Cutty Buddy System, Food Protection, Fountain of Youth, Big Dog VM and more.

Published Dec 29, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve got something for the two coldest groups on the planet. The Chief Love Officer helps a guy get back into the dating game and he also explains something to a woman who is unaware of her smothering toyfriend. Steve found what keeps him young at the job and he shares it with us. The fellas give us ways to keep our food protected. King Casual talks about friends with benefits situationships. Right or Wrong is back! We get well wishes from The Steve Harvey Nation as we near Day 1. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve has specific advice for young adults.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like amazing bus things and it's not me true good Steve to mother, stay, don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn hur you got to turn to turn them out? Got the turnout? Then turn the water the water y'all come come on your thing, huh. I show will a good morning everybody. You'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do. Took on me what I said. But I do like I say always. It just is a constant reminder of how good God has been. So my question to you is what's stopping you from having the life that you want? What's stopping you from having the life that you want? I know a lot of people who have given up on achieving the life of their dreams, but I know they'd still want them if they could get to them. But they just allowed to settle for so many reasons. So who I'm talking to is you today? What's really at the core of stopping you? What is that? Is it your friends or your associates. Is it the fear of what you think somebody else will think of you if you decide to change. Is it what I used to call the call of the while? Is it the fact that you keep thinking that the thing that you're doing that's providing you these momentary moments of pleasure that really ain't really good or healthy for you. You don't want to stop doing that because you've got just a little bit more something else you want to do. I call that the call at a while. You know, it's just out there. Them streets is calling you, Them lights is calling you. You know, them girls is calling you. Them guys that's on the wrong side keep calling you. You can't seem to make a decision by the right guy. You keep picking the wrong guy all the time. What is it that's stopping you from having the life that you really want to have? So whatever the reason you're choosing, that's the reason that's stopping you from having the life that you want to have, it's no good because at the end of the date, here's the real deal. See, God is available, and God is available for all of us, and God has a plan for all of us. And God wants to vary best for all of us. That's the truth of the matter. So now what we're gonna do to get started having that life? First of all, if it's your friends, I want you to understand something. Your friends can't save you. A lot of your friends offer no real help for you. Most of your friends don't have the answer themselves. I mean, it's just a wide range of reasons. And misery love company. So usually when your friends are in a bad position, they kind of like company in that bad position. Your friends ain't going to church. You're gonna be their friend. They don't really want you to go to church. You know, your friends don't pray, so why would they offer up prayer as a solution to you. You know, your friends don't really really get the fact that if you treat people better, people would treat you better. So what's that? So your friends are a lot of times the reasons, you know, to peer pressure of what and then the thought in your mind of what they're gonna think once they find out I don't do what they do anymore. Who cares what they think other than you? I mean, really, you can't let what somebody thinks if you stop you from having the best life you wanted to have. If I went by that theory right there, I wouldn't I wouldn't even be on this mic this morning. I would have never become a stand up I would have had I listened to the people around me who clearly told me when I quit my job to pursue this. Boy, don't you quit your job? You got a family, Boy, don't you do this. You ain't got no bit dad, ain't ain't no security in that. Get yourself a job, Go down here and get your brothers, go to work over here. I heard all of that. I didn't let that stop me from pursuing this. Why would you allow that to stop you from pursuing your relationship with God so you can have the best life you could possibly have. You gang bang because they've convinced you that this is the family situation and love that you don't have, and they've convinced you that this is your only way, your only source of getting over And then you drum up these ignorant reasons man for staying with it. But they sound so good when you're listening to everybody else you're surrounded by telling you why we gang banging while we're holding this blockdown? Why we slanging this thing here right here? Why we're letting it go like this here? You keep listening to them when all in your heart of hearts you know this ain't right, you already know, but you allow that form of the call of the wild, that wanting to be accepted by a group of people who trying to get you to accept a way so you can further they progress. To even prove that you worthy to be around them, you got to commit some type of crime to even prove that you're worthy to be around them. Then when you get busted on the crime, what happens to that where your family had? Now they don't come down there to see you because guess what, they can't turn an idea to death at a law enforcements center. So now your homies can't come visit you. And then you know your family back out here, they ain't taking care of your family because it's all about them. Then you learn that what is it to stopping you from having a life that you always wanted to have? What is it? Why are you a repeat offender? Why do you keep checking yourself back into that institution? Why? Man, why won't you get it together? Why won't you give God a try. Why won't you disassociate yourself? Why would you continue to be a part of a revolving door system and becoming the farm system for these institutions that ain't got nothing for you? But you keep going back in there, and then every time you go in there, and then your little homies or your gang banging, little silly little friends try to make you think that's a badge of honor. Therein't no badge of honor. Man, that's one mode. What's one more scratch on that record, That's one mold, That's one more nail in that coffin. That's one step closer to that third strike where you ain't gonna ever get out. It's one step closer to that graveyard. You keep on. Why would you not give God a try? Why would you not go and see what your life could really be? What is it that's stopping you? Because see, I got news for you. There's nothing like waking up free. I don't care who you are. There's nothing like waking up with the joy in your heart. Now, if you ain't gonna be free, get the joy in your heart, the satisfaction of knowing that you accomplishing something with your life, help somebody behind them, bars, get in the program, show these young cats when they come in a better way. But don't you dare sit there man and just ride it out, and man, just go and get the full It's life that you can have. What you know what it feels like to wake up and be on your way somewhere knowing that you have something to accomplish, that you can change somebody, that you can stop somebody from going down the roads you went down. It's a whole lot of ways to make your life better. But why would you not go and have the best life you can have? What is it that's stopping you? Really? Really? So you think that Satan really has your best interests at heart. That Dela thing your mama kept telling you about praying, you wasn't listening. It was you. But you know, it ain't ever too late to get back to that. It ain't ever too late to turn around, It ain't ever too late to get your life together, it ain't ever too late to seek God, and it ain't ever too late to pray. Don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, Because prayer changes things. Prayer change people too. I'm a witness to that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let me have your attention. I am talking to everyone today who has ever had the aspiration of becoming a millionaire. All if you've ever had the aspiration of holding a full time job, these are the two groups that I'm talking to. Anyone who has had the aspiration of holding a full time job and anybody who has had the aspiration of becoming a millionaire. This show is dedicated to the two coldish groups on planet Earth. You dig, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What group you in, Shutty Strawberry, I'm in both, Steve, Thank you very much. Colin Farrell, God, let's get it, Junior, I got five jobs. Tell me I ain't trying, nephew, tire me every day. I'm hustling. I'm trying to be in there. Guess up for you. Oh you ain't. I ain't in this servant here? You got something I got I got somewhere else. I'm head ain't. Nobody asked me that, So we just throwing it out, y'all. That's my two favorite groups of people. Anybody that wants to work, and anybody want to be rich. I love both of them people because you ain't got to be rich to be my friend. Because I gotta tell you something. None of my friends are rich. Do you know that? Really? Man? None of my well I got one favorite friends really, I mean my friend friends, I mean my real friend oh, real friends. Ninety nine point nine percent of them are not rich people. M But but what about running in those circles, you know, the um like minded people and birds of a feather flock together and all that. Yeah, that's all. They just business acquaintances and associates. We make some money together, we do some deals together, we go to dinner together. You know, we pull for each other. But I don't. We haven't been through enough to call them friends, you know what I mean? Really? Yeah? Well, you know what, remember back in the day when Oprah and Gail that their friendship was, you know, so popular and everything. It still is now. But back in the day, Gail was Oprah's friends. So Oprah gave her a million dollars so she could be a millionaire. Two remember that. I don't feel that way like that. No, Well, junior, junior, me and you we co workers, and I'm more like a mentor. You are you can't buy money from me and called me ste We are here, no never will be okay, but what have we learned? Right here? We ain't rich? And hear you, he's not opening, We're not gale. Excuse me, Thomas Miles is rich. I'm nephew, Tommy, I'm nephew Tommy. Wow, I'm I don't never know what he All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this you're listening show. Right now, it's time for the nephew to run that brank back. Raymond in the closet, Steve's all time favorite, right greatest in the damn prank Get you all right, let's go catch up. Hello? Hello, Herry? Who the can you hear me? Yeah? Bad? Who's there? This Raymond man? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who this this Raymond man? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who is this Raymond? Raymond? Raymond vond is my sister Veronda brother? Yes, what's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody them broke in the house, taking the house right now. I'm in the hold on hello, hold on man, damn I badly can he what you're saying? Somebody that what somebody them broken house? I want to hear you whispering, because they're in the house right now. I'm wait a minute, wait a minute. You're saying somebody the broken the house and they steal in there. Somebody the broke in the house. I'm getting the house now. Hold on, Wait a minute. You're saying, somebody that broke it to your damn house and they steal in there. Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you ain't call the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on, well, I don't know what to do. Man, you're saying, somebody in the house, in your damn house? White? Nah, okay, wait where you live at? Where you live at? I'm hold thirty six straight because I'm at thirty two and a half. You know what, hold on, I'm for the call. Lord, n't wait wait wait wait wait man, you know what what? Wait a minute? Don't call the police. You see your to the hold somebody for nose? You know, people going to kill you and you talking about you don't want them arrested. We got some illegal stuff. Now, don't call nobody. Don't wait a minute. Wait wait nah, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn loss. You have to go to the house. Don't call them week they got it. That's a Nickels in the hold doing. Man, what Man? You know what is bad? Do you know what you're seeing? Your something there? That's probably why they're in the house. Now you have set you up in the house, got you in there and there that's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? And you know what, man, let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do even do the people in your house right now you need to jumpers. Let me call them. Man, you need to let me call the damn low because I'm gonna tell you right now you can't get don't do that. I'm gonna put you know what, man, I'm gonna tell you, don't call them. You will say that now. I'm gonna tell you. Now, I get called a loan, I'm gonna call the long hold on, I get my wife the call right now, don't call the police. Don't call them because it's too much legal my wife. Man, but I'm gonna teall you something. Answer I can't do it. Thank da't for to go down there. Now. I'm gonna tell you something. I could call this food. Tell me don't even call the damn low you know what, man looking good dog called. Be honest with you. I'm I ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right there now, you know what. The first thing I'm gonna tell you now, Now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They may be tapping my damn lying and I ain't got to do with this. You're gonna get Listen, man, look, I could call nine one one. They didn't. Look, go ahead and call them because you know what, you're gonna get your kid down there, and they don't know who you are. Man, you know what? And I ain't gonna stare on this want you so they can find out, you know what, don't It's like call the lot. I ain't getting that. I ain't man, you must get damn fool. I ain't gonna get an out one. So I'm gonna tell you what you can do. Got I call the law if they had my wife. Right now, you know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later because you know when you gonna get your monk heads Waiting a minute, Wait a minute, just west, But I think, damn side, I think, man, you know this is some crazy got you to set your I'm gonna call you stop up for one. Don't get what I say. Sitting up my damn low damn fool, you better keep your month haads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now, you're a damn fool. You walk out because i'mnna tell you not, they show gonna kill your stupid man. You know what. I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you, damn, I'm called a law. You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not. I ain't going down with I don't know why you really even call me unless you want some help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain'twer to jump of the eyes myself nor my damn family over yours. Only thing I could do I can help you out in one way. I'm called the law. Now, my wife's got a cellphone. What you want me to do? Will you can get me. You must be a damn boot. I'm he ain't going down. I ain't going you know what? Man? Look look, I can't get in there, and my wife did. I to count the police. I'm gonna kill you right now. They could have come, can't you can you? Can you hear me? You can hear you? Your damn mouth? Shut up? Shut up? Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know when the height that's why they shoot the shot him. Don't peek out that damn dope. Can I say something? Man? You need to shut your damn mouth. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning showing you know what. You just got pranked by? Man? Y'all Just you go, y'all sock dirty? I do damn well, man, do you just got branked by your boy? I'm sweating like hey, sit up in this damn hall with drawn Oh man, you sit up here. I want to play with man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here. Why are you sweeting? It was from the dock because I damn sing know when to come down to the house. That's the show. I know you weren't coming to them. I heard it in your voice. I say, Okay, you know what, he ain't coming to get me. Man, I'm gonna be here right now. Man, I might need to take off for work. Board in here. Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. K't be nobody but the Steve Harvey's Morning Show with that other that nephew Tommy with It's crazy. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, Okay, we'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Jay and Junior are here with some pointers for people. Okay, So no matter what you're into, whether it's drinking alcohol or smoking legally, now, this is how you know when you've had enough and it's time to what put put it down down? Yeah, it's time to put it down. Okay. When you got your light on your phone, your light is on your phone and you're looking for your phone, it's time to put it down. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's absolutely true. It's in your hand. Junior got one, yeah, and all mine is real. I don't care if he is listening this morning, but this is what he gonna stop. Uh look here, Uh, if you if you stayed drinking. Oh eat, but every time you hear a police siren, you grabbed me. Put your down. You don't need to drink this, No bo, I'm trying to tear my clothes. Look police, but I'm not going to sit here with duties with your uncle Jake. He know who is put it down? Okay, all right, it's three o'clock in the morning. You're throwing out of trinking to make Thanksgiving dinner and it ain't even Thanksgiving. It's time to put it down. Time. It's just Tuesday. Yeah, he he gonna know. If you say what huh in the conversation modified time what, it's time to put it down? Yeah, you're right, huh what what what huh? I got one? Here we go. If you like what you're smoking on both ends, it's time to put it down. Lighting on both ends. Yeah yeah, yeah, you got one up. Okay, Hey, let's tell you something. If I come over your house and I walked up stairs and you playing PlayStation and you got the headphones on dog, whatever you is, you do it, it's time to put that down. You stick it down. You talking to her head says put a place that you control in your hand. You smoking. You know what just happened with a friend of mine? If you drive it. Yeah, and we just said that this light and it didn't change greens three times? Yeah we still Yeah. But staring at the witch, you get time for you down down you you decide to debate good cake and you waiting for the cake to be done. You got all the ingredients in the pan. But what you did when you stuck it in the dishwasher and you're waiting, Yeah, yet it down? Put it down. You don't need the boat. Yeah I got if you don't. Got hungry and you didn't decide it. You want some pinto beads and you're soaking them and you just get them spoon and sit down and started eating. Down. You got to quit smoke. You got let me take you something. Don't take something right now. If you come out the bathroom and your fath towel don't make it to the other side. You come out told about Hey, somebody called me. Hey man, it's time to put it down. You'll show me. Don't need to be that damn pay We can't see this all right. You get the work, You get the work. You have to go to the restroom. And you find out you got on three pair underwear. It's time. What happened there? I don't know, but you got three pad roles. But you told somebody out. If you live in Chicago and it's one below zero, that's cold, yes, and you standing outside with the cigarette smokers and all it is smoking a cigarette, but you're smoking your own. You're doing weed instead of a cigarette. You got to go. I'll tell you. I'll tell you what if every time I'm sitting alone with you and you say you hear that, Hey, hey, I can't watch the game, figure out what the hell your ass? You get hungry? You you say you hungry, and you come back at the kitchen and you eat macaroni straight out the box, straight out right. It goes to those pencil beans from earlier. If you didn't pop some popcorns in the microtwave, yeah, open it up? Hot, ain't all the popcorn? Yeah? And you now trying to down them kernels. That's what I'm on pop seeds. It's over there deally with it. Wow, too much, that's way too much. Okay, I'm dat it right now, dat it right now. I'm sinking U because he keeps doing this. But I'm telling you this. You gotta put this down. If I come over there and I see in the front yard and you and your pit bull the same weight, both y'all won twenty five dog, you gotta put this down. You and your dog ain't scaring nobody. Cut out these hard poses out. Ain't nobody scarking your dog leading you. If you stand in you litally your room and you're looking at a light bub and you say the sun is bright today, it's time. All right, thank you guys, that was good time. I'm to put it down. You're listening to all right, Steve, you are the resident relationship expert on the show, no question, uh. And you know there are some folks involved in a friends with benefits situation. You know a lot of people you know in those kind of relationships. But there are boundaries, of course, as in any relationship, you should still be honest and not take the situation for granted, though a few mishaps could land you back in the friendship zone with a quickness, of course, And even if the arrangement is super casual, then Tommy becomes the expert. You know, Yeah, yeah, keeper can so here we go, all right, So if someone is lying or not being honest about their intentions. Well, you know it's bad news for you because you know, look, eventually all everything comes to light, you might as well if you're just gonna be friends, benefits just being honest. Okay, that's the money. Here's the money. Let me hit this. I'm going I'm look yet, I don't love you, Oh my gosh. I'm just being real about what we're doing and what we're doing. We're both cool with that. I'm honest by my intentions. We gonna do this until we don't want to do this no more. This ain't aboudy no love. Matter of fact, we're doing it from We can't even make eye contact because this ain't love at all. Don't don't gaze at me, but look at me. Don't look at me, or you look back at me. Don't look back at me when we're in the moment beforeward, don't look back. Don't look back. That's that's in the moment you love. Don't do that. That's just being Yeah, that's brutally acting jealous, not allowed good. Uh. You know it's a little tough man when you have have an arrangement and you know it's just friends. For benefits because the other person could have somebody, and so being jealous is just so you post being able to play a little bit better. Wait your turn. It ain't your turn. Wait your turn. I show up with my wife. What is your lip out? That is wrong with you today? Why? What is wrong with you? And why is you texting me? You'll see I'm over here. I talked about this. If you walk past me and my wife one more day, you gotta get your lip back here paid for what you got your mom? This boy here? Why? Okay, here's another one. Guys, assuming yes is for ever instead of yes for now, play your position. Well. You know, if if you've agreed to be with somebody for a period of time and you know that's all it is, and that's all it is, you really can't expect no more than that. Nobody always catch feelings and mess every damn bang up. Oh my god, you know, goodness, Dawn, this for six months. You know that, you know we're not gonna last no longer. Ain't no sense and you won that hour Christmas don't go with you. You hain't been to getting out of that Christmas now now, but October we're gonna fade up out here. Oh man, I'm gonna be looking for us to break bread hair ticket down. We're been doing that. Christmas is December twenty six. Now to deal with it, deal with it, don't okay? Okay? Moving on? Uh no, dissing aloud, disappearing acts without explaining what's happening, Okay, I can't do it. Well, you know, um it's kind of touchy because you know, at the end of the day, you know, if you say you're gonna be here, no, you should be here. It's an agreement and arrangement that we have, true, Yeah, because if I don't know where you at, you might be outside my damn house and that could get ugly when on vacation with my damn what is you? What? What? What? And no, you don't get a vacation. I can't go nowhere with you. Yes, those are pictures we took. I don't want to hear about the disappear Why did I leave while you was in the shower because she would calling me. I got to go sitting wait on you to get out. We thow with what we was doing. The segment is helping somebody. It's all about helping We help man we hit the help. Why I can't get a vacation if she get one? I got facebooks somewhere as we fissed the girl, And why do I have to keep having this same damn conversation. You're gonna miss ground be out disagreement, that's what being you goss around. We had disagree then, Okay, when we when we said, you know we're friends with benefits, you knew I had kids, and you said, you know you would sometimes take them out occasionally. You know you would be nice to my children. Now you know your friends were benefits and you did say you's gonna take kids out. They kids, you know they have things they go forward to. You got an out of your obligation at least get them to the park. Uh huh, gim me your damn you see my profile on Facebook man with kids, your kids men see you also where their kids need to match up up and your kids better not speak to me when they see me out damn it. Running up on before why to go the segment? Right here? Mister, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time to ask the CLO, Steve Harvey, Chief Love Officer. Here we go and Steve try to keep your composure on this one. Okay, it's from little Joe in Lake Dallas, tex Right there. Already don't like you because it sounded like my homie Louis john On. You know, we already go ahead with problem. Go ahead, Little Joe says, I'm in my late forties and i'd love to get your advice on dating women that are taller than me. My ex wife is five nine and you heard what I said, and I'm five seven, but the high difference was never a big deal to her. We got divorced, and I'm not having much luck dating. I prefer tall women, and it's a good thing I have thick skin, because a lot of tall women have laughed in my face and called me shorty. I even tried dating a lady that's five three, and she even said I'm shorter than the guys she typically dating. What's a man to do? Little man? Look at him? Name what Loui? Joe? Lou Man? You know, well, I'm being resort, little man. He called himself little Joe. At least I'm calling him a man. I ain't say a little boy. I'm being okay, cool lord Joe. Look at him. The fact that you prefer taller women. That's fine. You have every right to your preface. Now you guys to find taller women that prefer short of men, well see, And you know, just based on Thoma's response, I'm thinking you're gonna have to up yourself esteem. Lord Joe, you're gonna have to pull yourself up and just keep your head up and don't let nobody belittle you, you know, so to speak, don't let nobody talk down to you. You know, stop people, stop letting people walk over you. This is not help. You don't not help. Well, we married a tall woman. There's another tall woman out there that'll have him. I'm sure, I'm pretty sure it is. Yeah, all right. Ronita and Marietta, Georgia says, I have four girlfriends and we went on a girl's weekend in the North Georgia last week to do an intervention on a girlfriend that's engaged to a controlling man. We rented an airbnb and had some wine before we tried talking to her about her man. She was very defensive, so we let it go and went to bed. Around two am, her fiance popped up at our place. He said he couldn't sleep without her so he drove over an hour and a half to pick her up. She thought it was sweet. We told her it was very creepy. She's not getting it, so should we stay out of it? Wow, that's a mess. What the old people say. I can't get sick and tired for you. Right, that's it. But if you think and this is cute and you fit to marry him, this cute gonna way off after a while because I don't care how much you love a person. You need space. Yeah, you need the ability to breathe and do you and be you. And if he's that controlling and that overbearing, and it's gonna get old and then probably got old now. But you thinking he's cute, Oh he won't be so bad. Okay, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to show. All right, it's time for comedy roulette. Jay, set it up quickly, comedy Rouletts. Each week, you guys test our ability to be comedians. We're gonna show you how good we are. You give us a subject, stop the wheel on any subject. We can do a riff on it. That's how good we are. All right, kat, you're ready with the wheel, let's go. These are the subjects. Number one ice cream okay? Number two, old music, Oh, come on, come on, yeah, I know all right. Number three, How to protect the food in the fridge. That's a pretty good one. Number four, I'm not the bank that yeah, okay. Number five, Sometimes I feel like slapping the mess out of two. Yeah, all right, come on, come on, slopping, slopping, slipping, slipping a mess out of you? Okay. How to protect the food in the fridge so people don't steal it? Easy? What's one is you pick your teeth to they start bleeding, right, and then you bite your sandwich and wrap that in sell things and shove that back in there. I'll be damn anybody pick your teeth real good? Did it not? Did they believing right? And didn't bite your sandwich? Wrap that sell thing? But don't be there when you get okay, go ahead, come on, junior. What's you got her? First of all? Who fridge we talk about? It ain't nothing mad. It's very easy to take. My friend, I ain't got that in there. Better subject would have been how to put food into free when you really want to protect something? Uh, what I would do. Get a ziplock, bade okay, all right, and right, let's see where we had win win seventeen. Put one one seventeen on that January first seventeen, and then get one and then right chitlings on the ziplock. Don't throw away put that. I promise you ain't nobody bothers. Yeah, And the best way to protect sandwich work is to put it in and sell a frame and then duct taper so they don't even know what it is. Take the whole sandwich. How you gonna come back in? Look just a brick or duct tap. There ain't nobody gonna open up that damn du tuck tape culs with everything, but not food. Yeah, protect yeah, put it in. How to protect the food in the fridge chain. Oh, the best way to do it is you can put it way inside. You put it inside future you smash it up. You take your sandwich and you bawl it up real tight, just as small as you can make it, and put it and wrap it in cellar and then stick that inside the bacon, sold the box. Put it inside the bacon, sandwich up the sandwich. That's what I'm talking about. But it will be that when you get tech that again. I tell you what we're really do it. Go buy the dog shelter. Get an unhappy pit bull him in the break when they opened that door on the inside. Just turn the temperature down just a little bit so he can survive. He's in the fridge. Put the right in the brake. They've been walking in there gracefully because they've been eating your stuff every day. This don't halt that walk you okay, Junior. Still, I got to put it back this one because I've done this one before. My dog name is Chopper. I put it in a zip lock bag and put Choppers sweet treats on them. Put it backside on me because my son Jordan and put some up choppers sweet treats in there and got out all confusing. I got one right. Put your whole lunch in a pample. Well back. You're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is, guys, I don't know if you're ready for this. I'm ready. The subject is an unattractive man's plead for help yeah, I got you. That's all of us. That's all of us got to read this. Yeah you just no, no, no, no, no no, I'm still sexy. No no wait wait, well, well last day I want you all to think is I'm joining y'all to the ugly. I don't know you over here. You already here if you don't bring your hands, yeah, I'm not. I'm fighting it. This man and this letter needs help. Okay, the subjec for today's strawberry letter and unattractive Man's please for help right now. The nephews in the building with today's praying phone call. What do you have? My roommate been it? Okay, my roommate been it? Running, cat running bitty? Hello, must meet to David. Yeah to see Okay, Hey man, this is Chris. I live above you. I ain't ever met you before, but you you you have. You've been calling the leasing office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away. Yeah, man, I'm I bad bro. I was trying to catch you man. I could never. I could never catch you at home. Man. It's just like you know, Brian, I'm working nice, I work at night. Yeah, yeah, you're saying I say, I work in a day, but I can't sleeping night, broking' I don't know what's going on in your apartment. I'm saying, I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be in your business. Player, I just can't get a sleeping night, man, because it'll be a lot of noise, a lot of noise, a lot of talking. And what you do with your business, bro I'm just saying, please, man, but you ain't up to go to the leasing office. Man, all you have to do. You know what's hall at me? You ain't then you know they got me written up, like you know, one more complaint on me. They're gonna put me out of something. Well yeah, down, Like I said, out, I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we I guess we miss each other because you you work at night. I work in the day. So you know when you're going, I'm coming and when I'm coming, you gone. I'm saying, Brian trying starting. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills. Man. It's time. I'll be at work at night. Man. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to get my hustle on, like you trying to get yours on doing Hala hala hala hala on. Okay, okay, let's make it make sense. Bro. If you are working night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment talking loud in them keeping me up square, bitting it. Okay, you've got a roommate us nobody ain't got no roommate, man, Betty, somebody in there talking loud, holding a conversation. It's like two people in there talking loud every night. And this bro, that's Betty Man, Betty Be talking. Okay, you say you ain't going a roommates? How who who is Henny Who? It's Benny Spinny is my bird? My parents? That's Benny Be talking like, man, stop going me dive listen mine what why Wait a minute, you're trying to tell me, um bird that was fit it? Man, I don't have pity two years. That's my birds. Birds don't even live that long. So so now I'm sucking night. I'm at the work because because a bird, that's what you want. That that's what you called me to tell me. I'll call you to tell you you ain't gonna be putting these complaints on me, man, But I'm I'm gonna that's been in talking man, fit it in, yo, boy, Penny, Wait a minute, Hey, look, I'm telling you now do something with the bird then, or that's gonna be some consequences and repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken round. Hey, man, plenty is like a family member to me. Birds two can sam the chicken on the car flake box, Kentucky chicken church bride. Hey man, you don't tell me nothing better about my birth brother. You know what? Maybe man, you need to square of from front of each other because you don't you don't disrespect Betty Man, all right, all right, you're taking something, all right, all right, I've bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I bet that be all my don a table. Man, a man, Then you ain't gonna city and disrespect me and trying to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gonna do nothing stupid to Betty. Tell you what I tell you? What see? You can date you at home right now? What you're going to work tonight? I bet you beat it. I'll bet tomorrow, I bet you will be fingers looking good tomorrow. Man, a man, Hold on a minute, man, wait a minute, though, what you played do and start talking about what you're gonna do to my bird? Not and told you you file for going to the listen office calling me out, and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you, and now you you ain't trying to work right now, fir stop you. You called me and tell me that it's a bird holding a conversation with itself. I'm a stupid right now. I'm I'm a stupid even continue its conversation. I'm excuse me. I fly a night. Are you serious? Man? Or something like? Man, listen, bro listen, whatever it is, it's just a bird or recording whatever. If you gotta do something waiting, it was a bird. Man, I'm gonna be solar salted if this is a bird, I'm gonna really it's a bird. It's spinning, man, it's spinning you. All you gotta do is come to me and we could have had a little like me. Hola, hola, hola. Okay, okay, okay, We're gonna have it like me. And then first off, leasing office wouldn't give me a name. What's your name? My name? Chris? Okay, Chris, I'm different. There we go, there, we go. Listen, doal I ain't for the past three months, you know what I'm saying. I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. You say it's a bird. I don't believe that. But a bird a bird? Come on, dog, that's for ten years. We'll take them to work with you? Is I don't care? Figure something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your fire needs, come to an immediate house or it's gonna be something now. Hey man, hey man, what you can't do is threatened me by what's going on in my house. Hoole man, Look here, you ain't been it's being in Lenny. Whatever the nine years you need to do something with that. It's gonna be some read it shows like why not going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about a b's a bird. What's the problem with it? What's the problem I understanding that people have pet birds? Say man, I don't give them if you have a pet bird, but really, this how all night long? How do you how do you how do you live with the thing? Come? They'll never shut up. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what Benny told me to tell you, though God, tell you what Benny told me? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waite White Chris White White, Brother, I don't want to hear what no bird told you to tell me? Can I tell you what Benny told me to tell you? What? What? What the it? Benny told me to tell you this that This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You you have got pranked by your boy Sean. Dude, did I get your man? Got me? You got it? Man? That guy, I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to wait to this dude, get armed out and talk to him. I don't talk to much about some polsing bird. I don't know what's or staff man I do. I'll be up our night and I'm saying I'm missing I'm missing my sleep, I'm missing now. I'm saying I'm missing y'alls in the morning because I'm browsing hitting the slow. But I got one more thing to ask you. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane, man, Steve Harden more than a shot. We never suth. You know your roommate does not have to be a human. All right, we gotta get out of here. Guys. Thank you, nephew. Coming up next the Strawberry Letters, subject and Unattractive Man's please for Help. We'll get into it and try to help this unattractive man. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on your relationships, on work, on sex, I'm parenting all of that. Please visit Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one. Boy. This is from a man too. Let's call baby. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the straw Berry Letter. All right, guys, get ready, guys on this show, subject and Unattractive Man's plea for Help. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am writing you for advice since I have heard you guys talk about this on your show before. I'm in my mid thirties, and I'm an educated man with a great job, and I'm financially secure. I was in a ten year relationship that ended a few years ago, and since that breakup, I have had problems meeting women. I have been ignored by women when I try to speak to them or strike up a conversation. I had considered many possibilities as to why women avoid me, and I've come to this conclusion it's because I am an unattractive man, and I have realized that my facial features aren't the cutest all right. I wanted to put my theory to the test, so I tried online dating. But instead of putting my picture on the site my picture on the site, I chose a picture of another brother that I thought would be handsome to women. A lot of women responded to my profile, and I ended up choosing four of the baddest ones to ask out on a date. I decided that I would reveal my true identity to each one of these ladies the day before our date, so there would be no public surprises. I send each lady a selfie of me. The first lady got very upset and threatened to have her male friends jump me if I ever contact her again. The other three ladies never responded to my text. One of them even blocked my number. I know that lying was unethical, but I needed to see if they liked me for me and not how I look. My ex girlfriend never complained about my looks, so why are these women so shallow? I have deleted my dating profile and I'm giving it a rest for a while. I still have hope that there's a woman that will see me face to face and be interested in me. I've even considered plastic surgery. How should I do? Come on, let me finish? How should I deal with it? Got any advice? Please help? Yeah? Wow? Okay, Well listen, um, there's definitely nothing wrong with wanting to improve your looks with plastic surgery if it'll make you feel and look better. Uh. We really, though, have to see for ourselves what you look like in order to make a real assessment on this letter. Didn't You didn't tell us why you broke up with your girlfriend of ten years. You didn't tell us any of that. And I gotta tell you that women will often date a man who isn't attractive if he's a gentleman, if he's nice, if he if he's financially secure, if he treats her beautifully. One thing, though, if you're unattractive or any man period, you have to be clean. You have to be well groomed. You have to have good hygiene, you have to be smelling good, you're breast feed you have to have all of this. Okay, you do. I'm telling you from a from a woman's perspective. It's not always about the looks, all right, but it sounds like it sounds like you're I mean, you said it yourself. You're not the most attractive man, so so work on your other features. I would tell you work on your other features. Steve, first of all, quits saying features, because that's that's a trigger for you. That's the damn problem. I was told by this girl in ninth grade why she wasn't going to the junior problem with me. She said, because I don't like your facial features. So you call into the right place. I'm assuming this is what you've heard on. This should come on the fact that I've tried to tell Timmy that he's ugly for years and going on death is it's okay time I'm just gonna use it this once. This ain't about you, then I'm gonna use myself as an example, because I have never been an attractive man. So let's just go from that standpoint. But you need specialized help because you're in your thirties and you're an educated man with a great job. You're secure, you was in a ten year relationship. You're financially secure. You was in a ten year relationship that ended a few years ago. And since that breakup, out of hand problem, I've been ignored by women. I try to speak to them a stripe from conversation. I've considered many possibilities. That's why women avoid me. Have come to the conclusion it's because I am an unattractive man and have realized that my facial features aren't the cutest. Here's a word you had to stop using. Cute. Cute is for babies. Now listen to me, sir, We're gonna have to address this with a little bit of honesty. You say it's because I'm unattracted and I have realized that my facial features ain't the cutest. This is where we need to have a man to man talk. You don't couldn't hear where you've heard this before? You quit googling and all this here this you dog, you heard this before? About time? See when you're in your thirties and you ugly this ain't your first time heard it. The first time you hear is at the school with little kids. Damn yeah, man, you busted. You look like. Ain't no telling what they and said you look like. So you decided to put your little theory to the test. So you went online, Dayton, but instead of putting your the real picture of you got a picture of another brother that I thought was to be handsome to women. Whole lot of women responded to my profile, and I ended up choosing foe of the baddest ones to ask out on the day. But then you decided that you reveal your true identity each one of these ladies the day before the day. So what no public surprises because you've publicly surprised a couple of people before. What do you mean to say? Hey baby? All right? Part new of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hour you're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter h with part two of your thirty year old man broke up with his ten year relationship that ended a few years ago, and since that break up, he'd have had problems meeting women. Uh you know, walk up to him, to ignore him, to speak to him, strike up a conversation. And he don't understand why he's considered a lot of possibilities, why women avoid him, And he's come to this conclusion, y'all. He says, it's because I'm an unattractive man, and I realized that my facial features aren't the cutest. We have told him quit using terms like cute, because baby's just cute. I gotta ask you something. Go ahead and ask me right now. Why didn't he use the word ugly? He just uses unattractive in words like cute. Well, he don't want to hurt his own Oh okay, okay, So now I'm about to tell him he hugly okay, because he listened to the show. All right, you unattracted? Don't you? Ain't the first one? I ain't. I ain't attracted me, He ain't Jay, I ain't attracted. Here we go and this turtle he's showing it each other. Look, look I'm cute, I'm sexy, I'm trying cricket. Look at somebody. I'm not doing that with y'all be doing a big light of commercial anyway. So he decided to test his theory, so he did a dating profile. He put a different brother pictureall lot of women responded. He decided to pick the foe badges now to avoid um any public surprises, which he has had many of in his life. And you know how that gow? Hey baby, how you doing? That's ugly? Excuse me? Can I can I step in front of you? This when he first heard it, This is when he first heard it, trick or treat. That's when he first heard it. But he just thought it was his costume. But he didn't realize his maskket fell off in the drive. He was standing there with his box and his maskket fell off in the drive with a little rubber band pop, and he didn't know it. So this ain't So he's had a lot of public surprises, so he didn't figured. In order, before I do this, let me send him a selfie of myself. Now the danger would take him selfish, Bros. Most dudes don't know how to take selfish. I know I don't. When I hold that camera up, man, I look so strange looking. You know, I take a self and I look like terrier. I'm just all head in this damn camera's scary shoulders look real narrow. Yeah, so I'm telling you that this wasn't a good idea, but you sent. The ladies are selfish. Each lady a selfish. The first lady got upset and threatened to have her male friends jump on me if I ever counted to her again. See so she a bad chick. She used to this, so she got a squad of people that would people for doing stuff like this. What scared of the most was how you look in the selfie. See she thought you was a bank robber because she thought you had on the scheme mask. She didn't know that was just you. The other three ladies never responded to my text. They said you got one, didn'tn't even block my number. I know that line was unethical, but I needed to see if they liked me for me or how I look. Boy. They liked how you look. There's nothing on the dating profile said how you look. The rest you fine, you educated, you got all that, but they wanted to pitch you. Now, this is what we're getting down to the hard partner letter, My ex girlfriend never complained about my looks. Here we go. This the part of the letter that's gonna hurt the mom. Who is your girl? What she looked like? Oh my god? More ugly? How she stayed with you for ten years? I ain't saying nothing, man, we need to talk about this now. Ten years she stayed with you. Ain't saying nothing. She ain't never mentioned it to you. You ain't never wonder why she ain't saying nothing in ten years? Hey baby? All? Could it have gone like this? Hey baby? Then she snatural? Baby? Y'all just scaring each other. Maybe, dog, she needed you as much as bad as you needed help. You're probably gonna need to go back the hood and find out, you know, if she'll have you back. I don't. I don't see this going nowhere. Sir Shirley said, you gotta get real clean. You gotta get a lot of swag, you gotta dress real shop, you gotta get a real stylus coming there. I don't know if you're in the gym and you're in real good shape, but you probably need to get in that gym with them two Africas that jumped on justice money three thousand dollars. I think they can't get you in shape. We gotta get your own program, man, get your body right. Tighten up though. Now I've considered plastic surgery. That here's another tail tail line. Wow, First of all, your girlfriend stayed with your ten years? How unless unless she knew, unless she knew this was it for her? That she did it ten years. Then she decided I can't play the rain the game. Now, you said, sir, I've even considered plastic surgery. You didn't say a nose job, but nothing you're really thinking about getting your whole shot took its old faith. Yeah, try this website we ugly too dot com. I like that. I like that we ugly too. All right, Look, leave us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey and check out our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You're listening too. So here's a question for the guys. What part of your job keeps you young? Or what job would you want to keep you young? I can tell you definitely what keeps me you? You fellas well start first? Oh, go ahead, go ahead, here all my jobs, man, I love all my job laughing. Yeah, all the laughing I get to do all day long, man telling Joe's laughing. That's what keep me young. Good answer answer, stupidity, being able to just be stupid, just just you know, just letting it go. Oh, yes, you're strong with that. You're strong with that because you you would think you would want to mature. But I don't want that. Don't be silly, Carlo. I want this stupid right here. I want when you got it? You got all of that, anybody, that's all you boo? All right, Steve? What keeps you fine off and ignorance or fine off and ignorance. When I first met you used to say that I love it. I let it out. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have stress, do all that. I ain't had no ulcers and all that. Oh we cussing, okay, cool. I agree with Junior though, the laughter of it all, I mean, laughter is it? Yeah? You know? But I mean, you know, we gotta give different answers, Shirley. We can't all say laughter so make us think that Junior is the most brilliant three of us. That's not what well with that question. I know he tried. I saw him because he didn't have that answer. First day he won, he won that round. Junior won that round. Steve, Okay, we had it round. That keeps we'll keep you yeah. Yeah, and he is the king of that the ladies. Yeah. I mean, like I said, I agree with you. Laughter, playing music, just keeping up with what's going on. That keeps you young. Yeah, being able to being able to wear whatever you want to wear to work and stuff. It's cool. You know you could dress anywhere you want to dress. Fly. You know what Tommy you heard. Let's see a quarterback six sex. Don't keep you you Okay, we got a job. Yeah, we'll do it at the job. I'm just saying happy holidays to everybody out there. To Steve Harvard Nation, let me tell you something. Happy New Year, this New Year. On New Year's Eve. If they don't have any any any and I mean any popones for ham Hawks in the green, if it ain't no Hamhocks in the green lead, it's not gonna be a good New Year. If it ain't no Hamhowks, it ain't no black eyed pea that lead. If they're trying to have a vegetarian New Year's, don't get out of that. Get out it's gonna be some Vegagarian's gonna have some bad you're listening, all right, here we go, drum roll clean, Sharlie, don't get to I love it, but Steve. I like how Steve introduced with me or laughing at me. And that's on the good ones. I'm with you. Which can you be the judge? Let's go right around all right? Come on stay, come on man, you can't stay this. Tellto go ahead, man, Tell Junior the eighteen hour bra has a matching eighteen hour penis to go quit it. It's a set, right there, Ain't no way they're gonna sell the top for eighteen hour and leader bottom out. You know what I'm saying. It's a set. It's an eighteen They have eighteen hour bras and eighteen hour pennis. Now I don't know what happened in nineteen hour, but I know it's a set. You don't Tim they burned up gave me his game. Yeah, they don't make no sense, come on them all day, but that they Okay, Steve, you made your You know you don't know what the step when I get through with d draws after the day, these things right here? Half yeah, yeah, I put mine in a healthy bag, tied, nodding, and then the made they just throw the whole trash bag in the washing, don't even over. Yeah, what's some business in there? Yeah? You so? Do I get that one? Call? Yeah? Ok? Yeah, all right, all right. I told if a deer don't cross the street by the sign, the deal gonna get in trouble. What right, dear crossing? Dear cross Yeah, you got to come by the sound. You can't be further down the street doing that. Can ask you a question? Though, we're gonna welcome to the deal to tell him even better than the deer, even though that's a picture of him. You think the dear gonna stand here and take the ticket? Yeah? Yeah, where do a deal put put the what? Where do a deal put the ticket? Yeah? I ain't where you put your ticket that you throw it out? Woun't if you mad enough, and it don't matter about where you put your ticket, You're gonna get a ticket if you don't cross by the side. And can he see the sun if he's blinded by the headlights? I mean, really, come on, Tommy, come on, all right, Tommy, you got that one too, that's too can't get that he didn't get that one from me. I s this is your here go your favorite, just wanting to be your favorite. Other day. I'm ready to hauler. This is going to be the favorite one other day. Tell ignorant behind you got a person who is crossside or better at crossword puzzles than anybody? Ey, my favorite man one time person who is crossside is better at crossword puzzles than anybody. You've been over that for two hours. Word on that one word and they walk over and say, living down is simple. Car guy walk over, that's my closes, that was my clothes. Carson who is crosside is better at better at crossworth puzzles. Danny, anybody you're listening to show? All right, Steven, it's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a message, You're just give a holiday greeting to your loved one. Call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve and leave a message. Okay, good morning Steve and the crew. This is Alicia Morgan from Dallas, Texas. I wanted to say Happy New Year twenty twenty two two. You and the crew in my family, Jay, Ebony, Marcus and Miles stay safe. Like ay much the more awful Steen who just want to say happy New Year in the world. This is Ricky Compson out of Monday Luzern. I want to wish all my kids and family happy New Year's. Thank you very much. Hello, this is Sharon White. I'm calling from norfle for Janie, my first time trying to be on the radio. I want to thanks Steve Hardy every day for picking me up from times and getting me through the days. Last Nephew, Timmy, Shirley and Jay. I appreciate what y'all do for me. Yeah, Happy holiday, Hey, Steve, let's just do it in Los Angeles. I'm eighty six year old old school DJ. I just don't want to stay. Happy holidays to you and your family. Man, You're one of my inspirations. Good morning Steve and the crew. I just want you all to know I love you. I start my day by you. You all are rockets. Have a great day. This is going neat. Happy holiday, Steve, Harvey and family. You guys have a best of especial new Year. I'm calling always from West Pond, bat Florida. You got me laughing and nephew. Time to keep up with them. Frank and Junior Anthony Vernes, Steve keep me rolling in the morning. God bless you're listening to morning show. It is time to ask the CLO. Steve Harvey, Chief Love Officer. Here we go, and Steve, try to keep your composure on this one. Okay, it's from little Joe in Lake Dallas Tech right there. Already don't like it because it sounded like my homie Louis John And you know we already go ahead with problem. Go ahead, sh Little Joe says, I'm in my late forties and i'd love to get your advice on dating women that are taller than me. My ex wife is five nine and you heard what I said, and I'm five seven, but the high difference was never a big deal to her. We got divorced, and I'm not having much luck dating. I prefer tall women, and it's a good thing I have thick skin, because a lot of tall women have laughed in my face and called me shorty. I even tried dating a lady that's five three, and she even said I'm shorter than the guys she typically dating. What's a man to do, little man? Look at him? What Little Joe, little man? You know? Well, I'm being restored, little man. He called himself little Joe. At least I'm calling him a man. I ain't say a little boy. I'm being okay, cool, little Joe. Look at the fact that you prefer taller women. That's fine. You have every right to your preference. Now you guys to find taller women that prefer short of men, well see, and you know, just based on Time's response, I'm thinking you're gonna have to up yourself esteem, little Joe. You're gonna have to pull yourself up and just keep your head up and don't let nobody belittle you, you know, so to speak, don't let nobody talk down to you. You know, stop keeping up, stop letting people walk over you. This is not helping you. Don't not help. Well, we married a tall woman. There's another tall woman out there that'll hap him. I'm sure I'm pretty sure what he is. Yeah, all right. Ronita and Marietta Georgia says, I have four girlfriends and we went on a girl's weekend in the North Georgia Mountains last week to do an intervention on a girlfriend that's engaged to a controlling man. We rented an Airbnb and had some wine before we tried talking to her about her man. She was very defensive, so we let it go and went to bed. Around two am, her fiance popped up at our place. He said he couldn't sleep without her, so he drove over an hour and a half to pick her up. She thought it was sweet. We told her it was very creepy. She's not getting it, so should we stay out of it? That's a mess. What the old people say. I can't get sick and tired for you, right, that's it. But if you think and this is cute and you fit to marry him, this cute gonna way off after a while. Yeah, because I don't care how much you love a person. You need space. Yeah, you need the ability to breathe and do you and be you. And if he's that controlling and that overbearing, and it's gonna get old and then probably got old now. But you're thinking it's cute, Oh, he won't be so bad. Okay. Coming up next, it's our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. M boy, A good day, A good day. I think we learned a few things today. Yeah you know what, Steve, we were talking about. Um, you know, we were young making mistakes and things like that. So as we get into this closing remarks today, I just want to ask you, you know, maybe there's something you can impart to a young person out there who's twenty one, who's you know, we were all twenty one before, we've made mistakes. Let them know that they can come you know here, here's here's a deal. Uh. It is amazing how we how we are sometimes it uh, you know, towards one another, and how we are with our own actions. It's almost like we we act like we've never made a mistake ourselves. We act like, you know, what somebody else has done is more more unforgivable and more unthinkable than they could ever imagine of themselves when an actuality. The truth of the matter is, we've all done things. And thank god that there was no social media when I was twenty one. Thank god there was no Instagram, Snapchat, no phone cameras, Helen, It were no phones when I was twenty one. Yeah, yeah, there's no record of the reckless, idiotic decisions we made back then. But what happens to these young people today is that they have no way of learning and fixing themselves on their own. They have no time to heal. The destruction of one another is so rampant in our society today that it's frightening. Man. It's it's almost like, man, I really really hate to see bad news come out about young people because they are so attached to social media that they is such a part of their world and so many, so many of these young people count on it. There's some grown folks count on it too, though, and it's just a tear down in social media that begins the destruction of a person. Man, Does anybody give anybody uplift on social media? Does anybody try to say, you know what, I understand, I understand, I've been there, little girl hanging there. Everybody makes mistakes, but it's such a rush to judgment, and then even as you rush to judgment, that's just a rush to destruction. And I'm really really concerned about young people today because, look, I still make mistakes. Made a mistake this year, I made a mistake this year, a mistake. I've been ate up. I get beat up all the time. Man, But I'm gonna just keep I'm gonna just keep striving. I'm gonna just keep going along. You know. I'm just I'm just strong enough to understand that. Hey man, I'd have made them before. And like I said the other day, one of the cool things is when I look back on all of my rough days, When I look back on all the days I thought I wasn't going to duel, my track record for surviving bad days so far is one hundred percent. And that's pretty cool. Anything else, sure, well, you know, I mean, thank you for that, Thank you for that. I just want to And how important is it seem like to have a support system, you know what? That's important man, that somebody reaches their hand down to pick you up, to give you words of encouragement. And you can be that to a person that you see, this is getting beat up. See the thing about hate, and I've often said it, hate is louder than love, but love is stronger, ye see. So you can loudly try to bring somebody down and somebody can come and softly and calmly pick them up and hold and give them time to heal and be okay. But you know, there's a loving side to most people, that is a compassionate side to most people. And if you don't get out there and get in the fray and the hate game, now, let's assists some people that's just hateful. You know, the devil is busy today, man, The devil has imps that work for him twenty four seven and they on Twitter, they own Instagram, and they own whatever. And the devil just pressed the button and here they go to work, and they call themselves haters, and that my job is to hate. No, it's not, No, it's really not. Our job really is to love and uplift one another. Because guess what, you're gonna need loving and you're gonna need uplifted. I don't care who you are. You can be the world's greatest hater. At one point in time, you're gonna need some loving and some uplift. And when it's time to get yours, you know, that's when the Lord's prayer comes into effect. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us, Or forgive us our debts as we forgive our debt us, which simply means when it's time for you to get your compassion and your love, yours is gonna be passed out to you the way you gave it out there everybody else. Wow. And you have to remember that, man, and we as people. Man, you have to tap into your loving side. If you see somebody getting beat up, it ain't nothing wrong with you to go over there and just trying to hug him, give him my help. That don't make you nothing less than a person because you don't agree with the masses. Sometimes you gotta pick a person up, man. They just need a little bit of uplifts so they can get up and keep going. This young girl don't deserve to have her life taken from her because she made a mistake. And we should not have though the will to see another young person get broken before they even get built up. That's a sad thing, man, it is. Those are those are my remarks. Drop have a great week. Cand for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show