Good morning and welcome to the ride! Rise and shine, rise and grind and all rise. Big Dog gave Junior a little payback, however, the ignorance and stoopidity will not be affected. Steve tells us what he would do if he were quarantined in his house for 2 weeks. Kobe's Bryant's memorial was yesterday at Staples Center and we heard eulogies from Vanessa Bryant, Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal and more. Katherine Johnson the NASA mathematician passed away at age 101. She was played by Taraji P. Henson in the movie Hidden Figures. Deon Cole is criticized for his style. Steve gives us the lovers special for Sand and Soul 2020. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks to us about when it's time for us to get a new group and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them like American buck things. And it's not me true good it Steve Hardy listening to the movie together for ste Please Moby, I don't join joining me. You gotta use turn be hurting the You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh. I sure will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there. Man, if they don't fire this woman, man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me crazy. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd bet not say nothing to me today. Yeah, yeah, because day it today it. I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she said something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball once you start to complain. It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together, Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able. Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset and that's my relationship with God. You all have one. Now. You may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as his child. He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who faughthers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up in the success term in terms of business and money and statute. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that. They had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service, or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man? Why can I never get over? Well you have not because you ask not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you? Man, you're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over and over and over and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again, all that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite himn they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him. Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing. How long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him, I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success. And you think, is you and this move you made, And you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor, he was lucky, he was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard as something, an opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, Come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if your chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He'll smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact. He's mooved mine out. All right, let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. It's your attention that I'm looking for. It's about to go down, y'all. It's a Steve Harvey Morning Show. Rising shine, rising, grind here ye here ye here come to judge. All rise, ladies and gentlemen. Surely strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve continued the love people call it for real. Good morning, what's up? Crow? Give it up for LS junior boy? Morning, everybody morning, Uncle, hope everybody's feeling good today. Las, it's a little sickle. Oh, give it up for the food he just popped in. Y'all was already LS little sickle nephew Timmy, Yeah, ye ain't timing the morning top top jopp D. Yeah, I'm I'm just paying you back for that comment you made a few weeks I know. Yeah, I just thought that fire well, I forgave met Yeah, pop team. See. I have a question, uh huh, I have a question. On a scale of one to ten, what can we expect as far as ignorance and stupidity? To think about a ninety today ninety nine point eight strong? Yeah, and if they stay out the way a little bit, I could I could touch teen on an occasion. Okay, let's see what they don't stop me? Okay, all right, you know you know who's gonna try to stop me by they? He means us Carla yea m Yeah, heard me about stupidity. Same thing. Oh you're talking as I got that. I got stupid old lock baby, you were looking forward that I'm gonna show it up, lock, I'm gonna show up to ten. I need number nine point nine nine nine ten okay, rounded up it, round up? Okay, he don't really know no other number? Yeah, really, why you say that? But the on stupidity people that stupid? Don't you just said? Damn, he's stupid. I don't welcome. I don't even want You're not You're not that, Timmy. You've overdone, You've done enough in the past. What you will be known for that until you leave him? And I'm cool. I'm comfortable with this though. It can't you out on it. I wanted to be over within. I wanted to be over with like Amy Clover Trouts run for the presidency, you know, different, different time. You know she she's a good candidate. Yeah right, it's not now, yo, I don't know when it's gonna be. But the damn show ain't no, yeah, shirlte it's not now, and we ain't got time for the Democrats. Got to get rid of these damn people. Amy, come on out of there. Yeah, yeah, all right, look sire, Yeah, the other billionaire he ain't got coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour. A lot of people are worried about the coronavirus. So our question is, Wow, what would you do if you couldn't leave the house for fourteen days? Oh? All right, we'll talk about it when we come back. Whatever you're listening to show? Okay. So with all of the new coronavirus outbreak cases popping up everywhere, here's a question, Steve. So you're quarantined? Okay, you cannot, I mean cannot, under any circumstances leave the house for two weeks? Yeah? Do you do La Beverly Hills or Atlanta? Either one? Don't make me no damn different. Wherever you are, happy is hell, happiest man two weeks. Ain't gonna leave a house? Boy? Yeah, what are you doing? Give me some damn penicilla, will Yeah, give me some penicilla for this corona I got, And and give me a mask. That ain't the cure is you know, if you catch it in time, you can get rid of it. They got cure for you know. You know it's not like you know, this is not you know, they got something for it. You just gotta catch it, you know, catch it on time. I'll be at the house chilling the happiest Hell. Watch I'm gonna watch a Netflix shows. Yeah, I'm gonna take a nap. I'm anna, okay, I'm gonna worked out, but didn't eat whatever I want. I'm about a lot of ice cream. I'm gonna sit down. Now. I'm gonna give me about eight boxes of cigars. I ain't really got to it if I'm in Atlanta, so I'm straight, man, I'm man. What else? That's day two? Cigars? What else you're gonna do. I'm gonna go through my closet, you know, gill straight, put it on, put some stuff on, real or real, and get the money to my foundation. Oh okay, Oh that's day three. Now I ain't barbecue jet. I ain't bored yet, so I'm gonna do a lot of them. I'm gonna walk around neck it a lot. Yeah, come on, yeah, come on. And I'm gonna have to have my house. You gonna have to No, I can't do that. I got a house. People, but they're gonna have to wear the blue blocker shade, blue blockers on it. Yeah the day a minute, yea, giving them some time on. Oh you gotta cook and clean? Then? Oh you quarantine you what you mean? I'm quarantine you can't have your your your workers can't be yourself. If they're there, they'll catch you too, making up beds and washing dishes for two weeks. What is it gonna be like if you don't have your housekeepers, If you're just there by yourself, that's what we want to know, all by myself. None of my kids can come over. Yeah, man, you ask Heaven if my kids can't come cleaning up? Oh yeah, I ain't got to clean because I know how to walk past stuff and act like I don't see it. Sir, I got a whole lot of dishes. We got all kinds of sense that we don't break out to. We have dinners and stuff. I'm gonna use all limb plates. It's some plates under the cabinet, under the eye, it's some cam plates in the happening. I'm gonna use a paper plate. That's what you need. You need some paper plate. No, damn paper plates? Why not damn house? If we ain't gonna cook and clean? You keep talking about week. They said, I'm at the house by myself. If I got to be in the house with you, I'm killed myself. I'm not staying in my house two weeks with Tommy. Y'all ain't never stayed with this food man. We would be flying there. Boy, I have so much fun. If you don't like rain, you don't like thunder. They say it was raining and lightning in the scared of the dark. He's scared of dark. He don't want he don't want the lights out. Can't do that to it. It's just he got too many hanguffs. Why wire we turning to light that w see right the sea, see see, y'all ain't know that I go to bed. He don't like when it sounds like you're on day six, day seven somewhere else. You gonna do fourteen days out of him? Dog, I can do four two questions. It's all bobbie que. Can somebody bring some food to the gate, and I just reached through and get it. Yeah, we'll get cool a chicken day one day. Then I'm doing all ribs one day. Then I'm gonna do all seafood one day. Outside. I got my speakers outside and everything. He's gonna have high blood pressed by the town. But wait a minute, but wait a minute, you're still not washing any dishes. Nah shell yeah one, it's four kitchens in there. O man. Oh no, no, no, no, don't run fast. There how many how many kitchen So when you mess up one kitchen, you just go to another kitchen. You got four kids with you? How many you're gonna do prayer day? How many days that this kitchen? And there you got four kids? There's fourteen days. I don't have four in the house. One of the kitchen is outside. Okay, it's still for kids. So I just play neighbors. The neighbors can see my plates, see my yard. Shookay, all right, neighbors looking over my fis. It was okay. Now I'm in. I'm at day nine. Now nine uh uh um. Downstairs, you know, in the video area, just doing my video thing. I don't play video games. And let's just leave it at that. I got a little video system down there. I'm gonna go down there and play on that, and you know, go in the golf room and put around and stuff and do that. Do a whole day. Day ten, I only got the FuMO days. Then I'm gonna and I'm gonna watch CNN see what burning I'm doing. The day thirteen, I'm I'm fine, some type of spray in the house. And then on day fourteen. I'm just gonna spray, oh yeah, because Magic gonna come home and no, I've been in there smoking cigars in the house everything. I gotta opened up all the windows on day Twitter so I can fumilicate that because it's gonna be cigars smoking all the drapes in everything. And then how he ain't clean. This is I don't what you just said. The housekeepers can't come, so when they come, they got something to do. I'm not doing that. They might they're gonna be busy, they might quit listen with coming up, the nephew is here, Frank back, yeah, and this is a clean prank. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and in trending entertainment news now Harvey Weinstein verdict, and uh plus thousands packed the Staples Center for Kobe Bryant's memorial. We're gonna talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back right now. Let's go all right, let's do it, Shirley, we got a panty party. Going on. It's a Panta party. Hello. You never if you've never been invited to one, and I apologize for yourself, but it is a panted party for yourself, for yourself, panted party. Let's go. Come on, cat Dog Panta party. Hello. Hello, I'm God a wrong number. Um, I'm money is Marcus. I'm trying to find Is this the person that lives in UM in nineteen eight? Yeah? Yeah, nineteen eight Gary? What's up? Um, I'm trying to find the lady that lives in in nineteen eight? Am I calling the right place? You talking about? Bree? Bree? That's yeah, that's it. Bree is available. Uh nah, man, she she's probably have word. Oh okay, all right, well listen, I'm I'm I live in UM. I live on the eighteenth floor. And then some of the guys on the eighteenth floor are throwing throwing a party on the rooftop and we were gonna we were inviting a few people, so I was trying to see Yeah, yeah, yeah, so we was gonna invite Bree. I've never seen you before. I didn't know you. So you live in the building too? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, man, I was the nineteen eighth was there. Yeah, that's my girl. What's up? Wait? Where the party? Uh? Okay, the parties Friday night? All right, the parties Friday night. So yeah, Well, like I said, we was we were reaching out and um, you know, we wanted to invite I've never like, yeah, I've seen Bree coming in out of the building and um and uh you know, the doorman told me that you think she lives on the nineteenth floor somewhere. So so yeah, I was trying to um, um, yere on the eighteenth floor. Yeah, I'm on eighteen four. Yeah, I'm at eighteen have. So the parties, um, you know, is on Friday night, like about ten o'clock, ten to ten to one. We're inviting a few people out. So but but um, like I said, you know, I didn't I didn't know you lived with Breede. But this is a this is a cool thing. Then. But so we're having a um we're having a panty party on Friday night. What a panty party? Yeah? Yeah, on on on the rooftop. We're having a panty party. You know. We got food and drinks and all that kind of stuff. So I was wanting to see if she wanted to come out. So so that that's what you do, market, that's what you'll do on the eighteen four, y'all just hit up folks and try to get duse girls come to a panty party, a penny party. We have a party once once every you know, once every once a quarter. We throw a party. So you know, keep up this bullsh brother to me, the last party you're throwing does matter with you calling me after he language? The language? Bro hold on? Hold on. First of all, I didn't know Breed lived with someone in nineteen Hey, I've never seen anybody other than Breathe. Okay, yeah, because I worked my ass off. Dog. Who are you Marcus? Okay? So so okay, I'm Marcus. But let's just calm down. Like I said, I'm trying to do, is invite Breed to um, you know, to a party. Now, Bree ain't coming to the penny party. What does the matter with you? Okay? So let's let let me ask you this, sir. I called for breath, I don't know, yeah, and you got Gary. If I don't know, I don't know nothing about no Garry. Okay. So Breede would have to let me know that that she doesn't want to come to the party, but I don't since I thought I had to write a number for Brie. What I'll do is find out how to get in touch with Breath directly, because once again I didn't know I was getting in contact with a Gary. I thought I was getting in touch with Breath. Yeah. Yeah, you never to be worth much to breed man when I cut that off for you to call me, that's my girl, that's my girl. Okay, so it's your girl, all right. But like I said, I didn't know she had a boyfriend anything. But that doesn't shopping me from asking brief if she wants to come to the party. Yeah, well, she ain't single. She's not single. The only the only thing single at nineteen A is that single boy. That's the only thing that single up in nineteen eh. Okay, So let me ask you this man, how long have you Briefe been together. I don't worry about what they in with my girl. Who are you? Hey? I think I think Bree can make her own decision or she want to come to the party. I just called her directly. I just got the wrong number mixed up, that's all it is. No, you got the right number, Marcus, you got the you got the right number and the wrong mother. Hey dude, so like you're trying to say, brief can't make up her mind on er she want to come to the party or not? You can make up. She can make up her mind if she wants to. I think she has made it up, Marcus. I think she has. Well, how do you know that? I haven't even asked her to come to the panting party. Listen, I'm at work right now. Don't come in with this boat. I've been in that building for years. I've never heard no panty party before. Are you gonna ask her to come to the panting party? Or do I need to ask you? Marcus? My girl recruiting? No damn panty party? All right, all right, I see what I gotta do now. I gotta go to the doorman and get breeze number. And I asked her to come. You're not gonna pass on the measures, but I want her to have. Let me tell you something. You better not come to the doorman. You better not come to nineteen eight. That's my girl. Stay the fuck away from her. So let me ask you this. Are you as saying the breeze panties? Do you not want her you do not want us to see her in the in the in her panties. I mean, mother, don't worry about me or my girl or her pennies. You got me, okay? All right, man, I'm not lucky you called me at work. I know you were at work, and because somebody told me you were at work. You know who told me you were at work? Gary? Who told you that I was at work? Mother? Bree told me you were at work. This is Nephew Times from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got what the fuck? Hey Hey Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, listen to me. This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You girl, Brianna got me to plank phone call you. This is a prank. Shut you all right, man, you are man. I'm in the broom closet right now out man, get you the broom closet. Man, you may come home. How you doing me late? That at work? Man? I need this job. I got fills the fade. Yoh man, Your girl got me to prank you. Man. She said you gotta bring my boyfriend so you gotta do and say something about me and he gonna go straight crazy. Oh my god. Yeah, come on, broh, my god. I love y'all show. Then do me like that. And I got one more question, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. That's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on and look that pantapot. Anybody want to come? Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah. I thought a good panapart. And now if I can't do nothing, now I know how I thought good panapart? All right. Nine. I like the fact that the dude was at work and he was trying to keep his job. He was could say, Mark, we're talking about Michael. I do right tail Mary loved all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National News right after this, you're listening to morning show. Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced movie mogul, was found guilty on one count of sexual assault in one count of third degree rape. He is not guilty of the other counts of predatory sexual assault and first degree rape. Weinstein is facing up to twenty five years in jail on one of the counts in four years on the other. Six women testify that they had sexually assaulted them, that he had sexually assaulted them. Harvey Weinstein's a legal team insists the fight is not over and say they plan to appeal his conviction on two counts of rape and sexual assault. Weinstein's attorneys, Yeah, what't you say, Steve, He going to jail, y'all can stop all this fighting and appealing. So they run the build up somewhere. Because Weinstein got plenty of money. They run in the build up. He going to jail for this right here, which we're going to jail. They arrested his ass, They rescinded a bond. He can't get out his ass when they do that right there, it's because you're gone. When they resend your bond, your bail, you can't even stay home to the centisen your ass, go to jail. They're not letting you back out. Pardon you either had his last free day. He gone today and deserving play. And somebody to ask me today, Steve Man, you out there in Hollywood, how you feel about that? Dude, Harvey Weinstein? You know they coming after everybody out there. Hey, doc, dog, listen to me. I have daughters, I got a wife, had a mother, I got sister. If you rape a woman party, you're gone. You're going down. Do you're gone? There's no questions by how sick you link when you dog, When you walk in the court room looking all sick and bad, they can get you in. Then, Timmy push walking up dog, and they took that walker from his ass, put them cuffs on him. He walked his ass right up out of that standing up. Hello, No, they ain't letting you use to walk on the way to jail. Stand up, you know, coming in there, trying to look feeble like, how could I have done this? And look at my condition? Oh man, you ain't had it. Walk in that room with them girls, Get your ass off that walker and call your ass to prison. Yeah, they called him the monster. Yeah, and that's just down York. They haven't even done that trial. He could really have to get finished without them first, right. Oh he east coast, west coast. I ain't know with it with it, Yeah, he ain't gonna survive none of his time. See rich hands, dude, go to jail like that. They can't handle that. Go down quick on the check in when they when you're getting this jumper, it ain't gonna be up Tommy, he did Rikers right now? Wow, Yes he is here. Rikers though it ain't no good parts of Oh it's own in popper? What else you got? You? All right? In other news yesterday, we all could not believe the strength and grace that Vanessa Bryant display as she memorialized her husband, Kobe and her daughter Gianna at Kobe's memorial service. The other speakers included former NBA greats Michael Jordan and Shaquille O'Neill, Kobe's best friend. Was there, man, what a tribute it was though it was really attribute. I was really moved by Michael Jordan's Yeah, his speech, and Shaquille O'Neill shack was. He was timely and funny and you know, lightened the mood a little bit. Yeah, we'll talk more about that time now to catch up Steve on today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, and good morning everybody. Widening concerns over the coronavirus are affecting the stock market. Investigators nervous investors rather nervous about the growing infection rate outside of China and as possible economic fallout if the epidemic cannot be contained. They are now clusses of Krona infection in Iran where six people reported dead, in Italy when more than two hundred people have tested positive and five have died, and especially in South Korea where over eight hundred infections are reported. South Korea, by the way, a big supplier of components used by manufacturers around the world. The virus has reported a big topic also of discussion among the finance ministers at the G twenty summit at their meeting last week in Saudi Arabia, and the verdict was guilty. Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein convicted yesterday but a criminal sex act and third degree rape, but Weinstein was ac quit of the most serious allegations against him. Weinstein was charged with a total of five counts of rape and assault against two women in New York City, with a third woman, actress Annabella Siora, added to support the most serious allegations, but after thirty hours and over five days, the juries delivered a split verdict indicate that the panel probably didn't find Siora's account credible. Even so, Weinstein could still face up to twenty five years or more in prison. He also faces similar charges involving two other women in Los Angeles, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Van says, the case makes an important statement. I hope that with this verdict, it will become more obvious that those kinds of attacks on the survivors and victims where they're on the stand, making it seem like it's all their fault, will be realized as legal attacks that just simply are no longer to go to work in this day and age. Weinstein, by the way, was hospitalized after the verdict was read, complaining of chess pains. The next Democrat debate tonight in South Carolina, followed by South Carolina's primary, which is Saturday. Bloomberg Mike Bloomberg will not be on the ballot for this Saturday, but he'll be on for Super Tuesday, March third. NASA has confirmed the death of celebrated mathematical genius Katherine Johnson. Since so much of the achievements of black Americans is purposely not taught, both whites as well as blacks learned about Johnson and two of her close friends at NASA through the Oscar nominated film Hidden Figures of Film. A lot of people felt should have got an Oscar. At one point in the film Astronaut John Glenn says he's not going to lift off les. Katherine Johnson makes the calculations, and in an interview nine years ago with public TV station WHR ROW Visits, Johnson said that really happened. When he got ready to go, he said, call her and if she says the computers right, I'll take it. Katherine Johnson was one hundred and one years old. Finally, Los Angeles yesterday, thousands of fans of celebrity took place in a final and said goodbye to Kobe and Gianna Bryant, as well as seven others. The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Will let Kobe have the last word? Dear Basketball can take the poem back to the Steve Harvey Morning you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others who died in the helicopter crash that took their lives were remembered at an emotional two hour memorial service yesterday at the Staples Center in LA and her first public appearance since the loss of Kobe and her daughter GG, Vanessa delivered an emotional eulogy, Take a listen, godnew they couldn't be on this earth. Without each other. He had to bring them home tapping together. Babe, you take care of our Gichi and I got Nanny BB and Cocoa. We're still the best team. We love it. Miss you Boo Boo and Gigie. You both rest in peace and have fun in heaven until we meet again one day. We love you both and miss you forever and always. Mommy, oh my god, didn't see it. Yeah, no, I saw all of it. Man, I watched it. It was it was it was a you know. Uh. He was one of those. This was one of those impactful passings that made an impression on people. Like I said, of all the depths I've seen over my life, and I've seen some huge ones. I saw my mother client at an ironing board when I came home some school, Mama, while you Clay, they killed Kennedy. I saw my mom and daddy sitting on the couch hugging each other crying. I said, why y'all crying? Boor? They didn't kill Marana Luther King. My daddy said, they killed Mara Luther King. He said, white folks don't want us to have nothing. I just remember him saying that that was his heart. He didn't, and I saw both of them hugging and crime, Michael Jackson's passing, Princess passing our leaves, passing for me, Maurice White passing. All of us, three of us on this show have lost our mothers off we've lost our fathers, you understand. So we hadn't been hit with some hammers. I'm talking about some blows that dropped most people. But when Kobe passed, I think because of how young he was and such an icon in sports, I've never had more men called me to say, hey man, I love you man. I just wanted to tell you that hanging in man, keep doing what you're doing. I love you man. I call so many brothers to say, hey man, I just want to tell you I love you man. This Kobe thin got me messed up, and I've never I didn't see that now, But but when when Kobe passed, I saw a lot and he was. It was just impactful and and that sermon was really really a good testament to him and all those people who paid. Yeah, thank you Steve for that. Yeah uh wow. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Michael Jordan provided some much needed laughter. Yesterday at Kobe's memorial service. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening, okay, So we're all talking about Kobe's memorial service Kobe Bryant yesterday at the Stables Center. What an emotional and very moving eulogy given by Kobe's wife Vanessa. She remember her husband and Kobe and her daughter Gigi also with tears streaming down his face. Michael Jordan said that Kobe was his little brother, and when Kobe died, a piece of him died too. And did you see when Michael Jordan spoke, he offered some laughs by saying, he'll be crying. He'll be the crying meme again. Yeah, I take a listen. Now he's got me. I'll have to look at another crime meme for the next I told my wife I weren't gonna do this because I didn't want to see that for the next three or four years. That is what Kobe Bryant does to me. I'm pretty sure Vanessa and his friends all can say the same thing. He knows how to get to you in a way that affects you personally, even though if he's being a pain in the ass, but he always you ever had sense of love for him and the way that he can bring out the best in you. M wow, that's the side of Jordan that people rarely get to see. And he had that side. You know. Uh several moments. You saw when he won the title, his reaction, when his father passed, that reaction, yes, and when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Uh, he got up and said some stuff to really get some stuff off his chat. People rarely get to see that about him. Buzz Buzzer's a testament to who this who this man? Kobe Bryant was. It was just a great thing and the Shack added humor to it. You know. Okay, lit I said, Kobe, there's no im. Kobe said, I know, but there's me. And so we're back. So we're back until Ricky and uh and big shall Bob said, just get the rebound. He's not pass I love it, baby, just get the rebound that fast. Wow wow mentality man. Yeah, yeah, Kobe will be missed. We lost a great woman. Yeah yeah, but it said me and huh uh huh, my favorite. I was shocked that that's your He actually said the word, Oh, hold on, hold on, you don't think he could Custom the Staple Center before. Yeah, we got judging anything. Hey, just like my said, he was painting there. This ain't church, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, we just had more rapper. I ain't ain't talking about it. I ain't mad at y'all. I'm just so that's what this staples. The rapper has been in there. We're in the stable center. We're sacred. No, it ain't. They had a game to night. I haven't been in that custom, the little kill center, Cossack farm, Cossack Kodak, Yes, and the farm is the church? Now? Was anyway? Well? It was, Yeah, it was a church and I went in there as a church and it was just shame for Central Bible Church. I went in there to see bishop all more time. I would just shame. Why were you shamed? Man? I haven't been in here from your past? Forgive me. My opening line was, how y'all blanket the blanks doing that? Goodness? That's how you speak. I don't really think, man, hmm. I don't know if I'm gonna stop cussing. I was thinking about it the other day. I don't really see myself stopping. No. I remember you tried it for a day. You tried it for a day and it didn't. I think it keeps you living minutes. I think it keeps you well. I had it. I tried it, but I had headaches. Yes, stress, you got a whole special. You ain't cuss alright, dog? Right after that, you ain't see me for three weeks, did you? You were six switching gears coming up next to nephew in the building with today's praying phone call. That's you're listening to, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject a house divided by politics? This yeah, yeah, this one? Who but right now, nephew in the building with today's praying phone call. What you got for now? So today's title is we need you to be a slave cat dog with you? Well, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach to you, missus Glinda, please, miss Glenda. This is Gary, Gary. I'm with the Black History Okay you you you participated last year in the in the Black History Parade, Am I right? Yes? I sure did. Okay. I got your name from one of the members on the committee, and we're trying to see if you can actually build some help for this year's Black History, uh, for this month. I should will be glad to help. Okay, listen, we're having an auction tomorrow and wanted to see if you could actually maybe build some help with the auction that we actually have going on tomorrow. Yes, do I need to donate anything or but no, no, we're not really trying to get some donation from you this time. We're trying to see if you have some time tomorrow to come out and actually help out with the actual auction. Okay, what time tomorrow? Probably like about nine o'clock in the morning. I can do that, Okay. Now we're asking that you wear something that you'll be comfortable in all day tomorrow possible, okay, okay, pretty much an all day event that we're trying to get you to do. Okay, I could be there around nine, but then we have to leave about four. Well, I'll tell you what. We'll see what we can how we can work it out, but we definitely want you to come and be a part of what we're doing. So what is it that you really need be to do? Um? Well, actually, you know, we we we got a lot of people doing different things at the you know, at the auction, you know, so we just want you to come out and be of some help with everything that's going on. Okay, well I want to be prepared. So what exactly do I need to do? Work the confessions stand something like that. No, really, what we had is actually you being a part of the auction, of being a part of the auction such as well, what we're doing tomorrow is we have already we already have fifty people who are signed up and you would be you know, one of those people that are that are that are signed up to do the actual What is is we have and slaves for a day and what we're gonna be doing is auctioning you off and somebody's gonna buy you tomorrow and you will be there for the day slaves. Yeah, you will be the slave for the day. That's what That's what we've decided to do with the black history. We've decided. I din't mean I don't I want to participate, but being a slave no. Okay, but see what you I want you to understand that this is a word that calls though you know, we want saying worthy call, but I'm not gonna be no play. Well, well you I mean you don't have to call it a slave. I mean as a servant, you know, a butler. You know what I mean when you want to call it. I'm just saying, no, I ain't gonna be slave. Okay, Okay, man man, Miss miss Glenna. What don't trying to explain to you? This is a word to call for the black history, and we're trying to get you to be there. Somebody may buy you for five hundred dollars tomorrow. No, I'm not gonna do it. Okay, are you are you? Are you turning us down for a word that calls miss Glenna? Yes, I am turning your down. Don't call me with that kind of no more. I mean, I don't understand what what the problem is. You know, sometimes we got to repeat history so we don't go back to the history. Sometimes we got to do it again so we don't go back to what you understand. But it isn't seem like you. You acting like a house need grow or something like you two up at the Hawsne grow house need grow. Who's the chairman of this? Excuse me the chairman. Last time I spoke with mister Wilson and we didn't have no like this okay, and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you is this is something that I don't want you to explain it pain to me. Do not call me with this kind of again. Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you? Do you understand me? Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you? We already have you know we're gonna sell me. We are all listed to be sold tomorrow. Sall yo, We've got you listened to be sold tomorrow, ma'am. Can we please make shoot don't be sold and you not call you again? Hey, listen, if you don't show up tomorrow, then we will come to your house and sell you. That. Come to man, I want you. If I got to come out, you would them to my house. Bring over here if you want to listen, I will come there to sell you. If you're not gonna come out to the auction, come on to my house, you bad, Come on to my mouse. Okay, I'll tell you, and you know what I need you to do that. You need to start saying yes sir and no sir to me right now. Okay, I need to get you in the in the frame of mind just being a fray for to day. Okay, I didn't hear what you say, kiss my black I'm coming to your house tomorrow and I'm gonna sell you in front of your house. If you want to come down to the auction tomorrow morning, nine o clock, you better not bring you my house? Do you better not? Do you understand me? I am march for civil rights. I don't have time for no like that. You I understand, but right now we're trying to raise some money for black history and we need to sell you tomorrow morning. You're not gonna sell me. You're not gonna sell me. You will no come my house no more? Do you understand? Do not? Cal I understand exactly what you're saying. Can I tell you something else? Who else is gonna be sold tomorrow? Hell? Now, don't tell me. I got one more thing I do need to tell you. What is it? That is? Matthew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sisters. My sister, my sister. I can't believe that I'm gonna get huh. I can't believe you to? Did Miss Clinta? You all right? I'm all right? This is so crazy. I can't believe it. I'm I'm gonna for this. It doesn't sound like you're gonna get stole. No way, He'll know you weren't getting on this auction block. Huh no, no way, because miss Linders have been there. I've been at the city end, the marches. I've done something everything, ma'a. I tell you what, Missus Glenda, if it wasn't for people like you, we probably wouldn't be where we are today. That's right. We showed. Thank you. We showed thinking. I just wanted to play a joke on Did I get you? Yes? You did you? Sure? Indeed it. I got one more. I got one more thing to ask you. What is What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning showed that the Nephew Tommy. We love you, Missus Glendon, Okay, love you too. I love the last line. She got a grip on what you were saying. She cussed your hands. I'm not gonna be those slaves. I'm gonna come to your house tomorrow. I wish you would. That's the black people's favorite. I come to your house tomorrow. I wish you would. I showed. I showed the blame. What's the blank? You come to my blaking house? Come on kiss her? Oh man, yes you won't. Yes, wow, man, I bet you. We just start saying yesterday right now, I bet you won't. Oh that was class right here, man. Tommy Teas this weekend, Baby, I'm in Pleasant in California. Tommy Teas this weekend. That's Thursday, Friday and Saturday. That Tommy Teas. I tickets on sale right now. Laying in the cut is Dothan, Alabama and Montgomery, Alabama. Y'all get ready to get ready, but this weekend I am into babe. Are go here, sir? All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next it is the Strawberry Letters, subject a House divided by politics. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationship, sex, parenting, dating, work and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple. That's all you have to do. We could be reading your letter live on the air. Just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Bugle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is Drawberry letter, subject A House Divided by Politics. Dear Stephen Shirley, My wife and I have been married for seventeen years and have always considered ourselves to be a politically conscious black couple. We're both grads of an HBCU and we have great jobs. Our marriage was always solid, and we were die hard Democrats. We worked hard to get Obama elected for his first term and second term. During President Obama's second term in office, my wife lost her job and she blamed it totally on President Obama. There were some trade agreements that affected her job and she was laid off because of that. She got a new job at a bank, and she started hanging out with her new coworkers who were all very conservative Republicans. They eventually brainwatched my wife, and believe it or not, my wife voted for Trump. Throughout Trump's administration. My wife has seen nothing wrong with his behavior and how he runs the country. She makes excuses for his sexiest and racist ways, and it drives me crazy. The other night, we watched the debates and she said I was a fool to follow any of them. The next day, she put a Trump for America's sign in our front yard. I took it out and she put it right back. She recently joined the Black Republican Coalition with those fake high class demons at her job. But the last straw for me was when she donated five hundred dollars of my hard earned money to Trump's campaign. I lost my mind, and she told me that if I didn't like it, I could leave. Neighbors think we are crazy and our old friends don't associate with us because of her belief in Trump. I've talked to a lawyer about divorcing her because we have We've both changed a lot in the last six years. I do not see us making it to November in the same house. She needs help, and I need peace. Help her brother out. How should I handle this? Wow? You know, I mean we've heard about since Donald Trump has been elected. You know when people come over for like the holidays and things like that, you know, they try not to discuss politics because when they do, heated arguments in sue and but this is a little more serious. I mean, you guys are married, and this is a major problem in your house. And and like you said November, come election time, it's really going to be rough if if your wife still feels the same way and you still feel the same way. More so, this is a problem in your marriage though, because of you know of what she's doing. I mean, she's saying things like if you don't like what she did with the money, you could leave. I don't see how you guys are gonna get past this. I mean, I'm gonna try, but I don't see it right now. You're already talking about divorce. You're right, people do change in marriages. You guys have been married for seventeen years. You say you've both changed a lot in six years. You don't say specifically what that means. But the hope, of course, is to change and to grow together. You don't want to grow apart, and you certainly don't want to do that because of politics. I don't know what's going down on down there at your wife's job, but it didn't seem to be that hard to change her mind. I mean, she was already mad at Obama when she lost her job. You know she gave them money. You say she gave them your money. Do you mean your personal money or are you talking about just you know, our money, the money that you guys have together, But you did specifically say you're hard earned money. I mean, I don't see how she's going to come back from this. If she's really a Trump supporter, she's already joined the Black Republican Coalition. I just don't see politics as a reason to divorce a person. But you know, she's calling you a fool and doing all these things. It just doesn't seem like she's going to be able to come back from this. And you guys are gonna be able to get past this. You're gonna let Donald Trump come between your marriage? You know, come on, even if he does win this next term, it's just for four more years, all right. You guys maybe need to check out some marriage counseling or something, because this is pretty serious to divorce over Donald Trump. I don't think he should destroy marriage. Steve. Yeah, well, okay, good glad you're asked me, because that ain't how I feel. Let me gonna get into it. Been married seventeen years. Politically conscious black couple. Y'all both graduated from HBCU, got some good jobs, solid marriage, die hard Democrats worked hard to get Obama elected second term. Your wife lost her job, totally blamed it on President Obama, like her fucking company ain't had nothing to do with it. You know, maybe they was doing something bad in trade that was hurting American workers or something. He pulled a plug on it. Some trade agreements, gave up, a job, got laid off. Now she blaming him for getting laid off. The hell I got to do with it, man, Now she just started hanging out with your new co workers. They all conservative Republicans and they haven't brainwashed her, and your wife voted for Trump. I'm out marriage over being play right after this, all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour's subject A House divided by Politics. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject A House divided by politics. Nice little h B B HBCU, couple good jobs. Die hard Democrats worked to get Obama elected second term. He passed some policies she felt they got her job, laid off, some trade agreements. She got laid all cause of that she got a new job at the bank, started hanging out with a new coworkers. They all very conservative Republican data brainwash your wife, and believe it or not, your wife voted for Trump. Now all throughout the administration, your wife has seen nothing wrong he do with his behavior. So let me explain something to you. Once you become a Trump follower, you have got to blot out anything wrong he'd do because or else you can't follow him. That's the first thing you got to do to become a Trump follower is you have to blot out and ignore all the wrong he does. You cannot view this and be a Trump follower. You've got to act like he's done nothing wrong. That's the only way. She makes excuses for a sexist and racist ways and drive me crazy. Another night, y'all watching the debate, and she said, if you're a fool for following any of what if you follow any of though? Next day, this crazy woman go outside and put a Trump for America sign up in the front yard in front of my damn house. My black ant's pulling up after work and I gotta for Trump sign in my damn yard. Oh not the heir We ate so I took it back down. She put it right back. She didn't join the Black Republican Coalition, another confused group of people with them, fake high class demons at her job. But the last straw was she donated five hundred dollars on my hard money to the Trump campaign. Five hundred dollars to the Donald Trump campaign. If Donald Trump is who he saying is why he needs your money, Bloomberg ain't ask for nothing night now, and they're mad at him. I lost my mind. She told me. If I didn't like it, I could leave. Our neighbors. Think we're crazy, y'all are you? Ain't got no more damn friends, no more because they quit talking to y'all because they're not coming over this half of a house. But just Trump had them. She not gonna do it. I talked to a lawyer, cap she got that maker Maryland break hat on again. You got a picture of stroking car Michael on your T shirt. This ain't that enough. We've both changed a lot in the last six years. I don't see us making it in November in the same house. She needs help and I need peace, helper brother out of hush, and I handling divorce hull. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like that divorce Hull that's over. You just said, hey, divorce Hull, leave hull. Dog. It ain't even be no piece. She putting up Trump sign donating five hundred dollars of Donald Trump. Leave, huh. Find you somebody like Brendon Sanders or any damn body. I don't care if you find somebody like Elizabeth One, find you somebody else. She's gonna catch house sitting in that house. And if he makes the presidency again, which it looks like he will, if the dim crash don't hear him, get their stuff together, which they don't show any signs of doing. We tanned each other apart. We're gonna mess around and let this man back in. He didn't got rid of everybody in his cabinet that ain't went to jail. If you ain't going to jail, y'aut more people in his cabinet has been arrested and put in jail than since I've been alive. His whole cabinet didn't quadruple the amount of people that went to jail in the Watergate scandal. And if you testified against him, all y'all's ass is gone. He's got the highest turnover rate of anybody in politics. Dog. Just do right here, listen to me. Leave her dog. Since she hadn't told you either like it or leave it, you can issue you an ultimatum. You either stop supporting Donald Trump. I'm leaving your heads. Well, he's talked to someone about divorcing because it's but see, it's more than just they. It ain't more than the Trump sign in the five hundred dollars. She don't want to sleep with him no more. She's disrespectful. Yeah, see she holding back. She wants to sleep in a Mega hat. And he not gonna get in the bed with someone at the Black Republican Coalition or down. She in the bed. She got on it a Trump nightie and a Mega hat. She got. She got Malaria Trump roller collection. She rolling her hair with Melatia Trump Roller collection. She using Ivanka Trump facial cream at night. She got. She'd have bought you for Father's Day. Wanted them long ass Donald Trump ties. It covers your big valley. Your ass is all right, Steve, we gotta go. You can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour more trending topics right after this you're listening to show. Unfortunately, we have some more bad news to report Miss Katherine Johnson. She was one of the pioneering NASA mathematicians. She was portrayed by Taraji p Henson. Remember the movie Hiven Figures. It was nominated for twenty sixteen. Yeah, mine too, Steve. She passed away on Monday. She was one hundred and one years old. Yeah, wow, Manji, one hundred and one. Yeah, one oh one. Taraji posted on our social media page, thank you Queen for sharing your intelligence, poise, grace, and beauty with the world. Because of your hard work, little girls everywhere can dream as big as the moon. And representatives from NASA said missus Catherine Johnson was an American hero and her pioneering legacy will never be forgotten. Wow. That's yeah, I mean, and they really were hidden figures? Yeah, because I didn't know about them until the movie. Yeah, until the movie. Yeah, let me tell you something about that. But let me tell you something. I never heard of it in uh, you know, in school and nothing right, nothing, no history about it. Even in Black History Month, we didn't learn about it. Yeah, but NASA was right down the street from our house and they ain't never seen it, nothing, nothing, these women, I mean, yeah, hey, because you know what, man, It's like we would never taught that in school. I didn't know anything really about hidden figures until the movie came out. I didn't get that lesson nowhere in school, none of it at all Black history and high school. I didn't get another You know, how many black little girls could have been inspired by this story if they knew about us, about this history lesson with It's just unbelievable, right, I mean you think about history. John Glenn said that he would not go until miss Katherine Johnson said it was okay, Yeah, what did her numbers say? She said yeah, yeah, she said he's yeah. She says I can go, then I will go. What are hurting? Right? And and we're talking a mathematician here, Okay, she's dealing with numbers and Matt you know, can't be a little off. He got to be dead onf okay to the moon rocket up until the yeah, you know, give it. He can't be no give a tap, Yeah, give a take two feet carry a one. That's how she do man, she carries the wa Yeah. Yeah, we'll rest in peace, missus. Catherine Johnson. Okay, no longer a hidden figure. All right, well listen, go check out the movie. You could check it out. And coming up at the top of the hour, changing your routine is good for your brain. We're gonna talk about that right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Now before we get to this story about changing your routine, it's good for your brain. Uh that we tease you want to you have something to say about Dion Cole comedian. Yeah, you know he wore on tour with the nephew. He wore a velvet Gucci jumpsuit with bail bottoms on it and uh the somebody on rare carpet or something, yeah, for the naac him. Oh I didn't hear that. And so he wore a bill bottom suit by Gucci and his velvet and somebody accused him or being a g A Y A S S N word. Wow. Not this dude's pretty harsh and and and you know what, see, okay, two things. First of all, if you look at the picture closely, he's standing in front of his shadow. So the shadow has him looking way wider than he actually is. He's in front of a shadow. But let me tell you something, man, see Baill bottoms. For those of you that's typing this fifteen eighteen, them pants look funny. Them pants. I grew up in them pants. Those are called balls. I grew up in them pants. I'm so happy because Virgil, the new designer and Louis Vatton, has came out with a series of jeans that are Baill bottom. He got him in a green and white tie doe. He got him in a blue and white floor pattern, and he got a stonewash, and he got a gray I bought all and Virgils and he's a new creative designer for Louis Vatton. Oka a dog out here. Dogs so happy cast Ball bottoms, this back pimp. I miss Baill Bottoms. I'd a taping my suits way down, but I miss Baill bottoms. But for y'all to go and attack this brother, and because of his outfit, now you're gonna look, man, he's wearing and outfit that's really dope and fly. This is one of the most coolest. He's a humble Brothers I have ever met man. This is a cool cat man and he from Chicago. So I dare you to run up on him. If you won't to run up on him with all this stuff you type it, do that and watch what happened. He read it for you, not he's ready for you. It ain't what you think. But anyway, here's a deal. Hello, dog, I know some gay dudes. You've been looking at stuff. I go, yo, my man, where you get that from? And they'll tell me, oh, this Vasachi Steve, but this her Man's okay cool, I'm getting that pimp and and and that's it period. I'm not I don't. I hate that they tried to make it a negative thing. What he's dog a velvet? First of all, if you run in your mouth two things, you don't know what fashion is anymore. You don't know, and you don't know the trend that is taken. But Baill bottoms is back right now. And then secondly, you probably can't buy that velvets. Hello, that's what I'm doing. Let me just go on. Hate is real. But he fly but mm hmm, yeah, go ahead of this. Tell he's touring with you, Tommy. Yeah, we love him. We love. We love him for showing. M just took up. Watch this shirt, wap this your call. He just took up for the new kings of comedy. I appreciate that. Up, we all appreciate that. Man ain't a new king. Get off that we we just signed. Damn fuck, we'll let you know who the new kids of comedy. And to me said and d all make the announcement. There's no announcement to be made a right that figure. Baby, We love you, baby, Steven, We ride it down. Oh well, uh I took a turn, didn't it O. Y'all gonna stir it up all right, coming up Marvin's day's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, everybody, get your iPhone out so you can take this number down or if you would work, you gotta pay pen to paper in your hand. You're ready, okay, because we're talking saying the soul right now. One eight hundred six eight fold twenty eight twenty five. One eight hundred six eight fold twenty eight twenty five or go to Steve Harvey saying thissoul dot com. You know why because it's back Saying This Soul Labor Day Weekend twenty twenty Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in poota Conor all inclusive experience. You ain't gonna forget it now, right now, because it's the month for lover us. This is a special now right now, I'm doing a two is better than one month of the Love special. What that means is right now through the end of the month. When you book your room package for Saying the Soul and you refer a friend who also books you, both gonna receive two hundred dollars off of your all inclusive Saying It soulf ot So ain't number the game. All you gotta do is know somebody that's going and say, hey, I'm gonna call and refer you. Are you calling refer me? And each one of us gonna get two hundred off. That's all it is. It just a trick move now all inclusive. All your food at all nine restaurants that's room service, and all the snack balls, all the alcohol is included. All the tickets to all evinces, including your transpretation to and from the hotel is included. You get unlimited resort credits, what you can use for SPAT packages, gifts, items, golf, and a whole lot of more. I'm in that all inclusive. Coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others who died in the helicopter crash that took their lives were remembered at an emotional two hour memorial service yesterday at the Staples Center in LA and her first public appearance since the loss of Kobe and her daughter Gigi, Vanessa delivered and emotional eulogy. Take a listen. God knew they couldn't be on this earth without each other. He had to bring them home to happing together. Babe, you take care of our Gigi and I got Nanny, BB and Coco. We're still the best team. We love in miss you Booboo and Gigi. We both rest in peace and have fun in heaven until we meet again one day. We love you both and miss you forever and always. Mommy, oh my god, that's starting. Yeah. No, I saw all of it, man, I watched it. It was it was it was a you know h he was one of those. This was one of those impactful passes that made an impression on people. Like I said, of all the deaths I've seen over my life, and I've seen some huge ones. I saw my mother crying at an ironing board when I came from some school. Mama, why you crying? They killed Kennedy. I saw my mom and daddy sitting on the couch hugging each other crying. I said, why y'all crying? Boy, they didn't kill Martin Luther King. My daddy said, they killed Mara Luther King. He said, white folks don't want us to have nothing. I just remember him saying that that was his heart. He didn't And I saw both of them hugging and crime. Michael Jackson's passing, Princess passing our leaves, passing for me, Maurice White passing. All of us, three of us on this show have lost our mothers, We've lost our fathers, you understand. So we don't been hit with some hammers. I'm talking about some blows that drop most people. But when Kobe passed, I think, because of how young he was and such an icon in sports, I've never had more men called me to say, hey man, I love you. Man. I just wanted to tell you that hanging there, man, keep doing what you're doing. I love you. Man. I called so many brothers to say, hey man, I just want to tell you I love you. Man. This this Kobe th ain't got me messed up. And I've never I didn't see that now, but but when but when Kobe passed, I saw a lot and he was. It was just impactful and and that sermon was really really a good testament to him and all those people who passed. Yeah, thank you Steve for that. Yeah. Uh wow. Coming up our last break of the day and some closing inspiring Steve Harvey in forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve. We're ready for your closing remarks. Everybody, my closing remarks today. This is what I've chosen to do. Um. I have variations of this when I'm talking as a speaker and things like that, but I'm gonna go a different way with you today. Uh. There's a saying that if you're the smartest person in your group, then you need a new group. I want you, I want you all to just think about that for a minute. If you're the smartest person in your group, you need a new group. Now. I've been very, very guilty of this, not saying that I was smarter than everybody else, but I had been exposed more than a certain group of people I had employed and had hanging around me. I had been exposed to more things. I naturally was making more because they were mostly employees. I wanted more, and because of the fact that I had more and more was required of me, I just had bigger dreams. I out dreamed everybody in my group, and it just gotten to a point. And I'm saying this because I want you all to put everything into perspective. As I'm talking to you, just imagine at your place in your life that if you're the one that's constantly coming up with the ideas, you're the one constantly coming up with the solution. You're the one everybody turns to for guidance. You're the person always picking up the tab. You're the person that's the only one who's dreaming really big. You're the one that's pulling the wagon, and you happen to be carrying everybody that's on It. Ain't not of your associates getting off the wagon to help you pull it, push it, guide it or nothing. They just own the wagon and you're doing all the pullet. You need a new group. You need a new group. Now. The problem with acquiring this new group, it's gonna be that the fact is inevitable. You have to get rid of the old group. And it's hard. It's hard cutting people lose because for the most part, you're just a nice person. Because you start beating yourself up with stuff that has nothing to do with you. Well, if if I let them go, what they're gonna do, Man, How his family gonna eat, How her family gonna survive, How they gonna if I let them go? Man, how they gonna feel about me? What will they say about me? What will the other group members think about me? But you know something, man, that's not your job. And I'm not trying to sound cold and callous, but it's just not your job. They are responsible for themselves. But through this meaningless emotion called guilt, they will make you feel guilty about letting them go and making them stop riding up the heel in your wagon for free. And they use guilt, which is the most meaningless emotion, and they give it to you all the time. Y'all, do yourself a favor. Stop doing that. Stop carrying people who should be walking themselves. Stop pulling people up the heeling your wagon when they need to get their own wagon to pull. Stop. Do yourself a favor. Get yourself a new group. They will be fine, because let me ask you a question. This is something my father used to say to me all the time. What would you do if you didn't know me? And I used to never understand what my father said that until I got older, but I hear him saying it to me all the time. People come to you ask you for money because I know you got it because you're doing better than them. Well, you work harder than them, so quite naturally you should be doing better than them. Now they come to you and lay this guilt. Man, you didn't came up and all of us and over all of us and left us back then. Man, we're so proud of you. Let me hold. My father used to say, if you didn't know me, what would you do? So I started incorporating that in my life. If you didn't have my number, who would you call? I cannot be everybody's emergency. If you are everybody's emergency phone call, you need a new group. They're gonna bring you down, man, I'm telling you, they're going to bring you down. And when you go down, guess what, They're gonna get another emergency number. They're not gonna be there for you. All these people that use you as their emergency, do you have the ability to use them as your emergency? I think not. It's time to look at getting a new group now. You can sever the ties with these people now, or you can wait until a major event occurs. That's gonna cause you have to break it off and it's gonna be a lot more painful and a lot more costly, you know. But Bishop Jake said one time, sometimes you have to let people go so they can be freed up to go be who they're supposed to be. Because some people just hanging on cause it's comfortable, because you've made it comfortable for people. And I'm talking to everybody out there. This ain't for me or people who have employees, for people who have people in their lives. It's constantly pulling on you. Man. For twenty dollars here, farty dollars here, a hundred over here my light bill went off. They cut this off. They calling me, I'm behind on my taxes, my income tax check. Can't hear you? Man o, man o man? How many times do you get that? Stop being everybody's emergency phone call? Because if they didn't know you, what would they do? You know what my father used to say, When they don't know you, what would they do? They need to get on get to doing it. You can't save everybody because they'll bring each other. You're the smartesty for all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Stay Harvey Morning Show.