Good morning and welcome to the ride! Don't you bring it in here. Bitterman must be real with a man who has a nagging wife. Andrew Cuomo resigns and Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul makes history. We get nother few dark moments with Fool #2. Big ups to NY for making us #1 in the world baby! WBLS we appreciate you!!! Junior talks about the NBA's most notorious fight along with the aftermath. What is up with Quentin Tarantino's grudge? The crew wraps up with childhood accomplishments that still see the light of day.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million things in the stubs, not me, true good oft listen to the mother. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn out to turn turn water to the water. Got come come on your thing, h I sure will. I come horned everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here to do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes, so when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, Just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I say, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued. Things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real, dog for your son, prad changes things. She said, When you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more, and you I don't know what to do next, she says, stop suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me now, I'm pretty sure, Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, but just from my side of it, being as real as I can be rich. See, hope helps man. If you ain't strong enough to have, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here, But really an essence. Man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, see it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money. Now now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plan ain't land safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity. You know. Somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on? Are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really? Come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way He want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up morning everybody. You ain't had no fitness trying to hold it anyway. I don't know what he now. You get into sum and you can't stop my my my body was going, Okay, that's enough. That is enough. Good morning everybody, Good morning showing, Shrubberry and it's a Steve Harby Morning Shows. Good morning, crazy man, how are you to day feeling? I'm doing good. I'm doing dude. I'm doing dude. What's up? Calling for Rell? What's going on with your baby? What's happening? Jay? You revided me of the soccer players that gives me fight? Let it go and my main man here is my sick partner in my writing. Buddy. Let's give it up for Junior. What's up, Junior? How you doing? Man? Morning's family? What's up? What's up? In last nine lees? He is the king, not king King of pranks, y'all put your hands together. But time time, it's the time of smiles, y'all. What's up? Many ain't top of the morning? Jan the round, Junior? Why and the beautiful as calling Sharlee good morning and good morning America getting morning and Maria da day. I'm holding. I'm still regular sick, but I'm holding. We are so different, We're just different. I'm not COVID sick, uglar sick. I don't know time, I'm I'm I'm under the ruling. If you're a little bit of sick, you take the day, Take the damn man. I'm trying to be a truthful man. This this is the Remember when sick used to be kind of fun. You know, a couple of times you're gonna be down, You got a couple of bowls of soup, you in the you know, your lady taking care of you. That's just yeah, that's not the case right now. Sick is not like that anymore, especially if you got COVID. Ain't nobody food at hold you yesterday, back away from the screen. Okay, whatever you got, we don't want to get it. Whatever it is, it don't it don't sound like we don't want to catch it. Whatever it is, we definitely don't want to catch it. So you had a COVID test and it came back next ye, I did all the day. Then I knew I was regular sick. And I was like, yeah, Regulest, you know what. I love you. I love you and I'm team timing me all the way. But I'm gonna have to go like the old people go Jake. They say, Jake, don't come in here. Oh sick people didn't put out by old folks. Don't come in here. I believe it. I believe. But we'll feel better. Whatever that is you got, whatever that is you got, we want you to feel better. Man, Thank you. It's regular sick. I got R okay, I got R okay. Precious, you just stay over there with your R all right. Uh on with the show coming up at thirty thirty two minutes after the hour, it will be time for ask bitter Man. Right afternoon. You're listening Stry Morning show. It is time now for Ask bitter Man. You're a disclaimer, please sir, you will not be helped with this one. You will not, you will not at all. I know little bit better in thinking I'm gonna get some help, NAT help today. If you help them, it'll be by accident. Okay, yes, all right, all right, Twitter man. This one is from Anonymous in Lexington. Anonymous writes, I'm a forty seven year old married man and my parents owe me a large sum of money. My parents had a fire last year in the backyard and it damaged the back of the house. I paid to have most of the repairs done and their insurance paid the rest. My dad was supposed to pay me in December, but he hasn't. My wife nags me constantly to confront my parents, but I'm not going to do that. How do I get my wife to be more respectful? You need to break it down to your wife and let them let her know what your parents. There's a song out Paul, no charge, remember that gospel song, No charge, no child, no damn charge, And tell your wife your parents don't owe you nothing nothing. Chalk it up as you're able to take care of your mama and daddy. Now you don't take care of her parents. That's on her. If her mom and you got to come out, tell you gotta go both ways time. If they house burned down, you gotta help them too. I don't time man changed the philosophy. What you're gonna do, what you gonna do, what your own? Yeah, when her mom and daddy needs some money, Oh no, Nam and daddy, that's that's gone. You don't even look. Yeah, your mom and daddy, you got it. That's done. You'll never get that back. Yeah, chalk that up. Smiley, gotta love that name. Smiley and Tampa says. I'm in my mid sixties and I've been in the hospital for a week and my girlfriend has been staying with me. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and she was gone. When I got up this morning, she was back. My handsome young doctor came in and thanked her for helping him stay awake last night. I tried to hide my anger, but I've seen how she looks at him. She's forty one and still very sexy. I told her not to stay overnight in my room anymore, and she called me paranoid. Should I be paranoid or not? Look, your ass is sit and damn you can do Okay, it's nothing nothing, there's nothing. You can barely blow the paper off a straw, so there ain't nothing. Then to him, can he can he rode down the hallways and do in the morning, manly you can bally open your jello. There ain't nothing you can do. Okay, but they did it though you know they did it, and the fine young doc they did it. Not only that that don't keep yours in the hospital as long as he kid that's right, more tests. Looks like we're gonna have to keep you a little somebody else working reading surgery and everything open words of complications. In the words of a great singer, you got your feelings. That's what you need to do, all right? All right? Well, moving on. Cara in San Diego or carap says, I recently moved to a new area and I'm trying to meet people and make friends. I've had a nice man and he's been showing me around the city. The only problem is he's married, and I don't want to get too attached to him. He said his wife is open to him having female friends, and he wants me to meet her. My mom said, it sounds like they're in an open relationship, and I need to be careful. Should I come out and ask him or steer clear of him? Bitcher Man I can't wait for this response. Don't listen to your mom, The man said, his wife already gave him. Okay, you need to meet new people. That's where you moved to a new town to meet new damn people. You met a person, You met a person who wants you to meet other people, and now you're holding back what You've met a nice guy who showed you the town, and now he says, I have more people for you to meet, and you like, I don't know that you hated when people don't see naked invitations. Thank you, thank you. Yeah, your mama to stay out of this. You met a nice man who showing you the town, and he just said, I have other people for you to meet. I don't mean the people, so it don't matter if it's his wife and that don't go ahead on Matt. Yeah, that's even better. They're friendly. That's in San Diego, in case you guys forgotten that quick, okay. Terriica Terrica in high Point as we move on, says, my brother and sister in law are divorcing and it's tearing my family apart. My sister in law cheated with my first cousin and it happened to be in my guest bedroom. So my brother blames me for not stopping it. I didn't know they had slipped away to have sex. That was the furthest thing from my mind. Shouldn't he be more upset with our cousin and a wife and my cousin are still messing around. But my brother blames me. What's up with that? You supposed to be You supposed to be in charge of who's doing who in the house. And if you don't keep an eye out, well who's doing who? You're slipping on your responsibility, sir, as a mailing, you are slipping You open these doors, we don't shut no toes round we're going yeah, yeah, everybody needs be in the same room, saying, keep my eye on you. You know. So you're agreeing with her brother. You think this is it's his fault. It is his her fault. The rooms in here, that's what happened. You live at Hilf Point, Yeah, cautin furniture, and every y'all took quiet back that what you're doing back the breathing? All right, all right, thank you, bitter man. You lived up to your disclaimer. You did not help the soul, all right, coming up next, the nephew would run that frank back right after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne is standing by with today's national news. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has resigned. Also, the Senate pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, plus an entertainment news Rihanna fenty perfume. It's sold out in half a day. Also, have you seen the Queen Bee? That is our girl, Beyonce. She's gorgeous on the cover of Harper's magazine. Um. Also, we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is in the building, would run that break back. What you got No, I have church, Ussha church, Yeah, Usha, you didn't grow up Yeah, if you didn't grow up in church and the sixties, seventies, eighties, you miss this usher right here. Okay, this is this is that usher. This ain't the Selah usher. This is the ussher us. You know how I'm time back. All right, this is white gloves, white hat, white stockings. This is that lady. Let's go hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing good, good evening to you, ma'am. I don't mean to be giving you a call this late in the evening, but I am the new youth minister. I haven't. My name is Sean Williams over at Missionary Baptist Church, which mine is what happened. Um, he's no longer with the church anymore. Man. No, well, I'm not at liberty to speak upon that. But but what I was doing is getting around and making sure I met everyone because I haven't met everyone yet and I wanted to reach out to um everyone at the church. But listen, let me, let me get down to some more business. Because I've spoken with the pastor. Uh that's a bishop, yes, bishop, yes, man, I know you knew, but it's bishop Okay. I spoke with him on yesterday and we have narrowed some things down over a few changes we're going to be making at the church. And what we want to do is um. One of the major subjects that have come up, sous to please that we're wanting you, if at all possible, and the deacons were in on this meeting as well, but wanting you to change your attitude when people are coming in and you're seating them. From my understanding, it's gotten to the point where they think you're wait wait wait wait wait, wait wait a minute, wait a minute, thank you. I've had a meeting on meet Well, it wasn't a meeting. I don't want to listen here. I've been ushering on that on a usher board for forty seven years. I am the senor usher on that unsherboard, and I literally I've been trying to be nuts about it. But I don't understand how y'all don't have a meeting without me. But now you're gonna call him and tell me that having a meeting on me about me being nice, always nice, Well, ma'am, that doesn't seem to be a problem with that. Sounds twenty seven? Man, can't they some bar to call me? Don't make no type of what is it? Well, what that's actually my call, man, is that maybe we figured if I would call and speak with you about the matter, that maybe we can get to some type of rectifying this situation to where we can we gonna rectify here. I'm gonna rectify you calling me this time a night taught my some meeting. Just don't make no time. I don't appationate you calling me any time a night way is Bishop, I need to speaks. I've been at this church a part of seven years. I haven't say, Oh my life, this don't make no type of sense. You calling me here with this man. No y'all going to make me cause I'm trying to be a question. But y'all not gonna cost me be a Chris. You just gonna just gonna agitate me with this mess for telling me about something. Be nice, Mamber. That's saying that they're having problems when you're seating the people, and that's all that we're trying to get rectified. People don't want to sit down. They want to go over here, they want to go up there. They want to have the children runner two and through. It's like a bunch of demons a while he just bucking around in a turch like they ain't got no sense. And I'm not gonna have it in my sextion. My section is gonna be straight. And I understand. Let you know what, since the h I think if we did this, if you would do me a favor and hold your phone, and if you would just bow your head right now for me, maybe we can come to to get to get the man up. What am I bound my head? That's clean, baby, if we can get your lords, it's clean. It's hospital corfe it. Don't make no fence for what if I bound my head? If you could, maybe if you could close your eyes since the want close my said, you call me and won't be here by to my fleet with this mess I'm meeting. I am very knowed at this and I don't appreciate it. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna speak to me now. Father. We asked that you look down up on some stick. We asked that you look down upon her right now, right now, asking that you put a smile on her face on Sunday morning, asking that you put some joy in her heart on Sunday morning, asking that you draw all the pain that she in the Anglish that she might be going through, whatever demon there is inside. We asked that you draw that demon out. We asked that you pour that demon went away from stet right now. In your name, we ask all of these blessings to come, because I don't appreciate this boy. I don't even know who you is. You number. A pastor gave me the number one and asked me to call I am like I said, I'm Sean Williams. We haven't met yet, and I am the news. He don't, he don't. He don't act that way. And it's bishop. For the third time. I've told you, boy, bishable be respectful of the folks. See, that's what makes me angry. Let me let me let me say this right here, sister, and maybe this will shed some light on things a little bit clearer. I'm trying to listen to you. Boy ahead, this is nephew Timmy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by system who is also an usher at the church. A mission here about this? This is yes, don't make no sense, lord him, this is embarrassing. Oh my god, this is imad Steve Harvey Show. Yes, ma'am, that's that's that's my uncle. This is just a joke though, man, Yes, oh lord him. How you doing, army? How you doing? Sister? Am so emptius? I am in barressing, I am in Do you listen to the show every day? I never would have slipped my Oh lord jog and oh my god, got me on this readio I can sister, bid this here to you you. Well, how about y'all call me back and we get sister. How we do that? We do we will do a plank on her bills. I paying a couple of bills, you know, because she show a little her business. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harved Morning Show and look timing and Hardy Mother love sharing him little devil. She is so cute. I love this is so y'all. I'm so sorry at please forgive me crazy. I did pray on that thing. I'm nothing shuts down a Christian like a prayer man. Well, thank the Lord, No, especially when they start without even talking to you, fathera God. Right now, Hey, wait a minute, what happened to value head? Please wait and close your eyes? Yes, yes, wow, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour entertainment of national news for you. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right. So New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his own address and defended himself before he announced his resignation. It is effective in two weeks. Wow. Although although Cuomo insists he is a fighter and wanted to fight the allegations. He says he will step down for the good of the state. He said, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and the government get back to governing, and therefore that's what I'll do. Lieutenant Governor Kathie Houlkel will take over. She will be the first female governor in the state's history. So congratulations going out to her girl's power. Yes, she's a real strong candidate to keep that job. She's already visited all the counties up there in New York. Yeah, he's on the top of it. So I think the Republicans would have a hard time trying to put somebody up another guy to beat her. She she kind of saw the writing on the wall, and she's like, you know, people don't really know her. So this is a good time for you know, female right. So yeah, he did the right thing to step down, though. Yeah, yeah, you know who, I feel sorry for them. I just feel sorry for his brother, man, Chris's Yeah, you just call that bad situation, you right. He is and he's a journalist, and he's a and he's a good one, you know, he's a good one. Yeah, And he's an attorney. Yeah, but the rules have to apply. Yeah, I'm sorry. If my suster do something like this, I'm on the news the next damn day talking about it. I no loyalty. Let my sister. I would be I would be the first team exclusive. Yeah, yeah, breaking the news. Yeah, I'm gonna have a big pitch of my sister behind me. Look at my damn sister, so Ja and Julia. So by the time it's over, you you lead ankle. By the time you just oh yeah, I wait for the question to finish. Time. And she did it. She did she already, She's been doing it a whole life. She did tell them how you did? Yeah, she did now and now she's not speaking to me for what she did. Can y'all gonna leave the nerve? Oh? Man, what your mother say about your sister? Jay? Oh, my sister. My mother was my mother. My sister was the favorite because my sister was an honest student all the way through straight aged, straight age with the college on a scholarship, graduated from college. You know, but I always got my sister back. I was able to give my sister my mother way better gifts than my sister. It just thrilled me. What you get, Mama, telling she said, I gave a car, and I'm that I bought a car. How about face in your face, your open that, I'm you win where you can win here what you buy? Mom? I bought her a house in your face? Yeah, I send MoMA on a trip. Yeah yeah. And your sister, you were busted her out right on national team. That is interest or anything like that. Jay, Huh, that's a conflict of interest. No, no, we ain't no, not mean no. Let let my sister mess up. And she's a Christian person, go to church every suddenly prayed straight up. But if she ever slipped, that's her ass. That is he stupid. All right, Jay, with your crazy felp, let's go to miss Anne. Please. She hurt everybody. It's time for miss and trip. She'd be talking about my sister check it out exactly. And I'm not talking about my brother. I love my brother. This is a trip with the news. Looks like President Biden secured the strong bipartisan support in the Senate that he was hoping for his one trillion dollar traditional infrastructure bill that's for bridges and roads and stuff like that. But the Senate also passed the Democrats three and a half trillion dollars so called Human Infrastructure Bill overnight strictly along party lines, which means the Democrats vote for them. In the Publicans did not vote for it, but there were more Democrats than the majority, just by one hair. But any way, it passed. And that includes money for things like paid family leave and affordable housing and stuff like that that the President says we need as a human infrastructure measure. New York States Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, as you just heard, announced his resignation yesterday. That was after months of resisting calls to step down for members of his own party, including the President and White House spokesperson Jen Psaki says that mister Biden didn't know that the governor was going to throw in the towel, but she provide her own reaction to the situation. This is a story about these courageous women who came forward, told their stories, shared their stories, and an investigation overseen by the Attorney General that of course concluded today, an outcome that the President called for. Just last week, Governor Cuomo faced impeachment but still denies engaging in any egregious behavior, though he does acknowledge. He says behaving it in ways that maybe we're out dated and insensitive, but he says he's leaving for the good of the people. Best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing. Governor Cuomo still faces possible misdemeanor sexual harassment charges in Albany County. That's in New York State. Dominion Voting Systems is suing two far right media companies for lying. Dominion cuses Newsmax Media Inc. And one American news network of spreading lies that the dominions of people supposedly rig their machines in favor of Joe Biden. They say that's a lie. The voting machine company also suing overstock dot COM's former chief exect Patrick Byrne. Dominion is see king more than one point six billion dollars in damages from each suit, and apparently well known white nationalist has been kicked out of the US military. Was discovered he'd been rolled in the Air Force, and he said he had to go. Sean McCaffrey has a page and a website of five far right stuff talking about hate against women, Jews, blacks, everybody, and today is the day we shamed a devil. Well, shame on you. Goodbye. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, it is your boy, the president and CEO of Team Tommy. Please do the honors and introduce him. Ladies and gentlemen, We're about to go into the mind, deep into the mind of one you number gone before. Buckle up and hold on tight because it is a place you can get left in that mind. Well, I'll try to bring you back. I am the host of the Mind of Anthony bro Well. I don't know if you want to come up any ya. It goes down August twenty first, y'all in Charlotte, North Carolina. Once again, thank everybody for him supporting the Jay Spot last night. Hope Flood had a nice party. Here we go. Okay, this is a brand new comedy that I like to call us. I'm talking to you. I'm not gonna call your name, but you know who I'm talking to. Let me said, ok, I'm talking to you. I'm not gonna call your name, but you know who I'm talking to. Hey, mister. A couple of days ago, on Instagram, you tweeted that black people did not like you because you're in an interracial relationship, you're married. Let me tell you something, sir, we don't give a damn who you w. We could care less. We love you, we respect you, we all up for what you're doing, but we don't care who you w. I'm not speaking for all black people, but I can tell you right now, Shirley, do you care? I don't give a darn Carla do you can't? Not at all? Junior? Do you can? I just want to do the dance now and time it? Do you care? I don't give a good God, no, Well there you go. Not see that. Nobody on this show really cast what you do, who you sleeping with, who you're changing stick, But we don't care. We really don't give a damn. Man, And for your information, Will Smith don't even care. I don't know if you know it or not, but you were not our favorite. You were not. We were surprised how close you were to acting on the show to your real life. We were to surprise you weren't acting. You were playing your damn self. But he was really really need to know. We think it's time that you really stop doing that. Stupid ass dance. That's what we really need to do. You reach the age where you need to stop doing that. Look around you the only one doing it. Nobody else is doing it. Stop doing it. This has been I'm talking to you. I didn't call your name, but you know who I'm talking to. I'm done. I'm finished. I said it. I didn't call nobody's name. I didn't go but I'm talking to you. I can't call your name. I'm talking to I don't care somebody, somebody. We don't do exactly, all right, listen coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. We're the number one morning show in the world. We'll talk about it right after this. Who you're listening to stay morning show? Well, we want to celebrate and salute our homestation WBLS one oh seven point five. We are the number one morning show in the What in the world, baby oh yead witted yeah world? Why yeah? With adults twenty five fifty four. Thank you so much. We cannot thank our Laurel New York listeners enough. Thank you so much. I mean, we also want to show love to our loyal listeners all over the country. It hear you appreciate all y'all. Yeah, big ups to Cynthia. Okay, all right now, program director Over Smith play Barry mad Love, miss srip up in the building. Gloria. My favorite favorite salesperson is Glory. I gotta I gotta show her love. You know. Gloria is the one that, uh that I blasted her one day because she goes shopping and don't tell her hood and keep all her stuff under her desk and her cub just like that. We love New York, We really love. Yeah. I got stuck on the elevator with Gloria. Oh you did? Oh? I remember that. We were going up to the what was it, the thirty fourth floor, and then elevator stopped and she panicked. She was like, we said, calmed down, calmed down. She saidn't hand of water? I said, what is the water going through? Bottle of water? She kept pressing the button and they was like, ma'am, they're coming, They're coming. She just kept pressing the button. When are they coming? When are they coming? From the sip from the South, from Big Charleston, the Low. You don't get stuck on the elevator. Yeah, we don't handle that pretty well. Now. Yeah, I didn't like that right up to the thirty fourth floor. I think it was the thirty fourth. It was mistaken, but that was a long time ago. That's what it was. It was the park. Yeah, yeah, man, that's why I'm getting the thirty four from them. That conversation is, well, we thank you New York. We love you New York. I love you so much. Yeah, say Trip, the beautiful missing Trip. I just heard from her recently. She wished me a happy birthday. She's such a sweetheart, such a thoughtful, loving person. And we gotta shout out our listeners and Mark, not just like the Stab, but everybody and Queen's Loan Island. And it's the same time. The bro Brooklyn. You know, you always gotta say it's Brooklyn in the house. And they always are. They always are. When when we were living there, I was going, I swear every other day I was at a Broadway show every That's what I like about it, timy Broadway shows. But these yeah, it's a lot of stuff you can do. And there it's a sit like they say, it never sleeps, never sleep. It's always something to do. Thereways, great shop, theater, everything, it's right there in New York City. That's why it's And I'm I'm one of the people that if you cooking on the street, damn, and I'm eating it, I don't. I don't know why particularly, but it just goes to show they've been cooking it for a long while and if it was bad, they shut them down. They still there. It's got to be good. So I'm not hot hot dog and a slice. Yes, that's heaven. That's heaven right there. Yeah, we love you New York Apple in Jersey to Jersey. Yes, yes. And let me tell you my favorite story that I used to ride the ferry home right across the Hudson River. So one time, the bus driver, because you know, you had to get on the bus and then go to you know, ride the ferry and all that, and so it was a whole bunch of police cars and you know, sirens, everything going on. So I was hesitating getting on the bus, and so I wonder, what's going on there? So I looked at the bus driver. I said, what's happening over there? The bus driver looked at me, he said, I don't know, And what is this white folks moment you have? And get on this bus and let's go. Fell I'll get on the book h business, okay, white person. Yeah, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we love New York. Thank you much. Yes. Coming up next, the nephew with Today's praying phone call. Right after this New York. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject I'm in love with the depth. Right now we'll get into I've been there, I've been there, I've been there until you hear this letter though. Yeah, right now, nephew's here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us, nep Well, you know this one here goes deep, Shirley. You know, because what they all do, Shirley, they all do they this one here to Yeah, this is one you know because there have been men that have done this. But just having talked about it, you know this one here, this is one here is I've been dreaming about your wife. You understand, left real quick, I've been dreaming about your wife. I mean, but that it happens so so Carlin Sherley, y'all ain't never dreamed about nobody whos ain't answer that was that was that on ain't gonna answer that. They're not gonna answer that, Junior Jay, Have you dreamed about anybody's wife before? Hell yeah, I was dreaming about man. Hell yeah, let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Winston Weston. Hey once, how you're doing? Man? This is Kevin Man. I actually are I work with your wife Retnee. We we we met a couple of times man at uh at the job. I think you might have been taking at the lunch of somethody. I work like on on the floor above. Hey, what's up, dude? Are you doing today? Man? I'm doing good? Man? Y'right? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, I wanted to reach out to you man, and um, I had something personal. I wanted to high let you about, you know, personal. Yeah, what personal? Like what dude? Well, who is who is this? My name is Kevin? Uh? Like I said, Uh, I work. I work on the on the seventh floor. Your wife is on the sixth. But you know we met a couple of times, right, yeah, I know you said that. I'm trying to pick your faith. What's up though, don't mean what's up? Okay? Yeah? Uh? How is you and Renee's relationship going? Man? What how is y'all's relationship going? What they got to do? What you do? I mean, I mean y'all, y'all. I mean, I'm just y'all been getting along and then meet meet me and Renee? Fine? But what they got? Hold on? Hold on? You say you want to talk to me about some person? You got some person, a boy? My wife? Well the first I'm like, what what I wanted to tell you? Man? Is that for some reason, man, I've been having uh off and on man every other day, I've been having these dreams at night, see dream Like what dude? Well, every one of these dreams man, Renee being them? Really? So? So you you work with my wife? Right? And you calling my fault telling me you haven't dream about my wife? But just you know, why are you dreaming about my wife? Well, it's it's you know what don't work about? Do you want to work right now? No? I'm not a word right now, but not not no, no, but nothing. Don me tell you something. Don't be calling me telling me you sud I have a dream about my wife? What's going on with you? My wife? What's your name? Kevin? I tell you what. I'm on my way up the right to hell. Now. No, man, I'm not at the job. I'm not where you at. Why are you at? Let's let's let the get off. Then, why don't you let's face to faith you you get my number? Let you getting my number? Answer my question? No? I asked what I asked one of the guys at the job for your number, man, doctor. You know, I wanted to be man and man and just talk to you. You know, so y'all sit there, have a conversation about my wife on the job. Okay, you know what it's uh uh this show number my Paul liked. Right now. I'm gonna let me call you right back. Let me hold on, hold on but not nothing to hold on you calling him come up to your to treat him by my life. Well, man, I'm just I'm just trying to be real with you. That's why I wanted to see ye. And I appreciate that. I'm gonna be real with you too. I'm gonna come whoop. But I wanted to want to see how your relationship is going. Man. Man, if you say what you gotta say, doud okay, well, because see the dog if these dreams keep happening. It must be faith, man, it must be to me and Hug are meant for each other. I don't know. I don't know what you smoke. I don't know who the hell you are, but I promise you this. When I get off my job today, I'm coming to whoop yours. And if I found out that you don't have been calling my heart and hang it up? You ain't got fact table, don't even word? Okay, okay, okay, look look look let me man, man, why is she and all my dreams? Man? Why is she that? No? No way you dream about? What the fuck? Because you shouldn't listen? As for my wife? What canda do? Is you? Man? Now? Doing? Time? Get today? Look at a wife every day? What kind of work do you do? Hush you you work? Gonna flow? A boyfrid is every why she can't meet me for lunch? No? No, no, I'm in the accounting department. Man. No, I don't know. Let you agree? Were you for to be in the book department? Is? It's about five more minutes? Man? Don't you understand that it's got to be fat? If she keeps showing up? You know you know what up hollohol, what's your last name? Dude? I got your number. You say you work on the seventh flow or the second flow before you work on? I work on the seventh flour. That ain't what you ain't got something to do? Itsh on last name? My last name? Well? Why is she showing up in my dream? Why is she kissing me? And my reasons? Man, I don't let him teach something. I don't know what the hell kind of dreams your has happened? But when I beat you up, you gonna swear the guard. You're gonnead with the mother with the king dams. You understand me. When I get to your job tomorrow morning, I don't give it. Who do you call? Let's believe it gonna be outside waiting for you, okay, on the league making love to me man in these dreams, because it's just passionate man, Renee love me and I love her? Man. Let's I'm calling my wife's name, calling my wife's name. But what you want me to call you? Do you know me? Do you say you know me? Right? So you know why I am right? I met you a couple of times. Man, If you know what I'm calling Renee when I get up there, call with you? Tell you my number? Who gave you my number? Dog? You stop violent? I don't even want to tell you to do they gave me to you? Man? Kill me that you love the dreams sleeping and kissing my wife? Tell me they gave you enumber? Why? Why is your wife kissing me back? Why kissing me? See about my wife? And I'm gonna call her. She wouldna get up the so with you? We need that. You can't you have anything else? You want to say? The name case so so so. What I'm supposed to do when I'm sleep and she show up? I'm supposed to your wake up. I don't give what you're doing. You to do yourself all I can. I'm gonna call you a freeway? What renee? I want you to tell me what all the phone? A man? I don't even want to go through. I thought we could call and talk reasonable life like me and dog. And if we're gonna talk about never welcome. Come see me face to face right now. You're coming on the phone. Come see me right now. Come you see me right to hell now? When you let I come see you, you ain't got away show gad man, Come see you don't want to do it. Man, I'm gonna take some sleeping pills so I can get back to my dream. You're gonna take this whoop? Is what you're about to take? That I got, I got everything I need to know. I will be on the sell flow to my way for you. I got a special delivery for you. You understand me? Nah? What? What? What? Let me call her first? Mama? Hey, I I call Renee because me. Don't you call her? How to hear you get une? Either way? How do you get my wife's number? Let me Renee? Renee called me? Man, she tells you, oh oh oh, my wife's called you, So you don't tell to know? Okay, okay, let me say this though to you. Let me say this to you once to your wife called me and she wanted me to call you. Oh so my oh, so my wife told you to call me right, come right, okay, But but listen to me. Whis what call? No? She wanted me to call Y'all'm nephew toming from the Steve Harpy morning and show y'all rong for that y'all roll for that dog. You know now you're wrong for that dog. Something to go to Joe here, whoever came. I'm hout of here? Do you you? Oh man? You over there? Dude? You wrong? You know you're wrong? Oh man, hey man, I got one more thing to ask. She Winston. What's the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Do you already know what the business is? Man? The Steve Harvey Morning the Show player. It happened sometimes, you know, you know, somebody's wife will pop up in your head. Sometimes in the middle of sleep, it will happen. In the upsetness in his voice, I did not understand at all. I really didn't you try. I'm trying to get back just sleep and get back to hum. All right, keeping it stupid, We're gonna be stupid. Oc told of the sixteenth and Detroit, Michigan at the Music Hall. It is the sweetest day comedy takeover. Dominique is in the building. Rodney Perry, That's my point. Tommy Davidson a legend and God Tory funny all day, every day, hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. Tickets on sale right now. That is the Music Hall, Detroit, Michigan. An't he get it? Get it man anyway, dreaming about somebody coming up next. Strawberry Letter subject I'm in love with the Devil. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve RBFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Because here it is right here. We could be reading your letter all right, live and on the ear, just like we're reading this one right here, right now, right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it. Point you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject I'm in love with the Devil. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for exactly one year to the devil. My husband is an IT manager and I'm a veterinarian. I celebrated our one year anniversary, and then I went to visit my parents for the weekend. My visit was cut short when I got a call from my neighbor saying there were a lot of cars at my house and she knew I was out of town. It was one am when I got the call, so I did not bother to call my husband. I knew something wasn't right, so I drove home. It was a two hour drive, so I got there around three thirty am, and I parked in front of my neighbor's house. I walked in my front door because the garage was down. I saw bottles of alcohol and a little weed on the coffee table, and my hand started shaking. As I walked towards my bedroom, I got my bat out of the hall closet because I knew something wasn't right. I saw my husband and two other women asleep in my bed. Wait, that's not even the worst part. One of the women was my best friend. I tapped each one of them with the bat so they would wake up. I love that My husband jumped up first and tried to take the bat from me. My best friend woke up and I hid her in the back of her knees as she tried to run to the bathroom, to my bathroom. She was the only one I wanted to hurt because she was my maid of honor in my wedding. There is no way I'd ever believe my husband would do me like this. My best friend is engaged to be married, so I called her fiance right away and ruined her plans. I'm most upset with my husband, and I kept asking him why he chose my best friend. He said it was her oral skills that got him hooked months ago. He admitted, it's been going on for a while, and she's better than me in bed. This hurt me to my core. He's the devil and I want revenge. What should I do? Oh, it's all nothing. Well, you've done a lot. I love you getting the bat. I love that. I love you calling her fiance and ruining her wedding. But honestly, I'm not your revenge type of girl, okay, because life always has a way of paying you back for your wrongs. It just does. That's just how it goes. But let me say, like I said, it was a smooth move calling her fiance. That was some good revenge right there. Now. If I were a revenge type of girl, I would have taken her clothes and made her leave my house. But you know what, naked, I would have taken pictures of all three of them in my bed. I would have sent them to her fiance and her family and his family. Then I would have sent pictures to her boss and all of her co workers. Then I would have posted them all over social media with the hashtag husband stealing STD carrying blank. I would have downloaded Shirley Murdoch's song As We Lay, but I would have put that with a picture, you know, the picture up there with the song under it. All. I would have done all of this. Let me see, did I leave anything out? Oh? I would have gone to her church, told her pastor and the whole congregation. Oh. I would go to the hair salon, because you know they tell everything. I would have gone to the hair salon where she gets her hair done. I would have told everyone there she's sleeping with all of her husbands and she got some sort of nasty disease that she's spreading, so they better go to the doctor immediately. And of course I would tell all her other girlfriends so they could light her up, tell her how stink she is. But then again, I'm not your revenge type of girl. So were you so started eight who you had a lot that you did not do? Shirley that I'm not your revenge. You know, I'm not a revenge now you're not into that. You're a nice person personally. I can agree with Shirley, but here's where I disagree. It's like a movie The Five Heartbeams. Quoting the movie is this ain't about you j T, which means just letting your damn party. You wouldn't even invited to the damn party. Why you are knowing this? You just ain't got nothing to do with you. Why do you want to go and party swinging a batten? Everything? Shit just ain't what he had planned when he put a party together. Guess what y'all later on, My wife gonna come in here with a back and beat hell out of every damn body. He wouldn't have had people there, and he put that on the invitation just ain't about you. You're gonna come in the room and make this about you. It wasn't about you. Just ain't got nothing to do with you and mess up up. The man had it all plan You're the hard it is to get a free over two freaks and a come on, that's a planning, that's right scheduling. Thank you, just ain't got nothing to do with you. Can't tell you what so you know I read the letter. You know I will say out we need to start. Did you sound like a sermon at church time? It could be well, but let's thank God for nosing naples, say nosing neighbors. I keep you in a situation you ain't got to be in long. It's only one year. They still get out this marriage if one fourth and you know the MTE. Girl. I don't mean to call you this late, but this show with a lot of activat y'all have all that music out over there and hold on. We'll have part two of today's Strawberry Letter, I'm in Love with the Devil, at twenty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, let's recap today's Strawberry Letter. The subject I'm in Love with the Devil. A woman wrote in she's been married for exactly one year. She says, she's been married to the devil. Um. They have a good marriage. She's a veterinarian, her husband's an it manager. They's just celebrated their one year anniversary. The wife celebrated, then she went to visit her parents, which is about a two hour drive away. While she was there, her neighbor called and said there were a lot of cars at her house. She knew she was out of town. So the wife said, Okay, I'm not gonna call my husband. Something doesn't feel right. I'm just gonna go home because this is like one o'clock in the morning. So she drives home, sees weed on the coffee table, bottles of alcohol everywhere. She parked in front of her neighbor's house so nobody saw her come in. She went right in through the front door. Her husband as she went into the bedroom. But before she did that, she stopped at the closet to get a bat because she didn't know what she was going to run into. So when she got to the bedroom, she saw her husband asleep with two women. One of the women was her best friend, and she hit that woman in the back of her knees with the bat because she was set with her, especially because she was the bridesmaid. She was the maid of honor and her wedding, so of course she had to get hit. Then, you know, her husband and woke up and tried to explain and tried to take the bat from her and all of that. And she the best friend, was engaged to be married, so she called her fiance and ruined all of that. But she said, of course she's most upset with her husband. And her husband told her why he did what he did because her husband, her best friend's earl game, got him hooked and she's better in bed than his wife. She said. It hurt her to the cores and she wants revenge. What should she do? I said, I'm not a revenge type of girl, but I gave her a couple of suggestions, but I'm not into revenge, you know. Jay said, it wasn't about her as the wife. And of course Junior said, this sounds like a sermon. Yeah, and the title is what Junior, thank God for nosing nighbors. That's right, That's all I could tell you, thank God for nosing neighbors, because you know, to know, the neighbors saw the people going into the house. Jay, you know, she said, So you know you and show look nice where your wife fast? You know? She said, Then she went and made the phone call and here you come home at three thirty in the morning. But you want to know about what revenge? Well, I notice you's a veterinarian, which means you got access to animals. Well, since since since he like cats and stuff, let's go ahead and put these lines in there. Let's get these tigers in this house and left the wrong round, so where he coming. Now, let's see how you do with this tyger. Let's see how you do with this to this line. Let's see how you gonna do with you got access to animal political rilla. Now we're gonna see who gonna be who chest first. Then you can go ahead and get reved like this, Get you somebody and go out of town with and then you'll show who that is you with you just post body parts like an arm. That's all he sees you with, somebody with an all. Then you see somebody with a chest, and y'all out on the beach. See that's how you get your reven. Now he at home crying, worry about what you doing. Then get the divorce. I ain't gonna let to stay there. Yeah, since we then wrote the same damn thing, let me figured back that you are a veterinarian. You got access to animals, so you are snakes. Ought to be in his car with he on his way to work in the morning. As soon as he get on the pedal. You ought to be snakes running everywhere. When he come on an evening, kangaroo in the garage. Kick you gotta kick you are you're a veterinarian, baby, you got access to everything. Possums, possums in the bathroom. As soon as he come up in the three of he can't handle it. You got to put this pressure on it. And if you really, when you really upset them pit bulls, it's gonna do the work for that's gonna be. I really don't, I really don't really on suggestive pit bulls. That's like a bit too far. You don't want to do that, But I strick I back. You won't put that in the back, y'all. Put these animals on his ass the same way Moses did back in the day. You ought to be just let it little, let it loose. Yeah, he pigs is good. Pigs is real good. Don't get skunks could work skunks. It's gonna be funky, but it's gonna be. It's gonna be nice, all right, Get to help. Just I don't know what. I don't know what noises skunks make up. They don't have to make no noise. When you got that kind of fume, you don't need to make the smell is once loud. You don't have to make I like animal noises stuff. Well, when this tail, that's it. When they hit you with that, it's over with you. Anywhere you hear that. Boy, your ever hit a skunk by mistake? You? That's something you never forget. Man, I'm coming here. Wow has that happened to you? That's never happened to me. Yeah, you never. Oh my god, it takes weeks that normal thing. Not only does it stink, it makes you itch. It's all your body. Yeah, you deal it all what you're supposed to bathe and you're supposed to bathe in something that was killing, but it made us. Yeah, take the smell off, the and the itch out. And if you don't handle tomato, just put some ragou in there and rug and if the water is not enough, throw some you might well cook you get it out yet, It all right? Guys? Thank you all um. Please post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now. Or you might have your own response. You might want to help her out with your own form of revenge. For this woman. She said, she's married to the devil. She wants revenge. Help her out, all right, coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Junior is here. He'll have Sports Talk, Sports Talk with Junior coming up right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Junior, what you got before you get to sports Talk? What's happening? Okay, well, I'll tell you what's happening. Shirley, The Steve Harvey Morning Show and Walmart Family Mobile want to help you get ready for back to school this year. Enter for a chance to win a high end smartphone, six months of Walmart Family Mobile service plus two thousand, five hundred dollars and it's all gonna be in cash, people, I said, two thousand, five hundred dollars cash. Enter and get rules at Steve Harvey FM dot com. That's Steve Harvey FM dot com, all thanks to Walmart Family Mobile. Get forty gigabytes from under forty dollars a month from Walmart Family Mobile powered by Team Mobile. Get all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. And then I also want to remind y'all, yeah dot com. Also want to remind y'all that Labor Day weekend Septimper thirty, fourth and fifth. Come on out, Burmanham, We're gonna be at the Star Doors. Go to stardom dot com for tickets. Now in Sports Talk, Um, there's a few things worst. First of all, there is a documentary documentary alert that I just watched the other day. Man is really good and it tells the story. Uh it's remember you remember the Malice at the Palace the brawl so Netflix in Detroit with Yeah, in Detroit with It happened in two thousand and four from but run our Tests with Jermaine O'Neill and Stephen Jackson Man. Yeah, Ben Wallace was involved in that too, and Ben Wallace was in the fight too, And it tells the story from the angles from the players. Remember, because that's when they changed the dress code in the NBA because it happened act they wanted to start wearing suits and stuff. Man, if I tell you that, Jermaine O'Neill and Stephen Jackson and run our test man tell the story from what they had to go through and how there was no security in the understand in the stadium nowhere it was just them versus twenty thousand man. And I'll tell you right now, Jermaine O'Neill, I got a lot of respect for you, brother, because you remember Ronald tests left the Pacers and went and won a championship with the Lakers, and they felt like he bailed on the man. It's a great story. And that would cause Reggie military tire. Why is such a great story, y'all have to see that man. Also in other news, though, I do want to talk about this because this is important. Man. You know every since the rules have changed on July first, that dal student athletes can use their likeness to get endorsements. I'm always talk about Alabama. They always talk about all these other schools at least want to shut out some players from the HBCUs that's getting checks. Come on, come on, man, I gotta give it up for Kyle. His name's Kyle On dukes Man. He's a freshman wide receiver. He has become the first HBCU athlete to sign an endorsement and he's gone with both jangles. Now he plays for Johnson C. Smith University. And now there are some other players. There is Xabrian Moore, a wide receiver Alabama and m and Gary Charles they signed the boost Mobile. They're getting phones these boys. This is absolutely great. Yeah, this is a nice check. And then Jackson thanky, I want to set out to Antoine on three Kings grooming. This boy got hair privates already at eighteen fifty. Thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about holding Grudge's nephew. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys and trending topics, we're going to talk about holding a grudge. Writer director Quentin Tarantino revealed that he has never given his mother, Connie, a dime on a recent episode of the Moment with Brian Coppelman that podcast, Quentin said that when he was twelve years old, his mother belittled his screenwriting aspirations and writing abilities, and he vowed right then to never give her any money when he became famous. I go, okay, lady, when I become a successful writer, you will never see one penny from my success. There will be no house for you. There's no occation for you, no Elvis Cadillac from mommy. You get thing because you said that. Wow, that's kind of rough. Okay, Okay, I don't like being tad did this go? I don't like how you put my name with this. I take it back now, yeah, mama, my mama. That's a question with it just about holding grudges? No, yeah, but but he was just saying he didn't like his name tied to a period, and I get that, tummy, and I take that back. But I do want to ask you're you're the grudge holder on the show, so I'm your neighborhood grudge hold ahead. So that's why you're immediate. You know what. I try to do right by everybody. I just when you cross me, you have cross to me, and I'm done with you once you cross me, and and once I feel like and you deliberately crossed me. Oh no, we're done. We're done. What's more for to talk about? What? Nah? So I'm my mama though though I could never do. My mama like forgiveness bone in your body. You don't forgive. I'm forgiven people in the past. Yes, okay, you are capable. I'm capable. I'm capable, but but but depend on what they do. It depends on what was done. I'm done with you when I when I when I come up with an idea and you take it and go make money off of it and then come look at me at my face. Yeah, I'm done with you. Play, I'm done. Done. Now you're getting specific, Oh yeah, yeah, and you know who the hell I'm talking to. Done. But there's such a thing as forgiving but not forgetting or forgiving and being being distant from that person. You don't have to invite them back in your life. I'm inviting them to you for me. I'm with you when you feel you're inviting them something. When you when you feel you've helped them, you out of your way to help that person to do one everthing, and then you find out that this person stole from you. I'm done. I'm finished with you. I'm done, but I'm just I'm finished, you know. And every other people who get mad real quick and the next minute you they'll act like you didn't have an argument. That's the way I am. But like you said, when I'm done, when I'm really done, I'm done, you know, But you can forget someone and and for you know, yeah you can. You can forgive someone still and be done with them, but you could forget you can, like, go ahead, I'm sorry, I won't say. You know, like if I stop asking about your family, your ass is done, you your mom and your kids. Nothing. I'm done, all the way done. I'm not doing nothing for you. And I don't have I don't have no long list, you know what I mean. But it's just it's some people that would just try you do you crossing? And I just don't like because I because I try to, but don't. Don't you build that Sometimes it's good. It's good to cut people loose. I mean, it is absolutely absolutely have to. All I'm saying is you can forgive them them and still and still mos on with your life. Okay, let me ask you what is the forgiveness? Fuck? What is it? Because you want to be forgiven because you're not perfect? You want me to forgive you? Yes, yeah, I'm not to be them, but it could be someone else who you may you know a lot of mistakes. I ain't ross nobody. Ain't you want to be forgiven? So you ask for give this time and you can ask for forgive to Timmy. But you still ain't got to talk to the person. Right, That's right, that's all say. You ain't got to talk to I'm just gonna write it. No, I forget you. I only want to talk to you. I don't I don't want to. I don't want to Childishly, I'm done with you, man, I'm thrown. All right, we'll have more. We'll calm him down, mister hothead, and then we'll have more of today brought this story of who wrote this story? Right after hothead? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, y'all to roll this up about forgiving somebody, We back up, it's about holding a grudge. Okay, y'all want somebody to forgive people. But when somebody did something completely disrespectful to you, why am I supposed to forgive them for that? Why? Well, if you don't forgive, can you let it go? Let it go, and I let it go till I see them again, Yeah, till I see them again. But when I see them again, this is for you. It gives you the freedom. I don't want it. I don't want it. Who are you're hollering? Sorry? I don't want it. I don't want My daddy is to take some of that base at your voice, please not your eyeballs, Jake. Y'all know, y'all got some people y'all don't fool with no more. Man. Come on, Yeah, I forgive them. I have forgiven they done. Y'all have forgiven every person. Oh yeah, good, it's not a problem. It's time. I ain't speak life. Though I wasn't always like that, Tommy, but now this stage in my life, yeah, you have to grow. But this stage in my life, call this stage in my life, I'm not whooping. They ain't. You know what I'm gotten past, you know, okay, Because I used to send some people to holler at you. That's what I used to I've been sending somebody to holler at you. I stopped that. I stopped that. Look at god what I still got. But I still got the number though I have coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. And you're hear him in the background. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to morning show. A right, So New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gave his own address and defended himself before he announced his resignation. It is effective in two weeks wow. Although although Cuomo insists he is a fighter and wanted to fight the allegations, he says he will step down for the good of the state. He said, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and the government get back to governing. And therefore that's what I'll do. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hokel will take over. She will be the first female governor in the state's history. So congratulations going out to her girl power. Yes, he's a real strong candidate to keep that job. She's already visited all the counties up there in New York. Yeah, she's on top of it. So I think the Republicans will have a hard time trying to put somebody up another guy to beat her. She she kind of saw the writing on the walls, and I'm she's uncredicted. She's you know, people don't really know her. Yeah, he did the right thing. Yeah, yeah, you know who. I feel sorry for them. I just feel sorry for his brother, man Chris. Yeah, you just because he's not a bad situation. You're right there. He is. He's a journalist and he's and he's a good one. You know, he's a good one. Yeah, and he's an attorney. Yeah, but the rules have to apply. Yeah, I'm sorry if my sister do something like this. I'm on the news. The next damn day talking about it. No loyal teachers, I would be I would be the first to teach. Yeah yeah, breaking the news. Yeah, I'm gonna have a big pitch of my sister behind me. Look at my damn sister yea so Ja and Julius. By the time it's over, you lead ankle by the time you just oh yeah, I ain't wait for the question to finish. Time. And she did it. She did she always, She's been doing it all life. She didn't tell them how you did? Yeah yeah, yeah now and now she's not speaking to me for what she did. Can y'all want to leave the nerve? Oh? Man, what your mother say about your sister? Jay? Oh, my sister. My mother was my mother. My sister was the favorite because my sister was an honor student all the way through school, straight age, straight age with the college on a scholarship, graduated from college. You know, but I always got my sister back. I was able to give my sister my mother way better gifts than my sister, And it just thrilled me. Did you get Mama? Tell she said, I gave a car, and I'm that I bought a car. Face in your face, I'm you win where you can win here with you by mother? I bought her? How in your face? Coming up, it is our last break of the day. Hold up, let me check. Nope, that's it. We out no more was it and we'll close out the show coming up at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Here we are our last break of the day on this hump day day. It never does right, and we gotta do this programming note. Our special guest tomorrow, guys, will be the one and only Jennifer Hudson who's starring in this movie yeah Respect which comes out. Well, Yeah, She's gonna be our special guest. Carl and I will talk to her. No, boys, all, okay, okay, okay, you know what, you know what. You're gonna hold the ground. I'm no, no, I ain't gonna hold no girl. I'm gonna called More's chest Nut and me Junior Jay gonna interview More's Chestnut. Hey, y'all, that's somebody I had I had a grudge against, was More Chips. No, no, no, we're gonna interview. We're gonna interview Morgan Freeman. No, girls, I'm okay, with that. That's only one girl that's gonna be upset. Hurt me, Jay, you hurt me with that one. You hurt me. Cut me deep. If you're gonna cut somebody, don't cut them shallow. All right. So yeah, So tomorrow Jennifer Hudson will be our special guest on Girl Talk, and you don't want to miss that. We had a great in the morning. Jennifer will join us. Yeah, that's gonna be good. All right. So I have a question for you guys. Okay, check this out. Now, what child hood accomplishments. Think about this? Now? What childhood accomplishments do you still try to work into conversations? For instance, were you an amazing track star in the eighth grade? Did you win the spelling bee? Or did you just get really good at basketball for exactly one summer? For instance, Um, I got an A in geometry. Okay, I still talk about that and al yeah, I still talk about that. So what about you guys? Still try to work it in? When I was in when I was in the tenth grade, I was failing. I was definitely failing English and I was definitely gonna fail. But I did a play. It's called it's about the last survivor. I can't think of the name of the play. Has to do it all the black people leaving the earth for one day. I can't remember the name of the play. I was so good in the play that the ladies said, I'm going to give you a passing grade because of what you did in the play. So I always try to bring up you know, I was I was in the play. Speaking of pays, I'm funny you brought up play let me play I was in. We were talking about plays, though, what I what I'm what I what I'm working? I do this and it's not something I should be proud of what I am? Okay, yeah, what I was proud of. You know, my great grandbrother really didn't like me as a kid. For whatever reason. She ain't liked me. I just could never do nothing right. And you know, if I messed up, she could be supposed to be blind, but she could see what I missed up. You know, I her vision come back when I messed up. Well, she like to monopoly, and you bringing you bringing this up, and you start talking about Tid who remembers I work in the back guy. I used to cheat her own the Monopoly game because she didn't like to play if she didn't win. Board Walk, I made show she paid the electric bill every time she went around the board. And I working here. Now that's what I'd be proud of. Because she couldn't see I was supposed to be on board Walk. I said, but you're not. You're right here on the electric company. Seventy five or ten percent? Pay your mother. I work, all, yes, great is the company. Let's see. Okay. So when I was question again, oh, it's like, what childhood accomplishment do you still try to work into conversations today today. So when I was in the third grade, Tommy, I was in Chicago, and my third grade teacher, she told me and my mom that I was a leader and I was a star, and I was gonna be a boss and I was gonna, you know, do something and be very very successful. So to this day, I was still work at in the conversation, you know, missus Balanov in the third grade saying that I was a leader, you know. And when I was in the sixth grade, I was a spelling B champ. Yeah yeah, yeah, I can top that. When I was seven, I went to a spelling B competition. How about it's all about come on childhood, all right, childhood? You know? Uh yeah, you know I went to state you know, uh, one act play. You know what I'm saying. Then we won state. Do you understand what I'm saying? So I have to work that and I know we're talking about cutting yards, But yes, I was in the state one act play A play, that's right. It was called Total Abandoned and we won? Yes, and uh yeah, that's you know. The rest is bringing that. How does that just come about? How you well, you know what, I know, you guys want to come over the house. Some glasses were wine. But did I tell y'all I one act play? Yes, it was called Total Abandoned? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes I was. I was all star cast and never think and then you know, yeah we yeah, after that, the theater scholarship to Texas and him. The rest is history. Yeah, it really is. What kind of wine? You have another one? I know you have another one? Speaking of play? Did I tell y'all about the time I was in this? Anyway? We'll see y'all to mand we gotta go with thank you so much for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.