Good morning and we start the show hater free. Steph and brother Seth go head to head in The NBA Western Conference Finals. DJ Khaled drops "another one" and Halle Berry breaks three ribs. Gucci is in hot water again for being racial. Alabama now has the strictest abortion laws in the country. Game of Thrones has everyone on their toes waiting for the final episode. Uncle Steve gives us his GOT update. A drunk man in China accidentally throws up his tumor. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about worrying and more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them more like the milking buck bus things and its cubs. Y'all good it, Steve, listen to movie together for student hand Please, Mommy, I don't join ya, join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn turn turn? You got to turn out turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. How good is God? Hum? Think about it? Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, How good is God? Think of all the small things, all this because that's him. You breathe, that's him. You steal him. That's him. You got another chance. That's him. You ain't out of here. That's him. You got any measure of health, that's him. You think it's more to it than it really is, that it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got any dreams of aspirations, you dream of other things? That's him. All that that's him. That's him him close you got, that's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you. See, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman. He can make you do anything. You know, you get too big for him, you know you you you, you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice. When we mate, who we mate with. You know everything, all of it. Man. It's the choice what we want to be, how much you want to make, Where we want to live, what climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, high climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bar He can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an artor he just can't. An ostrich is an ostrich man. He can't come out of here and fight like a lion. A lion is a lion. A lion eat meat. He can't eat vegetables. I don't care how much meat ain't around. He'll lay down and pull up out of here and die because he can't eat grass. He just a lion man. You understand this that God gave us. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of watch you like? That's the one you can buy. You want to live in Switzerland, go ahead. You don't like Switzerland, you can move to Miami. You want to live your life a crime, go ahead. That's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, So now look at this thing. We are all the results of a series of decision that we have made. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could began the solution. See that's the problem, y'all, it's us. It's what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy and I was doing this and I was in misery, and y'all on that, yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions though, and you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. And how do you do that? You got to have a solution. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even begin to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? See? Okay, let me look at this one. If somebody sayd like, I got a child of mine, man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even gonna get into it this morning, or I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you're asking why they do so I just there, I just wasn't taking care of business. Why I just didn't take care of business? Boy, do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start. You know, man, you can't, you can't. You can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You can't fix nobody else if you keep getting married and the marriages don't work. Hello, Hello, Hello, could it be you? South finally had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need me coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me, and y'all just don't know. No, no, no, man, what about the part you played in it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if it just get down to you the one picked them, how about that, mister, mister I made a decision. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know That's the quickest, an easy way to fix your life. That way, you ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or clear it with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't got to put it before the review board to see if it'll pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't got to hope that you're local politician get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't got to ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check in the rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start changing me. Identify the problem, and start with the part that you can own up to. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this planning is important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you don't know how to make a plan, let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man, when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all the time. I'm talking about man, what you're not saying. Man, just take every gig you can, no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make no money. It's a comedy, a hard business. They ain't paying but one hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make the hundred and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes, you are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh, man, you ain't man, they don't pay me, I ain't coming. You ain't gonna be a comedian, man, Not not like this. Hell, A lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man, then get ready to go on and do it. Man, identify your problem today. Start with the part dash you to show ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, people, martians, people who love people who just like no haters accepted. Please, this is not the place for you. Um. You have things to do, and just by me staking that, by me making that statement, here that come. Welcome to the Steve Harme Monor show. Like a thriller video. They're coming out. Man, Yeah, I'm coming out. I won't through well to do. Yeah. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve Harvey. Happy Friday. Yeah yeah, what's happening? What's up? Come? What's happening Steve? Crew? That got a big day to day. Vault Conference kicks off. Junior ain't here. He down in Kaleen telling them jokes, y'all gon find one. Junior didn't Kalean three places? Fine one? Yeah that's right, Jan It can't be hard in Kaleen. Can you gotta drive all over Kaleen and Junior all where the short black dude? That? What up? Steve? How you doing today? Man? Yeah? Yeah, yes, sir, in the building. This good Friday. Get off the air. Today kicks off. The Vault Conference is out here in La. The Vault Empowerment Conference that I've been doing that I'm doing the first one ever in LA. It's up at the Sheraton Universal. Yeah. So I'll be there all week, enlightening, encouraging things of that nature, motivational speaking and motivation. Yes, a great a lot of people. You know. First one, you're good at that, Steve, Oh yeah, yeah, inspiring people, you're really good at that. Now when you do the motivation, you'll go ahead. When you have you have the headset. Now I have a microphone, you hold the mic. I'm standing up. And that's how you do it. That's what I was gonna ask. I don't I don't do when the head said, no, no, no, are y'all breaking into a vault? What is the vote? Well, vault you know, or to propel yourself over both ways. But it's a motivational confidence, you know. We pick a vault, pick a vault and go in. Yep, that's what it is. And the vault that we want you to pick is your damn mind, the one that's been locked up. One has been locked up and under press y'all these years. That dumb question, because your team tell me on the way, I didn't know how to figure out. Is it a combination? Hey, Tom time, Tim, Me and Jake. Ain't no problem, y'all gonna be doing a date today. I got you. Ain't no problem problem. That's how we're doing promoting stim No, no, no, no, I ain't take it like that. You gave it like that, what is that? What is that? You picking a vault? And then this dumb man's gonna join in which we sit came you got a lot of nerve man question. I think he's step getting that. All I'm gonna do. All I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask a question to today. All right, listen, coming up at thirty two after the If I don't do it today, to be next week, like I said, coming up at thirty two after the hours, Steph Curry versus his brother Seth Curry. We'll talk about awkward sibling rivalry right after this. You're listening to Steve Show while of history in the making. Steph Curry and his brother Seth Curry will be the first brothers uh in the NBA to play each other in the Western Conference Final. Already play right right now? Okay, well you no, I know nothing about sports well anyway, and it's created an awkward dynamic. That's what I was trying to get to. Golden State versus Portland, of course, and their parents, Mom and Dad, the Curry family, they've been split in rooting for the two brothers, with the NBA players parents wearing alternate Portland and Golden State jerseys to the games. Steph Curry says he hopes the weird feeling subsides as a series goes on, but he's not counting on it. Yeah. What do you guys thinking? Younger brother, younger brother and not as smart as my sister. Nowhere near anytime I got an opportunity to beat her behind, I took it, and castle a younger brother has to do. Oh he doesn't beat his old and take it. You gotta take it to him. Was she the favorite? Did you did? Your parents very much? The favorite? Yeah? She had shoes. She my sister had shoes. You don't have no shoes. No, Hey, Steve, you had a lot of siblings, you had a lot of civil Yeah. Well, I'm just talking about this Steph Curry situation, y'all. They they ain't just gonna put them damn Golden State jerseys. And you know who the better damn playing. I don't know the Steph Curry's damn start. I don't know who his brother here. I just heard little Curry is good too. Yeah, oh man, little Curry is good. Like you said, you know, that's just like an al family time. You got me and you got you everybody know. You got Steph and you got a little Curry, you got Steve, and you got little Tommy. It all worked out time. He is doing fine. Wow, man, hey man, little Tommy doing real good. Real damn good dog. That little Tommy is doing real good. Wow he ain't no, damn Steve. My brother's fish was the favorite of my mom, of my brother, and I grew up with my brother. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. But and I asked, I would say the same thing about you. No, no, no, it's a non fact. He fish was the favorite in our entire family and our entire family, and I asked my mom. I was like, so, mom, you're okay with this that it's public knowledge that's your favorite is fish? And she said, yeah, my parents had favorite. I have a favorite grandchild. And if you have a favorite, it saves a lot of time and get people know where they stand something. Surely, surely you wasn't a favorite nobody because you couldn't cook. But but I didn't have to cook growing up. My mom did all the cooking. She was excellent. But yeah, yeah, fish was the favorite. It's okay. I've been family, I've been the favorite, and you're the baby. We know you're the baby. I'm gonna be honest with my dad ain't like no, no. If he had a choice, he had a lot of none of them. And even he lived to see you become famous and everything. Right still Oh yeah yeah he did. Yeah, Oh yeah, I was, I was, I was, I was in dude, he never missed a show. Why why don't you buy me a ticket? Where are you gonna be in? La? Vega? Vega? Body board? Bilm big? You know what, once you can buy an airline ticket for your friends, you become the damn favorite. You really do. Yeah? Yeah, you move up, You move up, you move up? And what were you at now? I'm in DC? Bild boy DC? That was your sister? What your sister here? Sherlan? My dad ain't said no, where your sisters are? No? I wasn't correcting your dad. I was. Carlo said what because she didn't hear you. I can't hear her. Yeah yeah your sis? Right? Yeah, okay, now you gotta carl Yeah, something clear. He said where your sisters are? I'm gonna hear. Well. I never heard my daddy say oh and he well, my mama did say. She says, I'm beating you because you're not the favorite. Okay, you are not the favor You are not the favorite, the only so you know you were the favorite. Yeah, but now Tommy, you have a sister man, you know, smartiest, your team where the smartest. She could speak Japanese, right, anybody surprised? Hey, I speak good English though English. Wow. I saw Steve del Curry and his wife and the and the and the mom she had on the Portland jersey, and step said he looked up in the stands and he sees his marvel with the Portland jersey on. He said, he yelled at who you with, Jeff. It's got to be difficult for the mom. Difficult. I have a half in half, just half on the back half. Yeah. Yeah, so they've been rotating. But the family said, this is very difficult for them. I bet it is. I mean, you know, as fun as it is for both the brothers to be, you know, in the finals and everything, it's got to be a strain on the family for sure. But that's two boys. But Steve, what do you what do you say, Steve? How do you cut rectify it? Who? Who? Who? The star? Stop saying that in another word, we know who get the last piece of chicken? Why is that so funny? Though? Staff body screwed over here, but we tell that's how it is. Don't you put your hands on that cake? That's for Steff. Okay, tell nobody eat nothing to Steph get him step and you should get here. We can all eat. I don't give a damn oh man, I'm in here, Tray here coming up next, and never you tell me would run that prank back. Steve is a favorite of their family, as we found right at You're listening Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news Tommy Hallie Barry broke her ribs. What yeah, hey, nobody told me about it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell you right before the prank. Where is she right? I guess she's at home recorporating Get to her it comes out today. Yeah, you was the favorite stupid child all right? Time for running that break back? Where you guy? Now favorite NBA part and be a part? Okay, I wonder Cyrie Brothers will be there running Hello a long time. I'm I'm looking for brand. Yeah, hey, Brand, how you doing this? Puncho? Man? I want to Marcus his boys. How you doing, man? Oh yeah, hey, what's up that he ya talked to Marcus? Man. He would tell me about you know the h the playoff party man for for Sunday Man. So uh he told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man, I just want to call it in hollight you see if I can, I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know you took your friends of Marcus. Yeah yeah, this is puncho man. I'm friends with market. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, well now you either read unless of course you know you you drink himself especial, but yeah, to see me Marcus and uh you know, couple other boys gonna be here and uh you know where you want bringing to me while I'll be so yeah that's cool, okay, okay, okay, what time of y'all starting, man? He told me like around one. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day, but you know you're coming through about one one, two o'clock. You know that before the game get started, has us you know, got the flat screen going and this to be laid out, so uh yeah, just coming through whatever you come through, all right, just remember, man, Puncho. All right, I'll be there. I got it all right? Cool? All right? This hello, hey, hey brand yo, hey Puncho again. Man, listen real quick, how much how much food? And and and and look at do you have? Uh? I think we got a love for for suddenly it was right? What you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you got enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This Punchos. You know we talked about thirty minutes ago. This Puncho an Monca's friend, right right, okay? Uh, man, I remember I called you about thirty minutes ago. Told me Marcus told me it was cool. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, I'm sorry for I'm bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joint. Man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his, then then that's cool. You can come through. It ain't even three guys, man, It ain't even three guys coming with me. Many they they really cool? Man? We we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know, it'll be good. Okay, yeah, that's cool man, but you know, yeah, yeah, come on through the man, all right, all right, all right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, Brett. Hey, uh wait, it's one of them, Marcus. It's one of the guys, Marcus. Yeah, no, no, no, no no, no, I guy, it's it's three guys. Me. I'm made four you know about three other guys. Yeah. Whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring them through, man, come on, it's like all right, all right, all right, Lake hello, hey, Brad, punch yo again. Man, listen, Hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more Um, I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me to hold hold pump your brakes. Player, Wait, hold up, hold, what's up? Now? What's up? You? Marcus is friend? Yeah, you're you're you're me and I'm poncho. Yeah. Okay, I know you parto man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go kid, And Marcus is cool with me. That's my fault. We go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, No, it ain't like that, man, man, I mean, placen't that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here. And you know I got the house played out. I told I wasn't gonna stoy the place. I just got out the dog house like two weeks ago. I ain't trying to up. So if you're coming through, you come through, you know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it, okay, all right, But listen to you. You would have decided me, I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him with me. Man. Is that cool? I'm just gonna bring a little lady friend. No, dude, Okay, that's cool. Now you're talking, okay, because I know she ain't eat it a bunch, come on through here with her and be done with it. That's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call Simone nine, tell her and tell her that that she's coming with me. Okay, what's her name? Her name, Simone, that's what that's my wife's name. Okay, okay, okay, But maybe they'll hook up while they while we watching the game. Ain't she ain't here, So I send her in her girls so that that Neil's done. Okay, okay, so check us out, man, I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let her know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And you say it's cool, right, Yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up in the here. Okay, okay back yeah, yeah yeah, years now, and I check this man, mine, uh you know, my friend she she she's married, you know, and and and she wanted to get away from my husband for man, man, I guess they've been going through so, you know, you know, just keeping our way way back back up there, bringing a married woman named Simone. Were the eyes of that. My wife's name is Samone. Okay, we'll do I mean, n what this woman Simone is her last name is? That's my last name? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold anyway, wait, hold on, hold on dog this this okay, this, this Simone is is light skin. Yeah, you keep on describing her. She's light skin, five's gone, short hair, that's the Haley says, yeah, that's that's that's that's that's how about you doing. My wife? Hey, me and Simone been friends for a minute. Man, it was until like a couple of weeks ago she reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some he reached out to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well, I don't that dude. Okay, okay, I want you see my wife. Hey, man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying. A year that's about the time we started having some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on over to this party. A man, I'm sure we can try to figure this kind of situation. Imp. My wife, I've about you. I don't give me about her either. And you know they said, you know what, I've always believed this. There are no mistakes of this. Everything happens where it's close to me. So it's funny how you called me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, I do you getting this number my boy game? No? No, no, man, I get the time. You probably call it the record from her. That's what my boy gave me this. Leave leave Simone out of this, man. You can't tell me right now. You know, I'm not gonna call with you right now. I'm gonna call her, not to say I ain't gonna call it at all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a gift this for you. I got a three eighty, I got a smith, I got a question. I got a size fourteen tiller to go right up your So you just come on over this party. Oh okay, hey man, hey man, listen, listen. My boy, my boy gave me your number. Man, So I don't know who my boy is Mark, I said, he don't know you. Marcus don't know me. But guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know, we'll say something. Hey, Brad, this is Nephew time me man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me the prank phone. Call you. What is so I'm gonna get off? Yeah, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steam Harvey Morning Show. I ain't nothing wronging inviting somebody to the party. But when you invite the man wife too, you know, I guess I got a little out of land. You know what I'm saying. Plus one plus one you play too much, and your wife too. I'm all that. That's my baby. She comes. You should have said a fine as members Tennessee Tomorrow weekend, The Nephews at Chuckles Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to Friday to Saturday to Sunday. It is the Nephew in time. All right, all right, thank you enough? Coming up? Entertainment, Oh you got that in quick on, man, I wasn't. I got nothing coming up. I got I'm gonna be one on them. All right. Entertainment, dude, right after this you're listening. Dave harn Show coming up in twenty minutes. After the hour, Gucci is in trouble again. Go take your shoes off again. I'll tell you about it. We'll talk about it in about twenty minutes, so hang on for that. In other entertainment news, attention hip hop fand well, today is the day DJ Khaled's Father of Asad album is released. And another one and another one? All right? Uh. Kaled also did a collaboration with Nipsey Hustle and John Legend. It's a song called Higher. It was one of the last records Nipsey worked on before his passing. Khalid says he has a family's full blessing to put out the music video they filmed just days before Nipsey's death. Kaled and his team are donating one hundred percent of all the proceeds from the single higher to Nipsey's children, Imani and Cross. Wow. Now that's giving back. That's very generous, very generous of you. Yeah, God, Yeah, here we go. Tommy halle Berry does some of her own movie stunts. You know that, right, She does stunts. She doing all. She revealed recently that during the filming of John Wick three, she broke three ribs. She explained that the rule of the movie is you do your own stunts during rehearsals, and she trained to take on the stunt and after her injuries, the pro stunt people said, good now, it's a badge of honor. You've done what we've all done. Good for you. Now get back to work. She's got three broken ribs, right to deal with? What Tommy, are you gonna be? Okay? Get hurt? Man? Tommy been doing his own stunts for years, how much he loves halle Berry. But yo, come on, now, all this crying for Hallie, and you ain't gonna be crying for Tommy. Liked that. Tommy came throwing all his stones. Tommy did the two biggest stunts I mean, man, when he was in school, Tommy boy, what did he do? Steve? We didn't hear about it? One time, man, he jumped up on the school bus hisself. See the bus had pulled off and he was running and grabbed that bottom step while the bus kept going and swung itself up on the step and climbed up on that damn buss And then hold up, wayman, hold up. And then that time Tommy was standing that way, don't like to change, and jumped down off that curve. This boy right here and and and then that big stunt, the one that got him all the attention on the real big one. Uh, what was that when he grabbed that leash and tried to walk that dog that y'all drug his ass way up to the school. It was like a bear to him. Man, he was just on the ground. Tommy got caught up, get caught out. Yeah, that's how Tommy looked, going up street behind that dog. This is payback, Tommy, Oh no, no, no, this ain't got No, this is just accolades right there. I'm giving it boy his dude. Right. Let just go show miss halle Berry. Go see the movie if you want to support her. John Wick three, it's out today. I've seen one in Yeah with Kennon Reeves. Yeah, it's very good watching Stephen Time did that big start. Yeah, we gotta get to the news. Okay, let's to the news, Sir Tommy. No, we don't want to. Man. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Andrew, everybody, this is hand trip with the news on this Friday. I'm so happy it is Friday anyway. President Trump announced changes yesterday that he'd like to see in this country's immigration law. The biggest one to push to increase the number of green cars given to people with college degrees or needed skills, and decreasing the number of people entering this country simply on the basis of having family members here. Our plan achieves two critical goals. First, it stops illegal immigration and fully secures the border. And second, it establishes a new legal immigration system that protects American wages, promotes American values, and attracts the best and brightest from all around the world. However, how Speaker Nancy Pelosi's already signaling that the Democrats are not going to be following suit on this one. They're saying family is without merit? Are they saying most of the people have ever come to the United States and the history of our country, or without merit because they don't have an engine, because they don't have an engineering degree, which he was trying to say, By the way, Trump his playing would also greatly reduce the number of humanitarian visas or asylum grants. Top Republican in the House, Kevin McCarthy, says that although he has always voted against abortion, he's not in favor of the anti abortion bill signed into law this week in Alabama. He thinks it goes too far. That law makes it a felony punishable by life in prison for anyone performing an abortion, making abortions legal no matter how early or late term the baby is. There are no exceptions for either rape or incest. And now Missouri's Republican led Senate has passed to build that bands abortions at eight weeks or after. The measure needs to vote of approval from the GOP dominated House in Missouri, and from there it goes to the governor, who's also a Republican and who's also expected to sign it into law. Foreign President Jimmy Carter has been released from a Georgia hospital. The ninety four year old was admitted earlier this week after he fell in a broke a hip. He's expected to undergo needed physical therapy, and he continues to recuperate at home. International law enforcement has announced the breakup of a big malware a conspira network. A federal gan jury in Pittsburgh handed out the indictments. Ten people so far from Eastern European countries have been charged. Victims actually were told to do like to hit this malware thing, and they ended up downloading a file They gave hackers access to all their sensitive information. They say that five Russian nationals are still at large. Another example of how dangerous it is to simply try to live black, this time, a white cop in Boulder, Colorado, pulls out his gun and threatens the life of a young black man, a college student who was simply picking up trash outside his dorm. A Officials insist that they can't prove that the cop approached young man had threatened it because he was black. But after the child the young man showed him his college id. The cop kept his gun out. It's on video. The cops been fired, but he gets to collect his full salary till next year. Finally, the fabulous d On Warwick has come out with a new CD and she tells me why album and some titles she's backed. People get bad to me when I was gonna make some new music, so I'm final new music is available as she is. That that's why it comes out today, full of collabals. It's great. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to this day morning show while Gucci is done and again they're facing backlash one more time. They've come under fire. This time, Yeah, this time for selling and I know they sold an indie full turban. That's what they're selling for nearly eight hundred dollars indie full turban. Critics called out Gucci for selling the headdress as a high end accessory divested of its religious significance. It's a seek turban and it's not just a fashion accessory, but it's also a sacred religious article of faith. And that's where they got in trouble. The New York based Seek Coalition tweeted, we hope more can be done to recognize this critical context, adding hashtag appropriation. This backlash comes after, you know, months after Gucci apologized and withdrew a sweater that featured a design that many thought looked like black face. So they were already in trouble with black people. Now they're in trouble again. Indie full turban, that's what they called it, and sold it for nearly eight hundred dollars. I'm telling you all right now, Nick can't gonna buy it. Terror you get mad if you want. Nick can't gonna buy it him. Got that one right, he got he random turning. No, No, he's Nick Turban. He well getting mad at up Steve. I know, I know I can't get it. Oh, I know, getting hell well to stay away from that. No, he can't say mouth quiet, Steve. You don't want none of this no longer. Come on, get something, Nick Cannon terran dog, I'm on the internet right now. R nah. And if they only knew and I say something about the Turbans and Steve don't want the same thing about it. My mother wore them all the time, and she kept them by the door on the little styrophone. That's where the god when the doorbell would ring, throw it on. Grab she throwing in them turbans off. She kept bless her heart. She kept one by the door and two in the bag. If she ever went anywhere, Man, she put them damn turbans on and she would roll. Man, And sometimes she go to church. She put a big brooch in front of him. Yes, yeah, yes, she roped them. Man. She roped him. Man, My mom roped them turbans. Man the right, Yeah, yeah, all right. Listen, coming up next thirty four after the hour. Man, this this is a serious story right here. A lot of people, women and everyone up in arms. Alabama Governor k Ivy has signed one of the country's most restrictive abortion laws. Wait till you guys hear this. Yeah, right after this. You're listening too well. Alabama Governor k Ivy has signed the strictest abortion ban in the country into law. The law makes nearly all abortions illegal that includes rape or incests, yes, with the exception in cases where the mother's life is in danger. Governor Ivy notes that because of the Row versus wade Us Supreme Court decision, the law may be unenforceable and even and this is really something even televangelist Pad Robertson, who's known for his conservatism, says, yeah. He says that the Alabama law has gone too far. Opponents of the new Alabama law, which is set to go into effect in six months, it's already heading to court to stop it. And this was just a surprise to everyone. Uh. The governor says that they believe that life begins at conception, you know, and that's her argument, and that that's the whole thing. But I mean, but if you've been raped, a lady has to carry that around and she doesn't want to, ye ye, or according to the state of Alabama, they're wrong because you know, listen, here's a deal. First of all, I'm pro choice for women. So just let me say that they may be a left perspective, but let me explain something to you. All. This is all about politics. This is all about having control of the Supreme Court. This is all about trying to reverse eventually roversus way because it was considered a liberal democratic bill law. They've been trying to discuss and ted on this rolevasis way so they can say that the Conservative Party is taken back over. This is all political. Stop the hypocritical nature of what you're saying. Republicans and Conservatives get abortions all the damn time, every damn day, a conservative and a Republican gets an abortion, just like a liberal and a Democrat. It is not no no more Democrats getting them to know, man, everybody has gotten them, and for them to take the political stands that they are these suddenly righteously moral people. That's I find that incredibly offensive that you can think that you're that morally okay when we all know you not everybody know you. Not example, look at what's happening in our administration today. Show me the real morality here, and y'all and and y'all go somewhere and sit down with all of this. We're conservatives, and we and and and the Southern Christian people who support other people who don't like Jews, gays, blacks or anything like that. If you're supporting that, what does that say about you and your faith? I just I just find this really really hard to swallow all of this, especially with the nature and the performance of administration that's in Washington, DC right now, and it's all hypocritical to me, should have the right to say what happens with the woman's bodies? This is our body. They have no right to say. There's no law on the books that we're tell a man what he has to do with his body. So while laws telling women what they need to do with their dad and then any doctor perform any doctor that performs that procedure is up to nine years in prison. Yeah, that's that's that's forcing your beliefs on somebody else's. So what happened to the law. What about a banning, banning assault rifles and all of this gun violences and no, Carla, are you kidding me? And you can't you can't kill an unborn fetus or child, which I can understand that argument, but you can kill a full glown glown. That's what I was gonna say. The hypocrisy of it all. If you're so concerned about life, where are the protests in the outrage when you know black men and women are getting killed in the streets. Where is that? Yeah, everybody, this is a crisis. Come on, yeah, yeah, I know. Coming up next, we're gonna lighten things up again. Nephew Tommy is here with his prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject. My man wants to share his goodies. But right, yeah, right now, wait till you hear this letter. Right now, the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got nex My Mama tree? Oh gosh it again, my Mama's tree. He's so method, he's such a method actor. My Mama tree running kit, my Mama Tree. Hello, Hello, I speak to Lord ter Imbout ten minutes from the yard picked all this ain't no tear. Look, man's this lord that worked for Yes, listen, you just came down Clayton Street and hit him and tow all the limbs off my mama maple tree that's hanging over the street. And now she got limbs hanging all in the street. We got to cut this whole tree down because you didn't mess it up. And you're the one that just drove through hill. Hey, sir, I ain't been down Clayton Street today, sir, say what I ain't been down Clayton Street today. I ain't even been in a residential neighborhood today. You just came down Clayton Street a couple of hours ago and then tow all the limbs off my mama tree. My mama, that tree been and I founded twenty five years and then you just came down the street and just tore it all apart. Sir, I ain't been down Clayte Road today. How did you get this number? By the way, don't worry about how I got your number. Somebody got to pay for my mama tree. I ain't been down Clayton Road today. I'm sorry. Call it call him back down. Hello Lord? Did you just hang up on me? Yes, sir, I told you I didn't been down on playing road today. Now now what Look I told you you just came down Clayton Road and just and just told my mama tree up all I lived down residential neighborhood today, Man, quick calling my phone. Look my grandmama planet that tree. Now you didn't gonna do it? Planet it move to mother. Then cut the branches off to some of them. If them branches, it's clear enough you're not supposed to be driving them at will. Trucks down this residential area like this here, man, I was making delivery. Guy, if I had to come down that tree, I would have. But I told you once I ain't came down on Clayton's Street to day. You just said you had to make a delivery. Now you're saying you ain't been down Clayton Street delivered down there. I would have came down that treat you to come down. Now you've been on Clayton Street today. Now that part I do know. And what you got the wrong drib dude, No no, no, no, no no no, I got the right driving. And what I do know ill you didn't told my mama tree up. We got to cut this old treat out. And you know what, you're gonna pay for this. And I ain't saying for a mother treat that treating. Kidding, I know you ain't talking about my mama tree. Well, guess what, take your tree and take your mama and both of y'all go out there and planet enough tree. Then we ain't playing no more tree. That tree been in our family for you. You're gonna mess around and get your swoop behind this tree. Bring it on, then bring your and bring the tree with you. You're gonna make me whoop with a bridge off that tree. Well, I tell you what if you're that bad, then I tell you what if I was on Clayton Street today, I mean donna play the street with the tree. You come on over here to Clayton right now, because I'm right out here in the street on the cardless phone. You come on outside. My mama sitting up in there crying behind this tree because you didn't tow the lives off of it, and we got to cut it down now because you didn't mess it up. Don't get us nappin teller wife five. Then I ain't been down on the tree. I know you ain't sitting here talking about my mama. No, see you tripping our dog and tripping dog you are. Look, man, I grew up with this tree in my front yard. I grew up with this tree. Now you got the nerve to drive to hell and driving too fast, because if you're the droll slow, you wouldn't have been hitting all them lives like that. Y'all be running down here too fast to him. Man, look a here, I've told you one man, I ain't been down on Clayton Street now like I told you if you want to meet me on Clayton Street, we'll all right. Now. I'm sorry about your mom tree, but hell, there ain't nothing I can do about it, because I ain't been down on Clayton Street. It's one thing you can do about it. You can pay for it, and that's what you're gonna do. Now. You're gonna either give me some money. I'm gonna get it at you. But you're you're gonna you're coming over here. Matter of fact, you're gonna come over him now that big truck around and bring your butt on over here right now. Well I might well don't turn it around, because I ain't paying for no tree right now. That's fine, that's fine, But I tell you, when you get here, my cousin here and all my uncles is here sitting up there looking at out what you haven't done to this tree? So bring yo, I don't. Yeah, well look ahead, take that tree and stuff it up, you yo yo. All right, I ain't in a word with you in the treat no more because I don't have told you one. Let me ain't this tree? You come on right now, because you don't know what this tree means to me. This tree right here used to be home base for a hide and gold seat. Are you crying? You big? You crying too? Man? Look at a dog. I ain't dog. Tree, dog didn't look at Wipe your eyes and to hell with you? This tree right here, I'm turning my you just meet me on Clayton Street. All right, let me tell you something. This tree used to be first base for kickball. Do you hit me? Bosh? Dude, I don't told you once. I ain't tree. All right? All around it? Dude, your name Lord, but you ain't He Hell is cool Jay, and he would not He wouldn't not Hell come down here and told my mama Tree here is not that kind of person. But you, you Lord? You crying for? Man? What crying for? Because you didn't mess up my mama? Treat you saw like a girl. I'm crying because my mama Tree wrote. Let me tell you something around and bring your down. I in ten minutes to meet your Where's be more than me? My uncles is ill, my cousins, the hill, all the braider brunch family, whatever. I'll tell you what there ight night, it's gonna be hot water in this. Don't make me no difference. They call you all all my knock you out, and that's what you're going to get all all that. I'm on with it because I'm here. All right, We'll let you go running cool. Don't make me love Listen straight up. I'm gonna tell you one more thing about this treat. Is you listening to me? I'm listening to bro. Is you listening? I don't told you once. I don't give a about that treat, but if you want to talk about it, go ahead. Let me tell you something. This is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy JJ And look, man, what did you gonna say? This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. You got to be kidding me. Man, ain't no, ain't no tree messed up and you ain't been on Clayton Street. Dog Joe Joe, and oh man you are dog? Hey man? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvard Morning Show? Man, My god, we play high go sek on that tree. That's my mama tree fifty twenty twenty bout thirty. Now you'll come see when you pranking. You gotta be in prank mold what I'm saying, you gotta be prank colicious, gotta be stupid feeling And where will I be stupid at? Uncle Steve? Where will I be in Memphis, Tennessee A Chuckle's Baby for more day? Weekend? Friday said the Sunday two shows each day. You are welcome, my brother to come and open for me. You know I'm working, Tommy. That's why I'll keep inviting me. Come down the wreck your whole damn career. But what he says career, not the show. He says career like he gonna kill it in one weekend and one day he gonna quick coming to see. Sure I come back, I come back. We'd get out, real fan. But I love him, know you know it's growing. His comedy career is growing. I can't. I couldn't do that to him. Oh that's so kind of man. Surely we're family. You hurt my feelings. It's something you ain't said anything that's right. I know what it is my uncle though, that's my uncle. Oh my god, that says birthday. It ain't sad nothing, though, listen to me, what all right here? I'll write you. Why is he's still in pray character crime. No, he's he chained all right, look all right, thank you enough for your birthday. Boy, Tommy's birthday tomorrow. I'm next the Strawberry Letters. Subjects him subject of the Strawberry Letter. My man wants to share his goodies. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on sex, on parenting, on dating, on work, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter. Thank you, Little Tommy, I mean thank you, Mommy. I'm yeah. No. If you're inside voice, inside voice, inside voice, love you, love you, love you all right. Subject to my man wants to share his goodies. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty seven year old female, and my man is slightly younger than I am. He's an underwear model for several online magazines, and that's why I fell for him. He has a really great body. His modeling has been an issue in our relationship because of all the raunchy comments he gets on social media. He loves the attention. He says it's all just for fun, and he never responds to the women and men that hit on him. The attention has really gone to his head. And he told me that while he was on a modeling gig last week, a doucer approached him with an offer to get into the porn industry. Now that he's more confident in his body, he told me that he wants to try it and that he wants me to be okay with it because he could make a lot of money. I told him, hell no, he was not going to get paid to cheat on me. He keeps telling me that it's not like that. He said, the sex is strictly business and there are no emotions involved. He thinks I'm being selfish and have old school thinking, and I should have an open mind about it. I want to stand my ground with this because the modeling was a big problem for us, so I know porn will only make matters worse, and what do we do if and when people start recognizing him. He said he wouldn't be ashamed at all. I love him and could see myself marrying him, but not if he's okay with sleeping with other girls in front of a camera. I asked him, if the tables were turned and I got an offer to do porn, would he mind This man hit the roof and told me there is a big difference. I don't plan on testing that theory because I would never have sex with another man while I'm with him on camera or not. I don't think this is normal. Please help, well, I absolutely one percent agree with you. I don't think it's normal either, especially not for someone who claims they care about you and how you feel. And this bothers you so much, you know, seems like he would take that into consideration. I mean, modeling is one thing, but porn is something all together different. You're having sex on camera with one or more partners. You're right, the attention has gone to his head, you know. He says that, you know, a producer approached him to get into it, and he wants to try it because of the money, and you don't like it. He says, it's strictly business and there are no emotions involved. That may be the case. I don't know, but I don't see how that can be the case. You know that he won't be into it some kind of way. Um, you know you're thinking about marrying this guy. I don't think this guy is marriage material, not where he is right now. You're twenty seven, he's younger than you. He's interested in doing porn for money. That's not what who you want in a husband. You got to think about that. He will be having sex on camera with one or more partners, okay, at any given time. Uh huh, yeah, exactly. How Yeah, Oh I'm worn out? Who what a day? But you know, remember though, in the third sentence of the letter, you said he was an underwear model with a great body, and that's why you fell for him. So that's why what a lot of other women are seeing too. And he's into it. You said it yourself. The attention has gone to his head. He's this guy is not marriage material right now. He's definitely not that. So get marriage off your mind. And if he does not change his mind about doing pooring, I think you need to do away with this relationship. Get out of this relationship, because I can see nothing but hurt from him in your future. Steve, this letter is really ridiculous. I don't even see why we why we're reading it. It don't make no damn sense on no level. Nothing in here makes sense. You're twenty seven, your man is slightly younger. He's an underwear model, and said, you're done. Yeah, he modeled drawls. Now he drawls model, But you how heavy you want him to be? Rich in the mind you think this boy couldn't be he model drawls. He takes his shirt off and pull it, pans down and he standing now and act like he ain't got drawls on. See, that's what that key to underwear motlin is. As you're standing there in your draws is to stand and pose like you ain't got on draws. Bro, you gotta look like you got on slacks or some Bermuda shots with some boat shoes. What wa a minute. That's how they stand there and look like they're on the top deck of a ship going some damn well, one leg up, hand on their knees, close your lynch, your nasty ass got them draws on, okay? And they read And let me tell y'all something I'm tiring these men with these good body models. That's what I was gonna ask you. Y'all really need to let out of shape models. Do these underwear? Man underwear ass, because hell, we buy underwear too, and we buy a lot more underwearing. Little fine ass dude. I knew lasticks come out way more often, holes tarring way more often. But we're gonna have part two of Steve's response and I'll answer yours. Your question is well, time back some other time, okay, subject my man wants to share his goodies. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour. Right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's strawberry letter. My man, this woman dating? Is she twenty seven? Dating this young boy that's an underwear model? He model draws. Now all of a sudden he's modeling. Don't become an issue because all of the raunchy comments he get on social media. What you want the comments to be. He's standing in his draws. That's raunchy as it is, so all the comments he ge't gonna be raunchy. Ain't nobody looking at him and say wow, nice time? You know why they ain't said that? Because he ain't got nothing new. Oh he got on the draws, so let's just let me do my lae bother you. I don't understand why you mad. That's because you know what what she tripped, what she thinks she had, She's gonna righteously. You ain't got nothing now. All he loves the attention. He says it's just for fun. He don't never respond to the women and men that hit on it. The attention to gone to his head. He told me to why he was on the modeling gig last week. A producer, A producer approach you. You must have been in lady. Everybody out here damn producer approach him with an offer for him to get in the point. Then you already got your draws. You just standing there ain't your draws now. He wants to work with no damn drawls now because once you get in the port or, you're gonna find out you ain't the big You ain't the big dog on the block like he was when you had little draws commercials. They're gonna have some boys come in that room gonna scare you. This man just into there looking like a can of ass fresh. Oh, your little draws on you need to keep your draws on stick competition in the pooring On movie. Now he's more confident with his body. He told me he wants to try, and he wants me to be okay with it because he could make a lot of money. Could make a lot of money. Ain't a lot of money in poem man, and people ain't rich. I just I told him, hell now, not gonna be okay for him to get paid to cheat on me. He keep telling me. It ain't like that hit the key in the letter, he said, sex, It's strictly bis. Wow. I agree. That's what it's always been. Because I'm in here trying to take care of my damn business. That's all it is. Yeah, boy, so that's what you thought you could tell or your lady. You gotta be out your rabbing mind, he said, ain't no emotions involved. He thinks I'm being selfish and have some old school thinking. Uh they're call values, they're called hopes and dreams, and that's not old fashioned. I should have an open mind about it now. She said, I want to stand my ground with this pawn stuff. Because she want to stand on the ground because if Marlin is a big problem, she no pawn gonna take it making words and it will and what we do. And he said that it wouldn't shame at all. I love him and I could see myself married to him. Now, Shirley made a good point right here. You see yourself, man, who this little boy has got these draws on, and now having the draws on, it's too much what the jars an't got restricted. Now you want to be free, and then all of a sudden, now you want to sleep with a bunch of people for money. So I already know you turned into some of these raunchy phone call because the dude went to his head, lady, and if you know what I mean, it didn't really really went to his head. So now I asked him if the tables were turning. I got an offer to do point with his mind. This man hit the roof, told me there's a big difference, not when you explaining it to somebody. It's not a big difference, Soldier. I know what you're trying to say, but it is. It is the same thing. I don't plan on testing that theory because I would never have sex. Here's where I know this, Finny get crazy. This relationship is open I would never have sex with another man while I'm with him. So that's a good statement. That's a fair statement that the system made. I would never have sex with another man while I'm with him. But if you can't your heads down there to shoot this point or moving, I ain't down there with you where you think I'm gonna be on camera or not. I don't think it's normal. Please help. No, it's not normal. And you stupid for sitting up here even entertaining this foolishness. And as time, let him go so he can go live his life because he gonna go do the poorto. You better believe that, because it durran to his head. He think you pretty. I'm told women all the time, you better QUI dating he's pretty? Asked me get you a nice, regular ass looking do to somebody that just looks all right like who it's a good like all us on this show. No, no, no, no, no, no, no hold on, no, you won't like everybody on this damn sure. I'm sorry. No, no, I'm sorry. No, you won't before your birthday. No you I'm gonna have to go with team Steve from time. Ye ugly, yea, you're not boot asking, but you is booty ugly? Unec ded you no, but yeah, but you're back of the elbow. I'm not gonna be Tenda eye. You're not Tenday. Okay, Tim, You're not attractive at all. On your damn birthday listen reality check. Hey, email us your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six after the hour. Game of Throne's final episode air Sunday night. We're gonna talk about it your grace right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, well, well this is a bittersweet time right now. The final episode of Game of Thrones air is on HBO Sunday night. Fan Steve have been waiting eight years to learn who'll sit on the Iron Throne. If you're a betting person, the smart money is on brand Stark. What I don't wheelchair? Well yeah, yeah, he's not in the bloodline though Terran, which Philip Johns, No, what is y'all talking about? Yeah, it's one of those he gonna have to kill the white girl with the scenarius. Yeah, come on, come on, come on, shout up, Osiah. Can I ask a question of the go ahead. I'd like to know who's the person that makes terry on suits, because the exactly he don't his Taylor's name is Janthony Brown. Don't look for pockets, No pockets. The reason he doesn't have pockets is because his hands are so small. There there, you can't see him. That just slits in the fabric. There. We all listening to me like that, Quiet, now, quiet, we're doing god Game of Thrones. I dare say, has we approach the last episode of an eighth yeah journey? The writers, the critics are all claring trying to find out who well it hard the throne? I dare say, how dare you think for one moment that the boy in the wheel chair we'll get a child? I just wanted out. He's not in the blood line. What about the black guy? What black guy? There's a black guy on there? Yeah? Yeah, that was in a black guy Game of Thrones. Yeah, he's the leader of the unsellied, the soldier soldier. Oh he's that's not a black fellow. Who is your grace A dub say it is that the camera. All right, please from the island of Fiji or something. Don't you dall call him back? We would have gotten rid of him season to look, look what a black person lasts to the end of the horror movie. We have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after. Yeah, come back your grace right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, I mean I mean, excuse me, all right, your grace announce your grace? Can I announces to be enough? No? Hear ye, hear ye. The king will speak, thank y'all's sake, black hell to clarify, exemplify, and dignify with the response, I will take only a couple of questions concerning the last episode of God and You're grace, your grace speak up now. I will hold your patient. What's going to happen to the dragons? You're carrious, you won't. What's gonna happen to the dragon or to the white woman riding? I don't about her. I don't care about her. After last season, she she burned up everyone after last year episode. Yeah, So what's gonna happen to the dragon? Now? Well? I think I think the dragon. I think the dragon's going to be killed. Oh, because the one who has a dragon has the vow. I think one of those sling shots are going to be left over from the vows burning. And I believe that John Snow will get a boy to do one of those one sling shots left shooting out the air, and the white girl with the white air will die. I top the dragon. The dragon's gonna fall on her. Whoa wow, I'm side down drag ass crossed the desert. Yeah, I wouldn't be mad at that tell off on the rock. I'm sorry, sir, Can I speak? Go ahead to it out? You know, God, one of you go ahead. This isn't impossible, or John Snow to inherit the dragon because no such zingers inhabiting a dragon. What have you? Have you ever read that no one inherits a dragon? That's just anywhere stupid? I haven't. I have a sick black glaheads back. Okay, if you turn the heat down on a dragon, can he do ribs? That's what I'm asking. Can you put it on a loaf where he could do rips? Is that before were in the last chapter? The dragon is going to burn your dogcast for that attempted joke, and then anyone else you're grace your grace, Yes, yes, it's fun to end up on the throne. Well, well, the white girl with the dragons going to die from lettering all the innocent people, babies, and stop crying. No one gets away with that. The other white woman that died with the boy with the golden hand, she's gone. Lar Chick is too scarious. She's quite she's quite qualified, but she can't a little girl that fights like a man. Everyone scar and so that leaves uh Snow and Terryon, Yes, Terryon can't be king because the chair is too hard to get up into. You don't have a hand, but even Tommy's hand, well maybe then Tommy could bleed. The right hand answers. You don't have to have a big hand. And John Snow will be the ruler and have leapt and he will cry when Denirius is killed because he has no choice, to say the nation, and then it will probably take up with some other white woman somewhere and shut up, Jay. White woman with a dragon is hard to find. And then again they may ride off together and he just say hell with the kickingdom I'm sleeping with the fine chicken and moving ride off in the dragons with us. They'll be shut down by the little girl that fights like a man. We'll be back with more of the Ignorant Show right after this at twenty after you're listening to string show. Getting extremely drunk and vomiting may have saved the life of one man in China. Sixty three year old says he'd been experiencing pain in his throat, especially when swallowing solid foods. Then one night, he got very drunk and threw up a meat ball sized mass, which he then swallowed back down. It turns out, yeah, this is this is disgusting. It turns out yeah it was. Yeah. It turns out the mass was a tumor he didn't know anything about. After he sobered up and had some time to think, he went to the doctor, thank God, who performed an uh endoscopy UH A close look determined that he had a tumor at the top of his esophagus that had dislodged. The tumor, which was surgically removed, was benign, but the location of it could had restricted his breathing or his eating. Wow, what a blessing. Man, that's a nothing meat boboo. Have you all gone mad but brought it to us? Yeah? I mean it was a tumor jay. It was a two minute Okay, So now Sake Black is the expert on all illness? Why are you still your grace? Hey? No one told me it was over. I'm so he wants another season? Are Yeah? Yeah? We all do more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up after this. You're listening to the Steven Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, Gucci is in trouble again. What they do? We gotta take your shoes off again. I'll tell you about it. We'll talk about it in about twenty minutes, So hang on for that and other entertainment news. Attention hip hop fans, Well, today is the day DJ Khaled's Father of Asad album is released, and another one and another one? All right? Uh. Kaled also did a collaboration with Nipsey Hustle and John Legend. It's a song called Higher. It was one of the last records Nipsey worked on before his passing. Khalid says he has a family's full blessing to put out the music video they filmed just days before Nipsey's death. Kalid and his team are donating one hundred percent of all the proceeds from the single higher to Nipsey's children, Amani and Cross. Wow. Now that's giving back. That's very generous, very generous of you. Love him. Another one? We the best music? Yeah? God ha hurt Yeah, here we go. Tommy halle Berry does some of her own movie stunts. You know that, right, She does stunts. She's doing all. She revealed recently that during the filming of John Wick three, she broke three ribs. She explained that the rule of the movie is you do your own stunts during rehearsals, and she trained to take on the stunt and after her injuries, the pro stunt people said, good now, it's a badge of honor. You've done what we've all done. Good for you. Now get back to work. She's got three broken ribs, right to deal with? What Tommy, are you gonna be okay? Get hurt? Man. I don't know why, y'all. Tommy been doing his own stunts for years, how much he loves But y'all, come on now, y'all don't be doing all this crying for Halle and you ain't gonna be crying for Timmy liked it. Tommy been doing all his story. Tommy did the two biggest stunts I mean, man, when he was in school, Tommy, boy, what did he do? Je? We didn't hear about it? One time? Man, he jumped up on the school bus hisself. See what do you mean jumped up on it? You mean the bus had pulled off and he was running and grabbed that bottom step while the bus kept going and swung itself up on the step and climbed up on that damn bass and then hold up, hold up. And then that time Tommy was standing that way, don't light to change and jumped down off that curve. Boy, this boy right here and and and then that big stunt, the one that got him all the attention on the real big one. Huh what was that when he grabbed that leash and tried to walk that dog and the dog drugged his ass way up to the school. It was like be to him, man, he was just on the ground. Tommy cut up, get caught out. Yeah, that's how Tommy looked, going up street behind that dog is pack Tommy, Oh no, no, no, this ain't got this just accolades right there. I'm giving it boy his dude right left this goo shot. Miss halle Berry. Go see the movie if you want a support her. John Wick three, it's out today. I've seen one and cheer yeah with Keanu Reeves. Yeah, it's very good. At coming up, last break of the day and some closing remarks from our fearless leader, the one and on least Steve Harvey. Right after this at forty nine after the hour. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day, last break of the week. Another Friday down. It's been a great day. Jay. You always bless me with your your high spirits and everything, with all your going through. This is the only way to fight this what I have, the only way. It's all about your attitude. If you change your attitude, you can change your situation. Absolutely, absolutely absolutely. Would you say true statement? Yes it is, Yes it is. That's a great example of it. You're doing a great job, old Fred yea, Thank you really are? You make us proud? Yea. But that might still sick Black very much. That hasn't change you, buddy. But you know the best comments of the people who don't really give a damn but you being sick and say stuff to like I didn't believe you go this far to get me to pray for you. Thank you, mar J. You know I think I think you posted that. I that's funny. He's always a birthday too. Yes, happy birthday to the nephew. Happy birthday tomorrow. Yes it is tomorrow. Who ain't won't? Don't say it now? No his birthday, but that'll make him happy. Keep sure, I keep telling y'all what it's not his birthday. Well, that's the only birthday he knows. May eighteenth, nineteen sixty seven. What are you talking about? That's the day we found you. Nobody found me. You act like I'm this is us. That's not my found me? No fire station or nothing. What did you talking about? But it's so good though? Wow? Well acted? Well? D you want to cry? You ain't cried in a wall? Lose some weight, that's it. I do not like to cry on movies and stuff. All right, Steve, we're time. It's time closing remarks. You're ready? Yeah, all right? You got some for us? Good hit it? Um? You know, um, I guess I want to just kind of encourage people to just do your level best to keep your life moving forward. You know, so many people get bogged down with mundane objectives and ridiculous scenarios and very very minor obstacles. And if you don't focus, man, you were wind up allowing yourself to get bogged down when really, man, you could just keep it moving forward. Just think about it for a second. If you're worrying about something that you can't control, what does that accomplish? You know, I've been really reading a lot about worrying about the future. Now. Planning for the future and worrying about the future is two different things. But worrying about something that you can't control, it's hard on you, man, because you have no say so in the matter. So a lot of people get stuck in a place in their life because they can't figure out their future instead of waiting up and dealing with it day by day. As the Lord prayer says, it's a really interesting prayer if you break it down. And I'm not a qualified minister, but just from my small perspective, give us this day our daily bread. That's the key. Now, God is not saying you shouldn't plan because he wants you to have dreams and visions and aspirations, and he wants us to put our faith in Him to move our life forward. But he don't want us to worry about it, because in looking at the future, oftentimes you look so far ahead that you miss the things that's right in front of you. Once again, please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not saying that you're not supposed to plan, hope, dream and have visions, because you are. But when you are so overly concerned about your plans, your dreams, and your visions that you fail to live today and you miss the very thing that God is putting in front of you that causes you, that would should cause you to become grateful. And in you and in your lack of gratitude, you now stop more things to come your way. To be grateful for I hope I'm saying that clear enough for you. God really does want a relationship with us where we're conscious of His presence. And I can't think of a better way, or have not learned a better way to do that than to be grateful, Because gratitude opens up your heart to everything. Proud pride for people are not open because it's all about them, it's all about self, it's all about just they way they thoughts there and their dreams. But when you're humble, when you're really humble, man, you'll open up yourself to so many things because God now knows you get it that you now understand that if it wasn't for God, you really really wouldn't be nothing. And it's sad in our me society today because of Instagram and instagratification, that there are so many people so flamboyantly just talking about me, me, I look at me, look at me, I'm this, I'm back, and they never take the time to realize that you are who you are because God is who he is. And if you just take a moment to just live in a minute, it would do yourself a great service. It would produce a humbleness that would produce a gratitude for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show