Daunte Wright, Lt. Caron Nazario, Kimye Custody, ATL Posterization and more.

Published Apr 13, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Fool #2 kicks off the show and the theme revolves around fun. Bitterman gets a letter from a woman questioning her status. Congratulations to Nick Cannon and Abby De La Rosa on their twins. J. Anthony Brown's mind is beyond description. He gives us his opinion of people that need to let it go. Another senseless death at the hands of the police sparks the discussion of fear. Somebody from the Atlanta Hawks got posterized! Something atrocious happened in Virginia and someone lost their job. There is an issue with policing that needs to be changed! Today the show wraps up with a quick question about sex.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things and it cost me through good Hart, Please, I don't join jo. You got turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you lot got to turn out to turn turn water to the water got come come on your baby, Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man got a radio show because God is in the blessing business. I just happened to be a recipient. I just happened to got a couple of things right, and man, his grace and mercy carries you the rest of the way. All you got to do is get a couple of things right, and then his grace and his mercy will take over his favor, his love of you. It's it's already evident. I mean, you know, because so many times we go along without even acknowledging him or conferring with him in our decisions, and we look up when we find ourselves in a predicament, and he always comes to the rescue. He always manages to show up. He's never too he's never one minute too late. And so in light of this to date, I wanted to talk to you about something. It's another principle of success that I'd like to share with everybody this morning. And once again, these are not things that you don't know or you've never heard before. These are just reminders along the way. And one of the things you have to be conscious of is don't be afraid to change. Don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. See, I have a theory, don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. You know, everything changes, nothing remains the same nothing, and change is inevitable. Now, you could participate in the change, or you can react to the change. Are you following me? You can participate in the change, or you can react to the change. But don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. Now, what I mean by that is this, in participating in the change or reacting in the change, there is a difference. See, if you react to the change, that means the change has occurred and now you have to make the necessary adjustments to the change. Example, the boss walks in, you think your job is good. The boss walks in and hands you a pink slip. That right there, that's a change. Now you didn't participate in this change because you didn't ask for the pink slip. But now you got to react to the pink slip. Whenever you have to react to the change, it's an adjustment period. It almost throws you off. So change is going to come. It always does. You could participate or you can react. Or let's say your boss comes in and hands you the pink slip and you said, you know what I've been preparing for this day. Always knew nothing last forever. I've been working on the sideline on the business idea I had and I had, or I had several other applications in around town. I was just holding off to see what was going going. So when they hand you the pink slip, the transition to adjustment you make is a lot more smooth a transition because now you just transition into your new business I did that you've been working on, or you transition into the apps you already had in or the contact you made the preparation for when the day they're coming in hand you the pink slip we stee what did they surprise you with it? This is just one example I'm giving you, so you know, let's not nick pick the message. So what I'm saying to everybody is, don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. So many people are stuck in a rut because of your our refusal to change. I was hell bent on a certain thing going a certain way, and this is how I was going to go. Well, that that I was thinking didn't really fit. Now in my own personal experience, this may not be yours, but in my own personal experience, the things that I've had the most trouble letting go of was something I wanted. When I line myself up with the will of God to ask God what he wanted for me. You understand, those things came a lot more easy to me because it was in the will of God. It was what God wanted me to do too. Okay, see what you mean by that? Okay, here we go. When things were going wrong in relationships for me, what I did was the biggest mistake I've ever made was I attempted to fix what was wrong in my relationship outside of the relationship filming. Okay, so I'm out there working my groove like I want to. Well, now, guess what, there's a cause and effect for all of that too. Your house ain't gonna get better. It can't. And then in that lady's room for some other things. And so now that when the change come, guess what, I gotta react to it. Now, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta have a reaction to it. Had I lined myself up in the will of God, the transition may have grown differently. It could have still ended the relationship. But guess what, some of the pain I was in I ain't had to go through. I bought a lot on myself. Sometimes you're pursuing a passion of yours, and what God really wants you to do is pursue your gift. So now you're pursuing your passion. Right, you're passionate about golf. You love golf so much you just determine. But now you're messed around. You ain't made it on the PGA Tour yet, and you fortify still talking about I'm gonna play on the PGA Tour. Really, Okay, maybe you ain't as good as as you think, or maybe you're not as gifted as you think maybe you're pursuing a passion. Sometimes, man, we have to change and we have to ask God what is his will? His will is much simpler. It's a simpler rule. Not going to be easier, it's simpler. See when I wake up. Now, it's simple for me to wake up because I know that are a few things that I have to do. I have to click this mic on. I have to be positive. I have to be inspirational. I have to be informative. I have to be uplifting. Got it, That's what he want. All I got to do is sit down, close my eyes, ask God to help me be who he wants me to be. And for the most part, he tell me what to say. Now, guess what he's done though, to create this in me. I went through enough things in my life. I had enough challenges. I made plenty of mistakes. So I now, at my age, I can turn around and tell somebody listening to me, Okay, this is what I did. This is a mistake I made. Maybe you see yourself in this story right here. Maybe you don't have to go this way, or this is what I've learned about becoming successful. Here's a principle that I learned, but then guess what, I had to be unsuccessful to get it though did not. So you can't have a testimony without a test Change is coming. It's inevitable. You can participate or you can react. I much prefer to participate in the change. All right, let's go. You're listening show, aren't. Everybody is too? You got one day in the hole. All you gotta do is do this one and then you got another day. And we're gonna make it funner for you. Is that right, group, We're gonna make it funner. Yeah, yes, and here to make it funn it's gonna be Miss Shirley straw Man. What up, Sharley? You got that right? Let's have some fun on this Tuesday. Good morning, Good morning Jay. To keep us straight so we don't say anything you get us off the air is miss Caliparil y'all. What's up? What's up? Jay? What's up? Let's have some fun fun? This is amazing morning. And right, my main man, my writing partner, my sick buddy, y'all giving up for Junior. Y'all, let's sit for Junior. Everybody who's out the sick buddy, my partner. Will you down. I'm down though, and lasting night least he is the king of pranks y'all giving up for time and time? Man? What's up? Man about the house? Fun? Hill up in him? Rest in peace? Man. I did not know he wrote that song. I just I knew that song, but I didn't know there was a DMX song. I didn't. I'm sorry. I apologize. I learn, I learned. Look how I'm looking at you? What I do know? My best DMX movie is barely that. I mean that one, right? That was the very first one, right, yeah, investment best movie. Yeah. He was a very interesting guy. He really was. Man, he really was man like our house. Anyone like him, there would never be boy boy energy oh man, Yes, like like Tommy was saying the other day. There was a picture. I don't know where he was performing, but it was a seat of white people that you do You know what concert that was? Anybody you know? It was festival? Probably probably, yeah, some kind of It was the Essence Fest. No, they were outside, they were outside, right, yeah, any outside? It was a white the Hoodie Awards. Look, you know how I know it wasn't Essence because you didn't see green, pink, yellow suits lavender suits. It was not you see no hats. That's how you know. It wasn't essence, man. It wasn't saying the soul it was the hoodie was it could have been the Soul Training Awards. Was it that? I have no idea. That's that's it, Jay, That's what it was. That's right, that's exactly what it was. Yeah, well, we got a good show to day a right, yeah, you know. And before we get to it, let's say happy birthday to Al Green, one of the great Green Great Yeah, al Ritz Green, Happy birthday, sir. Happy y'all still holding the brit over all these man make Yeah, I'm sure that's what he says to right, And they were instant grits for yos who were wondering. They were instant man. If you're saying, they had cheese and I'm leaving up and some bacon and some bacon bits in it. All right, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after be our we're gonna do a little bit of Ask bitter Man, all right, right after this, oh lord, you're listening show? All right, guys, it is time now for Ask bitter Man, Ask bitter Man, and Bitter man, you're here for these questions, of course from our audience, and you always have a disclaimer before we get dim. This ain't saying finna help nobody. Okay, what I'm about to say ain't nobody finna get no help, no n because that's on this show. Help You ain't gonna get nothing out of this, all right. This one's from Stacy in Detroit. Stacy says, I'm a thirty two year old single woman and I'm dating a man with four children. He's been divorced for six years, and he told me he was looking for a woman that would accept his children and be a good stepmom. He also said he was dating to get married, so if I wasn't serious, I needed to let him know. We've been together for nine months and when he has his kids at home, he expects me to cook, clean and take care of them. Is this a trial period to see if I can handle the kids? Or is he just using me as a babysitter. What he's looking for is a nanny. That's what he's looking for. He's trying to see if you nanny material. It ain't wife, it ain't no soul mate. He needs a nanny. Now. This inward needs a nannin now, Okay, that's what he needs. He needs a nanny. Okayo kids, no folkids, run for the hills. Yeah, and she's single, no kids in thirty two? Come on, and like me, he probably got full baby mamas. So no, he needs a nanny. Oh you do, that's news. Okay. I don't have full baby mamas. I have three, thank you very much. Okay, all right, listen, we're moving on with as bitter man Emilio in the Bay Area says, I'm in my mid fifties and h I've had a little work done, Okay, here and there, I had an eyelift, I got veneers on my teeth, and I got lightful suction on my abdomen and love handles. I'm serious about my looks because I do print modeling. I was Danny, a woman, and she recently broke up with me because she says I have low self esteem and I refuse to grow old gracefully. This is not the case at all. I just believe in keeping my look so I can keep my paycheck. Should I keep trying to get her back or move on? Bitcher man, Here's the problem. This woman does not recognize you anymore. That's the problem. She don't. She don't know who the hell who you are. You can't you know, I'm no, no, you can't leave it and come back looking at somebody looking like somebody else. This is causing a problem in your relationship because you're a new person. She don't know who the hell you are. You know that your new dude, use a new dude this morning when the hot cheeks come back with you know what I meant a flat cheek? Now you got a hot cheeks and more than like you doesn't bleach your skin. You come back looking like hell debage and you just look like um George Wallace. I mean, that will cause a problem in anybody's relationship. You can't lead a house and come back with a six pack that. You can't do that. So that's the issue, Emilia. She don't know who he is. She has no idea who he is. Right, all right, lead with a ball spot and come back with a head full of hand man or vice versa. You can't leave with a head full of hand and come back balls. This live ain't working. It's me, Yes, you gotta say it's me. It is me. All right, We're moving on Teddy and says, I'm twenty nine years old and I met a woman on a trip to Jamaica, and she's beautiful and smart and everything I was looking for and a woman. We FaceTime each other all of the time, but it's only when she reaches out to me. When I call her, she always says it's a bad connection. And she planned to come visit me a month ago, but she said something came up and she never came. I know if she's playing me or not. And with the distance, I will never know. Should I do a pop up trip to Jamaica or break up? Dude? Tell me you want to get something this go ahead, time to get something. Don't You're gonna pop up and scare the hell out to yourself. Don't you get the popping on it. Honestly, a lot of people try to do some pop up and get get shut completely down. But in Jamaica, though, timmy run, Why are you doing here? Man? Why are you doing here your time all this week? It's nothing. No, your lady came over here for some relaxation and I'm going to give it to her. He got a whole husband at home. Yeah, you pop up over there? You might get a cap popped in your ass. Don't go You not following that up? Yeah, the name what's the name of Dexter? Saint Jock? No, you don't want to pop up, and don't do it, Teddy, stay in Charlotte, all right. So the last one is Clifton in Kentucky. Clifton says, I'm a twenty nine year old single male and I'm trying to get my life together after spending six years in jail for petty theft. I had just graduated from college and had a girlfriend when I went to jail, and while I was gone, she had a baby and got married. Her child is six years old, and her mom told me that the child is most likely mine. The girl will not let me do a DNA test because she led her husband adopt the child. Do I have any rights on this matter? Dude? You you you've scot free from baby troubles. Why why, why the hell are you trying to follow this You had diapers, nothing, she says, it ain't you let it go dude, seriously? Or j he went to he went to jail for pitty phil steal your baby back to me? Are you right now? I don't play steal your baby back another word, I'll steal your baby back, baby back back. Wow. Well, congratulations on getting your life together though, Twiston and Kentucky graduating from college all of that. Congratulations on that part about everybody deserved the second chail. But lead that baby a loan. Damn that baby. Man know that baby looks just like him too. All right, thank you? I think bitter man coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and an entertainment news. Nick Cannon is going to be a father yet again. Also, Prince Harry is back in the UK for his grandfather's funeral, and Kanye West is asking for joint custody. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here. We'll running that brankback. What you got for his nap eight and two A and two. This is me calling a lady about her girlfriend eight and two. Yeah, Hey, I'll try to get sam ansell. Uh yeah, this Sam dis saim Soriam Okay, Salam all right, yeah, okay, I thought it was some trail. Yeah, Sam, Man, what's up? Okay, hey Monday, Cal. I wanted to h reach out to your holi ae you about about uh your girl, right, your girlfriend? Yeah, yeah she is. Okay, how long I've been together? We've been together about about tending up years about what's going on? But listen, me and a holiday at each other for like the last few months or whatever. I wanted to reach out to you, and you know, she didn't want to call you. She wanted me to call you. I wanted to tell you that, you know, she didn't decide that she wanted to start hanging with me. She wanted me to come up to the house and pick up stuff up. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Really maybe that's what's going on you calling me. She then told you to call me and tell me basically what I wanted to do, saying and just have a man to man talk with and just let you know you that's that's what that's what's going on right now. Don't do it because right now you just talking a bunch of what's up? Now? What I'm saying any other day, you know, I'm already making room for her at my apartment. I'm just trying to come. Uh listen, that ain't none of it. It's whatever. If you want to come, do, come you. But it ain't going out. We ain't. We ain't going out without a fight. I'm not tripping. I'm not tripping with you, and I'm not tripping with all. But you come to my house. Somebody getting from my house, then it's going down, me and you, me and you. So what's up? You're coming to get us because I'm on the road right now and then shrucks, but dob meet you out. So if you're coming to get us, come on reading Okay, okay, hold up though, hold on, let's back up and see. Like I say, I'm trying to lessen you know where. Then when you gotta have no problem, I want to do it. Come in the house and get her stuff and pack it up so I can get it over to me. You think you're just gonna come in to my house, and I've been with I don't needs you. You think you're just gonna be We're just gonna be teachers and queen. You got me. I'm telling you. Do you come to my house, it's going down, And that just and she needs to be a woman. Why don't you bring it to me? Why she didn't bring it to me? You know what I'm saying, what's what's out? What y'all want to be together? Now? On? She ain't no more? All I know is she was feeling me. That's all I'm saying. She was feeling me. You know, she telling me. I mean, dude, you have a problem with her league because that's her choice. You know what I'm saying. If she claims she want to be with me, that's what she won't. You know, I ain't knocking what nobody do you understand? But what I'm trying to tell you, she's telling me she want to be with me. So I'm just trying to get you to lift. Is it better for me or her to go there? Why you ain't there? Ain't get our stuff? Dog all this? Didn't keep saying no, I don't. I ain't got the rational lot thing with you. She needs to be the one telling me all it is and saying she can't do it. And you man, you man, you know that what you call from man to man, come get That's all I'm saying. Hey, Hey, Samantha, Samantha for real, hey, hey man, Hey, hey, hey man, my name is Sam. Man. I ain't gonna tell you that no more. Already told you that when you called, when you first called. Okay, Sam, so listen, okay, way you know what. I ain't even gonna go back and forward. You then shows me I'm gonna come to you up. Hey, all this you talking. You're still on this phone with all that y'all jacking. If you're gonna come get up, I hadn't invited you. So if you want to bring your so over here, come get it. Tom maiden too. Oh I'm way two of them. Yeah, but I'll tell you this isn't much too it the black them two down. They don't want to me no more. They don't want to walk with me no more. And like I said, telling coming with you, she ought to be woman enough. When she's behind the back in the background telling you to come, tell me from think that's some man. I'm gonna and you come because you like can like a too, I'm gonna flap so what for? Okay, well look here, let me go say this to you. Then? Can I can I tell you what she called me? Man? You tell me you want to tell me? Really? I don't what she told you, but what what's up? I just want to tell you she told me to prank phone call you. This is Nephew Steve Harvey Morning Show, A man saying you all right. I was Jake Man, I was Stay Man Man, Nick Hill many A getting me ready. Hey, I gotta hear you say one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It Steve Harvey's show man. I don't call me smathing on. My name is say one. I told you that when you first called. Don't call me that no more. Don't have me gold off and whoop your ass because I'll do it. Okay. A lovely lady listening to the show appreciate yes, sir, Yes, sir, catch me Friday Night, Baby, Friday Night on the Old Network. Ready to Love. The Nephew is back at it again, whole new season, new singles, twenty Well we're gonna have twenty no more we started with twenty. Yeah, I mean that, no, fat, no, no, We're not down to eight. The first night, Jay, they kicked people off the first night. How do you know? How do you know that quickly? Yeah? How do you know? That. How do you know? You know, it's that first impression. You know some people that you have to have a good first impression on people again, you know, if you clammed up and not used to talk, and they're gonna be like, I don't know no about him, I don't know about u. Yes, what when that starts adding up, you're gone. But Carl, we liked Christian. We were sad to see him go. But Khalil was that his name. We were like, okay, Khalil bye. But you know what's coming. It's bad that you don't even get to show your second outfit. That's that's just really bad. That's what's what's bad is when somebody then took off, you know, then took a lead from their job for a few for a month or two. You back already. I wasn't ready to leave you when they say, which is when they used free they tripping down man's time and trip. You know, he could have did something that I do feel for him that first night when good show man, really good show, But you're not. The people are grown and so at that point in their lives, they know what they want. They're just not wasting time. Yeah right, that's right, they have to go around to each and every person to see if it's them, if is it you, even though they may be attracted to one person. They got to make you know, work the room. Yes, that's the thing. You gotta work the room. It don't matter when you come back, you're gonna hit that damn your asses back already. All right, thank you, Nave. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National News. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, we got to say congratulations to our guy Nick Cannon and his girlfriend Abby de la Rosa. They shed her beautiful pregnancy photo to announce she was pregnant with Get this another set of twins for Nick. Twins always two at a time, No, not every time, but U Mariah and and uh this current girlfriend, Abbie d la Rosa. Yeah, she's having twin boys. W Yeah, really wild. He's gonna be on that other show on your network on Tommy where I think they have like fourteen kids. They have a couple of sets of triplets and tents and they have so many kids, but they love them all and the kids are so well be and other entertainment news. Prince Harry has reportedly arrived in the UK to attend his grandfather's funeral. Unfortunately, as pregnant wife Magan Markle was not clear to travel because she's near her due date. This will be Harry's first time back in the UK since he and Megan stepped down as senior royals in March of last year and their bombshell interview with Oprah. Prince Philip's funeral will be this Saturday. Now. As for the Queen, sources say she's been doing amazing since the death of her husband. They were together for seventy three years. I don't know how to take that. I don't either. I die you feeling amazing exactly, Queen need to be down or something? I mean, not doing real date, I'm doing amazing. I'm amazing. That what I do know she said she was doing amazing. If the sources thing she's holding up, she's doing amazing, well the sort, yeah, that's why I said. The sources did say it. But still for anyone to say, anybody go back to your original statement, crumpets right now, I don't if she got a hat back on that spinning a purse man, that ain't any good sense. Yeah, I was amazing, even even the adjective here you know something? All right, did Megan? Do you think Megan wanted to go? I know she can't go and think she wanted don't. Yeah, she probably wanted to support her husband, I will say that. But as far as going back over there with all the drama and and you know and all of that, she probably didn't want to deal with that, especially now that she's with child. You know, keep the stress out of your life. You know, you walk in the funeral, turn around, why she is? Yeah? What what color's let? Look who at the funeral? Right? You know how to say this? Though? For Harry, though, he gave up his whole rights and titles for that woman. Man, that is beautiful. That is a beautiful because you know what a black woman do. But because Tom soap Us is in relationships, we won't to take off a Wednesday. He gave up his whole title. You can't Jane to take off Wendy. I denounced my throne. And finally, as we move on in entertainment dues, Kanye West is asking for joint custody and the divorce petition from Kim Kardashian his wife. According to TMZ, the couple wants to work out a co parenting situate. There is a pre nup already in place, so there shouldn't be a big deal of dividing up the assets and all of that. So that's cool. He's a good dad. He really is a good dad. She said that over and over. I'm sure. All right, time now, Jay for today's headlines. As we looked to miss Anne for information and an update on the school shooting that happened in Knoxville, Tennessee. Jay, all right, everybody, it's time for the news with miss Anne. Trip very much. This is a trip with the news. While President Biden is weighing in on yet another incident in Minnesota where an unarmed black man was killed by a white police officer, this time by a white female officer who claims she meant to fire her taser but used her service pistol instead. Question is was it an accident intentional That remains to be determined by fullball investigation. Twenty year old Dante White was stopped in a Minnesota suburb called a Brooklyn Center for having an air freshener hanging from his back window. Apparently that's illegal there and expired tags. Cops checked and found that he had an outstanding warrant. They say Dante White was shot as he tried to get back into the car with his girlfriend who was inside. Some forty people were arrested in protests over this overnight, and there were clashes also early Monday morning between Black Lives Matter protests and cops in that Minnesota suburb. Meanwhile, only about ten miles away in Minneapolis, the trial of Derek Chauvin entered his third week, and because of the killing of Dante Smith, Chauvin's lawyer asked to judge at one point to sequester the jury. In the George Floyd murder case, he refused. On the stand. Yesterday, doctor Jonathan Richard cardiologists who viewed all the police body camp and testified that Floyd's heart stopped yeah, because he couldn't get any air, not because he had a heart attack, and that neither he nor the crowd that day were any danger to the cops who restrained him. Right now, right now, so here. The audio starts with the buy standers saying that mister Floyd is not responsive, pleading with officers to check his pulse. Officer King does so, spends six or seven seconds checking looks like two locations or maybe trying to get a pulse on the same location twice, before ultimately announcing that he can't find a pulse. Someone who does not have a pulse does not present a threaten any way. Maryland's majority Democratic legislature has overridden the governor's veto there and pass changes designed to reduce police brutality and the use of excessive force in Maryland. The director of Maryland's ACLU says, quote, this is what the community wants. They want reform, they want transparency, and they want accountability. The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, says that his statu is close to achieving herd immunity. He said that to Chris Walls on Fox. Then he had to admit he didn't even know what hurt Muney was. Yeah, somebody needs help. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, day Hartnoll, Right, Junior, Let's introduce Jay. Okay, Well, here it is my writing buddy, my sick partner. Let's take a look into the mind of the darkest place we know Jay Frank, It's coming up around. I don't know when, but I'm maybe in May. It's the second season of Assistant Living. It's coming at you starting your boy David Man, Tambling Man, a lot of other people. Thank you guys for watching the show. Here we go with this bit right here this it is like, I'm not judging anybody. I don't want to. Don't send me letters and cards. It's just my opinion of people who need to let it go. I'm not saying what they need to let go. I'm just saying I've seen some things and they need to let it go. Okay, I won't say what it is you need to let go. Snoop Dog, we love you, but it's time to let it go. I didn't say what he needed to let go because I'm not that type of person. I wouldn't do that and put somebody on front. You know, you don't know what I'm thinking. You know, I'm just saying, Snoop Dog needs to let it go for shizzle, whatever the nizzle, what how do we want to do it? It needs to be let go? All right. We love you, we love your music, Lizzle, you need to let it go. Okay, I'm just not talking about how your weight. Don't go there with that with me, Okay, but you need to let it go. James Brown, sportscaster. Dude, dude, dude, dude, let it go. Just let it. It's back, it's back. Don't don't hold on to it no more. Let it go. Stop the middle of the middle of it. When you're in the middle of it, you come. I didn't say that. I didn't give it away. I didn't give it away. I didn't say that through it. This is just my opinion. I'm not criticizing about. We love you, miss Goldberg. We love you, but enough is enough, Miss Whoopi Goldberg. We love you. Don't take this the wrong way. It is time to let it go. Enough enough, it's a new enough. Okay, stopping. Give me one more? Yeah, help me, help you. I didn't call nobody's name, so don't be calling here. Jason Lebron James great basketball player, one of the best. But it's ten, it's ten to let it go. Yes, let it go, all right? Listen coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour this seven to show more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this day you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Guys, we have to ask this question, it seems constantly and more and more now, and that question is what is going on in this world? I mean, tensions are high between police and the public in the middle of the Derek Chauvin trial, and here we go again, what is going on? Sunday afternoon during a traffic stop, twenty year old Dante Wright was fatally shot during a traffic stop after a Minnesota police officers shout at taser but fired a handgun instead. Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon said. Police said they tried to take the driver into custody after learning during a traffic stop that Dante Wright had outstanding warrants. According to the body cam footage, Right got out of his car but then got back in. It's not clear why. Then you hear a female officer shouting taser, Taser, taser, but then fires a gun. Not a taser, a gun, right, Yeah, I mean really uh? And then you hear the female officers saying, holy shi t U, I shot him. You know what? Yes, I'm this scares me so much because I have a twenty four year old son, and I just I just I cringe every time I see this because you just don't know when it's gonna be you, even me, you know what I mean, your children. You just don't know what day somebody's gonna call you with some news like this. Because these people are that terrified at doing their job and and and they make these careless mistakes. And they have to understand that these young men they're scared too, that they are scared too. So you're reacting and they are afraid that what's gonna happen happened, Yeah, and then you you there kill them. They're afraid of being killed. That's why why can't you get that through your head? These these people are human, They're human. They have targets, yeah, the right, and they are I mean, I've heard that so much from black men. We feel like we got a target on our back when we're stopped by police. I would saying, could it be the fact that you know, if you see he's African American? Can we just you know, just have a quick meeting as officers, like, hey, he may be scared. Can we just talk about this for a second, because you know, how do you want us to get out of the car. That's the next question. How are we supposed to get out. Yeah, you want to get you scared to grab that that that handman to open that door. You're scared, take you out. Yeah, that's a very good point un here, because police officers aren't the only ones whose lives are at stake. Black men's lives are at steak from from a routine traffic stop. Right, Why why is your attitude so escalated when you stop somebody black? But it's not when you stop somebody Well, why are you not at the waist so always ready to shoot, to shoot when you see a black man, knowing that when you stop him, in most cases, he's he's frightened, he's yeah, this is gonna be the day I die, Right, I tell you, because they do not look at us as human They do not. They don't look at us like human people. They just really don't. They really don't. Because we know they're scared, and that's why they escalate, escalate, escalate, But can you, like you say, stop for a moment and realize that we might be too in the taser to me another way, how the hell you make that mistake? Once you draw your weapon and it's yellow, it's a The taser is yellow and they made it yellow for a reason. You don't see that. It's bright. It's not like a dull yellow. It's a bright ass yellow, and you don't see it. And for a traffic stop. You got his tag number, you know where he lives. You can go in the rest this guys some other time. Why the hell you cruising looking at bad tags? But the hell you could call that in? Yeah, surely, yes, I mean this, it's just and and all of this, all of this during the Derek Chauvin trial, right, same thing. Yeah, practically, you know, you like, you don't have an attitude. We already we already they're already looking at us. We need to be cool with this, you know. But no, no, can I request a black officer please safety to live? Yeah, that's true, I mean yeah, and uh. In other news out of Minneapolis, during the Derek Chauvin twild yesterday, cardiologist testified for the prosecution that George Floyd did not have to die that way, something we already knew. And we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I don't like the gifts he buys for me. I don't like the gifts he buys for me. But we'll get into that in just a bit. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nest? What kind of gifts we're gonna have to call to church today, y'all. We're gonna have to call the days. How much in the account passed? Yeah? I don't want to know how much is in the account alone, and it shouldn't be a little back in answer me and and we can move on and let me get Let's go cat though. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Pastor Hayes. See Pastor Hayes, how are you doing this? Is? This is brother lin Lenna Thompson. How you doing it? I'm good brother, and how can I help you today? Pass I'm actually one of your members at the church, and I want to just commend you that you're doing a good job the way you are displaying safety. Let me say that first and foremost. Okay, cool, thank you. You know, we just want everybody to be safe and healthy, and your name again, Brother Lenna Thompson, Okay, and and and other times I'm I'm kind about to be in the middle of dinner. How can I help you? Brother? Well, here's what I wanted to ask you, man, uh pallas, I want to ask you this. I know, you know a lot of people are going through different things, and and people are, you know, trying to make sure they keep food and stuff in the house because you know, time like this, you know you kind of want to stay put, and but you want to make sure you got enough food and water and things like that. So but but but what I wanted my reason for calling you is I wanted to ask you how how much money do we have in the account? Come again, the church account? How much money do we have in there? Brother? Brother? What what do you say? Your name was again? Brother? My name is a brother, Lennah Thompson. Okay, Brother Thompson. How did you get my personal self one number to be calling me at home the time of day? Well? I got this number from one of the brothers at the church. What what, brother, the church do they know not to give my personal lumber out to to people I don't know you? Well, I'm a I'm a but I'm a but I'm a member though I'm a member. Well, how I long you've been a member? Because I've been passing this church for ten years and your name ain't familiar to me. How long? How long have you been a member at my church? I've been a member of probably going on going on three years now, but I ain't. I ain't been since, you know, since that day I joined. I you know, you know, I didn't kind of got caught out there, you know how I go. But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait wait. So you you've been a member of my church two or three years? You ain't been to the church, and two to three years are you calling me to ask me about finances of my church? Well, I'm understand what you're looking for. Well, I am a member, so I mean I do how to don't I have the right to know what we got in there? What we got in the account? Actually you don't. You don't have to write to that question. If you don't actively come to the church. You can't come to the church, sign up the church, and then call me three years later asking me what we got going on at church? So I need to understand what is your purpose? What well, like I say, everybody going through hard times. I'm trying to see what we got in there, because you know, I need to pick up a few things from the stove. I don't have the money right now, but shouldn't I be able to lean on my church though you lean on it. We've done a lot of stuff in the community. We've been feeding the elderly. We got a full bank. We've been that's happing people some money that when we can. But you ain't been at this church and three years. You can't call me after three years and think I'm about to give you some money for something I don't even know if you're a real member. I am a real man. I'm a real member. So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold hold on, past hold on, hold on, hold on, no, no, no, yould on. Boy. Look here, I'm trying to sit down here dinner with my family. You sitting here on my last nerve. Look here, brother Thompson. I don't know you. I ain't never heard of you. You am not about to call here and try to get some money out of me. You ain't even member of the church. You can't I am a member of the church because you come to the church one time. You ain't been back in three years and you come to me for some money. I am a membtor your mama. You are not a member of this church, sir, I am a member of the church. Look, look, look, let me tell you something. I know. This ain't no. No, let me tell you where you can't join my church two or three years ago and called me three years later, get my number from somebody and ask me for money because you're gonna through hard times. Now, if you was a true member of the church, you'll understand how we work and how we give money to people that are struggling. I just delivered forty meals today to our elderly huh. Last week we cash people money to go pick up grocery. Compare, what do you need? Do you need my cash? App d do you need my cash? Boy? Boy, you gonna make me because you ain't even tiring? So how are you not tiring? And think you wold you? I have fell on bad times? Didn't I say I fell on bad times? You feel on bad times for three years? Hey? Hey, you know it takes longer for some people. Okay, why are you? Why are you judging me? In opposed trying to figure out how to cash apt me so I can get on a number of my church. I don't know if you some scam artists trying to get money from the church. Sir, I have never met you. I don't know you. A matter of fact, I'm about to call it the deacons to see who you are and why they would give my number to some points to call me and ask me for some money. Hey, let me say this to you. If you don't cash at me, then I'm funny at all the members that I know you. I know our church ain't no mega church. You know we got three four hundred members already know so. But but I would let every member know that you're not cash happen to me to help me in a time I need. I will do that. Rob Thompson, you can let him know. You can Facebook and Instagram and you can put it on that TikTok and cad me in it. I ain't giving you a dime. I don't know you, I ain't never heard of you. Matter of fact, you need to get off my phone. I got dinner with my wife about to go on, man, and I ain't got tired of be going back and forth with you. I need to know who gave you my number so I can call them up and tell them. Don't be giving my number of some stranger who ain't been our church in two to three years. Ain't gonna ask me for some money, some cash out or if you don't get off this phone, who gave you? Okay, so let me ask you something. So so you know Deacon, uh, Marvin Dillet don't know dickon Marva? Yeah? What about him? Do you know he listened to the radio every morning. Yeah, he's listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. Pastor Haze, you just got pranked by your boy, deacon, mom. Boy, see, and that's why deacon about to get kicked off the board. Boy, you got me hy in my yard. Yeah. My neighbors looking at me like I'm crazy. They know I'm not on the block or you almost made me because you can't be doing that during this time, man, past you all right? Man, man, I'm good, man, I'm good, baby, baby, everything good. My wife Donna came out here, boy, and you don't want her to set it off? Oh you don't want the first lady to go out? Okay, man, But now we take care of our church man. We feed them, sending the money, man, delivering mills. Man, make sure everybody good during the time. That's good man, Hey man, before we get off, you gotta let me know twenty twenty. Baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, it's a steam who Harby Morning Showing, That isn't it? Nephew talking man? Yeah, the pass it said he wanted to say ignorant ass holy man, so he didn't say it. Yeah, he almost went. Yams went, Yeah, y'all almost round that corner. Brother. You can put it on Instagram. Ticktock. I don't care what TikTok and tag me in it. I just want to tell you my cash out so you can send me a little something. That's all I want. This is a yeah pass it because he said tag me nobody really older nosed tagging at all? He got all the language. Yeah, he got all the lang. Yeah he went, And you can tag me on it right right now. I need a little money passed. How much we got an eye CAPI man, rob god? Yeah, you have robbed me well and tied and then offering. Yeah, all you tied into the storehouse. We didn't him, I forgot all right, catch me on Friday nights. Matter of fact, this coming Friday, catch me on the two. Okay, ready to love now if you if you in Birmingham, though, then you should be at the show on Friday to Friday two said the two Sunday, didn't neph you come to town. So record it. Do record it, record it and bring you some money. So record your showing and bring some money. I manage you, all right, listen, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, Strawberry Letter. I don't like the gifts he buys me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's fring you. Jay, buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. Subject, I don't like the gifts he buys me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I love my husband to death. Although he and I are different in a lot of ways. They say opposite's a track, and we are living proof of that. He's very successful and very frugal, to the point that he won't shop for himself, so I have to do it. When I met him, I started shopping with him and for him, and he always complained about prices. He's also a practical man, so he likes to have the newest gadgets around the house for repairs and home improvement so he doesn't have to hire anyone to do it. I'm just the opposite. I like nice things, fine jewelry, and fine dining. I prepare. I prefer to hire a housekeeper or a handyman instead of him doing it, and I have struggled with that from the beginning. There is also an area that I will not compromise on. My husband buys me crappy gifts, and I'm sick of it. He buys things like artwork that he orders online, or heated neck massager, the amazing copper non stick skillet, and even the miraculous knife set that never gets dull. He's even ordered me some of those leggings that make your butt look really good. I don't ever use the stuff, so it's sitting in our basement. I talked to him till I'm blew in the face about buying me gifts for our house, but he doesn't listen. And this Christmas he gave me a food sealer and he ordered that he ordered from a TV infomercial from Icy a little. I knew you guys were gonna say that. For my anniversary last month, he told me he was going all out and spoiling me. He got a cake from the grocery store and gave me a gold wide band clustering full of tiny little diamonds. I took the ring back and used a two hundred and seventy seven to get a pair of shoes. He was offended and called me ungrateful. M I didn't mention that I picked my own engagement ring out. This is our fourth year of being married. How can I get him to do better? Zi? Hold on, How can I get him to do better? She asks? UM, Well, I don't know, because there's nothing like getting gifts, bad gifts that you know. I know how that is, especially when you're all gassed up to think that it's going to really be nice, like he said, and then you know it's nothing. But the point is. The point is he got you something, and for that you should at least say thank you and be grateful. Clearly, buying you nice gifts is just not what he does. It's not what he does. You said, You've talked to him about it, and still nothing because he doesn't listen and he's not gonna change. This has been going on for four years now, probably more than that. This is only important to you. He doesn't care. And unless he's willing to give you the money and let you buy your own gifts, or you could take, you know, some of that stuff back that he brought you, that's in the basement piling up, you know, get the money off that. I just say, pick your battles in this one. Is this worth breaking up about? Is this worth fighting about? Is this worth being miserable miserable about? I don't think so. I don't think it is so. Just like in any other marriage or any other relationship, you gotta take the good with the bad. He's a bad gift buyer. Don't get your hopes up high when it's your birthday or anniversary. He's not gonna come through for you. But in other ways, in other ways. You know you love your husband to death. That's what you said in the letters. So I'm just telling you just be grateful at this point, right, Just be grateful, right, all right, Jase, Look, excuse me. The man and I don't know if it took you for years to realize, is that man is cheap. Okay, he's a cheap ass and he will not pass up a sale. And here's what you do. You take all them cheap gifts that he gives you throughout the ears, and on Christmas time you give it to relatives. You know what I mean, They will be appreciate if that set up away to your relatives. There's an auntie that would appreciate a nugget bracelet that they would love it. They'd be so happy to get it, they would they would love stuff like that. Baby, this is so nither game you think of me. Put it in a box, save it. What else did you give? Oh? She got you know, one of the knife set that never gets dull. She got that. Ceila is the bomb. That is I can seal up all my meats, I can put all my meats, and the Friesian they all see it up and you know old people leave me to the ten grace. So get that to somebody about the heated neck bessiger Jay, somebody old love baby, thank you so much for this. Don't get a one appliances and you don't do it, give it to somebody old. They'll appreciate it. Go ahead, Junior. You know you know this lady is heavily ungrateful. You know, do you know? Do you know how good these different he is? Lady? Do you you heavy? You how late he had to stay up to find that neck mesage that ain't a re the TV commercial that come on between two am and four am. He is thinking about you. He loses sleep to get you. These nuns sticking the copper pots that never stick. Whoa, I ain't got none of them. I wish I had them. Nothing I send the commercial cheese don't stick, your eggs won't stick stick. I'm not that. And he thought about you at four in the morning. You're heavily ungrateful. There, hang on, Heaven, let you heavily. I'm grateful. We're gonna let you finish up, Junior, and then we're gonna hear from the nephew. The subject of this letter is I don't like the gifts he buys for me. We'll have part two of you guys responses coming up Strawberry Letter right after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we're gonna recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject, I don't like the gifts he buys me. It's from a woman that loves her husband to death, but she she hates the gifts that he buys her. She says, there, there, there, there are a lot of like but then they're different in a whole lot of ways. But opposite the track, she says, Um, you know, she shops for him. He always has the newest gadgets on hand because he likes to do the work if there are any repairs needed in the home himself. She doesn't like that. She'll hire out for cleaning and for repairs and stuff like that. She hates the gifts that he buys her. She's into fine dining and fine jewelry and stuff, and he's just the opposite. He's cheap, and uh, you know, he's always trying to save a coin, so he's he's bought her all kinds of things, like the miraculous knife that never gets dull, the copper non stick skillet, the leggings my favorite, my personal favorite, the leggings that make your butt look good. Uh. Just you know. All those gifts have piled up in the basement because she doesn't like them. The last gift he boughter was a wide band gold ring with a cluster of tiny diamonds. She saw. She took that back and got her some shoes. So um, she wants to know how can she get him to do better? Because he's called her ungrateful and he was offended. Junior, you had some more to add to the woman that you called heavily and grateful, heavenly ungrateful. I don't see first of all, the food sailer. He must have known that you've been letting me go bad. It's a great gift that comes on at five fifteen am on the Food Network. I've seen the sailor. I've been thinking about getting it. She's heavenly ungrateful. I cannot, I cannot believe this. They don't see the beauty in these gifts come on. It's not the knives that never go though. They get so knives they come out of Japan. He comes on at three thirty eight him, I've seen it. It's on the food Network. The man be thinking about you and the leggings. Come on, he saw you. They had no ass He gave your work, gave you one, and you still ungrateful. You need to calm down a little bit. Yeah, you're heavily upset. Yeah, okay, all right, come on, nephew, what you got? I don't like I'm riding. I'm riding with Junior. What do you want? What is it that you want? You don't like that? How about we get you the chip pet? The chip pet would be good. How about that? You think you might like that? Okay, you don't like that? How about this? How about we get the onion slice. That's a good right. How about we get that onion slice. But did you did be done and fire tech when they slice that oniony? Okay, okay, did we slice them onion? More? Did you just did the bone whole onion finish? No crying and nothing. You don't like that? How about the gingerbread mold that you can make the cookies with the gingerbread mold, remember you see that. That's beautiful gift? Right then? But you ungrateful, like my boys say, But how about this. I'm gonna get your good with nine Now when we're talking about gifts, we're talking about top of the line walk in bath too? How about that? Man? What nice? What? Who don't want that? Walk in there butt naked? Shut that dough and let that water fill up. That is when it's the greatest. But you ungrateful, you don't want that? That's all right? How about how about some how about some oxy clean? Who? Yes, yes, you want boy, come over here. Now you ain't clean to you oxy clean? We're talking about oxy Okay, okay, okay, how about this blue blockers them blue blocker shaves. Come on, boy, I'm talking with them shaves with them sides only what what? But you ungrateful? We don't know when you got something good come in your way? Okay, okay, how about it. You're gonna need it. Stud finder when you want to find the stud you can't hang a picture of you don't know where the stud that stud find the ground. But you're ungrateful. You don't know what a good thing is coming your weight through now now okay, okay, that's Samurai sword that's got all the little designs on the side. That Samurai sword. You can hang it on the wall. See there, that's that's that's amazing gifts. That's amazing gifts right there. You don't okay, okay, okay, flexa seal. Hello, my whole family, the whole family feel that. Yes, yeah, flex the seal. I'm just saying, yeah, they got that blanket. It's called the snuggets. You've seen the snuggets. Nice? Nice? You don't know good things. You don't know good gift? What about that? What about? What about that thing? I don't know what it's called. But it allows you to lay your your your iPad on it. You can lay your iPad on it, you can put it in the bed. It's made the phone. You can flip it over so sladder. You don't want that who that man, she's ungrateful heavenly if you don't want to bend down and put your heav hocks on. No, no, no, I got I got this for you. That cane that's got fourth facts. That cane has got four things on it. You know what I'm saying. When you hurricane, yeah, the hurricane Timmy comes on it. Five hurricane I've seen it. You junior you've got all this stuff in his apartment. Yeah, and maybe maybe you're hearing is bad and they got that little hearing that you can you can just put up hooked up to your television so when she's sleep, you won't be bothering her at all. You are grateful, Junior's right that you bring your face and it takes off the bags into your Yes, yes, that heals Scraper when you scrape. That did skiing off the bad. So I think it's a general consensus that you need to be more grateful, ma'am. Okay, post your comments on today's Thanks guys on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour. More Junior with Sports Talk right after this. Yes, yes, yes, you're listening to Steve. All right, guys, get ready, Junior is here when Sports talked, what you got, Junior? Okay, well I saw this game too. The debate is on. Let me ask you sometimmy, Jay, did y'all see Charlotte's Horning Star Miles Bridges dumped on Clint Coppella or Atlanta Hall. What man, Take a listen to the announces. This is hard to tell you how hard this dunk was. Broer, Cody Seller, offensive rebound, Broches, Oh my god, I gotta pull something. Bridges, Oh my gosh, this one. I'm telling you man. It looked like he wasn't even gonna make it. He was coming down, but we forgot his arms, his eight feet and it went right back off over Clint head. If you are listening in Atlanta this morning, somebody to check on Clint coppella feelings because they in the hospital. I saw, like, no, you know what happens to Jay when you get dunk onto the game When the person that gets dunked on try to act like it didn't happen, like yeah, they try to look serious, trying to find somebody pass the ball back to. When they get the games go no, that was you, junior. Junior, you know you got dumped on real bad. When your teammates go damn, damn, you know you'll be trying to call time. They don't want to call time. Who bitch? Bitch clear about right the whole You know, man, you can't go back in the locker room if you got a doll like that, expect anybody to talk to you. There's no talking. Yeah, I just saw It's like you got a disease or something. Man, if your companion, then you know what I'm talking about. When the comedian has a bad set, nobody talks to him because you don't want to catch it. It's the same du Yeah, you don't want that to get on you, right, right, do you have a bad set? The comedian has a bad set, he goes outside in the back end. Go yeah, go outside in the back, And that's what he should have done, went outside in the back. I don't know, you know, you know, I don't know basketball that much, but is there any way you can leave the game and something like that happens to you when you should just be able to quit for that night? I didn't. I'm not playing no more because clearly, and he's most of a better defender than that man. But you know, you get called. Everybody got dunked on before the league. It's just just that when we see it, we're like, oh, you you that good. You're supposed to not let this happen. I mean you are in the NBA. I mean I can see that happen on the blacktop or something. But this is the league man. Yeah, did announce again this Cody Seller offensive rebound breches. Oh my god. Only good thing about it, Shirley. Only good thing about it is the Hawks did win. So that's don't go away, Junior, the window. Let that dunt go away. Now, I'm listening, all right, Junior. Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are again asking this question one more time. What's going on? We talked about this earlier when a young man, Dante Wright, was shot up in Minneapolis by a female officer who claimed she thought she had a taser. She was firing off her taser, but instead it was her gun and she killed him. Now, one of the police officers accused of using excessive force in a Virginia traffic stop has been fired following an investigation. The town manager said this late on Sunday. The Windsor, Virginia officers pointed guns at pepper, sprayed, and pushed a black US Army officer to the ground during the traffic stop last December. During the stop. The police officers believe the army officer was missing a license plate on his new SUV. Second Lieutenant Kroon Nazario, who is black and Latino, is suing over the incident, claiming the two officers violated his rights guaranteed under the First and the Fourth Amendment. One of the officers, Joe Gautierrez, has been fired. Town manager William Sanders, confirmed to CNN late Sunday evening. The other officer, Daniel Crocker, is still employed by the police department. Yeah, what's going on here? Did y'all see that video? Yeah? Yeah, it's hard everywhere. Yeah. He was just simply asking them, what what is it? What I done? What did I do? You see my hands? What's going on? He's pleading with them to take another avenue in terms of getting me out of the car. Could you just calm down? Yeah? What you say? You know why the elevated in their attitude whenever they stopped a black man. It's like, damn you get stopped. This might be your last damn day. And every black man knows us. Everyone knows it. And he told them he was scared. He say, I'm scared right now. Yeah, but let me ask you guys something as black man, and you know, and what are you gonna say, Carla, I was gonna say, he pulled over to a little lighted Yeah, yeah he did on purpose. Thank god he did that. Yeah, yes, because he was afraid. He started recording his phone because he was afraid, and he is a veteran, and he said, I true country. Yeah, and it is like elevated once they said, you know once they said once he said that to the officer, it's like it elevated, you know, they took it a notch higher, right, Yeah, like that officer, relax, Can you just relax? Relax? What is all this escalation about? What is all this about? I'm just asking you, why did you stop me? What's going on? You know? Let's see the officer could have answered that. My opinion is that until police offers are going to be held accountable for the mistakes that they make instead of the city having to pay all this money out, until the police unions don't have to go in their budget and start paying their money out, they will have a different attitude. But until that changes. First of all, these cops know a lot of them and we're not saying all cops are bad. But we're seeing too many damn bad ones. We see too many damn bad ones, we really are. And where are yeah, and where are the good ones that come out, you know and speak? Where are they talk about this bad behavior, you know within the clue? Where are they? But I would say this so surely too that during the George Floyd trial, we did, Yeah, they did. And they all the officers that have testified, even the police chief, saying excessive force and right and we need more of that. And one of the reasons they say that is because it was caught on film. You know, Yeah, it was caught on film. So of course they have to say that this man killed him before our very eyes, you know. But um, yes, it's sad. But I did want to ask you guys as black men. I mean, there's no right thing to do, of course, yeah, but you know, for this to continually be going on, it's like we can't even grieve George Floyd properly before here we are with another one and another one. You know, it's like nobody cares. They don't see us as human. They just don't. They don't. We can't be scared, you know, to get out of the car when we see the police. It's sad that it's become the norm, right, Yeah, all right, we're gonna move on. Um, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. Still just so very frustrated about what's going on in this country, in Minneapolis and in Virginia. You know, we're it's like we're living in this crazy cycle, right of killing, protesting trials, killing testing trials, you know, killing, protesting trial, gun violence, gunn all of it's the same thing. But we I think there needs to be a change. There has to be a change in policing. There's an issue with police policing that you feel in this moment every single time, every time, every time, that you were killing people right there on the spot. Yeah, it's not it's not we chasing a killer. It's not somebody who robbed a bank or somebody who beat up somebody. It's a simple traffic stop. Did you end up dead? Right? So tell me, why wouldn't these young men be afraid to get out of their cars? Right? Why wouldn't they you know, want to know what's going on? Before they open that door, because at any moment, some trigger happy cop that doesn't have to face any consequences for what he's done could kill them right then and there. He'll never see his family again. He'll never you know, this is craziness. I mean, I don't know what to say, what to do. And you're right, Carlo, we do need better police, and we say that, And when is that going to start? It has to start. It has something has to change, something has to is we have a problem in this country? Yeah, and we got to change absolutely. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, it is time not for ask a bitter man, Ask bitter man. This ain't going to help nobody. Okay, what about to say? Ain't nobody's gonna get no help? No n because that's on this show. Help You ain't gonna get nothing out of this, all right. This one's from Stacy in Detroit. Stacy says, I'm a thirty two year old single woman and I'm dating a man with four children. He's been divorced for six years, and he told me he was looking for a woman that would accept his children and be a good stepmom. He also said he was dating to get married, so if I wasn't serious, I needed to let him know. We've been together for nine months and when he has his kids at home, he expects me to cook, clean and take care of them. Is this a trial period to see if I can handle the kids? Or is he just using me as a babysitter. What he's looking for is a nanny. That's what he's looking for. He's trying to see if you nanny material. It ain't wife, it ain't no soul mate. Is he needs a nanny? Now? This word needs a nanni? Now, Okay, that's what he needs. He needs a nanny. Okay, four kids, folk kids at run for the heels. Yeah, she single, no kids in thirty two? Come on, like me. He probably got full baby mamas. So no, he needs a nanny. Oh you do, that's news. Okay, I don't have full baby mamas. I have three, thank you very much. Okay, all right, listen, we're moving on with as bitter man. Emilio in the Bay Area says, I'm in my mid fifties and I've had a little work done okay, here and there, I had an eyelift, I got veneers on my teeth, then I got lightful suction on my abdomen and love handles. I'm serious about my looks because I do print modeling. I was Danny, a woman, and she recently broke up with me because she says I have low self esteem and I refuse to grow old gracefully. This is not the case at all. I just believe in keeping my looks so I can keep my paycheck. Should I keep trying to get her back or moving on? Bitcher man, here's the problem. This woman does not recognize you anymore. That's the problem. She don't She don't know who the hell who you are. You can't, you know, I'm no, no, you can't leave it and come back looking at somebody looking like somebody else. This is causing a problem in your relationship because you're a new person. She don't know who the hell you are. You know that is the problem. Your new dude. Use the new dude this morning when the hot cheeks come back with you know what I mean? Use a little flat cheek. Now you got hot cheeks and more than like you doesn't bleach your skin you come back looking like El Debage and you look like um George Wallace. I mean that will cause a problem in anybody's relations coming up. Our last break of the day. It is the last spreak of the day. Damn it. Be safe out there, that's all we gotta say. Okay, be safe people. We'll be back in forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day, our last break of the day on this Tuesday. It's been a good tuesday going on. Absolutely yeah it has. Jay. It's always a pleasure when you can stop by and lend your town, appreciate whoa let me let me just say something, because let me say something. Thank you. I just I'm saying from people to making me on the street and then stop me on the stream like why you don't bring your ass to work? And I have no offense for that. These are the days our work Okay, now these are my days. Okay, day okay, thanky you wait, Jay, look at my face on zoom twist my twist aside sad. Yeah, so Jay, that's what I was saying. Thank thank you, you know, for finding time in your schedule to you know, to come sit here. Just make it. Make it worse that you think you've been everybody as you didn't bring your ans to it. I mean, okay, all right, I used to get it to Jay. You can't tap a Jay. Okay, all right, you can't. Don't tease you. That means we don't love you. Don't you know that. I mean I'm not even allowed. Do you not hear jokes? I mean that was said, yes, said, you can't do Yeah. I almost had a fight in the Delhi back and Kelly, Oh yeah, that's right. Tell me tell that story. This dude came with it. Mean you just blanketed blanket. You're gonna let this radio get your ass? Well, no, it ain't going down like this. I cut that man up all up in that Delhi. Don't be everything like like, for instance, I really can cook. Okay, I'm for you, for you only true thing we got I like to do. I like to do my impression of Shirley cooking. Dan is ready. I need to be Hey, Jay, that's a nice coming room. Let's subject right there. We got I think we got one. We almost did. Yeah. Whatever, anybody's seen this song? Whatever to you whatever to you, and especially whatever to you man who comes to work whatever he feels like. I'm done. I have some questions for Carl. Okay, so let's play, because I know we've we've had We've talked about a lot of stuff. Today. We had to go serious, heavy subject. It's a lot going on gun violence and the country. We just want to lighten things up today on our way out. So I had some questions for you guys, So let's play. Who's the first person on this show you would call if these things happen? Okay, Na be good? Okay, Oh my god, Oh my god, you just cheated on your significant other. Who is the first person you have? Oh? I think everybody on the show would say Tommy? And who loved pieceology? You used to, you know, before you got married. Alright, all right, all right, here's another question. Who's the first person on the show you would call if you needed a good drink? He's my writing partner and I love him, but we got to call Junior if you want to from And he stayed by himself too coming because for Junior, I changed my pok you're gonna say where you at? I got it. He ain't had to go get it or nothing. It's right here, all right? Yeah, go ahead. What's the first person on this show you will call if you lost all your money in a Ponzi scheme? Oh? Well, of course would call the person where the money relies. Where But you know what you're gonna hear, don't you? What hell is your ass calling? Explain it to me. It's gonna go like this because I know what you make. I need to know how come? How to hell come? You ain't got no money? That's what I need to know. So who, let's see who would be the first person on this show you would call if you wanted to tell an important secret to? Who can keep it? Cross? You can't take me out of don't call by time we get to work, everybody, it's gonna be on the air. Yes, I say, Shirley, Shirley call, Yeah, I can keep a secret, keep secret? All right? Woman? Who would you call if you needed a dose of tough love? M love? Steve? Because we get it when we don't ask for it, so you'll give it to you. Yeah, you called? You called Mississippi Monica because you don't care what you say to you. Jake got it all the time. Working on the TV show. It'll be a people like it's just us three and then we had to be funny. Yeah, I'll do some more next time. Okay, all right, those were good good, all right, Well, thank you everyone for tuning in. We appreciate you, We love you. Thank you for your business. Sects in the morning. At night, which one pick one with without somebody? I'm big for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steven Show.