Coming Up, Memorial Day Weekend - 05.26.17

Published May 29, 2017, 11:19 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them both just like the amazing buck bus things and it's Cobley'll be true. Good to ste Hardy listening to me, to each other for Stu Barther quickly, Hobby, why don't you joy Yeah, yeah, by joint be with me. Honey said you got to use that turn Yeah you y'all, you gotta turn to turn out turn lovely, got to turn out to turn turn wan of y'all, comey, come on your thing at it? Uh? I sure a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show yesterday. I started up talking about my personal journey, and I want to remind you that I'm not saying this to say, hey, look at me. I think I'm more saying it to say, hey, here's what happened to me along the way of making decisions my way, and then what happened when I made a transformation. It's not so much that I made a transformation as it was that I made a decision to start just you know, being being a little bit closer to my creator and having some conversations with him. And that's how it starts. It starts with some conversations with God. It starts with opening up to your creator and saying, hey, listen, my bad, I'm tripping. I've been doing it this way for so long, and it ain't really really got me to where I want to be. I know, to some people on the outside, I appeared to be successful, But I got news for you, man, Success ain't nothing man, when you ain't happy, and the appearances of successes is can be quite uh delusional at best. You know, Prince has a song out there says I realized in his best disguise, a pretty house don't make a home. That's one of my favorite lines in one of his songs, says I realized, in its best disguise, at a pretty house, don't make a home. And uh, you know, I may have had the appearances of a pretty house, but what no home? Man? It ain't. It ain't where you wanted to live, And it wasn't where you wanted to pull up to and reside. It really wasn't. It was. It was some misery. So the transformation started, y'all when I made a decision, and I was saying to people who have been fans of mine, has followed my career or kept up with me, or whether you knew, two thousand five began a very life changing time for me. It started a little bit before that, but I was still in in in some some misery. But in two thousand five my life began to make a drastic change. And that change occurred, like I've been saying, when I made a conscious decision to start having more conversations with God. And I'm just trying to share with everybody how basic and simple that was for me, that to talk to God a little bit more, to admit that I've wronged, that I made a couple of bad plays, and I was asking for forgiveness, and forgiveness wasn't a bigger a big part of it for me because in asking God for forgiveness of my transgressions and my missteps and my sins and flaws and all of that. In asking him for forgiveness, it freed me up from the guilt of like, Okay, so now got well you know of what people are gonna say. Now, you know, man, if you start talking to God a little bit more, how you how your close friends gonna feel well. I've I found out a lot of people wasn't close friends, and that I found out that a lot of people was around me just for the ride. I still got a few hanging on to me just like that. But you know, it is what it is, you know, um. But I found out a a lot of things, mostly about myself, that I needed these conversations with God, that I needed this relationship with him because it was calming me on the inside. It was starting to make the house feel like a home. It was starting to give me a peace of mind. And when you have peace of mind, what it allows, what it does is it opens up your creativity. It opened up your channel to be creative. And when your person, as myself, that's a creative person. That that's that's that's everything. But it's no different than of a person works well with his hands. When you get free in peace of mind, you can work do even better work with your hands. If you counsel better, you become a better counsel. If you're better teacher, you become a better teacher. If you if if you're a better uh E E M E M T person, if you're a better tech person, you become a better a better driver, You become a just a better person. When your mind is free. When your mind is occupied with toxic poisons, it stops you from being the best that you can be at whatever you're trying to be good at. It really really, does you think about it. You can't be the best artist if your mind is twisted up. You can't be the best performer. If your mind is twisted up, you can't be the best ball player. If your mind is twisted up. When you free your mind, when you allow your mind to find out what peace really is, and that's the relationship with God, it gives you peace of mind. I told you the other yesterday, I was talking to this guy in the jim that told me he was a stone cold hustling. Now we all know what that means. So I'm listening to the guy who's just real, honest with me, said Mr Harvey. Seemed like a man with some knowledge under your belt. Man, I just don't have no peace. Well, bro, come on, man, you're involved in the business that don't provide peace. You're in the destruction business of people. You may be making some money, but it's act the expense of other people. Now, what you want to happen to you, You reap what you sold, you know, doing to others that you would have them do unto you. If you ain't bringing no good to nobody's life, but you're making some money, well how how much good you think that money gonna bring to your life? You know, man, it's it's gonna happen for you if you don't get out the game. You know, man, it's it's it's gonna go down bad for you. I can't fix that story up for nobody because it's a it's a story that's told too many times, and it and and it has the same end results. But I told him, the only way you're gonna get a peace of mind, bro, is you gotta have relationship with God. That's all. That's all. Now, here's what happened after I started having this conversation with God. If you followed what was happening to me closely after two from two thousand five two, now, it's almost unexplainable. And that's why I know it's God, because usually when something happens in my life of the positive nature that goes so well for me, and and I cannot explain it that's God. Because I can't even take credit for this, I really really can't. Once again, listen to me closely. I'm not bragging now. I'm just telling you what happened to me. That the same thing He's done for me he can do for you. Are the things he's done for others he will surely do for you. See when I see people as balling, that that's doing well. And when I say balling, I mean achieving their goals and accomplishing things on a rather large scale. I don't become a hater. I become a Wow. Okay, so that's that's possible to see. I look at people's who who are doing well, not for hate or I wish that was me. It just shows me the possibilities the power of God. You know, if God can do this for somebody else, man, maybe if I do this, I gotta now. I'm not complaining why I'm at, not one bit or at all. And if you don't give me no more, please understand. I can make it like this, but I know it's more. I know it's more because God don't bring you this far to leave you. God didn't bring me this far this leave you. He won't bring you that He hasn't gotten you to this point to leave you. He has more for you. See, this ain't about me. This is so you can see what's in it for you. God has more for you if you open yourself to him. But if you don't open yourself up to him, how you're gonna find out what that is? And if you're waking up every day, like I've said a hundred times, with the notion in your mind, that has got to be more to life than this, that's because it is. So. Now I'm asking you, why would you not take the next next step to see what that is? Why would you not get closer to God? Why would you not have a relationship with your creator? How's that working for you? Not having the relationship? I'm just saying, Man, God change your life. Man, God move you in places Man, you never knew you could be moved. God cold, What you're waiting on sitting that tripping is your career? Is your life? You're just gonna plame to the left. I mean, I don't know, man, I don't know, man, and I ain't like I did as soon as I heard it either, So I feel you out there. But Man, if somebody came to me and showed me a way I could turn my life around, and it wasn't going the way I wanted. I take it that took me a long time to hear the message too, So maybe it's taking you a long time to hear that. I feel you. I'm the same with iss you. But Man, when I figured that out, this show got better for me. Man, and I am well. I am because of God Almighty. I have no other explanation for you. If it was I wish I could take credit for it. Man, you know the book I would write if I could take credit for myself. Man, that's probably why your arm don't reach you all the way back there when you're trying to pat yourself on the back, because you ain't supposed to. You ever thought about that? All right? You're listening twenty one minutes after the hour. Twenty one minutes after the hour, This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, The All New Morning Show, Ladies and Gentlemen, Shirley Strawbaby, Hey, good morning, Steve. How are you wonder for goling? Calling for real? Hey boss? What's happening? How are you? Junior? Morning Up? The Food King of Pranks, Rich Uncle you're to distinguish between them King of Pranks and the and the newest member of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, which we are still debating. And this was a smart move. And ladies and gentlemen, my longtime friends, ladies and gentlemen, Jay Brown, watch your damner, everybody. I'll be the j SPO tonight. I'm get my plugs in earlier just started this might be scared man. So today we got a good day lined up for you. Today we're gonna have It's Friday. We're gonna have a bunch of crazy stuff for y'all. Today. We're gonna help you laugh a little bit today. Folks, you know you you've had a stress for weekend work. Some of your co workers didn't got on your nerves. Today is dedicated to getting you ready to have a great weekend. We're calling this get Ready Friday. Everything to get you ready. This is called get Ready Friday. Groff, this is what GRL get ready for Friday. All of you got that love, it would fail right in Guff, get ready you mind. I wanted to send a special shout out to haters today. Thank you a young boy at my Disney Dreamers academy. A little kid named William William William. You know, he was born as an albino, and he suffered a lot of ridicule in school. And it was the first time after we took him to the Disney Dreamers Academy that he found some real friends, some kids that really loved him, and he was excited. He called his mom and he said, Mom, I have some friends now. And his mother was just crying because he's never come home and said he had any friends. And every day he would come home from school, she would have to patch her son back up to get him ready to go back out there because he looked so different, you know, because he was calling him snowflake, white boy and all that. So the kid wrote a poem out thanking his haters. And this little kid, seventeen, taught me a lot about thanking your haters. He told them, thank you for making me strong, thank you for making me realize that I was more than you thought I was. You know, I just wanted to say this morning only hand from William William, thank you man. So this is for all my haters. Today is gruff Friday. Getting ready for Friday. Thank you haters. We're gonna be laughing at you all day. Let's go. Hey. This is Eddie Leverte, him Philip Bailey, and I'm Ralph Johnson of Earth Wind and Fire. Hey, what's up y'all? This is Eric ba Is Erica. Yo, what up? This is Shoy, last name Wilson. And you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning. We'll be right back. You're listening Steve Harvey. Alright, Welcome back, everybody. Welcome back to the show. The barbershop is a little a little different today. Ain't nobody in the barbershop except the owner of cut Moles or Big Mole and his boy Earl. Oh Errol coming there or Earl don't ever get a hair cut? What Earl don't get it? He cut Errol just come down there at the barbershop because he don't want to be home. Oh, so the conversation again, we are in the barbershop. Welcome to cutting mode. That was that man done? You know everything going on? Welcome to cutting mode where we we call it cutting mode cause we cutting mo hell didn't anybody else. Absolutely have got more head than anybody. You've been here a long time. Man. You know some of my show him you know more, you know, you know my daddy was more or less and my grandfather was more than that, you know, boling that moless and get mole and Yant had him over and whis because she's cut head that hand too, she asked away she was a haircutter. Like so many things going on, you know. Anyway we were working to quote moves. What's going on? Man? Everything going on? I just you know, I don't want to be home. That's why I'm here, you know, I ain't. I ain't got no hair on my head at all. And I didn't come ahead just to get away from my wife. You don't just to have some peace. And why this is the place you can come and sit down and watch other people get their heads cut. That's a that's a joy to me watch. And they had the memories go in my mind and by high back in the day, I used to sit in that chair and another thing by these chairs up more. I need to ask you a pleasant question, sis pussing the question, Pussant the question I need to ask you, mom Mo, I need putting the question. They're go ahead. I need to ask your putting the question. First of all, that liquid you stick them comes in. What is that? I need to know what that listen to? Yeah, that's blue. What you call that blue? You put that down there to dis infected disaffected cold. So when I called one head and touched another head of different, it has already been disinfected. So you get combing heads, stick that in there and they clean all that out. That's out right there. Whatever you stroke in the head and you put in that liquid, that's that's all is to it. What I haven't told you. It's just magical huh thing about you. If the conversation go way longly, then they need to I just told you what it would you need to ask one more? Did we We're only gonna cover one subject down here and cut movies. If you stay on the damn blue water. I'm trying to add one more question? What well? I act like I got two more questions. I've never seen you. I ain't never seen you put fresh liquid in there? That's where are you still talking about the damn blue wall? You ain't lit or you change the question? Don't mean to change the subject another when told about something else, told about something el told about something else, told about something else. You know, I don't have to come down here. Don't everybody know you ain't got to come down here. But what you got to do is move the damn conversation on because the big ain't but four damn minutes. Now, that's what we're gonna have to do. Just another question. The question is the question, when is you gonna get some new chairs here? He listen to me, we were talking about and old. These chairs is classics. They're not going nowhere. Listen to my my granddaddy Molding that had my father mo Less had them. Now I'm just mo I thought the saying chick. You know people that have been in and they had their hair cut up in here, it'd be greatness up in here because mar louis king hand here king my daddy cut. Now we cut the Albernavia. How yeah, we got to my, my, my, my, my grandfather Molding that cut Frederick Douglas front right in the same damn chill and you have barber shop back. The black people got their hair cut shirt like that. Tell them. One time two other disciples came up hit their heads. Cat that lives me. John the Baptist got his hair cut in here right for I got in head to go. I curl. That's a hand cut, that's a hair cut. And then got your head cut come on, and that's when her cousin was a nickel. I neber that. Thank you, you know, you know, I'm so glad we got somebody here back all this stuff for so now we're in here. That just been some great cut and cream. He had had some of the greatest cuts up in this bobby shop. I'll tell you another thing. I'll tell you I cut jacket hell, and that that was a real treat jacket Jackson. Oh hell, that boy had to fro front there, colding thro into Jackson, filling the jackeon five. I would have hoping Michael will come through here, but then we got that curl that killing I don't want. They won't do it in here. We'll do curl coming here like a man, and some hair cut with you press your hair like a little girl. We cain't coming here. This is cut mold, not not not die molds, crol mold, per mold. We know we cut, we cut up in hill. What they are going on, el man, I tell you. And the thing about that like but you keeps the old the old pictures up on the wall. But the old entertainer. You got a ton of up on the wall. Yeah, when the show with the showing that you know, there's people that love like you don't take picture down. You don't take like pictures and you don't take pitch down. No, don't tell you you gotta hate him. You hate him if you won't too. But where you got a haircut, Sammon, David's got his hair cut over here to the start running with the red pack and got his hair perm thought it were white. And then we caut You know Chamming was always good? Did you get rid of him? Man? And white people sitting outside waiting on him? And that was just problems right there. All that was. And the show is good down here cutting movie, you know, just learning the history of the ball shop of good too. You know, you're just finding out who all been in here? In here one last world we did. We cut one woman's hand, Hire Harrod Tubby. Wake up with the Steve Harvey Morning Show with yours truly Steve Harvey every weekday. You don't want to miss a moment more ignorant than ever been fold. Steve Harvey Morning Show is coming back in a few minutes, y'all you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tommy got a new bit, y'all. This is a new bit. He'd been working on it. New bit. Can you say comedy in front of that word? Because man, it just got married. You know I need that. Tommy got a new comedy bit. Period segment could work. Name it is bike is tell us who you're mad at? Now? Tell me what's what's the premise behind this? This is for people to call in and just get it off their chest. On they got you know, twenty thirty seconds, just get it off their chest. But here is who you mad at? Now? Is enough? I don't want to tell him what sheep lying? No good rocking? Go ahead say it? Say it telling. Do you think it's funny? Do you want to go to walk? You want to go to walk? Okay? Your women? Women? And it's just about security and commitment. And it's nephew Tommy, and you have reached the hot line for who are you mad at? Now? Who are you mad at? Now? You got thirty seconds to leave me a message and let me know who you mad at now? Yes, my name is Ashley calling from Germy, Alabama. The person that I'm mad and tell that how do you so called men? Why am I mad at them? Because they say they want a woman with real hair, real nail at, a real job, but they're real broke. You can't ask them to go to the movies. They can't even invite to take you out to the movies. Why because they live with their mama. They ain't got no job. They're begging their mama for gas money. But how you gonna tell a woman that you want all of these different things but you can't even provide for yourself. And then had a nerve to have five and six kids about three or four different women. Well, how you gonna knock a woman? They've got how to make herself look better, keep her nails done, and keep our hands free. But you can't do nothing for I tell you, we're gonna set your ass down. Who are you mad at? Now? Tell me out? I had to come out and give me. Let me tell you who got me around here? So I go and then I think I'm about to get it on with my wife, and I'm talking about ready. I'm ready, tim, and I'm ready to go ahead and lay it down. And as soon as I get in the bed, I turned over. They come about to get it in. She started talking about them, So you ready to be nice? Now? You ready to start talking sweet? Now? No, I'm ready to start. I'm ready to start getting it in. Why did they start doing that foolish just right in the fiddle. You know, I just took that dell you're doing that blue thing. Ain't gonna run out here in a minute. Conn't give it to him and stop all this cheap it in the ch other and give it into Yester timing. I'm mad at him, man, and I'm I'm really got to stop focus file to get this off. Who you mad at now? Hey, I'm I'm pissed off in my wife man? And no, look I love her dearly. Here's something that she do about three four times a week. He'll make a bed up. I come home and work, I'm walk into my bedroom and it looked like it'll look like what I left with this morning. Sow. My wife is working at home, and I'm proud of she. You know she able to do that, But um, she have to make that beder, man, I mean that bead. Look it makes me feel comfortable when I come home and my house is neat in my bedroom looking neat, you know. But I hope her friends are listen to this because I know she don't listen to the show, and I hope that does. Somebody come and just talk to her and just tell her what her husband likes. All right? Who you mad at? Now? I'm telling you right now. I'm tell you right now. This is David d Out of Texas. I'm a male man. Let me tell you who I'm mad at. And I'm not mad at the dog. It's the dog on them. It's the dog only because you know what they always say, he won't bite, he won't bite. Letting NICKI. I don't want him to lick me. He won't bite. Tell that to the mail man inside the mergency room. I'm so sick and tired of people. Please respect the mail man. Sin't way to expect the cops. I'm tired of you people coming in trying to get your little check on the on the third and it's got the first on the things say the first. Don't come to me, So male man, I know you got it. Can't you hook me up? I can't do nothing for you. I'm not losing my job, so I can be looking for check on the first like you. Let me tell you something. Respect your mail man. This David out of heaths s tectis later. Who you mad at? Now? Who are you mad at? Now? You know what I'm mad at, Nephew Tommy. I'm mad at people coming up in the shop man thinking that you are a miracle maker. We we can't, we can't just make you somebody you're not. Stop bringing in pictures of celebrities and trying to look like them. You're not a celebrity. All we can do is work with what we have and just know they when I cut your hair, you're not gonna look like that person on that picture. Stop doing that. And then when I'm doing your hair, stop staring at me the whole time I'm doing your hair. Why are you standing at what you want me to do? I can't do nothing about that. And keep the conversation light. I don't want to talk to you the whole time you're in the chair. Sit down, get your hair cut, and get up about the chair. That's what I do. I cut here. You sit down and let me cut it, and don't be on your phone wearing your head sets and all that stuff in scott doing that. It's making me mad. Stop doing that to me. Please, Let's go through the phone. Let's find out who they mad at. Naw for you, Timmy, who's this? How are you doing this? Story from Buffalo? What's up? Corey? Who you're mad at? No? Man, Hey, I'm mad at the Rocks. Every time you turn around, he on TV doing something. He's selling truck, He doing all kind of commercials. You can't get no movie without him being in it. You don't get no you Samuel Jackson can't even get a job because it run. It ain't the Rocker tef I hunt. You ain't in it. He canna beat up there body and wrestling that bad. I can't beat me up without the Rock. I think you's my pastor coming up this week? Yeah, you at it? That's what you're mad at, exactly. I don't. I don't even think he has to wear a shirt because his body just climate control. I don't know. You don't never see them in any curious situation. You don't care about him in the news. That's why I'm mad. The Rock needs to get some real life situations. Hell, hey, man, you ain't been hearing about me. He got some real life situation in the news. I don't even know what I'm in the new. When I read it, I'll be going, what the hell am I news? I'm scared to talk to card because hell, I got five TV shows. I know he's sick of mind all the muscles. Well, I really got something shows. They're really gonna be piste off in a minute. I think he's gonna be my past to come suck. Yeah, man, let's take yeah, I got come on. Never you tell me who's this? This is l from Chicago. How are you telling me? I'm good? Baby? Tell me who you're mad at now? Baby? Man, I am living with dt as. How in the fudging frats, I mean yeah, they told me not to swear, so I'm trying my beast, but they retad How in the fudging frat the NBA game you a million, Chance, gave you a million, the Role game you a million, but three million extra, unfunded, unbudgeted dollars you made you simple not going to school, getting educated in the system that you're trying to corrupt. You can't fine three more weeks of education for these kids. And then they come out the other day they say week six hundred million dollars in the educational deficits. What the heaven? If you know what I'm really I'm really more interested in how you cuss. Really, I like your style of cussing. What the heaven? Okay, so you're mad. You're mad at the at the at the Chicago school sister schools, public school, so they don't value the cheering you six hundred million dollars, but you drive around in Cadillacs and Dean's and a dog on President White get escort. What the fudge? I need you to really express that g in that you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, Steve, come on, this is gonna be interesting. Streets are talking, The streets are talking. I take to the streets, Steve, see what the people are talking about. Check it out, everybody. You're truly Jane Browns and Steve Harvey Morning Show. Who is the biggest liar in your family? Myself? Who's the biggest liar in your family? My dad? Who's the biggest liar in your family? Who in my family? You know, we are a godly family. You gotta have one. We have adulterers, thank you very much. Who's the biggest liar in your family? Man got to be the pops man never come get you. When he said he's gonna get you, never give you the gift he say he's gonna give you. You know that raised the top of the list. Still holding onto that pain. Huh man, who's the biggest liar in your family? Show my mom? Your mom is a big liar. Some of the lies your mom is told? Who my father was? Whoa The question of the day is, who is the biggest liar in your family? My uncle and my mom, brother, my unt my mom's sister, and I got a cousin. Ain't little father lie lie for no reason? Who is the biggest liar in your family? Who's the biggest liar in your family? What does he lie about? And who's the biggest liar in your family? Husband? Your husband lies a lot? What's the last lie he told? I don't even know where he is right now? Thank you all so much, real quick. What's the greatest morning show in the world, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thank you so much. She said, we're a Christian family. We have a Yeah, that's last actually hurt. Thank you man, Thank you street. You're talking man, and uh my daddy. Yeah, it's gonna be a good bit on the talk and my mom lied to me about that too. That's a whole different story. But we're talking about that another time. About who my daddy will. Yeah, yeah, the pain is still but that was never an issue at out You slick man. What's the boss at our house? Was never an issue? Which was the boss? Now my mama was the boss, but he yeah, oh okay, yeah. What was the story you told the time Steve, when you were in the bathtub or something and your dad came in the bath. The daddy came in and used the bathroom while I was taking the bath. I was not huh. Came in, boy I got to go and he started undressing and I was sitting there in the bathtub, a little love boats and stuff in them, starting to get concerned. I said, well he ain't my daddy asked, naked and just hanging the clothes up on the back of the dough. You know that's where I got it from. I go to bath when you're really feel to go. Well, you there's a lot of freedom. You speaking everything but your shoe for the for the traction, I understand it. Yeah, keep your shoot all that stuff up on the wall. And he just started, man and all I couldn't take it. I was trying to get lower and lower down in the water. Water starting to cool off here, and they're just reading and grunting, and it started getting a little fouled in there. So I tried to go down lower and keep the bubbles around my nose to block it. Then the bubbles got in my nose and I was actually drowning in six inches of water. That was a horrible day for me, and my brothers was laughing. They asked, of course, I know Daddy ain't sitting up in there man using the bathroom Stephen that day water. Daddy can't win it that day, didn't he? Men brought it, brought it, brought to pay. Taught me a lot, though. What's up? After that? I locked the bath room doing act like I can't hear because there was only one bath one bathroom. Everybody's house had one bathroom bath. Yeah, but it worked, and you took a bathroom by yourself. Man, y'all have money. Rest. I was just visualizing him and the top by well, I was a tall boy, so wouldn't who else is gonna get in there? Well, I mean and my cousin. We had to take a bath together and then saved that water. Don't you think water, don't you pull? We had to do that to stand the second. But that's what. But then what my mom and then would do would put some bubbles in there and switch it around. You couldn't see it was cloudy. Remember that film with the on the top stead That ain't never bothered me though, yeah I didn't film didn't bother the cloudy water, the cloudy water and your daddy in there. And that was another thing. And don't know, I learned to when they told me to stay out of his old spice, and I got into that old spice naked one day. It was splashing on my hands and got something on my little jewels, yea, on my little chesting them chesting him spice on and I didn't know what it was, so I was bad froom. And it started off with a with a slight whimper, lay up like that, and then it gets into it and then it then it started to and then after a while it was you. I had old spots on my jewels, old spice on the jewels. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I wish I wasn't here, but I am. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for him. Good morning, every wine, Stephen, Tommy, Shirley, carlt when you're good morning, Jay, Anthony Brown, Um and Thomas smiles. Good morning to all of you. Are okay? So today it's about me, Um, I just want to put it out there, and I'm really directing this. You know what I'm talking about. Apparently I'm directing to say you, Eugene Antoine Ferguson is seeking management and I thought that you would be a very very good candidate to manage my career because it seems like the the acting is really going well and they want me to do the rest of the tour starting in September, and I just I just want to negotiate my money away from Tommy's money, and I think you would be the person to help me. Who who? Surely? Yeah? Because if I ask you, you're just you're just gonna you always crumble me. You don't talk to crumble me. Crumble you. Yeah you didn't. You know, I can't. I'm busy. Yeah, but do it. Thank you so much, Charlie. So I just want us to get together and get a good amount of money to ask for for what I'm getting ready to do, because I have been stealing the show and I haven't been getting paid for it. Tommy makes the money and I haven't been making anything. What do you just want to I just want to point out one thing though. Before we signed contracts and everything, I haven't seen the play yet. But Jay saw it and he said that. Well, I mean he got angry at me the first time. I said, I don't go ahead. Well, I think everybody knows at this point, Jay is just on Tommy's side, and I realized that, you know, he likes you. I like what you did in the play. I thought you weren't understand him. But when Tommy, when Tommy walks out on that stage, he steals the crownd and the crowd like that. It's crazy. Yet they did that for me to Well, you're in the bathroom when I came out. No, no, don't tell us where you were when you came I mean when I made my entrance on stage, that you just came out on stage. I when I came out, I'm not when I entered. I'm not gonna use when I out when I came out on stage. The people went crazy, and I'm just trying to figure out why Dy Anthony Brown didn't see that. Gloria asked me to find out when you came. Don't do that. Don't bring her up. You are not going to badger my clients. Get together with Fried. I'm gonna just tell Glory that he came out Fried. Don't don't call her the coming up next to chance, Andy Brown will be here to murder another hit. We'll be back at thirty four. Don't forget to set you along to wake up with Steve Harvey Morner. Show them up. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, it's your boys time. He's here. Time to slay another one, murder another one. Well, you know what somebody told me family feud. I don't know where you got that man from. I put a lot of merger. I'll be waiting on these songs. We've been friends for years. Were the way back like catalaxy. So that's what he said, right, So what's the list? The list will probably get longer today. We're gonna put their Franklin's name on the list. Oh my god, you mean the song is called happy and my song is called nappy. What here, get out? You know her chemicals can hurt you. Here, chemicals can change change. What will her chemicals do to you? Come on now, come on now, come on now, I'll just let it just let it be never right now. I want to care what people say. If they have not the pain to pay, my hair is not meant to. Let it be. Let it be nappy right now, that hard come of phone stone, leave their election down at the stone. I'm just luck grease n three. That's what you're doing now. He won't hurt your fingers when you run through. Take it up if it's not. That's what a change, sur pride. Let it beat it beat on the way you should know, said Jesus. Jesus, take Jesus. Well, looks so nice and you just want to be if you want to be here, let it be nappy. Let it be nappy right now. Don't you want to be now and all that it's Christian and all that it's could, Let it be nappy right now, come about. I just want to be now. Annoy you. I'm not gonna keep on getting a cock and weeds with like send the front. No weeds are like the freak broken she's happy, happy to be happen to be napping. Just lets of grease, Roberts. We have clothes. It's won't bring you run through through your hair. If it's now come, that's good. Don't be free up all the chill in you. That's what you're gonna do. Break it down right now, come on, do what I say. You shouldn't know. You shouldn't know what I'm talking about. Take downs. Let it break it down right in and break it down. The dug out too. Let it be that bit, let it be, let it be and all thing let's right, and all things that is gone. I just want that food. Say take that hot ass weird? Yes that is so like, yeah, just letting her. Come on, come on, take a comb on this Christian What the friend that is gods little is Christian leaders? What they say down to family for you? When you get him from where you got that man from? One lady said, I'm back. I was trying to find another way listening to that show. Now I found it now and lost him him. Somebody don't want you got all the talent people on your show, Momo leque, come on coming up, Momo nique. And what she said for me. Yeah, let somebody else be the headline. Did you see the video? Oh? Well's name on the list? Got something crazy? All right, we got some frank phone call coming up. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hi, y'all, we're back coming up. At top of that. We got strap letter. But come on, food, what you got, I'll win to get you one? Now. You ain't ready for this? Oh? Yes, right here? Okay, maybe I need to do a disclaimer. You're going there. Well, let's hear the prank. We'll see here. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a h carry. Yes, this is carried hi carry. My name is Oliver. Oliver. You uh put in an application with the employment agency about looking for some work as far as being a lifeguard for the summer this coming summer. Oh yeah it okay. Have you had much experience being a lifeguard? Yeah, I've been doing this for a while now, back since I was like eighteen I got my CPR certification. I've had as many as like two hundred people at one time watching them. So I'm good. I'm good at what I do. I love it. Okay, okay, it's uh now for my understanding. You're you're in college right now. I'm studying to what are you what are you studying? I'm studying to be a r N. And I see that's what I do. I love helping people, so like being a lifeguard. That gives me, you know, some kind of hands on experience with people outside the hospital. So it's good. It's good. It's very good, very good. Well, I'll tell you what. I've looked over your application and I've checked everything out thoroughly, and I'm very excited about maybe getting you too. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but public pool it's actually in uh in subdivision. There's two pools there. Are you familiar work? I'm familiar with that. They're they're okay, Well, there's actually in the back of there's a gated community and UM that is actually the particular property that I'm talking about you coming out and working force there at the pool site for the for the whole summer. We want to start actually on May one, and we want to go all the way to UH probably the last week in August. Are you are you capable of taking on a job like that from Monday to Friday and UH if we can get you on Monday to Friday. We're gonna actually hire some some more college students for for Saturday and Sunday. What do you say, Oh, I say, Okay, that sounds great weekends off. Yeah, exactly. Now we start off from we want you from twelve to six. There's actually classes that take place from ten to twelve, but from twelve to six, it's open to the entire community, and we want you to be the lifeguard there that the job actually pays twenty five dollars an hour. Wow, you would be our head lifeguard and um, we would we would want you to be there from you know. I mean if you start at twelve, we'd actually like you to get there around eleven thirty, you know, just just to be prepared and be the overseer and make sure the other lifeguards get there on time, and you know, we'll go from there. I carry there's only one catch that that actually comes along with this job that you definitely have to uh uh do and carry out as far as your duties are concerned. We want you to work in additional uh four hours from six to ten at night. But it's gonna pay you fifty dollars per hour, so you'll make an extra two dollars. How do you feel about that? Man? I feel good. I mean, with the recession and everything, I can use that money right now, especially during the summertime. Okay, now here's the deal. This is in a gated community, like I told you before, but also it's gonna be adults at night, and they are actually gonna be swimming nude. Yeah, they're gonna be swimming nude. And what they asked is if they're gonna be swimming nude, they want to make sure that the lifeguard that's protecting them is gonna be nude as well. Okay, I'm a certified lifeguard um CPR certified. I'm a student. I've had other jobs, but nudity wasn't on my resume and and and I understand that wholeheartedly. But we're talking about you possibly making seventeen hundred fifty dollars a week. How do you feel about seventeen hundred fifty a week for your nursing school. I'm sure that'll that will definitely pay for it throughout the entire summer. That should be a big help, shouldn't it. Yeah? It would, But I mean, I mean, are are you are you how do you feel about trying it for a few weeks and then you know, how do you feel about that? I don't know, But I mean you're gonna watch over some adults who who are actually just gonna be nude in the pool, and you're nude as well up on the big chair that overwatches everybody. Seventeen seventeen fifty carry. You know, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that, seventeen cary. We're talking about four hours of you being nude along with some other people that are already knew. So, I mean, what's the big deal? You know? What we need you to do is come down. We're gonna do some drills, some lifeguard drills to make sure that you're definitely qualified. But we're gonna make sure that when you do those, you gotta be naked as well. Okay, what what? Why would I have to do some drills naked? I'm radio lifeguard to dry and understand all that. But in order we we for for our particular property, we gotta make sure that you're actually prepared and ready. You know stand Well, that's the way it is, Carrott. We need you to come down and do some drills. It's not gonna take along. Probably about a half hour. You come down, you get undressed, you get in the pool, and we make sure that you're qualified um to swim, nude, to handle to saving somebody's life nude. It's the whole nine yards. But what I mean, what if my family come to that? You know? Carry I you know, I can't go back and forth with you. I can't now. I know you you you you know. I looked at your resume, I looked at what you were doing and what you're pursuing in life, and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you. But I can't be here. I mean, I can't do that to my family. You can know. No, wait a minute, hang on a second. Now, you can't tell me you can't do it now? Oh yes, yes I can't. You get your down here in the morning so I can get these drills done. And I want you naked when you get here and getting this pool. You understand me, Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Are you some kind of pool tip? Let go, You'm the resources hiring tip, You're new tip and me I don't have to cut him down there, but I want to come down there. You gotta bring you take. Get out here tomorrow and get in this pool and do the drill. Do you think you're talking too I'm talking to you. You get your here tomorrow and your duty s grew need to do. It's gonna get your pamelas in Baywatch because t frand what you're doing that new where shout for you all freaking I don't know them. I don't know them people. I don't give it who you know? Now you get your down here and you take the top. I'm there coming down that to your foot. So tomorrow and swim new and life. Go ahead now for a bunch of runch. I don't know you take your times. I'm just trying to be nice to you when you turn around with that shot. But because I'm not thinking of the girl you got me. Okay, you need to go get you a pamels and baywatch you know, deep sea diving. I don't know what you need, but I'm not what you need. You get your block down here tomorrow. What I could do. I'm talking to you. Who you think you're talking to? Whom talking to you? What do you think you're talking to? I got something I want to say to you. You're listening you know where you You better go ahead and said is I'm about to hang up the phone pace right now. This is Nip you, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got cranked by your girlfriend. I just break you, baby, your girlfriend break to your one lift float. I cannot believe you like this? All right, I gotta ask you something, baby? What is What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. All I want to know was it a home room? Stupid is on course? That's all I do. Weren't you used to describe them when you ask us? I mean it was a home run and stupidity and you getting your butt beat down as it was good. I needed to make sure stupid it is on course? That's all me. Nervous where you make me nervous? All right? Wait till I call your husband. Then you're gonna be nervous. Make a fest June thirty, don't miss it a time to laugh, Dallas, Texas at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. It's going down June thirty, hosted by yours truly and the one and only headliner, Cedric the Entertainer. Tickets on sale right now. Come hang out with us, make a fast, clean comedy all night long. Is that gonna be rough for you? I know it would? Yea? So? So do you have to practice not? You know your your show? You have to practice. I got to practice. You have to practice not cushion. Yeah, I'm gonna make sure I don't make here y'all do it? What you right here? Knot talk now? That cuts me out last week, didn't you? Man? Strawberry letter coming up? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Strawberry Letter coming up next. It's gonna be another crazy one. You have a couple of people following in your footsteps. Did you know that a couple of entertainers. One is an oscar winner. I'm talking about Jamie Fox. He has a game show coming out called Shazam. Yeah. Yeah, it looks fun. Yeah, it looks like it should be a lot of fun because it has music and as Jamie Fox like he says and me and I'm taking you back, didn't go my pallet to say that chasm? Yeah that was yeah, Yeah, I could go on that show. Surely, Chasm, I will win. You know, you know songs. I know him by the note I will win. And that's what you do. You play the note and you know you can guess and see if you can guess it. And I think the winnings are up to a million dollars or something. You can win like a million dollars. So you need to go on the show. Girl. Speaking of Jamie Fox, well let me tell you this too. Yeah, okay, I told you game show. Snoop Dogg is getting a game show as well. He's gonna be the host of Joker's Wild, the new Joker's Wild. It's a classic casino style game show. It aired back in the seventies and eighties. Yeah, they say it was a card game. Uh huh just had that funny sounding uh joker. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they're gonna bring back the show with Snoop as the host. He says it's a no brainer for him. That was his favorite game show back in the day. So there you go. And I mentioned Jamie Fox. He and Katie Holmes. Their relationship is heating up. It's eating up. Jamie Fox and Katie Holmes. Katie Holmes used to be married to Tom Cruise. Remember Tom Cruise. Jamie fox played in that movie Collateral Damage Together. That was a really good James got a white huh yeah, man, Yeah, they're all over Paris going to dinner. So you do it, you do it? What? Yeah? Go white man that it's Jane. Yeah. Yeah. Don't look at me and say that Sam had one the statements. Man, Jamie Foxx is your friend of mine. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of him. Say that power to him? White? Are you kidding me? You like stating white women? Man? Not wrong my voice, Steve, I need to talk to you after that. You find love, you find love, you love and love. Of course we believe that. On this show. I'll talk abou him talking about Jamie. Girl like I just say anything wrong? Sat a socket right, tickets to the Strawberry Letter. Yes that Tim, y'all buckle up and hold on tight. Strawberry Letter three subject cheating boyfriend. I, Steve, I want your advice. My boyfriend and I have been a relationship for six years. He started cheating on me three years ago. He had a child with that girl, and now he's cheating again. His mother stopped talking to me because she thought I was trying to take her son from her. I wrote him a letter a while back, telling him that I need him to be a man and um that I can rely on the man that I need to have our household, and the only way that can happen is if you stop allowing his mother to control him and our relationship as well. His mother read the letter, and since then, his mother has been out to get me. She's told millions of lie is on me. She's encouraged him to bring the girl home even when she knew we were still together. She even told me to stay away from her son and stopped coming between him and the girl. Now he's telling me he wants to marry me, but he's just not ready for it, making excuses about work and money and different stuff. Now, I've been with him through thick and thin, despite the fact that everyone's advice to me is to leave him. I'm seeking your advice, advice from a man with no interest of gaining. Now I've been hearing rumors that he's been telling people that I'm running him down, when this is not true. There were a couple of times when I tried ending it and he asked me back, what should I believe? I'm so confused. I'm confused too with this entire letter. I'm confused while you're still in this relationship, That's what I'm confused about. And where is this relationship going? Six years you've been in this and you've been through cheating that resulted in a baby. Now you say he's cheating again. I just got to ask you, why are you letting this man and treat you like this? He's doing whatever he wants to do and you've just been there taking it for the last six years. I mean, don't you see that you he his mother is not the problem here. Uh. Really, his mother is doing you a favor. You should take her advice. Get out of this relationship with this man, period. Steve, Wow man, Um, this to me is a clear cut letter about a mama's boy. This is a letter about a mama's boy that you've fallen in love with and it's not working. Uh, you say, Steve, I want your advice. You want to advice from somebody. Uh that's no interest of gaining it. Yeah, okay, So here it is. First of all, you've been in a relationship like Shirley safe for six years. Where is this going? Secondly, he started cheating on you three years ago. He had a child with that girl, and now he's cheating again. Uh, what is this relationship that you are have? Well? What is it called? What? What title do you have from it? You know, I don't I don't know what you call this? Right here? You're in a relationship he's not. See lady ladies missed that. Sometimes sometimes you're in a more of a committed relationship than the guy is. Sometimes just sometimes you know, and then sometimes things happen. I'll just tell your goals both ways, so you know you could have that. Um. Then, uh, you thought that you had a problem with her mama because she's trying to take you're trying to take her son from her. That's a mama's boy. I wrote him a letter while back telling to him that here's a problem in your letter, I need him to be a man. Well, if he don't want to be a man, you're needing someone to be a man who don't want to be a man yet, or it's not a man yet, you know, maybe he's just not developed there yet. Then you say someone you can rely on the man I need to head our household. Well, let me tell you what happens. Even if you marry this boy right now, this mama's boy, he's not gonna head the household. His mother is gonna be the head of y'all's household. And you can ask any woman that's married to a mama's boy if that ain't how it works. So what you're really asking this boy to do is be a man he's not ready to be. And then you want him to head up you all's household because that's your dream one day of having a man to head up the household. But if you marry mama's boy, the mother is actually gonna become the head of your household, and you're gonna be forever pissed at him and her, and your life is gonna be a miserable situation. I give you more when we come back. But in this letter, you say, now, he's telling me that he wants to marry me, but he's just not ready for it, making excuses about work and money and different stuff. Okay, I think you have your own answer right here, but I give you more when we come back. You're listening, Steve, alright, Steve, come on, Uh, this woman writes his letter entitled Cheating Boyfriend. Well, you're a cheating boyfriend and there's a mama's boy. You got a couple of problems. Your man is cheating on you. That's a problem, and he's a mama's boy, which I can't even tell you the problems it's gonna lead into. But you're already running into him. She's spreading rumors about you. She read your letter that you read to him. Most mothers. If a woman writes a letter to her son that's private information, she won't read it. She reads it and then starts taking matters into her own hands. Got the other girl coming over to the house telling you to stay out of their way, or the other boy and the other girl. So not a mama know he cheating, she's condoning it. He ain't stopping. He's doing everything but stopping cheating. There's nothing in your letter says that. Then you get to this part where he says, now he's telling me that he wants to marry me, but he's not ready for it, making excuses about work and any and different stuff. Excuse me, you're gonna marry a man who ain't working, who makes excuse about working. Look, I got if a guy been in trouble and he got a felony record and it's hard for him to find work. But this duet is making excuses for not working. He don't want to work, he ain't got no money, and undifferent stuff. Ain't no telling what else the excuses are coming in. He says he wants to marry you. If you marry this boy right here, you're going to make a huge mistake with your life. Now here's the problem that one of the number one problems for women. This next line. Now, I've been with him through thick and thin, despite that, everyone advises me to leave him. See your problem is now you've got this six years invested, and women always do that, you always you always look one of your biggest mistakes is you've put this time in and you don't want to sit it in a waste. Well, let me turn you onto something. The real waste is to continue what you know is not good for you. See, Okay, Look, everybody makes mistakes. So you put six years in thinking it was gonna turn around, and it didn't. That's a mistake. A lot of people make that. Who hasn't done it. I've done it. Everybody's done it. But once you realize something is not good for you, Once you realize when you've gotten all the evidency in and the change that you're waiting on never comes, and you continue to stay in it, that from that moment on is when you're wasting time. Because right so, do not continue to waste time now that you know it's bad for you. Get out. Um the latest spreading rumors telling people, and then you start hearing rumors that he's telling people that I'm running him down. This is not true. Why is he talking to other people about you? What kind of no man does this? None of my friends come to talking about how they wives ain't this or that that. Real men just don't do that with they boys. Man, I'm struggling, man, my girl tripping? Man, she she found this on me or something like that. We'll say that, but what we ain't gonna say is, man, my girl, my girl, ain't this Michael. We don't go that to our friends. Hey, man, you you need to get away from this because this man ain't ready. You said he's not ready. He's not ready. He's a mama's boy. He ain't working, he don't want to be a man. He got other women. All right, Steve, we have to go. We do email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's letter at my girls? Surely okay, switching gears now, Steve, You're always great. You're great at giving advice. Um, how would you handle things when you run into an X when who broke your heart? Okay? Should you tell them off? Should you act like it didn't matter? You know what's the smarter move and which is more satisfying? What you say? Well, I have run up into an extra. She didn't break my heart, but and she tried to run up into it, but it was a mailbox in the way. She drove up on the curve mail box, she hit the mailbox and I heard the car. Yeah, that was an attempted murder. I've you know, the ones that broke my heart was younger, you know, and never got over in that Bibbs Patricia turn up at an owner Patricia ride. Oh, man, that one hurt me. Man, that hurt me. Prom girl couldn't go promise. Older boy friend took her in his car. Yeah, dating this girl phone playing somewhere oh grown mass oh old growing? Yeah, So you know it's just I had to shake that off. Just now there her and that bills. I was able to get her back. She wanted to have coffee one night after showing Cleveland, after she told hold this one. She told me, did you know you never heard this? I asked her to go to the Junior problem with me in the ninth grade. She told me, I don't want to go nowhere with you because I don't like your facial features. I ain't got nothing. I think you just all right with you. Don't like none of my facial features, my eyes, I've always had problem with these little I got there but my nose, my cheeks. No, I don't like your facial features. Yeah, she was keeping yeah. So so day she crushed you. I don't like your facial features. I was turning. I want what the hell I got to do? Well? I can't do nothing by none of that. So years laid out performing in Cleveland, Cleveland convicious and a soul out. My daddy was down. You sold it out, man. She came up to me after the show. I knew who she was. She still looked the same, say this isn't THETT How are you you don't remember me? I said, yeah, I remember. How are you doing I'm good about yourself. Oh, I'm doing wonderful, I said, you're married now, No, I got a divorce, so wow, are you still looking nice? And I'll go to the cham. I try to eat right and take care of myself. Great. She said, would you would you like to go out and get a drink? I said, I don't drink. Okay, how about a tea or something? Now I don't. I don't drink tea coffee. I said, no, I want the coffee. She said, wow, So you just can't go out to me. You don't. You don't drink anything. You wanta grab bite tet, I don't eat. I just don't want you going out with me having to look at my damn facial features. Oh yeah, you didn't forget none of that at thirty eight. Yep, that I am it right back by my own lad Yeah, yeah, I just eat my own or Glass said, if then, have you WinCE? And why are you looking at me? You're listening to all and everybody. We're back coming up next. Huh J Man in the streets, Yes, a man in the street. And sometimes we talk about things like we talked about it up here with the ladies and the questioning what I'm doing. Okay, that's what I'm doing. Hey, man, you know what I don't like about you? Say? You know see even shut down from t get attitude. Setups be extensive. Yeah, you're paid, You have short you have short page. You know what? Everything? Yeah? Everything? What I don't know the question I'm trying to I'm trying to ask the question. The question I asked a couple of weeks ago, was who was the white man that you had a crush on? Who's the white man you would give it up? To give it up to a question? It's a two different things both. I want both of them because that's what I said in the street. I have a crush on Brad Pitt. I mean it's always been be Brad Pitt. How about Brad and Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt, I love yes. Wow. Okay, well we took it to the streets. See what the people say. Here we go, man in the street. I'm Steve Harry Morning Show. All right, everybody, Jonathan Brown with the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The question is who is the white man that can get it? Who's the white man you can get How about you who's the white guy you like to hear? Who's the white man you like? Who's the white man you like to get with? Justin Timberland, h Brown, Steve Harry Morning Show. Who's your white man? Cruck, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin. That's a good one. I like that. Who's the sexiest white man? You know? Who's the sexiest white man? Who is the sexiest white man? Unit? Michael Jackson? Alright, I like that. Who is sexiest white man? You know? Can get it? Yes, all the time. Who's the sexte Robert? He's the sexiest white man? You know? Matthew Roger, who's the actually a white man? You know he can get it. Who's the sexist white man? You know? Hugh Jackman, who's the sexiest white man? You know he can get it? Yeah, Jonathan Brown, Steve Harper Morning Show. Who is the sexiest white man? You know? Mark Walbarn, How you know who's the sexist white man? Sean Connery, Sean Conrey, James Barn, Miss Money Pain, how about you? Jason Brown, Steve harperd Morning Show. The question is who is the white man you give it up to? Who's the white man you give it up to Charlie. Who's the sexiest white man? Damn man, damn all right, he can get it. Who's the white man you give it up? Who's the light skin man? You give it up? All right? Who's the sexist white man? You know? Who's the white man that can get it? Bronson, thank you so much. That's your boy, Jay Anthony round for the Steve bobbit on it. Joe Man in the street, thank you. Yeah that was good. David, Yeah, yeah, yeah, no been Ben Who my friend? What's money? She's my money? One lady said nothing subject those are funny. I love the man on the street say from the show Man? Yeah yeah, oh right. Now it's not hands down, she's not as fine as she used to be because she's gotten maybe up in age. But I still's what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. I like what I like. Okay, now you're gonna judge me, you're gonna ask me a quick didn't then judge me? And you all talk about me with Morgan Freeman because she is funny to this day. If she ever just had to break me up, I take that today. What did you say? I don't even know who that is you don't who's your Steve? Who's yours? I don't by myself? Who was from Phillish? Yeah, she's the walking She's the walking star. She walking, So she was dancing with the star. Yeah she was. Yeah, who's your Steve? You that one? Oh yeah, let's hear from Junior one Jessica album. Yeah, okay, that's a good one. Oh man, she's rich to Yeah, I can't go that far back, all right, the one we've all been waiting for. Come on, agnew small head, which Mammy? Which Mama? I understand you like what you guys, You better understand better not ever say anything green one on with that clearage down and that and that Eyeline the man and that star that star be with kids. Don't even know about the kids. You have to know which they missed? Be which I'm trying the greatest TV shows ever her like what my time? I say, proud smohill be witch Mama. What I'm talking about? Right the right? You can fill him Junior yea, she tell you all Steve, you like my name and everything? Mama what I'm TALMANA. You didn't like Samantha Bewitch you like? Yeah, like Samantha because she was a witch and she could twitch I know, but she could twitch her No, Mama show was on. That is funny, real dress on. All I have to say is you too. Don't ever say anything to me about Morgan Freeman ever again. Ever, Mama, Mama put the moment at the end. Though. All right, I just have this story for you, Steve. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, first, you want to be first, you want to be first? Come on. Yeah, I have a very important question. And since it's so new and so personal, excuse me. Excuse what I do is I point at It's like a press comfort Go ahead, new Man. Okay, thank you very much, Mr Harvy, Thank you very much for allowing me to ask a question. Thank you for your graciousness allowing me to ask you a question, to be in the same presence of the question. Though I'm trying to I just want to get all this out. Yeah, So my question is so serious that what I'm gonna do is I want to get Timmy to ask it. Okay, how about that? So tim tim of has my question, I'm through. Oh yeah, yeah, that's exactly how go ahead, and yeah, Mr CEO, there was an email sent out about no cussing uh here at the job. But it seemed like, CEO, you've been doing a lot of custom. It seems like you're contradicting what you're telling us to not do, but you're doing it yourself. No, I ain't contradicted nothing. Y'all can't cuss. You bet not cuss, or you won't have a job. I can't about to fry me. Next question question, That was his question, yea, Mr CEO, Mr CEO, Yeah, I just want to know it summertime coming along, vacation season is starting up, and have you changed your mind your policy on the no vacation uh stance that you've had in the past, considering the memo that's floating around. Memo, first of all, is not floating around. The memo was leaked by a discruntial employee that ain't working in l A. That's what that was. Now, as far as your vacation goal, submit your vacations and then I needed time frame that you want to have a vacation and I determine whether you're going or not. Wait a minute, huh, but you know we're all old vacation. I mean that's part of no no no, no, no, no. What you old is your check and that's what you get. You're not old of vacation. Your request of vacation. And if too many requests is on the same day, somebody ain't going well, sir, the problem is that you have all the vacation days when you want to go somewhere. Yeah, well, well, well it look like you need to get your own company. Then don't gosh, we're never going to vacation. Next question here, So if you can't go on vacations, so the option is get your own company. That's the option question or we're stuck here. Next but I'm not going to have it's just up rising squashing now, next question, come one. Okay, So we would like to talk to you before we actually go on the air. Run some ideas by you. You know, we send you emails and text messages and you don't answer. So how are we supposed to get these ideas and creativity going for the shop? Well, you ain't supposed to see why would I do show PRIP when I'm already great? Oh yeah, Mr CEO? Next question Yeah yeah, a little man. Uh, you said that we have to make an appointment to speak with you. But we have to make an appointment with you. Who do we make the appointment with you? I don't get one. Not talk to me. Next question, make me understand that it's been broken my attention that you're doing some cutbacks. You've taken everybody's computer and replaced it with pen and paper. Uh. How are we supposed to look up different things and find out what's going on in the world? You took our computer? Well, the computers just cutting the cut back. The pee in the paper is old school. M h okay, what's your problem? Well, I can't google nothing. I can't see your work. Young people today you always want to google something, learn something. Go down to the library, find a card catalog, look up the book, get on go see if the book is down. Do it the way I didn't. If you don't want the job, move on, seal steal your new man. Yes, the question do you like us? That's obvious. Next, let's see let's see what's going on? Okay, it's sureless Strawberry with the Morning Show. Um, okay, there several requests have there have been several requestments to CEO for interviews. Uh. In light of this, Uh, I hate to keep bringing up but this memo that's out here from you, and they no one can reach you. So consequently we get the Texas, we get the emails, we get the calls. What are we supposed to say? Deal with it? Deal with it, deal with it. I'm dealing with it. You deal with it. Support your CEO. We do. We're exhausted, you exhaust you. I got farted for energy requests from c and all the way down the radio dot online. You're a meal as exhausted as me. I'm trying to figure out how the memo got to be such a big issue. We got North Korea blowing up bombs over that closure Russia, we got a president and find Kobe. You're sitting up in here. You don't know what's faster talking about. We got a whole world of chaos over here. The Republicans don't like the Democrats, and Democrats don't like the Republicans. Bernie Sanders over that trying to figure out what the hell are he gonna do if he's gonna be here in four years to make difference. All of this is going on, is somebody worried about, Oh damn imo from man, that would be me. Deal with it. Tenny's coming up with a new segment. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. Uh, come on, Junior, Ain't no way what you got. This is just a series of crazy stories. So maybe true, some may not be, but it makes you think though. For instance, the first story we have here is woman arrested for training squirrels to attack her ex boyfriend. That's that's gotta be a lack. I'm telling dog, is actually true, Dog, It's actually true. A woman did train twenty two fifty squirrels to attack her boyfriend. He was attacking us get his nuts. But the training process, though, she just he actually lost two fingers and one up. She was arrested. Man, he said he did knew something was up because every time you pull up and he was attacked over a dozen times. Ain't no way. You got to be kidding me. All right, here's another death row inmate eats entire Bible as his last meal. What did you do to eat? The word? I mean meeting potatoes. Ain't gonna go out with you. You got jump three sixteen and your stomach is hell. What you're doing? You ain't the whole world? Well, you though, what you think? That's a lie. I think that Yeah, yeah, that one was made. Okay, you cannot eat the whole by what I mean? The new test of itself is over thirteen hundred pages. You're not gonna eat that much. You don't know what you can do your Yeah, well you got you got a point that uncle, your last meal. You know you gotta send them far away to go get something like the last meal. I'm eating slow and I'm ordering rice one at a time. I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm getting finished. Ye wrote thirty thousand to rice and handle to my balls, one at a time, taking your time, all right? And finally it is man. Did a nineteen fifties TV episode feature a character named Trump who for to build a wall to protect people? No, no, what can't be two of them? Yeah, well it's actually true. It's an episode of the ninety fifties Western TV series called track Down feature the snake old salesman named Trump who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world. Take a listen, if you think a lad, I bring you a message, a message few of you will be able to believe. And you heard I heard your name is Trump? Stealing is stealing. What do you do with a gun or a mouthful of meli words. I don't intend to sit here and be in selted shaff. If you all people don't want my help, I can go else. Wait a minute, Mr Trump, you don't talk for the rest of us. You hear about Trump the people who were ready to believe like sheep, they ran toward the slaughterhouse, and waiting for them was the high priest of fraud and the only one, just me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate. What do we do? How do we save ourselves? You ask? How do you build that wall? You ask? And I'm here to tell you you're a liar Trump. The last part is right. That's amazing. Ain't no j a great bits buddy? Ain't you couldn't believe that I came in? Did this sound like I was happening today? Especially you asked me, I'm gonna build the wall. I'll tell you, but I ain't told nobody. Ain't no man. I'm telling you. I was shocked when I listened to it, because it soundlight is actually happening. R. Junior, I'm shocked, And gentlemen, put your hands together, Junior has come up with a killer bit jip Steve Harden Martin Show Fire. You're listening to Steve Harty Morning Show. Well, Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner people, And yeah, you can officially wear white. Officially were white now after memorials an old that I don't know about that a memorial It ain't at the memorial walk around. Well. According to Triple A, thirty nine point three million people will travel fifty miles or more away from home next weekend, which translates to the highest volume of travel since two thousand five. Thirty four point six million Americans will drive to their destinations and increase of two point four per cent, while another two point nine million will be flying, which is a five point five percent increase over last year. No, Orlando, Florida is the most popular destination for Memorial Day travel, followed by I didn't know this Rome and London. Okay A yeah, so I know from Orlando to Rome and London? Right, yes, all right? So anybody traveling on Memorial Day weekend? Yes, I'm Junior. Yeah, there you going, JR. I'm going. I'm going to Houston, man. My grandmother's a seventy Field Firth Day A great way to sell it. It's gonna be what it's gonna be. It's gonna be old. Some old people over there for brown what like what like forties and fifties. No, No, my grandmother got a she got a group of friends. France is old. You know, a bunch of them. You know they will be hitting on me too. So I got great. What did What did they say when you pull up? That? Is that your fine little grands right? Miss Hervey laugh and everything? Now, but don't get some of that will money stuff play? What do they do with you? Yeah, you don't get the music out there and everything in fact, y'all don't have to pick hide up, you know. But they touch on Ye. I've been blessed by old woman before. The ain't nothing wrong with you. She too old, go to jail. I can't report it, man, I can't report her. So you're sitting on her lap. Pull you right on down, strong too, she's strong to be eighty two, yeah her eighty two. Yeah, she touched places. She touched places touch No, you know, they grabbed like behind. They're gonna don't get all that. I'll be at I'll be that grand I'll be there smelling like white diamond. You can tell who pulled up at the part about the smell. Oh, that's Henry Henry Hill were smelling. Who is like being gay? Are there any of them there that are you know, like kind of cute? Yea, she has ms gladys, ms gladys. You could tell she used to be nice back in the day. She had the shape. She's the only one that's old, still got her shape. Hey, y'all coming up, We got time for just one more thing. You're listening, Steve, We're here for just time for just one more thing. I want to invite all of you out to the Lovely and it's filling up to man, there's some nice people gonna be out there. Ladies, girls together, come out in the group. Have yourself for ladies, d standing sold peaces. So let's get yourself for boys. We can come on out there and smoke cigars and gambles, sitting around at a dope pool and look at them waitresses and going out to the casino man and start gambling a little bit. Place yourself some golf man. Just lay on the beach with the fellas talking trash, getting yourself some you know, quality drinks in and quality food and making the boys. We can making the girls weekend. You never know would be nine out there. It's called the Sand and Sold Festival. Salt and Pepple, Keep Sweat, the one and only new edition will be performing a comedy show with Kia and Earthquake in it. Sheryl Underwood gonna be there. It's just gonna be all fool time right there. Uh that will be no seminar. Come on, just getting ready to ask damn thing. Eat, lay round the pool, Eat on the beach, drink walk the beach, can roast party, go to sleep, wake up, do it again. Sand and Soul Festival dot com. If you get in, look at the assorted room packages that's available. It's beautiful. The Atlantis Bahamas, Nassau Bahamas at the Lattic's Paradise. Five hotels to choose from, beaches, gorgeous swimming pool, a lazy river that I've gone on five times in one day, cigars, gambling, shopping, plenty of restaurants and during the day. You got options. You can go to the casino in the day if you want to, you can wait tonight. You can go shopping in the daytime. You can go to the island of Nassau. It's beautiful over there. You can go down to the fish market. They got everything down there. You can stay on the property, which I do, except and go play golf. You can go get it all done. And I am telling you, folks, it is an incredible facility. The Lazy River, the water slides, the out the park, the pools, the variety of pools they're all of. Don't pull over at the cove, the waitresses at the cove that I don't gambleing at the cove. Oh love the golf coach, Ocean Paradise, golf courts. One of my favorites. Folks. They've got it all. Sad and Soul Festival October six through the ninth, eating, drinking and chilling. Everybody gonna be down. All you gotta do is go to Saying and Sould Festival dot com and look it up. Man, it's gonna be a great event. Okay, Well, how do we dress at night at the casino in the Bahamas. I don't give it, damn you. We'll be touched up and everything going through linen, A lot of linen, linen, Linen. His name whenever I gamble, I have a rude I wear a jacket when I gamble. That's just me, you know, that's the rat pack in me. Huh, all right, okay tell me David j Yeah, leaving all my money getting no, not at all. A little bit phone. No, no, they had biscuits in the machine. I do it. If something is or something seminars No, no seminars be no seminar. If you know seminar, how are you gonna learn stuff? Steve, you have a seminar, you get down there. I like that answer. I like that answer, Stave Harvey. Alright, so we're gonna shut it down. Shut the site down. Sand and Soul Festival dot com go today. It's October six through the ninth. We want to see you there. We will be there. If you're coming for seminars or to learn something that it's not for you know, it's not. If you watch us, we teach you how to be unsuccessful watching. Don't forget Sand and Soul packages are now going really really well. We are waiting on you though. We don't want you to miss the great event of the year. For the morning show, and you could do your you can put your order in and still make payments on it. So it's October six through the ninth. Uh, it's gonna be really great. Uh, it's gonna do the Welcome to the Paradise party. DJ Kid Capri is hosting that. It's gonna be strong Man Tar Capri boy. Come on, I love it. Yeah, I'm bound to meet somebody on this island. Yeah, yeah, that's gonna be great. I was wondering what I was after trying to look up the packages so I can give your idea of what it calls. So we'll have to at peace that together. Keep going. Yeah, you're gonna find you one. I got to Tommy. I'm having singles meetings at the bars at noon every day. Somebody got what what you're looking for? Those that's what he's looking for. You know what? You know you always got the rain on my parade. That's what I'm looking for. Y'all here, let me give yourself cause y'all remember I'm sick at him. Listen to me. Uh. The Beach Tower is sold out, So we got the Beach Tower double occupancy. They're gone, but they've got some triple occupancy available and quad occupancy. But the Coral Tower is available. The Royal Tower is available, The Royal Tower Preferred is available. Let me going down there. We got the Royal studios are available, the coves are available. That's why I usually stay at the great event of the year for the morning show is the saying. The Soul Festival is at the Atlanti's Hotel in beautiful Nassau, Bahamas. You have five hotels to choose from fourteen events to a tend three days and nights. So everything comes in the package once you buy the package. And the beautiful thing is it's October six through the ninth and it's gonna be really really great. Man you are I don't want you all amiss one of the great events and we are trying to teach you nothing. So it's October six through the ninth. Y'all have a great weekend. God loves you. Don't forget to talk to him. He loves you. Here from