Humpday got the crew doin' the Humpty Dance. If you are part of a couple then you know the things they argue about and the subjects are right here. Pulitzer Prize winning author Toni Morrison passed away. Tyrese is comparing the numbers when it comes to Hobbs and Shaw. Junior interprets fortune cookie messages. Marshawn Lynch exchanges words with a parent at his football camp. The Jay Spot has an epic celebration and Fool #2 is forever grateful. Today in J's What We Learned Today, we learn about Junior's new skillset, Fool #2 has something in common with an 8 year old and so much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back all suit on the down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things and its cub good it. Steve har listening to movie together for STU. Please, I don't join by join me to be doing. Men. You gotta gotta turn you are you gotta turn the turnour You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there. Man, If they don't fire this woman, man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me praise. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd been not saying nothing to me today. M yeah, yeah, because day it today it. I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she said something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball once you start to complain. It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids. Can't seem to get it together, Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able. Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset, that's my relationship with God. You all have one. Now. You may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as his child. He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who faughthers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and statute. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money, or stuff like that. They had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service, or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man? Why can I never get over? Well you have not because you asked not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you? Man, You're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again, all that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite him, men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him. Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing. How long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him, I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success. And you think you and this move you made, and you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor, he was lucky, he was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard as something, an opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if your chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He'll smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact. He smoved mine out. All right, let's go, everybody. It's your shooting James around with the Steve Hobby Morning Show about to come on right now. And I am so proud of you. You made it through Monday. You made it through Tuesday. And look at you all up in a hump day. Put your hands together for she bad? What's up? Humpy day? Put the hump in your back? Good morning, Jack morning everyone, Good morning baby, it's hump day. It's a hump Day. It's hump day. Call up around hump day, baby, that's right, Jaan. He turned my Micah yeah, and I'm doing a humpty dance. Well people, wait, My next humper on the show is Junior? What up? Humper A humping That's what I'm doing, humping around morning everybody, King of Franks and a humper himself. Y'all give it up for time because I'm about to That was them jam. That was the jam. That was yeah, and nobody knew Tupac was in that room, Pokahead and rock Yeah, yeah, yeah, but he could tell he wasn't gonna be that long. Ye when you see the look at Tupo, he ain't gonna be he got win none of that stuff. They knows. I ain't putting these wigs on and I ain't wearing a low. I'm gonna be out here shirtless. I'm gonna be late next time y'all see me. I'll be shirtless. Okay. How you're feeling today? Check? I'm good, so good today. Yesterday I felt really bad. But you know when the mic come home, it's time to go to world really bad. All Yeah, just my job and just my job, because see, I know y'all, I know y'all, I know how y'all are. I know who y'all got in the glass, and y'll break the glass. You got earthquake and shell underwood in a glass and break the glass and then they'll be here. So yeah, yeah, yeah, I know how you do. And then you can put earthquake and nobody would know the difference because all you're not gonna do a girl like that. Yeah, that's the thing I lack about Shell. Shella do a joke about Shell before you do a joke and do a better joke than you. You can't she beat out need Brown. But I'm feeling good because last night I had my farewell party at the Jay Spot club on my family came out. Man, they dogged me out, but we had a good time. And while I did with this Chemo, I'm gonna keep it closed up to like can handle us because trying to deal with both of us, so it looks like a little roast j D. It is beyond a rope. They went in beyond a rope. But Jay, now you said farewell, there's farewell to the club. Yeah, I'm gonna deal with the chemo, Carla, and then I'll see where I'm at for a while. But right now I gotta deal with the chemo. Okay, all right, all right? Well you strong yet a chemo club? Are you? Are you for real? Right now? Does that really come out of your mouth? All right? We got a great show lined up for you today. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna talk about what couple's longest running arguments have been. That's gonna be inside something funny, guys, who get ready for that? Right after this you're listening to Stow All right, guys, so it's time for something funny now. You know, no matter what it is you and your significant other argue about, there's a good chance the thing you're fighting about is something most long term couples deal with. Now, this is according to doctor Pepper Schwartz, who studies love. I like that she studies love, she studies sexuality, and she studies commitment and works to help couples in long term relationships. The longest Yeah. Yeah, yeah, so she's she's kind of an expert in that field. The longest run For the longest running argument, I'm trying to the longest arguments. The longest running arguments are the ones with the most at stake. Okay, they're the ones with no conclusion that keep coming up. And she said they are the most common fights couples have. Here we go, okay, here we go. Extended family drama. That's it. Yeah, yeah, let me explain that we get to choose our partner, but we're stuck with their family, okay, for better or worse. From the broke brother who always asked for money, to the father in law who drinks too much. These family issues lead to fights because there's never an end to it. I don't want your mama over here, but she my mama, and she can come over here over there and see yours just much my house and your damn house and mama, mama. You're not gonna see that there and talk about my damn mama. Now, you're not got your mamma on your side of the house coming all over the damn How she can walk in your room in the bathroom outside of my mama. You ain't gonna talk to your mama in the garage. If you want to talk to your mom, that's one of you. That's the one that's one and that's it's never ending. Right. Here's another one. Ongoing day to day frustrations, for instance, small but lingering frustrations over not doing the dishes or taking out the trash. They can lead to really dish and I'm gonna here buying all approaches now I'm working. I'm buying approaches. Now I gotta watch the damn dishes too. Really, where are you the one I'm not working? I'm tired. I'm tired. I don't feel you are too tired, you too tardy me. I'm a contractor. I'm a building contractor. I am not a dishwatching. That's why I got you did the damn the dish watching. You know what? You know what, Raymond, it's gonna be paper plates tomorrow. We're gonna solve this. Don't be no plates in here. I eat on the way here. How about that? I ain't got her plate. I'm so shad you say. That's that's another argument. Okay, that's another one. All right, here we go. This is a big one right here. Drifting apart, you know, like when you feel your connection isn't as strong as it used to be. That could lead to resentment. It could arguments. I know, you ain't trying to kiss me and my mom? Did you? But we don't do that now? Kissing that mouth? What is your kissing? Me? Disgusted? Oh, I can't get you. I can't slip you some tongue and that would you? I wish you were You didn't change, You didn't change. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you right now. You put ting my mam. But I swear I want a divorce. Don't you do that? Yeah? We were working on trying to pick on the cheek on the backs. Can a patch you on the backside? How about that? No backs, but on the backside. I can't do that either. You were like that they're heading? Yeah, yeah, here here's another big one. Conflicting parenting philosophies, So couples won't always agree about the right thing to do when it comes to their kids, and this can lead to long standing fights. You know, the boy need his ass beat. Okay, he needs his ass beat. Look listen the boy. What did he do? What did he do? I'm sitting there watching TV. He changed the damn challenge. I need you to go in there and beat this behind, just to be the child for changing theme, for changing the channel. What around with you if you let if you let this go, you let other stuff. We next thing, you know, he'll be cussing you out. Let Let's let's let's start with it. You watch too much TV anyway to do with it. But you don't even need to be Why don't you go to bed and get ready for work in the morning. I know, said, oh, I'm a grown ass woman and woman the woman. But he said he wanted him to go in there and beat the ball. Yeah, I thought he was a woman woman about to fight about who the man. We're so used to being a woman. That is an argument, always the woman. Let's that's I'm always the woman? All right, that's another yeah, jealousy. All right, we was at the party. I need to know. You need to tell me what was so funny because I like laughing too, Jennifer saying something, I mean, Jennifer jok and I know, Jennifer, Jennifer, ain't that damn funny? My laughing? You were not only when you laugh you have your head back laughing. Just two kids, just here you kids and you sholder grabbing laughing. I'm saying, yeah, show the jicken. I don't even know I can go to bed, I can go to bed. Tell me what the joke was. You tell me Jennifer joke, and then I'm gonna see about Hey, I'm gonna wait for the punch laugh ahead ahead, Jennifer talking about Jennifer was talking about somebody. Hell, get to the joke joke Joe to the funny about she said, not not said, I haven't known this. I haven't known this girl almost thirty as men. I went to school together. She ain't never told me a knock knock, knock knack what I needed to do, almost him, knock knock, knock your answer, knock knock both of y'all out. And that was another argument. Okay, but last last one. We don't have but a little bit of ton uh financial stress. That's huge, Yeah, you take it. So you want to tell me exactly we're fifteen hun dollar win? Can you explain that to me? I don't I don't know what. I don't know what. Well you you got you got phone, new bags and shoes in there. Yeah, but I don't I don't really look yeah, yeah, all right, we gotta go. Well I don't like that, Carla, Now we gotta go all right, Look coming up next nephew would run that prank back. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news, some really sad news to report to famed author Tony Morrison has passed away. Yes, that's a that's a big loss right there, and other entertainment news. Tyrese throws shade at the rock again again. Yea, let it go, yeah, let it go with your candid asses, let it go. But right now it is time for the nephew would run that prank back. What you got for us? Nest church parking lot, church parking lot? See it women church? Got it parking all right? When you pull your car in the parking come on? Hello, oh yeah, Brendan, Hey, how to reach you? How you doing? Uh, Brita. I don't want to make sure I got the right person. You're the person that you work at. The First of all, I go to uh, my name, my name Calvin, brother Calvin. But I go to Saint Missionary Baptist Church where you Ok? Yeah, so yeah, so everything everything's fine up. Well, I got a little issue and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. Now. You work in the before service start. You work in the parking lot on yeh yeah, and you tell people where the parking stuff right right right? What are you looking for? Some employment? You want to you want to join us? Nah? Nah nah to see the issue I got, man, I've been dealing with this probably about the last two months. Nine Okay, hold on, I'm trying to take So the problem is when I come to the church last couple of months, man, I've been I've been coming like my my my, my regular card and broke down on me. So I had a I got an old van that I've been to hear about that. Yeah, yeah, you know, I got old van and I've been using to get around in so nah for the last two months, I've been riding in it when I come to the church. You know you and I find out who you were, but you keep sending me to the back of the parking lot. And then but you know I noticed now nah bro no on the reel. So you're sending me to the back, and I'm noticing when I see cars as like two thousand and ten, two thousand and fifteen cars. We'll listen. We don't have new uh set place where we put model car. You know, I just I just direct the traffic. Brother. Okay, So so you're trying to tell me for the last two months you just direct traffic. But you got but you directed me to the back every time, but a car behind me or car in front of me, it'll be going to the front. NA. Where you getting this information from me? I I didn't seen you man or send people to the front to park. I haven't seen you do No. I just I just put you know, the bigger vig who's in the in the back and um uh certain you know it's really no scatter if if you come in, I just I just direct you to the right the left. It's really nothing to it. Really, So you're not trying to say so so my my band being a ragged it ain't the reason why I'm being Noah brot no brot no, no, no, I know that's not what we're about. Na, Okay, I'm sorry you feel that way. I mean, so I guess this Sunday, Yuh, let me let me I'm gonna tell you about this Sunday, make sure, no, no, let me tell you right now when my van pull up there Sunday, I'm gonna tell you right now, if I get sent to the back, I'm gonna tell you right now, it's gonna be gonna No, it's gonna be a problem if I get sent to the back. You know now, you don't have to cust to just just calm down. It's it's not it's not that serious. No, it is that serious. Cause see what already know. I know I got a ragged ass, man, I know that. I know that, but I see that's the reason why I'm getting sent to the back. And I know it because the car I had been fol y'all were sending me up front, so I already No, I'm saying I'm telling you right now, Brendan, I'm telling you right now, it's gonna be a problem if I get sent to the back. Brother, you just singled me out, and no, no, did you know I didn't single you out? You you are the person that has been sending me to the back, Dude, No, No, I haven't. Hey, man, why are you keep Why why are you sending why why are you accusing me? I ain't got because I hadn't seen it. No, you are, You're calling me. You're calling me out of the blue, and you're accused me of something that I'm not doing. No, No, you just sent my ragged ass band into the back. You didn't done it. You didn't done it two months straight, Brendan, you have done it, Yes, yes you haven't. You sent all the pretty cards up front. That's what you're doing. But I tell you what comes suddenly gonna be a problem. Threaten me? I mean now, now, listen, we can meet up at it, we can meet up in before any cards get there. How about that. I don't care how you want to do it, Brenda, but you actually do know how you want to do so bring it then. Okay, I'm letting you know my card. Yea, my van gonna be up, rock comes, give give band. It's me and you. How about that? You want you want? You want to talk tough tony stuff. Oh oh okay, so you are. You're sweating all up now you're all right? So good now like you already did, so, I guess I'm matching you. Okay, Well, no, I'm gonna call listen, brother, brother, listen, You're not gonna call my phone and threaten me and tell me what you what you think I did when I didn't do it. I've told you, man, you've been sending me to the damn bad man as we passed. What you thought? Okay, what it is? No, it's what I know. It's what I know, Brendan, it's what I know. Okay, you didn't you didn't see you at right now? Okay, you know you know where you got working. You know what, I'll tell you what you come Sunday. That's you. That's damn Brenda. No, no, no, no, no, no no. How about what you're doing right now? What you mean what I'm doing right now? I'm at work right now? Oh oh so you you at work calling me about some bull parking spot? Oh okay, oh look at the custom Christian, Now look at you. No, look at the custom you no, no, no, matter of fact you Okay, if you want to do something, let's do it now, parking lot. I don't, I don't care. We'll be at okay. Okay. That's one thing you're not gonna do is disrespect me. I'm telling you that right now. Brother Calvin, you bring him gonna fold you like a wet piece of paper. You don't know who you're fucking with. Okay, I hadn't been locked up six seven years. I'm just in the church, try and get my life together. And you think you're just gonna talk to me, you got another thing coming, brother, I'm gonna tell you that right now. So if you want to get it off, meet me in the parking lot right now. I give you an hour to get there your piece tonight. Now you're trying to scare me with your with your background. I know you're trying to scare me with your background or something like ever. Then you I ain't know you have been in jail. What's the wrong one. I'm just gonna say this. Do you know Leicester that that also he also had the cars parking? Would you try to buy buy yourself out of this? People, I'm about to lay with you now you're talking about I know a Lester. Okay, okay, Leicester is the person to tell me to call you. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Brenda. Your boy Leicester in the parking lot got me the frank call. Yah y I brought the lockdown out of you? Man? Did I bring the lockdown out of the strangle? Let y'all got me out here talking reckless? I should who passed it over here? This boy hanging there, bro and and do this for me. Man, tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man, It's Steve Harvey Radio Man. Hey man, if you see somebody's Sunday pull up in a van, show them some love, baby, show them some love. I might have to call out this week and my heart can't take it. You fights, I have seen fights. Oh some people. You ain't never seen that video on the people getting him too old? It was an old people fighting deacons. Well, listen, thank you, nephew, we appreciate that. Coming up at the top of the hour, we got some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Well, some sad news to begin our entertainment news report today. Famed author Tony Morrison has died. Miss Morrison was eighty eight years old. She passed away at a New York City hospital, according to her publisher, and there's no word yet on the cause of her death, but her family said she'd experienced a short illness, which lets us um know that she didn't suffer very very long. Um. Miss Morrison's first novel, The Bluest Eye, was published back in nineteen seventy. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in nineteen eighty eight for Beloved and remember Beloved, Oprah was in that and Tandy Newton yeah uh. And then she won the Nobel Piece the Nobel Prize for Literature in nineteen ninety three. Her most recent work was twenty and fifteens, God Saved the Child. Miss Morrison leaves behind two children and we hear, of course at the Steve Harvey Morning Show, send our heartfelt condolencence to the Morrison family. She wrote, she is the most highly decorated African American author in history. Wow, in the history. Yeah wow, A legends true allegend man. And to writing. You know you we all right, but that's a hard job to stay stay focused like that and kind of lonely sometimes. Yeah it is. Yeah. You write by yourself and you have all these characters. You have to use your imagination. Yeah yeah, very yeah, very much so. Talent. Yeah, r I p Miss Tony Morrison and other entertainment news. Now, remember back when Tyrese was mad at I mean he was really mad. He was like big mad at Dwayne the Rock Johnson for doing the fast and the Furious spinoff, remember that all over social media and everything. Well, now that Hobbs and Shaw's box office numbers are in and it was number one over the weekend, Tyrese wasted no time throwing shade. Tyrese shared a screenshot of an Instagram headline with the title Hobbs and Shaw has lowest Fast and Furious box office opening since Tokyo Drift. Then he wrote in a caption, I have to show my respect for one thing he tried. Folks called me a hater and attacked me for speaking out. Breaking up the family clearly doesn't have the value that one would assume it does. You know what, maybe maybe, oh you know what, maybe, just maybe the Rock and the crew will come dance with us again for Fast ten. We can all hug it out and get back to giving the true fans who have supported this franchise for twenty years what they want. Not hating, I'm just pointing out the facts. Shortly after the post, uh Tyrise deleted it. Well, you know what I saw that was not hating or was it hating? Which one wasn't? I saw Hobson Sean It's a great movie and not anywhere in the movie. Did anybody else well where Tyre? Yeah, And nobody asked what are he coming on scenes? No, nobody yelled at hell, no, I want my money. That Tyree ain't in the movie. So he mad because he's mad because they broke off. He wanted them to say with the Fast and Furious family and not break off into their own name. He's twenty five millions, not a movie guy, but he's the shade. He threw. Was saying that even though the movie was number one, it didn't make what a lot of money. So that's the shade. Yeah, that's what he's saying. Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, and it's still number one. It's still made what sixty point eight million dollars? Sixty point eight I mean that's a lot. You can't, you know, snub your nose at that figure, you know, right, you're right? So yeah, well I'm Jay. Let's let's get to the news. Please, we're gonna move Tyry. Let's see how you ted a Penegras movie. Do anyway? It is time for me. We do love you, Tyre. Turn off Jade, you can do that. It's time for the news with missus An trip By now investigating the recent mass shooting in North Carolina, north of California at the annual Gilroy Garlic Festival. Remember that took place a couple of weeks ago. They're investigating that case now as an active domestic terrorism It's already say that the white gunman who killed three people and wounded many others on July twenty eighth had a list of other attacks he was superior to be planning, some on federal buildings, political organizations, and religious institutions. The FEDS are also treating the killings in a Passo the same Twenty two people were killed in that attack, also by a white gunman who's suspected of authorizing a racist to anti Hispanic manifesto. Meanwhile, officials and sisters are still not sure about the motive for the nine killings in Dayton, Ohio, where the gunman killed his own sister, but that six of the nine people shot to death were black. The FEDS say they don't know why that happened. Meanwhile, President Trump has scheduled to travel to both Dayton and Alpasso today. He's expected to run to some residents, however, who blame his rhetoric for the recent rash of deadly attacks. Including presidential hopeful and El Paso native bed or Roar immigrants, specifically who he's described as rapists and criminals, warning of an invasion, talking about an infestation. He is in large part responsible for what has taken place. He's invited violence. These are the consequences for his actions. Many residents of El Paso were incensed after Trump gave erroneous crime statistics about their city and Dayton, Ohio may Or Nan Walley, She's got some questions. Look, I'm disappointed with remarks. I mean, I think they've fell really short. He mentioned like issues one time. I think, you know, watching the president over the past few years on the issues of guns, he's been I don't know if he knows what he believes. Frankert, we will see what happens today. Barneys is closing its stores in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Seattle. They're keeping about six other stores open. Barney's New York was in the news a few years ago when black customers complained that they were profiled and followed around after making purchases, with a few accusing store employees of actually claiming their credit cards didn't belong to them and even calling the cops. On them after making legitimate purchases. Sadly, the literary and black communities of morning the death this week of Tony Morrison, who died of pneumonia in New York City at age eighty eight on Monday. Tony Morrison originally from Lorraine, Ohio. Her given name was Chloe Wafford. She became the first black woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in nineteen ninety three. Has never been entertainment for me. It is in the work I have done for most of my adult life. I believe that one of the principal ways in which we acquire, hold and digest information is via narrative that was part of a Nobel speech. Tony Morrison dead at eighty eight. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? Okay, So what is this? Okay, Junior? First poetry? Now you're going deep and you're going to interpret fortune cookie sayings? What is going on? I got other talents. I'm just showing y'all how deep I am. Oh, y'all don't even know what fortune cookies mean. See y'all be looking at it. Y'all throw the paper away, But these really means some stuff, and I can I can interpret. Oh okay, well, I'm gonna tell you I just ate Chinese food not too long ago. So yeah, and you didn't understand your fortune. That's why we here. So okay. Um. This one said a beautiful, smart, and loving person will be coming into your life. What that really saying is he's about to cheat on you. That's what that means. That's what I got. I don't know how y'all didn't get it. Wow, that's what I do. What about this one? It says all your hard work will soon pay off. What that really means is your personal training is telling you you lost one pound. Congratulations. Congratulations. That's all that really means. These are fortune cookie readings that Junior is interpreting. I got. Okay. This one says, he who expects no gratitude shall never be disappointed. I like that one. I like that. I know you wouldn't like it till I tell you what it means. What it means is you're gonna write the report, but the supervisor is gonna take all the credit. That's exactly what that means. Yeah, I'll tell you. I found this out yesterday when I was reading that's what that's the talent. Ain't nobody else doing this. You're not a good poet, So in your ass, in yours? All right, here we go, Here we go. How about this? When women hear this all the time, women hear this all the time, trust your intuition. Well me and hit is too. When we hear this saying, called upo lee, she found out? What place? She found out? What a new place is called? Police? Are you moved out on her? Wow? Coming over them? All right, this one says observe all men, but most of all yourself. What they're really saying, it's saying to other people's business, and mind your damn own business. That's that's what that really saying. This. Yeah, it comes so natur Okay, all right, we've we've we've all heard this one. It takes a lot of courage to admit when you're wrong, or to admit fault. That that really saying is stop lying and tell the truth. That's exactly what that mean. I had a black woman tell me that same thing. All right, we've all heard this one. With age comes what wisdom? I don't really mean that they tell that to all old people. They don't we don't have enough to say to them. And thank you. I think you might have talent. Fortune pie, yeah, fortune cookie sayings with Junior. All right, coming up next to thirty four after the hour today, the President plans to visit El Paso and Dayton. They don't want him there though. We'll talk about that right after that. You're listening to show the President Trump is preparing to visit El Paso and Dayton, Ohio. El Paso, Texas, of course, in Dayton, Ohio. Today it appearances that will not be universally welcome as the two cities grief from weekend mass shootings that left thirty one people dead, yeah and many injured and rattled. Former Texas Representative Beta O'Rourke said he doesn't think that President Trump is welcome in El Paso in the wake of the deadly shooting that left twenty two dead there. This president, says O'Rourke, who helped create the hatred that made Saturday's tragedy possible, should not come to El Paso. That's what he tweeted. He says, we do not need more division, We need to heal. He has no place here, guys. El Paso is a city of about six hundred and eighty three thousand people with a largely Latino population. In the city of Dayton. Mayor Nan Whaley encouraged people to protest who are unhappy under mister Trump's upcoming visit to the city of about one hundred and forty thousand. The mayor of Dayton went on to say President Trump made his bed and now he has to lie in it. Yeah. Dayton's mayor went on to say she would greet the president in the official role as mayor, but she will also tell him that his words weren't helpful and they weren't you know, and they weren't. The people in Toledo would be glad to see me. I'm going to Toledo to meet all the people in there because they love It's. Oh it's Dayton. Excuse me? Y? Yeah? Are you? Are you bring? Do you have asked? The people in Deledo love me and Deledo, So I'm going to Deledo. It's Dayton, Ohio. What is what the what is that? Are you on a machine or of some sort? No, I'm clearing my nostrils before I talk. Well, he's gonna really see though, Jay All jokes aside, He's gonna really really see, they don't want you anywhere. No, they don't want you to know where because it's your words that are so you know, that are dividing this country. You know a lot of people are blaming you, mister president, for you know, these young guys you know that have the show. We have said that on this show above. Just a matter of time that somebody takes his words and use them. Yeah, that's literally yeah, and that's what has happened. And um, you know he's blaming it on mental illness and a video game, but that's illness. They always go in. They don't ever want to go, guns, never want to go. But this is the president that said I can walk down the street in New York. He said that and he got elected. He got elected, Yeah, yeah, he got He can't honestly think that he can go to a city like El Paso, where you talked about Latinos and you talked about immigrants, and it is a city that is on the border of Texas and Mexico. So for you to even think that those people want you there this time, at this time, right now, it's just I think he's unbelievable. But I think he is arrogant enough to think that he surely really he is arrogant. And now the mayor of El Paso, who was a Republican, he is welcoming the president. He has no choice. Yeah. Yeah, because and the president is expected to meet even in Dayton and El Paso, to meet with local authorities, first responders, especially the first responders. I mean, we have to say hats off to them, the first responders um for a job well done. But you know, especially in Dayton, Ohio, right, and that many people can get hurt. Do you remember when a sandy that storm Sandy hit the New Jersey area and President yeah, superstorm Sandy, and when a President Obama went to New Jersey and he met with Chris Christie. Remember that. Yeah, you know, people were so upset about that. But then so many people were like, you know, you put your differences aside. Chris Christie was a Republican governor at the time, you know, and as an Obama Democratic president, they were able to come together with the meeting of the minds, you know. Yeah, but it's yeah, yeah, but a part of that too though, the local people, like the mayor of El Paso, and they want federal dollars too. Yeah, do you know what I mean? In New Jersey needed federal dollars to help rebuild a Jersey shore, you know, after Superstorm Sandy. So that's what the mayor of El Paso is, right. So we'll see today, won't we. Yeah, you see, artist turns out all right? Well, coming up next, the nephew is here to make us smile again with today's prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject I can't believe how naive I am. Wait till you hear this letter. But right now the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Nevuh m m. This is so mean. This is me again, Jay, your new boss. This is so damn me. Well, let's see how I mean. Come on, your new boss, let's run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason place. Yester, how cannot help you? Hey, Jason, this is Lyle. I'm giving you a call out of human resources. Right. How you doing? You're the former the project guy out there. Yes, I am on the project manageers. I cannot help you. Listen, you've been training an individual out there, I think for the last month or so you have, you've been training a Yes, great guy, um doing great work. He's doing good. Okay, how is he is? He coming along pretty good with everything? Oh? Man, he picking up real good man. He learned to trade. I mean he's picking up. Just let us love from me, pick up excellent, young welcome. And here's how many moon weeks of training out there? I will say probably about another week or two. Well, we let him, you know, put put him on his arm. Okay, think he'll handle it efficiently? Oh yes, I think he would be a great great employees. Okay, you've been with the company, how long? Going on about seventeen years? Yeah, my records are telling me somewhere around sixteen plus, right right, Okay, you've been with us quite a while. And first of all, let you know we're grateful of you, of the work that you're putting in. Well, man, I appreciate a man made man. I appreciate it. You have the company, man, and you know being here to eat many years man. He let you know, man, I love my company exactly. Listen, we got a few adjustments we're gonna be making out there on the plant. Here's what we're gonna do now, you say, gonna be done in about a week or two? Yes, about a week? Okay, here's here's what we're gonna do on that particular day that he gets released. And you you definitely know he's ready for everything. Um, I'm gonna want you to give him your key card as well as the key to your office. What man, I'm gonna want you to give him your key card that gets you actually onto the prod pretty and you have you have your own parking space too, don't you? Yes? I do. Okay, Now we're gonna need you to give it your key card in your office key and um, well, we'll find you another place to park. He's actually probably gonna be parking in your space. Hold hold, what you mean you're telling me to give him my key parking right, I'm talking to your parking space, but your key card to get you onto the property, a little bit electrical card there, right that as well as your office. He's gonna actually be taking over as project manager. No, no, sir, I'm not giving up nothing, sir, nobody to think over the pocket manager. Let's let's first of all, sir, let's do this. Let's stone the language down. Okay, we're gonna find a place for you, but for the time being, we're gonna put you back into play until we find the game. I'm fignd the place of my place right now. I'm not moving from nowhere. That's akay. I'm not getting said to sign me nothing. I got seventeen years. Ope, Ain't nobody said to sign means plays to move. You got to understand that part down. I got seventeen years up in him and chain a young guy and this guy got a couple of months, and you're telling me the other one to do what to me? Move me, Jason, this is a temporary move. We're gonna find something better for you. No, you ain't know whatter this the project man. Ain't nobody got that understanding. This has come from the head and on the head and head is I know, the head of people. This decision actually come from the vice president. They ain't told me none of that. It comes to me first. I'll tell you what, Jason, this is something I'm supposed to probably not tell you. But let me let me let you in on a little something. Yeah, let me hand on something, because this is gonna be some bug him because I shut the whole place up out him. And I mean, let me explain something to you, Jason. This young guy that you've been training, he's actually the nephew of the vice president. I don't give a about no neshew or no vice president. Man, do you think I care about some president telling him? Tell the president? I said what I said? Yeah, man, the next you who care about the nephew? They ain't never told me? Well, can I expect you to give your key over to him? Oh? Hell no, ain't you ain't nobody nothing. Definitely get the law to come and get it. Ain't nobody getting nothing. I ain't leaving how that sounds. So all I can ask you for is I need your key card and I need the key to your office. I need you to empty out your things so we can move Victor in there and you a place. This is just a temporary slot right now, you them all, it ain't nobody getting nothing saying okay, and I've been here. I tell you what I gonna do. I go out there and I tempt slap this who love something okay, and then I find out who is boll says or whoever did nest the boat to beach and kick hit because I ain't giving up nothing, and I'm talking about job y'all with the wrong one, Okay, with the wrong one at this time, because the an't nobody taking nothing. You're talking about beating the Vice president's nephew. You're you're you're losing control here, uh Jason, No, I ain't losing nothing. I'm gonna think control. I'm gonna lose. And when I kick h how that sounds? And I'm gonna kick the boat to see you? All them? How that sounds? That makes sound clear to you? Makes sense? We're trying to just give you someplace to be temporarily until I find you another slot. Ain't no other block. My slot is my slot. I'm gonna kick givest rats not how that sound to you? Turn All I'm asking is I need your key card and I need the key to the office. Get all your things out so I can get Victor moved in within the next week. Ain't no, he's okay, all of them, I don't give a how that sounds. I don't care nothing about them, Okay, because I see you. I maybe somebody out here today. Okay, I'm tired of it and this ain't gonna happen to me. I'm gonna get security to come over and walk you out. Okay, No, ain't no security for to walk me no where. How that sounds. I came here, ain't buy myself. Ain't nobody to walk me about the end? Are you having problems moving out for the nephew, the nephew, Okay, the nephew is not gonna come in here and take Okay, there's another that you need to be aware of. Do you know who the other nephew is? Hell no, I ain't never seen no other nephew. I ain't know that wasn't nephew. Let me tell you who the other one is? Who who the other one is? The other one is the nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Jason, you just got pranked. Y'all lying with me? Man, Come on, man, don't play with me. Man, y'all, man, this ain't no Tommy Man. Y'all need to put that man. And y'all don't know how long the brother man I worked I worked my way up, man, he man ain't no just just baby, y'all. But ma, man, y'all got me, good man, I got you, man, I got I got one thing to ask you. Man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Harvey Morning Shot Man. Y'all don't like what I mean? You played to this? Mean it's time. I'm gonna need your car, kid and y'all. But ya, this happens every day. Yeah, real, you can't touched the nerve, he said. I know he's doing real good. He don't really, Yeah, he's gonna be all right. You know when we when we let him go and release be ready. When he said I'm gonna come to Maine. I'm gonna come to Maine. How long you've been there going on seventeen years? Sixteen? Yeah, salty? But you know what that happens on the job every day every day. Yeah, that's baby, that's how I go down and you don't even know they're coming for you. You know you've been there seventeen going on twenty years. Yeah, yeah, man, he's doing a good job. Yeah, good good. Hey, where's your key card? What? But you ever notice how the hearing go out when they hear what they don't want to hear me. Excuse me? What say that again? All right, baby, but that's the Blues and Jazz Supper Club. The Nephew was coming back back by popular demand. I will be the Labor Day weekend. Y'all come hang out with you boy, Everybody in Maryland, everybody in DC, Virginia, come on upstage. I'm trying to play low. I want to keep going, but I want to saying with you today. But I got to get these updates out. Always something Tommy. We're gonna work on our number. But that's the Blues and jast Summer Club Friday and Saturday. Two shows Friday and two on Saturday. Stop that caller, and then and then I will be in Greenville the very next weekend, Greenville, North Carolina. That's Saturday, September the seventh, at the Greenville Convention Center. Tickets on see right now. And they're going fast. They're going like hot cakes. North Carolina, North Carolina, Caroline. I love it. You know what, I actually get to see my father law when I go to Maryland in DC. That's what. Okay, nice, nice, nice nice, Okay, that's my man, Skipper be his name Skipper y'all say, hey the skilpul alright, all right, well, thank you nephew. Coming up next, Today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I can't believe how not Eve I am. I can't believe how now Eve I am. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening every morning show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click that submit Strawberry Letter button. Okay, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here. I do that for Jay Anthony Brown right now. He likes he likes that I'm easy to please. Okay, we'll get him. He turned on by a paper shaker. It doesn't take much. It doesn't take letter. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject, I can't believe how naive I am. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for the past five years to a very controlling man. He worked off shore, so he was gone from home a lot, and I was not allowed to work so I was left home with nothing to do. I started getting more involved in the church, and one evening after stewardship meeting, I met a handsome man in the parking lot of the church. He was in town visiting his mother and had brought her to the meeting. One thing led to another, and we exchanged phone numbers and secretly talked whenever we could. We knew about my situation. He knew about my situation at home, and he always offered me great advice and support. He lives in another state, six hours from me, so he offered to buy me a plane ticket to come to town just for a day so we could hang out. I told him that was a bit much, but I would think about it well. He bought a plane ticket for me anyway. I told him that I didn't appreciate that kind of pressure from him and he was being too forward. He got so angry that he was yelling through the phone that I owed him two hundred dollars okay. I told him that I didn't ask him to buy the ticket and I was not paying for him paying him for it. He said he would tell my husband about us, and that we have been sneaking around behind his back. I thought he was bluffing, and I stopped answering his calls. Can you believe this crazy man called my husband a week later and told him everything. Wow, now my husband wants to divorce me. Yeah. I can't believe that I went outside my marriage and confide it in a total stranger. I thought he was a trustworthy guy. One of my friends at the church told me I should use this as a way to get out of my sad marriage and move on. But I want to clear my name and not be looked at as a cheater. I had no plans to have sex with the other guy. What should I do? Wow? OMG, what a loser guy he was. I mean, really, you didn't pick a good one. I gotta go back to the letter though for a minute. You say one thing led to another? What does that mean all? Do? I mean? Really? You go from meeting him in the parking lot, then one thing led to another, and you exchange phone numbers and secretly talked whenever you could. He knew about your situation at home. That means you were running your mouth and talking to him and telling him all your business about your husband and how you know, unhappy you were and all of that stuff. Um, you know, I just don't understand why you gave him your number in the first place. Mismarried lady, Well just hold on in the You gave him your phone number in the church parking lot, Thomas Miles right after the stewardship meeting. Now, yeah, I mean, do you know what stewardship means. I mean, did you learn what stewardship means while you were in the stewardship meeting. It means taking care of or or managing responsibly the things that God has blessed you with. That's what stewardship means. That means, you know, managing your marriage, taking care of your marriage. You were not doing that. In marriage, you don't do things like secretly talk to other men, you know, and stuff like that. You guys probably texting. You didn't put it in the letter. But if you're secretly talking to him, you're secretly doing a lot of other things too. That's called emotional cheating. I mean, you were teasing him. You didn't tell him absolutely no, you were leading him on. You told him you would think about it. Okay, he probably heard, yes, I'm gonna let me get this ticket she gonna you know, I can convince her to come up here with me. And then he got managed. You started yelling through the phone. He's controlling. It sounds like just like your husband. You know this is crazy. I'm sorry that your husband wants to divorce you now, but because he thinks you're cheating. Your husband's gone a lot, he's off shore. Who knows what he's doing. I'm not saying he's cheating, but you're sitting at home unhappy. Why stay in a very unhappy marriage anyway? You know, one of your friends at the church told you that you should use this as a way to get out of your sad marriage and move on. Okay, that could be some good advice because you are in an unhappy marriage, But you do want to clear your name. You said you can do that after the fact. Your husband doesn't sound like he's going to believe you. Anyway. You guys have grown apart. He's not there. You're off secretly. You know, with this other guy talking to him. You weren't planning on having sex with this other guy. But I tell you what that other guy was planning on having sex with you if he bought you a plane ticket and wanted you to come out. There. Was he wrong for telling your husband? Of course he was. I was just vindictive and crazy. But yeah, yeah, you know your husband is going to divorce you. It looks like I don't see how you can get out of this and clear your name, not right now anyway, because of what this man said to him, Junior. Yea on you huh. I can't believe how naive I am nobody reading this letter. King, go ahay it and get the divorce. Yeah, just go ahead and get it because your marriage is done. Yeah, the trust is gone. You should have went, to be honest with you. No, you should have went out, yeah, man, because if you if you, if you would have went, you still have your husband. But now now you ain't got that. No, Mo, he was crazy. I don't care. You should have went if you thought your husband was controlling before, watch how control even be? Now? Put your damn head down. I can't let you look at nothing. And this guy is controlling too. Yeah. Get yeah, get in the bathroom, lock the dough. I'll tell you when to come out. It can't go nowhere. All right, listen, We'll have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three after the hours, subject, I can't believe how naive I am. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show. All right, guys, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Wow, subject, I can't believe how naive I am. This woman who's been married for the past five years to a very controlling man, she says, who works offshore. He's gone from home a lot. She's not allowed to work, so she's just left at home with nothing to do. She didn't mention any kids or anything, so she's just sitting there. So she started getting more involved in the church and everything. One evening she went to a stewardship meeting and she made a very handsome man in the church parking lot. Right after the stewardship meeting. He was in town visiting his mom. He lives in another state, about six hours away. So they exchanged phone numbers because one thing led to another, you know, and they now secretly talk on the phone. He knows about her situation at home. Now, how does he know that he just met you? Because you're talking. You're telling him your business about all this stuff. So he offered you some great advice and some support. And he also offered to buy you a plane ticket, but you told him that was a bit much, but you would think about it. That's all the opening he needed. He went ahead and bought the ticket. You turned him down. Then he told you you owed him the money. Then he got on the phone called your husband, told your husband everything, and then some now your husband wants to divorce you. A friend told you it's a way to get out of your sad marriage and move on, but you want to clear your name. You can't have it both ways. You're gonna have to get out of this marriage because your husband doesn't believe you anymore, and you're kind of on your own now, you're kind of on your own. Jay, what you got? You know what? What? You know what? I can't believe how cheap this lady is. It didn't take up two hundred damn dollars to get out of this situation. There was an old man, this is the ideal oil. He's a church steward. He ain't got that kind of money. He sent you two hundred dollars and he asked you to give me the money back. You could have sent it back to him, but new you want to play You play with his emotions first of all, on the phone talking heaping it up, yap, yap, yapping, my husband, don't do this. And he said, I'm gonna send you two hundred dollars ticket and I'm asking you, out of good faith, could you send me the money. He probably ain't got that kind of money. And all you you know what two hundred dollars is. That's two bags of grocery when them when him when him expensive food store. That's too bad. The whole food that two bags you go to? What's the show with they had him high prices with the M and the K. I can't think of the name of it, um the lady show with the M and the K or something that. Yeah, that's maybe one shoe you get one shoe out, Yeah, you get him my crunget you one shoe. That's a cable bill for one month. But you couldn't do that, nude. You couldn't send the man back to two hundred damn dollars. He asked you nicely, and he put it that on. He's saying, if you don't send me my money because that's his money, ain't got that. I'm gonna tell your husband what tell him. Tell him now he told him. Now you out of a husband, and all you had to do? Lady, what's come up with two hundred dollars? Your man is gone away. He don't know how much money you're spending him. See you for six? Two hundred damn dollars? That don't make no sin? Does it not right for you to do that? The man sent you a ticket and it said two hundred dollars and you did not send the man the money back? What kind of message do you talking to every night? Not only that he should have asked you for the damn phone build money, but no, he asked you for that. He asked you for two, and we just washed this duck could go away? How you know him? From me again? I'll change chages if you just send me two. I ain't sending you a damn that two hundred damn dollars. Oh all right, thank you, full movie ticket. You're gonna movie full time and with popcorn and everything for two. Sending that man that money. You're getting what you deserve. You deserve all of this, all right, say we gotta hear from the neck you now, thank you? You're really mad about that too? Under dollar? What you got, nephew, This ain't nothing but some people from New Orleans. That's all. Listen, all right, this is a Gulf coast hot miss. Do you understand me? I know, I know lava Lake talk. When I hear all right, they probably live in Lake Talk. Loveya. He works all off shore. Okay, Okay, So this one I'm fenna help you out with. You don't want to look like no cheatle. I'm gonna take you from cheetah to crazy. Now you gotta pick out which one you want. But he's a cheetah or crazy. I can't stop it from being a cheetah. This is what you need to do. Go down to the French quarter, get you a voodoo dog, and we're gonna put this route on his ass. You understand me. That's what we've fend to do night. In fact, you're gonna go a little deep. I already heard how they do. These roots sometimes go down to his house. Six hours wait, same same two d go down there, get something his draws and bury them in his yard. They say, if you go past that yard while them draws is beared, you're gonna fall out right there. That's actually gonna get him back that's how you're gonna get him back, and he's gonna be called in if they please come get your drugs. I'm like, y'all, I don't know where they I need you come out here and dig up your drugs out my y'all. I can't live my life. I promise you get him back. Don't be You're gonna lose your husband. That's all. That's already. Yeah, go back and put some damage on this food right here. All right? Oh you mean pay the man back who told her husband? Yes? Yes, okay, all right, all right, well, thank you guys. A lot of different perspectives. All right. Listen, you can email us your Instagram your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcasts go to on demand. Now. Coming up at forty six after the hour, we're gonna talk about Marshawn Lynch's confrontation with a football mom. Did you guys see this when he asked her, is here a man here with you? We're gonna talk about that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Former NFL star Marshawn Lynch cussed out a group of kids during drills at his football camp in Seattle. It was a Lyncha's family first football camp in Seattle where Marshan was coaching about two hundred kids or so when one of the moms confronted him, and Marshawn tried to speak to this upset mother and then he asked her, is there a man here with you? Take a listen. It's not a man here with you, but I don't care. It's my son. Wow. Yeah, well see I get what you ah, No, I get it, okay from I want to distract you. I want to talk to a man and I can talk to man to man and we can. He can understand exactly where I was coming from out here on this football call, on this football But you know what a lot of people, Tommy were upset because they thought he was being chauvinistic, uh and talking down to this kid's mom. So a lot of people got upset with him at how he was speaking. They thought he was being dismissive of her. Yeah, he was talking like they talked to football players. And and the mom camp be there to baby him when he's when she hears something that she doesn't normally hear at the house. This is how they talk. Absolutely, this is dad, don't I mean coaches. I mean, even like me eating as good as I was, if I messed up, coach, coach still got on my case and I didn't like the words that came out of his mouth. But you know what they taught me to do to block out the noise and focus back on my job. Okay, you still have to get back out and played this game. Now, if you don't like to play this, it's another sports you can gonna play. You're gonna fay chess, go do something like that. They don't talk like that. Still behind him line, he wasn't being disrespectful to the model. He did. He was trying not to be disrespectful to her. That's why he wanted to speak to a man again. And I think it's too too, because you know, I've volunteered, you know, at football camps. My nephew is a professional football player. He had football camp. I've been there so a lot of times too, with these football players and what they're trying to do with these kids, because it's a dream to play in the NFL, and you you might get them ready. You gotta get them ready. So sometimes you know, these coaches, they they talk to these kids, you know, they're rough, and Marshawn, these kids are young. These are not ten and eleven year old kids, and he was talking to them rough. So the question is should he take it a more professional way or you know, the moms were like, what does it matter if my man is here or not? You know, it's a lot of issues that it was with this conformation yesterday. Yesterday was Jordan's first day of football. Yeah. Contact, he's eight years old. Yeah, them coaches hotting like all get out out there. Yeah, oh my god. And I was like, boy, this brings back memories and you know what I've got. I want him to hear it. You better do everything they're telling you to do you want to play football. It reminds me, well what we can carry this conversation on, but it reminds me a little bit of Steve's mentoring camp too. And I'll tell ye, yes, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're to talk more about this Marshawn Lynch situation about coaching, about parenting, and we'll do that right after this. You're listening, all right, So during our last break, we were talking about should Marshawn Lynch and his confrontation with one of the moms at his football camp for kids. Should Marshawn have been more professional and not cuss at the kids during his football camp in Seattle? And we were talking, you guys have all played sports, and you were talking about, well, Jay, you have to have the band out dead. Oh okay? And they was rough too, wasn't it. Yeah. He was saying that you didn't know a coach who didn't cuss up my kid? I did not know one. I mean, it's just yeah. But but he got criticized for talking for asking the mom is there a man here? People thought he was talking down to the man to the mom, It seems like he just didn't want to be disrespectful to her and he would just rather talk to a man about this situation with his son. But I was saying before the break that it kind of reminds me of Steve's mentoring camp. How he takes in only boys from single moms, and he mentors the boys away from the moms, right because he is the point is is to bring them into manhood and to talk to them how man to man and it's that's what this situation reminds me of. Yeah, and man to man, maybe yeah, yeah, that's where the way I love. I played football for one day because I was I know the other thing. I'm lying. But one day what happened quickly. You know how many people have never played one day. I played pads everything one day, one full damn day whatever. I'm that And I could chick the ball really fun because I was kicking. And I kicked the ball about two or three times. I let's suit up the next day. And then I got hit and I got hit really really hard, and the coach, the coach cuts me out so bad. But here's the thing. I had been getting cuts out at home. I just thought this was very nice to him to talk to me in that tone, because the cussing I was getting at the house was nothing. I mean, that's all. That's all you got. You got, Oh yeah, I'll be out there the football field get custed out. And my daddy stating right there, he helped. Ain't nothing like your father cussings at you from the sideline, because it prepares you for life. Football players grow up, grow up, you know, And it's it's true for for girls sports too. I mean this period. I think, yeah competitive that movie. There's no crying in baseball. Yeah, they don't care about your feelings. Right, And let me tell you something, when you got Marshaw Linz has some eight nineteen year old boys out there when they are when they're eight nineteen eleven years old, trust me, they are not completely focused. If they're not on the field, then they over here playing with each other. And you know, a coach wants your underbouted attention. I told my son, I said, listen, you playing, they're hidden now, this ain't flag no more. So you better pay attention because if you don't know something, you freg knocked on your butt and we're not quitting you. Yeah, cry, you're gonna go home. I'm gonna be back out here tomorrow. That's it. Yeah, yeah, that's that's That's how I got all that in one I got all that in one year. But you quit, but you stopped. Why do you look what I learned. I learned a lot, but you suited up with the everything. Jay got all that one pl ten fid you were ready for the NFL. You got it all in one day game and Junior in the last break we all got when you said that's how good you were, and when you say you got it, I got you. Yeah. I can't help that part, but that's what I'm saying. I love. I love when coach, when Coach hollidayd me uh huh, and he didn't use regular words to another guy who wasn't as good. I love did you play, Junior? How long did you play? Alway, alway, all the way out? How many years? I played more than a game? But it took you that lone and learn? I got all man all right, coming out, more music, more fun. On the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening Morning Show. All right, Jay, you had a big celebration last night at the Jay Spot. Tell us about it. What happened? Oh my god. I invited all the comedians who like participated in the club for years. I've been there twelve years, open the club twelve years, and last night close to my two hundred comedians came out. Man, it's not This wasn't a roast. I don't know what this. This was a beyond a roast. They did impression to me. This was it was like a LUI just like tied to a stick, Tommy just turning it over. But it was so good, you know, you don't you don't realize when you put something together, like opening a comedy club, how much it means to the comedians. And for me to be a club owner, the hardest thing is to see the faces of comics and on a certain night that I can't tell them that they can't go up, I tell them you can't go up because I got too many comedians. It's just it's just it's unbelievable the love that they had for this business. You got it, Junior got it, and we all got to start somewhere. And to be able to open that club with my son twelve years ago. Man, it was just great to see the comics come out and say thank you for you know, having this club. And I never made a dime off of that building, but I helped a lot of comics. Thank you, man. I never stayed married twelve years, all three marriages didn't even do twelve Can you make a dime off the club? Jay one. I know I'm not a good man. You're a comedian comedian, man, but I had a great time. Thank you, love you, Jay. We really to do. We'll be back. We'll be back, Yeah, we will. Right after this you're listening to the President Trump is preparing to visit El Paso and Dayton, Ohio. El Paso, Texas, of course, in Dayton, Ohio today, the parents says that will not be universally welcome as the two cities grief from weekend mass shootings left thirty one people dead, yeah, and many injured and rattled. Former Texas Representative Beta O'Rourke said he doesn't think that President Trump is welcome in El Paso in the wake of the deadly shooting that left twenty two dead there. This president, says O'Rourke, who helped create the hatred that made Saturday's tragedy possible, should not come to El Paso. That's what he tweeted. He says, we do not need more division, We need to heal. He has no place here, guys. El Paso is a city of about six hundred and eighty three thousand people with a largely Latino population. In the city of Dayton, Mayor Nan Whaley encouraged people to protest who are unhappy under mister Trump's upcoming visit to the city of about one hundred and forty thousand. The mayor of Dayton went on to say President Trump made his bed and now he has to lie in it. Yeah. Dayton's mayor went on to say she would greet the president in the official role as mayor, but she will also tell him that his words weren't helpful. The people in Toledo would be glad to see me. I'm going to Toledo to meet all the people in there because they love it's. Oh it's Dayton. Excuse me? Yeah? Are you are you bring? Do you ask? The people in Deledo love me and Deledo, So I'm going to Deledo. It's Dayton, Ohio. They don't want anywhere. They don't want you to know where because it's your words that are so you know, that are dividing this country. We have said that on this just a matter of time that somebody takes his words and use them good. That's literally yeah, and that's what has happened. And um, you know he's blaming it on mental illness and video game. But that's what they always say, illness. They always go there. They don't ever want to go guns No, I never want to go. But this is the president that said I can down the street in New York. He said that, and he got elected. He got elected, Yeah, he got He can't honestly think that he can go to a city like El Paso, where you talked about Latinos and you talked about immigrants, and it is a city that is on the border of Texas and Mexico. So for you to even think that those people want you there this time, at this time, right now, it's just I think he's unbelievable. Yeah, but I think he is arrogant enough to think that. He really think he is arrogant. And now the mayor of El Paso, who's a Republican, he is welcoming the president. He has no choice. Yeah, Yeah, all right, guys, coming up, last break up the day, and then we'll do Jay's segment. It's it's gaining popularity around the world. Check it out. Jay's gonna ask us what if we learned today? Coming up right after this, Yeah, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Wednesday, hop day. Look on to that weekend. Yeah, loving it, loving it? Okay, Jay, we may as well get started. I mean time for your segment. As we leave, it is all right every day that we've been doing for quite a while. Like Shirley says, it's catching home. People are talking to me about it in the street. I'm lying. Nobody said, no, man, I loved at what you let not one person. But anyway, we go around the room at the end of the show and we ask the people who are on this show, what did you learn today, Shirley, what did you learn today? Okay, we talked about this earlier Jay when we first started the show. This morning, we talked about what couples argue about, and come to find out, I guess we're all arguing about the same thing. Family drama, going day to day frustrations, you know, drifting apart in your relationship, parenting philosophies. You're too lenient, you beat them too much. You know, stuff like that, financial problems, flirting, all of that. So basically you ain't kiss me, and my damn all of that, you know, jealousy, I want to hit a joke. Let me hit a joke. I want right, So, I mean, you know, we gotta we gotta try to keep our relationships together. It's all about love. There's this long term relationship expert out there. Her name is doctor Pepper Schwartz. I'm sure you can look her up if you want some help in your relationships. So, I mean, we all need it every now and then. You know, when we drift a prior, we can come back together. We don't always have to break up all the time. Let's try to stay together. I think it's harder to stay together than it is to break up. It's easy to break up and get somebody else, but stay together. That's the commitment, that's that work. You know that you got to put into the relationship to make it last. So that's what I learned today. If that makes it very good, very good, very good, very good. I need to write up on that by tomorrow. All right. What I learned today is the city of El Paso, in the city of Dayton does not does not want the President to come to the city. Both of these cities. We are still praying for the victims families. They are grieving after this past weekend, the horrible mass shootings, and the President what he needs to learn talking about what we learn. What he needs to learn is to be responsible for the words that he says. His rhetoric can stop all of this racist talk and be a president and be a leader. Said yesterday, stop the hey I said yesterday, and I'm going to said again today. Amen. Amen again, very good, very good. That's even better than what Shirley learned. I like that one. That's Junior. What did you learn you one day football player? Hold on, Shirley, hold on, Shirley, if you take here, if you think, if you like, no, no, no no, let me run the Junior. We'll get back you tomorrow. Alright, I can't move. I learned this. I learned that the little boy that said Marshaw Lynch football cap and Jenny Brown had the same football career one damn day. You and I ain't. Y'all got the same football career. High five, Junior, Hi got to work. I can't leave this blahble pool. Yeah, you just quit Yankee from camp. We needed to do it though I'm not doing And I didn't even know Junior was gonna stop when he went hold on. I knew that a very good, very good, Junior. Tell me what you learned today? Well, I didn't know it till today. Jay. I mean, I knew all about Dion Warwick and you know things that she could do. But I find that Junior is a fortune cookie till I didn't know. I didn't know. Yeah, man, cookie didn't tell you what it really means. Yeah man, yeah man. You can't miss a moment to see you miss Now. You know, the back of the Fortune Cookie actually had a lottery numbers, you know that. I know that back of that page got a lot of them. But the front side of where Junior he worked on the front of that yeah fortune Yeah. When I woke up after I hit my head, I could read Fortune Cookie, but I wish I could had that backflad to get them numbers. I could pick the right man. All right, here's what I learned today. Had I applied myself to football more than that one no, no, no, I'm not saying more than that one, damn day, I would have never been a great football player. I would have just drifted on and not played in the NFL. But look, God, say quit. There's something bigger and better for you. And look what I am today, damn day or football. What was the time it was you got cussed out by your coach and now you are one of the greatest cussols. That's what I learned. Today. Wow, Well, everybody learned something as always, I learned something every days. Good. That's good. That's still yeah. Kissing y'all. Spouse in the mouth ya was yeah, I know, I'm still tell me we've been married four years. Okay, I didn't even know that was still going on and cheek man. Al Right, guys, we gotta get out of here this ignorant show. We'll see you tomorrow. Thank you so much for listening. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.