Good morning and welcome to the ride! The talk about what they have been up to and Junior has a story. The CLO answers questions about porn, intimacy, nudity in the DM and more. Dak Prescott allegedly threw a party. Idris Elba does poetry for hop during the pandemic. 45 was angry during yesterday's pandemic task force briefing while defending his actions. Nascar driver Kyle Larson is in hot water for using n-word. The head doctor of the coronavirus task force went on the record saying that people should forget about shaking hands even after the pandemic ends. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about God always doing things with a purpose in mind and so much more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all at all? Suit giving them like the milling bu bus things and its y'all good. Steve listening to the movie Together forty I don't join Jo. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out. Turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall well, Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, One and only Steve Varvey got a radio show. Man, Old Man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, It's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I'm thank him for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without him. That everything I am, that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way? Yep? Bunches, bunches and bunches. And will I continue to make mistakes along the way? Yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now. But you're still going to make mistakes now. You know, hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional errors in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out. But from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick what it is, y'all, it's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finished line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really, really bad shape. The key is they finish the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble. You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling that's not the key. The key is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well, that's not the case. And see and then this thing called life, let me help you understand something. Everybody falls, Nobody sprints to the tape in this one. Nobody just runs free and clear as some people running faster than you and all like this. And some people gonna get to the end before you let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end. But in this race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through this race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know. And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scott free without any pitfalls. You know, I keep saying it over and over and over again because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhere sitting down every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. It is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful. You may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not consider what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider. You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know, your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up in the church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs. It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker, who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So how many times we find ourselves fighting through life because of so much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day, that pretty much explains the feeling of confusion, the laxadaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator to find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing the moment you can identify that it is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with the sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, it's going to be some uncertainty, but at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandoned, confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when he created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path, but God can get you right back on track. Do that today, asking what you're supposed to be doing, and listen. God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okay, you're show, Ladies and gentlemen. Here we go. It's the start of the morning show. Steve Harvey on the radio. Everybody needs to get it together, so you know it's time for us get started. So let's go. Ye know, I would have failed miserably as a rapper. Yeah, I don't. I don't even like it though. I don't even like him. Yeah, I ain't like I don't. I don't like trying to. I don't like having to keep that little thing. Don't you know that I ever say it. Everybody want to be here. I don't like that. I like that. That's not for me. I'm not good at it. Now's some great ones out there, but it's not for me. Good morning, everybody, Shirley Strawberry, Morning, Steve Carlin, Forrell, Good morning, what's up? Croom that dog gone? Junior boy? Morning, everybody in the Bill and the Food Nephew, Timmy ya ya, Yeah, Well morning, how y'all doing What was that yesterday? Didn't do nothing? Didn't do nothing else to thing. His tree growing though, But oh you're watching it the progress, Junior. What kind of tree is it, Junior? A big old green one. That's all I can tell you that, your junior. How's your neighbor? Oh? You know what? Um, you know what? We gonna have to kill that. I did the fruit thing? Yeah, yeah, the fruit was back on my side, you know, I said, like a good neigh But then he said, well, I'm here, so somebody came through. Yeah she do have add Okay, well, yeah, laid the fruit over that like a good neigh but Junior, he put it back on it with another note, said well I'm here, so he slid it back. Yeah. Well Lizie ain't Lizie ain't eat it. You know, he could ate it. So, you know, got some old fruit. Yeah, good, Julior. Let me ask you a question. Yeah, just me and you talking. Now, how long has she been staying across the hall from you since she been over there? Just about a week? Oh, she only been there for a week. Yeah, oh oh yo, oh okay, oh, well you didn't give an ample time to scope out situation. I just went for it. I've been in here three days felt like three years many reward, Junior, that's right about a faith baby? I did? I love it? Well? Good thing it wasn't number fruit. Yeah, like what else could have been? Could have been some mistakes, could have been a lot of where you slipped that love note under that dough that would have been love. Yeah, it was great about really good. Well you sound good today, Junior. Though great. I'm good. I'm in here. I'm crazy right now, I know, man, all what is that? Sir? Huh Tom? How are you holding? I just I just I need to sit fix I need a vacatient with just me. I need fixing it. Okay, yeah, that's True's crazy. No, man, let me go fishing, fishing, golfing, Let me do all any one week. I very rarely agree with him, but I do on this one. I need vacation by my damn sir. All right, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do some ask the cl CLO, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey, end up building with your questions. Right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, Steve, time now for ask the CLO. We have some good questions from Steve Harvey FM dot com. If you have some questions for the CLO, please please please feel free to write us. This one from Jess in Hollywood, Florida. Steven says, my boyfriend and I are in our mid twenties and sometimes he is not able to perform unless he watches porn. First, last night, we were being intimate and he was really into it. Then he called me his ex girlfriend's name. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to stop. It was his best for performance so far. Apparently thinking about his ex girlfriend kept him in the mood. Do you think he secretly still wants his ex or is this just something that happens from time to time. Well, I got a couple of ideas here from you said that he only gets excited unless he's watching poorn. In your twenties, that's dangerous. That's dangerous because I don't even I very rarely hear that from a guy that young. Very rarely do I hear that. So that's kindall. That's kind of odd, right there, him calling and gets excited. Now you having your best performance, and all of a sudden he calls his ex girlfriend his name. Now the question you need to find out is his ex girlfriend a poun star has possibility written all over it. Maybe she adn't wanted them movie that getting real excited. Other than that, I don't know how long you all have been dating, And I don't know how long you can continue to accept being called the other girl's name that ain't. I don't know how long that's allowable. But I think you should have bought it to his attention so that he is aware of it and he can start working on it if it's serious. But I don't think y'all's relationship is gonna go nowhere, because if you got to have Porto to turn you on at in your twenties, the rest of your sex years is shot man, damn dog, because in my twenties I needed nothing. I just knocked cool. Al yeah, if if just ready just walking around, ready the wind blow either one of these that right there? Hot, just right here, hot, don't matter. I okay. This is from Its from Tony in New Jersey. I have a problem with my lady friend. I'm a bodybuilder, and I get a lot of women trying to holler at me at my d in my d MS, and they send lots of nude pictures. I'll show my lady the pics and we laughed at them together. I found out the other day that my lady also gets nude pictures of men and her DMS. She clicked on a message by mistake and I saw the picture of a naked man. She has never mentioned this to me, She said, she hates the picts and she immediately deletes them. But why does she keep it from me? Should I be concerned? Well, you know what, dog? See Hold up now, when you showing neaked pictures, y'all laughing, you know, so now all of a sudden, this ain't funny to you no more. See, dog, you got to be careful what you introduce. I don't know what your ass is showing your girl naked pictures of other women fault. I really don't know, man. I'm confused about that. Normally that you're you're inviting a hail storm into your house when you do that. So I don't know what that was. But then she gets me and sending her naked pictures too. But she ain't mentioned it to you, because guess why, because she knows. Look at you didn't wrote a letter. See you see a picture You're asking wrote a letter, y'all watching together? You just keep kid yeah, see Pardner, So she already know it's a problem. And the bodybuilder come on, man, come on all right. See yeah, it's it's it's it's it's not a problem that she might be messing around. But maybe she just didn't feel like dealing with this because you don't wrote a letter into a national radio show. You show her pictures, y'all just laugh. Anonymous in Tennessee writes, I've been married for five years and my mother lives with us. I'm a diabetic and I've been sick a lot lately, so my mother has assumed the role as my full time nurse and caregiver. This drives my wife crazy. My mother told my wife that she's been taking care of me all my life and it's not up for debate. My wife isn't having it, and their constant arguing stresses me out. My wife works long hours, and my mom is here when my wife can't be. So in a way, my mom is right. I'm stuck in the middle. Please help, No, no, come no, No, Your mom isn't right. No, she's not right. Your wife is the queen of the castle that can there's only one queen in the castle. It might be some damsels, it might be some some some other people at work, but it's one queen. And your wife is being rooted out by your mother, who's obviously taking some liberties with you that your wife would like to be able to do. Now the fact that you're sick, Brod can't do nothing about that. Feel for you. Uh, you know, I don't know what you're supposed to say to somebody would diabetes. I don't know. You don't seeing conduces to Okay, well, you know, I don't know what you say to people got diabetes. I don't know what to say, not condolences or I don't know what to say to him about the sickness. But your mother is not. She may have been taken care of you your whole life, but this your wife, dog, See you said viles to your wife. Now, if your mother's there because you can't provide for yourself, I don't I don't know what it is, but she lives with y'all, and it's creating a problem. She didn't marry you to live with your mama. Now. I don't know how sick you are, dog, But if your mother just over there because she won't just keep eye on you and check on you. Then you gotta change your living arrangements. Now, if you incapacitated in some way, then your wife gonna had to work with your mama a little bit better. But your mama gonna had to back up and let your wife be the queen at the castle. Your wife and wife and dog. Now, you don't sleep with your mama, So you're gonna mess around here that in a minute. Yeah, yeah, we're going there and sleep with your mammy. You're gonna here that all right? Coming up next and have you in the building. Would run that brank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national Corona news update and entertainment news. Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott threw a party over the weekend in the middle of a pandemic, and other entertainment news. Ratings for the Lifetime movie The Clark's Sisters were huge. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us navn are we gonna wax that ass? That's what we're gonna do. Goodness if I'm call wat as oh no, no, come on called, come on, let's go cat dot. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Owen pleach. Yeah, this is on Hi Owen. This is ramone. I'm giving you a call, um where we're just confirming your appointment at eleven on Thursday. And I wanted to make you're a new client, so we wanted to make sure that you were Okay, wait a minute of points. What you have a spa treatment scheduled? Um, and eleven on Thursday? You did receive a spa treatment from your wife for Christmas? Um, but I don't remember being set up for anything or any appointment. Well, she's made an appointment for you for eleven o'clock on this coming Thursdays. I'm just calling to confirm that you would definitely be in to the salon. Well, I thought this was like a couple's massage or something like that. So what is the treatment all about? What's what do you guys? I don't I understand? Um, Well, she's got you signed up for Let me look, she's got you signed up for us to actually wax your back and in your buttocks on Thursday. And we actually have a special that we have um a manzillion, which is a this isn't for real. Sure, we have you lined up, point up appointment. If you don't want the appointment, please let us know. Wax my my back and my get that all out of here, man's zillion. Your your wife has set you up for a back and butt hair removal, which is waxing. And what I'm saying is a man'silion. Is if you would like that, we would remove all the hair from your private area as well. Yeah, try a good man. There's no way I'm getting my private wax. What select to be hairless like? But the way get out of here. Evidently, if your wife has set you up for this, maybe she's not into all you have. You evidently have a lot of hair on your back. I'm assuming yeah I'm a hairy guy. But she's never said anything the battles. He likes it, okay, he calls me he loves it. Well, maybe it's a mix of communication, because this is the thing she's asking us to do, is to remove your hair. Yeah, no, that's not happening. And if she's gonna tell me yourself, and there's no way I'm going in to have somebody ripped the hair off my back and my hands in my private you're kidding me to get out of here. This is crazy. This is this is a very professional procedure. It won't take long. We'll have you in and out within forty five minutes. But you're gonna forty five minutes, forty five minutes to rip off all of this hair. That sounds like tort shit. He mean, okay, sure you know. No, No, I think we're done. I think you know we're done. I mean I mean I'm gonna go Alad to get a refund. It's getting a refund. Okay, they're not gonna be a refund. Now, you're supposed to come in at eleven. This is something that she wants you to do. Yeah, I'm not listen to me. I am not getting wax. That's not something a man does. There's no way I'm doing that. If this is for real, I'm gonna have a talk with her as soon as she gets home, because no, no, no shirt. Right now, right now, you're are disrespecting my profession. That's what you're doing. Okay, look, I'm not I don't. I don't know what this is all about. I don't. I'm not trying to dis respect anybody, but I'm doing this all right. I'm not getting it back. No, there's no way. Okay. So evidently your wife wanted or she wouldn't have purchased it from us to have you come in and get it done. Well, yeah, I'm gonna talk to her about that. I mean, if there's something she wants watch, you can wax her private that's cool. But a man has hair. I mean, it's it's well, if she didn't have an appointment, then she's serious about getting it done. Yeah. Well I'm serious about not going so I mean, you know, I don't know how I can explain that to you. I'm not coming in. You can reschedule it for somebody else. I'll talk to her when she gets home. But that's that's it. I'm just your wife has paid two hundred dollars for this procedure. Did you say two hundred dollars? Your wife has paid two hundred dollars for the procedure. Yeah. No, he's gonna get a refund. You guys are no, this is sir, sir Owen, this is not respundable, so there is no money coming back. I will let you know that two hundred bucks. There's no way. You gotta be kidding me to take care off on my back and my two bucks. This is a very referable small here. I don't, I don't do it. I'm gonna get I'm gonna go to the dollar store and get a pack of raisers for a dollar, and she's gonna do it herself and I'll give her. I'll give her ten bucks. This is good. I'll give her a tip. That's the five fIF food bucks. I'm done. I'm say two hundred bucks. There's no way. There is no way we are playing that money and you guys are keeping that money. There's no pay Do you understand there's no there's not a refund, mister Owen. There's definitely not a ref Mister Owen, who are you? There's no way and I'm gonna I'm raman, I am ramone here at the spa and your wife came in and purchases wonderful gift for you for Christmas. Remote, I don't give up Ramote. Listen now, you're not respecting my professions. You're acting. I don't look. Look, I'm not trying to disrespect you, but I don't care about the profession. There's no way that's actually that's robbery. Charging somebody two hundred bucks to rip off hair off their their body. He gets just no way. I'm just not doing it, and I'm gonna talk to her. She's gonna do it herself. I cash because you're disrespecting my profession. And you're not coming in at eleven. Were you supposed to come in at eleven so we could watch your back in your body? And now you're saying no, there will be nothing whack, I'm not coming in eleven. I'm not coming in ever. She's gonna take care of this though. You don't have to worry about it. Ramone. I mean respect to you, but no need to show and there is no refund. Okay, I mean, this is ridiculous. I don't even know why I'm talking to you. You're cousin Peter. Have you spoken to him lately? How do you know Peter Teeter got me to call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just you just get out of here, you idiot. Oh I gotta ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show, No doubt do I do Crazy King of Pray. And if that wasn't stupid enough, me and my partner Crime would be live with our third show tomorrow. That is the T and J Stay Home Comedy Virus Comedy Show. All right, go to my YouTube. You can hit me up at uh the Nephew Timmy e XP. That's the Nephew Timmy Experience and you can catch me and Jane when I stay at home comm the show. And I can't wait to get on stage. All right, Matthew, thank you. We'll be watching tomorrow coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National News. Right after this, you're listening to show. Well. Police stopped by Dallas cowboy Dak Prescott's house, and this was after they got word that he was throwing a party during the coronavirus pandemic. Police said they stopped by and they were unable to verify if he and Ezekiel were partying with thirty people, which is a clear violation of the Texas Safe at Home Stay at Home order. Uh. Dak posted a picture from the event that showed a table set for only ten people. So they yeah, yeah, you're not do that. We can't have parties. You know what. I don't even I don't understand. I don't even tell why we madded at two football players throwing the party. We got pastors having church. Yeah, so you know the two football players, I damn neill understand. They young, they single and boys. Man ain't busy right now, man, let's do something. I'm about to go. Craig, you coming over? Yeah, bring on? Yeah, social yeah, two and they came. That's the thing. People came. Yeah, you gotta take this stuff seriously. People absolutely stay at home all right. Another entertainment news the Clark's sisters First Ladies of Gospel Music. Uh. Their movie was just incredible. Um. It was the highest rated Lifetime movie in four years. So congratulations today two points sewers watched it. Um and and just shout outs to all the ladies. Kiera Clark shared, Uh. Karen Clark shareds um daughter played her later. Yeah, and then um Anganu Ellis, who played doctor Maddie Moss Clark just exceptional, exceptional, Yes she was. She just really was, Steve. You gotta make sure that you watched it before the week, and I got well, well, I just got Hulu today. Yes, I love Hulu. Love what Hulu? Yeah, I ain't. I ain't. Don never knew what they were. But you can you can watch of course, I ain't telling y'all nothing. You can watch shows that was on off that's right. Can you ask news to me me and my wife's you can do that. Yeah, maybe you're not coming in here like I know something. Yeah, go ahead and get it downloaded? Do that? Yeah, use my thing oh now password? Yeah. And also big ups to the three ladies who backed it financially and put it together, Mary J. Blige, Missy Ella and Queen the Teeth, Sir. I think it was really deep for them to reach back and go to from their roots. You know, all the girls from the church Man they know right, and and and the Clark's sisters they were executive producers too. You saw that they were at the credits, so the Clark family too. They you know, they did their thing to doctor Holly carter Man. That movie was out. It was damn really good. It was really good. I just love their mother. I have so much respect for their mother. Man. Yes, I heard the Clarks. It was time to clean up. That's what I knew. Yeah, I'm I'm gonna do my life story on lifetime, and I want you to just play yourself, playing you now what you have you play yourself as a baby. No, Now, I gotta go, Pope headline, Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann trip and good morning everybody. Yes, this is a trip with the news. Let's get right to it. Former Vice President Joe Biden now has the backing of his last primary rival from on, Senator Bernie Sanders, and unlike the last time, Sanders told Biden that the big picture for the party and the nation is what's important and that everybody should get on board right now. I am asking all Americans. I'm asking every Democrat, I'm asking every independent. I'm asking a lot of Republicans to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse, to make certain that we defeat somebody who I believe is the most dangerous president in the modern history of this treat a president who downplayed this pandemic, who ignored the advice that some of his people were giving him. Sanders Biden and many others blamed President Trump for first disbelieving that there was a coronavirus, claiming the Democrats made it up. Then he claimed it was under control. Then he waited, they say, for about a month to do anything about it, resulting in the thousands of American deaths and the currently hobbled US economy. Many mainstream Democrats blame Bernie Sanders for Trump's winning the White House in the first place. Authorities say that one of the sailors who tested positive for the coronavirus aboard the USS, Theodore Roosevelt, has died. For other sailors from that very same Navy ship testing positive and hospitalized, and about six hundred sailors on that ship have tested positive for the virus very serious. Former Fox TV host Bill O'Reilly being criticized over a mark he made recently to Sean Hannity about the thousands of people all over the world who've died from coronavirus these still very very popular conservative of TV talker describes people who've passed from COVID nineteen in a rather matter of fact kind of way. This tape, courtesy of Media Matters. Many of people who are dying both here and around the world were on their last legs anyway. And I don't want to sound callous about that you're gonna get I mean, a simple man tells the truth. All people have taken a Twitter calling O'Reilly callous a joke, and a lot of other least flattering uh names. Okay, there are more casually numbers resulting from east to Sunday's tornadoes in the South thirties and Mississippi, putting at least eleven death a lot of injuries. At least eight people died in Georgia, nine in South Carolina. Storm deaths also reported in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. And finally, this always happens. A motorist in the UK the other day, Okay, he was stopped for speeding. He tells the cop he was trying to outrun the coronavirus. Yeah, this guy driving at one hundred and thirty mile an hour clip actually said that he thought that the fastest he drove, the less chance he'd have getting what the virus. I don't don't know else people are so silly. I just don't figure it out. Now back to the Steve Harvey warning show, you're listening to show well interest. Elba, who himself tested positive for COVID nineteen, voiced a poem. It was called Don't Quit. It was by John Greenleaf Whittier for promo to spread hope during the pandemic. And here's some of it. Take a listen, and the funds are low, but at that's high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh, I didn't when Carrie is pressing you down. Quit. Life is strange if it's twists and turns, as every one of us sometimes learns. Many has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. Often the struggler has given when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crowns success, his failure turned inside out. It's your silver tent of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are, and maybe near when it seems so far. So stick to the fight when your heart ist hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. Very good, you see that. I've never I've never known that they had an author to that poet. Yeah, John Greenleaf Whittier, But Ji, it's always been over there. I've never heard that. It's always been author unknown, but I never heard of that. Wow, I'm just saying Junior's here though, come on with his paw. You're just Junior is here. I'm come behind that. I know that that poem you just quote on call Don't Quit well, the one I wrote call I'm Gonna Quit by Julie, just the one I came up with. I'm gonna quit thinking someone is coming over because they ain't. I'm gonna quit thinking i'm gonna go start a hobby because I ain't. I'm gonna quit running to the dough thinking every delivery is for me because it ain't. And I'm not gonna wait around for the guy in DC to be more passionate, caring, thoughtful, understanding, or give a damn about minorities because he ain't. The end all right, Yeah, you're getting better. I wanted to boo you, but you again, see I'm in here, I got time you in the lab. I want you to write about that treat Write about that treatise. That's the next time, about the damn treaty. So you have something to do during the quarantine. Yeah, all right, coming up at thirty four minutes after the Hour and Trending Political News. President Trump used the task Force briefing to defend himself. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show and Trending political news. The President defended his actions, but he seemed very angry. During yesterday's Pandemic Task Force briefing, the President tried to rewrite history when he gave his response to the coronavirus of why you know he started late when everybody's accusing him of starting too late. Doctor Fauci was there to explain to the press that the virus warnings, the virus warnings timetables. The president can't take criticism. We all know that he went on the Atta hack against the media, CNN, New York Times and even Joe Biden. Uh. It is clear that the President of the US is using the daily coronavirus briefings as a campaign. Riley, I think, Raley, I think we can all agree to that, because he's on TV every day and this is you know, this is his time to do that. He also showed a campaign rally styled video to defend himself. It appears that the president simply refused to acknowledge any of his mistakes. Well, yeah, can we have these briefings without him? Just the doctor and the other people, And he ain't even got to come out. We don't need him come say nothing. No, Yeah, He's gonna stand there because this is his make or break moment. This will define his candidacy right here, candidates, because this is the one of the biggest things that's death has hit the globe in a long time. Yeah, and he has the advantage because he is a president. He does help hold these briefings. Joe Biden doesn't get TV time like he does. You know. You know, well, this is the election for Trump and he knows that. Yeah, he knows that people are going to vote now on based on this pandemic, based on this whole period. Thinking of that, Wisconsin looks like remember last week when they were standing out in the weather with their mass social distancing, they still had to go primary primary. What looks like the primary Joe Biden won that UM primary in Wisconsin. Come on, come on over, and he running against nobody. Bernie Official officially endorsed Joe Biden, saying, well, we need you in the White House. Joe. You know, look, man, um, this, this is, this has really gotten to a point. Now he has to do something because what he was touting as the best economy in the history in a long time, I mean just in the history is now turning out to be the worst economy. Now is this worst economy his fault? No, it isn't because of the pandemic, but it's happening under his watch. So you got to eat this one, you know. Now, he is not about the business of taking any blame for anything. We've seen this over and over and over, and you can see him and his party slowly making the twist and the flip and the spin. Remember all the dude that used to be on Fox Bill O'Reilly, Oh yeah, yes, the spin factor. And that's that they're they're they're brilliant at this man, and that's what they're doing now. Conservatives are calling for the firing of doctor Fauci. Come on, why woun't you get rid of him? Because this is the one brilliant guy that's really being honest with the public. But if your honesty goes against what the president is saying, they go get you out of there, man, because you got this guy looking bad. But he but he's the smartest person in the room because that's what he did. Though he did exactly that. He went against the president. When doctor Fouchi said on Sunday that, of course if we did mitigation earlier, that would have saved lives, well that's common sense. Yeah, that isn't going against nobody. We all noticed it. May the president look bad because all already fighting the accusations that he started too late. He didn't react, you know, he called it a hoax and all of that. But it's not an accusation he started too late. There's footage of him saying, it's a whole placed about it. Yeah, we're gonna be fine people, We're gonna be fine. Yeah. When April comes in, weather gets warmer, yeah, all of that. Yeah, well it's April. It's like the flu. Yeah, it's the fluke. Yeah, like the flu. Well, you can go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook if you want to comment. Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter forward today the subject I have two perfect boyfriends. We'll get into it. Wow, girl, we'll get into it coming up. But first, Yeah, it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Nap, I can't wait. I mean that twenty twenty Sharon, I mean that twin Listen right here, Eels. Don't leave the house again. Don't see leave the house again. Don't do it. Let's go. Okay, that's simple. It's just that's simple. Hello. Yeah, I'm trying to speak to Angel. Please listening, Angel. How you doing? My name is Randy. I live in the in the apartment building that you live in. How you doing today? I'm doing? Okay? Something wrong? Well, we got a little bit of a problem. I know it's a lot going on right now, you know, with the with the virus and all, but it's been brought to my attention. I talked to the doorman and he was telling me, you're the only person I've really seen going in and out of the building. Where exactly do you work? If you don't mind me asking, miss angel I actually do mind you asking, Um, can you tell me why you're concerned about where I work and where I'm going? Okay, so here's a deal. Like, you know, we're all concerned about, you know, this whole virus thing. I'm noticing you going in and out this building every day. Every thing you're going in and I noticed that. So I asked to do a man about you, and he said something about that you had to go to work or you, uh, you know, you got one of those jobs that you you got to be there or something like that. I don't know, but yes, I'm an essential worker. But wait, so where did you get my number from? I asked around to a few of the neighbors that live on your floor, and somebody I just told him I was concerned I wanted to talk to you about. So my problem is this, We're trying to keep this whole apartment building safe, but you're going in and out of it does not make it safe for us. You know, you you kind of need to stay at home right now until all of this is over. With are you telling me what I need to do? Is what I'm telling you what you need to do in the safety for the apartment building. That's what I'm saying you. You you don't need to lead this. You don't need to lead a house no more. Oh I am not the one today. Listen. Unless you are going to tell me that you are going to pay my rent and my bills and take care of my daughter, you need to mind your damn business. I can come and go as I did more. Please, now, you're not going to keep bringing to see. See that's what that's my problem. And see, that's the attitude I don't like. See if you're coming in and out of this building bringing we don't know if you're bringing something in here or not. That's the problem I have with this. And that's why I'm calling a problem with eating food every day because I work in a grocery store. Do you have a problem with making sure that the shelves are stocked? You work at the grocery store. I do work at the grocery store. So you around all them people, and then you're coming back to this apartment building, and I'm also around all the food that you probably eat what's your point the point and let you're hauled up in there eating cantuna from two years ago, rice and beans. I'm pretty sure your food came from the grocery store. So as sentential workers like me are crucial to keep those stores open, Listen, listen, I understand. But as far as you know, I'm i'm I'm part of the team that that that controls all the people in the building. As far as the neighbors, I think I think you misunderstand who you might think you are to me. You're nobody to me. You're just a neighbor. You don't control anything. You don't control where I go, who I go with, when I go, when I come. You don't control any of that. So I don't know what you think you might control. Let me say this, end of the day. You need to keep your ass at home until this is over with. That's it. That's not You're gonna make you waiting for you. I'll be waiting for that check for the renting for my buildings. So when you fly that underneath the door, I'll do as you leave. I'm not coming. I'm not coming nowhere exactly. Let me say this, if I if I see you lead you building again. We're not letting you back in you are? Is this you have lost your mind? Are you kidding me? No, I'm not kidding you, because we see, see, see and see. This is the attitude I don't like. Is somebody not talking attitude you don't like? I pay rent here? I have always paid rent here, and me and my daughter live here and we mind our business. You weren't gonna tell me when I go income and when I'm gonna get into my own apartment, get out of here? What is wrong with you? Listen? I'm gonna say this to you. If you're not gonna abide by what I'm telling you that I'm you already know, is you and your daughter Christie up there? I would tell how both of you. I don't have you and your daughter Christie? What what? Okay? I don't know who do you think you were talking to? But I know you are not saying my daughter's name. You need to mind your mother's business. Me and my child are my business. You and whoever is your business need to stay over there and leave me and my family alone. I cannot believe you up in here talking about my kids? Are you wanting you wash your mind. You must have wash your mind. What you need? Did you say you listen? I didn't say you what unit I lived in? I didn't say that. Okay, Well go ahead and tell me because you got so much to say and you got such a problem mama at okay, Well we can have conversation face to face. How about that whatever? While you was at work the other day, I already talked to Christie. I was at work. What if do you know my work schedule? Cause I see you when you leave. But I talked. I talked to you. I talked to your daughter Christie when you left the other day. Okay, all right, so this is clearly a problem. You got me stup because you need to mind your business and I don't ed ber want to hear anything about you think anything near my daughter. You clearly have a sup Okay, But your daughter, your daughter Christie, is the one that told me to call you. I am sorry what your daughter Christie told me to call you? May the fact she told me to prank call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morty Show. Angel. You just got pranked by your daughter Christy. Girl. Wait a minute, it's a joke. Angel, it's a joke. Baby. Your daughter Christie got me to prank you. Baby. M okay, y'all ain't right for this. I'm gonna get her. Oh okay, okay, okay, this is not the time for this book. People are on edge right now. I'm trying to I'm trying to loosen up to edge, missus. Angel, That's all I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to lose. Tell me twenty twenty, Baby, twenty twenty. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? The show? And now you have it, don't y'all ask lead this house. Don't leave this apartment building no more him. That is so curry. You're doing COVID nineteen pranks. Dog? Why not? Why everybody? See everybody at home? Everybody. You're gonna be pretty behind what I'm supposed to do. Everybody that you know, well, we have to shout out to the grocery cash yers, the you know what and I did that. Yes, yes, yes, we appreciate. Big ups to everybody at the grocery show. Big ups to everybody. Man, Um, even even people don't people don't think the teachers are working. The teachers are working too, now they are, they are? They had to My girlfriend had to go back on Monday. Yeah, playing and everything. Yep, lesson playing and everything. You're right, and guess what called it tomorrow? Tomorrow? Yes, you're not a good homeschool teacher. That's tomorrow. You packet educators too. No no, no, no no, I'm breaking mama's at home. Oh you're not a good home school teacher. Y'all ain't ready for it. Nephew was back in strack tomorrow the TNJ Coronavirus Stay at Home Comedy Show, hosted by Yours Julie and j Andy Brown. It jumps off tomorrow three p m. Easton Standard time. You can catch us at my YouTube channel, The Nephew Timmy exped Us, The Nephew Timmey Experience, catch me and jadamar accinga damn food. We got comedians lined up and you will enjoy the Coronavirus Comedy Show. Thank you, all right, thank you, nephew. Can't wait coming up Strawberry letters, subject, I have two perfect boyfriends. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice on relationship, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit straw Very Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. I think it's time for this right here. She has been chosen again this year as one of the most Influential Women in Radio for twenty twenty and own air category by Radio Inc. Magazine Ladies and Gentlemen, The one Only and Now because every letter, Thank you, sir, that was cool. Thank you girl, thank you, thank you, thank you guys. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Blessed all right? Subject wow, Subject I have two perfect boyfriends. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a forty nine year old divorced woman with two grown children. Two years ago, I prayed the God send me a real good man and life partner. I was dating with a purpose and I had a list of nin negotiables and must have. Six months into praying and dating, I met the most incredible man and he checked off nine of the ten boxes on my list. He lives in a different state, so either I visited him or he comes to see me twice a month. I was praying, but I wasn't being stupid enough to put all of my eggs in one basket. I kept dating men in my hometown. Shortly after I met the first guy, I met another really incredible guy that lives in my city, and he too, checked off nine of the ten boxes on my list. I've been seeing them both and having the best time. I was waiting to see if one of them would switch up and change so I wouldn't have a hard time dumping one of them. But they have both remained consistently wonderful, and I can honestly say that I love them both. I have two of the best relationships that a woman could dream of. There's no drama, no arguing, and no issues. I know that I'm the only I know that I'm the only woman that they are seeing and have keys to their homes. I have keys to their homes. I want this to work, and I even jokingly asked both of them about a polyamorous relationship. They said that would be great, but only if they could have more than one woman. They both talk about marriage and how long they have searched for a woman like me, I can't decide which one would make the best life partner. I don't want to hear a lecture about how I am playing two men, because men do it all the time. I'm having a lot of fun, but I need to stop playing before they find out about each other. How can I choose one over the other? Well, now, aren't choo just living your best life? Well, you know many women I'll say this, complain about not having or not being able to find one good man. And hear you are with two good boyfriends, perfect boyfriends, and how convenient that one of them lives out of town. I mean, how convenient is that one lives in town and one lives out of town? So you know there won't be any cross pollination or anything going on in your life. You're right about you know. I can understand that you don't want to hear a lecture about having two boyfriends, because yes, men do it all the time and no one says anything. Humh. But guess what, You're not a man, and there is a double standard when it comes to this. There is just a double standard in the world. But hey, have your fun while you can, okay, because you know this isn't going to last forever. You've already said you need to stop before they find out. You've asked them about a polyamorous relationship and they liked it, but only if they could have more than one woman. And I gotta ask you, did that make you think or feel anything? Like, you know, while you're out of town, you know, especially you're out of town guy, and while you're out of town with him, maybe you know what's he doing when you're not in town. Maybe he might be doing that. Anyway, It's just a thought, just a thought. But to the question of choosing one over the other, I just say, only you can make that choice. You have to make that decision. You know, ask yourself these questions. Which one puts you first, Which one's actions lines up with his words? Which one can you depend on the most? You know, who treats you like a queen? Who do you think will be a good father? Those are kind of the things you think about when you're trying to, you know, choose a life partner. So I mean, which one supports your dreams? So if one of those fits all that criteria, then you know you know which one that is. And like I said, only you can make that choice, Steve. Yeah, Well, I have two perfect boyfriends. I normally don't do this, but I'm gonna start at the bottom of the letter. How can I choose one one over the other? First of all, let me say I'm having a lot of fun, but I need to stop playing before they find out about each other. How can I choose one over the other? Well, I really don't give a damn. I really don't. I don't don't. I really don't give a damn about this problem that you wrote in that you're having. This is a problem. You create it yourself, and you're having fun and you don't want know lecchell, so what you write me for. I don't give a damn who you choose. I don't give a damn who find out. But I tell you what I will do when we come back, though, I will tell you something in here that you didn't write in here. But I'm inform you about something about me and sister, because once you play this game with men, you messing with somebody who played this game for real. Men are not as smart as women. But we all ain't really that damn dumb. Though, Thank you, I appreciate that you just need to tell you that as smart as women, but we ain't really that damn dumb, though, And you need to understand that system. And that's it's in your letter, and I'm gonna give it back to you when we come back. All right, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of today's strawberry letter, I have two perfect boyfriends. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show a right Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. I have two perfect boyfriends. Like I said after I read the bottom of the letter, I'm having a lot of fun, but I need to stop playing for they find out about each other. How can I choose one over the other? And I said before we went on, I don't give a damn I don't. I don't kill which one you pick? I don't because y'all see, And how can I choose one any other? Like I said it earlier, women are smarter than men, But men ain't that dumb though. And now I'm thin to walk you through this letter and show you what I'm talking about. Now, you forty nine years old, you divorced woman with two grown children. Here's what I don't care about this lady. Two years ago, I prayed that God send me a real good man and a life partner. I was dating with a purpose, and I had a list of non negotiable and must have six. Most into praying and dating, I met the most incredible man and he checked off nine of the ten boxes of my list. He lives in a different states, so either I visit him or he comes see me twice a month. God answering your prayers. I was praying, but I wasn't being stupid enough to put all my eggs in one basket. Pump your brains. You mean to tell me now that you prayed to God for something. God gave it to you. But now you don't trust God. Now you think God needs some help from you. You think that your decisions it's better than God's decisions. That's what you think. So after you've been praying all this time, Lord, Jesus, Father God, I wasn't stupid enough to put all my What you really said was I wasn't stupid enough to just accept that one prayer as being answered. So just what you did, so I kept dating me and in my hometown. You've been praying to God, so if he send it to you, he perfect. What's did you added this complication? You drug this other man into this after God gave you what you asked for. But finish show you something now. Short after I met this guy, I met another really incredible guy that lives in my city, and he too checked off nine out of the ten boxes on you lift. Now, one of these men is from God, the other one is from you and your greed. Now, I'm just telling you what I see in this letter. I've been seeing them both and having the best time. I was waiting to see if one of them would switch up and change so I wouldn't have a hard time dumping one of them. But they have both remained consistently wonderful, and I can honestly say that I love both of them. Congratulations, lady, I have two of the best relationships that a woman could dream of. There's no drama, no argument, no issue. Now here we go this one, Finn, teach yourself. I know that I'm the only woman that they are seeing, and I have keys to their homes. Well, listen, you got a key to the man's house. That's out of town. That's the one God answered the prayer for first, and you had you added to say, you got keys to a guy's house side of town. Okay, you got keys to a guy's house locally. Okay, that don't mean that's his only place. I know a whole lot of dudes got to two places, a home and in a fully furnished apartment. You might have a key to the fully furnished apartment. I don't know. I'm just saying but that you got keys that don't prove nothing. I want this to work. And I even jokingly here you feel to learn something. I want this to work. And I even jokingly asked both of them about a poly polyamorous relationship. That foolishness, they said. Now here we go. They said that would be great, but only if they could have more than one woman. What wait a minute later, you pray to God for something, He gives it to you. You introduce another man on top of what God gave you. Then God gives you a great relationship, and then you throw some of your own mess into great relationship. And say, I asked them both if they want to poly so it does it? Surely polyamorous? I don't even want that foolishness. That's why I don't even learn stuff like that. I want a polyamorous relationship. They said it would be great, but only if they could have more than one woman. Somebody don't care about you, because now I'm gonna teach you something about man. A man that really really loves a woman. Don't want to share the woman I love can't be in another man's arms. That's too much, So somebody, because you can. You've introduced something on top of a something you prayed for. You've introduced another relationship. Now you got these two perfect relationships and you want to introduce them to one another. But they don't know about each other, and you jokingly. You ain't jokingly, you're fishing. And now they said they'd be great, but only if they could have more than one woman. You missed that they both talk about marriage and how long they have searched for a woman like me. I can't decide which one will make the best life, Pardner. I don't want to lecture about how I'm played. I ain't gonna get you no lecture. But this gonna blow up in your face because men do it all the time and don't they blow up in their face all the time. Just gonna blow up in your face. So have a lot of good ass fun. Because you can't pray for God to give you something, then he give it to you, then you act like you're gonna double down on that to coverage. Oh you don't know what a blessing is? All right? Thank you, Steve. Post comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on Demanding This by Schumiko. NASCAR driver Kyle Lawson appears to be having some difficulty because he said the N word. M We'll talk about it when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to Day Morning Show. NASCAR driver Kyle Larson has some big problems. Guys. He's twenty seven years old. He said the N word during a virtual race on Easter Sunday. Larson, who drives the number forty two car during the NASCAR Cup Series, was competing in an eye racing event. It was streamed live to thousands, I mean thousands of people on Twitch now. After crashing during lap six, Larson apparently had a difficult time communicating with the other drivers and that's when things got bad. He said, I can't see it. You hear me? Hey in word? Larson said casually. Another individual involved in the race said to him, Kyle, you're talking to everyone but Kyle Larson, whose mother is Japanese American, was a member of NASCAR's Drive for Diversity initiative. Two major sponsors have just cut the ties with Larson. Was it any black people that was driving? Who was he talking to? His crew? Was talking other drivers to some more white people. Yeah, there was a lot of people talking, thousands of people. Who was the word? It's what I'm trying to say. Who was he talking to? You see, he thought he was just talking in his apology now, he thought he was just talking to his crew, but he was informed by some other people. Kyle, everybody can hear They can hear you, bud. So then he issued out, dude, do we have the apology. Let's let's take a listen here it is. Yeah, I just want to say I'm sorry. Um, you know, last night I made a mistake and said the word that should never ever be said. And um, there's no excuse for that. You know, I wasn't raised that way. You know, it's just an awful thing to say, and I feel very sorry for my family, my friends, my partners, the NASCAR community, and especially the African American community. You know, I understand the damage. It is probably unreparable, and you know I own up to that, um. But I just wanted to let you all know how sorry I am. And you know I hope everybody is staying safe during these crazy times. Thank you. You're gonna bring up Corona he in trouble, Well, let let me say this. He's got suspended too, with what he got suspended from NASCAR. Yes, uh, NASCAR has suspended him. The Eye Racing team suspended him without pay. I have so many bigger things that I'm dealing with right now. It's out there in so many public veins now, But I don't his apology he can save it, because I don't like people that say I said a word that should never be said. It's an awful thing to say. But you said it though, Yeah, you know, so if it should never be said, where it come You wasn't raised that way? Where it comes from your partner. I'm not saying your parents did it, but you picked it up somewhere on something. So and bring us the keys to that car. I got. All right, we'll talk about it Part two coming up right after this. You're listening, okay, So Stephen, we left. We were talking about NASCAR race car driver Kyle Larson, who uh said he mistakenly said the N word while he was playing a virtual race game. No, listen, yeah, this is a virtual race game. He was saying. I've been around several NAS car events. I've gone to some speedways. When we were did in the movie Racing Stripes, I had to do some promotions down there at speedways. I've been to Richard Petty's place, met with him his entire family at Victory Ranch, one of the most outstanding facilities I've ever seen for disabled kids to come and be able to do everything that ordinary kids do. I mean, if you want a bowl, if you want to rock climb, if you're in a wheelchair, you want a horseback round, whatever you want to do. They have a facility where disabled kids can do anything that able body people can do. Right. I've been around Dale earned her Junior. I've been around uh, Jeff Gordon. I've been around several of these guys, some of them some of the coolest people on the planet. So this ain't against Nascar. Does NASCAR have a lot of blacks in it? Now? Have they been trying to find a way to increase diversity? Yeah, but if you go to a NASCAR event, not really a lot of rebel flags at these events, and it ain't the most family friendly atmosphere. Are you saying you may hear the N word? Yeah? And so this dudes a potology about it should never be said. You said it, and when you say it in a public form like that with a helmet and in a moment like that, it's because you said it before. I am telling you it is said all the time. The problem is he lets somebody head, Yeah he got caught. The thing is the word is a racial slur. It just is. Okay, it is. But you know what the thing is, y'all, is that Hispanic people say it to each other. White boys say it to each other. We say it to each other, and that's why, and that's the issue. But you have so many different ethnicity groups that are saying it to each other all the time. I hear white boys calling each other that all the time. I hear Spanish guys said all the time to each other. A lot. But I know what exists because I've watched things and I hear things, right, I see the ops. Tommy's absolutely correct. It's in music. And let me say this the new trend too. I'm gonna tell you TikTok videos, these kids that dance with TikTok is. I'm around younger kids. And when you look at these videos and you see these songs, these kids are dancing, singing, and it's all that for a while. They have absolutely and so I don't spend in music forever. And I don't think a guy should lose his career now. If you're in a different field, if you're a news anchor person, someone that issues out authoritative information, you're in politics, that's a different business. That's a different business. You're a sports athlete and all that. Man, I ain't man. You've been in locker rooms before, Yeah, and you've been around and that's what they do. And Tommy's right, he's one right. White dudes call each other that now, Latinos call each other that. Now. I saw an Asian dude talking to another Asian dude and saying that one time I see him in the car when I pull up next to him, and they'd be banging that music just saying it. I can't get I can't say nothing if you yeah, if you call me an N word, I want you to understand something. As soon as I hear it, expect something. Just expect something. You're not gonna give it to me free. I've never taken it free from a non black ever in my life sixty three years, and I have been in uh four racial fights in college over it and two afterwards. So I've been in about six in my life. But if you call me that, it's on and crack it. I give you my word on it. All right til we'll be back with more of it. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening Morning Show. Well, doctor Anthony Fauci, head doctor of the Coronavirus Pandemic Task Force, went on the record saying that people should just forget about shaking hands. Okay, even after COVID nineteen is over. He said, forget about it. He went on to say, we've got to break that custom. Got to ask the guys, what are we going to do? Um, we go back out there to greet people, say hey, what do our humans and we like that human contact. Hey black, we're gonna come up with some so dope. I'm just waiting the boys up in New York, Brooklyn, Bronx harm. They're gonna come up with some. It's gonna be nice. The official Black People. One of these, one of these young young boy's gonna come up with a dope way to do it. Yeah, they're thinking about it now. When the Obamas came up with the fist bump and people, you know what, maybe maybe we could do like maybe we could do like lebron them do before they get in the game. You see all that crazy stuff they do, but but do it without touching. It's it's a possible way. It's almost like a little dance they do. Well you unless she didn't you game, we see each other, we're gonna dance. I think when we see each other we are a docy dough do the wobble by the hand, swing around like hey man, I see that. Come on, now, let's gold flow. Now you gotta come up with something. We'll be back and with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending political news. The President defended his actions, but he seemed very grey. During yesterday's Pandemic Task Force briefing, the President tried to rewrite history when he gave his response to the coronavirus of why you know he started late when everybody's accusing him of starting too late. Doctor Fauci was there to explain to the press that the virus warnings, the virus warnings timetables. The President can't take criticism. We all know that he went on the attack against the media, CNN, New York Times and even Joe Biden. It is clear that the President of the US is using the daily coronavirus briefings as a campaign. Riley, I think rally. I think we can all agree to that, because he's on TV every day and this is you know, this is his time to do that. He also showed a campaign rally styled video to defend himself. It appears that the President simply refused to acknowledge any of his mistakes. Well, yeah, he always can. We have these briefings without him, just the doctor and the other people, and he ain't even got to come out. We don't need him to come say nothing. He's gonna stand there because this is his make or break moment. This will define his candidacy right here, Candida, because this is the one of the biggest things that has hit the globe in a long time. Yeah, and he has the advantage because he is a president. He does help hold these briefings. Joe Biden doesn't get TV time like he does. You know, you know, well, this is the election for Trump. He knows that people are going to vote now based on this pandemic, based on this whole thinking of that Wisconsin looks like remember last week when they were standing out in the weather with their mass social distancing, they still had to go primary primary. What looks like the primary Joe Biden won that UM primary in Wisconsin. Come it's over and he running against nobody. Bernie Office officially endorsed Joe Biden, saying, well, we need you in the White House. Joe. You know, look, man, Um, this this is this has really gotten to a point. Now he has to do something because what he was touting as the best economy in the history in a long time is now turning out to be the worst economy because of the pandemic. But it's happening under his watch, so you got to eat this one now. He is not about the business of taking any blame for anything. We've seen this over and over and over, and you can see him and his party slowly making the twist and the flip and the spin. Remember the dude that used to be on Fox Bill O'Reilly, Yes, the spin Factor. They're brilliant at this man. Coming up our last break of the day, Break of the day, perfection Steve Harvey from him and of course I know, and of course some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day, as promised. It's been a good day. Good Tuesday. Huh yeah, yeah, we're making it every day. Yes we are. Time with this last break? Why, Junior, So we're going back to quiet? Oh yeah, back to watching the tree, y'all gonna go. I'm gonna go, fully We I did fly, Ben Junie. That's what I'm gonna do. I got me something to do. You've got something to do. What you're gonna do? Hut? Here, I'm gonna try to see if I can see the house on the other side. Stop watching your neighborhood. I need. I'm gonna just go see if I can go see the yad that first time I ever saw the other house. So yeah, I'm gonna go see if I can go see the house. Now, we know it's hard, but enjoy this time that you have away because it's not going to last forever. This too, Shell pass this too, and we'll be talking about remember to memory soon. Yeah remember when, back when y'all remember Corona, remember we had Remember. But I actually think we should do this once a year. I think a month of lockdown to be good for everybody in their families. I didn't to get a break, Yeah, take take take a break from the world and talking to get the hell out of here, Junior. Ain't with that. That was Thomas. That was Thomas, my house, My bad. I slipped out of time, my bad. Lock ourself down for another month. You ain't gonna make it, Julia. But people have somebody charge against me. Yeah. People do want to get back and go to work and stuff so they can make some money so they can take care of their families. Yeah, yeah, but I'm with Tommy with Hato. Yeah, we could do it with Hey. Yeah I didn't hear that part. Yeah, yeah, with Hey put that in there. Yeah, it's been time with your families. Yeah. But you know, all in this time right here, I've I've really decided and I'm trying to implore people to take a positive attitude about all of this. Now, listen, ones to this thing. I mean, my heart goes out to you. Uh. This has been an invisible thing that has happened across the world. This isn't you know. They they talk about hot spots, but this this is worldwide, you know. But I've got friends all in different parts of the globe, you know, in the UAE and Africa. You know, I got friends in the Bahamas, i got friends in Brazil. I got some friends in the pan Asian countries. But you know, man, I look at all of this and there is a bright side, because this too shall pass. You know, you have to understand that you've got to fix your mind to deal with what's going on out here. You've got to get an understanding pertaining to your situation, and you got to first come to the realization that this thing that's happening to all of us. Ain't just happening to you. See say it like that, this thing that's happening to all of us, it stops you from thinking this is only happening to you. It's amazing, man, how people can compartmentalize this situation and make it all about them, Like you're the only one, ain't going to work, Like you're the only one, ain't missing a check, Like you are not the only one that's quarantine. You're not the only one that's happen to become a homeschool teacher. You're not the only one feeling stuck. It's everybody. But why are some people complaining and others are not well? Because it's almost like the old saying, you can look at your glass half empty, or you can look at your glass half full. I happen to be the half fool guy. I happen to look at this thing with the hope that that God I served it's doing something on my behalf. That when he brings me through this like he has brought me through everything else, that when I get to the other side of this, that will be the glory for it, that will be the miracle, that will be the major developments and learnings and blessing and everything that I need on the other side of this, And this is what's going to happen to millions of people. Do you hear me? Millions of people are going to come out of this on the other side and be more grateful and become more appreciative and become more acutely aware of their surroundings and what's really important to them. I don't know why God slowed the world down at this particular time. I don't know, but something's going on. And God always does things with a purpose in mind. He has a mission. And I always wanted to be the type of soldier who I paid attention to the voice when I heard it that I always try to tune myself to the mission. Have I always done it? No? I haven't. No, I haven't. But I am at my absolute level best when I pay attention to his voice. I am at my absolute best. When I yield to his word, I am at my absolute best when I lean on his promises. That's when I'm at my absolute best. God is at his absolute best when you are in the middle of your absolute worst. I've never seen him not show up on time. I've never not seen him failed to deliver the package. I've never not seen him promise to keep his promises that he made. I've never seen him fail, not one single time. I've never seen God fail or heard of it, not one single time. And this is just one of those times. As difficult as it is, there's a victory for those that believe. I happen to believe. I'm looking for the victory. I'm looking for the bright side, delighted the end of the tunnel. God has been good to me all these years. Why would he stop now? I don't believe that those are my clothes are remarks, Oh okay. Night. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.