Tommy was out on Monday and now we know the reason. Grammy nominations were delayed due to the funeral of George H. W. Bush. Eddie Murphy welcomed baby #10. Kareem Hunt is a free agent due to a video that showed him attacking a woman. Thomas Miles aka Fool #1 is the OG on Ready To Love and gave some insight to who his daddy was. Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade had their latest addition to the family via surrogate and are facing backlash. An Aussie woman was given $30K to leave her significant other. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO answers your business related questions and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like amazing buck things. And it's not me true good it Steve Hard. Listen to mother for Steve Hard. Please by, I don't join join me to be doing men. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your back at it. Uh huh. I shall well, good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man, old man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, it's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I'm thinking for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without Him. That everything I am that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way, yep, bunches, bunches and bunches. And will I continue to make mistakes along the way yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now, but you're still going to make mistakes now, you know. Hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional errors in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out, but from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick, what it is, y'all's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake, that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finish line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really really bad shape and getting close to the finish line to the point where you see them fall, and sometimes you see them crawling, and you see the people, the aid people that work there trying to encourage them all. Now they can't lift them up and walk them across the finish line because they'll be disqualified. But you see people staggering from side to side, I mean wobbling really really bad. Legs are completely shot, and you're thinking, man, I hope they make it and hang on. And a lot of times, almost every time I've seen this person or these people manage to somehow cross the finish line, and then the aid workers running in and wrap them in the luminum fall looking blanket and start trying to get some water to them and get an IV in their arm and get them in an ambulance. The key is they finish the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble. You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling. That's not the key. The key is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well, that's not the case. And see and then this thing called life, Let me help you understand something. Everybody falls. Nobody sprints to the tape in this one. Nobody just runs free and clear as some people running faster than you and all like this. And some people gonna get to the end before you let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end. But in this race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through the race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know. And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scott free without any pitfalls. You know. I keep saying it over and over and over again because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me, and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhere sitting down every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. Please understand it is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful, you may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not consider what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider. You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up into church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs, It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So many times we find ourselves fighting through life because of much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day, that pretty much explains the feeling of confusion, the laxadaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator, to find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing? The moment you can identify that is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with the sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, it's going to be some uncertainty. But at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandon confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when he created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path. But God can get you right back on track. Do that today, Talk to him about it, ask him what you're supposed to be doing, and listen, God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okay, all right, let's go show, ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show is on on the radio. Ra Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Why does he get In the opening, heaven E Funny introduced to you you all my name Starve with Shelly Strong. Baby, Hello are you doing? Move along to caror for real? Thank you Darling? Good morning Hello listen, Yeahving, I moved on to June morning. Up. You're listening and he the Allly place you should come in. I want to think he's the be to man from a cross the lad He was all the other radio show, but he so it all began to combo ring flood above his bivery eye. Javidy Brown, you are telling, telling, telling the truth and finely the oldest fooling. He has the numb boo one show. Oh oh this right now, fool had soul. This is the EU you good morning, good man. Your eyes boys change and you give him that type of intro. You had that data boy in there. Man, Yeah, I don't know what from nowhere? The timmy what happened yesterday? You weren't here? Wow? From the top damn. So now you see where it comes from. Nephew, Now, thank you? Ever a question? Yes it was yes, he was questioning, yea questioning. Just you know who started the most stuff on the show. Yeah, well you know when we come back. I guess you brought it up, Carla. He did, wasn't asking, all right, trying to drag Carler back in it. She put herself in it. She not at seeing it where we're about to find out why then here exactly? Okay, that's what it was my ask. But we'll be back always, all right, thirty two after the hour, that's when we'll be back right after this. You're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, listen, there we are, Yeah, listen, we're back. Before we went to break, we were or I was asking Tommy. Let's clear, I was asking Tommy because he didn't get it was me. Yeah, sidetrack, Yeah, yeah, then you know Tommy. Tommy went to the doctor yusterday, got consultation for my colonoscopy, which will be next week. You ain't got gonna doctor talk about it. I could have told you what it was. What should have took a damn day as going to sit down somebody to tell you what they fit to do that they're gonna do anyway. You gotta go through that. But it's not gonna be this second. Well, let me tell you something that you knew no to day before you got the empty out that dog they gonna give you. You gotta drink a gallant. You gotta drink a gallant of this solution? Is it yucky dog? What can you drink that's gonna wash yo into high cold in a day that you think might be delicious? Want them to tell you something. You're gonna drink this all day. You gotta start at eight in the morning. I think you finished at eight at night or something. But all U can't eat nothing and no crackers, no nothing. You just gotta drink this solution. And just like like sometimes you have to drink like a quarter of it at a time. Yeah, but you gotta drink it with it. You take out so many minutes for you to drink this quarter of You want me to to tell you what it tastes like? Yeah? Oh please, I love your descriptions. Please, yeah, pus, oh god, oh man? But then time it now after about eight o'clock. Now around two o'clock. What day? Oh that was Monday? So Sunday to two o'clock? Old? What day? You getting it done on time? The twelfth, which is that's a Wednesday two. You ain't gonna be here Tuesday. Oh now you're not. No, you it was just a consultation. Hell yeah, you gonna consider this search you after that doctor told you what he was gonna do. You needed the whole day that But tell me we applied you though for going and taking care of your health. Though, that's a good I don't like you. No, No, that's what I don't like. Hold I did didn't one? Yeah, ain't hold up? Hold on, hold on, hold on. You ain't got to go under. Yeah, I alert. I'll tell you what. Don't go under. I'll tell you what and go undevention. I can broach because when they pushed that camera in your crack, you got my four seconds to pass out. You realize they're still pushing it. Thank you for taking your health. They are foot toward the health you got carrying your boy. Stop so long, don't go open and can I tape it? Yeah? So prepare to be awful. Go on Wednesday. Tell you don't Yeah, who does he like? I'm telling you nobody does. Yeah, get mine next week. I'm getting it done. Man. Good, that's a good thing. You should take care of your health. Yeah, man of cold, of polyps on your head, Tommy, Yeah, oh he didn't drink cold. They're gonna need a pie wash. This colding. Somebody stick a pie wash the sand blast of the god. Oh, we're making light of this, but the message here is to take care of your help. We got the awareness all that, but they're gonna stick whatever wash this is. Now he up though he ain't under. He gonna be up. You got I was gonna be up, I said, I don't like to be under. Just morning got to you ain't got to stay up experience it all co holder knocker come. I don't know how much of that camera they're gonna have to put in you for you, I mean, but it's it's a good procedure, man, because it's plainless. If you're gonna want ye and then when they finish, you're gonna be real ginger back real ginger are Well, let me take something. You donna know. You're gonna know something happened to you. Might not be able put your finger on it, no puring it, but you're gonna know something. You're gonna know something happened to your hand. I can tell you that, especially when you get up and go home. That first walk first, yeah, that first sneeze, that first on call neither who oh you laugh for your home and fix the shocks on your car on the way home. Yeah, and I got a logo for you, Timmy. You're gonna go back to Eaton when you get home and to Paul when you first put the first load back out. It's gonna be way easier then. I cat you. I'm already, we get it. I don't want to do it all right, papercuts? All right? Listen, coming up next, the man of the moment right here, Nephew Tommy is coming up with run that Prank Back? Right after this. My ass is on the line. You're listening. Steve Harpy Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment News. Grammy nominations have been postponed until Friday and Eddie Murphy. Steve has more than you. Oh mg, he's welcomed his ten child into the world. We'll talk about that just a little bit. Got ten child money can congratulations. Yeah, Nephew Tommy is here right now though, with run that prank back, Nephew. Christmas decoration. Oh I did it just like that. Yeah. Well, I'm trying to read cecil. Yeah, this cecil. What's going on? Hey? This manny man? I live like about four five streets over from you this manning. How you doing, brother, I'm doing good? Man? How you doing? I'm good? Hey, uh I see you. You You got your Christmas lights up right? Ye know? Yeah? I got him up. I got my whole of theme nearything. Sit up, man, it's just looking really okay. Let me let me ask you something. Man. The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from? What you mean? Where I get him from? The idea Like you got the snow man, you got Santa claud some rain deals, you got your whole house decorated. You got Jesus with the manger and the wise men around him. Where did you get your idea from? I'm I'm lost what you're talking about. Man. You ask me where I got a thing from? I mean you try to imply from them. I'm I'm asking you a question. Where did you get the idea from? I made this up. I made up Jesus Jesus, and you know that represents crystals. Man. You go with a team that's Christmas base man, and that's that's Chrystmas base Jesus. There Chrystmas Jesus, and just in Jerusalem and Beth Lamb and hey, what's what's going on? Man? Who are you? Where you get my number from? Any I'm I'm I'm manning, Man, I'm manning. I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the real where you get this idea from. I made this idea. If I made this up, man, I made this up. Get the second time you asked me where I get here from? What are you trying to go? The real deal? Dog? The same thing you got if you come four streets over. I got the same thing in my yard. It looked like you to stole my idea. And see what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas Yard of the season. And you don't stole my idea. That's the problem I got with you. Now. The problem you got is like to twist it, okay, because see I put this together without here. I never even heard of you. Many begin with sickondly. I've been doing this particular theme in my yards as I've been standing over. I've been stand over a six years. You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year. You ain't had that. Man, this thing last year and the year before, and I put myself in the same place every damn time I put it down. You did not had this last talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme and about my yard and what you got going. I know you ain't copying there, man, I'm gonna tell you right now, and I ain't gonna go no further. You need to rearrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got. No, you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging jack over here. Hey man, let me tell you that, man, And I'm being really as real as I can be with you. If I got to come over there and unplugged, if you got to come with if I got to come over to your house unplugged some stuff, no no, no, see if that thing my foot will be getting a plug from your First of all, you ain't gonna come on my street, in my house and disrespect me at all about anything that I got set up in my yard, say ain't. I'll tell you what. Then, I'm just gonna do this ship. I'm gonna just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise, men out your yard. That's what I'm gonna do. Come over this way, calling about messing with Jesus in the major. It's gonna be some real power. Because football that's like signaling. That's that's the center other things. Now, if you want to come over here and you want to kind of do something like that, you're gonna need Jesus to help you because it's gonna be some rolling around going on. It's like, ya, what's the bottom line is just right here? You got the nerve to do the same thing. My god, I'm full street sober. I'm driving through looking at everybody's over here, man, looking at everybody's the only one and same way, the same place. He adopt long year and nobody ever call on me. Your stuff look like man, it from four five sets. I want to headless man in any wait, Man, it ain't got no rights coming on my street because you don't stay on this street. You're going around living at people, trying to get your ideas. Man, you're not a rich No, No, I'm very original. I've moved to this neighborhood and folk you did. I've been here, I've been here ten years. You've been here about six, I lone. You've been living over here. I've been living over here six years. This fuff. The vision was just coming up when I came over here. How are you gonna tell me you've been running your team long and not been running mine? Who you crazy? Hey? Man? And it ain't. I ain't got time to go back, man, You know what, I got better things, So I still got some old lights put up. Hey, I gotta want to class and go back and forth. What I'm gonna tell you just right here, I'm gonna come take Jesus off your yard. I'm gonna take Jesus and the one to take Jesus out my yard. And I see now you're signing like when I'm crazy, people come about thinking Jesus out of my life. That's where he's got life and man stuff. Come on over. I got somebody, man, and that's what you look here. Don't turn your lights on. Light's gonna be on the nighte tomorrow night and every other night. Tell about taking my Jesus into mankers. I'm original as a written that can be Come over if you want to. I got something for you. You have stole my ideal. And we're talking about this steel an idea. Come on around here, let's se hey dog, dog, let me tell you something right now, Jesus and then wise men is coming I chow yard today. Now you know what, Man, I'm through with you. Man, I'm through with you. You know what? Come over here if you want to touch my massa Jesus, touch my mainer, touch man Joseph and the wise man, and I'm gonna put the North Star over your literally, Hey man, I don't know where you get my number from a night? Who are you? Anyway? Who is it? Who are you? Man? I tell you what you tell about? Coming over here? Missing with anything? Mys on? Coble okay, sit to go off? Every evening at duns the start getting dark? My going on? Let money, I come on the nights, cook me some for yo? Anyway? Why why are you? Why you can't come up with your own team? Man? Why you can't my own thing? Look at it? I'll tell you what man? Who for you? Anyway? We're just watch it right? How you stay four five three? What kind of call you got? Your god? Why I'll come find you? Come deal with right now? Where are you at? Right now? Where you know what? Don't worry about where I'm at I'm I'm a ready on your life. Now, I'm gonna come fine, No, your life ain't coming on tonight. What never not come on the night. There's gonna be some powers in your life. It's gonna be on the breeze and you I'm gonna let you know this. Man, Man, Man, who for you? Anyway? Man? You don't caused me out of the blue telling me that you're gonna come disconnect my life and still my major and take my baby Jesus out the man? Who are you sit up here accusing me or steeling your theme when it's been my theme or all these years six years I've been doing this and I war the best yard three years or three years running in this season. Now I think you're trying to get mine. But but see the problem is you don't want the best yards because you're still in my idea. How can I be sitting your man? Man, you know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with your right Hey, dog dog, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you. You stole my Jesus theme. Dog, Hold on, wait a minute, how can I I wan that's yard three years running and you saying I got to think and you you should have been getting you must not be doing it right. Let me let me, let me, let me go on on say this to you right now. Dogs what Larry on your streets told me to call you, lads, Laver gave you my number. Larry and Tommy told me to call you very and Timmy told you to call me. Do you know who Tommy is? Nothing that ain't there, ain't never missing, ain't Tommy to me? Who I'm Tommy? I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your boy, Larry Man. Nephew Tommy want show, Larry. Larry told me to call you. He said you win every single year the Christmas Kill. But it's kind of funny not Oh yeah, Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Oh man hands, I don't know, doubt the show with Nip you Christmas Decoration, Christmas all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Grammy nominations have been postponed and Eddie Murphy welcomes another baby. We'll talk about it. You're listening to the Recording Academy has delayed Grammy nominations announcements from Wednesday until Friday. The switch comes because CBS this morning we'll be covering the funeral of President George hw Bush. Uh, they'll now be announced. Huh were you saying, Steves? What? Well? You just what? Oh? Oh? And then you go yes, The Grammy nominations will now be announced at eight thirty am on Friday. Okay, uh? And then my will push it back. Tommy, you up for one this year? No? Not not not this year? Jay up for one? Yes for your murder the heads. That's right, you should be for sure. They don't have a prank call. What I want to say. I want to see you remember the rap group they want for hustling and flow. I would love to see the shape that they Oscar is in. I want a picture of where it is and who they were carrying it running that paper bag. That's why I want to see what they oscar looked like. Yeah, where is it? And Linda? Can I see an actual picture? And where are they? More importantly, where are they? Don't wear? But I know where they were. I knew what we're gonna happen with them. But I need the statue though, you need to see. You ain't fit to be surprised a boy where they are statue? All right, Moving on, Eddie Murphy. Congratulations to Eddie Murphy. He is welcomed his tenth child into the world. His fiance, Page Butcher, gave birth to their second child together on November thirtieth. The baby boy his name is Max Charles Murphy. Oh he got it all way, six pounds eleven ounces and measured nineteen inches long. Eddie's rep says both mother and son are doing well. Max joints big sister Izzie Una. Eddie's other children are Eric Belizara Zola Ivy Shane Adra Brea and Miles Mitchell Arranging. I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you something. Sixteen to twenty. I've been around him a couple of times with his kids. That dude right there, man, it's an excellent father. Eddie Murphy is a great father. And you want to know if a father is really good, Listen the way their children talk about I watched his son talk about his father. Man, I say, wow, this is a dude and put some time in because his son was right on point. You know the ones he had when the cold. Them kids right there, man, don't them some great kids. And the other kids I know, I know all of them. I saw the one that is he Uh is he the latest one? Is he? Yeah? Yeah, she's too. U lord his house, Lord, you moved down from you at a moment, husty when you walk in, what you say, just what I just said him. I gotta go get someone. I said, I have got to go get some more money to have a house like that. It's unbelieva. I'm I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really telling you. Beautiful home, beautiful wow. J Yeah. Well, congratulations again to Eddie Murphy never being a great father to Yeah. You know, look all our kids making mistakes. If you got kids, your kids are gonna make a mistake. Your kid's gonna do something to embarrass your as just that, and sometimes they're gonna hurt you, right right, all right, Steve, it's time for today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much everybody, and good morning. This is and Trip with the News. Former President George Herbert Walker Bush yeld A gized yesterday evening during a ceremony at the US Capital the forty first President's body was brought to Washington earlier in the day. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was among the many who paid tributary. Today, this hero has returned to the Capital the final time. Not on the front porch of our democracy this time, but here and it's hallowed cathedral, beneath paintings to tell the story of our land and our liberty. President Bush will alliance stated the Capitol Building until Wednesday, when he's to be moved to the Washington National Cathedral for a state funeral. By the way, President Trump has declared Wednesday and National day of morning, so Mai no mail delivery. The stock ex changes are closing everything. By the way, the President and Missus Trump did stop by the rotunda last night to pay their respects to the former president and the first President. Bush is to be buried on Thursday at his Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. President Trump, by the way, calling his trade truce with China a huge win. Even though not many details have been released, the White House does say that a ninety daytime period begins January first for China to either address US complaints or face the threat of higher tariffs. President Trump got together with Chinese President shi Jinping at last week's G twenty summit in winness Hires. Two Minneapolis cops are on paid leave for putting up what even the city's mayor says was a racist theme Christmas tree in their precinct. The precinct was the fourth precinct in the city, located in a mostly black area, and the cops in question, they say, decorated the tree with Mount liquor cans, a Popeye's store cup, two packs of cigarettes, a crime scene tape, stuff like that, and they thought, I guess that was hilarious. The mayor didn't find it hilarious. The local city councilman thought it was disgusting as well. The mayor wanted both men fired on the spot, but he now realizes that he has to go through an official process, but he says he wants them out. Cops in Baltimore looking for two people who say they ran a deadly scam on a fifty four year old woman who just tried to help Authari say Jaqueline Smith was driving along a local street early Saturday morning when she saw a woman carrying what looked like a baby and a sign helped me with my child. Cops say she pulled over to give the young woman some change, and then a man appeared out of nowhere, tried to pull her handbag out of the car, and because she resisted, he fatally stabbed her in the chest. As I said, the two scameras got away. Three anonymous Harvard students at Harvard sorority and four national fraternities and sorities suing the Ivy League university over its recent decision to bar any members of single sex organizations from assuming leadership positions at Harvard. The Greek letter groups say the new rule amounse to threats and intimidation designed to scares do some joining fraternitees and sorities and things like that. Harvard administrates that they issue the new rule and attempt to curve sexual assaults at fraternity and sorority parties. And today is National Cookie Day. Now back to the news and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show the Kansas City Chiefs won their game Sunday without star running back Kareem Hunt. Steve, you know this supports something they'll need to keep doing for the rest of the season. As he remains on a commissioner's exempt list following the release of a visit. Nobody know what the commissioners exemple list is exactly. It's just a listful players that they Okay, Yeah. The team acted swiftly upon seeing the video and released Hunt. That it was a video showing Hunt brutally assaulting a woman. Earlier this year, they released Hunt and who was one of the league's top rushers. Huh yeah, Now, ladies, you all saw the video, Yeah, yeah, just your opinion of the video. Do you think he should uh never be able to play in the NFL again? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he should because he had an opportunity to walk away. He should have just left and walked away. It wasn't necessary for him to go back and do what he did, and he lied about it, and you put your whole career on the line by doing it. But let me ask you something than with the video been it was. First of all, let me say that I disagree with every aspect of the video, okay, because I'm just about you can't put your hands on the woman absolutely right now, what she said to you, and all that we may not all be privy to you, and you can have your story and she can have you. But at the end of the day, if you just live by that rule right there, it would have just had you in a better spot. Well, nobody kicking up, hitting nobody at first, That's why you can't let it get to that. Would it have been easier for you, ladies had it just been the initial pushing that we saw in the beginning of the video, or did to walk over and kick her hard? Yeah, it was just so harsh and me necessary. You gotta you gotta diffuse the situation to take yourself out of that. You gotta be smart in situations like that. Anything in the NFL, if anybody needs to learn, they all of these young players have to learn from Ray Rice. And yeah, it's like this, this has happened before. You know, this has happened before with the girl when she got thrown across the lobby and her head hit that wall between the elevator and when she stood up she was visibly groggy, and then when she squatted down to try to gather herself. Yeah, when dude went over and kicked that end, I went dog. They might would have talked to you if you was just pushing in the hallway, which is wrong because all that just keep going somewhere. Yeah, and Steve, he was the star running back. You threw all that away. No, but I'm just saying, you throw all that away, your whole career away emotion. Come on, I just yeah, this is crazy all right? Coming up next at thirty four after the hour, Nephew, Tommy Wild, Nephew, you had a touching moment about your dad and being a good husband on your show Ready to Love. We'll talk about that when we come back at thirty four after the hour. Right after this you're listening to Okay, So Steve, you should be very proud of your your nephew because this past Saturday, I am Tommy. Check this out though, Steve Tommy talked to the mail contestants on his dating show Ready to Love, which is on own of course on Saturday nights. He talked to the contestants about his dad and about being a good husband. They called him the Og and they were like, you know, sitting around getting some advice from the Og. Nephew, Tommy, take a listen. I know there's been times out of your marriage, your relationship that you came to a point where it's like with damn, can I deal with it? You know what I can tell you on that is I had a father that never left my mom, never did nothing negative to my mom. My daddy left here three years ago. It was with my mom to the end, to the end. So that's all I know. I ain't going nowhere. I'm to the end because I grew up like that. I grew up with a father in my house who was real, and I didn't know nothing about leaving or going nowhere else. We had hard times, we had issues, bills, this and that, so I don't know nothing else. I said, I'm forever all right, Yeah, I know right. I told you was gonna make you rod. It was good. Yeah, it was good, and they were listening. You had a captive audience. Tommy. It was good as you got out there by yourself, like I'd have done that before. Be talking next thing. You know, your ass up an it. I was in it, man, trying to get out of it. But it helped the guys. Though. It helped the guys as far as commitment. They were, you know, having some concerns about commitment and who should they pick and things like that. And so after they talked to nephew Tommy, because I saw the show and it was really good. After they saw a nephew, then they kind of, you know, relaxed and went had a different attitude when they went and had their dates with the women that they were, um, you know, taking out for that night. Can I just go, what, sir? What Steve? Okay, if no one had told you you was fitting to do a clip of Tommy show, would you to believe that was Tommy? I mean, it was so damn intelligent and tea. I didn't hear none of that, you know, Team Tommy. I didn't hear nothing. I heard. Man, he teared out, Team Tommy tears. Man, let's hear it again. Look, maybe it wasn't Tommy. Let's hear it again. I know there's been times out of your marriage, your relationship that you came to a point where it's like with damn, and I deal with it. You know what I can tell you on that is I had a father that never left my mom, never did nothing negative to my mom. My dad had left here three years ago. It was with my mom to the end, to the end. So that's all I know. I ain't going nowhere. I'm to the end because I grew up like that. I grew up with a a father in my house who was real, and I didn't know nothing about leaving or going nowhere else. We had hard times, we had issues, bills, this and that. So I don't know nothing else. I said, I'm forever now. That was him. Now that's it. That that ain't him. That's it. I heard it. I heard it. Everybody's deep. Aw, that's it. Now. I'll tell you right now that ain't here. I hear. I've been round him the whole time he's been on this earth. No, my damn, I don't know who y'all got to do this right here. I don't know who. You dubbed his voice and picks his brain and all this skill. But that is not my nip. I'm calling my sister. I need taking this sent to my sister. Steve. There's video. It's Tommy. Yeah, look a owned up to date. Now they current, they got technology. Great job, great tom. I don't know nothing else from a movie. Yeah, yeah, you know what is call the purple. Know nothing else. I know nothing else. Don't ask me nothing else. Sat phone call coming up with the nephew right after this. See nobody going out the back door. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Hang on to your seats for this one. Subject my girlfriend's husband's baby. Yeah yeah, yeah, but right now, nothing else right now, Nephew Tommy is here with today prank phone call. What you got, hey, sir, Let's football season? Hell Gators. Oh, that's the name of it, Hell Gators. Man. I'll speak to t Rock speaking. It is this t Rock? Yeah ahead, what's up? Hey, man? Let me ask you something. All last year y'all was telgating here in the parking lot at the apartments. Or y'all doing that again this year? Yeah? Always, that's what we do. Hey man, Hey, listen, man, I just live here about a year ago. Let me tell you something. All that noisy y'all be making down there. Man, don't need to go to the con't need to get y'all some money. They go to the game. Man, hold on, hold on, man, hold on, hold on, hold on. First of all, I don't know you walk My thing is he we we would do out here? Man, we all get together, brother, go to work. Man, at the end of the week. Want to we want to get together and throw a little barbecue whatever. That's what we do. Let me call with that dude the name are you anyway? Come y'all making too much for you? I live here in the be An apartment. Soon, man, y'all make you tell you what? I tell you what you want to talk? All that noise about what we're doing out here? Man, I think, bring your bucket down here and say it to my place. Who are you? Hey, man, don't don't worry about who I am? But oh man, First, man, I'm trying to have a good day, and I'm gonna hear him like this, Come on, man, who are supposed to be? Man? I'm te rock. Do I come down? If we do what we do, we all get together. We try have a good time with it. You want to come with it. Try to miss my day? Up? He knows we gonna do call man. Man. You know y'all all that noise, man disturbing people while in there? Oh man, but I say, look here, I'm play at the end of the week, man, brother, get together, put the money together, man, and we get together and we try to have a good time. If you want to come down and join us. Man, you more than welcome. I'm trying to tell you more than welcome. Brother, come down, drive a play man. But man, please don't try to miss him a day of dot Please don't, man, please, man, I'm trying y'all missing month day up with all that day I'm noise. Man, Come man, look, this is what we do. You want to join, you to join, you ain't gonna join. Shut the hell up, hey, man, let me do what you're gonna do. But let let us do. We do this as we do on the weekend. This is how we we leave our fifth We're gonna try to do something, get together and have a good time. And you want to try to miss that up? Make y'all that man, Man, all understanding is man? If y'all tell game, whyn't y'all call y'all down to the stadium man and watch damn cowboys play. We can't go down there, man, We don't want to go down there. We want to get together where we are right. This is what we do, man, This is what we do. Ain't nobody ever complain now one time? Now, one tell your first friend ever complain. We've been doing it three years it's the first time we ever had a complaint. You know, you don't drive your mother down in off white white white. Why y'all don'ta buy y'all some tickets to the damn game? Man? So what watch y'all go go to the game? Why the game went to be in my parking lot? Well, un teel like this. We can't afford a ticket, man, So we do. We should get together. We do what we can. We put our money together, we get together, and that's what we do again. Like I said early, man, you more the other comes down. You want to bring his old monkey? Oh yeah, go man, gone with that doctor, gone with that. Man. You ain't no cowboy fan moving around out man. Let me let me, let me, let me tell you this right here. Man, if y'all fire up the pit on Sunday, I'm coming down there and turning it. Soall what over you know what y'all want on? I'm turning y'all y'all fighting pit up. And I promise you I'm gonna turning the damn barbecue pitto. And I promise you'd be standing at the top of the church. You will be staring at the top of the church. And that shoner. That means pick the flow. You're gonna hit the flow. Hey, man, you're gonna hit the don't don't find it pit up Sunday, you hit me, do not find it. I can't. It's gonna be now. I'm looking for the pit. Now, I'm looking for him that it's gonna be out there. It's gonna be out there. I'm curing your muther find out there and told you that you're disturbing people, and you're disturbing me more than anything, you know, And y'all nail here. I'm gonna be all last year, y'all tell Dady right here in the damn apartments. Man, that's crazy. You know what I was, apologize you, but let me stay like this here. Man, You don't y'all. I don't say you come down and get a place, you come down and join them. No, we're just getting together. Just try making a family down here. Just what you want to bring to me. May you don't come out the op. I'm on the other level now, I'm on that other level. I don't know. I went on the other level midway through the season. Last years went on that day. I know. Its man, man, Oh my god, man, look let me tell you something. Mommy hit the show or somebody to come back and disturbance what we do. What we do, it's gonna go down. I'm gonna tell you like that. We ain't trying to have no wish on there, no proud We donnna get down like that. Were trying to have a good time. That's all we do. We're doing it for three years. We got the kids out here playing. We got the big screen out where everybody to watch the game. You know, I extended my law about to come about half the play with it. But you're gonna talk about coming knocking my meal as long as I want. I promise you men touch the ground. You're gonna touch the ground. Come on, man, I'll go there with that. Many don't do that. Okay, look at him, man, I'm telling you right now, they'll soon as I swar that bard q pit, soon as I smell a little charcoal. I promise you, I'm turning it. So y'all ain't doing this this year. Man, y'all ain't doing it this year. All you do, man four, I'm you live them, doc. But the bunch of position yourself to me, man, what you do that you know what I mean. You can meet me up at the leasing office. I'm at Lesa. I'm gonna start walking right at the LEAs off right now. Fo I see who the hell I'm talking to? Nigga? Listen, man, listen. Okay, Well, you need to see who's gonna turn this pit over, y'all. Ain't that? Yeah? Man, I want to see that. I want to see that happen because Susan Susans touching my pit. It that le hit the flow. You don't hit the flow, Quicken and the meat will. I'm trying to have a good talent on black. You're trying to get together. Man, everybody comes to drinking bill nobody saying nothing. But I don't want to say getting your monkey's gonna come out. Just okay, I'll tell you what. Bring up to the leasing office, and I polish you. I'm I'm in the head. Because I'm in the head. You need you need to bring somebody with you. That's what you need to do. Okay. I'm I think I'm a brain with me. I got two PM a brain with me. It's gonna be me myself and I and I've been through this here. You wanta putting no meat on that grill comes Sunday. Okay, I won't putting all right on that crib. Damn what you and them? Damn cowboys? Man, you know I'm talking about the cowboys me like that doctor. Now you rid me off. We're all cowboy things you're gonna need at the leasing office is on. I'm a beat and then gonna put a Tony Roman short on your I promise you you don't you gonna be a fan of mine? Okay, okay, but do you know who you do? You know who you're playing with? No? I don't, And I promise you when I find you you don't know who you're playing with? Let me let me let me tell you who I am. Yeah, tell me who you are telling you I am, nephew. Comment from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. You just got prank by your boy Bobby Rod. You y'all, y'all, y'all man, messing you nothing, you ma'a. I'm sorry man. You if you was fired up, you are say it says hot out here anyway. We don't care. We're gonna we can take it, man, y'all. Yaya gave Sunday man, that's what we do. Everybody pitching in and we all get together. Man, it's a it's a family thing. Man. You good man, you go. Let me ask you this. What's the baddest radio show in the land, man, The Steve Harvey Morning Show? Brother? Yeah, I probably wouldn't look too fun. No, no, no, no, Julie, can you finish it, Julie? Yeah it is? Come on? Huh Yeah, I was was I everything? Y'all want me to be everything plus enough. We can't praise you, don't give it to me. I don't know why he liked that, because he don't know nothing yet. Call. I don't hear y'all you were great you yeah you are all of that Independent centerped you hear this? Boy? Come on? Yeah, because I'm stupid. Stupidity come around once a year? Yeah, I did. Somebody here I go. Come on the Explosure. You're coming down quite ride man, Uh, Dominique, Yeah, we are to be all down there? What else you got? Also the Silver twinter Night, here's here I come, Smart Financial Center, New Years A Sparts, Oh twinter Night were in DC. Baby call no man, you the great thank you of all time? But all ain't nobody to touch me. I'm with this to the end, man, I don't know the nel. What that's Tommy, that's what you used to do before anybody smart time. All right, thank you Tommy and Junior. Coming up next, it is today's Strawberry Letters subject my girlfriend's husband's baby. You're listening to stow all right. It's time now, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationship huh what's oh wait, oh god, we haven't even gotten to it yet. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, Yeah, it's a tough one. Submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. I believe we are ready. We could be reading your letter live on the air just like this one. Now, I bet yours don't be just like Oh, I bet you not buggle up, hold on tight here it is a Strawberry letter. Oh yeah, we probably uh, guys need to do a disclaimer on this letter. So if your parents with your children in the car, um, you don't want them to hear this. Okay, I put the keys out right now, stay in the car. You don't want to miss it. Yeah, there, and have to put them in there. Yeah that, Oh, there's that all right. Here we go subject my girlfriend's husband's baby. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty one year old female and I've been dating a thirty six year old married woman for two years. Recently, she and her husband were having serious financial problems, so I offered to move in with them and help out with the mortgage and the bills. Yeah yeah. We told her husband that I was just a co worker that needed a place to live temporarily, and he bought it. So I moved in. When the husband was at work or hanging out on the weekend, me and my girlfriend would be getting it on in their bedroom. After a while, the husband figured out what was going on. One day when he and I were home alone, he confronted me and told me that he knew about me and his wife. He said he was attracted to me too, That's why he agreed to let me move in. So that day we ended up making sweet love in their bedroom. Now yeah, yeah, yeah, toadjis, Now would you think now, whenever my girlfriend is out, I hook up with her husband. I love my girlfriend, but there is nothing like being with a man that puts it down the way he does. Now I see why she doesn't want to leave this man. So here's my problem. I just found out that I am pregnant by my girlfriend's husband. My girlfriend would freak out if she found out I was having sex with a man. Her husband is secretly excited about the baby, and he thinks we can all live as one big, happy family. But but, but that sounds crazy to me. Should I move out and be honest with my girlfriend? Or should I give my baby a good home life with a daddy and a second mom? Please advise? What? Or should I give my baby a good home life with a daddy and a second Yeah? Yeah, so she would just stay there with them, have the baby be right there with the daddy, and you know his wife would be her second, the baby's second mom. Why oh, why just didn't you use protection? I mean, we gotta start right there. I mean, were you trying to get pregnant here? I mean, because what did you think was gonna happen when you're having sex with your girlfriend's husband? What do you think is gonna happen if if you're doing it unprotected? First? Yes, yeah, I'm sure you've heard this before. Though, Once you start with the lie, then you have to tell another lie, than another lie, than another lie, and now you have an innocent baby on your hands. This is so irresponsible, This is so trifling, all of your foul for your roles in this mess. But I blame you the most, letter writer, because you were in this just to get what you could get out of it. I don't care if you did say you moved in to help them out with the bills or whatever. You just want to sex. I mean, that's it. You want to sex with the wifie if you want to see with the husband who puts it down, and you see now why she won't leave this man. This is a mess, and I say you need to leave their home. You have made a mess of everything. You need to fix it. The baby deserves the best life you can give her, you and the father can give her. And yes, someone is going to get hurt, most likely the wife. The wife is going to have to find out. I'm sorry, because her husband is the father. You need a woman up and you gotta tell her. You have to tell her because an innocent baby is at stake here and you don't want anything to happen to this baby. You want this baby to have the best life like I said that the baby can possibly have, and because of your mistakes, you know it may not. It may not because of that. Steve Well, this letter from the very first line. I'm a third or one year old female. I'm dating a thirty six year old married female woman for two years. He had a husband having some financial troubles. So you decided to move in with him and help out with the mortgage and the bills. You and Hug got together and told the husband that it was your co worker and needed a place to stay temporarily. He bought it. You moved in when the husband at work, hanging out on weekend, Me and Hug we in the bad room, were getting it on. Then after while the husband figured out what's going on. He come back home. He'd been playing golf. He come back home. He'd been down there with the boys on the basketball weekend. He come back on the trip. Ain't nobody else shit. He walked in the door. Hey I'm here. Hey, what so you say? After while he figured it. Now he ain't just figured when you moved in. His boys asked him, damn dog, you got you got you got? You got two women living in your house. She a friend, she her co worker. What y'all got going on? If you think his friends ain't asked him none of these questions, that's why he didn't figure that out, because we helped him. That's what friends are. One day he and I was home alone. He confronted me and he told me he knew about me and a wife. He said he's attracted to me too, and that's why he agreed to let me move in. So that day we ended up making sweet love in their bad room. Damn. Now, when my ever, my girl is out of hook up with her husband. So you just don't leave a house. You just sit. That's funny, just waiting to see who's gonna be loved. That's funny. Man to hear what y'all going out of here together? Go and live best life. Go? Do you get yourself some me time so I can get so we time. Oh my god, that's funny. Now I hook up with her husband. I love my girlfriend, but there's nothing like being with a man that puts it down the way he does. I've always said that. Now I see why she don't want to leaders. Man, here my problem and we're gonna go to break. I just found out that I'm pregnant with my girlfriend's husband. Is anybody surprised? All right, look, hang on, I'm not. Yeah. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour, subject to my girlfriend's husband's baby. We'll be back right after this. Wow, you're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject my girlfriend's husband's baby quickly. Let me just get it to you. These two women, as co workers, just been lovers on their job. One of the chicks is married, the other girl is not. Or the married chicken her husband fall on hard time, she offered to move in with him to help out with the bills and everything. They both went to the husband told that he failed for it. She moved in. He thinking they just co workers until he went out here ran this situation down to his boys. Now every time he leave the house hearing the girl in their bedroom getting it on now, she said. Her husband finally figured it out one day and confronted her and said he was attracted to her too, That's the only reason he let him moved in, So he ended up in bed room making sweet love. Now whenever my girlfriend is out, I hook up with her husband. So she hook up with the husband when the girlfriend out, and hook up with the girlfriend when the husband out. Her ass don't leave the house. They hadn't worked it out with her where she the only one got a key, so she got to stay. That's hilarious, everybody thinking this cube and she she just over there just wearing her hands out. She ain't doing it going to work and having said going to work and having seen she's the damn tired of her job. She is considering quit. That ain't in the letter. But her asses wore out. Now I see why she don't want to leave this man. So here my problem. I just found out I'm pregnant by my girlfriend's husband. My girlfriend would freak out, and she found out if I was having sex with a man. With a man, you think that's the part that's going through that you're having sex with her man? Her man is what the girl? Her husband is secretly excited about the baby. This damn food. He just set up here, landed in this heavenly situation, so he thinks, and so he's secretly excited about the baby. Is he out of his damn man? See this? That guy so good to him. He thinks he didn't he didn't hit the jack Pott, and he thinks we can all live as one big, happy family. Bring it in. Can't explain this down at the church or nothing church. But that sounds crazy to me. That sounds crazy to you. Moving in didn't sound crazy? Should I move out and beat them and be honest with my girlfriend? Quit saying girlfriend, because y'all ain't that no more? I can tell you that right now? Or should I give my baby a good home and a life with her daddy in a second month? He didn't convince you that she gonna go for this. Sherley pointed out who she thought was wrong. Let me tell you who I think is wrong. See, when you invite sin in, remember sin is all in. It. Don't do boundaries, it don't do electrical, don't do raizor wild good sin get in all that. So once you invite seeing in what you want to go wrong? I think the wife is wrong because y'all so called faked the husband in the beginning, told him, y'all was just co working. You've been down that screwing around on your husband. What difference do it make is with a woman if you ain't supposed to sleep outside your man. You ain't supposed to sleep outside your man. Now you're down here with this other woman outside for two years on your husband. Then you bring that same mess outside your house in your house. Now all is fitting getting messy? All y'all wrong. You're sleeping with somebody under your husband's nose in his own bed. She wrong for bringing her funking behind over there. Then wear yourself in Now he wrong and she wrong for sitting up looking at each other one day. Then they started screwing. Now they don't win in there and had a baby. Now now you want to be worried about who feelings hurt? Now this is all wrong. He think we could be one happy family. This damn food no good in hair? Well, this ain't gold work. Sitting up in here with your wife and you pregnant, then then pregnated her girlfriend who posted to be a co worker, who I'm pretty sure they ain't gonna ever let out the day kicking it na, So you just fitting to be the dog that slept with the other lady. They ain't gonna put their business out there, but this hell for sleeping with you, that's front and center because your wife can't get a prick. No, this show, damn baby. Y'all ain't being centered in there arguing that ain't my baby? Well? Who baby is there? Hey? Dog dog show? Damn baby. Now, everybody in this letter get just what they got com and whatever happened to the three of them all to just happened? Ain't no favorites in this letter. How you gonna pick your favorite food? What that sounds like that? How are you gonna pick your favorite food? We got full fools running Which one of these fools? You? We did that with the presidency? How did that work out for you? This is what happened when you pick a food. All three of y'all that picked each other. He picked her, she picked him, she picked you, You picked her, then he picked you, and then you picked him. Y'all just in there just picking off each other. Now, ain't none of y'all got what y'all thought y'all head, Ain't none of y'all got what you thought you had. So now guess what you're gonna have to deal with what you got? Once you make the bed you got to lay in him. The only person I feel sorry for and this whole story is this child baby to be raggedy runch behind, sitting up in here to sit what? Let me ask you this here? What y'all gonna name the baby us? You know how you name the baby after everybody? Who you gonna name the baby us? That's funny sitting up in here, man, Just damn foolish, damn people in there, all of them screwing each other. Don't nobody, no, but just woll I mean who I wanted to reenact me from you? And Jay ain't gonna lie one sitting up in here on what the hell I'm post to say? All Right, guys, we gotta get out of here. You get email introduced. Nobody in that damn Instagram? My husband, this is my wife in law, This is I'm the Babish granddaddy and his Steve Harvey f M. And his uncle. This is his niece, cousin mother and comedy Rea coming up in ten minutes right after that. You're listening, all right? Steve, You promised that you had a surprise for us for the Strubberry letter, and I really don't surprise, but I really want to focus on one person in this letter in particular, okay, and that is the woman who was sleeping with the married woman for two years who ended up moving into the house and and the husband didn't know that they had relationships. So every time the husband would go out, she being there the bed making sweet love to the woman. Then one day the man say he figured out what they was doing, but he attracted her too. So when the woman left the house, she was in there making sweet love to the husband. Yeah. Now what didn't happened me is she didn't wind up getting pregnant, and she don't know how to tell it to her girlfriend, who is the wife of the husband and the huband's supposed to be secretly happy because he having the baby. He thinks they fit to be all one big happy family. That was the letter. But my focus in this letter is the woman that moved in with the married people, the wife's girlfriend, with the falseness that they was just friends, her and the girl. But they've been in there just lighting the room up. Then come to find out, he found out. And so now when she gone him and her back, they're doing it. And when he gone her and her back there do it her husband's baby. Mama high tide is she yea? If she ain't exhausted. She didn't. She didn't been off motor. She could choose because they keep leaving now, she just sitting on the porch in a rocking chair. You leaving now, Yep, I'm gonna run over here in holiday board. But wink wink when I get back though, Oh well, guess I going in here and see what she wants. It's you know what I want? What you've been doing? Baby? Nothing? Men? Me and Carl? Was that him? You know what time? It is? Tuesday? Now, that's how day, Tuesdays and Friday. Just want you come on in here? Well I would, but I'm tired now you ain't that time, don't can't come on back? Ain't here? So now he the wife tied. But the one that's really tired is who that health out on the porch, just watching who coming and who going? Letting her know what show she got to put on? Because the two different shows, ain't it? Yeah, it's two different shows. It's when she and there with the man, that's one show. Yeah, she and that with the woman, that's another show. If you ever get that too much show, that show that's like a movie that's too long. You've been the four hour movie yes, where the disc gonna in. I don't know, man, what y'all think fellas give me some some things that the girl to tide girl gonna be saying. I ain't tell you what she's said. She said, when both of y'all gonna go someplace? I need a break. Actually walking around the house is Sunday morning. You know, families to go to chap you know, Applebee's got that new coupon. I cut y'all one out. What y'all gonna see? Y'all grandparents, some drive somewhere. Just get out of the house. He has got that two for twenty. Because I'm tired and I'm getting confused on what I'm supposed to be doing, not confused or who I'm supposed to be. What y'all in here doing? The here and here? I don't know what? Girl? What are you talking about? Why did you invite me over here? With all this at you? Sounded like get out did when I started. But listen, girl, down, girl, I'm going down. Unemployment to moll has just gone and knit it. I can't do this. Still, Oh that's too much. Do y'all ever sleep together? Question? She asked? Still, yeah, y'all ever hook up the husband and wife. I need a break. I need a break. I ain't I can't be that good. They all want me, They all want all of this, all of that, They want all of it. Yea, she had worked sleep, Yeah, she sleep all of her dance and everything. I have to get a day off. Her head didn't flip back so hard in that chair with you. She didn't flip hop through her ass out of her cubicle. She ain't getting no work done. Oh man. And she walking past her girlfriend a word blowing kisses out in winking. She ain't handling that good in the stop winking. The house. Yeah, gonna see you at the house. I think I'm working late. Yeah, Then all of a sudden they say I'm not. Hello, Oh so you in here working late tonight? Huh? And keep you company? You know, I know she had the house about sleep. You know what I'm saying. He's really tall. Don't feel sorry for her. I don't feel sorry for the husband, and I do not feel sorry for the wife. All of them filers. They want to be and then all of them want to get treated right. All I've been in there doing each other wrong. Now they want somebody to treat them right, man, get out of here and all right. Well, coming up next, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade talked to um Oprah about the backlash they received when they had this baby. We'll talk about that right after this. What you're listening to show Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade recently welcome daughter Kavia James via Sarah Good Now. They're talking to Oprah Winfrey about that experienced Steve and the backlash they've received because of it, and an all new special Oprah at Home with Gabrielle Union, Dwyane Wade and their new baby is the title. The two reveal that people questioned why they announced their daughter's birth with Gabrielle resting in a hospital. Bit everyone started talking about why she acted like she had just had a baby, Duane said. When Oprah asked her to explain, Gabrielle referenced her fertility struggles and added, it's still hard to let go. Kavia is Gabrielle's first child. Duane has three sons and a nephew he's raising and you can hear all about it when Oprah at Home with Gabrielle Union Dwyane Wade and their new baby airs on Saturday night on own Why would ay Man at Gabrielle because she was in the hospital. She didn't actually carried the baby, and so when they posted the picture, she was holding the baby as if she delivered the baby, but it's her baby. Was at least she carried the baby, and they thought it was deception, you know. No, I don't know, But could it be that she just wanted to be in the hospital for the birth of her baby. It was, and she could sit there and she wanted the feeling of someone bringing her a baby. Could she have just wanted that feeling. Yes, she wanted to bond with her infant baby at that moment, and she has every right. So I'm I'm confused, Well, she can't lay in the hospital because she's always dreamed of having a baby presented to her. Maybe well, I don't know, but I'm just asking. No, it was almost like people thought she was trying to fool them, like she had actually carried the baby and had the baby deliver with the baby herself. So they were upset about that. That's what the picture represented to them, you see what I'm saying. So they were mad about that, and then when she was lying down had the baby on her chest, skin on skin. They got mad about that because it looked like, you know, she had gone through the pregnancy and everything. So I guess people that have gone through pregnancies or whatever, they were upset and people get mad about everything. Why so Gabrielle's her mother? Yes, yes, she the baby can't lay on her skin? Exactly, I'm confused, exactly, can't do anything. So ain't no word about these two loving people, this woman struggled with fertility, him fighting through, and finally her having the joy of having a baby. Absolutely, don't nobody just see that, that there's this child that comes into a loving relationship from two people who really want them. Not if you're a hater, you don't see what well, how are you seeing that? If you're a hater, I mean really, if you're a hater, you don't see the love, you know what I mean, you don't see all that and all the struggle that they've gone through. You just see But you know, it's amazing to me, the negative it's and it's so unnecessary. It's an innocent, beautiful baby. See, you're so busy trying to find what's wrong that you would never get to the horse? Right? And don't you not understand that that transfers into your life. All haters that I know, real haters have miserable lives. Yeah they have miserable lives. Well yeah, yeah, absolutely they do. I mean, man, you first of all, it starts with your life so miserable. You first of all have to create a fake page so you don't want nobody know issue you. Right, right, let's start that. Man, if you ever noticed that gone somebody who is saying something crazy about you? Oh yeah, they all problem because they cowards. But they cowards man, and they just say stuff, you know, like you know, it's it's like this has one thing. I'm just talking about the ig right now. First of all, congratulations to d Wade, and yeah, congratulation girl, and thank you d Wade for loving her enough to want to help make her dreams come true, because you know, he could have said, look, I don't want them more kids. We gotta know rights too, all of that. But then that they love each other enough that they wanted to have a child together d Wade and Gabrielle. Why I don't know why people can't see this part of it, but anyway, haters can't see that. It's it's amazing, man, we get so much of it. You hate that you hate your Linda Adams pitch you with President Bush. I mean, man, what I took care of a girl on that. Don't worry about that. I lit them up, But you know it's amazing. Let me say this to haters, to people who spend their time spread negativity, This negativity that you're spreading, that you're meaning to be so harmful and hateful, there's a penalty for that, and the penalty is paid by you. You don't get to freely go through life messing over people. You don't get to freely skip through life spread and gossip in lies about people. You don't freely get to do that. You may think, as you're typing that you're getting away with it, and you press sin and you sit back and yeah, they lighten them up. Now that doesn't work the way you think it works. It really really does it. But it will work and manifests itself in your life. For show. See some of these people but you hate, none happened to be covered. Some of these people you hate non happen to have a relationship what they created. They God, some of these people you hate none, they live by codes where your hate really don't affect them because they don't even know you exist. All this hate. No, Gabrielle and Dwayne, they still got the baby. But guess what that hating that you're putting out, it has to come back your way because that's what you put out. That's the radio wave you submit. Don't be tripping when that wave come back to you because that's the button you pressed. That's so true. That is so true. Yeah, yeah, So again, congratulations to Gabrielle Union and to d Wade. Don't forget. You can hear all about their journey when Oprah at Home with Gabrielle Union, Dwayne Wade and their new baby airs on Saturday night on Own and We'll be back coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening to String Show. And Aussie woman received the ultimate offer of freedom from her future in laws. Guys, At first, everything was great between this woman and her boyfriend Jeremy. After about eighteen months together, they found themselves pregnant and after their daughter. After they had their daughter and the guy Jeremy proposed but the woman notes that in a year after their daughter was born, things started to go downhill. You know, they weren't getting along anymore. Then Jeremy's well off British family came to visit them, and they weren't exactly happy with the Jeremy's choice of a mate either, So Jeremy's dad asked the woman to go for a walk. When they went for a walk, he offered her twenty thousand dollars to break up with Jeremy, but she asked for thirty thousand dollars, and well, they agreed. She took it the that's just history. What she got it there, broke for thirty got out for that price. Crazy, It is crazy. Okay, Now where was this in London? Australia? She's an nasty woman, Yeah, Australia. See if I don't want you with my daughter, I'm gonna take you for a walk. But yeah, yeah, twenty k your brand, she got a real You're gonna get about of here without this money though? What Oh, you wouldn't even pay her. You just nine talking about if it was other way around, if it was a man, then I took in the woods walking. Oh you know, they went for a walk when they're walking the wood in the woods. Well, I I want to walk. We're gonna take we write it here. We are driving out here. I'm ana walking the wood. I'm nice, quiet, I'm countriable. I know, I know a little bit about the wood. Yeah, you know. You can hear stuff in the woods, and you came your stuff in the wood. That's why all the trees fall. And the question came if a tree falls in the force, if you ain't that of here doesn't make a noise. That's where they come from, right right, because I'd be dog gone. Dudes be walking back the next day. Man, a tree on the I ain't even here fallt wll it failed. But you're gonna get away from here. But there ain't gonna be with no thirty thousand. I got some other way to get you up away from mine. It ain't gonna be thirty. It just lets me know that she was just as sick of Jeremy as he was of her. Yeah, yeah, they were sick each other. Five on the deal too, Jeremy. But Jeremy told his mama and daddy he was sick. That's how the daddy came over. Okay, look I tell you what. Look, this ain't just the mass boarding got itself trouble right here. Why don't you call your little life has on out of here for twenty thousand? You give me thirty fine, cool weekend. Yeah, Jeremy is thirty thousand dollars worth the irritation in any damn baby. So what about the baby though? You think the parents took the baby? Take in a baby? Yeah, that may have been part of the thirty thousands your life bottom. Okay, see, okay, yeah, really really really hey hey hey, hey hey, just yeah, we're talking about Jeremy and his prices in all right, listen, guys, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. The Recording Academy has delayed its Grammy nominations announcements from Wednesday until Friday. The switch comes because CBS this morning will be covering the funeral of President George H. W. Bush. Uh. They'll now be announced. Huh where you sang, Steves? What? Well? You were just asking what? Oh oh, and then you go Yes, The Grammy nominations will now be announced at eight thirty AM on Friday, okay, uh, and they might will push it back. Timmy, you up for one this year? No? Not not not this year? Jay, you up for one? Yes? I have several come for your murder the hits. That's right, you should be for sure they don't have a prank call. What I want to say. I want to see you remember the rap group they want for hustling flow if I would love to see the shape that day Oscar is in. I want a picture of where it is. And they were carrying a running a paper bag. Yeah, that's why I want to see what they Oscar looked like. Yeah, where is it? And litde? Can I see an actual pitching? And where are they? More importantly, where are they? Don't weary? But I know where they were. I knew what we're gonna have with them. But I need the statue though, you ain't fit to be surprised by where they are at all? Right? Moving on, Eddie Murphy. Congratulations to Eddie Murphy. He has welcomed his tenth child into the world. His fiance Page Butcher, gave birth to their second child together on November thirtieth. The baby boy, his name is Max Charles Murphy Way six pounds eleven ounces and measured nineteen inches long. Eddie's rep says both mother and son are doing well. Max joints big sister is he una Uh. Eddie's other children are Eric Belizara Zola Ivy, Shane Adra Brea and Miles Mitchell Range. And I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you something sixteen to twenty. I've been around him a couple of times with his kids. That dude right there, man is an excellent father. Eddie Murphy is a great father. And you want to know if a father is really good, Listen the way their children talk about I watched your son talk about his father Man. I said, Wow, this is a dude and put some time in because his son was right on point. You know the ones he had when nicole them kids right there, Man? Them some great kids. And the other kids I know, I know all of them. I saw the one that is he is he the latest one? Yeah? Yeah, she's two. You at a moment, Hunt, Steve, when you walk in and what you say, just what I just said. Hell, I got to go get some more money, I said, I have got to go get some more money. Man in La to have a house like that, it's unbelievable. I'm I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really telling you. Yeah, beautiful home, beautiful home. Wow. Yeah. Well, congratulations again to Eddie Murphy never being a great father too. Yeah, and for being a great father. You know, look, all our kids make mistakes. We we If you got kids, your kids are gonna make a mistake. Your kids gonna do something to embarrass your ass. Just know that and hurt and sometimes they're gonna hurt you. You're right, all right? Coming up, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour right after this. You're listening. Here we are, Steve, last break of the day. It's been a good Tuesday, Nephew. Back yesterday. I've got an idea. Okay, my clothes were remarked today. I'd like to do like a business type clothes on remark. Okay, So, like, if you all have any questions that I can answer concerning business and businesses or principles of success or anything like that that I can share with the people out there today. Oh okay, So let's take a couple of questions or finance questions or business questions or principal questions. That's my closing remarks. Did they anybody? Yeah? I got one. There was a lady on there who who had her own hair care prodigy and the answer that you gave her about, you know, selling part of your business to get investors, which is something a lot of people don't do. I think you know, on the radio, a lot of radio people would like to hear that. So could you explain that? Well, you know, this woman was saying that she created this hair business and she thinks it's going good, but she doesn't have any money right now to move it forward with advertising. And so I said, well, if you have a young business that look like it has a potential to do well, or you're making sales, but you can't get to the new to the next level, I was saying, why don't you find someone who might be interested in investing in a business? You know you could get family members to join in and invest for a percentage a lot quicker than you can oftentimes from going to a bank. Most banks don't loan business is money until they've been open for at least two years. And that's the troubling part, because you got to get to the two year mark. So I would offer seventeen percent of the company for a price, or fifteen percent of the company twelve something like that. And if you could get a lot of money that would do it for you can offer, you know, twenty five percent of your business or thirty three percent of your business. That's always a smarter way to try it. But most people try to hang on to that company, so they ain't say they owning up on it. A lot of nothing. This is like Shark Tank, Steve. I was gonna I was gonna ask you how do you find investors? But I think you kind of answered it well, you know, you gotta kind of put it out there at first. You gotta give me a gofund me page. Then put your stuff up let people know about it. You could be an investor that you don't know. But a lot of you, some of you have uncles and aunts that are a little bit more successful than your immediate family. Have you shared with them your ideas and things like list, okay, go ahead, tell me, thank you. And I'm just saying I got one, don't have one. I do have one. So I have this. I have this idea about an app um it's app something I can really make money off well. Successful apps are huge and you don't have to do a lot. Harvey's Hundreds is one of the really really good new apps of the year. Came out last week and sept Timber. I've got over three hundred thousand apps out there now playing Harvey's Hundreds. And yeah, man, what's my first step? And you have an ideal, and you know you're scared to tell somebody because you don't want anybody to take your idea? What's my first step? When you have all you gotta get it to an app store or developer. You gotta get to a developer, someone who develops apps, and you gotta cut the deal with them. You know, you could do you have money to pay them for it, to flush it out, to practice on it, to make it work. You know, do you cut a deal with an app company that says, hey, let's do this app together. Here's my idea. If you all do all the work and the putting behind it, I'll be your partner in it, you know, seventy thirty or something like that, sixty forty, you know, but you gotta get a developer first. That's what I did. Step. Yeah, I have a company, you can go to it. I need that that's done. Seriously. Does it depend on the business steve that you want to start. How much money you need to have initially to start the business with. Well, listen to me. Most businesses can be started with zero money. Most businesses can be started with the zero money you got to start yourself. Most people that come up with business ideas, it's something that you can do yourself. I mean, what a better way to start. It's hard to start a business for somebody else and go hey, look, I thought it is for you. You always think of a business for yourself. So immediately, if you think this business is a good idea, it probably has something to do with something you can do that can generate money. That's usually the case. You know now, apple Ism being invented every day, Cisco's aren't being invented every day. But your idea can be invented different ways. I don't care if it's selling T shirts online. Your business idea has been done before some way form of fashion. So get to doing what you can do to turn some money. Don't stop thinking ideas where if you need everybody else to do something in order for you to make money, you're gonna be waiting a long time. You've got to do something where you could generate the money. That's the first place that starts. But then you got to put a real doggish effort with it and you can turn it into some real money. Everybody does something where they can make ten dollars. So, Steve, maybe you can speak on fear. Fear holding people back. What can you say to people? You know, fear is the number one cause of failure in the country today. Fear is the number one cause of failure because fear freezes you from even starting, and if you don't start, you have failed. The failure begins in the fear of it. You've got to overcome your fear. But this is what I did. I made all my dreams bigger than my fears. I dreamed so big, I wanted so much, so incredible that all of my dreams are bigger than my fears. So I got a reason to face my fears. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.