Coming 2 America, Sleeping Shaq, Junior Poetry, Comedy Roulette and more.

Published Mar 5, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are here for your listening pleasure. Get wit it!!! The Chief Love Officer asks a woman who has headboard concerns to have a little compassion. Coming 2 America is out on Amazon Prime and let's just say the prince put some purple on it for our country. Big fun! Shaq gets caught sleeping by his co-workers and it leads to the more than famous story of Steve falling asleep in Vegas. Fool #2 has X on the phone and they discuss the events at the capitol when it all went down. Our resident poet wrote another poem. Comedy Roulette covers the songs that we always sing wrong. The Duke of Ottingham is anticipating the upcoming Prince Harry/Meghan Markle interview with Oprah. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve leaves us with a powerful acronym. P.U.S.H. Have a great weekend!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's to be true. Good together. Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you haven't got to turn out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby dad, I show. Well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on now, dig me or one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Thank God for it all the time. Too. Well, here we go today. I want to share something with you that I'll help you because it's helped me. You know. I was telling the story once that this magazine called Rob Reporting, that that was the statue I used to see for years. I started buying Rob Reporting magazines years ago. So I just wanted to see what a fluent people did, you know, just wanted to see what people with means did, what type of investments they did, what they bought, you know, where they traveled to Rob Reports, just like, oh, it's like a big boy toy magazine. You can see what cars is out here. And I didn't have money for none of it. Just I was dreaming, though, you know, I just wanted to see. And there's a statue inside this magazine of this man who was coming out of this bronze rock. And he was completely bronze, and he was muscular, and you know, he didn't look nothing like me, but he was a man coming up out of a rock. And he had a huge hammer and a chisel in his hand. And as his body from the waist up was coming out of this huge piece of stone, you could see where it was him who had been chiseling and forming himself. So the name of the statue was self made man. And for years man I said, Man, I'm gonna get a big house one day, and I'm gonna put that statue in the backyard in the corner. That's gonna be my little spot where I go chill, because I'm a self made man. Well, after years of working at becoming somebody and having reached a degree of success, I would have nothing to do with that statue. There's nothing about that statue that appeals to me anymore. Because on my journey and in my quest to become what I thought would be this self made man, why I could put this statue and had a statue in the corner be kind of cold, symbolizing it. I had made it. I realized on my journey there's no such thing as a self made man. That we all need help, and that God places people in our paths along the way that benefit us oftentimes. And it's the most unlikely person oftentimes, and it's the most unlikely way that He presents these people in front of you. It's crazy how he does it. Man. And so this is a statue now that I look at and I go, I see what the creator was saying. And that's cool, but not not for me, because I needed help. And I've learned a lot of things like this along the way. And the part I wanted to share with you all about this is you've got to develop You've got to develop a sense of purpose. You have to develop a sense of purpose that's different. See, your purpose is created for you by God because when He created you as an individual from whatever two parents you may have, that's not important here. When he created you, he had something in mind for you, and it was a purpose. God has not created a single soul to become a criminal. God has never created a single soul to be a drug dealer. This came about through some decisions we made as sinners, and we stayed in that place. But see what he created us. He has a wonderful idea for us. But God gives us human beings this thing called choice, and we have the power to decide. So you can decide if you're going to adhere to the purpose that God created you and made you for, or you can go ahead and make some choices on your own. So like, if God wanted to give your life and give it to come to you and give you life more abundantly, and that's his promise if you come to him, if you choose him, then cool. But if you say, well this ain't moving along fast enough, I'm gonna get my own life of abundance, I'm gonna start slinging. Well, guess what now, Tad. You've made a decision. And see God's decisions and choices. The one thing I learned about him, God's decisions, choices, his voice, It has no sin in it. Ain't it amazing how many people and came up to you and say, the Lord wanted me to do this to you, and I'm doing it. That God is punishing you and I'm doing this to you because God gonna see that you get your day. Who was this person? Who is this person that God all of a sudden gave this authority and power to God? I didn't get at the nobody, Man, nobody, this person don't had a right to hold you to your past, the right to make you pay. So who makes them pay when they make mistakes? Because they all make them. So when I say you have to have a sense of you have to develop a strong sense of purpose. That means you have to strongly get in touch with your creator to find out what the purpose you were created for. See, it's two things that I had to learn along the way. My career was what I was paid for. My calling is what I was made for. See, it's two different things, folks. It took me a long time to learn it. Some people think that they calling is to be a performer. Well, that's what you paid for, and a big part of your life is your performance is tied directly to your gift. But what you made for, though, what you made for is to bring about some significant change in another human being's lives because we are all linked together in this chain. That's what you are here. For everybody has a purpose to do something wonderful, meaningful, or impactful for another person. You think the guy that invented the airplane was merely inventing the airplane so he could fly. No, his purpose was to become an inventor, to come up with this invention so he could fly and we all fly. See. Sometimes God will make you successful so you can become successful, so you can turn around and teach other people how to become successful. God save people, so you can turn around it tell other people how wonderful it is to be saved. You see how this thing work. That's what we have to do as people. And it's nothing that we have to go and discover. We have to go and develop it. But if you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because here's it. If you haven't discovered your purpose is simply because you have not contacted the creator and maker of your soul to ask and find out why you were created. It's as simple as that. If you buy a toyota, there's an owner's manual on the inside that will tell you everything you know how to best operate your toyota, how to make it work, how what to do They got a troubleshooting section. Your faith is the same thing as an owner's manual in your car. Open up that bulk man. Find out how to jumpstart your life, how to troubleshoot it and get on with your life, and find out your purpose and develop a strong sense of purpose. All right, Okay, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, it is hell. Steve Harvey Morning Show has arrived. For what you're listening Pleasure to do? What to entertain? What else? Uplift and to motivate, to change your mindset before you start your day. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it because you ain't got no another one. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow ain't promise you got today. Get it, get with it, Steve Harvey, Morny's Show, She Straw Hey, good morning, Happy Friday. Yes, Carlin Pharrell never mad on Friday. I'm motivated. Let's go Steve. What's up, Junior man, I'm here for a good time. Morning everybody? Morning on? J Anthony Brown? What up is the Harvey? Let's do it making funny? Tommy ain't here today, y'all. Some reason WHOA. I don't know whoa. What's not here for someone? I have no idea. He didn't tell you your team, Tommy. I ain't heard from him. I ain't know, but I need to be knowing when he's not here. That's right, kind of knows me off from right. I'm doing what I can tell you. How because Mike require him to have to do more. Oh, he coming here on limited days as it is carried the whole team, so he won't make sure he ain't got to do extra when he do come. I don't. I don't mind him not being here. I didn't even know when he not gonna be in. So I was preparing myself to do more. I wasn't for bad to do more. I wasn't. I had a mind of stuff I'm gonna do. But you gotta set and after that that's it here. I gotta get mom. I gotta get my mind, all right for more stuff? Is all that much? I got all his fans on my desk, all right, right, that's real talk right there, right boy, Well it's Friday, first weekend. Just what a couple more weeks and we're into spring and spring forward daylight saving time. Those are both very good things, you know, because it's really not necessary. No, it's not right because I don't like how early it gets dark in the winter, and I don't think it's safe for kids after school all times to stuff, especially with the world we live, and I don't I don't know what it is fall no more, you know, we got it from Europe. Yeah, I surely want to go to bed at full thirty. They'll come a day when you will go to bed at four thirty. They will come a day whether you will go to bed at full thirty and be glad to go to bed, he m J Pierre Jay that day. Are here from me yet? Sore thirty am? Maybe, but maybe six coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour he is here the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Time Now for ask the clo cello. This one is from Calundra, Calendra in Atlanta, Calundra. She says, I'm thirty four and I had a virtual date with the man I met online. He had food delivered to my house and we had dinner together through zoom. It was a great date until he facetimed me later and I asked to see his place. I was mortified. His studio apartment is tiny and raggedy. His dinner table was a card table, and his bed doesn't have a headboard. There's no way I could see him again. But I want to make sure I'm not being irrational. He is thirty eight years old, so shouldn't he know better? Well, yeah, he knows better. Two things. He don't have a woman, and that's probably why he ain't got no woman. So you in a bit of a quandary because you could be the missing peace to him. But are you in the mood for a project? That's the question now, I don't you know. Look, I've been down and out before, so I'm the last person to press about it. But it's been a long time since I ain't had headboard money. It's been a wild I'm gonna get a damn headboard. I don't know what it is, but just laying down on that mattress up against that wall, it ain't the same as a bed, and just look incomplete. Because when you pull a fall down behind that, damn it it's gone. It's gone. That looks. Don't nobody want to lay on your ragged ass homemade headboard. Shot. I'm just gonna make it out of what do you make a headboard out of? Wood? Right there? Now? You go over mad house and some damn plywood against walled. You make it look nice, Steve, haven't you ever seen painted plywall? Yes, but you can put phone on it and yeah, yeah, this ragged ass homemade looking headboard. You ain't gonna know he did that, so it's not creative. Hey, listen, listen, lady. According to Shirley and Carlin, Hey, get on over there and get involved in a d y I project yourself going over there, get home deep on the line, somebody do you think? All right? Clo Samuel and Clearwater, Florida, says, I'm fifty seven years old and I'm married to a fifty six year old beautiful woman, and our sex life is amazing. We've been married for three years, and from the beginning of our marriage, she has slept in the master bedroom and I sleep in a guest room across the hall. When I moved into her home, I thought it was a temporary thing. But I'm still getting up after sex and going to my own room. She doesn't want to sleep with me. What should I do? If the sex is amazing, you got to get home. You ain't no head to go home before. It's always about him. Hey, let me just play it on D If we had this amazing six and we ain't got the cuddle and you want me to go to the other room, oh damn it. I'm in now, man, got me a TV and now boar, So you better love your life. Y'all have amazing sick boy who I don't know what it is? Did they do that? Yeah? Yeah, keeps it exciting. Hey, you coming over tonight. I think about it on the phone up they each man. Come on, man, y'all get to leave your own face boy. Yeah yeah. It just all depends on what works for you. I guess work all right, Desci and Nashville says, my husband and I have gone through a lot of rough patches. We're both forty four and work full time, but he never has any money. I got tired of his lot and I called his ex wife and asked why she really divorced him. She divorced him because he had an outside child on her, and she found out when he didn't pay child support and got arrested. His legal document to go to a po box so I won't find out about the child or the money. Do I give him a chance to tell the truth or should I file for divorce? Well, he didn't kept his child or secret. Now if you want to be the other ex wife, then file for divorce. I mean, I don't know why the dude won't come clean about the child. She's tired of his life. You're pining child support? He ever got no money because she obviously getting a big chunk of the check. Then taxes, taxes and child support and you got a regular job and cutting in pretty thick now, So I don't know what to tell you. Give him a chance to come clean. I want to ask your question, if he comes clean, what changes for you? Still ain't gonna had no money, and that's what you seem to be mad about. And he still didn't tell you, And you can wait for him to come clean all you won't. He ain't just like the X found out you found out? Wow? Right? All right? Jay? Did you have a question? You usually? Yes, I do. I always have the man. You come this way, I'm ready. So a fella's with his girl for the very first time. He did not deliver the goods. Does he ate ask for a second chance or to leave it alone? What should he do to he didn't first you had to create an immediate excuse, like I'm hot. That's how they got first. Yeah, that's how they got to him. You could tell him more. You know, I'm by Polo. I forgot what I was doing. You know, might work. No, I was having sex, and then I forgot I was having sex. And that was and that producer serious drop off in my effit because I was right in the middle of it. I just forgot what I was doing and next thing I know who it was over. So as for a second chance, A no creating an excuse, say, hey, look, I want to apologize about the other night. You know, man, I'm just I just wasn't myself. Man, I just I don't know what happened, but I can promise you it won't happen again. But you better have something with that next time though. All right, All right, coming up next, the nephews out, but Junior is here to run that prank back the gas station by yourself from black Hand. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and trending movie news Coming to America. Well, we can't wait to watch it, so we're gonna reminisce and talk about some of our favorite moments from the first Coming to American movie. Right now, Junior is here for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us, Junior, Well he left us with NBF you. That's no blacks for you, No blacks for you, running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Nicolele. Please, this is she? How you doing? Listen, I'm giving you a call. You you happen to be UM in a relationship with a with a black man? I am I right, I'm sorry. Who is this? I'm sorry? My name is Brian Well, I don't want to give my full name, but it's Jiadiah Jiadiah Malcolm okay, and and I'm sorry. Why are you calling? Okay? Now you you you are a Caucasian woman? Correct? Okay? Why I'm still trying to get to why are you calling? Well, what's going on is UM. I'm with an organization and we're calling people who are in interracial relationships. And from my understanding, you are in an interracial relationship. Correct, Yes, Okay, I'm with nb FU and that's uh NBFU is no blacks for you. And what we're doing is we're trying to get racist to go back to dating each other, you know, which means Caucasians going back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I first, I don't know who do you think you are calling my house? But that's just not going to happen. And I don't know where this organization is based out of. I mean, you must be some country bumpkin or something and you have just really called the wrong house. Okay, well, no when U NBFU ma'am has been around since the early nineteen forties. Yeah, I can imagine. I can imagine that. I'm sure at some points you guys have to shut down because this is just ridiculous, do you know. I mean, Obama's mother was white at the Are you gonna go knock out his door too? What the hell are you? I'm not gonna have time to knock on Obama's door. He's business. Whatever I'm trying to do is get the rest of the country understand black and that's what I'm playing. What I'm trying to try to tell us we can't be together because you're black and I'm white. He's calling yo, what's up? Who this? Uh? Okay? Who? Who? Who? Who is this? This is a I'm a man. Who this? Okay? This is Gadia Malcolm. And what I'm doing, man, is well, you know, I'm with an organization called nb FLU and NBFU. Man, there's no Blacks for you. Which what we're trying to do is we're trying to get all racists to go back to each other. What you're talking tripping? Man? You what what? What kind of organization is that y'all are tripping? Okay, brother, let me ask you don't feel you don't feel empty without the sister on your side. You don't you're empty without loving black woman on your side. That's what I'm asking you, brother. I got I got plenty of black woman on my side, but that don't mean that I had to be in a relationship with a black woman. I'm in a relationship with a woman I loved. So that's what it's about. Now. I don't feel empty. That's the first problem with your organization right there, that the premise is wrong. Okay, okay, okay, but brother, what we're trying to do, man, we don't want to lose our rate. We don't want the blacks to lose the strength that we have. And if blacks continued to date and mate with blacks, then we would be as powerful and stronger than any other race in the world. Where do you get this number from? Man? Excuse me, I get this another in the first place, Dude, I mean, I ain't got time all this. Man, This is a nonsense bro. How you Why are you calling u? Hey? Man? Because all y'all interracial or couple? Yeah, but what businesses that? Man? That ain't not in your business? Hey, But it is my business. Is I'm with if I'm with n b L for you know that you you're a black person that integrated within another race. And what we're trying to do, man, is get you to understand come back to your race and be comfortable and happy in your race. You don't really now, dog, come back to my race. I ain't never left my razor. Dog. You are tripping, yo, and be you you y'all get off our phone. Man, don't call hit no more. Whatever? Do you think that you are happier with a Caucasian woman than you would be with a black woman? Man, I don't even I don't want to entertain it. Don't call hit no more. Don't call hitting no more. Let me ask you be a man and answer the questions. Dog, you know what you're about to get you up? Well, Dog, you know you really you really gonna get your will be a man. You know what if you bring it over here, you'll find out how much of a grown man I am. Hey, man, don't get your don't man while I'm in the middle of asking you these questions, because I ain't got no problem coming over there. I got your phone number, I got your address to bring your goone over and see what you find. I'm asking you about these relationships. Man, Are you more comfortable in a relationship with a Caucasian woman than you are with a black woman? Dog, I told you Land it ain't even about that, and we ain't even going into that. So look this, please, brother, can you stop calling him? Don't call my girl. Man. We're calling all inter racial people around the country. That's what nb F you, Doug. We call all of y'all and we try to talk some sensing to you and see if you can change the world and go back to the racist from which is you came. You're tripping yell you're really tripping, man, you know what, obviously just a mental institution you're calling from because there's something wrong with you. So look, don't call him no more, and we ain't got no more problems. I say this, I say this to you. I'm going to your your girl's job, and I'm talking to her face to face tomorrow about this whole situation. You know what, And you're gonna get your woo. No, I ain't getting my I'm going tomorrow and I'm talking. Matter of fact, I ain't even call to talk to you. You'll put our back on the fall, damn with you showed at her job, demannk he would happen. I'm showing up at her job. Put her back on the phone. Show up at her job, demors he would happen. You didn't change, man, You change. Don't know me from the beginning. Dude, how he's gonna come down and change? You don't know me? Look at me. I don't know how your brothers gets. Man. I'm as black as I ever was, and you can't measure my blackness because of who I'm dating. You show up at her job tomorrow, You're gonna get your You ain't gonna sit and threaten me. Man, I am with jan you don't work? Can l happen? Now? I'm worth that. You're done. You're done, so you can stop calling the house a woman to your job to Mark. Do you want to say I'm coming again? Theas you all you need to me? Matter fact, you can have your man at your job at lunchtime. Not only am I gonna talk to you at lunchtime, I'm a whooping wow, gonna be any talking you show up, There's not gonna be any talking. Jay's gonna be a black man. You have a discussion to uphold help you? Okay, you know what that's a saying? Are you on with the fool? Makes you a fool? So this conversation is over. Could I say one more thing to you? What this is? Nephew tim Me from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. My goodness, Wow, okay, he's about to take his blood press what hey, hey, hey, nephew tim Me, I ain't never like knowing. I gotta ask y'all before I leave, and I need to hear this from both of y'all. What is the baddest radio show in the land. Steve n b you did for you, all right, coming up to the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening to show. Well, guys, everybody's talking about it, and we certainly cannot wait to see Coming to America to the number two. Okay, it's gonna be streaming on Amazon Prime this weekend. Coming to America stars of course, the brilliant Eddie Murphy, our Cineo Hall, James, Earl Jones, Tracy Morgan, Leslie Jones, Wesley Snipes, Tanna Taylor, and Eddie's daughter Bella Murphy. Or in the sequel. It's so many people in this sequel, so many stars. We can't wait to see it. It's been so long. Has it been over thirty years since the first Coming to America? But um, I gotta ask you, guys, I think, Steve, you said the other day that Coming to America was your favorite comedy movie ever. Are you giving it a standing ovation? Yeah? Oh, oh, okay, But I mean Coming to America for me was my all time favorite comedy movie. I'm not a big fan of comedy movies. I don't watch a lot of comedy movies the opposite comedy. You know some A lot of stuff be corny to me. I don't you know. Hangover made me laugh out loud on some scenes. But I normally not a big comedy fan. But my greatest moment I pulled a clip. This is my greatest moment. See don't you agree? I believe the children. Thank you. Teach them, wear hand, let them need the We show them all the beauty. He give them a sense, make it easier. Some of the good stuff right coming up, Join your shop, enjoy your man. I decided love never walk. He't in a warm shadow yet my family. Echine, you can't tinkle with my dignities. He called the great ask lovel the ball inside me chomping. What damn that boy saying you must be crazy good, you must be that What was my favorite seat in that Damn when Eddie turned around that corner, when round that drum set and brushed up against that simple man. Can I say that it's such a good part of that clipping so much for me and Steve's might agree with this. We've opened for those singers we have wen' We hadn't been on shows with them. Damn singers that were horrible, I mean horrible. Open at a loud at a holiday end and the singer, you know, he had a keyboard, played the drums, everything all in one little music box. His ass was horrible, horrible. Old black dude couldn't sing word for damn off key. Oh my god, Hey, y'all stay right there. A little bit later on the night, little bit later on, got a comedian for you. Funny. I saw him, saw him in the lobby. He looked, funny. We don't think one for the call right now, but coming up to the stage right now, y'all please with your hand together. Fuck your name? What do you need me? What do you need? Andy Brown and the Brown everybody? Andy Brown boy? Hey, man. I got announced one day. One day I got announced at the Riverside Ballroom when Johnny Carson got his start in Lincoln, Nebraska. I thought I was gonna go to a place. I said, Man, I'm at the place where Johnny Carson got started. Well, you gotta remember how old Johnny is. So all it was was a barn and they called it the Riverside Ballroom. Had sawed us on the floor of the country place. The guy pulled he snatched the juice box plug out. That stopped all the damn dancing. He pulled a peach crate in the middle of the floor and slid the beer signed from my mom over the pool table, right over the light. When I stood up on the peach crate, my head was barely touching the day. I'm like, I couldn't have Tippy told her nothing. And the way he announced me said, ladies and gentlemen, here here, come on up the comedian no name, No. I walked up and stood up on that thing. I'm the only black in the room. And Lord Jesus pressure or I'm handy. See, Junior, you didn't have you didn't have to go through that phase. Junior. You know we had already. Me and Jay was out there with machetes. We had machetes. We had already cut the trail. So y'all ain't had to do that but me and Jay, And like when I work with Jay after Jay was a long time for I work with a black because Tom Sobel was the only booking agent that would put two blacks on the show. He was only one, all right, Oh other than that man, it couldn't be two blacks on the show. Yeah, I did do some dance flows. I did a plenty of dance flow, dance flowing in the middle of the flow. Purple Pas Mississippi dog, Yeah, Pink Flamingo in at Mole, Alabama, right outside the prison. I opened for Little Milton. Show started at eight let mclock. Milton as still wasn't now I've been on stations nine thirty. Ye, Doc, I'm out of all material. All right, everybody coming up a twenty minutes after we'll look into the mind of j Anthony Brown. Right after this. You're listening Steven Show. All right, Steve, come on, introduce your guy. You're higher your friend here, Jay Anthony Brown? What you got well? As you know, ladies and Genman's been watching the news and then making some arrest of the people who stormed UH capital about a month ago. Now the Proud Boys, so to speak, they had one black member on the phone. Right now, we have one of the black Proud members on the phone. How you doing, sir? What's going on with you? How you how you doing? Man doing? I'm about pretty good? Pretty good? Yeah? What should we call you? What is it? You know? What should we call you? Sir? All all, just call me X call your x okay, okay, oh what what was your thoughts? First of all? Was that you? First of all, was that you we saw inside the capitol with the red hat on? Was that you? Yeah? Hell me me? Wow? When? When and when you were standing? Are your your look lost? What was that about? Well? Hello? Was lost? How do you how do you get in that predicament where you end up inside the capitol standing by yourself all alone? How did that happen? What? What? White friends? White friend? Minute? Damn white friends? Yeah? What could you explain about my white friends? I mean, well, you know you know why white friends ain't bad? Now, you know they you know, you're good from paying the check when it comes, you know, they they leave your money, then they forget about it. You know it ain't got no problem with you sleeping over every nine and then. You know, but the only thing they ever get drunk. You know you're gonna hear them, you hear that, you know, you know, let's come on, let's don't take a ride and turn something up. You know what what did that sound? You know that's said that's my white friends? Does that? You know? And uh, you know when they do? You know you got getting the car trouble after that? When did you realize you made a mistake? As soon as I saw my black ass on my own cell phone, that was definitely my all hell no moment. Okay, Uh, do you do know that you're in a lot of trouble? Right that? You do know that? Right? No? No, not at all. I'm I'm about to go Michael Jackson on their ass. Ain't anybody gonna be befreying me? What do you mean by that? Well? You know, I'm ana thin the lips out, some some bleach on my skin, and the next time you see me, I'm gonna be white as anybody white, you know you, I'm gonna have good credit. I'm gonna be white as Mike pars Head coming up back. I'm gonna be white than mister clean dipped in flower. Right after this, you're listening to the show, all right, So guys, I gotta ask you. Did you see uh d Wade's post of Shack sleeping. Shack was caught sleeping by his NBA T and T co host and they posted it. He has this um they say, Shaq wins the NBA snoring title. He has this sleep happia like seapap machine on his head, you know, uh huh. And I don't want to go over your nose. It's over your head, it's over your entire face, your whole face. And he's out. He's out like a light. Uh So, Steve, you know what, it reminded me of the time you fell asleep on the job. I wish I had posted that it only it only takes one. Oh. When I was in Vegas. Uh yeah, you remember that we had to do radio at three am in the morning in Vegas because it was six am Eastern. So I've been up gamblet all night. I ain't even been to bed. I'm on the crap table at two forty five, so I get to the We had a booth and we had the radio station set up Stare. The guest that day was from the hotel, the MGM, and we were supposed to promote the MGM Grand And I've been up all night, so I didn't took my shoes off because the gators and starting to paint, you know, them gators is digging into my feet, so I had them off. You know, you know how you be rubbing your toes, rubbing them together. And the two white men came in with suits on, and they set out and we was waiting and we went to commercial break and that was it. I was looking at them, two white men, and next thing I know, my head was straight back. I was dead asleep. So Shirley came out of break and it startled me. And when I popped up, I had the mic in my head and I dropped it on the floor and all I heard was plunk And I woke up. Shirley said Steve, and I grabbed the mic and let me tell you something, Junior. I didn't know. Hold them two white dudes, I thought, the fans, the fire fads. Yeah, I thought, because that little tight as jackets on the tacky pans, he said, defends then got me. Was I cheating at the dice table? What did I do? Shirley said, Steve, we live. I went, yeah, thank you, and dog Sureley, So what do we talk with Steve? We're here though, welcome un MGM executives and them too white me with just looking at me like did his black ass just talk? I was knocked knock out. Needless to say, that deal fell apart. Never did business with him again to this hotel. So you understand Shack taking a little cat. Yeah, but you know they always dog and shock go ahead, and sometimes you don't take a nap, a nap, take your ass, and when you wake up it could be like Sunday, you don't know what the hell? Man, Hey, have you ever taken a nap and it been such a thorough nap that when you wake up, you don't know if it's morning night? Yes, you ain't really show for Yeah, that just happened to me. Last. If you travel a lot, you think, yeah, you can get what times on you in your Oh, I woke up. I took a nap in La one time. A matter of fact, what he was doing NFL Honors. I took a one hour nap, Marger says Steve, I wake up when it's time to go. I woke up early and thought I had missed the NFL Honors panic. Yeah, it's like when you're gonna take a nap about four, when you wake up at seven and the sun goes yea, all right, Look coming up next, Junior is in for the nephew with Today's Frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening show all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Get a load of this subject. I'm m ff and tired. We'll get into that. It's hitting a little bit yesterday, you say yesterday? Right now? Junior Junior is in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. What's you guy for it for? It's Junior, all right. The prank today, ladies and gentlemen, is six to ten. I don't know what this is, but it's sixty ten. Run a cat. He was trying to speak to a Latrenda. Please, this is Latrenda. Who is this? Can you work at the time with Sean? Yes? I do? Who is this? Okay? What you there? Did you work last Wednesday? Like from six to I guess six to close? Yeah? I work every Wednesday? Yeah? Who who is this? Hey? My name is Ralph and I basically, uh, you know, looked around to try and get your phone them. I got a bit of a complaint. Wait wait, wait wait wait, you're calling me with a complaint on my cell phone. Who gave you my number? I've done the research to get your number, man, And what I'm calling you about is while I was in there at getting a sandwich, and eating. I'm realizing that you came out of the bathroom without washing your hands and which First of all, you need to be calling the corporate headquarters if you got a complaint or you caught that one hundred number on the back of your receipt. Don't be calling my cell phone. Whoever gave you gave you myself on them a whoof day. Hey, listen, listen. The problem is is that you're coming out not washing your hands. No, No, the problem I don't never come out and not wash my hands. First of all, I'm I've been working out for three years. Okay, be coming to me with no books that I hadn't came out and I washed my hands. I guess you ain't been washing your hands for no three years and you you're coming out, you know, unsanitizing this way you're treating people. Don't. First of all, don't be calling my phone talking behind I ain't washed my hands, like I said, I've been there three years. I've been employer of a month six times. Don't be coming to me with a none of this book. I don't know how you employ the money. You must be the nasty employer of the money because you're coming out. You're not washing your head. I saw you scratch your head and you ain't putting cloves on. Who always for gloves on my head? You ain't have my gloves on. We don't know who the hell you think you are. But don't be calling my phone with this one. You need to be calling headquarters if you gotta complaint. I tell you what. I'm gonna call headquarters. I'm coming are the moll to see if you're gonna be up in there with some gloves on, or you gonna come out there out of the bathroom again with the same thing. Come on up there. I'm gonna be there from sixty close sixty' clocks and I'll bet you if you come up to the mall, I'm gonna make it sandwich you'all you're gonna do what I'm gonna make it sandwich out? Show who's you think you're talking to? Yo? You said your name was round right. Don't be calling my phone with this. Hey, let me tell you something. All I'm saying to you is this right here. If I come up in there to morrow and find out you ain't got some gloves on, you're messroot. I get who all right? You're gonna with mine. You're gonna want sixty ten. I'm gonna be up there from six to ten, and I ain't gonna call nobody. Ain't calling my brothers, my cousin, my uncle or nothing. I'm gonna whooping by myself. Excuse me, you're gonna you You're gonna try to take on them. Man, I'm gonna whoop your by myself. That's what I said. You need to get you a little man. Sit behind in the bathroom and wash your hands and keeping them put on your hand. You're gonna be coming some people food like that. Bring your throwing up there six to ten. You know where I work? Six si ten and I'm gonna whoop y'all. Who do you think you're talking to? I don't even know who you are, but I'm gonna know ya tomorrow. I'm gonna know you tomorrow. Bring your throwing up there six si ten and I'm gonna whoop y'all. I'm coming up there to morrow. Come on, I'm not going up to tomorrow. Matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you how to be sanitize. I'm gonna be what some gloves on. Do you hear me? You're gonna be like, and you steady talking about whoop them? That's a little Bring you up there, we gonna see who's gonna get hit? Whoof What kind of man is you anyway to be talking about fighting a walk? You want? And you want? What what you called me? Um? Be te at you. I'm coming up to the see you tomorrow. Is you gonna? Is you gonna be ready when her get up there? What kind of you anyway? Like Carver friend? How much you gonna fight female y'all with some hand washing? Bring your frick and I'm gonna show you what it is. Sixty ten, I'm gonna be here. Matter of fact. I'm gonna be here at five forty five. Bring your sup for five o'clock again, and I'm gonna whoop y'all. Who'd you thirt? You talking to me? I Do'm gonna I'm gonna talk to bring cup for tomorrow. Sixty ten. You're gonna see, You're gonna see what's up. I gotta one of my friend to say to you for her come up to tomorrow. I don't ya you got to say, I don't care. I'm gonna whoop ya say that. I got I got one more three. Un listen to me. What do you listen? What? What listen? If you tell me from the Steve Harbard Morning Shop, who you say? Who? Hey this nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your co worker. Man, you man, she man, y'all got me. Man's like sixty t tomorrow. I got something for her. She gonna have to watch her back every hour, every hour on the hour. I got something for her. I ain't gonna hurt her, but I'm definitely gonna do it in tomorrow. Believe that you ready, though I was, Hell, yeah, I'm gonna who man, you don't even know what you had a stuff for you? You was like, y'r uncle's gonna pull me off. And that probably wouldn't have been enough either. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, baby girl. What what is the badest radio station in the land? You already know Steve Harvey Morning Show. She had a down no but here, what but she here? What? Tommy didn't know? She said, I ain't gonna tell my brothers, my cousins, all my uncles, every last one of them's gonna be up there, up there. I can tell you that right now. She I ain't gonna tell my brothers, my cousin, my ancle. As soon as he hung up the phone, this man come calling me telling my and boy if she liked that them dudes, oh my goodness, lolion. But the way she sounds, by the time them dudes get up there, that ass woman would be over because she didn't sound that she was playing with time. Yeah, it wouldn't be nothing for them to do. But look at Timmy on the ground. She was prepared to whoop his ass on her own. She was like, Yeah, it's a shame tummy isn't here today because it is National Multiple Personality Day? Who know that they had a special day? Sure is not funny. Don't have multiple personalities? He just stupid. He just come across a lot of way. Look, no, no, no, no, it's just one person. He's stupid. What makes him multiple personality is he don't think he is Monday Monday times. I always thought it was multiple personalities. Got a lot of personalities going on in the head, A lot of moist Yeah, the all control by his stupid ass though laughing too hard at birth. I knew something was wrong when him. I knew something was wrong when he when he wasn't growing right, No, then he just stopped like Tommy Saint Hype he was when he was thirteen. So he just stopped right at thirteen nothings. But even he ran back and played sports and stuff right, didn't run track, ran track where surely don't don't don't bring up speed. And he still runs to this day track at the white school. And so Tommy went to white school and was on the track team. Tommy had went to same school. I went to Glenville in Cleveland. Tommy would be made the team. Tom's tom went to white school. Then as soon as he raised black ass junior, what happened to him? All right, I'm mf and tired. As a subject, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show all right, time now for the Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relations and ships, dating, work, sex, parent hing and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this yeah, right here, right now. That's for you, Jay always, all right, lady, and gentlemen, it is time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friends Shirley Strong theory. All right, thank you, thank you, thank you, junior. Subject this subject right here. I'm m f and tired. Okay, I love it. Steve loves it too. You know that, all right, Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty two year old single mother with one child, and I'm pregnant with my second child. I'm pregnant by my best friend who happens to be married. We've been friends with benefits for almost ten years, and his wife thinks we're just best friends, so she's accepted me as part of the family. She's aware that I'm pregnant, but since my ex boyfriend's baby, I've told her husband that it's time for us to stop messing around and be serious now because we have a baby on the way. I told him that he needs to tell his wife before the baby is born. I want my child to know his father and have a relationship with his father's two kids. When we found out I was pregnant, he panicked and asked me to terminate the pregnancy. I refused to do that, and when we found out it's a boy, he was overjoyed. The problem is every time he's about to tell his wife, some life changing event happens with her. The first time he tried to tell her, she had a minor car wreck and had to wear a neck brace for a month. He said that he didn't want to tell her while she was in pain. Three weeks after that, she got COVID nineteen and spent a couple of days in a hospital, so he didn't tell her. Then fast forward to last week, he was supposed to tell her, and he said she passed out at work and the doctor said she may have had a stroke. Listen, I don't want to kill the woman by telling her about our baby on the way, but I'm mfans tired of all her problems. He could be lying to stall me out, so I'm tempted to call her myself, Steven Shirley. Is he full of bs? Or what? What you're not gonna do is put our name in your mess? Is hateful of bs? You're the one that's full of bs. This is craziness right here. This is a mess. Mess on top of a mess. You've gotten yourself into A young lady, thirty two year old single mother with one child and pregnant with another. You know what do you think Steve and I can do for you? I can tell you right now, we can't do anything for you because the damage is already done. You are determined to tell this wife no matter what, knowing and even not caring that this is going to hurt her and of course break up his family. You're wrong, You are wrong. You've been the side chick slash best friend for ten years now, and you think you're owed something because of that, Because now all of a sudden you're pregnant. You're you're not owed anything. But I tell you who is owed something. The baby is owed something, not you. You knew what you were getting into when you got into this ten years ago. He is married, okay, with a whole wife. He hasn't left her in all these ten years that you guys have been together. Have you ever asked yourself why? I'll tell you because he didn't want to, He didn't want to lead, he didn't want to be with you. Okay. He liked the arrangement just like it was. He had his cake and he ate it too. Okay. Now here's a baby, you know that's got to He's got to do right by. So his wife is going to find out anyway. She's going to find out whether he was lying about all the stuff that happened to her. His wife is going to find out, get your child support, and please leave this family alone. Oldin' nothing, You're you're messing the upright here? Is he full of be us or not? You're m f and tired? Come on, really, Steve, Wow, so much to unpack in this letter. First of all, I want to thank you for the title. It means a great deal to me. I love it, appreciate you. It just warms my heart to have somebody say that I it ain't a mom for my life go by. I'm gonna say that. At least once a month you say this yeah, and this is my favorite phrase. At least twelve times a year. I get that, well, I said, I know, I said at least twelve times a year, probably more. Just thirty two year old single woman got one child and it's pregnant with her second child. But she's pregnant by her best friend who happens to be married. We've been friends with benefits for almost ten years. His wife thinks that we're just best friend, so she's accepted me as part of the family. Well, ain't this wonderful? Guess what, y'all the family fitting to have a baby. Oh, she's accepted you as family, which means for ten years you've been up in this woman's face front like y'all friends, right, like y'all all right, Yeah, I'm surprised she ain't detected this. Most women can detect this, you know it. I can promise you it has crossed her mind. She hadn't seen something because when the news come out, I promise you, the first thing she said, I knew someone's going on. I promise you she gonna say that, because there's no way you can be up around a man this much as you claim. Y'all up, and she didn't accept you as family, and she ain't thought y'all was messing around, right, this is dangerous territory. You in, young lady, and you don't got yourself in a mess. But you're mad at everybody in the letter. But you're accept yourself and we come back. I'm gonna deal with it. I'm gonna show you what's wrong with you now, because you can't do this right here. You said I'm pregnant, but I think it's my export. She thinks I'm pregnant, but she thinks my ex boyfriend baby. Here the line. I've told her husband it's time for us to stop messing around and be serious now because we got a baby on the way. What the hell did that mean? Yes, it's time for yourself be serious now, stop messing what? Allright? Hold on, Steve, hold on, it'll have her two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, Steve Savoring subject, he says it a lot. You heard it. I'm M F and tired. Won't be right back. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I'm M F and tired. I bet you is thirty two year old woman, got one child. She's pregnant with her second by her best friend, who happens to be a married man. They've been friends with benefits for ten years now, and the man's wife think that they're just best friends, so she's accepted me as part of the family. This is cute because what that means now the family fitting to have a baby, but the wife thinks that it's her ex boyfriend's baby. Here's the line. I've told her husband it's time for us to stop messing around and be serious now because we have a baby on the way. Oh oh, so you think, you think now since you're pregnant, now you'll find out later on he already got two kids with this woman, you think, because now can't you pregnant? You think now you got debs. So now it's time for us to stop messing around, to get serious now because we have a baby on the way. So now you think, now you got some deals. So now you told him that he needs to tell his wife for the baby borne. And I know you want the wife to know that you're pregnant by him because you think he gonna leave her for you. Yes, biggest mistake you can make. I told you men don't do promotions. That is, no man who had a number two that caused him to lose his number one and then he made the number two number one. Ain't nobody fitting to do that. I don't know no man who has ever had a number two that caused him to lose his number one and then made the number two the new number one. I ain't never seen. I could be wrong, but I ain't never seen it, Pitt, Brad Pitt. Now, whoever wrote this letter ain't white or rich. You know, y'all question anyway? Tell his wife before the baby boy. I want my child to know his father and had relationship with his father's two kids. Oh so you really think y'all just a little family him, You think y'all just fitna be just all? Okay, he already got two kids. I want my kids and know you delusional. When we found out it was pregnant, he panic and asked me determinated pregnancy. I refused to do so. When we found out it was a boy, he was overjoyed. Problem is, every time he's about to tell his wife, some life changing event happens with her. Okay, so let's go over this. First time he tried to tell her, she had a minor car wreck, had to wear neck brace for a month. He said he didn't want to tell her while she was in pain. Three weeks later, she got COVID nineteen spent a couple of days in the hospital, so he didn't want to tell it. In fast forward, last week he's supposed to tell him. He says she passed out at work and the doctor says she may have had a mile stroke. Ain't no, might have had no damn mile stroke. Listen to me, all of this happened just because he got ready to tell her. What do you think gonna happen when he do tell her? Damn the correct damn the trip to the hospital with COVID and the halway with this stroke, if that's what happened when he fitting to tell her? What you think gonna happen? When he tells this crazy ass woman that you've been in her face for ten years over the day house to play with the kids and laughing and talking, and you've been screwing her husband. Who what do you think it's gonna happen? When this woman replay all the moments in her mind about how she kind of thought this, but you tricked and deceived her, and how fools she been made out of, and now you pregnant with his baby. Girl, girl, girl, your ass is in a world of trouble. So I guess you is can tie, that is, but he ain't kneels and tied as this wifeing to beat or your ass. Yeah, That's what I'm talking about. And let's poor a little baby there. Now, get these bleeps right. I know we got that eight second delay on this show, so there's plenty of time to bleep because the fine for what I just said. Man, that's down making me time. God's that? No bore, that's it. But it's the letter call up and this is I've been waiting on this type of letter for twenty years. We've been doing this show since two thousand and five. It's sixteen years and Steve harm on the show and we're just not getting it. Man, Thank you. Man. I don't want to kill the woman by telling her about our baby on the way, but I'm tired of all her problems. He could be lying to stall me out, so I'm tempted to call her myself if he full of BS or what Shirley said it best, the person is full of b s in this letter? Is you? You're tricking with this married man in front of this woman for ten years now you think he'd bssing you when you've been BS and everybody, Girl, you're about to get what you deserve because I got news for you when you tell this sister what you've been doing with her man for ten years. Both y'all in the world trouble oh yes, sir. All right, Steve, thank you. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in forty six minutes after. Junior has a new poem. Right after that, Hey, now tired, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, our resident poet Junior is here with guess what a brand new poem. Baby, let's go. You know, I wrote another poem. Uh you know, I know you guys didn't like my last poem. You know, decide man everything at the end. Great, it was unanimous, Junior, But this poem is great. One though. The title of this poem is called I wrote another poem. That's the name of it. I wrote another poem. It is I wrote another poem. Yeah, I'm gonna try again. Now hold on, before you judgment, could you please just wait till the end? Now, I know my delivery was kind of slow and a lot of words don't rhyme, But you just can't throw a poetry together. Damn, it takes time. I'll never stop writing poetry. It's one of my greatest passions. At the end, of all my poems, y'all always give me a thrashing, So go ahead and hate me. I would not be the turn because I'm writing poems forever. The end word I thought that I give you, I give you nine the line in that you cannot. You just can't throw portry together. Damn it. It takes time. That's no. What was the other one you said about being a turns? What was that line I said? I said, go ahead and hate me. I would not be deterred. No, no, no, that's what That's my favorite line. Go ahead and hate me, I will not be deterred. You got about like Jim, where you are deterged. Then it wasn't even a poem. It was a point. You gott what is this on these paper, Junior? You need to post that, you need to post. I'm a post it. I'd be writing point and so y'all can see this and you understand. Thank you, Jay, you know I'm just telling you. I want to thank God. Yeah, I just want to thank the Lord for the many talents he had given me. I didn't even notice you got a few things you've been thanking for that Lord. I ain't had nothing to do with that don't blame, don't don't down play God's ability. What he didn't give you a talent? You cleaned a talent. No no, no, no, no no no, no play god ability. No no, don't do that to the Lord. All right, thank you, Thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, comedy Roulette. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, time now for comedy Roulette and today's categories. Let's just get right to it, Jay, ways that you start gossip right, sing a song that you always sing wrong, and in honor of the All Star Weekend game this weekend, fantastic lies from the NBA All Star Weekend. Okay you all right, let's spin it. Yeah, I want the All Star I want to hit him lives and it stopped on sing a song that you always sing wrong. Jay, this is we're doing kind of roulette. This up you get sing a song that we always sing wrong. It's not a song, but it's the pledge of legions and to the Republic of Richard stand. I always thought they were saying, Richard stands stand and who di Richard stand Richard stan I'm gonna tell you my problem by songs I sing wrong. Any wrapper that's rapping today, I ain't wrapping the song. I can't do all that lives nothing due, so always sing wrong. My late brother Heavy, Oh, I love dearly. He drank a lot, and Heavy used to get so many songs wrong, and he always related them somehow back to drinking. Oh, I really miss my brand, hand up man. Alright, comedy Roulette. These are songs, and we always sing wrong. Jeffrey Osborne had a song called bet you lying, Wigner have him mister Pip. I thought he was saying, Wigner have him, mister PieP Wig night. Yeah, with this alright, I'm gonna tell you this is one of the things I'll be singing wrong. I don't know, but you know, you know what I'm gonna tretch my grandmother. I don't know if you need to put this into him. No, I don't know the song. But they started devotional and they started lord he I don't know what song that is. It's not in to him. No, you don't find just a lot of holland in. Here's what I think you need to go to church. This is what. This is not a song, but this is this little girl was on Instagram. My song this is when you really got something h messed up. And she said, our father, who are in heaven, how would be thy name? So she said what is that? She said, that's God? Who is God? Howard? She said, God was Howard. When you say our father, who are in heaven, how would be thy name? The little girl God's name was Howard. My mom had the best line for any time she was She was known for like your brother singing a sound wrong, and she would always say when she said the word wrong, she would say, well, it didn't change that son, It must have somebod I would have knew and it would change you got a row. Thank you guys for this today's version of comedy Roulette Bob Doc. We'll be back at twenty minutes. Right after that, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending Buckingham Palace News. We just really want to check in with the Duke of Otingham today just to see if he's going to be watching the Oprah Prince Harry and Megan Markle interview that happens on CBS on Sunday. And yeah, welcome, thank you for having me. I am the hell of acting home. Yes, to deliver the news from the palace. What could I do for you today? Any questions? I'm so glad you you came by because we just wanted to make sure you love having you very hot today. Oprah's interview with Prince Harry and Megan Markle on Sunday and CBS. You're gonna be wow the interview. Of course I am. I'll be out monitoring everything they say, making share everything is in protocol of course, naturally that they don't break any rolls and everything, you know, don't I don't want to have to get sent for him, you know, oh you don't want Yes? Is there anything I don't want them to talk about? Of cash? And I'm the protector of the balance, you know, being only black God. They send me out to you know, with ass anything that needs to be taking care of from the queen. All the Queen doesn't ask all shee dollars are saying, oh oh, go and take care of and I go right away what that means? And I walk out and I take care of business. No friends or anything. No, well, thank you, thank you, Duke of Ontingham. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. At bags and health pistols on them. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, everybody's talking about it, and we certainly cannot wait to see Coming to America two the number two. Okay, it's gonna be streaming on Amazon Prime this weekend. Coming to America stars of course, the brilliant Eddie Murphy, our Cineo Hall, James, Earl Jones, Tracy Morgan, Leslie Jones, Wesley's Nights, Tanna Taylor, and Eddie's daughter Bella Murphy. Or in the sequel. It's so many people in the sequel, so many stars. We can't wait to see it. It's been so long? Has it been over thirty years since first Coming to America? But I gotta ask you, guys, I think Steve you said the other day that Coming to America was your favorite comedy movie ever. Are you giving it a standing ovation? Yeah? I got that must die? Oh oh okay, But I mean Coming to America for me was my all time favorite comedy movie. I'm not a big fan of comedy movies. I'm normally not a big comedy fan. But my greatest moment I pulled a Cliff, this is my greatest moment offial. Don't you agree. I believe the children, I thank you, teach them, wear a hand, let them need we show them all the beauty. They give them a sense of making some of the good stuff right coming up, join your shop, enjoy, young man. I decided love never walked getting in a war shadow yet my family the ptine you can't tak away my dignaitues. You called the great ass Lola ball inside me the topic damn that boy saying you must be crazy good must be that? What was my favorite seat in that damn when and he turned around at corner when drum and coming up. It is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. We'll have some closing remarks and something to tell you about what's going to be happening on Monday show as well. All coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve here, it is our last break of the day, last break of the week on this Friday, and I just wanted to remind everyone that the women of the Steve Harvey Morning Show will be taking the mic this Monday morning for International Women's Day on the Steve Morning Show. Carla Farrell Show Underwood will join us. We're gonna have Mississippi Monica stepping from behind the mica, behind the scene. She'll let us know what she does and everything. Of course I'll be here. Now, let me just say this. Let me say this about Monday, when Mississippi Monica get on the mic. That is not sister Odal. You ain't to go there. That is Mississippi Monica. This was Odale's voice as a teenager, but that will be Mississippi Monica. I think they gonna are y'all zooming. Oh yeah, we're going to zoom sure, so y'all will be able to see this. We got some attractive girls on this show, so y'all gonna be pleasantly surprised. If you ever wanted to put the face with the voice, this be a chance. And I think the lady's gonna do a wonderful job. Congratulations lady. Looking forward to a great show from y'all. A lot of content, a lot of our important things. They'll have some fun, but it's just gonna be girls talk. So get your wine, get your coffee with a little you know, spike it a little bit and sit in with the lady. Sheryl Underwood gonna join them. You know, Monica drank Petos in her coffee and then she'll have some Tetos in her coffee. Shelly don't drink at all, and Shelly drank her speech slurs immediately. Yeah, one silk because alcohol swels her tongue. We're celebrating women on International Women's Day on Monday, so please join us. Please, we will be right here. Thank you, guys, Thank you guys very much. Yeah, you can take it away. Hey, you know my closing remarks today, I want to do something inspirational for everybody. I want to remind you all that you have an opportunity in front of you every day that you wake up to pursue a vision or dream. I want you to start thinking about every day as a precious gift, because so many times people put off what they could do today, They put it off for tomorrow. You know, people call it procrastination, but what it is, it's just a simple act of you actually think that it's okay to just let another day go by, and it's not. You've got to really show an appreciation for these blessings that you have. Of waking up every day. Every day you wake up, you should spend every day marching, walking, crawling, stepping, pulling yourself along or inching your way to one of your goals, one of your visions, one of your aspirations every day. And look, success don't always come in giant leaps and bounds. Sometimes it's just increments. Sometimes success is just I made it through today. Sometimes you don't always see forward progress. But because you don't see forward progress in pursuit of your dreams, aspirations, or goals, it don't mean you're not nearing them. Sometimes you have things that you have to deal with, you have to grapple with, you have to cope with. Sometimes you have obstacles that's just in the way that cause you to have to take a detour or pull over into the rest area. But the objective for you is as soon as you get your rest, as soon as you overcome the detour, as soon as you get back up. When you get knocked down, immediately start back on the road, because that's what it is to be successful. Success is for the people and given to the people who never give up. Look, success is hard. I'm gonna just be real with you. It is extremely difficult. But it is the pursuit that gets you to be successful, not the perfection. Your life ain't judged on your perfection, because if it was judged on your perfection, none of us will get anywhere. Our life is judged on our persistence. It is your willingness to keep getting up, your willingness to keep believing, your willingness to keep praying, keep pushing. And I say push because pushed, to me is an acronym and a guy thought this to me sometime and going always look look at it. Always say to myself, push, Steve Harvey, just push. But when I say I'm pushing, push is an acronym. Push stands for prey until something happens. And a lot of times I push when I have no idea, when nothing is going to happen, or I don't have any idea what's going to happen. But if I know, if I push, if I pray until something happens, something good always happens. Now. It may not happen in the day or time frame that I set aside, but something always happens. I always is knowing I've said this several times on this show that no matter what happens to me, I'm gonna come out on the other side, as have you. You cannot think of one single thing that you've gone through that you haven't managed to get on the other side. Every bad day you felt you wasn't gonna make it through, every time you didn't have an answer, every time you didn't know what to do, every time you thought you just didn't see no way out. Do you know that you've overcome all of those. So the fact of the matter is, like I always say, your track record for surviving bad days and insurmountable odds is one hundred percent. That God you served one hundred percent delivers you every single time because you still here. Keep pushing, everybody, pray until something happens. Push, don't ever give up. The race isn't given to the swift, but to him that endure to the end. Just keep pushing, y'all. Have a great weekend. Monday is Ladies Day on the radio. Don't miss Carlins Sherley, Mississippi Monica and especial guest Shone Underwood to have a host of surprises for you. It's gonna be a good show for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.