got no background playing. We'll be more of this. We'll be back with more of this show right after this. Steve for President. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Before we went to break, Steve, we were asking you questions because you asked us did we think you could run for president? So I think try to come up with presidential questions. Well, we already did. I was gonna say. Carla asked the last question. She said that, yeah, but your cabinet, President Trump has a lot of you know, um moving around in his cabinet, a lot of turnover. And so Carla asked you, would you have a high turnover and you said, yeah, I have a high turno because a lot of people. I'm gonna have to try a lot of things. First of all, nobody I know going with me. I just already made that clear. Tommy quiet you could go into the White House, I ain't going. You ain't going. I know all about it. You gotta take him, Steven the bearer bodies if you want to. You know, people come up missing. That's not presidential, Steve, you're trying to you know, all right, Trumps, you're being real Trumpish right now. So I also asked you about your about your slogan. Uh, President Trump's has make America great again? In yours? Well everything Trump was I okay, that's a lot, right, So what is your platform is? I ain't? Is? I ain't? What's your platform gonna be? I mean Trump ran on, you know, repeal and replaced Obamacare like um, making it, putting America first, guns and money, gun control. It's not even gonna say guns and butter control and money. I'm gonna get more people made, more people paid, more people. Life, gonna be in the shade. Okay, we're gonna do it, and we're gonna have more fun, and we're gonna get it done, and we're gonna get some of these damn goun Okay, so fun. What is my tax player? What that consist? Well? I don't. First of all, since I'm president, I'm exempt from taxing. But do you think rich people should pay more? No? I don't. Let's let's let's ask something I'm sorry, did that come out? It's the only pardon me and the Democrats gonnahead trouble over. I think rich people should pay more. No, I don't. Next question, tell us tell us about your first two marriages? Who? Because you gotta know about your president? Is that what you're basing this on? I need to know about you? Tell us about your first two marriages. I don't think we have time. You didn't ask Donald about here? We know about it? Yeah, yeah, okay mom on Instagram? The attitude about everything you need to know about me on Now, that's all I'm telling. All right, listen, coming up our last break of the day. Just one more thing. We may we may get another chance to ask a question. We come back. You're listening to Steve all right. Here we are at the last break of the day, right before close remarks that do it to remind you today to join me for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook at one thirty pm Eastern time. I will be there. I will talk about today's Strawberry Letter, of course, and we'll talk about the trending topics and my fresh strawberry pick of the day. Steve, it's on you, Mr President. Shall I say? Yeah, do y'all want to have y'all Another presidential question from presidents. Oh hello the red phone you have one? Mr pre President? Would you be building a wall as well? No, you're gonna build anything. Not on the board of Mexico Building where Yeah? Why? Okay? Alright, President, you have my else, Yeah, you have my vote. It would define what America stands for. Mm hmm. Bring me your huddle masses. That's what's etched on the base of the Statue of Liberty. But it's will only bring your huddle masses. They come from Eastern Europe. Huddle masses can come from anywhere, and these people on the fiber of our country without them, this whole thing crumbus and Mr President on this International Women's Day today, Uh, if you become president, will you fight for equal pay for women, same job, same job as men, same job as men? What if I say, depending on what they're doing, because some jobs women ought to get more money for something. I think women, for beach, should be paid for having children. Yeah, I love it. I think for every child you have, y'all to get it at least at least quarter of a meal. What I cloth to make it get your hands off, and I got some clothes remin All right, let's go, Steve President. You know, I was thinking today as always, about what I could say encouraging the people. But let me ask you a question. What would you do or what would you attempt to do or what would you become if you knew you couldn't fail at it? What would you do? What would you attempt to do or what would you become if you knew you couldn't fail at it? Man? That simplifies it quite a bit, don't you, because then it eraceist a lot of things that stops people, first of all, of the racist fear or failure. Because I just said, what would you do or become if you knew you couldn't fail at it? What would you do? It opens people's minds up to a wide range of things. Well, I've often looked at it that way. I've attempted almost everything I've ever wanted to try before. You know, if my life ends, I can really say I had a full run at it, that I didn't leave nothing on the table, that I've tried most of the stuff that I've wanted to attempt in my life so far. But what about those people who are frozen because the average person won't attempt something because they think they'll fail, or they get hawked out of it one way or the other. I'm gonna share with you a few fail proof measures that you can apply to yourself immediately that will limit limit the chance of failure. Notice I said limit. Nothing stops failure. Nothing. But oftentimes you gotta understand what failure is. Failures could be the one thing that you need to get to your next goal. Failure is the one thing that becomes a very valuable life learned experience. So it's not even when you don't make it, you've gained something from it. But here's the first thing you could do to ensure some fail proof measures. Some things you could do. Number one year work ethic. You've got to increase your work ethic. You've got to apply yourself wholeheartedly to something. Secondly, you have to have a relentless pursuit. You have to want it so badly that living without it is unacceptable. Your work ethic and your relentless pursuit has to come into play. You cannot be successful in this country without this. Now. Now you can try it another way, but I promise you, you'll be on the sidelines like everybody else. You've got to have a work ethic and a relentless pursuit of something. And failing at it and not achieving it, it's absolutely unacceptable. Next thing, you need to become a student of whatever it is that you in pursuit of. If it's comedy, you gotta be a pursuit of the comedy game. If it's engineering opening up your business, you got to become a student of that business of engineering. You gotta study it. You gotta know what's going on. You got to know what the parameters are. You gotta know the new and the new things that they're doing in it. Right now, you got to educate yourself to whatever it is you in pursuit of, you have to become a student of it. The next thing you can do is you can never quit. Look, man, if you quit, there's no way you'll see the end. Too many people give up before the blessing comes. See think about God. When you ask God for something, he boxes is up and he delivers it right away. He immediately boxes up your prayer and ships it to you. The deal with God is he never shares with you the date that the package will arrive. It would destroy your faith. You have to have that. We'll finish this up next time. I got more for this, We'll be back. Thank you all very much, health brave. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.