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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know y'all. Baby have a song looking back to back down, giving them just like the Milan buck things. And it's to be true. Good to the hard guy listening to me together for Stoo Barley. Why don't you join yeah by joining me? Honey, sat turn yeah, you go. You gotta turn to turn out turn love. It got to turn out to turn turn water want to go? Comey, come on your back hill good and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me naw one it only Steve Hardy got a radio show. I was talking with my wife and she said something her father always used to tell her. Oh, Pop Bridges used to tell all the time, just because you can do something don't mean you should do it. You know, I can't tell you how many times I've had to learn that in my life. You know, just because you can do something does not necessarily mean you should do it. You know, I could tell people off oftentimes, but it don't mean I should do it. You know. I could go here and set the record straight a lot of times, but it don't mean I should do it. Well, I've learned a lot in that lesson folks, and because I have a relationship with my creator. What it's done is it's allowed me to learn even more how to stay still on a lot of issues that's troubling me. It's taught me over the years. I've learned it the hard way. I do want you to understand that that sometimes it's better to be still. Sometimes it's better to just let God handle a situation. It's hard to say, and I know it's hard to say because we think as people. But if I do this, I would feel better. If I do this, they would know it's coming from me. If I do this now, they're feel how I feel. See. But that's not always the best way though, I found in my life. See, sometimes you gotta like old people used to say, you gotta let go and let God. Sometimes you gotta do that. I'm gonna tell you something, man, I learned a lot from my mother being a Sunday school teacher. But you know, at the same time, when she was when I was young, I thought she was just an old, old person just talking to me. I didn't get it. You know how you talk to you know how your parents used to talk to you, and you didn't get it. And they used to always say, well wait till you have your own kids. You would get it then, and showing off you got it then, Well I'm the same way. I'm no different you know. I don't have no different life than you. You know I have no different upbringing in you. I don't have no different different ways that I can live and you can't. You know that I gotta live by the same laws of the land that you gotta live by. I gotta obey the principles of success. If I want to be successful, I got a bam and you know, and if I want to go to Heaven, I go. I gotta do what God tell me to do as many times as I can. Now, you ain't gonna get it all right, but he understand that, and I just get on with the best I can. But so many times, man, we get stuck. We get stuck right there, man, worrying about you know, how how it's gonna come across and and what you know, you know, kind of going around here because I'm trying to find a way to tell you this that that that you won't get twisted. Hit the bottom line, you gotta let go and let God. You have to allow him to do it his way, see my way, I thought my self to a certain point. But to go further, I had to let God have it. You know. I found out I wasn't all that good a driver. I found out I wouldn't all that good of all explore with a map. I found out my compter skills was oftentimes a little bit off. I found out that my map reading skills wasn't what I thought it was. So I had to let go. I had to let God. And you gotta understand that God works in mysterious ways, you know, and right how often had I thought it was over for me, But what God was doing was he was teaching me a lesson. He was showing me something that I needed to know. He was allowing me to experience some things. But he didn't let me go under. You know how they say God had never put more on you than you can bear. He won't let you go under. And but he did not say you know, it's like the scripture that Bishop Omer taught me when I was going through that traumatic thing on the internet. Man, it was really really man trying to destroy what I had worked for and my family, and it just knew life to God had presented me, and the devil is busy. Devil don't like to see you happy. So here he comes. He puts you under attack, and here comes internet and everything. And my kids are suffering. But you know, here here comes God. Though, see, God don't put more on you than than you can. Bad Bishop almost sent me a scripture. He sent me Isaiah forty three one and two. And then that scripture it says to the effect that you can walk through the water the rivers, and the water won't overcome you. But then it said you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothes. I learned something very valuable that day. See, God sent me through something, but he was showing me something too. Now he didn't do it. See, God didn't bring that calamity into my life, because in Isaiah fifty four seventeen it says clearly that if anyone comes against you, it will not be my doing. But he Now, this is what he prom you when people come for you, though, see, and this is what I learned. That's why I have no fear of the people coming anymore. See, because I learned that. But God had to send me through a traumatic experience in order for me to learn that. See, you can't have a testimony without a test you know, understanding, you can't learn nothing without a lesson. See. So what he did was he allowed that internet thing comes cross into my life. But he taught me something. And Isaiah forty three one and two was and you can walk through the fire and not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothing. So what that said to me was, even though you're trying to do me and it's fire all around me, I won't burn. But when it's over, kindling won't set upon your clothing. What that showed me was and what it taught me was not only would I walk through the fire and not get burned, but there will be no signs that I was ever in the fire. There's no signs of it. But not hold up though, Now he go to part though that I had to learn even though you can walk through the fire, y'all, and even and though you're being flames and scorching all around you, if you trust him, he ain't gonna let you burn. But now hear what he did not say, though he did not say that it was not going to be uncomfortably hot wickedly hot in there. He didn't say that. He just said you won't burn. And when it's over, it won't be no kidling on your cause it won't be no signs that you was in the fire. See what happened to me was after they tried to destroy me. Let me show you what God did from it. Not only did I not, not only did they not accomplish what they set out to do, but when they was through with me though, when they was through throwing the gas and throwing the fine, throwing their hate and writing it in lyning and creating all these names for themselves so it could look like more people was hating when they got through with all that. Look at me, man, Look what he did to me. Look what he did from me, because he taught me something that day. And I'm sharing it with you because God will do the same thing for you. But you got trust him, though, You got to get in there and you got to let him do it. You gotta let him handle it. So, just like Pop Bridges taught my wife, Margree, just because you can do something, don't mean you all to do something. Yeah, you could go down there and straight in the mouth, but should you though, Yeah, you can go down there and tell them all. Yeah, you can go down stand up and make sure they know it's your voice that they're here, and you can get in their face and make a scene. But should you though, or should you let go and let God see? So before we run all out in the streets and somebody that that that that we forming these groups and somebody go out there and do something crazy, let's hold tight. Now I'm not saying don't go out there, but you gotta watch who you go out there with, because somebody crazy you could be. You can go down there with peace in your heart. Somebody this side, I'm gonna throw a brick through here and bust a wonder. Hold up, partner, Hold up, there ain't what we're down here doing. So see sometimes, man, you gotta let go, and you gotta let God. You gotta let God have a situation sometimes and you get it in and do the things that he tells you to do. See, but your woman and taught me a lot. He had another book out and he said, you know, knowing God's Voice or something like that. I'm not sure the title, but I never really knew the definition of how do you know? As God's voice talking to you. Well, he clearly made a statement. God's voice has no sin in it. See anything you're talking about. Whenever you're talking about, I'm gonna go I'm gonna show him. I'm gonna get him back. I'm gonna write a letter. I'm gonna tell him down at his job. If it's sin in it, God ain't in it. See that's you now, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God told me, be careful, because God ain't never told you to go do nothing wrong. That ain't what he told you. And I learned that too. It's a lot. So I'm just sharing the day. I hope it helps somebody today get through a difficult time because the show has helped me. And I'm just talking to myself now because I got another one I'm looking at. I'm dealing with it though, I'm all good. Please know you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, actors and actresses of all ages. Perpetrators, haters, decision makers, shakers, and movers now have your attention. Please, you are listening to the greatest morning show of all time period that as a public service announcement, wrap your mind around that and cadak to work, which you have it for lunch, ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yes, sir, hey, good morning Steve. Happy Monday. Good Carla morning Steve, Hey, crew? What up? Jor morning up? Oh that boy boys, m it's a little low this morning, A little deep left you top top rich uncle Monday morning. Hello, Yes, he stopped right. Good morning Steve. Mr Horda, your highness, your mareness, King, the King of Nemos, Good morning. Came a throne. All that was set up, your highness, she'll be here. Comes memo this convention this weekend in Vegas, to Salt Convention. And one of the things they asked me what it was as soon as I sat down. As soon as I that down, he said, so let's talk about the memo. I said, okay, So you're just gonna ambush me with it. I said, you must not have read it. Probably, yeah, you get yourself toe off into folks off at that meeting. Toe off into was not I could tell a body look on their face. I said, oh, you're about to get yourself toe off into I forgot okay, stick, okay, where am I yeah, said I said. I said, boy, you the only black person to offen. Where are you really? Far as I could see, was it all William start jokes? They said, I'm the only chip in the cookie. Another one was felt like a roach in a bowl of milk. My mother used to say, flying buttermilk. That's old stock stuff. I didn't like it. Then, well I used it but didn't like it. It gets you out of a situation. So it's really good at a great weekend. You know that was all? That was all millionaire meeting That's what that. No, I think it was a bad billionaire Oh are you going to them meetings? Now? Is that? Hey? You got what is that? Are you doing it to be meet you? You know you gotta get it who you want to be? From the well, you know what. It's time for us to CEO speaking of meetings, and yeah, let's do that when we come back. All right, something funny coming up, asked the CEO. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Okay, uh, this is one of our fearless leader Jay. This is one of his favorite segments talking of course Dave Harvey asked the CEO right now, asked, okay, I have a question right after that, CEO that run it the way he want to. This is the CEO to send out memos. We don't. This is tight and CEO what you need. That's the CEO. I don't mean to ambush you or anything with this, but yeah, yeah, but there. You know, this is a big company. There are a lot of attractive people, shall we say, that work here and everything. I mean, j Anthony Brown just came on board all of that. Is there some sort of policy in place prohibiting office romance things like that? No, we don't have that. If you went to work in here, you must want us to say something about it. If you don't. If you don't want us to say nothing about it, don't wear it off up there leaving out were mentioning it, were mentioning it. Legs look good, and hell with bringing it up. That's what we're doing up in here. Next question, I got one, CEO. You're go ahead, man, all right, it's it's it's our understanding that over the weekend you went to a billionaire meeting. Is it safe to say now that you are be too? Absolutely not, But it is safe to say that since you don't really know what it is, we don't let talk about this with small people. That's obviously clear you were not. You should not be bringing it up and try to see if you can get there in the next twenty years. Answer a bushit or bush I am either way. I think Carl has a question for you. Go ahead, Okay, good morning MS the CEO. You know that's Friday, kicks off the Memorial Day holidays summertime. So are we gonna have, you know, like the office is closed early on Fridays where people can leave and go home summer Fridays, you know, some kind of program like that for the employees. Yep, we don't do that hill full day on Friday, all day Monday, but the weekend. But the weekend, you're all that Saturday is your day off, Sunday and Monday. What they got to do with Friday by before five. But it's a cool thing employees that you want to motivate them during the summer. I ain't got no problem. Go ahead and take off if you want to. Anyone else with a question for the city and your yes, um over there, That's all I'm gonna say. Over there. When I was over there, we had when we're coming, we'd have breakfast, we'd have crepes. We had a chef that and made us nice breakfast crepes, eggs, crape fruit, and being a diabetic, I'm wondering if we could transfer that from over there over here. Great, Well, two times it's happening right here. You can go back over there for them creaks and parfets and shot me up, and you can cut way back on all this damn talk time getting. And then the second time thing is they got all that food around now because I don't know as ratings ratings, and you can get all the parfit and egg food tongs and food twas twice you won't. But over Hill we do high ask ratings and we don't get a damn thing for it. I would think, I would think, Junior, I think has a has a question for you right now? You know I speak up, Junior Sea. I'm just want to ask some caller about the refrigerator, about putting our luncheon in there. Yeah, good question. I noticed that there's a lock on it. Any reason. The reason we had lock on infrigerator is because you and Janathan and Brown are sick, and what we had a sick food up around food you got sick of sailing. He got dive beated. We ain't gonna catch neither with y'all up in infrigerator with the rest of us. Everybody else know what the cold is, y'all don't just because you're sick. What you need? What you need? Um, you know what they No, you can't know you Mr c eat it on your way and the CEO UM. I was wondering since j Anthony Brown is here now there, Well, I just want to say this real quick. There's a limited amount of parking spaces we have now. We used to could parking anywhere we want it. Now you know the spaces are limited. U Is there anything you can do about that? Out at the airport they got parking fro parking, FLYP parking, work parking out of them part come on in the work complaints coming up next. We'll be back. Oh my gosh, I can't believe he said that, right, what do you say? All right? Miss Anna is up next with our national news. She's coming up and we'll give you a recap of the Billboard Awards. But first it's church complaints. It's Monday. You know what we do on Monday. We gavitt Hire owning Monday to hear the complaints of the ungrateful. Yeah, their leader and provider of the complaints. It's my old handpick children, deacon, and just the messing that though passed, it just the messing account. In the words of Summer Steve's Hadels after the Trump visit, h you on or told no, I am not. We can't start like this man, we can't shell out. I'm not a sembody past. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Well, are you gonna introduce the church? Its the Jake j p j J right, which is the Jackpott Joint of Jenrials. Al'm ching ching Halleluiah, go ahead with the complete All right, past, this is a situation. I need you to get on the immediately. I brother in his tippeto, who has one leg that's longer than the other one, as you know, has a shoe with a toweler heel to help him walk better. Now, one of the kids, m one other kids, has taken the shoe during the baptism along Sunday and he has resulted to wear a roller skate on the shoter leg. Can we buy him another shoe? Passed? Because he didn't fail fifteen times well, I found the gravel amusing myself. When he put that roller skate hole, he kept going around in the circle. Wouldn't a shoe is more like a pivot? Now, Brother Pippintoe does have one leg much shoter though, right, I mean, it's like, oh, I don't know. It's just like if he tries to walk without that shoe. He looked like he's going down stairs. You ain't right, You don't right. You caught me off. God right there after, if I want to go without the shoot for a while, because it's fastened that he's walking alright, as my right sister. The Blind Ministry has gotten into it with the deaf Ministry. Apparently they can't see eye to eye. I'm getting him books in brea audio the Death Ministry. I pressed that brother Jacob Silence wrote, uh, piece of paper, ain't nobody here in that bsc'all talk? Can the Blind Ministry has yet to have read the note? Are responded, now, Well, they've been at it before the death or Ministry and the Blind Ministry, and we can hardly get witnesses to come into my office and share with me for having because have o man can't hear? What the hell going on the other half. Ain't seen the damn thing. So if ain't nobody can hear me what nobody said on one side, and ain't nobody seen on the other side, So it just seems to me like they're living under the cold. Snitches get stitches. We don't want that nothing, can't say nothing, don't help them, don't. I ain't seen the damn thing, so to where we at right? No, we don't want him to fight though, pat No, I don't know how to deaf people can't would be blood people should just be yond me, so wouldn't be much more fight, and then the blood people can get them canes. I ain't up at the right people. They got a cane in the hen here like I do it, walk up behind them going here. They can't hear them coming. All these advantages to you wanted the ministry all right, a moving don't ask sister many fat boat right has come down with a small case of husband amnizia. She can't actually remember who her husband others He keeps going home with other people's men. Uh system MOPSI rivers talking about she donna make me coda. You're gonna have to stop this before it gets out of hand? What what he ain't sister boat right ninety seven years old? That she is past, but she has a small case of her husband and she got all humble. That's what that is. It has been diagnosed wrong as husband nighters buy some other poem people that don't have medical training humble and nothing we can do about that. Yeah. But but the lady going on with other people's men, we're gonna have to stop that. She nineties seven? Uh, the med she' going home with is in the eighties. Just let it be boy, she's a cougar. I'm moving right along. You have yet to really give me solutions. You do know that you no? I am I trying well. I just hold off on letting you know that we're having a Memorial Day weekend. Bobby Q played stripped dinner and I there would be some sisters stripping so we can raise some money to get us a new ad onto the church. But we'll talk about that on when we get back after the holiday. Then, well, if it's the same women stripping this strip last you were raiding them, though, can we bring in some professionally we ever be on? This church is going nowhere. We're gonna get a do do dob on this dog on church and we keep letting. But there's stripling. But but she has gotten better. You have to admit that he has gotten better. She told a pole down last year, deacon. Mm hmm, but in her defense passed the poet was not bolted up just right like it should have been. It was mounted to the ceiling and the floor. Yeah, but we should have wailed it it. You know, she's a bigger woman. We should have wild it it, deacon. She told out the ceiling and the flow, and she didn't mean it past it. She met wal she swung one time, ripped it all down and the only readon we got leven dollars called. The men was running to get out the way, and one of them had stacked elevel singles up in front of it. I mean you're laughing or you in this bit? And yeah, I lost you was funny, flustered. It's been a rough day this morning. A lot of people complaining anything else? Or did this food safe? Second? Seconds? Two minutes ago? Path and is weed? I think he opened a blind minister. He can't. We can't follow him where. We do know that Ms Anna is coming up and we're gonna recap the Billboard Award. Yeah, President Trump is you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Miss Anna is coming up with our headline news. Are all the stuff that's going on in the world. It's a lot. The President is in Israel this morning. But first let's get to the Billboard of wards last night. I don't know if you saw him, but they were pretty good. They were packed with surprises, fiery performances. Nicki Minaj opened up um. She had guest appearances from Little Wayne. That was good. It was long and entertaining, I must say, but the evening belonged to Drake Man omanded he rack up. He was nominated for an astounding twenty one twenty one Billboard Music Awards. He gat yeah, twenty one. He gave a commanding performance. He was dressed in all white. He was surrounded by the waters at the Bellaggio fountains right there as a fireworks exploded around him. So it was pretty cool. Its performance really was. Yeah. He ended up winning thirteen thirteen out of one. That's pretty good, including Top Artist and Top Male Artist. All Right, he was a big winner last night, So congratulations going out to Drake did he was there he uh amen to mark the anniversary of Biggie's birthday, so Biggie would have been forty five years old. He said. Big sold over twenty five million records worldwide. Is Ready to Die album his Life After Death Albums Classics. He brought Biggie's son C. J. Wallace on stage, who said he knows his father is looking down on all of this tonight and that he and his sister will continue to carry on its memory with tremendous pride. Well spoken young man, very very nice young man. One of the big performances of the night, though, has to go to Share. Oh my god, Share Share Share look as a white woman, thank you, yes, lord, Oh my goodness. I mean she looked exactly the same. It's not better, she just she she turned said get that I was an h d J was something. She turned seventy one. She looked big back same she at all. She sang, believing if I could sing. She looked great. She really really really did look great. And I mean she just looked fantastic, see years old. Another highlight was, of course Bruno Mars. I think he was from what was that woman? Seline Dion on the The White Woman of Titanic. Yeah, she did her thing. Oh my goodness, it was really good. Thank you white ladies. It wasn't sorry, Jim, get ready to talking about a black woman. Now, it wasn't on TV. But Beyonce ended up winning five trophies coation. Congratulations to her. Yeah, but yes we do. But all in all, you know, an entertaining, great show was hosted by Ludicrous, So there you go. Yeah, seventy one, she made seventy one Saturday. Young people like me, huh, all right, Steve, take us to miss Anne please. Oh my goodness, good morning everybody. Anyway, here I comment the news. It really doom and gloom usually, so good morning, everybody. This is a trop of the news. All right, let's start out with this one. Jury selection is slated to get underway today in Pittsburgh and the sexual assault trial at Bill Cosby yours going to be asked to the side whether the comedian and actor drugged and molested a college basketball team manager. Back in two thousand four, Cruise in New Orleans removed the last of four Confederate monuments in that city over the weekend, and this final piece was a prominent statue of General Robert E. Lee. It was in a place called Lee Park, and although the first three came down in the middle of the night, this last one was taken down in broad daylight, although the workmen who did it did wear masks because they received death threats concerning its whole project. The monuments are currently being kept in storage, where city officials say they might be removed to some sort of museum. Some seniors at Notre Dame University walked out of the graduation ceremony yesterday. As Vice president of Pence he had began to deliver the commencement address. The protesters say the policy is endorsed by Pence, have quote marginalized our vulnerable sisters and brothers for their religion, skin color, of sexual orientation. Some of the audience applauded Pence, while others booed loudly. President Trump is in Saudi Arabia. Well, he was. He's in Israel this morning, but he was yesterday in Saudi Arabia, urging the heads of mostly Muslim nations. Duke in front the growth of Islamic extremism. He called it a battle not between face, but between good and evil. This is not a battle between different face, different sects, or different civilization. This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life and decent people, all in the name of religion. Saudi Arabia was the first stop on Trump's nine day five nation tour. He landed in Israel this morning. He's going to stay there for two days. He's also scheduled to visit Brussels, Sicily and also see the Pope at the Vatican. Racially stay with script, yeah, he though, don't go off. Well, okay, well, I'm going to get to something like that. A matter of fact. By the way, according to a new racial discrimination Sue manages at the luxury Madison Avenue shoe store Gihon Vito Rossi called Serena Williams disgusting and refused to give her the same discounts they give white celebrities. That's going to a suit by a black female who worked there. And it is that time of year President Trustman giving commencement speeches. Could it be a case of here we go again, here we go, we take our next steps into the world. You must go forth into the world. It is with passion, courage of conviction, Yeah, that's from Legally Blonde. After the Hours stay too. Have you seen the butterfly coming up on a Steve Harvey Morning show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, welcome back everybody to Steve Harvey Show. It is now time for him and him got a name? Because think she's bringing us back. Why don't you tell them people by my name? Where you said him got a name? So you ain't gonna say it? What you for me to say it. I'm gonna give you one more chance to bring me out. Are you gonna bring me out or not? Him is here. The name is Eugene and is not a problem to hold up. Let's stop talking out bringing you anything? How much for out you come? You may? You know what I wish you was. I wish you was the person that got snatched in the water by that sea lion. I wish you would. I wish they to snatch you. But right I don't need that water. Well get out, you get on my nerves. Girl. Butterfly flutter flutter, flutter, flutter. So anyway, it was a beautiful, beautiful weekend. I was in Las Vegas. I went to the Billboard Awards. I met Share. I met Drake. Um, oh my god, I was on the red carpet. Drake wants me to be in his next video. It's just a lot. Everything is going so well, but my in the video. You've seen them fun dances. I'm going to dance as well, bol or something. Now I'm going to dance. We had a very good chemistry. It was very very good. So there's a lot of things. A lot of people didn't even know you. He now's me now, Man, Drake ain't never heard of you. Stop lying. I'm not lying. You don't don't look, don't mean. That's the worst thing you get done to me. You ain't met No Drake. I met Drake, and I met and I met Nikki Manas I met Share. I met Share on the red carpet. I call all the minutes. You don't know sharing that way, Mr Harvey, you don't even know who Share is three times and Morgan Freeman don't know you. Because that's why what did you say about Morgan Freeman? He don't know Steve No doesn't care what. Let's get to the most important things. Today is national. Today is National Vanilla pudding Day. The proof is end up pudding. So the day is national with the cookies with the vanilla white pres in them. Anyway, um, anyway, I don't know what I'm gonna do with you. All right? Coming up next, j Anthony Brown is gonna murder another hit. We'll be back att after you're listening show, all right? Is that time? It is that time, j Anthony Brown. Well turn, Mr Harvey, get ready to lose another thing. You're about to get stamped. But thought I hadn't heard it. It's taking it out on me. You got other things going on. Okay, that was all the air. You don't have to bring it murder what me and him doing? Me and him go back far enough I've made. Let me get telling all of them. We want to hear him all. He's about to lose a friend. That's another friend to the list. Another friend, dear friend of yours is about to be upset with you, not me. That's just Steve Harving Morning Show. I'm just on it alright. The song is called All of Me by Mr John Legend. What made you do that? It's a great song. It is wonderful. Listen to what I did to it. Steve Harten Monty Show checking out at the pano. John Legend sits down down, tickling notes kids, how pretty the sound out? Then he starts singing and still ranging me down all of this songs last such a long time man, still a twenty nine. He writes do lyrics, but when he sings it, he holds every line before your songs. Come on, I'm up doing fine. You're building me this ninety nighttime and you would go to sleep? Song sleep, write cup mix for jan imagine for your song should be sung at wedding. It's let to sway it. I swear that song you del kids with a deep decoul Listen, it's too hard to pay attention to sleep. He'll but a sleep a sleep a sleepy changer jack check, Wake up man, when you finish this song. Come on, okay, let's do this. Let's stop this thing alright, let's go from top. You were so wrong. He's great a trainer, so you took all of me and to sleep. I will be at the jam Bots in Dallas, Texas weekend. I will be at jay Spot on Thursday and shellon the Wood on the first of the sixth. Yes, sorry, Mr Legend, I'm so sorry, but just what we do we murdered, the yit so murdered, the hits teeth mighty quiet. I know there is the list. There's a bunch of people on this list. John Legend wasn't the first one on No No, No, No. Clo was the first one, then John Yeah, Mary J. Blige, Yeah, on the Weekend. Yes, you're gonna look at his hands. Yes, Kirk Franklin's on the list. Mad thing last night, Bill he did he was so good. He didn't do it like j did it. All right, coming up next, nephew tell me has a prank phone call for us. It's right after this jam. Okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, it's Today's Strawberry Letter. This subject. It's always over quickly, but right now it's time for the nephew. The ignorance never stops on the show. In case you're wondering, here's a nephew with his prank phone call for it today. Nev, you hit my car, that's all. That's all. You hit my car. I'm trying to speak to a dels Do you live in apartment? Uh? That depends on who asking. My name is herman Wales. I live in building three apartment. Do you live an apartment number? What you want with where I live? Look? Man, do you drive a camera or Tokyo? The camera? Light blue? Yeah? All right? Your next door neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I gotta being as a black one of two thousand and five C two for the now. I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Cross, little across the hall. What the cross? The little across the told you what? Man? Listen, all I know is he said he lived an apartment. He lived next door to you. You live in a supposedly apartment right here in court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is which is the light blue car? Hit my back into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my bends. Uh. Lets I checked my light blue clamming. Wasn't only light blue camera they made. Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking lot. Only light blue car talking lot right now. I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm in the middle watching. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for me? You didn't hit my car? Your car? If you got some cameras out in this part that saw me hit your car, No, I don't have no cameras. But let I believe this commeras is over and I don't give a what's across that man across the hall told you. Look, let me tell you something. You don't hit my car? Now, hold on? Hold on? Uh is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you, But you didn't he hit my car? You only like maybe you're the only light blue car in the parking line, only light blue car in the parking lot. Now and as a matter of correct, my client eat me in the park a lot. I supposed to borrow my car. Go to the stop. Well, is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? What? Okay? Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car? And then tell you she hit my car. She ain't hit your car. She can't hit your car, cause she would have told me she hit your car. Look, uh, I said, ain't nobody hit your My car ain't got no scratches on it? What you ain't gonna be doing? What kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do it? Something about and even if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something you ain't got. Tell me you ain't got seeing me. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait minut, Let me get at you milk. You act like I ain't got you, But no, you had to scratches on your car allready. You ain't been to use me as no excuse to get you no new payers. I had no scratches already on my car. Yeah you had them, Oh yeah you had no I'm gone insurance just that we come over here. No, because you're gonna be using your insurance not now sold you ain't got. Don't make me come over to your apartment. No more standing in the dough. I'm on my way to the door. Now I'm standing in the door, Come out, come out. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollar worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only you're the only work thirty five a hundred dollars. So you're already doing better than me. What what? What? What? Look? I've already told you I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got still talking to me about. I need to talk to you about this car, lady, listen to your call. My car ain't bumped up against your car. I ain't even talk next to know late it's a ben it's a ben C two for the black. If it's a being seven seven and seven, I can't help you. They don't make up seven seven lady. Look, you know what? Can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what you could say to me? You can say, I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give your one more thing. Go ahead on all. I want to say this, Nephew timing from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your sister robbing out of d C. You put me off, make me you know what, I don't even have y'all. I listened to the show on the in ane and oh you wait to talk to her? All right, Mr del before you go, can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harbor Morning. So I'll right that you on the only light blue camera in the parking lot right right now. One day, if you put money on your book, we're gonna have to go down and do it. Yeah. Yeah, we don't want to see that day come, but it's coming. Yeah, it's coming. Y'all better convailed me. Yeah, you've been hearing a lot of that man to wonder because he keeps messing with Papa. It's a living, it's a living. Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do. But Friday June thirty, of the Time to Laugh Comedy Show, what's going down? It is Megafest is in Dallas, Texas at the Kay Bailey Hutcheson Convention Center. You don't want to miss it. Friday June thirty, a Time to Laugh comedy show hosted by yours truly me nephew Tommy, and the headline is the one and only federc the Entertainer. Tickets on sale right now. I'll ticket mass outlets, get your tickets, Come on out and watch us perform with no profanity involved whatsoever. Want to do that. That's Jay won't be there. I was there. Surely did it. He did it. He did it. J Hey some sad news um. The final curtain fell on the Ringling Brothers, Burnham and Bailey Circus, the greatest show on Earth, right, Yeah, last night in Uniondale, New York. After a hundred and fourties six years of entertaining audiences. They had clowned Steve, they had little people, they had tigers, they had Trepie stunt, they had it all. Ring Master Jonathan I love because I get in trouble. I said, little people. That was for you and you heard me. Yea birthday man. It was the greatest, greatest Huh well, ring yeah, Universal Circus. Yeah. Ring Master Jonathan Lee, who has held the job for eighteen years, is the first African American in that post. He said farewell from the Greatest Show on Earth as he greeted the crowd at the final three shows. While there are a few signs it was the final day, some fans came out for exactly that reason. Uh. This guy named David Eisenberg who's a business business development manager from New York, says it's sad, but memory lives on. He first went to the circus fifty years ago. Fifty years ago with his grandfather. Then he returned with his daughter when she was young. He was back last night for the final time with his daughter, who is twenty five. Now, you know, yeah, it's traditional. What is the lady gonna do? She's out of work. The circus closed down. I'm talking about Joke Wallace's mama. This is sad. You know what. She's been with the circus for years. I had to feed him. I know, I know, I don't know what I know. I'm glad they're friends, right, all right? Coming up next is the Strawberry Letter. Subject It's always over quickly. That is the subject of the Strawberry Letter. We will be back, Yes we will. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ready, Strawberry at time, Let's do it? Yeah, bug, hold on time, Strawberry. Let you know what. I love to hear proper women talking because they take away all the crudeness we have. Okay, let's do it. And then me and j B thinking something. El come on, let's do you got to pull me in. I'm sitting guys the may Day brothers. Don't be trying to be quiet? Rather quiet? Can't you? Alright? I'm good rather quiet? All right, all right, we're ready. Did you say it already? I did? Okay, I say it again, because that ain't nobody here you you thought you said it, I said, I said, buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for your strong very little. I promise. Running back during the commercial, said okay, I did I promise? All right, sub checked. It's always over quickly, j did you away? I'll stay there together together together forgive Padri and Porsche being freaking frack. Well, no more are they but the new freaking frack Tommy and Jay. Okay, here we go. Subject. It's always over quickly, Dear Steve and Shirley. I value your opinion, so let's jump right in. I'm a thirty four year old mother of four, and when I say I have met the man of my dreams, I have. He is fifty five years old and retired. He's a gentleman, a great friend. He cooks and cleans, and he works from time to time to keep busy. So here's my problem. He is too quick in bed. When I say quick, I mean quick. I have tried everything, like being more patient with him and doing a few new tricks, but the tricks made him finish much quicker. This has been going on for four years, and I haven't cheated on him. He has been to the doctor and had everything checked. We have tried the blue pills and other pills. He's been talking about marriage and I want to be with him forever, but I'm not being satisfied at all. I can go three or four I can go three or four times a day. I'm a freak by nature, and I want to be his freak, but he's done too quick to even enjoy it. I have thought about finding a side piece just for pleasure, but I know that it come could come back to haunt me. I don't want to get married and end up cheating with the side piece and ruin my marriage. I thought about asking his permission to do so, but I don't think he likes to share. I need help. I don't know what to do. What should I do about these quick ease? You know what? I think this problem is a little more serious than than you're leading on. I mean, it seems like it's a serious medical issue to me. I mean, I'm not a man. I don't understand how all that works. But are you sure he went to the doctor? I mean I would, just you didn't say you went with him and had everything checked out. I mean, I think this sounds to me like a serious medical issue. But you are quite a bit younger than he is, and maybe he just gets overly excited. Maybe you know you need to wait a little while after that time and then try it again if he's up to it. I don't know, but I would go to the doctor. You say he does everything else. He's a man of your dreams. He cooks, he cleans, he works from time to time to keep busy. He's a gentleman. I mean, you go on and on, but you know that one major problem. So I think, um, you maybe should try more medical help, go to another doctor, get a second opinion, or something like that. But um, that's that's all I got for you. Really, I don't know about this issue than your appreciate your really good to bring some some you don't closure to this woman situation, but you ain't since a damn thing that's gonna I think it's a medical issue. Shell this ain't no medical issue, but she's a freak. What we got a lot of things going on. I had a solution for all this. I know what this is right here. Okay, say't no medical issue. This is premature e J. That's what that is. It's premature, e J. You know he just saying you can wait to get to that. Let's hear it again, slinger into wild Wild West movie. Everybody be dead. Yeah, as soon as he get it out to host. That's all you wanted to get here. We're gonna get here. But I'm gonna help you out, Shelly, because I just felt for you. I was cringing with your every salutor. Go back to that doctor heat and took all the blue pills. All that do is make you stronger. It don't stop it, don't stop that. You just want to do that? He fifty five sheet that it folks. She tricky. She didn't already say she's a freak by nature. Man, I got a solution for all this. But let's just go over some of this stuff right here. This has been going on for four years. I haven't cheated on him. Then she said he's too quick in bad. When I say quick, I mean quick I've tried everything from like being more patient with him. Uh uh, you can't keep playing with him. See that patient with him is trying to just take your time, take your time and take your time. He read it, take your time and take time, don't stop not Then then you did this. Then you said I've tried everything, being more patient and doing a few new tricks. Did you just say tricks? Oh, you're gonna perform something extra soon as you get through that trick. Matter of fact, why are you doing the trick? That's all you wanna do? This boy is that little cap gun at the damn carnival pie. He has been to the doctor, had everything checked. That what doctor head went to? You eating got a check. We've tried the blue pills, other pills. He had been talking about marriage, and I want to be with him, but I'm not being satisfied at all. I can go three or four times a day. Y'all asked me the job. When we come back, I have the solution. One more time. That sounds what does that sound? Right there? It's always over quickly. That's the subject of today's subary letter. We will be back. You're listening, all right? Part two of this letter subject. It's always over quickly. The man fifty five, he is too quick in bad. When I say quick, I mean quick. I've tried everything, like being more patient with him, doing a few new tricks. But the tricks make him finish much quicker. Yes it does. You can't put it on regular and then he find the good fast and then you throw a trick in. Now. So he was yet so he had the corner, and it's the shooting game. He ain't mr target yet. That little pop thing. I love the thing. So as soon as he get it out the pop, he just hitting target. He ain't. He ain't missed yet. She's never cheated on him. He's been to the doctor. We tried the blue pills to other pills. He's been talking about marriage and I want to be with him forever, but I'm not being satisfied at all. I can go three or four times a day. I'm a freak by nature, and I want to be his. Free freaks need jobs. See I've know about freaking jobs. You need to have to go somewhere and be obligated from eight hours a day. Gotta get dressed, come home tied, still gotta cook. You got folk kids, how much more freaking you need to do? Now? He's done too quick to even enjoy it. I have thought about finding a side piece just for pleasure, but I know it would come back to home. I don't want to get married and end up cheating with a side piece and ruin my marriage. I thought about asking his permission to do so, but I don't think he likes to share. I need help. I don't know what to do. What should I do about these quickies? Well, yeah, I don't. Ain't no man gonna be willing to share. People who have open marriages should just stay or have just a relationship. What's the vials for? Here is your problem? He find too quick? So now, two things you need and Jake you know with me. First of all, he needs to buy a pack of condoms. That's the first thing y'all need the first invest in a box of them. It will slow it down considerably. Ah, it's yourself a box account. That's for starters. Got to give you the stay in power you need. Secondly, go down to the Chinese though every city got Yes, you gotta get the numbing cream. The only problem with numbing cream put it on that to numbing and that will help you from going. Get not a problem with the numbine cream. When you put it on, you ain't gonna be able to write or eat. Use gloves if you get it on your hand or eat. And if you mess what I let it get on your mouth, you're gonna be drooling all like. You don't care where it is. Make it everything a number. It's to make it everything a number. Down the Chinese though, it's to be number all day. So hacker condom, he needs a numbing cream. Get some gloves. Do with that numbing cream off. Your hands are going laying over there. Y. You ain't gonna be able to hold yourself up in the bed because your hand don't keep folding. You're gonna break your rist. Gloves can't okay, stop it making everything and now and it's gloves, it's cellphone. Something you put it on with you. You must stick a stick or something. Yeah, there's no way I would have known the answer. It just burned it down to your wrist. You realize you guys so much. Yeah, put it on with a spoon. Scratch you somebody, yeah, somebody, and don't why what do you cause you're gonna be drooling. It's like going from the dinners shout that came your mouth just ain't going And everybody you know this beforehand at in Carnible Suley, it's just shooting game. They got that little bieb bego te he ain't when you hit your mark spop teen s boy killing you winning to Teddy ball back. So there's hope for her and her her older man. There's hope for her. But you get the number okay and nothing. It's a glove, that's what I say. Sorry, Steve, I'm sorry. I'm not doing that because I've been in I know. Stop get a butter knife. We all didn't tried it though. Pops a stick, don't get it on your hand, a backscratch if you could fit through. That's what did you say, Steve? That you have another problem. I'll tell you something else to do. Don't wipe that numb and cream off on you know where you rub it on your butt. You to put your legs to sleep and everything I think you guys are giving. Yeah, there is a such thing as too much information. There's definitely that thing. We're going. We're gonna play all right, coming up, it's the Nephews Weekend Confessions. If you did something over the weekend, and you want to call and talk to the nephew about it. Eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve is a number because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through, so the booth will be open seven twenty nine, Steve, You don't call, what's your real name? And go ahead and let me know what you did. Hey, I need to Yeah, I want to commend you, man, because you sound so much better than last week at uh, I worked a lot last week. I'm on point. Oh you want to coming to work today? Is that what you're saying or just how he sounds work like clar I don't know. Oh he did? Are you here? So what now? And if he worked on Sunday he didn't work? Well, yeah, usually when he's here, you know what he did? Not? No, he can in Vegas of that way weekend Vegas where I wish I was out there? Dog? Are you serious? Well? You know you was at the big meeting, but I couldn't go to that, not by long allowed to walk by the being Hey, hey, hey, where is it? You got to be kidding me? Hey, Tom, I didn't know he was out there. What were you in Vegas? I was at the Mandeland Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yo, tellin't got no name on I know when I know when you'd be at Atlija. Oh that's where Blake performed. I mean, I'm said Blake Drake performed last night for the Billboards. It was that wasn't the same. Okay? All right, well the Billboard at the conference you were at, Okay, hungry. They've got some great hits. Don't know one of them? Yeah? Yeah, well you know if you had Chicago Dubie Brother everyone, can you lock it? Toto? Mm hmmm, I don't man. They showed this new call that's coming out. M the McLaren, oh so beautiful, has all kinds of sounds today. What was what was that sound? Again? We got not that. We gotta get one of those. But yeah, this weekend, you guys were all in Vegas, and so were the Billboard Music Awards from the T Mobile Arena. Uh, congratulations going out to Drake. He won thirteen nominated. YEA, yeah, you're you're doing it. Michael Jackson Beyonce collected, Yeah, it was it was really something. Congratulations to him. He was dressed in all white. He he did give a great performance at the Bellaggio where the fountains are, fireworks were out there. Everything. Favorite picture was the picture of his daddy, old school play man. Yeah he put it on us. I dug that dude man. Yeah, yeah, Drake's daddy. Uh did? He was also there. He was there to mark what would have been notorious b I. G s forty five birthday. He said Biggy sold over twenty five million records worldwide. Who did he did? He? He's cool? Dude. Man? What he did after Matt Gala where he laid on the stack uh whole another I just saint got the heart to do that? Lay on the steps at the met gala? Why not? Oh, they ain't gonna let me do nothing like that, And you can't. We have a memo of our own. You don't lay on the car. Oh okay, but at the at the meeting, you were where you were, You could do anything, right, I never do it? Understand, what's y'all billion nails be talking about Steve money because they don't have enough? Obviously the game ain't come up that one time? Right you talk? It was? It was one of the most interesting things I've ever gone because I've never said at the table. So they invited you. You were you were invited to see and to hear them talk and what they discussed. It's a whole another level and it really has changed the way I have to approach things because they are dedicated man. But the cold thing about it is that they are such philanthropic people. It was a man I didn't know his name, well I do, but I can't see it. He gave last year eight hundred million dollars to charity, Wow, eight hundred million to charity. And they recognized him. They just said, a man who's doing it like this? But it was another man that who quietly topped him and they had to bring it up, but he didn't want him to mention. He stopped it. He had given one point six building whoa who don't hurt scholarship. And I was just amazed at some of the hearts of some of these people, which just goes to show you. And there were the one running theme was that you have to do that, you have to give back. That was their running theme. Whether they were Catholic, whether they were Jewish, it was a huge part of their makeup. He said, it keeps the money flowing when you give it back. All right, coming up, you're listening to the show, all right, Matthews. That time your favorite time of the day, on day when we do weekend confessions. Tell me want you to call us and tell us what you did over the weekend, because whatnot? Hey seven seven twenty nine, Steve. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. The booth is open, which allows you to call in and get it off your chest this morning and not let yourself out at the same time. You need you need to, you know, you need a fictitious name, you know, Cadilic Jenkins something like that. You need that you always good as a Cadilac. Yeah, all right, are you ready, Billy Bob anything? You're ready? But you sound like let's go, Billy Bob. Okay, line for let's go to Neva out of New York, Neiva. Yes, good morning to you, good morning, good morning. What's your confession? Baby? Okay? So this is how I end up playing off work today, Like um, Saturday, I went for a wine testing um with a coworker and like me, like we have fun and like things happened that probably shouldn't have happened. So I was just like I didn't want to go to work today because I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to make eye contact. Yeah, like I didn't think that far. I guess Saturday night, but it was amazing night, like I had so much fun, and like I just didn't want to go to work today because like I don't know like what he's gonna say, Like I don't know, I'm don care. That's my comfesstor first Saturday, it was okay, Yeah, basically it happened, didn't It happened, didn't Yeah, it happened. A lot happened. Things happened that I never thought could happen. Okay, will you go out with him again? Of course that's probably why I'm afraid to see him, because I know he's gonna act, just because I know this hays the phone he has. So but I see I'm tomorrow, I'm not to go to work tomorrow. Well, he ain't gonna make eye contact the first couple of days, but y're both gonna be a little shot about it. But don't worry about it. What else I did give away and neither Whatever you do don't tell anyone at work, please, No, Like I know I'm not well, y'all with other co workers, are just about yourself. No, it was just oh yeah, the phone in the morning, they got about next week. Y'all be in the copy room getting it on. Don't worry about the baby to be once you get your butt up on, once you get your butt up on the copy machine. Trust me, you all in you ain't had fun to use zeros your own as you ain't had real fun yet to zero, I never had real fun and so Saturday, okay, I'm trying to tell you I didn't things. I did things I didn't even know I was capable about doing. Yeah, that's the wine brought it out of you. What kind of wine would you drinking? Maybe like four different kind oh different wines? What she did? So let me ask you this here, my phoe in the morning, was you and your co worker? Did y'all have any clothes? No, of course not, but that's why I don't remember you been taking them off. I didn't know why I was eating that strong. I'm worried that the fact that you don't remember nothing that bother foe blinds. Yeah, she was doing the most again. I just heard that is Steve Harvey. I don't need to be and nothing else. I'm already being sued for sixty million? Do you have to tell everything I'm telling? I didn't have to come out about to come out telling me if you haven't come that man like I'm stupid, I didn't have to come out. Did we can hold you? How about? How about the co worker? So sweet? Yeah? That ain't you got a whole lot more coming? Twenty four drinking years before Saturday? It's been like two years. I just felt like a lot. What's going on? It'll probably just regular regular sir. You have a confession telling something stuff you did? This is a girl? Really? Go ahead? I don't know the number seven. I don't get girl. No, you got a girl. You're gonna go back next weekend. You're gonna have to take a book. Let's at five. Okay, you're you're you're right on course. Yeah, that boyfriend you're good, done, came in then boy friends damn and both of y'all single? Right, both of you guys are single? Right? Yeah? Yeah, but he knows my ex boyfriend and I know his um eggs girlfriend. Okay, yeah, but like all friends or anything, like I don't talk to her anything, but that's fine. I'm like, it wasn't supposed to happen, but it's feel like it was supposed to happen because it was like so perfect. Many times did it happen a love until far? Like I don't know, Like there's a lot you don't know. It was turned up and yeah, yeah, so much happened to she don't even know what to happen. Just a continuation than you where the market from this song. We'll be back with more, more calls and everything. After this song. You're listening to the string show. Are we live? Yes, you're live? Stop you know we're live. I don't wanna let you go one to go to work. Are you quite done? You know you got to go back to the draw. We have to go back to the phones. It's weekend confessions, Nephew. Yeah, yeah, gives a call eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. I'm not here to help you, just want to hear what you're going through. Appreciating evil giving us a call earlier. Oh yeah, let's go line m. Let's go to line three and talk to Rick out of Michigan. Okay, let's go to line six. Line make that line five and talk to Kenny out of Louisiana. Ken, Kenny out of Louisiana. Hello, there he is there. We can tell him line five. Kenny out of good morning. Yeah, Hello, we're clear. You hear me, Kenny, We're clear. Anybody? All right, let's go to line six. I don't know who's on there, but let's go. Okay, Hello, Yeah, that's how you doing this morning? You doing this morning? I'm good? What's your name out of Texas? Hello? Yeah, Art? Right, Yeah, you sound a little bit too close to the mic. You don't tell me, man, my listeners, I love close to man. That's her first everything. All right, what's your confession? Man? Man? I was just confession about what my wife was nagging about this past weekend. Man, Okay, what's what's your nahing about? So basically, I'm at the house chilling. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna couch that for weekend? Is you know? I just said I passed and chill. You know what I'm saying. Moving fanatic slash gamer, you know. So I'm at the house playing my Xbox one, you know, Sam playing the box stocks too, and all of a sudden, she just come downstairs, like, why are you sitting there talking to this girl that working anything? I'm like, you already knew I was talking to her. We wasn't talking like that. We were just friends, you know. It was just talking about stuff and anything going on anything right there. She know I'm married and all that, but she likes me a lot. So all of a sudden, my wife just getting mad at me because she's seen text messages in the phone from her. Wasn't nothing sex or nothing like that. It was just saying that we were just just conversating on the on the chat. Then all of a sudden, see like, so you you messing around with her now, I'm like, no, I'm not mess around with her. We're just talking. And then she got mad and left the house. So I was like, okay, so she's thinking I'm gonna mess around where I'm gonna go wrong in and call her and see how she's doing over there and see what she's doing. Let don't know that, you know, my wife seeing him that we was texting each other on the phone and anything, and she was like, why don't you come on over here and play some Xbox. She got an Xbox too, so I was like, all right, then come over there place and next Xbox and other things led to one thing, then to another, so we didn't So, yeah, how old are you? Man? Huh? How old are you? I'm thirty seven? See how seven thirty seven? Yeah? Yeah, seven year old? K be a gamer? Kind of over there? You kind of over the buck. I just had tea. We got to go to a song. We'll be back. Hang on art. Okay, we're back, nephews with weekend confessions. We were talking to art online six, Art out of Texas. Yeah, quiet r. I've asked you all day. Is art there in mind? Six? Yeah? Okay, go ahead, he's still there. Were man, So you you you didn't miss the round? Yeah? Man, I kind of missed a round. Man. My wife was just getting on my nerves and nagging them about me about it and anything. I told her I didn't do it, but I wanted hid and confessing tolder that I did do it. But she confessed to me that she wouldn't here and did something back in the past on me about three months ago. M So, let me ask you a question, man, who who's filing? Who's who's smelling filing? Filing. Oh both of us. So this is it? Huh, yeah, this is it. But I know she's gonna try to come back to me. We uh, she did this before, but we didn't. Wasn't sallent or nothing like that. It's just she just tried to leave and that she was gone about like a month and she couldn't take it without me, no more than anything like that. So so she came back to him. I mean, that's It's not like I'm not like a cheat or anything or a lazy person like you know what that cheating? What you think you just did? Don't try to help, nephew, No, go ahead, chet, Yeah, you're right you I cheated. I cheated, but you know I asked my first that was my first time. Do you believe it or not? I mean, I used it. I don't doing anything like I just go to work and come home, feed kids. That's it, you know. That's all. I and and and play on your game and play on the Xbox. Yeah, watch the docks too. All day every day? Do you take them out to dinner all the time? We go all the time, all the time we go. I took her all there almost every weekend. But it's been a whole since I took her out. You know, we've been trying to catch up on our bills and everything, make sure everything was all right so we can be good. I'm ready to go over to your side piece and thee Yeah, I went to the side piece, man day. Yeah, that was that was kind of It was just I guess it was just like something naggs got you so long and it pisched you off and you just like forget it. I'm just gonna go ahead and go do it and get it out the way. And she played games on Xbox too. I ain't trying to nack up you, but can I tell you something though, Sure you need side pieces costs two. I didn't hear it again, I said side pieces cost Oh, this one didn't cost it's gonna cost no, no, brother, you're talking that financial Yeah, okay, okay, yeah, you're right right now. If I confess to it, to the part to my wife, I confess to it that I cheated dar. Yes, that the cost is coming. It's coming, so get ready to pay. Huh yeah. And it's called. The thing about it is it cost you more than you want to pay, and you're gonna have to stay longer than you want to stay. Yeah, I want to take it. It's a lot of people on this show older than you. That's men, and we can tell you that. So okay, you understand. You know, man, it sounds good right now. But a lot of cheer voice right now. Go ahead to stop w my head there, huh, bro bro, I mean kids, y'all. Go man, I got to okay, bored the girl and I'm done. I got to no more one, no more kids. Well your son can stand you. Try to try to try to think about them, man, because you're gonna affect a lot of lives. Yeah, that's why. That's why what made me confess to the wife is because of that, because of my kids, and I an't trying to keep my marriage. And it was just the one time thing. That was the very first time I ever cheated on my wife. Hang all right, our last break of the day. Trying to say yeah for us anyway, Yeah, um, okay, did you want to go back to the phone's nephew, we still have a couple of people holding foresis you want to take one. Okay, let's go to line one. Let's let's go to line one and talk to Ken. Out of Louisiana. Can Hey, how are you doing? Good morning? Alrighty, what's the confession this morning? Oh? This weekend? Um? My wife she always go on the buffal line to the casino and she end up going to the casino and her best friend she has a liking in me, and I had called her and she came over and I thought he was going out of town, but she was right there in New Orleans at the casinos casino and end up coming back early and end up catching us. Wow, completely just called at the house or cover with called us without of clothes on which one? Yeah, get we little finished two getting together there and then when you walked in ato you she didn't went to look m hm, but she didn't like that. You know how you can you fifty fifty six howl like noo? Yeah, I knew that when you said take a liking to you, I knew that somewhere up there. So what's going on? And you lost your wife? Now? You lost your wife? No? No, no, no, I mean you know I told her, you know, I played until you know, I see just something that happened, and you know, I want us to be a man, you know, I try to go out there and buy stuffing and you know, wait wait wait wait you you got out of that huh your wife walked in. Yeah, but I mean you know she's still she's still upset about it. But I mean, you know, I believe we've been together for almost twenty seven years, you know, so that makes it all right? Ken, after y'all, y'all if you help me out, So after twenty years, you could do that. You're married me, you know everybody, everybody's done to make the mistake, you know, mistake that you know. Hey, I so okay, I ain't been married that long, key, and I just want to ask you, after twenty years, my wife can come home and me and another one be getting dressed, putting our clue back on, you could do that? No, No, I mean, I mean she she was doing everything in there. I mean you know that all the things that she didn't what's your calls? She didn't put no gun and you know she ain't got no knife from that. She just trapping in as you were fighting and scratching me up from caring on. I said, but I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Something that happened. I mean, I don't know, I know it was gonna happen like this shit though, Okay, make me understand that, Ken, what I ain't trying to help but kill me. Why it's your house though? Well it was right to say. I mean, you know, the old lady gonna be gone for a while, you know, but because when she goes, you needs for like four five six hours because you go out of town. But I ain't know was going right. Didn't wanted to have it? Yeah, you didn't. You didn't answer the question. What Tommy asked you was why at your house? Oh? The other lady, the other the lady ain't got no answer the question. He was going to be safe, he said, he thought he was going to be safe. No, but why at your house? Though? See, you're not answering that. If you thought you was gonna be safe, you could have been safe at a hotel. You could been safe at your house. She could have been safe at her house. Why did you pick your house because I thought you was gonna be gone about six steven man, you let me tell you why you picked your house. Yeah, because you're lazy, though, mm hmm, you're lazy. H Being comfortable creates more problems than being uncomfortable. You're lazy man. You I ain't gotta go get no room. I ain't got to meet out nowhere. I just have a come over here. Okay, So, whold of so kee? Y'all was in? You and your wife's band? Who? No, no, oh that's all that's too far. So which part of her house? Where was y'all in? Like the kitchen table? Yeah? Her dead m is't that right by the front though? No, No, you gotta go down the hall. M. I love how he's trying to address the But but did he say did he? Did you say that's your wife's friend? Yeah? Well, I mean, you know, she she didn't take it out all because she figured that you know, it was my was bob, because you know, like like they always say, it takes two as you you know, felt that it was. So they still a freend, They still a friend? Are they still friends? Not? After that? No? No, well there's been so many other soprantis here, Like what do he think he could buy her to make up for this? Though? That's what I want to hear, Well, vehicle think what she always wanted? Maybe maybe after that did she she ll calmed down? And I know she ain't gonna forget about it. I mean, you know it's gonna alla video. You know she always do it in a phase, but mhm, wow, what you gonna do happen? No, you can't. This is your segment, Tony Back. 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