Today's show is dedicated to the all the custodial workers. Rev. Adnoid and Deacon Def Jam talk about bulletproof choir robes. Our very own Carla Ferrell goes to beautiful Cabo San Lucas with the family and one member is welcomed by United Airlines. Another fatal police shooting occurred in Chicago and the body cam footage is released. Is there a bromance between Trump and Putin? Today we see if Miss Deborah can defeat Tommy in the intellectual challenge. Fool #1 brings back Weekend Confessions. Closing Remarks is done by Fool #2 J. Anthony Brown and more.
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Hey baby truth or dare dare I? Dare you to impress me? Okay, Alexa tell Toyota to start my Avalon? What is your four digit pin zero seven one eight our wedding anniversary? Well done, babe. Play just got serious introducing the all new Avalon featuring premium tech like available Amazon Alexa control the all new Avalon. Toya Yoda, Let's go place you can most start only circumstances around the geicle are lead in safe to do so Amazon and Alexa or trademarks at Amazon dot Com Incords affiliates home to vehicle functions and requirements to bear y'all know what time y'all don't know? Ya A? Yeah to be by? Join Yeah? Well join with me? Have say you gotta turning in a moved Yeah, don't go wrong her you gotta turn turn got the turn out? Come Come on your uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one and only. It is Steve Harvey. Yeah, I got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure. Um. I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needs eat it let me tell you something. Uh, you strike out on your goals, You strike out on your aspirations. You get headed out on the course to fulfill your dreams. You strike out on a mission to get it accomplished. You have resolutions, you decide that this is what it's going to be, and so you strike out. All in it all engines, blasting full force, straight ahead. And then it happens, as it happens to all of us. Here it comes a setback. Here, it comes something pop up man. Here it comes the unexpected all out of nowhere man or hater, just something that that really, man is undescribable to you, because you're just going along, you're what you thought was your merry way. And here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes, as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now, when those bad notes happen, when the haters come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, when the when the out of nowhere appears, when that I didn't see that coming comes, Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand. So I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, Okay, Steve, what you're talking about. You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to, because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody on smooth sailing. Man. Everybody got something and if they if they don't smooth sailing, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody, So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met old Lord? Something always happened to me, Something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this and somehow, unexplainably, you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that was is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it, You got around it, you got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up, those are the tests. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments, right here here is a foreshore, you'll never make it. That that's that's that's that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn back now here is the one thousand percent for shure, you ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on. Sometimes if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees, but if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out. My head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will win, you will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be a senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it. It's all set up on levels for You've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate. Now you're going to get the masters and a pH d. You can go on and become rich, you can go become well healthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful that is easy. Come on, man, if it was easy, what what what we are? What we're talking about? It is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is, Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard. But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me, but I got up and I said thank you anyway. Never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He to mess around and got close to me because he just never gave up. You can, You can never ever give up. Never. It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. You it's it's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit, because to quit is to what what you get when you quit? Nothing? That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through, who get knocked down and get back up, who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through, Think of all you come through. Think of all he's done for you. Think of all the times you out you wasn't gonna make it, but somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through. He got you through it. Anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All all I need is a little more grace. You can't give God no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody, but you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever kill. You're listening to Steve Show, Baby show right here. It's the Thieve IV. I'm on to show everybody in the show right here, the one ready he dedicated to all the custodian workers. Baby y'all do the damn thing and day every hey y'all do it, trash the hall, being the restaurant, and we're here for Steve Hobbit holding it down, holding it down because STO didn't work at number one. Sharlet, stop bad. What's up, Sharlett. You missed the spot. You missed the spot right here, right here, all everywhere else's wet. That spot is drive please take care of that. And down the hallways it's color for rell baby. Oh I used to clean offices. Ohtodio workers. I love it, I love it, I love it, dedication, I love getting that trash y'all. And ignort is hell My main man, Tommy Jr. Is out, y'all. What's up Tommy? Tommy? Alright, alright, alright, hello, hello, hello, Well you know Tommy's in Jacksonville too. Oh yeah, time it's holding it down. Yeah, everybody had a good weekend. One yeah, yeah, I was in Pleasanton. It was very pleasant. That's the name name, Pleasanton. I was that Tommy teas working folk shows to Friday too, sadday. It was nice. It was nice. Are up in the Bay area, right? Is that what keeps you sharp? Jay? You know? Going to the I know Steve talks about that a lot, going to these comedy clubs, working out your material like that, connecting me meet different people, people who listened to the show. And yeah, you hang out in the mall and I want to see the Rock movie. I know everybody hates you Rock, but I loved it. I thought it was Love the Rock. Yeah, I love that movie. It was great. It was fine piece of cinema, A very good like forty five million dollars, very low expectations for what they thought it was gonna make. Oh there's Tommy, what's up? Tommy the Nephew is here in jackson Vita. How y'all doing a good morning? Everything that was the weekend to boy boy, listen to that boy. I can't say soul out enough. I just can't say it. Congratulations to to Suton, the seven Show, Sol the Nephew. Wow wow. So is it same to say nephew that Jacksonville got loved for you. Yeah. I gotta tell you all, I did break my dad this weekend. The Vegan Man. They got a lady at the club. Her name is Miss Pete. Miss p made some dog gone banana putting old My god, you had some foot in it, Miss you big up to Thanks everybody in Jacksonville coming out and hang out with you boy this weekend, and I appreciate it. SAME's glad you guys had a good time. Alright, listen, it is Monday. We're gonna find out what happened over the weekend. I think, Carla, you have some big news to tell us about your weekend, and we'll tell about that when we come back you're listening to. Alright, alright, it is Monday. We know that Steve Harvey is on vacation and Junior is also out. The rest of the crew is here. That means yeah, that means Ja, that means Tommy, that means Carla, that means surely. All right, So let's see what what do the crew do over the weekend. I didn't do anything special really, just hung out with friends and family. Nothing nothing major, nothing major. Um, let's see, Jay and Tommy did stand up in Pleasanton and in Jacksonville, Florida. And let's give Tommy a hand. Lady and gentlemen. It is Monday, and he made it to work after a show over the weekend. Yeah, your mother would have been proud. She would have been so proud of you. Nephew. Helen would have been here. I would not have come up in all for that, but a lot of love down there and in Pleasanton as well. So we love you right back, and thank you. Thank you so much now, ms Kola. So yes see that's a head right there. How was your weekend? It was fantastic. We went to Los Carbo. Smacky Gold made he go over the weekend paral family vacation. We took my daughter and my husband and I and my husband loves loves Los Cabo. So we had so much fun, wonderful time, swimming party and not too too hot. You know. She doesn't like her food too spicy, Jack, No, I don't do not. My husb warmed up hot though. Yeah, it's gotta have sparks coming off of it or flames. And then she sho it but not spicy, not my spicy. Yeah, he likes that's really really hot. Yeah. He's from New Orleans. It's got yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we had a great, great, great time and just you know, you gotta take time to you know, relax, rejuvenate, recharge, you know, and then come back and ready to work. Absolutely, you got you gotta work hard, but you also have to play hard too when you go with your kids. Though, I need another vacation. Let me tell you sometime, I'm so sick of Tisha. I don't know what to do. Don't you talk about my baby on this radio. Let's go do this, Let's go do that, Let's go do this. You don't have the energy they had. The energy. Don't match it, don't match at all. You know, I got the money, You got the money, They got the energy. You say that, you better let me tell you something. The summer break is too long. It's really it really is. Not if you're a kid, not if you're a kid, but if you're a parent. But Tommy, let me shout out to all educators, because they were our kids all dayly. Yeah, my family, Yes, definitely. How they do it, I don't know. I don't I'd be up on charges, There's no way I can. You know what. I wouldn't be up on charges. But I would walk right out to school and doctor Mr Tommas just left a third period and never cared. Yeah. Yeah, they can get teachers and do it. Man. Yeah, my my friends that that are educators. They always say it's not the kids, it's the parents. Though. They always say that they hate dealing with the parents because you know, parents don't think their kids do anything wrong. Right, my baby, he didn't scratch your car. I was already scratched up all of that, all of that, butis what you get what you got? Yeah, I must speak Spanish all day to bay okay, so okay allah yeah, hello Caroline, Yeah we all know that one. Okay, come all with come my style. Yeah, okay, we're fine, thank you, We're fine. It's fine, Thank you, Mollie being very good. Yeah, okay, then we're supposed to have me e too, it too. Movie be a girl is bilingual, right, and a drink well, carl coming up coming, we're also going to be doing more traveling. The guys won't be going with us, but you and I will be joining Stephen Marjorie in Paris next month, la la yeah yeah, yeah. But the celebration is going on right now. You know, France did brea Croatia and they won the World Cup. Yeah, it's like the longest sporting event in history. Though the World Cup is like a month long. Yeah, it's so much, it's two months long's yeah. Yeah, it's a lot of people who are really into it, like you're in a restaurant or something like that, and from different countries who are like really into the game. They're really really yeah, So congratulations to France. Um. President Trump tweeted congratulations to France, who played extraordinarily extraordinary soccer on winning the two thousand eighteen World Cup. Additionally, congratulations. Listen to this, the President said, congratulations to President Putin and Russia were putting on a truly great World Cup tournament, one of the best ever. We're gonna find out today because don't they meet today in healthy Yeah? Yeah, it is in Finland. They will be meeting, uh so, and the President said he will be asking Putin about election. I loot it. Yeah, yeah, this is craziness. Yeah, so we'll see, We'll see. And Serena's husband, Alexis Ohannan, wrote her an emotional letter. Uh you know, she didn't make it all the way to Wimblton Championship. She didn't win that, but it's all good. Coming up next Monday, it's dev Jam and Reverend Adnoid. They're here with church complaints. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve alright coming up at the top of the hour in headline new Chicago protests on Sunday over a killing of a black man who police said was armed. Another one, Yeah, Trump and Putin's meeting in Finland. Plus the fund continues, Yeah, the fund continues here as we'll tell you how you could win a chance at Steve's grand prize of one million dollars if if you're smarter than nephew Tommy. All right, you don't. Oh, it's gonna happen right now. It is time for church complaints with Deacon deaf Jam and rebend ad Noid, and for Rebendo Town of course, who's on vacation. Well here we are for church complaints as well as church announced me. I am Deacon death Jam. I'm a little under the webber. Yes, yeah, but I don't sign as bad as ad Noid. You know what does? Know what does? And no one should? Are you breathing through your nose? Are your eels? Which one? Listen to it? Listen at it? This isn't clear day too. This is the day when it's really clear. You feel good at No God, I can really breathe today. Some some days were worse than God. That's funny. Let me start this thing out the the bulletproof choir robes I finally end. Yes, all the members who refused to wear them will be I required to sign a release uh excusing the church from our responsibility. You may all know what happened when brother I but Nord returned from the military and Mr took he mistook the drums as gunshots. He's gonna shake it, remember the remember, and he did a lot of shooting up in there that day. So I just want you out to know the bulletproof rose on end when you heard the rim shot it. He was just nervous. Just the church knows. But here we go. The men who let the word sleeveless shirts but shouldn't when we didn't meet the room shout. They don't have the arms for it all. They need long sleeves. All right, Listen, the cross side ministry is asking that the quiet. The crowd side ministry is asking that the choir quit rocking back and forth while they sang it. It's confusing and making them dizzy. Okay, we're gonna have to get the crowd side ministry. They want you all to stand still when you are seeing the rocking back and forth is just making them for that. I'm like, okay, here we go, Here we go. Win the tickets for the hit place. Smacking up, flipping up, rubbing down, and then't pray on it. Smacking up flipping up, rubbing down on it. Oh no, do me, baby, it's what the school play. Checking up ahead beyond the church pool party is this coming Saturday. We are asking that everybody, yeah the church pool party, please send in, uh what you're gonna be wearing so we can uh make sure it's legitimate and Okay. Now, last year y'all got a little care of the way, and Lavonte is having to have counseling from what he's seen. So he saw something. It's way too much, but he saw way too much. The boy needs a minute. You read really? Yeah, the women who the women who think they can still rock a choker and it looks sexy when me didn't need the room? Ask me, what's the up? Oh god, alright, let me see here we have Wait a minute. I brother Cardale Gates, who was seventy two, died while having sex with sister Moselle Washington. She is upset now that no one wants to have relations with her. She is asking for help. Brother ad Nord, are you willing? I'm good. I'm good. I'm so good. Then with her back in the day, he didn't enjoy it. I'm still remember it. Yes, I'm good. I'm fine. We started that day, but breathing to talk about somebody due to heavy registration. Due to heavy registration, the Africans, the Africans who are kings in their country and still own a lot of land, will meeting meeting rooms fie time one more time. The Africans who are kings in their country and on a lot of land will meeting meeting room. Fly and sees the old keys in their country and own a lot of land. But it's a hilly meeting, super please meeting meeting room. Now listen, We're gonna have to get this understood right now. Today is the first day for vacation Bible School. This is the first day. Now, I'm telling you right now, if you do not kick your child up by six o'clock, your child, we will be at the inside the church locked in their until tomorrow Martin. And we mean that you're gonna have to come get your if you don't get your baby by six. And mean that now that last last time we were waiting till seven thirty eight o'clock for some people to come from some of y'all was coming from the club. Come and get him at six hits behind. We'll being there to tomorrow. I like that. Yeah, Yeah, We're give him some bram tackers and some milk and then it's it's on you. It's on you like that. Matter fact, the side window it will be open if you want. You're drumming and get him like it. Like six team, we are leaving your babies in the and we mean that. This year, we're not doing it, and we're gonna add Danny to it. About that all I asked to stay after service and listen to the ladies quartet Baby Hair. They quartet that goes by the name of Baby here as they sing their hit song, It's all in My Eye. You gotta hit the song, It's all in my love one more time. What's their name, baby Hair. That's the name of the group. That's the name of the group, Baby Hair. So it's all in my eye. You got a hoodie? I said, vacation again. Now I'm not gonna do that. I will tell you for baby vacation Bible School, we will not have lunches for your cheering this year. Have to bring their own lunch with them. Vacation Bible School. Wait a minute, we could Sister Gertie, Sister Gertie is out of town this she and won't be able to cook. And that's who you used to do to cook it. Y'all gonna have to send brown bag luncheon with you cheering and pick the answer, I mean pick them up all right. Coming up in about twenty minutes, we're gonna play are You Smarter than Nephew Tommy? And MS and will be back with our national news right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey morning shows coming up in twenty minutes, Guys, we're going to play are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Okay? Are If you are, you could win a shot at Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. And remember, yeah that's a lot of money, right, that's a lot of money. Yeah. You cannot play unless you register at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Okay, so make sure you do that to you can play are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Now it's time to get serious, guys here for a minute, gotta switch gears and talk about this um All weekend. The city of Chicago has been dealing with protests over a fatal shooting of a black man in Chicago. Okay um. Chicago police have released a body cam footage of an altercation with a man they shot and killed on Saturday. The release of the footage comes after heated protests over the weekend. The video, made public yesterday, shows a brother, his name was Hareth Augustus, appearing to reach for a gun in his waistband after rolling over a police vehicle. Police initially approached Augustus because they thought he might be armed. Chicago Police Sperintendent h Eddie Johnson says the department is releasing the bodycam video in the interest of transparency and to dispel inaccurate information here it is. Take a listen. I made a decision to release the body one camera footage in this case because the community needs some answers and they need him now. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson also said that the man who officers shot was in fact, uh he was armed and Johnson went on to say, yeah, he did have a gun. Yeah. And Johnson went on to say that the community needs to put emotions aside and trust the facts. Take a listen. We have to hold individuals accountable. We will, but we have to do it um and respect the process. Let the process play out and don't judge things on your emotion. Let the facts guide your decision on on what you think. M hm. Well, you know that's easier said than done, because when you see stuff like that, you do get emotional. You know, you are upset and angry, and you know, here we go again and all of that. You know, the facts and dealing with that kind of stuff I don't think comes until later. But you are very emotional. But I hear what he's saying. Put it aside and deal with the facts, the fact that he had a gun and all of that situation. It's out. They released it. Yeah, they released the body cam already. And also seems that once again we gotta wait on the process. Is I always wait on the process. Weight on the process. You know, don't judge, don't judge what you see, but you know, and that makes you emotional. To Jay, that makes you emotional because you have to wait a long time. You have to wait when people going on when you see, yeah, people see it over and over count adds up to another dead black man. That's yeah, what it is. That's the bottom line, and that's how people feel. Ja. That's exactly exact feel the same way, even though they they've seen a gun. Now, yeah, well to the count I mean, you know, I mean, sure you had a gun, but it's another dead black because because people have, you know, they have rights to carry guns in this country. I mean you can have, you know, a gun permit and things like that. It doesn't mean that just because you have a gun you get shot. So you know, there's more more question definitely more more questions. Yeah, and that's why people get upset. I mean, we do get into our feelings and U and I did hear something about the investigation. I think they're saying they're trying to find out if he did have a permit or did not. Some reports are saying he did not have a permit to carry the weapon. We don't know. Obviously, there's more investigation going on. But did that mean he still had to write? Yeah? Yeah, all right, Miss Anna's here. She'll have more on this investigation in Chicago. Plus she'll tell us about President Trump and Vladimir Putin. They're in Finland meeting for this big summit. So j please introduce miss and with today's headlines, it's the news everybody with miss and trip taken away thank you, thank you very much as his and trip with the news. Yeah. President Trump is in Helsinki this morning for his schedule one on one meeting with Vladimir Putin. Putin is late. Um, he just touched down. He arrived about an hour later than he was supposed to because they were actually supposed to be probably talking by now, but he hasked to meet with the lead finished leaders first before he It's to President Trump. Trump, by the way, is the fourth president to sit down with the Russian leader. George W. Bush did it, Bill Clinton did it, Barack Obama did They all sat down with the Putin. But Trump's meeting comes on the heels of the charges leveled Friday against several Russians by Special Council Robert Mueller. Indictments announced by Deputy U S Attorney Rob Rosenstein. Indict in charges twelve Russian military officers by name for conspiring to interfere with presidential election. Eleven other defendants are charged with conspiring to hack in the computers, steal documents, and release those documents with the intent to interfere in the election. One of those defendants and a twelve Russian military officer are charged with conspiring to infiltrate computers of organizations involved in administering elections. Putin has categorically denied all of this. Rosenstein says the group also planted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code, stole emails and other documents. The Russians went online calling one of their co wort operations, d C Leaks. Okay, as you heard early say, Yeah, there has been another police killing of a black man not wanted for a crime, this time in Chicago. The man was a barber neighborhood people say, well liked and well known and armed for his own protection. Apparently, they say the victim did have a licensed weapon, but he did not have a concealed weapons licenses. You gotta get both, I guess. Also in Chicago, the CVS drug store chain is apologizing for a white manager at a CBS drug store seen on video wrongly accusing a black woman of trying to use the phony cupa and the guy called calls the cops. Three of them show up and tell the woman to leave the store. That white drug store managed his name Roy Madston. He's running for city council and he was a state delegate for Donald Trun's presidential campaign. Papa John's Pizza no longer available at Yankee Stadium and other places. Decision coming after the chain's founder, John Schnader, was forced to resign after using the N word during a sensitivity training conference call last month. During the call, Snadi even seemed to reminisce about how, growing up in Indiana, white people would kill black people by dragging them behind their trucks. He is out. Another store has pulled Devana Trump's clothing line for a store cut Canada's Hudson Bay at the box office this weekend. Transylvania Hotel three. You're stressed out from working too hard. You need a vacation from running everyone else's vacation. Transylvania brought in forty four point one million dollars. We'll be back with more entertainment and coming up in twenty minutes after that, be here. Are you smart than Nephew Tommy on The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time to play Are you smarter the nephew Tommy? Okay, Tommy, let's meet our contestant. All right now, let's get to it. Good morning, Good morning, who is this? How you doing this morning? Dollar? Good? How are you? I'm good, I'm good. I got a question for you. What do you do for a living? I work in the import export industry and um Port North New Jersey. Important. She's smart. Now, let's let's not go there. It's what do you think? Let's not go there. Do you think you're smarter than me? So we'll see. I don't know. I listened to you guys every day, so Temmy, you okay, you're very smart. Okay, thank you, thank you. Like when they treat their opponent this way, don't like that. So here's the deal. This is how it goes down. Shart is going to ask both of us some trivial questions. Whoever answered the most questions correctly in sixty seconds will be the winner. It's just that simple. Like all right, Tommy, we're gonna need you to step out of the studio so you cannot hear the question, but I'll be back. Are you ready? Are you ready, Debora? Yes? Yes, I am, Okay, alright, alright, cat, please give me sixty seconds on the clock. If I don't know what, I could just pass right, yeah, ok, yeah, you're gonna know a girl, I'm ok alright. In the movie The Wizard of Oz, what did the scarecrow want from the wizard? Uh? What is the name for what is the name for trees that never lose their leaves? Oh? You don't know. What is the largest ocean on planet Earth? I don't know, Take a guess. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders of what Facebook. What country is named for its proximity to the equator Ecuador. The phrase game set match is used in what Sport. Granny Smith is a popular type of what fruit. Okay, alright, alright, alright, Bra, Carla, j What do you guys think? Yeah, yeah, I think, Thank you, Hi Shirley, Hi Carlo, Hello Deborah. Alright, we're gonna take a short break right here, and uh see how you did. And then Tommy's gonna come back in and we'll see who's gonna be smarter, you or nephew Tommy. We're playing Are you Smarter than the Nephew? We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the stew We're in the middle of playing Are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy. Tommy is back in the studio. Come on, nephew. Yeah, Okay, well, we don't know about that yet, but our contestant, Debrah is really smart. Tommy. Uh so, are you ready, all right? Cat? Give me sixty seconds on the clock please. In the movie The Wizard of Oz, what did the Scarecrow want from the Wizard? If I only had a brain? What is the name for trees that never lose their leaves? I'm sorry? Number? What is the largest ocean on planet Earth? Ocean Band at tech stun University. You better say it. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders of what of the Hamburger McDonald's. What country is named for its proximity to the equator, the Mason Dixie Land. The phrase game set match is used in what sport? You know that one? You know that one that's oh, that's that's a Serena nel Serena Granny Smith is a popular type of what fruit? The fany peck? You know the thing that people wear around them? That the fan peg? That just a little belt that people wear around it. Okay, uh, while we tally up the results, here are the questions again. Um. In the movie The Wizard of Oz, what did the Scarecrow want from the Wizard A brain? What is the name for trees that never lose their leaves, evergreen trees. What is the largest ocean on planet Earth? The Pacific Ocean. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders of what Facebook. What country is named for its proximity to the equator? Let's back up. The guy with berg didn't have nothing to do with the Hamburger burg with the g as I was saying, what country is named for its proximity to the equator? That would be Ecuador. The phrase game set match is used in what sport tennis. Granny Smith is a popular type of what fruit fruit apple? That was the thing that peck you go away around? You said, and that's it. Questions we got granted? I don't mean I just went with it. Make that many granted things, you know. All right, let's tally this up. Debora, you got five right? Tommy? You got two? Right? Debor is the word congratulations? Debora? You have just won one h dollars that would be a cash gift card. And you are smarter. Yes you are the nephew Tommy. So congratulations, bra, Thank you tom All right, now, this is this is big. You're welcome, Deborah. This is big. Now if you can correctly guess our four digit code using the number zero through nine in its exact order, you could win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. And we also have Steve's banker, Ken on the line, who will verify if your four digit code is correct. Please keep in mind this is not like the lottery, Deborah. Please just say one single digit at a time using the numbers zero to nine, and remember we need a four digit code in its exact order for you to win. Okay, ready, yes, go eight eight eight eight, all right, we're gonna confirm that with my uncle, Steve's banker. Can we got killed on? Ken? How you doing? Hey? Pretty good? How are you? I'm good? I'm good. Hey, Kenn, is that four digit code correct? She said? Eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight is not correct, but that's okay. Congratulations. Anyway, you still won the one hundred dollar cash gift card and you are smarter than nephew Tommy told you. Congratulations. If you think you're smarter than me and you want to ask to win my uncle Steve's Graham Prize of one million dollars, go to Steve harveyim dot com to register I'll play another law listener tomorrow and be ready coming up next to the nephew in the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh and your faith nephew, Tommy, Right, yeah, yeah it is, Yeah it is. You know who Mark Zuckerberg was. Yeah, but I'm taking o J. Are you smarter the nephew, Tommy. It's the game we play every day. If you want to play, please go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register so you can be smarter than the nephew. Okay, yeah, the winning continues Tomorrow's Eastern six twenties Central nephew, put your thinking cap on because today, all right, I'm gonna be all right, but you're strong in them. Please please go to Steve Harvey FM to register so you can be smarter than the nephew as well. Okay, at all all on here, So let's get that all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it will be today's Strawberry Letters subject the first Ladies special offering. Wait till you hear that. You don't want to miss it. Right now, the not so smart one nephew Tommy is here went today's prank phone call? What you got for is King of Pranks tree pot coom tree. Y'all gota here here it is, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh lc hey, let me let me Hey. My name is Marcus, uh my my mama name little next dough to you, uh Mr and mrs my mom and daddy little next doe to you. And I was calling because y'all got a pecountry in y'all backyard, I mean right on the fifth line, and to keep you know, pecan and stuff keep falling over to my mom and nam yard. So I'm talling to see if y'all can do something man where y'all can pick up I mean, my mama them got a little older. You know, we've been picking them up for a long time. But I need somebody to, like, maybe you can cut the lions back that's hanging over so that they won't, you know, the pecans won't be falling over into my mom and them yard because you know, for them to be bending over like they're picking up their paca, and there's a lot of them, so you know, Mr, I just wanted to how let you and see if you don't mind maybe cutting the limbs back, because even when we turned the lamo on and stuff, man, it just you know, the becaus and stuff be coming out of the lamo just shooting all over the place. Well, first of all, Mama comes old com you know it's well, I can't see me cutting it. Well, I mean, I'm not saying you can't have nobody to maintain your y'all, but I mean you your mother, you can maintain your mother's y'all. So I go by my mother's house, you know, the other day and check on them, But I don't have time to go on the back and pick up pecans and stuff. You know what I'm saying. I mean, if you just it don't seem no more than like maybe four or five limbs that's hanging over there. But them four or five limbs, I mean they they there's a lot of pecans falling off of that. So if you say I go back there, there's no kind of nothing back the okay whatever, sir, I'm not cutting my tree for a little like that. Sir. Listen, what I'm what I'm trying to get you to do is I'm not I want you cutting your entire tree down. I just want you to cut a few limbs, sir, so you know those that way that those are the ones that are hanging over it won't be you know, the pecans won't be falling over into my mom's near yard. And and and you know, like I say, they're older now, man, they can't be bending over like that. So you know, I'm I'm just coming to you as a man right now and asking you when you please cut this down to these pecans can quit falling over my mom and them yard. I'm asking you. All you can do is hire someone, okay, someone I know your mother. Don't cut your yard. It's it's a guy that it's a guy that cuts the yard. But even when he cutting the yard, these pecans is flying out from underneath the yard. The law more they sooner, lady, we're gonna be breaking windows over that. What kind of lord person you have that don't pick up before they cut that? Fool? Why am I arguing with you about picking up stuff and all of this. I'm asking you to cut a funking left five limbs so these dogs gonna pecans ain't are falling on my mama yard. You you want to cut you're gonna make me come over here and cut the old I would come cut the whole damn tree down. You ain't gonna put my tree. I grew that tree from when I was the kids, and that long I stay though, sir, Look, I didn't ask you like a man to cut your little funking pecan tree down. Now, I ain't in the hat what you know what? Guess what you you you batter know you can't cut it. I've been look sir, tonight today other this evening. It's either gonna be two things happening. Either you're gonna cut the five limbs that I won't cut. I'm gonna cut cut the whole damn or corn tree down. That's my tree in any game, nobody, I'm here right now. You don't hear them the yard right now? Come on, is you over that right now? Right now? I will bring my right home back. You know what you get in the way, got your No, I got it because it's the save is one ad dress left than my mama's. You're gonna cut this damn tree down. I'm waiting on them. But anyway, man, I ain't used my creaking something in a long time. Any wait, I've been waiting on them like you. You didn't lost your damn mind. You live, y'all. I told you once and I told you twice. I'm old, you're young. Don't do that. See that's what's right. Then. You know what you can do? Tell your mom to make up a car. What you say by my mom? Tell her them make corn pop and come for me. Tell tell my mama what make up can make up pecan pie. I don't want no pecoran prob. We don't even eat pecan pie. We're so sick of he's damn become. You got following over in the backyard. You got to do something about this. Man. Now, I'm trying to I'm trying not to hurt you. Oh man, I really am hurt me. Hurt me, Come on, hurt me. Credit for me. I'm on my I'm on my way. It's your side side. It's you outside you know how you know say you know what. I'm I'm here, I'm here, I'm I'm I'm gonna be in your mama. You get out. You get out my mama driveway right now, get out my mama driveway. On up, putting me out. I'm you get ya, you get y'all back in your drive. When you get out my mama, job way, get out you get out of my mama. Jow way, no crying for now. Tell you I'm here waiting on you. You're get out of my mama. Get out of my mama. Better go cook me someth me because I'm I'm gonna sit here. I got one more thing I need to say to you. When you lifted you don't gonna like to say. I won't at you at your mama house. This is nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man. I don't say this donna. Man, I'm gonna put my seat. Man, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I don't pay. I'm too old. It's kind of l c. Do me a favor. First of all, get out, tell people yard, go back to your yard. You just gave me how blood pressure. Ain't nobody mad about your country none of that. Ain't nobody fron to cut it down. Ain't nobody tripping you? N I got a hit her now, man, I've been carrying my grandkids school. Listen to this, y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all, y'ave man, I got one more question for you. Tell me what is the baddest radio station in the land? LC your your side? You played too much something, pe Cairns kinds. Yeah. Can the foolishness continue, y'all? Atlanta g a here I com that's July twenty and twenty first, twenty second. That is this weekend. Two shows Friday only, one on Saturday, late show Saturday night, and one show Sunday. Four shows in total, y'all, come see your board and I'm kinda the next Atlanta Uptown count Comedy brand new location. Yeah that sounds fun. Yeah, that sounds fun. Yeah, you got a shout out to do ball this past weekend? Or do and miss Pete, Miss Peter. Let me tell y'all, Miss Pete works at the club. At the comedy Club in Jacksonville. Made me some uh banana putting. Oh my god, wait a minute, excuse me nothing nothing diet boy that I wasn't supposed to eat it without the one spoon that Shirley. I love it. Thanks again, everybody in Duball and everybody in Jacksonville flaw to coming out hanging out with the boy this weekend. I appreciate appreciate it, Miss Pray best best, best of putting in the world. Thank you, all right, thank you, nephew. Up next today's Strawberry Letters. Subject the First Lady Special offering right after this. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, attention, smart people, smart people, we need you right now. Tomorrow morning at seven six Central, we're giving away a chance to win Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million dollars. I said, one million dollar. That's a lot of money. People, that is a lot of money. Are you smarter the nephew, Tommy. We will play it again tomorrow. Go to Steve Harvey f M dot com to register right now. Please, smart people, please, we need you right now like we've never needed you before. Desperate times for sure. We yeah, we do. All right now, it's also time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationship, dating, work, parenting, sex, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be read your letter live on the air, just like this one. Nephew. All right there, let's buckle up. And hold on time. We have it for you. The Strawberry letter Who are you right now? Show? That has nothing to do with this radio show right here, right right alright subject the first Lady's Special offering. Listen to this one, guys. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a happily married man and I need your advice. Last summer, I leaned a female friend three hundred and twenty dollars for an insurance class so she could start her own business. She was engaged to be married at the time to a preacher. After I loaned her the money, we barely kept in touch. She got married, and I was busy with my family and traveling for work. Recently, I decided to check in on my friend and see how she was doing in her new career as an insurance agent. I also planned to ask her to pay me back. When I called her, she thanked me for the loan, but to my surprise, she said she never took the insurance class. I was shocked, and I politely asked her for my three d and twenty dollars back. She told me that she didn't have my money and she didn't know when she would be able to pay me. She also said that she could not ask her husband, the pastor, for the money, because it would cause a big problem in her marriage. Stephen, Shirley, you are not going to believe what happened. Next. Instead of giving me my money, she offered me her quotation marks. All of this is in uh personal serve. So she offered me her personal services to pay off her debt. I was like, first, lady, please, she is a pastor's wife, and she offered to repay me in sex. I have never wanted to be intimate with her, and I would never cheat one my wife. I just want my money back. Should I consider this a total loss? At this point I thought about telling your husband, but I don't want unnecessary drama. What should I do? Okay? The first thing you should do. The first thing you should do is stop loaning engaged female friends. Uh this amount of money? Okay, that that's a okay. If she's engaged. She ought to be able to ask her fiance for that kind of money. And you're right that this was hard to believe. And yes, you can count this as a lost loss. You will never see your money again. Uh, You'll never see that. Um. I'm glad though, you're a man of integrity, I really am, and you decided not to cheat on your wife and sleep with the pastor's wife. I think this first lady is really a piece of work here, I really do. Offering her personal services to you for the repayment of three dollars really a really first lady. Uh again, I think you should take the l on this one. No, please don't tell her husband, the pastor. Hopefully he'll find out about her ratchet tree uh soon enough, because I'm sure this isn't the only thing she's doing. I think a lot of stuff was left out of this letter. I have to say that. Um. But yeah, to count it as an l it is a loss for you and you're never going to see your money again. And don't tell him. Just take it as a loss and and and learn the lesson from this. Don't lend people money like that. Uh. Jay. What you need to do is when you go to service next Sunday and the pastor says, there anyone in here who would like to stand up and testify, testify, come on here now, really your finger up in the air, because you want to have respect for the wood for the wood, the wood for the wood and when you rise up, when you rise up by the pew, start the saying woods right here. I like to thank the congregation, the band should much respect to the pastor giving the place, leading and all the visiting members. But past to have something hitting on my heart, on my heart right here, release it. Releasing it. You understand what I'm saying. Sometimes there are people that you do things for. They don't how do I said, I wish I could give some help. They don't pay you back for the things you do for them. They're sitting in here right now, Pasta, and I don't want a part of out because I'm a Christian man, but they need to pay me my damn three hundred and twenty dollars right now, right now, right now, That's all I have because a bunch of confusion in that little country church. Okay, all right, well listen, we're gonna have part two of the Guy's responses to Today's Strawberry Letter when we come back, subject to first Lady Special Offering. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the show, all right. We're in the middle of the Strawberry Letter. Steve is on vacation, by the way, junior is on vacation today. The subject of today's letter the first Ladies special offering. A young man wrote this letter. He says he's happily married, but last summer he loaned a female friend of his three hundred and twenty dollars for an insurance class so she could start her own business. She At the time, this woman who borrowed the money was engaged to a man, a preacher. She was engaged to be married, so he loaned her the money. They barely kept in touch after that. Uh. The woman went on to get married to the preacher, and the guy was busy with his family and traveling for work. So recently he decided to check on his friend to see how she was doing in her new career as an insurance agent. Right Jay. He also he also planned when when he was checking on her, to ask her about his money when she was going to pay him back. Well, when he called her, she thanked him for the loan and everything, but she said she she never took the insurance class, and she didn't have the money to pay him back, and she wouldn't be able to pay him, and please don't tell her husband or ask ask him anything about it because it would cause a big stink in her marriage, a big problem. So um, he says. You know. She went on to say that instead of giving him the money, she offered him her personal services. Now, keep in mind, she is married to a pastor. Now. She was engaged initially when she asked for the money, when she borrowed the money, but now she's married to the pastor. She's the first lady of a church. Uh. The guy asked her for her money, she said she didn't have it, but she did offer her personal services, uh to pay off her debt. Um. So he said he's never wanted to be intimate with her. He never wanted to cheat on his wife in that way. He's asking us, should he count this as a total loss? And should he tell her husband? And what should he do? We've heard from You've heard from me, You've heard from Ja. Now Tommy, it's on you. What you got? Why why don't you see your blessing when it's in you? Why don't you see the blessing you have three hundred and twenty dollars worth of service coming your way? Why? What? What? What? What? What I got out with? Man? He didn't get out what I got out. I'm just saying, you don't see this. We're getting three hundred and twenty dollars worth the service, and we can break that up over of course, the time we get Yeah, we can get we can break that over the course of six months. Once to week. We can get a little service done once a week. I don't see why you don't want this. And I am so disappointed in you right now, I really am. I am. I'm not gonna be like Shure. They're talking about your integrated and no, no, no, no, you got to get his three twenty back and the lady don't have it, so we're gonna have to give it the way the lady wants you to give it to us, and she wants to give it in service, and that's okay, so let's get it in service. Yeah no, no, take the beat, don't take the hel take the beat. What's the it's that booty? Take the beat? Never take the hel Get you somethingdy that booty? Take Wait a minute, tell me it doesn't make you feel any kind of way. She's the first lady of a church. She's married, then I'm gonna be the first lady. And she's the first lady that I M gonna have that when I when I get it, I'm gonna have to get a little different when I come in the room. Got okay, But when I come in the room, I need my three twenty? Got the money? I need you to pay me? I should pay me every kind of way. Started nibbling on my neck. God, the money, I'm gonna go too fun? You see you see in hell? Go ahead on, do it, non do it. There's nothing wrong in service. There's nothing wrong getting paid in service. That's your message. She wants to stay in service. She goes to service Sunday morning. She wants to give service to him Wednesday evening. All right, not all right? All minds clear, No, no, he just just forget about the three twenties. He's never gonna see it again. Like I said, just get about it. Charge to the game. You should be one of those taken out take a b what's to be again? Foot? She's a first lady, Tommy, okay, so what so what about people that second and theory ladies? What about it? What is that? What a first lay to me? That means she's the pastor's wife. Okay, she shouldn't have been doing that, so that's all right. No, it's the past of Auntie. That's all right. I mean she's married to the past. She's married. Come on, now, you know that's not the proper way if you're gonna first late that. Yeah, yeah, Tommy, that's what Shirley drew the line. It's that line. The line can be erased. She's married, he's married. Just pay him his money or forget about it. She's not giving him the money back. That's that's obvious. Yeah, just can't get it out the collection plate on side. I mean, that's for the lord. Come on, now, that's what. Excuse me? What are you gonna say? What are we gonna say? The benevolent offer? They don't do the benevolent normal du Yeah, they still do it at my church. Okay, would what what? Wait a minute? Now, you've been going on a rug? Yes, I have a nephew. I go to church. He went through a draft. Why when you hadn't been going I remember that? Are you judging me on that thought? You sound like, alright, guys, we definitely have to get out of here. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M dot com. And we got to say congratulations to the Rock. His movie The Skyscraper came in at number two, making four million dollars. Yet The Rock five million dollars. Yes, cinema, Yes, love the Rock. I loved the Rug like an updated. Yes, it made forty five million, which is great, but I understand it costs a hundred and forty five million to make. None of us here have to worry about that. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harby Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. The winning continues tomorrow, Ladies and gentlemen at seven twenties, six twenties Central. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? We know you are. We know you're smarter than nephew who isn't. Okay, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register. Okay, we'll be playing that game again tomorrow. And Nephew Tommy, speaking of the smart one, uh, he is here with weekend confessions. You can call the Nephew with your confessions at eight seven, seven twenty nine. Steve, please, because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through, that's all. That's all right now, that's all I just want to hear. Make so somebody doing something more foolish than me. Eight and seven twenty nine, Stephen, when you call up in hire, don't call what's your real name? All right, give me a fictitious name so we can just you know, this is just your time to release and let it go and put it out there in the air. Just release yourself, that's all. What did you do over the weekend? What did you do? All right? Um? Jay is here right now. First of all, he's gonna tell us about his club dates. But when he finishes, you have a segment called people who have their priorities mixed up? Jack. Don't we all know, don't well one of them? It's going down tomorrow night, June out of seventy that the days by Comedy Club five eighty one westmint Chester Avenue Taco to do the tacos of Biblical They're not not come when you want them, but they're always right on time. Tacos. I got me Rose, Daphne, Springs and Hernandez and Griffin. Then check me out this weekend shot Arlotte on the twentie and Florence, South Carolina on the Alright, Grif, Grif, Yeah, I love Griff. Alright, this a bit right here, Shirley. We all know people got that priorities all mixed up. You got the list? Yeah, okay, al right, here we go. Alright, alright, Jay, if you if you have a car that costs more than your house, guess what you have. If you got to look outside every thirty or forty minutes to make sure your car is okay? Man, Yeah, if you're living in your car, you uh. If you have a designer purse. We all love our designer bags, Carlin, Yeah, yeah, girl, what you gotta designer bag? But you're riding the bush? Wait a minute, now, wait a minute, now, hold up, now, wait a minute. Now, what's wrong? We have a nice purse. I can't have a Louis. You can't have a Louis bad? Call tokens in you can you? Baby? There? Done that? Yeah? I ain't mad at bad, I'm not mad. Alright, alright, so here's another one. If you're missing teeth. Now, if you're missing teeth but you're in the front row, you're down in the front row at a comedy club. Jack, come on, I love it though, I want you. That is a year from God man to the comedian. God smiles down on you man, so so Jake. Yeah. So if you pay the cable bill, uh, but your power is off? Ain't there? That your priorities pretty much? Why would you pay that bill? And I don't make sense that your brod make that. I gotta see right right up. That goes with this one, Tommy. If you're in the strip club making your rain, but at home your lights are off, that don't make no sense. Yeah, you need to get your priorities. I'm not mad at you being at the strip club, don't but I'm home. Yeah. Yeah, because if you bring the strip home, can't you can't see it's dog. And then you got you got them open tones sandals. But your feet ain't done. You know what I'm talking about. You you need to put on sees, You need stops, you do. Yeah, these men and women, these two right here, they told the women right right, yeah, yeah, we all have nice feet. Well, I have to wear shoes all the time. We've never seen your feet, don't You don't take but one time I got that toe to bring people out the back, the back. Everybody needs to see it coming out sad looking. He's a foot looking at the food. That reminded me of Dion Sanders for some reason. When yeah, I'm playing football. Yeah, he doesn't have bad feed, he just has a turf toe. Yeah. We don't want to Yeah, we love him, We love him. Shout out to de Yeah. All right, here's it's another one. And you know who else talks about their toe? Kevin Hard all the time. He always talks about I haven't seen him. I haven't seen him. Here's another one. J you're overweight, but you eat pork and you smoke and you got high blood pressure. Mixed up? What is there? That's my uncle. Your priorities are messed up? Like it. I like it all right. You have TVs in the back seat of your Fiat. You gotta Fiat. You gotta filt. You know how small those cars are, big flat screen. You can get screen in there. Man, when you go we got a Fiat. You can't even go to the grocer if you bring three bags out of there. It's packed in the back. You can't. All right, here's the last one. You bought a ticket to the essence that but you don't have a room or you don't have any spending cash. All this happens, all was walking up and down. All right, we gotta get out of here. Called Nephew with your weekend confessions at the top of the hour eight seven seven twenty nine Steve eight seven seven twenty nine Steve Weekend Confessions. Right after this, you're listening to the stew All right, Steve's out on vacation today. Juniors out as well. Uh. And before we get to the nephew and your weekend confessions, nephew, boy, do you guys hear about this story? Uh? And eighth animal has died after a jaguar escaped from his habitat at the New Orleans Audubon Zoo and went on the attack before being captured. No people were hurt, but he did kill this jaguar. He did kill eight animals. Can you imagine this animal place or something like that? Yeah, he killed other animals. It's a zoo. It's the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. Um, I'm sure a lot of people have our audiences. Stop going on. It's some trash. Stop just been some trash to do I get out of Yeah, it was trashed out. Did you get that out of That's what I got. It was trash stopping. Yeah, yeah, he killed them. That's a little more to it's trash talking. Oh my goodness, this is it's been cut way down that day that it's been cut the trash. What you're not gonna do? Did they say what other animals it was? I know that that one of the animals was a fox trashtop. Yeah, this is this is too much, yead. It's hard to digest. Yeah, jaguar, you know, being caged up like that, then you get out, But I mean trash talking, that's what happened when you get out. Yeah, when you get we're out around everybody's been talking all this knowing. Oh that's smack. Yeah, yeah you believe you ain't out, Yeah, you ain't out now. And when you get out, what you ain't out now? One day I'm gonna get out. You know. You know who talking the most smack the peacock. The peacocks they walk around loose the right. Yeah, colors all like oh yeah, yeah, yeah, food is get some peacock trash talking. Time to do it and I'll be up the jag who no, we have we have these people on the line also too, though with this story, they're saying that the animal, he will not be euthanized. It's what jaguars do, ye do? It's his name is bad the jaguars. Now, he didn't go over to the elephants. He didn't do that. Don't mess with nobody. They don't bother nobody, and not trash talking like a fox. And you know this, how Jack, it's a fox because you know but now, but you know this about elephants because what we watched National Geographic Okay, okay, while we're watching reality TV. Yeah, y'all know what they're doing that we're watching hyenas getting Wow, that's crazy. All right? You ready for weekend confessions? Are ready? They're ready to tell? Called the Nephew eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you are going through. That's it. Give me a fictitious name and let's make it happen. Who we got? Okay, all right, let's go to line one and talk to Mike. Mike, Hey, Mike, what's going on? All good man? All good, brother, talk to me. Let's confess, man. And I wanted to keep it to myself. But I thought, I'm going to tell you time about the other day. I went to went to the Script club with the fellas Saturday, got the feeling real good. Kerry home in a some type of way. Um my lady kiss My ladyship said nope. And you know when once you got the alcohol and you turned into a beef started by the house, I'm going to kick it at my brother house. Say that again, Mike. He went to his brother's house. We love man, We lost, Mike, sounded like a good, good story. Called me back, Mike, if you can hear me, called me back. That was getting good out. Oh, strip club stories is good. Yeah, ain't bad. And then what happened right there? Man? You'll call us back Mike. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, or you can call us to if you have a confession for the nephew eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Let's go to line three and talk to Torria. Torria, what's the confession. Let's go, Well, my husband is out of town on love ever goodness. Yeah, we're having some technical issues right now. Yeah, okay, did we have line five still up? Del rees? Line five del rees? How are you not, della, I did not say that. Hey, baby, we can hear you. Go ahead, what's your confession? Oh? Okay, I'm really sorry, but I really just had to get this off my tests. Okay, And um, so I emotionally cheated on my husband this weekend. I've been emotional emotionally emotionally cheated on him. An amazing it was, honey. Wait wait, okay, del rees for for for people who don't know what emotional cheating is, can you explain that how you see it? Yeah? What is that? Well? I kindly think it's like, you know, um, it's not physically because I did not have sect with this guy. Um, like, you know, I don't get much love or you know, affection at home for my husband. But physically he is great, you know, and financially he is great. But you know, um, I just felt this though that sometimes I need somebody to tell me that I'm beautiful. I'm you know, I look good whatever I have on you know, you're doing a good job or maybe you know and you know so, and women I think they need that, you know. Sometimes he's sitting around this man, you know, for years, and he not wants to tell me that I'm a beautiful woman when clearly him, you know. And if I look good at something, man, baby, you're wearing that today, you know. So who is the man? Who is the man? Emotional man? So, but the pastor he's a past So that's what makes things even words mean. So you were just sitting there Sunday just just I'm this has been after me for a while, and I can, you know, even go to here because I kept on reminding him about his wife. You know, come on one, you got a whole congret and tell her to hang out and my husband, my girlfriend hang on. Right after this, more weekend confessions coming up. You're listening to the ste Harvey Morning Show. All right, who we're in the middle of weekend Confessions with the Nephew eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if you want to confess to the nephew, you're ready enough for more confessions. I think we got Mike back. Yeah, I understand. We do have Mike back on the line. Let's go to line one and talk to Mike. Hey, Mike, what do okay, Mike, Let's let's let's let's do it again. Man, we got dropped earlier. So you went to the strip club, got the feeling good, came home, rubbed your baby, and and she told, you know, and then what so I started about how, you know, like they do, I'm going to stay with my mom. I'm, uh, well, I'm going to stay with my brother. You know, I leave about the how I headed to my bro how some kind of way I end up making a right turn and I ended up at my kid mom. How so you know, So we're sitting up for man, and she like, what's your doing ahead this time? And like so I'm like, no, come on, let's let's go in the room. So the thing so I ain't hesitating that sing you know it was? It was on the paper. Okay, now you you you got back with your girl, don't you? Yeah? Yeah, I want have been hold up on the morning, you know. The next Yeah, he'd like he did favor. I mean I didn't do her favorite because I mean she didn't want she didn't want to, Like Steve said, uh what lad week we were folks. If you can't get it at home and get us somewhere else, who's that kidding me? Right now? Mike? He said, Steve said that, And let me tell over y'all something we don't judge know about it in this second around here, don't I can't read this time. If I want to do it all like you go here, Mike, go we and we do judge all of the above. Mike. Yeah, that's that's an episode. I'm talking about you. Mike. Hey, Mike, Love, don't judge me, Mike, what's wrong? What's wrong? Much? Love to Mike. I'm mad at Mike. I don't see nothing Mike said. It doesn't have me angry with Mike. Let's get another all right, let's go to line. Let's go to line too and talk to Chevy. Chevy. That what I'm talking about. Yeah, hey, Chevy, y'all want to do what it do? What it do? Baby? Talk to him, Chevy? What's the confession this morning? All right? I just got married two weeks ago, right, and my wife and her whole family is hot. But I didn't marry her for that. I made it because I loved her and her mom. I guess the roof was leaking, so she wanted to show me where the leak was at, so she going with the ladder looking up. She ain't got no panties on, so come on, I didn't pay it no mind. So then we got back down. So she was talking about pricing. I told her, no, don't worry about this, bought of applause and not do it for free. So then she wanted up just going down on me. So we wind up getting it in. So her, my wife's sister came home and Carter, Yeah, we got d She came to him like, listen, I want some of that. I'm telling my sister. I wanted her to come on. It was just like a lot, like I'm just over your overwhelmed right now. Yeah, Mama's sister, Mama's sister and the wife. You I don't want to say to you. Boy, you in one incredible family. You are, this is gonna be and you are Chevy, Chevy. I'm about to go. It wasn't It wasn't my attention. It just happen. Yeah, we gotta go, Chevy. Yeah, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So, Mrs Farrell, you went on vacation over the weekend, you and the family. How was that? Tell us about it? Oh, it was fantastic. We went to Los Cabos, Mexicoles. Yeah, and let me tell you all this, this is the cool thing. So we flew United Airlines to Los Cabos, Mexico. And so we were getting off the plane and you know how the pilot you know, stands outside the cockpit door and greet you know, people and thank the passengers for flying or whatever. So there was a female pilot the captain and yeah, yeah, it was so cool. I was like, all write girl power and I was, you know, pointing this out to my daughter Tasha, and Tasha was like wow. So the captain invited Tasha inside the coppit. She was like, you want to come in, you want to see the plane and she was like what. Tasha looked at me, she said, sure, can I go? Money? Is it okay? Yeah? She was touching stuff. Jack. This captain let my daughter sit in the chair, the captain's hat, She let her push the hat on. Yes, yes, everything girl, Carla, if you want to I did go the lips by Carla. Thank you Shirley on my Instagram page or Facebook, Twitter and you can check out this video. It is so full with the cap on and everything. She didn't do and she put the cap on, but she took it, took it off and put it right beside her. Tasha did because she didn't want to, you know, disrespect captain. But it was so cool. But my husband Jay, he was like, he was kind of jealous. I think a little bit because I am too. I mean, your problem ticket as I bought. Nobody ever invited me up there and put a hat on and touch things and sit in the seat. Yeah, it was incredible. It was so cool. But then so I shared the video I shared at this moment, and then United Airlines responded to my video because in the video, the pilot told my daughter that she can be anything that she wants to be. It was so cool, girl power moment, and United Airlines said, We're glad your daughter was able to see the cockpit and meet such a great captain. She can surely be anything she wants to be in the future, and we be happy to have her on our team flying the skies in the future. Thank you for sharing. And it was from the United Airlines, So I'm happy. I'm so happy. But will you tell you now that Jay wants to do that? But you got the hook up you already know. I don't think you can do up to see y'all grown behind. We always want to always gotta crush somebody. Joy hate y'all so much color. You got the hook up that wrote you, You wrote that wrote you back. I mean, that's a hook up right there, y'all. You know people, I sat up there, it's beautiful. Yeah. When I when I went over, when I went overseas to do, uh, the perform for the troops, you know, Oh man, they let me sit up there and you put the headphones on. It's it's a it's a whole different feeling, a whole different feelings sitting in the back plane. That's what I want to do. So Toms and Tommy being on. So Jake, come on, Paul. You know some people already tell him want to do he wants to Why your tickets you're put down somewhere, Jay, see yes, put your seatbelt on. Alright, we'll be back to close out the show right after this. You're listening to the Stry Morning Show. All right, Well, don't forget tomorrow at seven twenty a m. Eastern time in six twenties Central. We're doing it real big yet again big, that's right, Ja, we're playing. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy, I don't see what funny people you don't? You don't? Are you smarter? The nephew Tommy? What Tommy? I'm through playing with y'all. I'm through playing. Okay, watch what does that mean? I'llpen to your serious about it now? Okay? Are you oh you were in las in here? If you leave me, just watch, just watch all right Tomorrow, Law another loyal listener, and Nephew Tommy will each be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. If you are smarter than Nephew Tommy, and like I always love to say, who isn't uh, you'll win a hundred dollar cash gift card. Plus you'll be given the chance to win the grand prize of one million dollars. That's a lot, a lot, a lot a lot of money. Baby. You can't play unless you register at Steve Harvey f M dot com. Please do it today, Do it now so you can play and win. Okay, And so the president and uh Vladimir Putin are almost out of it lasted about two hours. It was the schedule for that long? Was it late? Right? Yes, that's when you do booze later and Putin was an hour late. Wow. And they only had the two of them and two interpreters in there, so we we don't know what they talked about. We don't know what they talked about. They would interpreter females. Oh, I don't know, that's how you get your boo in having a blue moments, but I mean really late. And he kept looking at the wind us even showed up, how's my hair, how's my hair? My tie long enough? Yeah? So um, we'll see try to figure out what they talked about, because, like I said, no one was in there. But then interpreters when they're gonna get their booze together, kids together. Well, did he ask him about the election Russian? Well, he said he was going to. Yeah, he said he was going to ask him about that. Would you ask him something you already know? Why would you? But you know what, Potin looks really cool and relaxed, laid back. Always looks nervous. He looks nervous. You know, he was sitting up, you know, kind of bent over, a little bit hunched over, uh, you know, tapping his fingers, you know, said we've wrapped lace front back, that ball in the back and pull it to the backside something. I don't know what he got going on. Oh and guys, we talked about the h the jaguar that escaped the New Orleans Audubon Zoo. Animals are trash. Yeah, he killed like four llamas, he killed the fox. We talked about him killing the fox, and he killed an emu. He killed Ostrich all together? Is that what that emu is a funny with the he killed Yeah, smart trashed way down the desert. And nobody's saying nothing wrong. What I ain't no aboudy saying. Everybody said they're not going to put the jaguard down because I said lamas, I meant alpacas for alpackers. I get those mixed up. He killed four alpacas, one eu in, one fox. Yes, and all you alpaca right now, when I get out, all y'all over there, trust me. Well, if it has to do, and who eats first and who eats last? You know, and when you get your food, you talk trash? Hold on, hold on it? Did I feel alpaca community that it really is sad? It really is a people who love me? And oh, you alpaca something it sounds like you're saying something dirty or something. Sorry if we offend you out. Zoo is way down, that's all. And let me tell you about black is another thing. Yeah, that's sad though. He yeah he killed him. Yeah he got four. He gotta emu and what else you gotta fox? That's six? Yeah, I don't know what else it's like looking is it a what the group sounds like a group? Muall put you in from the butt Chuck Brown here, you got to get what you need some wow? All right? In the time we have left guys, You guys have any closing remarks, Yeah, definitely. We always like to. It's closing and my goes out to the people out there, and I'm one of them. Mrs Monica is also one of them people out there who like to be just left the hell alone. They don't like to go to nothing, They don't want company. Don't try to pull him in. They don't want to do family unions. These are not the people that you want to bother. You already know how they are. Don't bother them. Don't be pulling out pamphlets and showing them who we can do this. No we can't, because I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that and don't and don't ask me what's wrong with me. Ain't nothing wrong with me. That's why I got a house, and that's big wide television, so I can stay home. I can pick up the phone and order. I don't go to restaurants. And not only do I not want to go nowhere, We got that clear. I don't want to go nowhere. Okay, I don't want to go. No, damn where nowhere? I don't want to go. And also I don't want people over here, and those on my clothes room. We can't help to the Thank you fine, We love you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.