Cougars, Tamia and Grant Hill, The Last O.G., Facebook, Serena Williams, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jun 5, 2018, 2:45 PM

The crew talks about older women and what they do to attract younger men. Tamia and Grant Hill stop by to discuss Tamia's new album. Tracy Morgan and Cedric The Entertainer talk about their co-star Tiffany Haddish. Serena Williams is disrespected by an interviewer. Russell Wilson and Ciara talk about bringing baseball to Portland, OR. The Closing Remarks shows us how to turn disappointment into motivation and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby at all? Suit all looking back the don giving them mong like the molking buck bus things and it's touble y'all to me true good to the hearty guy listening to toach other for stuar hand quick, Moby, I don't join yeah webby, join me in being me, honey, said Dot turning Yeah. He un. You gotta turn the turn turn you lovey, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got this radio show. Man, Hi got here. I really can't explain it. Only by the grace of God, that's all I can really tell you. Uh. I was talking with a buddy the other day and he was telling me. He said, Man, he had an interesting philosophy about it. He said. You know, you can have dreams and visions, he said, but God, God will never show you what all he has for you. He won't show you all of it because he knows you will mess it up. And you know what, man, I thought about that and Wow, how true is that? Okay, I know that I got a radio show. I didn't see it. It's just become this major blessing for me. I didn't see it. But if I would have seen it and known when he had planned on giving it to me, I would have messed it up because number one, my first question would have been to him, why I got to wait so long? Why don't I go down here and start on the radio now, and then I'll be in radio and then TYD see that God? But see, the thing about God is God don't need your help a matter of fact, that he don't really want it. All he wants is you to love him and obey him. If you can do them two things I think. I think I could be wrong. I think he'd be really cool with us. So had I known about these blessings that he had for me, I would have messed him up because I would have put my thinking in the figuring process, and that would have jacked it all up. That's the first thing that I have why I gotta wait so long? And then if he has shown me what I was gonna have to do to get it, I would have shown messed that up. Man, I ain't gonna do that. I ain't gonna do all of that. Wait a minute, I got to go through all of these mishaps in my life. So when I get the radio show, I have something to share. Man, why don't I just read a couple of books and share that experience with them? Now? See, I want you to know what you're talking about. I want you to be transparent. I want people to be able to identify with your struggle and apply they struggle to it and see that they can get over. See. God never shows you all of it because he know will mess it up. I wouldn't have any books, I certainly please no, I would not be the host of Family Field. Can't tell you that it is amazing man, how God works, and my invitation and to everybody today is allowed God to work. You know, you can ask him why all you want to, and from time to time I still do no good for me? But that old why me? Old? What was me? Lord? Thing? That don't really get it for me because when I started asking him why, I'm asking somebody who has a thought process so high above mind that there's no way if he told it to me, I wouldn't even get it. You wouldn't need I don't got bright you thank you are man. You just ain't gonna get how and why he does it his way. You're not going to understand it. But he has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we adhere to the plan, if we submit ourselves to his will and just say, okay, God, what you want me to do, I am telling you it is the best way to live. Now. You can also do it the way I did it early on. You can just do what you wanna do and see how I go from there. And I will tell you from personal experience, it's not going to go good. You know. My wife and I were talking the other day. As she said something women, I had to write it down. She says, Steve, you know the funny thing about seeing? She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. I ask my wife where she got there from. She said something some old person told it to it. She says, seeing cast you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem, man, about doing what you wanna do. Because we are all sinners man. All of us, all of us, every last one of us, are sinners. You will be a sinner until you die. That you could be saved by grace. But you're going to be a sinner man. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to in your life knowingly, knowingly do wrong. I bet you will. I don't know who you think you are. I don't know who you've been listening to. But get this. We are sinners. We were born into a world that is sinful. Now it's okay, it's okay, it's our world. But we can make the best of it because we can form a relationship with God and we can and we can go to war with this thing, you know, and we can win. You can actually get over. Being born into this world is not an end all. That doesn't mean you're doomed, no, man, because God is available to give you life, and not only give you life, but give it to you more abundantly. I have more of an abundant life than I've ever had. If you took away the finances, trust and believe, I have so many things I could tell you that I'm grateful for. For my wife, for my children, man, for my family, for the few friends that I have, for the work that I do, man, for the respect that some people that I feel around some people, from the reputation I've earned. Now, I ain't cool with everybody. I got that I'm cool. I'm I ain't cool with everybody. Everybody ain't cool with me. Everybody don't like me. Man, get past that right there. I don't care what you do. Everybody are gonna like you. Some people didn't like Jesus. What did he do? What did he do wrong to anybody? Show it to me where he was just out there, just messing over folks, and you could justify all that happened to him. Just show it to me. But he knew everybody ain't gonna like me. I just come to save y'all. You understand I got you. Ain't feeling me. You're gonna spit on me, You're gonna hang me up there, You're gonna pierce my side, You're gonna do all that to me. When you get through, I still love you. That's that's a powerful statement. Man. I'm not there yet. I can't make that statement yet. I'm not there. I'm in a process. I'm driving to get better, but I can't make that statement, I don't really know nobody who could make that statement. Mar Luther King was pretty good at it, but I'm pretty sure he has some moments too well. He just wasn't for all that pushing and spitting me. I ain't ever for it. But then at the same time, I have gotten better though. I have learned to let God handle situations, and I am getting better at it. If I could tell you what people have done to me this year, and I've done nothing in retaliation to those people, nothing, not one thing in retaliation to those people, And I've sat by and I've watched God handle it all very neatly for me, and in a way that I didn't even think was doable. God will take care of you if you form this relationship with him. He has something for you. He has a plan for you that is beyond your man the nation. He will give you the desires of your heart. But he also has some stuff in store for you that you're not even asking for. That He is willing to ship to an address that belongs to you as long as you stay on the right path and are trying your best. God to ship you the blessing anyway. Because please know he's done it to me. I'm a living witness to this that God will ship you blessings and you ain't gonna be perfect. But if he know your heart, man, if he know you trying to do better, if he sees you trying to change, if he sees you trying to get it right, he understands that you're gonna stumble all the way through this thing. But if he know your heart and he know you trying to get it right, and you're doing the best you can, boy, here ships some stuff your way. Man, you really be tripping, man, you would really be tripping. Steve Harvey got radio show. Man. It's crazy, ain't it. You're listening to Steve Harvey. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Let me have your undivided attention. This is Steve Harvard Mornin Show and old MG. Do I have an announcement to make this morning. I had a day off over the weekend, and I didn't tell y'all what I did on Sunday. So I'm gonna tell y'all what I did on Sunday one day. Good morning, Shirley. You made us wait till Tuesday. Good morning, because I was in shock I couldn't discuss it yesterday. Good to be with you. Good morning. What's happening, Jake, I'm so excited. I can't wait. You ain't fool king of pray. You ain't what you do today? Dog Man? I messed around and deal with my daughters told me to do. Man, and I watched this Netflix documentary What the Health God, I shouldn't have watched that, because, Man, I'm gonna tell you something, just as a person man who wants to live and and really cares about his health, man, I have really I really got throwed into so man. Yeah, yeah, it changed all bro, Well you get through packing it. It was the most troubling thing to me was the Heart Association and the Cancer Society. What The Heart Association and the Cancer Society both have recipes on their website for pork, for beef, for chicken, for turkey ham. They all have recipes on that, but they all have studies in front of them that have shown that all meats have carcinogenics in them, especially processed meat. Like like they were talking about mother's milk. A woman's milk has levels of it in it because simply of what you eat. But the cow's milk is like so much higher because of what they eat. And they are sponsored by these people, because these people give Susan b. Coman give the Cancer Society and the Heart Association hundreds of millions of doctors every year. They sponsor them, so they are not allowed to say anything against them. You gotta watch what the hell you gonna do? Well, I'm gonna just tell you. I'm gonna just tell you real. I've been eating plant based. I just been eating all plant base. Now I got a problem because the boys camp is coming up into my green egg is sitting out there. Now, I'm just gonna keep it absolutely one hunted with you. I'm going plants all way up to the camp two weeks, two weeks. Then I'm gonna do it. Bobbie, cute, hot legs. Everything. I probably cut out chicken, alright, I'm gonna go organic meat. So that's what I'm gonna try to do. There is no organic barbecue. You can't organic. Com pegue, Steve almost Vegan, we'll call this segment all right, coming up. Yeah, it's time for something funny. You know. Last week, guys, we talked about things that older men should stop doing to attract younger women. Well, today we have things that older women should stop doing to attract younger men. Why not what you're listening to Steve Harby Morning Show. Alright, so, Jay, you've come up with a bit. Oh this is so nice. You don't really like this at all? Whatever? J oh God, let me see it's Katie. Well we're about to find out. Let number one, stop walking around with stuff in your broad like your phone, like change, like your purse. You know what you gotta dig down in and so we can see. Everybody wants to see you digging in your cleavage without wanting something. You don't tease up like that. And then you got people like Monica sitting over here. Can't put nothing in here. She put a phone in that one time. Man, she'll gonna broke her teeth. She gotta tell much stuff in the water bottle even time. A crown raw bag is not a purse. Okay, Now, young boys, do you like to see them crying roll back sexy for some reason? Yeah? Please stop doing it. That's the only thing about you can object. But y'all they're not cue, so whatever it Okay. If you're gonna wear capris, no problem. You know those the pants that stopped right at the calf right this day. You ain't got to win every day, Lebron, And please take them damn strings off the bottom of I can't stand that Junior had on the pad on the day they or anybody stopped wearing them caprets with them damn strings hanging out, They're strange. Don't bother you. You don't think something on you, you like with Lebron wore shorts. There wasn't then they didn't have strains on. I just supported Lebron, and I'm trying to get a championship in Cleveland. I wouldn't be called dad with a damn short set on. I'll tell you that right string on it yet, stranger nut, give us another one. A turban is not coming back. It ain't coming back, you know with the little diamond and the yea. That ain't coming back. And I'll tell you what else ain't ever really in for black women. The big giant rolls in the side of your head, or you ain't meetsing Nash. She's black though, But take that big rose out the side of your head. We see you you already pretty whatever. We need have sunflower floor on the side of you, and they get bigger every time I see it, like a hat. You ain't got to wear a knee brace every damn day. Really, some people hits heads. Yeah, a lot of this topic copper fits you down. I ain't gonna hear referring to younger men as sugar, honey, dolling, bathing. What are we supposed to call me? Sugar? She do sugar and precious and precious and precious. Yeah, here we go, here we go. These are things that older women need to stop doing to attract younger men. You got one, how you do yours? Stop wearing these hall to tops so tight that choke back look like a can of biscuit. Were somebody to put that spoon on that scene whatever your little as, your your back look like a can of biscuits. Stop wearing them damn holsters. They are not for you know, we can't even see that. We can't even see the straps on the halter swallowed up your breast all back that round by your back. If we can see your breast from behind, you don't need a damn halter. Okay, what else? What else? A lot of these young men, a lot of them don't like these older type, you know, food like hog malls, hitlands, green we potato pie, pay the salad handed handed, yam? Why we got to come over your house even go to sleep? Why we got an overload? Damn Man't you got nothing in here? Martin? You ain't found another recipe? Six slavery? Who the hell still puts a hamhock? And they're there drink and smoked turkey. Now you just eating the same give the even time? What am I so sleepy because you're eating ham hock? Juice? It in them greens. It's putting you to sleep. I just saw What the hell? Now? What the hell? All my one? It was the ham hocks? You got one? Go ahead? What is it? You're walking around the house and your slip? Last time I've seen the slip with my mom. Anymore? Things things older when they can do to attract younger men. There's other cologns and pufumes out there besides white diamond. Yeah, stop saying and avon okay, nail number five and pass. They make other things. I don't know anyone. You all forgot that legendary boy. My mama man, And let me tell you something. And my mama loved Lizabeth. Take my mama thought Lizabeth Taylor was the flies chick on Earth. He just never mentioned all in magic. My mom was against that. You just never bought some mama, how many times you've been. Don't worry about that, don't judge. I just remember her and Richard. It's the nephew would run that brank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, it's time for the nephew, the King of Franks, to run that prank back. What you got next? Show me your butt. That ain't how you said that yesterday. Okay, you want to how I gave it to your day? How you want come show your but can I tell you this prank right here is one of the most ignorant pranks you've ever done. Come show your but it still gets upset. Don't even right there, gets in Frank mode for real? This Marcus, Yeah, this Marcus was up. Hey man, do you know anything about it? A Lincoln being stolen, a Linkom being stolen? No, man, I don't know no about no linkos. Who is this man? You know about the Lincoln getting stolen? Man? Who is this man? I don't know nothing about Lincoln being stolen? Man, how do you get my novel? Man? Hey, dog, hold hold slow down. First of all, I'm trying to ask you somebody that stole my mama Lincoln? Man, And I'm asking they say you know something about it, or you was one of them that did, or do you know anything about the man? Man, I don't know nothing about Lincoln being tolder. Man, I'm who'd have caught in my house with this here? Man, I don't know nothing about no Lincoln then stole the man my name Craig Man. Somebody stole my mama linkol, And they say you was one of the ones that probably had did it? Hold hold dog, whood? Who who? Who is? Who is? Who is? We? All? I don't know know about Lincoln. Let me tell you something, man, cut to my eyes with this here about the Lincoln. Man. Look, man, I'm on paper. Man, I don't do the like that still legally. Man, you know what that meant. I don't get down like that. Man. I don't know who told you that. Man, how you got my number? Man? But I ain't stole your mama Lincoln. Man. Okay, hold up there that that then y'all man coming downtown because what happened was the lady next dope I saw who took it and the dude that they said. She said the dude jumped the fence and told his pains in the back pocket got to offen. She saw the dude but told what we want you to do it come down and get in the lineup and everybody gonna show that. The ladies say she know that, but when she see it, Hell, no, man, it was mine. Think I'm gonna come downtown in the front play and I'm not gonna come downtown to show mine. Well what I will do for you? I show my Now you think Mama Lincoln, is that my high you can come get that? Say, man, it's your But the one that she saw come over that fence, man, that's all I want to know. Well, who is you? Man? Who the is you? Man? Calling my house man and and and accusing me of gelling your mama's problem? That would the hell is you? Man? Are you crazy? Us? I'm man, listen, man, I'm not trying to go back and forth with you. Dog. I'm just trying to get to the bottom. Who stole my mama car? Dog, That's really what I'm trying to do. You understand and co up? What are you talking about? Man? I ain't stole no Lincoln Man, awain't got no problem showing your butt to this lady. Man because the latest says she noticed. But when she said did you, did you crawl over the fifth and tell your plans? And the latest saw your But she know it when she see it. Man, Look, man, I don't check the man identified me by looking at my damn. That's what she saw. Man, she saw that. What it wasn't? Man? What what now you got my name? No? No, no, you Marcus? Ain't you? Yeah? I'm Marcole. And don't quit acting like you ain't never been in no trouble before. Man, They already to say, you be getting in and out of trouble. So what I want to know? Where is you the one stole my mama? Lincoln? Man? How to play for what I've done? Man? You did, but I ain't told your mama Lincoln. Man. Hey, man, let me tell you this right here now. I'm been locked up, man, but I'm telling you what I'm gonna get. If you're coming down here trying to take my downtown and then show my I'm not gonna have it, man, gets the tall your mama car got stold. I ain't had nothing to do with that, man, say, man, Look, either you're gonna come downtow willingly. I'm gonna come to your house and drag you out, man, and bring you down there so this lady can see your butt. Man, Like I say you, she know that. But when she's sitting there, if it ain't your but you ain't got nothing to worry about. But you're gonna have to come downtown and show us your man. Man, Who in the hell is you? Man? You ain't no law man, You ain't no the tech. If you ain't no five man. Man, who in the head is you? Man? Yeah, I'm under perched down to figure out who stole my mama. Lincoln. Man, that's what I'm doing. Man, I'll tell you what you can. Come over here to my house, man, and I'll show you my man. This is a man I had another to man. You're talking about braking a lot to my hop and and take him out down, take him out? Man? What kind of what kind of this is? Man? Man, I'm telling you I don't have nothing to do with your mama being stolen. Man, But I ain't coming downtown to show my man, I got the questions. I ain't got no problem coming to get it like that one way. I ain't got no problem doing. I ain't come on get come on get my then, hey man, ain't get my Hey man, I'm gonna say it one more time. We're coming to your house, dragging you out and taking you down town if you don't want to go by yourself. But I ain't gotten come with that, man, cause come ben down. Man, I'd have been down. Man. I don't paid for my client, and I don't paid for my client. But it ain't nobody going to come get me from my high talking about taking me downtown and showing my If you want my you come to my house. Man. You're hearing me because I ain't faith to go back down, man, And I will go back down if you come over my house with me about getting my scrap. Hey man, I'm just saying we need the lady. Just need to see it, man, to see if it's the right one or not the right one. That's all you gotta do it. Put it down just a little bit, so seek and see it. Man. Man. Man, I'm not gonna do that. Man. I don't even know who the hell you are. Man, How did you even get my information? Man? How did you get my number? Man? You need to get out of my phone with this hell? Man, this is man. Hey man, you know what, Man, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you know more. You're gonna have to praying your body down here to the station. I'm coming down then drag you out your house to say I'm through talking about this now you hear me. Look, look, man, come on, get me. Man, you want my man, Come on, get me mat you did hey man, let when you held it up. I'll tell you what, man, I got one more thing I need to say to you as you listen to me. I'm listening. Man, This is nephew Tom and from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. Oh hell no, man, Hello man, y'all man, Look man, y'all have me thanking? Man, I'm gonna go back to this center tanker man, And then you're talking about my man. I didn't show no in the penitentiary. I ain't gonna show now now man, come over, Well, well there is there a verdict? Yeah, and learn you know at some point I'm gonna start fighting back. You don't know because those kids are coming in. But he didn't even say, is this Timmy? You know lived? So just we care get a bodyguard, a bodyguard? All right, thank you enough? Now, Kanye, we all love us some Kanye. He's playing He's playing peacemaker. Now we all know. Kanye released his highly anticipated album YEA and hosted a listening party in white Oming. Okay. Easy also addressed the topic of beef of Drake versus Push a t via tweet without mentioning any names. Kanye seemed to attempt to play peacemaker, posting, I've never been about beef about love. Uh lines were crossed and it's not good for anyone. So this is dead now. While there's been no comment from Drake, pushat did retreat. Yeah so there you go. Good? Yeah? Yeah? What about you offended? Have you talked any you're talking to Easy, I'm talking to you. Have you have you apologized any slaves who you say you know he had a choice. I'm just saying, go out to the fields and apologize. Where was the love? Then I'm in the Catton dancing in the Catton. Are we still on the air to we still have a show? I don't know if I am, but he is. And this is live from the Cotton Jam. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. R and B singer to me, it will be our special guest and you do not want to miss her. But first uh. During an interview to promote his hit TV show, The Last O G, Tracy Morgan was asked how he felt about Tiffany Hattrish's career blowing up. Take a listen to Tracy's response, how has it been watching Tiffany hattsh blow up? And did you know her? We're not gonna go there. Why because Tiffany is not the only one that's not Tiffany show Trace ban This is The Last O G. So you mind if you're gonna ask about Tiffany, exide about Sentrick and exside about craft services. Everyone to come to work every day on that show. We're not gonna go there. Okay, let's go there, let's talk about craft services, all right? Okay, but I love that show though the last comedian, Little Rell tweeted, this one is hating. This is one hating blank dude right here. That show would be nothing if Tiffany Hattrish wasn't on it. Don't bite the hand that keeps you relevant. Wow. So then TMZ caught Cedric. They asked Cedric the entertainer about Tracy's response. Take a listen to said no, no, no, no, he hat and you know this, this is this is trade, this is Tracy has come back. Man. You know he's been no, He've been working on this show a long time. You're doing the interview Tiffty is hot, and you know you're getting these interviews and people want to ask you the same questions over and over again. You know that could have been probably one of many interviews Tracy you did that day. Keep gassing about Tiffany, Like, Yo, we're talking about tiff Andy, we're talking about much joke right, Oh it wasn't No, it wasn't no hate like that. I believe. I agree, it wasn't hate. I mean, no disrespect. But the show was a good show. If Tiffany wasn't on the show, it would be different. But if said wasn't on that, it'd be different. If Tracy wasn't on that, it'd be different. You take any one of them players off and that show changes, man, that show changes. They are so perfectly. Oh cast Yeah, I mean man saying it's the perfect guy for that part. So is Tiffany and so so. No, it's not hate, man, it's not hate. It's the one hating dude. This is his show. Yeah, but I think little Rell probably came to Tiffany's defense because you know, she played girlfriend on the Carmichael Show. So no, that's cool. She's Tiffany Harris is the bomb. The girl is the bomb. Man. I wish I had spend more time talking to her at the Death Cham reunion because she she was over that bomb me quite a few times. I wish I had spent more time talking to him. Man. But people, oh yeah, it's really sweet with the green hands. What's his name? We need to do with the greed. This drunk asked comedian just up in my face the whole time at the damn meunion. This is why I used to he was so damn drunk, man. He just made the reunion just rough for me. I just wanted him gone. I'll tell you all that. Oh okay, one of those. Yeah, but if you get a chance, please you check my joke. What joke? Don't do it? Ain't just stand up in six years. Well, when when was the joke? Toe? When did he do the ninete six? And he still want to do that? Joe bra Bra. If you're doing a joke from nineteen nine six, you got problems on me. Just who All right, listen, guys, it's time to catch up with today's new Steve, please introduce, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only the talented miss Ann Trip. Thank you, Stephen wanting everybody. This is Andreo with the news. Well. President Trump tweeting again yesterday, he said the probe into Russian meddling and last presidential election was quote totally unconstitutional. He also tweeted that he had the right to pardon himself if he wanted to. He added that quote, why should I do that when I've done nothing wrong? That's quote. The president also called it a witch hunt led by quote thirteen very angry and conflicted Democrats. Point of information, everybody, the deputy Attorney General overseeing the probe, the head of the FBI, and the special counsel himself are all long time Republicans. President Trump has disinvited the NFL champion Eagles to the White House today because some players were going to boycott the visit Anyway over the NFL's new anti kneeling policy. Philly Mayor Jim Kenney calls Trump a quote fragile, egomania act, obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party which nobody wants to attend. That's his quote. The NBA Championship Golden Warriors, you may remember the clin last year's invitation to the White House, Steph Curry and several other places said they weren't going. It's primary day today in eight states, including a California, New Jersey, Iowa, Alabama, Mississippi. A congressman from Mississippi, by the way, asking his colleagues in Connecticut to meet with the Double A CP and discussed the alleged racism taking place at the Coast Guard Academy. Representative Bennie Thompson says he'd like Senators Richard Blumenthalal Chris Murphy and Congsman Joe Courtney, all fellow Democrats, to meet with members of the New London and Double A CP. That's where the Coastguard Academy is located. Because the New London chapter of the Civil Rights Organization has received complaints involving hate crimes there, academy officials will only say that the school doesn't tolerate racism. The conservative majority of the U. S. Supreme Court world in favor yesterday of a baker in Colorado who refused to make a custom wedding cake for the same sex couple on the grounds that to do it would have been in violation of his religious beliefs. The young organizers of the March for Our Lives have announced the next phase in their fight against gun violence. Get This Students activists putting the final touches on what's to be a sixty day coast to coast summer bus tour to register young voters and to support gun control by making known the names of recipients of n r A donations before November's midterm elections. By the way, the Academy of Pediatrics is recommending universal screening for depression for all adolescents now to all years of age and older. The group also recommending that families with depressed teenagers developed safety plans, which include restricting access to any and all weapons. Finally, today marks a sad anniversary. Today's the fifties anniversary of the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, Send Bobby to Kennedy fatally shot shortly after midnight June in Los Angeles as he campaign of the presidency is murder us here Han sire Han remains in jail to this day. More entertainment coming up today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the Hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steven Show. Everybody Like I told you, we got a very very special guest this morning. This sister is good Man, iconic singer, veteran in the game. This year marks her anniversary of making great music and then she's celebrating that twenty year with a brand new album called Passion Like Fire. Uh. This is our seventh studio album and she's joining us this morning to talk about the music and everything. Thanks, gentlemen, please welcome back to Want and only to me. Morning good I've been doing very well. Don't sing until I look at my children, and then you know I have a sixteen year old, a ten year old. I'm like, okay, well I am getting you have if you have a sixteen year old? Now, yeah, wow it hurts a little, Yeah, it goes quickly, it goes back quickly. And I think children are there to remind you how fast time is going, because you you're like, you'll talk to people and they'll say, oh, yeah, my son just graduated college, and you vividly remember seeing them in the sixth grade. How are they graduating college? So you realize if they got older. Yeah, because I look at people and I go that I haven't seen a long time. Man, they're getting that. Then I go home and look at me and I go, I am someone else. Would love to have your problems, yeah, yours? Yeah, yeah, I don't whenever I complained around, Yeah, exactly, problems. Problems, Yeah, because the problems I have. Really, I try to share your audience. Yeah, I don't know. They ain't your room. No I get accused. Well, so this is good, Carol. We got your new album out. Tell us a little bit about it. What you First of all, what was the thinking behind album? Why? Now? Well, you know what the last album, um, Love Life was I think three years ago, and so you know the way the business is now, Like you put out an album. I literally put out the album on Friday and then Sunday someone was like, when's the next project come out? Like it just came out. It's very quick now but um, yeah, so it's called passion Like Fire. The first singles leave it smoking. It just U reached top ten with a bullet today, so we're happy about that. Yes, okay, what you work, you work. Um, it's with Salam Remy, who I love. Um. I did another song with Salam called Beautiful Surprise, so we worked together again. And I'm just you know, I'm it's passionate like Fire because I'm still passionate about music. I love being able to touch people through music again. Um, it's it's you know, been a great twenty years. So hard to believe it's been twenty years. First of all, Yeah, you're listening to show like Jenny please welcome back and want and only to me you can say no. I think I think that's what's missing. And I think that's why it's gonna be so good because your voice is still such a voice. Thank you, thank you. We just did. Um. I was just honored to be a part of a tribute for Yolanda Adams. We were talking about thinking and I think Charlie Wilson was honor now Rogers, Yeah, it was. It was awesome and like real singers tributing Real City. So it was like it was in the room. The energy in the room was amazing. I think that's what I don't I don't like when they do tributes and the people are doing a tribute ain't got no bus, like the last tribute to Press. So I want I wanted to fly down on that last tribute to Press. The hell y'all saying y'all can't even sing. See, that's the problem. We keep lying to these kids. Oh that's hot, that's fine. No, it's not no, no, it's nothing. Also here yeah, yeah, the other reason I had to get I'm gonna talk to Grant one second. Let me talk to you about this, the lead single from the album, Leave It Smoke. Tell me a little bit about it. Oh, well, it's about a relationship and um how you keep thinking spicy and staying connected mentally and physically. So that's what it's about. Hey, let's do it. Let's take a listen to Leave It Smoking. This is a new one. This is all for album passion like fire. Everybody, it's to me. We're gonna let you here first. Let's go to all one. Do you get the lesson don't try I'm not wonder ways time to baby, let a money said by I don't want to talk. I just wanna lea inside. I don't want to play, say no, I just want to bring every troll a criminal seventh Big wants giving it to a day, every minute to it's take seen every moment. Do all I need passing like fire fire, sav it full, sav it full. I need pashing my fire fire, livings far being here, shot and be a chase and fly whatever it takes on water ngully, take comfort, take everything all with the body all. Let's give it to every minute do Let's see. Yeah, I like I need to leave it smoke you a yeah, you be over there. I like passion, like down cigar glass as I get my wife out there. Day was like Madrey's Boss. That's hot. I like that. I like that. Hey, y'all, so listen to me right now. Go to iTunes right now and downloaded. It's called leave Its Smoke. It's on download right now. It ain't nothing. It's just a single that you will get today. The album coming out this fall. The single. But but we're gonna run the single up to the talk y'all stick around. We'll be right back with more to mel. We're gonna talk to grand Hill. We got to heal family in the We're gonna talk to everybody. Right after this more with Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss it. But right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. You ain't no signal, You ain't no sigmas. Don't go off on you blue five. You know this goes out to all of y'all, all of y'all in the blue and white. You ain't no segma. Hello, Oh, I'm trying to reach a greg please, Yeah, this is he. How you doing? My name is Bernard five beta sigma. I'm over pledge relations, Uh huh, giving you a call today? Man, Um, you attended three of you ain't m University of my correct is right new and from my understanding, you pledged five beta sigma and fall of ninety one. That's correct, all right, that's the Theta chapter correct. Yes, all right. Here's where we're having some problems here, going through the records, going through the records. Actually looking at the records that we have here headquarters, you're not actually an official member of five Beta Sigmas. But if they wait a minute, what what do you mean not a member? Looking at our records here at national headquarters, it's indicating that you're not an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what could have gone wrong? Now, that ain't right, man, That ain't right, because see, depth of data is recognized nationally, So why wouldn't I be nationally recognized. I'm not certain, sir. Maybe it's something that took place on that that actual line of fall one. We're actually going to have to do some research on everything that's going on with your line as well as the chapter. But how is that possible? If they gave if they gave me a certificate in the in the plaque and I got my my open, and I mean, I'm gonna say my what do you mean? Okay? Please understand. I want to try to clear this matter up? Yeah, yeah, we need to do this matter. Who who else? Is there somebody there like U oversee? Uh maybe the head president or your branch or something I can talk to or something. Well, I'm actually i am actually over pledged relations. Uh, And I wanted to give you a call personally so we can try to rectify the matter. And it's gonna take us some time to hiring this thing out. And you know what the problem is that I'm noticing is that all of the people that were on your line they are official. For some reason, Mr Gregg isn't official, So I want to I don't understand that because I was the line president. So how how is everybody else able to be a sigma and not me? When I did all the paperwork that it takes for the process to be right. I don't understand. You know what, brother? Uh? I can't call you brother for the fact that right now me brother because I'm a sigma. So here's what we're gonna have to do. Greg. We're gonna have to get you to first of all, if you're dealing with anybody alumni wise, where I that you don't go to any meetings right now. We're also asking that you don't wear any five beta sigma peral. Now at this point, we want to make sure and get clarity that you are definitely a brother. Man. Man, I am definitely a brother. Do you know what I had to go through to get where I am today, to be a signal all the do y'all, y'all took y'all dudes whatever to that. If you're taking my dudes, you should be able to tell me yo. Man um, we got this going on. Certain things are going on with your line. We need to we need to check you. You took our money. That's the thing. I'm seeing checks that have gone through for other people on that line. I don't see, man, And to this day, I'm like a lifetime member. So what the hell are you talking about? I have no records indicating that your lifetime. Remember, That's what I'm saying. So we dog, somebody needs to tell me something today. We're gonna try to get to the end of this by the end of the week. It's gonna take no no, no, but no, but no, but no. You're not understanding what I'm saying, man, because I'm a sigma to the heart. Dude. You know what I'm talking about. Y'all playing with my heart right now? Man, Ain't nobody feel who that and get away with? I don't know what going on. You know, here's what we can do. We can bring you back in and do another pledging process, pledge, did you understand what you just said to me? No, man, that that ain't happen. Dog, I'm been through this already. Man, I'm not pledging. I'm not signing my name on nothing else because I have pledged. I'm not doing it. I need to get somebody on the phone that can answer my question. I want to know what's going on, okay right now? And and I understand you know the disbelief of what's going on. I really do you honestly don't your brother, brother, We're gonna try to what year did you go across? Did you walk the fans? Let me tell me what's going on? Brother. I'm fall eighty nine, brother. And now what we're gonna have to do right now is, first of all, no paraphernelia. You're trying to see me that I can't well what's nearest and dearest to my heart, next to my wife and my child. You're telling me that I can't go around and proclaim what I am. That's like telling me I can't be black. What the hell is you're saying? And another thing we're going to get you to do. Understand you have of a brand, a Sigma brand, that's how I have to come off until we until we get this second care of what and then you talk about them medical procedure. What are you saying? So we cannot allow you to wear a brand representing five Beta Sigma when right now you are not. You can't in a lot that that brand. Me was allowed to put the brand on me. Now I can't be allowed to wear something I've been wearing for almost fifteen years? Are you crazy? Come on, man, that's some crazy. So we gotta get you to take your care of me and all of this. What the hell a yat man? This is some look here, brother, but not what Bernard? Is that? What your name is? You need to get somebody on this minute. That's all right, I know the president still how about that? I will just call in and I'll figured out my bill. Right now, we need you to take the brand off off you come take the brand off of me. And you wanted that bad, come get it. That's what you do. You are not a member of five Beta Sick. I'm done give up you talking about dog. I am a member. If you want something over here, howland your boy, that's what you do. You're bad? Come do it. So I'm telling you, for the final time, do not wear any paraphern Noel Keith couldn't. Don't want to hear that talking about no final. Let me tell you what's final. I am a five beta sigma to the hard boo. Damn sir. All I'm telling you is no more shirts and and cover that brand up until we're here. Man, I'm gonna wear everything. I got a hat, I'm ahead of a matter of fact, I gonna weary just to get on yogas. You're gonna praying, covering up until we figured out. If you are covering up, you come get it and tell you better get away from me what I'm talking about. Don't want that. Put that brand up, and don't you no shirts, no money? Me tell you something I ain't covering. Come do it if you want it. I gotta want my right. I give han Maybe this is blue fire. You don't want none. You don't want none. This is the man. I don't know what one more thing I need to say to you. Are you what you got to say? You ain't getting this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. Hello boy, y'all had me ready to kill my man. Y'all boy, One more thing, man, What is the baddest radio show in the land? Greg? What is it does? Steve Harby Morning? What you think this dude subset? At you? Man? He got I got to prove, man, I tell you when I crossed out? What are you talking about? Man? We want you to take your brain off until we get this understood. Brandy. Yeah, yeah, we're talking about surgery. That's what we're talking of. Just dude with something I tell you any day? Who is it? Sex? Blue fat? My brother just getting closer? All right? Thank you, nephew, thank you, thank you, thank you. Janet Jackson in the news called the cops to check on her side. I saw the story. I couldn't stop laughing. It was over the weekend. Not because of the story. It's just Janet on the other year. Ye Hi, hello, police department. I'm talking to Jane Jackson. I am loud anyway. She got the police over the weekend on her one year old son, who was with his father. Police say Janet called late Saturday night and asked them to do a welfare check on her son, who was staying with her estranged husband. Officers paid them a visit but found out that no one was in danger. It is not clear why Janet was concerned, but police told both parties to work it out peacefully, and it and her husband, of course, are separated and pursuing a divorce. All right, we come. When we come back to Strawberry letters, you don't want to miss it. They're so stupid. He doesn't need regular people. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letters. That's simple, right, Steve, you know it? Oh what you keep asking me? Fault? That's the most important announcement I make. Man send us your strawberry letter. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the straw Very letter. Subject I can't get back in bed with him. Subject, I can't get back in bed with him. Here, Steven Shirley, I am dating a man that I considered to be my soul mate. We have a long distance relationship, but we see each other often. He always comes to visit me, and I would always make sure that my house was clean. I would go out of my way to impress him. This past weekend, I went to visit him for the first time. After driving for four hours, I got to his house and I was immediately shocked and disappointed by what I saw. His house was absolutely filthy. Before I could even hug him, I couldn't help but blurt out, I thought, you're cleaned up. We went back and forth on what he thought was clean and what my interpretation of clean was. I decided to do the cleaning myself, and he agreed to help me. My first priority was to clean the bedroom where I'd be sleeping. I started with the bed to put clean sheets on it. As I pulled back the covers, I discovered a huge piece stain on his mattress. I almost got sick from the site and smell of it. I called him into the bedroom, and he got defensive and has the nerve to say I was doing too much. He said that his sheets were already clean and it was an old stain on the mattress. I could not believe that this fine, handsome, well spoken man wet his bed. I was devastated and turned off. As tired as I was, I got back in my car. All right, listen, guys. As tired as I was, I got back in my car and drove for another four hours back to my own house. We talked on the phone, but I can tell he's still embarrassed. I don't think we can get past this. If it's a medical issue, then I can be supportive and help him through it, but he will not talk about it with me. He's really the best man I've met in years. Please help me. What should I do? Well? How nice of you to drive all that way and just you know, get right and dive right in into cleaning and everything. Um, oh my god, this would really be a deal breaker for me. Um. I don't think this guy is your soul mate. UM. I think you have to have more in common and and let's just start with the basics here. Um. You know, you gotta be clean, you gotta have some good hygiene. That is just the basic requirement in a relationship. I mean, the question to me, though, is this urination situation? What? Yeah, what's going on here? I mean, is this a medical like incontinent problem or is he just lazy and and just doesn't get up to go. You didn't make that clear in the letter. Um. He didn't seem to be bothered by it though when you pointed it out. If it is medical, he needs to see a doctor immediately. This can't go on in a grown man wetting the bed. You gotta go see a doctor. Uh, and get this situation taken care of, I say, um, try and talk to him again about it, you know, not in a nagging kind of way or anything, but in an adult, loving, caring and concerned way. If he still doesn't want to talk to you about it, you might have to walk and leave him alone. Um. And it's unfortunate because you you think this guy's your soul mate and you really like this guy. Steve, I must jump right on this letter. I disagree, Shirley. This could be her sal sold mate. You're soul making have problems and issues. People complete each other. Now, this woman had been dating his man. He's absolutely wonderful, Everything is going perfect. He's always comes to the house. In her house is spotless. She goes to his house, his house trife. I know that's surprised. Filthy, you know, filthy, you know he don't clean, don't clean up. I don't know. Not every man I know is a germophobic like you know who. A lot of men are not that neat. You know, I like having a nique clean house, but I have a tennis You that throw some stuff down and I lest some dishes stack up. It don't bother me. It bothers my wife that dishes and stacked though. It bothered my wife that out and threw something in the flow. Now we don't we were not. We haven't got to that yet. That's your style of comedy is a little bit more aggressive than forward. Just allowed to it now. I just want him to allow me to get to it as I don't know. I don't be in his pluck ass pranks they punk as Yeah, there is now back to the letter, you know, to get his ass out of it. Ship. Okay, talk to him. I don't say nothing doing them praying ever interrupted. One ain't never jumped on. Hey me too, say something about me too. That was he don't clean. That's not big of a deal. You can help him clean. You did it yourself. Here the problem you pulled back to covers and it was some p in the bed. Now here wasn't wrong. When you pulled back. You didn't say how old he was. But listen to me, I Pete is different from baby Pete. This p is strong, mon you need it. It's got things in it. It's got pot lookal in it. Penicilla, college, green juice, hennessy all listens in there. Yeah, insolantly. He could be died better instantly. It's all listens in that urine. Now, if it's been under that quilt and you open it up, it's gonna be shocking. And you can't have a soul made with a weak bladder. Now here's the problem. You got back in your car and you roll back to four hours. You was disgusted and hurt that he didn't think enough about you to clean up before you came. He thought he cleaned up, but he didn't forgot. See, he'd been messy and junkie so long he forgot. He forgot all about the piece that he thought it was gonna dry. He thought he'd be dry by Now I'm just telling you what he thought he figured about time. Y'all getting the better to be there, and then you ain't gonna notice that he don't know he that he's dating a bloodhound. God that you're gonna smell it? What is that? So now you got you got a lot backed up on it. This relationship is salvageable, and I will tell you when we come back how you can go about the business of salvaging this relationship, because I don't know that you should throw a good man away because he has possibly a medical condition that requires the right help, and we can get somebody clean dad house. You said that she can be supportive and help him through it. All right, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. I can't get back in bed with him. That's the subject you're listening to the Steve Okay, the new season of Fox's hit singing competition, The four hasn't even started yet, and I'm sweating. I mean, imagine having to impress Ditty Megan Trainer and DJ Khalid in epic battles to score a seat, and then there's the prize. The winner gets the panel to guide their career and they become I Heart Radios on the Verge artist. No pressure or anything, right, don't miss a minute of TV's most unpredictable singing competition, The four Battle for Stardom hosted by Fergie, season premiere tonight on Fox. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. I can't get back in bed with him. And the reason she can't get back in bear with because she didn't went to this man's house. He's been coming over there all the time. She drove for out. The man house filthy is trifling. She helped him clean up, and then she go in the bedroom and pulled back the sheets. She trying to clean the sheep, but it got a big peace stain on him, and it was strong now. She said, the man pee in the bed, that the seats was already clean. He said, and that's the old stain, that stain I had pet on that last week. That's not fresh. You're trippling fault. She couldn't believe this was fine, handsome, well spoken man wets the bed. I devastated. As tired as I was, I got back in my drove back another four hours back to my own house, and then we talked on the phone. But I can tell he's still in barrassed. I don't think we can get past this. If it's a medical issue, then I can be supportive and help him get through it. But he would not talk to me about it. With me, he's really the best man I've met in years. Please help me. What should I do? You gotta get through to him. You gotta get him comfortable talking about what's wrong. Look, I love you. I think we have something and I'm willing to help you and share. We share your life, but I need you to be open and honest with me. Tell me what's going on so I can help you with it. Because if you pee on me, see that's the real problem. What she's scared to be laying up there, and then if you pee on her that apple tell you right now that that's gonna cause a breakup. They don't like that though. They don't like that. Now, if you got to be in the bed with it depends on. That's gonna cut down on the sexy. It's gonna be cutting down. You're all snuggle all of them. You got the damn the apple hole because you're black. Ain't with for damn it's just over here with a hole in it. You're just peeing on people. You're just in here. We're just talking all of a sudden, All of a sudden, the bed get warm, and we just can't be doing it. We up just watching TV. We got the we're sitting up on the headboard. We're watching TV in the bad. We got the bowl of popcorn tween our legs. Now, all of a sudden, your hot real popcorn, extra butter. The hell is going on? Hill? Why is your popcorn hot and soggy? And why didn't you tell me you were sitting over that peel? He didn't want to talk about it. I could have got up and got out your weight. He doesn't want to talk about sit your ass up in here and just peeing in this bad The bathroom is right there. Let me get him. County tail steps in. You in the bathroom to set your lagers and ass up here and pete again. They're not gonna make it, but you gotta find a way to help him. There's a couple of solutions. I don't know how old is. I don't know if they're eighty or the forty, and later wrote and that I don't know. We're gonna have to get a cafite or something on this board so you can just pee onto the pay all that's on the floor. I don't know what it is. I don't know how old they are. But she drove for hours, so she eighty. I don't know. No eighty old person can drive for a while without nod. I'm gonna say for I think you have something there when you say forties. Well, she got her own house and he got his old house, so they both accomplished something. She took that long draft. Now we've had a story similar to this, That lady that was going to astronaut lady then put that astronaut suit on and drove nine hundred miles and just peet on herself in an astronautsu got our head on everything but the helmet on. Just driving, driving and peer stopping getting gas and pee and didn't even get out. Give me eight dollars, I can make it. Well, we I think you should say, Look, I love you, I want to stay with you, but if you don't share with me what's going on, I can't help you. And if you won't allow me to help you, that's gonna cancel our relationship. You're the best man I've met in a long time, and I believe I'm the best woman you've met in a long time. As a matter of fact, I don't think there's another woman living that's gonna crawl up in that Field's bad. Not if you're gonna be in that pin on you. That's what I said, ask you something. This is some kids somewhere that I don't know nothing. She didn't mention kids. Well, I'm just asking because maybe the baby will pet in the bed. But I can tell you right now that ain't baby. You got that grown man as you and when you peel back the home. Yeah, she said she almost got sick from the sight and smell of it, strong yellow, and then when she called him to the bathroom, he got defensive. It was his. Yeah. I was down at Venice Beach one time years ago, and I was trying to help this homes dude that I saw him. We rummage you through the waist camps. So I bought him two sandwiches and gave him to me. But when he came over to get him from me, that boy was so strong. Good lord, good lord, I did. I gave him two hundred dollars and him you could back up now, man, it's on you. And then the wind was coming off the ocean because we were down at Venice Beach. There was nothing the smell of cotton candor. Nothing was high in this hill. Okay, I'm talking about gifted. We really understand you're standing. They had the duct tape shoes on two and they had got hot on that ashphone. You please tell me, get you what he had. But it was thinking too him. He had the air conditioning that wrapped up in the top. I'm trying to figure out where he was gonna plug his alpack. But lord, no, you can't be staying in front of this a when you cut it on that much. I do know. What you cannot do is bloat. You can't plug that air condition up this in that grocery car and stand in front of it and shift that wind towards people. We gotta go when you go ahead and go. But I'm just tetting us. That's how I smelled that before, and that's how I noticed a baby. All right, Listen, you can email us or instagram what's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter and email us or whatever, but wash first, email us and Steve Harvey fm UM. And this Thursday, don't forget. At one thirty pm you can please join me for the Strawberry Letter Live After Show on Facebook and you can check me out at my Girls Shorty on all social media too. All right, thank you so much Steve for that answer. There you're listening to show. All right, y'all, we're back. Our special guests is iconic singing veteran anniversary making music. She's got a new album coming out this fall. It's called Passion of five that we just heard the single. The single is Leaving Smoking. Now listen, everybody, I'm gonna ask you again, y'all, because just it don't take much to just take somebody to the top of the chart. Were the nation Steve Harvey Nation. Let's go right now to iTunes. Downloaded. It's just a single leaving Smoking with ninety nine cent dollar something like that, and they don't know what it is. It ain't nothing. Put your little fing on something doing right now because I know how to you see now I've got my things to just touch it with my friends. Yeah see I didn't if you you know counts. Yeah, downloaded the smoking Hey not. The album's passed like fire. Like I said, it's coming out this fall. But we got the single right now. Everybody could leave it smoking. We just heard it also in the studio with her as her husband. Her husband, it's my dude. You understand I knew his daddy for right there. Came to the Browns, the Cowboys. Yeah, man, I was all that man and he's he's he's a great Uh was a great basketball player. He's out a duke, wasn't you? Oh boy, dude? People when people ask when you come on, damn dude and you just lose one day next somebody else. Yeah, and he's one of the top sports casts out to please walk to the show Grant Hill, Great, congratulations, man, you really made a career for yourself man as a sports commentator. Man, one of the best ones to I appreciate it coming from you. Appreciate that, man. I appreciate that it's going to the Hall of Fame and this horn. You know how good you got to be to get in the Hall of Fame. Any damn basketball man? How does how does that feel for your mad Because you know what, it feels great. It's not one of those things I think you think about during your career, you know, you just but then once you're done and you reflect on it and you're like, man, hopefully that that'll happen. And for me, I had you know, I had a lot of injuries. So I had a good first part of my career and it's kind of tough part. And so to still go in you know, first ballot to going with like Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, Ray Allen, contemporaries of mine. It's it's pretty, it's it's great. Yeah, but you had some injuries, but you played enough. Though. Man, let me tell you something. This boy could get off the ground. You know what's crazy is that, Like when I was younger, you just look at the rim and just for no reason, you'd go up there and kind of put your elbow by the ram. And now I look at it, I'm like, man, that thinks so high, Like wow, I wish I could go up there. It right now. So when you're young, you just you know, just jumping for no reason. Man, I could get up there. I'm just worried about landing. Okay, let's get to it. Can not. A better question might be can they win a game? And I'm not trying to be I just that's that's my concern. I was at Games one and two, and I think they had an opportunity that was the game to steal and they didn't come through down to stretch it. You help, Uh, you know they can. They can come out and win game three, but they're gonna have to be locked in. Lebron is gonna have to put up big numbers. He's gonna need some help. Are you playing favorites to light Skiing right now? I mean, you know, I could, I could kind to go either way, you know what I'm saying three days in the sun now, But I mean it's you know, yeah, I mean I guess right now, light Skin is kind of winning. They you know, there's just too many weapons, too many weapons, and it's unfortunate because Lebron is doing something that we really haven't seen. I think just the fact that he has taking this team to the finals, because this is probably the least talented team and he's had that's going to the finals. Maybe that first one he had back in two thousand and seven that wasn't a great team around him. But you know, this is when you miss a Kyrie irvit. But when the team he picked, oh he put the team together. Yeah, a lot of these guys are still at because they really are. He didn't want to lose you know nothing that's not true that I'm telling the truth. I'm telling the truth. I mean some of those guys. Because he couldn't get along with some of the people. He put this thing together. The thing is with the car. I never quite understood the Kyrie Irvan thing. He wanted out, but he was still under contract, so Cleveland did not have to trade him. And I think that's where Lebron was upset, like, Okay, the guy wants out, but you he's still under contract for a few more years. So they went ahead and honored his request and got rid of him and moved him to Boston. And that has changed things. And now and then we got that little, this little maud tempered ass boy. You're a little bad. You won't nobody ain't the only one ain't playing defense. He ain't bring We bring everybody in here to play defense. Let me ask you this, if they lose, does he stay in Cleveland? No? Do you think he he won't stay. I'm from Cleveland. I'm a Cleveland boy. He owes Cleveland nothing. Jr. Jr. Gonna be lucky school. He absolutely owes Cleveland nothing. And Cleveland won't be mad if he would leave and then you know, you know, they're gonna be mad. The hood gonna be all right with the suburban boys because he's a trader again. They're gonna go back to burning jerseys and everything like they did before because they're idiots. But the Hood catch the real dudes that know the game, that understand. We're gonna let him walk because we're cheering for me. He gave us one time. He can't just stay here and just watch us throw this damn ball out of bouncing. Y'all get a rebind and runners ass down to the other side of the float. He didn't went past me. I'll the sucker punch of jay'all, y'all to me, A passion like the album. Yeah, Hey guys, look, we really appreciate y'all stopping buying everything. Man, Thank you all for takes some time, grant pleasure finally man, all this time. Man, this is really cool man, big fan of yours. Congratulational induction into the hall and to meal, congratulations Trinity at anniversary and music passion like fire out this fall and the singler is leaving smoking you know what that means. All right, thank you all. Hey, We'll be back with mar Steve Roblamon on the show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Just three years ago, teens rated Facebook as their favorite social media platform. Now this was just three years ago, but according to Pure Researchers new teen Social Media and Technology survey, the Facebook love has dwindled a bit. Okay, my hot times change right. Here's the social platforms teams say they use most this year in two thousand eighteen, number one YouTube, Number two is Instagram, number three Snapchat, with number four Facebook holding on sense. That's what old people. That twin number five, I'm on that Twitter boy, And if you Naine is something, you still got MySpace? I forgot about my space. But number five is Twitter with thirty two percent. Remember the phrase hit me on the hip, that that page, Remember the two way hit me on the hip. I never went never. You never had a page. You don't have a page. I didn't have page. You can change your whole attitude page. Not only that, remember the people who had businesses, I mean the page of stores that were just me women. Yeah. I didn't like people. Yeah, I didn't like any of that. And that's why I said the two ways. Yeah, they were real. I didn't have a two way that was that was Cadillac. That was a Cadillac A page. It was a big time with that. But you know what else people out there with fliplones, flip phones. I saw dude pull out the phone. He pulled it out like he was shame he had it. Let me tell you something. You can't get busted with a flip bulletproof and it really is that when you close it, it's off pictures on it. So are you trying to tell us you have a flip phone? Tommy, you think he could even get it out? Stutters. If you're gonna be flipping around, you need a flip phone. All right, Well, listen to this guy's from teens to adults. Here we go, America's got talent. Judge Sam Simon Cowell hasn't used his cell phone for the past ten months. Okay. Cowell says the difference it made was that I became more are of the people around me and way more focused. It has been so good for my mental health. It's a very strange experience, but it is really good for you and it has absolutely made me happier. It's the one thing you'll go back to the house floor. Damn phone. I think I lost my cell phone for a couple of days or something. Yeah, you feel lost at first at first, and it's free, and then it's yes, thank you that it's the exact word, Carlotte. It's very free. You don't even know, but it's like you're not I'll tell you what you remember. You guys, when I was telling everybody that my Instagram page, so I decided to take a break from social media that that weekend. And do you know how cool I felt? Yes? Yeah, for those four days, I was like looking at my phone every five minute. And you're more present, you're more moment. When you go to bed, you feel yourself like if your phone is downstairs and I'm safe, just like I got you. I don't really need you don't need it, don't need it, so and it makes you if you're in a conversation, you're engaging. You you're actually listening to what the other person says and not checking your phone every two seconds. So it's very free. But at first you're in a panic. Yeah, you really are, you really are. It's crisis mode. The problem for me is I don't know about his number. Yeah, and you know what that's you. I don't know. Yeah, you gotta know, like I should know my husband's now. You know, if you don't know, you gotta know it a chest you're sed to that. I don't know. I know I know my husband's number, surely, but I don't know his work sale number. All right, I know his regular person. Happened to me call my son? What's his number? Numb his son in the contact. That's so weird. Yeah. Yeah, we're so connected to our phones nowadays. Like I can't go without, man, I mean you go go ahead. No, I was just gonna say, Simon Cole went ten months. That's a long time, but he's a year. He said. It absolutely made him happier. Absolutely, and it's good for his mental health. Just go out and watch people talking. Everybody is looking at their phone. They're not even talking to each other. And the place I hated the most is at dinner. Oh yeah, you gotta put your phone down, you got it, when you're out eating, put your phone. One off your phone. If I'm paying, damn it. But oh that's a whole different thing. Well, of course, something on the phone. Some things don't have to be said of I'm paying you to pay attention. Of course, I'm tell you how bad I gotta have mine. I lost my phone one time. I look forward for about an hour and a half. Yeah, I left and went to the store, got another phone, and had my stuff from the cloud all ready downloaded in my phone in the next two and a half hour. By the time I got back home, they have found my dad. What is going on in your Life's connected? I got some stuff in the phone. Nobody can find my phone. Oh. I just sent a cartoon the other day with guys getting in the casket and you see him getting out and said, I forgot my phone. That's how you suppose to leave with your phone in your hand man. That is so crazy. Yeah, I love it. I love it. You gotta take a break tone? Yeah, like we say panic mode it first, but after that, you know, it's very free. You don't even think about it anymore. Okay, So, like like when I go on vacations, should I just like turn it completely off and just let it go for a day, a couple of days. If you're with your whole family, Yeah, if you're with your whole family, I mean when you have kids, you know, what's the hard part? Though that's hard to do. You want to take pictures, you need to use your phone. You know, it's kind of like take a cat in there. Remember that camera. All right? Coming up in twenty minutes, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This smoking portion of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Master Built no that your dad deserves the best This Father's Day into your chance to win one of the ten master Built smoke was plus one. Lucky grand prize winner will receive a one thousand dollar cash gift card. To enter and get rules, visit Steve Harvey f M dot com. It's Steve Harvey FM dot com and click on the master Built banner. Help dad craft They'll smoked masterpiece this Father's Day by registering today. All right, thank enough, you now listen. Beautiful Sierra the singer and her husband, Beautiful Russell Wilson. Gotta say that beautiful. They're just lovely looking people. I can't stand to y'all, Hayden too. Pretty people get all mine because you want to be the only pretty one? Is that it I The fact that you know I'm pretty makes it different I never said that. All right. Anyway, the couple, Sierra and Russell Wilson, are getting into the game. Literally. Okay, we all know that Russell is a quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks. Well, they've revealed plans to bring a Major League Baseball team to Portland's as part of the Portland Diamond Project. Sierra posted a statement on her website, writing, this is something that I am doing. What are you laughing about, Jake? She says. Sierra says, this is something that I'm doing as an investor, a business partner, and entrepreneur. I am thrilled at the opportunity to be one of the only, one of only a few, I should say, African American women who have ownership and an MLB franchise. So that's good, that girl my word. Yes, you know what. They are a powerful couple. I love them, Russell and Sierra. And then you know what, we also got another power couple coming in today to Tama and Grant. Hell yeah, about twenty after this hour. To make sure you guys stick around that our couple of days. I like you all right, See, when when we start talking about couples and stuff, we have brought me here. Bitter brought me here, here here. He got that nickname on our show. Yeah, he gave me that, But I'm really not bitter. You know, you're you're full of fun, big old ball of love, and you know what, let's keep the sports talk coming. Okay, you guys heard about this with Serena Williamson. Yeah. An interviewer, well, okay, an interviewer who asked Serena Williams if she was intimidated by Maria Sharapova's supermodel looks is forced to apologize after social media backlash. That is the headline. Are you freaking kidding me? What's wrong with these reporters? Out of hand? Yeah? A sports journalist, like I said, has been forced to apologize after asking Serena if she was intimidated by Maria Sharapova's good looks ahead of their French Open showdown on Monday. He's trying to get into her head or something. Somebody her as so many time may yet why would yeah? So listen to his name. His name is Bill Simons. He's of Insight Tennis magazine. He was branded sexist by fans after calling uh uh a US athlete baby and asking whether she was intimidated by her opponents, alluring z after calling serena baby what anyway. The interview took place in Paris on Saturday. It sparked a storm on social media as fans just simply objected to his third line of questioning, Okay, disrespectful, don't disrespectful. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and let us know what you think about this. Okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh. During an interview to promote his hit TV show, The Last o G, Tracy Morgan was asked how he felt about Tiffany Hattrish's career blowing up. Take a listen to Tracy's response, how has it been washing Tiffany Harish blow up? And did you know her? We're not gonna go there. Why because Tiffany is not the only one that's not Tiffany show? Tracey, this is The Last o G. So you want if you wanna ask that about Tiffany, ex out about Sedrick and that exts out about craft services. Everyone to come to work every day on that show. We're not gonna go there. Okay, let's not go there. Let's talk about craft services, all right, But I love that show though the last comedian Little Rell tweeted, this one is hating. This is one hating blank dude right here, That show would be nothing if Tiffany Hattish wasn't on it. Don't bite the hand that keeps you relevant. Wow. So then TMZ caught Cedric. They asked Cedric the entertainer about Tracy's response. Take a listen to said no, no, no, no, he hating. You know this, this is this is trade, this is Tracy has come back, man. You know he's been no, He've been working on this show a long time. You do an interview Tiffty is hot, and you know you're getting these interviews and people want to ask you the same questions over and over again. You know that could have been probably one of many interviews Tracy you did that day. Keep asking about Tiffany, like, yo, we're talking about Tiffy. We're talking about much joke right, Oh, it wouldn't know. It wasn't no hate like that. I believe. I agree it wasn't hate. I mean, no disrespect. But the show was a good show. If Tiffany wasn't on the show, it would be different. But if said wasn't on that it'd be different. If Tracy wasn't on that it'd be different. You take any one of them players off, and that show changes, man, that show changes. They are so perfectly oh cast. Yeah, I mean man said, it's the perfect guy for that part. So is Tiffany, and so it's so No, it's not hate man, it's not he. It's the one hating dude. This is his show. Yeah. But I think little Rell probably came to Tiffany's defense because you know, she played his girlfriend on the Carmichael Show. So no, that's cool. She's Tiffany Harris is the bomb. The girl is the bomb. Man. I wish I had spent more time talking to her at the Death Cham reunion because she she was over that bomb me quite a few times. I wish I had spent more time talking to him. Man, But people, oh yes, that's really sweet with the green hand us his name. We need to do with degree. This drunk ass comedian just up in my face the whole time at the damn mediunion. This is why I used to he was so damn drunk man. He just made the reunion just rough for me. I just wanted him going. I'll tell you all day. Oh Okay, one of those. Yeah, but if you get a chance, please you check my joke. What joke? Don't do it? Ain't just stand up in six years? Well? When when was the joke? Toe? When did he do the nineteen six and he still want to do that? Joe Bra Bra If you're doing a joke from nineteen ninety six, you got problems on me and I spirit just a whole damn day talking to this drunk all right, Steve coming up closing remarks. You're listening to all right? Here we are at the final break of the day. With just one more thing. Steve's closing remarks, What do you have for us? Say? What do you have for us today? Sir? Your wisdom drop it? Okay? Uh, Today I thought I'd talked to you about something with a with a little bit different angle to it. Uh, it's gonna be positive. But I want to talk to you about something that many people consider negative. I want to talk to you today about disappointment because I think that we all have to grapple with disappointment from time to time. Uh. The problem with disappointment is that disappointment also if you don't understand it, just appointment can turn so ugly, so fast. Too many people allow disappointment to turn into resentment. Too many people allow disappointment to turn into a final verdict, so to speak. In other words, you know, so many people think that this disappointment uh for them, symbolizes the end. When you allow for disappointment to turn into resentment, and you allow disappointment to turn into the final verdict, you're losing what disappointment actually can become for you. And I want you all to start looking at disappointment as motivation. How many times have you been facing with something that was disappointing. Let's say you go in to get a job and your on your last interview, and I have been in this position. Man. I was trying to get an insurance job one time years ago, and I went in and I had gotten going through about three or four interviews. I was at my final interview and I said, man, I'm about to get this job. Man, get my little family together, I'll be all right. And got to that interview and they told me no. And the reason they gave me for not hiring me was I had moved too many times over the past seven years and that represented it to their company a sign of unstableness. That disappointment for me was gut wrenching. I actually got in my car, my little seventy two Chevy, and I was driving off Man and and tears was in my eyes when I got up on the freeway and I drove back, and I looked back over at that big building with that big powerful name on it, and I had gone through four interviews and I and all of a sudden, I was so disappointed and not got getting hired. But you know what I learned to do though, from that moment on, I turned all my disappointment into motivation. I said, Okay, now this might not be right for everybody, but I use it as a challenge. I use all my disappointments as okay, I'll show you. I use them all this motivation. From the time my teacher told me that you ain't gonna never be nothing, that there's no way they'll put somebody like you on TV because you have a stuttering problem and you can't even talk, I said, okay, but who are you who is issuing out this disappointment? Because you're not gonna make me resent you and you're not gonna cause me to think that you're denying me this opportunity. Are you handing me this bad news of disappointment. I'm not going to allow you to be my final verdict. You will not be the truth teller in my life. You are not going to be the person who who are who is the author of my destiny? You are not in that belongs to God, not you, and I will not give that to anyone. So when you're facing disappointment, do not hand that disappointment over to the person who gave it to you in the form of empowerment. Do not allow them to to to control your destiny with this one piece of disappointment that causes you to go into such resentment that you become bitter that all of a sudden, now all you think about is that, and you be getting you developed this nasty attitude. You don't have to do that, and you also don't have to let them become the final verdict. They are not the author of your destiny. They are not the author of your future. They are not that belongs to God and only God. Don't let trip you up. And I'm saying this because I've had many, many, many disappointments. You ain't this, You ain't that I've had shows canceled, gigs taken, I've been fired from radio, I've been all of a I've had some disappointing setbacks. But let me tell you something I've learned to do. I've learned to take all those setbacks and use them as motivation. And I just quietly say to myself, you ain't my God, You ain't the author of my destiny. You didn't create me, You don't know me. You you have no say so in the real outcome of who I'm going to be and what I'm going to turn myself into. You who think you have the power by telling me no, by refusing me, by voting against me, by saying that I'm not the right one for the part, by telling me that I represent an unstable person, by telling me that I don't have have what it takes. No, no, no, no, noll. It's just because you don't know, because you don't know what God really has for me, And that ain't your fault. So why bear resentment for these people who are causing this disappointment in your life? You don't have to do that because they are not the author of your destiny. And don't you dad give them that you take that disappointment and you're use it as the motivation. I feel sorry for people who tell me no, because you know what, I know. I know they just don't know what God has for me. And I end up somehow through God's grace and mercy showing them all. Keep it right attitude, y'all. God got something for you through all your disappointment. Y'all have a great weekend. Okay. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void we're prohibited for Distipents must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steave Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.