Coach Kanye's Selfie, Steve's Sex Life, New Jersey Virginia, IG and more.

Published Oct 6, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Somebody got checked, however, no one died and no animals were harmed. The Chief Love Officer talks about the one deal breaker at the top of his list. Coach Kanye taking selfies at the back. Be aware of what is happening in NJ and VA and use your voice wisely. The ladies asked Steve about his sex life. Junior talked about an awakening moment. In the remix with The CLO, denial was talked about. IG went down and Steve along with his nephew didn't even know. Today Big Dog wraps up the show with a golf story and he got it all on film.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on giving them like the million things and its not true. Good at listen to mother for st Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You haven't got to turn them out to turn turn water to the water. Got me come come on your back? Uh huh, I sure well, come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that I'm telling you God been big in my life. God, God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have, I man, see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. But I've been I've had some low moments, man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next, I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, Things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real, dog for your son, prayd changes things, she said, When you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prayd changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, so pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said, if you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, She's saying, you started believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. Then if you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, that's that's the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see see hoping a little bit different from me now, I'm pretty sure. Like I say, oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you hope. It's just kind of I don't know how to I don't know how to say it. But I'm just telling you hope. You're just hoping it worked out right. You just have a thought in your mind that you know, man, whoever you are, or whoever you are, whatever you are, to me, God, I show hope something change. Hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer. Then that hope gains a little confidence, and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now they're just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here. And not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? See? Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, See, it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God. Once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on? Why why would you not change? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life? God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening tow one, two, three four. Once that was a boy and girl. The boy said I love you, so the girl said, I never leave you. They grew older and left beach other because that's the way he loved goes, baby, that's the way he loved goals. That was my damn jail Jackie. That was my group who jack and as a singing group, I don't know that. And then listen to this. Listen to this. When you hear me do a song in the morning, wait to Shirley and call and say something for you over your mouth. That's not that's not that. But just like I just told you, just wait to Shirley and call us say something for you, old meal, young ass, Jodicie, feel mouth. Who No, it's the Spinners, the Spinners. Okay, do you know I know who? The Spinners? Who was the lead singer for the Spinners? The dude with the mustache? If Tommy know this one right here, Tommy, if you know this right here, I'll be stirred. Lead singer for the Spinners without without Google to come up. Alright, I'm not looking at I'm not trying to right now, what Junior, I'm right the dude with the mustache, he had a mustache? Who everybody, I'm rightly good Marti, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve Harvey, callin for ren you went back with the spinners. Baby, good morning, uh Jodason, Yeah, I love you. Thank you for teaching teacher humpty dance. Some point you didn't one because I'm about the room one the image in the style that I know my morel issue. I know who they all know what I know, you know it? So who was the lead? Though? Wood you didn't hear me? I was whispering on the mic. I thought you didn't hear me. Surely you thought they could read? Your lips are not redible? Hey? That hey? Surely that one right there and made me go, I know when you stunned me with a dumb word. You said, normally I could relate to all rong words. Yes, ye, and I'll bedable lips ain't reredible, right right? Is that a word? Would I would go with you, I would go with readable. I would go with readable readable, just so fly it ain't like it's just better to saycause yeah, okay, all right, Well, thank thanks. What does it mean when people say, let me be frank with you? Like? Who is frank? What do what does that mean? Steve? Honest? Like keeping let me let me be Steve with you? To the ms. Tell you how I really feel. Let me just be frank, all right. Listen coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour we got asked the CLO right after this. You're listening morning show time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from May and Tulsa. They says, I'm in my mid fifties and I'm married to a man that loves to fish. Last weekend, he said he was out at the lake from sun up to sundown with my younger brother, but he didn't come home with any fish, nor did he look like he'd been fishing. I called my brother and he said that he went fishing, but he hadn't seen my husband. When he figured out I had caught my husband a lie, he said not to involve him in any type of drama. It seems like he's siding with my husband. To me, why wouldn't my brother do that. He's not siding with your brother. Why has he siding with your brother? He didn't lie to you. You asked him, did he go fishing? He told you yeah, but he said he ain't seen your husband. Then he told you, hey, don't involve me in none of your drama. See, your deal ain't with your brother. Your deal is with your husband. Your husband told you he went fishing with your brother. You called your brother. Your brother ain't know nothing about it. See, your dumbass husband should have called your brother and said, look, man, ill if if if if if, Glenda call you and ask you was out fishing with you. But here's the problem. You can't call a woman's brother and include her in your mess against You can't. You can't. See, y'all have to be boys to do that. You can't be family. You can't call me and tell me you fit the mess up my sister and then get me to go along with that. So your dumb ass husband use the one he should have used any one of his friends. Yes, but you're gonna if you listen, dumb man that did this. First of all, buy some fish on the way back, and then rub that fish all over your clothes face so you can smell like some damn fish. Man. What is you're doing? No, Rather you lie to me? Okay, thanks, that's the lesson, you teaching the husband how to lie your your mass. But see what I'm telling the woman is. First of all, the woman problem is not with her brother. He's not siding with her husband. He told you the truth. I went fishing, but I ain't seen your husband. But don't include me in your mess because he don't want to be in that. Keep doing now, if he call, if you call him out on that, and then your husband try to call him to go, damn man, why don't you cover for me? Now? He got to snap off on your husband because you I didn't mess around on my sister. You're trying to include me in a lot. That's all fellows. That is why you're the clo It's just messing for the royal reason, all right? Moving on, Jeremy and Saint Louis says, I'm a thirty seven year old man and I'm dating a thirty nine year old woman that lives with her parents. She's got a great job in two cards, and she's content living with them and sharing the bills with them. Her father washes her clothes, and her mother is her cook and her housekeeper. We've been together two years and she's pressing me to get married. She's never cooked for me, and I've never seen her perform any household duties. Would I'd be crazy to jump right into marriage without living with her first. No, do not live with her, but don't marry her until you have had or weeks of cooked meals in your presence, and you need to find out if she's gonna be Look, man, it's not a requirement that a woman is a housekeeper or cook. That's not a requirement. But it's important to me that you know how to cook because there's something that we have to do. We do have to eat. Now. If you can't cook, I need notice off top. I don't care if you can't clean, but what you can't do, but see, here's what you can't do. You can't not be clean now that we not fit it? Do that's a deal? Or or oh you no, man, I don't care how fine you are. If you're not clean, that's a deal. Breakup as soon as I see it. I'm telling you, man. I worked in for a motive company. I dated a girl on the singer life Lord had message this girl was fine. Everybody on the sent me that I was trying to get that. But I had sense and humor, so I won't. I wouldn't have handsome dude be best build, but I had him. Damn jokes though this is long before I got in the company. My sense and humor won't over. Man. I went to her house. I mean, like, what happened? I could I couldn't leave. I couldn't leave it because you know, we worked from foe to midnight. Wrong? What was wrong? I could, man? And she had a baby. The high chair had food on it from I don't know when. The baby wasn't Now this house was destroyed, so she was fine, so I let it go. Two days later, I'm over there again. The house two days later was worse. So my four days later I was over there. This after the weekends in the past. Now now we off. I'm over there on a Monday, and the house is even more destroyed. So I said, I said, hey, let menish you something. What's wrong? Is dis you sick? What's what's do? Somebody else? Stay here? Now? I stay by myself. I said, may why your house look like this? You? Oh? Oh, you complaining about my house? And I was young back then, so I went yeah. She said with me on like my house, you ain't gotta come back. Hit no more? Okay? Did he did her? Did she smelled her body too? The no, no, no, no, she was clean. She was fine. She was clean and fine frog hair, so quite naturally to solve this problem, I was thinking hotel room. That's why I was not right away. We had we needed to get some some things happen, and it was worth every dollar. Stupid house again, I wasn't you were in that house. Wasn't that damn man? Oh yeah, I think cleanliness is definitely a deal breaker for sure on both sides. Okay, Um, I don't think we have time to get through this the next one, Steve. Yeah, well, but the bottom line, I really have stopped here. What is fine is frog hair? What? What have you ever seen? Frog? Hare? H? You know why? Because it's really lengthy? Oh okay. I thought I was like, fine, you got it. Okay, I got it because I was thinking I ain't seen a frog that was ever fine. I have not seen one. Okay, we gotta go out next say the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're looking for a plan from Yes, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and in entertainment news eighty five South Killed It Again, hosting vv ET Hip Hop Awards last night. Plus in other entertainment news, stars it seems are just like us billionaire Kanye flies coach. We'll talk about that. Plus in other news, Nick Cannon could take over Wendy Williams time slot with his new talk show. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, But right now, the nephew is here. We'll run that. Frank back what you got for his nap? Bottom of the pyramid? Are you are? You'll leading moms out there and your leading dads. You know what I'm talking about. This is the bottom of the pyramid, and let's go Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, yeah, can you hear me? I'm trying to reach Angela angewitter. Hi on just a second, let me count it down. Okay, Hi, how are you trying to reach I'm trying to reach Angela. This is Angela? Oh yeah, this see Hi Angela. This is Chip Chip. I'm the new camp director for the cheerleading camp for the summer. Oh hi, Chip, what can I do for you? I just wanted to give you a courtesy call. Your daughter. You've got her signed up for four weeks with the camp, right, Yeah, for Joey. This is your guys, third year being a part of the camp, yep, and she's really excited. She loved coming to the camp and we think it's a great thing for her to be involved in. What's up? Okay, you guys just finished the whole cheerleading season two? Am I right? The competition season? Yes? This coming off of that, right, right? Okay, Well, we're getting ready for the summer and everybody's excited about coming out and being a part of what's going on. So here's what I wanted to give you a little it. Like I said, I'm the new camp director. I was just starting at this job. I got a few notes that that we're giving to me about about so I wanted to give you a call and see if I could talk to you about it. A few notes giving to you about it. Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't think it's anything that we can make sure it's okay. What kind of note. Well, it's been brought from my attention that some of the parents whose daughters are out there as well, there's gonna be there this summer a little concerned about her being on top of the pyramid that she's uh is getting a little heavy, should she uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ho ho ho? You calling me about some some other parents and saying about how big my child is or how much my child ways? What I wanted to let you know, we're gonna put as a base. Oh no, you ain't gonna put no base. I don't know about to pay my money? And what you say? Your name is help? And um, how long have you been the director? Because I was just up there two weeks ago and they told me that she was gonna be the same position that she was last year, because that is what worked. That's the formation that worked. So I don't even know what the world Supposedly that some of the girls are complaining that she's too heavy to hold up. So that's what it seems to be the problem in there. They're not getting a strong enough pier men. And now wait a minute, wait a wait a minute. I know, well she ain't the biggest one. I felt, have you been? I felt my child is not the biggest child. I fell women just because I would see you have not seen these chimleys and if some baby almost I felt, Okay, hang on, s Angela, I want you to calm down a bit now. Ain'tybody's gonna calm down because I have not already paid my money, and that I'll be talking about what parents? What Harrison said? Something? Is it? Uh? Is it Carrie Man? I'm not. I'm not gonna state who it is, but let's just say it was several these Harris has got something to say about my child and her position on the chileaning squad. Because if you ain't going to fuck up no name, then I don't and saying what you calling me about? I tell you one thing, when she get ourselves, I didn't pay my money, she'd better not be on no face. She better be in the hour. I guarantee you that, right. Nah, I have been hanging with these see, ain't nobody said nothing to me about and her way and all this? Okay, Angela, can you hear me? I just wanted you to hear me clearly. I haven't seen these young ladies yet. Once I see them, I will critique what I think. You don't even need to be calling me because you ain't even seen nothing. So you calling me with something? He says, she's from some other parents that's been skinned and grinned in my face, and they now wanted you and nothing to me. They have been in my house, we didn't have parties. Always him with the competition every weekend, every other day, and they couldn't say nothing to me about my baby. I tell you what, why don't you call your girls on the three way, mister Chip? If you can't call him on the three now I got them norms, I call him on the three way. Okay, okay man. All I wanted to do is make you aware of the possibility that she may be a black Thank you you have made me well. And I guarantee you that if I bring my big ye luck up there and come to the practice, I guarantee you she won't being up face. How much you want to bet on that, mister Chip. Look, you're gonna quit holler. I mean, I told you I would try to take a look at these girls. But I tell you what your thought is gonna be a face or she's gonna be a back support. Whichever I decide, she's spared to do. Who enough do you think you're holling that? Mister chill? No, that's not how it's gonna go down. As a matter of fact. As a matter fact, mister Chip, are you at the registration table today? I'm here now while people are registering. You're sorry, let materning around. I'll tell you what. I'm on my way up there. Why don't you and the parents has been complaining? Why don't all y'all come to the table and we don't have come to Jesus meeting about whether it's gonna be for this coming up season, because I'm not going to tolerate this. I've been told you, I've ben't paid my money and this high is going down? Game? We what what is it? Think? Your weather? Game? Wait or not? What does they have to do with her chip meeting? Ude? You agree that bigger than most of the girls on the team. Not bigger than most of the girls on the team? Uh mon, daughter, it's bigger than and she wouldn't no base last ship they hiked up up from me gonna get up to we all just gonna be big and plump up in the air. I'm turned the round and I'm here to tell you the tray table, so you let be with it before you get here. There's something else I need to tell you. Ain't gonna tell me a thing. All you gotta do is men. Have you and the pairs around that table when I get there, because I'm on my way up there right now, then y'all can say all y'all gotta say in my face, well before you get it, I just want to let you know, man, what this is nephew timing from the teams on this phone. Wait? Wait, wait, woving hold on? Hello, ho what did you just say? This is a nephew timeing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'll be god, oh lord, Oh there's another pair named Rochelle. She told me, y'all are good friends out there. She got so she want to prank. Right, We're gonna see Luciason start daughter uniform she performer when we look a for hers. How about I want to prank o me? Oh man, hey, let me ask some baby. What is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the lad love other than the show belong on the bottom? You know who you are? Shout out to Angel on the prank. Everybody knows who's at the bottom of the pyramid. You understand, Yes, your child cannot be on the top. It's understood. Huh. Almost sold out, Ladies and gentlemen, Detroit, Michigan. Sweetest Day Comedy take over Dominique on the show Rodney Perry, Tommy Davidson, got Tory and hosted by yours truely nephew Tommy. Got a few tickets left, but they are most gone out of the October sixteenth at the Music Hall, Detroit, Michigan. Get the last little bit this left, but there's a few up left. Come on and watch five different fools go straight crazy. All right, take us own sale Red naw Red, all right, all right, nephew, a right, all right, do you thing thing? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, we gotta give a shout out to our friends eighty five South to DC Young Flight, Carlos Miller and Chico Bean. They're so funny they killed it. Hosting last night's be Et Hip Hop Awards. Congratulations to Nelly as well, Steve. I'm receiving the I Am Hip Hop Award, and congratulations to all the winners and all the nominees, um Cardie B and Megan the Stallion, little Baby Naz Drake, everybody just it was a fun show, fun night, Yes, yes, and then shout out to Big Daddy. Kane did the tribute to Bismarckie the Lake, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Hip Hop Awards and Nellie Legend, the Ciphers all that I love Baby five South off the day boys, ah good oh good hips Ye all right, and other entertainment news. Seems like stars are just like us. Now listen to this. Over the weekend, Kanye West, who is a billionaire now jetted out of Los Angeles International Airport LAX on a commercial delta flight. He took the last remaining seat, Steve in coach back by the toilets, okay, not the laboratories. Yes, back all the way back there, last row, all the way back there. So Steve, you're a start. You're just like us, all right. See, sometimes coach that you have to do it. You absolutely have to be there. I ain't gonna problem with that. But you know a lot of things, a lot of things. Really, I don't know why Kanye did it. Maybe he I mean he just had to be there. Yeah, and he was gone and that was the only way. But for you, I mean you know, I mean, I do it if I have to, if you have but if I have to, if somebody's not working anymore on your style. Let's be clear, somebody the stars are just like us, say fire, folks, I'm about it, gonna be looking forward. What the hell you did? I don't know how. You ain't look man, unless there's an emergency. But this this, and you can't know. You're the last row by the laughing for sure. Yeah, but he would take a selfies, they saying everything. Yeah he got to. No, you go back there any time. I ain't taking no pictures. Oh you're fit to be in the picture part. Don't defend friend element on the field. Huh, Hey, leventate your something. I've set in the lobby a lot of commercial flights and listen to me, man, you have to be you just have to be it. And me and my wife used to talk about it all the time, Steve, once you are in public, if you don't want to be a public figure, let's go home. But once you are out here in the public and you are public figure, dad, brother, it's time to be a public figure. These people love you and they ain't gonna never see you again. So so so get to grinned. That's Margree's favorite word. Get to grinned. Let's go back to the line, though, how you gonna handle that line? Go into the bathroom that's passing about you, that whole line that's going downe Tommy, I've had people come to first class, wake me up and take touch me? How much need to thank well? I guess that's better than letting you sleep through it? All right? Uh okay, Steve, we got to move on to miss Annon. Today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne trip, Thank you, Thank you everybody. This is a trip with the news. Let's go. A former Facebook employee testified on Capitol Hill yesterday. Whistleblower Francis Hougan released thousands of pages of internal Facebook research. Basically, this, she says, made the social media site aware that it was prioritizing misinformation damaging to democracy, as well as content known to be harmful to younger users, and Howgan says, it was awful of money. The company's leadership knows how to make Facebook and Instagram saver, but won't make the necessary changes because they have put their astronomical profits before people. Congressional action is needed well, how consurging lawmakers to come up with regulations that will change the rules for Facebook, and she's adding that the buck stops with Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook officials insist, though, that they put users over profits. The Deputy Attorney General says that the Justice Departments reviewing the FBI's handling of the disgrace former gymnastics doctor Larry Naston. This is not about doctor Master, this is about the FBI. The DOJ came under a ton of criticism for mishandling the case years ago. Justice Department officials say the new head of DJ's Criminal division, though, is reviewing the decision to decline to prosecute the two FBI agents who allegedly lie to watch dogs about NASA's sexual abuse of the gymnast Larry Naser Courts serving decades in prison for sexual assault and child poorn convictions. Tragic Secretary Janet Yellen, warning at the GOP's political gamesmanship and refusing to join the Democrats and raising the nation's credit limit risk a full blown economic recession. Yellutel CNBC that the government runs out of money to pay its old debts. On October eighteen, US Treasury Securities have long been viewed as the safest asset on the planet that partly accounts for the reserve status of the dollar, and placing that in question. By failing to pay any of our bills that come due, we'd really be a catastrophic outcome. Now, these are old bills, These are not new Biden bills. Yellen says that a credit default could write off disrupt Social Security payments to some fifty million Americans, among other things. Oh here's something foreign. President Trump is most certainly not happy about this. Apparently, For's magazine has announced that the Donald has been knocked off the list of the four hundred richest Americans for the first time in twenty five years. The editors at Forbes state Trump's been sliding down on that richest list for over the last five years. And finally, yeah, the late Rader RITHA. Franklin continues to get respect. A post office has now been named in her honor and her hometown, Detroit. The queeness Ould died in twenty eighteen at age seventy six. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And a survey commissioned by the Journal of Sex Researchers discovered that for many couples, the higher the fear of catching COVID nineteen actually made things hotter in the bedroom. The study authors say stress provoking situations such as the fear of contracting COVID can sometimes make people face their own mortality, thus heightening sexual desire. See there get it. So you scared you're gonna die, so you get hot. So here's a question for the guys. Has your sex life gotten better in the last year? And what would your significant other, your wife or your girlfriend? What would she say? Does she want more or less sex? I don't know if I want to ask you answer. I'm not nothing to have my personal life. Why we don't never ask y'all know damn y'all. You guys are the comedians on it. They're saying funny. I don't even know why. I mean, I'm offending myself. I'm offended, yeah, because you know I live by myself. So how the hell is it getting better? I think you're picking on me, is what I think. Now we're singling it out what so so no comment on this question, guys, you have no answer. My wife, my wife, the script, your damn desire were not ask You must think I'm saying else? Who are you thinking? You think I'm one of them kids or something? You think I mean Bob? Sorry? Oh I see what's that? Oh? You think this is love hip hop Atlanta? Yeah you say reality radio created that term? Yeah, reality radio. You can ask me about me and my wife's sex life. What Tommy is? Quiet on this one? I ain't. Well, I got tom ain't no food, But then I thought about it, he is. I ain't that kind of food? Yeah? Yeah, No, y'all get nothing out of next question. You gotta minute. You got another question? What about you guys that I'll tell you what I give us an example, Schirltte, Has your sex life increases COVID? No it hasn't, Steve, it hasn't. Got answered your question. No, it didn't get worse. It's just the same. I do think about COVID more. But yeah, when you have it mask, we don't wear mask and face shield. And every twenty second y'all wash each other her exactly. I look the same way inside as I do outside. That's right. When baby, let me ask some goss k why no, but I got some parl we gotta go. Coming up at thirty four minutes after, Stay woke and vote. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Stay woke, Steve Harvey Nation. You know, we take our responsibility to educate you about voting very very seriously. Remember there is no off year when it comes to democra see So attention Virginia voters. This is in Norfolk, Richmond, and Portsmouth. Time to get out and vote. The big Virginia gubernatorial election is next month. Democrat Terry McAuliffe, sixty four, is seeking a second term as Virginia as Virginia's governor, and his challenger is Republican candidate Glenn Young Young Kin Young Ken. Okay, his name is Glenn Yunkin. He's fifty four, former private equity executive. He's seeking political office for the very first time. Now, the crazy thing is this is a closer than expected race. Virginia voters go to Elections dot Virginia dot gov for information on absentee voting. You can go there for voter registration information and for your polling place. Okay, we want you guys to get out and vote in Virginia. Also, voters in New Jersey, your governor's race is less than a month away as well. Jersey's Democratic governor Phil Murphy is going up against his Republican challenger Jack Ciarelli, and uh, we want you to get out and vote. Get out and vote. Yes, here's my question. So I understand this. The Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia is who his name is, Terry mccauliffe. Is this the Is this the one where the Black Caucus, but this particular black caucus is the Hampton Black Caucus, And this is not the elected legislative Black caucus. This is just another group Steve that has supported Doors, the Republican candidate. Yes, sir, So can I ask them why would they do that? Does anybody know why this offshoot of black caucus not the real one, this offshoot would support Well, why am I asking that? I know exactly why? My man, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Okay, I'm sorry. It's just like when you see all those blacks placed in the background at the Trump rally, Trump rally, when you see them full of holding them something blacks for Trump, you know on this hill. Listen to me. They placed those people behind the everybody behind the president. Ain't all enemies back there. Ain't they placed those people those people, get those people go there. Man, It's it's a sad state weed. It's very disappointing that what the Democrats are doing. You know, I'm not sure in particular about this race in Virginia, um, but the Democrats are divided right now. They really are divided. And well, it's a sad thing. It's it's the thing that the Republican Party has done masterfully. Yes, they get one running statement and that's what they ride with. Example, the election was stoken. They all know that's not true. Every Republican judge that they presented the evidence through through it out and said that's not evidence of widespread voter fraud. They all know. But those people, for their power, position and money, will hold the line. That's what they do the party over everything, every single thing they stick together on. And meanwhile, the Democrats, I mean, we could be heading into a recession if they don't get get this together. But all the Democrats have to do is get one line and whole. Yeah, we can't get one line in the hole. You know why. That's because we got the Democrats. That's trying to be more Democrats. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna go so far left. We don't make no damn sense. Ain't nobody fit to go well. But now, yeah, right, you got to compromise. There has to be some kind of compromise. You got to walk your ass back towards the middle. Everybody need to walk towards the middle. The left, the extreme left need to walk towards the middle, and extreme right need to walk towards the middle. Because it ain't nobody fitting to do it either. One of y'all's way. Y'all so far apart that you can't agree on. Nothing's disappointing. But we still have to vote. But we still we're going to vote because we have proven, and we proved to yourself that it works. Yeah, go to when we all vote dot org for voting information. Coming up next, the nephew with the prank phone call for today. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my husband heeps threatening my boyfriend. All right, so my husband keeps threatening my boyfriend. Will get into that in just a little bit, right, now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Too much chick? Too much chicken? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's just too much chicken. Let's go get down. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason. Please, it's Jason. Hi, Jason, my name is Remy. I'm calling with BPE TMC. How'd you be going? I'm going firing? But what the bt? Whoever? That is bp E t MC. Hi, it's an organization. We've been around for the last five years and we're trying to help different things in the black community and wanted to reach out and give you a call and see if you would be on board or help signing a petition that we're gonna have going around with bp E t MC if you don't mind, Okay, what is it about? Well? BP E t MC, Jason, is uh, black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do with cut back to beat too much chickens? What the hell is this? My name, my name is Remy, Sir. Okay, what you mean about black people eat too much chicken? We've we've done a we've we've done a test study and we realized, Sir, The black people are the ones that are eating too much chicken. And what we want to do is trying to cut back because right now there's times and ask them they eat all time, the chicken, chicken food, young, all this yeah chicken and white tidy chicken halligate all this chicken, chicken, stir fire rice with chicken, and always saying you want to come to me talking about a black person eat too much damn chickens. Did you ask some white people? I bet you didn't know? With no white folks, I bet you don't go to them, y'all out of them. Uh. Well, so we're gonna we're gonna get to that. We're starting in the black community. You black people are the ones that seemed to buy the most chicken, no chicken. Guess what how do we eat chicken? And if I did, he's a chicken because he man, we go. Are you thinking something? You hey, Hindu, ya got my number in it? Well you get sir. Actually we're getting numbers from the supermarket. Uh and we're getting a listing of people about the most super come in in supermarket. Sir. The main thing we're trying to get you to do is cutback on eating chicken. Now what we want you, I don't eat the chicken. And you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and eat chicken and don't call him about eating too much. I don't even a call the phone. So you got that? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach callaway? Is this callaway? Yeah? Who is this? How you doing? My name is Remy. I'm with bp E t MC and uh whom my name is Remy, sir. I'm with bp E t MC. What we're doing is we have a petition we're trying to get signed throughout the black community, uh of some things that we're trying to actually help out in the black community. H So bp E t MC is actually an organised lan and we're trying to actually uh save some things in the black community. What's it? What's B what is that? What's that stand for? What the hell is that BT? What is that for? U? Bp HE TMC is is uh black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do is just man, you gotta be kidding me. Manho man, this is this is Remy sir. We're trying to get you all to actually sign a petition. What's going on as black people are buying too much chicken. You gotta be kidding me with this man? This is a right man? Who is this man? I am Caucasian, sir, Yes, now, why are you calling me with this? But what we're trying to do is we're trying to get how do you get my number? First of all, actually we get it. We're getting numbers from supermarkets that are letting us know the people are maybe look with my phone with this man thought, that's a bat chicken man? More malet me get out a smack one of y'all. Okay, sir. What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on buying chicken. Who you talk about you guys? Well, the black community is the black community you've got growing with it. We got tableted. Then I'll be calling my phone with the man. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Valerie A valves a shame. How can I help you? All right? My name is Remy. I'm with BPE TMC. How you doing. I'm doing fine? And you I'm very well. Man. Listen, what we're trying to do is, uh, if I take a little bit of your time, We're trying to actually get a survey signed by people in the black community. We're actually trying to help out in the black community. The organization is BPE TMC. And what this is is black What is that? Uh? That's that's Black people eat too much chicken. So what we're doing is we're trying to get what black say that woman time for me. Black people eat too much chicken. You see, there's been a shortage in chicken. So what we're trying to do is get black people in chicken. And you want to do a s very well, we want what we want you guys to do a sign a petition that you're not gonna eat anymore chicken this year. Why doesn't even make sense. We just don't eat chicken, you know, we eat beef, we eat steak, eat fish. I don't see you trying to part that off the market. Now, why would you want to tell us not to m to eat chicken? And we eat other stuff too. Why are you getting your D and sun because this doesn't make any sense. The test study, man, was over chicken, and it just seems like that this study. Who did this test study? Well, we did, man. We're BPE TMC. And what we're after doing the test study, we did realize that the black people are the ones that your chest I to just do act to black people, I mean to just use white people. But white people eat chicken too, and she guys at diets and stuff. Okay man, well Asian, what about the Hispanic did you use them? Okay? Man? Listening? What the bottom line is. Our first study is black people, and what we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on eating. Yes, study should be everybody. This is some more. Where'd you get my number from? Man? We got we got numbers from the supermarkets that people that number from No supermarkets. I ain't give my number to no supermarket. This is don't make any damn sense. You're calling me, interrupting me about something like this. This is this one bottom line, ma'am. You don't you don't tell me. I'm not telling me what the hell I can't eat? You know mine? You're got nice them pushed this sun. Yes you do calling somebody telling them sting black people eat too much chicken? You and your partition. Would you like to hear what the survey is actually saying. No, I don't want to hear that the survey is actually saying because what you're saying about a whole bunch of but the survey is saying that this is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Valerie, this is nephew Tommy baby from God oh oh, I'm telling me I'm number some chickens yep. This week. I think I'm going chick you and your petition right at chickens about Hispanics. You call little white men Jetty United Nations Conference on your call here talking to me each we fish. We don't see you trying to take that off the list. Love it, I love it. I ain't getting ready. The nephew is back on that down on that TV set. I told a fifteen Friday Night ready to love his back Washington, d C. On the Potomac Baby, Come check me out twenty singles that are looking for love. Roll with me on my journey as I navigate these these these beautiful singles that are looking for love, and uh, you know you'll see the twenty. We'll start with twenty and it will dwe the down process of elimination. We will see how many couples remain and did they truly truly fine, love, but that's what they're looking for. Nine eighth Central our own women. So do the couple stay together? Tommy? Do you hear back? I got a couple that's hanging on, you know, the dude. Some of them start, you know, even after the process, after it was all over, some of them start dating, uh something that they didn't date while the show was going on. So they come back around. So yeah, I'm still I'm still waiting on my first wedding bells though, I'm still waiting on that. Okay, okay, that could happen, though it's possible. It's but y'all gonna love the What year did you discover Tommy that you was sex and love? Did day? Will Packer called me and gave me the job? That's when you knew the answer was sex? All right? Thank you? Never coming up next Strawberry Letter, my husband keeps threatening my boyfriend. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. All right, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be you. You never know. Buckle love and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject. My husband keeps threatening my boyfriend. Just Stephen Shirley. My husband and I've been together for a total of fifteen years. I'm thirty four and he's forty two, and we have one child. He's a police detective and he's fairly short for a man, but women do not care as long as he's in uniform. He's got that Napoleon complex, so he acts like a bad butt and know it all and know it all around our family and friends. When it comes to him cheating, He's been caught in multiple situations with different women. I am at the point where I want peace and companionship. He won't entertain the subject of divorce, so I've resorted to cheating too. My only problem is that he is crazy and stalker ish, and he uses his job to make my life a living hell. He follows me around town and has acted out in public if he sees me talking to other men. I've reconnected with an old friend that moved back to the city recently, and I told him about all the drama with my marriage and he told me that I was safe with him. I started sneaking around with this man, and eventually we started a sexual relationship. Little did I know my husband was following me around when I was with the other guy. My boyfriend and has been pulled over for not having his car registered in Tennessee and he's been given a ticket for any tiny crack for a tiny crack and his wind shield. My husband has been harassing him and there's nothing we can do because he is the law. My boyfriend can't pump gas without my husband being at the gas station watching him. I am afraid something terrible is going to happen because my boyfriend says he wants to catch my husband off duty so he can beat his behind. I didn't mean for this to be so messy, but my husband will not rest until he's run my new man off. How can I stop this madness before someone gets hurt. Well, first of all, you gotta get a divorce. I mean you have to get a divorce. What is a point in sneaking around with some other man when your husband has all of this at his disposal. Like the law, you got to stop seeing your new boo until you're free and clearly Gale the man you're married to. You said it in your letter. He's crazy, not to mention stoker ish quite frankly, he does scare me with what he's doing to your man. He's harassing your man just because he can, I say, get away from him. He sounds like he's just waiting for the right moment to pin something on your boyfriend. This is not a game. I mean, you know he could something terrible can happen. It can happen. So I just think you or your boyfriend shouldn't even mess with the police. Your boyfriend's talking about catching him off duty. Don't even do that. I mean, we've seen too many incidents go wrong different circumstances, of course, but don't give your husband a reason to literally and figuratively pull the trigger. I mean, you need to get a lawyer. You need to handle this, get your divorce, then consider moving on. After you know, then consider moving on with this new guy. Steve. I don't know how to really address this letter to our great job Shirley, I agree with what you're saying. Um, this is gonna lead to you know, when I disagree with you, I'll say that too, But I don't very rarely help me, and you have very rarely totally disagree on letters. And so when you have covered the basis, I have to give credit where credit is due. So I'm gonna have to take a different approach to this letter because basically you stole my answer. Oh so you know, being the talent that I am, I have found a way to do this letter in a different way and make it about what it is. So listen carefully as I read this letter. Dear Steve, Shirley, and Tommy, my husband and I have been together for a total of fifteen years. I'm thirty four, he's forty two. We have one child. He's a police detective and he's fairly short for a man. Well, I was like, why is Tommy in it? You just explained that, Well, you know you got the talent, you know, and I know he stepped away for a moment. So this is gonna give me a free run without talking, do you then, Shelley, Steve and Tommy, he's fairly shot for a man. Uh, women do not care as long as he's in uniform. He's gotten the Napoleon complex. I think we've all seen that before. I think we've all been bitten by that Napoleon complex on this show, this show regular, yeah, on record, but especially on this Dawn. And I'm so glad he'd walked off the zoom camera because I couldn't do like I want to about me. It is the whole damn let us about you. A matter of fact, that whole time he was talking, I just saw him coming up with exception of cheating. When it comes to him cheating, He's been caught in multiple situations with different women. Tommy used to be in all the situation on the radio. He used to being the only city. I'm at the point where I want a piece of companionship, and he won't entertain the subject of the boys, so I resorted to cheating too. That This is where the letter turns. This is where you learned that two wrongs don't make her right. Two wrongs can't make her right. Ain't no revenge, ain't no getting even, They ain't no such thing. It's a disaster. My only problem is that he's crazy and star Christian to use his job to make my life living here. He follows me around town and acting out in public. So she'd reconnected with this man, and little she know that her husband has been following her and the man around town. And my boyfriend's been pulled over for not having this car registered in Tennessee. First of all, yo, let him, my husband keeps threatening my boyfriend. Just just start there, all right, hold on, st Yeah, Well, I'm really excited about this letter. All right, we'll be back in twenty three minutes after my husband keeps thread think my boyfriend right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today strawberry letter. The subject my husband keeps threatening my boyfriend. This is a weird letter. Tommy. Back to the bathroom, and well, I was reading listen letter man, and you know, my husband keeps threatening my boyfriend. But the letter is and the letter starts off dear Steve and Shirley. After reading the letter, I thought it would be best to make it more inclusive, and so I started the letter by saying dear Steve, Shirley and Tommy. And you know, as I started, yeah, I didn't want to get nobody feel left out. And you know a lot of times when you answer these strawberry letters, you want to use your expertise, you know, to get these letters across you experienced, man, what you wanta want? Do it just buying off advice and stuff and people don't know. And so I was reading to let him so here how to let us started? Just Steve Scherl and Tommy my husband. I've been together for a totally fifteen years. I'm thirty four, he forty two. We had one child. He's a police detective and he's fairly short for a man. I just threw that in. I didn't want, you know, I just thought, why would you not yo? Sat that go ahead? Why she wrote that? But women don't care, though, See this is what's uplifted for you. Women don't care as long as he's in uniform, you know, like you were a uniform or ready for love. And then she said, he's got that Napoleon complex going, so he acts like a bad answer to Lord all around our family friend. Now he cheats on her. Now this is where I took you out to let him. He cheats on her and he's been called multiple situations now in your pride, like that was you, you know, we didn't been hunting them slab hunting dewey, you know, and all of them keyweed you know, corn fed, you know, yeah, and all it went. But I'm at the point where I want peace and relationship. But he won't entertain the voice. The only problem is he's crazy and he's talking. So she started seeing him a man that she connected with an old friend on Facebook. Then they did. She decided to say she he won't entertain the voice. She just started cheating too, So now she's having an a foul, which is man. Now, the husband, who's a police officer, used his position to harass the man, pull him over and give him all cops to tickets every time she see him running cracks in the windshield the like now a boyfriend is subject gonna let him. My husband keep threatening my boyfriend. The boardfriend him then got pulled over so many times he tired him. He said he want to catch him off drough the he gonna beat his an. So now I'm afraid something terrible is gonna happen because my boyfriend said he want to catch my husband and beat his an. I didn't mean that this to be so messy, but my husband will not rest until he's running my new man off. How can I stop this madness before someone gets hurt? Shirley gave a wonderful answer. So I can't an First of all, this letter stupid. Y'all need a damn divorce. He won't entertain the divorce. Don't mean you can't five. He ain't got to sign or brief. You've just gone down there and start the process. But since you're not, here's the best thing I have come up with, is you gotta start like he's following this man around, threatening to him, and he got to Napoleon complex. You gotta give him something else to think about. Here's some suggestions I had. You gotta start doing things to aggravate him, like half tiny homes called him and see if he's interested in you know you people see you gotta run you through the shot people and give them stuff to worry about. Now, he had just tiny homes call him and see if he interested in the one you know you can call up you know they got that TV show, your reality show and tell them they're trying to recast little People of Atlanta and see if he want to you know, if he want to roll in there, you know why he's falling everybody around. You got to start activating his little lass with information like that. You know. Uh, they had the people, uh the ad agency called his house and and tell him the tards of us it's gonna have a comeback campaign. And what he liked to be the poster child and you know just not a child but he but he but the same size as one. What you want to do is to insinuate the size. You know, ask him to have some people reach out same uh you know, you know walking and they just asked him if he want to be a baby gap model. You know there's things like that, and just start working on him, like you know, you know, send a free swing set to his house. You know, it's just stuff you can do. And what the hell is all this here ful? You know you can have him, you know, like go down there and see if he want to be in a Corse commercial. You know, it's just a lot of things you could do. Anniva, shot ass pickle, you're grown ass man. As even he want to be in a Corse commercial, you're gonna piss him off. I wanna tell you that, right commercial Corse commercial, you know, and didn't hear police officer and tell him y'all want to do a reality show. Nine he want to start it. We're gonna call it tiny Cops and have his ass n't got a start? Shoot get up and then they're doing a new movie. They're gonna they're gonna do a remakeer white man can't jump, but shot me and can't either, and just do a series of fame stuck on tiny cocks. Twiny cocks love that. Yeah, it's the new reality show. And ask him this is just things you can do. I aggravate him, Nay poster comments on today's Strubberry Letters, Steve Harvey, f Femine, Instagram and Facebook. Let's check out the Struwberry Letter podcast done de Man, Sports Talk with Junior and forty six minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for Junior and Sports Talk Junior, which you got taken away. Okay, So you know, a couple weeks ago we talked about it some of the NBA players who don't want to be vaccinated. Well, somebody had turned around. They hold they hold thought process and uh, Andrew Wiggins Andrew Wiggins odon changed his mind. He didn't get vaccinated. Uh tall, listen what he said. He is right here. Uh A tough decision. Hopefully you know it works out in the long run and so healthy. If it was good to play, but you know, in vaccinated, that's going to be something that you know, I'm staying in my mind for a long time. I'm going I wanted to do. But he really, he said it just hoped that it works out for him. He hope he's still healthy in ten years. He twenty six years old, he said, in ten really hoping hoping that his ass who wouldn't be broke this year. That's what it said. His whole tone didn't change. Now. You know, I think one thing about it too, is that you've got understand that the Department of San Francisco Health they mandated, not the Warriors, they mandated anybody over twelve in public figures. If you want to play in this stadium, you have to be vaccinated. That's just the rule. It's not like the Warriors said, hey, get back or you can't play. No, the City of San Francisco, where you work at, said you have to be vaccinated so you can play. Now I don't know where we're that's it. I don't know what Kyrie irving that now, but I think he gonna have awakening moment as well because he's he's in. He played for Brooklyn Ness. They've mandated in New York that you have to be man did to play. But you know now Kyrie Junior is just real ignorant. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Kyrie, and take a lot of work. What Kyree fit making headlines? Yeah a lot of money, guys, it's a lot of money. Man. For a game that you lose it you gave what does that figure he make a game on? Kyrie makes four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars per game game. Now you take that out four hundred and thirty five thousand dollar time forty one home games. That's a lot, a lot of money. That's the lot of it. But now the team, what team is gonna pay you that much money? If you only play half the games? It's a business man, nobody's gonna do that. And if the interview interview you don't play any home games, anybody can to do that with you. Man, they're gonna trade you to a team that don't have that They want an exceptional talent like Tyree, and they're gonna get somebody else up in here. Anybody can do that with you. What do they think the vaccine is going to do to them? What sure I have? Now? If you're doing some research, we've been in this thing for about half a year and a half. Well, how much research do you d don't want us to be over? Here's the research, Kyrie need to know. If you miss eighty six games, you're gonna miss thirty six million dollars. Who all right, We'll be back to more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we have some CLO questions that came in a little late. This one is from Mikiba in California for the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Kiba says, I'm a sixty one year old married woman. My husband filed for divorce several years ago and the papers are still on the living room table. I'm not giving him a divorce because he's been cheating on me for years. If I let him go, he'll be happily involved with his girlfriend and I'll have to start over at my age. Although we don't have sex, he's my best friend, my business partner, and my world. I know if he truly wanted to go, he would he would have left me by now, and my being foolish for holding onto him this way. Absolutely, that's ugly. It's absolutely it's been over, and a lot of this is in your mind. He's your best friend. If you give him the divorce, he gonna run off happily with his girlfriend. But he still got the girlfriend. The papers is on the table, he filed for divorce. It's over. He's your best friend in Yo. Man, he has a new best friend. Y'all don't have sex. This is sad. I'm sorry. Marriage this is sad, But go do yo. Like what you have left that you're holding on to is nothing. If y'all still got a business and all that, you'll still have the business. Or just sue him and let him send you the money for the business. Go live your life, go travel, get a new group of friends, go join some groups. But this is over. I'm sorry. He's cheated on you. He still is, and you won't give him divorce because he'll run off with his girlfriend. Lady he's gone now right, You can't, he said, said her grandmother told her, don't let him. Man have to tell you twice he don't want you. Just he don't. He don't want you, and you just gonna get to not wanting him. Hell yeah, one time you're gonna hit this nothing. How many times you gotta live at this divorce paper on this table. I'm signed it something though, Hell get this paper off off his damn table. Company coming over. People find love at all ages, you know? Sixty one? All right, Here we go tea and Montgomery says, I'm in a long distance relationship with a great man and we see each other on Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week. He sends sweet texts all day and we talked during the week during the day at work. But he doesn't have an iPhone, so he can't FaceTime me. We can't FaceTime each other. He drives to visit me on Tuesdays and he spends the night, but he leaves his phone in the car. I've asked to visit him, and he said his house is not in order yet. I have suspicions that he might be married, but he's denied it over and over. How can I find out? But he's what over and over, Shirley, He's denied it, over and over that he's married. When she asked, okay, lady, just listen, let me say some commissense stuff to you. I don't know if he's married or not, but let's just do some math. Hire. You see him every Tuesday and Wednesday. That's middle of the week. There ain't no big days weekends. It's big days time off church, boby qs games. He's not You get him on Tuesdays and Winsday. He leaves his phone in the car. He don't have an iPhone, so you can't FaceTime how old is he? She doesn't say how old is he? You can't FaceTime how old is he? He leaves his phone in the car on Tuesday and the Wednesday. That way she can't call him, and he ain't got to answer her. Yeah, and she knows denial many. Absolutely, You ain't got no weekends. You get Tuesday and winning who on Tuesday and Wednesday? Damn days of the week. Weekday man, hump day ain't nothing, man. We still got two more to go. But right, right, if the rolls will reverse when you take twos and win men, gonna take twos and wins. Its rolls will reverse. What do you mean? What do you mean again? Like if a woman say you get twos and wins, all right, take them two days, don't be I'll be there. Why so you can be free on the weekend? Well no, no, just a woman, you know it? Day ages twos a wind. Men don't give a day a wod day. Oh okay, all right, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, this story is still trending. Guys, Folks are here just still talking about Monday's outage of Facebook as well as Instagram and WhatsApp platforms. They went offline for hours. Facebook has explained what caused the six hour outage outage to its platforms in a blog post. The social media giant says configuration changes to its routers led to a disruption of network traffic that had an impact on how its data centers communicate. The outage costs the company seventy million dollars. Wow, so yeah, that's a lot. So So, guys, did the outage help you come to realize that you really depend on these apps. Can someone say addicted? A lot of people were saying, I didn't even know it was out. Where was it out? Monday? Yeah, Monday, it was out Monday mid morning, mid morning to afternoon, mid morning to afternoon. Yeah, we're working. Yeah, I mean, but you'll be on your phone and you notice, you know, Instagram is out and Facebook is out. Yeah, I never wait, at least you're not addicted. Because a lot of people were finding out how much they needed that. Yeah. I heard two young people to work for me say that, but I didn't know what they're telling about. Yeah. Yeah, Facebook, Instagram is out? Oh ed, Yes, they get the shakes. Yeah, sometimes I know. More more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Stay woke, Steve Harvey Nation. You know, we take our responsibility to educate you about voting very very seriously. Remember there is no off year when it comes to democracy. So attention Virginia voters. This is in Norfolk, Richmond, and Portsmouth. Time to get out and vote. The big Virginia gubernatorial election is next month. Democrat Terry mccauliffe, sixty four, is seeking a second term as virginia Ads Virginia's governor, and his challenger is Republican candidate Glenn Young Young Kin Young Ken. Okay, his name is Glenn Yunkin. He's fifty four, former private an equity executive. He's seeking political office for the very first time. Now, the crazy thing is this is a closer than expected race. Virginia voters go to Elections dot Virginia dot gov for information on absentee voting. You can go there for voter registration information and for your polling place. Okay, we want you guys to get out and vote in Virginia. Also, voters in New Jersey, your governor's race is less than a month away as well. Jersey's Democratic governor Phil Murphy is going up against his Republican challenger, Jack Ciarelli. And uh, we want you to get out and vote. Get out and vote. Yes. Here's my question, so I understand this. The Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia is who his name is, Terry McAuliffe. Is this the is this the one where the black caucus, but this particular black caucus is the Hampton Black Caucus. And this is not the elected legislative Black Caucus. This is just another group, Steve that has support the Republican candidate. Yes, sir, so can I ask them to why would they do that? Does anybody know why this offshoot of Black Caucus not the real when this offshoot would support why am I asking that I know exactly why? My man? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Okay, I'm sorry. It's just like when you see all those blacks placed in the background at the Trump rally Trump, when you see them fuem holding them something blacks for Trump. You know all this hill. Listen to me. They placed those people behind the everybody behind the president ain't on enemies back there, ain't on them. They placed those people. Those people get it, those people go there. Man, it's a sad state. Weird. It's very disappointing that what the Democrats are doing. You know, I'm not sure in particular about this race in Virginia, Um, but the Democrats are divided right now. They really are divided, and it's a sad thing. It's it's the thing that the Republican Party has done masterfully. Yes, they get one place running statement and that's what they ride with. Example, the election was stolen. They all know that's not true. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only, our fearless leader, Steve Harvey. Right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. We always come to this point at some part of the day every day, don't we, Yes, yes, and day. Hey man, you know you know how people say being a grandparent is everything. You know, it's the most wonderful experience. Well, I'm at that angel. I got friends that's grandparents, right. So my dude, I text him a few days ago. He lived in Cleveland. I text my boy a few days and he didn't call. Hen't texts me that. He all normally, you know, within thirty minutes an hour, some text me back. He said, man, saw, I'm just not getting back to you. He said, I was babysitting my grandson. He said this a little blanket and blanket and hid myself phone him. So he says, for two days, I can't find myself phone. He says, so everybody looking forward, he says. So finally, I just decide, let me play a game my grandson. See if you know where it is? He say, hey, if you show me where my cell phone and Grandpa gonna give you some candidate, he said. He walked to little ass that's right over there. I pull on that seal phone out the back of that. So man, I want to kill oh man, I was laughing. Man for two days. He missed everything. Oh man, man, Man, yesterday, I played the game of golf yesterday and I don't I don't even want to brag about this because it was for anybody that golfs. Man, they know what I'm about to say. I just had the game of my life. Oh wow. I don't even know if that's repeatable what I did the other day on the golf course. Now, people who play, I just want you to know, we played one mulligan on each side. Front nine you get a mullican, that mean one dude over. And on the back nine you get a mullican you get one dude over. So that's how we play down you know, we know we're not professionals and all that, so that's how we play. I know you don't do that when you play because you World Tour, but your ass don't play on Sundays either. Yeah, So with my mother getting on the front and my mother get on the back, and I use both of them. Steve Harvey on film shot a seventy four. Mind, God, that's big? Is that big? Yeah? Let me tell you this was the why it is I've ever been on the golf course. I wouldn't even talk. I couldn't believe what would happened. Why I'm I'm just saying, Steve, compare that, Um, your your number and everything to you know, to other people who don't know how to play golf, something that they can really understand. You see Kobe or Jordan's score sixty or Steph carry scores sixty in a game, in one game, and that's what that is for me. Um, this is actually my Kobe's eighty one. That's how cold it was. I saw Kobe here eighty one, Yeah against Toronto. Yeah, that's my eighty one yesterday. Do you want to tell the listeners when you screenshot your score sheet and the text that you text us, Yeah, I didn't. You know, y'all need to see stuff like that because you were bragging. You said you were bragging. I sent it because Tommy golfs see. I actually was just wanted to send it to Tommy and kill y'all. Couldn't give a damn bout turning my phone around with this. Y'all know why these signatures? And I got four signatures on it because I played with Ah the golf pro at the at the golf resort. I played with an eighteen year old kid that's turning pro. Wow, eighteen already play somebody name Lucky Dog. This dude shot nine under. He don't know what that mean. Okay, trustably everybody up there golf going, yeah, yeah, he shot nine up. He's turning pro. And then I played with Blue Cold Quit, my frat brother who the frash was unreal, and he was there, he saw it. He had to sit through it. Oh he's man, I ain't never seen you play like this when man me either whatever, when he kept saying, you ain't it you can't do that to in a row, or you ain't ever did it, so why talking to me ain't really good? I ain't never seen you play like this me. I bet you're gonna do this tomorrow. I bet you won't even, but please know the score card will be there again today. Yeah the trash talking? Yeah, did you knew something was happening? By? What hole? Was the second hole? I birdied the first two holes. I've never done that in my life. I've had two birdies in one round once before, but yesterday I had four birdies. Why don't you read the caption on air? What you said? Dogs? Soon as phone he sent this. Everybody listening, This is what Steve text yesterday. I sent the score card that was signed by the three other people, and on the bottom of the score card my caption was words cannot explain the pure blanking joy I had yesterday, And the entire round is on video. Y'all have a great day. If I ever do this again, you will hear about it. God is good. Talk to God today. He loved to hear from you. Love you will see y'all the mom man about it. Shout out stand the fool baby. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show