Crisis in Niger - 10.25.17

Published Oct 25, 2017, 7:44 PM

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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more, just like theming buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all to be true. Good to tea Steve, how guy listening to me together for still listen Moby, I don't join, Yeah yeah boy joining. Men say you gotta turn out, Yeah you run, you got to turn turn turn lobby, got the turn out to turn water wanter go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall a well a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. But one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah man, got one. Hey. You know, um, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know, I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dweil on. Uh you know the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings, the positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that He promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I perceived to come my way, and I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out in the space, and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, and so I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is is about to attack and what they're gonna do and say and and all of is his. That's not to con say that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of you, all of us, We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive See. The problem that I had years ago was I was the dry of my life, and I was taking myself in the directions that I thought would be best for me, and I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving when I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life, well, for what God wanted for me now he wanted for me and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make. Well, not try, that's the connection that you gotta make to really get it. Now, Listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly as demanding and as offsetting as you think it's gonna be. See. I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man, because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God, to God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that. Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And and that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and exposed to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things totally differently, And things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference, I mean, and I and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promised God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long. Would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what he's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still short. And that's the cold thing about it. Man. See, no matter how good you get at it, you ain't gonna ever be the best you can be. You're just not because you're gonna fall short. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't and you're not and you aren't and you won't and you will not. And so you quit saying it. You quit saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd asked for, he'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you go stumble and fall, So you gotta get that part right. Man to stumbling falling part is coming. But see, you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow, roll over, laid their languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling fall, you get back up because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, You're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you the moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more, the moment you try to get it right. The devil got to send his attackers man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side. Seven. You know him too. You you've all met one or two of me in your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They're just busy about to do about the destruction of others. You said, I know him. You know him. They're coming. But here's what you gotta hold fast too. They can't take away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See, people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business, why don't they make theirselves, or if they ain't with you no more and they're so busy in them. I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since just since you want to get credit from making somebody make yourself. If you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success. See, be careful of that, and don't and and don't don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. You keep doing what you're doing. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, that I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, but man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. It's like, for example, it's like detox in your body, which is one of the most healthy things you can do for your body is to detox your system and clean out the pipes and the liver and the blood and get it all together, give your kidneys a break and all like this. Okay, right, okay, But to detox it properly it takes twenty one days, right. And I hear a lot of people telling my twenty one days I ain't got. But see, hold up, man, if the twenty one day easy out of three hundred sixty days a year, you ain't got twenty one to straighten yourself out. You ain't got twenty one days to give yourself a better shot at health. I mean that that's crazy to me, once you wrap your mind around it. See, And so like, if you're giving honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury and life and breath and hope and promise that you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What an exchange, What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you gotta put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing compared to what he'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become who you really are. Go to God. Let him fix you. Man, that's all You're Ladies and gentlemen, bars and girls, people from all around the world listen to this. Here you are listening undoubtedly unmistakably to the greatest morning show ever invented. Now we give credit to the first morning show and it was a delightful morning show and it added on w c a V E we Cave Radio and uh to the top cave Man Knee and Andrew Thal was the morning drive DJ, and they came out and it was wonderful, man, and the way they started it, and it just last, you know, it just got around to all the caves and it's a glorious morning show. You should come out on the morning the mountaintop and just do the show. And in light of that, so we do give credit to w c a V Radio for the first morning show ever. But after that it's us. You just got it. You just got it. But back then where no women loud, though, Shirley, you and Colin got got a bless it because where no women than you. No, they couldn't even talk on the radio. But we can now and won't stop and boss at bosses too, actually, rictors and all that. Somebody's got to reel you in. Yeah, so Sureley, how you doing it? Oh, thank you, Steve, I'm doing very well. Thank you. Good morning morning, Hello Darling, Hello Steve Crew. What's happening Wednesday? Hello? And the words of week radio? That my uncle? What do top of the morning? Baby, ain't nothing just over here just keeping it straight, pimping? How about the mass stroke? How about how? How about it? How about it? Let's go? World Series kicked off last night, Game one, Get ready, let's get ready, A long way to go. I'm not really a baseball fan. I just like the fact that Houston is in it. I'm not really a used fan. Yeah, it's great for the city, great, it's real good for they love it. Why aren't you a huge baseball fan? You like other sports better played baseball as a kid. But it's get what it's born unless you at the game. To me, it's boring that you well that you got that big hot dog in your hand. All the hot dogs to you. Even today, Tommy quick baseball because after he got thirteen, he had to use a regular side back. O. That couldn't happen. They're different. You know. In the league you could play with a little it's a smaller bat, but when you go to the other league, you had to use a regular side back and it was bigger than he worked. So, oh he could never play basketball or football. Then I know he didn't play basketball, Tommy. That still what is what is wrong with you? Even today, Tommy has never touched the knit before y'all. Hey, coming up, I've got something. I've never seen him touch the nit Right now, I've got a story for you, Tommy, coming up in something funny. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, this story is for Tommy. Listen to this. The guy in Canada got really lucky one day when he won six million dollars in the lottery. Okay, and then he tried to press his luck by hiding it from his wife and then making a run for for it down familiar. Tommy just just four days after Maurice t secretly won the six million dollars, he packed his bag, took his passport and left home. All right, that's the problem, that's the problem. Yeah, let me finish, Let me finish. The couple had at that point been living together for over two years now. In court, in court, Maurice's wife said that she and Maurice together dreamed about winning the law lottery. They planned on buying cars together and an estate in the country. His wife also remembered that Maurice did about fifteen loads of laundry of all his clothes the night before he took off, as if he were preparing to pack up and leave. Yeah, okay, question what was her name? Her name was Denise Robertson. Oh yeah, oh yeah. They're black. They're black with Maurice. Oh yeah, he's just blae. Okay, let me ask some shill. Did he cast the check? Yeah he had the money, Yeah he had it. He oh he got it. Yes, he won he won six all six at one time. It's not broken up six million dollars. They don't go into that much detail, but yeah, he got six million dollars. He did before Maurice fifteen rounds of lunch. Just I don't even understand that, Maurice, because you got six meals, get some clothes. What are you packing for because he let me tell you something, Maurice ain't gonna do good because Maurice, thanks polt loads of lune. It's some stuff you ain't you shouldn't wear after you get look about fifteen loads of Let me tell you something. Six million I didn't took two hundred thousands and created the greatest drive by you have ever seen. While I'm standing in the front yard, I'm telling you I'm going down in front of everybody right now. They're gonna around the cold of two cars. Skin. I got got a boat, I'm down, carry me out of there. I'm telling you you got to get away clean. You gotta fake your death, yeah, to be gone. I think faking the death is impossible because you know, we gotta have a funeral. You ain't gonna be to be know what the body. I think I can text something for six million. Not only can I make it through the funeral, y'all can't get to the dirt. Let's go to the cemetery to the throw this dirt on here. I promise you I'm coming home, tom because time have me in on it. Why everybody leaving? I'm sitting there in the chests from open the cigar for you and then I wait on you to knock on the cash. They go, don't you be involved in this foolishness? No, no, no, seekers, I'm an cut the deal this Timmy. Open the cask and I'm in it. Huh, open the cask and I'm ready. Now listen to me, tom listen. Okay, okay, Tommy, that reenact me. You're in the casket. I'm at the funeral. All right, let's go. Is they going up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, there you go. Okay, cool, come on, let's do like we said, gonna go open this thing up. Women, I need to talk to you from what we we we talked. When I get out, manhen the do dog get hot in it? No? No, I think we need to talk now. No man, hey, to quit playing dog now come on now, look I ain't playing Okay, So it's getting hot and this soup and got tight. Come on now, I know I know. Well, where's the money. Tell me I got the money. It's safe. Just hey, man, what you're doing now? I need where it is before our open this it's just serious. I'm bad SI you know putting. They didn't put those shoes on me or nothing. Listen, come on now, listen to me. Tell me where the money is so I can get my cut. Now. Then as I get my cut, I'm gonna come back and let you out. You can't go and come back now. I can't make it that long. We just go. That's probably why you need to hear him. Tell me where this money. That wasn't a plan. The plan was you're gonna let me out and then we come on. That wasn't your plan. Now we're doing my plan. Tell him listen quick, here comes to grave diggers. What hey, bros, what's happening? How y'all y're all ready to throw the dirt on him? Hey man, could just give me a couple of more minutes with him before you do that? Thank you, brother. I'm grieving. I'm stricken. Yeah, thank you, bro, Steve. They got another funeral? Yeah yeah, and I do that. I take the pictures, which ain't no problem. I give you a pictures recognize. Yeah, you're taking pictures still, that's good. How you like that one? Amen? Tell you momm and there said I appreciate you'll watching scond Hello, and folks, we will continue with Tommy Fake's den with Uncle plot A and be coming up right after this. You're dying Tommy, You're gonna do he die? Or will he make? He's gonna stay tuned to chat time. All right, we'll be back with more. Right there. Man, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, folks, you know, normally that music could mean about having an episode of The Chapmans. He was narrated normally by Shirley Strawberry, but due to shirley strong religious convictions, she's unable to play along with this fake your death plot. So I've taken over as the narrator or this one because I ain't got no problem. So we are at the grave site Tommy has faked his death. Remember Tommy won over six million dollars in the lottery as reported in a news story about Shirley. Concerned with Shirley, we've taken this and doing a re enactment because Tommy decided to fake his death to leave his family doing the fake death process. Because he is the great actor that he is, he has managed to stage an entire funeral service and all. And now we are at the grave site where they are about to lower him in the ground. His wife and children have gone on to grieve, and Uncle Steve has stood over the casket smoking a cigar. Who is in on the whole thing and taking We resumed where Uncle Steve was taking itself. It is with the grave digger who had walked up on him and saw him talking. Yeah, man, y'all go ahead, hey hey man, like I said, tell you mom and there my said, hey, I appreciate you all watching. Just give me a few more minutes while I grieve a little bit more with my nephew. Thank you, brother, all right, yeah, yeah, nigg and Grandma, I got you. I mean, why are you playing on top of my grave? I'm not playing, I'm playing it off to your mouth? Boy? Do you want him to hear you in here? Not? And then everybody know you ain't dead and the gig is up, and then you'll be splitting the money with your family like you post to. Okay with you, what I need to. I've told you, tell me where the money is so I can go get my cut. Then I'll come back and let you out this. How know how I know you're coming back. How you do that? You're here all you got? You don't. But I tell you who is coming back? The grave diggers. That's for show. It's a it's it's the grave difference. It's the grave dealer's close. It's there over there, man, somebody else looked like about three holes out here. It's a busy dad, it's a busy day. The third hole of the fourth hole. Hole. Boy, hold l e. That's what I'm saying, yourself, something else, my bad long before they get to me. Well, it could be amount of time I could hold them off if you're just go on and tell me where the money is. Why I'm gonna get my cut. You're gonna that boy, I'm okay, okay, you're just gonna get your party come back right, yeah, yeah, we'll take my part. Okay, the money. The money is at my house, in my shoe, in my in my sock draw. All right, cool, that's the undertakele Now, I just left the funeral food. You ain't back yet here nine back yet because you're talking. I had to back up to hear what you're saying. Fun Tommy, I was leaving to you open about all right, I'm back it's ants here, it's it's antswing stuff here, you're in the ground and worms and there? Yeah, what you think down now? It worms? I want you're crying photo. I'm back now, I got my money. Now listen to me when you get out, How are you going to explain to your family? Where are you going? Tell me what you're playing is I'm getting all the plane and leave and I'm not going home. Did you leave my part of the money? Yeah? Yeah, yeah. What what kind of plane you getting on? Oh? No, just a plane? Wait out the cat you open the door first and we get to I need to know what your plan is, what type of plane you planing? You plan on getting because I heard you, Remember you was talking about getting the private jet. No, I'm getting on Southwest. I just didn't stupid. You can't get on Southwest and show him your I D and the ensures company find out your stupid self. Now you said you just gonna get on a private jet. True, We'll just go along with this. Remember, well, how how much as the private jet? Though? Well that's what I wanted to talk to you. But can we go? Why don't you open the door? Well, I just I want you to be prepared. You probably gonna be getting no private jet with your cut. But wait, wait it was six million. How much did you take? How much did you how much was ideal? I proposed again? How much? I know what? No, I should have at least four million dollars left because two hud grand to kill himself, have himself, you know, killed the fakes debt. Well, I had to take two hundred out because I had paid him right and then what's funny did you take? Well? Why I opened this door and talking. I think it's best we talked about me and I can't scratch him. I need to open the dough. Well, I kept five and halving me. That's man, I spent two hundred thousand. That's five point to what you got two. That's why I asked you where you was going. You couldn't call your wife because see, you need to have a better plan than the one you had, cause things just changed. I could have kept my raging family view was gonna do this. Hold on one second right here, by following you, I'll be with you and Jamison shortly. Who is that? That's my drive and my butler. They standing on top of me right now. Day over there hit in the new limo. You got a limo? Yeah? Yeah? Oh my god? What is this? What is it? What is something sliding under me? I don't know. It ain't a dope, It's a lead and stop calling it a dope. Open crap. We'll be back next week for the bonus edition of The Chapmans finds out what happened to f D? Who? What D? Faking your death? I should have killed my family. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Facing mounting criticism, the Pentagon explained what happened in the year earlier this month, when four US soldiers were killed in an ambush. According to General Joseph Dunford, the United States Africa Commands investigation into the incident didn't show any signs of, at least at least initially, that the soldiers involved had taken unnecessary risk. In a news conference, General Dunford said that twelve US soldiers went along with thirty Nigerian forces on a reconmission near the village of Tongo Tongo on October three. When they were returning to their base the next day, they were attacked by about fifty fighters who apparently were from a local ISIS affiliate. Since the mission was relatively low risk, there was not air cover and the soldiers didn't call for air support until an hour into the fight about an hour early. About an hour later, French air support arrived, but since the fight was so close, the planes couldn't attack and instead circled overhead. General Dunford said, I don't have any indication right now to believe or to know that they did anything other than operate within the orders they were given. And this is an ongoing investigation. I'm sure as the days go on, we'll know more and more about this. We still don't know UM why Sergeant Johnson, Ladavid Johnson's body was found two miles from the rest of UM. The officers we don't we don't know any of that yet, but we'll we'll find out. This is an ongoing investigation, like I said, And Masha Johnson, the widow of a fallen soldier, Sergeant la David Johnson, who was at the center of the controversy over what isn't a Trump said or didn't say during a condolence phone call, UH spoke publicly for the first time, and this was during an interview at ABC UM. She said that the thing that upset her the most was the phone call, uh, and the tone of the president's voice and that he couldn't remember her husband's name, Uh, Sergeant La David T. Johnson. That's what upset her the most and made her cry. And other news just he tweeted, yeah he did right after that that he was a respectful phone call. That was respectful and he said his name from them the beginning. Yeah. I just think, man, if our president humble himself, well that's not going yeah. Yeah, you can quit asking for humbleness, and you can quit expecting an apology. Yeah, but and you just want, you know, just hey man, some decency, you know. But the president, how many of us have said things. We didn't mean him that way, but the other person took it that way. You know. We didn't. Yeah, we didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it did. So what do you do? You apologize to that person. I'm sorry if you took it that way. I certainly didn't. Actually, when they're grieving and they lost their husband who is fighting for this country, you take the high road. Even if she misunderstood whatever it was, you don't attack that was horrible. That was horrible. He doesn't and John Kelly as well. Yeah, at first she was going great, yeah the first time because he was talking about his own son. But when he went after the congresswoman, that was a mistake. Now the congresswoman has given them all types of banter because she said that the White House is has a lot of white supremacists in it. Yeah, that gave them what they needed to now, you know, fireback, I'm back. And so it has turned into something that it really should not have. From the very beginning, I was watching Don Lemon man and he had a great open letter to the president that he read and I thought it was pretty much on point. And Don Lemon addressed and it was pretty good. It was pretty heartfelt, a great letter. You know, the fighting that you do can't be at the expense of your constituents. But it can't be fighting though. He has to lead at some point, you know. Well, President Obama said it best. He said, you can't campaign on divisiveness and then expect to governor because you're not gonna be able to governor. Right, you can't do that, man, after you've been campaigning on divisiveness, you can't all of a sudden governor because all they know is you didn't divide. It was okay, So here we are when the last time you see a president when the presidency and that many people take to the streets to pick it after the vote is in, right, right man? Yeah? Not in the march time that same weekend. But here's the dangerous part. Can I tell you this. If the Democrats don't get theirselves together, Yeah, they're gonna make the same mistake that the Republicans made. If they don't get themselves instead of spending the next four years trying to knock him down and tear him apart and not prepare a candidate, a viable candidate for the repeat, he'll run again and he could win again as we speak. That's what all those rallies are about. To me. Well, let me say this before I answer that question. Did you hear Mark cuban or the other day said that he might throw his hat in the ring, but he's going to run as a Republican though, Yes, Mark, and then Zuckerberg from Facebook said he might run. Yeah, that he could win because then millennials would get him in. But you know what, you know what I'm against now though, after seeing this president. I'm against. I think a non politician taking that. Yeah, you have to have some knowledge of government and how government runs and all you have to you have to at least be a governor or something. Yeah, I agree. But here's the thing though, I think a non political guy could go in there if you went in there with the intent to act presidential, like I think I could do it, Steve. You, well, she is like this. Here's what I thought that. You know, you couldn't go in with multiple divorces. Well he did it. Yeah, Hey, listen, we have to go m Yeah, you would get my vote, though, I'll say that. All right. The butterfly is coming up at twenty after your listen Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, introduced the butterfly. Do you know the butterfly? Louder? We can't hear you come on a little coming say it like you mean, you know, come on, say it? You know? But why do you depressed? Yeah? That was terrible anyway, Good morning, Everyone's Steven. Tommy Shirley called June your good morning to the entire crew. How are you all this morning? Good morning. I am in Game two of the World's Softball Series you know, I played for the Pink Cornets and we've been playing against the Dragonflies, so I just wanted it's good. You know, I'm the catcher. Um, I'm my team as far as the Pink Hornets are concerned, and the dragon Flies are really, really a good team. So we're looking to go seven games in this whole thing. So I just want you guys to root for me, and if you have time, come out and see me play. But I'm a very very good softball player. Really, Okay, As I catcher, I can't can't do anything. This pitched to me. Okay, So m Junior and Stevens Gloria left about a long time. I've been in the league for a long time, but this is right. Yeah, I got in the league years ago and I've been playing for at least fifteen years. Now. Are you left or right handed? I'm am my dextrous. I go either way. Yeah, you know what I mean. Anyway left alright. I can talk with both hands, which is very odd, so people like that part. But I'm always catching. You don't never pitch, I don't know. So you catch with your left or right hand. I catch with my left hand and I throw with my right. That's very talented. Catch with your left hand and sew with your right. Boy, how do you think it? Just posting? But I could. What I'm saying is special, but I could. But about my left hand. I felt with my right. I'm am. Now what I'm saying is the glove on the left hand. But listen to me, Stephen. My powerful arm is the left so I can actually take the glove out and throw the bout with the wasting time. Everybody's safe now, don't have time to catch you with your left Take your glove off. I promise you, Stephen, if you was on first base and ran the second, I can take that glove out and throw you out with that left hand. I bet you couldn't. I bet you I can. I promise you. You don't know nothing about some good south by. But anyway, the peak corners were down right. Now you're supposed to squat, But while you're squatting, you could Um. This is butterfly. Um. When we come back from the break, are you talking? Listen, when we come back from the break at thirty four after we're gonna talk about music. We all love music, and we're going to talk about death. You're listening to the Steve in England, Plymouth Argyles soccer fan Tony Kemp had undergone an eighteen hour brain operation after he suffered a mini stroke. However, he lapsed into a coma after the operation and was battling for his life in intensive care. His family was told to expect the worst and warned his life support machine would be switched off in forty eight hours if he did not show signs of recovery. All attempts to bring him back failed until his devoted wife Dana came in played his favorite the Janner song on her iPod, and amazingly, Tony opened his eyes. Wow. Wow, I'm not familiar with the Janner song, but anyway, it's it's a song I think from the soccer league, their fans, they get into it. They had a part in this song too as well. Okay, alright, so he opened his eyes. I mean they had counted him off in two days. They said, you know, they were gonna take the life support machines and turn them off. But yeah, she played. His wife played his favorite song and he opened his eyes. So, Steve, here's the question I asked for him for him. It got him out for him, yeah, So Steve, what songs would would you like to hear played? If you were in a comic that would make Yeah, I knew that one. Yeah. And if I don't get you up, then what we're supposed to play? I'm not going to sit there and play music all day night. If you're going, you're going, what what give me the list of music we need to go through? So after that, if you ain't got up, we know it's over. I think Tommy's still a little salty, but up. Yeah, yeah, he just that on. Yeah, well, you know we need five songs and if you ain't up, no problem. That's the way of the world. Every winning five can't hide love winning five. Okay, uh after the morning after Maize, Uh, you can play Reach for It, George Duke, even in the hospital right now you can. Yeah, and then you can play Tom Brown Jamaica fun Bam, coming back here, coming back play We're losing ro room room boom. Well that's it. I'm going that's the world quick and I need jeezesous key me wow, umm, all this tedious? Ja oh hold on? Is that his movie? Hold On? Come on to fight us, sank to Jesus like your toast thank to Jesus who want to do it? Oh boy, that was a close one. Steve. Glad to have you back. Yeah yeah, nothing like the funking bud bring you back to life some girl. I ain't mad at that base though, Steve, I ain't mad. That's the jam. You could hear it in your spirit, that was entrenched in my soul. I've never heard that song and didn't want to hear. Why don't they cut that off? I never said that. It's some jams that I hear that I always don't mind here, that's right, that's right, being in a coma hearing a song and an amazing leaf. I know. Can you imagine his wife? I mean I would have dropped to my knees and just been thanking the Lord right then and there. Those mute music is critical, man, Yeah, yeah for those and get it. I almost dad seven times. So any song be good. It could be in Spanish. Oh yeah, seven tho. That's my child, all right. Listen coming up next to nephews, Frank phone call. Uh. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after the hour, Today's strawberry letter. It's a good when you do not want to miss it. But first come on, nephew with your prank phone call up the morning. Condoms at the cleaners, I call it condom cleaners. Condom cleaners is what I call this here. Brace yourself. You brace yourself. You're the one that needs to be brace. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach TAMKAA Mrs Shane. How are you doing. I'm I'm Brad from Quality Cleaners. I'm the manager over here. Uh huh, listen, um, did you bring some clothes in this morning? No? I didn't bring anything into you this morning. Okay, well listen, we we got an order that was dropped off this morning here. Uh it's a couple of suits, some business shirts and a few other things. But there's actually been some articles actually left in the clothing. So down, okay, he this morning. It was dropped off around seven this morning, but we got it's got that's work. There's like about a Hunting Bucks cash in the pocket. There's a couple of business cards. Uh, there's there's a cup link here. I looked all over as only one cup link and then there's two condoms in here. So I wanted to see if you guys wanted me to put this in a plastic bag or something and have it. Have it? Can you repeat what was left in there? Again? Well, like I said, we got a Uh, it's like right out of Hunter maybe hunting five bucks of cash. Uh, there's a business card from an insurance company. There's another business card for um, what is this? This is? Uh? What else was left right? I'm trying to tell you about all the business cards. I don't I'm not interested in the business card because you said something else. Okay, No, there's a coup link that we can't We can't find the other coup link if it's here. We're looking all over the bag to see if we can find it, but we don't see that either. What else is in this pocket? Like I said, you got a you got a hundred dollars in here? There's some No, no, no, no, you have said something to me. Yes, there's business cards. There's an insurance card, some business cards. She said something else, a couple link. Now there's a coup link in here that we can come. Oh, okay, what the last there's two condoms in here? Hello? What did did you say? Uh? Like I said, there's a hundred dollars in here. Did you say did you say there was some condoms in there? There's two there's two extra large comments in here. Hello, I'm here. I'm just trying to dodge this all the stuff that you had just said that that was in my husband's pocket. Now you sure that this is my husband? Chris? Uh? Well, it has I mean maybe you know the itols man, this is there's a there's a gray suit. There's also a solid blue suit. That's that sounds from that sounds familiar, But I'm not understanding that was some condoms. The phone number, the phone number that I called, the number that attached to this actual order. So I mean, this is the number we have on file? Is this is this his number? Or your home number? Was your sal what the number is this? This is our house number? I just don't believe you know what what you're telling me, because we just celebrated our our anniversary last week, is this is? What? What? What? What? What? I mean? What's what's wrong? Man? What's wrong? What's First of all, we marry and we never use condoms, and then you look that cold of me talking about he got condoms left in his soup coat pocket. I'm not understand. Oh, I know he ain't cheating on me, Well not not, I mean not necessarily. I mean, you know they could have been there. Why why he was in his pocket? I just don't make any damn sense. If we're married and we don't use condor doesn't want to, what do you have kindos in his pocket? I don't know, ma'am. You'd have to talk to Chris about that one. Now. I guess my main reason is it you want me to Well, wait a minute, I wanted to know did you did you clean anything year? Did you clean the sup? No, we haven't cleaned it. I just I just started. I'm starting stuffing on you. I don't want you. I don't want you to clean them things and all those articles that that you said. I want you to put it. I want you to I want you to put everything, including the damn condos. I want you to put it in the bag. I want you to put it in the bag. Don't clean nothing, because I'm gonna come up there and I'm gonna pick everything up. Okay, I mean I'll be here all things. Like I said, my name is Brad, and I'll be here if you want me to um. If you want me to put him to the side, I won't clean them. I'll just put him to the side and I leave him in the same laundry bag. Yet when you dropped them all, don't Chris, I don't believe this. I didn't give this man good years of my life and he's gonna turn around cheat on me. You make sure you don't clean up, because I'm gonna say it. Side on my damn self. You put all that in the bag. I'm gonna call my job and let him no, I'm not coming in today. Slow down. I don't want you to get to get to hysterical. I mean, you know you're getting a little I regular you, okay, I'm I'm I'm gonna be all right. I am gonna to be all right when I get up there. Who Chris is gonna get? That's all I got to say. You make sure you have all that stuff not clean. I don't want you to clean it. I want you to put all that other that you said that you found in the pocket. You put all that in the bag because Chris is I don't know who you think. Okay, Mr Miko, would you like for me to call Chris, I don't want you no, no, no, no, Bobby, I don't want you to know no. Man, wait minut, wait wait wait my name is Brad, I'm Fred. I don't give a damn what your name is. So I really don't okay, because Chris is gonna get up. You just put everything in the back side like I had ask you to. I am all my way down there and Chris, no, this ain't going down this way. We've just renewed our vows and man's that don't come those coming three and you know what they're talking about, dens to. That's what I'm not understanding. I'm not gonna do my math. Okay, Chris is gonna get when you get him on tonight. Here's here's something else in the pocket too. There's a note in here. What does this day? Okay? Man, you know what? This has gotten way way out of hand. I don't want to. I don't want and you need a quick tell, Mandie Rocket, what did you need that to me? Not a fact? I want that in the bad too. The more evidence I have the beads is gonna be from me. What did the note say? The note says, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Horbin Morning shows. Your husband Chris got me to play ball called shoot what Oh god, Chris was going to die tonight. I was We was going to have a barbecue in his honor. Do you hear Tommy, do you hear me? Oh my god, Chris humbly to me, Oh my god, Tommy, hey baby, let me something radio show in the last more show babies damned. But he didn't lose it. He did lose and who wouldn't. That's a husband. Say wait a minute, don't conduct coming three. I know we just at our anniversary. What you send that lady through it? Man, that's how you do it, you know, if you pray it. I'm gonna start having a prank class when you learn to prank, you know, and prank the right way. It's the way to prank. It's it's not for amateurs. It's not for amateurs. You don't do it at home. Not try this at home. What would your first lesson be? Your first thing at the gate? Oh, always go for what the most passionate about wife? Husband, It's pretty good time. I thought your first lesson would be was dial the phone number. Yeah, so it's a method who is madness? That's all I mean. You know that's just pranked one on one right now, when it get it gets, it gets a little technical as we move up into ranks. All right, well, thank you, nephew. Hey, what I want you to do is not say that you're angry, all right, that you're not gonna say no more? Coming up next, Coming up next, a good friend of the show family member. We love her, Gabrielle Union. Has been some interesting words and interesting take on bedroom activity, and we'll talk about that, and also the Strawberry Letter is coming up to you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Gabrielle Union says, don't be ashamed to eat? But what what did you say? Shirley? What say that again? I don't if I heard you. I don't know if I heard you correctly. Sure say that again? Please? All right? Here goes. Guys, listen to you because I know that's what everybody's thinking. Gabrielle, what are you mad? Gabrielle Union says, don't be ashamed to eat? But she is she talking about? No way? She says, all right, she's she's She says, she's all about equality and reciprocity, especially in the bedroom. Okay, she's married right here? What what? What? What? What are you talking about? What? What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you? Eating it you're talking about? Okay, Gabrielle spoke candidly about eating. But was y'all talking? But on your show? Maybe the way Gabrielle You're not gonna know, but the way Gabrielle else sees it. If a woman receives it, she should give. She says that sex should be equal pleasure for both partners, and a woman shouldn't be ashamed if she's tossing her man salad. You ain't got the I don't care about them being your friend. You ain't gotta old butt to sell a book. I'm just gonna take you ain't got to do that. She didn't mention that. On my show, Tommy told her book. She talked about, did you go to the butt? Chapter? The boy? That's got to be a butt chapter. If she's talking about it, is it chapter seven? Chapter? Ain't wester butt chapter? He called, I don't know. You ain't gonna had no damn famous friends. Okay, that's fine, but she brought the butt out. I didn't you want me to butt out. I'm not butting out. I'm butting in. She brought the I mean the out, didn't you? I mean, can you can you watch a game and look at the wade to say, would he go for I'm not You're not gonna have a butt on your man. You see, the told us he shouldn't have told us this. I'm just asking, first of all, first all, first of all, first of all, first of all, let's slow down, guys. Where does she supposedly say this year? She said it on you know Sway right, He has a radio show radio sk Absolutely, yeah, yeah, she was on his radio show and they talked about it. He brought the ass out on them. Shut up Tommy with him. She broke the ass out, didn't she? Is this? What did she say? Sway? She said, why they wouldn't give you your own show? She said, if they give it to me and I bring her own and she bring this butt out? What I'm posed to say? Nothing? Oh? Look at the time. Yeah, let's go on to the let's go to the letter. Everybody is booty offended in here now. It's just too much. This story stinks, you know. Yeah, but out, Tommy, come on, but okay, all right, talking about cause he ain't but booty hat and he has a high Okay, all right, buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is level. Subject. Yeah, you're like a lot in the market. Please, good one. All right, subject fifty five year old white man. See right there. Race is my specializing. All right, here, here we go, come by Steve and the show family. I have a situation that needs an immediate resolution. I'm a thirty eight year old African American woman who is a single parent. I'm independent, hard working, attractive, and successful. My problem is this, I'm at a fifty five year old white man at the airport. We exchange business cards and began a friendship. I started out really liking him, but now I am not sure if I like him or the things he does for me. He asked me to tour Europe with him this spring. He constantly sends me gifts. He has given me nearly three thousand dollars in the time that we have no on each other, because he says that he wants to take care of me and show me that he is a good man. He says that his only purpose is to ensure my happiness. I had to finally tell him that I did not need him to take care of me because I wanted to want him for him and not what he can offer me. He says that he understands, but I know that it bothers him that I continually deal with him at arms length. We have only met the one time at the airport, but speak daily. He lives in Wisconsin and I live in Georgia, but the distance is not an issue because he has pleaded for the last three months to fly in to see me, and we both have the ability to travel regularly. I have continually put him off because I am not sure that I am ready to meet him. I have not sorted out how I feel about both the race issue and the age issue. Additionally, I feel that he is way too needy and clinging. I do not think I don't think that he has much of a life outside of marrying me. At least several times a week he asked about the type of wedding I want, what type of ring do I prefer, or some other related topic. I asked him what does he do with his free time and when he does he um and when does he spend time with friends? He says that because of his job, he does not have time for many outside activities. But I feel if he would not contact me so much, he could use that time to have a life outside from focusing on me. I do not know how to handle the situation. He is becoming persistent. I have told him that I need time and if he wants back anything that he has given me, he is welcome to it. He says that he gives from his heart and would never take back anything. He is a great guy, but there are times when hearing his voice makes me want to scream. The cultural differences are becoming more and more prevalent. The age issue is a challenge, and his neediness is bothersome. There are moments when I try to envision and sleeping in bed with this man, and I nearly lose my lunch thinking about it. Wow, what do I do? Please, dear, what do I do? This letters stress me. I'm just reading it. I just say, if you don't want this man, you know who you've admitted as a great guy. You're an independent woman. Tell him, tell him just that and let it go. You know you've got issues with this man. Twelve minutes after we don't have time. I got termed, so I'll tell you when we come back. Yeah, yeah, this is what your boy do. And man, you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on with your response to part two of this strawberry letter. Let's go. This is what I do. Let him about a man, which I'm an expert at, and race, which I'm the other expert at. I'm an expert on race and man. Who Let's go. I've had my own experiences. I know how to feel about him, I know how to react to him. I've handled him. I've been trying to go through my family treat and see if one of my grandmama's this white got to be a check involved in this, So please God, here's a letter fifty five year old white man. Good morning, Stephen the Family Show. I have a situation that needs an immediate resolution. I'm a thirty eight year old African American woman who is single parent. I'm independent, hard working, attractive and successful. My problem is this, I'm at a fifty five year old white man at the airport. We exchanged business cards and began a friendship. I started out really liking him, but now I'm not so sure I like him or the things he does for me. He asked me to tour Europe with him this spring. He constantly sends me gifts. He has given me nearly three thousand dollars in the time that we've known each other, because he says he wants to take care of me and show me that he's a good man. He says that his only purpose is to ensure my happiness. I had to finally tell him that I did not need him to take care of me, because I wanted him for him and not for what he can offer me. He says that he understands, but I know that evothers him that I'm can senually deal with him at arms lift. We have only met the one time at the airport, but speak daily. He lives in Wisconsin, I live in Georgia, but the distance is not an issue because he has pleaded for the last three months to fly into Sea Man. We both have the ability to travel regularly. I have continutely put him off because I'm not sure that I'm really am ready to meet him. I have not sorted out how I feel about the race issue and the age issue. Additionally, I feel that he is way too needy and clinging. I don't think that he has much of a life outside of marrying me. At least several times a week he asked about what type of wedding I want, what type of ring do I prefer, or some other related topic. I asked him what he does? Was this three times? And when he when does he spend time with his friends? He said that because if his job, he does not have time for many outside activities. But I feel he would not contact me so much if he used the time to have a life aside of focusing on me. I do I know how to handle the situation. He's becoming persistent. I've told him that I need time, and if he wants back anything that he's given me, he's welcome to it. He says that he gives from his heart and he would never take anything back. He's a great guy, but there are times when hearing his voice makes me want to scream. The cultural differences are becoming more and more prevalent. The age issue is a challenge, and his neediness is bothers HI. There are times when I try to envision sleeping in bed with this man, and I nearly lose my lunch thinking about it? What to do? Please? All? Right, here we go, what to do? Please? You need to really quit lying so much. See, lady, first of all, let's just tell the truth. You really into this man because of what he do for you. See, you can save all this mess you started with me. I'm an African American woman who was a single parent. That's the sympathy part. Then here comes the I am independent, hard working, attractive and successful. Okay. Then if all that's happening and you live in Georgia, what's the white man fault? So? Really, I mean, let's just go. You got you pop it off like you say you is in this letter? Where's the white man three thousand miles in Wisconsin, George, Georgia. Well, first of all, let's deal with Wisconsin. Very few black people Georgia, damn near all black people. See, let's just talk about this. So now here we go. Now you're sitting up in here, you have met this fifty five. You're a white man at the airport. Y'all exchange business caused one more time, letting us know you got your thing going on. Then you started out liking him. Now you ain't so shoe if you like him or the things he does for me. Well, we know for show you like the things he do for you, because you steady taking him as hard working independent all that. Come to find out he's given you nearly three thousand dollars. But see all this this is just a part of a lot. Because later on, she says in the letter, he's becoming persistent. I have told him that I need time, and if he wants back anything that he's given me, he's welcome to it. You ain't fitting to give back cash, So let's stop that. So left out, miss single independent. It's what all else he didn't bought you. I'm thinking furniture and car. These are the things that you would welcome a man back to. Furniture and a car. See he bought your clothes because he don't know your size, right, Your man ain't good at that. You don't bought your own clothes with three thou dollar you and the baby. See what you didn't got yourself and some furniture, and you haven't got yourself a car. That's what you didn't got. Now you want to give a couch back and the car back, But you just told him he was welcome to it back you didn't send it. You just said he was. But he trying to show you here a good man because she don't mean it. I offered, if you don't want something, you know how to give anything back. See lady, come, when you get through the man, you put all kinds of stuff out on the tree lawn, he gonna get shipped something. Stanley and nephew Ray now to bring it. Thank you, Steve. You know we gotta get out of here. Email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at my Girls, Shirley, don't forget Tomorrow Tomorrow the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Please join me. We'll talk about tomorrow's letter. I'll do my fresh pick of the week, and we'll do trending topics, and I'm sure we'll talk about Gabrielle Union, uh, switching switching gears. Now, for the third consecutive year, Erica Badou will host b ET Soul Train Awards. Okay, that's good news. She was great at it last year. Special honorees will be Tony Braxton and s w V. They are among the first wave of performers announced for the show, which will be filmed in November on November five, to be exact, at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, and as we reported, Tony will receive the Don Cornelius Legend Award and s w V will pick up the third annual Lady of Soul Award. Also performing Yeah will be a Tony's sister, Tamar Braxton, one twelve Tank and Kirk Franklin. Solange has seven nominations. Congratulations going out to her. Yeah Yeah Well. Bruno mars Um follows close behind Solange with six nominations. Additional nominees include Rihanna, DJ Khaled, Bryson Tiller and Newcomer's Khalid and uh Sissa The b Et Yeah, Sissa. The b Et presents the two thousand seventeen Soul Train Awards. So what, I don't know, I'm gonna come a wooden name. Alright. B ET presents two thousand seventeen Soul Train Awards that airs on b ET November twenty six. Okay, coming up next at forty one after the hour, the timeline with the Nephew. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Show. Alright, there were got Steve. Tommy Junior. I got a nickname for you, Shirley, but best best, yeah, best best? What's up? B e S? What does that mean to stand for? That's bug? Sure hey, bess like yours would be bliss b l S big lips Steve, Okay, I got let's get it coming. And then Tommy, your nickname will be sat like you sat down, set on the floor, shout, I ain't that shows my sack s a K sick ass kill st Okay, what's my name? What's mine? Let me see? You know? She key calls? Don't forget that. Allegedly all yeah, allegedly, and we're on in Houston, don't ever speak of this again. You know, he got keeping allegedly the rules have changed now that we're on this love allegedly though, how good? You can't think of a nickname for me. I'm trying to I'm trying to tie to this TV show. So we got best for surely fat for Tommy, but god, surely Yeah, I'm I'm gonna call you in c I s oh what oh that staying for? You know, Colin is gonna say something. I like it. I like it gonna say something. I remember that time he said something about my eyes and then I just happened to put a picture on Instagram. I got all those comments. Boys, Shirley, Steve was right, your eyes are big. Wow, Shirley, you do have big They just kept going. The only person on the show. Get tired of blinking. Everybody else, everybody else. You don't even know you're doing it. Oh lord, it's time to blink. It so sick. How long it takes Shirley whatever, like too seconds? She covered her whole act. She had blink a lot of time anyway. So we got our nicknames. Okay, so now what, I won't be Sack. I kind of like Sack, though I don't like that. You don't want to be sick anymore? He ain't. I'm perfectly fine. I call it. It's just a joke. It's a nickname. It's gonna get cold. No, not here, Not out here is great out here. Time. Yeah, we're almost in November, are good HUDs? Yes? Man? You help staying in time and back? You just let me know, ju you want me, you want? All I said was because you know, I was trying to explain with a hunt. But I'm gonna go ahead and have this one. Then I'm gonna jump on the back of that go ahead, Hey, worry about y'all. Worry about y'all you are, I don't care. What's your officers? Do you often team up on me? No? No, no anything? This individual big lip, Steven sick as cut, wanna be packing? And Steve what don't want to be? Though he didn't say the one of the party, tell me you added that. He just said packing. You know what? You know what? You know what? Matt? We ain't gotta take all this that Matt? Is that another nickname? What's Matt? I can't say that about you. Can't say N word or the N word. You're saying one thing we know about you? Well, I'll tell you one thing. Since he's upset about you being packing as Steve and all that type of stuff, I'll tell you one thing we know Joe. You could be shooting more than one weight? Are you gonna do that? That's what you're doing? You ain't just gotta be shouting height. I'm not sure. Yeah, yeah, why don't we go so hard on this? Yeah? Where's the wait? Wait? Stop? Will that comment when he said skid that Tom? Now we say something by time? And now where's the look? No? Steve said that, Okay, go ahead. What is missed? Steve? What does that mean? That needle size? Okay, so we're just going there now, are we forgetting where I'm a needle packer? Well? Wow, we changed the subject. Y'all. Don't believe it kind of stuff, dude. I just I don't want to be involved. Oh now we're getting sensitive and now we can't. We don't believe what what Steve says. That's your short We have come on now that First of all, I'm telling them, both of y'all, no, you're not you're not talking me when you pumps on you now, blesses bottom, you put the red bottoms on. Who can't be taller them weller than me without? And you're not taller than my child. N't he really got me? You ain't taller. You ain't taller than your own child. You went bigger than you, bigger than you. Nine's only nine? Right? All right? Listen, all right? That that got hard? Okay, um, coming up at the top of the hour. It's one of my favorite thing. You know, he got a company, Steve, you be the judge. Coming up, Tommy and Junior right and wrong coming up? They come on, we come back this Tommy com to needle sash. Tommy, oh man, you're really tripping. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy and Jr. Here we go. It's time for right or wrong. Steve please stand by. You have to be the judge. Tommy, you're ready. I'm always all right. It's it's my my Phode call potting over there to hang up on me, and I don't want to talk to me in It's all well, let's hear it, let's get to it. We got we got when the sun was going down yesterday, he said, hey, man, hold calling me before. Don't you throw another one in? Don't you throw another one in? Now? You and Julia got over there, got the coheerson and then came up with enough happened. I knew this one, Y'all't think that's me. That's your new nickname. You know what? Tommy in Need of Growth team? Al right, right aroongright, okay, right, let's nephew, all right, here we go. This by last night, this is me and Junior. This right a wrong. So last night the sun was going down, he say, you know, call me after dog? I say, why do people say after dog? They should say tell me this, un Steve. Shouldn't they say after light because light is what's leaving, ain't it lightning? You should say after light because light's gonna be trying to work this out in your mind. You shouldn't be after dark. It should be after light. You don't want people to say after dark. You're saying after light. See, they just leave a word out there, just shortened. Timmy called me after it gets dark. That's why they call it. Called me after dark, after dark? Ain't that after night? But ain't that after light? Though? Not necessarily pen on what time it is? Okay, I don't get that one. Yeah, or that one? Yeah, you're wrong, Tommy. If you got pink eye and then get into a fight and get a black guy, ain't that a future? Yeah? You know what I'm saying. Yeah, does that work for you? Yeah? You want? Yeah? All right, all right, all right, tell Junior. Caesar is the first person to eat a salad, and then after that the Romans started eating. And that's where you get romania from. You see what I'm saying. You gotta know how your salad's break back? Yeah, I don't, I don't, don't make no sense. Caesar is the first person to eat salad, and then after that the Romans started eating it, and then that's where the romane and salad comes from. You understand. No, no, y'all don't see that. I don't and you know right or wrong? Oh I was with you, I'm not. I'm not finish. You have me though with Caesar in the first before season, but you couldn't do it after he ate the salad. Damn boy, come up, Tommy, redeem yourself. You can't. You just you don't get it? All right. So here's another thing. If a deaf child gets caught cursing doing sign language, don't they mama's wash their hands with soap? Oh, because they wash their mouth, you normally want to they watch they watch their mom fier. So I'm telling Junior, if you're a kid and you sign language and you're cussing their mama, go wash their hands. Like what's so? Does that make any sense? No? We don't. No, but nice try man, y'all. Yeah, please get Oh my god, yeah it was so much seven minute? Yeah yeah right now, harding's one of my favorite segments. Tommy, you just want a photos, right, I'm sorry, believe that all right? Um, okay, listen to this. You guys are familiar with the show Sex in the City, right, yes, yes, all right, carl especially you and all the ladies out there that listen. What is up with the cats from Sex in the City actress Kim could you Trell? Uh not only spilled the tea, but she knocked the whole teapot over on this one. Okay? Uh? Kim played Samantha, Okay, the sexy one, the over sex Kim Barell, Kimbrell man, Okay, what I thought I had it? Ki, her name is Kim Catrell. By the way, like I said, she not only spilled the t she knocked the whole teapot over. Uh. And girls, most of us were fans of the show. I mean we can say that most of us loved Sex in the City. Uh. Well, Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte may have been famous best friends, but the actresses that played them were not. They said they were not friends. Kim Catrell, who played Samantha Tommy uh said, said we've never been friends. Yeah, she said, We've never been friends. She says, we've been colleagues, and in some way it's a very healthy place to be. She also denied that she made outrageous demands because you know, they said she wanted so much money to come back and do sex in the City movie Part three. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. My doctors are finding that the number of middle age, middle aged men who injure themselves while having sex is on the rise. Guys, okay, and they say adventurous sex is to blame for the spike. I just hurt myself the other night, did see you're part of the statistics. My right leg be cramping all the time when pretty bad, I had to stand out. Yeah, and you all have comfortable with sharing that information. I had so much baby all on my hand. I was getting out to be and had my hand on the edge and the knife then snipped off, bust my whole Joe. I feel like I thought it. Yeah. Most of the injuries are occurring in the showers, Steve. That includes oh no, no, no, no, no, that ain't what they happen. One time, like a couple of weeks ago, I was coming out the bed room fast, coming out the bath from Real Fair and I dove on the bed but we had satin sheet and shot my ass straight to the out side sham dead into that day. Well, had too much speed, too much was trying to make it, trying to make them glorious, and like maybe I'll come right across the sheet. Is hard to fall against the wall when you it's always a performance, man, Huh. You gotta perform huh. And then one time across the walking across the bottom of the footboard, you know, trying to do like I was a balance being, because sometimes I do like individual performances before I start right now, you know, I was walking across the bottom of the football like a balance beam my foot I slipped off like I was on damn balance me. Well, I'm with robot ruining my life. You just fell off. That's where these stats is coming from. Well, anyway, don't worry about that story. And then the other and the other time I was. I was diving off the doknob, which is like one of my specialties on the dough knob, and dive off the doknob, and I come off in the swan dive and I bust that into a jackknife, and I messed around and had locked the door. But I had better on my hand when I locked it dough and I got off from the top of the dough knob with my right foot and tried to push off and it slipped and I never made it to the dad injury right there. I failed to knock your face over cutting of chess over you bleed. I it wasn't bad, you know, just a little couple of scars, you know. Uh. This past when I tore all the drapes down in the bed room, I had put a baby all on both of us. Said. We was up against the wall and we started sliding, and I tried to stop to fall and grab the drapes, but we kept falling, and so I tore down two sections of drapes. Treatments are ruined. So you're never in pain or anything so much so that you can't you know that you have to cancel the night or anything. Huh. You know, you know sometimes I had to get, you know, glass of scotch, you something to get. Yeah, sometimes you gotta be willing to try those shirts. But I didn't know all this about Steve. Yeah a lot, doesn't it at Yeah, yeah, a lot of baby all over them. I'm getting out the bath tub. One time foot slipped on that snick ass tie. Flow of I tow so much stuff down off of that vanity term. Everything was in. Are you following, dude? I told a hot and cold falset right after dope it all right, more of this show coming up right after these jams. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right. Facing mounting criticism, the Pentagon explained what happened in the year earlier this month, when four US soldiers were killed in an ambush. According to General Joseph Dunford, the United States Africa Commands investigation into the incident didn't show any signs of, at least at least initially, that the soldiers involved had taken unnecessary risk. In a news conference, General Dunford said that twelve US soldiers went along with thirty Nigerian forces on a reconmission near the village of Tango Tango on October three. When they were returning to their base the next day, they were attacked by about fifty fighters who apparently were from a local ISIS affiliate. Since the mission was relatively low risk, there was not air cover, and the soldiers didn't call for air support until an hour into the fight. About an hour early. About an hour later, French air support arrived, but since the fight was so close, the planes couldn't attack and instead circled overhead. General Dunford said, I don't have any indication right now to believe or to know that they did anything other than operate within the orders they were given. And this is an ongoing investigation. I'm sure as the days go on, we'll know more and more about this. We still don't know, UM, why Sergeant Johnson David Johnson's body was found two miles from the rest of UM. The officers we don't we don't know any of that yet, but we'll we'll find doubt. This is an ongoing investigation, like I said, And Misha Johnson, the widow of the fallen soldier, Sergeant La David Johnson, who was at the center of the controversy over what President Trump said or didn't say during a condolence phone call UH, spoke publicly for the first time, and this was during an interview at ABC UM. She said that the thing that upset her the most was the phone call UH and the tone of the President's voice, and that he couldn't remember her husband's name, UH, Sergeant La David T. Johnson, That's what upset her the most and made her cry and other news just yeah, he did right after that that he was a respectful phone call. That was respectful, and he said his name from the from the beginning. Yeah, I just think, man, if our president humble himself, well that's not Yeah, yeah, you would asking for humbleness, and you can quit expecting an apology. Yeah, but and you just want, you know, just hey man, some decency, you know, but from a president, how many of us have said things. We didn't mean him that way, but the other person took it that way. You know. We didn't. Yeah, we didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it did. So what do you do? You apologize to that person. I'm sorry if you took it that way. I certainly didn't. Actually, when they're grieving and they lost their husband who was fighting for this country, you take the high road. Even if she misunderstood whatever it was, you don't attack that was horrible. That was horrible. He doesn't. And John Kelly as well. Yeah, at first she was going great, yeah the first time because he was talking about his own son. But when he went after the congresswoman, that was a mistake. Now the congresswoman has given them all types of banter because she said that the White House is has a lot of white supremacists in it. Yeah, that gave them what they needed to. Now, you know, fireback, fire back, and so it has turned into something that it really should not have from the very beginning. Thank you, Steve. We'll be back with just one more thing to close out the show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, last break of the day with just one more thing. Uh, here's a question or or a statement I should say, why friends and money don't mix. This is according to the Bank of America. Now a Bank of America's study found that more than half of respondents said that they had seen a friendship dissolve over money borrowed and not paid back, and said they would be willing to end a friendship if a friend hasn't paid them back. And we're not talking about big bucks here. One and three people said they would end a friendship for one hundred dollars or less. Owed people said it took between one hundred and five hundred old to end a friendship. So, of course, here's the question for you guys. How much would it take to end a friendship. That's how much. That's amazing that that really is amazing. You would end a friendship over a hundred dollars or less. Five you would end a friendship over five dollars, Junior, Because if I asked you for the five and you're talking about I'm gonna get it to you, we get into an argument that we don't need to be friends. I don't care if it is. It's how how much would you get the moneyship over money? But never over loaning? If you take my money, if you steal it from me, Yeah, that's good. That's it. I've never loaned money and lost your friendship over a loan, you know, Yeah, but I mean I see what you're saying. Money. Yeah, that makes sense because you can't trust them after that, they're gonna steal from you. You can't take my money, right, you can't take my money. It's a round and Melvin, if you're listening, I still want the five dollars Jr. Hey sure I'm talking. But if I loaned you some money, what's the number? What's the number for you? Tim? If you loan somebody five hunted? If five hunted, you got my undivided attention on not fooling with you though. Wow, yeah it got This is before I had started making money. So you know, if I'm being a comedian when you're coming up you and had a hundred dollars and if I give you five out that hunt that I needed and you don't get that back, that's a problem. Well, I mean, do they have attitude? Do they just act like that's what hurts you? Loan some people some money and then you know they don't come to you with the same attitude that they asked for. Well, all right here it is the last time I loaned somebody, Somebodey the mind got in some trouble and he needed a hundred thousand. Wow, I hunted down. Yeah somebody they gonna go to tell me people be needing that money like that. Well no, no, you gave in the jail. But he money he had though, so what wasn't really you know? So so, and that is the rule. Don't lend more than you can expect to lose or you can afford to lose. Right, I mean, you know he was in the jail and needed That's how I gave it to him. And in time he was supposed to give it back to me. He didn't give it back to me. Now I didn't know because I had forgotten. But he called He called me and said, hey, man, I don't have it. Can of Can I get a little more time? And what was I supposed to say? No, I need it? Now you just said it ain't got it? Junior. Can't get past the fact that you forgot, that you lent somebody and how you loaned a hundred because man, I have got to get that life. If I loan you a hune of thousand, you can believe how much nerve I'm gonna get on. But you know what I mean. You know it's all relevant, but it's a different levels. So eventually, uh, probably six months after he was supposed to give it to me, he gave it to me. So you know, we're good. Now we're going along in life. Something happened and I look up, man, and this dude has sent me something that was so valuable. He sent a gift to me out of the country. And the gift that he sent to me was over a half million dollars. Can what he sent me? A gift that was over a half million dollars because he was so grateful that you helped. Who was here? Wh what's the point? How do you go give somebody a hunted down? Like if you go down to the banks and I'd be right back because you know, like you asked me for when I got to go to the ATM machine get the money? Get to him? The last time he's been to the A t M. Where do you go and get a hunted thousand? Just write a check? He ain't You couldn't get a hunt thou last time I checked? Yeah, ain't get Yeah, if you ain't get about three grand I was going to Jamaica, sh and we was in the airport and he said I need some cash and went to the A t M. I went for where you're going? Yeah, we all go to the A t M. He was the only rich person I knew that went to A t So you don't have no p N number nothing? No, what do you do at Huh? I don't have a pin number? I don't. I don't know if I have a card that would go in an ATM. You do. How irregular you are? You don't have no card on you at all? Ever, I got a credit card car. It's like an account like you don't have none of that. Okay, you don't have none of these. Let me see you like a debit card, he's card. It called them two bank account just debit cards. You just and you know you're gonna get charge. You don't have none of them. He don't. Okay, So what are we looking? Quickly? What have we learned here? Card? We've learned that he got a hunter grand if we need a bar, Tommy, thank you, take us home. Six. We know he got a grant that all right, y'all have a great Kief day. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.